
This is a list of all the questions and their associated study carrel identifiers. One can learn a lot of the "aboutness" of a text simply by reading the questions.

identifier question
60655Then do you think we can be delivered without a god?
60655Will you take another god?
60655But how could this be a god?
60655How many caves had there been, Atanta wondered, since they left the mouth of the river?
60655How should he tell them?
60655Should he simply say it swiftly and have done with it?
60655Should he tell them there was no deliverance, with or without a god?
60655Tell them that they had followed an impotent god until now they were to die?
60655The great huge thing with the mouth and the tongue, or the man- thing?
60655Was n''t it evident?
60655Why should he pray to a god who would let his people starve?
61334And you are Five- gun Charles DeCrabbe?
61334Are n''t you exaggerating difficulties encountered in picking up few feathers?
61334Before dusk?
61334How do you think we got the name of Featherton? 61334 How_ dare_ it coo after all I did to it?"
61334Presumed they are now called peoplehawk- whirlybirds?
61334Then why have n''t you attempted lure them into boobytraps outside town? 61334 They are_ downdraft_-peoplehawk- whirlybirds then?"
61334Where did the bird''s body end and the feathers begin?
61334Why unable drive off these predators yourselves?"
34495And you love his soul?
34495And your children?
34495Do you, or do you not wish to hear me?
34495Friend, you love this boy?
34495Then you have no desire to return to your former friends, the Sioux?
34495Thy brother, where is he?
34495Truly he has the wisdom of the white- faces,said a second;"has he their treachery?
34495What creature is that they have aboard there?
34495Who are you, friend? 34495 Why?
34495Are a mother''s earnest, ceaseless prayers heard-- prayers uttered ere she left this world of trial?
34495Can he be trusted?"
34495Did they know me?
34495Did you never ask God to deliver you?"
34495Did you never pray?
34495How so?"
34495How, think you, blood- stained and guilty as I was, could I stand in the presence of One pure, holy, loving, and merciful?
34495I''ve been working away all my life, and where''s the good I''ve got out of it?
34495Let your people appear, there is no treachery intended them; I am in your power-- why doubt my word?"
34495Many and many a cottage very far behind it, the old hunter might have said-- and why?
34495Peter at length waved his hand to show that he was about to speak;"What seek you, friends?"
34495Should we hasten on to help our friends?
34495Tell me, what is it?
34495Tom was the most timid,` It was bad aboard, Bill,''said he,` but if we was to meet a bear or a buffalo what what should we do?''
34495Tom, would you like to learn about Him?"
34495Was it God''s love which sent me to you when you were on the point of death, or was it His hatred?
34495Was it God''s love which softened the hearts of the Sioux towards us?
34495We have drawbacks, I''ll allow; and what farmer, even in the old country, can say that he has not?
34495Were our intended wives among them?
34495What could we do?
34495What had God to do with us poor chaps in that out- of- the- way place?
34495What is she going to do?"
34495Who sent you?"
34495Will you listen to the reason of this?
34495Would he give in now?
34495` East or west, Tom?''
34495` How shall we ever get along?''
34495and whence do you come?"
34495are those the houses of English settlers?"
34495he asked;"you can not be what you seem?"
34495he exclaimed,"Where does the strange craft come from?
34495is it thus God''s creatures are destroyed to no purpose by these poor savages?"
34495is it you-- you, indeed?
34495is that wisdom you speak, old friend?"
34495or should I deceive them?
34495was that all you thought of?
23499And why not?
23499Are you sure he came into the timber?
23499Do you track''i m thur, Mark?
23499Had I missed my aim? 23499 How do you tell that?"
23499Is he in it?
23499The snow all around me was dyed to a crimson; but what had become of my terrible antagonist? 23499 To swim to the shore?
23499Was there no way of approaching them? 23499 Whar''s the bar?"
23499What could I eat? 23499 What could it mean?
23499What is it, doctor?
23499What next? 23499 What was to be done?
23499Where, doctor? 23499 Where?
23499Why how could they be two,asked the guide in astonishment,"when it rained yesterday before sun- up?
23499You have killed one hundred and forty- five, then?
23499You may ask why I had n''t a fire? 23499 Your sure it''s no grizzly?"
23499` How? 23499 ` How?''
23499` I''m a- comin'',''he replied;`''Taint so easy to get through hyar-- that you, Redwood? 23499 ` What is it?
23499` What?'' 23499 ` Who the hell''s thar?''
23499But after getting through this shell, where should we find the inmates?
23499But how many other animals have these crude naturalists omitted to describe?
23499But how to cook it?
23499But how was I to get away from the spot?
23499But the question was, could I reach it before the bull?
23499But what caused the dust to rise?
23499But what was there in their presence to draw down the maledictions of the padre, which he continued to lavish upon them most unsparingly?
23499But where was the fifth of the bears?
23499But why should the''coon not` tree''upon it, as well as any other?
23499By heading for Independence we should at once get clear of the buffalo- range, and what other game was to be depended on?
23499Could I climb the tree?
23499Could they do so in the light?
23499Could we trust our fair companions with a secret?
23499Eh, Mark?"
23499Even could I have done so, might not the dog follow and seize me in the water?
23499Had he taken to one?
23499Had the cougar got away, or was he still within the thicket?
23499Hain''t I, Mark?
23499Hain''t I, Mark?"
23499How could Redwood tell that it was the hour of noon?
23499How is the muskrat to get under water there?
23499How then was he to prevent them from escaping by the hole, while we removed the covering or roof?
23499How to get him out?
23499How was the cougar to be started?
23499How was this number to be fed on the way?
23499How were we to capture one or all of them?
23499I knew that his shanty sot on high ground, but how wur I to get thur?
23499I saw this with feelings akin to terror, for I knew that the snow would soon blind the trail; and how, then, was my friend to follow it, and find me?
23499I thought of the floating alligator, of its intestines-- what if I inflated them?
23499I was now safe from all immediate danger, but how was the affair to end?
23499I was on an islet, in a lake, only half a mile from its shores-- alone, it is true, and without a boat; but what of that?
23499Is it from this that he derives his trivial name?
23499Is it the quality of the blood or the thickness of the skin that guides to this preference?
23499It wur like a island; but what could hev brought a island thur?
23499Kin we do better than foller''em up?
23499Might not this also succeed with the canvas- backs?
23499S''pose we try''i m, massa?''
23499Should my shot miss, or even should it only wound him, how was I to escape?
23499Should we at once turn our faces to the settlement, how were we to subsist on the way?
23499Should we follow the road?
23499That was gone, and whence was their next morsel to come?
23499The animals must have passed since it rained; but why not immediately after, in the early morning?
23499The doctor, what of him?
23499The next moment was heard Redwood''s voice crying aloud--"Look out thur?
23499The provision saved from the wreck would not last us a week, and when that was consumed how were we to procure more?
23499The tracks were fresh-- the road a large one-- thousands of buffaloes must have passed over it; where were they now?
23499Thur made since the rain, yu''ll admit that?"
23499Upon what do they feed?
23499We would keep the` cimmaron''for to- morrow; next day, the man- root; and the next,--what next?
23499What chance of killing a deer, or any other creature, with these?
23499What course was to be adopted?
23499What do you want?''
23499What else could they be firing at?
23499What had set it dancing?
23499What the hell''s the matter?
23499What was next to be done?
23499What was to be done to prevent this?
23499What was to be done?
23499What was to be done?
23499What would it come to should I not be relieved?
23499Where do these immense flocks come from?
23499Where was A--?
23499Who could tell a pigeon story?
23499Who had rescued me from his deadly embrace?
23499Who was to do it?
23499Who were the eight cavaliers that accompanied the waggon?
23499Why did the body of the alligator float?
23499Why was Ike''s rifle not heard if he saw the bear treed?
23499and if it does?''
23499cried Redwood, who was first up to the waggon,"whar did ye see''t?"
23499d''you say?"
23499ejaculated Ike,"whur kid the varmint a gone?"
23499in what manner, mio padre?''
23499what are ye hollowin''about?''
23499what is it?''
23499what is to be done?''
23499you will exclaim,"a wild boar in the forests of Missouri?
60633A big bear?
60633And finding us gone, what then?
60633And suppose you did not; are you the sort of warrior that shoots another in the back?
60633And why not?
60633Are you hurt, my darling Edith?
60633Are you strong enough to stand this hard ride?
60633Ay, where were they?
60633But how are we to find them?
60633But how are we to know such fords?
60633But suppose you and I or my father meet, or you have the chance to harm my mother and little sister, Edith?
60633But what meant your course toward me yesterday? 60633 But what will become of you?"
60633Can it be that I have shaken them off at last?
60633Can it be that you have scented a deep place in front and want to save me from a bath?
60633Can you stand it, father?
60633Do n''t you catch on? 60633 Have you noticed those bucks on the top of the ridge yonder?"
60633How did you find it out?
60633How do you do?
60633How do you feel, father?
60633How far are we from Wounded Knee?
60633How long have they been there?
60633How many do you think are out there now?
60633How was it, Nick?
60633I never dreamed of this; can you forgive this dreadful mistake?
60633I wonder what has become of them?
60633I''ll do anything I can, my lad, but what is it?
60633If I only knew where they were, if alive, I would guide this escort from Wounded Knee to their help----What was that?
60633In what way?
60633Is he better and stronger now?
60633Is he not in danger?
60633Is he?
60633It can have but one meaning,muttered Brinton, with a throbbing heart;"someone is in peril: can it be_ they_?"
60633Kindled for what purpose?
60633Must we cross that?
60633No; look at that thin line of smoke; do n''t you see something peculiar?
60633Oh, there is Wolf Ear?
60633Oh, where is he? 60633 That''s what I would like to know; I am worried to death, Nick; ca n''t you help us?"
60633They are on the watch for us, of course; how far away do you judge the trail to be?
60633Thus we meet, Brinton,he said in his low voice;"will you come forward and shake hands?"
60633True; but how can such a thing succeed? 60633 We are enemies"CHAPTER V."What will be their next step?"
60633We ca n''t tell about that; are you stronger?
60633Well, Wolf Ear, I can only say I am sorry that you should have been carried away by this error----"By what right do you call it error?
60633What are they doing?
60633What are you doing here, Nick?
60633What are you saying?
60633What do you propose to do?
60633What does it matter,asked his mother in turn,"so long as we can not see them?
60633What has that to do with this?
60633What is the matter, Hugh?
60633What is the matter?
60633What is the meaning of that?
60633What is this revelation?
60633What made you leave before I got back?
60633What will Brinton think? 60633 What will be their next step?"
60633Where is it?
60633Where were the squaws and children during the fight?
60633Whom do you suppose I saw?
60633Why do you do that, Hugh?
60633Why should I shake hands?
60633Why, Brint, is that you?
60633Will they suspect that we have been this way?
60633You believe in the coming of One to save your people-- why should not we place faith in the coming of our Messiah?
60633You grieve me more than I can express,replied the father;"are you sure you are not mistaken?"
60633You must be mistaken; for, if that were the case, why did he ride out here alone? 60633 Ah me, what will become of father, ill and weak as he is?
60633An expression of scorn passed over the face of the scout as he made answer--"Where was they?
60633Ay, where were they?
60633But how are we to escape them?"
60633But what is the other point you wish me to hold in mind?"
60633But where are the folk?"
60633But where?
60633But who can say how soon he, too, shall not be thus cut down with mother and little Edith?"
60633Can it be possible that he is going to get well after all?"
60633Did n''t he want to see me?
60633Do you see that light away to the south?"
60633How could I forget them so long?"
60633How do you feel now?"
60633I am so sorry; is n''t he with you?"
60633I wonder----"He held his breath a moment, and then only whisper--"I wonder if they have not already visited our home?"
60633If so, the question might well be asked what was meant by this extraordinary behaviour of the red men?
60633Oh, how can I be thankful enough?
60633Then he rode forward and asked--"Was Nick badly hurt?"
60633There''s no question that a big lot of''em was killed, and how was it to be helped?
60633Was it not more likely that he came to learn whether we needed protection?
60633What will Brinton think?"
60633Where are they?
60633Where then was the hope of eluding the hostiles, who were clinging so persistently to his track?
60633Where under heaven can the folk be?
60633Why did n''t he come with you?
60633Why did not Wolf Ear, when he saw he could not reach his pony in time, halt and bring his gun to bear on his fierce pursuer?
60633Why did they not conceal themselves until the fugitives rode directly into their arms?
60633With only a brief comment on what had been told him, he said, starting up--"But, Nick, of what have I been thinking?
60633Wolf Ear fixed his eyes upon the wondering Brinton, who, walking forward and stooping down, asked in a choking voice--"Is all this true, Wolf Ear?"
60633You had to abandon everything?"
60633You have heard of the battle at Wounded Knee Creek, I suppose?"
60633You understand what_ that_ means, of course?"
60633did he hurt you?"
60633she asked;"are you ill?"
60633the brother groaned,"is it too late to save her?"
60633what have I been doing?"
60633what is the meaning of that?"
60633what''s the matter, Jack?"
60633what''s up now?"
60633where are you?"
60633whispered the youth;"is n''t that smoke?"
42307''Are you? 42307 ''Landlord,''I exclaimed, as I entered the bar- room,''where can I hire a horse for two or three days?
42307''Wal, an''what o''that?'' 42307 ''Whar do you hail from, stranger?''
42307''Whar''s your hoss?'' 42307 ''What sort of a looking man is he?''
42307''What''s the matter, landlord?'' 42307 ''Where''s my hoss?''
42307''Why have n''t you arrested him before this time?'' 42307 ''Why, do n''t you know?''
42307Are you all right?
42307But how do we know where these holes are?
42307But where is the moose?
42307Dick, will you lend me your trap?
42307Do n''t you hear something?
42307Do n''t you know that when they are travelin'', the hindermost ones step exactly in the leader''s tracks? 42307 Had any supper, youngsters?"
42307Hain''t had any supper yet I reckon?
42307How are you, youngsters? 42307 How can you tell?"
42307How de do youngsters?
42307How do you feel now, youngster?
42307How do you feel, Frank?
42307I believe I had something of a fight with that moose, did n''t I?
42307I say, Frank, where are you?
42307I wonder if that is what Brave heard?
42307I wonder what the folks will think, when they see us coming home in this rig?
42307I wonder where Brave is?
42307Is it a wonder, then, that I hate an Injun? 42307 It was a narrow escape, was n''t it?"
42307Now, what shall we do with these rascals?
42307See here, youngsters,exclaimed the trapper, as the boys came up,"what''s all this yere?"
42307Shall we give them their guns?
42307The''Ole Settler''do you mean?
42307There warn''t no time for talkin''or sayin''how de do?'' 42307 Wal, youngster,"said Dick,"how do you feel now?"
42307Wal,said Uncle Joe, as they arose from the breakfast- table,"what do you youngsters kalkerlate to do first?"
42307Well, we got the moose, did n''t we?
42307What are you boys doin''out in these woods this time o''night? 42307 What did you youngsters fetch them ar tarnal varlets back here for?"
42307What for?
42307What have you got on them sleds-- your plunder?
42307What made you do that?
42307What should I do? 42307 What''s the matter with George?"
42307What''s the matter with the dog, I wonder?
42307What''s the matter, I wonder?
42307Where did they go to?
42307Where did you buy that skin?
42307Who''s that a comin''there?
42307Why did n''t you muzzle him?
42307Why do n''t you shoot?
42307Why not?
42307Why not?
42307Why, Frank, how are you?
42307You do n''t s''pose them Injuns stole the traps, do you?
42307You do n''t s''pose you can tell by the looks of a red- skin''s track which way he is goin'', do you? 42307 ''Ar the black mustang any better hoss than the gray king?'' 42307 ''_ Carrajo!_ what does this mean?'' 42307 And what could he have done if he had been disabled in the depths of those woods, so far from any human being? 42307 As I was rising from the table, the hostler entered the room, and said:''What be the matter with your''orse, sir?
