
This is a list of all the questions and their associated study carrel identifiers. One can learn a lot of the "aboutness" of a text simply by reading the questions.

identifier question
51434A_ live_ elephant? 51434 Compost heap?"
51434Did you know that there are two kinds of elephants on Earth, the African and the Indian, and that they are n''t exactly the same size?
51434If you put the elephant on one side and his food on the other, there would n''t be any off- balanced load, would there?
51434It all started just a few standard months ago, on Condor-- over in Sector Sixty- four W."Sixty- four W?
51434Mind if I join you?
51434So what did you do?
51434You did say that you carried the elephant, did n''t you?
51434You say you carried an_ elephant_?
51434But why-- and how-- would anyone take an elephant into space?"
51434Did I tell you that she was mighty clever?"
51434In a_ space ship_?"
51434Like a father, you know?
51434Or was it poetic justice that I had in mind?
60309And you want my cooperation so that Technogration wo n''t fall by the wayside?
60309Did the monsters harm you?
60309How do you know it was a convulsion?
60309So you let three get through?
60309Surely, no one will object to them?
60309The dog-- where is she?
60309They''re-- mine?
60309Were you injured in the attack?
60309What is it?
60309What is it?
60309What makes you ask?
60309Where is the dog?
60309Why did you report to Curry instead of me?
60309You have n''t much choice but to cooperate and accept a subordinate role, have you?
60309_ Why?_"I think it can see something--Gorman fired, so swiftly that he felt the heat of the beam even though he had been expecting it.
60309The boy followed, asking,"Why did you stop us, Blanche?"
60309Then, with the same tense suspicion that Bellam had had he asked the same question:"Why do you ask?"
51414Getting you down, too, Mac?
51414How do you figure that?
51414May I acknowledge their message now, skipper?
51414Skipper tell you about the time- error?
51414Testing the Drive, you mean?
51414We''ll arrive sooner than planned?
51414What kind of devilish intelligence have we run into? 51414 What wo n''t?"
51414All I wanted to know was how they expected me to live long enough to complete the journey?
51414Are n''t you glad?"
51414Could we have somehow doubled back-- completing a mystic circle?
51414I asked,"What do you mean about things checking''roughly''?
51414I said,"Yes, but what''s there to be sad about?
51414Is there some error?"
51414So-- what had I really to look forward to?
51414Was that old Sol up there burning through our green shield?
51414What would it be like when we got back?
51414Who knows, maybe there''s a war going on back there?"
51414You do n''t mind that part, do you?"
53016And they are growing all right?
53016And they bit? 53016 But you solved the problem?"
53016Did it work?
53016Did n''t you bump into a lot of the bubbles and get yourself dunked a good deal while you were working with the tanks?
53016Do you remember how the plants always keep their leaves facing the sun? 53016 For Heaven''s sake why should it?
53016Our tests were no good?
53016Perhaps you would like a drink first, and then you would be willing to tell me about it?
53016Shipping marocca to Gloryanna III did n''t turn out to be a cakewalk after all?
53016So what did you do?
53016The marocca plants were still in good shape, were n''t they?
53016Then after that you were all right, except for the tedium of moving the lights around?
53016You think so? 53016 You_ did_ succeed in getting the marocca to Gloryanna III?"
53016*****"For Heaven''s sake, why not?"
53016Did you know that they plant marocca seedlings, back on Mypore II,_ at least_ a hundred feet apart?
53016So the stem looks like a corkscrew?"
53016So what?
53016That explains your bumps?"
53016That solution was one of yours, too, was n''t it?"
53016With no gravity for reference, how were the plants supposed to know that the''sun''was supposed to be moving?"
51669And he did not give us the stars also?
51669Can you skip us home?
51669Does not the thought of all this catch at your heart a little?
51669Does this not complete your collection?
51669Even the one just beyond Pluto? 51669 Even with the mark of wrath you carry?
51669Going back?
51669Have not my brothers and sisters given you grandchildren enough? 51669 Is it really done, Roberto?
51669Not true?
51669Old woman, eh?
51669This Alpha Centauri,she said, pronouncing it badly,"it is a planet?"
51669What were they? 51669 Why did you come creeping into the house last night like a thief?"
51669Why is there not a garden manufactured that can be programmed for quinquaños so that I might grow my own?
51669--how is it so?
51669And do the others feel as my navigator and I?_ They did!
51669And my navigator spoke of angels but where were the faces and wings?
51669And what woman will marry the captain of a space vessel?
51669And why did I also think of angels almost as if I felt a nebulous ancient memory of them?
51669But what can one expect from an evil old lecher?"
51669Can you navigate such a course?"
51669Have you taken cargoes from all twelve planets?"
51669Home?_ Roberto climbed into the machine and it moved upward a little closer to the stars before turning south.
51669Is it Oceanus or Atlas?
51669The word echoed in Roberto''s mind--_why?_ The very core of his being strained to shout out why.
51669Why in spite of my fear am I drawn to it more than I am to this house which is my home?
51669You dare make more sacrilege?"
51669_ Why the sweet anguish in the depths of my being when I think of them and the white place?
20553And how long do you expect to go ahead without knowing the truth?
20553And the suits?
20553And when I come back, Kelvar, we''ll be married?
20553And you have n''t considered that it may get harder to push? 20553 Anything I can show you?"
20553Dunal, where are you?
20553Garth,I asked,"what''s become of the sun?"
20553Have n''t you a right to be?
20553How do you know this will be the bottom?
20553How long have I slept?
20553How long watches shall we stand?
20553I know, but still...."You are afraid for_ me_?
20553Shall we wait for daylight to go out?
20553Then-- how far away are we?
20553These ca n''t really work?
20553What happened?
20553Whatever happens, Garth, we''ll still be friends?
20553Why should I? 20553 Will you let me?"
20553You''re sure,I interrupted,"that you have enough power to keep up the acceleration?"
20553*****"But can anyone stand that acceleration?"
20553And I supposed you''ve always been considerate of me?
20553And I, trampling back and forth over the dust of our old life, staring across the waste, waiting-- for what?
20553And the sky?
20553Anything more?"
20553But had we?
20553But in six months?
20553But why go on in my terrible loneliness?
20553But, for a starter, how about a thousand light- years around Rigel in six months?"
20553If they were correct.... How could one know, before the long two weeks were over?
20553In the angle between the cross hairs, was n''t there a slight haze?
20553Suppose their compound could eat through even our helio- beryllium?
20553Sure you''ve got everything?"
20553Was I dreaming again?
20553Was the heat getting him?
20553Would we hit?
53035''But that''s not really what you want?'' 53035 ''Is there anything I can do for you two kids?''
53035''Now what''s all this about my muddying up your swimming hole?'' 53035 ''Shrunk us down?''
53035''Then,''I asked with elaborate patience,''all you did was to make my_ Delta Crucis_ bigger, and to increase the strength of the components to match? 53035 ''What happened?''
53035''Yes, sir?'' 53035 But does that note sound as if it had been written by a mature Adept-- by, say, the father of those boys?
53035Did you get the whale to Penguin? 53035 Does n''t it seem more like something written by a teenage boy?
53035Provided that it gets you back there, so that you will have the chance of talking with the father?
53035Well, what of it?
53035Well,I said,"You are going to take them up on it, are n''t you?
53035''And why have you shrunk us down this way?''
53035''Do n''t you think you had just better put things right back the way they were before?''
53035''How about some chocolate cake and a bulb or two of milk?
53035And was the Prinkip pleased?
53035Besides which, what boy would want to go swimming with his clothes on anyway?''
53035Do n''t you realize that if I turned on my landing rockets right now, I''d probably blow us all to Kingdom Come?''
53035I do n''t have the faintest idea where in the Universe I am, so how can I set the right coordinates to Jump somewhere else?''
53035Just leave me alone, why do n''t you?
53035Nothing else?''
53035Or did you just sit around and drink rhial until your ship popped back to its normal size?"
53035Or even by a precocious nine- year- old?"
53035So would you please leave, sir?''
53035Something about getting a whale to the planet Penguin II?''
53035What are you waiting for, man?"
53035What''s wrong with that, I''d like to know?"
60713A man wearing a red mask?
60713And Carver Janssen''s case?
60713And the murder?
60713And what will you do when you get him?
60713Are you out of your minds?
60713Did n''t you think that was important?
60713Do you think it is a member of the crew?
60713Has Red Mask a gun?
60713How about that assault on June Failright?
60713How can we protect ourselves without stunners?
60713I can see him taking my narcotics, my doctor''s kit-- but my dead wife''s picture? 60713 Oh, there''ll be a trial, Mr. Ellason, but you do n''t think any jury''d let him live after all the things he''s done, do you?"
60713Threw it away?
60713Well, Critten,Branson roared at him,"what have you got to say for yourself?"
60713What does he want that stuff for?
60713What would he want seeds for? 60713 What''s that?"
60713Without a trial?
60713Yes,Ellason said,"but what if the intruder is a crewman?"
60713But what use am I now?
60713Do you know how long it took me to collect them?
60713Does that answer your question?"
60713Have you thought of that?"
60713He said,"Now what am I going to Antheon for?
60713How would I know whether a red mask-- or a blue or green one-- does or does n''t belong on a spaceship?"
60713Is that right?"
60713Lemuel Tarper, who was appointed prosecutor, asked him,"What did you do with the loot, Critten?"
60713Now why had Branson said that?
60713Suppose you supply us with half- power stunners?
60713What did Captain Branson think of those colonists who killed each other on the_ Weblor I_?
60713What then?
60713Where am I going to get seeds like those?
60713Why could n''t Branson see the wisdom of setting an example for the colonists?
60713Why had n''t Rexroad or Phipps said something, if it was important?
60713You understand you ca n''t write it, do n''t you?"
51482And how do you know you''ll always be given the straight dope?
51482And that makes you a weapon?
51482And you''ll answer any question at all?
51482But are you actually an Oracle?
51482But do n''t you see that the Oracle will destroy Earth?
51482But what''s in it for us? 51482 Ca n''t you see what a deadly danger that machine is to us all?
51482Can we go to see him now?
51482Does he answer you in riddles, like most Oracles?
51482How about giving us some Korite God- food?
51482How long ago was that?
51482Is it possible to arrange it so that you would answer only one man''s questions-- mine, for example?
51482Is n''t that why you want to try one more system?
51482It was the third place we stopped that they were such good cooks, was n''t it?
51482May we meet your-- Oracle?
51482Then you are a machine?
51482Then you have another function?
51482To give us another chance to get some answers? 51482 Weapons?"
51482What do you suppose they want us to do?
51482What do you suppose they want us to do?
51482What if they''ve got starman- phobia? 51482 Yes,"Bates persisted,"but how do you_ know_?"
51482You are the Oracle?
51482You mean you''ll stop telling the truth at that time?
51482And what if we find an inhabited planet?
51482And why do they all have such strong feelings-- one way or the exact opposite-- about people from the stars?"
51482But what if they love us?
51482Ca n''t you see that''s what happened to those other planets we visited?
51482Ca n''t you see what is happening to this planet we''re on now?"
51482Can you imagine what will happen to these people on this world if they lose their Oracle?
51482I suppose that applies when you are acting as an Oracle, instead of as a weapon?"
51482May we congratulate you, by the way, on the efficiency of your translators?"
51482Now why do n''t you go in and find out for yourselves?
51482So why are all their civilizations so backward?
51482Where''s the coffee?"
51482Why do n''t you sit down and be comfortable?
51482Why do n''t you take off those clumsy suits and come along?"
51482Why risk bad luck?"
51482You''d think there''d be some similarity among the tongues on different planets, would n''t you?
59581And what good would it do him if he could emerge into normal space at the desired distance from Centauri?
59581Another thought came to him: even if he could move the ship while in the warp, where could he go?
59581But how did you travel from Earth to Sirius in only two hours?
59581Did the physical laws of the warp demand that matter be scattered throughout it, in emulation of its rich neighbor in the adjoining dimension?
59581Had some factor of the warp unknown to him entered the picture?
59581He had to move the ship, and how did a man move a driveless ship?
59581He spoke without preamble:"You realize the importance of this test flight with the shuttle, of course?
59581He typed the first question to the computer: WHAT IS THE POSITION OF THIS SHIP RELATIVE TO NORMAL SPACE?
59581How could he move the ship a certain distance accurate to one hundredth of an inch?
59581How large was the ship now?
59581How long will it be until you reach me?"
59581How much air?
59581How, then, could the ship have traveled more than a light- year during its second stay in the warp when it had not moved at all during the first stay?
59581My God, man-- what kind of a drive did that ship have?"
59581Or, to rephrase the question, what conceivable set of circumstances would cause approaching stars to appear to dwindle in size?
59581Suppose it had been ordered to calculate their position by computations based on the shift of the sun''s and stars''spectrum into the ultraviolet?
59581Was the paradox limited to the line of flight?
59581Was the warp hungry for matter?
