
This is a list of all the questions and their associated study carrel identifiers. One can learn a lot of the "aboutness" of a text simply by reading the questions.

identifier question
39789Many a boy, who in school declaimed, unthinkingly,"Who is there to mourn for Logan?
12006Who told you what was happening?''
38130''Are you not afraid to walk this road alone on account of Captain Harper and his band?''
38130What became of the Manahoacs?
34873To whom?
34873Have you already an official claim to that title?
34873In response to the question:"Why was the secret staircase built?"
34873The governor, his hair bleached with the frost of sixty winters, arose, and turning to the rector, he asked:"Mr. Brown, will you marry me?"
34873Was she the original of Miss Hepzibah?
34873Where could they better be held than in this secluded room, beyond the bounds of unwelcome intruders?
21645''Indeed,''I answered;''and what appeared to be the emotions of the king? 21645 Indeed; and, pray, what was that?"
21645What does he say to you?
21645And to this letter Whittier added as a postscript:"Can you give me the address of Evelina Bray?"
21645Are these the rocks whose mosses knew The trail of thy light gown, Where boy and girl sat down?
21645As a postscript to this letter he asked:"Did you ever know Evelina Bray?"
21645Doctor Warren replied,''Are you serious, Doctor Church?
21645Eleazer( Dauphin?
21645What did he say?''
30747And whither does the looking glass lead?
30747And who, pray, was William Sewell?
30747Blisters may be employed for the mitigation of pain, and perhaps ought not to be omitted when... is either fever[?]
30747Did the two meet in the City Tavern, in the market square, or upon that first day''s march of six miles when the troops bivouacked for the night?
30747Every proper old mansion should have a ghost-- and what could be nicer than an American patriot-- blue coat and cocked hat?
30747Is it possible that"1 Blue cloth coat with vellam holes"[75] related to his military service as major of Virginia militia?
30747L''ENVOI Where is the great seaport that was Alexandria?
30747Such sum as you may think me entitled to for last year as well as the percent you will oblige me by placing in the hands of Mr. Thomas Majore[?]
30747The cause I shall communicate, after rallying you for neglecting the means that introduced her to his favour which... to say truth were in[?]
30747The same Elizabeth?
30747Was Spring Gardens a young ladies academy as well as oysterhouse, tavern and jockey club?
30747What could be more natural than Mr. Hodgson looking up his friends, the Lees, on his arrival in Virginia?
30747Where the great docks, wharves and warehouses that lined the water front?
30747a present of delicious Cake, and potted Woodcocks; that wrought such wonders[?]
39068Did he preach-- did he pray? 39068 Why?"
39068''To whom?''
39068Are there such sights yet?
39068But how was he to do this?
39068Can no generous giver be found who will contribute the money necessary to bring the east window from London?...
39068Do you believe you could bear that patiently?
39068Does Isaac take learning freely?
39068Has he become fond of school?"
39068He called his place"Sherwood Forest,"with grim humor; for was he not an outlaw, in the opinion of the Whigs, just as really as was Robin Hood?
39068How does she improve in her writing and reading?
39068Is life so dear, or peace so sweet, as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery?
39068It is an easy thing to correct this fault, and unless you do so, how can you be fit for law business?"
39068Keep the ghost of that wife, foully slain, in your view-- And what could you, what should you, what would you do?
39068Shall it appeal in vain?"
39068Soon after I went in Mrs. V. says,''Well, Mr. Johns, what say you to a ride below with me, and bringing Miss Nancy up?''
39068The future President asked himself,"What is the best thing for dinner?"
39068The outspoken preacher replied, so that every one could hear:"What is that if General Jackson has come in?
39068Then came the question,"Where do you live?"
39068Then came the strange marriage scene:"Can this be Martha Hilton?
39068What is it that gentlemen wish?
39068What was the explanation of the father''s changed attitude to his son that led him to make his bequest in such unpleasant terms?
39068What would they have?
39068What, no?
39068Who could withstand such a lover?
