
This is a list of all the questions and their associated study carrel identifiers. One can learn a lot of the "aboutness" of a text simply by reading the questions.

identifier question
19882Their future fills him with anxiety; what will they be in the world and how will they secure a comfortable subsistence?
20263E perche? 20263 Quid tam nudum inveniri potest, quid tam abruptum undique quam hoc saxum?
20263Um,said he,"e nel Papa?
20263What a thought? 20263 Who upon earth has written such perfect comedies( as Molière)?
20263''Sir,''said he, with the deepest concern,''may I beg the life of my uncle?
20263And why?"
20263And yet why trust a greasy cook?
20263Are not you very proud of your Ode to Midnight?
20263But is not that the case in every miscellaneous collection, even in that excellent one published by Mr. Dodsley?
20263But to proceed; can a man make a pilgrimage to the Holy Land from the Island of Great Britain, without the aid of navigation?
20263But who is this the fire of whose look flames infinitely beyond the rest?
20263Can a man of acknowledged ignorance and stupidity, write a tragedy superior to Hamlet?
20263Can a man walk in the Mall at noon, carrying his breeches upon an enormous long pole, without being laughed at?
20263Can any thing be more condescending, and at the same time shew more the firmness of an heroick mind, than this letter?
20263Could you come?
20263Could your Lordship find time to honour me now and then with a letter?
20263Dear BOSWELL,--How shall I begin?
20263Dear ERSKINE,--Can a man walk up the Cowgate after a heavy rain without dirtying his shoes?
20263Dear ERSKINE,--What sort of a letter shall I now write to you?
20263Derrick''s versifications are infamously bad; what think you of the Reviewers commending such an execrable performance?
20263Did you ever suspect me of believing your marriage?
20263Did you really believe it?
20263For what should make men attack one who never offended them, who has done his best to entertain them, and who is engaged in the most generous cause?
20263He therefore advanced, and addressed himself to me,''Sir, is it proper for me to speak?''
20263How goes it with the elegant gentle Lady A----?
20263How is my honest Captain Andrew?
20263I could now tell why I should not write; for who would write to men who publish the letters of their friends without their leave?
20263I liked to see their natural frankness and ease;[97] for why should men be afraid of their own species?
20263I ventured to object:"But why has not Providence interposed sooner?"
20263If these things continue, who is safe?
20263In the name of every thing that is upside down, what could the people mean by marrying me?
20263Is Dodsley to sell you for a shilling, or not?
20263Now, my dear Captain, tell me how is it with you, after reading this?
20263Or give to meat the time of play?
20263Plures tamen hîc peregrini quam cives consistunt?
20263Pray shall we not see you here this winter at all?
20263Pray what is become of the Cub?
20263Say, who could e''er indulge a yawn or nap, When Barclay roars forth snip, and Bainbridge snap?
20263Shall I cram it from top to bottom with tables of compound interest?
20263Swells the full song?
20263Tell me how our second volume is received; I was much pleased with N----''s lines; how did he get them inserted?
20263Tell me how you was affected; could you speak any?
20263Tell me, dear Erskine, should not I My favourite path of fortune try?
20263The exordium is a passionate address to Captains all; amongst whom, who can more properly be reckoned than Captain Andrew?
20263Upon my arrival, the captain of the guard came out, and demanded who I was?
20263Well, and what then?
20263What can her keeping of Turkeys be owing to?
20263What sort of a son had Cicero, and what had Marcus Aurelius?"
20263What would I not do to gain your pardon?
20263When I said he ought to marry and have a son to succeed him,"Sir,"said he,"what security can I have that my son will think and act as I do?
20263While ev''ry trout gulps down a hook, And poor dumb beasts harsh butchers slay?
20263Why do n''t you send me a copy?
20263Why, then, should I suppress it?
20263Why,''out of the abundance of the heart,''should I not speak?"
20263With what feeling are you most strongly possessed?
20263[ 77][ Footnote 76:"ADAMS.--But, Sir, how can you do this in three years?
20263[ 89] What can be found so bare, what so rugged all around as this rock?
20263[ Footnote 27:"Avez- vous lu le_ Testament politique du Maréchal de Belle- Isle_?
20263[ Footnote 34:"Would you believe, what I know is fact, that Dr. Hill earned fifteen guineas a week by working for wholesale dealers?
20263[ Footnote 46:"Pray, Sir,"said Mr. Morgann to Johnson,"whether do you reckon Derrick or Smart the best poet?"
20263and how, O how does that glorious luminary Lady B---- do?
20263and in the Pope?"
20263and is the laugh of gaiety no more?
20263and would not the sight of me have made you very miserable?
20263could you fix your thoughts upon anything but the dreary way you was in?
20263has he a landed estate?
20263has the smile of cheerfulness left your countenance?
20263has your flow of spirits evaporated, and left nothing but the black dregs of melancholy behind?
20263or a genteel comedy superior to the Careless Husband?
20263or with long stories translated from Olaus Wormius?
20263quid ad copias respicienti jejunius?
20263quid ad homines immansuetius?
20263quid ad ipsum loci situm horridius?
20263the lovely sighing Lady J----?
20263what in climate more intemperate?
20263what in the very situation of the place more horrible?
20263what is the length of his walking- stick?
20263what more barren of provisions?
20263what more rude as to its inhabitants?
20263what species of apology shall I make?
20263what transport can you feel, In turning round on either heel?
20263why am I not chained to Donaldson''s shop?
20263why am I not in Edinburgh?
20263with anecdotes of Queen Anne''s wars?
20263with excerpts from Robertson''s history?
41881''And at what hour?'' 41881 ''Giudice,''she would say,''how do you expect that such an ugly man as you are can ever hope to possess all this?''
41881''I shall be killed in this duel, then?'' 41881 ''Well,''said Orlandini,''what has happened?''
41881''What have you to say to me?'' 41881 ''What is the matter with you,''she said,''and why are you so pale?''
41881''Where are you going?'' 41881 About what?
41881Ah, is it you,_ mon cher?_he cried.
41881And all for a miserable hen not worth twelve sous?
41881And as you grew up?
41881And can you shoot with a pistol as well as with a gun?
41881And does Madame de Franchi know you have come to Paris with this intention?
