
This is a list of all the questions and their associated study carrel identifiers. One can learn a lot of the "aboutness" of a text simply by reading the questions.

identifier question
A143826 Q. Canst thou keepe all these lawes without breaking them?
A14382After what manner ought you to pray?
A14382Are all saved by Christs death?
A14382But seeing Christ was God, how could he die?
A14382HOw come you by faith?
A14382HOw doe you escape this punishment?
A14382How is faith increased in us?
A14382How many Sacraments bee there?
A14382How shall they beleeve on him of whom they haue not heard?
A14382How will God bee serued?
A14382I Laid mee downe, and quietly I slept, and rose againe: For why?
A14382Is any among you afflicted?
A14382Of what things oughtest thou to examine thy selfe?
A14382Q. Wherefore did he make you?
A14382The Cup of blessing which we blesse, is it not the Communion of the bloud of Christ?
A14382WHo made you?
A14382What be Sacraments?
A14382What be those Lawes of God?
A14382What hath Christ done to free thee from this punishment?
A14382What is Prayer?
A14382What is Preaching?
A14382What is a lively faith?
A14382What profit have you by Baptisme?
A14382What profit have you by the use of the Lords Supper?
A14382What punishment is due for the breach of these Lawes?
A14382Where have you the summe of your faith?
A14382and how shall they heare without a Preacher?
A14382let him pray: is any merry?
A14382the Bread which we breake, is it not the Communion of the bodie of Christ?
A85482Against whose Law is sin committed?
A85482Are you able to keep this Law?
A85482Have you any hope to be freed by any other?
A85482How is true faith manifested?
A85482How many Sacraments are there?
A85482Into whose name are wee baptized?
A85482Q Can you free your self from damnation?
A85482Q What is that estate wherin God made all things?
A85482Q ▪ What is the inward grace sealed up by the Lords Supper?
A85482Q. Rehearse the Lords Prayer?
A85482Q. Rehearse those principall Articles that we ought to beleeve?
A85482Q. VVhat for the wicked?
A85482WHo is the maker and governour of all things?
A85482What are the outward signes in the Lords Supper?
A85482What do these three Titles, Father, Sonne, Holy Ghost, in the forme of Baptisme set out?
A85482What doe they deserve that sin against this Law?
A85482What doth that set forth?
A85482What doth the Bread set forth?
A85482What doth the Ministers giving of the Bread and wine to the people set out?
A85482What doth the Wine set forth?
A85482What doth the breaking of the Bread and powring out of the wine set out?
A85482What doth the peoples taking of the Bread and wine, and eating and drinking the same set out?
A85482What doth the sprinkling of it upon the party baptized set out?
A85482What hath Christ done for mans Redemption?
A85482What is Christ?
A85482What is prepared for the faithfull after this life?
A85482What is the inward grace sealed up by Baptisme?
A85482What is the inward means wherby the Word and Sacraments are made effectuall?
A85482What is the outward signe in Baptisme?
A85482What maketh man miserable?
A85482What meanes hath God ordained to work faith?
A85482What must we doe to obtain this and all other needfull blessings?
A85482What now is mans naturall estate?
A85482What other means hath God appointed to strengthen our faith?
A85482Which are the words of Gods Law?
A85482Which is the first?
A85482Which is the other Sacrament?
A85482Who is that Saviour in whom you have hope?
A85482Who shall be made partakers of the benefit of his death?
A419681* 2 What is the Word of God?
A4196810 11 How are we freed from sin, and all misery?
A4196810 What is Sin, and the punishment due unto it?
A4196811 12 What was Gods Covenant?
A4196812 13 What is the Office of Christ?
A4196813 14 What Benefits hath Christ obteined for us?
A4196814 15 How are we made partakers of Christs Benefits?
A4196815 16 What is it to Believe in Christ?
A4196816 17 How ought we to receive Christ?
A4196817 18 What is inseparably joyned with saving Faith?
A4196818 19 What is Repentance?
A4196819 20 What is Christian Obedience?
A4196820 21 How may we attain to Faith, and all other Graces?
A4196821 22 Which are the principal meanes to Work Faith,& other Graces?
A4196822 23 Which are the chief points of Christian belief?
A4196823 24 What is the rule of Mans duty, and practice?
A4196824 25 What doth Gods Law command, and forbid?
A4196825 26 What is the End, and summe of the Law?
A4196826 27 Why were the Sacraments ordeined?
A4196827 28 What is the Church to which alone the Sacraments do belong?
A4196828 29 What are Sacraments?
A4196829 30 What Benefit have we by Baptisme?
A419683 What doe the Scriptures chiefly declare?
A4196830 31 What is further confirmed unto us, and required of us in Baptisme?
A4196831 32 What is the End, and Benefit of the Lords Supper?
A4196832 33 Who are fit Receivers of the Lords Supper?
A4196833 34 What is the Work, and Office of Ministers?
A4196834 35 What is the Use, and efficacie of prayer?
A4196835 36 What is the best Rule, and Forme of Christian Prayer?
A4196836 37 What is to be joyned with Prayer?
A4196837 38 What maketh our prayers, and all other Duties acceptable to God?
A4196838 39 How may we continue,& increase in Grace?
A4196839 40 Who are Gods Elect, and Heires of of Salvation?
A419684 What is the Nature of God?
A419685 Who is the True God?
A419686 Which are the chief Works of God?
A419687 What was Mans first state?
A419688 How did Man loose his first happiness?
A419689 What is the Misery of Man?
A73075Are you sufficient of your selfe to make this vse of the Lords Supper?
A73075But I shall perish and be as though I neuer had beene?
A73075But death is dreadfull, and what a misery of man is it to die?
A73075But this is a true saying, and worthy of all men to be receiued: Iesus Christ came into the world to saue sinners, whereof I am chiefe?
A73075Can you keepe this couenant by comming to the Lords Supper?
A73075DOe you desire to come to the Lords Supper?
A73075Do you grow in Christ onely by eating and drinking the bread and wine in the Lords Supper?
A73075How commeth God to make this couenant with you?
A73075How commeth that?
A73075How fell you in Adam?
A73075How many Sacraments of this couenant be there?
A73075How may you returne to this image of God and communion with him?
A73075How were you made in Adam?
A73075Is faith in the promises so contained?
A73075Much wealth and a shining estate shall I forgoe and leaue behinde me?
A73075O but God is angry with mee, and what shall I doe?
A73075Q. Shew the rest of the graces?
A73075Q. Shew what graces you discerne in the Lords Supper?
A73075Q. Speake in like manner of the Cup?
A73075Q. Wherefore do you so?
A73075Satan frighteth me with my sinnes, and layeth the greatnesse of them before me?
A73075Sathan suggesteth that my repentance is too late?
A73075The other Sacrament is the Supper of the Lord, what is the vse of that?
A73075What are the branches of this couenant?
A73075What are the commandements that faith teacheth you to worke?
A73075What is a Sacrament?
A73075What is faith?
A73075What is meant by giuing it to his Disciples?
A73075What is the summe of that, and so of all other lawfull prayers?
A73075What is your duty to doe in this couenant?
A73075What is your duty?
A73075When I am gone, I am gone, and what hope is there after death?
A73075When ye haue done all these things that are commanded, you shall say, we are vnprofitable seruants?
A73075Which are the promises of God in Christ?
A73075Why would he expresse those benefits by eating?
A73075Yet God is iust and must needes punish my sin?
A73075Yet dust I am, and to dust I must returne?
A73075You meane the body of Christ: for so are the words, This is my body?
A5745618. is not meant the Bishop, or presbytery representing the body?
A57456Are not the preaching of the word, and administring of the Sacraments certaine marks of the Church?
A57456But are not hypocrites mingled with the faithfull in the Church?
A57456By what meanes is the Church gathered?
A57456By whom are these Officers to have their outward calling?
A57456How appeareth the necessity of this ordination?
A57456How doth that appeare?
A57456How doth that appeare?
A57456How is that exercise proved in the Scriptures?
A57456How is that proved?
A57456How is the Church to walke towards a person excommunicated?
A57456How many are the offices of ministery in the Church?
A57456How prove you that the Scriptures, onely are to bee read, and opened in the Church?
A57456How prove you the seed of the faithfull to be of the Church with them?
A57456How prove you this power to bee in every particular Congregation?
A57456Is every beleever a member of the visible Church?
A57456Is this outward calling of simple necessity for a true Church officer?
A57456May all the faithfull partake in the Sacraments?
A57456Of what sort or number of people must this company consist?
A57456Q How are the other two Ministeries to be excised?
A57456Q. Whence ariseth the necessity& sufficiencie of these ministeries in the Church?
A57456Q. Wherefore are the whole Scriptures to be read and opened?
A57456Q. Wherefore call you those offices by the name of Ministeries, or Services?
A57456Q. Wherefore put you prayer in the first place?
A57456Q. Wherein standeth this communion of the Spirit?
A57456WHat is the Church?
A57456What are the essentiall markes of the Church?
A57456What are the meanes in and by which Christ and the Church have fellowship together?
A57456What are the outward workes of the Churches communion with Christ?
A57456What are the reasons why the Church must consist of faithfull and holy persons?
A57456What are the rules of Christ for excommunication?
A57456What beleeve you touching the Sacraments further then is observed in the former Principles?
A57456What beleeve you touching the censure of excommunication?
A57456What beleeve you touching the word?
A57456What is required touching singing of Psalmes in the Church?
A57456What is the officer bee found unfaithfull in his place?
A57456What is the order of proceeding in this Censure?
A57456What is the reason for the proving of these ministeries?
A57456What order is to bee observed after complaint thus made?
A57456Which are the ends and uses of the Sacraments?
A57456Which are those persons?
A57456Who are to open and apply the Scriptures in the Church?
A57456Who is a Prophet in this sence?
A9473911, 12. and so to be used as it was?
A9473911. Who are appointed to Baptize?
A9473916, 17, 18. to make every believer a blessing, so as to cast ordinarily Elect children on Elect parents, and thereby warranted Infant Baptism?
A9473916, 17. a warrant to Baptize Infants?
A9473916. be understood of some other Baptism then that of water?
A9473919. the Disciples to Baptize children with parents, as the Jews did Proselytes?
A9473938, 39. exhort the Jews to Baptize themselves and their children, because the promise of grace is to believers and their children?
A947394 May it not be meant of Baptizing by the Spirit, or afflictions?
A947397. to be a God to him and his seed?
A94739Are not Infants of believers Disciples, by their Parents faith to be Baptized?
A94739Are not believers children comprehended under the promise, to be a God to Abraham and his seed?
A94739Are not the Gentile believers children to be ingraffed by Baptism with their Parents, as the Jews children were by Circumcision?
A94739Are not the Sacraments of the Christian, Church in their nature, seals of the Covenant of grace?
A94739Are the persons to be Baptized altogether passive in their Baptism?
A94739Are they rightly Baptized, who are Baptized into the name of Jesus Christ, though no other person be named?
A94739Did Circumcision seal the Gospel covenant?
A94739Had it not been a discomfort to the believing Jews to have their children unbaptized, and so out of Covenant?
A94739Have not opposers of Infant Baptism, been wicked in the end?
A94739Have not our children then less priviledge then the Jews had?
A94739How came Infant Baptism to be common in the Christian Churches?
A94739IS Baptism with water an Ordinance of Christ, to be continued by his Disciples till the end of the World?
A94739Is not the Infant Baptism sufficient if it be avouched at age?
A94739Is not the end of the world, as much as the end of that age?
A94739Is there any evil in it?
A94739Is there any good by Baptizing persons at age, which might not be, though Infant Baptism were continued?
A94739May not the sprinkling or powring water on the face, be the Baptism of Christ?
A94739May we be said to be compleat as the Jews without infant baptism?
A94739Was not the Covenant with Abraham, Gen. 17. the Covenant of grace?
A94739What are Christians to do when they are Baptized?
A94739What is it to Baptize into the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost?
A94739What is the Baptizing appointed by Jesus Christ?
A94739What is the chief end of Baptism?
A94739Whom are they appointed to Baptize?
A94739Why did Paul then say, Christ sent him not to Baptize?
A94739Why should not Infants be Baptized sith they were Circumcised?
A9189018. is not meant the Bishop, or Presbytery representing the body?
A91890Are not the preaching of the word and administring of the Sacraments certain marks of the true Church?
A91890By what meanes is the Church gathered?
A91890By whom are these Officers to have their outward calling?
A91890How appeareth the necessity of this ordinance?
A91890How are the other two Ministeries to be exercised?
A91890How doth that appeare?
A91890How doth that appeare?
A91890How is that exercise proved in the Scriptures?
A91890How is that proved?
A91890How is the Church to walke towards a person excommunicated?
A91890How many are the offices of ministery in the Church?
A91890How prove you that the Scriptures only are to be read, and opened in the Church?
A91890How prove you the Seed of the faithfull to be of the Church with them?
A91890How prove you this power to be in every particular congregation?
A91890Is every beleever a member of the visible Church?
A91890Is this outward calling of simple necessity for a true Church officer?
A91890May all the faithfull partake in the Sacraments?
A91890Q What is to be observed for the Churches contribution?
A91890Qu But are not hypocrites mingled with the faithfull in the Church?
A91890Qu Of what sort or number of people must this company consist?
A91890Qu VVhich are the ends and uses of the Sacraments?
A91890VVHat is a Church?
A91890VVhat Order is to be observed after complaint thus made?
A91890VVhat are the rules of Christ for excommunication?
A91890VVhat believe you touching the censure of excommunication?
A91890VVhat is required touching singing of Psalmes in the Church?
A91890VVhat is the order of this exercise?
A91890VVhich are those persons?
A91890VVho is a Prophet in this sence?
A91890What are the essentiall markes of the Church?
A91890What are the meanes in and by which Christ and the Church have fellowship together?
A91890What are the reasons why the Church must consist of faithfull and holy persons?
A91890What believe you touching the Sacraments further then is observed in the former Principles?
A91890What believe you touching the word?
A91890What if the Officer bee found unfaithfull in his place?
A91890What is the Reason for the proving of these ministeries?
A91890What is the order of proceeding in this Censure?
A91890Whence ariseth the usefulnesse and sufficiency of these ministeries in the Church?
A91890Wherefore are the whole Scriptures to be read and opened?
A91890Wherefore call you those Offices by the name of Ministeries, or Services?
A91890Wherefore put you prayer in the first place?
A91890Wherein standeth this communion of the Spirit?
A91890Who are to open and apply the Scriptures in the Church?
A55472And lastly, what shal we judg of the Condition of those Persons who fal short of that Perfection in Practice, which these Rules require?
A55472And what Happiness then canst thou propose unto thy self to finde in one course rather than another?
A55472And why may we not believ that it is so?
A55472Ar any of these things, or al of them together, capable to confer that sort of Happiness which thou judgest to be peculiar unto thy Soul?
A55472But from what?
A55472But how dos it appear that we ar under any such obligation at al?
A55472But how?
A55472But if a quarter of an Hour, why not then half an Hour why not an Hour, a Day, a Week, a Month, a Year?
A55472But to whom?
A55472But why?
A55472But, once again, why so fast?
A55472Dost tho not feel in thy Heart som desire of Hnor, of Power, of Pleasure, or of Riches?
A55472Dost thou therfore intend that answer as a mark of respect unto me, thy Father, as the Author or caus of thy subsistance?
A55472F. Canst thou giv me any Instances of such like Operations?
A55472F. Canst thou show me a Rule which is capable to guide us exactly in this Pursuit, and which is general to al Mankinde?
A55472F. What Idea hast thou of any thing more perfect than thy Soul?
A55472F. What ar those nobler Facultys which thou thinkest meer Matter least capable to produce?
A55472F. Where then wilst thou look for it?
A55472F. Why dost thou affirm that Matter is not capable of Memory?
A55472F. Wilst thou go on to particularize any others that thou findest to have their Rise from these?
A55472Is it the Knowledg of God, of his Essence, of his Attributes, of his Laws?
A55472Is it the Knowledg of Nature, of the Universe, of Mankind, of thy Self?
A55472Is it the Knowledg of any particular Arts and Contrivances that ar effected by Men?
A55472Is that so difficult to conceiv?
A55472Now can it be doubted but any habitual Swearer may, with a strong Resolution and diligent Care, retain himself one quarter of an Hour from that Sin?
A55472Or is it any other thing that humane Understanding is or may be conversant about?
A55472Orra ther, first, what is the Reason upon which thou groundest that proposition?
A55472S. What, dost thou mean that by this discovery thou art now actually stated in that Happiness which thou wast a while ago inquiring after?
A55472That He has in himself whatsoever is necessary to the Being and Happiness of his Creatures?
A55472Wel, what can this signify?
A55472What importance is it to him what course we take?
A55472What shal we say to al the ceremonial Outside of Religion?
A55472What so common as Swearing?
A55472What then?
A55472Who can fathom, who can teach, How far Wisdom''s Pow''r doth reach?
A55472Who, or what, was it therfore that gave him his Being, and his capacity to beget others like himself?
A55472Why may it not yet be doubted whether He have given us any such Rule or no?
A55472Yet, Who is it that made that Earth and Sun, and also those other innumerable numbers of gloroius bodys that environ us at greater distance?
A019821 WHat is eueryone most bound to know?
A0198210 Q. VVhat beleeue you touching his decree?
A0198211 Q. VVherein consisteth the execution of Gods decree?
A0198215 Q. VVhich are they?
A0198216 Q. Doe all men passe thorow all these estates?
A0198217 Q. Wherin especially did that happinesse consist, in which man was made?
A0198219 Q. Doth man stil remaine in that happy estate wherein hee was made?
A0198221 Q. VVhat is sinne?
A0198223 Q What is originall sin?
A019823 Q. VVho is the author of the Scripture?
A0198235 Q. VVhat are the principall benefits which by faith we receiue from Christ?
A0198236 Q. Wherein consisteth our iustification?
A0198237 Q. Wherin consisteth our sanctification?
A0198238 Q. VVhat is the illuminating of our minde?
A0198239 Q What is reformation?
A019824 Q. VVhy were they written?
A0198240 Q. Whence ariseth repentance?
A0198241 Q. VVhat are the parts of repentance?
A0198242 Q. VVhat meanes hath God ordained to breede and increase these graces in vs?
A0198248 Q. VVhat is the Lords supper?
A0198249 Q. VVhat must we doe to partake of this Supper aright?
A0198250 Q. VVho pray aright?
A0198252 Q VVhat are the parts of prayer?
A0198254 Q. VVhat is the estate of the faithfull after death?
A0198255 Q. VVhat is the estate of the wicked after death?
A019828 Q. VVhat are the properties of God?
A01982For what things must wee be thankfull?
A01982How can those things which Christ did in his owne person be auaileable for vs?
A01982How did Christ work this reconciliation?
A01982How did God make al things?
A01982How doth God gouerne all things?
A01982How fell man into miserie?
A01982How is the heinousnesse thereof discerned?
A01982How is the ministery of the VVord made profitable vnto vs?
A01982How many Gods are there?
A01982How many Sacraments are there?
A01982How many waies is sinne committed?
A01982How may we come to the knowledge of our selues?
A01982In what respect is hee said to bee made after Gods image?
A01982Is any man able to free himselfe out of this misery?
A01982Is there no meanes to deliuer vs?
A01982The bread which we breake, is not the communion of the bodie of Christ?
A01982Was it necessary that our Sauiour should bee both God and man?
A01982What are the workes of God?
A01982What be the kindes of sinne?
A01982What doe they teach concerning God?
A01982What is Baptisme?
A01982What is a Sacrament?
A01982What is actuall sinne?
A01982What is faith?
A01982What is the punishment due to sinne?
A01982What things are we to ask?
A01982Where is this knowledge to be had?
A01982Who is that?
A01982Why are the children of Christians baptised?
A01982o Can any hide himself in secret places that I shall not see him( saith the Lord) Doe not I fill heauen& earth?
A47618* Hilarion morti proximus dixisse fertur, egredere, quid times?
A47618* years, and he hath not once hurt me, and shall I now deny him?
A47618After he had drunk, he paused a little while looking very sadly, and suddenly brake out into these words; Surely I have done amisse, Why so?
A47618And is it not sufficient for my salvation?
A47618Bishop Bonner said thus to him, What say you to the omnipotency of God?
A47618Can a man receive grace offered without a speciall work of grace stirring and exciting him?
A47618Can man work in a way of grace so as to determine and make it effectuall before he have grace, a principle of working?
A47618Dost thou know us?
A47618EVsebius* saith he was wo nt to say when he fell into the company of hereticks: Bone Deus in quae me tempora reservasti?
A47618Egredere, quid times?
A47618For other men we ought to to conclude thus, they also must die as well as my self, my husband, wife, my dear and faithfull friend, who knows how soon?
A47618Good God what times hast thou kept me for?
A47618How early did martyrdome come into the world?
A47618In our tempora Mariana Queen Maries daies; Who hath not heard of bloudy Bonner and Gardiner?
A47618In the vertue of God wife what meaneth this?
A47618Is any thing too hard for the Lord?
A47618Is not he able to perform that which he spoke?
A47618Is the Lords hand shortened?
A47618Objection, God is a free Agent, how can it stand with his honour and absolute liberty to be bound to the creature?
A47618On the contrary, what ravishing comfort did Robert Glover injoy a little before his martyrdome?
A47618Question, Whether a godly man may fear to die?
A47618Question, Whether it be lawfull to desire death?
A47618Question, Whether may one pray against a sudden and violent death?
A47618Question, Whether may we mourn for the dead?
A47618Quid( inquit) putas princi ● em Frideri ● ū propter tearma sumturum dixi?
A47618Samuel before his death, Tell me( saith he) whose ox or asse have I stolen or taken away?
A47618Sed quid aulam invidioso verbo nomino?
A47618Then said he merrily, What?
A47618They ever fetcht consolation from the Promises, as Jacob, Hast thou not said?
A47618What man lives and shall not see death?
A47618What undaunted courage, what invincible patience, what ravishing consolation had the martyrs in the flames?
A47618When Marcion the heretick casually met him and said, Cognoscis nos?
A47618When upon a time one Papist demanded of another, why do you not stop the mans mouth with gold and silver?
A47618Where have you been, said M. Farrar?
A47618Why dost fear O my soul( said Hilarion) thou hast served God this seventy years, and art thou afraid to die?
A47618Will ye make me a Pope?
A47618egredere anima mea quid dubitas?
A47618egredere anima mea, quid du ● itas?
A47618hoc nollem prorsus,& ubi manebis?
A47618septuaginta propè annis serviisti Christo,& mort ● m times?
A47618septuaginta propè annos servisti Christo& mortem times?
A47618will the Lord have four sacrifices?
A47618wouldst thou fain prevail?
A63950And what shall become of us before night, who are weary ● … o early in the morning?
A63950But if he takes ● … licity in things of this world, where will ● … is felicity be when this world is done?
A63950By what means doth Jesus Christ our Lord convey all these blessings to us?
A63950Did his Priestly Office the ● … cease?
A63950For it is not a Question, Whether we shall or shall not suffer?
A63950How did God make man?
A63950How did God perform the promise?
A63950How did Jesus Christ work this promised Redemption for us?
A63950How if we fail of this Promise through infirmity, and commit sins?
A63950How is Christ a Mediator in all these Offices?
A63950How is Jesus Christ able to do all this for us?
A63950How is Jesus Christ also our King?
A63950How long must his Kingdome last?
A63950How many Sacraments are ordained by Christ?
A63950How then could he be our Redeemer, and the promised seed of the woman?
A63950How then did man become sinful and miserable?
A63950IN what does true Religion consist?
A63950LOrd come away, Why dost thou stay?
A63950O dear God, unless thou art pleased to pardon us, in vain it is that we should live here, and what good will our life do us?
A63950O what a gracious God have we?
A63950To what Conditions hath he bound us on our part?
A63950WHen Lord, O when shall we Our dear Salvation see?
A63950Was man good or bad, when God made him?
A63950Was man left in these evill without remedy?
A63950What Ministeries hath Christ appointed to help us in this duty?
A63950What Promises hath Jesus Christ made us in the Gospel?
A63950What are we tied to perform towards them?
A63950What art thou O Lord?
A63950What availeth knowledge without ● … he fear of God?
A63950What benefits are done unto us by this Sacrament?
A63950What benefits do we receive by the life and death of Jesus Christ?
A63950What dost thou believe con ● … rning God?
A63950What doth Christ in heaven pray for on our behalf?
A63950What evils and change followed this sin?
A63950What is Baptism?
A63950What is a Sacrament?
A63950What is the Covenant of Faith which we enter into in Baptism?
A63950What is the Covenant of Repentance?
A63950What is the Covenant which Jesus Christ our Mediator hath made between God and us?
A63950What is the Sacrament of the Lords Supper?
A63950What is this God to us?
A63950What other Ministeries hath Christ ordained in his Church, to help us, and to bring so many great purposes to pass?
A63950What other Mystery is revealed concerning God?
A63950What ravish''d heart, S ● … raphick tongue or eyes, Clear as the mornings rise, Can speak, or think, or see That bright eternity?
A63950What was his Office as he was a Prophet?
A63950When began his Priestly Office, and wherein does it consist?
A63950When do we enter into this Covenant?
A63950Wherefore did God create and make us?
A63950Which are the Commandments and Laws of Jesus Christ?
A63950Who are fit to receive this Sacrament?
A63950Who hinders thee more then the unmortified desires of thine own heart?
A63950Who is Jesus Christ?
A63950but, Whether we shall suffer for God, or for the world?
A63950how canst thou fee, Dear God, our miserie, And not in mercy set us free?
A63950the great God of Heaven and Earth, the fountain of Holiness, and Perfection in ● … te But what am I?
A63950whether we shall take pains 〈 ◊ 〉 Religion, or in sin, to get heaven, or to get riches?
A63668And now what remains for a poor Penitent to do more, but humbly and earnestly to beg thy Pardon?
A63668And this being so, will thy offended Eather be so rigorous as to require the same payment again?
A63668And what shall I say more?
A63668And what shall become of us before night, who are weary so early in the morning?
A63668And when I consider that I am the chief of Sinners, may I not urge the Father, and say, Shall the very chief of thy business be left undone?
A63668And wilt thou now shew thine anger against a Worm, against a Leaf, against a Vapour that vanisheth before thee?
A63668But if he takes felicity in things of this world, where will his felicity be when this world is done?
A63668But what am I?
A63668But, O my weak Soul, what dost thou fear?
A63668By what means doth Jesus Christ our Lord convey all these Blessings to us?
A63668Canst thou exact the utmost farthing of him who hath not a mite of his own to pay thee?
A63668Did his Priestly Office then cease?
A63668Especially will he require it of me, a poor, a broken, and a bankrupt Sinner?
A63668For thou hast said that no unclean thing shall come within thy sight: and how then shall I appear, who am so miserably defiled?
A63668How did God make man?
A63668How did God perform the promise?
A63668How did Jesus Christ work this promised Redemption for us?
A63668How if we fail of this Promise through infirmity, and commit sin?
A63668How is Jesus Christ able to do all this for us?
A63668How is Jesus Christ also our King?
A63668How long must his Kingdom last?
A63668How many Sacraments are ordained by Christ?
A63668How proper is it for thee to save?
A63668How suitable is it to thy only End of coming into the World?
A63668How then could he be our Redeemer, and the promised seed of the Woman?
A63668How then did man become sinful and miserable?
A63668How would my drooping Spirits revive at such a sound?
A63668IN what does true Religion consist?
A63668If Abraham, who had the honour to be called thy Friend, could say that he was but Dust and Ashes, O what am I?
A63668If the Man according to thine own heart could say that he was a Worm, and no Man, O what am I?
A63668LOrd, come away, Why dost thou stay?
A63668Lord, carest thou not that I perish?
A63668Nay, what had become of thine own Disciple who with Oaths and Curses thrice denied thee?
A63668No, let me live in thy sight?
A63668O how easie is it for thee to forgive?
A63668O just and dear God, how long shall I confess my sins, and pray against them, and yet fall under them?
A63668Or which is worse, shall I go on?
A63668Shall I continue in my Sins that Grace may abound?
A63668Thou that wouldest have all men saved?
A63668Thou who wouldst have none to perish?
A63668VVhat is the Sacrament of the Lords Supper?
A63668WHat shall I say more unto thee, O thou that art the Judge of the whole Earth?
A63668WHen, Lord, O when shall we Our Dear Salvation see?
A63668Was it not for the sins of the whole world?
A63668Was man good or bad when God made him?
A63668Was man left in these evils without Remedy?
A63668What Ministeries hath Christ appointed to help us in this duty?
A63668What Promises hath Jesus Christ made us in the Gospel?
A63668What are we tied to perform towards them?
A63668What art thou, O Lord?
A63668What availeth knowledg without the fear of God?
A63668What benefits are done unto us by this Sacrament?
A63668What benefits do we receive by the life and death of Jesus Christ?
A63668What doest thou believe concerning God?
A63668What doth Christ in Heaven pray for on our behalf?
A63668What had become then of him who filled Jerusalem with blood?
A63668What is Baptism?
A63668What is a Sacrament?
A63668What is the Covenant of Faith which we enter into in Baptism?
A63668What is the Covenant of Repentance?
A63668What is the Covenant which Jusus Christ our Mediator hath made between God and us?
A63668What is this God to us?
A63668What of the noted Woman who had lived in a trade of Sin?
A63668What other Ministeries hath Christ ordained in his Church to help us, and to bring so many great purposes to pass?
A63668What other Mystery is revealed concerning God?
A63668What was his Office as he was a Phophet?
A63668When began his Priestly Office?
A63668When do we enter into this Covenant?
A63668Wherefore did God create and make us?
A63668Which are the Commandments and Laws of Jesus Christ?
A63668Who are fit to receive this Sacrament?
A63668Who hinders thee more than the unmortified desires of thy own heart?
A63668Who is Jesus Christ?
A63668and wherein does it consist?
A63668how canst thou see, Dear God, our misery, And not in mercy set us free?
A63668or what dost thou scruple at?
A63668or what shall I do more?
A63668or who shall ever give thee thanks in that bottomless pit?
A63668what profit is there in my Bloud?
A63668what unknown place Shall hide it from thy face?
A09518& c. May not Saincts and Angells have Divine Worship?
A0951814 What say you of Purgatory, and the Popes pardons?
A0951834, Doth the word of God then containe in it, all things necessary for our salvation?
A09518Are the Scriptures sufficient to debate all countroversies and doubts?
A09518Are there some elected, and some reprobated of Gods free Decree?
A09518Are these all?
A09518Can any man bee certaine of his faith and salvation, and ought wee earnestly to looke therunto?
A09518Can not Christs Body bee here by his Allmighty power?
A09518Can not the Pope or a Priest forgive sins?
A09518Can you confute the Papist by the word in all things wee lay to his charge?
A09518Can you prove, the Scriptures easy to bee understood of the simple?
A09518Concerning Iustification, what must you beleeve?
A09518Concerning mans first estate, what must you know?
A09518Concerning the Glory of Heaven, what ought you to beleeve?
A09518Every line in Scripture proves it, and every Creature speakes it, and every conscience in horrour knowes it& c. How prove you hee is glorious?
A09518For his expiation of sin, what must you beleeve?
A09518For the first of these, namely his obedience: What must you beleeve?
A09518For the last Iudgment, what must you know?
A09518H. P. WHat is the end and scope of Catechizing?
A09518Hath not man free will after his fall in spirituall things, and can hee not of him selfe move God- ward?
A09518Have wee no Mediator or Intercessor in Heaven but only Christ?
A09518Have wee then no merits nor righteousnes of our owne?
A09518Having done with his person, how consider you his office?
A09518How doe wee eate the Body and Blood of Christ then?
A09518How doe you prove hee is three in persons, and one in essence?
A09518How doe you prove there is a God?
A09518How is it manifest that the Pope is Antichrist?
A09518How many sorts or parts of Christs offices are there?
A09518How must that bee considered?
A09518How prove you that all sorts ought to know and reade the Scriptures?
A09518How prove you, that Faith only doth justifie?
A09518In their fall what must you know?
A09518Is it not possible for us to fullfill the Law?
A09518Is not Masse the Sacrifice of the New Testament?
A09518Is not the very Flesh and Blood of Christ in the Sacrament, even the same Body that was crucifyed?
A09518Is this all you are to beleeve concerning sin?
A09518Is this all?
A09518May Ministers or Bishops marry as lawfully as other men?
A09518May nothing bee added to, nor taken from the word of God?
A09518May wee not bee ignorant of the Scriptures without any danger?
A09518May wee not pray for the dead?
A09518May wee not pray in a strange tongue, that wee understand not?
A09518May wee not pray to the Saints departed?
A09518May wee not warrantably receive and practise the Ceremonies and Traditions of men?
A09518NOw, let me know how you are furnished against the Adversaries: And which are they, that most trouble you?
A09518Proceede to the rest?
A09518Secondly: That the cause of our salvation in his mediation is not merit in man but grace in God& Christ* What are the rest?
A09518That some Men are chosen, not all Men, for if all were taken, how could there bee Election?
A09518WHat Strength have you now against your other Adversaries, the Pelagians or Armi?
A09518What Weapon have you to encounter them?
A09518What are the ordinances of God for procuring and furthering this grace?
A09518What are the other two?
A09518What are the other two?
A09518What are the other?
A09518What are the rest?
A09518What are the rest?
A09518What are the rest?
A09518What are the rest?
A09518What are the rest?
A09518What are the workes of God?
A09518What are they?
A09518What are they?
A09518What are you to beleeve about Adoption?
A09518What are you to know concerning Election?
A09518What be the parts of mans misery?
A09518What can you say against their choise of meats?
A09518What concerning the Resurrection?
A09518What else must you know herein?
A09518What else?
A09518What else?
A09518What have you against their sett Fastings?
A09518What is his Priestly office?
A09518What is necessary for you to beleeve concerning the Creation?
A09518What is necessary to be knowne in the Nature of God?
A09518What is necessary to bee knowne concerning them?
A09518What is required of Christ as the Priest of his Church?
A09518What is the Application?
A09518What is the first?
A09518What is the fourth?
A09518What is the heynousnes of originall sin?
A09518What is the meanes of Foundation?
A09518What is the originall and fountain of knowledge?
A09518What is the second foundamentall meanes of grace?
A09518What is the second thing?
A09518What is the subject of Grace?
A09518What is the subject of knowledge?
A09518What more?
A09518What more?
A09518What more?
A09518What more?
A09518What more?
A09518What more?
A09518What more?
A09518What must you know about his Intercession?
A09518What must you know and beleeve concerning Sanctification?
A09518What must you know concerning his Providence?
A09518What must you know concerning mans second estate of misery?
A09518What must you know concerning sin?
A09518What must you know concerning the Church?
A09518What must you know concerning the punishment of sin?
A09518What must you know, concerning his humane nature?
A09518What must you know, concerning his particular Providence, touching Man?
A09518What ought you to know concerning his divine nature?
A09518What say you then to Auricular Confession?
A09518What say you to Transubstantiation?
A09518What thinke you of universall Grace, or whether did not Christ dye for all?
A09518When wee have gotten Grace, can not wee loose it all againe, and fall away finally and totally?
A09518concerning his Regall office?
A59663Are there not some who never find these benefits?
A59663Are these Members bound only to cleave to Christ their head by Faith?
A59663Are these three Persons three distinct Gods?
A59663But do not Hypocrites, and no true Members of Christ creep in?
A59663By what attr ● … butes know you what God is?
A59663By what attributes do you understand who God is?
A59663Can any man keep the Law perfectly in this life?
A59663Can you sufficiently conceive of the Glory of this one most pure Essence, by one act of Faith?
A59663Concerning mans fall, what are you to observe therein?
A59663Did the Lord make the world in an instant?
A59663How are we brought into favour, and what are the parts of this recovery?
A59663How did God create man?
A59663How doth the Spirit make application to the Church?
A59663How doth the Spirit make this Vnion?
A59663How hath Christ Jesus made satisfaction?
A59663How is Gods Providence distinguished?
A59663How is it propagated?
A59663How is man to live unto God?
A59663How is the Law, or ten Commandments divided?
A59663How many kinds of attributes are there?
A59663How many persons learn you from hence to be in God?
A59663If these three Persons be but one God, what follows from hence?
A59663Is there any use of the Law to a Christian?
A59663Is this sin, and the punishment of it derived to all mens postetity?
A59663Ought not the Sacrament to be administred to carnal people, if they have been baptized?
A59663Persons, and not distinct Gods?
A59663Q Is there no beginning of this death, as there is of the other in this life?
A59663Q What Members ought every particular visible Church to consist of?
A59663Q What is Gods Wisdom?
A59663Q What is a Sacrament?