39068Why do you go looking so?
39068Why in such rash attempts engage As they can ne''er perform?"
39068Why stand here idle?
39068Will you have the goodness to send me some seed, both of the water and musk melons?"
39068Would it be in the paper which his father had in his hand as he seated himself before the fire?
39068afraid of what?
39068of death?
39068she asked;"because I am afraid?
14742Not afford it?
14742After which there was much contention, and the whole city rose and would have torn the Archbishop into small pieces, shouting,"Where is this ruffian?
14742And how have we treated the buildings which his genius devised for us?
14742And what became of the contents of these churches?
14742And why was this relic of the town''s former greatness to be pulled down?
14742Are these treasures safe?
14742As Mr. Allan Fea says:"When an old landmark disappears, who does not feel a pang of regret at parting with something which linked us with the past?
14742Boniface lost his temper, struck the sub- prior, saying,"Indeed, doth it become you English traitors so to answer me?"
14742But did they at cross- roads in any way serve the purpose of the modern sign- post?
14742But what effect had the sight of the infliction of cruel punishments upon those who took part in them or witnessed them?
14742Did they act as deterrents to vice?
14742Do we not see there the identical room in which good Queen Bess is said to have reposed on the occasion of her visit to the city in 1578?
14742Gough says that a certain Rose( Dunston?)
14742How did it come to be there?
14742How does the sea work this?
14742How many have failed to obtain their rights and just claims through the gross neglect of the keepers or custodians of parochial documents?
14742How were these strong walls ever taken in the days before gunpowder was extensively used or cannon discharged their devastating shells?
14742Is this a unique example?
14742It is true that Sir William was born ten years after the last of the crusades had ended; but what does that matter?
14742Or are they the work of the Carmelite, or White, Friars?
14742Or was it a niche containing a Calvary, or some figure?
14742This story reminds one of a certain road in Berks and Bucks, the milestones along which record the distance between Hatfield and Bath?
14742Were these planted by the White Cross Knights( the Knights of Malta, or of S. John of Jerusalem)?
14742What did the early restorers do?
14742What happened?
14742What prospects from the watch- tower high Gleam gradual on the warder''s eye?
14742What was its use?
14742What were the origin and use of these wayside crosses?
14742When an old building is hopelessly dilapidated, what methods can be devised for its restoration and preservation?
14742Who has not sung in praise of inns?
14742Who would have thought that this decayed harbour ranked fourth among the ports of the kingdom?
14742Why Hatfield?
14742With what result?
14742[ 50] Act of Parliament, 1405. Who were the culprits who thus suffered?
14742and what purpose did it serve?
14742and why were so many of them, especially at cross- roads, known as''The White Cross''?
37910Did it ever flash?
37910Have you a good rifle, my friend?
37910Have_ I_ ever flashed but upon the Compensation Bill?
37910If he reaches your shores, Mr. Clay,gravely inquired Lord Liverpool( one of the Ministers),"will he not give you a great deal of trouble?"
37910Oh, Iole, how did you know that Hercules was a God?
37910What did you do with it-- throw it away?
37910Will you throw me away?
37910''Are there none for me, sir?''
37910But is not this a sound one,"The greatest good of the greatest number?"
37910But what can I do?
37910Do you know who did?"
37910Do you wonder that a boy of seven years of age, who witnessed these scenes, should be a patriot?"
37910Errors of conduct he may have committed, for who is perfect?
37910I often asked myself, as our carriages separated, whether that was the last sight I should ever have of you?
37910It may even happen where the forms of law are maintained; but what shall be said when the majority resolves itself into a mob?
37910It must be so, for can we conceive him blest without this?
37910Jefferson''s conversation is described as the most agreeable and brilliant of his day; but was it this which gave him his personal power?
37910Let me ask you, sir, what is the time for brave men to exert themselves in the cause of liberty and their country, if this is not?
37910No, that is the worst of all, for it looks specious, while it is ruinous; for what is to become of the minority?