42307At length the latter said:"They stole your traps, did they, an''shot the hound, an''you follered''em up an''ketched''em, did you?"
42307But he gave you fits, did n''t he?
42307But where''s that trap gone to?"
42307But where''s the black fox you were going to bring back with you?
42307Dick replenished his pipe and prepared to rest, after his tale was completed, when Frank suddenly inquired:"Dick, how came that scar on your face?"
42307Did you catch him?"
42307Did you receive my letter?''
42307Do n''t you know that that bar could have chawed you up in a minit?"
42307Do yer see this?
42307Do you see that scar on his flank?
42307Does n''t it make a fellow feel comfortable, to lie here and listen to the storm, and know that he is securely sheltered?
42307Goin''to ketch the painter, ai n''t you?"
42307Harry shrugged his shoulders, and answered:"If you are going in for a fight, just count me out, will you?
42307Have n''t we tried that game?
42307He be so lame he can''ardly walk?''
42307He looked them over and over several times, and finally inquired:"Frank, do you know what has become of all my fox traps?
42307How do you come on now, youngster?"
42307How long could he and Brave have withstood his attacks?
42307How many of them do you suppose there were?"
42307I guess you are a stranger in these parts, ai n''t you?''
42307I guess you hain''t hearn tell of him, have you?''
42307In a few moments, George and Archie entered, and the latter inquired:"Who caught that white buck?"
42307Now, I s''pose you think I war beat at the Injun''s own game, do n''t you?
42307Purty soon some one yelled out:"''Who goes there?''
42307Supposing that a pack of those fellows should get after us to- night, would n''t we be in a fix?"
42307The guide answered the salute, an''asked the man, in Spanish:"''Are you alone, Josà ©?''
42307Then Bastian, with five hundred men, will be here at midnight?''
42307Then making a slight motion toward me, which, I made believe I did n''t notice, he asked:"''But the American?''
42307Wal, purty soon I poked my head over a log, an''peeked through the bushes; an''what do you think I seed?
42307What do you say?"
42307What have you got?"
42307What if his gun had missed fire, or he had only wounded the panther?
42307What shall we do?"
42307What would you have thought if we had follered them thieves for a week afore we found''em?
42307Which road is he going to take?''
42307Why did n''t you come arter me?"
42307Wo n''t you give a fellow some thing to eat?"
42307Would you have any objections to good company?''
42307You got my letter all right, you say?
42307You see, youngsters, where that big limb stretches out?
42307You''re always getting a fellow into some scrape or other, ai n''t you?"
42307what''s that?"
42307whither bound?''
12170And that they buried the bulk of their gold somewhere back near the third fall?
12170And you discovered no fall?
12170And you''ll bring your mother?
12170And you''ll come back as soon as you can?
12170Anything in it?
12170Are n''t you going to look in the pack?
12170Are you coming, Wabi?
12170Are you hit-- bad?
12170Are you sure-- you can reach the chasm?
12170But what if they had been Woongas? 12170 By George, what do you suppose it means?"
12170Ca n''t you stay-- and join in the campaign?
12170Can we keep the skin?
12170Can you make it, Rod?
12170Did n''t he show fight?
12170Did n''t_ you_ shoot?
12170Did you ever have a dream that bothered you, Rod?
12170Do you suppose they would follow?
12170Does n''t the chasm continue east?
12170Does the stove smoke?
12170Give me a lift on the arm, will you?
12170Have you any hot water?
12170How do you know?
12170How far away is it, Muky?
12170How far did you travel down the chasm?
12170How far, Wabi?
12170How is that for cheerful news, Rod?
12170How is that, Muky?
12170How many shells have you got, Rod?
12170How much farther, Rod?
12170I wonder-- if that-- is Wolf?
12170If that were so, why should they have fought to the death for the possession of the map?
12170If the gold is seventy- five or a hundred miles away, why were those men here, and with only a handful of nuggets in their possession? 12170 Is a mink worth much?"
12170Is it a good one?
12170Is it bad? 12170 It is n''t a joke?"
12170It was an awful jaunt, was n''t it, Muky?
12170James Bay is practically the same as Hudson Bay, is n''t it?
12170Looks queer, does n''t it?
12170Muky, you lend me a hand with the bones, will you? 12170 Not so bad as we thought, eh, Rod?"
12170Sent Minnetaki away?
12170Then you believe we are far enough away from the Woongas?
12170We can start pretty soon?
12170We''re going to live in it?
12170What does Mukoki mean by''wolf night''?
12170What has gone wrong?
12170What is it, Mukoki?
12170What is it, Mukoki?
12170What is it, Wabi?
12170What shall we do-- to- morrow?
12170What time did you get in?
12170What were you doing last night?
12170What''s the matter with them?
12170What''s up?
12170Where is Mukoki?
12170Who-- did it?
12170Why did n''t they ambush us?
12170Why do you build those little houses?
12170Will you come, too, Mukoki? 12170 Will you let us see the treasure?"
12170Wo n''t it-- smother us?
12170Wo n''t you stay, Rod?
12170You can find your way back to camp alone, ca n''t you?
12170You hurt-- bad?
12170You saw the camp?
12170You shoot?
12170You''ll come back by the time the ice breaks up?
12170You''re better?
12170A hundred and five dollars in a night is n''t bad, is it?"
12170And why would not the Woongas penetrate beyond this mountain?
12170As the last notes died away the cheers that had been close to his lips gave way to the question,"What does that mean?"
12170Breakfast is sizzling hot, everything is packed, and here you are still dreaming of-- what?"
12170But how could he keep it preserved until their return, months later?
12170But where had they discovered the gold?
12170But why had they quarreled?
12170But you do n''t expect me to believe that it snowed enough yesterday afternoon and last night to cover this cabin, do you?"
12170Can you hold the gun?"
12170Could Minnetaki have been here?
12170Could he hold out?
12170Could that crumpled bit of bark hold the secret of the lost mine?
12170Did not Mukoki realize this?
12170Did that chasm hold the secret of the dead men?
12170Did the Woongas not fear pursuit?
12170Did you ever notice that a half of one of his ears is gone?
12170Did you have anything left over from your dinner on the trail to- day?"
12170Did you see anything?"
12170Do n''t you think so?
12170Do you mean it?"
12170Do you suppose she would care?"
12170Eh, Mukoki?"
12170Had Mukoki or he come to join him?
12170Had Rod and the old Indian been attacked?
12170Had she made that footprint in the snow?
12170Had the mysterious spy, or some of his people, waylaid and killed him?
12170Had they passed it among some of the black shadows behind?
12170Have you noticed our last night''s trail?"
12170He knew that she would be glad-- but how glad?
12170He stopped, and his voice betrayed his uneasiness as he asked:"How far do you think we have come?"
12170Ho, Muky, put on the steak, will you?"
12170Ho, Muky,"he called to the old Indian,"cut this fellow up, will you?
12170How could the door be locked within, and the window barred from within, without there being somebody inside?
12170How could they live in this endless desert of snow?
12170How wide was the ledge along which they were traveling?
12170Hunt her up, will you, Rod?"
12170Is it bad, Mukoki?
12170Is it possible that the gold played out-- that they found only what was in the buckskin bag?"
12170Is n''t it luck?"
12170It was not fear, it was not lack of courage, but-- What was there just beyond those cedars, lurking cautiously in the snow gloom?
12170It''s all-- what do you call it-- bosh?
12170Looks pretty yellow, does n''t it?
12170Maddened by the thought that his beloved Wabi was in the hands of merciless enemies, was the old pathfinder becoming reckless?
12170Might he not discover some clue that would lead to a solution of the mystery?
12170Now do you see why we would like to have a difference in the tracks?
12170Or might he hit Minnetaki?
12170Or were they relying upon the strength of their numbers, or, perhaps, planning some kind of ambush?
12170See that mountain yonder?
12170See that tree-- heem birch, with bark off?
12170Should he follow the trail, or would it be safer to steal along among the rocks of the opposite wall of the chasm?
12170Should he use it?
12170Suddenly Rod asked:"Where is Wolf?"
12170Suddenly he asked:"Did Minnetaki ever tell you-- anything-- queer-- about Mukoki, Rod?"
12170Suddenly, without giving a thought to his speech, there shot from Rod,"Is that the way you scalp people?"
12170They''ll see him, wo n''t they?"
12170Was Wabi dead-- and burned in those ruins?
12170Was it Wabi?
12170Was it danger?
12170Was it for the possession of that bark instead of the buckskin bag that the men had fought and died?
12170Was it possible that he could not find it?
12170Was it possible that something had happened to him?
12170Was it possible that the old warrior had discovered a wilder country than that through which he had passed in the chasm?
12170Was it possible that they believed the hunters would not hasten to give them battle?
12170Was it possible that they had given up the pursuit-- that their terrible experience in the dip had made them afraid of further battle?
12170Was n''t that Mukoki''s whistle?"
12170Was that a cry he heard far ahead?
12170Was this fact in itself not significant?
12170What cause had there been for that sanguinary night duel?
12170What could they find to eat?
12170What did it mean?
12170What do you think of it?"
12170What do you think, Mukoki?"
12170What for go again into wolf trap?"
12170What might not happen here, where everything was so strange, so weird, and so different from the wilderness world just over the range?
12170What mysteries might not these grim walls hold?
12170What part had he taken?
12170What was more logical than that?
12170What was the mystery that lurked in the blackness of yonder forest?
12170When their companion returned, he said:"We had better split up this morning, had n''t we, Muky?
12170Where could they find water to drink?
12170Where was Wabi?
12170Which way, Mukoki?"
12170Who had fired the five shots?
12170Who was the other person in the chasm?
12170Why could it not be preserved in what white hunters called an"Indian ice- box"?
12170Why had they fought?
12170Why had they neglected this most valuable part of their spoils?
12170Why was Wabi worried?
12170Would Mukoki never shoot?
12170Would he_ never_ shoot?
12170You no miss?"
12170You no tremble?
12170You remember that when you and I examined the skeleton against the wall we saw that it clutched something that looked like birch- bark in its hand?
12170_ Why had they fought?_ He even found himself repeating this under his breath as he began rummaging about.
12170had lost the trail?
13905A festival in which these friends may share-- these friends who saved my life?
13905Ah, is it so?
13905Am I too big to learn?
13905And did they beat you then?
13905And what would become of the Animal Kingdom then?
13905And who are you who dare oppose me?
13905But what will you do? 13905 But whither?
13905But you, my father,--for so I must call you still,said John;"who are you, and how came you to be living in the forest?"
13905Ca n''t you see that the boy is not here? 13905 Could I do it too?"
13905Dare you hear more, O King?
13905Did you care so much for his gorgeous clothes and jewels, his horse and band of followers? 13905 Do all animals know you?"
13905Do they beat you much?
13905Do you belong to them?
13905Do you know to whom you speak?
13905Do you not know that this is a moment of life and death?
13905Do you remember?
13905Do you think I need your protection? 13905 Does my son still live?"
13905For me?
13905For what ill deed, I pray?
13905Have you forgotten,said John gently,"how once a stable sheltered the greatest King of all among the humblest beasts?
13905Have you got my boy, Gigi the Tumbler, among them? 13905 Have you overtaken no one on foot?"
13905How could they allow that bad man to be their king?
13905How dare you say such things to me, your King?
13905How did you learn?
13905How have this vagrant and his vile beasts found entrance to my palace? 13905 I never saw any before, but how can one help loving these dear little pets,--and the lovely bird?"
13905Is it safe to leave you here alone with this wild beast?
13905Is that all?
13905Is the King so wicked?
13905May we not rest now? 13905 Not enough?"
13905Oh, how could the people forget their King and the holy man who had been good to them?
13905Oh, will he not grow big and eat us up, my father? 13905 Shall not die?"
13905Shall we go on a journey together, you and I? 13905 The people?"
13905Was there nothing to prove that this is the same child?
13905Well, what have you?
13905Well, you did come back, did n''t you? 13905 What are you doing here, little lad?"
13905What are you wearing about your neck?
13905What do you want?
13905What does this mean?
13905What does this mean?
13905What does this mean?
13905What has happened?
13905What has he done that is bad?
13905What have you to say for yourselves?
13905What is this coming down the highroad? 13905 What is this?"
13905What know you of the past?
13905What means all this?
13905What shall I do?
13905What shall we do?
13905What will he think of Gigi?
13905What''s that?
13905What''s this?
13905When did you begin?
13905Where did you get this?
13905Where hast thou been so long, good dog? 13905 Where is the silver piece which I gave you?
13905Where shall I go? 13905 Who am I?
13905Who are you? 13905 Who are you?
13905Who are you?
13905Who are you?
13905Who are you?
13905Who can mistake him in that suit, the very one we gave him? 13905 Who is he?"
13905Who knows what all this may mean? 13905 Why did he call John a mountebank?"
13905Why do you live away from men?
13905Why do you treat me thus?
13905Why do you try to help me?
13905Why do you want to learn?
13905Why is this girl allowed here?
13905Why should we speak of him?
13905Why, what can I do?
13905Will you not end this parley and slay them all? 13905 Will you not question these fellows further?"
13905You are better, my son?
13905You are better?
13905And for what purpose?"
13905And what happened?
13905And what new pet hast thou brought for my colony?"
13905And what of them?"
13905And why do the people allow him to be their king?"
13905And why do the people shout my name and seem to love me so much?"
13905And will you be my guide, as you were once before, good Brutus?"
13905As John says, there is the Animal Kingdom-- what is to become of that?"
13905But how could he do it?
13905But how was he to know which way to go?
13905But now would they retrace their steps to look for him?
13905But now, what was to happen next?
13905But tell me, I pray you, where I may find the good Hermit who healed the Prince''s wound?
13905But what could they do?
13905Can this boy dispute the words of these men?"
13905Could they be after him already?
13905Did they do that to you?"
13905Did you find anything to admire in their talk and manner and looks?
13905Do you know who I am?"
13905Do you not recall how, ages ago, the people treated the best Man who ever lived?
13905Have they turned your head, foolish boy?
13905Have you brought me word from him?"
13905How came he by this token?"
13905How came they here, I wonder?
13905How can a bad man have friends?
13905How did you come by him?"
13905How did you get here so soon?
13905How then can you delight to kill?"
13905If animals were treated so, how must the poor and lowly people fare at the hands of their lords and masters?
13905In Heaven''s name, what does it all mean?
13905In sight of all these people will you add more deaths to your record?"
13905Is it likely he would have come so far as this, the poor tired little lad?"
13905Is that all?"
13905Is this all you have to show for market- day?
13905Let us give him at least supper and a shelter for the night, Giuseppe?"
13905May we all sleep in your stable?
13905Not Tonio; not Cecco; not the Giant?
13905Oh, what should I do then?"
13905Shall we take these little friends on a wonderful pilgrimage?
13905Some went away, broken- hearted; who knows where they may be now?"
13905The murmur of the crowd swelled into a shout,--"Who is he?
13905Then the old man asked him in the tongue which Gigi knew,"Are you hungry, lad?"
13905They gazed, too, at the handsome yellow- haired boy, and whispered among themselves,"Who is he?
13905Was it a wolf?
13905Was it the wolf that had howled?
13905Was that what the creature meant?
13905Was there still something more to fear?
13905Was there to be no end of his troubles?
13905Were the mighty so cruel to one another,--to children and women and aged people?
13905What could my father mean by that?"
13905What has he done?"
13905What have I tried to teach you?
13905What magic have you, boy?"
13905What shall I do?"
13905What shall we do with you?"
13905What was he to do?
13905What will you do?"
13905What would he be doing in my cart, anyway?
13905Whence do you come?
13905Where did they get you, Gigi?"