41881And for what?
41881And has the apparition ever returned since?
41881And have you never seen any apparition?
41881And he said in what way?
41881And he spoke to you?
41881And how many lives have been sacrificed since?
41881And is he the person with whom you are invited to sup this evening?
41881And is the dagger authentic?
41881And is this privilege accorded to the males of the family only?
41881And now this sabre?
41881And now,he said, after a long silence,"are you satisfied?"
41881And now,he went on,"do you wish me to tell you the time he died?"
41881And she has let you come?
41881And so you have arranged everything?
41881And the other?
41881And they are unknown to M. de Franchi?
41881And to what do you attribute this privilege?
41881And to- morrow this touching reconciliation will be effected?
41881And we shall see the chief of one of these two parties this evening, no doubt?
41881And whereabouts?
41881And who is the lady,asked the bouquet of myosotis,"who is so very shy as to be made the subject of a bet?"
41881And who was this woman?
41881And you will join us?
41881And you would have told me, would you not, my son?
41881And yourself?
41881Are we going to see an Orlandi or a Colona?
41881Are you going to the Opera Ball?
41881Are you ready, gentlemen?
41881Are you serious? 41881 Are you, then, so very much alike?"
41881At the intercession of one of the two families no doubt?
41881At what time?
41881But can not we continue the conversation?
41881But do you know him?
41881But have you seen your dead brother?
41881But how is it there is such a great difference between you and your brother in this respect?
41881But now you are here, my dear Emily, you may as well remain; wo n''t you? 41881 But what is one to do in this world?
41881But what is the great motive for this feud, which, as I understand, is now by your intercession to be for ever extinguished?
41881But, then, how can you possibly tell that he is out of sorts?
41881But,said I,"since you knew that Monsieur Lucien was here, why did you not come sooner?"
41881But,said I,"this quarrel must have a motive; is that motive a secret?"
41881By what law of society is that?
41881By whom?
41881Did n''t you meet two gentlemen upon the stairs?
41881Did not my brother announce to you his own approaching death? 41881 Did they come on behalf of M. de Chateau Renaud?"
41881Do you know this M. de Chateau Renaud?
41881Do you know_ him?_"Certainly. 41881 Do you mean to say that you have_ seen_ your dead brother?"
41881Do you not understand?
41881Do you remember on what occasion?
41881Do you think I am likely to joke at such a time?
41881Do you think me so presumptuous as to believe I have a right to your conscience?
41881Do you think so, really?
41881Do you wish to hear me tell how I saw one?
41881Has your brother been long away from Corsica?
41881Have I time to learn to fence between this and to- morrow?
41881Have you a carriage?
41881Have you forgotten what I told you about the apparitions familiar to our family?
41881Have you no message for your brother?
41881Have you not a mountain near Paris called Montmartre?
41881Have you received a letter from your brother?
41881How are you able to speak with such certainty?
41881How old are these sons?
41881How will you be able to find the spot?
41881I suppose the chateau has been in possession of your family since the death of Vicentello d''Istria?
41881I suppose they have left their names and addresses?
41881I suppose( I began) you were on your way to Paris when the fatal news met you?
41881I understand-- their word was sufficient; they did not need a notary to reconcile them, I suppose?
41881In any case, nothing need prevent you from paying him a visit?
41881In what form?
41881Is he about to leave you?
41881Is it far from here?
41881Is there not some terrible history connected with this woman?
41881Is there, then, a marriage about to take place?
41881Listen,he said,"to- morrow is Mi- Careme, is it not?"
41881M. Martelli,said the Viscount,"will you measure the distance by me?"
41881Maria,he continued, turning to a servant, who was standing behind him,"will you inform Madame Savilia that a French traveller seeks hospitality?"
41881May I inquire where?
41881May I make the attempt?
41881Monsieur,he said;"will you grant me a favour?
41881Mother,said Lucien as he rose,"you will excuse our leaving you, will you not?"
41881My brother has already told you, I think, that the male members of our family enjoy a singular privilege?
41881My brother?
41881My friend,I said,"is it indiscreet of me, who knows nobody in Sullacaro, to ask hospitality of your mistress?"
41881No doubt he will come to see you before he finishes his studies?
41881No doubt,he replied, with an air of astonishment;"but what inconvenience does your lordship think you will cause?"
41881No, but what you might have thought was a pheasant close by?
41881No, but wo n''t you come to Paris?
41881Now that is settled, will you have the goodness to load the pistols?
41881Now, what more could I do but await and accept the proposals that were made to me?
41881Now,continued Louis;"you know my brother, do n''t you?"
41881Now,said I,"we must know whether you prefer to fight with sword or pistol?"
41881Of what you were saying, do you mean?
41881On my account?
41881On what occasion?
41881Paoli''s sword? 41881 Shall I accompany you, sir?"
41881Shall I go with your Excellency?
41881Shall I see them?
41881She was worthy of both-- is it not so?
41881So in three- quarters of an hour we shall be there?
41881So you believe in ghosts?
41881So,said Lucien to me, as if he were continuing his remarks,"so you made up your mind to come to Corsica?"
41881Supposing that the Parisian you have assisted has already had some little experience in mountain scrambling?
41881That he was dead?
41881That is where the man''s tomb is?
41881That is?
41881The famous Sampietro, the assassin of Vanina?
41881Then I suppose Diamond is a bandit''s dog?
41881Then M. de Chateau Renaud has accepted?
41881Then he is not a friend of yours?
41881Then it was to his house you intended to take me?
41881Then you are enabled to see your deceased parents?
41881They were all quite well when you left, I hope?
41881Till to- morrow, Monsieur Lucien?
41881To kill him?
41881To one of your female ancestors?
41881To- morrow?
41881We shall see you again some day?
41881Well, Colona,he said,"do you not know that you have to speak first?"
41881Well, then, if such an explanation may be entrusted to a stranger, will you explain to me how this could happen?
41881Well, then, will she receive a young man into her house?
41881Well, what embarrasses you?
41881Well, you know that we are twins, do n''t you?
41881Well,I said,"have you learnt what you wanted to know?"
41881Well,he said,"is it settled?
41881Were you also informed that when we came into the world we were joined together?
