
This is a list of all the questions and their associated study carrel identifiers. One can learn a lot of the "aboutness" of a text simply by reading the questions.

identifier question
A08123Doe they aime at wealth?
A08123Doe they aspire to be Commanders?
A08123Doe they long after pleasure?
A12458WHo would not thinke that all those certainties should not have made both me and this Country have prospered well by this?
A12458Was it vertue in those Heros to provide that doth maintaine us, and basenesse in us to doe the like for others to come?
A09810But some will say, what right haue I to goe liue in the heathens countrie?
A09810Now what shall we say to such a profession of Christ, to which is ioyned no more deniall of a mans selfe?
A09810The meaning whereof was( as farre as we could learne) thus; Was not he Massasoyt Commander of the Countrey about them?
A09810Was not such a Towne his and the people of it?
A09810and should they not bring their skins vnto vs?
A09810haue we not rather murmured, repined, and fallen at iars amongst our selues, whilst our peace hath lasted with forraigne power?
A09810was there euer more suits in law, more enuie, contempt and reproch then now adaies?
A96687And whereas hee saith there is fallacy in what I have written, how can that bee?
A96687But their maine objection is; that wee have not p ● nall Lawes exactly set downe in all cases?
A15685But many I know will say if it be thus, how comes it to passe then that they are so poore?
A15685For what neede they carrie water, seeing every one hath a Spring at his doore, or the Sea by his house?
A15685How doe their blustering passions, make the place troublesome to themselves and others?
A15685True it is, that every ones imployment wil not permit him to fowle: what then?
A15685What though there be no such plenty, as to cry these things in the streetes?
A15685or who will condemne that which is as England hath beene?
A15591& if he would, whether I would come therewith to him?
A15591After that, being at his house he demanded further, how wee durst being but two come so farre into the Country?
A15591After this Hobbamock asked one of our people, whether such a thing were, and whether wee had such command of it?
A15591Amongst others, he asked Hobbamock what he thought?
A15591In the meane time I inquired how hee slept, and when he went to the stoole?
A854622. i the word Aelein signifies dumbnesse, so that the Phrase is, doe ye indeed, do dumb Justice, o Congregation?
A85462The second thing to be observed, i ●, What is meant by flesh and blood?
A85462The third thing observed is, what it is to eat this flesh, and to drinke this blood?
A85462are these guilty and vile persons out of whose hands by the power of your ministery, you are delivering and releasing the world?
A85462so do yee: do I sit on speak here as a brother?
A85462why he is called the Sonne of man?
A84357Afterward I heard that Word of God to Moses, I''le be with thy mouth, for who maketh the seeing Eye, or hearing Ear, is it not I?
A84357Christ answered, Why do ye make void the Commandements of God?
A84357Hearing you teach that Word that the Scribes and Pharisees said Why do thy Disciples break the Tradition of the Fathers?
A84357I asked him what their end was in keeping such a day?
A84357That if a Pawwaw had his Imps gone from him, what he should have instead of them to preserve him?
A84357Then again I much remembred my sins: and again I thought, What will become of me, if I die in my sins?
A84357Then one of the Elders asked, if I took him off, or whether had he finished?
A84357When you ask me, Why do I love God?
A84357why do you not do according to it?
A07832:[ 1637?]
A07832But what was the issue?
A07832Facilis descensus averni: the booke of common prayer sayd they what poore thinge is that, for a man to reade in a booke?
A07832For the smooke of their fire, to assend and passe through?
A07832Is it Lu ● acy; Or Doteage on his owne Imagery?
A07832The agent wondring to see that his gold would doe no good, did aske, the cunning man if hee could give him no advise?
A07832The old Sachem Papasiquineo having this message returned, was inraged?
A07832The wise man sayes, give mee neither riches nor poverty; why?
A07832The word which was given with an alarme, was, o he''s gon, he''s gon, what shall wee doe he''s gon?
A07832WHat ailes Pigmalion?
A07832a coat?
A07832what''s this?
A07832who said, hee would: and what was that thinke you?
A66680And if any aske by what authority they went out of their own Government to do such an act?
A66680And if any think wee doe needlesly ingage in the troubles betweene the Indians?
A66680And then hee demanded of the Court if hee should have equity and justice in his cause or no?
A66680And wherefore doe you murmure among your selves at this saying, thinking it is not a Christian expression?
