
This is a list of all the questions and their associated study carrel identifiers. One can learn a lot of the "aboutness" of a text simply by reading the questions.

identifier question
33775Did it remain on board the vessel?
33775Do you suppose it could find its way back to its master?
33775Do you suppose they really know what we have done for them?
33775How long has this been done?
33775Now,said Mrs. Robin to Jack,"I must go back to your sisters-- will you go with me?"
33775O, does n''t it look pretty, grandpa?
33775Were they alone?
33775What does it mean? 33775 Why not?"
33775Why not?
33775Why, sis, do you want our chickens and birdies all carried off?
33775Why, what are you doing here this bright morning?
33775But where is Dick?"
33775Grandpa, what would you do with this dead hawk?"
33775run quick into the house, or you will be killed!''?]"
45086What bird_ was_ that? 45086 But ask of anyone, How is it done? 45086 How are they fixed to the skeleton? 45086 How is it done with such incredible speed and accuracy? 45086 How is it that birds ever came to such a pass? 45086 How should one describe the wing of a bird, as one sees it in flight? 45086 What bird can beat him, or even match him, in the art of doubling back on his tracks? 45086 What were theirnobler traits"?
45086Who could mistake the goldfinch for any one else but himself?
45086Who needs to be told that birds fly?
45086Why did that giant razor- bill known as the great auk become flightless?
45086Why do they not fly all abreast?
45086Why does the woodcock invariably drop after a charge of shot, even though not a pellet has touched it, while a snipe pursues its way?
45086Why is it that ducks and geese commonly fly either in Indian file, or in a roughly V- shaped formation, with the apex of the V forward?
45086Why then, did the penguin suffer the loss of the use of his wings for flight?
45991A general alarm?
45991Ah get de money an''de canoe as well?
45991Ah,he said viciously,"I touched you there, eh?"
45991Ahoy there,hailed the lieutenant through a megaphone,"who are you?"
45991And what do you think, Frank?
45991And what is that funny pot with a pipe on the top of it over there?
45991And who may Black Bart be?
45991And you told him--?
45991Are they going to kill him?
45991Are they more dangerous than alligators?
45991Are they still here?
45991Are we all ready, Harry?
45991Are you all ready?
45991Are you ready, Adams?
45991As if I''d leave you,said Frank, indignantly,"ca n''t you run another foot, old boy?"
45991But how did they trace us to Miami?
45991But what can have happened to her?
45991But why are you so anxious to keep us out?
45991But you said your tribe was opposed to them?
45991By jacklight?
45991Can we do nothing?
45991Can we make it?
45991Can you handle your revolver, Harry?
45991Certainly,said Lathrop,"what''s that got to do with it?"
45991Comment, vee fight lek ze tiger- r- r n''c''est pas?
45991Confound it, what''s that?
45991Could you guide us to this place, Quatty?
45991Did you come on this train?
45991Did you think it was''nuffin''but a panfer''ten minutes ago?
45991Do n''t you''uns see that they''uns is Black Bart''s friends?
45991Do you think it''s Indians?
45991Do you think that will be all right?
45991Do you think that''s the boys snoring?
45991Do you think they could have weathered the squall in her?
45991Do you think they have the machine finished yet?
45991Don''you see smoke ober dere?
45991Driven out by the government?
45991Dry- shod?
45991From a tramp?
45991Give me the story then, will you?
45991Go back?
45991Good gracious, was that an earthquake?
45991Have you seen him before?
45991He is a pretty sizeable reptile and that''s a fact,remarked Frank,"But what would you say to a serpent twenty feet long?"
45991He''s not a beauty,remarked Harry in the same low tone;"what about him, Billy?"
45991How about that, Quatty?
45991How came you by this, master?
45991How did he induce him to visit him?
45991How did these men ever find their way to the interior?
45991How did you get here?
45991How do you know that there were two others?
45991How do you make that out?
45991How far is the river mouth from here?
45991How on earth did you know that?
45991How would you like to help us build the_ Golden Eagle II_?
45991Hullo, there, my hearty,cried Ben Stubbs, for he was the vocalist, as his eyes took in the situation,"what''s all this?"
45991I beg your pardon, Lathrop,apologized Frank,"wo n''t you come over to the house and sit down awhile?"
45991I ca n''t guess,he said;"bought a farm?"
45991I do n''t know,stammered Billy wiping his brow,"there does n''t seem to be anything doing, does there?"
45991I do n''t think there''s much doubt of that, Ben,replied Frank,"the thing is how did they get here?"
45991I say, Frank,whispered the young reporter,"have you noticed that fellow at the next table?"
45991I say, look out where you are coming, ca n''t you?
45991I suppose that the Walrus was some sort of a pirate ship?
45991If I give you that Buddha will you unlock these stocks and these handcuffs before you go?
45991If I would care to come?
45991If only the boys were here we could make it in the canoes in a short time,sighed Billy,"but what are we to do?
45991Is dat so, Massa Harry, fo''a fac''?
45991Look here,exclaimed Frank,"what do you make of this?"
45991Me? 45991 Now where''s de poles?"
45991Oh, Billy, what are we going to do?
45991Oh, Billy, what has happened?
45991Oh, anywhere-- what''s the matter with Africa?