41881What M. de Franchi wishes to speak to me?
41881What can that be?
41881What did he say?
41881What do you do, then?
41881What do you think he will do when he learns that I have been killed in a duel?
41881What is he crying for?
41881What is it, monsieur?
41881What is it?
41881What is the point then?
41881What is the wager?
41881What passed between you?
41881What professions do they follow?
41881What, both?
41881Where is the other, then?
41881Where would your Excellency wish to stay the night?
41881Which are the historic arms of which you spoke amongst all these swords, arquebuses, and poignards?
41881Who is expected then?
41881Who is that gentleman?
41881Whom did you say, Victor?
41881Why not? 41881 Why not?
41881Why so?
41881Will you accompany me to Vincennes?
41881Would you like to see the pheasant?
41881Yes, of course,I replied, beginning to feel impatient;"the lady is a widow, I suppose?"
41881Yes,I continued,"his master was shot, you say, and I suppose we are approaching the place where he was killed?"
41881Yes; but what is there to prove that my brother will not follow the example of his uncle instead of following mine? 41881 You are going out after supper, then?"
41881You are going to be shot?
41881You are still of opinion, then, this duel will prove fatal to you?
41881You are wounded?
41881You do not mean to say that your gun will kill a pheasant at eighty yards?
41881You expect him back soon?
41881You have the weapons, gentlemen?
41881You remember de Freyschutz?
41881You saw your father last night, you say?
41881You see those two portraits close together?
41881You wo n''t forget what I asked you?
41881Your son has been ill, madame?
41881- p. 23:"Do you rembember on what occasion?"
41881- p. 35:"... one of these two parties this evening; no doubt?"
41881- p. 84:"But surely you have some reason to give for your change of opinion?
41881- p. 99:"Well, if they propose pistols, accept them at once?"
41881And do you know what I have become in the midst of musket shots and stabs?
41881And how did you become possessed of this poignard?"
41881And is it as authentic as the poignard of Sampietro?"
41881At least----""At least what?"
41881At length I said,"Do you know what you might do to- night?"
41881At what time?"
41881By whom?"
41881By- the- by, was there not some bet?"
41881Coachman, the_ Café de Paris;_ is not that the place where my brother usually dined?"
41881Did I not tell you,"he added, laughing,"that I am a regular savage, and had come into the world a hundred years too late?
41881Did not M. de Chateau Renaud wager that he would bring me here to supper to- night?"
41881Did you not hear a gun fired?''
41881Did you not hear anything while I was talking with Orlandi?"
41881Do you not believe that a father can appear to his son?"
41881Do you not know that I had the misfortune to lose my friend five days ago?"
41881Do you not know that dogs do not forget those they have loved?"
41881Do you not remember that I saw it in my dream?"
41881Do you think that M. de Chateau Renaud will refuse?"
41881Do you wish me to tell you why you have come into this province of Sartène?"
41881Have you not told him that you will bring a friend?"
41881Have you seen him, or his seconds?"
41881I beg your pardon; what did you say?"
41881I can not be saved but by a miracle, and what right have I to suppose that Providence will work a miracle on my behalf?
41881I saw that I should get no information out of him by this mode of interrogation, so I resumed--"How old is Madame Savilia?"
41881I took off my hat and saluted the speaker, saying,"Is your brother an equally good shot?"
41881I whispered:"do n''t you see that she will not come?"
41881Is not that the duty of a second?"
41881Is that so?"
41881It was then 3.40 A.M."Is that clock right?"
41881Look here-- you are unhappy, are not you?
41881Lucien turned towards me, and said:"Will you excuse me a moment?"
41881Must not an arbitrator reconcile opposing factions?
41881Now what is it?"
41881Now, will you excuse me?
41881Shall we go now?"
41881She has children, no doubt?"
41881Victor turned tremblingly to the door, opened it, and then standing still in the room, said--"Will monsieur be kind enough to come in?"
41881Voulez- vous que je vous dise ce que vous êtes venu chercher dans la province de Sartène?"
41881What could I do?"
41881What sort of mother could this be who made her son declare that if he saw the spirit of his dead brother he would tell her at once?
41881What sort of person could this brother be, who felt the same grief that his brother experienced at a distance of three hundred leagues?
41881What the deuce do you expect?
41881When I had finished the letter I turned to the writer and said--"Well, and what does this mean?"
41881Who could this woman be who was accustomed to carry a carbine like a soldier?
41881Why, what has put such an idea into your head?"
41881Will you do me the honour to join me, and we can talk at our ease?"
41881Will you please take the chair at my right hand?
41881You are still unfortunate; you hoped to see a Vendetta?"
41881You have come into the province of Sartène to see bandits; is not that the fact?
41881You will let Victor take the note for me, will you not?"
41881and"Do you wish me to tell you why you have come into this province of Sartène?")
41881exclaimed the guide;"why, what difference can it make whether you are young or old?"
41881is n''t it?
41881said Joseph, with tears in his eyes,"what is the meaning of this?"
41881that is all too true,"I replied;"but what have you come to Paris for?"
41881then you do not know what has happened?"
41881will you really allow me to go with you this evening?"
15565''Per varios casus, per tot discrimina rerum Tendimus in Latium--''How will you read the omen?"
15565''Rested in the notion,''did it? 15565 ''Sir John Constantine?''
15565''Sir,''said I,''are you attached to that instrument of yours?'' 15565 A joke?"
15565A little while!--until the child-- until our child--How can I write what yet remains to be written?
15565A tomb?
15565A''salvo''did you say, cavalier?
15565About a spade, master?
15565Against what, eh?
15565Ah? 15565 All this day?
15565Am_ I_ not her man?
15565And for you also, Marc''antonio?
15565And how came you alone with him, and Stephanu, and Marc''antonio? 15565 And how hast thou fared, O Camillo?"
15565And how, pray,asked my father,"are these poor women to disperse, if your ruffians wo n''t let''em?"
15565And is it thus you keep sentry?
15565And is that how you take it?
15565And it was here he planted his colony?
15565And next, how shall I learn to tend them?
15565And she said,suggested Mr. Fett,"that she did n''t mind what man could do unto her?"
15565And the Princess? 15565 And the hogshead of Madeira, with what remained of the brown sherry?