A66680Being asked why they spake against the Ordinances of the Ministery, Sacraments,& c. seeing the Scripture allowes them?
A66680Being further demanded what he then thought of that Christ in whom we beleeve, borne of the Virgin Mary, and who suffered under Pontius Pilate?
A66680For wee aske you who was the cause of Mistresse Hutchinson her departure from amongst you, was it voluntarie?
A66680If it bee objected, is it possible that any men should bee so grosly blind and wicked, as to abolish all ministration of Justice and righteousnesse?
A66680Now if any would know how it was done?
A66680Then they were demanded, if they did acknowledge this charge to be just, and would submit to it, or what exception they had against it?
A66680To which Gorton ▪ answered I know not whether you have any eares or no?
A66680Who but publique persons should take notice of publique insolencies?
A66680Who knowes not that they can not write?
A66680and who knowes not their owne answers from those that come under your hands?
A66680and your law banisheth them?
A66680are these the people you honour your selves withall?
A66680are thesegu ltie and vile persons, out of whose hands( by the power of your ministries) you are delivering and releasing the world?
A66680so do you, Doe I sit, or speake here, as a brother?
A96686And if any think wee doe needlesly ingage in the troubles betweene the Indians?
A96686And then hee demanded of the Court if hee should have equity and justice in his cause or no?
A96686And wherefore doe you murmure among your selves at this saying, thinking it is not a Christian expression?
A96686Being asked why they spake against the Ordinances of the Ministery, Sacraments,& c. seeing the Scripture allowes them?
A96686Being further demanded what he then thought of that Christ in whom we beleeve, borne of the Virgin Mary, and who suffered under Pontius Pilate?
A96686For wee aske you who was the cause of Mistresse Hutchinson her departure from amongst you, was it voluntarie?
A96686If it bee objected, is it possible that any men should bee so grosly blind and wicked, as to abolish all ministration of Justice and righteousnesse?
A96686Now if any would know how it was done?
A96686Then they were demanded, if they did acknowledge this charge to be just, and would submit to it, or what exception they had against it?
A96686To which Gorton answered I know not whether you have any eares or no?
A96686What shall be given unto thee, or what shall be done unto thee thou false tongue?
A96686Who but publique persons should take notice of publique insolencies?
A96686Who knowes not that they can not write?
A96686and who knowes not their owne answers from those that come under your hands?
A96686and your law banisheth them?
A96686are these guiltie and vile persons, out of whose hands( by the power of your ministries) you are delivering and releasing the world?
A96686are these the people you honour your selves withall?
A96686so do you, Doe I sit, or speake here, as a brother?
A15097All the difficulty that remaines, is, who shall cast the scales( that is) who shall determine which benefit or necessity is the greater?
A15097Besides, why may not English Plantations thrive as well as Dutch?
A15097But how shall I discover what God adviseth?
A15097But how shall they prevent it?
A15097But there are some unconformable men amongst them, yea and men of worse condition too?
A15097But they scatter and withdraw themselves in a time of neede?
A15097But what need Arguments to us that have already determined this truth?
A15097But what testimonie of Scripture, or ground of reason from Scripture, layes such a fearefull curse upon all Chams posteritie?
A15097Hath any conformable Minister of worth, and fit for that employment, tendred his service, whom they have rejected?
A15097How doe they appeare to be Chams posterity?
A15097How many severall Colonies have wee drawne out and passed over into severall parts of the West Indies?
A15097Intentions are secret, who can discover them; but what have they done to manifest such an intention?
A15097No question that which conscience well informed, assures mee to be so: but who shall informe my conscience, or by what rule shall my conscience judge?
A15097What intelligence have they held one with another to such purpose?
A15097What subscription or solemne agreement haue they made before hand to binde themselves unto such a resolution?
A15097Where and when have their Colonies failed?
A15097Yea but they are weary of them now, and goe over with an intention to cast them off?
A15097Yea but they have taken Ministers with them that are knowne to be unconformable, and they are the men that will sway in the orders of the Church?
A15097vels, improved not so much by sight as experience, after the affaires of the Colony were setled; what losse were it in lieu of so great a gaine?
A58836And if in Cities, or some such great Towns, that might have been done, yet how was it possible for so many scattered Christians all over the Countrey?
A58836And what would men have us do in such a case?
