
This is a list of all the questions and their associated study carrel identifiers. One can learn a lot of the "aboutness" of a text simply by reading the questions.

identifier question
29505But have the leaders attended to this?
29505Does the destitution of old age never occur to their thoughts, until the moment that it commences, when helpless infirmity assails them?
29505I am free to admit that the Christians rather than the Jews require to be enlightened upon this point; but have you attempted this?
29505Is not the thought of an hereafter sometimes present to their minds?
29505Is not the welfare of their children an all- powerful feeling with them?
29505Is obtaining occasional charity, that relieves them only for a short period, the sole aim of their lives?
29505They are called_ a nation_; and I avail myself of the word: but in what consists their nationality?
29505They are designated_ the British Jews_: how are they identified with the title?
29505They are termed_ a body_: in what do they assimilate?
29505What has been done by you for the elevation of your brethren?
29505Will you quietly sit by and hear vituperation heaped upon your creed and upon yourselves, without being roused to the slightest effort?
43625But what''s the use of ordering it if you ca n''t eat it after all?
43625How can it be remedied?
43625How much is the veg''tubble soup?
43625What keeps you so late now?
43625And can this country afford to ignore the good example of these European laws which provide compensation for such victims of occupational diseases?
43625Are n''t we neighbors?"
43625As our work progressed this question came to me more and more insistently:"Why are these men and women dependents?
43625Dutre, is that you?
43625If neither revolution nor laws nor yet formal education can cure these root evils, is there no cure?
43625Milton Smoot?"
43625Receiving another negative, I enquired in surprise,"Why surely you are acquainted with the preachers of your town?"
43625The board asked:"have you ever been in prison before?"
43625What is the present situation?
43625What, if anything, could be learned if they were permitted to tell their own stories of misfortune?"
43625Where were the good people?
43625Who dares fail to try?
43625Who is the hostess, and who, at the close of the house''s festivities, speeds the parting guest?
43625Who shall live up to the great trust?
43625With this showing, the question naturally arises: Is there any connection between lack of education, child labor and the poorhouse?
43625Would it not be much better plainly to include occupational diseases in the law?
43625You know?"
43625[ Illustration: QUARTERS OF VISITING NURSE]"What are you city people for, but to be skinned?"
42363''Have you a marriage certificate?'' 42363 ''When did he go?''
42363''When do you expect him?'' 42363 An actor?
42363And Mrs. B.? 42363 And how did you live till now without applying to charity?"
42363And how do you get along?
42363And how do you live on two or three dollars per week?
42363And how does it work?
42363And meanwhile, the children-- what about the poor kids?
42363And my children?
42363And shoes?
42363And the Jewish hospital?
42363And what do you intend to do now?
42363And what do you think, do you think we do n''t know what_ you_ do? 42363 And what is he?"
42363And where do you think they are?
42363And where is he now, your husband? 42363 And who else?"
42363And who is this gentleman?
42363And yours? 42363 Are you coming down soon?"
42363Are you crazy? 42363 Are you her husband?
42363Are you satisfied here?
42363Are you sure?
42363But do you suppose that she has sold her children for immoral purposes that you are so anxious to learn their whereabouts?
42363But from where did you get it before that?
42363But he wanted to show it to you, did he not?
42363But this is not the be all and end all of your life?
42363But what have you against that poor woman? 42363 But where are you the whole day long and late at night?"
42363But why did she do it?
42363But,I argued,"are you not a mother?
42363By what right do you ask me that?
42363Ca n''t you hear when I call? 42363 Ca n''t you hear?"
42363Ca n''t you hear?
42363Confessed, condemned to the electric chair?
42363Could you give me any money for my little ones?
42363Did she? 42363 Did you get at her?
42363Did you hear the news?
42363Did you marry again?
42363Die, die? 42363 Do men come often to the house?"
42363Do n''t you think she looks in the mirror a little too much? 42363 Do you think it is fun to be hit and insulted by an applicant?
42363Do you think that a man like me would be satisfied with a paltry two hundred thousand dollars a year? 42363 Does she buy butter?"
42363Does she go out in the evening?
42363Does she go out to work?
42363Does she go to moving pictures?
42363Does she receive men at night?
42363Does she smoke cigarettes?
42363Does she stay out late at night?
