This is a table of authors, titles, dates and other bibliographic information; it is a list metadata describing the content of your study carrel. Think of it as your library.
id | author | title | date | words | sentences | pages | cache | text |
A26137 | Atkyns, Richard, 1615-1677. | The Kings grant of privilege for sole printing common-lavv-books defended and the legality thereof asserted | 1669 | 4928 | 1273 | nan | ./cache/A26137.xml | ./txt/A26137.txt |
A20578 | Bacon, Francis, 1561-1626, attributed name. | The lavvyers light: or, A due direction for the study of the law for methode. Choyce of bookes moderne. Selection of authours of more antiquitie. Application of either. Accommodation of diuers other vsefull requisits. All tending to the speedy and more easie attayning of the knowledge of the common law of this kingdome. With necessary cautions against certaine abuses or ouersights, aswell in the practitioner as student. Written by the reuerend and learned professor thereof, I.D. To which is annexed for the affinitie of the subiect, another treatise, called The vse of the law. | 1629 | 55199 | 18024 | nan | ./cache/A20578.xml | ./txt/A20578.txt |
A26745 | Bassett, Thomas, bookseller. | An exact catalogue of the common and statute law books of this realm, and some others relating thereunto | 1684 | 4901 | 1553 | nan | ./cache/A26745.xml | ./txt/A26745.txt |
A28468 | Blount, Thomas, 1618-1679. | Nomo-lexikon, a law-dictionary interpreting such difficult and obscure words and terms as are found either in our common or statute, ancient or modern lawes : with references to the several statutes, records, registers, law-books, charters, ancient deeds, and manuscripts, wherein the words are used : and etymologies, where they properly occur / by Thomas Blount of the Inner Temple, Esq. | 1670 | 266759 | 98898 | nan | ./cache/A28468.xml | ./txt/A28468.txt |
A29656 | Brooke, Robert, Sir, d. 1558. | Some new cases of the years and time of King Hen. 8. Edw. 6. and Qu: Mary; written out of the great abridgement, composed by Sir Robert Brook, Knight, &c. There dispersed in the titles, but here collected under years. And now translated into English by John March of Grays-Inn, Barrister. All which said cases are hy [sic]the translator methodised, and reduced alphabetically under their proper heads and titles. With an exact table of the principall matter contained therein. | 1651 | 70866 | 23563 | nan | ./cache/A29656.xml | ./txt/A29656.txt |
A29898 | Brownlow, Richard, 1553-1638. | Reports of diverse choice cases in law taken by those late and most judicious prothonotaries of the Common Pleas, Richard Brownlow & John Goldesborough ; with directions how to proceed in many intricate actions both reall and personall ... ; also a most perfect and exact table, shewing appositely the contents of the whole book. | 1651 | 307297 | 89214 | nan | ./cache/A29898.xml | ./txt/A29898.txt |
A77745 | Buckingham, George Villiers, Duke of, 1628-1687. | The declaration of the Right Honourable the Duke of Buckingham, and the Earles of Holland, and Peterborough, and other lords and gentlemen now associated for the King and Parliament, the religion, lawes, and peace of His Majesties kingdomes. With three letters (delivered July the 6.) one to the House of Peers; another to the House of Commons: and the third to the Ld. Major, aldermen, and commons of the City, in Common-councell, assembled. | 1648 | 1622 | 339 | nan | ./cache/A77745.xml | ./txt/A77745.txt |
A30249 | Burgess, Anthony, d. 1664. | Vindiciae legis, or, A vindication of the morall law and the covenants, from the errours of Papists, Arminians, Socinians, and more especially, Antinomians in XXX lectures, preached at Laurence-Jury, London / by Anthony Burgess ... | 1647 | 129266 | 40351 | nan | ./cache/A30249.xml | ./txt/A30249.txt |
A30699 | Bushel, Edward. | The Case of Edward Bushel, John Hammond, Charles Milson and John Baily, citizens and free-men of London, stated and humbly presented to the honourable House of Commons assemb''ed in Parliament | 1670 | 1674 | 293 | nan | ./cache/A30699.xml | ./txt/A30699.txt |