A59663Q What is the Co- operations of the three Persons in Gods Efficiency?
A59663Q What is the inward and spiritual part of it, signified, sealed, and exhibited thereby?
A59663Q. Doth God govern all creatures alike?
A59663Q. VVhat is the creation of the Angels?
A59663Q. Wh ● … t a ● … e the parts of Vocation of the Soul to Christ?
A59663Q. Wherein consists our Moral observance of God?
A59663Q. Wherein consists our observance of God?
A59663Q. Wherein doth Gods efficiency or working appear?
A59663Q. Wherein is his Providence seen?
A59663Q. Wherein stands and appears Gods sufficiency?
A59663Thus have you seen mans apostacy from God, What is his recovery?
A59663Thus much concerning Gods sufficiency, What i ● … his efficiency?
A59663WHat is the best and last end of Man?
A59663Was this so great a sin to eat of the forbidden fruit?
A59663What are Gods attributes?
A59663What are Gods back- parts?
A59663What are his faculties?
A59663What are his subsistences or persons?
A59663What are the Parts of the Preparation of the Soul so Christ?
A59663What are the blameable causes?
A59663What are the causes of this transgression?
A59663What are the effects and fruits of this transgression?
A59663What are the miseries of those who carelesly, and wilfully despise, and so refuse to joyn to Gods Church?
A59663What are the particular punishments insllcted on the causes of this sin?
A59663What are the vertues of those Faculties?
A59663What are those Relative properties?
A59663What are those attributes which shew what a manner of God he is?
A59663What are those three Offices of Christ?
A59663What attributes or glory of God appear in his Decree?
A59663What attributes shew how great a God he is?
A59663What became of man being thus made?
A59663What befal ● … the unregenerate upon their disobedience unto it?
A59663What befals the regenerate after their breach of the Law, and imperfect obedience unto it?
A59663What benefits are there by joyning thus to a particular Church?
A59663What death is that God inflicts on man for sin?
A59663What did Gods Justice require of man?
A59663What difference is there between Justification, and Sanctification?
A59663What follows Christs Humiliation?
A59663What follows from hence?
A59663What follows from hence?
A59663What follows from this Mortification and Vivification?
A59663What is God the Fathers distinct manner of working?
A59663What is God the Sons manner of working?
A59663What is God?
A59663What is Gods Counsell?
A59663What is Gods Decree?
A59663What is Gods Essence?
A59663What is Gods Omnipotency?
A59663What is Gods sufficiency?
A59663What is Original and Actual sin?
A59663What is Redemption?
A59663What is application?
A59663What is faith in God?
A59663What is his Providence?
A59663What is his creation?
A59663What is our ceremoniall observance?
A59663What is sin?
A59663What is that imperfect obedience of Believers which is accepted?
A59663What is the Church?
A59663What is the Devil?
A59663What is the Image of God wherein he was made?
A59663What is the communion of Christs benefits unto the Soul?
A59663What is the creation of the third heaven?
A59663What is the externall and sensible part of the Lords Supper?
A59663What is the externall sensible part of Baptism?
A59663What is the fifth and last benefit next unto Sanctification?
A59663What is the first degree of Christs Exaltation?
A59663What is the first degree of Glorification in this life?
A59663What is the first of those benefits we do enjoy from Christ?
A59663What is the fourth and last degree of his exaltation?
A59663What is the fourth benefit next to Adoption?
A59663What is the good pleasure of Gods will?
A59663What is the holy Gosts manner of working?
A59663What is the inward and spirituall part of Baptism, signified, exhibited, and sealed thereby?
A59663What is the second benefit next in order to Justification, which the faithfull receive from Christ?
A59663What is the second degree in the world to come?
A59663What is the second degree of Christs Exaltation?
A59663What is the third benefit next unto Reconciliation?
A59663What is the third degree of his exaltation?
A59663What is this Vnion?
A59663What learn you from hence?
A59663What of God shines forth, and are you to behold in his Efficiency?
A59663What of Gods Attributes shine forth here?
A59663What of Gods Providence appears in his speciall government of man?
A59663What rules are you to observe to understand the Moral Law?
A59663What therefore ought people chiefly to labour for, and to hold forth unto the Church, that so they may be joyned to it?
A59663When did God create man?
A59663When did the Lord make the third heaven, with the Angels their inhabitants?
A59663Where are Believers, who have right unto this Sacrament, to seek fruition from it?
A59663Which are the Sacraments?
A59663Who is this Redeemer?
A59663Why is he God- Man?
A59663Why is not a Christian so under the Law as a Covenant of life, so as if he breaks it by the least sin he shall die for it?
A59663Why should Adams sin be imputed to all his posterity?
A59663our Observance?
A29522A. Honour thy Father and thy Mother,& c. Q What is required in this Commandement?
A29522Are there not more Persons in that one God- head?
A29522Being God before all time how was he made man?
A29522Being so prepared, what must he doe in the act of receiving?
A29522Being so qualified how must he be prepared thereunto?
A29522By what means did he make this reconciliation?
A29522Can a man thus beloeve of himselfe?
A29522Did man continue in that good estate?
A29522Have we any rule of direction to guide us in our Prayers?
A29522How are the Bread and Wine consecrated?
A29522How are those Commandements divided?
A29522How did Adam breake this Covenant?
A29522How did God make all things?
A29522How did he fall?
A29522How doth that appeare?
A29522How is Faith wrought?
A29522How is the heart changed in Repentance?
A29522How is this God made knowne to us?
A29522How many Gods are there?
A29522How many Sacraments are there in the new Testament?
A29522How many kinds of sin are there?
A29522How many things are to be considered in this Prayer?
A29522How many wayes is the soule powred forth unto God?
A29522How may these Petitions be devided?
A29522How must he be qualified that commeth to the Table of the Lord?
A29522How must we make our Petitions unto God so as we may be heard?
A29522How must we reade and heare it, that it may be effectuall unto salvation?
A29522How must we strive?
A29522How must we use that Word?
A29522In what estate did God make man at the first?
A29522Is any man able perfectly to keep this Law?
A29522Is any man able to free himselfe from this estate?
A29522May we then rest our selves contented with this our imperfection?
A29522Q Was it necessary that Iesus Christ should be both God and man?
A29522Q What hath he suffered for us?
A29522Q What is Repentance?
A29522Q What is desired in this Petition?
A29522Q What is required in this Commandement?
A29522Q What is required in this Commandement?
A29522Q What is the fift Petition?
A29522Q. Shall all men then be made partakers of these benefits by Christ?
A29522Q. Shall our obedience then be accepted, being imperfect?
A29522Q. Whatdoth Amen signifie?
A29522Q. Whence commeth this change?
A29522Q. Wherefore is this word added?
A29522Q. Wherein consisteth that happinesse?
A29522Q. Wherein is the sum of the Law conteyned?
A29522To what end did God make all things?
A29522To what end serveth this Sacrament?
A29522WHat is the chiefest and most necessary Knowledge?
A29522What are the Actions of the Minister?
A29522What are the Properties of God?
A29522What are the Sacramentall actions done about them?
A29522What are the Workes of God?
A29522What are the actions of the Receiver?
A29522What are the outward signes in the Lords Supper?
A29522What are the parts of a Sacrament?
A29522What are the principall Creatures made and governed by God?
A29522What are those means?
A29522What are we taught in this Preface?
A29522What benefits shall redound unto them who thus indeavour to grow in Grace?
A29522What doth the Bread and Wine signifie?
A29522What doth the Ministers giving of the Bread and wine to the people signifie?
A29522What doth the breaking of the Bread, and powring out of the wine signifie?
A29522What followed upon this his transgression?
A29522What hath he done for us?
A29522What hath he obtayned for us hereby?
A29522What in the life to come?
A29522What in this life?
A29522What is Actuall sin?
A29522What is Baptisme?
A29522What is Confession?
A29522What is Creation?
A29522What is Faith?
A29522What is God?
A29522What is Iesus Christ?
A29522What is Originall sin?
A29522What is Petition?
A29522What is Prayer?
A29522What is Providence?
A29522What is Thanksgiving?
A29522What is a Sacrament?
A29522What is desired in this Petition?
A29522What is desired in this Petition?
A29522What is desired in this Petition?
A29522What is desired in this Petition?
A29522What is desired in this Petition?
A29522What is herein acknowledged?
A29522What is it to receive Christ?
A29522What is it to turne from all sin?
A29522What is it to turne unto God?
A29522What is required in this Commandement?
A29522What is required in this Commandement?
A29522What is required in this Commandement?
A29522What is required in this Commandement?
A29522What is required in this Commandement?
A29522What is required in this Commandement?
A29522What is required in this Commandement?
A29522What is signified hereby?
A29522What is that Prayer?
A29522What is that new obedience which followeth upon this change?
A29522What is the Lords Supper?
A29522What is the Word?
A29522What is the eighth Commandement?
A29522What is the first Commandement?
A29522What is the fourth Commandement?
A29522What is the fourth Petition?
A29522What is the ground of Faith?
A29522What is the inward Grace signified thereby?
A29522What is the ninth Commandement?
A29522What is the outward signe in Baptisme?
A29522What is the second Commandement?
A29522What is the seventh Commandement?
A29522What is the sixt Commandement?
A29522What is the sixth Petition?
A29522What is the tenth Commandement?
A29522What is the third Commandement?
A29522What is there contained in the Prayer it selfe?
A29522What is thereby signified?
A29522What maketh it so miserable?
A29522What means then of deliverance is there?
A29522What must a man doe in this estate?
A29522What must hee doe after hee hath received?
A29522What part of man is thus corrupted?
A29522What punishment is due unto sin?
A29522What then is the state of all men now by nature?
A29522What then shall the estate of wicked men and unbeleevers be?
A29522What was that Covenant?
A29522When shall it be consummate?
A29522When shall this happinesse begin?
A29522Which are the Commandements of the first Table?
A29522Which are the Commandements of the second Table?
A29522Which concerne Gods glory?
A29522Which is the Conclusion?
A29522Which is the Preface?
A29522Which is the Thanksgiving in this forme of Prayer?
A29522Which is the fift Commandement?
A29522Which is the first Petition?
A29522Which is the second Petition?
A29522Which is the third Petition?
A29522Who are they?
A29522Who may partake of this Sacrament?
A29522Who ought to be Baptized?
A263454. Who shall not fear thee, O Lord, and glorifie thy Name?
A26345After this manner therefore pray ye; Our Father which art in Heaven, Hallowed be thy Name,& c. What doth the Preface of the Lords Prayer teach us?
A26345And about the ninth hour, Iesus cried with a loud voice, My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?
A26345And doth not all this holiness wherewith this Sacrament is attended, require on the Communicants part a holy and solemn preparation?
A26345Are all the transgressions of the Law equally hainous?
A26345Are not two sparrows sold for a farthing?
A26345Are there more Gods than one?
A26345Behold, I was shapen in iniquity, and in sin did my mother conceive me?
A26345But if every sin deserve hell, then this would seem to take away the difference in punishments?
A26345But it may be here demanded, why our sins are called debts?
A26345But may not a man lawfully desire more of this Worlds goods than he has already?
A26345Canst thou by searching find out God?
A26345Canst thou by searching find out God?
A26345Canst thou find out the Almighty unto perfection?
A26345Canst thou find out the Almighty unto perfection?
A26345Did God leave all mankind to perish in the estate of sin and misery?
A26345Did all mankind fall in Adams first transgression?
A26345Did our first Parents continue in the estate wherein they were created?
A26345How are we made partakers of the Redemption purchased by Christ?
A26345How did Christ being the Son of God, become man?
A26345How did God create man?
A26345How do the Sacraments become effectual means of salvation?
A26345How doth Christ execute the office of a King?
A26345How doth Christ execute the office of a Priest?
A26345How doth Christ execute the office of a Prophet?
A26345How doth God execute his Decrees?
A26345How doth the Spirit apply to us the Redemption purchased Christ?
A26345How is the Sabbath to be sanctified?
A26345How is the Word made effectual to salvation?
A26345How is the Word to be read and heard, that it may become effectual to salvation?
A26345How many persons are there in the Godhead?
A26345How much then is a man better than a sheep?
A26345If thou sayest, Behold we know it not, doth not he that pondereth the heart, consider it?
A26345Into what estate did the fall bring mankind?
A26345Is any man able perfectly to keep the Commandments of God?
A26345Notes for div A26345-e8640 What is the chief End of Man?
A26345Now when they heard this, they were pricked in their hearts, and said unto Peter, and to the rest of the Apostles, Men and brethren, what shall we do?
A26345Rejoiceth not in iniquity, but rejoiceth in the truth ▪ What is forbidden in the tenth Commandment?
A26345Shall not God search out this?
A26345The Bread which we break, is it not the Communion of the body of Christ?
A26345The Cup of blessing which we bless, is it not the Communion of the blood of Christ?
A26345The ninth Commandment is, Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbour?
A26345The principal Author, or prime efficient cause of justification, and this is God; Who is he that condemneth?
A26345To whom is Baptism to be administred?
A26345What Offices doth Christ execute as our Redeemer?
A26345What Rule hath God given to direct us how we may glorifie and enjoy him?
A26345What Rule hath God given us, for our Direction in Prayer?
A26345What are Gods works of Providence?
A26345What are the Decrees of God?
A26345What are the Reasons annexed to the fourth Commandment?
A26345What are the Reasons annexed to the second Commandment?
A26345What are the Sacraments of the new Testament?
A26345What are the benefits which in this life do accompany or flow from Iustification, Adoption, and Sanctification?
A26345What are the outward and ordinary means, whereby Christ communicateth to us the benefits of Redemption?
A26345What are we especially taught by these words[ before me] in the first Commandment?
A26345What benefits do Believers receive from Christ at the Resurrection?
A26345What benefits do Believers receive from Christ at their resurrection?
A26345What benefits do they, that are effectually called, partake of in this life?
A26345What did God at first reveal unto man for the rule of his obedience?
A26345What do the Scriptures principally teach?
A26345What do we pray for in the fifth Petition?
A26345What do we pray for in the first Petition?
A26345What do we pray for in the fourth Petition?
A26345What do we pray for in the second Petition?
A26345What do we pray for in the sixth Petition?
A26345What do we pray for in the third Petition?
A26345What doth God require of us, that we may escape the wrath and curse due unto us for sin?
A26345What doth every sin deserve?
A26345What doth the Conclusion of the Lords Prayer teach us?
A26345What doth the Preface to the Ten Commandments teach us?
A26345What if we be sinners, shall we not therefore pray unto God?
A26345What is Adoption?
A26345What is Effectual Calling?
A26345What is God?
A26345What is Iustification?
A26345What is Prayer?
A26345What is Sanctification?
A26345What is a Sacrament?
A26345What is faith in Iesus Christ?
A26345What is forbidden in the eighth Commandment?
A26345What is forbidden in the fifth Commandment?
A26345What is forbidden in the first Commandment?
A26345What is forbidden in the fourth Commandment?
A26345What is forbidden in the ninth Commandment?
A26345What is forbidden in the second Commandment?
A26345What is forbidden in the seventh Commandment?
A26345What is forbidden in the sixth Commandment?
A26345What is forbidden in the third Commandment?
A26345What is repentance unto life?
A26345What is required in the eighth Commandment?
A26345What is required in the fifth Commandment?
A26345What is required in the first Commandment?
A26345What is required in the fourth Commandment?
A26345What is required in the second Commandment?
A26345What is required in the seventh Commandment?
A26345What is required in the sixth Commandment?
A26345What is required in the tenth Commandment?
A26345What is required in the third Commandment?
A26345What is required in the worthy receiving of the Lords Supper?
A26345What is sin?
A26345What is the Lords Supper?
A26345What is the Preface to the Ten Commandments?
A26345What is the Reason annexed to the fifth Commandment?
A26345What is the duty which God requireth of man?
A26345What is the first Commandment?
A26345What is the misery of that estate whereunto man fell?
A26345What is the reason annexed to the third Commandment?
A26345What is the second Commandment?
A26345What is the sum of the Ten Commandments?
A26345What is the work of Creation?
A26345What special act of Providence did God exercise towards man, in the estate wherein he was created?
A26345What was the sin whereby our first Parents sell from the estate wherein they were created?
A26345When they heard this, they were pricked in their hearts, and said unto Peter, and to the rest of the Apostles, Men and Brethren, what shall we do?
A26345Where is the Moral Law summarily comprehended?
A26345Wherein consisteth Christs Exaltation?
A26345Wherein consists the sinfulness of that estate whereunto man fell?
A26345Wherein did Christs Humiliation consist?
A26345Which day of the seven hath God appointed to be the weekly Sabbath?
A26345Which is the eighth Commandment?
A26345Which is the fifth Commandment?
A26345Which is the fourth Commandment?
A26345Which is the ninth Commandment?
A26345Which is the seventh Commandment?
A26345Which is the sixth Commandment?
A26345Which is the tenth Commandment?
A26345Which is the third Commandment?
A26345Who is the Redeemer of Gods Elect?
A26345Whom have I in heaven but thee?
A26345Ye said also, behold what a weariness is it?
A26345is( q. d.) what is mans chief errand into the world?
A26345or shall we despair to obtain any thing at his hands?
A26345or what did God make man for?
A17301And are not Christs words true?
A17301And first how proue you a Sacrament to be an action?
A17301And if euer Peter had béene Bishop of Rome, what is Peters chaire without Peters faith and doctrine?
A17301Are not all still subiect to death, diseases, and manifold miseries in this life?
A17301But are not good workes necessary to saluation?
A17301But are the Sacramentalll elements bare signes?
A17301But are we not able to recouer our selues from our fall?
A17301But are we not to beleeue in God the Father also, and in God the holy Ghost?
A17301But doe not the Sacraments of the new Testament differ from those of the old?
A17301But doth faith onely iustifie?
A17301But how come wee to bee in Christ?
A17301But how may wee come to know whether we be elected or no?
A17301But is it not said of the bread, This is my body?
A17301But is not God omnipotent?
A17301But is not that a true, yea and the onely true Church of Christ on earth visible, which hath one visible head as the Pope?
A17301But is there no helpe for vs?
A17301But many professe loue to God and to the brethren, wherein stands the proofe of our loue?
A17301But may not the Church dispense with the Sacraments, as by altering of them, by adding or taking away?
A17301But may we not be stirred by pictures and images of God, and of Christ, and the like, and so before them pray vnto God?
A17301But may we not make Saints and Angels our Mediators of intercession to God for vs, in the Court of heauen?
A17301But may we not make the picture of Christ, and so pray before it, or a crucifixe?
A17301But may we not pray before them, though we pray not vnto them, but vnto God represented by them?
A17301But may we not pray for our friends departed?
A17301But no man is saued out of the Church: which is then the true Church of Christ visible?
A17301But the Apostle saith,* The Law is not of faith: how then comes the law to be giuen vnder faith?
A17301But who are they for whom Christ vnderwent this curse?
A17301Can not he change the substance of bread into the substance of Christs body?
A17301Can not that be a true Church of of Christ visible, which denyeth the Scriptures to be the onely rule of faith?
A17301Did not God chuse men out of a foresight of their willingnesse to receiue grace, and of their faith and perseuerance therein?
A17301Did they obserue it?
A17301Doe not workes also iustifie?
A17301Doe they not worke grace effectually of themselues?
A17301Had not Adam free will before his fall, and hath not man the same still?
A17301How are all the mysticall members of Christ vnited in a communion together, as of one body?
A17301How did Christ free vs from the curse?
A17301How did God try their obedience?
A17301How differ they in kind?
A17301How doe godly and worldly sorrow differ in their end?
A17301How doth godly sorrow differ from worldly?
A17301How doth the Sacramentall bread and wine signifie or represent this communion of Christs mysticall members in one body?
A17301How is euery member vnited to Christ the Head?
A17301How is that Lords body discerned?
A17301How is the Communicant sacred or holy?
A17301How is the Sonne of God a means for vs?
A17301How is the couenant of grace sealed vnto vs?
A17301How is the minister sacred or holy?
A17301How is this faith stedfast?
A17301How is this faith wrought in the heart?
A17301How is this godly sorrow a fruit of sauing faith?
A17301How is your faith to be examined?
A17301How know you this?
A17301How may a Sacrament be defined, or what is a Sacrament?
A17301How may your spirituall appetite be stirred vp to hunger after Christ in the Sacrament?
A17301How proue you God to be three Persons, and those to be one God in Essence?
A17301How proue you that?
A17301How proue you that?
A17301How proue you the Sacraments to be seales?
A17301How proue you this definition of a Sacrament?
A17301How proue you this in the Sacraments?
A17301How so?
A17301How so?
A17301In what state was man made?
A17301Is faith in Christ then sufficient to carry a man straight to heauen?
A17301Is not the bloud of Christ contained in his body, which is represented vnder the formes of bread?
A17301Is not this a doctrine of presumption?
A17301Is not this visibility of succession an infallible mark of the true Church of Christ visible?
A17301It leades me to the examination of a second knowledge, namely, concerning my selfe, before I come to communicate at the Lords Table?
A17301It should seeme then, that the estate we haue in and by Christ, is infinitely better then that which we lost in Adam?
A17301May a beleeuer then be sure of his saluation by faith?
A17301May none of these three agents, the holy Ghost, the Minister, the Communicants be wanting to make vp the full Sacrament?
A17301May not the cup be taken away in the Lords Supper?
A17301May wee not also pray to Saints departed, and to the Angels in heauen?
A17301Q. Doth not a beleeuer often doubt of his saluation?
A17301Q. Shew me then the proper differences between the first Couenant and the second?
A17301Q. Wherefore did God create all things?
A17301Q. Wherein is a man to examine himselfe?
A17301Q. Wherein stands their communion?
A17301Q. Whereof did God make man?
A17301Q. Whereof did God make or create the World?
A17301Q. Whereof was the woman made?
A17301Tell me therefore what be the speciall fruits and signes of sauing faith?
A17301The opposite differences betwéen the two couenants are these?
A17301To whom must we pray?
A17301True, God forbad them to make no similitude of him, because they saw no forme of God in the mount?
A17301WHo made the world Heauen and Earth?
A17301Well, comming thus duly prepared, what are you to doe in the time of Administration?
A17301What analogy or proportion do the consecrated bread and wine hold with Christs body and bloud being receiued by the faith of the Communicant?
A17301What are you chiefly to examine concerning your selfe before you come to the Communion?
A17301What are you to doe after you haue receiued the Sacrament?
A17301What be the benefits which Christ hath procured vnto vs by his life and death?
A17301What be the benefits which the body receiueth by the bread and wine?
A17301What be the chiefe obiects of true charity?
A17301What became of them then?
A17301What becomes then of that body, which cleaues to such a head?
A17301What call you Christs mysticall body?
A17301What conclusion doe you draw from this duty of examination before the Sacrament?
A17301What couenant made hee with them?
A17301What doe these signifie?
A17301What doth the Ministers action in consecrating the elements, and distributing of them to the people, signifie?
A17301What els are you to examine in your selfe before you come to the Lords Supper?
A17301What example haue ye to shew this?
A17301What if he be profane in his life?
A17301What is a man to know touching the Sacrament of the Lords Supper?
A17301What is the action of the Communicants in the Lords Supper?
A17301What is the action of the holy Ghost about the Sacrament?
A17301What is the action of the minister about the sacrament of the Lords Supper?
A17301What is the other proportion, which the bread and wine doe beare of Christs body?
A17301What is the second speciall fruit and signe of sauing faith?
A17301What is this to vs?
A17301What is true repentance?
A17301What meane you by the elect of God?
A17301What meanes hath God giuen to recouer vs from this vnspeakeable misery?
A17301What other duty is requisite for a Christian to practise, that he may grow in grace?
A17301What then is euery man to doe, before he come to the Lords Table?
A17301What vse make you hereof?
A17301What vse make you of this knowledge concerning the sacramentall signes?
A17301What was the chiefe creature on earth that God made?
A17301When must we pray especially?
A17301Who are they?
A17301Why call yee it a iustifying faith?
A17301Why call you the Sacrament an action sacred?
A17301Why call you this faith a gift of grace?
A17301Why doe you call faith in Christ a sauing faith?
A17301Why doe you call it a liuing faith?
A17301Why doth Christ say then, This is my body?
A17301Why is it called a godly sorrow?
A17301Why so?
A17301Why these two especially?
A17301Will receiuing the Lords Supper once in the yeare, or so, sufficiently strengthen a man for his whole life, as baptisme is but once administred?
A17301You say a Sacrament is instituted of Christ: why so?
A17301and is not the cup then superfluous?
A17301and of the wine, This is my bloud?
A17301may not the Church instiuute a Sacrament?
A17301that is, whom doth true charity chiefly respect?
A17301what is the meaning of those words, I am the Lord thy God, which brought thee out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage?
A537232. Who have a right unto this Sacrament?
A537233. Who is this you call his own Son?
A537236. Who are to bee( 4)( 5) receivers of this Sacrament?
A53723And doe they continue therein?
A53723Are not the Church of the Jews, before the birth of Christ, and the Church of the Christians since, two Churches?
A53723Are these three one?
A53723Are we not then righteous before God by our own works?
A53723Are wee able of our selves to( 2)( 3) perform it?
A53723Are wee able to doe this of our selves?
A53723Are wee accounted righteous and saved for our Faith, when wee are thus freely called?
A53723Are wee accounted righteous for our faith?
A53723Are wee not freed by Christ from the Magistrates power, and humane authority?
A53723Are wee then wholly freed from the Morall Law?
A53723By what meanes did Jesus Christ undertake the Office of an eternall Priest?
A53723By what meanes doe wee become actuall members of this Church of God?
A53723By what means doth hee perform all this?
A53723By what way may wee bee delivered from this miserable estate?
A53723Can this Church bee wholly overthrown on the earth?
A53723Can wee conceive these things as they are in themselves?
A53723Can wee doe this of our selves?
A53723Concerning which of his creatures chiefly are his decrees to bee considered?
A53723Did Christ undergoe all these?
A53723Did then God give a Law whic ● could not bee kept?
A53723Do the elements remain bread and wine still, after the blessing of them?
A53723Doe we stand in the same Covenant still, and have wee the same power to yeeld obedience unto God?
A53723Doe wee here know God as hee is?
A53723Doth God rule also in and over the sinfull actions of wicked men?
A53723Doth God thus call all and every one?
A53723Doth any thing in us, move the Lord thus to chuse us from amongst others?
A53723Doth the providence of God extend it self to every small thing?
A53723Dyed hee for no other?
A53723For whom doth he make intercession?
A53723For whose sake doth Christ perform all these?
A53723Have all this Faith?
A53723Have they then no way of themselves, to escape the curse and wrath of God?
A53723How are the Elect called, in respect of their obedience unto Christ, and union with him?
A53723How came this weaknesse and disability upon us?
A53723How came wee into this estate, being at the first created in the image of God, in righteousnesse and innocency?
A53723How can Baptisme seale the pardon of all sins to us, all our personall sins following it?
A53723How come wee to bee members of this Church?
A53723How come wee to have this faith?
A53723How come wee to have this saving Faith?
A53723How come wee to know this?
A53723How could the punishment of one, satisfie for the offence of all?
A53723How did Christ procure for us grace, faith, and glory?
A53723How did God send him?
A53723How did the oblation of Christ redeem us from death, and hell?
A53723How did the oblation of Christ, satisfie Gods justice for our sin?
A53723How doe our Sacraments differ from the Sacraments of the Jewes?
A53723How doth God by these Sacraments bestow grace upon us?
A53723How doth hee exercise this Office towards us?
A53723How doth the Law drive us unto Christ?
A53723How is this providence exercised towards mankinde?
A53723How know you them to bee the word of God?
A53723How many are the Offices of Iesus Christ?
A53723How many are the acts of his Kingly power, towards his enemies?
A53723How prove you Jesus Christ to bee truely God?
A53723How prove you that hee was a perfect man?
A53723How was the new Covenant ratifyed in his blood?
A53723In what condition doth Jesus Christ exercise these Offices?
A53723In what doth the exercise of his Priestly office for us chiefely consist?
A53723In what estate or condition doth Christ exercise these Offices?
A53723Is the observation of this Law still required of us?
A53723Is there but one God to whom these properties doe belong?
A53723Is there but one God?
A53723Is there no more required of us, but faith onely?
A53723Is there nothing then required of us, but Faith onely?
A53723Is this holinesse or obedience in us perfect?
A53723Is this whole Church alwayes in the same state?
A53723May not others perform these duties acceptably, as well as those that beleeve?
A53723Of what sort is this union?
A53723Q ▪ What are the Decrees of God concerning us?
A53723Q. Doe not then others beleeve that make profession?
A53723Q. Hath hee these Offices peculiarly by nature?
A53723Q. Whereby doth this oblation doe good unto us?
A53723Q. Wherein doth Christ exercise his propheticall Office towards us?
A53723Q. Wherein doth bee exercise his Kingly power towards us?
A53723Question, WHence is all truth concerning God, and our selves to bee learned?
A53723Shall all mankinde then everlastingly perish?
A53723To whom doth this Sacrament belong?
A53723Vnto whom doe the saving benefits of what Christ performeth in the execution of his Offices belong?
A53723WHat is Christian Religion?
A53723Was it necessary that our Redeemer should bee God?
A53723Was man able to yeeld the service and worship that God required of him?
A53723What are particular Churches?
A53723What are the Attributes of God?
A53723What are the Ordinary Officers of such Churches?
A53723What are the Sacraments, or seales of the new Covenant?
A53723What are the attributes which usually are ascribed to him in his works, or the acts of his will?
A53723What are the chiefe attributes of his beeing?
A53723What are the decrees of God concerning men?
A53723What are the decrees of God?
A53723What are the names of God?
A53723What are the parts of it?
A53723What are the parts of this holinesse?
A53723What are the priviledges of beleevers?
A53723What are the priviledges of those that thus beleeve and repent?
A53723What are the seales of the new Testament?
A53723What are the works of God, that outwardly respect his creatures?
A53723What are the works of God?
A53723What doe the Scriptures teach concerning God?
A53723What doe the Scriptures teach concerning the works of God?
A53723What doe the Scriptures teach that God is?
A53723What doe wee our selves perform in this change or work of our conversion?
A53723What doth it teach of his Person?
A53723What doth the Scripture teach us of Jesus Christ?
A53723What else is held forth in the Word concerning God, that wee ought to know?
A53723What is Baptisme?
A53723What is Baptisme?
A53723What is God in himselfe?
A53723What is Gods actuall providence?
A53723What is Iesus Christ?
A53723What is a justifying Faith?
A53723What is a lively faith?
A53723What is hee unto us?
A53723What is his ruling power in, and over his people?
A53723What is our Christian liberty?
A53723What is our adoption?
A53723What is our union with Christ?
A53723What is our vocation, or this calling of God?
A53723What is repentance?
A53723What is repentance?
A53723What is required from us towards Almighty God?
A53723What is required in the people unto them?
A53723What is required of these Officers, especially the chiefest, or Ministers?
A53723What is that holinesse which is required of us?
A53723What is that holinesse which is required of us?
A53723What is the Church Militant?
A53723What is the Church Triumphant?
A53723What is the Church of Christ?
A53723What is the Church of Christ?
A53723What is the Lords Supper?
A53723What is the Lords Supper?
A53723What is the Scripture?
A53723What is the communion of Saints?
A53723What is the communion of Saints?
A53723What is the decree of Reprobation?
A53723What is the decree of election?
A53723What is the distinguishing property of the person of the Father?
A53723What is the end of all this dispensation?
A53723What is the intercession of Christ?
A53723What is the oblation of Christ?
A53723What is the property of the Son?
A53723What is the work of creation?
A53723What is this new Covenant?
A53723What mean you by Person?
A53723What of the Holy Ghost?
A53723What shall become of them for whom Christ dyed not?
A53723What then is our justification, or righteousnesse before God?
A53723What was that punishment?
A53723What was the ransome that Christ paid for us?
A53723What was the rule, whereby man was at first to bee directed in his obedience?
A53723What way was this?
A53723What were the actions of our Saviour to bee imitated by us?
A53723What were the words of Christ?
A53723When did Christ appoint this Sacrament?
A53723Whence is it to bee learned?
A53723Whence is the right use of it to bee learned?
A53723Whereby is God chiefely made known unto us in the word?
A53723Wherefore did God make man?
A53723Wherefore was our Redeemer to bee man?
A53723Wherein chiefly consists the outward providence of God towards his Church?
A53723Wherein consisteth the state of Christs humiliation?
A53723Wherein consists his exaltation?
A53723Wherein did that hurt us their posterity?
A53723Wherein doth his execution of this Office consist?
A53723Wherein doth the Kingly Office of Christ consist?
A53723Wherein doth the beeing of true Repentance consist, without which it is not acceptable?
A53723Wherein doth the curse of God consist?
A53723Wherein doth the propheticall Office of Christ consist?
A53723Whereto then doth the Law now serve?
A53723Which are these Sacraments?
A53723Which bee they?
A53723Which is the Law that God gave man at first to fulfill?
A53723Will God accept of that obedience which falls so short of what hee requireth?
A89645& c. Why am I alwayes in Jeopardy of my life?
A89645& c. of God as plenifully appeare, in making all other creatures, as in man?
A89645Ananias and Saphira, may have for a time an outward fellowship with the Apostles?
A89645And how are we justified by the same?
A89645And how is it wrought?
A89645And if he say, what must we pray for the Gentiles, for our Governours are no Jewes?
A89645And if men be justified, and their sinnes be forgiven before they repent; then what need have men to repent at all?
A89645And if the dead rise not, why do I put my self to paine?
A89645And is it not then just with God, to render to every man according to his workes?
A89645And to what end was all this?
A89645And what doe you understand, when he makes himself known by the name of Holy Ghost, or Holy Spirit?
A89645But doth not God give us other helpes also, to build us up in grace and holinesse?
A89645But doth not God promise in the new Covenant, to write his Lawes in their hearts, and in their mindes?
A89645But doth not the Scripture say, that Abraham was justified by works?
A89645But doth not the Scripture say, that we are justified by faith?
A89645But how could God justly punish,( and that so severely) the Posterity of Adam for his sin?
A89645But how did God take the matter?
A89645But how is Christ Gods elect?
A89645But if thou shew no sign, nor work no great work, why should we hearken to thee, or believe in thee?
A89645But is not God in all men?
A89645But is not the Law, even in the terrors of it, a good meanes to drive men to Christ?
A89645But who are they?
A89645Could not the glory of God shine forth sufficiently, without the work of creation?
A89645Did Adam find and enjoy the wisdome and happiness the Devil told him of?
A89645Did God appoint man any imployment?
A89645Did God give them any other Lawes besides this Law of the ten Cammandments?
A89645Did God lay any penalty upon him in case he disobeyed?
A89645Did the Lord impose any law upon Adam, or was he left to his own will?
A89645Did the guilt of this sin, and the punishment due to the same, lye and remain onely upon Adam, or did it extend also to his Posterity?
A89645Did they not run with the world, into every excesse of riot?
A89645Did they not saile with every wind, turne with every tide?
A89645Doth it not from all these places appear very plain, that repentance is necessarily required, as a meanes, or at least a condition of life?
A89645For what other resurrection or judgement can there be?
A89645How can the Scriptures, being but the writings of men, be of any force to help us grow in grace?
A89645How could the Law, being so pure and holy, occasion or stir up the enmity that is in mens minds against God?
A89645How did God take the matter at Adams hand?
A89645How doe you know that there is a God?
A89645How many Gods be there?
A89645How say you then, that salvation is peculiar onely to them who doe believe?
A89645How say you then, that some go into condemnation?
A89645How then are the Saintsfreed from the Law?
A89645How was it possible, that man being so wise and holy, could so much forget his loyalty to his Maker, and seek for glory in a sinful way?
A89645If men can not pray unill they be moved, or quickened thereunto by the Spirit: how then shall it be known when the Spirit moves?
A89645In what condition and estate was man created?
A89645Is not Baptisme of great use in these dayes of the Gospel?
A89645Is not he one and the same, and doth not he infinitely comprehend all things in himself?
A89645Is the Law then of no use to Believers, or the Elect?
A89645Is there a God then?
A89645It may seem then, that God did lay a necessity of sinning upon Adam, seeing he is so much glorified by his sin?
A89645Nay, Why do I dye daily?
A89645Now if this be a truth, how then say some among you, that there is no resurrection of the dead?
A89645Now what can be added to good things, or how can good things believe?
A89645Or how can God be said to respect persons?
A89645Or how may sinfull men be said to be justified, or made righteous before God?
A89645Or was the Covenant wholly comprehended in it?
A89645Or who doth he here speak of?
A89645Or why is it called a( new) Covenant?
A89645Q But were they acquainted with this promise, or were they ignorant of it?