13905Where have you been, and what do you bring there?"
13905Where is the money?"
13905Which of you does not know and love it?"
13905Whither are you going?"
13905Who are you who interrupt our hunt and stand between us and our quarry?
13905Who are you who talk so wisely, and who wear that silver Cross upon you?"
13905Who can he be?"
13905Who has been hurting you, my son?"
13905Who is the lad?
13905Who was this bending over him in the dim light?
13905Why do we waste words?
13905Why is not the signal given?"
13905Why not?
13905Will you come?
13905Will you help me?"
13905Will you let him be lost again?"
13905Will you let us sleep in your stable, friend?"
13905Will you never be coming home?"
13905Will you not heed that warning, lest more ill befall?"
13905Will you not love her as I do?"
13905Will you not take heed lest the Lord punish you further for your sins?"
13905Will you stay here with the Prince, or will you go back with me?
13905Will you try what your own skill and youth may do?
13905You shall have a bed and supper, fair boy; but what of these?"
13905[ Illustration:"Have you got my boy?"]
13905blustered the King,"and why not, pray?
13905exclaimed the man,"who are you who travel with this strange company?"
13905he cried,"Who is this lad?
13905he cried,"have you heard or seen nothing?
13905said John,"how do you know so much, my father?"
13905that will be sport!--Have any other teams passed you on the road?"
21728And do Peigans,continued Cameron,"come from a far country to trade with the white men_ with nothing_?"
21728And your friend Henri?
21728Are they near?
21728Are ye hungry?
21728Are you happy, my dog?
21728Ay, that was n''t much, was it?
21728But what if he''s bin taken prisoner?
21728But what, mother?
21728But why do n''t you ride up to them, Joe,inquired Dick,"and make peace between them and the Pale- faces, as you ha''done with other bands?"
21728But would n''t it be as well to put the poor brute out o''pain?
21728Can ye trust yer dog keepin''back?
21728Can ye` behold''the_ tree_?
21728Can you speak English?
21728Chucklin''? 21728 Could it be the grave of Joe or Henri?"
21728D''ye see the little lumps on the shoulder o''each horse?
21728D''ye think it''ll be good?
21728Deary me, Dick,said Mrs Varley, who now proceeded to spread the youth''s mid- day meal before him,"did ye drive the nail three times?"
21728Dick Varley,cried several voices;"where''s Varley?
21728Did Jim see-- Dick?
21728Did ye say, my boy, that they were_ all_ killed?
21728Did ye, though, all be yer lone?
21728Do Peigans hunt with_ war- arrows_?
21728Do n''t ye think, lads, it would be better to let the poor wretch off?
21728Do they love the dark better than the sunshine?
21728Does the Pawnee woman thank the Great Spirit that her child is saved?
21728Fat for, you do dat?
21728Go? 21728 Had we not best turn back and follow them at once?"
21728Hallo, Dick, wot''s to do?
21728Have the Pale- faces no wigwams on the great river that they should come to spy out the lands of the Pawnee?
21728Have ye got the big powder- horn, Joe?
21728Have ye, Dick? 21728 How comes it,"inquired Dick,"that these Indians do n''t care for our tobacco?"
21728How d''ye know that?
21728I never resort to that except as a last hope,he answered,"but I''ve a good deal of confidence in your prudence, what would you advise?"
21728Is that the bluff, Joe?
21728Is that your camp?
21728Is''t yerself, Dick Varley?
21728Let me see?
21728May I go, mother?
21728My boy, what do ye with the major''s dog?
21728My boy,exclaimed Mrs Varley, as her son entered the cottage with a bound,"why so hurried to- day?
21728No bones broke?
21728No damage done, boys, I hope?
21728No, did ye though?
21728Now then, all ready?
21728S''pose I wos make try?
21728Shall ve go to york an''slay dem all at vonce, or von at a time?
21728So soon?
21728The pup may be useful to us; how would you have it proved?
21728This is capital weather, Crusoe; ai n''t it pup?
21728To whom, my boy? 21728 Was that the bar that gave you the wipe on the cheek?"
21728We chawed him up that time, did n''t we, pup?
21728We may light a fire to- night, d''ye think?
21728What are the others?
21728What are they doin''yonder?
21728What ca n''t be?
21728What can it be, Joe?
21728What do_ you_ want, ye small bundle o''hair?
21728What has happened, eh?
21728What is''t, pup?
21728What is''t, pup?
21728What mean you, Joe?
21728What now, Joe?
21728What were they like, young man?
21728What''s the matter? 21728 What''s to be done?"
21728When do we start?
21728Where do you come from, and what are you doing here?
21728Where you git him?
21728Who comes next?
21728Who sold ye the bear- claw collar?
21728Who will go into the lands of the Blackfeet? 21728 Why not?"
21728Why so, lad?
21728Will that do?
21728Will the Dark Flower,said Joe, catching the name she had given herself,"help the Pale- face if he opens his heart to her?
21728Won her, my son?
21728Won it, my son?
21728Wot''s comed over yer brains, man? 21728 _ Must_ he be kill?"
21728` What have we got here?'' 21728 ` What,''says he,` when we got yon capital marrow- bones?''
21728` Will ye?'' 21728 Ai n''t it cur''ous?
21728And now, as I presume you do n''t bivouac in the snow, will you kindly conduct us to your encampment, if it be not far hence?"
21728And now, young man, will you join my party as guide, and afterwards remain as trapper?
21728And what,"continued Dick,"may be the name o''the bourgeois who speaks to me?"
21728And who else goes with us?"
21728Are Joe and Henri far from camp to- day?"
21728Are my words good?"
21728Are not these your goods?"
21728Are the Pale- faces henceforth to tell their children when they steal,` That is bad; that is like the Pawnee?''
21728Are we to go back to the great chief of the Pale- faces, and say that the Pawnees are thieves?
21728Are you mad?"
21728Are you ready?"
21728But ver is your hoss?"
21728But what''s that scraping at the door?"
21728But, young man, do you mean to say that you live here in the mountain all alone after this fashion?"
21728By the way, Joe, how many days''provisions did ye bring?"
21728Can a man feel as if his joints were wrenched out of their sockets, and listen to advice-- be that advice good or bad?
21728Can he feel as if he were sitting down on red- hot iron, when he''s not sitting down at all-- and listen to advice?
21728Can he feel as though these joints were trying to re- set and re- dislocate themselves perpetually-- and listen to advice?
21728Can ye rise?"
21728Could he be dreaming?
21728Crusoe, are you happy, I say?
21728Crusoe, you''re not asleep, are you, pup?"
21728D''ye mean to say that_ they_ live here?"
21728D''ye think ye''ll go?"
21728Do we not speak at this moment to_ you_?
21728Do you think, reader, that Grumps looked at any one but Crusoe?
21728Does your heart bound in you like a cannon ball that wants to find its way out and can''t-- eh?"
21728Fat place do vampums come from?"
21728He came to in a little, an''the first thing he said was,` Where''s my revolver?''
21728He says, why should the Pale- face and the Red- man fight?
21728His only resource was flight; but where was he to fly to?
21728How did ye bring him here?"
21728I have said,--What message shall we take back to the great chief of the Pale- faces?"
21728I suppose you will go also?"
21728If not-- fat am he?"
21728Is he not going to make peace with the enemies of the Pawnee?
21728Is he not going to take goods to them, and make them gifts and promises?
21728Is it not so?"
21728Jist as we wos partin''I said, says I,` D''ye know what it wos we lived on for a week arter we wos well- nigh starved in the prairies?''
21728Joe hesitated again-- could he trust her?
21728Look here; did you ever see one like it before?"
21728Now, lads, what think ye we should do?"
21728Now, tell me, pup, would n''t ye like to grip a bar?"
21728Of course Crusoe goes, Joe Blunt?"
21728Our own are the best in my''pinion, but how are we to git''em?"
21728Presently Dick asked, in a low tone,"I say, Henri, are ye asleep?"
21728Shall they live?
21728Shall we suffer the false- hearts to escape?
21728The great chief of the Pale- faces has sent me to say,` Why should we fight?
21728They were stout, said you?"
21728What are you chuckling at, Joe?"
21728What if he do n''t quite onderstand ye?"
21728What mattered it to Dick?
21728What now, lad?"
21728What, give up a hunter''s life and become a farmer?
21728When it was finished he held it out at arm''s length, and said,"Crusoe, my pup, ai n''t ye proud of it?
21728Where''s Henri?"
21728Who''s next?"
21728Why do n''t ye go on?"
21728Will she risk the anger of her nation?"
21728Will you go?"
21728Wo n''t ye try it_ now_?"
21728Would n''t it be nuts, pup?"
21728Would ye believe it?"
21728Yet after all, why should we call these wolves villanous?
21728Yet, in which way should he go?
21728an''fat is to be give to me for my broke shoulder?"
21728and if so, then tell me, wherein lies the difference between a written_ letter_ and a given_ sign_?
21728bad chien, vill you dare to look to me?"
21728cried Dick, sympathetically,"does it hurt ye, eh, poor dog?"
21728cried Henri, who did n''t see the animal in the least;"say you dat?
21728de bar no go under yit?"
21728de praise?
21728did you hear that?"
21728fat is dat?"
21728fat is eet-- hay?
21728fat you say?
21728here, pup, where are you?"
21728milleryons of mile away to here, and dat de is more bigger dan dis vorld?"
21728ou is de?"
21728what is''t?"
21728what is''t?"
21728what sort o''hut can ye make here?"
21728what''s this?"
21728what''s wrong?
21728where got you the grand gun?"
21728why pursue the subject?
21728wo n''t we, Crusoe?"
12405''Tom,"said my father,"how often have I told you that I have n''t got a drop of liquor in the shanty?
12405''You a trader among the Injuns, an''not keep whisky?"
12405Are you going to ride shanks''horses?
12405Are you going to take the tow- path?
12405Are you going to_ walk_? 12405 Bill,"he continued, turning to his right- hand man,"can you act as guide?"
12405But what do you suppose made them put the provisions in the Alert?
12405Can you discover any fast boats ahead of us, George?
12405Could they? 12405 Could you do it?"
12405Did n''t you notice how disrespectfully he spoke of his father? 12405 Did you catch them with a hook and line?"
12405Did you make the sails yourself, Frank?
12405Did you see any thing of the guns?
12405Dished again, are we?
12405Do it? 12405 Do n''t we gain on him any?"
12405Do you think so?
12405Do you understand managing a sail- boat?
12405Do you want them to discover all our plans, so that they may be ready for us?
12405Has he ever done you any harm?
12405Has n''t he got an orchard or melon- patch that we could visit?
12405Have n''t you heard any thing about it, either?
12405Have they? 12405 Have you caught any thing?"
12405Have you got three or four market- baskets, a clothes- basket, one or two pails, and a salt- bag?
12405He did n''t do it, did he?
12405He would n''t fly off, would he?
12405How are we going to work to get him out?
12405How are you going to hinder it? 12405 How are you going to work it, Frank?"
12405How can we manage that?
12405How do you know? 12405 How does she sail?"
12405How far will it shoot?
12405How will we go to work?
12405I came very near getting the start of you, after all-- didn''t I?
12405I say, Archie, where are you?
12405I say, Frank,said Charles Sheldon,"do n''t you think we can catch you?"
12405I wonder if they thought we would be foolish enough to send the Alert out of this creek, in the face of all those boats?
12405I wonder who that is on the other side of the lake?
12405If we could only go up there, some dark night, and steal his scow, and run her out into the river, and burn her, would n''t he be mad?
12405It would be funny if you should slip up on it, would n''t it?
12405It''s a long shot, is n''t it?
12405Now, boys,said he,"we do n''t intend to disband, do we?"
12405Now, what do you suppose that sloop cost me?
12405Oh, only playin'', was yer?
12405Oh, you begin to back down, do you, you cowards?
12405So I see; but what use can you put them to?
12405That''s the game, is it?
12405That''s your private opinion, expressed here in this public manner, is it?
12405Then how is it that the dogs are here?
12405Then, where''s_ my_ basket?
12405They look nice, do n''t they?
12405They meant to be ready for us, did n''t they?
12405They would, eh? 12405 Wal, if you say so, I wo n''t; but he oughter be larnt better manners-- hadn''t he, Pete?"
12405Was that you shooting up there?
12405Well, Frank, what do you think of him?
12405Well,said Ben, after trying in vain to peer through the darkness,"how do matters stand?
12405Whar are yer goin''?
12405What are in these bags?
12405What are these round things in this bag, I wonder?
12405What are they?
12405What are you trying to do?
12405What boat is that?
12405What business is that of yours?
12405What do you find?
12405What do you mean?
12405What do you mean?
12405What do you propose to do?
12405What do you suppose the smugglers intend to do?
12405What do you think now of the possibility of seeing a fox?
12405What do you think now, Harry?
12405What do you think of them?
12405What if they do?
12405What if they do?
12405What in tarnation is the matter?
12405What is it?
12405What is it?
12405What is to be done now?
12405What luck?
12405What makes you think so?
12405What makes you think so?
12405What makes you think so?
12405What makes you try to throw cold water on all our expectations, in that way?
12405What news?
12405What shall we do?
12405What society?
12405What sort of a boy is he?
12405What sort of fellows do you suppose we are?
12405What''s that?
12405What''s the matter, Uncle Joe?
12405What''s the matter?
12405What''s the reason?
12405What''s the use? 12405 When are they coming?"
12405Where are they? 12405 Where shall we meet?"
12405Where will we have to go to find them in the morning?
12405Where''s the owl?
12405Where''s your companion? 12405 Which is your basket?"
12405Which way is that?
12405Who are they?
12405Who cares for that?
12405Who cares for that?
12405Who is he?
12405Who knows exactly where that strawberry- bed lies? 12405 Why are you?"
12405Why did n''t you do it to- night?
12405Why do n''t you club together, and every time you see one of the Hillers, go to work and thrash him like blazes? 12405 Why does that please you?"
12405Why not?
12405Why will it?
12405Why, do n''t you see?
12405Why, was n''t he jest tryin''to wallop your friend here?
12405Why, you know that day after to- morrow is the Fourth of July, and--"And you have n''t got your fire- works yet?
12405Why,said Julia, in surprise,"I guess that''s Aunt Harriet-- don''t you?"
12405Will yer give a feller a ride?
12405Would n''t it be a better plan for us to meet in the woods, at the back of Mrs. Nelson''s lot? 12405 You are not going home before spring, are you?"
12405You do n''t intend to hurt Lee, do you?
12405You do, eh?
12405You think so, do you?
12405Already he has laid by half that amount; but how is he to get the rest?
12405At length, one of the boys inquired,"What name would you like?"
12405Brave immediately ran to join them, and Harry exclaimed,"I''d like to know what those dogs are doing there?"
12405But is there any hunting around here?"
12405But which way do we go to get home?"
12405Ca n''t twenty fellows whip a dozen?"
12405Did he receive Harry''s letter?"
12405Do you hear that?"
12405Do you think you can comprehend me now?"
12405Frank acknowledged himself to be the person, and James continued,"I suppose she''s the champion yacht, is n''t she?"
12405Had we better try to cross the creek now, or shall we wait until daylight?"
12405How would they go to work?"
12405How would you like to spend an hour with me on the river to- morrow?
12405I s''pose you kind o''thought you had rubbed me out, did n''t you?"
12405I was going to say--""Are you going to keep still,"roared the bully,"or shall I make you?"
12405I wonder how the Sunbeam[ meaning his skiff] would sail?
12405I wonder if we could not have slipped by their police, and reached the island, before they knew it?"
12405If we could represent the buck in the act of upsetting us, it would be our''masterpiece,''would n''t it?
12405If yer_ had_ been, we would n''t a left a grease- spot of yer-- would we, Pete?"
12405In a few moments they reached the fence that ran between the orchard and the meadow, and Archie inquired,"What shall we do now?"