59581What conceivable set of circumstances would cause receding stars to have a spectrum shift that showed them to be approaching the ship?
59581What had caused sun and Earth to disappear so quickly-- and what force had riven and disfigured Earth?
59581What was the warp?
51296Beyond it? 51296 But why should the garden be in the viewport?"
51296Doing what?
51296Else? 51296 I know, but what''s beyond it?"
51296Then they''ve changed?
51296Well, what about the viewport? 51296 Well, where''s the book?"
51296What are you doing that for?
51296What did you find out?
51296What do you see?
51296What else?
51296What wo n''t?
51296What''s in here?
51296Where''s the buzzer?
51296Why do n''t we go see?
51296You will what?
51296A thousand years from now, journey''s end, you may have discarded it for something better-- who knows?
51296But how could a star change into a blinking blue- white globe-- if, indeed, that was the star Rikud had seen earlier?
51296But how?
51296But if everyone lived as if the world still stood in blackness, how could they find the nature of that purpose?
51296Change--"Wo n''t you eat, Rikud?"
51296Could it be variable, as Crifer had suggested?
51296Did n''t it have something to do with age?
51296Did women eat?
51296How can anyone go where no one has been before?
51296If Rikud has been imagining things, why should I?"
51296If he destroyed the wheels and the cogs and the gears, would the buzzer stop?
51296It was-- it was-- what was it?
51296Now why should n''t a man be permitted to do what he wanted, when he wanted to do it?
51296Or was it?
51296Then,"Can you do it?"
51296What do you hear?"
51296What in the world was an unauthorized person?
51296What were the gardens doing in the viewport?
51296What would have happened if they had n''t retired?
51296What would he do out in the garden?
51296What would they do if the buzzer stopped buzzing?
51296When nobody aboard ship remembers where it''s going, how can they tell when it has arrived?
51296Where are the stars?
51296Where are they, Chuls, if it did not change?"
51296Whom would the Calculator select as his mate?
51296Why should he think he was thinking such thoughts, when it always embroiled him in a hopeless, infinite confusion that left him with a headache?
51296Why should he think thoughts that no other man had?
51296Why should they shine during the day when the world wants them to shine only at night?"
51296Would it lead to another voice?
51741Ah, your papers? 51741 Are there other passengers?"
51741Are you sure the people at the spaceport have not made some mistake? 51741 Awful heap, is n''t it?"
51741But why? 51741 But-- aren''t you preparing to blast off?"
51741But-- they told me-- don''t you Agency people take care of picking out the routes?
51741Did n''t the Agency tell you? 51741 Do you know how to drive one of these, friend?"
51741Going out there to see what the sales possibilities are for--"And they sent you_ here_ from Epseri? 51741 Have n''t we met somewhere?"
51741How would you know, my dear?
51741I assume you are the Agency official here?
51741Inspection trip?
51741It said''Robert L.,''did n''t it? 51741 No inside elevator?"
51741Tell me-- how long were you down at Topaz?
51741Up where?
51741What can you do about that?
51741What do you think you''re doing?
51741What has that got to do with it?
51741What''s dangerous?
51741What-- what risk?
51741Where did you come from, anyway?
51741Where''s the captain?
51741You have been waiting for a spaceship?
51741You ought to be feeling like some chow by now, eh? 51741 _ Is_ it dangerous?"
51741_ Me?_gasped Wilfie.
51741Are you stopping here on Bessie?"
51741As I recall, Achernar is rather blue for human use, except our research outpost there, is n''t it?"
51741Could you have gotten it mixed up with someone else''s?"
51741I thought--""Why?
51741If she blows up, d''you think I want to know that I did it?
51741Is this the proper ticket you''ve given me?
51741It depends on whether you can find me the right ship, does n''t it?"
51741Might as well, since you have paid for the service, eh?
51741Or a scientist?
51741What is your full name?"
51741You must be with the government, I suppose?
51741You''ll be staying at our hotel, of course?
51741_ Does he never rest?_ thought Winstead.
51741_ Does n''t he have a home?_ wondered Winstead.
51741_ Is it worth fifty credits?_ he asked himself.
61380Are you all right?
61380Give me a hand getting out of this suit, will you?
61380Have they secured a subject?
61380How about communicating with him, Hatcher? 61380 Killing him, Hatcher?"
61380Then shall we abandon him and work with her, forgetting the first one?
61380What is it?
61380What took you so long?
61380Where are you? 61380 You''re sure?"
61380_ Here?_ Listen-- Ann-- Miss Mei- Ling, whatever you said your name was! 61380 A tinny little voice from the helmet of the space suit said sharply, amazement in its tone,McCray, is that you?
61380A woman''s voice, crying out in panic and fear:"_ Jodrell Bank!_ Where are you?
61380And had there been an open door then?
61380And if so... where in the name of heaven was he?
61380And the other specimen?
61380And what were these other things in the room?
61380And-- is it a different species?
61380Another trophy, like the strange assortment in the other room?
61380Any progress?"
61380But another thought was in Hatcher''s mind: Suppose the Old Ones found them too?
61380But did he have any reason to believe that he would be better off somewhere else?
61380But surely he was on a planet.... Was n''t he?
61380But what was the light?
61380But what were they doing here?
61380But what would have been the good of that?
61380Conceivably he could carry her; but could he also carry her suit?
61380Did he have an hour?
61380Did that mean-- did it_ possibly_ mean-- that there was a lag of an hour or two each way?
61380Do n''t you feel the heat?
61380Do you see?
61380Had he not looked at, this very spot a matter of moments before?
61380He felt himself swaying, threw out an arm and realized that he was... falling?
61380How about the prime subject?"
61380How could he make them understand?
61380How long do you want us to keep her that way?"
61380How to explain a set of Gibbon''s_ Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire?_ A space- ax?
61380How to explain a set of Gibbon''s_ Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire?_ A space- ax?
61380Item, wherever he was now, it became, not so much what had happened to him, but what had happened to the ship?
61380Maintain for the alien the pressure and temperature value he needs--""And you, Hatcher?"
61380Meanwhile, what about his fellow- captive?
61380Or merely a different sex?"
61380They do n''t look like much, do they?"
61380Two hours ago?
61380We ca n''t quite communicate with the female--""But?"
61380What about trying to find a way out of this place, for instance?
61380What are-- those?"
61380What next?"
61380What the devil happened to you?"
61380What would they make of that?
61380When was it he called them?
61380Where the devil are you calling from?"
61380Would that improve the situation?
61380Yet what could he do with the woman?
51699But it is, do n''t you see? 51699 Destroy them?"
51699How many shots in this thing?
51699How often can I use it?
51699I deserted you?
51699Listen to that, will you?
51699Promise? 51699 Right?
51699The webfoots?
51699What am I afraid of?
51699What form of primitive stupidity are you practicing now? 51699 What happened?"
51699What makes you think he''s lonely?
51699When did you come?
51699When will your people come again?
51699Where do I originate? 51699 Where is your ship?"
51699Who are you?
51699Why did the Sand God come? 51699 Why does your mind shrink backward?"
51699Why should I kill you?
51699You do not want me?
51699You will allow them to kill you, just to defend her life? 51699 You''re leaving?"
51699_ What?_"Yes. 51699 _ You_ decided?"
51699A wind devil?"
51699At first there must have been a single voice crying into a monstrous emptiness,"Mother, where are you?
51699But Gods never die, do they?
51699But then, how could a group of loosely spaced grains of sand possibly have a nervous system?
51699Christ, he thought, what am I doing here, anyway?
51699Do you imagine all of us were adults?"
51699Do you remember I told you how my people, the entire race, left their bodies at the same time?
51699How old were you?"
51699How was he to decide if this planet was suitable for his people, hampered by a woman, slinking through a frozen wilderness like an Indian?
51699Is it your body?
51699Is this planet populated with your kind?"
51699No doubt it was a god-- but who was n''t?
51699Or was it?
51699Or was there room here for his people?
51699Otherwise, why not let her die?
51699See the lightning?
51699See those clouds piling in the East?
51699Should he give up and return to earth?
51699Stinson asked, incredulously,"all these people?
51699Sybtl said,"Is the Sand God happy?"
51699Sybtl said;"Is the Sand God angry again?"
51699The Sand God travels without a ship, why should n''t I?"
51699Then what do you do?
51699What business is it of yours if she lives or dies?
51699What did he know of these people?
51699What is it--''right?''
51699What should he call it, Alpha or Centaurus?
51699Where do you come from?
51699Who knows what he will do when he''s angry?"
51699Why should I kill you?"
51699You will leave now?"
51699_ MOTHER!_ Where is_ everyone_?"
51699he said aloud,"a few grains of sand blowing in the wind?
50998Any other information?
50998Anything else you''d like to know?
50998As a salesman?
50998At the agency?
50998Business? 50998 But would n''t I be a lot safer if I just concentrated on getting back to the hotel?"
50998Did you notice,he asked,"that there was no apparent change in clothing and makeup, yet she seemed younger, more attractive?"
50998Did you?
50998Do you know how many stars there are in the Galaxy?
50998Got what?
50998Have you been sleeping? 50998 Hot, is n''t it?"
50998How can anyone use another''s identification? 50998 How long would it take to get there using local transportation, star- hopping?"
50998I did? 50998 I mean, is it safe for a stranger to walk through the city?"
50998I thought you''d ask which was the camouflage-- the person you see here, or the one at the Bureau?
50998Identification tab? 50998 Interpret body data, do you?"
50998Investigate it remotely?
50998Is she dead?
50998Is this a part of the Earth life process?
50998Is this necessary?
50998Long claws? 50998 Maybe,"replied Dimanche,"you think the crowd around us is composed solely of patrons?"
50998Now what?
50998Now, then, what''s your problem?
50998Planetary drive?
50998Ridiculous, is n''t it? 50998 Special knowledge of a thousand races?
50998Stimi? 50998 Stuck?"
50998Then why are we wasting our time?
50998Well, is n''t it an opportunity of a sort? 50998 What I want to know is,"said Dimanche,"why such precautions as electronic guards?
50998What about this Murra Foray?
50998What above my right knee?
50998What did you do?
50998What did you project?
50998What do men call it?
50998What do you call this game?
50998What does that mean?
50998What happened?
50998What have you got?
50998What is it?
50998What''s a Huntner?
50998What''s a gravity ghost?
50998What''s the highest possible hand?
50998When are you going on Drive?
50998When will the next ship arrive?
50998Where are you now?
50998Where is he?
50998Where shall I send the strips?
50998Who are you?
50998Why all the redecoration? 50998 Why did he choose me?"
50998You stuck here, too?
50998You stuck here, too?
50998You''re determined to go on?
50998_ Crookedness?_"On your part, that is. 50998 _ We_ forge it?"
50998***** For that matter, what was the purpose of Travelers Aid Bureau?
50998But what good does that do?"
50998But what''s a Huntner?"
50998Can he change that to anything else?"
50998Cassal was almost positive she muttered a polite"Arf?"
50998For the average man, anyone who did n''t have his own inter- stellar ship, was the comparison too apt?
50998For what reason?
50998He could imagine?
50998He was self- deluded or did he have access to information that Cassal did n''t?
50998How could he find some way of supplying additional power?
50998How many Godolphians do you see?"
50998I built a wonderful instrument, did n''t I?"
50998In the darkness, how far was five feet?
50998Is n''t that an odd combination?"
50998Is n''t there any clue?"
50998Is there anything wrong with that?"
50998Long enough to reach from here to Kettikat?"
50998Of course he_ could_ walk back to the hotel, but was that such a good idea?
50998Or could you?
50998Or was she?
50998Regrettable, but what could he do about it?
50998Self- defense, of course, but would the police believe it?
50998Suppose he were detained long enough to miss the ship bound for Tunney 21?
50998That''s good enough for you, is n''t it?"
50998The question was-- which travelers?
50998Wanted to?
50998Was it possible she had noticed his private conversation?
50998Was she baiting him?
50998Was this man, whoever and whatever he might be, connected with that delay?
50998Were those who lived at the edge of the Galaxy, beyond the first ring, called Rimmers?
50998What did he want?
50998What does Travelers Aid have that''s so secret?"
50998What does it have to do with anything?"
50998What does that mean?"
50998What is this planetary drive doing here?"
50998What_ did_ the thug want?
50998Why all this violence, though?
50998Why did n''t you tell me?"
50998Why did she want Dimanche?
50998Why did you change so many signs?
50998Why had the man attacked?
50998Will you go with me?"
50998Will you wait till I change?"
50998_ She can hear me!_""Hear you?"
53059And not go back to Earth?
53059And they''ll return here with our race, or what''s left of it, in twelve years?
53059And you, Kelly?
53059And you?
53059And your wife, Fox?
53059Are you crazy, Captain?
53059But the others-- the ones who stoned the rocket-- would they have let you keep that promise?
53059Can you astrogate a rocket, Captain? 53059 Captain, is everything all right?"