A89645Q Is there then such danger in sin?
A89645Q. Doth the Law occasion such an enmity or hatred in the Elect also?
A89645Q. Mans condition was now miserable indeed, but had he neither Will nor Power to help himself?
A89645The Law, or Commandement, being ordained of God unto life; How then did it become uselesse and void?
A89645To what purpose?
A89645Was Adam fully restored( by vertue of this Promise) unto that happy condition which at first he enjoyed?
A89645Was he well pleased with them for this thing?
A89645Was it sin or Christ that cryed out, My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?
A89645Was man fully able to obey God, and keep his law?
A89645Was mans outward estate any way changed by his sin?
A89645Was not the Covenant of grace contained in the Law, and were not the believing Israelites under the Covenant of grace?
A89645Was there no other course to be taken, nor any other means to be used, to reconcile God and man?
A89645Was this Law given, and this Covenant made with the Israelites or seed of Abraham according to the flesh; or did it concern the Gentiles also?
A89645Were all men( without exception) in this weak and low condition?
A89645Were none of them able to keep the Law?
A89645What advantage is all this to me if there be no reward, no resurrection?
A89645What conceive you of God when he makes himself known by the name of Father?
A89645What conceive you of him when he makes forth himself by the name of Sonne?
A89645What is God?
A89645What is Prayer?
A89645What is faith?
A89645What is justification?
A89645What is sanctification?
A89645What is the Devil?
A89645What is the Gospel?
A89645What is the end of Catechizing?
A89645What mean you by resurrection, if you mean a resurrection of the body?
A89645What say you of the Sacraments?
A89645What say you then of the Lords Supper, is not that an Ordinance of Christ to be used now in the time of the Gospel?
A89645What then is this new Covenant?
A89645What was mans condition after he had sinned?
A89645What was the inward or Spiritual part of this Covenant?
A89645What was the outward part of the Covenant, and the promises which belonged to the same?
A89645What were those Ordinances and Services of the Law, or Covenant?
A89645Whereby it appeares, that his death was an undertaking for all, good and bad, wicked rich men that saw no need of him; Where then is the difference?
A89645Who doth not see here an act of the whole man?
A89645Why did God appear in such a terrible manner at the giving of the Law?
A89645Why did God make the world?
A89645Why do I suffer reproaches, stripes, imprisonments, watchings, fastings?
A89645Why so?
A89645Why, what was the reason?
A89645Yea, saith he, know you not that your bodies are the members of Christ, and the temples of the holy Ghost?
A89645Yet those words can have no relation to mens persons, for if they have, what will then become of all men?
A89645and how can good things stand in need of remission of sins?
A89645and how would s errors, heresies, lyes and falshoods, run into holes to hide themselves?
A89645for what man is there, which hath not one or other of these sins in him?
A89645how would our heavenly Father be glorified?
A89645how would truth be advanced, and appear like it selfe?
A89645is it lawfull to pray for them?
A89645or be sprinkled with the bloud of Jesus, or have remission of sins?
A89645or which, or when, is the most convenient, and fittest time for prayer?
A89645with what sweet imbraces should we receive, and injoy each other?
A537352. Who have a right unto this Sacrament?
A537353. Who is this you call his own Son?
A537356. Who are to be 4 5 receivers of this Sacrament?
A53735And do they continue therein?
A53735Are all men born in this estate?
A53735Are me able to do this of our selves?
A53735Are not the Church of the 6 Jews, before the Birth of Christ, and the Church of the Christians since, two Churches?
A53735Are these three one?
A53735Are we able of our selves to 2 3 perform it?
A53735Are we accounted Righteous for our Faith?
A53735Are we accounted righteous and saved for our Faith, when we are thus freely called?
A53735Are we not freed by Christ from the Magistrates Power, and humane Authority?
A53735Are we not then righteous before God, by our own Works?
A53735Are we then wholly freed from the Moral Law?
A53735By what means did Jesus Christ undertake the Office of an eternal Priest?
A53735By what means do we become actual Members of this Church of God?
A53735By what means doth he perform all this?
A53735Can this Church be wholly overthrown on the Earth?
A53735Can we conceive these things as they are in themselves?
A53735Can we do this of our selves?
A53735Concerning which of his Creatures chiefly are his decrees to be considered?
A53735Did Christ undergo all these?
A53735Did then God give a Law which could not be kept?
A53735Do not then others believe that make profession?
A53735Do the elements remain Bread and wine still, after the blessing of them?
A53735Do we here know God as he is?
A53735Do we stand in the same Covenant still, and have we the same power to yield obedience unto God?
A53735Doth God rule also in and over the sinful actions of wicked men?
A53735Doth God thus call all and every one?
A53735Doth any thing in us move the Lord thus to chuse us from amongst others?
A53735Doth the providence of God extend it self to every small thing?
A53735Dyed he for no other?
A53735For whom doth he make Intercession?
A53735For whose sake doth Christ perform all these?
A53735Hath he these Offices peculiar by Nature?
A53735Have all this Faith?
A53735Have they then no way of themselves to escape the curse and wrath of God?
A53735How are the Elect called, in respect of their Obedience unto Christ, and Union with him?
A53735How came this weakness and disability upon us?
A53735How came we into this Estate, being at the first created in the image of God, in righteousness and innocency?
A53735How came we to know this?
A53735How can Baptisme seal the pardon of all Sins to us, all our personal Sins following it?
A53735How come we to be Members of this Church?
A53735How come we to have this faith?
A53735How come we to have this saving Faith?
A53735How could the punishment of one, satisfie for the offence of all?
A53735How did Christ procure for us Grace, Faith, and Glory?
A53735How did God send him?
A53735How did the oblation of Christ redeem us from Death, and Hell?
A53735How do our Sacraments differ from the Sacraments of the Jews?
A53735How doth God by these Sacraments bestow Grace upon us?
A53735How doth he exercise this Office towards us?
A53735How doth the Law drive us unto Christ?
A53735How is this providence exercised towards Mankind?
A53735How know you them to be the word of God?
A53735How many are the Offices of Jesus Christ?
A53735How many are the acts of his Kingly power, towards his Enemies?
A53735How prove you Jesus Christ to be truely God?
A53735How prove you that he was a perfect man?
A53735How was the new Covenant ratified in his Blood?
A53735In first, his Resurrection?
A53735In what condition doth Jesus Christ exercise these Offices?
A53735In what doth the exercise of his Priestly Office for us chiefly consist?
A53735In what estate or condition doth Christ exercise these Offices?
A53735Is the observation of this Law still required of us?
A53735Is there but one God to whom these Properties do belong?
A53735Is there but one God?
A53735Is there no more required of us, but Faith onely?
A53735Is there nothing then required of us, but Faith onely?
A53735Is this holiness or obedience in us perfect?
A53735Is this whole Church always in the same state?
A53735May not others perform these Dunes acceptably, as well as those that believe?
A53735Of Faith?
A53735Of the Sacraments of the new Covenant in particular, a holy right whereunto, is the fourth priviledge of Believers?
A53735Of what sort is this Union?
A53735Q What are the Decrees of God concerning us?
A53735Q. Wherein doth Christ exercise his prophetical Office towards us?
A53735Q. Wherein doth he exercise his Kingly Power towards us?
A53735Question, WHence is all Truth concerning God, and our selves to be learned?
A53735Shall all mankind then everlastingly perish?
A53735That they are of two sorts; first, internal 1 in his Counsel, Decrees, and purposes towards his Creatures?
A53735To whom doth this Sacrament belong?
A53735Unto whom do the saving Benefits of what Christ performeth in the Execution of his Offices belong?
A53735VVhat are the Sacraments, or Seals of the new Covenant?
A53735VVhat are the decrees of God concerning men?
A53735VVhat are the decrees of God?
A53735VVhat are the priviledges of those that thus believe and repent?
A53735VVhat is the decree of Reprobation?
A53735VVhich be they?
A53735WHat is Christian Religion?
A53735Was it necessary that our Redeemer should be God?
A53735Was man able to yield the service and worship that God required of him?
A53735What are particular Churches?
A53735What are the Attributes of God?
A53735What are the Attributes which usually are ascribed to him in his Works, or the Acts of his Will?
A53735What are the Names of God?
A53735What are the Seals of the new Testament?
A53735What are the Works of God?
A53735What are the chief Attributes of his Being?
A53735What are the ordinary Officers of such Churches?
A53735What are the parts of it?
A53735What are the parts of this holiness?
A53735What are the works of God, that outwardly respect his Creatures?
A53735What do the Scriptures teach concerning God?
A53735What do the Scriptures teach concerning the Works of God?
A53735What do the Scriptures teach that God is?
A53735What do we our selves perform in this change or work of our conversion?
A53735What doth it teach of his Person?
A53735What doth the Scripture teach us of Jesus Christ?
A53735What else is held forth in the Word concerning God, that we ought to know?
A53735What is Baptism?
A53735What is Baptisme?
A53735What is God in himself?
A53735What is Gods actual providence?
A53735What is He unto us?
A53735What is Jesus Christ?
A53735What is Repentance?
A53735What is Repentance?
A53735What is a justifying Faith?
A53735What is a lively Faith?
A53735What is his ruling power in, and over his People?
A53735What is our Christian liberty?
A53735What is our Union with Christ?
A53735What is our Vocation, or this calling of God?
A53735What is our adoption?
A53735What is required from us towards Almighty God?
A53735What is required in the People unto them?
A53735What is required of these Officers, especially the chiefest, or Ministers?
A53735What is that Holiness which is required of us?
A53735What is that holiness which is required of us?
A53735What is the Church Militant?
A53735What is the Church Triumphant?
A53735What is the Church of Christ?
A53735What is the Church of Christ?
A53735What is the Communion of Saints?
A53735What is the Communion of Saints?
A53735What is the Lord Supper?
A53735What is the Lord''s Supper?
A53735What is the Resurrection of the Flesh?
A53735What is the Scripture?
A53735What is the decree of election?
A53735What is the distinguishing property of the Person of the Father?
A53735What is the end of all this Dispensation?
A53735What is the end of this whole Dispensation?
A53735What is the intercession of Christ?
A53735What is the oblation of Christ?
A53735What is the property of the Son?
A53735What is the work of Creation?
A53735What is this new Covenant?
A53735What mean you by Person?
A53735What of the Holy Ghost?
A53735What shall become of them for whom Christ dyed not?
A53735What then is our Justification, or Righteousness before God?
A53735What was that punishment?
A53735What was the ransome that Christ paid for us?
A53735What was the rule, whereby Man was at first to be directed in his obedience?
A53735What way was this?
A53735What were the actions of our Saviour to be imitated by us?
A53735What were the words of Christ?
A53735When did Christ appoint this Sacrament?
A53735Whence is it to be learned?
A53735Whereby doth this oblation do good unto us?
A53735Whereby is God chiefly made known unto us in the Word?
A53735Wherefore did God make man?
A53735Wherefore was our Redeemer to be Man?
A53735Wherein chiefly consists the outward providence of God towards his Church?
A53735Wherein consisteth the state of Christ''s humiliation?
A53735Wherein consists his exaltation?
A53735Wherein did that hurt us their Posterity?
A53735Wherein doth his execution of this Office consist?
A53735Wherein doth the Kingly Office of Christ consist?
A53735Wherein doth the being of true Repentance consist, without which it is not acceptable?
A53735Wherein doth the curse of God consist?
A53735Wherein doth the prophetical Office of Christ consist?
A53735Whereto then doth the Law now serve?
A53735Which are these Sacraments?
A53735Which is the Law that God gave man at first to fulfill?
A53735Will God accept of that obedience which falls so short of what he requireth?
A47179Are Angels and Saints to be prayed unto?
A47179Are Images to be made use of in the worship of God?
A47179Are any justified before true faith and repentance is wrought in them?
A47179Are the Infant Children of Believers, by virtue of God''s promise, within the Covenant of grace, together with their Parents?
A47179Are there any more than one God?
A47179Are they not also the word of God?
A47179Are they not the same contained in the holy Scriptures, excepting the Ceremonial part, and some other Laws peculiar to the Jews?
A47179Are they the words of God?
A47179Are they then a full and compleat Rule of the whole Duty of Man?
A47179But some say, it was not outward Baptisme with Water that is there commanded, but the inward Baptisme with the Spirit?
A47179By what Covenant then are they saved who are the Heirs of Salvation?
A47179By whom are Baptisme and the Supper to be administred?
A47179By whom did God Create and make all things?
A47179CAN any Men be saved, whether Jews or Gentiles, simply by the Works of the Law?
A47179Did Christ''s Body really partake of Mary''s Substance?
A47179Did he give them a Law of Obedience?
A47179Did he need any Cloaths before he sinned?
A47179Did they transgress that Command?
A47179Do the Souls of Men die with the Body?
A47179Do then the good works and holy living of the Saints by sincere obedience please God, and are they accepted of him and rewarded by him?
A47179For whom are we to pray?
A47179HOW did Christ perform the Office of a Priest?
A47179HOW many Offices hath Christ?
A47179HOw doth Christ perform his Kingly Office?
A47179Had Man died the bodily Death, if he had not sinned?
A47179Have not Men some knowledg of God, without the Scriptures?
A47179How are Believers justified by the righteousness and obedience of Christ wrought by him, without them, and imputed unto them?
A47179How are we to pray, and give thanks so as to be accepted?
A47179How can that be, when they fall short of that perfection which the Law requires?
A47179How can two such Natures be one Christ?
A47179How did it appear that the Man Jesus, born of Mary was that Prophet?
A47179How doth Christ perform the Office of a Prophet?
A47179How doth he perform his Kingly Office over the Heirs of Salvation, and his Church?
A47179How doth it appear, that Baptisme with Water is an Institution and Ordinance of Christ?
A47179How doth it require them?
A47179How doth the Providence of God extend to the evil Actions of Men and Devils?
A47179How had they that Doctrin outwardly conveyed unto them?
A47179How hath he a Kingly Power and Government over the evil Angels, and Devils, and evil Men?
A47179How is Christ Jesus the object of faith, for remission of sin, justification, regeneration and sanctification?
A47179How is Christ a Priest for ever?
A47179How is faith wrought in God''s ordinary way in Men?
A47179How is that preparation obtained?
A47179How is that promise fulfilled?
A47179How is then the Word distinguished?
A47179How many Natures hath Christ Jesus?
A47179How ought Persons to be prepared for the receiving the Lords Supper?
A47179How then doth it require them?
A47179How was Christ the Son of David and Abraham?
A47179How was the Doctrin of Salvation made known to Men, before the Scriptures were writ?
A47179In what Estate did he make them?
A47179Is Christ to come from Heaven to Judge both the Quick and the Dead?
A47179Is God and Christ in all Men, both Believers and Unbelievers?
A47179Is God any Body, or hath he any Parts or Passions?
A47179Is fasting at times a Christian Duty?
A47179Is it not as he is both God and Man, and as being Man, as he dyed for us, and rose again, and is in Heaven, our Advocate and Mediator with the Father?
A47179Is it not false to call the Scriptures the Word; for the Scriptures are not Christ, but testifie of him?
A47179May we not therefore be taught in words what to pray, as well as what to believe?
A47179Of what parts did they consist?
A47179Of what service are the promises contained in the Scripture to the faithful?
A47179On which day were they made?
A47179Ought not great care be taken by all, to have their hearts in some prepared frame in order to Prayer?
A47179Q. Doth God write those Laws of the new Covenant in the hearts of his People, without all use of outward means?
A47179Q. Doth the Gospel and Covenant of Grace require holiness of Life, and good Works?
A47179Q. Doth the Gospel contain not only Promises, but also Commands of God and of Christ?
A47179Q. Doth the Providence of God extend to all the Creatures, from the greatest to the least, and to all the Actions of Men and Angels?
A47179Q. Doth the holy Scripture contain all things belonging to Faith and Practice?
A47179Q. Hath Christ a Kingly Power and Government over the Angels both good and bad?
A47179Q. Hath he not many other Offices; as Head; Husband, Mediator, Advocate, Bishop, Shepherd, Captain, Physician?
A47179Q. Whence came the Holy Scriptures?
A47179Q. Whence come all Men and Women of all Nations?
A47179Q. Wherein doth the Communion of the Faithful consist?
A47179The essential Word is Christ, but the Doctrinal Word that was first spoken, and then committed to writing, is that contained in the holy Scriptures?
A47179WHO is the Redeemer of lost Men?
A47179WHat are the Laws that God doth write in the hearts of the faithful, as he has promised in the new Covenant?
A47179WHat doth the Scripture teach us concerning God?
A47179WHat is the Catholick- Church?
A47179WHat is the Christian Religion?
A47179WHich are God''s Works of Creation?
A47179Was his Manhood- nature Created, and doth it consist of a created Soul and Body?
A47179Was his rising from the Dead, and ascending into Heaven, and his being set down at the right Hand of God, Acts of his Kingly Office and Power?
A47179Was it any difficulty to God, to Create and make all things?
A47179Was it needful that he should be both God and Man, in one Person, to perform all these his three Offices?
A47179Was the Priesthood of Christ foretold by any of the Prophets?
A47179Was the Soul of the Earth as the Body was?
A47179Were none ever saved, nor can be saved by the Terms of the Covenant of Works, do and live?
A47179Were not the High Priests under the Law, Types of Christ our High Priest under the Gospel?
A47179What Acts of Kingly Power did Christ shew forth on Earth before his Passion?
A47179What Blood is that which Christ hath redeemed us with, and by which we are justified, cleansed and sanctified?
A47179What are the best marks of the true Church?
A47179What are the things for which we are chiefly to pray?
A47179What did that Transgression bring upon them?
A47179What doth chiefly move us to believe the Truth of them, and that they are given by divine Inspiration?
A47179What doth give us the spiritual and saving Understanding of them?
A47179What doth the Scripture further teach us concerning God?
A47179What is Faith towards the Lord Jesus Christ?
A47179What is Repentance?
A47179What is meant by the Serpents bruising his heel?
A47179What is meant by the Woman''s Seed bruising the Serpent''s Head?
A47179What is required in the Covenant of Grace on our part, that we may partake of the Benefits of Christ''s Redemption and Mediation?
A47179What is the Eternal Life, that all the Faithful hope to attain unto, according to God''s promise?
A47179What is the Gospel of Salvation?
A47179What is the chief end and use of Baptisme with Water?
A47179What is the chief end and use of the Supper?
A47179What is the chief moving cause to true Gospel Repentance?
A47179What is the difference betwixt the manner of God and Christ, their Operations and Manifestations, in Be ● ● ● vers and Unbelievers?
A47179What is the difference betwixt the writing of the Law, in the hearts of Unbelievers, and Heathens, and that writing in the hearts of the faithful?
A47179What is the first promise that was given to Men, concerning Christ, and Salvation by him?
A47179What is the nature of true saving faith, and how is it evidenced?
A47179What is the summ of the moral Law?
A47179What is understood by his resting on the seventh Day?
A47179What other Effects brought their Sin into the World?
A47179What place in the Old Testament did show that he was to give Light to the Gentiles?
A47179What place of Scripture in the Old Testament, did show that Christ the promised Messiah should be a Prophet, whom all were to hear?
A47179What places in the New Testament hold forth Christ to be a Priest and our High Priest?
A47179What places in the Old Testament did foretell of his Kingly Office and Government?
A47179What proof is there in Scripture, for the practise of the Supper, by the outward Elements of Bread and Wine with Prayer and Thanksgiving?
A47179What signifieth the Names Jesus and Christ?
A47179What then is the true sense of the imputation of Christ''s righteousness unto Believers?
A47179What things are to be known and believed by us?
A47179What things are to be practised by us?
A47179What things did the Prophets chiefly bare witness unto, and deliver as their Message?
A47179What use hath it to the Heathen and Unbeliever?
A47179What use hath it to true Believers and Christians?
A47179What was that Death?
A47179What was to be performed by Christ on his part, by Virtue of this Covenant?
A47179When was this Covenant made betwixt God the Father, and Jesus Christ the Son?
A47179When will the time be that he will so come?
A47179Where are these things taught us?
A47179Where did God place them?
A47179Who was the Serpent that Tempted the Woman to eat of the forbidden Fruit?
A47179Why can they not?
A47179Why did God forbid them to eat of that Tree?
A47179Why hath not God pleased to reveal the particular time of it?
A47179Why is Christ called the Seed of the Woman?
A47179Why was he to be born of a Virgin?
A47179Why was it necessary that he should dye for our Sins?
A47179Will his coming and appearance be without us in his glorified Body and true Manhood- nature?
A47179With whom is the Covenant of Grace made?
A47179are they equally righteous with him, or are they without all spot or sault before God, while they have sinful imperfections in them?
A64670By what meanes are you to receive Christ?
A64670Did God leave man in this wofull estate?
A64670Did God then before he made man, determine to save some,& reject others?
A64670Did man continue in that obedience, whiche he did owe unto God?
A64670Doth the Godhead of the Father beget the God- head of the Son?
A64670Foure What duty is imployed in the fir ● t commandement?
A64670Hath this administration of the Gospell been alwayes after the same manner?
A64670Holy writings indited by God Himselfe, for the perfect instruction of his Church What gather you of this that God is the Author of those writings?
A64670How are these Censures exercised?
A64670How are we said to be justified by Faith?
A64670How are we to conceive of God in regard of his Perfection?
A64670How are you to consider of Gods Providence?
A64670How commeth it to passe that there should be this diversitie of Persons in the Godhead?
A64670How did Christ perform that righteousnesse which Gods law requireth of mā?
A64670How did God make man at the beginning?
A64670How did he beare the punishment which was due unto man for breaking Gods Law?
A64670How did sinne enter?
A64670How do you distinguish the foure Commandements which belong unto the first Table?
A64670How doe you break Gods Commandements?
A64670How doe you distinguish the six Commandements belonging to the second Table?
A64670How doth He rule His Subjects?
A64670How is God free from all measure of time?
A64670How is God infinite in regard of place?
A64670How is He God Almighty?
A64670How is he present every where?
A64670How is the Grace of God effectually communicated to the Elect, of whom the Catholike Church doth consist?
A64670How is the state of mankinde ordered?
A64670How is this done by a Sacrament?
A64670How many Comm ● ndements belong to this Table?
A64670How many Gods are there?
A64670How many kindes bee there of this judgement?
A64670How many kindes of Sacraments be there?
A64670How many men were created at the beginning?
A64670How many natures be there in Christ?
A64670How many natures be there in Christ?
A64670How many persons hath he?
A64670How sh ● ll the dead appeare before the judgement seate of Christ?
A64670How shall the quicke appeare?
A64670How sheweth he justice in his Word?
A64670How sheweth he justice in his deeds?
A64670How then must sinfull man looke to be justified in the sight of God?
A64670How was Christ to pay the price which was due for the sinne of mankind?
A64670How was the decree made?
A64670If all mankind be subject to this damnation, how then shall any man be saved?
A64670In the other there is further required, a lively faith bringing forth fruit of true holines Is it in mans power to attaine this Faith and Holinesse?
A64670In what manner had all things the beginning?
A64670In what regard is man said to be made according to the likenesse and Image of God?
A64670In what respect doe you call Gods Essence infinite?
A64670In what sort doth God know all things?
A64670In what sort is the conscience thus distempered?
A64670Is there no distinction to be made among them that thus receive Christ?
A64670May the good Angels fall hereafter?
A64670Of whom doth the visible Church cons ● st?
A64670Shall the wicked Angels ever recover teeir first estate?
A64670Shew how the principall powers of the soule are defiled by this corruption of our nature?
A64670The father e, who begetteth the Son: Which is the second?
A64670Thus much of Gods nature, what are we to consider in his Kingdome?
A64670VVhat are the Sacramēts ordained by Christ in the New Testament?
A64670VVhat are you to consider in CHRIST the Mediatour of this Covenant?
A64670VVhat call you the generall judgement?
A64670VVhat call you the particular judgement?
A64670VVhat doth the nourishmrnt, which our body receiveth( by vertue of this outward meat) seal ūto us?
A64670VVhat doth the r ● ceiving of the Bread, and VVine represent?
A64670VVhat is Repentance?
A64670VVhat is required of man for obtaining the benefits of the Gospell?
A64670VVhat is the first maine benefit which we doe get by thus receiving Christ?
A64670VVhat is the four ● h?
A64670VVhat is the sixth?
A64670VVhat shall bee the state of man in the world to come?
A64670VVhat shall follow this?
A64670VVherein standeth this justification?
A64670VVhy must Christ bee God?
A64670WHat certaine rule have we left us for our direction in the knowledge of the true Religion whereby we must be saved?
A64670WHat sure grounds have we to build our Religion upon?
A64670Was this the sinne of Adam, and Eve alone; or are wee also guilty of the same?
A64670Wh ● t followed upon this sinne?
A64670What Commandement belongeth to the second kinde?
A64670What Commandements belong to this Table?
A64670What Commandements do belong unto the first kinde?
A64670What Seale did God use for the strengthning of his Covenant?
A64670What are principal creatures which were ordained unto an everlasting condition?
A64670What are the Properties thereof?
A64670What are the Sacraments of this Ministry?
A64670What are the branches of this Reconciliation?
A64670What are the che ● fe parts of this Law?
A64670What are the curses they are subject to in this life?
A64670What are the duties which concerne the outward means of Gods worship?
A64670What are the duties ● ppertaining to the first kinde?
A64670What are the kinds of actuall sinn ●?
A64670What are the parts of his Priestly Office?
A64670What are the parts of repentance?
A64670What are the parts of the outward Ministry?
A64670What are the principall parts of this Ministerie?
A64670What are we to consider in Christ our Mediator?
A64670What are we to consider in Gods nature?
A64670What be parts of Sanctification?
A64670What be the generall heads of Religion, which in these holy writings are delivered unto us?
A64670What be the principall points of the word of this Ministery?
A64670What bee the parts thereof?
A64670What befell Angels after their Creation?
A64670What did God before the world was made?
A64670What did God threaten vnto man if hee did sinne, and breake his Commandements?
A64670What did the Tree of Knowledge of good and evill signifie?
A64670What did the Tree of life signifie?
A64670What doe you call Persons in the Godhead?
A64670What doe you call a visible Church?
A64670What doe you call the life of God?
A64670What doe you consider in Gods Essence or being?
A64670What doe you understand by Censures?
A64670What doe you understand by Faith?
A64670What doth the being under the water, aad the freeing from it againe, represent?
A64670What doth the breaking of the Bread, and powring out of the Wine represent?
A64670What doth the clensing of the body ● epresent?
A64670What doth the elements of Bread and Wine in the Lords supper represent unto us?
A64670What doth the elements of water in Baptisme, represent unto us?
A64670What doth the fourth Commandement require?
A64670What doth the ninth Commandement require?
A64670What doth the sixt Commandement injoyne?
A64670What dutie is injoyned in the Second Commandement?
A64670What followeth from this?
A64670What gather you of the comparing this infinitenes and simplicity( or singlenesse) of Gods nature, with his life and motion?
A64670What gather you of this that God hath no parts nor qualities?
A64670What is Adoption?
A64670What is Baptisme?
A64670What is God?
A64670What is His Propheticall Office?
A64670What is Iustification?
A64670What is Reconciliation?
A64670What is Sanctifica ● ● ● n?
A64670What is a Sacrament?
A64670What is a Sacrament?
A64670What is inioyned in the third commandement?
A64670What is offered unto man in this n ● w cov ● nant?
A64670What is required in the seventh Commandement?
A64670What is required of Christ for the satisfaction of Gods justice?
A64670What is that holinesse which accompanieth this justifying faith?
A64670What is that which concerneth Angels?
A64670What is the Intercession of Christ?
A64670What is the Kingly office?
A64670What is the Lords Supper?
A64670What is the Office of Christ?
A64670What is the Office of Christ?
A64670What is the Word?
A64670What is the body?
A64670What is the bond of this union?
A64670What is the death that followeth this miserable life?
A64670What is the death which all men are subject unto, by reason of these sinnes?
A64670What is the direction of that obedience which God requireth of man?
A64670What is the fift?
A64670What is the first of these Covenants?
A64670What is the first poine of Religion, you are to learne out of GODS Sacred word?
A64670What is the first?
A64670What is the nature of Angels?
A64670What is the nature of man?
A64670What is the new Administration of the Gospell?
A64670What is the outward meanes whereby the Gospell is offered unto mankinde?
A64670What is the second Covenant?
A64670What is the second?
A64670What is the soule?
A64670What is the state of the Soule of man, as soone as hee departeth out of this life?
A64670What is the summe of the Law?
A64670What is the summe of the second Table?
A64670What is the third?
A64670What is the use of this wonderfull union of the two natures in one Person?
A64670What is the word?
A64670What kind of duties are prescribed in the fift Commandement, which is the first of the second Table?
A64670What meane you by call ● ng God a Spirit?
A64670What order is there used in the delivery of the Word for the begetting of Faith?
A64670What other maine benefit doe we get by receiving Christ?
A64670What par ● of his Office did he exercise concerning God?
A64670What parts of His Office doth He exercise here?
A64670What punishment is mankinde subject to, by reason of originall and actual sin?
A64670What righteousnes was there required of Christ in our behalfe?
A64670What rule have we for the direction of our obedience?
A64670What sentence shall Christ pronounce upon the righteous?
A64670What sentence shall hee pronounce upon the wicked?
A64670What should move God to make this difference between Man and Man?
A64670What things are ordained in the eight Commandement?
A64670What understand you by this singlenesse or simplicity of Gods nature?
A64670What was man bound to doe by this covenant?
A64670What was required of Christ for making peace& reconcilation betwixt God and man?
A64670What was the event of this Covenant?
A64670What was the manner of the Creation?
A64670What were the Properties of this Ministry?
A64670What were the chiefe States and Periods of this old Ministry?
A64670What were the ordinary Sacraments of this Ministry?
A64670What were the speciall Properties of the latter of these two Periods?
A64670Wherein doth he shew his goodnesse?
A64670Wherein doth his wisdome consist?
A64670Wherein doth the execution of Gods decree consist?
A64670Wherein doth the life of God shew it selfe?
A64670Wherein doth this vertue shew it selfe?
A64670Wherein is the holinesse of his will seen?
A64670Wherein is this sanctification seene?
A64670Wherein sheweth he his justice?
A64670Wherein standeth his Alsufficiency?
A64670Wherein standeth the corruption of mans nature?
A64670Wherein was the Image of God principally seen?
A64670Which are the principall Creatures?
A64670Which are these persons, and what are these personal Properties?
A64670Which is the first person?
A64670Which is the third?
A64670Why doe you call God a Spirit?
A64670doth he as we doe, see one thing after another?
A64670hath he one part of himselfe here, and another there?
A20191And in the end hée breaketh out into an out- cry, saying: O wretched man that I am, who shall deliuer me from the body of this death?
A20191Are all to be admited to the sacrament of the Lords supper, which professe saith and repentance either in truth or in shew?
A20191Are not all these in God as accidents, or accidentall qualities?
A20191Are not the Law and the Gospell contrary?
A20191Are not the persons in the Godhead distinguished?
A20191Are not these forenamed qualities of wisedome, prouidence, iustice, and mercie, accidentall, and seperable both in men and Angels?
A20191Are our sacraments but bare signes, and figures as the papists charge vs?
A20191Are there not then three Gods?
A20191As you haue shewed me the matter and circumstances of prayer, so shew me the effects of prayer?
A20191As you haue told me by what meanes faith and repentance are wrought in vs: so now tell mee by what meanes they are nourished,& increased in vs?
A20191As you haue told me much of mans misery in nature?
A20191But doth this birth- corruption remaine in the very elect after their regeneration?
A20191But may not a man be saued by his good works?
A20191By what meanes doth a man come to be regenerate and borne againe?
A20191By what meanes is repentance wrought in vs?
A20191By what signes may a man knowe that hee is borne againe, iustified, and sanctified?
A20191By whom was the Law giuen?
A20191Can an Angell be in many places at once?
A20191Can not a wicked man haue this repentance, which is in the change of the soule, and the conuersion of the whole man vnto God?
A20191Can not the wicked and vnregenerate man be fully perswaded that Christ is his, and that he shall be saued?
A20191Can these essentiall attributes of God increase, or decrease?
A20191Did not the blessed Angels fall from that excellent estate wherein they were first created?
A20191Did the diuels by their fall loose that great power and strength which they had by nature and creation?
A20191Do not the Angels of all other creatures come nearest vnto the nature of GOD, and furthest excell the nature of man?
A20191Do you not thinke that God also created the Angels?
A20191Doe not Vngodly, and vnregenerate men likewise mourne vnder this corruption, and complaine much of it?
A20191Doe the Angels know all things?
A20191Doe you meane that the Godhead is distinguished, or diuided, into three persons?
A20191Doe you not beleeue that the euerlasting God hath made heauen, and earth and the sea,& all things in them contained?
A20191Doe you not then thinke that this naturall infection would lye dead in him, and cease to worke?
A20191Doe you not thinke that a man in the state of nature can not so feele his misery?
A20191Doe you then thinke that the diuell can not worke immediately, or sine medijs, without meanes vpon the soule or heart of man?
A20191Doth God hate vs for this our naturall corruption?
A20191Doth not our Lord Iesus in the preface of his prayer teach vs all these things concerning the manner of prayer?
A20191Doth repentance change or abolish the substance of body or soule, or any of the faculties thereof?
A20191Father Make this more plaine?
A20191Father What is viuification?
A20191First then let vs proceed to speak a little of prayer, and first of all, tell me what prayer is?
A20191For as much as the vnworthy receiuer is dāned as the Apostle saith, how wilt thou know, whether thou art a worthie receiuer or no?
A20191For what must our thanksgiuing be?
A20191For whom are the Sacraments ordained?
A20191Hath not God as greate a care for the conseruation of the world, and all particular creatures in it, as euer he had to create them?
A20191Haue the diuels by their fall lost that great wisedome and vnderstanding which they had in their first estate?
A20191Haue we no further good by Christ but onely a freedome from death, and a deliuerance from hell& damnation?
A20191He can not: for if they be receiued onely by faith, how shall hée receiue them that hath no faith?
A20191Hovv many parts be there of the true and liuely faith?
A20191How did he make them?
A20191How do you receiue the inward things signified?
A20191How doth a man come to know and feele his misery?
A20191How far then may the vvicked goe in repentance?
A20191How farre then may a wicked man goe in faith?
A20191How long doth a man continue in this wofull and cursed estate wherein he was borne?
A20191How manie partes are there of prayer?
A20191How many Sacraments be there?
A20191How many parts be there of a Sacrament?
A20191How many parts be there of iustification?
A20191How many parts be there of repentance?
A20191How many parts be there of sanctification?
A20191How many parts be there of viuification?
A20191How must we pray?
A20191How proue you that the Angels haue so great power and might?
A20191How receiue you the outward signes?
A20191How shall a man know that hee hath these things?
A20191How then doe you conceiue of the essence, and being of the Godhead?
A20191How then fell he from this so glorious and perfect estate?
A20191How then shall we escape this eternall death and damnation?
A20191How vnderstand you that worde coessentiall, which the learned call 〈 ◊ 〉 〈 ◊ 〉 〈 ◊ 〉 〈 ◊ 〉 〈 ◊ 〉?
A20191How was it giuen?
A20191How, and by what meanes hath Christ redeemed vs from the curse of the Law, and death eternall?
A20191If a man can not bee saued by his works, but by Christ only: then tel me whether al men shal be saued by Christ or no?
A20191If then our best workes bée stained, how can wée bée saued by works?
A20191If there bee so many diuels, why doth the Scripture speake of the diuell in the singular number as if there were but one?
A20191If we pray according to these rules, are we not sure to be heard?
A20191If wee can not bee saued by works, then wherefore should wee doe them?
A20191In which of the sixe dayes were the Angels created?
A20191In whose name must we pray?
A20191Is any man able to keepe the Law?
A20191Is eternall death and damnation due to vs for euery little sin, though it were but in thought onely?
A20191Is it not a true and warrantable speech to say that the diuels are in hell?
A20191Is it not daungerous then to haue any base thoughts of God, or carnally or basely to imagine that God is like a man, or any other creature?
A20191Is it not necessarie that Christians should be well grounded in the knowledge of this vnitie of the Godhead, and the distinction of the persons?
A20191Is not euery person the whole and the same substance of the deitie?
A20191Is not one person in trinitie greater then an other, as the Father greater then the Sonne, and the Sonne greater then the holy Ghost?
A20191Is not repentance wrought in vs by the preaching of the Law?
A20191Is not the knowledge, and feeling of this a great corsey, and heart smart to the most deare children of God?
A20191Is not the number of the Angels that fell from their first estate, and became diuels, very great?
A20191Is not this knowledge and assent sufficient: If a man know the word of God, and consent to the truth of it in his heart, is not this faith?
