
This is a list of all the questions and their associated study carrel identifiers. One can learn a lot of the "aboutness" of a text simply by reading the questions.

identifier question
34173But for what was the other shot?
34173Now,he said,"Hunter, suppose I was to disappear all at once, do you think you could find your way back to Elm Tree Lodge?
34173And the translation after death that they looked forward to, to the Happy Hunting Grounds, what are these but our God and our Heaven?
34173And who is to blame?
34173Bob, my companion asked,"Celebrated for what?"
34173But what was that black object clinging to his neck?
34173Ca n''t you tole me, eh?"
34173The portage leaving the lake was at the bottom of one of these bays, but which?
34173Vich end of Ralson is sick dis time?
34173What Indian, or white man for that matter, can resist the chance offered to eat beaver meat?
34173What could be more alluring to a weary man?
34173What is it that causes him to stop and cast his eyes about?
34173When the young were hatched I kept a strict and steady watch on her movements for the thought occurred to me,"How would they get to the ground?"
21758How''s the wind, Collins?
21758I hope it''ll only keep quiet till we get into blue water, and then it may blow like blazes for all I care,--Take some trout, doctor? 21758 Is n''t it jolly,"said a young Stornowite, coming up to Wiseacre, with a face blazing with glee--"isn''t it jolly, Mr Wiseacre?"
21758Is that all?
21758The old lady with the stu''n- sails set on her shoulders?
21758What do you think of that?
21758What have you got for dinner?
21758Why do you ask?
21758Are you ambitious, reader, of dwelling in a"pleasant cot in a tranquil spot, with a distant view of the changing sea?"
21758But when did the St. Lawrence prove friendly for an entire voyage?
21758But who can tell what an hour will bring forth?
21758Do you observe that small black speck moving over the white surface of the lake, far away on the horizon?
21758I wonder what she''s made of?"
21758exclaimed the doctor;"what''s wrong with the old lady over there?
21758said the trapper;"the first salt, and the latter made of flour and water?"
21758what_ is_ to be done?"
46574Do you wish lemonade?
46574Have yu tried the grape- vine?
46574He''s my father? 46574 See here-- when do we eat?"
46574Who is that dressed in Copen?
46574Who''s your friend, may I ask?
46574--You live far?"
465741] Who is it?
465742] Who is it?
465743] Who is it?
46574Ai n''t he queer?"
46574Any familiar faces here?]
46574But what was it?
46574DURING WINTER, 1921?
46574How many of us realize that a flustered mind is the cause of more disease than the inoculation of poisonous germs?
46574Jack Gibson, the drug store man, had appeared on the scene and called out,"What have you got there?"
46574Paying the boy''s price of two dollars the car owner remarked,"Well, son, do you make much money at this sort of thing?"
46574The Wild Man"_ Who''s the stranger, mother dear?
46574What is the matter with us anyway?
30377All this, however, did not answer the great question: if the Company retired from the Bay, who or what was to resist the encroachments of the French?
30377Did she sip wines with the gay adventurers over''the roasted pullets''of the Tun tavern, or at the banquet table at Whitehall?
30377Did that Sea of the North of which they had heard find western outlet by the long- sought passage?
30377Did the old timbers mark some winter house of Hudson and his castaways?
30377Had Radisson found Hudson Bay?
30377Has His Excellency, M. Sargeant, seen one Jean Pà © rà ©, or one M. Comporte?
30377He had risked his entire fortune on the expedition from Quebec; but what account did this back- stairs trick of courtiers take of his ruin?
30377Now where might Jean Chouart be?
30377Silent anger and resentment grew against Radisson; for was it not he who had revealed the secrets of the great Bay to marauding Frenchmen?
30377Smithsend''s letter of warning had come; but how could the Company reach their forts before the ice cleared?
30377Was it the pirate ship seen off Labrador?
30377Was it the pirate ship seen off Labrador?
30377Was that tide from the Pacific?
30377What became of Knight?
30377What could five men do against an armed English crew?
30377What now should the explorers do?
