This is a table of authors, titles, dates and other bibliographic information; it is a list metadata describing the content of your study carrel. Think of it as your library.
id | author | title | date | words | sentences | pages | cache | text |
11360 | Bennett, Arnold | Sacred and Profane Love: A Novel in Three Episodes | nan | 62847 | 5510 | nan | ./cache/11360.txt | ./txt/11360.txt |
3634 | Collins, Wilkie | The Guilty River | nan | 45961 | 3364 | nan | ./cache/3634.txt | ./txt/3634.txt |
58730 | Cox, Irving E. | Miracle by Price | nan | 3975 | 339 | nan | ./cache/58730.txt | ./txt/58730.txt |
13218 | Crawford, F. Marion (Francis Marion) | Don Orsino | nan | 152772 | 10786 | nan | ./cache/13218.txt | ./txt/13218.txt |
42230 | Everett-Green, Evelyn | Esther''s Charge: A Story for Girls | nan | 66547 | 4239 | nan | ./cache/42230.txt | ./txt/42230.txt |
38608 | Garis, Lilian | The Girl Scouts at Rocky Ledge; Or, Nora''s Real Vacation | nan | 44374 | 3979 | nan | ./cache/38608.txt | ./txt/38608.txt |
10777 | Le Feuvre, Amy | Probable Sons | nan | 22264 | 1520 | nan | ./cache/10777.txt | ./txt/10777.txt |
56838 | Long, Lily A. (Lily Augusta) | The Saintsbury Affair | nan | 63251 | 5387 | nan | ./cache/56838.txt | ./txt/56838.txt |
61925 | Sackville-West, V. (Victoria) | Challenge | nan | 86252 | 5785 | nan | ./cache/61925.txt | ./txt/61925.txt |
47614 | Singmaster, Elsie | When Sarah Went to School | nan | 30037 | 2502 | nan | ./cache/47614.txt | ./txt/47614.txt |
46405 | Singmaster, Elsie | Basil Everman | nan | 75027 | 5875 | nan | ./cache/46405.txt | ./txt/46405.txt |
36684 | Speed, Nell | Molly Brown''s Freshman Days | nan | 55398 | 3958 | nan | ./cache/36684.txt | ./txt/36684.txt |
532 | Stratton-Porter, Gene | At the Foot of the Rainbow | nan | 62458 | 4721 | nan | ./cache/532.txt | ./txt/532.txt |