42363Excuse me for inconveniencing you, madam, but could you tell me when Mrs. B. will be home-- whether she is at home in the morning?
42363Excuse me, madame, but why do n''t the children use the garden?
42363Five hundred dollars in the bank and your children hungry and naked?
42363From where did the boy get this package?
42363From where do you all come so late?
42363From where do you get money for bread?
42363From where does your mother get money to buy food?
42363Ha? 42363 Ha?"
42363Have they always had what to eat?
42363Have you a doctor''s certificate?
42363Have you any children?
42363Have you no heart? 42363 Have you no relatives?"
42363Have you now an idea where your husband is?
42363Hello, mother, what''s the trouble? 42363 How are you feeling, Uncle?"
42363How dare you insult your mother the way you do, you scoundrel?
42363How do you live, then?
42363How is our man getting on?
42363How long have you been deaf?
42363How long is it since your husband died?
42363How many children have you?
42363How many children have you?
42363How many children have you?
42363How many?
42363How much are we going to give him?
42363How much are you going to give him?
42363How much does your oldest son earn a week?
42363How old are they?
42363How old are you?
42363How so?
42363I am a poor widow,she started plaintively,"what can I do?"
42363I will work up here-- work up to the top-- you understand?
42363Is Mr. Salvator Razaza living here?
42363Is he here? 42363 Is it possible that I could have steeled my purse against him?
42363Is she sometimes drunk? 42363 Is she visiting the moving picture houses?"
42363Is that true?
42363Listen,I told him:"I do n''t want to bother you any more, but tell me, have you bread and meat every day now?"
42363Madison Street-- No.--"Where does your brother live?
42363Men, what are you doing?
42363Mrs. S.,I called,"wo n''t you please come out and talk matters over with me?
42363Now,I started,"what''s the matter with your children?
42363Oh, how do you do? 42363 Old man, what is your trade?"
42363One is six years old and one--"You liar, you shameless liar, six years old? 42363 One six years and, one--""You lie-- liars you all are-- how old are your children?"
42363Say, Cram, why do n''t you resign your position? 42363 Say-- you-- where are you hurrying?
42363Shall we continue?
42363Sick-- what sickness?
42363Sick? 42363 So he died?
42363The dog?
42363The investigator does not like you?
42363Theatre, base- ball, ice cream?
42363Then this is a strike- breaking agency?
42363Then what can I do?
42363Was a daily spectacle like this to be deemed a nuisance, which called for legal interference to remove? 42363 Was he ill?
42363Well, I have a right to ask,and turning to the woman, she said:"You must tell me immediately who this man is-- do you hear?
42363Well, but if he has no home?
42363Well, how much do you make a week?
42363Well, then, what do you want? 42363 Well, well,"I urged,"why does he not stay there?"
42363Well, what has that to do with it?
42363Well, why do n''t you answer? 42363 Well?"
42363What about that?
42363What about your children, Erikson?
42363What are you laughing for?
42363What do you want?
42363What do you want?
42363What happened next?
42363What happened?
42363What information? 42363 What is it you want, sir?"
42363What is it?
42363What is the matter with you, Erikson? 42363 What is the matter?"
42363What is the name of the rag pedlar?
42363What is this?
42363What is your name?
42363What is your uncle?
42363What of it?
42363What of the boy?
42363What shall I do?
42363What was the matter with the old Baruch?
42363What will become of her?
42363What would you do in her place?
42363What''s the matter in there?
42363What''s the matter? 42363 What''s the name of your husband?"
42363What''s their address? 42363 What''s your name?"
42363What''s your name?
42363When are they coming to- morrow?
42363When did he die?
42363When does your month finish here?
42363When is your happiest time here?
42363Where are you going?
42363Where are you the whole day? 42363 Where are your skates, Mike?"
42363Where do you live now, children?
42363Where do you live?
42363Where does your sister live?
42363Where in heaven are you all going?
42363Who are they?
42363Who are you?
42363Who is he?
42363Who is he?
42363Who is that man?
42363Who is that man?
42363Who is that woman?
42363Who visits her?
42363Who''s there?
42363Whose name is Grun? 42363 Why did you leave Mrs. S., that poor woman, without coal?"
42363Why did you not let me know immediately?
42363Why do n''t you complain to the superintendent?
42363Why do n''t you go to work?
42363Why do n''t you help him? 42363 Why do n''t you send him to the Skin and Cancer Hospital?"