A20191Is the bread, and wine then changed into the substance of the body and bloud of Christ?
A20191Is there no other way nor meanes, whereby we may obtaine remission of sin& eternall life, but onely by Christ?
A20191Is there not yet some further vse of baptisme besides this you haue spoken of?
A20191Is there then no difference beetwixt bread and wine in the sacrament,& common bread and wine?
A20191It is a very high degrée of blasphemie: for the Prophet saith, What similitude will you set vp vnto him?
A20191Lay open this point more at large?
A20191May not a wicked man haue all this?
A20191May not man in the state of nature haue feeling also of God, and of heauenly things?
A20191May not this be in the wicked?
A20191Now since the fall of Adam wherein doth our misery especially consist?
A20191Now tell me further what difference you make betwixt the feeling of the elect, and the reprobate?
A20191Our Lord Iesus saith that God is a spirit: What difference then make you betwixt God and an Angell?
A20191Sith it sheweth our diseases, but can giue vs noe remedie, wherefore then serueth it?
A20191Sith the Sacraments are seales as you say, tell me what it is that they seale vnto vs?
A20191Tell me then what is the heauenly, and iustifying faith?
A20191To what end did God create heauen and earth?
A20191To what end was it giuen?
A20191To whom was it giuen?
A20191VVHat is God?
A20191Vpon what must our prayers bee grounded?
A20191What are we especially to consider in God for our comfort and instruction?
A20191What be those things that God would haue vs learne by this Sacrament?
A20191What call you the persons in the trinitie?
A20191What difference is here betwixt these two?
A20191What difference is there betwixt the Law and the Gospell?
A20191What difference is there betwixt the couenant of the law, and the couenant of the Gospell?
A20191What difference then doe you make betwixt the knowledge of the elect& the reprobate?
A20191What doe you call a Legion?
A20191What doe you call a good worke?
A20191What is an Angell?
A20191What is iustification?
A20191What is mortification?
A20191What is regeneration?
A20191What is repentance?
A20191What is sanctification?
A20191What is that I pray you?
A20191What is the Law?
A20191What is the cause hereof?
A20191What is the estate and condition of diuels in the meane time?
A20191What is the reason that God vseth outward signes?
A20191What is the reason that the Angels are discribed with six wings a peece in the Scriptures?
A20191What is the speciall office of the good Angels?
A20191What is then the speciall vse of the Law of the regenerate?
A20191What is your reason?
A20191What may we learne out of this?
A20191What more is to be learned hereby?
A20191What must we pray for?
A20191What other reason haue you?
A20191What reason can you yeelde that Angels know not the essence of God?
A20191What say you to the Euangelicall couenant, or new couenant of grace, was it not of two sorts?
A20191What say you to the knowledge and vnderstanding of Angels?
A20191What thinke you of the agilitie and swiftnesse of Angels?
A20191What vse are the people of God to make of all this?
A20191What was the cause or chiefe motiue of the fall?
A20191What yet further doe you consider in God?
A20191When did he create them?
A20191When must we pray?
A20191When was it giuen?
A20191Where are the diuels, what place do they keepe in?
A20191Where be the holy and elect Angels of God?
A20191Where is God?
A20191Where must we pray?
A20191Whereof did hee make the world, and all things in it?
A20191Whereof must confession bee made?
A20191Whereof must our petitions be?
A20191Whether are the regenerate vnder the law or no?
A20191Whether are the vnregenerate vnder the law or no?
A20191Whether is faith before repentance or repentance before faith?
A20191Whether is the Godhead a thing onely imaginarie or no?
A20191Which be the inward things signified?
A20191Which be the principall vses of a sacrament?
A20191Which be the proper and essentiall attributes of God?
A20191Which be they?
A20191Which be they?
A20191Which be they?
A20191Which be they?
A20191Which be they?
A20191Which be they?
A20191Which be they?
A20191Which bee the outward signes in the Lords supper?
A20191Which bee those things which our Sauiour would haue vs alwaies to bee mindefull of, when we haue any suites vnto his father?
A20191Which is the inward thing signified?
A20191Which is the outward signe in baptisme?
A20191Which is the proper end of Baptisme?
A20191Who are to be reiected and put back from the communion?
A20191Who ought to approach vnto the Lords supper?
A20191Why are the sacraments called signes?
A20191Why are they called seales?
A20191Why did God choose these creatures of bread and wine to represent vnto vs the body and blood of Christ, rather then any other earthly creature?
A20191You defined repentance to bee an inward change of the soule, how vnderstand you that?
A20191You told me euen now that no man is able to keepe the Law: Now therefore tell me what daunger lyeth vppon it, If a man breake the Law of God?
A20191as good play for naught, as worke for naught?
A20191or what is the vse of it both in the regenerate, and vnregenerate?
A20191so tell mee yet one poynt further, whether a man in the state of nature can do any thing that pleaseth God?
A20806Are Gods children fréed and exempted from these kindes of spirituall death?
A20806Are not also by this triall and exercise, decayed graces recouered?
A20806Are there degrées of spirituall death?
A20806Bodily death what?
A20806But Gods children can not alwayes finde out the peculiar sinnes that are the proper and immediate causes of their sicknesses and diseases?
A20806But I shall leaue my wife a poore widdow and succorlesse, how then can I die in faith, and obedience?
A20806But Phisicke can not change Gods eternal decrée, or saue vs from his anger, why then should it be vsed?
A20806But at the day of iudgement many shal be found aliue, howe then can all men bee said to die?
A20806But how can the sicke- man be perswaded of Gods fauor and mercy, séeing that his sinnes are so great and so innumerable?
A20806But how define you it according to diuinitie?
A20806But in Saint Iames daies they anointed the sick with oile, and why may they not doe so now?
A20806But my faith is often- times dead, and without all life and motion, how 〈 ◊ 〉 can I be assured of Gods mercy?
A20806But the theife vpon the crosse repented at the eleuenth houre, and why may not wee doe so likewise?
A20806But to speake of each of these ends particularly( yet briefely) how doth God mortifie and preuent sinne by sicknesse?
A20806But what if the sicke person, is not able of him- selfe to renue his faith and repentance?
A20806But what néede all this paine and trouble: Is it not enough when a man is dying, to say, Lord haue mercy vpon mee?
A20806But why are the elders who are no Pastors and Ministers of the Word, to visite the sicke?
A20806But why doe the children of God die this temporall death, séeing that their sinnes which are the cause thereof, are forgiuen?
A20806But why must not a man kill himselfe?
A20806By what meanes is sinne abolished?
A20806Condemnation, or euerlasting forment, whereby ▪ the soule immediatly after the departure of it out of the body, is carried by the diuells into hell?
A20806Death is the wages of sinne, the curse of the lawe, and the enimy of Christ and his children: how then can it be good?
A20806Feare of death how good?
A20806For what ends and in what considerations are wee to mourne for those that are dead in the Lord?
A20806For where are our grones teares, sack- cloth, ashes, shame, compunction of heart and repentance?
A20806From whence, or from what causes doe sicknesses and diseases procéede?
A20806Gods children often séeme to dye in desperation, how then can death be good and desirable?
A20806Gods iudgements to be made knowne to the sicke To bee sencelesse of Gods iudgements how dangerous?
A20806HAue the Godly any profit and aduantage by death?
A20806HOw shall a man bring him- selfe in fashion, and accustome himselfe to dye well?
A20806HOw shall a man in this world enter into the first degrée of life euerlasting?
A20806Haue you any more obiections against death, that I may doe mine vtmost endeuour to resolue you herein?
A20806How answere you this argument?
A20806How farre forth not to be feared?
A20806How is a man to be armed and strengthned against Satans assaults?
A20806How is faith else to be expressed?
A20806How is faith to be expressed?
A20806How knowne and taken away?
A20806How many things are by Gods word required, that a man may die well?
A20806How must this reconciliation be sought and obtained?
A20806How must we behaue our selues in this temptation?
A20806How must wee then iudge of them?
A20806How shall a man discerne this?
A20806How shall we depriue sinne of his strength and sting?
A20806How shall we know this?
A20806How was sinne first brought into the world?
A20806How we are to be armed against it?
A20806How, or how many waies doth God manifest his presence in sickenesse?
A20806IN the manner of preparation how many duties are required?
A20806IN what and in how many things doth particular preparation consist?
A20806If the Godly bee thus blessed as soone as they are dead, is it then lawfull to mourne for the dead?
A20806If the death of the godly bée so blessed, what shall wee thinke of the death of the wicked?
A20806In how many things dooth this first degrée of eternall life consist?
A20806In preseruation of life what things are to be considered?
A20806In renewing our faith and repentance what particular duties must we performe?
A20806In what and for what causes must we not feare death?
A20806In what respects and considerations may death be said to be an enemy?
A20806In what respects is death to bée desired?
A20806In what respects?
A20806In what things doth the right vse of meanes consist?
A20806Is confession of sinne necessary for the obtaining of the pardon of sinne?
A20806Is extreame vnction and especially the anointing of the instruments of the senses in spirituall respects now necessary for the sicke?
A20806Is it necessarily then required of vs, that we confesse and acknowledge our owne vnworthinesse?
A20806Is it necessary for the sicke to receiue the Eucharist or the Lords Supper?
A20806Is it not an easie matter to performe these thrée duties?
A20806Is it not good then that men should in some moderat sort feare death?
A20806Is it not good, yea and the entrance into eternall blisse, for the godly to dye?
A20806Is it not sufficent to prepare our selues when wee beginne to bee sicke?
A20806Is it sufficient to examine our selues, life and actions, according to the letter of the law?
A20806Is not the making of a will a thing indifferent?
A20806Is the meditation of death necessary?
A20806Is the particular time of bodily death made knowne to any directly before hand?
A20806Is there any certaine forme, rule, or way, to comfort and instruct the sick?
A20806Is there no other duty that the sick is to performe to his neighbour?
A20806Is this duetie necessary?
A20806Is this duety simply necessary to saluation?
A20806May a man contrariwise desire long life?
A20806May a man simply desire death?
A20806May we not defer this duetie vnto death?
A20806Must the younger brother bee neglected?
A20806Now seeing that sinne is the cause of death, what vse are we to make of it?
A20806Now that hée may bée prepared and armed against death, what points are to be considered?
A20806OF how many sorts is death?
A20806OF how many sorts is particular preparation?
A20806Obiect But it is in our power and will to repent when we will?
A20806Of how many sortes is this preparation?
A20806Oh, but I must forgoe all the honors, pleasures and profites of this life: how then can I with comfort performe the thrée aboue named duties?
A20806Ought a man to feare death?
A20806Preparation against death what?
A20806Preparation must be speedy and hearty and why?
A20806Q But why is man more punished with sicknesse and other afflictions, then all other creatures besides?
A20806Q Doth God yet impose death as a punishment?
A20806Q How can death make the faithfull and the Godly perfectly blessed, séeing that their dead corps lie and rot in their loathsome graue?
A20806Q Is not auricular confession, or the secret enumeration of all a mans particular sinnes, necessary?
A20806Q Is the sicke man to make confession of all his sinnes vnto God in particular?
A20806Q Of what things must we meditate?
A20806Q What is the preparation against death?
A20806Q What is the second meditation?
A20806Q What vse is to bée made héereof?
A20806Q Where is this forme and direction conteined?
A20806Q Why then were not Adam and Eue, immediately after their fall, put to death?
A20806Q. Doth God by sicknesse, and the like afflictions preuent sinne to come?
A20806Q. Doth not this duty of comforting the sicke be long to the minister onely?
A20806Q. Séeing that God doth not simply forsake or cast off any for his vnworthinesse, what vse make you of this point?
A20806Qu What ought to make vs willing to die?
A20806Question What are the positiue benefites that wee receiue and enioy in death?
A20806Shall the body then certainely arise againe?
A20806Signatures: A- H( A8, blank?).
A20806Séeing that death is the cause of so great good to the godly, may a man lawfully desire it?
A20806Séeing the feare of death is thus profitable, why must the sicke bée armed against the feare of it?
A20806That we may be partakers of remission of sinne, what conditions are there required on our part?
A20806The bodies of the reprobate, shall as well bée raised vp againe as the bodies of the elect, and how then can it bee any such singular benefite?
A20806The first rule what?
A20806Then it is lawfull for any man to kill himselfe?
A20806Then long life is good?
A20806To dye in obedience?
A20806To what principal and ordinary heads may all that the godly speake in death be referred?
A20806To whom are sinnes forgiuen?
A20806UUhat if they be vnknowne?
A20806UUhy must this duty bee now performed?
A20806VVHat are those duties that a man is to performe to him selfe or his owne person?
A20806VVHat duty doth the sick man owe to his neighbour?
A20806VVHat is death?
A20806VVHen and how must a man prepare him- selfe?
A20806VVHen the sick person is once perswaded of the pardon of his sinnes, for the time past and present, what further duty remaineth to be performed?
A20806VVHere is the way to attaine true blessednesse to be found?
A20806VVHerein dooth the sting and power of death lye and consist?
A20806WHat is sicknesse?
A20806WHat is the duty that the sicke are to performe to their bodies?
A20806What are the meanes?
A20806What are the particul ● … ● … uties that are herein to be performed?
A20806What are the parts of it?
A20806What are the practises?
A20806What are the principall ends why God laieth sicknesses, diseases, aches,& c. vpon his children?
A20806What are the priuatiue benefits of death?
A20806What are those thrée meanes?
A20806What are those thrée things or members?
A20806What benefit shall we reape and receiue by this perswasion?
A20806What benefit will hereby redound vnto vs?
A20806What benefit, profit and comfort dooth the meditation of death yéeld vnto vs?
A20806What benefits and priueledges haue they by death?
A20806What conclude you hence?
A20806What conclude you hence?
A20806What course must we take to finde out this Achan or secret corruption?
A20806What fruit and comfort shall the sicke receiue, who rightly performe these duties?
A20806What further helpes haue we to direct vs in this duty?
A20806What further reasons haue you to euince and demonstrate the ● … nitenesse of Gods mercy?
A20806What good will come here of?
A20806What i ● … ● … he second duty in the right disposition to dye well?
A20806What if GODS children in their sicknes vtter no such Apothegmes or heauenly spéeches, but rather speake foolish and vnsauory spéeches?
A20806What if a Godly man doubt, and his flesh tremble to enter into another life?
A20806What if a man in death sée no way how to escape Satans temptation?
A20806What if sense, vnderstanding and vtterance be wanting?
A20806What if the person offended can not be met withall, or wil not be reconciled?
A20806What if those that visite the sicke person find him impatient and full of griefe and wrath, what must they then doe?
A20806What is bodily death?
A20806What is generall preparation?
A20806What is it to die in obedience?
A20806What is it to dye in faith?
A20806What is our duty herein?
A20806What is spirituall death?
A20806What is the Ministers duty?
A20806What is the Phisitians duty?
A20806What is the cause of the spirituall death?
A20806What is the duty of the helpers?
A20806What is the duty of these three sorts in general?
A20806What is the duty that concerneth ● … e si ● … ke man?
A20806What is the duty which he oweth to his owne soule?
A20806What is the fift and last exception against death?
A20806What is the first degrée of spirituall death?
A20806What is the first generall rule seruing for consolation?
A20806What is the first meditation?
A20806What is the first of them?
A20806What is the fourth meditation?
A20806What is the last end?
A20806What is the last rule?
A20806What is the maister of the family his duty?
A20806What is the procuring and deseruing cause of death?
A20806What is the right disposition of a man in death?
A20806What is the second degrée of it?
A20806What is the second duetie of the sicke?
A20806What is the second duty of the maister of a family?
A20806What is the second duty that he oweth to his soule?
A20806What is the second end of Gods chasticements?
A20806What is the second meanes?
A20806What is the second reason?
A20806What is the second rule to be obserued in making of a will?
A20806What is the third and last degrée of it?
A20806What is the third duty?
A20806What is the third end?
A20806What is the third exception or obiection against death?
A20806What is the third meanes?
A20806What is the third meditation?
A20806What is your fourth exception?
A20806What is your second doubt or obiection?
A20806What mouing cause haue we to 〈 ◊ 〉 vs vp to performe this duty?
A20806What must hee doe that good order may bee preserued and obserued in his family after his death?
A20806What must the Magistrate be carefull of before he dies?
A20806What must we do that we may be the better enabled to perform this duty?
A20806What other duty besides the seeking of reconciliation, oweth the sicke to God?
A20806What profit shall we receiue hereby?
A20806What reason moueth you to say so?
A20806What rules are to be obserued in making of a will?
A20806What shal we finde by examining our selues according to Gods law?
A20806What shall wee thinke of them that bewade the dead immoderately?
A20806What then may this present life in consideration of his short continuance and vncertaintie, bée compared vnto?
A20806What vse are we to make of this point?
A20806What vse is to be made of th ● … se priuatiue blessings?
A20806What vse is to be made of this point?
A20806What vse is to bee made hereof?
A20806When all these meanes and helps of confession haue béene vsed, what further course is to be taken with the sick man?
A20806When are the sinnes of Gods elect forgiuen?
A20806When must the sicke send for the Elders to instruct and pray for him?
A20806When to be performed?
A20806When we are sicke what duty are we to performe towards God?
A20806Wherein doth this ministerie of reconciliation consist?
A20806Wherein must this expedition and diligence chiefely appeare?
A20806Wherein the sting of death lyeth?
A20806Whether all that kill themselues, be certenly damned?
A20806Whether it be lawful to mourne for the dead and how?
A20806Whether sudden death bee simply euill?
A20806Which are they?
A20806Who must haue the greatest portion?
A20806Why Enoch and Elias were translated aliue into heauen?
A20806Why is it not necessary?
A20806Why must a man feare death?
A20806Why must he take this course?
A20806Why must not a Christian man vnmeasurably feare death?
A20806Why must the soule be thus prepared?
A20806Why must the visiters thus pray for the sicke?
A20806Why must we preserue life and health?
A20806Why must wee dye in obedience?
A20806Why so?
A20806Why so?
A20806Why so?
A20806Why so?
A20806Why so?
A20806Why the Godly die?
A20806Why the time is vnknowne?
A20806ergo ministers must now do the like?
A20806or why should thou doubt of Gods mercifull prouidence, who ordereth all things for thy good?
A20806sicknesse, diseases,& c?
A39259Are Subjects to honour Princes and Magistrates?
A39259Are men naturally at variance with GOD?
A39259Are not Husbands to love their Wives?
A39259Are not envy, and strife, and all hurting another, forbidden?
A39259Are not the FATHER, SON, and HOLY GHOST three GODS?
A39259Are there not many Churches, or Congregations of Christians?
A39259Are we Christians bound to keep that Sabbath?
A39259Are we all under the condemnation of death?
A39259Are we by nature born in sin, and the Children of wrath?
A39259Are we made inheritors of the Kingdom of Heaven?
A39259Are we made the Children of GOD?
A39259Are we not tempted by our own lusts?
A39259Are we reconciled to GOD by CHRIST?
A39259Are we then made members of CHRIST in baptism?
A39259Are we to receive this Sacrament in remembrance of CHRIST''s death?
A39259Are you bound to marry?
A39259Are you not first to desire above all things, GOD''s Glory?
A39259Are you not then to be content with what GOD gives you?
A39259Are you not then to be thoughtful for the future?
A39259Are you not to be careful?
A39259Are you not to hope in GOD''s Promises?
A39259Are you not to love your Neighbours?
A39259Are you not to pray for more than what''s convenient?
A39259Are you not to rebuke them that sin?
A39259Are you not to submit to GOD''s will and doing in all things?
A39259Are you not to take patiently his Chastisements?
A39259Are you not to trust to GOD''s Providence?
A39259Are you to depend on GOD without your own labour?
A39259Are you to examine if you be a good Christian, keeping faith and covenant with GOD?
A39259Are you to expect all good things from GOD in Heaven?
A39259Are you to pay them tribute?
A39259Are you to pray with an holy confidence in GOD?
A39259Are you to relieve idle Beggars?
A39259But are you not to pray with a pure heart too?
A39259Can GOD then be seen?
A39259Can he change?
A39259Can the washing with water in baptism save us?
A39259Can we be saved by no other?
A39259Can we not be saved without Holiness?
A39259Can you fear GOD, if you believe not first that there is a GOD?
A39259Can you hope in GOD, and continue in Sin?
A39259Can you love GOD and the World too?
A39259Can you love GOD, and hate your Brethren?
A39259Can you love GOD, and love Sin too?
A39259Can you of your self keep GOD''s Commandments?
A39259Continued he still in the state of the dead?
A39259Did Adam eat of that Tree?
A39259Did Adam''s sin bring death on us all?
A39259Did CHRIST after he went into Heaven, send the Holy GHOST in his stead?
A39259Did CHRIST himself suffer for sin?
A39259Did GOD command a set time for Publick Worship?
A39259Did GOD forbid him to eat of any Tree there?
A39259Did GOD make Adam?
A39259Did GOD make Eve?
A39259Did GOD make Heaven and Earth?
A39259Did GOD make man in his own Image?
A39259Did GOD make nothing, but what is seen?
A39259Did GOD place the man in a Garden?
A39259Did he ascend into Heaven?
A39259Did he declare GOD''s will to men?
A39259Did he die for his sins?
A39259Did he die on the Cross?
A39259Did he enable them to speak with Tongues, and to work Miracles?
A39259Did he make any thing evil?
A39259Did he offer Sacrifice for sin?
A39259Did he rise again from the dead?
A39259Did he shew himself alive?
A39259Did he so satisfy GOD for us?
A39259Did he suffer under Pontius Pilate?
A39259Did not the Apostles call for repentance and faith in persons to be baptized?
A39259Did some of them become evil Angels, called Devils?
A39259Died he for all men?
A39259Died he then for our sins?
A39259Do not you know there is a GOD by his Word?
A39259Do not you pray for the outward peace of the Church?
A39259Do you acknowledg his Power to give you what you ask?
A39259Do you acknowledg that GOD hath a Soveraign Right to dispose of all things?
A39259Do you eat and drink CHRIST''s Body and Blood only spiritually, and by faith?
A39259Do you heartily desire all that you pray for, and firmly believe that GOD will hear your devout prayers?
A39259Do you in swearing, call in GOD as a Witness?
A39259Do you know by the things that are made, that there is a GOD?
A39259Do you mean by GOD, the Maker of all things?
A39259Do you mean, that he made him holy and good?
A39259Do you not pray for all things needful to this present Life?
A39259Do you own the Glory of all to be due to GOD?
A39259Do you pray against the power of Temptation?
A39259Do you pray for Grace to forgive others?
A39259Do you pray for Grace to submit to GOD''s Will?
A39259Do you pray for grace to do all things to the Glory of GOD?
A39259Do you pray for the Grace of Repentance?
A39259Do you pray for the coming of CHRIST''s Kingdom?
A39259Do you pray that CHRIST may Reign in our hearts by his SPIRIT?
A39259Do you pray that GOD would keep you from all Evil?
A39259Do you pray that GOD would not suffer Temptations to prevail over you?
A39259Do you pray that all may be obedient to GOD''s Will?
A39259Do you pray that all men may duly honour and worship GOD?
A39259Do you pray that the Church may flourish and be enlarged?
A39259Do you pray that your Sins may be forgiven?
A39259Do you pray, that GOD would not leave you to your own Lusts?
A39259For the earth is the LORD''s, and the fulness thereof?
A39259Have not all Christians the Holy SPIRIT?
A39259Have we all sinned in Adam?
A39259Have we no Saviour to save us from destruction?
A39259Have we this access to GOD through CHRIST?
A39259How do the Angels in Heaven do GOD''s Will?
A39259I must take no thought for my life, saying, what shall I eat?
A39259IS not Religion, or the Fear of GOD, your whole duty?
A39259In saying Our, and not My Father, do you pray for others?
A39259Is Baptism necessary to Salvation where it may be had?
A39259Is CHRIST crucified, the food of our Souls?
A39259Is CHRIST our Lawgiver?
A39259Is CHRIST the Head of this Body?
A39259Is GOD every where?
A39259Is GOD most Holy?
A39259Is GOD mutable?
A39259Is GOD perfectly Good?
A39259Is GOD the fountain of life?
A39259Is GOD then the FATHER of JESUS CHRIST?
A39259Is JESUS a King?
A39259Is JESUS our Advocate in Heaven?
A39259Is he Almighty?
A39259Is he GOD?
A39259Is he a GOD of wisdom?
A39259Is he a merciful GOD?
A39259Is he both GOD and Man?
A39259Is he most just and righteous?
A39259Is he most loving?
A39259Is he most true and faithful?
A39259Is he not also Man?
A39259Is his death to be remembred as a Sacrifice for us?
A39259Is it GOD that must enable you?
A39259Is it GOD''s command, that you worship Him?
A39259Is it also a new birth unto righteousness?
A39259Is it death?
A39259Is it not a dangerous thing to receive this Bread and Wine unworthily?
A39259Is it not the work of Love to keep GOD''s Commandments?
A39259Is it our duty to live in peace with all men?
A39259Is no unrighteousness to be done in judgment?
A39259Is not GOD''s right hand, Divine Power and Majesty?
A39259Is not Repentance a change of heart and life?
A39259Is not all uncleanness and lasciviousness forbidden?
A39259Is not the Holy GHOST, the SPIRIT of Unity and Peace?
A39259Is not this the New Covenant, That if we repent, believe and obey; GOD for CHRIST his sake will give us pardon, grace and glory?
A39259Is sin the breaking of GOD''s Commandments?
A39259Is the Holy GHOST our Sanctifier, who maketh us holy?
A39259Is the Holy GHOST the SPIRIT of the FATHER, or of the SON?
A39259Is the Holy GHOST, GOD?
A39259Is the outward sign in baptism, washing with Water?
A39259Is the spiritual grace in baptism a death unto sin?
A39259Is there Remission of Sins in the Church?
A39259Is there a Communion of Saints in the Church?
A39259Is there a life everlasting after death?
A39259Is there any more than One GOD?
A39259Is there but one Catholick or Universal Church of all Christians?
A39259Is there not a Prince, or chief of Devils?
A39259Is this JESUS the CHRIST?
A39259Is this Ordinance to continue for ever?
A39259Is this because he is the Mediator between GOD and Us?
A39259Is this death an everlasting death?
A39259Lovest thou me?
A39259Made he any Spirits called Angels?
A39259May married persons put away one the other?
A39259May no man be killed?
A39259May not you pray for any thing you desire?
A39259May the Members separate or divide asunder?
A39259May we rebel against our Governors?
A39259May you be angry with others?
A39259May you bear false witness against any one?
A39259May you carry about Tales of others?
A39259May you cheat or defraud in buying or selling?
A39259May you commit Adultery or Fornication?
A39259May you covet, or desire what is another man''s?
A39259May you despise their Instructions?
A39259May you hate any man?
A39259May you kill another?
A39259May you lie?
A39259May you make any Image of GOD?
A39259May you make no Image for worship?
A39259May you not do evil for evil?
A39259May you not revenge your self on him?
A39259May you oppress the poor?
A39259May you revile or slander others?
A39259May you speak evil of others?
A39259May you steal?
A39259May you swear by GOD''s Name?
A39259May you swear by any thing but GOD?
A39259May you swear commonly in discourse?
A39259May you swear falsly?
A39259May you worship Angels?
A39259May you worship GOD after the Traditions of men?
A39259May you worship strange GODS Or Idols?
A39259Mean you by[ Bread] all needful things?
A39259Must Servants honour their Masters?
A39259Must Wives honour and obey their Husbands?
A39259Must not Masters be good and just to their Servants?
A39259Must not Parents take care to instruct their Children?
A39259Must there be a good cause for your anger?
A39259Must we be call''d to an account for all we do?
A39259Must we not die for all that?
A39259Must we obey them against GOD''s Commands?
A39259Must we repent of our Sins, that they may be forgiven?
A39259Must we then be regenerate, or new born?
A39259Must you account all things to be GOD''s, and not yours?
A39259Must you be content to leave all things for CHRIST?
A39259Must you be modest in apparel and dresses?
A39259Must you be reconciled to those whom you have offended?
A39259Must you deny your self for GOD''s sake?
A39259Must you do to others, as you would have them do to you?
A39259Must you eat and drink CHRIST''s natural Body and Blood with your bodily Teeth, as you do other meat?
A39259Must you forgive those that wrong you?
A39259Must you give to your Enemies?
A39259Must you honour your Pastors and Teachers?
A39259Must you labour for your own living?
A39259Must you love your Enemies?
A39259Must you not avoid all filthy talk?
A39259Must you not be GOD''s dutiful Children, if you would have him hear you?
A39259Must you not be temperate in eating and drinking?
A39259Must you not believe GOD''s Word?
A39259Must you not confess and forsake your sins?
A39259Must you not fear, and stand in awe of GOD?
A39259Must you not give to them that need?
A39259Must you not honour and reverence GOD''s Name?
A39259Must you not honour your Parents?
A39259Must you not join Praise with Prayer?
A39259Must you not labour to know GOD?
A39259Must you not love GOD above all things?
A39259Must you not perform your Oaths?
A39259Must you not perform your Vows to GOD?
A39259Must you not pray much then?
A39259Must you not resist the Devil?
A39259Must you not seek the good of other men?
A39259Must you not watch against Temptations?
A39259Must you obey them?
A39259Must you pay all dues and debts?
A39259Must you pay the Labourer his wages?
A39259Must you pay truly what you borrow?
A39259Must you pray in Faith?
A39259Must you really and indeed eat and drink the Body and blood of CHRIST?
A39259Must you thank GOD for all things?
A39259Must you then keep your self pure and chast?
A39259Must you trust to GOD without Prayer?
A39259Must your faith then be a working faith?
A39259Ought not all the Members of it to be Saints, or Holy?
A39259Ought not your affections to be in Heaven with GOD?
A39259Ought you not then diligently to examine your self before- hand, whether you be worthy or no?
A39259Ought you not to reverence GOD as ruling in Heaven?
A39259Ought you to requite them as you are able?
A39259Q Is it a happy life which they shall have?
A39259Q Is the Church that one Body?
A39259Q May you curse?
A39259Q Must it not be by the Magistrate?
A39259Q Will your faith without works save you?
A39259Q. Doth GOD command a spiritual worship?
A39259Q. Doth GOD know all things?
A39259Q. Doth GOD pity you as his Children?
A39259Q. Doth GOD preserve all things?
A39259Q. Doth GOD tempt men to sin?
A39259Q. Doth he intercede with GOD on our behalf?
A39259Q. Doth he still rule and order all things?
A39259Q. Doth he take care of all things?
A39259Q. Doth not GOD know your needs, till he be told in Prayer?
A39259Q. Doth not GOD require some Publick Worship?
A39259Q. Doth this outward washing with water signify an inward spiritual washing?
A39259Q. Doth your eating CHRIST confirm more and more your union with CHRIST?
A39259Q. Hath CHRIST ordained Ministers to Teach and Rule the Church?
A39259Q. Hath CHRIST taught you to pray?
A39259Q. Hath GOD a Body, or is he a pure Spirit?
A39259Q. Hath GOD adopted you in CHRIST?
A39259Q. Hath GOD beginning or ending?
A39259Q. Hath a Spirit flesh and bones?
A39259Q. Hath he the Power of a King?
A39259Q. Hath not CHRIST ordered, that we enter into this Covenant by the Sacrament of Baptism?
A39259Q. Hath not man a Soul or Spirit, as well as a Body?
A39259Q. JESUS signifieth a Saviour, and CHRIST one that is anointed; Was JESUS anointed with oil?
A39259Q. Pray you for Grace to depend on GOD for all things?
A39259Q. Pray you that all people may be converted and become CHRIST''s Subjects?
A39259Q. Pray you, that all may do GOD''s Will as they do?
A39259Q. Pray you, that what you have, may be justly gotten, and truly your own?
A39259Q. Shall not our Bodies be raised again?
A39259Q. Shall we all be judged by CHRIST?
A39259Q. Shall you not be condemn''d if you be in CHRIST, or a good Christian?
A39259Should not man have died if he had not sinned?
A39259Should they not all love and care for one another?
A39259Should we be all of one mind?
A39259Should you not earnestly desire to be with GOD in Heaven?
A39259Should you not live like a Citizen of Heaven?
A39259Should you not worship GOD in a humble posture of body?
A39259The Righteous?
A39259To whom must you pray?
A39259Was CHRIST a Priest?
A39259Was CHRIST a Prophet?
A39259Was CHRIST buried?
A39259Was he Crucified, or nailed to a Cross?
A39259Was he GOD''s SON?
A39259Was he anointed to the Office of a Mediator?
A39259Was he begotten by a Man?
A39259Was he made man of a woman?
A39259Was he sent to bear witness of CHRIST?
A39259Was he to guide the Apostles into all truth?
A39259Was his Mother a pure Virgin?
A39259Was that a day of Publick Worship?
A39259Was the Sacrament of the LORD''s Supper ordain''d by CHRIST?
A39259What Sentence will CHRIST give against Evil- doers?
A39259What day of the week was the Sabbath?
A39259What day then are we to keep holy?
A39259What do the outward signs of bread and wine signify?
A39259What is the end of your faith?
A39259What is the punishment of sin?
A39259What, do our Souls die?
A39259What, is it only Bread and Wine then that you chew and swallow down?
A39259What, not for your life, how you shall live?
A39259When shall the Resurrection be?
A39259When you take, and eat, and drink bodily the Bread and Wine, do you spiritually, and by faith, feed on CHRIST crucified?
A39259Who is JESUS?
A39259Who shall live eternally?
A39259Who was the first Man?
A39259Who was the first Woman?
A39259Will GOD for CHRIST''s sake, give you his holy SPIRIT to help you?
A39259Will GOD hear your Prayers, if you live wickedly?
A39259Will GOD own you for his Child?
A39259Will GOD then grant what you pray for?
A39259Will he judge the World?
A39259Will he not have also a bodily worship?
A39259Will he reward his obedient Subjects?
A39259Will he sudue all his Enemies?
A39259You must not then profane it?
A39259or are you to rely upon your own care for worldly things?
A39259or what shall I drink?
A09597& c. Death is swallowed vp in victory, O death where is thy sting?
A095973 Q. Proue that the heathen haue the vse of an oath?
A09597Am I a God at hand, saith the Lord, and not a God a farre off?
A09597And did not hee make one?
A09597And though they professe it in word, yet if they hold not the truth in the antique sense of it, doe wee not iustly taxe them of vnsoundnes?
A09597And who is like m ● e, that shall call, and shall declare it, and set it in order before me, since I appointed the ancient people?
A09597By what power shall the dead be raised?
A09597Doe you not know, that the Saints shall iudge the world?
A09597For, what need he to pray for the sanctification of the whole man both soule and body, if all and euery part were not corrupted?
A09597Haue you not read, sayth he, that he which made them at the beginning, made them male and female?
A09597How can ye escape the damnation of hell?
A09597How doth the Sacrament confirme our loue?
A09597How else may it appeare that there are only two?
A09597How is it possible, but that we should be thereby nourished and confirmed in the deerest loue and affection one Christian to another?
A09597How is it proued by the m ● tter of the Scriptures?
A09597How is it proued by the scope and drift of the Scriptures?
A09597How is it that the godly die, seeing death is a curse, and a punishment of sinne, which to them is pardoned?
A09597How is man said to bee thus made in the image of God?
A09597How is the Lords Supper the Sacrament of our new life?
A09597How is the image of God in the body of man?
A09597How may it appeare by the Maiestie of God shining in the Scriptures?
A09597How may it appeare by the light of nature, that there is a God?
A09597How may it appeare that the p ● rsons are thus to be distinguished, and not confounded?
A09597How may that appeare?
A09597How may this appeare to be true?
A09597How proue you by the light of Grace, that there is a God?
A09597How proue you that there is a God to bee acknowledged?
A09597How proue you, that to worship or pray vnto any other, is to giue Gods glory to a creature?
A09597How shall the triall be?
A09597How shall they haue perfection of grace?
A09597How then could Christ bee free from sinne, seeing hee was true man?
A09597How then shall they call on him in whom they haue not beleeued?
A09597How will hee dispose of all men at the barre of iudgement?
A09597How, and how farre shall men be iudged, for their euill workes?
A09597How, and in what sense are we said to be iustified by faith?
A09597I bow my k ● e ● s vnto the Father of our Lord Iesus Christ& c. Q. Proue that a good Christian is stiled a worshipper of God?
A09597If Abraham were iustified by workes, hee hath wherein to reioyce, but not with God: for what saith the Scripture?
A09597If thou Lord shouldest marke iniquities, O Lord, who shall stand?
A09597In what part of man shall this glory be?
A09597In what sense then are we said to bee iustified by faith only?