15565And the recruits? 15565 And what are_ you_ doing here?"
15565And what''s the meaning of these stones you''re carting?
15565And what-- by the way, sir-- did you think of that performance?
15565And where, by the way, is Billy Priske?
15565And where?
15565And who may_ you_ be, sir?
15565And who was he?
15565And why goes he north?
15565And why not, cavalier? 15565 And why not?"
15565And why, pray?
15565And without knowledge of her errand? 15565 And you are his son?
15565And you brought him here_ by accident?_ Well, if this do n''t beat cock- fighting!
15565And you have travelled the length of Corsica alone to tell me this and take me back with you?
15565And you sir, tell me-- What were you seeking in this good woman''s garden?
15565And you will leave him to me? 15565 And you, sir"--my father turned to Mr. Fett--"will you accompany us?"
15565And, when you took her at her word, like a Christian woman she turned the other cheek?
15565Are you a friend of this man?
15565Are you newly married, you two?
15565Are you quite sure, Mr. Badcock, that we are not starting with the Doctor''s peroration?
15565Are you sure,asked Mr. Badcock, examining one,"that these are true mushrooms?"
15565Are you too, sirs, of this company of the rose?
15565Aucassins, biax amis doux En quel terre en irons nous? 15565 Ay, sir?"
15565Be I?
15565Billy Priske,said I,"has given me some account of them up to your parting from my father-- at Calenzana, was it not?"
15565Books, sir?
15565Boy,she demanded,"is this man deceiving me?"
15565But how, then, have you managed?
15565But such madness as you speak of, who could take into account?
15565But the devil of it is,said I,"how you contrived to enlist''em?"
15565But the point is, Can you help us?
15565But there remains the question, why you did it?
15565But what business have you to be driving my cart and horses?
15565But what fool''s talk is this? 15565 But what happened?"
15565But what has all this to do with my father?
15565But what has happened?
15565But what is that for? 15565 But what is this?"
15565But what is this?
15565But what on earth has happened?
15565But what the devil, then, is the meaning of it?
15565But what was the elixir?
15565But what will you two be doing with yourselves meanwhile?
15565But what-- what brings you?
15565But when you explained this, she would n''t take no for an answer?
15565But where is mine?
15565But where,said I,"be my subjects?"
15565But where?
15565But wherefore must you go by Nonza, O Marc''antonio? 15565 But whither be we bound, Master Prosper?"
15565But who is Moll Whiteaway?
15565But who is this Moll Whiteaway?
15565But who is this lady that signs herself Emilia?
15565But who is this man with you?
15565But who on earth are they?
15565But why are you doing it? 15565 But why should we harm him, principessa?"
15565But will it not be guarded?
15565But you travelled back with all speed? 15565 But, cavalier-- if-- if it were true?"
15565But, surely, John Wesley himself is a Clerk in Holy Orders? 15565 But-- but what brings you here?"
15565By the way, Nat,said I, looking up as I turned the page,"where will you spend your vacation?"
15565Can you walk? 15565 Captain Pomery sent you for these stones?"
15565Could I write my pamphlet at sea?
15565Could he-- think you-- have_ sold_ his children to the Genoese?
15565Damme, who did that?
15565Did I not tell Captain Pomery to ballast with wine?
15565Did I say so, Billy? 15565 Did Stephanu come willingly?"
15565Did he also tell you where he found me?
15565Did he say anything of the crown, O Marc''antonio?
15565Did n''t I tell you old Worthyvale would turn out the usefullest man on board?
15565Did the Princess know of this?
15565Did you, then, clear the Genoese from Nonza?
15565Dishonour? 15565 Do my ears deceive me, or are you mistaking me for a Methodist?"
15565Do the night''s takings fall short of her equally high standard? 15565 Do we cross them?"
15565Do you mean,asked the Prince, bridling angrily,"that I am to fear him?"
15565Do you tell me that folks marry and give in marriage within this dreadful place?
15565Do you tell me that the whole garrison of Nonza had escaped?
15565Do you wish me to repeat that as your plea?
15565Does it?
15565Does the law indeed say so?
15565Drinking- troughs?
15565Eh, Marc''antonio? 15565 Eh?
15565Eh? 15565 Eh?
15565Eh? 15565 Eh?
15565Eh? 15565 Eh?
15565Father Domenico, is my sister right? 15565 For example?"
15565For me? 15565 For the rest we are reduced to stones?
15565For what cause?
15565Founder''s kin?
15565Giuseppe is not dead?
15565Giuseppe? 15565 God knows I have more reason to be grateful to you than to any man alive--""But you find it hard?
15565Has the little cordwainer''s tall daughter jilted you, as I promised she would?
15565Hath he better than roast duck and green peas to offer, hey? 15565 Have you a surgeon in your camp?"
15565Have you considered, cavalier,she asked coldly,"that Giuseppe is not certain of recovery?"
15565He would not receive you?
15565Helping her?
15565Her portrait?
15565Hey? 15565 Hey?"
15565Horses? 15565 How came you by this, O Englishman?"
15565How did you contrive it?
15565How otherwise?
15565How shall I tell you of her? 15565 I am original?
15565I am sorry you come late for it-- but you were bound on your own business, eh?
15565I do n''t say''tis the truth, mind you: for if''tis truth, why should the man choose to fetch land by daylight? 15565 I thought, O Stephanu, that I had made plain my orders, that you two were neither to follow nor to watch me?"
15565I, sir?
15565I? 15565 If he can unite Corsica and win her freedom, does he not deserve to be her king?"
15565If it come to commerce, then, will you sell me your boat? 15565 If you will have patience, sir--""Prosper, how near is the leading boat?"
15565In Devon?
15565In hate or in love, cavalier?
15565In the second place you came with my release, and to bring me news, and-- with what purpose beside?
15565In what way, my friend?
15565Indeed, and are you not, sir?
15565Indeed? 15565 Indeed?"
15565Is it a trout?
15565Is it meet, O sister,he snarled,"for you, of all women, to champion a man-- and a foreigner-- before my soldiers?
15565Is it meet, think you, O brother, for a King of Corsica to kill his hostage?
15565Is it not possible that he himself contrived the kidnapping-- always with King Theodore''s consent?