53059Captain,the small- boned, brown- bearded radarman said solemnly,"can we take a look before we belt down?"
53059Did you and Van Gundy fight?
53059Did you do it, Garcia?
53059Did you kill Van Gundy?
53059Did you try to smash the ports? 53059 Do n''t you remember anything?"
53059Do n''t you remember?
53059Do you want her to die?
53059Each of you would like one of our daughters to stay with you during your visit here?
53059Garcia, were the Sirians here? 53059 Heaven?"
53059How about Van Gundy, Captain? 53059 How about it, Kelly?"
53059How about tonight? 53059 How do you feel about this?
53059I mean, these Sirians will be heroes to humanity, wo n''t they?
53059I''m going to stay here,declared Fox,"but we never thought of that week, did we?
53059Kelly, Kelly--"Where, Kelly? 53059 Kelly?"
53059Me? 53059 More?"
53059See it?
53059That Sirian sounded like he meant what he said, did n''t he?
53059The point is--Fox broke in:"What do_ you_ remember, Captain?"
53059The rest of us can go, ca n''t we?
53059Then what will our people think of_ us_? 53059 They''re leaving_ now_?"
53059What do you mean?
53059What kind of a name would_ that_ be?
53059What''s the idea of that?
53059Who cares?
53059Why ca n''t they? 53059 Why did you get the pistol?"
53059Why do n''t we decide this later? 53059 Why not let Kelly go?"
53059Why not?
53059Yes, what do you remember?
53059You are pleased with the daughters of our village?
53059You know what to do?
53059You like the wine?
53059You relish our food?
53059You''d go to the village with Van Gundy''s grave- dirt still on your hands?
53059_ Why?_asked the stern- faced lieutenant.
53059_ You_ remember faces, do n''t you, Fox?
53059And_ that_ shows they''re intelligent, does n''t it?"
53059Are all Earthmen like us?"
53059Are we still going to see our companions?"
53059Ca n''t we relax for a few hours, Captain?"
53059Ca n''t you see what the Sirians are trying to do?
53059Ca n''t you see what these people are trying to do?
53059Ca n''t you still see their faces in your mind?"
53059Can we go out now-- please?"
53059Can we go outside without our suits?
53059Can you find your way back to Earth alone?
53059Can you keep those engines going without Garcia or dodge those meteors without Fox?
53059Captain Torkel asked,"Would n''t you like to see Broadway again, Fox?
53059Could that be?"
53059Did Van Gundy try to stop you?
53059Did you hear that?
53059Did_ they_ kill Van Gundy?"
53059Do we go with them?"
53059Does n''t that indicate an extremely high intelligence?"
53059Fox said anxiously,"How about it, Captain?
53059Fox whispered,"Captain, shall we let Kelly test the food first?
53059How about it, Captain?
53059How about it, Captain?"
53059How about it, Fox?"
53059How could they get it that close?
53059How did we become so detestable?
53059How do you plead?"
53059How do you speak our language?"
53059How strong was the Sirian telepathic sense?
53059Is that right, Captain?
53059Is that what happened?
53059Is that why you killed him?"
53059Is there any difference?"
53059Is there anything else to do?"
53059Oh God, why must I keep forgetting?_"Tell me what you think, Captain,"said a balding, dark- skinned man clad in khakis.
53059Should we go without weapons?"
53059Strong enough to send to the village for help?
53059That does n''t mean we ca n''t name a world after him, does it?"
53059The lieutenant grumbled,"What did the people of Earth ever do for us?"
53059Then why would they kill Van Gundy?"
53059To the village or to Earth?
53059Van Gundy whispered to him, very softly,"Did you bring weapons, Captain?
53059What do you do all the time?"
53059What will they_ do_ to us?"
53059What''s happened to you?"
53059When had_ that_ happened?
53059Where is your star?"
53059Where was he?
53059Which one do you want?"
53059Who killed Van Gundy?"
53059Who''ll volunteer?"
53059Why did he do it, Captain?
53059Why did he throw every piece of transmitting equipment over- board?"
53059Why not bathe and shave and smell of lotion and put on a clean white dress uniform?
53059Why not forget about an insignificant planet fifty trillion miles away?
53059Why not join the men?
53059Why would they be so nice to us in the village?"
53059Will you tell these promises to your Garcia and your Van Gundy?"
53059Would n''t you, Fox?"
53059Would you care?"
53059You are the leader of your people?"
53059You do n''t want a murderer with you, do you?"
53059You leave in one day, yes?
53059You want to come along or stay here alone?"
53059You would n''t want the Sirians_ not_ to go, would you?"
53059You''re not married, are you, Captain?"
53059Your world is soon to be destroyed, yes?"
18361A city?
18361And just what psychiatric help can I give you?
18361Are n''t we all?
18361Are we still hooked up to Lunar City?
18361Bill Holden, eh?
18361But what can be done with it?
18361But-- where are we? 18361 Constellations?"
18361Dabney''s got a variation? 18361 Dabney?"
18361Did you get any idea what all this is about? 18361 Distress- torp?"
18361Do n''t you think you''re offering hope to everybody back on Earth?
18361Do you mind if I stay here? 18361 Do you realize that I have n''t kissed you since we got back on the ship?
18361Does it matter?
18361For what?
18361He would n''t take part in an enterprise to reach the stars, would he?
18361How about a public- relations job on that order? 18361 How about it, Jones?"
18361How far,demanded Cochrane,"is Proxima Centaurus?
18361How far?
18361How goes the research?
18361How many people are to go?
18361How''d you know?
18361How''ll you do it?
18361I do n''t mean actually men, but-- manlike creatures? 18361 I suppose the advertising business is altruistic and unmercenary?"
18361Is he up here?
18361Is it?
18361Living creature? 18361 Mine?"
18361Mr. Cochrane,she said professionally,"will you want to read the publicity releases Mr. Bell turns out from what Mr. West and Mr. Jamison tell him?"
18361So what happens?
18361Speaking of things you do n''t want any part of-- what about Johnny Simms? 18361 Such as how?
18361The field was sixty times as strong as the one the distress- torpedo used? 18361 The more power you put into your infernal field,"he demanded,"the more speed you get?"
18361The technical staff now takes over?
18361Then I''m fired?
18361Then where are we headed? 18361 Then who will?"
18361This afternoon?
18361This your drink, Jed?
18361We ca n''t be, but are we?
18361We do not know what we shall find-- What''s that?
18361We''re not going to stay here, are we?
18361We''re safe here, are n''t we?
18361We? 18361 We?"
18361What are we going to do now?
18361What are you thinking about, Jones?
18361What do you mean?
18361What do you really think? 18361 What do you want?"
18361What does it add up to?
18361What happened?
18361What kind of scenery do you want?
18361What now?
18361What starts?
18361What the devil''s the matter with the fool?
18361What trophy?
18361What would those same authorities have told your friend Columbus? 18361 What would you suggest?"
18361What''s that got in it to make Dabney famous?
18361What''s the bite?
18361What''s the matter?
18361What''s the matter?
18361What''s this useless triumph of his?
18361Where''s Simms?
18361Who am I working for now?
18361Who called it a business?
18361Who in hades does he think he is? 18361 Who''s he?"
18361Who''s running this show? 18361 Why ca n''t there be men here?"
18361Why do you want to go? 18361 Why save his reason?"
18361Why since then?
18361Why''d he do that?
18361You mean,said West incredulously,"a genuine trip?
18361You still believe it?
18361You''re all right? 18361 You''re going?"
18361_ Am I still on?_Cochrane nodded.
18361All right?"
18361And do n''t you remember that I wondered what would happen if I used a capacity- storage system?"
18361And for what?
18361And it''s when that happens-- You see?"
18361And some biologist or other agreed with him?"
18361Are psychopaths the way they are because they ca n''t face reality, or because they''ve never had to?"
18361Are the space- travellers doomed?
18361Are you trying to make this thing into a challenge?"
18361Ask Babs to come up here, will you?"
18361Babs said uneasily:"That feels-- queer, does n''t it?"
18361Babs, who told you to come on this trip?
18361Bell, left behind, said cagily:"This script I''ve got to do, now-- Will that laboratory be the set?
18361Bill, what''s on your mind?"
18361Bill,"he said to Dr. William Holden,"how much nerve has Dabney?"
18361But do you realize what all this is about?
18361But do you really believe that stuff?"
18361But how about getting a statement from Dabney?"
18361But what''s a distress- torp?"
18361But-- Jed, could it be really true?
18361Can you give us any evidence that you''re alive and out in space?
18361Can you think of any use for a faster- than- light radiation- pipe?
18361Cochrane said blankly:"Are n''t you Alicia Keith?"
18361Cochrane said crisply:"Jones, what speed would that be?"
18361Cochrane said cynically:"And how much good will it have done me to see that, Babs?
18361Cochrane said dubiously:"Babs, have you seen the ship?"
18361Cochrane said icily:"Just what the hell do you think we''re here for, anyhow?"
18361Cochrane said in a voice that even to himself sounded outraged:"You mean the sun''s a fifth- magnitude star from here?
18361Could it be another inhabitable world for people to move to?"
18361Could it?"
18361Could we-- just stay landed here until he catches up on sleep?"
18361Did n''t all this cost a lot of fuel?"
18361Did n''t you notice the difference?"
18361Did you?"
18361Do n''t you see?"
18361Do n''t you think we''d better try to find a place where we can get a drink of water?
18361Do you think he could ever get too famous for his own satisfaction?"
18361Do you want to tell me now what all this is about?
18361Ever hear of them?
18361Has Captain Al of the star- roving space- ship breathed in spores of the Swelling Fungus?
18361Has Jamison got the Purple Death on the Planet of Smoky Hilltops?
18361Have they prepared themselves to use my discovery only for the benefit of mankind?
18361Have you picked out a destination for us to aim at?"
18361He bought his great discovery from you, eh?
18361He said angrily:"Confound it, ca n''t you see what I''m trying to say?
18361Holden said sickly:"Go to hell, wo n''t you?"
18361How about a part for Babs?
18361How can that be faked in a studio-- and how much would a television screen show of it?"
18361How can you try out this idea without more capital than you can possibly raise?"
18361How do we manage?"
18361How far did we come?"
18361How long before you know what you''re about?"
18361How many will farm to supply the hunters and the miners with other food?
18361How many will hunt to supply them with meat?
18361How near did we come to reaching it?"
18361I gave him the word to fire.... How long do you think it took that rocket to cross the crater in that field that works like a pipe?
18361I want twelve per cent or I take up another offer!--What?"
18361In the dome?"
18361Is he the result of six generations of keeping the money in the family?
18361Is n''t that right?"
18361Is there anything else you''ve had to use your judgment on?"
18361Is there such a person?"
18361It could be used to the space platform, but-- what''s the difference?
18361Jamison said hopefully:"You''ll give me some data on plants and animals, Mr. Cochrane?
18361Jones asked mildly:"At what?"
18361Jones, could we make a flit to somewhere else on this planet?"
18361May not explorers-- who took off without my having examined their plans and precautions-- may not over- hasty users of my gift to humanity do harm?
18361May they not bring back plagues and epidemics?
18361May they not find bacteria the human body can not resist?
18361No hard feelings?"
18361Or have they been precipitous?
18361Or is he a freak?"
18361Or-- were they beneath?
18361Our cash?"
18361Remember Dabney suggested that?
18361Right now?"
18361See anything alive down below?"
18361She said:"Mr. Cochrane, had n''t you better come look at Earth out of the quartz Earthside windows?"
18361Since you''re alive, Holden, we can assume it is n''t instantly fatal, ca n''t we?
18361Speaking as a psychiatrist, what effect will that business of being in the dark all night and nearly being pecked to death-- what will it do to him?
18361Suddenly he said:"Does anybody back on Earth know that Babs and I were castaways?"
18361Suppose I fixed up a storage- pack to give me a field with a few billion watts in it?
18361Suppose they use this world to grow monstrous quantities of unattractive but useful foodstuff-- in a way-- wild?
18361That''s reason enough, is n''t it?"
18361That''s right, is n''t it?"
18361Then he said:"The observatory''s set to track?"
18361They were planning five million prize- money-- and who''d be afraid of us then?
18361To Jones he said:"How''d you find us?
18361Visual evidence, for broadcast?"
18361Want to make your reservations now?"
18361We went-- we''re going-- sixty times as fast?"
18361Were you thinking that Spaceways would run this transportation system you''re planning, without cutting anybody else in on even the glory of it?"
18361What comes next?"
18361What could I do but get a man with a reputation?"
18361What does a woman see that I do n''t?"
18361What happened to him?"
18361What happened?"
18361What happened?_""_ Watch for the microwave signals_,"said Jones''voice in Cochrane''s headphones.
18361What is it?"
18361What more can you ask?"
18361What sort of life am I going to lead with you?
18361What sort of orders are you going to give?"
18361What the devil happened?"
18361What would it be like there?"