A09597Is not the word of God sufficient without these outward signes?
A09597Is there any part of the image of God, in the body of man?
A09597Is there any resemblance of God in the substance of mans soule?
A09597More particularly proue that Preaching is a meanes to increase and confirme grace?
A09597O graue where is thy victory?
A09597O wretched man that I am: who shall deliuer me from the body of this death?
A09597Of what things shall all men be iudged?
A09597On the right or left hand, why?
A09597Q How proue you, 3 that there is a God, by his workes?
A09597Q Proue it by Gods works of wonder?
A09597Q Proue that such as worship God onely, are the true worshippers?
A09597Q Proue that the children of such are to be baptized?
A09597Q Proue that to beleeue one God, but not to beleeue in him, is but the faith of deuils?
A09597Q What shall bee the euidence?
A09597Q ▪ Proue in generall, that saith and all other graces are increased and confirmed by these meanes?
A09597Q ▪ Proue that they that haue many Gods, haue no God at all but the Deuill?
A09597Q. Doth the image of God consist onely in knowledge, righteousnesse, and holinesse?
A09597Q. Giue a fourth instance of this prouidence?
A09597Q. Giue a second instance of Gods prouidence in things vpon the earth?
A09597Q. Giue a third instance of this prouidence?
A09597Q. Giue some example of Gods worke in the sea?
A09597Q. P ● oue that it stands with the iustice of God?
A09597Q. Prooue that Christ did so teach?
A09597Q. Prooue that before the Law, God onely was worshipped and called vpon?
A09597Q. Prooue that vnder the Law God onely was worshiped and called vpon?
A09597Q. Prou ● that the promise is made onely to them that beleeue?
A09597Q. Proue it by Gods works of iudgement?
A09597Q. Proue it by his foretelling things to come?
A09597Q. Proue it by the worke of creation?
A09597Q. Proue it by the worke of prouidence?
A09597Q. Proue that Adam did willingly yeeld to the temptation?
A09597Q. Proue that Adam had power not to sinne if hee would?
A09597Q. Proue that Adam was seduced by the woman?
A09597Q. Proue that Baptisme is the signe of our new birth?
A09597Q. Proue that Christ came to destroy death?
A09597Q. Proue that Christ did suffer for vs?
A09597Q. Proue that Christ hath perfectly saued vs?
A09597Q. Proue that Christ is risen from death?
A09597Q. Proue that Christ is risen that wee might rise with him?
A09597Q. Proue that Christ sitteth at the right hand of God for vs?
A09597Q. Proue that Extreme Vnction is no Sacraments?
A09597Q. Proue that God appointed Sacraments to that end?
A09597Q. Proue that God appointed meditation to that end?
A09597Q. Proue that God appointed prayer to that end?
A09597Q. Proue that God appointed reading priuately in the family?
A09597Q. Proue that God appointed reading solitarily euery one by himselfe, in the new Testament?
A09597Q. Proue that God appointed reading solitarily, euery one by himselfe, first in the old Testament?
A09597Q. Proue that God giueth faith?
A09597Q. Proue that God giueth repentance?
A09597Q. Proue that God hath appointed reading to that end: and first publique reading?
A09597Q. Proue that God hath appointed these meanes to that end: and first the preaching of the word?
A09597Q. Proue that God hath so reuealed himselfe from heauen?
A09597Q. Proue that God is almighty?
A09597Q. Proue that God is eternall?
A09597Q. Proue that God is good?
A09597Q. Proue that God is immutable?
A09597Q. Proue that God is infinite?
A09597Q. Proue that God is invisible?
A09597Q. Proue that God is iust?
A09597Q. Proue that God is mercifull?
A09597Q. Proue that God is most holy?
A09597Q. Proue that God made all things in six dayes?
A09597Q. Proue that God made all things of nothing?
A09597Q. Proue that God made all things very good?
A09597Q. Proue that God made the body of the dust?
A09597Q. Proue that God made the world?
A09597Q. Proue that God onely is to be worshiped?
A09597Q. Proue that God only is to be called vpon?
A09597Q. Proue that God require ● h of euery Christian a daily encrease of grace?
A09597Q. Proue that God would be so described?
A09597Q. Proue that Iesus Christ is both God and man?
A09597Q. Proue that Iesus Christ is the eternall son ● e of G ● d?
A09597Q. Proue that Matrimony is no Sacrament?
A09597Q. Proue that Preaching of the Word is the ordinary meanes to worke repentance?
A09597Q. Proue that Sacraments are signes of the couenant?
A09597Q. Proue that Satan can not doe what he list?
A09597Q. Proue that a contrite heart is required?
A09597Q. Proue that after the Law in the time of the Gospell, God only was worshipped& prayed vnto?
A09597Q. Proue that all are corrupted both in soule and body?
A09597Q. Proue that all mankinde is tainted by Adams sinne?
A09597Q. Proue that all men are conceiued and borne in sinne?
A09597Q. Proue that all men are corrupted with sinne?
A09597Q. Proue that all men are subiect to death, by reason of sinne?
A09597Q. Proue that all men are subiect to eternall damnation for sinne?
A09597Q. Proue that all things are preserued by the prouidence of God?
A09597Q. Proue that by faith wee receiue Iesus Christ into the heart?
A09597Q. Proue that conference is a meanes to increase and confirme grace?
A09597Q. Proue that conference was appointed to that end?
A09597Q. Proue that confession of sinnes to God is required?
A09597Q. Proue that grace is conuayed, not to all receiuers, but onely to euery true beleeuer?
A09597Q. Proue that he was borne of the virgin Mary?
A09597Q. Proue that hee ascended into heauen for vs?
A09597Q. Proue that hee did rise againe the third day for vs?
A09597Q. Proue that hee suffered death for vs?
A09597Q. Proue that hee suffered the cursed death of the crosse?
A09597Q. Proue that hereupon all men are subiect to sinne?
A09597Q. Proue that if there be no resurrection, then the preaching of the Word, and our faith is in vaine?
A09597Q. Proue that in the Heathen, there is the worke of the conscience?
A09597Q. Proue that in this name euery Christian is baptized?
A09597Q. Proue that it doth also consist in righteousnesse and true holinesse?
A09597Q. Proue that it is iust with God, so to punish?
A09597Q. Proue that it is the property of faith to purifie the hart?
A09597Q. Proue that it is the property of faith, to vnite vs to God in Christ?
A09597Q. Proue that it is the quality of faith to assure vs of Gods loue in Christ?
A09597Q. Proue that it ought to be receiued with due preparation?
A09597Q. Proue that it stands with the certainty of Gods elect ● on?
A09597Q. Proue that it stands with the truth of Gods promise?
A09597Q. Proue that man by nature can not perceiue any good thing?
A09597Q. Proue that man by nature can not thinke a good thought?
A09597Q. Proue that man can not by nature speake any good thing?
A09597Q. Proue that man can not do any good thing by nature?
A09597Q. Proue that man can not will, desire, or effect any good thing by nature?
A09597Q. Proue that man doth consist of soule and body?
A09597Q. Proue that man had dominion and rule ouer all other creatures?
A09597Q. Proue that man is by nature subiect to the wrath of God?
A09597Q. Proue that man is by sinne subiect to the curse of God?
A09597Q. Proue that man is, by na ● ure co ● rupted, become subiect to Satan?
A09597Q. Proue that man was created in the image of God?
A09597Q. Proue that man was made a most excellent creature, aboue all others, excep ● the Angels?
A09597Q. Proue that mankinde is becom ● most wretched and miserable?
A09597Q. Proue that nothing can be without some cause?
A09597Q. Proue that nothing can make it selfe?
A09597Q. Proue that nothing made of God can be euill?
A09597Q. Proue that our best workes are imperfect?
A09597Q. Proue that our iustification consisteth in the pardon of sinnes?
A09597Q. Proue that our weake faith doth require such helps?
A09597Q. Proue that practise is a meanes to increase and confirme grace?
A09597Q. Proue that practise is appointed to that end?
A09597Q. Proue that praier is a meanes to increase faith and all other graces?
A09597Q. Proue that reading is a meanes to increase and confirme faith, and all other graces?
A09597Q. Proue that the Heathen haue naturall inclination to Religion?
A09597Q. Proue that the Holy Ghost is God?
A09597Q. Proue that the Sacraments are ordained by Christ?
A09597Q. Proue that the Sonne is God?
A09597Q. Proue that the baptized must professe faith in Christ?
A09597Q. Proue that the body of man was made possibly immortall?
A09597Q. Proue that the godly shall be there freed from all euills?
A09597Q. Proue that the godly shall haue fulnesse of ioy?
A09597Q. Proue that the godly shall immediatly go with Christ into heauen?
A09597Q. Proue that the heathen are obseruant of Gods vengeance against sinne?
A09597Q. Proue that the image of God doth consist in knowledge?
A09597Q. Proue that the soule is of spirituall substance, immortall in its selfe?
A09597Q. Proue that the vertue of Baptisme is perpetuall?
A09597Q. Proue that the wicked shall by the power of Christs voyce goe into hell?
A09597Q. Proue that the wicked shall then bee separated from God?
A09597Q. Proue that the world was made by the word of God?
A09597Q. Proue that their punishment shall bee proportionable, and according to their sinne?
A09597Q. Proue that then all the sorrowes of the godly, shall be turned into ioy?
A09597Q. Proue that there are only two Sacraments?
A09597Q. Proue that there is a place of torment called Hell?
A09597Q. Proue that there is but one God?
A09597Q. Proue that there shall be a day of iudgement?
A09597Q. Proue that these two Sacraments are alone sufficient?
A09597Q. Proue that they are coeternall?
A09597Q. Proue that they haue immediate communion with God?
A09597Q. Proue that they shall be depriued of all comfort?
A09597Q. Proue that they shall be possessed of all good things?
A09597Q. Proue that they shall bee consorted with the deuils?
A09597Q. Proue that they shall bee punished with vnspeakeable torments?
A09597Q. Proue that they were elected of God, before the world was?
A09597Q. Proue that this happinesse is eternall?
A09597Q. Proue that this happinesse of the godly is vnspeakable?
A09597Q. Proue that this heauenly knowledge, righteousnesse and holinesse is the image which man hath lost?
A09597Q. Proue that this image of God was lost by Adams sinne?
A09597Q. Proue that this is the forme of Christian blessing?
A09597Q. Proue that though there be three persons, yet they are but one God?
A09597Q. Proue that thus eternall life becomes the reward of the faithfull?
A09597Q. Proue that till we beleeue, we are without God, without Christ, without hope?
A09597Q. Proue that to vs Christians, there is but one God?
A09597Q. Proue that true repentance is required?
A09597Q. Proue that we are iustified only by faith?
A09597Q. Proue that we can merit nothing with God?
A09597Q. Proue that we must acknowledge God, as he hath reuealed himselfe in his written word?
A09597Q. Proue that we must worship and call vpon God onely as himselfe hath commanded?
A09597Q. Proue that we must worship, and pray to God with vnderstanding?
A09597Q. Proue that wee must receiue often?
A09597Q. Proue that wicked men can not doe what they list?
A09597Q. Proue that without Gods prouidence euery creature would perish in a moment?
A09597Q. Proue that without these graces man was not fit to rule the creatures, nor yet himselfe?
A09597Q. Proue that, that Serpent was the Deuill?
A09597Q. Proue their torments shall be eternall without ease or end?
A09597Q. Proue there are degrees of glory?
A09597Q. Rehearse the Letter F?
A09597Q. Rehearse the Letter G?
A09597Q. Rehearse the Letter K?
A09597Q. Rehearse the Letter O?
A09597Q. Rehearse the Letter S?
A09597Q. Rehearse the Letter Z?
A09597Q. Rehearse the letter H?
A09597Q. Rehearse the letter I?
A09597Q. Rehearse the letter L?
A09597Q. Rehearse the letter N?
A09597Q. Rehearse the letter P?
A09597Q. Rehearse the letter Q?
A09597Q. Rehearse the letter T?
A09597Q. Rehearse the letter V?
A09597Q. Rehearse the letter W?
A09597Q. Rehearse the letter Y?
A09597Q. Shall men giue account for the omission or neglect of good?
A09597Q. Shew how and in what respect man hath lost the image of God?
A09597Q. Shew it yet more fully and plainely?
A09597Q. Shew particularly why they are no Sacraments?
A09597Q. Shew some instance of things in heauen?
A09597Q. Shew some instances of Gods prouidence in ordering things vpon the earth?
A09597Q. Shew some instances or examples of Gods prouidence, gouerning and ordering all things?
A09597Q. Shew that our two Saments are answerable to the two Sacraments vnder the Law?
A09597Q. Shew that the comming of Christ shall be glorious?
A09597Q. Shew that the godly shall haue brightnesse of glory?
A09597Repentance, Faith, Baptisme, Imposition of hands, Resurrection of the dead, and eternall iudgement?
A09597See we not that the best Instructor doth intimate so much by his own briefe methode of teaching?
A09597See, here is water, saith he, what doth let mee to be baptized?
A09597That with God all things are possible: Q. Proue that God is most wise?
A09597The Eunuch trauelling vpon the way, said to Philip, See here is water, what doth let me to bee baptized?
A09597The cup of blessing which we blesse, is it not the communion of the bloud of Christ?
A09597The signes what?
A09597To beleeue in God, what?
A09597To conclude, what doe we owe vnto God for so great a blessing?
A09597To what end is the resurrection of the dead?
A09597To what end or vse were the Sacraments ordained?
A09597Was it of necessity that Christ should become man?
A09597What are the signes foreshewing the day of iudgement?
A09597What are these bookes?
A09597What is it to beleeue in God?
A09597What is man that thou art mindfull of him?
A09597What is the action or ceremony vsed about water?
A09597What is the difference betweene the creation of man and woman?
A09597What is the end or vse of Baptisme?
A09597What is the end or vse of this Sacrament?
A09597What is the fifth instance of iustification by faith only?
A09597What is the forme of words to be vsed in Baptisme?
A09597What is the fourth argument to proue that God worketh inwardly by his spirit?
A09597What is the fourth end of Baptisme?
A09597What is the fourth end or vse of Sacraments?
A09597What is the fourth euidence?
A09597What is the fourth instance of iustification by fayth only?
A09597What is the inward grace signified by the washing with water?
A09597What is the outward element in Baptisme?
A09597What is the outward signe in the Lords Supper?
A09597What is the reason of this guiltinesse?
A09597What is the second argument to proue that God worketh inwardly by his spirit?
A09597What is the second difference?
A09597What is the second end or vse of Baptisme?
A09597What is the second end or vse of Sacrame ● ts?
A09597What is the second end or vse of this Sacrament?
A09597What is the second euidence, that the person ● are so distinguished and not confounded?
A09597What is the second instance, that we are iustified by faith only?
A09597What is the sixt instance of iustification by faith only?
A09597What is the thing siguified by the Bread and Wine?
A09597What is the third argument to proue that God worketh inwardly by his spirit?
A09597What is the third end or vse of Baptisme?
A09597What is the third end or vse of Sacraments?
A09597What is the third end or vse of this Sacrament?
A09597What is the third euidence?
A09597What is the third instance of iustification by faith onely?
A09597What is to be done by the Minister?
A09597What is to be done by the people?
A09597What is to bee vnderstood by the word Man?
A09597What man liueth, and shall not see death?
A09597What other resemblances of God are there in the soule of man?
A09597What shall be the forme or manner of the last iudgement?
A09597What shall become of all men, after they haue liued here in this world for a time?
A09597What shall bee the sentence?
A09597What shall it profit a man, though hee should winne the whole world, if hee lose his owne soule?
A09597What then are wee to thinke of those other fiue Sacraments, vsed in the Romish Church?
A09597When shall that day of iudgement be?
A09597When shall the dead rise againe?
A09597When ye pray, say, Our Father which art in Heauen,& c. Q. Proue that we are to call vpon God, only in the name of Christ?
A09597Where is the place of Hell?
A09597Whither shall I goe from thy spirit?
A09597Who are they that shall be iudged?
A09597Who are to administer the Sacrament of Baptisme?
A09597Who is to administer this Sacrament?
A09597Who shall be the Iudge?
A09597Who shall separate vs from the loue of Christ?
A09597Why can no man be saued without the knowledge of God?
A09597Why can we not know God vnto saluation, 5 but by the Scriptures?
A09597Why did God at the beginning make one man and one woman?
A09597Why is Order no Sacrament?
A09597Why is Penance no Sacrament?
A09597Why is the day of iudgement concealed from men?
A09597Why is the day of iudgement so long deferred?
A09597Why is this Sacrament called the Lords Supper?
A09597Why must iudgement be giuen according to works?
A09597Why must not the substance be diuided?
A09597Why shall it be fearefull to the wicked?
A09597Why shall it bee ioyous to the godly?
A09597With what bodies shall the dead rise?
A09597You haue proued that God is, proue now that we ought to acknowledge God?
A09597and how shall they beleeue in him, of whom they haue not heard?
A09597and what is at hand,& what things are to come?
A09597can any hide himselfe in secret places, that I shall not see him saith the Lord?
A09597doe not I fill heauen and earth, saith the Lord?
A09597for doth he not conclude all Morall duties in one short Decalogue, that is, as Moses speakes, in Tenne words?
A09597or the sonne of man, that thou visitest him?
A09597or whither shall I flee from thy presence?
A09597shall hee deliuer his soule from the hand of the graue?
A09597the Bread which we breake, is it not the communion of the body of Christ?
A09597yet had hee abundance of spirit: and wherefore one?
A4713014. where it is said, The Gentiles do by Nature the things contained in the Law?
A47130About what time of the World''s Age from Adam''s Creation did Christ suffer Death?
A47130An Effect altogether good, must have all its Causes perfectly good; otherwise, if there be a defect but in one of them, the Effect is imperfect?
A47130And are not such guilty of great Idolatry and Blasphemy?
A47130Are Devils and unclean Spirits, works of God''s Creation?
A47130Are Hypocrites and bare formal Professors, who have nothing of the inward Life and Power of Religion, Members of the Church?
A47130Are Saints or Angels to be prayed unto?
A47130Are the Scriptures the Words of God?
A47130Are they not the same that are writ in the holy Scriptures, excepting the Ceremonial part that is abolished, and some other Laws peculiar to the Jews?
A47130Are they then distinct Beings( though not separate) from God?
A47130Are we to make use of any Images in Divine Worship?
A47130But are these peculiar Doctrins of the Christian Religion revealed to Mankind without Scriptures, or some outward Means of Instruction?
A47130But can God, or Christ, as he is the Word, be said to be a Light in Men, either universally in all Men, or specially in faithful Men?
A47130But doth not the Covenant of Grace require any terms or conditions on our part, as Faith and Repentance, and new Obedience?
A47130But doth not the Spirit at times give new words to a Man that has a spiritual Gift of Prayer?
A47130But if Christ hath suffered Death, being the Punishment of our Sin, why should men dye?
A47130But if God and Christ be a Light in Men, then what need is there of any thing else without Men?
A47130But in every Nation, he that f ● areth him and worketh righteousness is accepted with him?
A47130But is not the Word and Doctrin of the Gospel, outwardly Preached, called the Seed by Christ himself?
A47130But may not Persons feed upon the inward Life and Spirit of Christ, without feeding by Faith on the Flesh and Blood of Christ?
A47130But may not his Resurrection be owned, and not his Ascension into Heaven with the same Body?
A47130But ought we not to take great Care to have our Hearts and Minds in some prepared frame in order to Prayer, or any other religious Exercise?
A47130But what is the need or use of an external Seal of the New Testament or Covenant, seeing the Faithful have the inward Seal of the Spirit?
A47130By what Figure or Type was this signified under the Law?
A47130By whom did God create and make all things?
A47130Did Christ really partake of Mary''s Substance?
A47130Did Christ''s Body in the Grave see Corruption?
A47130Did Man need any Cloaths, or Garments to cover him, had he not Sinned?
A47130Did he Die in that Day, wherein he did Transgress?
A47130Did it really rise on the third day?
A47130Did not Christ also give himself for our Redemption?
A47130Did the Government among the Jews cease at that time, when Christ came in the Flesh?
A47130For whom are we to pray?
A47130Give some example in the Case?
A47130HOW did Christ perform the Office of a Priest?
A47130HOW doth Christ perform his Kingly Office?
A47130Had he died the bodily Death, if he had not sinned?
A47130Had the Man Christ any Sinful Defilement, or Guilt of Adam''s Sin, at his Conception, or Birth in the Flesh?
A47130Have we any weak or obscure Resemblance of it in our selves?
A47130How are Paul''s Words to be understood, that the Gospel hath been Preached to every Creature under Heaven?
A47130How are all things said to be of God?
A47130How are the words of Christ to be understood, this Cup is the New Testament in my Blood shed for the remission of the Sins of many?
A47130How are these Natures distinguished?
A47130How are these three distinguished?
A47130How are we to pray to God and Christ, whether as God and Christ are within us, or without us, or as both within us and without us?
A47130How are we to pray, and give thanks so as to be accepted?
A47130How by Meditation?
A47130How by internal Silence?
A47130How can a debt be fully paid, and yet freely forgiven?
A47130How can it be proved from Scripture, that he who was Born of the Virgin, was not a meer Man, but God as well as Man?
A47130How can two such differing Natures Constitute one Christ?
A47130How did Christ Redeem, Reconcile, Justifie and Sanctifie Men by his Death, and shedding of his Blood for them on the Tree of the Cross?
A47130How did he pay it?
A47130How did he perform the Office of a Prophet in those Ages, before he came in the Flesh?
A47130How do his Miracles prove that he is God, seeing Moses, and others of the Prophets wrought Miracles?
A47130How do the faithful the eat the Flesh and drink the Blood of Christ?
A47130How doth Christ perform his Kingly Office in and over his Church?
A47130How doth Christ put forth his Kingly Power and Government over Devils and wicked Men, seeing they are Disobedient to him?
A47130How doth he perform the Office of a Prophet?
A47130How doth he write them in their Hearts?
A47130How doth it consist in Externals, and in what?
A47130How doth it consist in Internals, and in what?
A47130How doth this appear from Scripture?
A47130How is Christ a Priest after the Order of Melchisedeck?
A47130How is Christ called the everlasting Father in Scripture?
A47130How is Christ in the Saints their Hope of Glory?
A47130How is it then to be understood, that God rested from all his Works, which he had made, and that on the seventh day?
A47130How is that Preparation obtained?
A47130How is the Cup the New Testament?
A47130How is the Scripture to be understood, that saith, the Holy Ghost was sent down by Christ upon the Apostles?
A47130How is the Wine in the Cup the New Testament in Christ''s Blood?
A47130How many Natures hath Christ Jesus?
A47130How then are Peter''s words to be understood, that God is no respecter of Persons?
A47130How then are we to understand that manner of Speech used by some that, one hath a greater or lesser measure of the Spirit than another?
A47130How then is James to be understood, who saith Abraham was justified by Works, and Rachab?
A47130How then may the word be distinguished?
A47130How was he then the Son of David and Abraham?
A47130How was it foretold by any of the Prophets, that Christ should be Hanged, or Crucified on a Tree?
A47130How, and whence have the Faithful the Holy Spirit given unto them of God?
A47130How, or in what Sense, did he lead Captivity Captive?
A47130How, or in what manner will Christ come?
A47130If his Blood was but a part, why is our Redemption, remission of our Sins, Justification and Sanctification, so much attributed to his Blood?
A47130In what Estate did God make them?
A47130In what respects doth Christ''s Priesthood excell that of Levi, and differ from it?
A47130Is Christ to come from Heaven to judge all Men that ever lived, or shall live, even the quick and the dead?
A47130Is Fasting any necessary duty to be performed by the Faithful under the Gospel?
A47130Is every error in Judgment, or fault in Practice, sufficient ground of disowning or rejecting a Person from being a Member of the Church of Christ?
A47130Is it not also a great Error, for any to say, Christ is nothing else but the Light within every Man, or the Word within?
A47130Is it not also a great Error, to say, Christ is the Holy Ghost, or the Holy Ghost is Christ?
A47130Is it not another great Error in them, that say, Christ is only a Man, and had no Being or Existence before all Time and Creatures?
A47130Is it not therefore a great Error in them, who say, these three are only distinct in Name, and are only three Manifestations and Operations in Time?
A47130Is it to be administred to any, more than once?
A47130Is it without all use of outward means?
A47130Is not also Prayer with others, in Families, and especially in publick, where the Faithful meet together a necessary Duty?
A47130Is not private Prayer alone by our selves, in secret a necessary duty daily to be practi ● ed by us?
A47130Is such an internal Silence possible, and have any attained to it?
A47130Is that Aid and Assistance of the Spirit perceptible to the Souls of the Faithful, so as to be felt and discerned by them?
A47130Is the Gospel of the Kingdom to be Preached in all the World, before the end of the World come?
A47130Is the Life, which is the Light, even in the Saints, that Blood of sprinkling, whereby they are Redeemed, Cleansed, Justified?
A47130Is the Supper to be frequently administred to the Faithful?
A47130Is then his coming to raise the dead, and to judge the quick and the dead, a part of his Kingly Office?
A47130Is then the Grace of God a distinct thing from the Spirit of God?
A47130Is there a real place above the Earth, called Heaven, into which Christ hath entred with his Body, and whole glorified Manhood of Soul and Body?
A47130Is there also a real place, called Hell, into which the Wicked both Soul and Body shall be cast at the Day of Judgment?
A47130Is there an Earnest or first Fruits of Eternal Life, that the Faithful do enjoy here on Earth in the mortal Body?
A47130Is there not rather one only Light, which is God, and the Word Christ, which is one with him, that inwardly shineth in the hearts of all Men?
A47130Is there then any just occasion of Offence to say, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, is the Holy Trinity?
A47130Must be who prayeth by the Spirit, every time that he prayeth, use variety of different Expressions?
A47130My grace is sufficient for thee, and was not that Grace in Paul, and if sufficient, what need any thing else?
A47130Of what parts did they consist?
A47130Q Are no Doctrins of Christian Faith and Practice inwardly Taught and Revealed by the Spirit, but what are delivered us in the holy Scriptures?
A47130Q Are the Works of God, whither Visible or Invisible, any part or parts of God?
A47130Q Doth not the Scripture sometimes distinguish betwixt things Created and Made?
A47130Q Doth the Scripture call them three Persons?
A47130Q Doth the Scripture contain all things belonging to Faith and Practice?
A47130Q Doth then Faith and Repentance, in order of Nature go before remission of Sin, and Justification, though they are together in time?
A47130Q Have Men no Knowledge of God without the Scriptures?
A47130Q How doth this agree with Scripture, that saith, Flesh and blood can not inherit the kingdom of God?
A47130Q Is it necessary and proper for the best of Men to confess their Sins, and pray for forgiveness of them?
A47130Q Is not the Doctrin of Salvation by Christ Jesus, in a true and proper Sense the Gospel of Christ?
A47130Q Of what service are the Promises contained in the Scripture to the Faithful?
A47130Q Was it any difficulty to God, to create and make all things?
A47130Q Was the Soul of the Earth, as the Body was?
A47130Q What Scriptures in the Old Testament, foretold Christ''s Ascension?
A47130Q What doth the Scripture further teach us concerning God?
A47130Q What is the difference betwixt the Law writ in the Hearts of the Faithful, and the Law writ in the Hearts of the Unfaithful?
A47130Q What is the need of both the outward Teaching by Men, or the Scriptures, and Christ''s inward Teaching by his Spirit, Light and Grace?
A47130Q What signified the waving of the Sheaf?
A47130Q Whence came the Holy Scriptures of the Old and new Testament?
A47130Q Which are the Invisible Works of Creation?
A47130Q Why was the Justice of God to be satisfied for our Sins?
A47130Q With what Fire doth Christ Baptise them that believe in him?
A47130Q. DOth the Baptism of the Holy Ghost and of Fire, which Christ promised to his Disciples, still remain in the Church?
A47130Q. Doth it hinder God''s free forgiveness, that he forgiveth none their Sins, without Faith, Repentance and Conversion?
A47130Q. Doth not Christ his making satisfaction to the Justice of God for our Sins, hinder the free forgiveness of our sins?
A47130Q. Doth the Soul of Man die with the Body?
A47130Q. Doth the Spirit of God teach us to pray, without all outward means of Instruction, or use of the holy Scriptures?
A47130Q. Doth the holy Spirit help us in Meditation, without all use of outward means of Instruction, as Reading in the holy Scriptures, Hearing Conference?
A47130Q. Hath Christ a Kingly Power and Government over all the good and holy Angels?
A47130Q. Hath Christ also a Kingly Power and Government over Heaven and Earth, and the whole Creation?
A47130Q. Hath he also a Power and Government over the evil Angels, and all evil and unclean Spirits, and the Devil the Prince of them?
A47130Q. Hath the Grace of God and of Christ then, as it signifieth an inward Principle, that he giveth to Men, its several measures?
A47130Q. Hath the Manhood- nature of Christ a Created Soul, and a Created Body, as other Men?
A47130Q. Hath the Spirit of God any measures or parts?
A47130Q. Hath then Christ paid to the Justice of God the Debt of our Sins?
A47130Q. Whence then hath come so great Offence, in some to find fault with those sound words, as Trinity, and three Persons?
A47130Q. Whence, or how had they that Doctrin outwardly conveyed unto them?
A47130Q. Wherein doth the Communion of the Faithful consist?
A47130The burnt Offering, the Smoke of which ascended straight upwards, whence it has its name in the Hebrew, from a word that signifieth to ascend?
A47130To whom are we to pray and give thanks, as the one intire object of Divine Worship, Prayer, and Thanksgiving?
A47130To whom is Baptism to be administred?
A47130Under whom did Christ suffer Death?
A47130V. Q HOW many Offices hath Christ?
A47130WHO is the Redeemer of lost Men?
A47130WHat did the Covenant of Works, or the Law of Works, require of Men?
A47130WHat doth the Scripture teach us concerning God?
A47130WHat is a Christian Catechisme?
A47130WHat is the Catholick Church?
A47130WHen we feel a great thirst and want of the Water of Life within us, how are we to receive a supply, to refresh and satisfie our thirsty Souls?
A47130WHich are God''s Works of Creation?
A47130Was His Blood the only Sacrifice and Atonement for our Sins?
A47130Was it foretold by any of the Prophets that Christ should be Born of a Virgin?
A47130Was it foretold in the Old Testament, at what time Christ should come in the Flesh?
A47130Was it his real Body which appeared to his Disciples after his Resurrection, which spoke unto them, and did Eat and Drink with them?
A47130Was it not foretold by God himself, to our first Parents after the Fall, in these words, That the seed of the woman should bruise the serpents seed?
A47130Was the Father, or the Holy Ghost, Personally United to the Manhood- nature of Christ, or only the Son, or Word?
A47130Was the Guilt of our Sins laid upon Christ, and imputed to him, when he suffered Death for our Sins?
A47130Was the Law of Circumcision, the Passover, the Sacrifices of Sin- offerings, any part of the Covenant of Works?
A47130Was there not a great hand of Providence in this?
A47130Were not many of the Jews and Twelve Tribes of Israel, under the Covenant of Works?
A47130Were not these Stripes his Sufferings both of Soul and Body as Man, that he suffered without us?
A47130Were they Created of any eternally pre- existent matter, that did co- exist with him from all Eternity?
A47130What Effects brought his sin and fall into the World?
A47130What Figure in the Old Testament did signifie Christ''s Ascension?
A47130What Figure or Type of this was given in the Old Testament?
A47130What Names given him, prove that he is God?
A47130What Reasons are to be given for the Observation of the first day?
A47130What Sign or Figure of Christ''s Restirrection in the third day did Christ himself give out of the Old Testament?
A47130What Testimonies of Holy Scripture have we for this?
A47130What Type was there in the Old Testament, of Christ''s Intercession for us in Heaven?
A47130What Type was there of this in the Old Testament?
A47130What are the Testimonies of Scripture, that prove him to be God?
A47130What are the best marks of the true Church?
A47130What are the saving Graces and Gifts of Christ, and of the Holy Spirit?
A47130What are the things for which we are chiefly to pray?
A47130What did the year of Jubilee, that was each fiftieth year, signifie wherein they had their former Inheritances restored, after they were sold?
A47130What doth the word Evangel,[ Translated in English Gospel] signifie?
A47130What ground of Scripture is there for Two Lights, or more than one?
A47130What is a Ransom?
A47130What is his Supping with them?
A47130What is meant by Christ''s New Testament?
A47130What is meant by his Seed?
A47130What is meant by the Serpents bruising the heel of the Woman''s Seed?
A47130What is meant by the Woman''s Seed his bruising the Head of the Serpent?
A47130What is that Faith in Christ Jesus, whereby the Faithful eat his Flesh and drink his Blood, that they may have Eternal Life?
A47130What is the Christian Religion?
A47130What is the Everlasting Life?
A47130What is the alone meritorious and material Cause of Mens Justification before God?
A47130What is the chief thing that is to be considered in the Death and Sufferings of Christ?
A47130What is the hurt and evil Consequence of that Error?
A47130What is the nature of the Covenant of Grace, called the New Covenant?
A47130What is the relative Attribute and Property of the Father?
A47130What is the relative Attribute and Property of the Holy Ghost?
A47130What is the relative Attribute and Property of the Son?
A47130What is the true English of the word Trinity?
A47130What is their Supping with him?
A47130What made his Obedience of so great merit and worth?
A47130What need is there then to use them?
A47130What need of Christ God- man without them, to enlighten them, seeing they have God and Christ in them?
A47130What other Prophecies in the Old Testament, did foretel the time of Christ''s coming?
A47130What other Type in the Old Testament, signified our Redemption by the Death of Christ, our high Priest?
A47130What other Works doth God Work, since the Creation?
A47130What other principal Things did Christ that great Prophet foretel?
A47130What other use hath it, especially to the Faithful, who are come under the New Covenant?
A47130What places of Scripture do prove that the Angels do Worship him?
A47130What places of Scripture in the Old Testament hold forth the Justification of the Faithful, and their eternal Salvation by Faith?
A47130What signifieth Tophet, and why is it so called?
A47130What things more particularly, are the proper and necessary matter and subject of our Meditation?
A47130What was his Life that he gave for us?
A47130What was that Covenant of Works?
A47130What was the Spiritual Death?
A47130What was the threatned Punishment, if he did Transgress?
A47130When God Created them Male and Female, did he indue them with his Spirit, and the Gifts and Graces thereof?
A47130When are the ● ● ● ● ● ful to be fully and completely delivered from all the effects and consequences of Sin?
A47130When did Christ begin to perform the Office of a Prophet?
A47130When will that time be that he will so come?
A47130Where are these things taught us?
A47130Where did he place them?
A47130Which are the several Parts of it?
A47130Which are these Joynts and Bands?
A47130Which are these things necessary to be known and believed by us?
A47130Which are these things necessary to be practised by us?
A47130Who are they that partake of the inward Baptism and Supper?
A47130Who is Jesus Christ?
A47130Who is here meant by the Serpent?
A47130Why but once?
A47130Why did God forbid him to eat of that Tree?
A47130Why do we not see that Heavens with our bodily Eyes, into which Christ''s Body is entered?
A47130Why is Christ called the word?
A47130Why is it to be administred frequently?
A47130Why is the Gospel called by Paul, the Power of God to Salvation?
A47130Why is the Spiritual Appearance and Operation of Christ in Believers compared to Fire, and metaphorically so called?
A47130Why may not the Gentiles, in their meer Gentile- dispensation, be strictly said to be under a Covenant of Works, without respect to Adam?
A47130Why should they pray for forgiveness of Sin, who have receiv''d it already?
A47130Why under him?
A47130Why was Christ Born of a Virgin?
A47130Why was it necessary that Christ should Offer up Himself a Sacrifice to God, by His Death, for our Sins?
A47130Why was it necessary that He should dye for us?
A47130Why was it so ordered by the Lord?
A47130Will his coming and appearance be without us in his glorified Body, and true Manhood Nature?
A47130With his Stripes we are healed?
A47130and whether it is one and the same with the New Covenant?
A47130day of Rest, the first day of the Week being one day in seven?
A47130for seeing the Holy Ghost is that Infinite Spirit, and is every where present, he is not capable of any local motion of Descent or Ascent?
A47130should the same debt and payment be exacted both from us and our surety?
A03697And must Idolaters go to hol without repentance, what( then) must Idolaters do to be saued?
A03697And what is that that hath been done?
A03697And who( then) can be saued?
A03697And, if we may not lye, to bring glory to God, shall we thinke we may lie to bring profit to man?
A03697And, if wee must answere for euery idle word: how much more for euery lying word?
A03697But lying is become their trade?
A03697But some go to bed without praier?