45991Oh, by the way,asked Billy,"did you have any more manifestations from our dark- skinned friend on your way to New York?"
45991Oh, is that so?
45991Oh, so you''re afraid to let me see your aeroplane are you? 45991 Poles?
45991Pretty good for a week''s work, eh?
45991Remarkable? 45991 Run for it?"
45991Say, Frank, could n''t you take me along?
45991See that leg o''mutton?
45991Some white men that came into the''glades?
45991Suppose the_ Golden Eagle II_ is gone?
45991Sure,replied the other unblushingly,"ai n''t it worth something to you''uns for we''uns to hev fetched it to you?"
45991Ten thousand dollars?
45991The islands round Cape Sable?
45991The thing is now, how long will it take you to build this craft?
45991Then Seminoles do n''t use nothing like this that ever I heard of.--What''s that?
45991Then you are an officer?
45991Then you think they secured guides from some other tribe?
45991W- w- w- what,stuttered Quatty,"yo''goin''on, Marse Frank?"
45991Was this all you found?
45991We wo n''t let him know,said Frank with emphasis,"but how do we know that you will keep your word?"
45991Well, Lathrop, what on earth are you doing here?
45991Well, Pinckney?
45991Well, Quatty, what do you think of it as far as you''ve gone?
45991Well, is he to come?
45991Well, what are you doing here, then?
45991Well, what do you think of it?
45991Were you ever a moonshiner, Ben?
45991What about the other side of the island? 45991 What are we making, Frank, do you estimate?"
45991What are you going to do?
45991What are you putting those on for?
45991What are you squatting on the floor for?
45991What are you thinking of, Frank, old boy?
45991What are your plans?
45991What are your plans?
45991What can be the matter?
45991What can it mean?
45991What d''ye want y''ar, strangers?
45991What did that there poor fellow that''s drownded say to you he done with Pork Chops?
45991What did you say it was, Pork Chops, you inky pirate?
45991What do you know about this, Quatty?
45991What do you make of it, Ben?
45991What do you mean?
45991What do you mean?
45991What do you mean?
45991What do you propose to do now?
45991What do you suppose he did with the money after he had sold the ruby for twelve thousand dollars?
45991What do you suppose is the significance of it?
45991What do you suppose it is, Frank?
45991What if I should refuse to tell you?
45991What if the two men had visited the sloop and scuttled her or destroyed the_ Golden Eagle II_?
45991What if they should take it into their heads to attack us?
45991What is it, Harry?
45991What is it?
45991What is it?
45991What is the last trace you have of the plotters?
45991What is your latitude and longitude?
45991What on earth are you doing here?
45991What on earth are you talking about, Billy?
45991What on earth is it?
45991What palaces have you ever seen?
45991What were we to do?
45991What were you doing up there in the woods while we were talking?
45991What you all mean, Marse Lathrop, by saying dose unkindnesses''bout dis yar ship of mine?
45991What''s that dangling at her stern, Bagsby?
45991What''s the matter?
45991What''s the matter?
45991What''s the matter?
45991What''s the matter?
45991What''s the trouble?
45991What''s this here buccaneer bein''a''doing of now?
45991Whatever is that, Quatty?
45991Where are these white men?
45991Where could they get such a guide?
45991Where do you coal her?
45991Where was this yere communication found?
45991Who are you to be giving orders?
45991Who are you?
45991Who are you?
45991Who do you suppose could have built it?
45991Who do you suppose took it?
45991Who ever heard of an owl that knocked about in the sunlight before?
45991Who is that?
45991Who''s there?
45991Why do n''t you steal it from us; we ca n''t prevent you?
45991Why do you wish to know?
45991Why, Quatty, you''re not going to back out now, are you?
45991Wid de greates''of ease,replied the negro, quite proud of the impression he had produced,"but what fo''yo wan''to go dere?"
45991Will you accept the assignment?
45991Wo n''t you stop and have lunch with me?
45991Yes, but the two canoes that followed the one they put him in?
45991Yes, but who are these people?
45991Yes, but why did they carry off Pork Chops?
45991You are leaving here to- night in canoes for the coast?
45991You are the Boy Aviators we have all heard so much of?
45991You mean to strike right back into the wilderness?
45991You''re a rough fellow, my dear Scudder,another voice commented,"are you never in a softer mood?"
45991At the same moment Pork Chops''yells awakened the others and Ben Stubbs roared out with stentorian lungs:"Ahoy, there aboard the sloop-- What''s up?"
45991But were they going ahead?
45991By the way,"he broke off suddenly,"where is good old Ben Stubbs?"
45991Can you fellows keep a secret?"
45991Can you understand us?"
45991Different from old Camp Plateau in Nicaragua, eh?"
45991Do n''t you think we might head them off without destroying the aerodrome?
45991Do you know anything about it?"
45991Even if they could weather the flames, could they get through such smoke alive?
45991Good time plenty, how?"
45991Hark, what is that they are shouting upstairs?
45991Harry, where are you?"
45991Has the wave struck her?"
45991He resisted the temptation, however, and simply asked eagerly:"When do you start?"
45991How much shall you require do you suppose?"
45991How on earth can you--?"
45991I wonder?"
45991In this lonely untraveled spot who could it be?
45991It flashed across his mind that the cloth covering the planes might catch and then?
