
This is a list of all the questions and their associated study carrel identifiers. One can learn a lot of the "aboutness" of a text simply by reading the questions.

identifier question
A29235''Slid, should I neither then be here nor there But like a Ball hang hovering in the ayre?
A29235* Non putam hoc futurum, nunquam hoc eventurum ● … rededissem ecquid in eptius?
A29235ALas, fond Apes; how shallow doe these show, Thus to discover whatso''ere they know?
A29235About your great toe shee will ty a haire: Or subject unto dreaming?
A29235And gaine such praise, as those Land- gulls who hear them, Account them highly blest who neighbour neer thē?
A29235And must he live uncensur''d, and remain, As if his spotless life were free from stain?
A29235And not one known of all that bandlesse train, Who murdred him?
A29235And pointin ● … at the Gaoler, — Quid tu si pereo?
A29235And shal man, fraight w th knowledg& with reason, Act against God and Nature such high treason?
A29235And shall These purchase f ● … eedom, or obtain Such favor to review the light again?
A29235And shall a Cur so kindly be entreated, And a poor Souldier of his right defeated?
A29235And suffer one, endow''d with reason, perish?
A29235And was not this an excellent receit For such a summe disbursed?
A29235And what''s that one?
A29235And whence comes this, but from improvidenc ● …, Neglect of State, profusenese of expence?
A29235And who is hee that is so richly blest Will hatch his Airy in a forraine nest?
A29235Are Statues rear''d to memorize their worth, With all those Acts Antiquity brought forth?
A29235Are great mens crimes your Subject?
A29235Are you a man of such account I pray, As th''State should notice take of what you say?
A29235Are you so subtil, as you onely have The trick to Cheat, to Cozen and Deceive?
A29235At whose approach I lay aside my booke, Teaching my face a Radamanthean looke: Sirrahs, What make you here?
A29235BLessed Patrick, are you come To your long- expected home?
A29235Bells to be rung in consort, which descry''de The sorrow they conceiv''d for those that dide?
A29235Bonefires erected in each publique streete, With perfumes mixt, fit for a man so sweete, And he deserve so ill?
A29235But I do know Superior pow''rs will grieve it should be so; For tell me, can that liberty be given On earth, which never was allow''d by heav''n?
A29235But I doe heare ● … ● … Marriage like to bee, Which hath procur''d this Lord his libertie; What doe I heare?
A29235But I must tell him of it;"Sir, do you heare?"
A29235But Masters, would yee know how I am serv''d Whose honest actions ne''re from goodnes swerv''d?"
A29235But be there no rare Corants thou hear''st more Related neere thy grate?
A29235But can this doe it?
A29235But hast thou nothing to delight thy Smell?
A29235But let me come more neer them; what''s their ayme, But to receive preferment by their fame?
A29235But say, can neither eye, eare, taste, nor smell Afford thee ought that may content thee well?
A29235But see, good Malecontent, who''s he goes there?
A29235But such rank weeds as these that sent not well?
A29235But tell me in good sadnesse what''s the cause, To think your Lives more powerful then our Lawes?
A29235But what concerns this me?
A29235But what have they or I to doe with him?
A29235But what is your opinion?
A29235But what''s my counsell?
A29235But what''s the answer shee return''d to her?"
A29235But who coms here?
A29235But who is thi ● … I s ● … nt?
A29235But why doe I my weaknesse thus descry?
A29235But why should we pursue this fruitlesse taske By striving Great- mens errors to unmaske?
A29235But why, my Lord, should you transplanted be, And reave me of that hope supported me?''
A29235But you will aske, what may this charge import?
A29235But you will say, by what meanes may wee make these eminent and conspicuous Comets our friends?
A29235But''zlid who''s this smels in my nose so rank?
A29235By such a noble Lord,"Who hath engag''d his honor and his word,"That such a time and place, what would you more?"
A29235By whom( said she?)
A29235Can none of these thy drooping spirit cheere, Or ease thy griefe while thou art lodged here?
A29235Canst thou redeeme her honour, with thy life?"
A29235Dare hee contend for honour in the Field,"And yeeld up life before one foot hee yeeld?"
A29235Dare hee with resolution enter list"With his Opponent or Antagonist?"
A29235Five pounds to the State- advance — And who bids more?"
A29235For in this Iland where your selfe was borne, Did you nere visit Glastenbury- Thorne?
A29235For right and wrong though they contraries be, Yet wrong does right, if it bring in a fee?
A29235For these Court- punies, What could they effect"That might deserve the height of her respect?"
A29235For was he zealous?
A29235For what can these spruce Silk- worms do at me?
A29235For what did fullnesse of our bread bring in But carnall liberty and height of Sin?
A29235For what have they by resolution won, What Conquest have they got, what have they don?
A29235HOw should I taste ought well, since I am plac ▪ ● … Where I can relish nothing but distaste?
A29235Has she no 〈 ◊ 〉?
A29235Hast thou no flowers, thy cloyed Sense to please, But such unsavery Mugweed slips as these?