A03697But some hold that these words, sixe dayes thou shalt labour, are words of permission only, and no commandement?
A03697But what say you of merry lying?
A03697But who is sufficient for these things?
A03697By what meanes is this wrought?
A03697Can you knowe God?
A03697For 〈 ◊ 〉 is the Kingdome,& c. What do you obserue therein?
A03697For, I may say in this case as Salomon in his Ecclesiastes, sayd 〈 ◊ 〉 a like case: What is that that hath been?
A03697Forgiue vs our trespasses, seeing that euen we,& c. What do you obserue therein?
A03697HOw doe you diuide the daies of mans life?
A03697How afterward?
A03697How are they diuided?
A03697How by couetous holding in?
A03697How by lauish spending?
A03697How by our deeds?
A03697How by our words?
A03697How by speaking?
A03697How craftily?
A03697How do we abuse his other ordinances?
A03697How do we abuse his word?
A03697How do we receiue our growing vp 〈 ◊ 〉 Christ?
A03697How do you perswade this duty?
A03697How doe wee basely esteeme of God?
A03697How doe wee slightly regard Gods titles?
A03697How doth the Scripture further, and for more terrour speake of this place, and the torments of hell?
A03697How doth the VVord describ ● … him?
A03697How else?
A03697How further?
A03697How in our deedes?
A03697How in our words?
A03697How inwardly?
A03697How inwardly?
A03697How inwardly?
A03697How is Religion abused?
A03697How is our faith strengthened, and 〈 ◊ 〉 ● … olpen by it?
A03697How is our thankfulnesse shewed?
A03697How many waies may such false witnesse be borne?
A03697How many waies may we speak that which is false of our selues?
A03697How many waies may we speake that which is false of our Neighbour?
A03697How may a man be said to abuse his owne?
A03697How may blood be shed, or wrong done?
A03697How may they be said to bee vncleane in their entrance?
A03697How may wee receiue a false report concerning our selues?
A03697How must we keepe them holy?
A03697How must we obey?
A03697How outwardly?
A03697How outwardly?
A03697How outwardly?
A03697How shall we prayse God?
A03697How shall wee by such preparation make our sleepe comfortable?
A03697How without colour of Law?
A03697How without speach?
A03697How, further, doe you perswade this dutie?
A03697IN speaking of the Lawe, what is to be considered?
A03697In comming to this Sacrament, what is to be considered by euery well prepared Communicant?
A03697In doing of Gods worke, what is to be considered?
A03697In the first of the fiue, which is: honour thy Father, and thy Mother,& c. What doe you obserue therein?
A03697In the next Eight Commandement, which is: Thou shal ● … not steale?
A03697In the next last Commandement, which is: Thou shalt not couet thy neighbours house,& c. What do you obserue therein?
A03697In the next ninth Commandement, which is: Thou shalt not beare false witnesse,& c. VVhat doe you obserue therein?
A03697In what consisteth the first sort of duties?
A03697In what consisteth the second?
A03697Not so plainely and fully here as we shall hereafter, by face; but as he hath reuealed himself vnto vs. How is that?
A03697Now where hel( thus described) is due to the breakers of the law, what do you gather?
A03697Of what sort are these?
A03697Of what sorts are these?
A03697Of what sorts are they?
A03697Of what sorts is it?
A03697So much for base esteeming: what call you sorgery in Gods seruice?
A03697So much for false witnesse in giuing forth: what is it by receiuing in?
A03697So much for giuing: what doth the receiuing of the Wine signifie?
A03697So much for innocencie: what say you of purity?
A03697So much for our general duties, as we be Christians; what say you of our particular duties, or duties of trade of life?
A03697So much for our giftes: what doe we receiue at the Lords Table?
A03697So much for petition: what call you giuing of thanks?
A03697So much for publike: what are the priuate meanes?
A03697So much for receiuing; what doth the eating of the bread signifie?
A03697So much for that petition, which concerneth the necessities of this life: what are they that concerne the necessities of the life to come?
A03697So much for that which is forbidden: what is commanded as the sum of all?
A03697So much for that which is forbidden: what is commanded?
A03697So much for that which is forbidden: what is commanded?
A03697So much for that which is forbidden: what is commanded?
A03697So much for that which is forbidden: what is here commanded?
A03697So much for that which is forbidden; what is commanded?
A03697So much for that which you giue to Christ the Head, what giue you to the Church his members?
A03697So much for the Commandement that respecteth Gods person: what are they which concerne his worship?
A03697So much for the Commandements of duties to our neighbour in righteoufnesse: what say you of Sobriety commanded to our selues?
A03697So much for the Commandements that concerne all acts and purpose of vnright cousnesse: where are we forbidden all motions thereunto?
A03697So much for the Commaundements of dueties euery day: what is that of dueti ● … s one day in s ● … uen?
A03697So much for the Law: what is due to those that breake it?
A03697So much for the Parents ioint duties: what is the Fathers more speciall duty?
A03697So much for the Petition about the aduancement of Gods glory: what are they that concerne the meanes?
A03697So much for the Petitions that concerne Gods glory: what say you of those that concerne our owne necessiries?
A03697So much for the abuse of our own goods: how doe we vniustly pursue anothers?
A03697So much for the abuse of religion: what is that of the creatures?
A03697So much for the adulteries themselues: what say you of the prouocations thereunto?
A03697So much for the daies of labour: what say you of the daies of holinesse?
A03697So much for the duties as are betweene our worke: what must we doe after it?
A03697So much for the duties of the first Table concerning holinesse: what say you of the second?
A03697So much for the duties that concerne o ● … r Neighbours person: what are they that are in things belonging to their persons?
A03697So much for the first of those petitions which concerne the meanes of Gods glorie: what is the second?
A03697So much for the generall d ● … ety that concerneth our selues, called sobrietie: what is that that concerneth our neighbour?
A03697So much for the knowledge of God; what say you of the knowledge of your selfe?
A03697So much for the nature of the signes: what say you of their vses?
A03697So much for the prayer it selfe: what say you of the confirmation therof?
A03697So much for the precept belonging to Superiours: What Commandements belong to others?
A03697So much for the preseruation of our neighbours goods: where are we charged with the care of his good name?
A03697So much for the reason of the Petitions, what say you of the seale?
A03697So much for the thing forbidden: what is commanded?
A03697So much for the things commune, what are they that be proper?
A03697So much for the vses of the bread; what be they of the wine?
A03697So much for the workes of our callings: what say you of the workes of helpe vnto them?
A03697So much for the works to be done: what are the vnfruitfull workes to be auoided?
A03697So much for 〈 ◊ 〉 ● … couery to saluation, what is his 〈 ◊ 〉 forit?
A03697So much of the doctrine of the Sacrament: what say you of our ends of comming to it?
A03697Somuch for Baptisme: what is the Lords Supper?
A03697Somuch for that which is forbidden; what is commanded here?
A03697Somuch for the Commaundement concerning the parts of Gods worship: what is that that concerneth the right manner of vsing them?
A03697Somuch for the abuse of Gods titles: how do we abuse holy things?
A03697Somuch for the precept of the sixe dayes labour: what is that of the Sabbaoth?
A03697Somuch for the punishment of losse: what is that of sense?
A03697Somuch for the subiection of the body; what is that of the minde?
A03697The fourth next Petition, which is: Giue vs this day our,& c. What do you obserue therein?
A03697The next Petition, which is: and leade vs not into temptation,& c. What do you obserue therein?
A03697The next, which is: Thou shalt make to thy selfe no grauen image,& c. What doe you consider therin?
A03697The second is in these wo ● … s: Thy will be done in earth,& c. What do you obserue therein?
A03697The third next precept, which is: Thou shalt not take the name,& c. What do you obserue therein?
A03697The workes of that trade of life, in which God hath placed vs. What must a man do in these?
A03697The wounding and breaking of the flesh of Christ for vs. What doth the giuing of it signifie?
A03697The ● … t ● … ourth precept, which is: Remember the Sabbaoth day to sanctifie it,& c. What do you obserue therein?
A03697Then there be two Sacraments?
A03697Then, euery one must haue some speciall call ● … g& trade of life to liue in?
A03697Then, it is necessarie that wee doe our best to keep the Law, though wee can not be iustified by it?
A03697They pertaine to G ● … person or wor ● … ip ▪ What Commandement concerneth his person?
A03697To what end( then) serueth the Law?
A03697VV ● … at els?
A03697VVhat are the outward things?
A03697VVhat are the priuate?
A03697VVhat are the publike?
A03697VVhat are the workes of holinesse?
A03697VVhat are they of mercy?
A03697VVhat are they that belong to the bodie?
A03697VVhat are they which bee in the body it selfe?
A03697VVhat are your sinnes?
A03697VVhat bee the endes in our comming?
A03697VVhat call you a lye?
A03697VVhat call you an vntruth?
A03697VVhat call you the examination of your knowledge?
A03697VVhat do you conclude of this?
A03697VVhat do you consider therein?
A03697VVhat do you obserue therein?
A03697VVhat doe you consider therein?
A03697VVhat doe you obserue in the Commandement it selfe?
A03697VVhat doe you obserue in the matter of the Commandement?
A03697VVhat doe you obserue in the matter?
A03697VVhat doe you obserue therein?
A03697VVhat doth the drinking of, the wine signifie?
A03697VVhat doth the giuing of the wine signifie?
A03697VVhat doth the pouring out of the wine signifie?
A03697VVhat doth this teach?
A03697VVhat doth this teach?
A03697VVhat duties do Masters owe?
A03697VVhat duties do seruants owe?
A03697VVhat giue you to Christ the Head?
A03697VVhat is adultery in Mariage?
A03697VVhat is forbidden?
A03697VVhat is forbidden?
A03697VVhat is forbidden?
A03697VVhat is that indeede?
A03697VVhat is that of the sixe dayes labour?
A03697VVhat is that that concerneth the things of this li ● …?
A03697VVhat is the first of them?
A03697VVhat is the meane whereby Christ is apprehended?
A03697VVhat is the outward 〈 ◊ 〉?
A03697VVhat is the thing forbidden?
A03697VVhat is the thing taught?
A03697VVhat is( lastly) required?
A03697VVhat must rebels to gouernment doe?
A03697VVhat must we do at our refreshings?
A03697VVhat must we do between our work?
A03697VVhat must we obserue in our recreation?
A03697VVhat of the workes of your particular calling?
A03697VVhat of your faith?
A03697VVhat of your loue?
A03697VVhat of your repentance?
A03697VVhat of your thankfulnesse?
A03697VVhat other works are required?
A03697VVhat petition concerneth the aduancement of his glorie?
A03697VVhat say you of the adulteries themselues?
A03697VVhat say you of the daies of labor?
A03697VVhat say you of the matter?
A03697VVhat say you of the nature of the signes?
A03697VVhat say you of the prayer it selfe?
A03697VVhat say you of those who receiue a false report against their neighbour?
A03697VVhat things hurt this grace of speech?
A03697VVhat was the occasion?
A03697VVhat was the occasion?
A03697VVhat was the occasion?
A03697VVhat was the occasion?
A03697VVhat works are required to the ● … ifying of the Sabbath?
A03697VVhat 〈 ◊ 〉 the 〈 ◊ 〉 grace, or 〈 ◊ 〉 thing 〈 ◊ 〉?
A03697VVhen beare we false witnesse in giuing forth a report?
A03697VVherein do those consist?
A03697VVherein standeth our thankfulnesse?
A03697VVherein standeth this abuse?
A03697VVhy call you this separation from God, so great a plague and torment?
A03697Vnder what word are the duties specified?
A03697WHat doe you call the Sacrament of the Lords Supper?
A03697WHat is Prayer?
A03697WHat is true happinesse?
A03697Wh ● … rein standeth that?
A03697What Comm ● … ndement concerneth the parts of his worship?
A03697What are our duties as we be Christians?
A03697What are the duties belonging to their persons?
A03697What are the inward graces?
A03697What are the publike?
A03697What are the tenne Commandements?
A03697What are the words of the next Commandement?
A03697What are the words of the reason?
A03697What are the words?
A03697What are they that belong to Gods glorie?
A03697What are they that concerne God?
A03697What are they that concerne man?
A03697What are they that we owe euery day?
A03697What are you since by Adams fall?
A03697What be our gifts?
A03697What be the Parents duties?
A03697What be the childrens duties?
A03697What be the effects of faith?
A03697What be the things commune?
A03697What be the works of our calling?
A03697What be their ioint duties to their children?
A03697What call you Hell?
A03697What call you inward vncleannesse?
A03697What call you petition?
A03697What call you sobriety in dyet?
A03697What call you the punishment of losse?
A03697What difference doe you put betweene prayer and praise?
A03697What do you conclude of al together?
A03697What do you consider in them?
A03697What do you gather of this?
A03697What do you gather of this?
A03697What do you obserue in them?
A03697What do you obserue therein?
A03697What do you obserue therein?
A03697What do you obserue therein?
A03697What do you 〈 ◊ 〉 therein?
A03697What doe you consider in man thus fallen?
A03697What doe you consider in the Commandements themselues?
A03697What doe you consider in the matter of the Commandement?
A03697What doe you consider in the matter of the Commandement?
A03697What doe you consider in the matter?
A03697What doe you consider in this precept?
A03697What doe you meane by false gods?
A03697What doe you obserue here?
A03697What doe you obserue in the Commandement it selfe?
A03697What doe you obserue therein?
A03697What doth the breaking of bread signifie?
A03697What doth the receiuing of the bread signifie?
A03697What doth this teach?
A03697What duties do they owe one to another?
A03697What duties doe they owe to their Parents?
A03697What fruits ● … e they?
A03697What gather you of this?
A03697What i ● … the meaning?
A03697What is Baptisme?
A03697What is Prayer?
A03697What is a Sacrament?
A03697What is outward vncleanenesse?
A03697What is that concerneth the bread?
A03697What is that in word?
A03697What is that that concerneth our selues?
A03697What is that which is before our comming?
A03697What is that which is forbidden?
A03697What is that, that concerneth our selues alone?
A03697What is the Husbands dutie?
A03697What is the Lawe?
A03697What is the Mothers speciall duty?
A03697What is the first of them?
A03697What is the inward Theft?
A03697What is the meaning?
A03697What is the meaning?
A03697What is the meaning?
A03697What is the meaning?
A03697What is the meaning?
A03697What is the meaning?
A03697What is the meaning?
A03697What is the outward?
A03697What is the second Petition concerning the necessities of the life to come?
A03697What is the su ● … me of all?
A03697What is the subiection of the body?
A03697What is the thing forbidden?
A03697What is the thing forbidden?
A03697What is the thing taught?
A03697What is the thing taught?
A03697What is the thing taught?
A03697What is the thing taught?
A03697What is the thing taught?
A03697What is the wiues dutie?
A03697What is this called in Scripture?
A03697What is true thankfulnesse?
A03697What must Adulterers doe?
A03697What must Murtherers doe?
A03697What must customary and raging swearers do?
A03697What must lyars doe?
A03697What must our apparell be?
A03697What must theeues doe?
A03697What must we doe in the morning before our worke?
A03697What parts hath Prayer?
A03697What say you against this grosse opinion?
A03697What say you of his recouery?
A03697What say you of the Commandements of the first Table?
A03697What say you of the Doctrine?
A03697What say you of the first?
A03697What say you of the matter?
A03697What say you of the officious, which some call the good and necessary lie?
A03697What say you of the petitions?
A03697What say you of the worker?
A03697What say you of them?
A03697What say you of this further opening of the Commandement?
A03697What sobriety is that, which you call sobriety of sense, and the outward members?
A03697What vncleannes is here forbidden?
A03697What was the occasion of euery Commandement?
A03697What was the occasion?
A03697What was the occasion?
A03697What was the occasion?
A03697What was the occasion?
A03697What was the occasion?
A03697What was the occasion?
A03697What were you by creation in Adam before the Fall?
A03697When be our sports of good report?
A03697When doth this faith begin to breed and take place in your heart?
A03697Where are acts and purpose of vnrighteousnesse forbidden?
A03697Where are we charged with the preseruation of their goods?
A03697Where are we taught our duties to Superiors?
A03697Where haue we the best patterne of prayer and praise?
A03697Where haue you the seale of Christs body?
A03697Where is it written?
A03697Where is the place of hell?
A03697Where, of his bloud?
A03697Wherein consist the torments of this place of hell?
A03697Wherein consisteth feare?
A03697Wherein consisteth this?
A03697Wherein consistoth loue?
A03697Wherein, and how do we worship the true God in a false manner?
A03697Which are they?
A03697Who are reprooued here?
A03697Who are reproued here?
A03697a Obeisance or outward seruice ▪ Wherein standeth that?
A03697that is, so to humble vs, that Christ may receiue vs. What do you gather of this?
A03697what is commanded?
A03697where shall be no more glimpses of fauour, but darke tempests and snares vpon all the ● … nhabitants of that land of 〈 ◊ 〉?
A03697〈 ◊ 〉 in standeth the hearts exa ● …?
A14092A. d Our attonement and reconcilement with God, which consists in the forgiuenesse of our sinnes?
A14092And that all power belongs to him?
A14092And what Father?
A14092And who els?
A14092And who els?
A14092Are not we also the sonnes of God?
A14092Are these three Gods?
A14092As how?
A14092As how?
A14092As how?
A14092As how?
A14092As how?
A14092As it is in heauen; by whom?
A14092Can wee come to the Kingdome of Heauen by the way of Gods Law?
A14092Closely how many wayes?
A14092Did God make the diuels?
A14092Do you beleeue that God is your Father?
A14092Euery Sacrament teacheth vs this lesson, as we shall easily perceiue, if we vnderstand what a Sacrament is?
A14092For in reason consider: How are the kingdomes of men planted and established?
A14092For thine is the Kingdome] say this in plainer manner?
A14092HOw many wayes doth the word of God teach vs to come to the Kingdome of Heauen?
A14092He sitteth] Is sitting spoken properly or figuratiuely?
A14092How after a wonderfull manner?
A14092How are Gods workes of iudgement taken in vaine?
A14092How are those eight diuided which concerne God?
A14092How are we able to doe Gods will?
A14092How are we made free from it?
A14092How by deceit?
A14092How by deeds?
A14092How by defect?
A14092How by excesse?
A14092How by violence?
A14092How by words?
A14092How commeth it to passe that we are all borne in sinne?
A14092How doe you know whether sinne reigneth ouer you or no?
A14092How doe you prooue that these latter three, are contrary to the first three?
A14092How doe you proue that he became man?
A14092How els?
A14092How els?
A14092How inwardly?
A14092How inwardly?
A14092How inwardly?
A14092How is it then spoken?
A14092How is that committed?
A14092How many Petitions are there?
A14092How many Sacraments haue you?
A14092How many articles are there concerning God the Sonne?
A14092How many articles are there concerning God?
A14092How many articles are there concerning his dying for vs?
A14092How many articles are there concerning his victory ouer death?
A14092How many articles are there concerning the person of our Lord Iesus Christ?
A14092How many articles are there of Gods Church?
A14092How many articles are there of his office?
A14092How many articles are there of the being of the Church?
A14092How many articles be there concerning God the Father?
A14092How many articles be there concerning God the holy Ghost?
A14092How many articles be there of our Creed?
A14092How many benefits be there of Gods blessing?
A14092How many benefits doth the Church obtaine by Christ?
A14092How many commandements are there in the first Table?
A14092How many commandements be there in Gods Law?
A14092How many concerning his Church?
A14092How many duties are contained in this commandement?
A14092How many heauens are there?
A14092How many in the second?
A14092How many iust causes be there of an oath?
A14092How many offices be there of loue?
A14092How many parts be there of it?
A14092How many parts be there of repentance?
A14092How many parts hath it?
A14092How many parts hath this article?
A14092How many petitions be there in the first part?
A14092How many properties doe belong to this Church?
A14092How many sorts are thereof?
A14092How many sorts of Churches are there?
A14092How many sorts of euill be there in the world?
A14092How many sorts of famous communions are there?
A14092How many things are commanded in this commandement?
A14092How many things are forbidden in it?
A14092How many things are forbidden?
A14092How many things are required to prepare vs to the worthy receiuing of the Lords Supper?
A14092How many things doe we pray for in this petition?
A14092How many things doe we pray for in this petition?
A14092How many things in speciall are forbidden, vnder the generall of taking Gods name in vaine?
A14092How many wayes els may we transgresse this commandement?
A14092How many wayes is that committed?
A14092How many wayes is this commandement transgressed outwardly?
A14092How many wayes is this commandement transgressed?
A14092How many wayes may this be transgressed?
A14092How many wayes may this commandement be transgressed?
A14092How many wayes may this commandement be transgressed?
A14092How many wayes may we sweare in vaine?
A14092How many wayes outwardly?
A14092How many wayes?
A14092How may we cause these first good motions to arise within vs?
A14092How profanely?
A14092How so?
A14092How superstitiously?
A14092How, by lookes?
A14092In what then?
A14092Indeed the land of Canaan was a figure of heauen: But haue not the wicked long life sometimes?
A14092Into how many parts are they diuided?
A14092Into how many parts are they diuided?
A14092Into how many parts are they diuided?
A14092Into how many parts be they diuided?
A14092Into how many parts be they diuided?
A14092Is all reuenge forbidden?
A14092Is holinesse of faith perfect or imperfect?
A14092Is it alwayes a sinne to speake lesse then is truth?
A14092Is it alwayes a sinne to speake more then is truth?
A14092Is it required of Gods Church?
A14092Is not God euery where?
A14092Is not Gods name holy already?
A14092Is the church of God ouer all parts of the world?
A14092Is this communion here meant?
A14092Is this holines required of Gods Church?
A14092Is this the communion incident to Gods Church?
A14092Is this the communion?
A14092Must they obey them in all things?
A14092Of how many sorts are the Angels?
A14092Of how many sorts are the duties of the day?
A14092Of how many sorts is holines of life?
A14092Of our selues, without grace or no?
A14092Ought we not to loue one another; especially inferiours to loue and feare their superiours?
A14092Q What is the last petition?
A14092Q. Christ is in heauen, we are on earth: How can his bloud wash our soules?
A14092Q. Christ is in heauen, we are on earth; How can we eate his body and drinke his bloud?
A14092Q. Doe Papists transgresse in this?
A14092Q. Doth God forgiue all men their sinnes?
A14092Q. Giue some example ● hereof?
A14092Q. Hath God a right hand, or a left, in proper speech, as we haue?
A14092Q. Hath it any need of our making?
A14092Q. Haue all the children of God length of life?
A14092Q. Haue children faith?
A14092Q. Holines of life, is that perfect or imperfect?
A14092Q. Holinesse of faith, what is that otherwise called?
A14092Q. Holinesse, of how many sorts is it?
A14092Q. Manifestly, how many wayes?
A14092Q. Ouer all what?
A14092Q. Outwardly how is it transgressed?
A14092Q. Repeat it?
A14092Q. Repeat it?
A14092Q. Repeat it?
A14092Q. Repeat the article concerning his Godhead?
A14092Q. Repeat the article concerning his manhood?
A14092Q. Repeat the first commandement?
A14092Q. Repeate it?
A14092Q. Repeate it?
A14092Q. Repeate it?
A14092Q. Repeate the first?
A14092Q. Thine is the power] say this in plainer manner?
A14092Q. Vnder this generall duty of taking Gods name, How many duties are commanded in speciall?
A14092Q. Vnder whom did he suffer?
A14092Q. Wherein doth it consist?
A14092Q. Wherein doth that consist?
A14092Q. Wherein doth this consist?
A14092Q. Wherein doth this consist?
A14092Q. Whither did He ascend?
A14092SAy the Lords Prayer?
A14092Say the first petition?
A14092The Gospel what?
A14092The Law requires what?
A14092The first teacheth vs what we ought to beleeue, concerning whom?
A14092The second concerning whom?
A14092The things which God made, of how many sorts are they?
A14092The third whom?
A14092The workes of mercy; of how may sorts are they?
A14092Things necessary, of how many sorts are they?
A14092To what end doe wee pray thus?
A14092To whom is this glad tidings brought: To the righteous?
A14092To whom then is this glad tidings brought?
A14092To whom then?
A14092To x driue vs vnto Christ?
A14092VVHat doth the Creed teach vs?
A14092VVHat doth the Law of God teach vs?
A14092We are made cleane from sinne by baptisme: But are we made without sinne?
A14092What Church is here meant?
A14092What Kingdome?
A14092What Power?
A14092What are first motions vnto sinne?
A14092What are inuisible creatures?
A14092What are the bad called?
A14092What are the common?
A14092What are the diuine?
A14092What are the fruits?
A14092What are the inward?
A14092What are the morall?
A14092What are the outward?
A14092What are the priuate exercises?
A14092What are the proper exercises in priuate?
A14092What are the publike duties?
A14092What are the two first?
A14092What are the two first?
A14092What are the two last?
A14092What are the two last?
A14092What are these graces?
A14092What are these works of God which we may take in vaine?
A14092What are they called?
A14092What are they?
A14092What are they?
A14092What are they?
A14092What are they?
A14092What are they?
A14092What are they?
A14092What are things indifferent?
A14092What are visible creatures?
A14092What are workes of mercy concerning the body?
A14092What are workes of mercy concerning the soule?
A14092What article is this?
A14092What be those benefits which we enioy by Christ?
A14092What death did he suffer?
A14092What death was that?
A14092What did he suffer?
A14092What do we pray for in this petition?
A14092What doe we pray for in the three first?
A14092What doe we pray for in the three last?
A14092What doe we pray for in this petition?
A14092What doe we pray for then in this petition?
A14092What doe we pray for then?
A14092What doe you learne here?
A14092What doth the Gospel require?
A14092What doth the Law require?
A14092What doth the first part concerne?
A14092What doth the first part concerne?
A14092What doth the second part concerne?
A14092What els?
A14092What els?
A14092What els?
A14092What els?
A14092What else?
A14092What euill is meant in this place?
A14092What is Catholike?
A14092What is Euangelicall holinesse?
A14092What is Gods sword?
A14092What is Will- worship?
A14092What is a Sacrament?
A14092What is a sinne?
A14092What is a trespasse?
A14092What is a ● entation?
A14092What is anger?
A14092What is commanded in this commandement?
A14092What is commanded in this commandement?
A14092What is commanded in this?
A14092What is commanded?
A14092What is commanded?
A14092What is commanded?
A14092What is commanded?
A14092What is commanded?
A14092What is commanded?
A14092What is contained in the foure first?
A14092What is contained in the sixe last?
A14092What is contrary to chastity?
A14092What is contrary to sobrietie?
A14092What is contrary to the ministery of the word?
A14092What is contrary to the right administration of the Sacraments?
A14092What is contrary vnto prayer?
A14092What is couetousnesse?
A14092What is forbidden herein?
A14092What is forbidden herein?
A14092What is forbidden in this Commandement, in one word?
A14092What is forbidden in this commanded?
A14092What is forbidden in this commandement?
A14092What is forbidden, and what is not?
A14092What is forbidden?
A14092What is forbidden?
A14092What is forbidden?
A14092What is hallowed?
A14092What is holinesse of life otherwise called?
A14092What is it to be borne in sinne?
A14092What is it to be made free from the power of sinne?
A14092What is it to be rich?
A14092What is it to keepe it holy?
A14092What is it to pray in vaine?
A14092What is it to sweare rashly?
A14092What is it to sweare wickedly?
A14092What is legall holines?
A14092What is meant by Giue it vs?
A14092What is meant by bread?
A14092What is meant by daily bread?
A14092What is meant by honour?
A14092What is meant by it?
A14092What is meant by our bread?
A14092What is meant by quicke?
A14092What is meant by the dead?
A14092What is promised in this?
A14092What is publike reuenge?
A14092What is temperance?
A14092What is that speciall manner?
A14092What is that worship of God which he hath commanded vs in his word?
A14092What is that?
A14092What is the Church militant?
A14092What is the Church triumphant?
A14092What is the Church?
A14092What is the Gospel?
A14092What is the article called?
A14092What is the consequent thereof?
A14092What is the difference betweene prayer commanded in the second commandement: And prayer commanded in this third commandement?
A14092What is the dutie commanded in this commandement?
A14092What is the end of the Law?
A14092What is the first commandement of the second Table?
A14092What is the first?
A14092What is the first?
A14092What is the first?
A14092What is the first?
A14092What is the first?
A14092What is the first?
A14092What is the first?
A14092What is the first?
A14092What is the first?
A14092What is the first?
A14092What is the first?
A14092What is the first?
A14092What is the first?
A14092What is the first?
A14092What is the first?
A14092What is the first?
A14092What is the first?
A14092What is the first?
A14092What is the first?
A14092What is the first?
A14092What is the first?
A14092What is the first?
A14092What is the first?
A14092What is the first?
A14092What is the first?
A14092What is the first?
A14092What is the first?
A14092What is the first?
A14092What is the first?
A14092What is the first?
A14092What is the first?
A14092What is the first?
A14092What is the first?
A14092What is the first?
A14092What is the fourth?
A14092What is the grace signified?
A14092What is the grace signified?
A14092What is the hunger and thirst of a Christian, as a Christian?
A14092What is the last commandement?
A14092What is the meaning of the petition?
A14092What is the meaning of these words?
A14092What is the meaning?
A14092What is the meaning?
A14092What is the meaning?
A14092What is the meaning?
A14092What is the next commandement?
A14092What is the next commandement?
A14092What is the next commandement?
A14092What is the next commandement?
A14092What is the next commandement?
A14092What is the next petition?
A14092What is the next petition?
A14092What is the next petition?
A14092What is the next petition?
A14092What is the next way to satisfie this hunger, and to quench this thirst?
A14092What is the obiect?
A14092What is the office of Christ?
A14092What is the other reason?
A14092What is the other reason?
A14092What is the person of Iesus Christ?
A14092What is the punishment of ● inne?
A14092What is the root?
A14092What is the sanction of this commandement?
A14092What is the second Commandement?
A14092What is the second propertie?
A14092What is the second way in generall?
A14092What is the second?
A14092What is the second?
A14092What is the second?
A14092What is the second?
A14092What is the second?
A14092What is the second?
A14092What is the second?
A14092What is the second?
A14092What is the second?
A14092What is the second?
A14092What is the second?
A14092What is the second?
A14092What is the second?
A14092What is the second?
A14092What is the second?
A14092What is the second?
A14092What is the second?
A14092What is the second?
A14092What is the second?
A14092What is the second?
A14092What is the second?
A14092What is the second?
A14092What is the second?
A14092What is the second?
A14092What is the second?
A14092What is the second?
A14092What is the second?
A14092What is the second?
A14092What is the second?
A14092What is the second?
A14092What is the signe in Baptisme?
A14092What is the signe in the Lords Supper?
A14092What is the thing you beleeue herein?
A14092What is the thing you beleeue in this article?
A14092What is the thing you beleeue?
A14092What is the thing you do beleeue?
A14092What is the third article?
A14092What is the third commandement?
A14092What is the third propertie?
A14092What is the third?
A14092What is the third?
A14092What is the third?
A14092What is the third?
A14092What is the third?
A14092What is the third?
A14092What is the third?
A14092What is the third?
A14092What is the third?
A14092What is the third?
A14092What is the third?
A14092What is the third?
A14092What is the third?
A14092What is the third?
A14092What is the third?
A14092What is the worship of God prescribed in Gods word, in the dayes of the new Testament?
A14092What is this faith that is required?
A14092What lesson doth this Sacrament teach us?
A14092What lesson doth this sacrament teach vs?
A14092What lesson doth this teach vs?
A14092What lesson doth this teach vs?
A14092What ought we then to doe for him?
A14092What saith the Gospel?
A14092What saith the Law?
A14092What the second?
A14092What then is meant by it?
A14092What then is the meaning of the word?
A14092What was chiefly meant hereby?
A14092What was he?
A14092What was the worship that God commanded in the time of the old Testament?
A14092What, to all sinners?
A14092Where doe you learne this lesson, that Iesu ● Christ came into the world to saue sinners?
A14092Where els?
A14092Where is that taught vs?
A14092Where is that taught vs?
A14092Which are they?
A14092Which are they?
A14092Which are they?
A14092Which are they?
A14092Which are they?
A14092Which are they?
A14092Which are they?
A14092Which art in heauen In what heauen doth God dwell?
A14092Which of these two sorts are the worthiest workes?
A14092Which way then doe you hope to come to the Kingdome of Heauen?
A14092Who are they?
A14092Whom doth the first part cōcerne?
A14092Whom the second?
A14092Whom then?
A14092Why are they then baptized?
A14092Why are they thus called?
A14092Why can we not doe it?
A14092Why do you say I beleeue in him?
A14092Why doe we pray for Gods glory in the first place; and then for things which concerne our good in the next?
A14092Why doe you say I beleeue in him?
A14092Why doe you say I beleeue the Church, and not in the Church?
A14092Why doe you say, I beleeue in him?
A14092Why is He then said to be the onely Sonne of God?
A14092Why is faith required?
A14092Why is it called the Lords Prayer?
A14092Why is it so called?
A14092Why is knowledge required to the Lords Supper, and not to Baptisme?
A14092Why must we haue this loue?
A14092Why must we pray to doe Gods will, as the Angels doe it?
A14092Why so?
A14092Why so?
A14092Why the third day?
A14092Why then are we said to be made cleane from sinne?
A14092Why then is he said to be in heauen?
A14092Why was he thus conceiued and borne?
A14092Why was he to be without sin?
A14092〈 ◊ 〉 this in plainer manner?
A50246& c. Q But why was man created last of all ceatures?
A5024624, 25,& c. Q VVhat is the spirituall blessing, or thing signified?
A5024626,& c. Q. VVhat is the outward signe or part in Baptisme?
A502464: Q And what is his exaltation in respect of his Manhood?
A50246A. Satan could doe nothing against him by compulsion or constraint, and therefore doth onely assault him by Crafty and subtill perswasions?
A50246A. Transgression of the moral Law of God, by a Creature that is bound to keepe it?
A50246A. VVhen men are given up unto more sinn p as unto hardnesse of heart q, blindnesse of mind r and strong delusions s, Q VVhat is the eternall miserie?
A50246And how doth this prove it?
A50246And how doth this prove that there can be no more but one God?
A50246And how is Christ King of the Elect?
A50246And how is he King of the visible Church?
A50246And if he had sought unto God for helpe, God was not bound to afford it; and how much lesse when he sought it not?
A50246And may not thus much befall a true church?
A50246And what an heart is it in whom this faith is wrought?
A50246And what are the evils forbidden in this first commandement?
A50246And what doth the Gospel?
A50246And what else?
A50246And what evill shall they then have the feeling of?
A50246And what good shall they enjoy?
A50246And what is a corrupt Church?
A50246And what is reprobation?
A50246And what is that bond that doth unite them?
A50246And what is the Church Triumphant?
A50246And what must be the manner of praying, and the end aymed at therein?
A50246And what shall the godly receive?
A50246And what will be his sentence upon the wicked at his left hand?
A50246And wherein have they such power?
A50246And why did God give this great advancement unto Christ?
A50246And why may not a man be called of God immediately?
A50246And why may not the same be said of the Catholike Church?
A50246And why might they not be many Gods, each one having his God- head of himselfe?
A50246And why must the government of the creatures be also ascribed to God?
A50246Are believers able to performe obedience to God?
A50246Are every one of these persons God?
A50246Are the Scriptures a compleat and sufficient rule of direction for all points of faith and life?
A50246Are there any for whom we must not pray?
A50246Because he is expresly so called a, as also by other titles importing the same thing; Q. VVhat are those other titles?
A50246But can they doe this in such perfection as the Law of God requireth?
A50246But divine dominion and soveraignty over all Creatures belonging to the father and to the holy Ghost, why is this peculiarly ascribed unto Christ?
A50246But how if they be not willing to be catechised?
A50246But if God by his providence have a stroake in ordering of the sinnes of men, is not God himselfe then tainted with sinne?
A50246But if Princes be not such, what ought the Church to do in such case?
A50246But if one man could not redeem another, what doe you say of other creatures?
A50246But is it not a shame for persons of yeers to be catechised?
A50246But is it not indeed a reproach and shame unto a man to be catechised?
A50246But is not Christ a person in respect of his Godhead?
A50246But may not the true church be some way distinguished?
A50246But might not Satan compell him to it?
A50246But sith he was God from everlasting, how came be to be man also?
A50246But sith some are appointed by the decree of God to damnation, if his will be the cause of that decree, how is that just?
A50246But though all men be thus defiled with sinne, yet may not a naturall man doe some things that are good?
A50246But what helpe had he in his condition against solitarinesse?
A50246But what thinke you of the Angels, were they also created by God?
A50246But when was he manifested in the flesh?
A50246But whether is there any way of deliverance already found out, and man actually recovered?