42363Why do n''t you smoke?
42363Why do n''t you work now?
42363Why do you have them wait two hours?
42363Why does he give her coals?
42363Why is she so friendly with the coalman?
42363Why so?
42363Why were you discontinued?
42363Will that prove that I earn more than I spend?
42363Will they give him something upstairs?
42363Will you immediately send an investigator?
42363Woman,I cried,"what have you done?
42363Yes, Sam, but what do you intend to be when you grow up?
42363Yes, but from where do you get money to buy food?
42363Yes, but his certificate proves something, does n''t it?
42363Yes, but where did you get yesterday''s bread?
42363Yes,I said,"but what has that to do with it?"
42363You do n''t know who the man is who sits near you in his shirtsleeves?
42363You do n''t know?
42363You hear?
42363You mean?
42363You see?
42363You squeaked-- ha? 42363 You understand?"
42363''Are you crazy?''
42363''What is that?''
42363''What wife Leah?''
42363''s home?"
42363A few minutes later he asked:"When am I to go?"
42363A man of about forty stood up and asked:"Grun?
42363A pension of$ 200 a month, a trip abroad, a palace, a country house?
42363After all, what are the poor guilty of?
42363After all, why not speak simply?
42363After having satisfied himself that he had accomplished this, he said to me, still looking at the papers:"Why do n''t you sit down?
42363Again the boy twisted around, and looking daggers at his mother he said:"You''ll tell tales?
42363All of a sudden he said to me:"You saw this man?
42363All the bambinos morte, sick?
42363Among her shoes, her museums, and supplies for ever- gaping curiosity( and what else but an accumulation of sights-- endless sights-- is a great city?
42363And Mr. G.?
42363And addressing me again he said:"A fine job, is n''t it?"
42363And does the canner think of that when he allows rotten meat to go into his cans?
42363And does the manufacturer think of that?
42363And does the milkman, a devout church- goer, who baptises his milk, think of the children he is killing, of the future generations he is crippling?
42363And does the owner of mines think of that?
42363And for what?
42363And how could it be otherwise, considering those who give, how they give, and the terrible doctrine of"the deserving poor"?
42363And how many, how many similar occurrences have led to similar results?
42363And the question came again and again to my mind:"Was charity, organised charity, the salve to heal this wound?"
42363And then again I asked:"But_ for whom_ is it kept up?"
42363And who puts the questions?
42363And why do n''t you go to the actors?
42363And you''ll stay there like a lamp post?
42363Any coal left?
42363Any wonder the project immediately materialised?
42363Are the laws different for rich and poor?
42363Are you her boarder?"
42363Are you not a mother?
42363As he passed my chair I stood up and seizing his wrists I asked:"Why do n''t you go to school?"
42363But still, what will become of him?
42363But what does that prove?
42363But you saw the girls, did you?"
42363But, I ask you, could I live on two dollars a week?
42363Buy every day new clothes?
42363CLIPPING WINGS OF LITTLE BIRDS"And where does she go every day?"
42363Ca n''t I speak to the rabble with an uncultured voice?"
42363Cheap kitchens for the poor?
42363Did Mr. G. not himself pay$ 4.40( the difference between$ 3.60 and$ 8.00) for a kiss?
42363Did you call Grun?"
42363Did you find out?"
42363Do n''t you understand?
42363Do we get anything for that?"
42363Do you know where it will land him?"
42363Do you really think that he can not hear?
42363Do you see this old man there?
42363Do you think it''s fun?
42363Do you think that I am such a fool as to believe a single word of what you say?"
42363Does any one of them start his daily work with a thought of the poor, with a charitable thought?
42363Even if it is only from the salary, does it not prove that he is getting too much?
42363For God''s sake ca n''t you leave us alone?"
42363For several days this is continued, then the question is put: What is she doing at night?
42363From where all that money?
42363Had she fallen?
42363Had she found her husband?
42363Had she not told me that she could not live on what she earned?
42363Had the sun anything to do with that?
42363Had this been so yesterday he would have turned round and questioned the sunbeams:"Where do you live?
42363Has he a conscience?
42363Have I grown callous?
42363Have I not yet seen it all-- is more horror to follow?
42363Have the overseers of St. L---- caused them to be shot?
42363Have they the interest of the poor at heart, or do they consider first their own job?