12405In the first place, I suppose, we are all willing to pass part of the day on the river?"
12405Meanwhile Archie was pulling off his clothes, and, when his cousin appeared, he exclaimed,"How do things look down there?
12405Not you the cod I twigged[A] navigating that scow up the creek?"
12405Rather muddy, is n''t it?"
12405Shall we punch him for yer?"
12405Shall we try to cross it now?
12405Should he go back to the house and get assistance?
12405Suppose I shoot at him?"
12405The boys pulled back to the wharf, and Charles continued,"I did n''t think that the Alert would hold all of the refreshments, did you?"
12405The boys then climbed in themselves, and Frank said,"Well, we have captured our first deer, have n''t we?"
12405The smugglers began to grow jubilant over their success, and George called out,"Where are your men- o''-war now?
12405The smugglers remained together, and, as soon as the others were out of hearing, George inquired,"Do you think we can give them the slip?"
12405To Frank''s inquiry,"How do you do, sir?"
12405Uncle Joe suddenly inquired,"Boys, did you bring in your trap that you set for that wild- cat?"
12405We shall be obliged to tack a good many times, going down but we can sail back like a book, and--""Oh, you teach your grandmother, will you?"
12405We shoot consider''ble sharp-- don''t we?"
12405What do you want?"
12405What else should I catch them with?
12405What shall we be called?"
12405What was he to do?
12405What''ll yer be after doing with the boat?"
12405When do you expect her in port?"
12405Where was it?
12405Why do n''t you come down and see a fellow?
12405Will you take it?"
12405he continued, raising his voice so that William could hear;"wait for us at Uncle Mike''s-- will you?"
12405he exclaimed, on noticing the change in the Speedwell''s appearance,"what have you been trying to do with your old scow?"
12405inquired Archie,"You do n''t pretend to say that the''coons are not in the tree?"
12405repeated Harry, with a laugh,"Whoever heard of such a thing?"
12405said Lee;"that alters the case''tirely-- don''t it, Pete?"
59853A what?
59853After you put it in the smoke- house, you did n''t go back until this morning?
59853Am I in?
59853And it was done by these two?
59853And it was n''t Bud?
59853And what shall Fred do?
59853And you are the boy who locked the lion in the smoke- house last night when you heard the poor fellow trying to use his aged teeth on some bones?
59853Are we to leave the silver and money?
59853Are you going to keep that?
59853Are you the gentleman who was inquiring for me?
59853But do you expect to find the lion to- night?
59853Can it be Bud knows anything about last night?
59853Can you do that?
59853Dear me, have n''t you finished your revelations yet?
59853Did he laugh?
59853Did mother tell you I found it?
59853Did n''t you whistle to me a while ago, and did n''t you keep it up till I got here, and then you stopped? 59853 Did you fall?"
59853Did you get it changed?
59853Did you see me then?
59853Do they have snow storms down there in summer time?
59853Do you hear him?
59853Do you think we can manage it alone?
59853Do you think you would know either of those men if you met them again?
59853Do you want me to go with you?
59853Does Bud like it with the circus?
59853Exactly so; but what is to prevent our doing that now? 59853 Fred,"suddenly said his mother,"do not the Misses Perkinpine expect you to stay at their house to- night?"
59853Gracious alive, what can you do if they should come?
59853Halloo, Bud, where are you?
59853Have you got a gun in the house?
59853Have you told Archibald of this?
59853He did, eh?
59853He wanted you to get it changed, did n''t he?
59853Hear him? 59853 Heard you?
59853Hello, fellows, what is this pow- wow about?
59853How about that twenty dollars I gave you to get changed?
59853How are you getting along?
59853How are you going,asked Joe Hunt, sarcastically,"when your father said he would n''t give you the money?"
59853How could he help seeing me?
59853How do you suppose they ever raised the money to buy all those fireworks?
59853How far away is your home?
59853How is that?
59853How so?
59853How would it do to lasso him?
59853I did n''t, eh?
59853I do n''t think so, from what they said; it would have been better if I had n''t whistled to Bud, would n''t it?
59853I found it,replied Fred, who saw how he had forgotten himself in his fear;"is it yours?"
59853I know, but how and where? 59853 I never thought, but it would be a good thing to get the money, too, would n''t it?
59853I presume the offense is bailable?
59853I saw him going in that direction, and I saw you come out the path; what more natural than that I should conclude you had met? 59853 I wonder whether Bud is there?"
59853I''m here; where would I be?
59853If he could be got into a place where he could be held secure until you brought up his own cage, that would be all you would ask?
59853If one is guilty both are; if one is innocent so is the other?
59853Is Bud going to be home long?
59853Is it writ out?
59853Is it yours?
59853Is there anything the matter with it?
59853Maybe not, but are you sure there ai n''t any of them detectives about?
59853Mercy goodness,gasped Annie;"when was that?"
59853Mrs. Heyland, why do you call him Bud?
59853None of your business,was the characteristic answer;"is Fred Sheldon there?"
59853Of course it does, but do n''t you s''pose we know all that? 59853 Of course they are; it ca n''t be anything else, but what were they doing in the woods with the wagon?"
59853Oh, it''s you, Fred, is it?
59853Really? 59853 Scared at what?
59853So''m I,exclaimed the gratified Fred;"will you help me catch that tramp?"
59853Sure nobody was watching you?
59853Tell us, do you have sorrows or troubles? 59853 Then Bud is innocent, you think?"
59853There, do n''t that sound prime? 59853 Was n''t that you that answered my whistling a little while ago?"
59853Was n''t there some money taken, too?
59853We''re after the lion,said Mr. Scrapton;"have you seen him?"
59853Well, what is it?
59853Well, what of it?
59853Well, younkers, I s''pose you''re going to earn both of them rewards?
59853What are you staring at me so for?
59853What are your reasons?
59853What did he punch me for, when I stubbed my toe and run agin him?
59853What do you mean, Frederick?
59853What do you mean?
59853What do you mean?
59853What do you want of me?
59853What do you want to make fools of yourselves for?
59853What do you want?
59853What does Mr. Kincade want?
59853What does that offer imply?
59853What form is their celebration to take?
59853What have I done,asked Fred, backing away from him,"that you should take every chance you can get, Bud, to hurt me?"
59853What have you done?
59853What in?
59853What is the reward?
59853What is the world coming to?
59853What sort of a piece?
59853What under the sun can that be?
59853What under the sun is such an old thing good for?
59853What was he after?
59853What''s getting into folks?
59853What''s that?
59853What''s that?
59853What''s the matter now, Freddy?
59853What''s the matter with you fellows?
59853What''s the matter, my little man?
59853What''s the reason you ca n''t?
59853What''s the use of telling him? 59853 What''s the use of that burning, anyway?"
59853What''s to hinder? 59853 What?"
59853When is it going to come?
59853When will he be home?
59853Where did you find it?
59853Where did you find them?
59853Where did you get the meat?
59853Where is Archie?
59853Where is it?
59853Who can it be so early as this?
59853Who lives here, then?
59853Who said anything about counterfeits?
59853Who was it that done it for you?
59853Who was that?
59853Who''s afraid?
59853Who''s that?
59853Who, then, shut and fastened the door, after the lion walked in the smoke- house to eat the meat?
59853Why could n''t we coax him into the school- house this afternoon after all the girls and boys are gone?
59853Why did n''t I think of that?
59853Why did n''t I think of that?
59853Why did n''t you call us?
59853Why did n''t you come over to Squire Jones''office, then, and fix it?
59853Why did n''t you get out the way when I hollered to you?
59853Why did n''t you holler sooner, my young friend?
59853Why did n''t you shoot''em when you had the chance?
59853Why do n''t you shoot him?
59853Why do n''t you speak?
59853Why not?
59853Why not?
59853Why so?
59853Why so?
59853Why, Fred, how can that be?
59853Why, darling, what is the matter?
59853Why, what can Fred know about it?
59853Why, what would you have done if I had called you?
59853Why, what''s the matter?
59853Will it make you feel any better to get your head cracked? 59853 Will there be any risk in leaving the horse here?"
59853Will you call it square for that?
59853Will you j''ine?
59853Would n''t I? 59853 Yes, but will he stay there?"
59853Yes, of course I will?
59853Yes, sir; how could you know it?
59853Yes, there is, too; ai n''t we folks that live in Tottenville Tottenhots, smarty?
59853You are, eh? 59853 You can not?
59853You can reach down to it, ca n''t you?
59853You have a family, have you?
59853You have n''t owned it all that time, have you?
59853You met Bud Heyland in the woods over yonder, did n''t you?
59853You remember the man that was behind us listening when we sat on the rock last night?
59853You said you were a shipwrecked sailor, I believe?
59853You say you put the meat in there on purpose to catch the lion last night?
59853You want to play the thief, do you?
59853You will, eh? 59853 You''re sure Sutton will be there?"
59853You''ve fastened it on Bud, eh?
59853Your name is Frederick Sheldon, I believe?
59853Afraid there is n''t enough supper for you?"
59853Ai n''t I glad to see you?
59853Am I the other tramp that led you on such a wild- goose chase?
59853And to what do they challenge us-- a spelling match or a swimming race?"
59853And wo n''t she be glad?
59853Are the''low- ly lil- is of the val- ly''once more on the war path?
59853Are you the man?"
59853Besides, the risk was tremendous, and why should he endanger his life?
59853Bud Heyland''s face flushed still redder, and he coughed, swallowed and stuttered----"Who shut the door?
59853Bud snarled:"I generally say just what I mean, and what are you going to do about it, old Hay Seed?"
59853Bud turned toward the constable, who stood at his elbow, with flashing eyes, and demanded:"What''s the matter with you?"
59853But I say, Mr. Kincade, how shall we go to work to capture a lion?
59853But say, good people, how in the world am I to know whether I am chasing Hanschen or a hare?"
59853But was the little structure strong enough to hold him?
59853But when he was invited to sit down he did so, and asked, in the most natural manner:"Where is Bud?"
59853But where are your pyrotechnics to come from?"
59853Did n''t he kill you?"
59853Did they ask you any questions when you got it changed?"
59853Did you ever see such a queer- looking hare as that little chap with my brothers?"
59853Do n''t I know--''cause, did n''t I try it?"
59853Do n''t you see I''m ready to run into the water, and----""How about going through the bushes and briars?"
59853Do you expect to crawl under the tent?"
59853Do you see?"
59853Do you understand?"
59853Finally he asked, in his gruff, dictatorial way:"Who was he?"
59853Fred made no answer to this, when the tramp added, in the same husky undertone, as he stepped forward in a threatening way:"Do you hear what I said?"
59853Has Archie Jackson been here to- day?"
59853Have n''t we done it in more than one other place than Tottenville?"
59853Have you any objection to his going with me?"
59853He gave you a twenty- dollar bill to get changed, did n''t he?"
59853He nodded to them and said,"How do you do?"
59853He shook hands with Kincade and Bud, the latter asking:"Is everything all right?"
59853His name was-- let me see, circus- circum-- no----""Cyrus Sutton?"
59853How are you?
59853How could the guilt of Bud Heyland be brought home to him, and who was his partner?
59853How old do you suppose we are?"
59853How was the silver plate to be recovered, for the task would be less than half performed should the owners fail to secure that?
59853If you are we''ve got lots of castor oil and rhubarb and jalap and boneset; shall I mix you up some?"
59853Is it an earthquake?"
59853It is easy to picture the scowling glare which Bud Heyland turned upon Sutton as he answered:"You''re a purty one to talk about signals, ai n''t you?
59853Neither of the others noticed this course remark, and the stranger, scrutinizing the boy with great interest, said:"What is your name, please?"
59853Roy Hastings''sister?"
59853Suppose I had taken out this knife and told him all about it, what would he have said?"
59853That official, addressing himself to the constable, asked:"You are certain this offense was committed on last Monday evening?"
59853The angry Heyland called out:"What''s the matter with you?
59853The boy, who was sixteen years old, turned about and looked at them for a minute, and then asked:"Is that you, younkers?
59853The boys started toward him, and had nearly reached him when Jimmy Emery said in an excited undertone:"Why, do n''t you see who he is?
59853The three little hares were delighted and said,"He''s a hare now, is n''t he, mammy?"
59853The tramp- like individual peered through the gloom in the direction indicated, and then inquired:"How fur is it?"
59853Was she, Helen Hastings-- her father''s pride, her brothers''pet-- to meet a violent death here in this lonely spot?
59853We remained silent for some moments, when grandfather said quietly,"Celia, had n''t you better tell the boys the story of the walnut rod?"
59853What are you talking about?"
59853What do you think, sister?"
59853What do you want?"
59853What does that mean?"
59853What for?"
59853What made you stay away so long?"
59853What was it they had heard?
59853What''er you doin''here?"
59853What''s that?"
59853What''s the matter of_ you_, Joe Hunt?"
59853When he broke through his own cage with such ease, would he find any difficulty in making his way out of this place?
59853When made aware of its character he turned smilingly toward the chief prisoner and said:"Well, colonel, what have you to say to this?"
59853When you heard me, why did you stop?"
59853Where did it seem to come from?"
59853While in the act of opening it, Bud Heyland caught sight of it, and with an exclamation of surprise, he demanded:"Where did you get that?"
59853Why do n''t you come on, you fool?"
59853Why was it that, with such opportunities for destroying human life, he had failed to rend any one to fragments?
59853Why-- that is-- yes-- why what''s the use of asking such infarnal questions?"
59853Will give a hundred dollars, eh?
59853Will you walk to the road, or shall we be forced to carry you?"
59853Would n''t you ladies like to attend the show?"
59853You observed how pale- looking he is?"
59853asked Miss Annie, peering over her spectacles in alarm;"are you sick?
59853called out Bud;"if you can whistle you can use your voice, ca n''t you?"
59853called out Fred, as he came up,"what are you looking for?"
59853called out Fred, with a grin, as he and his two friends approached;"how are you?"
59853demanded Bud Heyland, checking his horse and glaring about in the gloom;"is that you, Sutton?"
59853do n''t you?"
59853gasped Aunt Annie, sinking into a chair and raising her hands,"what is the world coming to?"
59853what''s that?"
21734Ah thin, avic, plaze do attind to me at wance; for sure I''ve run four miles to git stuff for a dyin''family-- won''t ye now?
21734Ai n''t it vexin''?
21734Ai n''t you afraid some of the bad- looking scoundrels in these parts may take a fancy to your pick and shovel?
21734Ai n''t you goin''with us?
21734All what, sir?
21734Among the mountains, is it? 21734 An'', may I ax, commodore,"said Larry O''Neil, touching his hat,"wot_ I''m_ to do?"
21734An''I say, stranger,continued the Yankee, while Ned put the finishing touches to his work,"will ye do the inside o''my hut for the same money?"
21734An''who are_ you_ that finds fault wi''the diggers?
21734And are these murders passed over without any attempt to bring the murderers to justice?
21734And did the sharper hear of it?
21734And did you say you were all ready for a start to- morrow, captain?
21734And how would you manage with huge manufactories?
21734And now,said Ned,"may I ask permission to pass the night with you?"
21734And pray, sir,he continued,"may I ask what are office- hours?"
21734And suppose I did n''t care a straw for being called a coward, and would n''t attempt to clear my character?
21734And suppose,answered Ned, with a smile--"suppose that I refused to fight, what then?"
21734And which of the three callings do you propose adopting?
21734And why not, nephew? 21734 And, pray thee, what may that be, most sapient philosopher?"
21734Are grizzly- bears eaten here?
21734Are the victuals gone too?
21734Are we far- distant from the other miners in this creek?
21734Are ye ready to go, Mister McLeod?
21734Are ye sure o''the spot?
21734Are ye sure?
21734Are you badly hurt, my poor fellow?
21734Are you in earnest?