A69725 | Calthrop, Henry, Sir, 1586-1637. | The liberties, usages, and customes of the city of London confirmed by especiall acts of Parliament, with the time of their confirmation : also divers ample, and most beneficiall charters, granted by King Henry the 6, King Edward the 4, and King Henrie the 7th, not confirmed by Parliament as the other charters were, and where to find every particular grant and confirmation at large / collected by Sir Henry Colthrop, Knight, ... | 1642 | 7688 | 2355 | nan | ./cache/A69725.xml | ./txt/A69725.txt |
A32296 | Calthrop, Henry, Sir, 1586-1637. | Reports of special cases touching several customes and liberties of the city of London collected by Sir H. Calthrop ... ; whereunto is annexed divers ancient customes and usages of the said city of London. | 1670 | 49080 | 13835 | nan | ./cache/A32296.xml | ./txt/A32296.txt |
A34128 | Carew, George, Sir, d. 1612. | Reports or causes in Chancery collected by Sir George Cary, one of the masters of the Chancery in in [sic] anno 1601, out of the labours of Master William Lambert ; whereunto is annexed the Kings order and decree in Chancery for a rule to be observed by the chancellor in that court, exemplified and enrolled for a perpetuall record there, anno 1616 ; together with an alphabeticall table of all the cases. | 1650 | 42244 | 12508 | nan | ./cache/A34128.xml | ./txt/A34128.txt |
A79327 | Charles II, King of England, 1630-1685. | By the King. A proclamation for recalling of commissions at sea | 1660 | 813 | 158 | nan | ./cache/A79327.xml | ./txt/A79327.txt |
A32695 | Charleton, Walter, 1619-1707. | The harmony of natural and positive divine laws | 1682 | 49026 | 16803 | nan | ./cache/A32695.xml | ./txt/A32695.txt |
A94498 | City of London (England). Court of Common Council. | To the honorable the knights, citizens and burgesses of the Commons House in Parliament assembled The humble petition of the Lord Major, aldermen, and commons of the Citie of London in Common Councell assembled. | 1643 | 853 | 163 | nan | ./cache/A94498.xml | ./txt/A94498.txt |
A33997 | Collins, John, 1625-1683. | A curious collection of law-books, ancient and modern, consisting of the libraries of John Collins, Esq. ... and of another fam''d practicer of the law with additions of the best and latest law-books hitherto extant : as also an appendix of a considerable number of books of the civil & canon-law : will be exposed to sale by way of auction, on Munday the 2d day of July, 1683, at the first house on the left-hand in Flying-Horse Court in Fleetstreet, near the Kings-Head Tavern at Chancery Lane end, by Edward Millington, bookseller. | 1683 | 11513 | 4003 | nan | ./cache/A33997.xml | ./txt/A33997.txt |
A19476 | Cowell, John, 1554-1611. | The interpreter: or Booke containing the signification of vvords wherein is set foorth the true meaning of all, or the most part of such words and termes, as are mentioned in the lawe vvriters, or statutes of this victorious and renowned kingdome, requiring any exposition or interpretation. ... Collected by Iohn Cowell ... | 1607 | 248797 | 89037 | nan | ./cache/A19476.xml | ./txt/A19476.txt |
A58628 | Cromarty, George Mackenzie, Earl of, 1630-1714. | The laws and acts made in the first Parliament of our most high and dread soveraign James VII by the grace of God, King of Scotland, England, France and Ireland, defender of the faith holden at Edinburgh the twenty third day of April 1685, by His Grace William Duke of Queensberry ..., His Majesties High Commissioner for holding this Parliament, by vertue of a commission under His Majesties great seal of this kingdom : with the special advice and consent of the Estates of Parliament / collected and extracted from the registers and records of Parliament, by George Viscount of Tarbet, Lord McLeod, and Castle-haven, &c. ... | 1685 | 30126 | 9503 | nan | ./cache/A58628.xml | ./txt/A58628.txt |
A58629 | Cromarty, George Mackenzie, Earl of, 1630-1714. | The laws and acts made in the second session of the First Parliament of our most high and dread soveraign James VII by the grace of God, King of Scotland, England, France and Ireland, defender of the faith holden at Edinburgh the 29 of Apr. 1686 by a noble earl, Alexander, Earl of Morray, Lord Doun and Abernethie, &c., Secretary of State for the kingdom of Scotland, His Majesties High Commissioner for holding this Parliament, by vertue of a commission under His Majesties great seal of this kingdom : with the special advice and consent of the estates of Parliament / collected and extracted from the registers and records of Parliament, by George, Viscount of Tarbat ... | 1686 | 23508 | 6808 | nan | ./cache/A58629.xml | ./txt/A58629.txt |