45991More for the sake of creating a diversion than anything else, Ben said:"Wonder what''s become of that floating pumpkin- seed the Squeegee?"
45991Only once, however, he irrelevantly remarked:"Keelhaul that Pork Chops, where is he?"
45991Or had the same mysterious forces that held the Boy Aviators captive wrecked their ship, too?
45991Pork Chops?"
45991Say,"he added suddenly,"could ye jes''wait a while till I paddle home an''say goo''-bye to my wife?"
45991The question was,--had a poisonous reptile bitten him?
45991They remained silently gazing before them for several minutes-- it was Ben who broke the silence:"What about the_ Carrier Dove_?
45991Time and again Harry, whose voice was growing momentarily fainter, had murmured to Frank:"You do n''t think he will fail us, Frank?"
45991Upsetting me overboard and trying to drown me, eh?
45991Was it the end?
45991Was the expedition well advised?
45991What are you so secretive for?"
45991What boat''s that?"
45991What can be the matter?"
45991What could be the matter?
45991What could have happened?
45991What do you want?"
45991What does it all mean do you suppose?"
45991What for?
45991What have you done with the colored man you took from the sloop last night?"
45991What is more delightful than a re- union of college girls after the summer vacation?
45991What would they find when they got there?
45991What would you say if we could tell you your errand here?"
45991When would the persons who had crackled the broken branch on the hillside recover their courage enough to make a further advance?
45991Where do you intend to build the ship?"
45991Where is this air- ship of yours and where are the canoes in which you brought it here?"
45991Who are you and what do you want around our camp?"
45991Who could it be?
45991Who says-- yes?"
45991Who the dickens are you?"
45991Why for do n''t you alls bring they''uns into camp?"
45991Why not manufacture it out and out in the country you have mentioned?"
45991Would it never come?
45991Would the aeroplane be there?
45991asked Harry, laughing,"do n''t you want to see the scenery?"
45991exclaimed Frank,"what on earth is that, Ben?"
45991exclaimed Scudder,"ai n''t you afraid of the United States government being suspicious?"
45991exclaimed his listener enthusiastically,"then you will accept the commission?"
45991questioned Frank,"are there any smooth spots clear of trees in the swamp?"
45991said the elder brother,"what was it?"
4356''Fraid of gett''n sun- struck?
4356''Riddlecum, riddlecum ree; What can the answer be?''
4356A fog bank? 4356 Ai n''t there any blamed way at all to stop her?"
4356All alone, Trot?
4356All right,said Trot,"where do you keep the menagerie?"
4356Am I to be patched, or what?
4356An''have to wait on the Snubnoses instead of bein''a Queen?
4356And let the Boolooroo capture us again?
4356And would you prefer to go home to remaining here?
4356Anything else?
4356Apples? 4356 Are all the servants of the old Boolooroo here?"
4356Are n''t we already lost in this fog?
4356Are n''t you rather slow?
4356Are they good to eat?
4356Are you a giant?
4356Are you addressing that word to me?
4356Are you condemned to be patched, too, little one?
4356Are you of royal birth?
4356Are you ready?
4356Are you?
4356Are you?
4356Are your kings elected, then?
4356As how?
4356Been to town?
4356But ca n''t you ever get-- get-- UNpatched again?
4356But can YOU do that circus act, Trot?
4356But how did they get to Sky Island?
4356But how did you get up there?
4356But how''ll we ever manage to get there?
4356But is n''t six hundred years an awful long time to live?
4356But what can you do here?
4356But what did you do with it?
4356Ca n''t I do it? 4356 Ca n''t I take any of the treasure with me?"
4356Ca n''t we fight the frogs?
4356Ca n''t we land anywhere else?
4356Ca n''t we shy your Tut- Tor- mar- line-- or whatever you call her-- in some way an''deal with you direct?
4356Ca n''t you MAKE the frogs let us through?
4356Ca n''t you dry up?
4356Ca n''t you see me?
4356Ca n''t you see?
4356Ca n''t you tie us together, then?
4356Can you tell us, Mister-- Mistress-- good Mr. Frog-- eh, eh, your Royal Highness, if we''re on the right road to the Pink Country?
4356Catch a ride wi''some one?
4356Could n''t there be one?
4356Could n''t you let yourself down with one of the sheets from the bed?
4356Could you climb down a rope ladder, Cap''n?
4356Dare you dictate to me?
4356Dear me,said Trot, throwing herself into a chair,"was n''t that a sudden change of fortune, though?
4356Did n''t I tell you, Button- Bright, that Cap''n Bill knows ever''thing?
4356Did you say MAGIC Umbrel, Button- Bright?
4356Did you see clearly?
4356Do n''t we look funny?
4356Do n''t you think so, Rosalie?
4356Do n''t you want me to go with you?
4356Do you have a governess?
4356Do you know how to work that Magic Umbrella?
4356Do you like girls?
4356Do you think the Pinkies would fight the Blueskins?
4356Do you?
4356Does it ever rain here?
4356Does it indeed?
4356Does n''t he wear but one?
4356Does n''t it hurt?
4356Does n''t the sun ever shine?
4356Does the book say that?
4356Does the book tell how old he is?
4356Down where?
4356Folks do n''t learn things with their legs, do they?
4356Had we better go to the other side?