15565Is my head on?
15565Is that all you read in the letter? 15565 Is that in the Bible?"
15565Is that the end of the yarn?
15565Is this curiosity of yours all your business?
15565Is time an object with you?
15565It is told,began my father,"in a sermon of the famous Vieyras--""For what was he famous?"
15565It should have been the last, surely?
15565John Sprott, who threw that muck?
15565Made him her swine- keeper, did she? 15565 Marc''antonio,"said I, seriously,"are the Prince and Princess in truth the children of King Theodore?"
15565Marc''antonio,said I,"what is this I hear from Billy about a ship?"
15565May I suggest that we seat ourselves and examine the papers?
15565Mbe, but he was a great liar, that Theodore? 15565 Meaning the Queen Emilia?"
15565My brother?
15565My father-- where is he?
15565My father?
15565My father?
15565My friends,he went on at length, with lowered voice,"know you that old song?
15565My subjects, Princess?
15565Nay,said I, challenging,"what was it you told your brother?
15565Nay; but what light is yonder, to the north?
15565No recruits? 15565 No right to ask it?"
15565Nor of Percival and Galahad, nor of Sir Balin and Sir Balan? 15565 O Princess, think you_ this_ is the way I promised to conquer you?
15565O beloved,she asked after a while, quietly, almost desperately,"why are you silent?
15565O friend,she said sadly,"will you never understand?
15565O generation of vipers, why am I here? 15565 O principessa,"said he, with a wondering grin,"who are these that travel with royal crowns?
15565Oh, York and Lancaster-- if you will excuse me, gentlemen-- that I should suffer this for a mere rose? 15565 Oh, why will you twist my words and force me to seem ungrateful?
15565Old John Worthyvale?
15565One can visit him, I suppose?
15565Other capitals have had their turn, and others will overtake and outstrip her; but where is one in these times to compare with London? 15565 Ought he to have given this answer?--to have uttered that defiance?
15565Pardon me,said I,"but how shall I know you are not playing us a trick?"
15565Pretty fair catch to- day, id''n- a? 15565 Prisoners?
15565Prosper, what do you make of that noise, up yonder?
15565Rebel and Atheist too, why murmur I As though I felt the worst that love could do? 15565 Reinforcements?
15565Roses? 15565 Say that I have, what then?"
15565Seamen, seamen, whence come ye? 15565 See them pot- plants, there, and what they''m teeled[ 1] in?"
15565See you, lad,he said,"have you ever come across one of these here wild sheep?"
15565Seeking them in Brussels?
15565Shall we go down the rock to meet him?
15565Shall we travel together?
15565She brought me the file?
15565Silvis te, Tyrrhene, feras agitare putasti? 15565 Sir John Constantine?"
15565Sir John has gone north again, you say, and will be expecting us off the island? 15565 Sir?"
15565Skipper, be I? 15565 So I am to keep your hogs, Princess?"
15565So my father is with the Princess?
15565So,said I,"''twas you, sir, after all, that wrote the advertisement?"
15565Suppose,said I, after a pause,"that for love I choose rather to dare all?"
15565Surely, man,_ you_ must know that?
15565Than what, sir?
15565That suits you, Prosper?
15565The General?
15565The Mayor?
15565The Prince, and the reverend Father-- who can tell what passes in their minds?
15565The Princess has gone too?
15565The Riot Act-- where''s my Riot Act?
15565The cavalier,he answered with dignity,"may have heard me allude to my travels?"
15565The matter? 15565 The mountains?
15565The newspaper comes from Cornwall?
15565The same as in ch--?
15565The ship?
15565The tender passion? 15565 Then Theodore knew that his children were alive?"
15565Then it had better be hate?
15565Then on what land, in Heaven''s name, are we running?
15565Then what on earth has happened?
15565Then who the devil can he be, I wonder? 15565 Then, excuse me,"said Mr. Fett, becoming serious of a sudden,"but is n''t it a damned foolish business that brings you?"
15565They followed you?
15565They have killed him?
15565To Genoa, is it not?
15565To a lodging? 15565 True?"
15565Was she the same ship that first brought us to the island?
15565Was that all?
15565Was the Prince present when she said this?
15565We must have witnesses,said my father,"Have you a clergyman in this den?"
15565Well, Princess?
15565Well, and why not?
15565Well, and why not?
15565Were they Corsican vessels, or Genoese?
15565What about their_ passions?_ Why, sir, yet another story occurs to me, which might pass for an express epologue upon your father''s career. 15565 What am I doing, eh?
15565What are you doing here, in Corsica, with the crown of King Theodore?
15565What crown?
15565What do you mean by that?
15565What do you suppose that I meant by using those words? 15565 What has happened?"
15565What is it, that I should forbid you?
15565What is it?
15565What of the Princess, O Stephanu?
15565What ship?
15565What subject?
15565What think you of that?
15565What was enough to madden all the saints, O Marc''antonio?
15565What was enough to madden all the saints, O Marc''antonio?
15565What was his answer?
15565What''s become o''the brown vermin?
15565What''s he telling about? 15565 What''s matter with''ee to- all?"
15565What''s the matter with Worthyvale?
15565What''s the matter, Nan? 15565 What''s the use, sir, of makin''a man feel like a villain and putting thoughts into his head without means to fulfil''em?"
15565What''s your name, boy?
15565Whence had they come, and why?
15565Where be the mackerel lines, Captain Jo? 15565 Where does she come from?"
15565Where is my brother?
15565Where is my father?
15565Where is she?
15565Where is the crown, Stephanu?
15565Where shall I begin, sir?
15565Where''s the ammunition? 15565 Who was he?"
15565Who was suggesting it?
15565Who were these men?
15565Whose work is it, think you?
15565Why a gridiron?
15565Why am I here, friends?
15565Why have you done this to him?
15565Why not? 15565 Why this evening?"
15565Why, Worthyvale, what''s the matter?
15565Why, what on earth has Giuse to do with this matter?
15565Why, what''s the matter?
15565Why, whatever is the matter?
15565Why, where''s your bait?
15565Why_ should_ there be a post?
15565Wife,said I, standing before her,"why have you told me this?
15565Will that distance suit you?