37910The best saying of Mr. Adams was in reply to the inquiry, What are the recognized principles of politics?
37910The young men were at once formed in a line and two questions--"Did you break the table?
37910What if the historic truth had passed into a poetic fable?
37910What learning or sense are we to expect from young gentlemen in whom a fondness for cards,& c., outgrows and chokes the desire of knowledge?"
37910What more can any man ask in the partner of his bosom?
37910What must the man have been, whom an age like this deliberately deifies?
37910What pleasure can a young gentleman who is capable of thinking, take in playing cards?
37910Who knows how much the good management of his household affairs had to do with Washington''s superiority to the temptations of gain?
37910Who, that knew him, believes it?"
37910Will he not consent, by way of a compromise, to a term of nine hundred and ninety- nine years instead of eternity?"
37910and the son of man, that thou visitest him?
37910changed to,( early companions?
37910impracticable views he may have enunciated, for who is all- wise?
11731Could n''t we just as well whistle?
11731He was the one who went to church with so much show and flourish, was n''t he?
11731Just one?
11731So that is to put an end to all my anxieties, is it?
11731That is just one marriage that you have been so interested in, is n''t it?
11731Why do n''t you call Henry?
11731Would you like to go to meet the ladies and gentlemen on the walls?
11731After all, what had three centuries done to this gateway of American civilization?
11731And can any modern ranges bake quite as perfectly as did those colonial brick ovens?
11731And then, was it love, after all, that built the rude little home of that strange pair somewhere up there on the shore?
11731And were not the little swaying mist- wreaths that wavered in at our windows some dainty elves timidly come to give us greeting?
11731And why should it not?
11731But how about those deeper- draft, chartless sailing craft?
11731But what was there to say?
11731But where was the blue dog''s head?
11731But where was the fog- bell?
11731Can it be that politics and religion drew John Rolfe to the altar?
11731Can you tell me which way to go to find the big house?"
11731Did no place in James Towne escape the scourge of fire?
11731Do n''t you know John say how he saw a host no man could number?
11731Does the tide serve before dawn, man of the ship?
11731Every morning he goes to see Mrs. Douthat; and he seldom varies the greeting:"How is you dis mawnin'', Miss Mary?
11731He sat in a green velvet chair and--""Where do you think that church was?"
11731How in the world did it get in here?"
11731I don''b''long heah myse''f, suh; but you see dat brick house down de road yondah, what''s done been burn down?
11731Indeed, are these timepieces of sun and shadow made at all, or do they just occur here and there like hoary rocks and mossy springs?
11731Indeed, was it not?
11731Is it guessed by the restless finny folk that slip and search beneath the brown waters?
11731Is it known to the little marsh- hen that cunningly builds her nest at the foot of the sedges?
11731Is it something they have hidden from the searching tide?
11731It worked up and down like a window- sash, and always suggested the conundrum, When is a galley not a galley?
11731Or, had Cupid no more to do with that first international marriage in our history than he has had to do with many a later one?
11731So, for two hundred years( and who knows how much longer?)
11731Some changes in the cockpit had crowded it from its place, and for some time it had been stowed away-- but where?
11731Was there a mistake somewhere?
11731Were you unboxing one just from the maker would you not expect to find it moss- grown?
11731What feet had trod those paved floors?
11731What had those walls seen and known of being and loving, of hopes and fears, of joys and griefs, of life and death?
11731What house but old Berkeley is the ancestral home of a signer of the Declaration of Independence and of two Presidents of the United States?
11731What is a grapnel?
11731What time like that of the noiseless, scarce- moving shadow upon the dial for a sleepy old garden and a day- dreamer in the sunshine?
11731When is the James to find its rightful place in American song and story?
11731When you are sailing up the James in your houseboat( You have n''t one?
11731While the minister( Was it the Reverend Richard Buck or the good Alexander Whittaker?)
11731Whoever thinks of youth in a sun- dial?
11731Why is it that the spirit of the long- ago so clings about an old stairway?
11731and that a broken heart led Pocahontas there?