
This is a list of all the questions and their associated study carrel identifiers. One can learn a lot of the "aboutness" of a text simply by reading the questions.

identifier question
A23820But what hope''s left this enemy to subdue?
A52519Alas, What shall I say?
A52519Almost in every Corner, Street, and Place, Prophanness still appears with open face, What shall I say?
A52519But what''s the news, some sleepy Soul may say, That thou complainst thus of a dreadful Day?
A52519His Power none is able to withstand, Nor hide themselves from his avenging Hand; His strength is great: Who can declare the same?
A52519How doth the City sit solitary that was full of People?
A52519How terrible was thy devouring ● ace, To spoil great London quite in three dayes space?
A52519London''s destroy''d; Alas, Who can deny it?
A52519Oh fearful flame, how matchless was thy rage, No less than London could thy fury swage?
A52519Thy sins, thy sins, have made thy sufferings large, Who can declare the greatness of thy Charge?
A52519To live within the Borders of this Nation, And ask a Reason of a Lamentation?
A52519What is the cause, thou dost so strangely speak, And seem to grieve, as if thy heart would break?
A52519Why dost thou stir up people now to weep?
A45552And now who can refrain from weeping, to see this City almost stripped of all her Ornaments, and her Honour laid in the dust?
A45552Do we pray for the people?
A45552How hard is that heart, which these considerations do not affect?
A45552How stupid is that Man?
A45552I Have no sooner read the Text, but I suppose you all reflect upon the doleful occasion of handling it; How forcible are right words, saith Job?
A45552If England be as a goodly Tree, London was as the root; and when the root is withered, how can the Tree flourish?
A45552If you shall enquire yet more particularly, How by the eye of prudence a man may foresee evil to come?
A45552Is it nothing to you all you that pass by?
A45552There is onely one question more to be resolved, and that is, For what Christ weepeth in reference to Jerusalem?
A45552This City was called( when in her Glory) by Ammianus, Marcellinus, Augusta, the stately magnificent City; but how is she now become angusta?
A45552Thus Job, who crieth out, Have pity on me, O you my Friends, have pity on me; saith also of himself, Did not I weep for him that was in trouble?
A45552Was not my Soul grieved for the poor?
A45552When Hazael said to Elisha, Why weepeth my Lord?
A45552With his bodily eyes he beheld the City, as those did, who speaking of the Temple, said, What goodly stones are here?
A45552and what concord hath Christ with Belial?
A45552what communion hath light with darkness?