A58836Deinde, dispicite rursus, quodnam illud sit To MEGA CHASMA, quod mutuum utr ● ● que divortium, tanquam murum intergerinum interposuit?
A58836Did not the hearts of men generally fail them?
A58836Dispicite( per viscera Domini Iesu, dispicite, obsecro, et obtestor) quid illud est, de quo tantopere digladiamini?
A58836Et tamen discesserunt viri isti boni, bona fratrum cum venia: Venia?
A58836Many then thought, it is an evil time, the prudent shall hold their peace, and might we not say, This is not our resting place?
A58836Must we study some distinctions to salve our Consciences in complying with so manifold corruptions in Gods Worship?
A58836Nam quinam, obsecro, nos sumus, viri incircumcisi labiis, incircumcisi c ● rde, ut summos viros ad nostrum captum sapere speremus?
A58836Nunquid aequum erat, duplam spiritus episcopalis portionem super capita fratrum com- presbyterorum residere?
A58836Nunquid tu solus restitabas inter sarcinas, vel inter sibilos& balatus gregum?
A58836Quantillum est quod restat, quod distat?
A58836Si quispiam nostrum coram Tribunali compareret, protinus affantur, Heus tu, num juramentum, quod ex officio tibi imponimus, capescere lubeat?
A58836Tantaene animis coelestibus Irae?
A58836The fatherly care of our God in feeding and cloathing so many in a Wilderness, giving such healthfulness and great increase of posterity?
A58836Tune cum Reubene, a fratrum consortio, prae magnis animi cogitationibus, divulsus es?
A58836Vestra non ea causa est, quam Heroes illi, amissione libertatis, confiscatione bonorum, incarceratione, exilio, sanguine denique cosignarunt?
A58836Was this from a stupid senslesness or desperate carelesness what became of us or ours?
A58836What shall we say of the Work it self of the kingdom of Christ?
A58836Whether it was lawful to flee out of the Land?
A58836or content our selves to live without those Ordinances of Gods Worship and Communion of Saints, which he called us unto, and our Souls breathed after?
A58836or should we forsake the publick Assemblies, and joyn together in private separated Churches?
A58836or should we live without God''s Ordinances, because we could not partake in the corrupt administration thereof?
A58836or want of natural affections to our dear Country, or nearest Relations?
A332765. shall he not much rather avenge his own elect, which give him no r ● ● t, but c ● y night and day unto him?
A332767. why do ye not rather take wrong( saith the Apostle) why do you not rather suffer your selves to be defrauded?
A33276What hast thou to do to declare my statutes, or to take my CoVenant in thy mouth, Seeing thou hatest instruction, and castest my words behind thee?
A33276Wilt ▪ thou that we command fire to come down from heaven and consume them?
A33276and as a fruit and effect hereof, what riding?
A33276and for him alone?
A33276and spake to him, what said you?
A33276but that is the question, is it for him?
A33276but what is the answer of Christ?
A33276did you not say so and so?
A33276is it not rather for thy own, or some others sake?
A33276thou hast so professed and practised, and now art loth to deny it; is not pride and self in the bottom?
A33276troublesome, and tumultuous assemblings together, and ● idings?
A33276what jealousies, suspicions and fears in others?
A33276what revengfull desires in most?
A33276yea, what plottings and contrivings in all?
A33276yea, who can effect it?
A3922616 Christ saith, Who say ye that I am?
A39226A. Christ: and Who must sanctifie you?
A39226After I heard the Minister ask, Who made you?
A39226Again it is said in Catechism, Why is Christ a Prophet?
A39226Again it is said, What else hath Christ done for us?
A39226And my heart thought, does God pardon mee, and love mee?
A39226And when it was Objected, What should the rest of the people do, if the principal and most able should not keep their Sabbaths among them?
A39226Deacon Park urged, Doth hee hate sin because it is against God?
A39226Do yee not remember what David did on the Sabbath day, and was blamelesse?
A39226God: and Who redeemed you?
A39226He asked, whose son he was, they said mine: he said, do you pray to God?
A39226I answered, Who knoweth that?
A39226I asked Mr Iackson, Whether God knew our language?
A39226I said, who is witness of that?
A39226May wee not therefore hopefully expect, that the Top- stone shall be set up with a shout of Grace, Grace to it?
A39226My heart asked what are dark workes?
