This is a table of authors, titles, dates and other bibliographic information; it is a list metadata describing the content of your study carrel. Think of it as your library.
id | author | title | date | words | sentences | pages | cache | text |
43886 | Day, Samuel Phillips | Bunyan''s Pilgrim''s Progress: In Words of One Syllable | nan | 27462 | 1658 | nan | ./cache/43886.txt | ./txt/43886.txt |
11025 | Kingsley, Charles | Phaethon: Loose Thoughts for Loose Thinkers | nan | 17931 | 1173 | nan | ./cache/11025.txt | ./txt/11025.txt |
52356 | Leopardi, Giacomo | Essays and Dialogues | nan | 76205 | 4605 | nan | ./cache/52356.txt | ./txt/52356.txt |
31579 | Marryat, Frederick | Olla Podrida | nan | 107708 | 12892 | nan | ./cache/31579.txt | ./txt/31579.txt |
49450 | Petrarca, Francesco | Petrarch''s Secret; or, the Soul''s Conflict with Passion Three Dialogues Between Himself and S. Augustine | nan | 51615 | 3563 | nan | ./cache/49450.txt | ./txt/49450.txt |