
This is a list of all the questions and their associated study carrel identifiers. One can learn a lot of the "aboutness" of a text simply by reading the questions.

identifier question
36386[ 9]_ Antiquitates Americanæ._ Were they Picts?
42175The Tewa clans arrived first(?)
42175Women and girls: Toñlo, Hokona, Kode(?
34804And again, if he were a living being, would he not be wearied by his perpetual journeyings?
34804And would the richest and most powerful of my vassals dare to disobey if I should command him on the spot to set out in all speed for Chili?"
34804Are we not once more tempted to exclaim that there is nothing new under the sun?
34804But to what element can we affiliate the god Viracocha himself?
34804But what answer is possible to the argument furnished by the discovery of the new planet-- I mean to say of America?
34804But why Humming- bird?
34804Had there been any relations between Peru and Central America?
34804Have they history?
34804Have they politics, arts, morals?
34804Have they religion?
34804How are we to explain the resemblance between the treatment of the Vestals at Rome and the Virgins of the Sun at Cuzco?
34804What can there be in common between this graceful little creature and the monstrous idol of the Aztecs?
34804What was it that inspired the Mexicans with this feeling?
34804Whence, then, can the resemblance spring?
34804Would any one of you have the hardihood to order me to rise from my seat and take a long journey for his pleasure?...
34804Yet, who would wish to live without government, science or art?
34804[ 14] What, then, was the fundamental significance of this feathered Serpent that so pre- occupied the religious consciousness of the Aztecs?
606''Say, let me play, wo n''t you?'' 606 ''That is strange,''said OLD- man;''how can one Person kill so many men?
606''That suits me,''replied the Antelope,''but what shall we bet this time? 606 ''Well, what if you do?''
606''What did you see, Brother Loon?'' 606 ''Which of my hands holds the bone now?''
606''Whose woman is that up there in the tree top?'' 606 ''You wo n''t, hey?''
606OLD- man went to the creek, and with his buffalo- horn cup brought some water to the Person, asking as he approached:''Who are you, Person?
606See your shadows on the lodge wall?
606Soon a great white Beaver-- white as the snows of winter-- came to him and asked:''Why do you sing that song, my brother? 606 ''It is a warm morning and water tastes good, does n''t it?'' 606 Are you sorry that we have meat? 606 Birch- Tree, wo n''t you mind me? 606 Can you not kill a Rabbit or something for us to eat? 606 Do n''t you know that I light all of my lodge every day and search it carefully? 606 Do n''t you know that nothing can hide from me and live? 606 Do n''t you know that the whole world is my lodge and that you can never get outside of it, if you run your foolish legs off? 606 Do n''t you see? 606 Finally he said:You have seen many Snakes, I suppose?"
606How can I see with my eyes full of mud?
606OLD- man knelt beside the man and asked:''Is there war in this country?''
606One night in War Eagle''s lodge, Other- person asked:"Why do n''t the Bear have a tail, grandfather?"
606Pull out my hair?
606Steal from me, will you?
606Tell me, do your people hide, or are the young- men speaking truth, and have your people gone with mine to Sand Hill shadows to come back no more?"
606The Unlucky- one was about to pass the old woman when she stopped him and asked:"''Why are you so sad in your handsome face?
606What chance has an Otter against me?
606What do you think they were doing?
606What do you want of me?
606What is it you want of me?''
606What is it you want?''
606What shall it be?''
606When he had finished the singing, the Coyote came up close and asked:"''What is the matter?
606When they had all reached the place where OLD- man was he said to them:"''Do you see this robe?''
606Who are you, and where is your country?''
606Why did you come here?
606Why do you come here?
606Why do you sing that song?
606Why is that sorry look in your fine eyes?''
606Will you do as I suggest, brother, or will you starve?''
606You all see this bone in my right hand, do n''t you?''
606You think you will escape me, do you?
606laughed the Deer--''you beat me running?
606what''s the matter with you?
11029Has Christianity,asks the writer I have just quoted,"exerted a progressive action on these peoples?
11029How is your body and your health?
11029What does he call my own flesh? 11029 What is this?"
11029Whence come you?
11029Whither, oh ancient man,asked Quetzalcoatl,"Whither must I go?"
11029Why have you left your capital? 11029 Why,"asked the king"do you not wear a_ maxtli_( breech- cloth), and cover your nakedness with a garment?"
11029And what became of Tunapa?
11029And when was that to be?
11029And who, let us ask, were these Toltecs?
11029As soon as Quetzalcoatl saw his face in the mirror he exclaimed:--"How is it possible my subjects can look on me without affright?
11029At the fountain of Cozcapan, sorcerers met him, minded to prevent his departure:--"Where are you going?"
11029Can we identify him further with that personification of Light which, as we have already seen, was the dominant figure in other American mythologies?
11029Could these myths have been historically identical?
11029Does some one object that it is too refined for those rude savages, or that it smacks too much of reminiscences of old- world teachings?
11029Does this seem too abstract, too elevated a notion of God for a race whom we are accustomed to deem gross and barbaric?