30377Who called the bold sand- walls to the right Heart Hills?
30377Who had ever heard of Indians on horseback?
30377Who was the fair and adventurous Lady Margaret Drax?
30377Why had the commander shown favour?
30377[ Illustration: THE LAST HOURS OF HUDSON From the painting by Collier] What became of Hudson?
30377or was it the coming of the English Company''s traders?
43622By the way,said the chief life- saver,"can you swim?"
43622Did the tub overflow?
43622Do You Know Him? 43622 Is that so?
43622Say,and he leaned over confidentially,"Ai n''t it hard when the wind blows?"
43622What business are you in?
43622Are We 100 Per Cent Efficient?
43622Are n''t you ashamed?
43622Are n''t you interested in the big proposition called"life", more than just enough to watch the procession of progressive mortals passing?
43622Curl ten"ends"and then you''ll say"where''s that pack of worries that was hounding me this afternoon?"
43622Do n''t you care much?
43622Do n''t you like our politics?"
43622How do you know that you''re going to have another as good?
43622Well!_"I say, who was here with you last night?"
43622What''s the matter with you anyway?
43622What''s the matter?
43622Will it make a paragraph?
43622Without material?
43622Would n''t you like to strike out for a real goal, eh?
43622[ Illustration: DO YOU REMEMBER this remarkable aggregation?
43622_ He Got the Job_ Police Commissioner--"If you were ordered to disperse a mob what would you do?"
43622_ Two Strings to Her Beau_ He--"If you could only have two wishes come true, what would you wish for?"
15342Holla, Mac, where are you going with your basket?
15342My dear fellow, how can you think of risking yourself in such a gimcrack contrivance as that? 15342 Well, my boys, what is your business with me?"
15342What do you think of the sugar?
15342Among other questions, I asked him whether he had not been baptized?
15342And what was my reward?
15342But what can be the cause of it?
15342Could it be really so?
15342Has the fiat, then, gone forth, that the aboriginal inhabitants of America shall make way for another race of men?
15342He asked me if I would be baptized?
15342He is now a member of the Church, and is dismissed to his woods-- a Christian, can we say?
15342I asked him how he made that out?
15342Pray how do you like the beef- steaks?"
15342The white men are not dogs; they love their kindred as well as you; why should they not avenge their murder?"
15342Towards morning, recovering the use of speech, he inquired, in a voice scarcely audible, if he"had shed the blood of a white man?"
15342Was I indeed guilty of the blood of a fellow- creature?
15342Where did she get them?
15342With such an establishment to rule over, need it be matter of surprise that our_ bourgeois_ was in his own estimation a magnate of the first order?
15342[ 1] Belluga?
15342are you not going there?"
15342did you imagine you had sent for an old woman?"
15342does your religion teach you to tell lies?
15342not know of Fort Coulonge, and you so near to it?
15342said Godin, feigning ignorance of the Indian''s meaning:"Pray, to whom did he belong?"
15342shall we strike?"
15342would you really wish to see your husband hanged?"
44312But who would tell papa?
44312Qui en a fait la chanson? 44312 Voulez- vous écouter chanter Une chanson de vérité?
44312And are the Shushwaps such cowards, dastardly to shoot their benefactor in the back while his face was turned?
44312Ca n''t you demonstrate that you are one of the descendants of one of the great clans?"
44312Can a more terrible combination be imagined than this?
44312Did ever British prestige suffer a more humiliating blow?
44312Governor Semple answered,"What do_ you_ want?"
44312He gesticulated wildly, and called out in broken English,"What do you want?
44312How is this lake formed?
44312I again called out,''Who is there?''
44312J''avons cerné la bande de grenadiers; Ils sont immobiles?--Ils sont démentés?
44312My horse was startled and jumped on one side, snorting and prancing; but I kept my seat, calling out,''Who is there?''
44312Nous avons fait trois prisonniers Des Orcanais?
44312Qui en a composé la chanson?
44312Shall we strike?"
44312The question arises, Was the Governor justified in the steps taken by him?