4356Hain''t walked the nine mile from the railroad station, have ye?
4356Has anyone ever come out of that Arch alive?
4356Have n''t you any father?
4356Have n''t you any umbrellas?
4356Have one?
4356Have you nearly finished?
4356How about witches?
4356How came you in the Blue Country, from whence you say you escaped?
4356How can we jog To a frog in the fog?
4356How could he patch US?
4356How did it happen?
4356How did what happen?
4356How do you know?
4356How do you mix it?
4356How long have you lived?
4356How old is the Boolooroo?
4356How''ll we carry it?
4356How''s that?
4356However did you get here, mate, in the Boolooroo''s own den? 4356 I know all that, Cap''n, but why was n''t it made for humans, too, if they can manage to fly in it?
4356I''m the Queen of the Pinkies just now, am I not?
4356I''ve had enough of the Blue Country, have n''t you?
4356I''ve hearn tell o''them sky keeridges; someth''n''like flyin''autymob''ls, ai n''t they?
4356If I get you out of the palace, can you hide yourself so that you wo n''t be found?
4356Is it an island?
4356Is it?
4356Is n''t it pretty?
4356Is n''t there a law to cover this case?
4356Is n''t this the Pacific Ocean?
4356Is n''t''pass''n''away''jus''the same as dyin''?
4356Is not a snub nose the highest mark of female beauty?
4356Is supper ready, mama?
4356Is that true?
4356Is the Monster Man whose legs are part wood a dangerous creature?
4356Is the Pink side of Sky Island bigger than the Blue side?
4356Is there a fence around the edge?
4356Is there another half to Sky Island?'' 4356 Kill me?
4356Know anyone around here?
4356May I ask, ma''am,said Cap''n Bill, addressing the Witch,"why you have decided to murder of us in this cold- blooded way?"
4356Must we fight you?
4356Now then, where''ll we go?
4356Now, you Blue Cap''n, who are you and your soldiers going to obey, me or the snubnosed ones?
4356Oh, a airship, eh?
4356Oh, have you conquered us, then?
4356Oh, is this Sky Island, then?
4356Oh; is that your home?
4356Or will you come with us peaceably?
4356Papa,exclaimed Turquoise angrily,"can you not prevent this vile Earth Being from addressing us?
4356Sail away? 4356 So now, Queen Trot, what''s next on the program?"
4356So the question is, what''s to be done?
4356So this is how you waste your time, is it?
4356Sugar on''em?
4356Suppose it''s a friend?
4356Tell me, Captain, have you such a thing as a Brass Band in this City?
4356Tell me,said Ghip- Ghisizzle,"did you not take the Royal Record Book from the Treasure Chamber of the Boolooroo?"
4356Tell me,said Rosalie,"If you had your Magic Umbrella, could you fly home again in safety?"
4356Tell me,she said gently to the boy,"why are you here, and why do these people of the sky wish to destroy you?"
4356The Earth? 4356 Then I''ve the right to make new laws, have n''t I?"
4356Then why do you not get the umbrella?
4356Then why have n''t you ever been there? 4356 There is n''t any water around it, is there?"
4356Through the Fog Bank?
4356We''re in no hurry to get back, are we, Button- Bright?
4356We''ve got an extra room with a nice bed in it, and we''d love to have you stay just as long as you want to, would n''t we, Cap''n Bill?
4356We''ve had a good time, have n''t we, Trot?
4356Well, if he went to Araby, or was born there, he''d be an Arabian Knight, would n''t he? 4356 Well, well, Trot,"he said, coming up,"is this the way you hurry to town?"
4356Were you ever in the Land of Oz?
4356What are they good for? 4356 What are those buildings over there?"
4356What are you doing here at this hour?
4356What arguments are advanced by the six Counselors who voted to allow them to remain here as guests?
4356What arguments have the others advanced?
4356What can be done?
4356What cons''quences?
4356What do they eat, then?
4356What does he say to his reversal of fortune?
4356What does this mean?
4356What has to be did, mate?
4356What in the Sky do you mean by sitting on my feet? 4356 What in the Sky is THIS crowd?"
4356What is being patched?
4356What is it, Coralie?
4356What is it, then?
4356What is your name, please?
4356What next, Queen Trot?
4356What pays you, then, for all your bother?
4356What queer, dreadful- looking creatures are these? 4356 What shall I call her, then?"
4356What shall we do, Rosalie, allow them to remain here as honored guests, or toss them over the bushes into the sky?
4356What shall we do?
4356What will you do with the monsters, papa?
4356What would happen if you did n''t march through the Arch?
4356What''s become of Tiggle?
4356What''s being patched?
4356What''s goin''to happen to this tough ol''warrior, Trot?
4356What''s going to become of me, then?
4356What''s holding US up?
4356What''s the name of it?
4356What''s wrong, Button- Bright? 4356 What''s your real name?"
4356What, that little cabin?
4356When do we march?
4356When will that be?
4356When? 4356 When?"
4356Where are my soldiers? 4356 Where did you come from?"
4356Where did you get it?
4356Where do you s''pose the real Sky Island can be?
4356Where in the Sky did you come from, then, and where is your country located?
4356Where is it?
4356Where is this Arch?
4356Where shall we go?
4356Where''ll we go?