21734Are, then, all the Indian tribes at enmity with the white men?
21734Arrah, now,remarked another Patlander,"do n''t ye wish ye wos up to the knees and elbows in the goolden sands already?
21734At what hour?
21734Av it would n''t displase yer lordship, may I take the presumption to ax how the seal come to be broken?
21734Ay,_ how_ long?
21734Bear- catching?
21734Bin long in?
21734Bin there before?
21734But how am I to escape from Mr Jolly?
21734But how do you manage it?
21734But what_ is_ the affair?
21734But where have they gone to?
21734But why not give it now?
21734But,said Ned,"I shall have to get a steward-- is that what you call him?
21734By the way,remarked Ned, as they walked along,"what of Captain Bunting''s old ship?"
21734Can I see Mr Moxton?
21734Can nothing be done, then?
21734Can we?
21734Can you speak English?
21734Capital,cried Ned, laughing heartily;"and you did n''t try for a letter after all?"
21734D''ye mane to tell me,he said, slowly and with emphasis,"that I''m maybe sittin''at this minute on the top o''rale goold?"
21734D''you think so? 21734 DB?"
21734Do I know meself?
21734Do n''t ye see that ye''ve a''most made him faint? 21734 Do n''t you think, messmates,"said Captain Bunting, lighting his pipe,"that if it gets wind the whole colony will be laughin''at us?"
21734Do these storms usually last long?
21734Do you mean that you seven men catch fall- grown grizzly- bears alive and take them down to the settlements?
21734Do you see yonder bird clinging to the stem of that tree, and pitching into it as if it were its most deadly foe?
21734Do you think, then, that you would make a good digger?
21734Do you?
21734Does he expect more to- morrow, think ye?
21734Does he like to have the Bible read to him?
21734Does not this wild spot remind you of the nursery tales we used to read?
21734Drop, you mean,suggested Tom, laughing at the man''s expression;"of course I have, and why not?
21734Excuse me, sir,he said, hesitatingly,"may I ask what room I shall occupy, if-- if-- I come to work here?"
21734Goin''to the diggin''s, I s''pose?
21734Hallo, Ned, what''s keeping you?
21734Halloo, Ned, what''s that I hear about prices? 21734 Have ye spoken to the other men, Elliot?"
21734Have you got your colours with you?
21734How did it happen?
21734How in the world did you get him in there?
21734How moche?
21734How much did you propose?
21734How often am I to tell you that I do n''t and_ wo n''t_ consider the making of money the chief good of this world? 21734 How so, boy?"
21734How so?
21734How was dat?
21734How was that?
21734How-- how much have I swallowed?
21734I am not surprised to hear it,said Captain Bunting;"but pray what''s i''the wind?
21734I have not kept you waiting, have I?
21734I s''pose ye''ll not object to let me rest by yer fire, strangers?
21734I say, Bill,he added, pointing to a little tin bowl which stood on an inverted cask outside the door of the ranche,"wot can that be for?"
21734I say, stranger,inquired the Yankee,"d''ye git many bits like that in this location?"
21734I suppose you intend to send this to some fair one in old Ireland?
21734I''ll do that for you, all in good time; meanwhile, will you put on your hat, and run down to Moxton''s office-- you remember it?
21734Indeed,replied Tom, laughing;"how, then, would you have men to live?"
21734Is all right?
21734Is he your husband?
21734Is it a very ghostly one?
21734Is it?
21734Is not` nor''east and by east''our direct course for the harbour of San Francisco?
21734Is that all?
21734Is the trap far off?
21734Is your claim better than the others in the neighbourhood?
21734It''s a wild place, if all reports are true?
21734It''s awkward,said the captain, with a troubled expression, as he slowly raised a square lump of pork to his mouth;"what would you advise me to do?"
21734It''s only me, Ned; can I come in? 21734 Maybe ye can do Irish?"
21734Mister McLeod,said he, when Ned concluded,"will ye shew me the body o''this man?
21734Most true, my sagacious friend,said Tom;"but, pray, how do you prove the fact that things_ are_ wrong?"
21734Mr Collins?
21734My dear uncle,said he,"how can_ I_ manage such a place, without means or knowledge?"
21734Near the Horn, I should think, by this time; but why so anxious?
21734No, you do n''t, do you? 21734 Nor none o''your party, I expect?"
21734Nother do I,said another,"It''s all a sham; come, now, ai n''t it, Bill?"
21734Now, ai n''t that aggravatin''?
21734Now, dear,said Larry,"we have n''t time to waste, will ye go with me to San Francisco?"
21734Now, then, where''ll I steer to?
21734Now, thin, who''s nixt?
21734Now, who is to decide the question if I do n''t give in, Tom? 21734 Of course, you could n''t be expected to have done much in so short a time; but_ how_ much?"
21734One second more and I shall commence,replied Ned;"I beg pardon, may I ask your name?"
21734Or French?
21734Perhaps you will inform me where_ you_ have come from, and what is your errand in these lonesome places at this hour of the night?
21734Perhaps you''ll try the northern diggin''s?
21734Porter there?
21734Pray, sir,began Ned, modestly,"may I take the liberty of asking you what is the meaning of all this?"
21734Sartinly I do,replied the bear- catcher;"an''why not, stranger?"
21734Shall I read to ye, darlin''?
21734Shootin'', is it? 21734 So soon?"
21734Sure do n''t I know me own feelin''s best?
21734Surely the farm connected with such a house must be a large one?
21734Then why did n''t you?
21734Then, do you mean to say that Thompson is gone?
21734There you go again, Tom; you ask me the abstract question,` What do you mean by enjoying life?'' 21734 There''s more than wan,"cried another man, seizing Pat again by the arm;"wo n''t ye come, man?"
21734They''re diggin''goold out o''the cabin floors, are they?
21734Troth, ye''ve got a dash o''the Yankee brogue,said Larry, with a puzzled look;"did ye not come from the owld country?"
21734W''en a thing comes all right, an''tight, an''ship- shape, why, wot then? 21734 Wall, now, stranger, if you choose to be resarved, and we choose to be free- an''-easy, where''s the differ?
21734Was he well when he left?
21734Well, I do n''t know about that; I suppose you''re right,replied Lizette;"but is n''t it nice?
21734Well, but could n''t you_ converse_ without arguing?
21734Well, now, let me ask you, Ned, how much gold have you brought back from the diggings?
21734Well, what have you got, comrades?
21734What do you do with them when caught?
21734What have we here?
21734What have you to say to me?
21734What is it ye give him?
21734What is it?
21734What like was he?
21734What say ye to that, mister?
21734What shall we do now?
21734What shall we do now?
21734What way is that?
21734What''s his name?
21734What''s that?
21734What''s the price?
21734What, comrades,cried Black Jim, with an oath, and looking fiercely round,"will ye see a messmate treated like this?
21734What, then, do you mean to do?
21734What,said he,"sell the_ Roving Bess_, which stands_ A1_ at Lloyd''s, to be broken up to build gold- diggers houses?
21734What_ can_ he mean?
21734What_ does_ it all mean?
21734What_ is_ to be done?
21734When shall we start?
21734Where away?
21734Where did_ you_ come from, old boy?
21734Where has Larry O''Neil gone?
21734Where have you come from, and how comes it that your clothes are torn, and your faces covered with blood?
21734Where then?
21734Where''s the gold?
21734Who be this Missey Nelina?
21734Who can DB have been?
21734Who can make a torch?
21734Who comes here?
21734Who do you think was the murderer?
21734Who goes there?
21734Who said we were` afraid,''young man?
21734Who''s there?
21734Whose is the best horse?
21734Why did n''t ye ax?
21734Why not, stranger?
21734Why not?
21734Why so, stranger?
21734Why, boy,said Captain Bunting, laying down his knife, and looking at Ned in amazement,"what''s put that in your head, eh?"
21734Why, how did you guess that?
21734Why, then, I''d be compelled to snuff you out slick off?
21734Why, what have you been about?
21734Why, what_ do_ you mean,said he,"who is this extraordinary proprietor?"
21734Why, where are ye goin''?
21734Will that suffice to stock and carry on so large a farm,inquired Ned?
21734Wot wos his name?
21734Yer a cliver fellow,said Larry, as he came up, panting;"sure ye did it be chance?"
21734You don''say dat?
21734You would n''t have me spit in my hat, would you?
21734You''d make a pretty good thing of it if you did,retorted Mr Thompson;"would they not, Lizette?
21734You''ll be goin''up to the bar at the American Forks now, I calc''late?
21734You''re not good at a bargain, I fear,remarked Sinton;"but what of the little girl?"
21734You''ve been in California, since I last saw you, I understand?
21734You''ve come from San Francisco, stranger?
21734` Four''s bid,''says I, mountin''on a keg o''baccy, and howldin up the knife;` who says more? 21734 ` Now,''says I,` wot for are ye scraggin''this old man?''
21734` Och,''says he,` who''ll sell me a place?'' 21734 ` Why not?''
21734` Why, what do you mean, my lad?'' 21734 ` Wot''s to do?''
21734''Cause why?
21734An''whot am I to do with it?
21734And if not, is it digestible?
21734Any new diggin''s discovered?"
21734As he did not seem inclined to be communicative, however, Ned said again,"What is the meaning of it all?
21734Besides, are we agoin''to let sich a trifle stand in the way o''us an''our fortins?"
21734Besides, has n''t she got an Irish heart?
21734But are you_ sure_ you know her?"
21734But first tell me, how is my young friend, Ned?"
21734But how has it come about?
21734But what''s wrong; you look pale, and, eh?
21734Captain Bunting, how are ye?
21734Come on, and fire together; but aim_ low_, d''ye hear?"
21734Did n''t we lay him hereabouts?"
21734Do n''t I know the mizzen- mast as well as I know me right leg?"
21734Do you feel better to- night?"
21734Do you think we shall manage to reach the diggings to- morrow, Maxton?"
21734Happy, thrice happy, the few who in that hour could truly say to Jesus,"Whom have I in heaven but Thee?
21734Have ye got raisins an''sago?"
21734Have you any more knives like that one?"
21734Have you been successful since I left?"
21734Have you been used to sit at the desk?"
21734Have you ever been in an office before?"
21734Have you no one to look after you?"
21734Have you studied law?"
21734Here Ned whispered a few words to the captain, who nodded his head, and, turning to the Yankee, said--"How much will you give?"
21734Here comes the mate again-- well, Mr Williams?"
21734Horoo, Mister Sinton, darlint, is it yerself?
21734How are ye gittin''on in the goold way, honey?"
21734How are ye, kinsman?
21734How comed ye to larn me name?
21734How did ye break it?"
21734How far is it to the next ranche, landlord?"
21734How''s her head, Larry?"
21734I accept your answer to the general question; but how many people, think you, can afford to put your theory in practice?"
21734I dun know yet very well how I got ashore, but I did somehow--""And did the cart go for it?"
21734I gave up everything for it; I spent all my time in search of it-- and I got it-- and what good can it do me_ now_?
21734I guess you''ve bin raised to that sort o''thing?"
21734I hope you''re not offering to speculate in half- finished holes, or anything of that sort, eh?"
21734I presume that you and your friends have just arrived at the mines?"
21734I say, stranger, ai n''t you a Britisher?"
21734I suppose your friend has told you how the land lies?"
21734I''m not a stranger; do n''t I know all your history from first to last?"
21734If ye ca n''t make things better, wot then?
21734If ye ca n''t, why wot then?
21734If_ he_ lose the boat, do n''t_ we_ lose the tin?
21734In a few minutes he resumed,--"Well, but what do you mean by enjoying life?"
21734Is n''t that a lan''scape?"
21734Is the shooting good?"
21734It began thus:--"My Dearest Boy,--What has become of you?
21734Look alive, will you?
21734Look here, Larry, can you guess what it was?"
21734Look here, Tom, can you decipher this?
21734Maybe there is; who knows?''
21734McLeod, where are you?"
21734Mr Scotchman, I misremimber yer name, wot''s that?"
21734Neither is my friend Sinton, eh?"
21734Now, Mr Jefferson, in what position do you intend to sit?"
21734Now, who will go with me?"
21734Now, why did he do it?
21734On the knocker being applied, the green door was opened by a disagreeable- looking old woman, who answered to the question,"Is Mr Moxton in?"
21734See here, I have had my will drawn up long ago, with the place for the name left blank I had intended-- but no matter-- what is your name?"
21734Shall I tell it you?"
21734Shall we remain?
21734Shure I do n''t mind the blow; it''s done me no harm-- won''t ye, now?"
21734Smitten with the yellow fever, Neddy?
21734So says I,` Wot''ll ye give?''
21734Stay, what was the name of the man who used to visit you?"
21734Suppose we meet at the Parker House, and talk over our future plans while we discuss a chop?"
21734Surely some peculiarity in the atmosphere gives that tree false proportions?"
21734Tell me now, how long did it take afore it growed that long?"
21734The Yankee uttered an exclamation of surprise, and asked,"Why not, stranger?"
21734The result was, as formerly, a disagreeable- looking old woman, who replied to the question,"Is Mr Moxton in?"
21734The rider drew up suddenly, and, leaping off his horse, cried,"Can I have a draught of water, my good woman?"
21734The sick man saw him instantly, and, raising himself slightly, exclaimed,"Who goes there?
21734The square lump of pork disappeared, as the captain thrust it into his cheek in order to say,"What?"
21734These articles having been delivered and paid for, Larry continued--"Ye''ll have brandy, av coorse?"
21734Tom looked up with a flushed countenance and a glittering eye, as he exclaimed--"Who?
21734Tom replied by reining up his steed, pointing to an object in front, and inquiring,"What think you of_ that_?"
21734Tom, are you wounded?"
21734Up goes my rifle like wink, and the red- skin would ha''gone onder in another second, but my piece snapped-- cause why?
21734Very odd, is n''t it?"
21734What can it be that old Thompson''s so anxious about?
21734What can it mean?"
21734What did ye say was your charge for it?"
21734What do you mean by it?
21734What do you mean?"
21734What do you mean?"
21734What have you heard or seen?"
21734What say you to the fact, that I am as much a beggar as yourself?"
21734What say you?"
21734What shall I have to pay him?
21734What think you?
21734What you want?"
21734What''s the matter with ye?
21734What_ does_ it all mean?"
21734What_ has_ done it, uncle?
21734What_ is_ to be done?"
21734Where d''ye stop?"
21734Where have you been, and where are you going next?"
21734Wherever did ye come from?
21734Why are_ you_ here, and what has brought me here?"
21734Will that suit you?"
21734Will ye try a drop?"
21734Wo n''t you step in and take a cocktail or a gin- sling?
21734Work, work you say, an''pay we?"
21734Wos ye goin''there?"
21734Wot''s the differ to us?"
21734You have n''t made your fortune, I fancy?"
21734You tell me you have 500 pounds?"
21734` Wot''s that for?''
21734ai n''t he a bit o''thunder?"
21734an''do n''t I know the way to touch it?
21734and_ who''s_ this-- a wet little girl?"
21734are ye not shot, capting?"
21734but it''s chape postage,"said Larry, lifting the curtain, and stepping out;"could n''t ye say thirty, now?"
21734can you explain what has done it?"
21734captain, where are you?"
21734coughed Ned gravely,"and if we should set up in the_ other_ line, will you kindly come and board with us?"
21734countryman, where''s the sick Irishman and his sister gone, that lived close to ye here?"
21734cried Larry,"free, gratis, for nothin''?"
21734cried Larry;"an''is there no law for sich doin''s?"
21734cried McLeod, who, with Larry, had seized and cocked his rifle,"is that you, Webster?"
21734cried Ned Sinton, laughing in gleeful surprise;"it''s my old boat, is n''t it?
21734do you call this home?"
21734exclaimed Larry,"why did n''t ye tell us the price before we tuck them?"