15565Will you be my guest to- night?
15565Will you be serious, brother?
15565Will you explain?
15565With what ulterior object?
15565Would your Prince Camillo make a better one?
15565Ye men of Falmouth--the woman by the lamp- post lifted her voice more shrilly--"what shall I testify of the hardness of your hearts?
15565You are a son, signor, of Sir John Constantine?
15565You are devoted to her, you two?
15565You are hurt, Billy?
15565You are not disappointed, I hope?
15565You are not patriots, it seems, at this end of the Cape?
15565You are wondering where to find your room?
15565You did n''t bring him here for a joke?
15565You did not see? 15565 You do n''t say so?"
15565You do n''t tell me that the Vicar is here, too?
15565You do not suggest, I hope, that we can abandon our comrades, whatever has befallen them?
15565You doubt my word, Englishman?
15565You find that an impediment?
15565You guessed it? 15565 You have a book of sermons on board?"
15565You have considered,he asked,"the peril of introducing so many papists into our quiet parish?"
15565You have killed Giuseppe?
15565You have no complaint to make?
15565You have seen him? 15565 You knew of this?"
15565You know my father, sir?
15565You mean to say you did n''t know?
15565You mean to tell me you have been pelting that poor brute all down the lane?
15565You mean to tell me, Stephanu,he persisted,"that the Princess will have none of us?"
15565You mean,said I,"that-- always supposing the Prince had not killed you in his rage-- you would now be at her side?"
15565You never read of the meeting of Amadis and Sir Galaor?
15565You really think it worth while?
15565You really think so? 15565 You ride to Falmouth this morning?"
15565You say,said I,"that had we found our kinsmen here we had found them in league against freedom, and friends of the tyranny we are here to fight?"
15565You seriously design,my uncle demanded,"to invade the island of Corsica with an army of seven persons?"
15565You spell it with an''s''? 15565 You treated him with all respect, I hope?"
15565You will do me the honour, sir, to shake hands?
15565You will drink, then, at least? 15565 You will join us?"
15565You will not deny that patriotism is a virtue?
15565You will not resist?
15565You will not,said I,"leave this good foolish soul in her error?"
15565You will promise me not to set foot outside the camp?
15565You would rather be alone?
15565Your letter, Sir John? 15565 _ Aut Lacedaemonium Tarentum_,"said the monk at my shoulder quietly; and, as I stared at him,"Ah, to be sure, this is your Tarentum, is it not?
15565_ Campioni?_ That is a good word, and I thank you for it, Englishman. 15565 _ Grazie_,"muttered Marc''antonio;"but how could you be sure I had received the message?"
15565_ He?_The girl swung upon me, scornfully incredulous.
15565_ Is_ this an unlawful assembly?
15565_ Ma dove? 15565 _ My_ patience, Marc''antonio?
15565_ O galant''uomo_, but why should any one desire to sail to the island to- night of all nights, seeing that to- night they have set it on fire?
15565_ O paesana_,said she,"do you and your man live here alone, so far up the mountain?"
15565_ Perche, perche?_"I wish to sail her to the island.
15565_ You? 15565 ''Am I really like that, Ebenezer?'' 15565 ''But where, O Princess,''I asked,''are we to await your pleasure?'' 15565 ''Do this, for my sake''--Who but the greatest in the world can appeal thus simply?
15565''For what else?''
15565''Had n''t you best leave well alone?''
15565''I have my higher moments, Artemisia,''I''d say, half in joke;''Why not try shutting your eyes?''
15565''I have no need of you,''she said;''but where is Marc''antonio?
15565''Whither away now, wretched wight, amid these mountain- summits alone and astray?
15565''Why, what have I done?''
15565''You can perform on it creditably?''
15565''You do not wish my men to overhear?
15565--Douce amie, que sai jou?
15565A moment?
15565A pang?
15565After all, had I not some little excuse?
15565Afterwards, what will happen?
15565Again excuse me, but does it not occur to you that you may be intruding at this moment upon a family affair?"
15565Ah, but has it ever loved?
15565Ah-- er-- Sir John Constantine, I believe?"
15565Am I free, think you?"
15565Am I not your hostage?"
15565And Captain Pomery?
15565And I?
15565And eh?-- but what in God''s name have we here?"
15565And how many will you take with you?"
15565And is n''t it for him to say what his business was?
15565And knew the effect of every cause without knowing the difference between good and evil?
15565And may I not kill this man?"
15565And my old friend Billy Priske?"
15565And since it is not--""Well?"
15565And the young Englishman-- is he yet alive?''
15565And what have you to do with my sex, young man?
15565And what( if I may so put it) is the basis of that selection?
15565And where was Mr. Fett?
15565And where''s the pretty Bianca?
15565And who are you that talk to me of dishonour?--you that come straying here out of the night with your_ cicisbeo_ at your heels?
15565And why, sirs, was I seeking a rose?
15565And will you convey my apologies to your two bandits and beg them to excuse my conversing with you in English?
15565And you carried it in the darkness, against odds?"
15565And your father, too?
15565And-- how went the chorus?
15565Another poor soul?
15565Anything to oblige Sir John Constantine, I''m sure--""Do you know him?"
15565Are not four- fifths of my rooms lying at this moment un- tenanted?
15565Are you filled?
15565As for Mr. Fiennes, he will accompany us in heart if he can not in presence-- being, as I understand, destined for the law?"
15565At first there will be the blackbirds and the foxes--""You shoot foxes in Corsica?"
15565At nine o''clock, you say?"
15565At what hour will Marc''antonio be ready with the boat?"
15565Bain''t it enough for''ee to be quit of school and drinking good ale in the kingdom o''Guildford?
15565Be the two specimens safe?"
15565Be you goin''to give me something for it?"
15565Born a philosopher, was he?
15565But do Englishmen clean hogs''-sties for pleasure?"
15565But how had the notion taken hold of Nat?
15565But if''tis from us they be in any such hurry to get away, why did they take in a reef before putting the helm over?
15565But two things puzzle me: of which the first is, where shall I find my charges?"
15565But until I can_ feel_ it, what use is being convinced?"
15565But what had become of Mr. Fett, who, as Billy asseverated, had promised to take but a short stroll?
15565But what happened?