A58639 | Cromarty, George Mackenzie, Earl of, 1630-1714. | The laws and acts made in the fifth session of the first Parliament of Our Most High and Dread Soveraign William, by the grace of God, King of Scotland, England, France and Ireland, defender of the faith holden and begun at Edinburgh, May 9. 1695 by John Marquess of Tweeddale ... with the special advice and consent of the estates of Parliament / collected and extracted from the registers and records of Parliament, by George, Viscount of Tarbat ... | 1695 | 33353 | 9717 | nan | ./cache/A58639.xml | ./txt/A58639.txt |
A39612 | D. F. | Statuta vetera & recentiora a methodical collection & abridgement of the statutes that relate to the knowledge and practice of the common-law / by D.F. | 1672 | 27228 | 7816 | nan | ./cache/A39612.xml | ./txt/A39612.txt |
A36769 | Darcy, Patrick, 1598-1668. | An argument delivered by Patrick Darcy, esquire by the expresse order of the House of Commons in the Parliament of Ireland, 9 iunii, 1641. | 1643 | 31256 | 9066 | nan | ./cache/A36769.xml | ./txt/A36769.txt |
A52567 | Doddridge, John, Sir, 1555-1628. Treatise of particular estates. | A treatise of the principal grounds and maximes of the lawes of this nation very usefull and commodious for all students and such others as desire the knowledge and understandings of the laws / written by that most excellent and learned expositor of the law, W.N. | 1651 | 31175 | 8677 | nan | ./cache/A52567.xml | ./txt/A52567.txt |
A22843 | England and Wales. | The orders for swannes, both by the statutes and by the ancient orders and customes vsed within the realme of England | 1603 | 2558 | 586 | nan | ./cache/A22843.xml | ./txt/A22843.txt |
A37591 | England and Wales. | An Act for turning the books of the lavv, and all proces and proceedings in courts of iustice, into English· | 1650 | 862 | 169 | nan | ./cache/A37591.xml | ./txt/A37591.txt |
A37576 | England and Wales. | An act for the better preventing and suppressing of prophane swearing and cursing | 1650 | 1848 | 427 | nan | ./cache/A37576.xml | ./txt/A37576.txt |
A37567 | England and Wales. | An act for reviving and continuing of several acts of Parliament touching the militias of the city of Westminster, borough of Southwark, and the hamlets of the Tower of London | 1651 | 752 | 126 | nan | ./cache/A37567.xml | ./txt/A37567.txt |
A82409 | England and Wales. | An Act for reviving an Act impowering judges for probate of wills, and granting administrations | 1659 | 625 | 100 | nan | ./cache/A82409.xml | ./txt/A82409.txt |
A82471 | England and Wales. | An Act impowering judges for probate of vvills, and granting administrations | 1659 | 697 | 132 | nan | ./cache/A82471.xml | ./txt/A82471.txt |
A84464 | England and Wales. Council of State. | Instructions to be observed by the several justices of peace in the several counties within this commonwealth, for the better prevention of robberies, burglaries and other outrages | 1649 | 983 | 183 | nan | ./cache/A84464.xml | ./txt/A84464.txt |
A84463 | England and Wales. Council of State. | Instructions to be observed by the several justices of peace in the several counties within this commonwealth, for the better prevention of robberies, burglaries and other outrages. | 1649 | 951 | 193 | nan | ./cache/A84463.xml | ./txt/A84463.txt |
A80116 | England and Wales. Court of Chancery. | A collection of such of the orders heretofore used in Chauncery, with such alterations & additions thereunto, as the Right Honorable the Lords Commissioners for the Great Seal of England, by and with the advice and assistance of the Honorable the Master of the Rolls, have thought fit at present (in order to a further reformation now under their Lordships consideration) to ordain and publish, for reforming of several abuses in the said court, preventing multiplicity of suits, motions, and unnecessary charge to the suitors, and for their more expeditious and certain course for relief. | 1649 | 12527 | 3385 | nan | ./cache/A80116.xml | ./txt/A80116.txt |