18361What would you rather have, Babs, a bonus in cash or Spaceways stock?"
18361What''d you do to that rocket?_"The others did not move.
18361What''re you driving at?"
18361What''s a good way to ask you to marry me?"
18361What''s the trouble with him?
18361What''s topmost in your mind?"
18361When can we leave?"
18361When you were a little boy did n''t you ever put a string between two tin cans, and then talk along the string?"
18361Where are we going?"
18361Where do you want to go?"
18361Where is it?
18361Where''d all the orders come from?"
18361Who wanted new continents?
18361Who wanted to move to a new world?
18361Who wants new planets now?
18361Who was handling the cameras?"
18361Who''ll act?
18361Why could n''t there be rational creatures like us?
18361Why does n''t he stand still or come to meet us?"
18361Why should I want to do tourist stuff?"
18361Why we''re going up?"
18361Will darling Alicia Keith break out in green spots next time we watch her on the air?
18361Will it change him?"
18361Will you come into the laboratory?"
18361Will your patient be satisfied with that grade of appreciation?"
18361Wo n''t that sort of publicity meet the requirements?
18361Wo n''t you?
18361Yes or no?"
18361You and my official gang, then, are here with the firm''s blessing, free of all commands and obligations, but drawing salary and expenses?"
18361You do n''t want me to get cured of that, do you?
18361You see?
18361You see?"
18361You see?"
18361You''ve got a new star picked out to travel to?"
50863A cat...?
50863A cat? 50863 Am I that near the sea?"
50863And I tell you I was not told, either, so how could I know? 50863 And that man?"
50863And you never reported this to me?
50863And you waited all this time to tell me a thing as important as that?
50863Any of the rest of you phidis want to call me a liar?
50863Anything else you need?
50863Anything else?
50863Are n''t the two related?
50863Are there any vacancies in our stable- force, Endar?
50863Are they in on all this, too? 50863 Are they treating you well, Lona?"
50863Are you questioning the truth of my report, Esbor?
50863Because you thought I was more weak- minded?
50863Better keep checking them from time to time, though, had n''t you?
50863Boy, are you in a temper this morning?
50863Boy, does this feel good?
50863But how can I do that? 50863 But how in the name of Zappa did whoever it was train this roch to bring me the note like this?"
50863But what can we do?
50863But what''s it all about? 50863 But what?"
50863But where is he?
50863Ca n''t you see I''m sick? 50863 Can do, all right,"doubtfully,"but for John''s sake, why?"
50863Can you come with us, and still keep_ en rapport_ with your bird?
50863Can you wake the Ruler?
50863D''you suppose we can get out there in time?
50863Did n''t know I had yours, too, did you?
50863Did n''t you know? 50863 Do n''t you know who I am?"
50863Do you happen to have a Terran_ cat_ among them?
50863Does n''t look like it, does it?
50863Eh? 50863 Eight, did you say?"
50863Have you decided which ones you want, nyer?
50863How did you ever happen to think of them?
50863How did you know Adwal Irad was coming to attack me while I was asleep, locked in my room?
50863How in the name of Zappa do you do it?
50863How long have you been running?
50863How soon do I start?
50863How''s everything in the great big universe outside of this dump?
50863I do n''t know anything about those, either... say, you''re not an Estrellan, are you?
50863I love this kind of work, do n''t you?
50863I wish I knew...."May I suggest, k''nyer, that you invite him to ride with you tomorrow, and study him; ask him leading questions, and so on?
50863I wonder if I can help this healing in any way, with my mind?
50863If they felt that, would they have asked us to join them as a full- fledged world? 50863 In the name of Zappa, why?"
50863Is Amir all right?
50863Is there anyone close to his room-- or ca n''t you tell?
50863Is this some new trick?
50863Just beginning their real introduction to scientific and mechanical technologies on a planetary scale, eh?
50863Just how do you determine the fitness of a race for membership in your Federation?
50863Just what''s the problem there?
50863Lona? 50863 May I speak my thoughts, k''nyer?"
50863Next trip I want you to bring me a cat-- a nice black...."A cat?
50863No use for knives, eh?
50863No, should I?
50863Now, what makes you think we are engaged in anything... illegal... during our evenings?
50863Oh, you found the kit, then?
50863Oh, you''re looking for work?
50863One of his...?
50863Or are such new customs and innovations taboo on this screwy world?
50863Or are they,he thought suddenly,"planning later to make it seem as though we Terrans are doing it?
50863Right away?
50863So Egon and Irad are the same? 50863 Sure you can handle it now?"
50863That reminds me, how did it happen that Inver''s caval was all healed this morning?
50863That the name of the guy that owns it? 50863 That''Second- In- Line''business is screwy, is n''t it?"
50863Then how about an animal act?
50863They are?
50863Those gates strong ones?
50863Tough, eh?
50863Well now, so you think you''d like to get into the entertainment business, eh?
50863Well now, what in the name of Zappa were you doing?
50863Well now,Yandor eyed him angrily,"you think you''re pretty clever, do n''t you?"
50863Well now,Yandor gasped,"what have we here?"
50863Well now,he began,"what''s all this about...?"
50863Well, now that you do, I ask again, is there anything I can do for you? 50863 Were all of you being tortured?
50863Were those goons actually waiting for me?
50863Were we too late?
50863What alien?
50863What can you do?
50863What could possibly have made all those cavals start running away just at the crucial moment?
50863What d''you mean?
50863What d''you want?
50863What d''you''spose it all means?
50863What do you do here? 50863 What do you mean?"
50863What do you plan to do now?
50863What gave you the idea I''ve been doing anything like you said?
50863What gives? 50863 What good...?"
50863What happened?
50863What have you and the others found out?
50863What in Snyder''s name are you talking about?
50863What in Snyder''s name does that mean?
50863What in the name of...?
50863What is the meaning of this?
50863What is your wish?
50863What kind of pain? 50863 What kind of...?"
50863What kit?
50863What made you think you could get away with anything like this?
50863What makes you so sure this fellow Yandor leads to the higher ups?
50863What sort of an animal act do you have in mind?
50863What sort of dopes are those peacers, anyway?
50863What were you doing, trying to look into-- or get into-- Adwal Irad''s house?
50863What''re you talking about?
50863What''s on your mind, son?
50863What''s the matter, Spence?
50863What''s the matter, dad?
50863What''s the matter?
50863What''s this all about?
50863What''s up, chief?
50863Whatever gave you such foolish notions? 50863 Whatever gave you the idea I''d talk-- if I had anything to say, that is?"
50863When will it be convenient for me to go get them?
50863Where is he held? 50863 Where''d you hear that?"
50863Who are you spying for?
50863Who are you?
50863Who cares why?
50863Who else could turn this into success? 50863 Who says I was spying?"
50863Who... who are you, then?
50863Why are you spying on... no,_ who_ are you spying on us_ for_?
50863Why not take me to Yandor and introduce me? 50863 Why those, in John''s name?"
50863Why was I unable to make contact with your mind?
50863Why would he want us to do that?
50863Will you do me the honor to have a drink with me, nyer?
50863Will you please tell me what all is going on here?
50863Wonder what became of Ebony?
50863Wonder where Morrie got this? 50863 Wonder why, and how?"
50863You been handling it?
50863You calling me a liar, Esbor?
50863You know where it is?
50863You mean you did n''t know it? 50863 You mean you were responsible for all the opposition we''ve encountered?"
50863You mean you''ve actually trained some roches?
50863You play poker?
50863You sober now?
50863You suggesting magic of some sort, Ovil?
50863You think there''s a possibility it might be some alien-- like Bohr was on Simonides?
50863You... you actually mean... honestly... that you Terrans do not believe you are the highest form of life in the universe?
50863A place where our best young men and women could go to study the many things we know nothing about?"
50863After a few blocks of the winding, twisted streets--"didn''t these folks ever learn anything about surveying?"
50863And if the groom was right, then how safe was Amir?
50863And what did the other man mean when he said he had the same blood type as the wounded man?"
50863And who are you, anyway?
50863Are some of those''friends''you spoke to me about yesterday numbered among the residence servants or guards?"
50863Are you of a different race from those others with whom you worked?
50863Are you trying to cross me, Ran?
50863But Endar did come up then and ask,"What did Amir have to talk to you about?"
50863But about Amir-- I wonder if now is n''t the time to prod him a bit?
50863But about this Lona?
50863But do you know for sure,"he bent a penetrating gaze on the young man,"whether or not the Ruler has decided in our favor?"
50863But how can I get one?"
50863But how had they known he was coming?
50863But how?
50863But how?
50863But if it is so, why is there such a seemingly- determined effort to persuade me and the people here that it is not true?"
50863But in the name of Snyder,_ why_?
50863But the thought- processes of these newcomers, in many cases, were almost incomprehensible to the alien.__ What were they?
50863But what''re you doing, dad?"
50863But who was he, really?
50863But, in Snyder''s name, how am I going to get to him?"
50863By the way, is there anything I can do to show my gratitude?"
50863Can they do anything else, too?"
50863Can you get to the Residence all right?"
50863Can you supply them?"
50863Could Hooper have run that far since dawn?
50863Dare I take the time to start hunting for him again?
50863Did Irad have that power?
50863Did Yandor suspect it?
50863Did Yandor, himself, know that Egon and the masked man were the same-- or were Hanlon and Ebony wrong?
50863Did the Rulers have it?
50863Do n''t you like the idea?"
50863Do you connect the two?"
50863Do you have a job?"
50863Do you tell me who you are working for, and what you''re after, or do I let the tamous loose?"
50863Else why or how could they have been hiding in semi- darkness, to come rushing out of that door, their flamers ready to cinder him?
50863Even in his own residence... was his personal guard loyal?
50863Everything under control?"
50863Give me four?"
50863Had Auldin reported this to Yandor?
50863Had n''t he proved it, on Algon and right here on Simonides?
50863Had the pursuers, thinking him dead, left?
50863Had these conspirators, whoever they might be, been able to infiltrate members into his hitherto highly- trusted household?
50863Hanlon''s mind- scanning, however, was just in time to catch the partial thought,"... this the fellow?
50863He must really be good-- but then, he would n''t be the Ruler''s animal physician if he was n''t, would he?"
50863Hey ah, how stupid can they get?
50863Hey, you fellows got any candy bars?
50863His deep concentration was rudely broken by a heavy hand on his shoulder, and an angry voice saying,"What d''you think you''re doing here?"
50863How could he make certain?
50863How could he most quickly contact the admiral?
50863How could he positively connect the two, and make sure whether or not the cat''s feelings were correct-- that Egon was the masked man?
50863How did you happen to come from Lura to visit me?"
50863How do I know I wo n''t with this?
50863How do you give them?
50863How does it happen the Federation has men here?
50863How had Ran Auldin found out he was behind those arrests?
50863How is it done?"
50863How long was I out?"
50863I can whistle a little, and....""''Blow''?
50863If Elus Amir as Ruler had it, did Adwal Irad as Second- In- Line also have those mental powers?
50863If not, why was Yandor afraid?
50863If the other three had been captured, why had n''t he?
50863Incidentally, Hanlon wondered, how badly was Amir hurt?
50863Information about what... and why?
50863It was almost beginning to wonder if it was possible for itself to fail in its mission?
50863Just who and what was he, anyway?
50863Let him decide whether he wants to let me in or not?"
50863Let''s see, shall I do it directly, or...?"
50863Meanwhile, how''s about going out and wrapping ourselves around a couple of thick steaks-- or some of that good_ poyka_ at the Golden Web?
50863Meanwhile, where and when do you want me to perform first?"
50863Nine pairs of ears heard him snarl,"What''s the big idea of having my men arrested?"
50863Now get busy, or else....""Where did you get this?"
50863Now, which way is Amir''s suite?"
50863Oh, God,_ why_ could n''t he get in there and read the true answers?
50863Oh, by the way, how long before he takes over?"
50863One of them answered, in a churlish voice,"It''s only a job-- why get so excited about it?"
50863Or are you being paid to ignore it?"
50863Or had the conspirators... supposing there was such a group...?
50863Or must I keep on working here?"
50863Or wait, was he?
50863Or was he, perhaps, what might be termed the"executive director"of the planetary criminal ring?
50863Or-- he gasped-- were its members allowed to resign?
50863Perhaps planning to start a whispering campaign of such rumors?"
50863Should I try the same thing, or something else?"
50863So Yandor liked pets, did he?
50863So what?
50863Somebody with Bohr''s brains and driving lust for power and ever more power?
50863That unknown mind- power again?
50863Then who in the name of Snyder was?
50863There was another man with the agent, whom Hanlon had been studying, puzzled by the curious... blocking?
50863Time for him to come out into the open and appear as a Terran and a member of its Inter- Stellar Corps?
50863Want me to come back later?"
50863Was Amir merely a tool-- like the emperor of Sime had been under Bohr?
50863Was dad?"
