
This is a list of all the questions and their associated study carrel identifiers. One can learn a lot of the "aboutness" of a text simply by reading the questions.

identifier question
A34782He demanded their reason, and what the matter was, being so much amazed at so suddaine an alteration?
A34782Is not that Common- wealth happy that must receive a reformation from such Saints?
A34782Lucas asked him, by what Law they were to dye, or whether by an Ordinance of Parliament, by the Councell of Warre, or by command of the Generall?
A34782and dangerous both to private and publick Interest, to leave the strongest holds of those parts?
A34782how many of your lives here have I saved in hot blood, and must now my self be most barbarously 〈 ◊ 〉 in cold?
A34782where the Queen was when he left her, and the like questions?
A9026612. Who art thou, O great Mountaine?
A9026621. which the Prophet also admires in the forecited Psalme: the Sea saw it and fled: what ayledst thou, O thou Sea that thou fledst?
A902664, 5?
A902666. f In caelo non in terramercedem promisit reddendam: quid alibi poscisquod alibi debitur?
A902667, 8, 9?
A902669. and when that is done, who shall keep bound what God will loose?
A90266Again was thine Anger?
A90266Against the Rivers or Flouds?
A90266Are not the severall tunes, of mercy and judgement in these songs?
A90266Are their souls think you more precicious to you then themselves?
A90266Are thy lusts like the streames of Jordan, yet they runne back from his Chariots of salvation?
A90266Art not thou it that dried the sea, the waters of the great deep, that hath made the depths of the sea a way for the ransomed to passe over?
A90266Because a womans time is come, therefore shall she have no midwife?
A90266But what if it should prove in the close, that they have followed divine Directions?
A90266But when they are by themselves they cry, what shall we do?
A90266Can a servant do his masters work, without knowing his pleasure?
A90266Can a woman forget her child, that she should not have compassion on the sonne of her wombe?
A90266Did the people receive no other refreshment, but only in respect of their bodily thirst?
A90266Do you not then fight against God, wound Jesus Christ, and prosecute him as an evil doer?
A90266Do you think if our Armies had not walked in a troden path they could have made such journeys as they have done of late?
A90266Friend art thou stronger then Horeb, yet that trembled at the presence of this mighty God, whom it never had provoked?
A90266God is ingaged to his people for all their injoyments, and will he quietly suffer himselfe to be robbed and his people spoyled?
A90266God( saith the Apostle) hath delivered us from so great a death, and doth deliver, now what conclusion makes he of this experience?
A90266Had not this mighty all- commanding God been with us, where had we been in the late tumults?
A90266Hast thou not known?
A90266Hath not all hold of promises in time of triall given place to temptations, untill you have fallen down in All- sufficiency, and their found peace?
A90266Have none of us skill to lay up the last eminent deliverance against a rainy day?
A90266Have we not seen this end of many Zelots?
A90266Have we seene nothing of this in our days?
A90266Have your souls in spirituall trials never bin driven from all your outworks, unto this main fort?
A90266He appeares not unto me, how can they go upon his Imployment?
A90266He did deliver me from the mouth of the Lyon:( Nero that Lion- like tyrant) and what then?
A90266How came it to passe that we were not swallowed up by them?
A90266How doe''s David run them over with admiration, closing every stop with, His mercy endureth for ever?
A90266How many Psalmes have wee that are taken up in setting forth Gods breaking, yoking, befooling, terrifying his Adversaries at such a season?
A90266If God appeares not in light, who can expect he should appeare in operation?
A90266If God call Israel out of Egypt to serve him, shall Pharaoh assigne who, and how they shall go, First men onely, then all without their cattel?
A90266If a man hath ingaged himselfe to give a Jewell to a deare friend, will he take it patiently to have an enemy come and snatch it away before his face?
A90266If he hath given Seir to Edom, what doth he vexing and wasting Jacob?
A90266If the Lion roars, who can but fear?
A90266Is it for any of you, O ye sons of men, to measure out Gods childrens portion, long since bequeathed them by Christ?
A90266Is it not for touching these forbidden things?
A90266Is it not from hence, that nothing can stand against the breakingout of a promise, in its appointed season?
A90266Is it not so in our days?
A90266Is it not worth the while to consider how they were restrained?
A90266Is not the wasting of the Westerne Nations, at this day from hence, that they have served the whore to deck her selfe, with the spoyles of the spouse?
A90266Is not this written also for their instruction, who have no skill in Hebrew Songs?
A90266Is the Sea against them?
A90266Is there nothing but flints in this Rock?
A90266Lord, what are we, and what is our house that thou shouldest doe such things for us?
A90266No Seas divided?
A90266Nothing of Goodnesse that after so long waiting for Advantage, they begin themselves to think, that neither Divination nor Inchantment will prevaile?
A90266Nothing of power in their restraint?
A90266Nothing of wisdome in the selfe- punishment of their anxious thoughts?
A90266Now being thus advantaged, thus incouraged, thus provoked, and resolved, why did they not attempt it, why did they not accomplish their Desires?