A39226No man cometh to the Father, but by me: My heart said, so be it Lord; I desire to come to God by Christ; and I said, Why did the wicked kill Christ?
A39226Shall I pray?
A39226The Minister gave him two apples: then the Minister said to me, Do you pray to God?
A39226Then I said, English men understand not me, and does God understand me?
A39226Then Mr Danforth called Anthony and asked him, whether he believed that it was the duty of men to labour six daies in the week?
A39226Then my heart said, What shall I do?
A39226Then my kindred said, praying is a vain thing, why will you pray?
A39226Then you called the Children to Catechism: and one question is, Who redeemed you?
A39226Therefore I will not pray, can poore men pray?
A39226They answered, sianes; and what is day?
A39226What full resignations of themselves have they made to the commands of Christ after closing with him by faith in the promise?
A39226What hath Christ done for us?
A39226What is it in sin, why hee hateth it now more then before?
A39226What wrestlings had they with unbelief, before they could close with Christ in the promise?
A39226When I heard of the great works of Christ, I said, Oh what shall I do, that I may get Christ?
A39226When it was Questioned what English Church they should joyn unto?
A39226When wee came to the Magistrates, and Cutshamoquin asked, Why they came on the Sabbath day?
A39226Whether doth Satan still tempt you with former lusts and temptations?
A39226Who redeemed you?
A39226[ In private we asked him what ground or reason moved his Father so to speak?
A39226and what do you when you are tempted?
A39226and who can witness that?
A39226came with mee; the Minister call''d my son, and set him afore, and asked him, Who made him?
A50177Alas, The Devils, they swarm about us, like the Frogs of Egypt, in the most Retired of our Chambers Are we at our Boards?
A50177And here, what I shall say?
A50177And how does he know it?
A50177And what use ought now to be made of so Tremendous a dispensation?
A50177And why?
A50177And, The Devil so Hardens them, that nothing will awaken their cares about their Souls: How come so many to be Seared in their Sins?
A50177Are all the other Instruments of thy Vengeance, too Good for the chastisement of such transgressors as we are?
A50177But have we safely got on our way thus far?
A50177But how should it be with us, when we perceive that our Time is but short?
A50177But now, What shall we do?
A50177But what shall be done to cure these Distractions?
A50177But what shall be done, as to those against whom the Evidence is chiefly founded in the Dark World?
A50177But what will become of this poor New- England after all?
A50177But, Is not the Hand of Ioab here?
A50177But, O why should not New- England be the most forward part of the English Nation in such Reformations?
A50177Do we stay till the Storm of his Wrath be over?
A50177Have not many of us been Devils one unto another for Slanderings, for Backbitings, for Animosities?
A50177I will go forth, and be a Lying Spirit in the Mouth of all the Prophets?
A50177Iesus, thou Son of God, art thou come hither to Torment us before our Time?
A50177If the Devils Time were above a Thousand Years ago, pronounced, Short, What may we suppose it now in Our Time?
A50177In fine, Have there been Faults on any Side fallen into?
A50177In the Issue therefore, may it not be found, that New- England is not so Stock''d with Rattle Snakes, as was imagined?
A50177Inasmuch as the Fire- brands of Hell it self are used for the Scorching of us, with cause Enough may we cry out, What means the Heat of this Anger?
A50177Is it not possible?
A50177Must that which is there next mentioned, be next encountered?
A50177Must the plague of Old Egypt come upon thee?
A50177Must the very Devils be sent out of Their own place, to be our Troublers?
A50177Must this Wilderness be made a Receptacle for the Dragons of the Wilderness?
A50177Must we be lash''d with Scorpions, fetch''d from the Place of Torment?
A50177No sure; why may not the last be the first?
A50177Of what Use or State will America be, when the Kingdom of God shall come?
A50177On the one Side,[ alas, my Pen, must thou write the word, Side, in the Business?]
A50177Once more, why may not Storms be rekoned among those VVoes, with which the Devil do''s disturb us?
A50177Seems it at all marvellous unto us, that the Devil should get such Footing in our Country?
A50177Shall we Sink, Expire, Perish, before the Short Time of the Devil shall be finished?
A50177That Honourable person, then reply''d, How comes the Divel so loathe to have any Testimony born against you?
A50177The Chief Judge asked the prisoner, who he thought hindred these witnesses from giving their testimonies?