4356Where''ll we go?
4356Where''s Tiggle? 4356 Where''s the key to the Treasure Chamber?"
4356Where''s the umbrel?
4356Which IS the best?
4356Who are you to be patched to?
4356Who is Tourmaline?
4356Who knows?
4356Who will guard the Treasure Chamber?
4356Who will it be, then?
4356Who''s Cap''n Bill?
4356Why ca n''t I?
4356Why ca n''t we all go together?
4356Why could n''t there be an island in the sky that would be named Sky Island?
4356Why do n''t you make her the Queen?
4356Why do they call this an Island?
4356Why have you decreed death to these innocent strangers?
4356Why not wait until this shower is over?
4356Why not?
4356Why not?
4356Why not?
4356Why not?
4356Why not?
4356Why not?
4356Why of course?
4356Why, that was a magic night, was n''t it?
4356Why, what is there about my umbrella that seems insulting?
4356Will they throw us over the edge?
4356Will you take the parrot home with you, Trot?
4356Wo n''t let you change your mind, eh?
4356Wo n''t you come home with us?
4356Wo n''t you please get rid of them, too, your Majesty? 4356 Would you have your own father sliced so that you could rule in his place?"
4356Would you like to escape?
4356Yes,said the Queen,"but how does that apply to these strangers?"
4356You thought you could defy me, Earth Clod, did you? 4356 You''re-- you''re WHAT, Trot?"
4356Ai n''t this a pie?"
4356Ai n''t you hungry, child?"
4356Am I right, Cap''n Bill?"
4356Are n''t you sorry for yourselves?"
4356Are you all contented, Pinkies?"
4356As they led the now- famous animal from the room, the Boolooroo shuddered and said,"How dare you people give orders in my palace?
4356At once, Button- Bright exclaimed,"Why, where has she gone?"
4356But who are you, please?"
4356Ca n''t any of you remember two or three hundred years back when he first began to rule?"
4356Ca n''t they be discharged?"
4356Ca n''t you help us?"
4356Can they do anything useful?"
4356Can you keep a secret?"
4356Can you remember it?"
4356Coralie, do you consider''majesty''a proper word to use when addressing a Queen?"
4356Did n''t Button- Bright come safe all the way from Philydelfy?"
4356Did you drop down in that way, my lad?"
4356Did you ever taste a parsnip?"
4356Did you suppose a palace would be like one of our handsome residences?"
4356Do n''t you find it hard work to''member all of your name?"
4356Do n''t you know the Boolooroo of the Blues will have revenge?
4356Do n''t you know you will be punished for your impudence?
4356Do n''t you remember me?"
4356Do you know how to do that?"
4356Do you know this Law?"
4356Do you like boys?"
4356Do you s''pose, Trot, your mother would let me stay here all night?"
4356Do you think it''s a fairy country, Trot?"
4356Do you understand?"
4356Do you understand?"
4356Have n''t you any fairies here?"
4356Have you read this Law, Tourmaline?"
4356How dare you come into my garden and knock me on the head with that awful basket and then fall on my toes and cause me pain and suffering?
4356How dare you laugh when I''m talking?
4356How dare you sit in our presence?"
4356How dare you speak when I''m talking?"
4356How dare you, I say?
4356How dare you?"
4356I wonder why folks get cross when it rains?
4356I wonder why?"
4356I''m Queen o''the Pinkies an''Booloorooess o''the Blues, an''--""What''s that?"
4356Is it guarded?"
4356Is n''t it surprising how little people know of their Laws?
4356Is n''t that right, Cap''n?"
4356Is n''t there some house in the City they can all live in, Ghip?"
4356Is the Blue City captured?"
4356Is the Pink Country on the other side of it?"
4356Is your Blue Country very big?"
4356It gives us the blues, do n''t it, Trot?
4356Just then they were all startled by a swift flapping of wings, and a voice cried in shrill tones,"Where are you, Trot?
4356Or Cap''n Bill or Button- Bright?"
4356S''pose you jus''call yourself the Boss?
4356Say, what''s your name?"
4356Seems funny, do n''t it, Cap''n Bill?"
4356Shall I assist you to put one on?"
4356Sky Island, do n''t you understand?"
4356Tell me, sir, do you know of anyone who is my friend?"
4356That''s very big, is n''t it?"
4356The next morning Rosalie said to the little girl,"Will you make Tourmaline the Queen again when you go away?"
4356Then Tourmaline asked,"Why not, your Highness?"
4356Then he turned to Button- Bright and added,"Do n''t that prove Sky Island is a fairy country as I said?"
4356Then she asked,"Did n''t you like it, too, Cap''n Bill?"
4356Then she turned to Rosalie and asked,"How would you like to rule the Pinkies?"
4356Uncle Bob looked sharp at the thing an''said,''Button- Bright, how did your father happen to let you take that umbrella?''
4356Was n''t it jus''the-- the fascinatingest ride you ever took, Cap''n?"
4356What are apples?"
4356What are you doing here?"
4356What are you grinning at, Cap''n Bill?
4356What did I tell you, Tourmaline?"
4356What do you mean, prisoner, by daring to lay hands upon me?
4356What do you think of THAT law, Rosalie?"
4356What else could it be?
4356What''s YOUR name?"