11029Great was the disappointment of the company on the raft, for what better divers had they than the beaver and the otter?
11029Has it any meaning?
11029Has it brought them forward, has it aided their natural evolution?
11029How can a man remain among them filled as I am with foul sores, his face wrinkled and his aspect loathsome?
11029How much longer must we wait to see the same canons of criticism applied to the products of the religious fancy of the red race?
11029If this is so, is it not time that we dismiss, once for all, these American myths from the domain of historical traditions?
11029In whose care is it?
11029Is it more than the puerile fable of savages?
11029May we not construe the maiden as the Evening Twilight, the child of the Day at the close of its life?
11029May we not go farther, and in this Rock of Light which stands hard by the river, recognize the Heavenly Hill which rises beside the World Stream?
11029Or did it produce the latter?
11029Quetzalcoatl took the drop and tasted it, and then quaffed the liquor, exclaiming:--"What is this?
11029The black lover with whom she is fatally enamored, is he not the Darkness, in which the twilight fades away?
11029The sorcerers asked again:"Whither are you going?"
11029Thereupon Quetzalcoatl began to sing, as follows:--"My pretty house, my coral house, I call it Zacuan by name; And must I leave it, do you say?
11029They admitted the old man and he entered the apartment of Quetzalcoatl, and said to him:--"My lord and son, how are you?
11029Thus the earth was, in their language, the parent of the race, and what more natural than that it should become so in the myth also?]
11029Was it an offshoot of that of the Aztecs?
11029What has been the result?
11029What is this, my flesh, that you would show me?"
11029Whence came this civilization?
11029Whence come you?
11029Where, then, was this marvelous land and wondrous city?
11029Who will perform the sacred rites?"
11029[ 1] Against such an enemy who could hope for victory?
53080And what may that consist of?
53080But what have you to give me?
53080Can not you carry it?
53080Can not you see that I am throwing the mountains about, which is my usual occupation? 53080 Come,"cried Hun- Apu derisively,"are you going to lift the mountain or not?"
53080Do you think you could overthrow that mountain?
53080Do you think you will be able to cure me?
53080For what reason?
53080How are you, my son?
53080Straightway descended Titlacahuan- Tezcatlipoca, and commenced to scold, saying,''What is this fire doing here?'' 53080 To what place have they advanced?"
53080What have you there, O little ones?
53080What is this?
53080What may you be doing?
53080What should be done to you for thus disgracing me?
53080Whence come you?
53080Where do you go?
53080Why are you dressed in this fashion? 53080 Why did you not say so at first?"
53080Why do you leave your capital?
53080American Myths of the Discovery But what were the speculations of the Red Men on the other side of the Atlantic?
53080And who may you be that ask such stupid questions?
53080But may there not have been later migrations from the north?
53080Did the Toltecs Exist?
53080Do these myths contain any essence of the truth?
53080For what reason did the prehistoric rulers of Peru build here?
53080Hastening to his sister, he cried as he approached her:"Is it indeed you, my sister, or some evil demon who has taken your likeness?"
53080Is K, then, the same as Chac?
53080It is as follows:"''Ama x- u ch''ux ri Vuch?''
53080Later on Huitzilopochtli asked:"Where may they be now?"
53080The gods Citallinicue and Citallatonac, looking below, exclaimed,''Divine Lord, what means that fire below?
53080This may be rendered freely:"''Is the dawn about to be?''
53080Was the original governing class a bearded race?
53080Were the Maya Toltecs?
53080Were there no rumours there, no legends of an Eastern world?
53080Were these beards artificial and symbolical?
53080What are your names?"
53080What dread secrets, what scenes of orgic splendour have those carven walls witnessed?
53080What has Great Britain accomplished in this new and fascinating field of science?
53080What solemn priestly conclave, what magnificence of rite, what marvels of initiation, have these forest temples known?
53080Whence Came the Maya?
53080Whence, then, the ever- recurring beard and moustache?
53080Why do they thus smoke the heavens?''
53080Why do you not wear a cloak?"
53080Why dost thou leave us?
53080Will you lead me to the mountain?"
53080With whom shall we proceed to the aucas[ the enemies]?''
42390Are there no Indians but ourselves in the whole world?
42390Can you tell me the way to the Spirit- world?
42390Did you steal my food?
42390Do you see that boy down there in the centre of the group?
42390Do you think they are men that you bring them potentilla roots?
42390Have I not told you,cried Buffalo- stealer irately,"that he is an evil thing?
42390Have you seen the person I am looking for?
42390Have you seen them?
42390How do you feel, my son?
42390How long has she been dead?
42390How long has she been dead?
42390If you were a Star- maiden,said one,"and wished to marry a star, which one would you choose?"
42390In what way has he harmed you?
42390Is that all?
42390Is there no good meat?
42390Little Toad,said he,"have you seen him for whom I am seeking?
42390May they not be recalled?
42390My brother may have shot at the buck,he said,"but what avails that if he did not slay it?"
42390Nemissa, my dear sister,he said, after a moment''s pause,"have you not been forbidden to speak to the Earth- people?