A43190 | England and Wales. Court of Chancery. | The heads of the judges arguments for the deceased Duke of Norfolk, in the case between him and his brother Mr. Charles Howard, with some observations on the Lord Chancellor Nottingham''s arguments. | 1685 | 2809 | 633 | nan | ./cache/A43190.xml | ./txt/A43190.txt |
A51911 | England and Wales. Court of Common Pleas. | Reports, or, new cases with divers resolutions and judgements given upon solemn arguments, and with great deliberation, and the reasons and causes of the said resolutions and judgements / collected by John March ... | 1648 | 92521 | 27853 | nan | ./cache/A51911.xml | ./txt/A51911.txt |
A01287 | Fulbecke, William, 1560-1603?. | A direction or preparatiue to the study of the lawe wherein is shewed, what things ought to be obserued and vsed of them that are addicted to the study of the law, and what on the contrary part ought to be eschued and auoyded. | 1600 | 47736 | 14964 | nan | ./cache/A01287.xml | ./txt/A01287.txt |
A61094 | Gibson, Edmund, 1669-1748. | Reliquiæ Spelmannianæ the posthumous works of Sir Henry Spelman, Kt., relating to the laws and antiquities of England : publish''d from the original manuscripts : with the life of the author. | 1698 | 129611 | 43684 | nan | ./cache/A61094.xml | ./txt/A61094.txt |
A42733 | Gilbert, Thomas, 1613-1694. | An assize sermon preached before the Right Honourable the Lord Chief Justice Glyn and Mr. Serjeant Earle, judges of Assize at Bridgnorth in Shropshire, July the 2d, 1657 / by Thomas Gilbert ... | 1657 | 11784 | 3724 | nan | ./cache/A42733.xml | ./txt/A42733.txt |
A42889 | Godbolt, John, d. 1648. | Reports of certain cases arising in the severall courts of record at Westminster in the raignes of Q. Elizabeth, K. James, and the late King Charles with the resolutions of the judges of the said courts upon debate and solemn arguments / collected by very good hands, and lately re-viewed, examined, and approved by Justice Godbolt ; and now published by W. Hughes. | 1652 | 208840 | 65557 | nan | ./cache/A42889.xml | ./txt/A42889.txt |
A66452 | Gray''s Inn. | The excellency and præheminence of the lavv of England, above all other humane lawes in the world asserted in a learned reading upon the statute of 35 to 8. Cap. 6 : concerning tryals by jury of twelve men and tales be circumstanibus / by Thomas Williams ... | 1680 | 52712 | 19148 | nan | ./cache/A66452.xml | ./txt/A66452.txt |
A85681 | Gregorie, George, gent. | A bakers-dozen of plain down-right queries, harmlesse and honest: propounded to all that expect benefit from this present power. Wherein is discovered, the bawling, mercinary, accustomed tricks, querks, and quillets of the learned lying, daggle-tayl''d lawyers, crafty atturneys, and subtile solicitors, &c.. [sic] With a description of the Dutch water-rats: and the difference between Spanish pieces of eight, and the babies, pupets and quelchoses of France. By George Gregorie, Gent. | 1659 | 1944 | 497 | nan | ./cache/A85681.xml | ./txt/A85681.txt |
A55177 | H. B., Esquire of Lincolns-Inne. | Plowden''s quaeries, or, A moot-book of choice cases useful for the young students of the common law / englished, methodized, and enlarged by H.B. | 1662 | 66678 | 19565 | nan | ./cache/A55177.xml | ./txt/A55177.txt |
A53384 | Hale, Matthew, Sir, 1609-1676. | The opinion of the judges upon the clause in the Act of 22 & 23 Car. II. Regis cap. 9. for giving no more costs than damages, delivered at Serjeants-Inn in Chancery-lane, London, in Trinity term. Anno 23. Ejusdem regis | 1688 | 1511 | 283 | nan | ./cache/A53384.xml | ./txt/A53384.txt |
A43971 | Hobbes, Thomas, 1588-1679. | The art of rhetoric, with A discourse of the laws of England by Thomas Hobbes of Malmesbury. | 1681 | 77585 | 23969 | nan | ./cache/A43971.xml | ./txt/A43971.txt |
A67913 | Jackson, William, 1636 or 7-1680. | The free-born English mans plea for justice: or, A cry against post-fact laws. Being a survey of the controversies touching the late purchased titles through the true perspective of justice. By William Jackson, one who hath lived to see the famine of justice removed, and hopes to see it continue as plentifully amongst us; as food in Samaria; after the flight of these Assirians: 2 Kings, 7. | 1660 | 7914 | 2226 | nan | ./cache/A67913.xml | ./txt/A67913.txt |