21734exclaimed Moxton,"you''re young Sinton, I suppose?"
21734exclaimed Ned Sinton, rushing up to his relative,"what_ can_ be the meaning of all this?
21734faix, I''m of opinion I can prove the murder; but, first of all, how is the black villain to be diskivered?"
21734gasped Tom, while the questions flashed across his mind-- Is gold- dust poison?
21734got cleaned out with the trip up, an''trust to diggin''for the future?
21734have ye room for a large party in there?"
21734he shouted, on entering,"are you there?"
21734how much d''ye say?"
21734leave the gold- fields just as the sun is beginning to shine on you?"
21734morther, wot nixt?"
21734now, ye wo n''t tell?"
21734or Indians?"
21734said I,` what do you mean?
21734said Ned, as they entered the somewhat gloomy defile,"which used to begin,` Once upon a time--''""Hist, Ned, is that a grizzly?"
21734said Ned;"but how, in such a matter, can_ we_ help you with advice?"
21734said Sam Scott, in a slightly sarcastic tone,"an''suppose I do n''t stop firin''over your shoulder, what then?"
21734surely you do n''t mind a wetting?"
21734thin, spake, wo n''t ye, darlin''?
21734very good; which is he?"
21734what have we here?"
21734what''s that?"
21734where are you?"
21734why what''s this?
21734wot do you dress your pig- tail with?"
21734wot do_ you_ want?"
21734you do n''t mean to say you''re-- laughing?"
21734you villain, have I got you?"
21734yourself again?"
62866Act how?
62866Ai n''t me and you going to live like the richest of them this winter?
62866Ai n''t you going back with me?
62866Ai n''t you mighty glad that you was n''t here when them robbers come up and stole your grub and things?
62866And did n''t I just tell you that I was n''t going there no more?
62866And how long will that be?
62866And what do you think those trespassers did while they were there?
62866And what shall I do with them twenty- five hundred after I get''em, Joey?
62866And what will poor Bob be doing while we are hunting for him?
62866And what would they have done with the things that are in that valise, if they had found them? 62866 And what''ll I be doing?"
62866And what''ll you be doing?
62866And will you promise, sure as you live and breathe, that you wo n''t lisp a word of it to nobody? 62866 And wo n''t you larrup me for losing of it?"
62866And you did n''t hear anything either, I suppose?
62866And you let''em go without saying a word to me?
62866Animals do n''t generally have''hants,''do they?
62866Are you going to be Mr. Hallet''s game- warden?
62866Bob was right when he declared that this thing was destined to end in something besides fun, was n''t he?
62866But did n''t they know that we would be back sooner or later to look into the matter?
62866But do you imagine that he gave it back, even when he knew that he could not fulfil his promise? 62866 But do you suppose they thought they could get that valise back by threatening you?"
62866But if he ca n''t read it, what use will it be to him?
62866But suppose you had found them at home, and ready to receive you-- what then?
62866But what could have been their object in stealing these sheets and pillow- cases? 62866 But where is he now?"
62866But why do n''t he tell that Joe of our''n what he wants of him?
62866But wo n''t they be hopping mad when they hear of it?
62866But you heard the robbers coming down the path, did n''t you? 62866 By the way, you did n''t know that they are Mr. Hallet''s game- wardens, did you?
62866By- the- way, did you ever see that before?
62866By- the- way,chimed in Bob,"did this robber of yours have a gun of any description in his hands when he was captured?"
62866Ca n''t I make him go pardners with me?
62866Ca n''t you see how badly he wants it, and how confident he is that he is going to get it? 62866 Ca n''t you see that the door is wide open?"
62866Ca n''t you speak, and tell me what''s the matter of you?
62866Ca n''t you wait till I come to the cave?
62866Coming up here again to- night?
62866Dannie, what''s the use of talking that way?
62866Did Dan''s fears make him say that, or was it a part of the trick?
62866Did I understand you to say that you have not seen Bob since we ate dinner together?
62866Did Joe say anything so''t you could hear it?
62866Did any living person ever hear of such luck?
62866Did he show himself to you, too?
62866Did it ever occur to you that they might have followed you at a distance when you came down from the mountain?
62866Did n''t I say that there had been a heap of plundering and stealing a going on in this country in bygone days?
62866Did n''t I tell you when I first come in that I ai n''t got a cent to bless myself with?
62866Did n''t you read in the letter about the grip- sack with a false bottom to it?
62866Did n''t you tell me that you thought the head of the family ought to have the handling of all the money that came into the house?
62866Did the writer say anything about cutting a hole through the ice, so that he could jump into the lake to get away from the''hant''?
62866Did they go off together? 62866 Did they say anything to you?"
62866Did we have any hand in making the capture?
62866Did what?
62866Did you ever dream that me and you would have such amazing good luck as has come to us this day? 62866 Did you find the rope that led down to the cave, when you went up there this morning?"
62866Did you forget to close and lock your door when you left home this morning?
62866Did-- did they hit him?
62866Do n''t it you?
62866Do n''t you hear the creaking of his wagon? 62866 Do n''t you suppose that we know a ruffed grouse from an English partridge or quail?"
62866Do n''t you think it was kind of Mr. Warren to pay six dollars a pair for those birds, just to give you the fun of shooting them?
62866Do n''t you think they used them to dress up their ghost?
62866Do you know how much he is going to give him?
62866Do you mean to let him boss you around in that way?
62866Do you mean to say that you''re going back?
62866Do you reckon the sheriff will hand over the twenty- five hundred when I give up the prisoner?
62866Do you see my shotgun anywhere, either of you?
62866Do you see this grip- sack? 62866 Do you think Joe suspects anything?"
62866Do you think Silas will ever have the reward paid him in a lump?
62866Do you think that that little Joe of our''n could''rest us if we did n''t want him to?
62866Do you think that the men who fired those guns are hiding in the gulf?
62866Do you think the robbers have got hold of him?
62866Do you want them-- that rich feller to have all the fine shooting to himself?
62866Down where in what gorge?
62866Father has n''t worked half as hard as we have, and yet he is just as well-- What in the name of wonder is that?
62866Fifteen dollars a month and grub for eight months-- that would be a hundred and twenty dollars, would n''t it, Dannie? 62866 Go on; what next?
62866Has Mr. Warren got two keys to that lock?
62866Has it got a false bottom in it?
62866Have much of a supply?
62866Have you any idea what induced him to take that step?
62866Have you any idea where the things in this grip- sack came from?
62866Have you any idea who the man is?
62866Have you heard of a heavy robbery being committed in these parts lately? 62866 He ai n''t a going to go halvers with me and pap, is he?
62866He did n''t say that we could n''t go back again as soon as the robbers have been caught, did he?
62866How did he ever make out to carry that heft of greenbacks clear across the ocean and up into these mountings? 62866 How do you reckon he feels over the trick we played on him this morning?"
62866How far is it to the beach?
62866How is this, Brierly?
62866How many birds did you get?
62866How, I''d like to know?
62866I belong here, do n''t I? 62866 I know I never did; but did n''t I tell you almost the very first word I said, that I''m going to try it this winter?"
62866I know it is, for did n''t he go into them evergreens without making the least stir among the branches?
62866I know it?
62866I reckon you''ll have to catch him before you can prove anything agin him, wo n''t you?
62866I reckon you''re glad''cause I ai n''t got a cent to bless myself with, ai n''t you?
62866I say, Tom, do n''t you think there is a robber''s cave about here somewhere? 62866 I want Joe to earn them hundred and twenty dollars; see the p''int?"
62866I wonder if a stranger thing than this ever happened?
62866I wonder what has come over Dan all on a sudden?
62866I wonder what they will conclude to do about it?
62866If that howling dervish has settled down there for the winter, how shall we get rid of him?
62866Is Joe Morgan at home?
62866Is it mine to keep, or to use while I am acting as game- warden?
62866Is it simply an excuse to get out of school for the winter?
62866Is it the same as a game- constable?
62866Is n''t that so?
62866Is one of them taken?
62866Is that all you''ve got to say?
62866Is that all?
62866Is that you, Tom Hallet?
62866It sorter hurts you to know that there is them in the world that are just as lucky and smart as you be, do n''t it? 62866 It was a nice place, was n''t it?"
62866It was your father and Dan who fired them guns a bit ago, was n''t it?
62866It''s a long time since you seen this here little tool, ai n''t it?
62866It''s a soft thing, so far as the perviding goes, but what''s the work? 62866 Let''s see-- how far did we get?"
62866Looks kinder like it used to last winter, do n''t it? 62866 Mother, your hard days are all over, and I can go to school, ca n''t I?
62866Not all of it?
62866Now do n''t it bang you what mean luck some fellers do have? 62866 Now that I think of it, what right had we to touch this grip- sack?"
62866Now what''s to be done?
62866Now, Dan, what''s the use of talking that way?
62866Now, do n''t that beat you?
62866Now, what arrangements shall we make about dinner?
62866Of nights? 62866 Oh, it''s you, is it?
62866Or the twelve thousand dollars in bills, and three hundred in gold?
62866Say, Joe, have you thought over that little plan of mine?
62866Say, Joey, you''ll keep old man Warren''s rifle, to take the place of the scatter- gun you lost, wo n''t you?
62866Say, father,said Joe, suddenly,"what are you going to do with your captive?
62866Say, pap,he continued, in a hurried whisper,"do n''t it beat the world how some folks can make money without ever trying?
62866Say, pap,he whispered excitedly,"dog- gone my buttons, what did you go and lock yourself up for?
62866Say-- don''t it bang you?
62866See them tools I took away from him?
62866Seen who? 62866 So you thought you would fool your poor old pap this morning, did you, you little snipe?"
62866The first question is this: Did the letter that father took from his wood- pile look faded and soiled, as if it had been rained and snowed on?
62866Them English partridges?
62866Them thick bushes shuts out all the light of the sun, do n''t they?
62866Then I''ll be a gentlemen like the rest of''em, wo n''t I?
62866Then he''ll go with the feller, to keep track of the letter, wo n''t he?
62866Then how are we going to get that fortune?
62866Then how would we make a living?
62866Then how''ll mam get the things she wants?
62866Then what did you shoot at?
62866Then where''s the money to come from? 62866 Then who''s going to give it to me?"
62866Then why did n''t you come to the door and say so like a man, instead of trying to scare me by looking in at the window? 62866 Then why do n''t you help me?"
62866Then why do n''t you report_ them_ fellers?
62866Then you think there is some one hidden in the gulf?
62866Then, what do you keep up such a whistling for? 62866 Then, why do n''t you pay some heed to it?
62866Then, why do n''t you think it over?
62866They got in their work pretty lively, did n''t they? 62866 This bangs me; do n''t it you?
62866Tom and Bob?
62866Was it a dummy?
62866Was that the only reason you had for giving me that advice?
62866Was-- was it a man?
62866We do n''t get none of it, do we?
62866Well, I done it, did n''t I?
62866Well, Joseph,said Mr. Warren, cheerfully,"going to school next term?"
62866Well, go on; what was it?
62866Well, it is n''t their fault, is it?
62866Well, old fellow,said Joe, cheerily,"why did n''t you come around and see my new home?
62866Well, sir, we done it, did n''t we?
62866Well, that was what you were put here for, was n''t it? 62866 Well, that''s the way them hants do, ai n''t it?"
62866Well, then, what''s the matter of you?
62866Well, then, why ai n''t you satisfied? 62866 Well, they covered you with their revolvers; then what?"
62866Well, we know now for certain that the money''s there, do n''t we?
62866Well, what are we going to do about arresting those thieves?
62866Well, what do you think of it by this time?
62866Well, who''s down there?
62866Well, you see what you made by it, do n''t you?
62866Were you acting as their guide when they released you?
62866What ailed them?
62866What air you doing here, Joe Morgan?
62866What are you doing here?
62866What are you going to do about it?
62866What are you pointing that gun at me for? 62866 What be you going to do, Dannie?"
62866What did he say? 62866 What did it look like?
62866What do you mean by that pantomime?
62866What do you reckon he wants to show you?
62866What do you reckon that stingy Joe of our''n has come back here to tell mam?
62866What do you say now?
62866What do you think I had better do about it? 62866 What do you think suggested to them the idea of making use of a dummy to frighten folks away from their hiding- place?"
62866What does old man Warren know about it?
62866What doing?
62866What for wo n''t he?
62866What for, wo n''t we?
62866What for?
62866What for?
62866What for?
62866What for?
62866What ghost?
62866What has become of them?
62866What has father got to say about my business?
62866What in the name of sense and Tom Walker was it?
62866What in the world put that notion into your heads, anyway?
62866What is there up there in the hills that''s going to hurt me?
62866What kind of a feller is that?
62866What kind of a looking thing was that dummy?
62866What makes you say that?
62866What makes you think there are two of them?
62866What of it?
62866What setters?
62866What sort of a job is that, do you reckon?
62866What sort of an object was it that Dan shot at?
62866What sort of business?
62866What was it?
62866What''s happened?
62866What''s in it?
62866What''s that?
62866What''s the fool studying about, do you reckon?
62866What''s the matter of you?
62866What''s the matter with him?
62866What''s the matter?
62866What''s the matter?
62866What''s the trouble here?
62866What''s the use of going to all that trouble?
62866What''s the use? 62866 Where be they?"
62866Where is he? 62866 Where is mother now?"
62866Where is your guide, and why did n''t he show you the way to the Beach?
62866Where were you when they captured him?
62866Where''s Bob?
62866Where''s father and Dan?
62866Who are you?
62866Who did it? 62866 Who in the world has been using my wood- pile for a post- office, I''d like to know?"
62866Who is he?
62866Who said anything about Dan?
62866Who said anything to you?
62866Who''ll give that there order?
62866Who''s been a- follering of you? 62866 Why did n''t you veer around a bit, and lead them toward the railroad?"
62866Why did you not answer my calls for help?
62866Why do n''t he speak up and say he''ll take it? 62866 Why do n''t they drive their own team?"
62866Why do n''t you go down to the gorge?
62866Why do n''t you make him give it to you, and then you can spend it as you please?
62866Why do n''t you stay and watch the hant, and let me go after the money?
62866Why not, I''d like to know?
62866Why not?
62866Why should n''t I? 62866 Why, Joseph, you are not going back there?"
62866Why, how did it happen?
62866Will you be quick about it?
62866With lots of money in it?
62866With them six hundred dollars''worth of birds running around loose and no law to pertect''em?
62866Wo n''t, eh?
62866Would it inconvenience you to stir around and get a fire going? 62866 You ai n''t forgot what I told you awhile back, I reckon, have you?"
62866You and I?
62866You did n''t?
62866You do n''t like it, do you?
62866You do n''t think this man is foolish enough to try to run off while his hands are tied, do you? 62866 You have got to earn all the money that comes into the family this winter, ai n''t you?"
62866You heard me remind him that I had given him a handsome sum of money to put me in the way of a good day''s shooting, did you not? 62866 You placed our robbers''cave down there, did n''t you?"
62866You remember them English pa''tridges he brought over here to stock his woods, the same year he built that big hotel down to the Beach, do n''t you?
62866You still think it was a man, and not a wild beast that yelled at us?
62866You thought to steal them p''inters, I reckon, did n''t you? 62866 You will guide me to the Beach, of course?"
62866You will, eh?
62866Ai n''t I going to make a power of money this winter?"
62866Ai n''t it a lucky thing for me, Joey, that I give up them setter dogs to- day?"
62866Ai n''t there a good ferry right in front of the door, and ca n''t we take care of them that wants to go back and forth?"
62866And anybody that wants that old scow for their own can have it, ca n''t they?"
62866And how am I going to do it if you do n''t stay with me?"
62866And what''s to hender you from getting it for you own?
62866And where''ll I put it after I get it so that it will be safe?
62866And who''s been a- follering of you?"