42390So two such braves as you can quarrel about a buck?
42390Tell me,said he,"where shall I find another village?"
42390What are you doing up there?
42390What do you think of that?
42390What were you talking about among yourselves? 42390 What will our brother say,"cried the three in dismay,"when he hears that a man has been here and we have not killed him?
42390When can we get something to eat?
42390Where are my beautiful spears?
42390Where is the baby''s mother?
42390Who has summoned me?
42390Why do you walk with your eyes turned skyward?
42390Why should we be thus burdened with a wounded man?
42390Why should we, indeed, since his hurt has come upon him by reason of his own carelessness?
42390Why should you do so?
42390Will you quit it or will you fight?
42390[ 6][ 6]_ Footprints of Vanished Races_, p. 18. Who were the Mound- Builders? 42390 ''Who is a_ manito_?'' 42390 ), breech- cloth(?). 42390 ), moccasins, breech- cloth(?). 42390 And while they consulted together, behold a marvellous thing appeared before them, and they spoke to it, saying:''Art thou our captain, Ouiot?'' 42390 And who could afford to do that? 42390 Blue Jay said to him:What do you want to do?
42390Blue Jay said to the men:"What is that?"
42390Blue Jay said:"What do you want to do?
42390But Blue Jay pushed him aside and said:"What do you want here?
42390But Blue Jay said:"What do you want to do?
42390But Blue Jay said:"What do you want to do?
42390But the woman laughed and said:"Are you quite sure, Master?
42390Did he not{ 277} know the difficulties in the way?
42390Do you not hear him howling?"
42390Do you still wish to go?"
42390Had his grandfather set them there?
42390Have I done well?"
42390Have I done well?"
42390He asked the dog:"Which way went your masters?"
42390How Kutoyis was Born"Why do you do that?"
42390How can we save ourselves?"
42390How could he reach the abode of the Sun?
42390How could they tell him, indeed, that his search was hopeless?
42390How will you like that?"
42390How would you like it if the lake dried up?"
42390III"''But who are my foes?
42390If a bird had flown over the lake you must have seen it, the water is so still, and surely you have seen the man I am seeking?"
42390Is there no meat in the lodges of your people that they must fight for it like the mountain lion?"
42390Is this an imitation of the Urim and Thummim?
42390Mocking Pahe- Wathahuni, the Rabbit said:"Why do you not eat?
42390Onondaga,"cried the younger man,"what profits it thus to strive for a buck?
42390Other boys went west, he thought to himself, and why should not he?
42390Say, will you not give him yours?"
42390Seeing a very large fish in shallow water, he said:"Have you seen the man I am looking for?"
42390Surprised that his thirst was not quenched, they said to him:"Why do you sit there drinking of the lake?"
42390The Raven said:"Ha, squint- eye, they are your children; do you not recognize them?"
42390The four approached him, saying:"Friend, for what do you listen so earnestly?"
42390The old man considered this astounding speech for a moment; then he asked:"Would he come here if you sent for him?"
42390The youth approached him, saying:"Why do you tie these great stones to your ankles?"
42390Then he sank into the water again, and cried to his opponent:"Where are you?"
42390They approached him and told him that only skins remained, but he replied:"What shall I eat, grandchildren, now that there are only skins and you?"
42390They dance in three circles round the fire that cooks these fruits on a kind of altar, shouting the praises of{ 4} Yo- He- Wah( Jehovah?).
42390They entered the house of the Mice, and there saw the two old women, who asked:"Oh, chiefs, where did you come from?"
42390Until 1870 all Government aid for this object passed through the hands of missionaries, but in 1775[ Transcriber''s note: 1875?]
42390Were not the clan Chattan of the Scottish Highlands the"sons of the cat"?
42390What next would the insatiable creature demand?
42390What says Genetaska?"
42390When he met a little scurrying rabbit in the path he cried eagerly:"Tell me, where shall I find the herbs which Manitou has planted?"
42390Whence come these numerous birds?"
42390Where is he now?"
42390Who then were the folk who raised the mounds of Ohio and the Mississippi and spread their culture from the Gulf states region to the Great Lakes?
42390Why, he argued, should she accept him, poor and disfigured as he was?
42390Will you come to my lodge and cook my venison?"
42390Will you dwell with me in my lodge and be my wife?"
42390Will you not pity him and give him the power you have?"
42390Without the assistance of the native factor, who shall say how the struggle might have ended?
42390Women: Tanned skin shoulder- robe, shirt- dress with sleeves, fringed apron, leggings(?
42390You see these people?
42390[ Illustration:"''Will you carry us over the river?''
42390_ Virginia_--Men and women: Cloak, waist- garment, moccasins, sandals(?
42390have you seen the person I am looking for?
42390said Blue Jay,"do you notice them?
42390said he,"who can drink up that?"
42390she asked"]"Will you carry us over the river?"
42390{ 170}"Tell me,"asked Otter- heart,"why did you examine the beavers so closely yesterday?"
42390{ 234}"Do you hear that noise?"