A29235Hath Fame erected Trophies in their praise, Or girt their Temples with triumphant B ● … yes?
A29235Hath any man desire to have his nest Or any of his brood grac''d with a Crest?
A29235Have we not known of late some raised high, That they with more disgrace and shame might die?
A29235He has to redeem The name he lost; With what?
A29235Here you shall see a gallant- gull come neere us, When in our shops he shall no sooner heare us Cry out to passengers What doe ye lack?
A29235His regall 〈 ◊ 〉 receiv''d this Muse of mine, And were this reason, think you, for my rime?
A29235How does this show, When one day acts, what next day does undoe?
A29235How glad am I my Chymick- works are done, Amalga- like they had more Moone then Sonne?
A29235How is it that you cry Repent, Repent, And wast rich houres in fruitlesse discontent?
A29235I Pull, God send me fortune in my thank, Either a Prize worth having, or a Blank; What is it Crier?
A29235I could make a shew Of fervent zeale and of devotion too; Was he a worldling?
A29235I have a Tweake too, one of my retenue, Who will expect a share in my revenue;"If Phebus had no light, could Phebe shine?"
A29235I was worldly given, Discoursing more of Mammon then of heaven; Was he voluptuous?
A29235If an affection to a wench should move you, Shee has a powder too will cause her love you: Are you by night time troubled with the Mare?
A29235Indeed it makes devotion ferverous And full of zeale, But what is that to us?
A29235Is any one more earthly- blest then you?
A29235Is it your manners Sir, to chide great men, And with your tarter lines to nettle them?
A29235Is now your rurall straine of Melibaeus Mixt with Thersites humour or Tirteus?
A29235Is the grate so straite As yee can see no object?
A29235Is there no Law against thy impudence, No punnishment, our wrongs to recompence?
A29235Is there no honour dew to th''worth of man That gaines a priviledge?
A29235It is not place but profit he aims at; What matters it how he discharge it then?
A29235Marriage his freedom get No, rather he by Marriage loseth it; For how can married- men their freedom get, When never any was his own man yet?
A29235Must he be cap''d and congi''d where you meet him, When, on my conscience, I had rather beat him?
A29235Must hee enjoy his Place as he hath done, And hug oppression as he hath begun?
A29235Must our Retirement this Assesment pay?
A29235Nay more then that, when ev''ry third Month ends, You may revisit here your constant friends; What''s this to me?
A29235No, to Save;"What?
A29235Nor can you there doe service to your King, For, as I heare, there breaths no venemous thing: What then can Justice finde it selfe to doe?
A29235Nor is my Tayler such a man of sin As some young cheated- gulls would make of him; For what''s the cause they beare such hate unto him?
A29235Now Eyes what see you?
A29235Now Sir, what has fate sent us, some crackt peece, Not worth receiving?
A29235Now can one thinke, I on this charge should sit, And have no meanes at all to second it?
A29235Now my sweete Ape, how brisk my Courtier goes ▪ A if for want of feete he went on''● … toes?
A29235Now ought not he to share in his encrease, Who by his danger doth secure his peace?
A29235Now was not this a brave Probationer To keep a Register for Lucifer?
A29235Now were it fit, like Glow- wormes, to discover Matings and meetings of so great a Lover?
A29235Now what may you imagine I deserve, When these extract but that which I observe?
A29235Now who be these( my brittle- Urinals) but our anfractuous Courtiers?
A29235Now who can say that I doe sell this Living, Whose bounteous hand is so inclin''d to giving?
A29235Now would not this your secrecy deserve"When you may them enjoy, whom you doe serve?
A29235One askt of me what might be my intent To leave the Towne in time of Parliament?
A29235Or He rest safe from shot of Enemy, And his whole Navy in such jeopardy?
A29235Or dart a blush in any of their faces?
A29235Or doe you breath on fresher ayre then wee?
A29235Or grapple with som daring enemy To fight or fall, no other remedy?
A29235Or make them wearie of their purchas''d places?
A29235Or praise that in a King, which I''le not doe Even in his Groome or meanest Subject too?
A29235Or reinstall lost justice to her Bench?
A29235Or shines some Starre on your nativitie, Which keepes her light from us?
A29235Or so well entertain''d at his approach, As to be sent for by the* Kings owne Coach?
A29235Or strike a terrour in their conscience?
A29235Or that a Lawyer should his practise make Lesse for himselfe, then for his Clyents sake?
A29235Or that there is no Engineer so quick, To vie with him in matters politick?
A29235Or use that glibberie member of his Tongue, To further right, and not to bolster wrong?
A29235Or weane one soule from serving of the devill?
A29235Pray thee from what ground?"
A29235Saint Thomas Beckets path, his Shrine, his Cell?
A29235Shall Abels cry for vengeance and receive it?
A29235Shall I be your Anatomist?
A29235Shall Naboths blood cry for revenge and h ● … ve it?
A29235Shall ayrie birds so sort them to their make, That they will sooner die then they will take Themselves to others?
A29235Shall these Horsleaches, who suck till they swell, swell till they burst, be suffered any more to nestle amongst us?