44312The white men are not dogs; they love their own kindred as well as you; why should they not avenge their murder?''"
44312Voulez- vous écouter chanter une chanson de vérité?
44312Were there not all the elements of an explosion of a serious and dangerous kind?
44312What do you want?"
44312What, then, is to be the future of this Canadian West?
44312What, then, were the conditions?
44312Whence do its waters proceed?
44312Wherefore did you kill him?
44312Who has sung this song of triumph?
44312Why do the white men let your children starve?
44312Why is this?
46935And what has been the chief factor which has created such an enviable position for these two companies?
46935Do n''t you know the country is dry?
46935No,said the father;"what makes you ask a question like that while we are eating?"
4693517)?_ By J.
469352nd Girl--"Only your arms?"
46935=========="Are caterpillars good to eat?"
46935ARE WE, or are we not going to have a cricket club this year?
46935Abroad at Home WHAT has become of the old- fashioned winter?
46935And then you sit and wonder why the devil do n''t he write?
46935As the rinks consist of four men only, could they not be spared during the Bonspiel period?
46935Futuristic Fables_ Winnipeg Store News as it Will, Perhaps(?)
46935Have we the players?
46935If I were asked,"What institutions do you consider have been, and are yet, of the greatest service to Canada?"
46935If so, will they organize and get ready for practise?
46935Is your office, your desk, your work the most attractive and interesting in the whole institution-- to YOU?
46935Or grow more mature in wisdom, And more matronly in grace?
46935Percy Timmins, our coming star defence player, is a decided attraction to the games, especially to the fair sex, eh what?
46935The same girl wants to know why they turn out the lights for a moonlight waltz if they wo n''t allow you to get up just a little closer?
46935Then they retired-- poor Joe woke Irma up and said,"Did she( the woman of the Scotch and cloves) say this was a_ feather_ mattress?"
46935WHO IS THE traveller that sold dud eggs as new laid, and what shall be done to him?
46935What Is_ Your Best_?
46935What were the four hundred Assiniboines to do?
46935Why Not a Hudson''s Bay Bonspiel Week?
46935and become a yearly event?
6913Who am I? 6913 & if you have more witt then we, why did not you use it by preserving your knives, your hattchetts,& your gunns, that you had from the ffrench? 6913 As I was directly coming where the hurrons weare, what should I see? 6913 But mightily mistaken; ffor they would reply,Should you bring us to be killed?
6913But what is it that a man can not doe when he seeth that it concerns his life, that one day he must loose?
6913But, O cursed covetousnesse, what art thou going to doe?
6913Doe not you know the ffrench way?
6913Doe you think that the ffrench will come up here when the greatest part of you is slained by your owne fault?
6913For they spoke to me in this manner:"In which country have you been?
6913From whence did come such excellent castors?
6913From whence doe you come?
6913Have not you seene me disposing my life with you?
6913How will you defend villages?
6913I inquired[ of] him also if he loved the Algonquins?
6913If I am a foe, why did you suffer me to live so long among you?
6913Is there no way to goe there?
6913Moreover it''s night; what dost thou intend to doe?
6913Shall they come to baptize your dead?
6913Shall your children learne to be slaves among the Iroquoits for their ffathers''cowardnesse?
6913The fish and the sauce invite us to it; is there no meanes to catch it?
6913The great effect that the flemings shewed me, and the litle space was from us there; can I make that journey one day?
6913There is the question who was most fearfull?
6913Thou art master of my Goods; this Dogg that spoke but now, what doth hee heare?
6913What can we do?
6913What hath that poore nation done to thee, and being so far from thy country?
6913What is that, that interrest will not do?
6913What weare those beasts?
6913What will it be if wee heare yeatt cryes& sorrows after all?
6913What will your ennemy say when you perish without defending yourselves?
6913Where is the plentynesse that yee had in all places and countreys?
6913Where is the time past?
6913Who has given you your life if not the ffrench?
6913Who then will come up and baptize our children?
6913Will you have your brethren destroyed that loves you, being slained?