A50063 | Leigh, Edward, 1602-1671. | A philologicall commentary, or, An illustration of the most obvious and useful words in the lavv with their distinctions and divers acceptations, as they are found as well in reports antient and modern as in records and memorials never printed : usefull for all young students of the law / by Edward Leigh ... | 1658 | 78594 | 23292 | nan | ./cache/A50063.xml | ./txt/A50063.txt |
A59093 | Littleton, Adam, 1627-1694. | The reverse or back-face of the English Janus to-wit, all that is met with in story concerning the common and statute-law of English Britanny, from the first memoirs of the two nations, to the decease of King Henry II. set down and tackt together succinctly by way of narrative : designed, devoted and dedicated to the most illustrious the Earl of Salisbury / written in Latin by John Selden ... ; and rendred into English by Redman Westcot, Gent. | 1682 | 68464 | 21961 | nan | ./cache/A59093.xml | ./txt/A59093.txt |
A59100 | Littleton, Adam, 1627-1694. | Tracts written by John Selden of the Inner-Temple, Esquire ; the first entituled, Jani Anglorvm facies altera, rendred into English, with large notes thereupon, by Redman Westcot, Gent. ; the second, England''s epinomis ; the third, Of the original of ecclesiastical jurisdictions of testaments ; the fourth, Of the disposition or administration of intestates goods ; the three last never before extant. | 1683 | 96733 | 31626 | nan | ./cache/A59100.xml | ./txt/A59100.txt |
A06131 | Lloyd, Lodowick, fl. 1573-1610. | A briefe conference of diuers lawes diuided into certaine regiments. By Lodowick LLoyd Esquier, one of her Maiesties serieants at armes. | 1602 | 45747 | 14057 | nan | ./cache/A06131.xml | ./txt/A06131.txt |
A50746 | Mackenzie, George, Sir, 1636-1691. | Pleadings in some remarkable cases before the Supreme Courts of Scotland since the year 1661 to which the decisions are subjoyn''d. | 1673 | 80959 | 22614 | nan | ./cache/A50746.xml | ./txt/A50746.txt |
A50514 | Mackenzie, George, Sir, 1636-1691. | The institutions of the law of Scotland by Sir George Mackenzie ... | 1684 | 48924 | 13596 | nan | ./cache/A50514.xml | ./txt/A50514.txt |
A50697 | Mackenzie, George, Sir, 1636-1691. | Observations on the acts of Parliament, made by King James the First, King James the Second, King James the Third, King James the Fourth, King James the Fifth, Queen Mary, King James the Sixth, King Charles the First, King Charles the Second wherein 1. It is observ''d if they be in desuetude, abrogated, limited, or enlarged, 2. The decisions relating to these acts are mention''d, 3. Some new doubts not yet decided are hinted at, 4. Parallel citations from the civil, canon, feudal and municipal laws, and the laws of other nations are adduc''d for clearing these statutes / by Sir George Mackenzie ... | 1686 | 228393 | 70210 | nan | ./cache/A50697.xml | ./txt/A50697.txt |
A89519 | March, John, 1612-1657. | Amicus reipublicæ. = The Common-Wealths friend or an exact and speedie course to justice and right, and for preventing and determining of tedious law-suits. With many other things very considerable for the good of the publick. All which are fully controverted and debated in law. By John March of Grayes-Inne, barister. | 1651 | 25701 | 7187 | nan | ./cache/A89519.xml | ./txt/A89519.txt |
A91346 | Parker, Henry, 1604-1652. | Reformation in courts, and cases testamentary. | 1650 | 3678 | 989 | nan | ./cache/A91346.xml | ./txt/A91346.txt |
B04692 | Perthshire (Scotland). Justices of the Peace | At the General-Sessions of the Peace, held at St. Johnstone the first Tuesday of May, 1656. / By his highness the Lord Protectors Justices of Peace for Perth-shire. | 1656 | 2280 | 577 | nan | ./cache/B04692.xml | ./txt/B04692.txt |
A54680 | Philipps, Fabian, 1601-1690. | The ancient, legal, fundamental, and necessary rights of courts of justice, in their writs of capias, arrests, and process of outlary and the illegality ... which may arrive to the people of England, by the proposals tendred to His Majesty and the High Court of Parliament for the abolishing of that old and better way and method of justice, and the establishing of a new, by peremptory summons and citations in actions of debt / by Fabian Philipps, Esq. | 1676 | 79112 | 21370 | nan | ./cache/A54680.xml | ./txt/A54680.txt |