4356What''s to be done, mate?"
4356When shall we start?"
4356Where did you get it?"
4356Where in all the Sky did they come from?"
4356Where is it located?"
4356Who has released Tiggle?
4356Who has stolen my golden Key?"
4356Who knows?"
4356Who''s this you''ve got, Trot?"
4356Why do n''t we stop?"
4356Why not assemble an army, march through the Fog Bank, fight and conquer the Boolooroo and recapture the Magic Umbrella?"
4356Wo n''t it be fine, Cap''n Bill?"
4356Wo n''t it be funny to see the old Moonface''s head on the little girl?
4356Wo n''t we all thump when we land with a bump?"
4356Would n''t it be horrible to be obliged to look upon such a sight?
4356Would n''t they open their eyes?"
39159''Fraid of gett''n''sun- struck?
39159''Riddlecum, riddlecum ree; What can the answer be?''
39159A fog bank? 39159 All alone, Trot?"
39159All right,said Trot;"where do you keep the menagerie?"
39159Am I to be patched, or what?
39159And let the Boolooroo capture us again?
39159And would you prefer to go home to remaining here?
39159Anything else?
39159Apples-- apples? 39159 Are all the servants of the old Boolooroo here?"
39159Are n''t we already lost in this fog?
39159Are n''t you rather slow?
39159Are they good to eat?
39159Are you a giant?
39159Are you addressing that word to me?
39159Are you condemned to be patched, too, little one?
39159Are you of royal birth?
39159Are you ready?
39159Are you?
39159Are you?
39159Are your kings elected, then?
39159As how?
39159Been to town?
39159But ca n''t you ever get-- get--_un_-patched again?
39159But how did they get to Sky Island?
39159But how did you get up there?
39159But how''ll we ever manage to get there?
39159But is n''t six hundred years an awful long time to live?
39159But what can you do here?
39159But what did you do with it?
39159But, can_ you_ do that circus act, Trot?
39159Ca n''t I do it? 39159 Ca n''t I take any of the treasure with me?"
39159Ca n''t we fight the frogs?
39159Ca n''t we shy your Tut-- Tor-- mar- line-- or whatever you call her-- in some way, an''deal with you direct?
39159Ca n''t you dry up?
39159Ca n''t you see me?
39159Ca n''t you see?
39159Ca n''t you tie us together, then?
39159Ca n''t you_ make_ the frogs let us through?
39159Can you tell us, Mister-- Mistress-- good Mr. Frog-- eh-- eh-- your Royal Highness-- if we''re on the right road to the Pink Country?
39159Catch a ride wi''some one?
39159Could n''t there be one?
39159Could n''t you let yourself down with one of the sheets from the bed?
39159Could you climb down a rope ladder, Cap''n?
39159Dear me,said Trot, throwing herself into a chair,"was n''t that a sudden change of fortune, though?
39159Did you see clearly?
39159Do n''t we look funny?
39159Do n''t you think so, Rosalie?
39159Do n''t you want me to go with you?
39159Do you know how to work that Magic Umbrella?
39159Do you like girls?
39159Do you think the Pinkies could fight the Blueskins?
39159Do you?
39159Does it ever rain here?
39159Does it, indeed?
39159Does n''t he wear but one?
39159Does n''t the sun ever shine?
39159Does the book say that?
39159Does the book tell how old he is?
39159Down where?
39159Folks do n''t learn things with their legs, do they?
39159Had we better go to the other side?
39159Hain''t walked the nine mile from the railroad station, hev ye?
39159Has anyone ever come out of that Arch alive?
39159Have n''t you any father?
39159Have n''t you any umbrellas?
39159Have one?
39159Have you nearly finished?
39159How about witches?
39159How came you in the Blue Country, from whence you say you escaped?
39159How could he patch_ us_?
39159How did it happen?
39159How did what happen?
39159How do you know?
39159How do you mix it?
39159How long have you lived?
39159How old is the Boolooroo?
39159How''ll we carry it?
39159How''s that?
39159I know all that, Cap''n; but why was n''t it made for humans, too, if they can manage to fly in it? 39159 I''m the Queen of the Pinkies just now, am I not?"
39159I''ve hearn tell o''them sky keeridges; someth''n''like flyin''autymob''l''s, ai n''t they?
39159I-- I''m sure it has passed it already,exclaimed Trot"What''s wrong, Button- Bright?
39159If I get you out of the palace, can you hide yourself so that you wo n''t be found?
39159Is it an island?
39159Is it?
39159Is n''t it pretty?
39159Is n''t there a law to cover this case?
39159Is n''t this the Pacific Ocean?
39159Is n''t''pass''n''away''jus''the same as dyin''?
39159Is not a snubnose the highest mark of female beauty?
39159Is supper ready, mama?
39159Is the Monster Man whose legs are part wood a dangerous creature?
39159Is the Pink side of Sky Island bigger than the Blue side?
39159Is there a fence around the edge?
39159It that true?
39159It''s raining hard outside,announced Coralie, who sat near the door;"why not wait until this shower is over?"
39159Kill me? 39159 Know anyone around here?"
39159May I ask, ma''am,said Cap''n Bill, addressing the Witch,"why you have decided to murder of us in this cold- blooded way?"
39159Must we fight you?
39159Now, then, where''ll we go?