15565But what if no one should come?
15565But what of the others?
15565But what, think you, had the thief left behind him, at the foot of the tree?
15565But whence?"
15565But where were Nat Fiennes and Mr. Badcock, who had sallied out to follow them?
15565But where will you find reinforcements?"
15565But who can explain friendship, even after all the essays written upon it?
15565But why is the door left open?"
15565But why, if not a friend of the Genoese, was she a foe of their foes?
15565But why?"
15565But will you at least tell us how you came to Falmouth?"
15565But, if he means it, why does he go about encouraging such a low class of people?
15565Can not you see that I was not reproaching, but rather daring to commend you for an exemplar?
15565Can you not forgive?"
15565Did I ever tell you, Cavalier, the Story of My Father and the Jobbing Gardener?"
15565Did I hear you mention Phocion?"
15565Did I not say to you that I have seen your face and believe, and no story shall shake my belief?
15565Did I think he had shown self- control; Had he treated the old gentleman with becoming respect?
15565Did any one mark, just now, how like a shooting star he glided in the night from Venus''eye?
15565Did n''t I catch him prowling into my garden?
15565Did you meet any hogs on your way?
15565Did you never hear tell of the Grand Duchess Sophia of Carinthia and her Three Wooers?"
15565Disinherit his own son?
15565Do I believe it or disbelieve?''
15565Do you agree?"
15565Do you agree?"
15565Does Rinaldo''s passion show signs of flagging?
15565Does any one say''nay''to that?"
15565Else why do n''t they tack alongside and finish us?"
15565Faith, now, and I wonder how your father( God bless him) will take it?"
15565For the Lord''s sake fetch Squire to deliver me?"
15565For what are you waiting?"
15565For where is Bohun?
15565For your life, then, how did you come by this?"
15565From whom?
15565Got him safe?"
15565Had ever wine such a royal heart?
15565Had_ her_ loathing been in some way the secret of his despair?
15565Has he not already slain''l Verru?"
15565Has it ever leapt in transport, recognizing a long- lost friend?
15565Have I been over- hasty?
15565Have you never heard tell, by the way, of Captain Byng''s midshipman?"
15565He has slain Giuseppe?"
15565He, gallant man, will say,''Prosper, to whom do you owe your life?''
15565His name was Brother Polifilo, and it was supposed that he had fallen in love with solitude( else how could he have endured to live in such a place?
15565How could I choose but think of her?
15565How d''ye think they answered me?
15565How does your father, sir-- that modern Bayard?
15565How have you come here?"
15565How much more likely are ghosts to be puzzled by the actions of real men?
15565How should she need help?
15565I cried after a moment,"I wonder if he''s answerable for this?
15565I do not understand?
15565I had found a friend, then!--but in whom?
15565If she needed help, why was she treating us despitefully-- putting this insult upon me, for example?
15565If we sail without you, will your father forgive us?
15565In the name of the Virgin, whatever do you do with them?"
15565In what new art of treachery had the man been surprised?
15565In what way had my words offended?
15565Intent upon expressing self, he misses the detachment which alone is Olympian; whereas the critic-- Tell me, why is an architect architectonic?
15565Is it necessary that you hurt so?"
15565Is it possible, sir, you think she sent me to- night to save your life?''
15565Is not this house large?
15565Is she gone?''
15565Is that our little game?
15565Is the bridegroom fighting shy?"
15565Is this a recruit?"
15565Is this not a good bargain I offer you?"
15565Is_ that_ the face that launched a thousand ships and burnt the topless towers of Ilium?
15565It struck you in that light, did it?
15565King Theodore''s son?"
15565Likewise in bottles twelve dozen of the Hermitage and as much again of the Pope''s wine, of Avignon?"
15565Little doubt had we they were dead-- for why should their enemies spare them?
15565Love, sir?"
15565Marc''antonio and Stephanu?--reconnoitring perhaps?
15565Master young gentleman, I pray you, which is the way to Master Jew''s?
15565My good woman"--he turned to Miss Whiteaway--"would you mind taking a glance out of window and telling me what has become of John Sprott?"
15565My good young sir, did you ever hear tell of a''troacher''?
15565Naturally I said nothing of the cavalier here, for I knew nothing--""Did she ask?"
15565Nay, perhaps this_ was_ Death?
15565Nay, which is more and most of all, where is Plantagenet?
15565Not wounded, are you?"
15565Now this affection in the state of innocence was happily pitched upon its right object--''""''Happily,''did you say?
15565Now, putting this aside, tell me if you think your Prince Camillo the better for Father Domenico''s company?
15565O lady-- whether from heaven or earth-- you will not take my child but to cure it?
15565Oh, why have you not gone?"
15565On what reckoning then, or by what Rule- of- Three sum, should Prosper, who goes to claim what already belongs to him, need more than seven?
15565Only after drawing breath did he for a moment look straight at her, and then it was to demand;"And who, pray, has driven me to this?
15565Only he said many times,''Is she gone?
15565Or did the last note die away with a long- drawn choking sound, as of some one struggling for breath?
15565Or has he sent home his carriage, meaning to pursue the adventure on foot?"
15565Or shall I guide you?"
15565Phocion, sir?
15565Prosper, will you take a look astern and report me how many boats are coming?"
15565Said I at a guess,"But the pleasures-- eh, Marc''antonio?--such as a forward boy learns on the pavements; of Brussels, for example?"
15565Said my uncle,"But where is your ship?"
15565Shall I confess the truth?
15565Shall I testify that your Mayor sending his crier round, has threatened to whip us through Falmouth streets at the cart- tail?
15565Shall it be here?
15565Shall we hear what Dom Basilio has to say?"
15565Shall we say at ten- thirty to- morrow morning?
15565She has also travelled?"
15565She hated the youth, and he-- he was eager-- until the day before the marriage--""What happened, Marc''antonio?"
15565She watched us as I held the bowl for the Princess to drink, and asked quaintly,"But is there truly no marrying in heaven?
15565Should one answer truthfully, or deceive?"
15565Sir,"he faced about and addressed me again,"am I to understand that you accept?"
15565So Adam honoured his father and his mother?"
15565So why not ride down with me and spend at least the fore- part of your madness there?"