A50177The Devils, having broke in upon our World, there is great Asking, Who is it that have brought them in?
A50177The means which the Lord had formerly Employ''d for our Awakening, were such, that he might well have said, What could I have done more?
A50177There have been some fome feeble Essays towards Reformation, of late in our Churches; but, I pray, what comes of them?
A50177There will be Devils to Tempt us unto Carnality; Are we in our Shops?
A50177There will be Devils to Tempt us unto Sensuality: Are we in our Beds?
A50177Think ye that these were Sinners above others, because they suffered such Things?
A50177We are told, God Swears in Wroth, against them that believe not; and what follows then but this, That the Devil comes unto them in wrath?
A50177We may say; and shall we not be Humbled when we say it?
A50177What a Difficult, what an Arduous Task, have those Worthy Personages now upon their Hands?
A50177What is that?
A50177What needs now more Witness, or further Enquiry?
A50177What shall I say?
A50177What the Man''s Name was?
A50177What was the Design of our God, in bringing over so many Europaeans hither of later years?
A50177When Our Lord once was going to Muzzel him, that he might not mischief others, he cry''d out, Art thou come to 〈 ◊ 〉 me?
A50177Who of us can say, what may be shown in the Glasses of the Great Lying Spirit?
A50177Why was that?
A50177Yea, but are we as Willing to Dy, as, Weary of Life?
A50177always Yoked up, from this Piece of Mischief?
A50177and he answered, He supposed, it was the Divel?
A50177and of all the Prophecies, That All the ends of the Earth shall Remember and Turn unto the Lord?
A50177keeps us from such a Mishap; yet where have we an Absolute Promise, that we shall every one alwayes be kept from it?
A50177or, by any Unadviseableness, contribute unto the Widening of our Breaches?
A50177when Hell it self is feeding upon us?
A5505612, 16. Who was it that sent the Leprosie amongst the children of Israel for their Murmurring?
A55056And Sophocles, They Princes are, obey we must, what not?
A55056And are not all of that Communion daily called Papist dogs& Rogues to their Faces?
A55056And in another place he writes thus, Will ye hale me to prison, or cast me into chains?
A55056And in what a Labrinth of Miseries and Perplexityes are we involved?
A55056And what hopes can there be of that Ship, where the Marriners refuse to obey their Pilot?
A55056Are not Diseases in Armies, as fatall to men as the Sword?
A55056Are the Moors, Germans, Partisians, or the people of any one Nation, more than those of the whole Worl ●?
A55056Did any of them dye Neglected?
A55056Did his Excellency lye upon Beds of downe, and fare deliciously every day?
A55056Did the Alteration of the Government change our Treasurer?
A55056For what Reasons, and to what End did we take up Arms?
A55056From what parts must they come?
A55056From whome had the Secretary and Collector his Commission?
A55056Has not their Minister been publiquely Affronted,& hindred from doing his Duty?
A55056How many Thousands perished ▪ by the Pestilence?
A55056How often has the plucking down the Church been threatned?
A55056If not, What will be the Event, and whether any way be left open to us for a peaceable and friendly Settlement?
A55056If the Governour did say, there was no such thing amongst us as a Towne, what can be inferred from thence?
A55056In what a d ● sperate Condition is that Patient, that will not be ruled in all things by his Physitian?
A55056Is he not a man of estate, good Credit and Reputation, and one of our owne Countrey men?
A55056Is it not the same Sr. Edmond found here?
A55056Is not Rebellion as the sin of Witcheraft?
A55056Is the KING so petty and inconsiderable a Prince that He should be forced?
A55056Is their any one Gentleman of the Councill, that hath either been displaced or put into that station by the Authority here?
A55056It must be confess''d, there was one Commander& no more under that Circumstance; but what had he to do with the Forces?
A55056Must they then drop out of the Clouds, or do we expect a Fleet from Vtopia?
A55056Or What was that Plautianus, who to set the Common- Wealth free from Tyranny, attempted the Life of the same Emperour in his own pallace?
A55056Or can we think that the noise of our Thousands and Ten Thousands will frighten Him into a Compliance?
A55056Or did we ever pay fewer Rates than we have done under him?
A55056Or how came the Sudden fire with which they were burnt up?
A55056Or were the 〈 ◊ 〉 Independents, or Annabaptists to have brought this about?