62866Anything missing?
62866Are you listening to your pap?"
62866Are you not coming back?"
62866Be you going back to your shanty now?"
62866Besides, how do I know that you would n''t shoot some of my blue- headed birds, as Morgan calls them?"
62866Besides, how is old man Warren going to tell whether it was me or some of them city sportsmen that shot''em?"
62866But I want to get even with old man Warren for breaking up my business, do n''t I?"
62866But how would it be with them?
62866But it is n''t reasonable to suppose that we could all dream the same thing, is it?
62866But what makes old man Warren come here to tell us about it?"
62866But what sort of business?
62866But where should he go?
62866But why do you go against me in this way?
62866Ca n''t we all shoot birds and rabbits when the season''s open, and snare''em when it''s shut?
62866Can you stand it till we get home?"
62866Come on; what''s the use of being so lazy?
62866Did anybody ever hear of such luck?
62866Did anybody ever hear of such luck?
62866Did he find the owner?"
62866Did he make a noise like that?"
62866Did he tell you everything that happened in the gulf?"
62866Did n''t I tell you the very first word I said that old man Warren had give the job to Joe?"
62866Did n''t think of that, did you?"
62866Did they have any birds?"
62866Did they take any of your things, Tom?"
62866Did they treat you well?"
62866Did you ever hear of such amazing mean luck before?
62866Did you read what was into it?"
62866Do n''t it you?"
62866Do n''t you think he will?"
62866Do you ask what it was that suggested to them the idea of making the shiftless and ignorant ferryman the victim of one of their practical jokes?
62866Do you intend to sit up and watch him all night long?"
62866Do you know what I did the minute I got home yesterday?
62866Do you really think I had better stop at home?"
62866Do you want to see your business busted up?
62866Found a false bottom in that grip- sack?"
62866Have you seen anything in the shape of grub, Tom?"
62866Have you seen anything of Bob?"
62866Have you seen your father and Daniel since they left the house this morning?"
62866Have you thought better of it already?"
62866He did n''t waste any time in going after that money, did he?"
62866He has been so very quick about it, that I''m inclined to believe it was n''t Silas at all; but if it was he, why is he camping there?"
62866He wanted to go with you; and then do you know what would have happened if you and him had captured one of them bugglars?
62866He''ll stay around where that letter is till some one finds it, wo n''t he?"
62866How come this dockyment in front of the wood- shed, do you reckon?"
62866How many did they bring home with them?
62866How much do you think these things are worth?"
62866How much will them boats cost me, Joey?"
62866I could n''t have better fellows for company, could I?
62866I have the best notion in the world to--""Now, ca n''t you wait until I tell you?"
62866I ran on to them before I knew it, and do you imagine I thought''robbers''once?
62866I reckon you wish you''d stayed by me now, do n''t you?
62866I reckon you wo n''t go back, will you, Joey?"
62866I reckon you''re willing to believe now that he was a chasing of me a while ago, ai n''t you?
62866I took particular pains to-- Now can anybody tell me what that means?
62866I wonder could I out- run him?"
62866I wonder if father and Dan will go?"
62866I wonder what''s come over him all of a sudden?
62866If I find it, I''ll have to bring it down on my wagon, wo n''t I?
62866If I thought that was so, would n''t I try my level best to find some of it?
62866If that is the case, what is there to hinder them from robbing our cabins at any time?
62866If that was the case, we''d smell the smoke now, would n''t we?"
62866If the men were on their trail, why did they not rush up and grab the valise?
62866If there was n''t, it would n''t be a fortune, would it?
62866If they had not violated the law in some way, why did they take so much pains to keep out of sight?
62866Is old man Warren out there now?
62866It was a fine place for an ambuscade, but if the enemy had concealed themselves there, why did they not come out?
62866Just then the deputy, who had been sitting on a log to recover his breath, managed to inquire:"What have you done with your partners?"
62866Now where be we going to hide it?
62866Now, Joe, will you hold your jaw?"
62866Now, father, how did you happen to catch him?"
62866Now, how am I to get to the Beach?
62866Now, is there any way I can work it so that mother can have everything she wants, and yet be able to say that she has n''t got a cent in the house?"
62866Now, then, where''s that there--""That there what?
62866Now, what comes next?"
62866Now, what shall we take besides our lunch?
62866Now, what''s to be done about it?"
62866Now, who''ll I get to read it for me?
62866Now, will you hand over that letter, so''t I can take another look at the map and make sure that I know where the cave is?"
62866Now, will you hold your tongue, or not?"
62866Now, will you tell me when you want me to go up there, and just what you expect me to?"
62866Oh, Dannie, why did n''t we shoot a little lower?"
62866Oh, you did n''t know that Hallet had hired them for wardens, did you?
62866Say, Joey, if our squad gobbles both them bugglars, how much''ll that be for each of us?"
62866Say, feller, what have you done with him?"
62866Say, pap, what be we follering the beach for?
62866See the p''int?
62866See the point?"
62866Seen any account of it in the papers, Tom?"
62866That sounds all right, does n''t it?
62866That would be a good place to put the cave, would n''t it?"
62866Then, aloud, he asked,"Did it frighten you to think that you had a fair prospect of lying out all night?"
62866There ai n''t nary one of''em worth five cents a piece, and where be they going to get the money to pay their fines?
62866They went to Canada after that, did n''t they?
62866Think somebody was about to steal all the gold dishes?
62866Want anything in my line this morning?"
62866Was his father about to side with Joe?
62866We do n''t care if they do put a bridge down there to our house and bust up the ferrying business, do we, Dannie?
62866We went up the beach till we struck the brook that comes out of the gulf, and we follered that till-- till--""You found the cave?"
62866Well, Tom, what do you say?
62866Well, then, shall we tell him about the ghost, or shall we skip that?"
62866Well, what of it?
62866What are you growling about?"
62866What be you going to do with yours, when you get it?"
62866What did you see up there in the gulf that frightened you so badly?"
62866What do the scales say in regard to his weight?"
62866What do they want to put a bridge across here for, anyway?
62866What do you say?"
62866What do you say?"
62866What has come over you all of a sudden?"
62866What if the enemy had heard their approach, in spite of all the pains they had taken to keep them in ignorance of it, and prepared an ambush for them?
62866What is it, Joe?"
62866What is it?
62866What is to hinder them from doing as much shooting as they please at one end of the wood- lot, while I am skirmishing around the other end?
62866What kind of a beast do you think it was, anyway?
62866What was you saying, Dannie?"
62866What would Mr. Warren think of me if I should throw up my situation before I had fairly entered upon its duties?
62866What you laughing at, you big fool?"
62866What''s five dollars alongside the ten thousand we might have had if we had n''t been such fools?
62866What''s the matter of you?"
62866What''s the matter with you two anyway?"
62866When Tom ceased speaking, he said:"And so you knew that there was something in the gorge before you took possession of your cabin, did you?
62866Where did they catch you?
62866Where is he?"
62866Where''s the other?"
62866Who fired those four shots a while ago, and what did they shoot at?"
62866Who is Mr. Warren going to hire for his warden?"
62866Who is he talking to, I wonder?"
62866Who knows but Joe may be telling her something about the money that''s in the cave?"
62866Who knows but what the smell of powder and the whistle of shot about his ears will scare him so''t he will go away and never come back?"
62866Who were they?
62866Why did n''t he offer that soft job to me, instead of giving it to that Joe of our''n?
62866Why did n''t he think to go around the corner and look behind the chimney?
62866Why do n''t you let out that rope a little?"
62866Why do you ask?"
62866Will you be sensible and go pardners, or have your business busted up?"
62866Would n''t that be a joyful day to me, though?
62866Would n''t they make good use of some of it before many hours had passed away?
62866You are pretty fellows to talk about living up there alone in the woods this winter, are you not?''
62866You have got the burglars in your own hands now, and I do n''t reckon you would mind passing it over, would you?"
62866You remember them blue- headed birds you killed for him last year, do n''t you?"
62866You see what you made by it, do n''t you?
62866You see-- Where''s your lantern?"
62866You will be on hand, of course?"
62866You''ll come, wo n''t you, Joe, and help us hunt down those villains who have kidnapped Bob Emerson?"
62866You''re going to have the softest kind of a job all winter, and make stacks and piles of money, and never give a cent of it to mam, be you?"
62866You''ve had visitors already, have n''t you?
62866and what have you lost?"
62866exclaimed Bob, with a laugh,"did n''t you assure me that we would n''t hear anything go b- r- r- r?"
62866exclaimed Silas, impatiently,"Do n''t you know that hants ca n''t tote nothing away,''cause they''re sperits?
62866said Dan, with a grin,"you do n''t mean it?"
62866said he, addressing himself to Joe;"and what''s become of Bob?"
62866what''s the matter of you?"
62866who''s them fellers?"
62866you''re going back on your mam, are you?"
21241A glass of maraschino, gentlemen?
21241A smuggler, is he?
21241A what?
21241According to rank, Lopez,cried Jarauta, seeing that all was ready;"the captain first-- do you hear?"
21241All ready there, Lopez?
21241All ready there? 21241 All ready, then, are you?
21241An American?
21241And Jack?
21241And how did you expect to reach us in the corral?
21241And how long have you been in the army, Senor Capitan?
21241And if any of them is missing-- is missing, do you hear?
21241And so you have joined the volunteers?
21241And the gentleman?
21241And the smugglers?
21241And the young ladies--"And the young ladies?
21241And then on to Orizava?
21241And they are well?--all well?
21241And what signify numbers?
21241And where is your cousin now?
21241And why not send for it?
21241And, sir, what mean you? 21241 Are they abed, think you?"
21241Are they alone? 21241 Are they dead?"
21241Are you a good horseman?
21241Are you hurt, Raoul?
21241Are you well acquainted with Vera Cruz?
21241Are your comrades all similarly bound?
21241As you please, gentlemen; but you will then return this way, and proceed to your camp?
21241At what point?
21241Ay, where?
21241But beyond the hacienda?
21241But how came you, Narcisso, to be with the guerilla?
21241But how did you find us, Major?
21241But how far--_hombre_?
21241But how is he to get out?
21241But how, Senor?
21241But how, then, did you come here?
21241But what brought you to New Orleans? 21241 But what is a hollow square of fifty men?
21241But where are the Frenchmen?
21241But where are the guerilleros?
21241But where is he?
21241But where is old Bios? 21241 But where on earth is your pewter?"
21241But who cut the rope?
21241But who? 21241 But why do they halt here?"
21241But why, Captain?--why?
21241But your soldiers, Capitan?
21241Ca n''t we steal out at night?
21241Can it be--?
21241Can not we move in a hollow square?
21241Can we pass out here?
21241Can you bring them opposite, then?
21241Can you hit that man with the sponge?
21241Can you place your hands in the aperture?
21241Captain Haller?
21241Captain Hennessy?
21241Clayley, will you do me the favour to order the men to their saddles?
21241Come, Captain; shall we feed?
21241Could you not make her understand you? 21241 Could you reach the trap on a run, without the danger of mistaking your way?"
21241De yez think, Raowl, she''s gone after the licker?
21241Did they say where they were going?
21241Did you know that voice, Captain?
21241Did_ you_ dream of meeting Marguerita again?
21241Do n''t you like it, Murtagh?
21241Do n''t you think, Captain,said he,"we''ve gone far enough into the cursed country?
21241Do n''t_ you_ think so?
21241Do you know if the prairie wolf is found here?
21241Do you think he understands English?
21241Do you think they are any of our people?
21241Do you think you can reach him?
21241Do you think, Captain, it_ will_ stop a shot?
21241Don Emilio? 21241 Don Santiago?"
21241For what reason?
21241For what?
21241From Don Cosme?
21241Full of what?
21241Gentlemen,said I to my brother officers, as we came together,"can you suggest any mode of escape?"
21241Give him his hands, too; he''ll need them to keep off the zopilotes; wo n''t he, Lopez?
21241Ha!--how? 21241 Halted again?"
21241Has any of you heard of Dubrosc on the route?
21241Have n''t I, though? 21241 Have you a choice, monsieur?"
21241Have you a pigeon in your pocket?
21241Have you determined, Major Twing?
21241He is new, then?
21241How all right then?
21241How am I to prevent them?
21241How are we to send, Major?
21241How are yer ter get out, Cap''n?
21241How can I best pass the hour? 21241 How can I?
21241How deep are you?
21241How do you expect us to eat, then?
21241How do you know that?
21241How do you like Mexico, Senor?
21241How far distant is this plain?
21241How fur''s the crik, Rowl?
21241How know you this?
21241How know you?
21241How long do you think we may be gone?
21241How long will the storm continue?
21241How many?
21241How would_ you_ like to make it?
21241How, sir?
21241How?--swim it?
21241How?--why, Senor?
21241Hurt? 21241 I ask you who fired the shot?"
21241I may ration them for one day?
21241I say, Antonio-- you''re sure this road leads out above?
21241I say, Raowl, does she consint?
21241I thought that you_ contrabandistas_ hardly needed the precaution of dark nights?
21241I wonder if they are going to hang us to- night, or keep us till morning? 21241 Is it loaded, Major?"
21241Is it possible?
21241Is not all our fine ambuscade for nothing?
21241Is that Colonel Rawley?
21241Is the Senorito Narcisso within?
21241Is there no way to save him, Raoul?
21241It is possible, then, to reach the town by these?
21241It is?
21241It was a shell,said he, in a wheezing voice,"Are you hurt, Captain?"
21241It''s blissid kind of yez, gentlemen,said Chane;"but how are we goin''to ate it, if ye plaze?"
21241It''s got a worse complaint than the colour, did n''t yez fetch us a thrifle more of it, my darlint boy?
21241It_ was_ you, then?
21241Jalapa? 21241 Jarauta?"
21241Let us go below-- can you see any light?
21241Lieutenant Claiborne,continued he, addressing an officer the youngest in rank,"what sentence?"
21241Lieutenant Clayley?
21241Lieutenant Hillis?
21241Long? 21241 Look for yourself-- well?"
21241Lopez, these I perceive are gentlemen of rank, and we must send them out of the world a little more gracefully, do you hear?
21241Major Blossom, I presume?
21241May I ask what countryman you are?
21241Mounted, think you?
21241No I-- is that phwhat ye say, my darlint? 21241 No harm, I reckin, Cap''n?"
21241No kicking or tumbling about, eh?
21241No,I replied;"and you?"
21241Old Bios, eh? 21241 On the island?"
21241Over what? 21241 Perhaps you would prefer_ julienne_ or_ vermicelli_, gentlemen?"
21241Phwhat diz she say, Raowl?
21241Phwhat''s that he sez, Raowl?
21241Safe somewhere,replied Clayley;"but where the deuce can he be?
21241Senor Capitan, what do you mean?
21241Senor Coronel, permit me--"What is it, my dear Don?
21241Senor Coronel, would you prefer a glass of Majorca?
21241So he was in the_ rinconada_, you say? 21241 So, good lieutenant, you have been improving your time, I hear?"
21241Take out the gag-- let him have his tongue free; he''ll need that to pray with-- won''t he, Lopez?
21241Tell her, Raowl, I''ve got no money, becase I have been rabbed, de ye see? 21241 Tell me, my dear,"continued Chane,"are yez married?"
21241That will be much prettier-- won''t it, Lopez?
21241That''s all-- is it?
21241That''s true; but how the deuce are we to get back again? 21241 The Death, Cap''n?--what do yer mean?"
21241The boy!--what boy?
21241The gentleman will have time to make himself ready for heaven before he dies-- won''t he, Lopez?
21241The gentlemen rested well; did n''t they, Lopez?
21241The man-- the Mexican? 21241 The old fellow was mighty frindly at first; what got into him, anyhow?"
21241They appeared to wonder--"Well?
21241To be sure-- why not?
