
This is a table of authors, titles, dates and other bibliographic information; it is a list metadata describing the content of your study carrel. Think of it as your library.

id author title date words sentences pages cache text
13533Lamoreaux, Antoinette AbernethyThe Unfolding Life A Study of Development with Reference to Religious Trainingnan302601550nan./cache/13533.txt./txt/13533.txt
19549Preyer, William T.The Mind of the Child, Part II The Development of the Intellect, International Education Series Edited By William T. Harris, Volume IX.nan1077166737nan./cache/19549.txt./txt/19549.txt
13722Scharlieb, MaryYouth and Sex: Dangers and Safeguards for Girls and Boysnan293071163nan./cache/13722.txt./txt/13722.txt
10042Smith, Henrietta BrownThe Child Under Eightnan730973408nan./cache/10042.txt./txt/10042.txt
37020Sully, JamesChildren''s Ways Being selections from the author’s "Studies of childhood," with some additional matternan523592660nan./cache/37020.txt./txt/37020.txt