A50246But why may no other men appoint Officers to the Church?
A50246But why might not the world be without beginning and have its being of it selfe?
A50246But why should believers die, seeing Christ hath suffered death for them, and so hath taken away all punishment of sinne?
A50246By making a new Covenant and agreement betwixt them, which is called the covenant of grace?
A50246By what comparisons or similitudes is this union expressed in Scripture?
A50246By what power did he rise againe?
A50246Come we now to the particulars, and tell me how it may be proved that Christ is a Prophet to his people?
A50246Could Christ have performed the office whereto he was appointed, if he had not risen from the dead?
A50246Did God procure mans deliverance, because man did so deserve?
A50246Did he make it out of necessity of nature, ot because he could not choose?
A50246Did not Christ also declare his owne Resurrection by shewing himselfe upon earth after he was risen from the dead, afore he ascended into Heaven?
A50246Did not man in that state besides this conformty to God enjoy communion with God?
A50246Did the Lord worke the deliverance of man, because man did importunately seek and sue unto him for the same?
A50246Faith then is very profitable and necessary; but whether is it perfect at the first, or groweth by degrees?
A50246For what end did Christ ascend into heaven?
A50246For what end did God make the World?
A50246For what end should men be excommunicated?
A50246For what ends doe they die?
A50246For what sinnes must men be excommunicated?
A50246For whom else must we not pray?
A50246For whom then must we pray?
A50246God doth not justifie us without righteousnesse; for then how should God be just b?
A50246HAd this world a beginning by Creation, or was it from everlasting?
A50246HAving considered of Christs Humiliation, how are wee in the next place to consider of his exaltation?
A50246HAving spoken of the person of Christ, tell in the next place what is Christs Office?
A50246HAving spoken of the person& Offices of Christ, how are we in the next place to consider of his actions?
A50246HOw doth Christ as Mediator reconcile God and man again?
A50246Himself as he is man g, his humane soule h, and body i Q. VVhat kind of Sacrifice was this?
A50246His food then was excellent; but what was his apparrell?
A50246How are these Catechisticall, and fundamentall points called in the holy Scripture?
A50246How came Christ to be liable to make satisfaction for our sinnes?
A50246How comes the righteousnesse of Christ to be ours, that we may be justified thereby?
A50246How did he entise man to it?
A50246How did man fall?
A50246How do you meane when you say that all things are made of nothing?
A50246How doe these priesthoods differ in respect of the sacrifices offered thereby?
A50246How doe they differ in respect of their formall causes?
A50246How doth God permit the entrance of sinne?
A50246How doth God reveale his decree?
A50246How doth the creation of the world shew that there is a God?
A50246How doth the execution or accomplishment of things reveale Gods decree?
A50246How doth the word worke faith?
A50246How els may the same be proved?
A50246How else doe they differ?
A50246How else doth the nature of God shew that there can be no more but one God?
A50246How else doth the providence of God put forth and shew itselfe?
A50246How else may it appeare that Christ is King not as God onely, but as man also?
A50246How else may it be proved that the Scriptures are the word of God?
A50246How else may it be proved that there is a God?
A50246How else may the Godhead of Christ be proved?
A50246How else may this appeare?
A50246How else may this inability of man appeare?
A50246How else may this sufficiency and perfection of the Scriptures appeare?
A50246How else may this threefold office of Christs be proved?
A50246How else?
A50246How else?
A50246How else?
A50246How else?
A50246How farre doth this sinne extend?
A50246How farre forth hath God an hand by his providence in the sinfull actions of creatures?
A50246How if their swerving be such as overthroweth the foundation?
A50246How if this also prevaile not?
A50246How is faith wrought in us?
A50246How is he King of his people?
A50246How is that proved?
A50246How is this just that God should deny the assistance of his grace, and leave men to themselves, and the temptations of Sathan?
A50246How is this sinne propagated?
A50246How long hath Christ had this office?
A50246How long shall this sitting of Christ at Gods right hand continue?
A50246How many Gods are there?
A50246How many Sacraments are there?
A50246How many are the Persons in the Godhead?
A50246How many are the commandements of the Law?
A50246How many kinds of Churches are there?
A50246How many sorts of sinne are there?
A50246How many wayes may the decree of God be considered?
A50246How may it be proved that Christ hath this threefold Office of Prophet, Priest, and King?
A50246How may it be proved that Christ is God?
A50246How may it be proved that there is a God?
A50246How may it he proved that these Bookes are indeed the word of God?
A50246How may that appeare?
A50246How may that appeare?
A50246How may that appeare?
A50246How may that appeare?
A50246How may that appeare?
A50246How may that appeare?
A50246How may that appeare?
A50246How may that be further cleared?
A50246How may that be further cleared?
A50246How may that be proved?
A50246How may the warrantablenesse of this kind of teaching appeare?
A50246How may this appeare that ministers are not ministers of the universall Church, but only of some particular congregation?
A50246How much of the will of God doth this Prophet make known unto his people?
A50246How must Officers be put into their places?
A50246How must we pray that we may be accepted?
A50246How or in what manner doth the providence of God put forth, and shew it selfe?
A50246How should a man behave himselfe towards them that are excommunicated?
A50246How should the doctrine of catechisme be handled?
A50246How then is faith considered when we are said to be justified by faith?
A50246How then is it wrought?
A50246How then is justification perfect at the first?
A50246How then may we conceive of him?
A50246How then or wherewith did he make it?
A50246How was he furnished with gifts and abilities for discharge of this office?
A50246How was the will of God made known to his people in those times afore the Scriptures were written?
A50246IS Christ also a Priest?
A50246If both the humane and divine nature be in Christ, and yet Christ but one person; is then the Godhead become the manhood, and the manhood the Godhead?
A50246If the decree of God be unchangeable, then what needs man to be carefull in the use of means for his owne good?
A50246If the matter of particular churches for the quality of it ought to be true beleevers in Christ, what ought to be the quantity thereof?
A50246If these things be vouchsafed to believers in this life, what shall they have in the life to come?
A50246If they can not please God in any thing they doe, had they not best then to neglect goods duties altogether?
A50246If they must be deprived of heaven, and of the presence of God and of his Saints, what place and company shall they be in?
A50246In the outward estate poverty and losses k, and their very blessings to be turned into Curses l, Q. VVhat are the spiritual miseries?
A50246In what manner doth he make this intercession?
A50246In what manner must admonition or reproof, whether private or publique, be administred?
A50246In what manner shall the bodies of the Saints arise?
A50246In what manner will be come?
A50246In what time was the world created?
A50246In what way, and by what steps and degrees must an offending brother be dealt withall?
A50246Instance in some of the sinnes here forbidden?
A50246Is Christ also truely partaker of the nature of man?
A50246Is Christ the onely Mediator?
A50246Is God himselfe then the Authour of mans deliverance?
A50246Is any thing else needfull to the being of a visible church but onely the matter above mentioned?
A50246Is any work of Christ as King anywhere expresly ascribed unto him as man?
A50246Is not Sanctification also perfect at the first?
A50246Is not another man who hath the whole nature of man in him, both body and soule, a perfect person?
A50246Is the covenant of grace made with respect to Christ?
A50246Is there any evill in it for one man to be a Bishop or minister to all Christians, where ever they be disposed of, and not onely to one congregation?
A50246Is there any rule of direction according to which we ought to frame our prayers?
A50246Is there not some difference between them in regard of place?
A50246Is there not some difference in regard of the number of their Sacrifices?
A50246It is true indeed, if no creature be the author of them, then God the creator must; but why may not some creature be their author?
A50246It was bloody, or by blood k, it was spotlesse l, and perfect m, and most pleasing unto God n Q. VVhat Altar did he offer this Sacrifice upon?
A50246It was his crucifying or death upon the Crosse l, which was a death accursed by the Law m Q. Wherein was the shame of that death?
A50246Laying aside the full manifestation of his divine Majesty for a time a, and assuming unto him the nature of man b Q. VVhat else?
A50246May the rest also fall away, and perish with the devils?
A50246Name some of the sins forbidden in this commandement?
A50246Name some principall duties that are here required, with the contrary vices forbidden?
A50246Of the person of Christ, and his divine and humane nature?
A50246Open this a little further, how faith is considered when we are said to be justified by faith?
A50246Over whom is Christ a King?
A50246Q And what is the state of the wicked upon their death?
A50246Q And why are unbeliefe and Impenitenci ● … sinnes?
A50246Q But seeing man was to worke and labour in the garden in dressing and keeping it, how doth this agree with happinesse?
A50246Q But whether may not sinners then hereby have excuse for themselves, and lay the blame of their sin upon God?
A50246Q Did not the place where man was then put, something set forth his happinesse in that estate?
A50246Q Do the Angels continue in that estate wherein they were first created?
A50246Q HOw doth the providence of God exercise it selfe towards man?
A50246Q How do they differ in regard of the conditions of them?
A50246Q How doth he this?
A50246Q How else did the time of mans creation declare his happinesse?
A50246Q How else may the justice of the Lord in his decrees appeare?
A50246Q How farre was Satan a cause of that first offence?
A50246Q How is faith wrought in effectuall callings?
A50246Q How is that proved, that the Catholike Church is invisible?
A50246Q If man could not deliver himselfe, might be not be delivered by some other creature?
A50246Q Is the decree of God secret within himselfe or revealed and made knowne?
A50246Q Is there not mention in Scripture of some other covenant of God to man, besides this covenant of grace in Christ?
A50246Q Is there not some difference in regard of the blessings promised to either of them?
A50246Q LEt us come to the first of these benefits which is our justification; and first tell me what is the meaning of the word to justifie?
A50246Q Name a sixth difference?
A50246Q To whom must we pray?
A50246Q VVhat are the generall acts of his humiliation?
A50246Q VVhat are the parts of a Sacrament?
A50246Q VVhat else?
A50246Q VVhat is required in the fifth commandement?
A50246Q VVhat may be some instance of Gods disposing and ordering of sinne for good ends?
A50246Q VVhat must we observe after we haue heard?
A50246Q VVhat rules must be observed before we come to heare the word that we may get profit thereby?
A50246Q VVherein do these two covenants differ?
A50246Q WHat is to be believed concerning death?
A50246Q WHen Christ was risen from the dead, did he still continue upon earth?
A50246Q Was he a Priest after the order of Aaron?
A50246Q What are pure churches and churches that are corrupt?
A50246Q What are some of the particulars?
A50246Q What are some of those evils comprehended in this sinne?
A50246Q What are the benefits of this adoption?
A50246Q What else is done by the Gospell in the working of faith?
A50246Q What followed after his death?
A50246Q What is Thanksgiving?
A50246Q What is that covenant of works?
A50246Q What is the summe of the tenth commandement?
A50246Q What was the place from whence he did ascend?
A50246Q What was the place to which he did ascend?
A50246Q What was the state of man in Innocency by by creation afore the fall?
A50246Q Wherein do they differ in respect of the matter?
A50246Q Wherein was this such a great offence?
A50246Q Whereof or of what materials did he create the world?
A50246Q Who did fall?
A50246Q Why hath God so appointed?
A50246Q. Doe you mean then that a true believer can never totally nor finally fall away, but shall persevere in grace unto the end?
A50246Q. Doe you meane that the third heaven was also created by God?
A50246Q. Doe you say that Gods decree reacheth to all things whatsoever cometh to passe in time?
A50246Q. Doe you then think that in the execution of his office of mediator both the natures doe joyntly concurre?
A50246Q. Doe you then think that the doctrine of catechisme is wholsome and usefull to the soules of Gods people?
A50246Q. Doth Christ sit at the right hand of God in respect of his divine nature onely or in regard of his manhood also?
A50246Q. Doth the knowledge of the Scriptures belong unto all, or onely to the Learned?
A50246Q. HAth Christ also the office of a King?
A50246Q. Hath not the Kingly office of Christ some that are enemies unto it?
A50246Q. Hath the word and will of God alwaies been set down in writing?
A50246Q. SAnctification being another of those benefits that come by Christ, and our union with Christ, tell me first of all what Sanctification is?
A50246Q. SIth all the children of men are thus wofully defiled with sinne, what punnishment is due by reason of the Sinne?
A50246Q. Shall it never cease and have an end?
A50246Q. Shall the bodies of men lie for ever in the grave, and never be united to their soules again?
A50246Q. Shew it by some instances?
A50246Q. VVhat are Deacons?
A50246Q. VVhat are some sorts of them?
A50246Q. VVhat are the Officers appointed by Christ for ordinary and perpetuall use in the Church?
A50246Q. VVhat are the acts of Christs Kingly office in respect of those his enemies, and the enemies of his Church and elect people?
A50246Q. VVhat are the effects and fruits of his Fall?
A50246Q. VVhat are the ordinary and usuall means for increasing of faith?
A50246Q. VVhat are the outward meanes?
A50246Q. VVhat are the parts of justification?
A50246Q. VVhat are the properties of Christs Kingdom?
A50246Q. VVhat are the things whereto the providence of God doth extend?
A50246Q. VVhat are we to understand by Christs sitting at the right hand of God?
A50246Q. VVhat are widows and their works?
A50246Q. VVhat certainty is there of this resurrection of Christ?
A50246Q. VVhat difference is there between the former benefit ▪ to wit Iustification, and this of Sanctification?
A50246Q. VVhat else are the spirituall miseries?
A50246Q. VVhat else are we to know concerning the nature of Angels?
A50246Q. VVhat else may be said for the cleering of Gods justice herein?
A50246Q. VVhat else may be said for the further clearing of this truth?
A50246Q. VVhat else may be said for the further learning of this truth?
A50246Q. VVhat else were testimonies of his afflicted life?
A50246Q. VVhat good shall the wicked be then deprived of?
A50246Q. VVhat great matter is it for godly men to rise again, seeing wicked men shall rise also?
A50246Q. VVhat is Excommunication?
A50246Q. VVhat is another difference?
A50246Q. VVhat is it then?
A50246Q. VVhat is required in the sixth commandement?
A50246Q. VVhat is that for which God doth justifie?
A50246Q. VVhat is the church militant?
A50246Q. VVhat is the effect and benefit of his mediatorship?
A50246Q. VVhat is the generall nature of Sacraments?
A50246Q. VVhat is the generall rule of obedience?
A50246Q. VVhat is the main scope of the first commandement, Thou shalt have no other Gods before me?
A50246Q. VVhat is the nature of Angels?
A50246Q. VVhat is the object of justification, the persons whom God doth justifie?
A50246Q. VVhat is the outward signe in the Lords Supper?
A50246Q. VVhat is the proper effect and use of a Sacrament?
A50246Q. VVhat is the speciall rule according to which the life of a christian ought to be framed?
A50246Q. VVhat is the summe of the seventh commandement?
A50246Q. VVhat may be a fourth rule?
A50246Q. VVhat may be a further proofe of this three fold Office of Christ?
A50246Q. VVhat may be a further reason thereof?
A50246Q. VVhat may be a third instance hereof?
A50246Q. VVhat may be evidences that he was a man of a very mean condition and state?
A50246Q. VVhat may be the further difference?
A50246Q. VVhat meane you by his resurrection from the dead?
A50246Q. VVhat proceeds from this imperfection of Sanctification?
A50246Q. VVhat rules are to be observed for our better understanding the commandements of the Law?
A50246Q. VVhat rules must be observed in hearing?
A50246Q. VVhat then is truth in this case?
A50246Q. VVhat then was the cause of this their sinne?
A50246Q. VVhat was the cause of this great and lamentable offence?
A50246Q. VVhat will be the effect thereof?
A50246Q. VVherein doth that consist?
A50246Q. VVherein else doth the resurrection of the godly and wicked differ?
A50246Q. VVherein stands that different manner of administration?
A50246Q. VVhether is the decree of God certaine, and immutable, or such as may be changed, and not take effect?
A50246Q. VVho gave Christ this great authority thus to sit at the right hand of God?
A50246Q. VVhy are these writings called holy?
A50246Q. VVhy else may we not pray for the dead?
A50246Q. VVhy say you so?
A50246Q. Wherein did his cheife excellency consist?
A50246Q. Wherein else doth this exaltation consist?
A50246Q. Wherewith did God make the world?
A50246Q: BEsides the Resurrection and ascention of Christ, what further degree is there of his exaltation?
A50246Seeing God knoweth all our wants afore we pray, and hath determined with himselfe what he will doe for us, wherefore then should we pray?
A50246Should they not then omit good duties altogether, seeing they can not perform them in that perfection which the Law requireth?
A50246That grace of the spirit whereby we receive Christ, which is wrought in our hearts in our effectuall calling?
A50246This punishment of the damned is in it selfe most dreadfull and terrible, but how long shall it continue?
A50246Though there be but one God, yet is there not more persons, or subsistences in the Godhead then one?
A50246To whom belongeth the power of choosing Officers to the Church?
A50246To whom else?
A50246VVhat else?
A50246WHat are the Kindes of Gods providence?
A50246WHat is Catechizing?
A50246WHat is Church Discipline?
A50246WHat is Gods Decree?
A50246WHat is sinne?
A50246WHat is the Providence of God?
A50246WHat is the generall nature of prayer?
A50246WHat is the matter of particular or visible churches?
A50246WHat is the power or liberty of particular Churches?
A50246WHat ought to be the life of them that are in Christ?
A50246WHat things are to be known and believed concerning Christ?
A50246WHo is the subject of Redemption, or of all that deliverance obtained by Christ?
A50246Was this ascention of Christ a true and reall mutation and change of place, or onely a change of his Estate?
A50246What Scriptures do prove that Adam and Eve did fall from that state of innoceney and purity where in they were created?
A50246What acts doth Christ perform in making intercession for his people?
A50246What are Pastors?
A50246What are Teachers?
A50246What are ruling Elders?
A50246What are some of the principall things that are so decreed?
A50246What are some of those apparitions of Christ in those dayes?
A50246What are some of those great and speciall events that are decreed by the Lord?
A50246What are the benefits of Christs Resurrection?
A50246What are the benefits of this intercession of Christ?
A50246What are the benefits of this intercession?
A50246What are the books of holy Scriptures?
A50246What are the generall heads of those plagues?
A50246What are the parts of Gods decree as it respecteth man?
A50246What are the parts of Gods providence, or the severall acts of it?
A50246What are the parts of it?
A50246What are the parts of prayer?
A50246What are the parts of the Catholike church?
A50246What are the personall properties, whereby each is distinguished from other?
A50246What are the things signified more particularly?
A50246What are the things that are created?
A50246What are the workes performed by him as a Priest?
A50246What are the works of God?
A50246What are those Attributes or back parts of God?
A50246What are those Benefits of Christ wherein beleevers have communion with him by vertue of this their union?
A50246What are those ornaments?
A50246What are those speciall creatures which the providence of God doth extend unto?
A50246What are we to think of that usuall way of catechizing by questions and answers?
A50246What benefit comes to beleevers by meanes of this their union with Christ?
A50246What do you understand by actuall sinnes?
A50246What doe you infer from thence?
A50246What else may be a further proofe that there is a God?
A50246What else may be the benefit thereof?
A50246What else was the shame and paine of that death?
A50246What else was the testimony of his poore birth?
A50246What else was there in his death?
A50246What else were the ends and fruits of his ascention?
A50246What else?
A50246What else?
A50246What else?
A50246What end and office were they created for?
A50246What evill else was there in that offence?
A50246What followeth after the Resurrection?
A50246What followeth hereupon?
A50246What further Testmonies was there of Christs resurrection?
A50246What further evil was in it?
A50246What is Adoption?
A50246What is Election?
A50246What is Petition?
A50246What is a Church of the new Testement?
A50246What is a false church?
A50246What is a last difference betweene them?
A50246What is a third defference betweene them?
A50246What is another rule?
A50246What is his exaltation in respect of his Godhead?
A50246What is his person?
A50246What is meant by the Church in the holy Scriptures?
A50246What is that perfect righteousnesse?
A50246What is the Church of the old Testament?
A50246What is the benefit of catechising?
A50246What is the difference between the catholike, universall and mysticall Church, and the instituted or particular churches?
A50246What is the evill forbidden in the third commandement?
A50246What is the evill here forbidden?
A50246What is the maine sinne here forbidden?
A50246What is the measure or greatnesse of this sinne?
A50246What is the nature of originall sinne?
A50246What is the number of Angels?
A50246What is the state of the godly immediately upon their death?
A50246What is the subject in whom this faith is wrought?
A50246What is the sum of the third commandement?
A50246What is the summe of the fourth commandement?
A50246What is the teaching of the holy Spirit?
A50246What is the thing signified?
A50246What is the third thing signified in the Lords Supper?
A50246What is the true way and means of deliverance?
A50246What is there more then this in saving faith?
A50246What kinde of actions of the Creatures are ordered by the providence of God?
A50246What may be a fifth difference?
A50246What may be a fourth difference?
A50246What may be a further proofe hereof?
A50246What may be a further reason to shew that man can not deliver himselfe?
A50246What may be a last particular to shew the hainousnesse of this first offence?
A50246What may be a third ground hereof?
A50246What may be a third rule for the same purpose?
A50246What meane you by faith?
A50246What moved God to work mans deliverance?
A50246What need is there of the providence of God for the preservation of creatures?
A50246What need is there of this kind of teaching?
A50246What need was there of such a Mediator?
A50246What of the second day?
A50246What of the third day?
A50246What of the three last dayes?
A50246What other ends were there of the Resurrection of Christ?
A50246What other means are there for the increasing of faith?
A50246What particular uses are the Scriptures profitable for?
A50246What persons are subject to Church- censures?
A50246What persons must the Church choose for these Offices?
A50246What righteousnesse is it then?
A50246What scriptures do shew that there is such a providence of God?
A50246What sentence will he give?
A50246What shall be the last act of this glorious power and authority of Christ, and so the last degree of his exaltation?
A50246What shall follow the pronouncing of the sentence?
A50246What shall the wicked receive?
A50246What then doth it signifie?
A50246What then is to be thought of all Doctrines, Traditions, Revelations and Ordinances which he hath not appointed?
A50246What understand you by union with Christ?
A50246What was his condition in respect of other creatures?
A50246What was his poor birth?
A50246What was his poore and afflicted life?
A50246What was his shamefull, painefull and accursed death?
A50246What was mans condition at that time in respect of food and raiment?
A50246What was that holynesse and righteousnesse?
A50246What was that image of God?
A50246What was the Sacrifice which he offered?
A50246What was the cause of Gods decrees?
A50246What was the efficient cause of Christ ascention?
A50246What was the end of all this Humilation of Christ?
A50246What was the knowledge that man was indued withall in that estate?
A50246What was the state of all things by creation?
A50246What was the worke of Each day?
A50246What were the ends of his Resurrection?
A50246When hath Christ performed his office and function of a Prophet unto his people?
A50246When must a man under censure be loosed and forgiven?
A50246When must we heare the word?
A50246When was the highest heaven, and Angels created?
A50246When was the time of this ascention?
A50246When were all these things decreed by God?
A50246When will the day of judgement be?
A50246Whether is Christ Mediator according to his humane nature, or according to his divine?
A50246Whether is Christ the only Priest unto God in these daies, or are there not others who are Priests also?
A50246Whether is not confession of our sinnes and miseries, and vows and promises unto God, parts of prayer?
A50246Whether must we pray to God directly and immediately, or through a Mediator?
A50246Whether was this the worke of the Father, or of the Sonne, or of the Holyghost?
A50246Who among men are tainted with sinne?
A50246Who are guilty of actuall sinnes?
A50246Who are to be catechised?
A50246Who are to receive the Sacraments?
A50246Who gave Christ a Commission or calling to the Office of a mediator?
A50246Who is the Author of Sacraments?
A50246Who is the author of the Lords Supper?
A50246Who must be judge at that day?
A50246Who must be judged?
A50246Who ought to be baptized?
A50246Who ought to receive the Lords Supper?
A50246Who then were redeemed by Christ?
A50246Who was it that created the world?
A50246Who were witnesses of his Ascention?
A50246Why did God afterward cause his will to be set down in writing?
A50246Why did God make the world?
A50246Why did he ascend no sooner?
A50246Why did he stay upon earth no Longer?
A50246Why do you make sinne a Transgression of the law by a creature?
A50246Why doe you say that Iustification is perfect at the first?
A50246Why is it added, by a Creature bound unto it?
A50246Why is sin said to be a transgression of the Law?
A50246Why may not faith be considered in our justification as a work or vertue in us?
A50246Why may not men intrude themselves?
A50246Why may there not be more Gods then one?
A50246Why might not one of them give being to the other?
A50246Why say you so?
A50246Why say you that sinne is a Transgression of the law of God onely?
A50246Why should this sinne of Adam bring the guilt of sinne and misery upon all his posterity?
A50246Why then did he make it?
A50246Why then is not the humane nature in Christ a distinct person?
A50246Why then?
A50246Why was God sixe dayes in making the world?
A50246Why was it requisite that Christ our Saviour should be God?
A50246Why was it requisite that he should be man?
A50246YOu have already shewed the state of man in Innocency by creation, what things are to be dered concerning the state of corruption?
A50246YOu have shewed many excellent benefits that come by faith; but whether is faith of such necessity that these things can not be without it?
A50246YOu have shewed that the meanes of well grounded knowledge is the holy Scripture; tell me now what it is that the Scriptures doe especially teach us?
A50246You have shewed that there is a God, and and onely one God, and three persons; tell me now what God is?
A50246You have shewed the cause, and the object, the nature and subject of faith; tell me now what are the principall effects of faith?
A50246You thinke then he was not compelled and forced to sinne and breake the commandment?
A50246as God onely, or as man also?
A50246for are not Transgressions of the Lawfull commandements of parents and other Superiors, sins also?
A50246or are there not others that may be mediators also?
A50246wherein doth it consist?
A66289A. Thy Will be done in Earth, as it is in Heaven?
A66289After what Manner did Christ Ascend into Heaven?
A66289After what Manner ought we to Pray to God?
A66289After what Manner shall this Judgment be transacted?
A66289After what manner do we acknowledge these Excellencies to be in God?
A66289After what manner was Christ made Man?
A66289And how does it appear that they are not Parts of the Catholick Church?
A66289And how now do you say, that the Father is God, the Son is God, and the Holy Ghost is God?
A66289And how then can it be pretended that he who Communicates in Such a Body, must partake of the Blood together with it?
A66289And how then is Christ his Only Son?
A66289And what we are thereby Obliged to Believe, and Do, in Obedience to his Will?
A66289Are All, who are Baptized, made Partakers thereby of these Benefits?
A66289Are all Men, by Nature, Children of Wrath?
A66289Are all Men, by Nature, born in Sin?
A66289Are all the things contain''d in this Creed to be proved by Divine Revelation?
A66289Are all these Duties to be equally paid to both our Parents?
A66289Are all who are Baptized made Partakers of these Benefits?
A66289Are not Actual Faith, and Repentance, required of those who are to be Baptized?
A66289Are the Body, and Blood of Christ, really distributed to every Communicant, in this Sacrament?
A66289Are the Holy Scriptures so Plain, and Easy to be Understood, that every One may be Able to judge for Himself what he ought to Believe?
A66289Are the Persons who give testimony hereunto, such as may be securely Rely''d upon, in a Matter of this Moment?
A66289Are the Rich as mueh concern''d thus to Pray to God, as the Poor?
A66289Are then the Words appointed by Christ so necessary, that to Use any Other, will destroy the Efficacy of this Sacrament?
A66289Are there any Other General Rules that may be of Use to us, in the Vnderstanding of the Commandments here proposed to Us?
A66289Are there not Other ways, of taking God''s Name in Vain, besides those we have hitherto spoken of?
A66289Are there not, besides these, some other means ordain''d by God, and necessary to be made use of by Us, in order to our Salvation?
A66289Are there yet any Other Vices forbidden by this Commandment?
A66289Are these All the Sacraments that any Christians Receive, as establish''d by Christ?
A66289Are these Conditions so strictly Required by God, that no Prayers are heard by Him which want any of Them?
A66289Are these the only Ends for which the Holy Spirit was given by Christ, to his Church?
A66289Are we not able, of our Selves, to fulfil our Duty towards God, as we ought to do?
A66289Are you able, of your self, by your Own Natural Strength, to Keep God''s Commandments?
A66289At what Times ought We to Pray?
A66289At what Times ought such Persons to be Confirmed?
A66289Being thus assisted by the Holy Spirit, can you Perfectly keep God''s Commandments?
A66289But amidst so many Things as the Holy Scriptures deliver, how shall the People be able to judge what is necessary to be Believed by Them?
A66289But did not you before say, that there is but One God?
A66289But does not the Church of Rome, ascribe much more, to the Absolution of the Priest, than this?
A66289But does the Word of God any where say, that it is not Bread?
A66289But has not Christ left a Power with his Church to forgive Sins?
A66289But he intends to Worship Christ, and that can never be justly said to be Idolatry?
A66289But how shall the Unlearned be able to know what the Scriptures propose; seeing they are written in a Language which such Persons do not understand?
A66289But if Christ, therefore, be God, as well as the Father, how can He be called the Son of God?
A66289But is not this Sacrament as Perfect in One Kind, as in Both?
A66289But is not this to make your self wiser than the Church?
A66289But is there not One Great Branch of Our Duty here wanting, namely, Our Duty towards our Selves?
A66289But might not Christ descend thither, to triumph over the Devil in his Own Place?
A66289But ought there not, beyond all this some Satisfaction to be made to God, for the Sins which we have committed?
A66289But what if they should not fulfil, what has been promised in their Names?
A66289But what positive Witness have you, of his being Alive after his Crucifixion?
A66289But what, if after all this, we should Relapse into Sin again?
A66289But where does the Word of God require me to believe any thing in Opposition to my Senses, which it is the proper Business of my Senses to judge of?
A66289But why do you say, I Believe, and not WE Believe; as when you pray, you say, OVR Father,& c?
A66289But will not this make the Holy Ghost, as much God''s Son, as Christ?
A66289By what Act especially has God manifested Himself to be Almighty?
A66289By what Arguments from the Holy Scriptures do you prove, that He is a Divine Person?
A66289By what Means may we be Enabled to Live according to God''s Commandments?
A66289By what means did Christ accomplish the Redemption of Mankind?
A66289By what means do you hope you shall be Able to fulfil what they promised for you?
A66289By what means may we obtain the Grace of God, in order to this End?
A66289By what means may we obtain this Help of the Holy Spirit?
A66289Can Christ any more Suffer, or Die, now, since his Rising from the Dead?
A66289Can God then Do All things?
A66289Can a Thing be perfect, which wants one half of what is Required to make it Perfect?
A66289Can it consist with the Justice of God to Punish One for the Sin of Another?
A66289Can the Holy Scriptures alone make your Faith perfect?
A66289Can the same Thing be Christ''s Body, and Bread, too?
A66289Did Christ Ascend in the same Body, in which He conversed with his Disciples, after his Resurrection?
A66289Did Christ Institute this Sacrament in Both these?
A66289Did Christ Raise Himself from the Dead?
A66289Did Christ suffer any thing before his Crucifixion; that you say, first, he Suffer''d; and then that he was Crucified?
A66289Did Christ then suffer Death for the Forgiveness of our Sins?
A66289Did the Apostles Practise such an Imposition of Hands?
A66289Did the Apostles give the Cup to the Lay Communicants in their Churches?
A66289Do not those who believe Transubstantiation, believe the Bread and Wine to be changed into Christ''s Mortal, and Passible Body?
A66289Do these Reasons extend to Us Christians?
A66289Do those of that Church Adore the Consecrated Wafer?
A66289Do you account it to be Necessary for you, herein also, to fulfil what they Promised for you?
A66289Do you look upon the Church of England to be a true part of the Catholick Church?
A66289Do you look upon these Scriptures, as the Only, present, Rule of your Faith?
A66289Do you look upon this Sin to have so wholly belonged to those Men, as not to be capable of being Committed by Any Now?
A66289Do you make a difference then, between A Catholick Church, and THE Catholick Church?
A66289Do you suppose that we ought to judge of a Thing of this Nature by our Senses?
A66289Do you then believe that there shall be a General Day of Judgment, to the whole World?
A66289Do you then expect to be Saved by Virtue of your Own Good Works?
A66289Do you then look upon Christ to have been made by God Partaker of the Divine Nature; and so, to have been from all Eternity, God, together with Him?
A66289Do you then look upon all Vse of Images in God''s Service to be Vnlawful?
A66289Do you then make no Distinction between the Priests, and the People, in what concerns this Holy Sacrament?
A66289Do you then think that the People ought to be suffered promiscuously to Read the Holy Scriptures?
A66289Do you think it necessary that Every Communicant should Receive this Sacrament in Both Kinds?
A66289Do you think it to be a Matter of Necessary Duty, to Pray Publickly with the Church?
A66289Do you think it utterly Unlawful to make any Image at all of God?
A66289Do you think such in a more dangerous Estate, than those who were from the beginning bred up in the Roman Communion?
A66289Do you think that you shall be able still to go on, and persevere in this State?
A66289Do you think that you shall be able thus to renounce the Devil, the World, and your Own Flesh?
A66289Do you think they are so foolish as to Worship the Cross; or is it Idolatry to worship Christ, in presence of the Cross?
A66289Do you think this Change so considerable, as to warrant you to break off Communion with that Church which has made it?
A66289Do you trust that God will do this?
A66289Do''s not God make use of many other ways to bring Men to such a Sorrow?
A66289Does God allow Repentance to all Sins?
A66289Does God always Answer the Prayers that are made to Him?
A66289Does Repentance then, if it be sincere, without any thing more, restore us again to our State of Grace, and reconcile us to God Almighty?
A66289Does it Strengthen Us in any Other Respect besides this?
A66289Does not Christ expresly say, that the Bread is his Body; the Cup his Blood?
A66289Does not the Word of God say, This is my Body?
A66289Does not this Commandment Require some Return of Duty from those, who are, upon any of these Accounts, to be Honoured by Us?
A66289Does our Saviour do any thing, at present, for Us, with God in Heaven?
A66289Does the Bishop give the Holy Ghost now, as the Apostles did, by their Imposition of Hands?
A66289Does this Petition respect both these?
A66289Does your Church- Catechism sufficiently instruct you in All These?
A66289FRom whence is the Word Catechism derived?
A66289For what End did Christ appoint these Outward Signs of this Sacrament?
A66289From whence does it appear, that such an Imposition of Hands was Reasonable to have been Ordain''d, and to be Continued, in the Church?
A66289From whom is this Forgiveness to be Sought?
A66289HAS there been any such Summary Collection made, of the main Branches of what we are to Do; as we Had in the Creed, of what we are to Believe?
A66289HOW did our Blessed Lord dispose of Himself, after that he was Risen from the Dead?
A66289HOW long shall our Saviour Christ continue to Sit, and Intercede for Us, at God''s Right- hand?
A66289HOW many Petitions are there in this Prayer?
A66289Had our Saviour then a Real Body, like unto One of Us?
A66289Has our Saviour left Us any particular Direction how we should Pray?
A66289Has there been any such Summary Collection made of God''s Commandments, as you say there has been of the Principal Articles of your Christian Faith?
A66289Have none, but such as are Baptized, a Right to these Benefits?
A66289Have the Children of Believing Parents, in this Case, no Privilege above Others?
A66289Have you any thing Else to Observe from the Form of this Prayer?
A66289Have you any thing farther to Observe from this Division?
A66289How are those who are Baptized, made thereby Children of Grace?
A66289How are we to keep our Sabbath day?
A66289How are you assured of God''s Grace to enable you to Believe, and to Do, what he requires of you?
A66289How came Pontius Pilate to condemn our Saviour to this Death?
A66289How came our Saviour to be called by that Name?
A66289How came the Custom of Dipping, to be so universally left off in the Church?
A66289How came you to be called unto such a Blessed State as this?
A66289How can any One Promise this for Another?
A66289How can it be possible that Three distinct Persons, should so partake of the One, Divine Nature, or Essence, as All together to make but One God?
A66289How can it then be Sinful for Those who believe the Bread to be changed into the Body of Christ, upon that Supposition, to Worship the Host?
A66289How can such a Church be the Object of our Faith?
A66289How can this be; seeing He who knows, and believes aright of God; must know, and believe, that there neither is, nor can be, any God besides Him?
A66289How could Christ be conceived by the Holy Ghost?
A66289How could Christ, whom you believe to be God, die?
A66289How did Christ suffer all this?
A66289How did God Anoint him to these Offices?
A66289How did God Make All these?
A66289How do you believe God to be our Father?
A66289How do you distinguish between Calumny, and Evil- speaking?
A66289How do you know that these Books were written by the Assistance of the Holy Spirit?
A66289How do you know what Books were written by these Persons, in order to these Ends?