21241Very well-- what are you waiting for?
21241Wal, Cap''n,said he, after I had concluded my examination of the corpse,"ai n''t he a picter?"
21241We are coming to another precipice?
21241We are near the house-- will you still make the attempt to take him along?
21241We look like firing a shot, do n''t we? 21241 Well, Captain,"broke in the sharp voice of Jarauta,"what do you think of it?
21241Well, Clayley?
21241Well, Lopez, does any of them say` yes''?
21241Well, Lopez, what says Saint Patrick? 21241 Well, Major-- what''s to be done?"
21241Well, Senor, what''s this?
21241Well, Sergeant, what is it?
21241Well, thin, my purty little_ moochacha_, cudn''t yez?--ye know what I mane-- cudn''t yez? 21241 Well, what is it?"
21241Well-- what of that?
21241What accidents?
21241What can it mean? 21241 What church?"
21241What countryman? 21241 What did he say, Nath, as he was running off?"
21241What did they say?
21241What do you mean, Sergeant?
21241What do you mean?
21241What do_ you_ do fighting among these heretics against your own religion? 21241 What does the man mean with his_ grashes_?"
21241What have I got between my lips? 21241 What have you there?"
21241What is it, Bob?
21241What is it, Captain?
21241What is it, Raoul?
21241What is it?
21241What is it?
21241What is it?
21241What is it?
21241What is terrible?
21241What is that, Raoul? 21241 What is the hour?"
21241What is to be done? 21241 What is to be done?
21241What is to be done?
21241What next? 21241 What next?"
21241What on earth are you at, Captain?
21241What reason?
21241What say you to going with us?
21241What skeleton?
21241What the deuce has got into Blossom?
21241What time is it, Captain?
21241What was it, then?
21241What would I not give-- what would I not do-- to be the hero of such a heart?
21241What''s the matter, Bob?
21241What? 21241 What?--howl-- what''s the matter!--what''s this?"
21241Where are the dogs?
21241Where are these Yankees?
21241Where are we, Raoul?
21241Where do those arches lead that open from the sea? 21241 Where do you think they are taking us, Raoul?"
21241Where have you been?
21241Where is he?
21241Where''s the padre?
21241Where-- where?
21241Which of you remembers the course, that you could follow it in a gallop?
21241Which one, Sergeant?
21241Who can it be Jack? 21241 Who is he, Antone?"
21241Who is it?
21241Who knows whether they''ve killed` El Cojo''?
21241Who on earth is the old fellow calling?
21241Who taught you English?
21241Who will volunteer to ride an express to camp?
21241Whom did you see, Jack?
21241Whom prisoners?
21241Why did you not tell me that before? 21241 Why do you hate it, Captain?"
21241Why do you hope so?
21241Why not send for a couple of regiments?
21241Why so, Captain?
21241Why think you we are with Cenobio''s guerilla?
21241Why, Captain, what''s the matter? 21241 Why, Senor Capitan,"said he,"your accent!--you are a foreigner?"
21241Why, Senor,inquired the boy without listening,"how have you got out of prison?
21241Why, how long have you been in the country, then?
21241Why, what could we do?
21241Why, what was the matter, Major?
21241Why, who but the bold Blossom?
21241Why?--how? 21241 Will the ladies not object to that?"
21241Will yer allow me, Cap''n, ter take a couple o''files, and fetch in the Dutchman? 21241 Will you try another, Senor Coronel?"
21241Wo n''t you allow us the use of our fingers?
21241You are sure they are missing?
21241You call yourself victim, Marie? 21241 You do not need them any longer?"
21241You have? 21241 You know him, then?"
21241You mean to say, then, that my love is` all in my eye''?
21241You need refreshment, gentlemen; will you come to my house?
21241You smoke, gentlemen? 21241 You think he was waiting for us?"
21241You think he will exchange them, then?
21241You will have them at the Eagle''s Cave by six in the morning; by six, do you hear?
21241You will soon return, Enrique?
21241You would kiss my hand? 21241 Your foil is not in order; it has lost the button, has it not?"
21241_ Cafe_, Senores?
21241_ Esta el Capitan_?
21241_ Muchacha_? 21241 _ No han cenado, caballeros_?"
21241_ Puchero_, Senor Coronel?
21241_ Que cosa_?
21241_ Que cosa_?
21241_ Que dice_?
21241_ Que dice_?
21241_ Que quiere_?
21241_ Quien es_?
21241_ Quien sabe_?
21241_ Quien viva_?
21241_ Quien_?
21241_ Quien_?
21241_ Quien_?
21241_ Y son esos Americanos_?
21241( And are these Americans?)
21241( And the fat gentleman?)
21241( Guadalupe, do you love me?)
21241( Is it the captain?)
21241( Sentinel, look out), and the sharp challenge,"_ Quien viva_?"
21241( What do you want?)
21241( What does he say?)
21241( What is it?)
21241( What''s the matter?)
21241( Who fired?)
21241( Who goes there?)
21241( Who knows?)
21241( Who?)
21241A dozen voices called out together:"Who fired that gun?"
21241A moment after, half a dozen of the guerilleros burst open the door and rushed in, crying out as they entered:"_ Quien tira_?"
21241A nice soft floor to dance upon, is n''t it, Lopez?"
21241All alive yet?"
21241An officer, eh?
21241An''whar''s the other eend?"
21241And are they not being carried-- father, mother, and all-- before some tribunal?
21241And how should I be received by her with such a tale upon my lips?
21241And what''s this?"
21241Are not our souls in communion through some mysterious means?
21241Are our eyes not held together by some invisible chain?
21241Are they prisoners in the hands of these half- robbers?
21241Are those eyes swimming with love, or gratitude, or both at once?
21241As I live,''tis a Mexican craft!--who can have brought it here?
21241At that distance from us the woods began; but could we reach them before our pursuers would overtake us?
21241Bob Lincoln of the Peaks?"
21241Bob Lincoln?
21241Bob, what is it?"
21241But how did this hyur whang kum cuf?
21241But how to get out?
21241But if that be his character, how can he be elected?"
21241But is she so?
21241But no; what good would it be to me?
21241But what could we do-- five men, almost unarmed?
21241But where are the messengers of commerce with their white wings?
21241But where?
21241But who could the woman be whose voice I had heard pleading in my behalf?
21241But why ai n''t you a- gwine to Mexico?
21241But will you be safe?
21241By the way, how has the fellow obtained such influence as he appeared to have among them, and so soon, too?"
21241Can she, too, be suffering?
21241Can you find seats there?
21241Can you tell the meaning of that cry?"
21241Clayley and the major looked towards me with an expression that said,"Shall we go in?"
21241Could they be stolen out after night?
21241Could they have turned off on some other route?
21241Could this be a woman?
21241Could this scene not last for ever?
21241Cudjo, where''s the screw?"
21241Cudn''t yer put us in the crik bottom, Rowl?"
21241De ye hear?"
21241Did n''t I tell you?"
21241Did n''t you, Lopez?"
21241Do my eyes deceive me?
21241Do n''t I, Lopez?"
21241Do n''t you wish we had him on the lines?"
21241Do n''t_ you_ think so?"
21241Do you think you are ready?"
21241Do you think you can pass them?
21241Guide,"he added, turning fiercely to Raoul, and half- drawing his sword,"what''s this?"
21241Had we not better return to camp?"
21241Has my friend arisen?"
21241How could I have taken it from either the one or the other, bound as I am?
21241How could he have been here?
21241How did he look?--what like?"
21241How do you like that?"
21241How have you been?
21241How is he to reach us?
21241I bent towards my companion, and whispered to her in that language-- rich above all others in the vocabulary of the heart:"_ Guadalupe, tu me amas_?"
21241I could not help muttering to myself:"Why, in the name of mischief, did the fellow tell me this till we had passed it?"
21241I ejaculated;"is it so?"
21241I entered my chamber-- to sleep?
21241I exclaimed, as the memory of this man came over me;"why did I not bring more men?
21241I exclaimed, grasping the glittering object which the hunter held towards me;"what have you done?"
21241I gasped out, in the intensity of my fears,"is this the fiend himself?
21241I get no sleep with these cursed gally- nippers and things; but, stay-- how many men have you got?"
21241I hope you are well?"
21241I must have pronounced the last words aloud, as Lincoln, who walked in my rear, stepped hastily up, and asked:"What did yer say, Cap''n?"
21241I remember now; a blow-- but the Death?--the Death?"
21241If yur kin iver save his life by givin''yur own, yur must do it, de ye hear?"
21241Is he your friend?"
21241Is it not so?"
21241Is it not so?"
21241Is she a prisoner like myself?
21241Is that true?"
21241Is the Johannisberg cool yet?
21241It is not a mile distant?"
21241Jack has a soft voice-- a small hand; but how could he be here, and with his hands free?
21241Let us see-- was it the roof?"
21241Look yonder!--there are a thousand of them crawling over the rocks?"
21241Lopez, I have a better plan,"he cried:"why did I not think of it before?
21241Major, would you have the goodness to ride forward, and prevent those fellows from galloping off?"
21241May not their hospitality to us have brought them under proscription?
21241Might we not mount them and escape?
21241Monsieur le Capitaine,"shouted he, as he came near,"still alive?
21241Murter, will yer stan''afore me?
21241Narcisso!--you saw him?"
21241Need I describe the joyful feelings that filled my heart at that moment?
21241Not before breakfast, though?"
21241Not yours?"
21241Notwithstanding my assurance, I overheard Lincoln whisper to his nearest comrade:"What ther old Harry he s got into the cap?"
21241Or are they travelling for protection with this band-- protection against the less scrupulous robbers that infest the country?"
21241Over the cliffs, do you hear?
21241Perhaps you prefer champagne, Senores?"
21241Privately, Raoul-- privately, do you hear?"
21241Reader, do_ you_ want me to come back?
21241Rowl, axe yur friend for a piece o''twine, will yer?"
21241Shall I be permitted to reach the ship?"
21241Shall we?
21241So-- give us your fist, old fellow; how are you?
21241Stand by, my boys!--are your pistols all right?"
21241Strange-- is it not?
21241Suddenly letting go, he threw up his hands, and inquired with a look of anxiety:"_ Y el senor gordo_?"
21241Surely she knows English enough for that?"
21241Tell me, Narcisso, how came I by this?"
21241That''s better-- isn''t it, Lopez?"
21241The change in my manner-- so sudden-- how was she to account for it?
21241The path had evidently led to this point, but where beyond?
21241The troop was soon on the other side; but how were the animals forming the bridge to get themselves over?
21241The_ wife_ of the handsomest man in Mexico?
21241These are some of the men who were going to hang you, are they not?"
21241They entered from the porch; but how did they get into it?
21241Think of going with us?"
21241To Mexico, did you mean?"
21241To which friend?"
21241Unless disturbed and angered, the snake might not bite; but was he not at that moment distilling some secret venom upon her lips?
21241Was it a dream?
21241Was it a sigh that caused her bosom to rise?
21241Was it the rumbling of thunder?
21241Was it this that rendered him repulsive?
21241We overhauled a pair of the most elegant crayteurs you ever clapped eyes upon; and rich-- rich as Craysus-- wasn''t they, boys?"
21241What are they?"
21241What are you thinking of?"
21241What are you up for?"
21241What brother?"
21241What can be the reason?"
21241What can it be, Captain?"
21241What de yer want?"
21241What do you mean?"
21241What do you say, Captain?"
21241What do you think, Chane?"
21241What else?"
21241What other should have made this demonstration?
21241What painter?
21241What portrait, Senor?"
21241What say you, Major?
21241What say you, gentlemen?"
21241What see I yonder?
21241What think you?"
21241What was to be done?
21241What will you drink?
21241What would I not have given for the"Rifle Rangers"at that moment?
21241What, then, should have caused this difference in their manner?
21241When did you arrive?"
21241Where am I?
21241Where is Major Blossom''s rifle?"
21241Where is it anyhow?"
21241Where''s the screw?
21241Which of us knew that it might not in a few hours be his own fate?
21241Who ever seed a yeller- hided Mexikin with them eyes and ha''r?
21241Who is that man?"
21241Who knows that we may not find work enough yet?
21241Who then?
21241Why ca n''t yer kum along?
21241Why do n''t you go?"
21241Why do you allow them to come so near?"
21241Why should I dwell on it?"
21241Why was it placed there, and not in my bosom or my button- hole?
21241Will you favour me by accepting this?"
21241Wo n''t he, Lopez?"
21241Would this be the tidings I should carry to his home?
21241Would you prefer a Havanna?
21241Ye ai n''t badly skeert, air yur?"
21241Yes, there was, too-- what am I thinking about?
21241Yes, yes, we shall come; but where have you been since we met, Narcissito?"
21241Yet where is her sympathy?
21241Yet, is there not reproach in her looks?
21241You are wet, Senor?
21241You came up dove- hunting--_eh_?
21241You have him round your neck, have n''t you?"
21241You understand that, Lopez?"
21241You understand that?"
21241You would n''t have me ride plump into their works, would you?"
21241You''re not going to back out?"
21241_ Hola_, Sanchez, where''s your bugle?"
21241_ Parlez- vous francais_,_ Monsieur_?"
21241_ She_ was not there-- and where?
21241` Yankee Doodle'', do you hear?"
21241` Yes''or` no''?"
21241a captain?
21241all right?
21241an American?"
21241an what i''the name o''Nick''s them?
21241and against four times that number of cavalry, with lances and lazos?
21241and how?"
21241and this morning, too?"
21241and what followed?"
21241and when did you expect him?"
21241and who cut the wall from the outside, unless someone helped them?
21241anyone hurt there?"
21241are you sure of that, Major?"
21241asked Don Cosme, as soon as they were gone;"how can I pass your lines?
21241at the hacienda?"
21241by the mirror?"
21241caballeros_, why do n''t you strip before entering the_ bano_?"
21241continued he, calling out in a tone of irony;"have you found Marguerita yet?"
21241could it be?--dressed thus?
21241cried Twing, coming up;"no bones broken?
21241cried he, in a sneering voice,"_ comment vous portez- vous_?
21241cried he,"what have we here?
21241did yez see the rid sash?"
21241echoed I, in some surprise;"what do you mean by that, Major?"
21241exclaimed Clayley;"do they expect us to lick this up without either hands, spoons, or knives?"
21241exclaimed he,"how did you get out?
21241going so soon?
21241have I not the explanation already?
21241how to cross the open plain?
21241how was that?"
21241in the timber?
21241inquired I;"who is he?"
21241it ai n''t you, Cap''n Haller?
21241kick me now, will yez?--will yez jist be plazed to trid upon the tail av my jacket?"
21241killed, wounded, or missing?"
21241or is she disguised, and perilling her life to save mine?
21241or, more particularly, how came you into this scrape?"
21241said the major, with a terrified look,"you do n''t think I could overtake such Arabs as them?
21241say you so?"
21241some music; we must have music: how can he dance without music?
21241that you?
21241the girls you spoke of-- the nymphs of the pond; but where the deuce are they?"
21241then they rested well; it''s a good thing: they have a long journey before them-- haven''t they, Lopez?"
21241then we may expect them from camp?"
21241they are ten miles off, and, even if we could ride straight down the bluff with winged horses, what could our hundred men do in that jungle below?
21241whar are yur, Jack?"
21241what girls?"
21241what has happened to me?"
21241what is that?"
21241what next?"
21241what perplexes you, Captain?"
21241what''s all this hyur channerin?"
21241what''s the matter?"
21241where is he?"
21241which of the French?"
21241who showed yer that trick?
21241why, the country around is wild-- is it not?"
21241yer wud hang me, wud yur?"
21241you are hungry?"
21241you have saved my children; how can I show you my gratitude?"
21241you haven''t--?"
21241you know it, then?"
21241you routed the guerilla, then?"
21241you speak English?"