6913Will you make me believe now that he is good, as the black- coats[ the ffather Jesuits] say?
6913You know, my uncles& brethren, that I hazarded my life goeing up with you; if I have no courage, why did you not tell me att my first coming here?
6913am I a foe or a friend?
6913how will you defend your wives& children from the ennemy''s hands?"
6913with castors''skins?
42279Am I to oppose force to force?
42279Am I to venture against those who have committed these outrages against your Majesty''s subjects at sea? 42279 And now, gentlemen,"said Dixon,"what is it you want?"
42279But what,asked Radisson,"are you doing here?
42279By whose authority,asked Radisson;"do you possess a commission?"
42279If,it was said,"the Hudson''s Bay Company can make vast moneys out of the frozen North, what can be done with lands flowing with milk and honey?"
42279What am I to do?
42279What does Mr. Radisson say to this?
42279What is there in their charter,they asked themselves,"which gives them benefits we can not enjoy?
42279What is to become of us,they demanded,"if we are to have no protection for our servants in these wild regions of the North?"
42279Who are you?
42279Whom dost thou wish I should answer? 42279 Why are new tribes not brought down?
42279Why,he exclaimed, with ludicrous energy,"why should this gentleman be continually dignified by the appellation of governor?
42279And why was this confirmation limited to but seven years?
42279As to the idea that being in the fur- trade his experience and influence will benefit the new Company, will any furrier believe that?
42279B. C.''mean?"
42279But was it the Hudson''s Bay Company''s duty to enlighten the aggrieved inhabitants?
42279Did the King?
42279Did the Prince Regent?
42279For have we not saved them all from the treachery of the English?"
42279Give them good goods; they like to dress and be fine; do you see?"
42279If these gentlemen are so patriotic, why do n''t they buy us out?"
42279Seizing by the scalp- lock the chief of the tribe, who had already adopted him as his son, he asked,"Who art thou?"
42279The Company who had been bullied and badgered and threatened with confiscation unless it agreed to a renunciation of its rights?
42279Their occupation was gone-- whither did they drift?
42279They declared they were conscious of having made a bad bargain in not continuing onward to the Company''s posts, but what could they do?
42279Thou art the master of my goods; but as for that dog who has spoken, what is he doing in this company?
42279To this enquiry, which was delivered in a very authoritative and insolent tone, Semple replied by demanding of Boucher what he and his party wanted?
42279To this outburst the Duke quietly replied:"What is your price?"
42279What brings you into this part of the country and in such numbers?"
42279What was the direct consequence of such a policy?
42279What were the projects harboured in this indomitable man''s mind?
42279Who made him governor?
42279Why do not our factors seek new sources of commerce?"
42279Why, have asked its enemies, if the Company had the utmost confidence in its charter did it resort to the Lords and Commons to have it confirmed?
42279You are here to- day, but will you be here to- morrow?
42279You know,"he pursued,"what is said about you in England?"
42279they asked,"and what is your business?"
16864And what if you had been overtaken by a storm?
16864What do you think of the ingenuity of our Yankee cats? 16864 After this, what protection, or generosity, or justice, can the Indians he said to receive from the Hudson''s Bay Company? 16864 And that man-- the slanderer-- the murderer of this martyred Missionary-- what punishment was inflicted on him? 16864 Are they to be left to the tender mercies of the trader until famine and disease sweep them from the earth? 16864 But are not the British themselves to blame, in some measure, for the continuance of these irritated feelings? 16864 Could the Honourable Company be swayed by so paltry a consideration in subjecting us to so grievous an inconvenience? 16864 Did he never visit Wapping with the same views, whatever they might be? 16864 Did the murders committed by the natives at New Caledonia, Thompson''s River, and the Columbia, pass unavenged? 16864 If he did, did he observe nothing in that sink of filth and wickedness equal to the scenes that shocked him so much in the outskirts of New York? 16864 If our fathers quarrelled, can not we be friends? 16864 Might not this circumstance lead the geologist to the conclusion that the fall had receded this distance? 16864 Now, now is the time to apply the remedy; in 1863, where will the Indian be? 16864 Strip the nobility and land- owners of their possessions-- convert our monarchy into a republic-- and the church into ameetin ouse?"