42363Have you a personal grievance against the woman?"
42363Have you no feeling?
42363He answered:"Why?
42363He died?"
42363He was dumbfounded and kept on repeating:"Is that her?
42363Hein, you would not?
42363Her children die?
42363How can you reduce wages?"
42363How could I say otherwise?
42363How could she be so sincere when she spoke to others?
42363How could she pawn her watch for a struggling Socialist paper?
42363How do they feel when they think of their homes, when they see a green leaf, when they hear the song of a bird?
42363How do you like it?
42363How do you make a living?
42363How many children have you?
42363How much are you earning a week?"
42363How much at the butcher?
42363How much did I spend at the grocery?
42363How much for dresses?
42363How old are you?
42363How old are you?"
42363How was I to know that the lady president of a Sisterhood affiliated to the office had recommended this case?
42363How will he be father, husband, friend?
42363I ca n''t help thinking, what will become of that boy?
42363I have arms for you-- better tell me how you got on in London-- a big town?"
42363I have been called three times here and what have you done for me?
42363I know you will say:"What else could we do with the poor, incapable of earning their living?"
42363I mean, does she use whisky?
42363I once asked him:"Say, Sam, what do you like best?
42363I put the picture before his eyes:"How do you like the change?"
42363I remembered the Manager''s answer:"Who is supporting this institution?
42363I took out my note book and put the following questions:"How long are you in America?"
42363I turned to the girl and asked:"How do you like living here?"
42363If the mother is in the street what will become of the children?"
42363If they call him_ too good_, what about the others?
42363If this be not true, why did not the Montefiore Home sue the calumniators?
42363In her way to what?
42363Instead of waiting, what do you think she did?
42363Is he from the charities?"
42363Is it not the inevitable result of the present organisation of society?
42363Is it possible that in the present industrial system there should be no poor and no helpless human beings?
42363Is n''t that a sign that they had enough of it, that they get candy every day?"
42363Is n''t that money destined to pay for other things than gasoline, and a liveried chauffeur?
42363Is n''t that so, Mr. Lawson?
42363Is poverty a crime?
42363Is that charity?"
42363Is that her?"
42363Is that payment for the pleasure they give him of torturing the poor?
42363Is there whisky in the house?"
42363It looks very reasonable, does it not?
42363It''s a fine job, Mr. Baer, is it not?"
42363Lazyo- mania?"
42363Live on the two dollars?
42363Mamma, who''s there?"
42363Mr. Cram looked at me with scorn, and turning to the applicant he shouted at the top of his voice:"How old are you?"
42363Mrs. H. jumped at one of the women and called out loudly:"What do you want here?
42363Once when passing me he said:"You remember what I told you the other day?
42363Or is this perhaps a new interpretation of Christ''s words:"Let not thy left hand know what thy right hand doeth"?
42363Pitilessly I insisted on getting an answer to my question:"From what do you live?"
42363Pointblank I put the question:"How are you making a living?"
42363Say-- say quickly what do you want?
42363Shall I bring you her record?
42363Shall I say that the whole trapping affair was engineered by the husband and the second woman?
42363She was all right once, how is she now?"
42363Simply the desire to augment the quantity of records?
42363Six years old?"
42363So and So?"
42363So that''s the kind of a man he is?
42363So they have no bread, eh?"
42363So what could I do?
42363TUESDAY Is there no way to finish it all?
42363Tell me-- did you get tired-- or do you think begging a better trade?"
42363That old fellow who tried to read the inscription comes up to me,"How long will I have to wait?
42363The boy looked at the mother understandingly, as though he would ask, Is this not the one?
42363The boy thought a moment and then he hissed out between his teeth:"What in hell is it your business, now?
42363The boy, longing for childish pleasures, roller skates, which the mother dared not buy because of the investigator''s"Where did you get the money?"
42363The broken- down figure rose, brushed away some tears, and asked me:"And now, sir, tell me, who are you and what do you want?"
42363The charity again?"
42363The gentlemen look at one another a few seconds, then Mr. R., the chairman, gets up and yells at her:"You would not?
42363The janitor, very interested in charity affairs, asked:"Did you sweat them?"
42363The one with flowing white beard and bushy eyebrows?
42363The poor of the land spoke:"Are we to be punished because the locusts ate our grain?"
42363The poor or the rich?"