50863Was he one of those"friends"Inver had spoken about, who were working with his son to find out the truth about whatever it was that was going on here?
50863Was it real-- or was he"putting on an act"to conceal his immunity?
50863Was it that wide- spread, that even the supposed law- keepers were party to it?
50863Was it time for that?
50863Was someone trying to tear down any reputation or influence the young man might have?
50863Was that impression being sowed about the planet deliberately?
50863Was there any way-- any possible way-- he could redeem himself?
50863Was there anything further he( Hanlon) could do about it?
50863Was there more than one race here on this planet, after all?
50863Was there someone here who was comparable to that devilish Highness?
50863Was this other king- pin of the whole thing?
50863Was this, then, another special attribute of the Rulers?
50863Well, how better get in his good graces than give him one never seen on Estrella before?
50863Were they in on this criminal activity, he wondered?
50863Were you spying on me?"
50863What a great gap there was between the great mass of Estrellans and those few criminals with whom he was working?
50863What about food for them?"
50863What about the rumors concerning my son, Inver?"
50863What arrests?
50863What can you do?"
50863What could he do?
50863What could these unknowns want to know that could n''t be learned by asking direct questions?
50863What do you think?"
50863What for?
50863What had happened in the meantime?
50863What had he done wrong?
50863What is that?
50863What is that?"
50863What lies ten to twelve miles from here to the south?
50863What made them do it, just at the wrong time, and spoil your plans?"
50863What was behind that curtain?
50863What was it?
50863What was planned for_ him_?
50863What''re you going to do about it?"
50863What''s happened?"
50863What''s it all about?"
50863What''s your dad''s blood type?"
50863What''s your name?"
50863What, in John''s name, was wrong with him, anyway?
50863When can I have it?"
50863When the young S S man turned to face him, Inver breathlessly asked,"Was that the way my caval got well so fast?"
50863Where are you from?
50863Where did you disappear to-- and why?"
50863Where do you live?
50863Where does that put me?"
50863Where you from?"
50863Who are you, really?"
50863Who has him?
50863Who was hurting him?"
50863Who''d have guessed those fool cavals would act the way they did?"
50863Why do n''t you use what small brains you possess, and stop this wave of crime?
50863Why must you make so much noise?"
50863Why that''my brother''routine?"
50863Why were they arrested?
50863Why, he wondered, had n''t they used that gun on him before?
50863Wonder when da... the admiral will get here?"
50863Would it be possible to close that terrible wound?
50863Would we not, if possible, study them thoroughly before trying to make contact with them?"
50863Yandor''s house?
50863You have n''t found anything to make you think that, have you?"
50863You mean you folks do n''t know anything about giving one person''s blood to another?"
50863he chuckled,"no popcorn or soft drink dispenser robots?"
50449A dead man?
50449Ai n''t that something? 50449 And Ann?"
50449And I suppose I was cold as a slab of ice?
50449And am I still dead?
50449Any questions?
50449Anything I can do?
50449Are you guys kidding? 50449 Automatic?"
50449Bad dream?
50449But the study which had to be made--?
50449But what on Earth do we want on Mars?
50449But your-- ah, dream-- what happened?
50449By whom? 50449 Ca n''t expect a girl to wait without hope....""Then there''s no hope we''ll ever get back?"
50449Ca n''t you help?
50449Ca n''t you tell us more?
50449Can I just throw the questions at you?
50449Can you answer that for him, Sophia?
50449Complete Emancipation League? 50449 Conveyor?"
50449Did anyone else miss me? 50449 Did anyone else miss me?"
50449Do n''t you see? 50449 Do we have to... kill him?"
50449Do_ you_?
50449Eh? 50449 Empire, Charles?"
50449Fantastic, is n''t it? 50449 For God''s sake, how can you talk like that?
50449For most of you, Mars will be a permanent home for many years to come--"Most of us?
50449For some final contest between us, no doubt, to decide whether the U.S.S.R. or the U.S. represents Earth? 50449 From where?
50449Her-- own-- free will?
50449Hey, is this the way to Ebbetts''Field?
50449Hide? 50449 Him?
50449How about that?
50449How can you be sure?
50449How can you be sure?
50449How come all this talk about rotation? 50449 How did you know?"
50449How do you do, Temple? 50449 How do you feel now?"
50449How do you know your way around here so well?
50449How dumb can I get?
50449How long have we been married?
50449How many people do you think said_ that_ before?
50449How old are you?
50449I''m not in prison any longer, am I?
50449I-- what do you mean?
50449I--"You came to kill me, did n''t you? 50449 If it were true and we wanted to do something about it, what could we do?"
50449If it''s space travel, the pilots would know, would n''t they?
50449If it''s that serious, how come they told you?
50449In cash?
50449In the morning?
50449Is it a trap?
50449Is that all?
50449Is that right?
50449Is that so? 50449 It may not be so soon,"Arkalion had said,"but what''s the difference?
50449It seems to me--"How can anything''seem to you?'' 50449 Just how far do you think you have come?"
50449Kind of cold, is n''t it? 50449 Know what would happen after a few years?
50449Lookit all them people down there, will you?
50449Mars? 50449 Newsfilm?"
50449No? 50449 No?"
50449Not yours?
50449Now, who is dead, Kit?
50449On a framework of intuition you would place the fate of Red Empire?
50449One what?
50449Our people?
50449Phonograph records?
50449Say, who is interviewing whom?
50449See? 50449 See?
50449Shall I do that?
50449Shall I..._ what?_"Your secrets never went anywhere. 50449 She waited four years, then met a guy and--""A nice guy?"
50449So what?
50449So? 50449 Sophia?"
50449Sort of like the old joke, where does an alien go to register?
50449Stalin dead these thirty- nine years and you do n''t recall his speeches? 50449 Stalintrek, a woman?"
50449Stephanie? 50449 Still, I do not recall--""What?"
50449Tat? 50449 Tell me, how long have you been Lucy?
50449Tell me,Temple demanded abruptly,"is this a dream?"
50449Tell me,he said,"how will we learn the use of all the weapons you claim are at our disposal?"
50449Ten thousand years in the future?
50449Ten thousand?
50449Then we''re not dreaming?
50449Then you insist on doing it?
50449Then, eventually, maybe, just maybe, we''ll start getting them rotated home?
50449Want a guided tour of Nowhere, men? 50449 We lick those Commies in Burma yet?"
50449Well,Temple mused,"even if everything you said were true--""Do n''t tell me you do n''t believe me?"
50449What about you, bud? 50449 What about you?"
50449What are we waiting for? 50449 What are you gon na do?"
50449What are you talking about? 50449 What are you waiting for?"
50449What can we do?
50449What did you tell them, Georgi?
50449What do you look like?
50449What do you mean, there''s no going back? 50449 What do you mean?
50449What do you propose?
50449What do you think, Sophia?
50449What do you think? 50449 What do you want me to do, young man?
50449What do you want?
50449What happened, Comrade?
50449What have you done to me?
50449What hit me?
50449What is it?
50449What now? 50449 What will it be?"
50449What will you do with the ten million dollars?
50449What''s all this got to do with--? 50449 What''s happening?"
50449What''s happening?
50449What''s that for?
50449What''s that to do with this response to environmental challenge thing?
50449What''s the matter, Kit?
50449What''s the matter, my dear? 50449 What''s the matter?"
50449What''s the trouble in here? 50449 What''s the trouble?"
50449What''s this all about?
50449Where are we going, Kit?
50449Where are we going?
50449Where do we go from here?
50449Where do you think? 50449 Where the hell_ are_ we?"
50449Who''s the heavyweight champ?
50449Who-- is dead? 50449 Why not now as well as later?"
50449Why talk about what ca n''t be?
50449Why, what does anyone do with ten million dollars? 50449 Why?"
50449Will you get your big fat feet out of my face?
50449Will you let me finish? 50449 With all the pageantry, too?"
50449Would you like a glass of sherry?
50449Yes, well--"See?
50449Yes.... Hello, what''s this?
50449You got any newspapers, pal?
50449You know a lot more than you want to talk about, do n''t you?
50449You sure you want to come?
50449You think they''re Martians?
50449You what?
50449Your girl... and you would marry her if you could?
50449Your girl?
50449Your son, were you saying, Mr. Arkalion? 50449 ( For this I left Sheboygan?) 50449 ( Gestures lewdly) Which one of you guys can tell me what it''s like to take a bath? 50449 ( Laughs) Orson Wells stuff, huh? 50449 ( No kidding?) 50449 ***** How much time did he have? 50449 A hundred years? 50449 A mistake, huh? 50449 A political cuckold, or does Charles get other services from you as well?
50449ALARIC ARKALION:( Coldly) Would you care to explain it?
50449Alaric is so young--""Are n''t they all?
50449And Sophia:"What are you talking about?"
50449And for what reason?
50449And how much of the dream lingered with him, in his head and his heart?
50449And how?
50449And where did those men who did not remain on Mars go?
50449Any of the officials?"
50449Any questions?"
50449Anything we can do?"
50449Are n''t you-- don''t you have something to do with carpets or something?"
50449Are we in the army or something?"
50449Are you excited?"
50449Are you kidding?
50449But if I do n''t know your name, how can I put it in writing?"
50449But it''s all make believe, huh?"
50449But still--""Our contestant, this guy who meets the Russians''challenge, has to be a newcomer?"
50449But what did all of that have to do with Sophia?
50449But what do you want?"
50449But what had been the severe emotional disturbance for Arkalion?
50449But what now?"
50449But when?
50449But where did Lucy leave off, where did Sophia begin?
50449But who?
50449But why--?"
50449By the way, how are they going to pick the girl, the one girl?"
50449Can you picture Fyodor on the Stalintrek?
50449Could it cover all sectors of space?
50449Could n''t it?
50449Could the effects of weightlessness manifest themselves in that way in rare instances?
50449Could the fate of all Earth rest on their shoulders in a totally alien environment?
50449Could they be expected to win?
50449Did Arkalion somehow get_ moved_ inside the booth?
50449Did he have a life before the rain forest?
50449Did he have one?
50449Did he want her to?
50449Did not Stalin say,''Woman was created to share the glorious destiny of Mother Russia with her mate?''"
50449Did we slip out of normal space into some other-- uh, continuum, and speed across the length of the galaxy like that?"
50449Did you know that I was able to boil my list of men down to thirty when I studied their family ties?"
50449Did you know that their economic struggle between democratic capitalism and totalitarian communism ended almost half a million years ago?
50449Do they still have them on Earth?
50449Do you follow me?"
50449Do you mind?"
50449Do you think I realized I could fall in love with you so completely?
50449Do you want to be here for all of eternity?"
50449Does the fact that they select men for the Nowhere Journey once every seven hundred and eighty days strike anyone as significant?
50449Doing what?
50449Earth chorus: Hey, Martians, any of you guys speak English?
50449Eh, what you say your name was?"
50449FIRST MAN: See?
50449FIRST MAN: You think we''d broadcast it or something, stupid?
50449For had n''t Temple entered the same booth, waiting but a second until Arkalion activated the mechanism at the other end?
50449For how long, father?"
50449For what?"
50449Had Fyodor Rasnikov volunteered?
50449Had he ever noticed a difference in the way Lucy- Sophia cooked, in the way she spoke, the way she let him make love to her?
50449Had the first fourteen days with Lucy been anything but a dream?
50449Hah- ha, I said, any of you guys.... Where are all them canals I heard so much about?
50449Have you been playing the wifely role too long?
50449He didn''t-- hurt, anyone, did he?"
50449Hey, no dames.... Who were you expecting, Donna Daunley?
50449Hey, we licked Russia yet?
50449His life-- for Earth?
50449How are the folks, Kit?"
50449How can I forget you?"
50449How can we be duped like that?
50449How did you get there?
50449How long did you think the journey took?"
50449How selfish can I get?
50449How the hell should I know what the cube root of-5 is?
50449I ask you, does n''t it seem peculiar?
50449I fled the Iron Curtain, came here to live voluntarily--""Do you really think it was on a voluntary basis that you went?
50449I mean, they wo n''t change the law?"
50449I mean, what do you think about Temple?"
50449If I did, do n''t you think that would have changed things?
50449If he and Sophia... if they... would it be fair to Sophia?
50449If she were here today and if everything were normal, would you marry her?"
50449If she were stalking him, why must he flee as from his own shadow?
50449If that man speaks the truth-- if no one knows... just where in the universe_ are_ we going?"
50449Is it dangerous?)
50449Is n''t that some kind of protective psychological test?"
50449Is that clear?"
50449Is that the only way you can ever feel better, Kit?"
50449It has been arranged that the one man running this station--""Just one?"
50449Jase, tell me this: what are we doing here?
50449Kill her, who seemed as completely Lucy as he was Temple?
50449Kit, I l-- love you, but....""But Russia is more important, huh?"
50449Kit, do you know what a light year is?"
50449Kit, if I asked you when Lucy stopped, and... when I began, could you tell me?"
