This is a list of all the questions and their associated study carrel identifiers. One can learn a lot of the "aboutness" of a text simply by reading the questions.
identifier | question |
A92249 | : 1695?] |
A85219 | [ 2], 6 p. Printed according to order for E. Blackmore,[ London?] |
A22155 | Islip?,[ London? |
A22155 | Islip?,[ London? |
A69794 | For this Fact the Scot was had before the Justice, who asking him, How he durst be so bold as to lay his profane Hands upon the Man of God? |
A69794 | If you ask, Where then is the Advantage for the Merchants? |
A69794 | Johnson''s going through a Chruch in Surrey, seeing Poor People weeping over a Grave, asked one of the Women, Why they wept? |
A66792 | And, is it even so? |
A66792 | Are your eyes wholly blinded? |
A66792 | But, are you all of wisdom so bereft, That, no Expedient seemeth to be left Whereby to act untill the sequels are Ignoble Peace, or a destructive war? |
A66792 | But, some perhaps will now say, what is he That your Remembrancer presumes to be? |
A66792 | From sordid Avarice, Pride, and Self- will, Inticing Fleshly Lustings to fulfil? |
A66792 | Hath neither, place A man so prudent as that Woman was Who rais''d the siege from Abel, by her wit, When Joab with an hoast beleagur''d it? |
A66792 | If it be so, from whence could it proceed But from your failings both in word and deed? |
A66792 | Like barbrous heathen wherefore should you strive, And by dissention to your selves derive A mutual Plague? |
A66792 | Must you, that have so long been Friends, now knock Untill you into Potsherds quite are broke? |
A66792 | Preserv''d a City, and did then receive The same reward, which men in this age give For such- like services? |
A66792 | Why should you quarrel? |
A66792 | Yea, that your hopes wil fail, though flattering Priests Do promise peace, and impudently, too, Perswade, that GOD is pleas''d with what you do? |
A66792 | must you now lash Each other, and your earthen Pitchers dash? |
A66792 | what are now your wants, But, Grace and Faith to use well what GOD grants? |
A16857 | And what is it which affords no instruction? |
A16857 | And what is it which we see or heare of in any of the creatures, which affords not some morall and divine use? |
A16857 | For what is our life? |
A16857 | Hath the raine a Father? |
A16857 | How then can just exceptions be taken at one for cōming before to cry* Bow the knee? |
A16857 | Onely to till the garden without taking other care, or pleasure? |
A16857 | Out of whose wombe came the yce? |
A16857 | Therefore well saith Moses, Who is like unto thee O Lord among the Gods? |
A16857 | This also can not be denied, Whatis then the rule to know them by? |
A16857 | Who can reade Gods riddle, but they who plough with his Heifer? |
A16857 | Why was Adam put in Paradise? |
A16857 | Yea wherein is it that we faile not? |
A16857 | and the hoary frost of heaven, who hath gendred it? |
A16857 | or who hath begotten the drops of dew? |
A16857 | who is like unto thee? |
A16857 | § 6 But how is it that signes and wonders are said to be wrought by false Prophets? |
A14442 | Abraham interceded long for Sodome, how much more ought we to do the like for them? |
A14442 | Are there no drunkards but in Germany? |
A14442 | But is it not more likely, that Germany drinkes now of the cup of wrath, because shee hath long drunke of the cup of sundry great abominations? |
A14442 | But what doe wee? |
A14442 | But what is it that wee must doe, or learne from the state of things in Germany? |
A14442 | How exceeding full is the Scripture for the proofe of this? |
A14442 | How faire rose the Sunne upon Sodome, that day it rained fire and brimstone? |
A14442 | How many millions have miserably perished? |
A14442 | How poore a thing was a cloud like a mans hand, to prognosticate abundance of raine by? |
A14442 | I hope none among us are so prophane as to say what is this to us, be it all be true? |
A14442 | If this be true, what hath it done since? |
A14442 | No privileges can finally secure a sinfull people; for what have we to glory in that they had not? |
A14442 | No, but except we repent, what may we expect? |
A14442 | Now what may the poore peasant and countrey- dwellers expect? |
A14442 | Or, doth God hate sinne in them alone? |
A14442 | The Lyon hath roared, who will not feare? |
A14442 | The mother looking upon her againe, sighing said, and what wouldest thou do with me? |
A14442 | What are wee, that God should alwaies spare us? |
A14442 | What goodly houses of the Nobility and Gentry shall you, there, see fallen down, or so defaced, as is scarce reparable without building new? |
A14442 | What punishments and plagues doe now oppresse us? |
A14442 | What shal we say? |
A14442 | What shall we say to these devils? |
A14442 | What stormes and tempests doe now beat upon the ship of Jesus Christ in our Countrey? |
A14442 | Who knowes how fast the cup may passe round? |
A14442 | were their sins greater than ours? |
A14442 | — Quis talia fando Mysmidonum, Dolopumve ant duri miles Vlyssis Temperet à lachrymis? |
A14442 | — What Myrmidon, what Dolop, who that beares Armes under harsh Vlysses, but his teares Must flow at this relation? |
A14442 | ● ● it nothing to you, all ye that passe by? |
A16303 | And what vnkinde hand hath now throwne filthines or durt into the pure streame of your former resolutions? |
A16303 | For what can we expect lesse then desolation and dissolution of Gouernment& Religion? |
A16303 | Is it Spaines mightines you stand in awe of? |
A16303 | Is it our reuoltings you disalow of, as if either the rejection of Ferdinand were not lawfull, or ratification of this our choyse suspencible? |
A16303 | Is it the Marquesse Spinola''s Army which terrifies you? |
A16303 | Is it the care of the Empire you shoot at? |
A16303 | Is it the obseruation of the Emperour himselfe, or respect to his Family? |
A16303 | Is it the person of our King you maligne? |
A16303 | It may be they are suspected amongst our owne Priests, and haue imputation rather of pollicie, then piety: but what is that to the cure of soules? |
A16303 | and how dangerously haue the hartes of all Kingdomes beene eaten vpon by the hungry teeth of mercinary Souldiers? |
A16303 | and the estate of Lay men? |
A16303 | how can that be? |
A16303 | or what hath beene done these 100. yeares for the good of Christendome? |
A16303 | or why shall this glowing meteor or exhalation darken the light of truer starres, and more radiant Planets? |
A16303 | wherein hath he deserued better of reputation, then your selfe, or other Princes of Germany? |
A16303 | you make a scruple of? |