A55056Or were they a few that were stung to death with the fiery Serpents?
A55056Or what of Sheba?
A55056Palmer, John, 1650- 1700?
A55056Palmer, John, 1650- 1700?
A55056T is true, We have lost some of our friends and Relations, in that Expedition, but could the Governour keep them alive?
A55056That there could be a Contrivance to introduce Popery here, is altogether ridiculous,& incredible: For, who was to have effected it?
A55056The Moon hath her spots; Venus her Mole; and if we can find nothing under the Sun without blemish, why should we expect perfection in Kings?
A55056To whome have they been granted, or for which of his creatures have they been measured out?
A55056Were not Three of them brought up amongst us and of our owne Communion?
A55056Were not all Officers in the Government, as well Magisteriall as Ministeriall, naturall borne English- men,& Subjects to the Crowne of England?
A55056What of Achitophel?
A55056What scandalous Pamphlets have been printed to vilify the Liturgy?
A55056What shall I say of Absalom?
A55056What( saith Ter ● ilian) were all these?
A55056Where is the injury?
A55056Which of our Judges are strangers?
A55056Which of them wanted any thing to be had in these parts?
A55056Who hath been Transferr''d out of this Territory?
A55056Will any man bare- fac''d averr so great an Untruth?
A55056Would a blood thirsty and conquering Papist have made Westminster- Hall the Arbiter?
A55056and was not the other in the same Imployment in some part of this Territority at the time of the Annexation?
A55056● e ● tullian in his Apology writes thus, W ● at was that Cassius that ● ● nspi ● ● d against the life of Julius Caesar?
A498901590- 1644?
A498901590- 1644?
A49890And when they teach Indians to pray, will they not teach them by a forme?
A49890And why may not a chiefe Pastor be called a Bishop, as well as an Elder, or any other officer heretofore superior?
A49890Are all q Apostles?
A49890Are there not some great mysteries of State and government?
A49890Besides, should they judge these things, and labour for, and watch over us in the Lord, and not be recompenced as long as they doe well?
A49890But have all n Churches and Ministers this power?
A49890But how can they certainly discerne that true grace, and what measure God requireth?
A49890But were there any Bishops superintendent, over other Bishops, or Presbyters, in the first hundred years after Christs birth?
A49890Did not the holy Apostles advise with the Elders a sometimes?
A49890Hence what government for Christians in chief, but by pious, learned, Provinciall and Diocesan Bishops, especialy in England and Ireland?
A49890Hence what government for an Englishman but an hereditary, successive, King, v the son of Nobles, well counselled and assisted?
A49890How can all the Church examine and try such?
A49890How can any now deny this to be Anarchie and confusion?
A49890How can any preach, unlesse he be k sent?
A49890How shall a Church propagate, and visit other Churches?
A49890If a Pastor, or Minister, or Christian, of any Church shall doe so, what hath he to doe with Infidels?
A49890If by their Pastors, must there not bee more f Ministers then one in the first Church?
A49890If every Parish or congregation be so free and independent, as they terme it, what unity can we expect?
A49890If not, whether their Testimony bee of that validity as is thought by some?
A49890If not; should the Vicar, Donative, Minister or Chaplain?
A49890If so, hath not the first Church and the Ministers therof, Apostlolical m power in these things?
A49890If some should not be of the p Quorum, as it were, in ordinations, and the like, what order, peace, or unity can be expected?
A49890If the people may make Ministers, or any Ministers make others without an Apostolicall Bishop, what confusion will there be?
A49890If the whole Church, or every congregation, as our good men think, have the power of the keyes, how many Bishops then shall we have?
A49890If they had, whether they might not erre?
A49890If they would not receive it, was not the Magistrate ready to assist, and in a manner ready, according to duty, to enforce peace and obedience?
A49890Is Episcopacie, or a superintendencie necessary at New- England, and is it not necessary in more populous places?
A49890Is Geneva without her faults?
A49890Must the whole Church try all those whom their Ministers convert abroad, suppose among Indians, before they may baptize them?
A49890Nor will this Court allow of any Church otherwise gathered?
A49890That the very terme of leading, or ruling in the Church, attributed to Elders, forbids it; for if all are Rulers, who shall be ruled?
A49890Therefore, if so, by their principles how can any Nation be governed?