50449Know what a back- seat driver is, Temple?
50449Lucy or Sophia?
50449Lucy-- or Sophia?
50449Martian chorus: Who won the Series last year, Detroit?
50449Maybe you did n''t have a good job or something?
50449Mind answering one question?"
50449Mind if I store that away for future reference?
50449Murder-- Lucy?
50449My dear, how would you like to go to Nowhere?"
50449Not that it was chilly, but...."Is that all?"
50449Oh, Kit-- why do n''t we run away?
50449Or maybe you want to pull a sick act, too?
50449Right now?_"That''s what hurts the most.... Well, yes, I can find out about your brother."
50449SECOND MAN: Mars?
50449SECOND MAN: Oh yeah?
50449SECOND MAN: You mean, through space to Mars?
50449Say, how come you''re so good at it?"
50449Say, how the devil_ did_ you get here?"
50449Say, where_ were_ you?"
50449See the toning of the muscles?
50449Send a bullet ripping through the body which he had known and loved, or the body that had seemed so much like it he had failed to tell the difference?
50449Shall I go on?"
50449She would make a lover the whole world might relish( what world, Temple thought in confusion?)
50449Some other star system, maybe?"
50449Sophia crushed her cigarette out on the rock, wiped perspiration( tears?)
50449THIRD MAN: You think that''s something?
50449THIRD MAN: Young man?
50449Telio receivers too, perhaps?
50449Tell me, old timer, where can I find him?"
50449Temple guessed they never spent much time out of doors( above ground, for there were no buildings?)
50449Temple, eh?
50449The Nowhere Commission will be studying conditions--""How can they?
50449The guards, in simple military uniform, carry small, deadly looking weapons._ FIRST MAN: Fight City Hall?
50449Then had Arkalion come this way before?
50449Then why did he forget?
50449Then, how many months of sameness?
50449They passed any laws yet?"
50449Umm, you would n''t by any chance have some Canadian instead?"
50449Was he still imagining things?
50449Was that a nozzle overhead?
50449What bill did you pass?"
50449What can they do, send me for longer than forever?"
50449What did you do?
50449What do I count for?
50449What do they do here, anyway, just sit around and wait for the next rocket?
50449What do you hear about rotation?
50449What does he care if he goes away forever and does n''t come back?
50449What is Jupiter?"
50449What is everyone doing here?
50449What is your name, Comrade?"
50449What kind of a glorified foot- race did I see a while ago, with a bunch of creatures out of the telio science- fiction shows?"
50449What kind of place is Mars with no women?
50449What kind of-- uh, games do we play?"
50449What was going on here?
50449What were they warning her about?
50449What were you saying?"
50449What''s the Nowhere Journey all about?
50449What''s up?"
50449What, precisely, did the word mean?
50449When are we coming back?"
50449When do_ I_ get rotated?"
50449Where are we going?"
50449Where did you go?
50449Who are you kidding?
50449Who gets all this information, a million million generations of scientific problems, all carefully worked out?
50449Who was it who once said something about the flower of our young manhood?"
50449Who''s that?"
50449Who, among all the parallel races on all the worlds of the Universe?
50449Why do n''t you all relax?
50449Why do n''t you forget about it, though?
50449Why seven hundred and eighty days?
50449Why should she, Sophia Androvna Petrovitch, wish to volunteer for the Stalintrek?
50449Will you cooperate?"
50449With what ultimate goal, if any?
50449Wo n''t you come in?"
50449Would Stephanie really forget him?
50449Would n''t someone have figured it out?
50449Would that make him feel better?
50449You are Stephanie Andrews?"
50449You came in here once and--""I did you a favor, did n''t I?"
50449You know what an 1182 card is, mister?"
50449You think maybe they''re dangerous?
50449You were to be married?"
50449_ Sophia?_ thought Temple.
50449_ Stephanie, what are you doing now?
50449has managed to put something constructive through Congress?
50449mean anything to you, Kit?"
50449to the mountain...?"
19709A bunch of punk kids and a loudmouthed Solar Guard officer?
19709A little help?
19709Afraid of a little work?
19709Ah-- say, Captain, what do you expect the investigation to turn up?
19709Ai n''t you never heard of rocket juice?
19709All set below?
19709And if I do n''t?
19709And why did n''t you answer me?
19709And you say the satellite is three- quarters solid copper?
19709And you''re the home- grown atomic- rocket genius, Venusian style, eh?
19709And you''re the tactical wizard that won the space maneuvers recently, singlehanded, eh?
19709And-- and you mean it''s still there-- and in good condition?
19709Any danger of radioactivity in this dust, sir?
19709Any particular reason for that, sir?
19709Are we cleared for landing, Roger?
19709Are we going some place?
19709Are you aware of the seriousness of your negligence, Manning?
19709Are you finished?
19709Are you--Roger hesitated--"are you suggesting that I escape?"
19709Astro and I are your guests, remember?
19709Astro, did you hear?
19709Astro, is the reactant loaded?
19709Bucked rockets on the old chemical burners as a kid before entering the Academy, eh?
19709But how do we get the orbital speeds to help us, Major?
19709But how in the blazing beams of the sun are you going to_ stop_ that blasted thing when you get it rolling?
19709But how, sir?
19709But how? 19709 But-- but-- what''s up?
19709By the craters of Luna, where did you get a spaceship?
19709By the craters of Luna,shouted Tom,"why did n''t you pick her up sooner, Roger?"
19709By the rings of Saturn,exclaimed Connel,"you mean to tell me that Alfie Higgins is building a new radar scanner, just like that?"
19709By the way, is n''t Manning on radar watch?
19709Ca n''t you do it, Corbett?
19709Cadet Higgins,sighed Connel patiently,"would you be so kind as to come down to the control deck?"
19709Can ya hear me?
19709Can you find that satellite again?
19709Can you imagine what would have happened if we had missed and hit the station?
19709Can you repair that radar so that it can be used as it was intended?
19709Come down here a minute, will ya?
19709Coming close, am I?
19709Congratulate_ him_?
19709Could n''t be that you''ve got anything lined up in deep space, now could it?
19709Could n''t we blast off in the jet boat and then land after the explosions, sir?
19709Could n''t we move to another position?
19709Did n''t the crew come back looking for it?
19709Did n''t they, Al?
19709Did n''t you have any idea they discovered it, sir?
19709Did they change their story?
19709Did they?
19709Did you complete our deal?
19709Did you hear all of that?
19709Did you see the way his eyes lit up when we walked in there? 19709 Did''ja get it?"
19709Do n''t you have any idea what made the ship crash?
19709Do n''t you think it''ll be a little dangerous taking him along?
19709Do n''t you think that''s carrying things a little too far, sir?
19709Do you have any proof of that?
19709Do you remember when you were kids and tied a rock on the end of a rope and then swung it around your head?
19709Do you think you could get us back in three days, Astro?
19709Does it make so much difference, sir?
19709Does that mean we''re falling into the sun too?
19709Does this mean we ca n''t even ride as passengers?
19709Ever been outside in the direct path of the sun with no protection, Roger?
19709Excuse me, sir,interrupted Tom,"but you say''you''?"
19709Father got a medal-- used to be a Solar Guard officer?
19709For what?
19709From whom?
19709Getting into the swing of the operation?
19709Getting pretty hot, eh, boys?
19709Got a squeamish stomach, eh, kid?
19709Guaranteed papers?
19709Have we been assigned a landing ramp?
19709Have you ever seen one of them joints, Manning? 19709 Have you forgotten that you''re wanted by the Solar Guard?
19709Have you got the station''s guiding beam, Roger?
19709Have you tried making an adjustment for the overall pull of both components?
19709Have you?
19709Hey, what about those two guys?
19709Hey, where you going?
19709Hey,growled Mason,"what''re you doing?"
19709How about giving those fellows a break? 19709 How are we going to get it back home, sir?"
19709How can you be so accurate with this screen? 19709 How do you achieve that, sir?"
19709How do you like that?
19709How do you plan to get it back, Major?
19709How hot do you think it is, sir?
19709How in blazes are you going to do that?
19709How much do I get out of it?
19709How much have you got there, Astro?
19709How much longer before the reactor units go up?
19709How much time have we got, sir?
19709How much time, Corbett?
19709How much time, sir?
19709How much-- time-- have we got left?
19709How much?
19709How much?
19709How-- how did you get out?
19709Huh? 19709 Huh?"
19709Hyper or regular?
19709I mean, when they took that unauthorized flight on your first trip out here?
19709I mean, where exactly?
19709I suppose you feel the same way, Corbett?
19709I suppose you heard the part about the assignments?
19709I suppose you''re going to send some punk kids out on the next trip to Tara and leave us experienced spacemen to rot on the ground, huh?
19709If the Solar Guard looked for three months in that jungle, with a hundred men and instruments, do you think you''ll find it?
19709In twelve hours?
19709Incompatible to what?
19709Is n''t there something we can do, sir?
19709Is our orbit to Space Academy clear?
19709Is there something wrong with that?
19709Is there something wrong with the way I speak?
19709Is there something wrong, sir?
19709Leave space?
19709Loring and Mason there?
19709Maybe if I just changed the frequency--"What frequency? 19709 Next to gold?"
19709No, why?
19709Now, whatever gave you that idea?
19709Official business, I presume?
19709Old''Blast- off''Connel''s really got your number, eh, kid?
19709Pack our gear?
19709Pick her up yet?
19709Prison asteroid?
19709Relax, will ya?
19709Roger, did I ever tell you that I think you have one of the finest brains for electronics I''ve ever seen? 19709 Roger?"
19709Say, Lou,asked Shinny,"where in the blessed universe did you come from?
19709Say, what''s eating you?
19709Shall I alert stations to blast off for Junior?
19709Shall I make the adjustment?
19709Sir, how come some of those screens show the_ station_ from the_ outside_?
19709So that''s why you want to buy a spaceship, eh?
19709So this is the great_ Polaris_ unit, eh?
19709So you got Manning for us, eh?
19709Still the hotheaded rocket buster, eh?
19709Suppose I am in something deep? 19709 Suppose they find out something?"
19709That of Tara and of Alpha Centauri on Junior?
19709That sounds all right as a principle, but will it work out in space?
19709That toy?
19709That would mean,asked Roger,"that we''d be here when the reactor units go off, would n''t it, sir?"
19709Then how are you going to find Junior?
19709Then we''re still going to make the trip to Tara, sir?
19709Then what was the reason for the crash?
19709Then you really think the cadet may be responsible?
19709Then,mused Shinny,"you''re cleared?"
19709Think they made a good decision, Nick?
19709This is really a desperate situation to be in, is n''t it, Roger?
19709This_ is_ a serious situation, is n''t it?
19709To whom, sir?
19709To whom?
19709Uh-- ah-- what-- Tom? 19709 Venusport?
19709Want more coffee, Mason?
19709Wanta give me a little juice for the radar antenna, Astro?
19709We''re not? 19709 Well, Captain Strong, have you made a decision?"
19709Well, Corbett,asked Connel,"how''re you making out with the ratios?"
19709Well, Corbett,he rasped,"what''s the first question?"
19709Well, Manning,he asked,"how do you like the setup?"
19709Well, is it a deal, or is n''t it?
19709Well, what do you want for it?
19709Well, what''s the use of hanging around here?
19709Well,demanded Loring,"did''ja get anything set up, Shinny?"
19709Well,demanded Roger,"what did happen?"
19709Wha-- what is it?
19709Whaddaya trying to do, starve us to death?
19709What about it?
19709What about those papers?
19709What about you in all this, Nick? 19709 What are we gon na do?"
19709What are you fooling around down here for?
19709What are you going to do about it?
19709What are you going to do?
19709What are you trying to do? 19709 What are you trying to hand us?"
19709What do you mean it does n''t work?
19709What do you mean''educate''?
19709What do you mean?
19709What do you mean?
19709What do you need a teleceiver for?
19709What do you suppose it is?
19709What do you want to do? 19709 What do you want?"
19709What do you want?
19709What do you_ mean_, you ca n''t?
19709What happened to nine?
19709What happened to your own?
19709What happened?
19709What happened?
19709What is it this time?
19709What is it, Corbett?
19709What is this?
19709What is this?
19709What kind of a deal?
19709What kind of break?
19709What seems to be the trouble, Astro?
19709What then?
19709What time did you set the last one for, Roger?
19709What was that about?
19709What was the idea of telling him that?
19709What will you do to them?
19709What would you want done?
19709What''d he say, Roger?
19709What''re we going to do?
19709What''re you talking about?
19709What''re you two space bums talking about?
19709What''s going on here, Manning?
19709What''s going on here?
19709What''s going on here?
19709What''s going on? 19709 What''s our range?"
19709What''s that?
19709What''s that?
19709What''s the idea?
19709What''s the latest space dope around the Academy, Alfie?
19709What''s the matter with you?
19709What''s the matter, hot- shot?
19709What''s the most precious metal in the system today?