A56170 | Prynne, William, 1600-1669. | A gospel plea (interwoven with a rational and legal) for the lawfulness and continuance fo the antient setled maintenance and tenths of the ministers of the Gospel in two parts, proving that there is a just, competent, comfortable maintenance ... that the present opposition against tithes ... / by William Prynne ... | 1660 | 135541 | 43568 | nan | ./cache/A56170.xml | ./txt/A56170.txt |
A58086 | Rastell, John, d. 1536. | Les termes de la ley; or, Certain difficult and obscure words and terms of the common laws and statutes of this realm now in use, expounded and explained Now corrected and enlarged. With very great additions throughout the whole book, never printed in any other impression. | 1685 | 253421 | 89092 | nan | ./cache/A58086.xml | ./txt/A58086.txt |
A67914 | Scotland. Court of Session. | The decisions of the Lords of council & session in the most important cases debate before them with the acts of sederunt as also, an alphabetical compend of the decisions : with an index of the acts of sederunt, and the pursuers and defenders names, from June 1661 to July 1681 / Sir James Dalrymple ... | 1683 | 488250 | 148740 | nan | ./cache/A67914.xml | ./txt/A67914.txt |
B05690 | Scotland. Privy Council. | A proclamation, for suppressing of tumults in Edinburgh, and elsewhere. | 1688 | 1389 | 242 | nan | ./cache/B05690.xml | ./txt/B05690.txt |
A60636 | Smith, William, d. 1673. | Innocency and conscientiousness of the Quakers asserted and cleared from the evil surmises, false aspersions, and unrighteous suggestions of Judge Keeling expressed in his speech made the seventh of the seventh month at the sessions-house in the Old-Baily ... : wherein also is shewed that this law doth not concern them, they being no seditious sectaries, nor contrivers of insurrections, nor evil-doers, therefore no just law is against them. | 1664 | 6705 | 1649 | nan | ./cache/A60636.xml | ./txt/A60636.txt |
A61093 | Spelman, Henry, Sir, 1564?-1641. | Of the law-terms, a discourse wherein the laws of the Jews, Grecians, Romans, Saxons and Normans, relating to this subject are fully explained / written by ... Sir Henry Spelman, Kt. | 1684 | 16444 | 5171 | nan | ./cache/A61093.xml | ./txt/A61093.txt |
A61249 | Stair, James Dalrymple, Viscount of, 1619-1695. | The institutions of the law of Scotland deduced from its originals, and collated vvith the civil, canon, and feudal- lavvs, and vvith the customs of neighbouring nations ... / by Sir James Dalrymple of Stair ... | 1681 | 380526 | 114384 | nan | ./cache/A61249.xml | ./txt/A61249.txt |
A61555 | Stillingfleet, Edward, 1635-1699. | Ecclesiastical cases relating to the duties and rights of the parochial clergy stated and resolved according to the principles of conscience and law / by the Right Reverend Father in God, Edward, Lord Bishop of Worcester. | 1698 | 65974 | 20675 | nan | ./cache/A61555.xml | ./txt/A61555.txt |
A13057 | Strachey, William, 1572?-1621. | For the colony in Virginea Britannia. Lavves diuine, morall and martiall, &c. | 1612 | 29206 | 7911 | nan | ./cache/A13057.xml | ./txt/A13057.txt |
A94062 | Strong, James, 1618 or 19-1694. | Justice justified; or The judges commission opened: in two assize sermons, preached before the judges of assize. The first at Chard, on Prov. 14.34. March 12. the other at Tauton, on Rom. 13.4. Aug.3. 1657. By James Strong, Master of Arts, and minister of the Gospel at Illmister in Sommerset. | 1658 | 10426 | 3269 | nan | ./cache/A94062.xml | ./txt/A94062.txt |
A13556 | Taylor, Thomas, 1576-1632. | Regula vitæ the rule of the law vnder the Gospel. Containing a discovery of the pestiferous sect of libertines, antinomians, and sonnes of Belial, lately sprung up both to destroy the law, and disturbe the faith of the Gospell: wherein is manifestly proved, that God seeth sinne in iustified persons. By Thomas Taylor Dr. of Divinity, and pastour of S. Mary Aldermanbury, London. | 1631 | 39636 | 12129 | nan | ./cache/A13556.xml | ./txt/A13556.txt |
A65237 | Waterhouse, Edward, 1619-1670. | Fortescutus illustratus, or, A commentary on that nervous treatise, De laudibus legum Angliæ, written by Sir John Fortescue, Knight ... by Edward Waterhous, Esquire. | 1663 | 530022 | 163518 | nan | ./cache/A65237.xml | ./txt/A65237.txt |