15565So you were seeking_ me?_"he demanded.
15565Splendid, lad, splendid?"
15565Suppose-- look at me please, my friend-- suppose that you and I were to go first to the Princess together and ask her leave?"
15565Tell me, why has she no recruits?"
15565The trick of that voice I do well remember: Is''t not the king?"
15565The_ actions_ of the just?
15565Then she turned on me, and I saw that in some way I had vexed her, for her eyes were wrathful; and, said she,''Why have you made this speed?''
15565Then why should he be leaving thoughts we might share, to think of woman?
15565Then-- pardon, Princess-- but why should I hear you now, at this moment?"
15565There''s naught to prevent our starting this evening?"
15565They begin father back, Princess-- Shall I tell you how?
15565They run--"''And to the Memory of one FRITZ(?
15565They, no more than your Corsicans, listen to the evidence and ask themselves,''Is this good evidence or bad?
15565This morning-- you remember what your father said?
15565To whose keeping"--he turned to my father--"am I to entrust them, Sir John?"
15565To- morrow?
15565Two soldi, I think you said?
15565Was it Marc''antonio?
15565Was it for loathing her?
15565Was it for love of her?
15565Was it my fancy?
15565Well, my friend, and how goes it with you?
15565Were not Nat and I of one age?
15565Were they also men?
15565Were they, then, also torturers, these murderers?
15565Were you ever in Florence, in the Boboli gardens?"
15565What acquaintance have you with my father, that you should call him mad?"
15565What are they to weigh against a lifetime of dishonour?"
15565What cause indeed had she to be angered?
15565What company?"
15565What did he say about the boy?"
15565What has he been doing?"
15565What has made Corsica so bitter to me that in weariness I am here to resign it?
15565What interpretation have you when a man dreams of mushrooms?"
15565What is her name, by the way?"
15565What is the meaning of all this?"
15565What is this?
15565What should a queen know of my degree of poverty?"
15565What''s to become o''me, master?
15565What, then, of yours?"
15565When we told him that you were here in Genoa, he looked at us for a moment like a man distraught-- did he not, Stephanu?"
15565Where else?"
15565Where half its commerce?
15565Where is Mortimer?
15565Where is Mowbray?
15565Where is the Crown?"
15565Where such a river, for trade as for pageants?
15565Where such merchant- princes and adventurers as your Whittingtons and Greshams?
15565Where such solid, self- respecting wealth as in our City?
15565Where was Death?
15565Where will your kindness find a bellyful for me, if these murderin''seamen take away my l''il heap o''stones?"
15565Where''s the Riot Act, I say?
15565Who is it stands there behind your shoulder?"
15565Who is this man, I repeat?
15565Who is this man?"
15565Why again, at the mere word that my father sought the Queen Emilia, had she let him pass on, while redoubling her despite against me?
15565Why can I do nothing with the patriots?
15565Why did you not use it, and escape?"
15565Why does it remind me of home?"
15565Why had he died?
15565Why had she taken to the_ macchia_ with these men?
15565Why had she used those words of hate?
15565Why should men quarrel?"
15565Why were there no recruits?
15565Why were they keeping watch on the coast while careless that their watchfire showed inland for leagues?
15565Why were they wasting time?
15565Why, and for what, should you beseech me?"
15565Why, if she were a patriot, had the sight of King Theodore''s crown awakened such scorn and yet rage against me, its bearer?
15565Why, man,"he asked, as Billy rode up-- but so dejectedly that his horse seemed to droop its ears in sympathy--"what ails you?
15565Why, only last November-- you remember the great gale of November the 1st, Sir John?
15565Why, what do you allow, then, for a_ man?_"I explained that we did not shoot men in England.
15565Why, what reinforcements could my uncle send?"
15565Why, when I negotiated, did the Paolists listen as to a child and smile politely and show me their doors?
15565Why, where''s the wheel?"
15565Will it please you to step this way?
15565Will you kindly open the shutters?
15565With Stephanu?"
15565Without her knowledge, you say?"
15565Would I put myself in his place?
15565Would it be too much to ask if you are running away with her?"
15565Would the moment never come?
15565Would you mind, Algernon, lending me one of your cards?
15565Yes, I caught the sound of their grunting; it came nearer and nearer, and-- was that a footstep, close at hand, behind the palisade?
15565Yes, and doubtless you have heard other things to my shame?
15565Yes, yes, a very convenient hour for me, if you have no objection?
15565Yes, you are all her men, you four: but why can she collect no others?"
15565Yet Art living?
15565Yet how can you object without turning the sword of Liberty against herself?
15565Yet how could I, naked and unarmed, reach to him or help him?
15565Yet how could this have happened if I had dreamed it merely?
15565Yet you wonder why I hate Stephanu?
15565You are his son, sir?"
15565You are in love with her, at least?
15565You bear a message for me?
15565You delivered my letter?"
15565You did not stop for Giuseppe, did you?"
15565You do not ask where I lead?"
15565You have heard, perhaps, that we-- that my brother and I-- lived our childhood in Brussels?"
15565You have seen her?"
15565You know me, Sir John?"
15565You received my letter, then?
15565You remember the Princess Camilla?
15565You speak my tongue?"
15565You understand?
15565You understand?"
15565You_ will protect me?
15565Your cabbage has a good heart?
15565Your mother lives, signorina-- or, should I say, Princess?
15565_ Sir_ John Constantine?''"
15565_ cherchez la femme!_""You pronounce it''share- shay?''"
15565and where a commerce touched with one tithe of its imagination?
15565he broke off and called,"Hola, padre, where the devil are you hiding?
15565he is helping her?"
15565how many women had Adam to go gallivanting after?
15565is it coffins?"
15565is n''t_ this_ matter enough?"
15565it was for help I ran when-- when--""But what dreaming is this?
15565put in Mr. Fett,"was she the first to mention it?"
15565she echoed, turning the frown upon me,"What help, sir, should I need?"
15565so this is the boy-- h''m-- Jasper, I believe?"
15565so you are English, and speak Corsican?"
15565these bodily happenings which I recite to you, what are they in comparison with the adventures of the spirit?
15565thought I,"is the Prince returning, then, to change his dress?
15565will you have the goodness to explain?"