19709What''s the name of this place?
19709What''s the range?
19709What''s this all about?
19709What''s this?
19709What''s up, Tom?
19709What''s up?
19709What, sir?
19709When do I get the papers?
19709When do we blast off?
19709When do we set down on the precious rock, Tom?
19709When you arrived on the_ Polaris_, did n''t you have a view of the station on your teleceiver?
19709Where are we going?
19709Where are you from, Nick?
19709Where are you going?
19709Where are you? 19709 Where is it?"
19709Where''s Roger?
19709Where''s the big Manning spirit? 19709 Where?"
19709Which one is it?
19709Who does it belong to?
19709Who is it?
19709Who wants coffee when there''s going to be a Solar Guard investigation?
19709Who wants to know?
19709Who''s going to do all that?
19709Who''s hardheaded now?
19709Who''s on prisoner watch today?
19709Why are you telling me this?
19709Why ca n''t you get on the_ Polaris_?
19709Why did n''t you try to do something with it before?
19709Why is that, sir?
19709Why not?
19709Why so close, Tom?
19709Why would he want to help you?
19709Why-- why-- what''s that got to do with me?
19709Working hard, Junior?
19709Would n''t hauling it back in spaceships cost too much?
19709Would you see if there is any news of Roger, sir, when you make contact with the Academy?
19709Yeah, Loring?
19709Yeah,flared Roger,"but have you seen the way he just--_talks_?"
19709Yeah-- yeah,grumbled Mason,"but what are you going to do about it?"
19709Yeah? 19709 Yes, Captain Strong?"
19709You a rocket pusher, astrogator, or skipper?
19709You alone, Manning?
19709You failed to make your quarter- hour check to the traffic- control center, I believe?
19709You go up and get Loring, see? 19709 You got space fever or something?"
19709You got the ship?
19709You got_ who_?
19709You have any credits?
19709You knew all along I did n''t have anything to do with that crash back on the station, did n''t you?
19709You know the only reason they allowed this space creep in the Academy, Tom?
19709You know we''re up against big odds, do n''t you?
19709You mean Major''Blast- off''Connel?
19709You mean, sir,asked Tom, perplexed,"you''ll tear the satellite out of Tara''s gravitational pull?"
19709You mean-- official-- like here on the station, sir?
19709You mean--?
19709You really think that you can blast this satellite out of its orbit?
19709You said you have something important to discuss with me?
19709You saw the way he chewed us up, and for what? 19709 You think he''ll go for it?"
19709You think it might be something deeper?
19709You think we''ll ever go as far into the deep with a rocket ship as we can see with the big eye?
19709You want more speed, do n''t you?
19709You want papers for the astrogation deck, or control, or as a power pusher?
19709You want ten minutes, huh? 19709 You wanta know about hyperdrive?"
19709You what?
19709You''ll do what I tell you to do, see?
19709Your name''s Manning, is n''t it?
19709_ And what_, Cadet Astro?
19709_ Then why, by the craters of Luna, do n''t I have that position?_"I was-- busy, sir,came the meek reply.
19709_ You?_gasped Loring.
19709All clear?
19709All clear?"
19709All right?"
19709And besides, what do I need to be smart for?
19709And that Alfie is sure to have a brilliant future in astrophysics?"
19709Any questions?"
19709Astro, are you sure you made a correct estimate on the amount of reactant fuel in the_ Space Devil_?"
19709But talking to whom?"
19709But what will happen to you now?"
19709By the craters of Luna, how many times can you change course in five minutes?"
19709By the moons of Jupiter, what are we going to do there?"
19709CHAPTER 10"Can I speak with you a minute, spaceman?"
19709CHAPTER 12"How much longer before we reach the atmosphere of Tara, Manning?"
19709Can you read beam?"
19709Control- deck cadet, eh?
19709Did you know that, Cadet Manning?"
19709Did you make out the report yourself?"
19709Do we have a clear tangent forward and up?"
19709Do you see it, Scotty?"
19709Do you want to take over the bridge?"
19709Finally Roger asked,"What happened on Phobos?"
19709Get the little guy space happy, or something?"
19709Get us blasted out of space?"
19709How about his standard check- in with traffic control?"
19709How do you like that, Tom?
19709How much time do we have left, Corbett?"
19709How much time until zero blast- off on the satellite?"
19709How much time would we need on Junior?"
19709How will we live?"
19709How''d you get here?"
19709How''re you making out with the new equipment?"
19709I ask you-- for what?"
19709I lifted her off the ground and then figured why should I give it back?
19709I''ll-- charge-- gun...""Ca n''t you figure this thing out either?"
19709I''ve got you, have n''t I?"
19709If we bail out of this tub in space suits, who''s going to pick us up?"
19709Including cadets?"
19709Is everything set?"
19709Is that clear, Cadet Astro?"
19709Is that clear, Cadet Manning?"
19709Is that clear?"
19709Is that clear?"
19709Is that clear?"
19709Is there anything you_ ca n''t_ do, Alfie?"
19709It must have been pretty bad on the station, eh?"
19709Join me in a little acceleration sport?"
19709Let''s sit down at this table, eh?"
19709Major Connel, can you hear me?
19709Major Connel, sir?"
19709Newton''s laws of motion, remember?
19709Now, how about getting this wagon down to Tara?"
19709See that small dark patch over there in the middle of the planet?"
19709Shall I answer her?"
19709Smart, huh?
19709So what?"
19709So you do n''t think I''m going to let them stay alive, do you?"
19709Suppose Tom or Astro or anyone was near the ship?
19709Ten minutes for what?
19709Then he added quietly, thoughtfully,"But we''re out of fuel, you said?"
19709Then what are we suiting up for?"
19709Then, with a quick look at Loring, he asked softly,"Were there any other survivors?"
19709Think you''ll like that?"
19709Well, you wo n''t mind if I have just a little one?"
19709What are you talking about?"
19709What could you do for me?"
19709What do you think of our layout?"
19709What happened?"
19709What is this?"
19709What would you do?"
19709What''re you doing on that ship?"
19709What''re you doing out here?
19709What''s that guy and the space freighter_ Annie Jones_ got to do with us?"
19709Where are we going?"
19709Who''re you?"
19709Why ca n''t we get something exciting for a change?"
19709Why had n''t he quit, they wanted to know?
19709You and what fleet of spaceships?"
19709You boys are kinda down since you blew that little operation, huh?"
19709You got that, Shinny?"
19709You know what to do?"
19709You know what to do?"
19709You know who his father was?"
19709You mean-- girls?"
19709[ Illustration:"_ Remember,"Astro cautioned,"set the fuse for two hours._"]"What took you so long, Manning?"
19709said Shinny--"Now I guess we''d better go talk to that boy Manning, eh?"
18753About what?
18753About what?
18753Ah-- pardon me, sir, but can I go now? 18753 All right-- all right,"growled Astro,"but what are we going to do about it?"
18753All set?
18753And do you recall your childish manner of explaining it?
18753And four hundred ships crashed in landing? 18753 And how?"
18753And interrupt the happiest hours in Astro''s life?
18753And kill innocent people who do n''t know what they''re doing?
18753And there has n''t been any explanation of why the instruments went out?
18753And you are absolutely sure of your findings?
18753And you say that the colonists were forced to pay for their food on the trip out?
18753And you''re sure you saw no one, and that no one saw you?
18753Any sign of an opening in this stuff?
18753Anything else, sir?
18753Are n''t you going to tell Governor Hardy about this?
18753Are those two space crawlers still acting like monkeys out of their cages?
18753Are you afraid?
18753Are you alone?
18753Are you going to tell him what''s going on here?
18753Are you interested in radar, Jane?
18753Are you off your rocket?
18753Are you sure of this, Joan?
18753Are you thinking what I''m thinking?
18753Article Sixteen? 18753 Boss, what''re you doing?"
18753Bush, did you see the cadets last night?
18753But I still say why and what?
18753But could you tell us if the mission had anything to do with the Roald project?
18753But how can that be?
18753But how can you judge a crop by just looking at the fields?
18753But how can you tell it''s uranium?
18753But how could they force you to pay?
18753But how do you know that Manning will get mad enough?
18753But how? 18753 But how?"
18753But how?
18753But if that were so,Astro protested,"would n''t the instruments still be acting up?
18753But on the other hand,he continued,"why was n''t there some report of it when the first expedition came out to look over the satellite?"
18753But what about the girls? 18753 But what about their treatment of the colonists?"
18753But what about you, sir?
18753But what can I say I''m looking for in the logbook?
18753But what do you want us to do?
18753But what kind of proof will you have that the cadets did something to the old man?
18753But what?
18753But why would a man like that, with all that experience, want to bury himself on Roald? 18753 But why?"
18753But wo n''t they be watching Jeff too?
18753But you did, willfully and with full knowledge of your act, violate the space code by using false papers, did n''t you?
18753But, but-- how can you? 18753 But, sir,"he stammered,"it''s-- it''s--""It''s what, Corbett?
18753Ca n''t you tell the difference between our goal and theirs?
18753Cadet Astro, would you take a job with an outfit and give up space to sit behind a desk eight hours a day?
18753Cadet Manning, do you see this calculator?
18753Cadet Manning,shouted Sykes,"do you remember our conversation last night on the subject of circular motion of captive planets around a sun star?"
18753Can you explain it?
18753Can you imagine that guy?
18753Can you imagine the ego of that guy? 18753 Can you tell me where I can find the Logan farm?"
18753Captain Strong, how old do you have to be to get into Space Academy?
18753Captain Strong,he said,"could I see you a minute?"
18753Commander Walters?
18753Could n''t we log some sack time before we start another assignment?
18753Could n''t you refuse?
18753Could you prove it?
18753Did Professor Sykes find any indication of what might have caused the instruments to act up during the landing, Jeff?
18753Did anyone see you at the mess hall when you went to get a bite?
18753Did anyone see you in the pool?
18753Did n''t the professor put up a fight?
18753Did you hear Cadet Manning threaten Professor Sykes?
18753Did you notice anything aboard Number Twelve that looked-- well, suspicious?
18753Did you say you went swimming_ alone?_"We did!
18753Did you see the cadets last night, Winters?
18753Did you see the way he spotted Roger''s roving eye looking for his pretty sister? 18753 Did you send him up here?"
18753Did you want to say something?
18753Do any of you understand physics?
18753Do n''t you remember your Space Code laws, Astro?
18753Do you deny that that is your voice?
18753Do you have a pen, or would you like to use mine?
18753Do you have anything to add, sir?
18753Do you know why I refused it?
18753Do you realize what you''re doing?
18753Doing what?
18753Electric wrist watches? 18753 Electric?"
18753Ever hear of the_ Polaris_ unit, sir?
18753For instance, will the rich applicants have a better chance than the poor?
18753For what?
18753Get that, Astro?
18753Getting pretty big for your britches, are n''t you?
18753Got your radar sweeping ahead, Roger?
18753Has he been here?
18753Has the complete report been sent back?
18753Have you found Professor Sykes?
18753Have you said anything to Vidac about this?
18753He''s a real brain and we could learn a lot from him, but--"But what?
18753How about Governor Hardy?
18753How about finishing the game, Tom? 18753 How about outside in space?"
18753How about something to eat,he demanded,"and some story tapes to pass away the time?"
18753How about you, Manning? 18753 How are you going to get old Logan to sign the release?"
18753How are you making out with your classroom studies, Astro?
18753How come you did n''t get Richards on that play?
18753How could I prove it when I do n''t know what happened to it?
18753How could he know?
18753How could it have been missed?
18753How could you have replaced him, mister?
18753How did that happen?
18753How do we know you''re telling us the truth, and not just trying to save them?
18753How do you feel about it, Tom?
18753How do you figure that, Astro?
18753How far are we from the surface?
18753How far did you get with the tube, Astro?
18753How far out is he?
18753How is that, sir?
18753How much do you know about electronics and astrophysics?
18753How old are the children?
18753How quickly?
18753How''d you find that out?
18753How''d you know we were confined to quarters, sir?
18753How''d you manage to get in here?
18753How''s that again, Astro?
18753I did what?
18753I feel the same way, Astro,said Tom,"but actually what are we going to say to Captain Strong?
18753I just remembered something--"What, sir?
18753I mean, what''s wrong with that?
18753If you suspected Vidac, why did you give him the information on the uranium to send back to the Solar Guard?
18753If-- if I sign the paper,stammered Logan,"will you leave Jane alone?"
18753In an unknown asteroid cluster? 18753 Is Corbett or Manning or Astro in on this?"
18753Is it on land that has been parceled out to the colonists?
18753Is it on our present course?
18753Is n''t it too bad, Winters,said Vidac,"that we just missed supper?"
18753Is n''t that Captain Strong?
18753Is n''t that Jane Logan?
18753Is n''t using force to take the land away proof enough?
18753Is the radar working well enough for us to search the asteroid cluster without plowing into any space junk?