A49890WHether a people may gather themselves into a Church, without a Minister sent of God?
A49890WHether the people should cal the Minister, or the Minister a gather the people?
A49890Were not children circumcised in the old Testament, and baptized all along in the times of the New, so received into the bosome of the Church?
A49890Were not r hypocrites admitted& baptized in the Primitive Church, by the Apostles and Evangelists themselves, being deceived by them?
A49890Were not the Apostles and Euangelists then living, d Bishops, and superintendent overseers?
A49890When a Church is gathered or planted; should they not have care in b propagating other Churches, in other places next them?
A49890When any other s Church, besides the t first, hath power and ability to propagate and bring forth other Churches, may she not doe well so to doe?
A49890Whence are Kings denominated, but from their skill and knowledge to rule?
A49890Where is now the peoples power in the keyes?
A49890Whether any People, or Congregation, may ordaine their owne Officers?
A49890Whether have not popular elections of chiefe Magistrates beene, and are they not very dangerous to States and Kingdomes?
A49890Whether it be not better to let the liberty run thus, in generall, The holy Church of God shall enjoy all her just liberties?
A49890Whether must not some Ministers learne their language?
A49890Whether or no Christ did not allow of a h form of Prayer, and a short one too?
A49890Whether the Ordination, by the hands of such as are not Ministers, be good?
A49890Whether the word Church bee not diversly taken in holy Scripture, and sometimes for a civill or uncivill assembly or congression?
A49890Whether there be any direct Scripture for the peoples choice of their chiefe Pastour?
A49890a And why not set fasting dayes& times, and set feasts, as well as set Synods in the Reformed Churches?
A49890all Euangelists?
A49890and S. Peter write his generall Epistle, and therein direct or command the c Elders, not to over- rule the flock, the Lords inheritance?
A49890and had they such a large Temple or meeting- houses at their command in those dayes?
A49890and how can Gods worship be maintained among ignorant persons without a forme?
A49890and how can all be spared abroad?
A49890and how can he be sent, unlesse by imposition of l hands of the Presbytery of the first Church?
A49890and if a second, why not a third, and a fourth, and so forth to a competent number?
A49890and lest they may fall out of their tunes to jarring, why may they not use the help of some musicall instruments?
A49890and lest they should want able men this way, why should they not take care, that some children be trained up in Musique?
A49890and may not some be fitter to lead in singing, then others?
A49890are not the best Christians often distracted in long Prayers?
A49890are they able?
A49890are they all Apostles, and Apostolick Ministers?
A49890did not the Magistrates assist?
A49890did not these holy Apostles, S. Iames and S. Peter, mention their owne names, in their Epistles?
A49890had not the Elders the rule?
A49890had they not among them twelve Apostles, besides Elders, three thousand, at once added, what ever number there was besides?
A49890had they not the e care of all the Churches, in their lines?
A49890have they learned men enough, to o water where they have planted?
A49890how else can any be spared to goe abroad about such works upon occasion?
A49890in her fitting line, observing peace, and holding communion with the first, as long as they remain in purity both of them?
A49890is it not easier for the strong to pray, then for as strong men to hear Prayer well?
A49890is it not plain, that Peter had over- sight upon those to whom he wrote, to see that they did not over- rule, and take account of them, if they did?
A49890is it safe for them or the whole?
A49890might they not else have returned answer, that the command concerned not them, but a certaine Order of men, called Bishops, above us?
A49890must she not?
A49890or Holland, Rotterdam, Amsterdam, without theirs?
A49890shall they do it by their members, ordinary Christians, or by their Ministers, d or Pastors?
A49890shall they e intend such propagation, or stay, till by their numbers increasing, they are necessitated to swarme, or are persecuted abroad?
A49890should they not rather k condescend to the weaker?
A49890what confusion is this?
A49890what experience they of mission, or ever had?
A49890what is art many times without experience?
A49890where was the Order of Bishops?
A49890where were the body, if so?
A49890whereto they are even born and educated, and by long experience, and faithfull Counsellors enabled, and the grace and blessing of God upon all?
A49890who can yeeld to it knowingly?
A49890will not the i strong allow the weak helps in Prayer?
A49890{ non- Roman}{ non- Roman}{ non- Roman}{ non- Roman}{ non- Roman}, and when he had thus spoken, he dismissed the assembly or Church?