16864The present proprietors of the soil of England have, undoubtedly, large incomes; but what becomes of those incomes?
16864The question is-- Is it consistent with prudence to allow an_ individual_ to assume and retain such power?
16864These_ reforms_ effected, would the people of England be permanently benefited by them?
16864This looks very well on paper; but are we allowed the means of bestowing these gratuities?
16864Those results attained, what is there to prevent the American gentleman from becoming as polished and accomplished as his cousin in Britain?
16864To what cause then are we to ascribe the present scarcity?
16864What became of the Hannah Bay murderers?
16864What cause, then, can there be for still cherishing those feelings of animosity which the unhappy disruption gave rise to?
16864What do they obtain from us without payment?
16864What plan would this philanthropic divine recommend to remove those evils, which, while he affects to deplore, he yet glories over?
16864What spot in the world, in fact, can present such varied charms, as the summit of Mount Edgecumb?
16864What the"Dickens"brought him to the"Five Points?"
16864What was the decision of this mock court martial?
16864Where are the evils which interested alarmists predicted would follow the modification of the East India Company''s charter?
16864Who could doubt the fulfilment of the promises of a British peer?
16864Who would not be an Indian trader?
16864Why should not the Indians succeed in domesticating these animals, and rendering them subservient to their wants, as the Laplanders do?
16864Why then is it continued?
16864Why, otherwise, do we not find the different varieties in Canada, where the grisly bear has never been seen?
16864Yet while stern justice alike condemns both, which is the more guilty party?
16864or which has the greater claims on our sympathy?
16864what do you think of that, now?"
16864| an|| dee ay| an adee|| Where| Andé aish| Tanté ay to| Tee ay ghay| Ed luzeet|| are you|[= a]e an| tay an| de[= a]za| hee hee|| going?
35208And that?
35208And that?
35208Are ye looking at my wolverenes?
35208Are you speaking to me?
35208Broke down, eh?
35208But how do you find your way?
35208But what is that stuff? 35208 Can I put your clothing on the floor and make use of that bench?"
35208Could it be the bantam?
35208Do you believe?
35208Do you know how oyster- shells got on top of the Rocky Mountains? 35208 Do you know that they are the Scotchmen''s totems?
35208High wine? 35208 Me get los''?
35208Now who has done dose t''ing?
35208Scoundrel, do you tell me so?
35208Sir,said the artist,"what do you suppose has become of my overcoat?
35208Vot kind of wa- a- y to do- o somet''ing is dat?
35208What is that?
35208Why did you destroy our fort, you rascal?
35208Wo n''t they steal the fish?
35208You do n''t know where these Indians came from, eh?
35208''May I have the bench?''
35208''Oh, my gun?''
35208''Where is your gun?''
35208A good job?
35208And what is the end?
35208Are you fond of it?"
35208Can you explain dis and dat to one hive of de bees?
35208Did ye never hear of that?
35208Do you hunt?
35208Do you know why women prefer artificial teeth to those which God has given them?
35208How''s the razor?"
35208If Mr. Frenchman, who kept the store, had come from behind his counter, English fashion, and had said:"Come, come; what d''you want?
35208Not in Canada, do you say?
35208Waving his hand in an insolent way to the Governor, Boucher called out,"What do you want?"
35208What do I mean?
35208What do you do?
35208What was the use?
35208What would I do?
35208What you do dere, you t''ief?"
35208Who den?
35208You do n''t, eh?
35208You do n''t, eh?
35208You haf done dose t''ing, Mistaire Begg?
35208[ Illustration: MAKING THE SNOW- SHOE]"What do_ you_ want?"
35208[ Illustration: PIERRE, FROM LIFE]"Do you never get lost?"
35208said he,''will ye look at the size of that man-- to be airning his living wid a little pincil?''