42363The result?
42363The result?
42363The woman looked me in the eyes for a few seconds, and then, all of a sudden, she asked me:"Are you a Jew?"
42363Then why not be consistent and spend the whole amount the same way?
42363They are in her way-- in her way to where?
42363They wear, they tear; what can she do?
42363To get rid of me he asked,''How does he look?''
42363To whom are these questions put?
42363Was it purposely done to hasten their death and save the pension?
42363Was she once better, had her work killed her heart?
42363Was the one hundred and thirty- five dollars enough for her to support her children?
42363Was the woman in her insulted?
42363Was the woman placed in a hospital for incurables?
42363Was this a story to purse up people''s hearts and pennies against giving an alms to the blind?
42363We have here a splendid garden-- have a look through the window, sir-- a splendid garden is it not?
42363Were they afraid organised charity was going out of business?
42363Were they afraid that the workers had wakened up to their own misery?
42363Were they afraid to lose the fat positions, or was it simply the mania for investigating?
42363What about they themselves?
42363What can the poor woman do?"
42363What could I do?
42363What could the woman do?
42363What did he mean?
42363What did she think of me anyhow?
42363What do you come to bother us here for?
42363What do you do in your free time?"
42363What do you want with your three small kids?
42363What does it mean?
42363What had happened?
42363What has happened?
42363What has the"terror"done to her?
42363What is it?
42363What is your trade?
42363What is your trade?"
42363What was missing anyway?
42363What was the use of arguing with that man?
42363What will become of his children?
42363What''s it your business?"
42363When I knocked at the door he greeted me with"What d''hell d''you want?"
42363When a young woman has lost her shame why should she beg?
42363When any one applied for charity the first question put was:"Are you a tailor?"
42363When does she come?"
42363When in need of help, why not ring us up?
42363When the old fellow complained about his lost arms his chum consoled him:"What''s the difference how one does, whether with usable arms or not?
42363Whence does she get the necessary additional money?
42363Where are they all?
42363Where are you, loafer?"
42363Where did I get the money?
42363Where does she go during the day?
42363Where does she go?"
42363Where hang their useless staves?
42363Where have I seen them?
42363Where is she now?
42363Where is she now?
42363Who are they?
42363Who ever heard of it?"
42363Who is he?
42363Who told you to put up at a hotel?
42363Why Pagliacci?
42363Why advertise him as a pauper everywhere, at the butcher''s and baker''s?
42363Why are they poor?
42363Why are they sick?
42363Why are they walking naked?
42363Why are tickets given instead of money for meat, for bread?
42363Why did that brute force her to show her face?
42363Why did you move from the other place?"
42363Why do n''t you work now?
42363Why do they die young if it is not because they are degenerates and careless and dirty?
42363Why do you want her children taken away?
42363Why not give it to organised charity and then send all the deserving to us?
42363Why not?
42363Why should I shirk because Cram was not of the right stuff?
42363Why should you take away the children from a mother?
42363Why, she has just paid$ 1 last week on the machine,"and with changed attitude:"What do you bother me for?
42363Would a criminal be treated in this way during the third degree?
42363You are an actor?
42363You give light and warmth?
42363Your wife, Leah?''
42363a new agent?
42363and let this big stiff hit me?
42363and turning to me he explained:"You see?
42363and turning to me he said:"You see?
42363and what is your disease?
42363and who will farm their dogs?
42363and yours?
42363and yours?"
42363do n''t you know me?
42363is it not?
42363my good lady, do you allow him to steal?
42363or for what else is it desirable?)
42363or into what corners, blind as themselves, have they been driven, out of the wholesome air and sun- warmth?
42363or no coal, no money, no rent-- do you hear?"
42363or not rather a beautiful moral of well- directed charity on one part, and noble gratitude upon the other?
42363or not rather a salutary and a touching object to the passers- by in a great city?
42363or were they tied up in sacks and dropped into the Thames, at the suggestion of B----, the mild rector of----?
42363screams the chairman, and wipes the perspiration from his brow,"and what is that?
42363she exclaimed,"you are from the Gerry Society, are n''t you?"
42363that''s what you''ll do?
42363the woman cried out, in ecstasy,"is he here?
42363was there not room for one_ Lusus_( not_ Naturae_, indeed, but_ Accidentium_?)
42363went to the poor?