39159Now, you Blue Cap''n, who are you and your soldiers going to obey-- me or the snubnosed ones?
39159Oh, is this Sky Island, then?
39159Oh,said Button- Bright, alarmed at such dreadful butchery;"does n''t it hurt?"
39159Oh,said Button- Bright;"is there another half to Sky Island?"
39159Oh; a airship, eh?
39159Oh; is that your home?
39159Papa,exclaimed Turquoise, angrily,"can you not prevent this vile Earth Being from addressing us?
39159Sail away? 39159 So now, Queen Trot, what''s next on the program?"
39159So the question is, what''s to be done?
39159So, this is how you waste your time, is it?
39159Sugar on''em?
39159Suppose it''s a friend?
39159Tell me, Captain, have you such a thing as a Brass Band in this City?
39159Tell me,said Ghip- Ghisizzle to Button- Bright,"did you not take the Royal Record Book from the Treasure Chamber of the Boolooroo?"
39159Tell me,said Rosalie;"if you had your Magic Umbrella, could you fly home again in safety?"
39159Tell me,she said gently to the boy,"why are you here, and why do these people of the sky wish to destroy you?"
39159The Earth? 39159 Then I''ve the right to make new laws, have n''t I?"
39159Then why do you not get the umbrella?
39159Then why have n''t you ever been there? 39159 There is n''t any water around it, is there?"
39159Through the Fog Bank?
39159We''re in no hurry to get back; are we, Button- Bright?
39159We''ve got an extra room with a nice bed in it, and we''d love to have you stay-- just as long as you want to-- wouldn''t we, Cap''n Bill?
39159We''ve had a good time; have n''t we, Trot?
39159Well, if he went to Araby, or was born there, he''d be an Arabian Knight, would n''t he? 39159 Well, well, Trot,"he said, coming up,"is this the way you hurry to town?"
39159What are they good for? 39159 What are those buildings over there?"
39159What are you doing here at this hour?
39159What arguments are advanced by the six Counselors who voted to allow them to remain here as guests?
39159What arguments have the others advanced?
39159What can be done?
39159What cons''quences?
39159What country did you come from?
39159What do they eat, then?
39159What does he say to his reverse of fortune?
39159What has to be did, mate?
39159What in the Sky do you mean by sitting on my feet? 39159 What is being patched?"
39159What is it, Coralie?
39159What is it, then?
39159What is_ your_ name, please?
39159What next, Queen Trot?
39159What pays you, then, for all your bother?
39159What shall I call her, then?
39159What shall we do, Rosalie: allow them to remain here as honored guests, or toss them over the bushes into the sky?
39159What shall we do?
39159What will you do with the monsters, papa?
39159What would happen if you did n''t march through the Arch?
39159What''s become of Tiggle?
39159What''s being patched?
39159What''s goin''to happen to this tough ol''warrior, Trot?
39159What''s going to become of me, then?
39159What''s holding_ us_ up?
39159What''s the name of it?
39159What''s your real name?
39159When do we march?
39159When will that be?
39159When? 39159 When?"
39159Where did you come from?
39159Where did you get it?
39159Where do you s''pose the real Sky Island can be?
39159Where in the Sky did you come from, then, and where is your country located?
39159Where is it?
39159Where is this Arch?
39159Where shall we go?
39159Where''ll we go?
39159Where''ll we go?
39159Where''s Tiggle? 39159 Where''s the key to the Treasure Chamber?"
39159Where''s the umbrel?
39159Which_ is_ the best?
39159Who are you to be patched with?
39159Who is Tourmaline?
39159Who knows?
39159Who will it be, then?
39159Who''s Cap''n Bill?
39159Why ca n''t I?
39159Why ca n''t we all go together?
39159Why could n''t there be an island in the sky that would be named Sky Island?
39159Why do n''t you make her the Queen?
39159Why do they call this an Island?
39159Why have you decreed death to these innocent strangers?
39159Why not?
39159Why not?
39159Why not?
39159Why not?
39159Why not?
39159Why not?
39159Why of course?
39159Why, what is there about my umbrella that seems insulting?
39159Will they throw us over the edge?
39159Will you take the parrot home with you, Trot?
39159Wo n''t let you change your mind, eh?
39159Wo n''t you come home with us?
39159Wo n''t you please get rid of them, too, your Majesty? 39159 Would you have your own father sliced, so that you could rule in his place?"
39159Would you like to escape?
39159Yes,said the Queen;"but how does that apply to these strangers?"
39159You''re-- you''re_ what_, Trot?
39159Ai n''t you hungry, child?"
39159Am I right, Cap''n Bill?"
39159Are n''t you sorry for yourselves?"
39159Are you all contented, Pinkies?"
39159As they led the now famous animal from the room the Boolooroo shuddered and said:"How dare you people give orders in my palace?
39159At once Button- Bright exclaimed:"Why, where has she gone?"
39159But who are you, please?"
39159Ca n''t any of you remember two or three hundred years back, when he first began to rule?"
39159Ca n''t they be discharged?"
39159Ca n''t you help us?"
39159Can they do anything useful?"
39159Can you keep a secret?"
39159Can you remember it?"
39159Coralie, do you consider''majesty''a proper word to use when addressing a Queen?"
