This is a table of authors, titles, dates and other bibliographic information; it is a list metadata describing the content of your study carrel. Think of it as your library.
id | author | title | date | words | sentences | pages | cache | text |
40482 | Fosdick, Harry Emerson | The Meaning of Faith | nan | 126477 | 6879 | nan | ./cache/40482.txt | ./txt/40482.txt |
23241 | Jowett, John Henry | My Daily Meditation for the Circling Year | nan | 81835 | 8492 | nan | ./cache/23241.txt | ./txt/23241.txt |
20711 | Kingsley, Charles | Daily Thoughts: selected from the writings of Charles Kingsley by his wife | nan | 43495 | 3746 | nan | ./cache/20711.txt | ./txt/20711.txt |
28547 | Macduff, John R. (John Ross) | The Words of Jesus | nan | 18255 | 1495 | nan | ./cache/28547.txt | ./txt/28547.txt |
27344 | Macduff, John R. (John Ross) | The Faithful Promiser | nan | 8991 | 1019 | nan | ./cache/27344.txt | ./txt/27344.txt |
50916 | Macduff, John R. (John Ross) | Evening Incense | nan | 19292 | 1610 | nan | ./cache/50916.txt | ./txt/50916.txt |
14849 | Steinmetz, Margaret Bird | Leaves of Life, for Daily Inspiration | nan | 69595 | 8248 | nan | ./cache/14849.txt | ./txt/14849.txt |
27852 | Sylvain, Adrien | Gold Dust: A Collection of Golden Counsels for the Sanctification of Daily Life | nan | 23614 | 1757 | nan | ./cache/27852.txt | ./txt/27852.txt |
8534 | Tileston, Mary Wilder | Daily Strength for Daily Needs | nan | 73318 | 6296 | nan | ./cache/8534.txt | ./txt/8534.txt |
37292 | nan | Thoughts for the Quiet Hour | nan | 40094 | 4549 | nan | ./cache/37292.txt | ./txt/37292.txt |