A90266Now if all these should be kept from us at that distance wherein they fall in their accomplishment in respect of time, what would they availe us?
A90266O what a catalogue of mercies, hath this Nation to plead by in a time of trouble?
A90266Serm 50. g Si Tanti vitrum quanti Margaritum?
A90266Shall a Lyon tremble and thou not afraid, who art ready to tremble with a thought of that poore creature?
A90266Shall all creatures quake for the sin of man, and sinfull man be secure?
A90266Shall others dwell quietly in the Land which he hath measured for his own?
A90266Shall the Heavens bow, the deepe begge for mercy, and thou be senselesse?
A90266Shall they not possesse what the Lord their God gives them to possesse?
A90266Should the Lord entrust his people with a continued stock of mercy, perhaps they would be full and deny him, and say who is the Lord?
A90266Should you now smite them?
A90266Such mighty works attend the Israelites, what thinkes Midian will be the end of this?
A90266The chiefe Priests and Pharisees, having gotten the Apostles before them, what big words they use to countenance the businesse?
A90266Thinke you, will God let his people want that which they have absolute necessity of?
A90266To be answered in righteousnesse, what sweeter mercy in the World?
A90266Upon all Gods appearances with the Apostles, how were the Jews cut to the heart, vexed, perplexed?
A90266VVas not his Justice exalted, in keeping them onely for the pit which they had digged for others?
A90266Was not one main end of the late tumults, to rob Gods people of their priviledges, to bring them again under the yoke of superstition?
A90266Was not this Rock, a signe of that Rock of Ages on which the Church is built?
A90266Was the Lord displeased against the Rivers?
A90266Was the Lord displeased against the Rivers?
A90266Was the Lord displeased{ non- Roman}{ non- Roman}{ non- Roman}{ non- Roman}{ non- Roman} kindled, did he burne?
A90266Was thine anger?
A90266What God brake in warre, do not think he will prosper in Peace?
A90266What aylest thou O Jordan that thou wast driven back?
A90266What creature hath not this mighty God used against his enemies?
A90266What is the reason, that so many in our days, set their hands to the plow, and looke back againe?
A90266What shall wee say to these things, If the Lord be for us, who shall be against us?
A90266What though wee had no Army in the time of war?
A90266Whence is it, that he hath now the necks of his enemies, and hath given any of them their lives at their intreaty?
A90266Who can stand before him, qui tot imperat legionibus?
A90266Who hath not with joy delight and raysed affections, gone over the old preservations of the Church in former years?
A90266Who would not feare this King of Nations?
A90266Why he will so doe?
A90266Will a tender Father thinke you, contentedly looke on, and see a slave snatch away his childrens bread?
A90266and whereunto will this grow?
A90266begin to serve providence in great things, but can not finish?
A90266casting down of mighty ones, reviving of Dead bones, opening of prison- doores, bringing out the captive appointed to be slaine?
A90266doth he bring them forth to burne the whore, to fight with the Beast and overcome him, and his followers?
A90266g Shall men remove his bounds, and land- markes, and be free?
A90266greater Armies then this, have bin buried under lesser walles; did not the number of the besieged at first, exceed the number of the besiegers?
A90266hast thou not heard that the everlasting God, the Lord, the Creatour of the ends of the earth, fainteth not, neither is weary?
A90266is not here Affliction and deliverance, desertion and recovery, darkenesse and light, in this variously?
A90266is not the day of those factious Independents come?
A90266it shall be parted; Is Jordan in the way?
A90266know you not that the time is comming wherein such men will desire the trembling Rockes, to be a covert to their more affrighted soules?
A90266no Hills made to tremble?
A90266no Jordans driven back?
A90266no Mountaines revelled?
A90266nothing but the Rod of Moses in the blowes given to it?
A90266nothing but water in these streames?
A90266shall they not divide the prey?
A90266so many thousands in Kent, so many in Wales, so many in the North, so many in Essex, shall they not speed?
A90266speak blood, is that the way of Jesus Christ?
A90266their skill in war amongst men of their own perswasion, famous and renowned?
A90266thy troubling anger( so the word) against the Sea?
A90266was his Anger against the Walls and Houses, that he rode upon his Horses and Chariots of Salvation?
A90266was the Lord displeased with the Rivers?
A90266was thine anger against the Rivers?
A90266was thine anger against the Rivers?
A90266was thy wrath against the Sea, that thou diddest ride upon thy Horses and thy Chariots of salvation?
A90266was thy wrath against the Sea, that thou didst ride upon thine horses, and thy charets of salvation?
A90266were not their Advantages great?
A90266what strong mighty impression of power was on thee, that the multitudes of thy waters should be parted, and thy chanell discovered dry to the bottome?
A90266whence then was the late confusion of Armies?
A90266who gave you this power?
A90266will he not plead his Action with power?
A90266will it be easy and cheape?
A90266will it be safe trespassing upon the Lands of the Almighty?