This is a table of authors, titles, dates and other bibliographic information; it is a list metadata describing the content of your study carrel. Think of it as your library.
id | author | title | date | words | sentences | pages | cache | text |
20220 | Betts, George Herbert | The Mind and Its Education | nan | 92628 | 5245 | nan | ./cache/20220.txt | ./txt/20220.txt |
37423 | Dewey, John | How We Think | nan | 65641 | 3405 | nan | ./cache/37423.txt | ./txt/37423.txt |
9173 | Hall, G. Stanley (Granville Stanley) | Youth: Its Education, Regimen, and Hygiene | nan | 125542 | 5884 | nan | ./cache/9173.txt | ./txt/9173.txt |
16287 | James, William | Talks To Teachers On Psychology; And To Students On Some Of Life''s Ideals | nan | 62807 | 2964 | nan | ./cache/16287.txt | ./txt/16287.txt |
18451 | Ontario. Department of Education | Ontario Normal School Manuals: Science of Education | nan | 102066 | 5228 | nan | ./cache/18451.txt | ./txt/18451.txt |
18477 | Pyle, William Henry | The Science of Human Nature A Psychology for Beginners | nan | 66654 | 4848 | nan | ./cache/18477.txt | ./txt/18477.txt |
12769 | Strayer, George D. (George Drayton) | How to Teach | nan | 92974 | 5474 | nan | ./cache/12769.txt | ./txt/12769.txt |
46677 | Wundt, Wilhelm Max | An Introduction to Psychology Translated from the Second German Edition | nan | 36966 | 1506 | nan | ./cache/46677.txt | ./txt/46677.txt |