
This is a table of authors, titles, dates and other bibliographic information; it is a list metadata describing the content of your study carrel. Think of it as your library.

id author title date words sentences pages cache text
A26942Associated Ministers of Worcester-shire. Assembly (1658 : Worcester, Worcestershire)The judgment and advice of the Assembly of the Associated Ministers of VVorcester-shire held at Worcester, Aug. 6th 1658 concerning the endeavours of ecclesiasticall peace, and the waies and meanes of Christian unity, which Mr. John Durey doth present, sent unto him in the name, and by the appointment of the aforesaid Assembly / by Richard Baxter ...165848421387nan./cache/A26942.xml./txt/A26942.txt
A26211Augustine, Saint, Bishop of Hippo.The judgment of the learned and pious St. Augustine concerning penal lavves against conventicles : and for vnity in religion : deliver''d in his 48th epistle to Vincentius.167050491402nan./cache/A26211.xml./txt/A26211.txt
A26754Basset, William, 1644-1695.Unity stated the only means to it assign''d and argu''d, together with the motives pressing it : in a sermon before the worshipful Company of Salters, Lond. in St. Swithin''s Church, Sept. 1683 / by William Basset ...1683130533731nan./cache/A26754.xml./txt/A26754.txt
A26885Baxter, Richard, 1615-1691.Catholick vnity, or, The only way to bring us all to be of one religion by Rich. Baxter.16606338418956nan./cache/A26885.xml./txt/A26885.txt
A26897Baxter, Richard, 1615-1691.Church concord containing I. a disswasive from unnecessary division and separation, and the real concord of the moderate independents with the Presbyterians, instanced in ten seeming differences, II. by Richard Baxter.16914976815831nan./cache/A26897.xml./txt/A26897.txt
A30343Burnet, Gilbert, 1643-1715.An exhortation to peace and union in a sermon preached at St. Lawrence-Jury, on Tuesday the 26th of Novemb. 1689 / by ... Gilbert, Lord Bishop of Sarum.1689103162963nan./cache/A30343.xml./txt/A30343.txt
A37176Davenant, John, ca. 1572-1641.Good counsells for the peace of reformed churches by some reverend and learned bishops and other divines ; translated out of Latine.1641255947419nan./cache/A37176.xml./txt/A37176.txt
A43196Friend to the virgin daughter of Zion.Healing queries for sick churches that is, some seasonable thing begun, whereby the present breaches in churches may be repaired, future rents and divisions prevented, and so all the Lords people have communion not in darknesse but light / published, by a friend to the virgin daughter of Zion.165846221633nan./cache/A43196.xml./txt/A43196.txt
A41779Grantham, Thomas, 1634-1692.A friendly epistle to the bishops and ministers of the Church of England for plain truth and sound peace between the pious Protestants of the Church of England and those of the baptised believers written with the advice of divers pastors and brethren of the baptised congregations, by Tho. Grantham.168086642510nan./cache/A41779.xml./txt/A41779.txt
A50417Mayne, Jasper, 1604-1672.A sermon concerning unity & agreement preached at Carfax Church in Oxford, August 9, 1646 / by Iasper Maine ...1647190135414nan./cache/A50417.xml./txt/A50417.txt
A57167Reynolds, Edward, 1599-1676.The substance of two sermons one touching composing of controversies, another touching unity of judgement and love amongst brethren : preached in two honourable conventions of parliament : the former, Jan. 27, 1657, the other, Feb. 4, 1658 / by Edward Reynolds ...1659118783722nan./cache/A57167.xml./txt/A57167.txt
A57166Reynolds, Edward, 1599-1676.The staves of beauty & bands opened in a sermon preached at Yarmovth, August 23, 1663 / by Edward, Lord Bishop of Norwich.1663186926648nan./cache/A57166.xml./txt/A57166.txt