18753Is there a way through the asteroid cluster?
18753Is there something wrong?
18753Is this another of your tricks, Corbett?
18753It''s my voice all right but--"_ And_ do you deny that last night, before we left, it was decided that my explanation would be used?
18753Jeff-- Jeff,asked Jane despairingly,"do you think they''ll catch the boys?"
18753Just what would you talk about, Cadet Manning?
18753Know where we''re going, Joe?
18753Listen, punk,snarled Winters,"I just saw your boss--""My boss?"
18753May I speak, sir?
18753May I speak, sir?
18753Murder? 18753 Murder?"
18753No report, eh?
18753Notice the nervous twitch he has on the side of his face?
18753Oh, is that a fact?
18753Oh? 18753 Perhaps you remember that you paid over part of your future profits during the trip out from Atom City?"
18753Picking on Roger in front of Professor Sykes? 18753 Ready, Astro?"
18753Remember what happened to the instruments?
18753Say, Roger,suddenly asked Astro,"do you think you remember enough about that triple vacuum tube to draw me a blueprint?"
18753Say, are you guys going in or not?
18753Say, can you imagine a guy like that suddenly losing his nerve?
18753Say,said Winters suddenly,"ai n''t you got a kid?"
18753See that, big boy?
18753Shall I tell Astro to pour on extra thrust, sir?
18753Since Roger does n''t seem to be too busy, why do n''t you ask him for all the Academy dope?
18753Sir,asked Tom quietly,"is n''t there something we can do?"
18753So what?
18753Suppose he knows his land is worth about ten billion credits?
18753Telling you what?
18753That make any sense to you, sir?
18753That''s enough, is n''t it?
18753That''s real nice of you, but--"But what, sir?
18753Then Vidac and Hardy knew about the uranium?
18753Then how can the cadets be charged with murder if you ca n''t produce a body?
18753Then how do you explain that_ your_ voice with_ your_ explanation is now on the master spool?
18753Then it''s not caused by any malfunction aboard the ship?
18753Then they are forced, more or less, to depend on each other?
18753Then they took you off the jury?
18753Then what did you do?
18753Then what happened?
18753Then will the lieutenant governor please put in writing any further orders he might have for us?
18753Then you could n''t possibly know if he was sleeping or down here recording, could you?
18753There are n''t any on Roald, remember? 18753 They just walked out on you?"
18753They''ve either found the cadets or--"Or what?
18753Think he''d record it in there?
18753Think it might be something to do with our assignments?
18753Think we can get them to help us?
18753Think we might get assigned to that radar project they''re setting up on the Moon?
18753Think we''ll ever reach those babies?
18753This could be a trap, but what can we do?
18753Tricks, sir?
18753Vidac, eh?
18753Was there any special reason why you wanted to see us, sir?
18753We passed through a cloud of meteor dust the other day, did n''t we?
18753We would like to know, sir, under what article of the space code was Sergeant Marshall sentenced to the brig?
18753We''ll actually go with the colonists?
18753We''ll be sticking our necks out, but since when have we ever let that stop us?
18753We''ll have dinner, and then see a stereo, and I know a nice quiet spot where we can talk--"Talk?
18753Well, Captain Strong? 18753 Well, Manning?
18753Well, Marshall?
18753Well, Steve?
18753Well, what about it?
18753Well, what do we do now?
18753Well, what do you expect a man to do? 18753 Well, what do you think it is?"
18753Well, what now?
18753Well, what''s wrong with that?
18753Well,he demanded,"what have you got to say for yourselves?"
18753Well,said Astro,"what about him?"
18753Well,snorted Logan,"what have_ you_ got in mind?"
18753Were n''t they in their quarters?
18753Were they alone?
18753Were you awake all night, Corbett?
18753What about him?
18753What about him?
18753What about the instrument disturbance?
18753What about the way they antagonized us?
18753What about?
18753What are they doing here? 18753 What are we waiting for?"
18753What are you boys going to do?
18753What are you doing down here, Manning?
18753What are you doing here, Marshall?
18753What are you doing here?
18753What are you doing?
18753What are you going to do?
18753What are you going to do?
18753What are you talking about?
18753What could be so secret about this mission?
18753What could you say that he does n''t already know?
18753What did he say?
18753What did they talk about?
18753What did you do with the professor?
18753What do you mean, Roger?
18753What do you mean--_if_?
18753What do you mean?
18753What do you suppose it is?
18753What do you think it''ll be?
18753What do you think they''ll do?
18753What do you think?
18753What do you want?
18753What do you want?
18753What does it mean?
18753What else can we do?
18753What else have Winters and Bush done?
18753What happened to them then?
18753What have you got to say to that?
18753What have you got to suggest?
18753What is it, Bill?
18753What is it, Corbett?
18753What is it, Sergeant?
18753What kind of a cow?
18753What kind of changes, sir?
18753What kind of consideration?
18753What kind of paper?
18753What kind of precaution?
18753What made you come out here, Jeff?
18753What really happened to him,mused Roger,"and why?"
18753What space- blasting idiot got the idea that I needed any assistants?
18753What will our part be, sir?
18753What''re you trying to do, Corbett? 18753 What''s going on here?"
18753What''s that got to do with it?
18753What''s that, Corbett?
18753What''s that, sir?
18753What''s that?
18753What''s that?
18753What''s the Roald City Fund?
18753What''s the matter with the way we''ve been doing it?
18753What''s the matter with you three guys? 18753 What''s the matter, Winters?
18753What''s the matter? 18753 What''s the meaning of this, Marshall?"
18753What''s the meaning of this?
18753What''s this?
18753What''s up, Joe?
18753What''s up?
18753What''s your name?
18753What, sir?
18753When did you get here, sir?
18753When was the last time you saw the cadets?
18753When you do, Vidac,said Strong grimly,"and he happens to be alive, make sure he stays that way, eh?"
18753Where are Corbett and Manning?
18753Where are the other boys?
18753Where are the others?
18753Where are you going to get the colonists, sir?
18753Where did you take him?
18753Where do we start first?
18753Where do you think I could get one of those tubes, besides on the radar bridge, Roger?
18753Where is Professor Sykes?
18753Where is it?
18753Where is the professor''s body?
18753Where is this strike?
18753Where were you last night?
18753Where will I find him?
18753Where''d they go?
18753Which way did they go?
18753Which way shall I drop him, Tom? 18753 Who are you and what do you want?"
18753Who are you, mister?
18753Who are you?
18753Who are you?
18753Who could it be?
18753Who else could it be?
18753Who is it, Father?
18753Who is it?
18753Who''s the treasurer?
18753Who''s there?
18753Whose idea was this to come snooping around while we''re in flight?
18753Why ai n''t you out growing corn?
18753Why did n''t Governor Hardy do something?
18753Why did n''t you do something about it?
18753Why did n''t you let us know?
18753Why not?
18753Why only two?
18753Why should n''t we?
18753Why so fast?
18753Why would they want to help him?
18753Why-- why-- are you telling me this?
18753Why? 18753 Why?"
18753Will the quota of one thousand colonists include women and children?
18753Will there be any special tests, sir?
18753Will this cost the applicants anything, sir?
18753Will you excuse me, sir? 18753 Wo n''t Vidac know that you helped us?"
18753Wo n''t you stay for supper, Captain?
18753Wonder what''s up?
18753Would n''t you go back? 18753 Would you help me, Roger?"
18753Yes, Cadet Astro?
18753Yes, sir?
18753You are?
18753You did?
18753You do n''t think--?
18753You do n''t, eh?
18753You going to send those two back with this report?
18753You have anything to say?
18753You heard it yourself?
18753You mean that Vidac does n''t know you''re here?
18753You mean the assignment?
18753You mean they''re not being sent?
18753You mean uranium pitchblende?
18753You mean we''re_ under_ the effects?
18753You mean you''ve been up all night looking for the cadets?
18753You mean,asked Roger,"Captain Strong did n''t tell you he was going?"
18753You sent for me, boss?
18753You still insist you know more,_ and_ can teach better than I, eh?
18753You think the cadets are still up there in the hills?
18753You think the journal is still in the lab?
18753You think they''ll go to Sykes?
18753You think we can get a twenty- four- hour pass, Mike?
18753You think,mused Astro slowly,"maybe Vidac did n''t send the report?"
18753You want me to do it for you?
18753You were pretty chummy with them, were n''t you?
18753You would n''t want to see your daughter undergo such an experience, would you?
18753You''ll what?
18753You''re Captain Strong of the Solar Guard, are n''t you?
18753You''re what?
18753You''ve already been invited?
18753_]Do you deny it?"
18753*****"... Are you sure?"
18753*****"Ca n''t you get any more out of this jalopy?"
18753*****"What did you say your name was?"
18753143"Has n''t anybody figured out why four hundred ships crashed in landing?"
18753And speaking of harmony, Jane, would you like to take a walk in the starlight?"
18753And then he stopped, frowning,"Say, have n''t I seen you before?"
18753And what are we going to say after we get there?
18753Any more experiments will take place in the observatory, and not unless I give my permission, is that clear?"
18753Any trouble?"
18753Are you coming?"
18753Are you sure you locked it up?"
18753As Astro began to strip off his jacket, he suddenly asked,"Do you think Captain Strong has returned from Pluto yet?"
18753But just to make sure, he called out,"Will you be needing anything, sir?"
18753But now--""What''s happened, sir?"
18753But what has that got to do with the instruments going out of whack?"
18753But what?
18753But why?
18753CHAPTER 12"What do you want?"
18753CHAPTER 9"Do you think it will be safe there?"
18753Ca n''t he do it himself, instead of sending a bunch of space squirts?"
18753Ca n''t you find something else for them to do?"
18753Ca n''t you get any more push out of this wagon?"
18753Can you hear me, Able Two?
18753Could he be mixed up in this affair?
18753Did n''t you see the way I convinced those dumb colonists that the cadets were responsible for the professor''s murder?
18753Do I make myself clear?"
18753Do I make myself clear?"
18753Do you know anything about it?"
18753Finally Tom asked,"Well, what do you think it is?"
18753Go hungry?
18753Has n''t anybody figured out why yet?"
18753Have communications with Earth been established yet?"
18753He paused in the hatch to call back in a low voice,"What can you do with a madman?"
18753He turned away, then stopped, and called back,"Want a lift back to the Tower?"
18753He turned to Astro and remarked casually,"I wonder what Captain Strong is doing right now?"
18753He''s logged an awful lot of time on merchant spaceships, but--""But what?"
18753How about taking this wagon and heading back for the Academy?"
18753How about you, Tom?"
18753How do you like the way she''s being run?"
18753How much fuel do we have left, Astro?"
18753How would you get help?"
18753I thought you three were supposed to be such good buddies?"
18753In fact, would n''t we start feeling the effects of the radiation?"
18753Just that Vidac has let some space crawlers into the expedition?"
18753Let''s see if we ca n''t do it a little more smoothly, eh?"
18753Maybe we''d better try for it, eh?"
18753Need Vidac''s help in everything you do?"
18753Now offhand, would n''t you say I would know how to operate it?"
18753Now what do you say?"
18753Now, why would n''t a man in charge of a project as large as this have secret messages?
18753On his head or the seat of his pants?
18753Professor Sykes?"
18753Shall we go to my office?"
18753Take over, maybe?"
18753Tell me, what was the purpose of this''experimental''communications set?"
18753That small thing?"
18753The thing is, what are we going to do now?"
18753Tom, his eyes bright, asked,"Wo n''t everybody want to go, sir?"
18753Vidac paused, then added quietly,"Do I make myself clear?"
18753Was that a mistake?"
18753We''re out to get them, and when we do, we''re going to--""But what right have you to do this on your own?"
18753What do you want?"
18753What happened last night?"
18753What have you got to say for yourself?"
18753What were you going to do, Corbett?
18753What''s all the fuss about?"
18753What''s that?"
18753What''s the matter?"
18753Where are they?"
18753Where is Captain Strong?"
18753Where was he when the colonists were forced to pay for their food?
18753Why ca n''t we build one on the sly in the observatory?"
18753Why come to me?"
18753Why did n''t you read my thoughts when I beat my brains out trying to explain that thrust problem the other night?"
18753Why had n''t he checked on the cadets''statement that their report had n''t been sent out?
18753Why had n''t the governor done something about Vidac?
18753Why was that?"
18753Why would Vidac abduct Professor Sykes?
18753Will they all be treated the same way?"
18753You think they''re alone?"
18753[ Illustration:_"Has n''t anybody figured out why four hundred ships crashed in landing?"
18753[ Illustration] CHAPTER 15"Is he still out there?"
18753[ Illustration] CHAPTER 17"Where do we cut off?"
18753[ Illustration] CHAPTER 21"And you kept giving Hardy wrong information?"
18753[ Illustration] CHAPTER 4"You mean Captain Strong has been recalled to the Academy?"
18753[ Illustration]"But I do n''t understand why it was n''t discovered before this?"