A29235Should I contemne my Soule when death is nie, Or complement when I should learne to die?
A29235Should I now when my one foot is in grave, Learne the obsequious posture of a knave?
A29235Should I who ne''re could fawne in all my dayes, An unjust Man against my conscience praise?
A29235Shut mee from ayre of high- priz''d libertie: And in this vast and irksom residence, Remove mee from the object of each Sense?
A29235Sirra, you, That stands like to some Beacon, to the view Of each beholder, tell me what do''est know, Have I a Prize, resolve me yea, or no?
A29235Tell me what Great one makes them fairer play, To give both Bookes and Benefice away?
A29235That you should taxe the State, or touch her fame?
A29235The Civit- senting Mosse of Win''freds well?
A29235The Stones of Salsbury- plain, which none can number?
A29235The Stones of Whitby- strand, that Snakie wonder?
A29235These liv''d obscurely, and as poorly dyde, Nor cap''d nor congi''d, nor so much as ey''de, Or popularly viewd; what was the cause?
A29235They''l terme her proud, and will avouch it too, For what is it these great ▪ ones may not do?
A29235This Pibrac freed from Taxes in his time, Why may it not to this low Muse of mine?
A29235To hang her?
A29235WHy, who are you?
A29235Was e''re wealth worse bestowed?
A29235We have been Wildmen all; and we''r to git From a Wild- man meanes to re- gaine our wit, But not our Meanes: who can recover it?
A29235Were it not fit then we should shew all grace To such as these who raise us to our place?
A29235What Cuckow, will you turne your haggard taile, Shall neither vertue, nor her suit prevaile?
A29235What Masks, what Shews, what Enterludes could be Contenting to her self withouten me?
A29235What boots it, though his Barnes and Garnars be Stor''d with all fruits, yet he pleads povertie?
A29235What griefe would this bee to that new- wed- Lord, Who on my conscience ne''re unsheath''d his Sword?
A29235What heavy news were this to Cinna''s eare, To lose the presence of her spritely Clere?
A29235What late Reere- bankets could delight afford Without her Page, farre deerer then her Lord?
A29235What resteth then, but that yee doe devise Honors for him, whose knowledg makes ye wise?
A29235What sad ● … dieus would young don Phoebo take, And kiss the ground for his Amicla''s sake?
A29235When men crave To know not what we are, but what we have?
A29235Where Duck( quoth I?)
A29235Where hath this great Observer been the while, And never view''d these wonders of our Ile?
A29235Where should we But in Committees look for unitie In their harmonious Votes?
A29235While these in distinct nourishment doe share, M ● … st I Chameleon- like be fed with Ayre?
A29235Who can prohibit me abroad to tell The Crimes of such high- peeres as doe not well?
A29235Who could have thought this downy Lapwing would"To such extreams his reputation sold?"
A29235Who dare do''t?
A29235Who would not laugh to heare him cry, the Stone, The Stone, the Stone, as if he had just none?
A29235Why doe you hout and houle and take no rest As if in HOPE you had no interest?"
A29235Why, pray you Sir, if I may be so bold, Are you of purer or of choicer mold?
A29235Will not you leave your harsh- offensive note, To follow vertue, and to weare her coate?
A29235Would it make one man good that now is evil?
A29235Would this shew well in you, seem fair to him,"To see one weare the prize which he did win?"
A29235Would you receive more honour then you have; And so 〈 ◊ 〉 those whom you may save?
A29235Yea, shall every creatur ● … Perform the proper office of their nature?
A29235Yea, which of these, how ere they seeme to prate,"Dare whet their knife neer to the Counter- gate?"
A29235Yes; What''s the reason?
A29235Yet what are his deserts, that they should seeme"Worthie such congies or so great esteeme?"
A29235Yet who dare say that such a man as he Would give least countenance to theeverie?
A29235You doom, I melt; shall I the Cause impart?
A29235Young wenches too I have exceeding store, And I content them all, what would they more?
A29235Zlid, all the world knows you to be wise ▪ And play''d i th''Parl''ament your Master prize: But what''s all that?
A29235Zlid, doe you think that our rich scarlet may With such a Pension our Retinue pay Unlesse wee lose by''t?
A29235and must they Tast of your Whippe, when they doe goe astray?
A29235if from Adam''s side, Why should they glory in their beauties fl ● … wrs"Since their perfection is not theirs but ours?
A29235moat ● … s any way?
A29235most welcom, what may''t be?"
A29235or is your wit So pure, as all draw influence from it?
A29235shee has, in her pack, A Balm that cur''d one tortu ● …''d on the Rack: Or hyde- bound?
A29235shee''ll assure you She has a soveraign oyle will throughly cure you: Or pain''d with aches?
A29235that I should taxe that thing In Subjects, which I would not in a King?
A29235thinkst thou this will please A man, whose fortunes stand upon his Prize?
A29235what have we done or said That this new Taxe should on our States be laid?
A29235what will become of me?
A29235what''s your name?
A29235whence came you?
A29235who sent you hither?