39159Did n''t Button- Bright come safe all the way from Philydelfy?"
39159Did you drop down in that way, my lad?"
39159Did you ever taste a parsnip?"
39159Did you suppose a palace would be like one of our handsome residences?"
39159Do n''t you find it hard work to''member all of your name?"
39159Do n''t you know the Boolooroo of the Blues will have revenge?
39159Do n''t you know you will be punished for your impudence?
39159Do n''t you remember me?"
39159Do you know how to do that?"
39159Do you know this Law?"
39159Do you like boys?"
39159Do you s''pose, Trot, your mother would let me stay here all night?"
39159Do you think it''s a fairy country, Trot?"
39159Do you understand?"
39159Do you understand?"
39159Have n''t you any fairies here?"
39159Have n''t you?"
39159Have you conquered us, then?"
39159Have you read this Law, Tourmaline?"
39159How dare you come into my garden and knock me on the head with that awful basket and then fall on my toes and cause me pain and suffering?
39159How dare you laugh when I''m talking?
39159How dare you speak when I''m talking?"
39159How dare you, I say?
39159How dare you?"
39159I wonder why folks get cross when it rains?
39159I''m Queen o''the Pinkies an''Booloorooess o''the Blues, an----""What''s that?"
39159Is it guarded?"
39159Is n''t it surprising how little most people know of their Laws?
39159Is n''t that right, Cap''n?"
39159Is n''t there some house in the City they can all live in, Ghip?"
39159Is the Blue City captured?"
39159Is the Pink Country on the other side of it?"
39159Is your Blue Country very big?"
39159Just then they were all startled by a swift flapping of wings, and a voice cried in shrill tones:"Where are you, Trot?
39159My governess would n''t let me go without one, and--"[ Illustration]"Oh,"said Trot;"do you have a governess?"
39159Or Cap''n Bill, or Button- Bright?"
39159S''pose you jus''call yourself the Boss?
39159Said the parrot:"I spy a peacock''s eye On every feather-- I wonder why?"
39159Say, what''s your name?"
39159Seems funny, do n''t it, Cap''n Bill?"
39159Shall I assist you to put one on?"
39159Sky Island; do n''t you understand?"
39159Tell me, sir, do you know of anyone who is my friend?"
39159That''s very big, is n''t it?"
39159The next morning Rosalie said to the little girl:"Will you make Tourmaline the Queen again, when you go away?"
39159Then Tourmaline asked:"Why not, your Highness?"
39159Then he turned to Button- Bright and added:"Do n''t that prove Sky Island is a fairy country, as I said?"
39159Then she asked:"Did n''t you like it, too, Cap''n Bill?"
39159Then she turned to Rosalie and asked:"How would you like to rule the Pinkies?"
39159Uncle Bob looked sharp at the thing an''said:''Button- Bright, how did your father happen to let you take that umbrella?''
39159Was n''t it jus''the-- the fascinatingest ride you ever took, Cap''n?"
39159What are apples?"
39159What are you doing here?"
39159What are you grinning at, Cap''n Bill?
39159What did I tell you, Tourmaline?"
39159What do you mean, prisoner, by daring to lay hands upon me?
39159What do you think of_ that_ law, Rosalie?"
39159What else could it be?
39159What''s to be done, mate?"
39159What''s_ your_ name?"
39159When shall we start?"
39159Where did you get it?"
39159Where in all the Sky did they come from?"
39159Where is it located?"
39159Who has released Tiggle?
39159Who has stolen my golden Key?"
39159Who knows?"
39159Why do n''t we stop?"
39159Why not assemble an army, march through the Fog Bank, fight and conquer the Boolooroo and recapture the Magic Umbrella?"
39159Wo n''t it be fine, Cap''n Bill?"
39159Wo n''t it be funny to see the old Moonface''s head on the little girl?
39159Wo n''t we all thump when we land with a bump?"
39159Would n''t it be horrible to be obliged to look upon such a sight?
39159Would n''t they open their eyes?"
39159asked the woman,"or will you come with us peaceably?"
39159cried Trot, turning to stare at the boy with big, wide- open eyes;"were you ever in the Land of Oz?"
39159cried Trot, with big, eager eyes;"did you say_ Magic_ Umbrel, Button- Bright?"
39159exclaimed Trot;"why, that was a magic night, was n''t it?"
39159exclaimed the first;"what queer, dreadful- looking creatures are these?
39159exclaimed the surprised Jimfred;"who will guard the Treasure Chamber?"
39159gasped the sailorman;"ca n''t we land anywhere else?"
39159grunted the frog;"what in the Sky is_ this_ crowd?"
39159he cried;"where are my soldiers?
39159howled the Boolooroo;"what does this mean?"
39159muttered the parrot;"How can we jog To a frog in a fog?"
39159roared Cap''n Bill, now really frightened;"ai n''t there any blamed way at all to stop her?"
39159roared the Boolooroo,"dare you dictate to me?"
39159roared the monarch,"you thought you could defy me, Earth Clod, did you?
39159said Trot, triumphantly,"did n''t I tell you, Button- Bright, that Cap''n Bill knows ever''thing?"
39159said the bewildered sailor;"however did you get here, mate, in the Boolooroo''s own den?
39159that little cabin?"
39159who''s this you''ve got, Trot?"