A66289How do you pray to God for the Forgiveness of your Past Sins?
A66289How do you profess to Believe all this of God?
A66289How do you profess to Believe in God?
A66289How do you prove him not only to be a Divine Person, but a Person distinct both from the Father, and the Son?
A66289How do you understand these Words?
A66289How does Every such Communicant Take, and Receive, the Body and Blood of Christ, in this Sacrament?
A66289How does God declare his Will to Us?
A66289How does God forgive Sin?
A66289How does it appear that Christ Received his Divine Nature from the Father?
A66289How does it appear that He did thus Rise from the Dead?
A66289How does it appear that Our Lord was not only a Prophet, and a Priest, but a King also?
A66289How does it appear that it was the Third Day on which he Rose?
A66289How does it appear that these are not truly Sacraments?
A66289How does it appear that these two are properly Sacraments?
A66289How does it appear that this Foundation is false and erroneous?
A66289How does it appear that to Swear by any Creature, is to Give to that Creature by whom we Swear, the proper Honour of God?
A66289How does our Saviour express what is necessary to be asked by Us, for the Sustenance of our present Life?
A66289How does such a Receiving of this Holy Sacrament strengthen our Souls?
A66289How does the Bread, and Wine, become to the faithful, and worthy Communicant, the very Body and Blood of Christ?
A66289How does the Scripture contradict this Belief?
A66289How does this Commandment differ from the Foregoing?
A66289How does this Doxology encourage us to Hope that we shall Receive what we Ask of God?
A66289How does this Doxology shew, that we ought to Ask these Things of God?
A66289How does this Ordinance give a Satisfaction to the Church of Christ, as to these Matters?
A66289How does this appear?
A66289How far do you suppose this Command Obliges Us now?
A66289How has God enforced these Commandments?
A66289How is Baptism perform''d?
A66289How is Christ OVR Lord?
A66289How is He here described to Us?
A66289How is Transubstantiation contrary to our Reason?
A66289How is his Person set out, in this Article, to Us?
A66289How is it that the Holy Ghost does this?
A66289How is it that you call the World,( the Work of God''s Hands) a Wicked World?
A66289How is such a Sorrow to be wrought in a Sinner?
A66289How is this performed among Us?
A66289How long shall the Holy Ghost continue thus to Comfort, Sanctify, and Guide, the Faithful?
A66289How long will Christ continue, in this Respect, to be Our Lord?
A66289How many Commandments does each of these Tables comprehend?
A66289How many Parts are there in a Sacrament?
A66289How many ways may a Man have Others for their Gods, besides the LORD?
A66289How many ways may the Marriage- Bed be polluted?
A66289How may God''s Name be taken in Vain, by Vowing?
A66289How may we know whether we do this, so effectually as we are here Required to do?
A66289How must this Examination be perform''d?
A66289How often ought any Christian to be Confirmed?
A66289How ought Elder Persons to behave themselves towards the Younger?
A66289How ought Masters to behave themselves towards their Servants?
A66289How ought Those who are in a lower Degree, to behave themselves towards Such as are in Fortune, and Quality, above them?
A66289How ought Those, who are Teachers, to behave Themselves towards Them who are Committed to their Charge?
A66289How ought we to Think of God?
A66289How ought we to Worship God?
A66289How shall I pardon Thee for this?
A66289How then came it to pass, that They did not more readily Receive Him?
A66289How then did it become Needful for God to Renew it again in this Place?
A66289How then do those of the Church of Rome say, that he is again Offer''d for Us, as a true, and proper Sacrifice in this Holy Sacrament?
A66289How then do you Suppose that this Rule is to be Vnderstood by Us?
A66289How then do you Understand this Part of the Commandment?
A66289How then is Everlasting Life a Privilege of the Church of Christ?
A66289How then is this a Privilege of those who are the Faithful Members of Christ''s Church?
A66289How then shall the Wicked be Raised?
A66289How then, upon the whole, are we to consider the Jewish Sabbath, here establish''d by God?
A66289How was Christ born of the Virgin Mary?
A66289How was Christ made Man?
A66289How was Christ''s Body disposed of, after he was Dead?
A66289How was he deliver''d from the Power of the Grave?
A66289How was this Jesus to Save the World?
A66289How was this Sin of Adultery punish''d under the Law?
A66289How were you hereby made a Member of Christ?
A66289How were you hereby made an Inheritor of the Kingdom of Heaven?
A66289How were you hereby made the Child of God?
A66289IS there Any Thing yet farther Required of Those who Come to the Lord''s Supper?
A66289IS this the only way in which you suppose Christ''s Body, and Blood, to be Really Present in this Sacrament?
A66289If this be so, how comes it to pass that such Persons oftentimes escape, without any such Exemplary Mark of God''s Vengeance against Them?
A66289If ye being Evil know how to give Good Gifts unto your Children, how much more shall your Heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit to them that ask him?
A66289In how many Respects is God a King?
A66289In what Respect do you believe Christ to be the Son of God?
A66289In what Respect do you believe the Catholick Church to be Holy?
A66289In what does that Form chiefly direct Us to compose aright our Own Prayers?
A66289In which of these Respects do you here profess to believe, that Jesus Christ is the ONLY Son of God?
A66289In which of these Significations do you here understand it?
A66289In which of these was this Sacrament administred at the Beginning?
A66289Into what part of Heaven did Christ Ascend?
A66289Is God so in Heaven, as our Earthly Fathers are upon Earth?
A66289Is a Man Obliged, in all Cases, to Do all that for his Neighbour, which he would desire his Neighbour should Do for Him?
A66289Is all bodily Labour forbidden to Vs, upon this Day, as it was to the Jews?
A66289Is any kind of Sorrow to be look''d upon as a part of true Repentance?
A66289Is it Unlawful for any Man to take Care of, or provide for any thing more than the Next Day?
A66289Is it a Matter of Any Moment, How each Precept is divided, so long as All are Retained?
A66289Is it lawful to Swear in any Matter of Moment; if we take care to Swear in such a manner as we ought to do?
A66289Is it necessary for all those who join in this Holy Sacrament, both to Eat of that Bread, and to Drink of that Cup?
A66289Is it not then Good to make Vows at all?
A66289Is it possible for any Man who knows, and worships the LORD, to have any Other God besides him?
A66289Is it possible for us, ever to attain to such a Perfection of Obedience, in this present Life?
A66289Is not all Killing, Murder?
A66289Is not the Word of God to be more Rely''d upon, than Our Own Senses?
A66289Is such a Preparatory Examination of our Selves, so necessary before we Come to the Holy Table, that we may, in no Case, presume to Come without it?
A66289Is the Form of Baptism necessary to the Administration of this Sacrament?
A66289Is there any Other God, besides the LORD?
A66289Is there any Promise of God on which to build such a Hope?
A66289Is there any Thing farther Required of Us, in Order to the full Observance of this Commandment?
A66289Is there any great harm in such a Worship?
A66289Is there any other Division of these Commands, that may be fit to be taken Notice of, before we proceed to the particular Consideration of Them?
A66289Is there any particular Significancy in that Name, that should move God, in such an Extraordinary manner, to give it to Him?
A66289Is there any thing else forbidden in this Commandment?
A66289Is there any thing farther needful to be known, concerning the Holy Ghost?
A66289Is there any thing more comprehended in this Article, with relation to God the Father?
A66289Is there any thing more intimated by that Expression?
A66289Is there any thing yet more forbidden in this Commandment?
A66289Is there not some Other ground for this Title, and which Restrains it in a particular Manner to Mankind?
A66289Is there not somewhat yet required, beyond this, in order to our Forgiveness?
A66289Is there nothing Else, besides Murder, forbidden by this Commandment?
A66289Is this All that is here forbidden by God?
A66289Is this Element so necessary a part of this Sacrament, that the Church may in no Case depart from it?
A66289Is this all that belongs to this Commandment?
A66289Is this all that is Required of Us, before we come to the Lord''s Supper?
A66289Is this the peculiar Privilege of the Church of Christ?
A66289May not the Grace of God be Obtain''d as well by our Own Prayers, as by the Bishop''s Imposition of Hands upon Us?
A66289May this be, in any wise, Apply''d to Us Now?
A66289Not to have any Other, besides the LORD, for our God?
A66289On what Day of the Week did that Sabbath- Day fall?
A66289Or that I am not to believe it to be Bread, though my Senses never so evidently assure me that it is?
A66289Or to deliver from thence, all such as should there Believe in Him?
A66289Ought not Christ to be Adored in the Sacrament?
A66289Ought this Sacrament to be administred only at the Time of Supper?
A66289Q Do those Commandments which were Given by God to the Jews, still continue in force, and Oblige Us Christians?
A66289Q How many such Sacraments hath Christ Ordained in his Church?
A66289Q. Shall All Mankind, not only Good, and Bad, but Every Single Person, of either kind, be Raised at the Last Day?
A66289Q. Shall not All Men whatsoever be Raised again at the last Day?
A66289Q. Shall the Wicked, as well as the Righteous, live for Ever?
A66289Q. Shall there be any particular Method observed, in the Proceedings of this Judgment?
A66289Q. Shall we Receive the same Bodies, we now have, at the Resurrection; or shall some Other Bodies be prepared for Us?
A66289Q. Wherefore are we taught to say, OVR Father?
A66289Q. Wherefore did Christ begin his Prayer, with this Petition, or Desire?
A66289Q. Wherefore did God establish a Seventh Day of Rest, after Six of Work and Labour?
A66289Q. Wherefore did our Saviour begin his Prayer with this Compellation of God, Our Father?
A66289Q. Wherefore do we Pray to God for such a Support?
A66289Q. Wherefore do you call it the Sacrifice of Christ''s Death?
A66289Q. Wherefore do you give the Title of Virgin, to the Mother of our Lord?
A66289Q. Wherefore must the Killing be Vnlawful?
A66289Q. Wherefore must the Killing be Wilful, and Designed?
A66289Q. Wherefore to his being Crucified, do you add, that he Died?
A66289Q. Wherefore was Christ Crucified?
A66289Q. Wherefore was it needful for the Holy Ghost to do this?
A66289Q. Wherefore, do you give this Church the Title of Catholick?
A66289Q. Wherein did He exercise this Office?
A66289Q. Wherein do the Holy Scriptures speak of this Blessed Spirit, as of a Person?
A66289Q. Wherein do you suppose the Everlasting Happiness of the Righteous shall Consist?
A66289Q. Wherein do you suppose their Fellowship with Us to consist?
A66289Should not this Relation of the Blessed Virgin to our Saviour, oblige Us to pay a more than Ordinary Respect to her?
A66289Tell me, therefore, what do you mean when you say, I Believe?
A66289The CVP of Blessing which we bless, is it not the Communion of the Body of Christ?
A66289The worthy participation of the Holy Sacraments?
A66289To Six; which make up the whole of the Second Table?
A66289To how many Commandments has God Reduced our Duty towards Our Neighbour?
A66289To what Offices of Communion does this Belief oblige Us, at present, towards Each Other?
A66289To whom is our Confession to be made?
A66289Upon what Account do you give to God the Title of FATHER?
A66289Upon what Authority was this change of the Sabbath- day made?
A66289Upon what Occasions, especially, may God''s Name be made Use of by Us?
A66289Upon what grounds do you think your self obliged to make good what your Godfathers, and Godmothers, promised for you at your Baptism?
A66289Upon what is the Necessity of our Praying to God founded?
A66289WAS Christ to continue always under the Power of Death?
A66289WHAT are the Blessings which we are here taught to ask of God for our Souls?
A66289WHAT does the Second Part of your Creed contain?
A66289WHAT does the last Part of this Prayer consist of?
A66289WHAT does your Creed teach you farther to Believe concerning our Lord Jesus Christ; in the following Articles which Relate to Him?
A66289WHAT have been the Ill Effects of this Errour?
A66289WHAT is that Relation which Christ is here said to have to God?
A66289WHAT is the First of those Petitions, which you said Related to our Own Needs?
A66289WHAT is the Other Means appointed by God for the Conveyance of his Grace to Us; and to confirm to Us his Promises, in Christ Jesus?
A66289WHAT is the Second Commandment?
A66289WHAT is the Second Petition of this Prayer?
A66289WHAT is the Third Petition of this Prayer?
A66289WHAT is the first Article of your Creed?
A66289WHAT shall follow upon the Resurrection?
A66289WHat did your Godfathers, and Godmothers then for you?
A66289WHat do the Commandments of the Second Table Respect?
A66289WHat does the FOVRTH, and Last Part of your Creed Relate to?
A66289WHat does the THIRD PART of your Creed contain?
A66289WHat is Required of them who Come to the Lord''s Supper?
A66289WHat is required of Persons to be Baptized?
A66289WHat is the Eighth Commandment?
A66289WHat is the First Sacrament of the New Testament?
A66289WHat is the Inward Part, or Thing Signified, in this Holy Sacrament?
A66289WHat is the Ninth Commandment?
A66289WHat is the Other Sacrament of the New Testament?
A66289WHat is the Seventh Commandment?
A66289WHat is the Sixth Commandment?
A66289WHat is the Third Commandment?
A66289WHat is the Third Privilege promised by God to Christ''s Church?
A66289WHat is the first Duty, or Privilege, belonging to those who are Members of Christ''s Church?
A66289WHat is the last Commandment?
A66289WHat is the last Petition of this Prayer?
A66289WHat is the next Privilege which you believe does, of Right, belong to those, who are the Members of Christ''s Church?
A66289WHat is your Name?
A66289WHat was the Third Thing, which your Godfathers and Godmothers promised for you at your Baptism?
A66289WHat was the second thing which Your Godfathers, and Godmothers, promised in your Name?
A66289Was Adultery the only Pollution that was forbidden by God under the Law?
A66289Was it necessary that Christ should die, in order to his being such a Sacrifice?
A66289Was it necessary to our Redemption, that Christ should Die?
A66289Was no Other Form ever used in the Apostle''s Times?
A66289Was our Saviour to be consecrated to All These?
A66289Was that the same Day on which God Rested from the Creation, and which He had before Commanded Adam to keep in memory of it?
A66289Was there any thing Remarkable in the Day on which he Rose?
A66289Was this Command given by God to Mankind from the beginning of the World?
A66289Was this Son, the same JESVS, who afterwards came into the World, to publish the Gospel, and Die for Us?
A66289Were any Baptized otherwise at the Beginning?
A66289Were then Two distinct Natures, the Divine and Humane, Vnited together in Christ?
A66289What Assurance have we that God will thus Forgive Us our Sins?
A66289What Authority Have you for this Division of these Commandments?
A66289What Cases are They?
A66289What Encouragement does this Give to Us now?
A66289What Encouragement has God given Us, to make us the more careful to Observe this Commandment?
A66289What God therein Promises to Us?
A66289What Ground had the Church to admit of Sprinkling, as sufficient to answer the Design of this Sacrament?
A66289What Repentance is required to prepare any Person for Baptism?
A66289What Return of Duty ought Parents to make to their Children?
A66289What Security have we, that this was indeed the Messias, of whom Moses, and the Prophets Spake?
A66289What Sins are those, which you suppose to come the nearest to it?
A66289What are the Benefits of this Institution, to those who are Confirmed?
A66289What are the Benefits whereof Those, who thus Receive this Holy Sacrament, are made Partakers thereby?
A66289What are the Benefits which by your Baptism have accrued to you?
A66289What are the Conditions required of Us by God, in order to our being made Partakers of these Promises?
A66289What are the Duties which this Commandment Requires of Us?
A66289What are the General Parts of this Prayer?
A66289What are the General Parts of which this Creed does consist?
A66289What are the Means ordained of God, whereby to convey his Grace to Us?
A66289What are the Necessary Parts of this Sacrament?
A66289What are the Particular Aggravations of this Sin?
A66289What are the Particular Duties which are Required of Children towards their Parents?
A66289What are the Positive Duties comprehended under this Commandment?
A66289What are the Positive Duties which this Commandment requires of Us?
A66289What are the Promises which God has made to Mankind, through Jesus Christ?
A66289What are the Reasons that chiefly moved the Church of England to Retain such a Ceremony as this?
A66289What are the Things which we ought to Pray for?
A66289What are the Wants, which we chiefly need to have Supply''d by God?
A66289What are the Works of the Devil, which, together with him, you, at your Baptism, promised to Renounce?
A66289What are the chief Acts required to such a Repentance?
A66289What are the chief Motives, with respect to us, to engage us thus to Sorrow for our Sins?
A66289What are the chief Offences that may be Committed, against this Part of the first Commandment?
A66289What are the chief Relations to which this Commandement may be Referr''d?
A66289What are the chief Ways whereby this Sin may be Committed?
A66289What are the main Things wherein we are to express our Duty towards God?
A66289What are the peculiar Aggravations of this Sin?
A66289What are those Cases in which we ought to confess our Sins to Man, as well as unto God?
A66289What are those Cases?
A66289What are those things which may be accounted thus necessary to be known by All Christians?
A66289What be They?
A66289What be those Evidences?
A66289What became of his Soul, while his Body lay in the Grave?
A66289What do these Commandments in General Refer to?
A66289What do you Learn from this Introduction?
A66289What do you Observe from the General Composure of this Part of the present Prayer?
A66289What do you Observe from this Distinction?
A66289What do you Observe from this?
A66289What do you Understand by the Word Daily?
A66289What do you Understand thereby?
A66289What do you account needful to be believed concerning Him?
A66289What do you call the Host?
A66289What do you here understand by Bearing of False Witness?
A66289What do you here understand by Stealing?
A66289What do you look upon to be the proper Subject of such an Institution?
A66289What do you mean by Confirmation?
A66289What do you mean by Honouring of such Persons?
A66289What do you mean by Saints?
A66289What do you mean by a Continual Remembrance?
A66289What do you mean by a Doxology?
A66289What do you mean by forgiving of Trespasses?
A66289What do you mean by that Phrase, the Quick, and the Dead?
A66289What do you mean by the Attribute of ALMIGHTY?
A66289What do you mean by the Pomps, and Vanity, of this Wicked World?
A66289What do you mean by the Right- hand of God?
A66289What do you mean by the Sabbath- Day?
A66289What do you then say to those Satisfactions, which the Church of Rome teaches we may, and ought to make, for our Sins?
A66289What do you then suppose to be the full import, of this Second Part, of the present Commandment?
A66289What do you think of the Church''s Definitions?
A66289What do you understand by that Expression, The Heaven, and the Earth?
A66289What do you understand by the Sinful Lusts of the Flesh?
A66289What does Amen import?
A66289What does our Saviour teach us to understand by this Prohibition?
A66289What does the Renouncing of all these import?
A66289What does the Word Bread denote?
A66289What does the Word Hell signify?
A66289What does this Commandment positively Require of Us?
A66289What if Men draw in a sudden Heat, and one be Slain?
A66289What if a Man''s Desire be so bounded, as not to put him upon any undue Means to Obtain what is Another Man''s?
A66289What if any Difference should arise in the Commonwealth, of which I am a Member, between the Prince, and the People?
A66289What if by this means, a Good Christian should not be able fully to satisfy himself, concerning his Worthiness to Go to the Holy Table?
A66289What if it shall appear that He is not in a State of Going worthily to this Sacrament?
A66289What if the Civil Power shall command Me to do that which is contrary to my Duty towards God?
A66289What is Adultery?
A66289What is Baptism?
A66289What is God?
A66289What is Murder?
A66289What is Prayer?
A66289What is Required of Persons to be Confirmed?
A66289What is Required of Us by this Commandment?
A66289What is Sin?
A66289What is forbidden by this Commandment?
A66289What is here meant by the Name of God?
A66289What is it to have the LORD for our God?
A66289What is meant by Hallowing?
A66289What is meant by Our Bread?
A66289What is meant by Temptation?
A66289What is meant by that Sin?
A66289What is that Authority?
A66289What is that Church, of which this Article speaks?
A66289What is that General Proportion which Every Christian ought to observe, in the Times of his daily Prayers?
A66289What is that Name which is here demanded of you?
A66289What is that Summary of which you speak, and which you account to comprehend all the most Necessary Articles of our Christian Faith?
A66289What is that Worship, of which you speak such hard Things?
A66289What is that you call your Church- Catechism?
A66289What is the Design of this Commandment?
A66289What is the Duty Required in this Commandment?
A66289What is the Duty of Servants towards their Masters?
A66289What is the Duty of Subjects towards those whom God has set in Authority over Them?
A66289What is the Duty of the Civil Magistrate towards his People?
A66289What is the Duty of the Wife towards her Husband?
A66289What is the Duty of the Younger towards the Aged?
A66289What is the Duty of those who are of a Higher Rank, towards Such as are below Them?
A66289What is the Evil which you here pray against?
A66289What is the Faith which Every One ought to bring to this Sacrament?
A66289What is the First Thing which you are taught to believe concerning Christ''s Church?
A66289What is the First of These?
A66289What is the First of These?
A66289What is the Foundation upon which they are built?
A66289What is the General Foundation of Our Duty towards Our Neighbour?
A66289What is the Husbands Duty towards his Wife?
A66289What is the Inward or Spiritual Grace, of this Sacrament?
A66289What is the Order of which you speak?
A66289What is the Other thing proposed to Us in this Commandment?
A66289What is the Outward Uisible Sign, or Form in Baptism?
A66289What is the Positive Duty Required of Us in this Commandment?
A66289What is the Preface to this Prayer?
A66289What is the Sanction wherewith God has enforced this Commandment?
A66289What is the Sin forbidden in this Commandment?
A66289What is the Third Enemy, which your Religion engages you to Renounce?
A66289What is the Third Rule to be Observed, for the better Understanding of these Commandments?
A66289What is the Title given to our Blessed Lord, with respect to his Office?
A66289What is the difference, with respect to Us, between these Two?
A66289What is the first Point concerning which we are to Examine our Selves?
A66289What is the first Thing which your Godfathers, and Godmothers, promised in your Name?
A66289What is the first step towards a true Repentance?
A66289What is the full Import of the first Commandment?
A66289What is the full Import of this Commandment?
A66289What is the last General Rule to be observed, for the better Interpretation of God''s Commandments?
A66289What is the last Respect in which our Saviour is here Represented to Us?
A66289What is the next Enemy which, at your Baptism, you promised to Renounce?
A66289What is the next General Rule to be Observed, in the Interpreting of these Commandments?
A66289What is the next Thing wherein we are to Examine our Selves, before we come to the Holy Communion?
A66289What is the next thing required in order to a true Repentance?
A66289What is the proper Extent of this Commandment?
A66289What is the special Importance of this Article to Us?
A66289What is your Opinion of Self- Murder?
A66289What is your Opinion of the Church of Rome, in this particular?
A66289What mean you by Repentance?
A66289What mean you by the Devil?
A66289What mean you by the Holy Scriptures?
A66289What mean you by the Law of God?
A66289What mean you by the Name of God?
A66289What mean you by the Word Creed?
A66289What mean you by the Word Flesh?
A66289What mean you by this Word Sacrament?
A66289What say you to the Practice of the Church of Rome, in this particular?
A66289What then do you look upon to be the full Import of this Petition?
A66289What then do you take to be the true Import of this Rule?
A66289What then do you take to be the true Meaning of this Article?
A66289What then do you think of Those of the Church of Rome, who deny the Cup to the Laity?
A66289What then do you think of Those who Go off from the Communion of the Church of England, to That of the Church of Rome?
A66289What then do you think of those who have always been of the Communion of that Church?
A66289What then is that Sorrow which leads to a true Repentance?
A66289What then is the full Import of this Petition?
A66289What think you of Going to Law?
A66289What think you of Those who Come to the Lord''s Supper, without either being Confirmed; or having any Desire, or Intention, to be Confirmed?
A66289What think you of Those who Swear not only by the Name of God, but by that of some Creature; such as the Blessed Virgin, or the like Saint?
A66289What think you of that Confession( commonly called by them Auricular- Confession) which the Church of Rome requires, as necessary to Forgiveness?
A66289What think you of that Honour which is paid to Them in the Church of Rome?
A66289What think you of that Worship, which, upon this Account, is paid to Her, in the Church of Rome?
A66289What think you of the Image of Christ; may that be made without offending against this Commandment?
A66289What think you of the Sacrifice, as they call it, of the Mass?
A66289What think you of the Tradition of the Church?
A66289What think you of those who meet in a set Duel, and so Kill?
A66289What was the Second thing which your Godfathers, and Godmothers, promised for you at your Baptism?
A66289What was the Third thing, which your Godfathers, and Godmothers, promised in your Name at your Baptism?
A66289What was then the Design of our Saviour, in this Institution?
A66289What were those Offices, to which Men were consecrated, by the Ceremony of Anointing, under the Law?
A66289When did Christ begin, in this Respect, to be Our Lord?
A66289When did God Renew this Command to Them?
A66289When do we take God''s Name in Vain, in Praying?
A66289When is such a Desire Vnlawful?
A66289When may we be accounted to take God''s Name in Vain, by using it in Swearing?
A66289When may we be accounted to take God''s Name in Vain?
A66289When ought such an Examination to be made?
A66289Where are those Articles to be found?
A66289Where are those Articles to be met with?
A66289Whether we are careful always to keep up in our Minds, a lively Memory of his Death, and Passion?
A66289Whether we are in Charity with all Men?
A66289Whether we are sufficiently Sensible of the Infinite Love of God, and Condescension of Jesus Christ, hereby declared to Us?
A66289Who gave you this Name?
A66289Who hath Power to forgive Sins but God only?
A66289Who shall forbid Them to Read what was purposely designed by God for their Instruction?
A66289Who was Pontius Pilate?
A66289Whom do you account Hereticks, and Schismaticks?
A66289Whom do you mean by Holy Persons?
A66289Whom do you mean by your Godfathers and Godmothers?
A66289Why do you add the Circumstance of the Time of his Resurrection; that He Rose the Third Day?
A66289Why do you call Them the Ten Commandments?
A66289Why do you call it the Lord''s Supper?
A66289Why do you take notice of the Person under Whom Christ Suffer''d?
A66289Why had our Saviour this Title given to Him?
A66289Why is this Circumstance added, As it is in Heaven?
A66289Why then do you say that they are Three Persons, and but One, in the Divine Essence?
A66289Why then is this added, as the Condition upon which we are to Pray to God for his Forgiveness?
A66289Why was that Circumstance added, Which art in Heaven?
A66289Why was the Sacrament of the Lord''s Supper ordain''d?
A66289Why was this Doxology here added by our Saviour?
A66289Will not his Intention direct his Action aright?
A66289Will not this Undervalue the Grace of the Holy Spirit, by which we are Sanctified?
A66289Will that alone suffice to intitule you to God''s Forgiveness?
A66289Will the Holy Ghost alone do all this for Us?
A66289With Whom, and in what Things, do you believe such Persons to have Communion?
A66289YOu said that the First Table contain''d those Commandments which concern our Duty towards God: What is the first of These?
A66289Yet it can not be deny''d, but that he who Receives the Body of Christ, does therewith Receive the Blood too?
A66289You say, that God before Prophesy''d of such a Christ; Did the Jews know that He had done so?
A16536A. Wherefore was that hanging called cursed?
A16536ARE all men sinners?
A16536ARE not the outward works of all the persons common to every person of the Trinitie?
A16536ARE not these three persons divided one from another, so that it may be said, here is the Father, and there is the Son?
A16536Are all men sinners?
A16536BY what meanes is our faith strengthned?
A16536But he hath said, that he will be with his Church unto the end of the world?
A16536But how can his manhood be seperate from his Godhead?
A16536But how could God in justice for so light a sin destroy all mankinde?
A16536But is not our thought free?
A16536But may wee not come to the Sacrament without them?
A16536But shall not Christ himselfe that day be the onely judge?
A16536By what meanes worketh he the same?
A16536By what meanes?
A16536By what meanes?
A16536By what power then shall they rise?
A16536By what power was that done?
A16536By what reason provest thou that little children should be baptixed?
A16536By what singes will this repentance appeare?
A16536Can a lightword be sinne?
A16536Can not a man perfectly fulfill the law of God?
A16536DID man keepe that image of God?
A16536DID man keepe that image?
A16536DID man keepe that image?
A16536Did man keepe that Covenant?
A16536FRom Christs humiliation let us come to his exaltation: How many degrees are they of his exaltation?
A16536For what other cause arose He?
A16536For what other reasons was that death called cursed?
A16536For whose sake must we seeke from God, the things we stand in neede of?
A16536Give me the reason?
A16536HOW many Gods be there?
A16536HOW many Gods bee there?
A16536HOW many Sacraments are they under the Gospell?
A16536HOW many parts are there of Gods service?
A16536HOw many natures are they in Christ Iesus?
A16536How are the persons distinguished one from another?
A16536How are the ten commandements divided?
A16536How are the ten commandements divided?
A16536How are they distinguished by their inward properties?
A16536How are they distinguished?
A16536How can that bee?
A16536How concludest thou thy thanksgiving?
A16536How did these three deceive the man?
A16536How did they bring that evill to passe?
A16536How did they bring that evill to passe?
A16536How differeth originall sinne from actuall sinne?
A16536How divide you these six petitions?
A16536How governeth Hee all things that hee hath made?
A16536How hath God made all things of nothing?
A16536How is he Christs Father?
A16536How is he our Father?
A16536How is our faith made stronger?
A16536How is that done?
A16536How is that done?
A16536How is that done?
A16536How knowest thou that an evill thought is sin?
A16536How knowest thou that?
A16536How knowest thou that?
A16536How knowest thou that?
A16536How lost he it?
A16536How lost he it?
A16536How lost he it?
A16536How many Covenants hath God made with man?
A16536How many Covenants of grace hath GOD made with man?
A16536How many Gods be there?
A16536How many Sacraments are there?
A16536How many Sacraments are there?
A16536How many Sacraments had the Jewes under the law?
A16536How many commandements are there in the first table?
A16536How many in the second?
A16536How many offices had Christ?
A16536How many parts are there of the Creede?
A16536How many parts are they in the Lords prayer?
A16536How many parts are they of God''s service?
A16536How many parts are they of his humiliation?
A16536How many parts hath the Catholicke Church?
A16536How many parts hath the Church?
A16536How many persones are there in the Godhead?
A16536How many persones be there in the Godhead?
A16536How many persons are they in the Godhead?
A16536How many petitions are in the Lords prayer?
A16536How many petitions are there in the Lords prayer?
A16536How many sortes of death be there?
A16536How many sortes of sinne be there?
A16536How many sortes of sinne bee there?
A16536How many sorts of sinne be there?
A16536How many things are to be considered in these words?
A16536How many things hast thou to consider concerning his incarnation?
A16536How provest thou that?
A16536How should we thanke him?
A16536How thank we GOD with our hearts?
A16536How thank we God with our handes?
A16536How thank we him with our tongues?
A16536How thanke we God with our heart?
A16536How thanke we him with the hand?
A16536How thanke we him with the tongue?
A16536How then differ they?
A16536How then?
A16536How was his soule made?
A16536How was his soule made?
A16536How was man created at the first?
A16536How was man created at the first?
A16536How was man made at the first?
A16536How was this great worke wrought?
A16536IS it not good for the godly, that they be so chastised for their negligence?
A16536In Scriptures I read of an old Testament or Covenant and of a new Testament or Covenant?
A16536In how many wayes sin we?
A16536In how many wayes sinne wee against God?
A16536In whose name must we seeke from God that which we need?
A16536Into how many parts may the Creede be divided?
A16536Is Christs resurrection the proper cause which effecteth the resurrection of the faithfull?
A16536Is he now able to keepe it?
A16536Is it not said, that these that are borne of God sin not?
A16536Is not Christ God and man two persons?
A16536Is not Sathan said to beleeve?
A16536Is not his body on earth any more?
A16536Is not man justified by his good works?
A16536Is our faith perfect?
A16536Is there nothing in man but dust?
A16536Is there such a power in Christs death?
A16536Is this a reall distinction which is betweene the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost?
A16536It is to put a difference betweene the bread of the Sacrament, the seale of his Body, and other common bread?
A16536Let me understand more clearely who is said to discerne the Lords body?
A16536MAY not a man bee saved without Faith?
A16536MAY not little children be partakers of the Sacrament of the Supper, as well as of Baptisme?
A16536Make that more cleare?
A16536Make that more cleare?
A16536Make the matter yet more cleare?
A16536May not man be justified by his workes?
A16536May we desire the Saints in heaven, to interceede for us?
A16536May we neither thinke nor speake of things concerning the earth on the Sabboth day?
A16536May we not communicate without any of these three?
A16536May we not desire the Saints of heaven to pray for us?
A16536Might not satisfaction be made without death?
A16536Q What doth the fourth and last part of our Creed containe?
A16536Q What is heere forbidden, that was not forbidden in the other commandements?
A16536Q What needed the Saviour of man, to be man?
A16536Q What outward action represents our justification?
A16536Q What things are to bee considered in God?
A16536Q Wherefore are we said to be justified by faith?
A16536Q Wherefore that?
A16536Q ▪ VVhat is the seventh commandement?
A16536Q ▪ What is the second petition?
A16536Q. Beleevest thou that he is that promised seede of the woman?
A16536Q. DOE we eat with our teeth the flesh of Christs body at the Sacrament?
A16536Q. Doe the godly sin with such a delight?
A16536Q. Doe wee know how to pray as we should?
A16536Q. Esteemest thou that the Father is greater then the Sonne, and holy Ghost?
A16536Q. Esteemest thou that the infinite merite of Christs death is from the dignitie of his person?
A16536Q. GOE to the fourth commandement?
A16536Q. Hast thou no other reason?
A16536Q. Hath God a right hand or a left?
A16536Q. Hovv shall the judge come dovvne?
A16536Q. Hovv then doth hee request for us?
A16536Q. I have heard of Christ''s titles, and of his incarnation, now let me heare what befell unto him after his birth?
A16536Q. I see that there is great difference, betweene the unworthie communicating of the godly, and of the wicked?
A16536Q. Shall the Lords body for ever remaine in the heavens?
A16536Q. THinkest thou that a man must have faith, love, and repentance, in a good measure before he come to the table of the Lord?
A16536Q. Thinkest thou that the godly will whiles communicate unworthily?
A16536Q. Thou beleevest that it is Christ onely, who by his works and sufferings hath made full satisfaction for all the faithfull?
A16536Q. Thou thinkest then that none but hee who was also GOD, could overcome death, and by his death make a full satisfaction to GODS justice?
A16536Q. Thou understandest that Sathan knoweth that God is infinite in mercy, but that he hath no assurance of any mercy for himselfe?
A16536Q. Thy meaning is that in every one of those outward workings, all the three persons concurre together?
A16536Q. Thy meaning, is that originall sinne, is the root from whence spring all our actuall sins?
A16536Q. VVhat are the outward actions?
A16536Q. VVhat deserved they for their sinne?
A16536Q. VVhat doth the water represent unto us?
A16536Q. VVhat is actuall sinne?
A16536Q. VVhat is forbidden there?
A16536Q. VVhat is heere commanded?
A16536Q. VVhat is heere commanded?
A16536Q. VVhat is heere forbidden?
A16536Q. VVhat is in the first part thereof?
A16536Q. VVhat is sinne?
A16536Q. VVhat is the cause of that?
A16536Q. VVhat is the second part?
A16536Q. VVhat is the visible signe in Baptisme?
A16536Q. VVhat is there commanded?
A16536Q. VVhat needed him to be God?
A16536Q. VVhat needed him to be man?
A16536Q. VVhat signifieth the coming out of the water?
A16536Q. VVhat sort of death died he?
A16536Q. VVhat spirituall graces are sealed up unto us, while wee are baptized?
A16536Q. VVhere is the summe of our faith?
A16536Q. VVherefore callest thou him Christ?
A16536Q. VVherefore was he called Iesus?
A16536Q. VVho is Iesus Christ?
A16536Q. VVhom callest thou the Church militant?
A16536Q. VVhom callest thou the Church triumphant?
A16536Q. VVhy are we said to be justified by faith?
A16536Q. WEE have heard of Christs resurrection, the first degree of his exaltation; what is the second?
A16536Q. WEE have heard of faith and obedience the two first parts of Gods service: now let us heare what is the third part of Gods service?
A16536Q. WEE have heard of the first two parts of the Creede to wit, of the Father and of the Sonne: what is contained in the third part?
A16536Q. WHerefore was Hee called Jesus?
A16536Q. WHereof was this world made?
A16536Q. Wat is that to say?
A16536Q. Wherefore are they called Saints?
A16536Q. Wherefore behooved it him to be borne of a Virgine?
A16536Q. Wherefore callest thou Him CHRIST?
A16536Q. Wherefore callest thou him holy?
A16536Q. Wherefore callest thou it Catholicke?
A16536Q. Wherefore callest thou it holy?
A16536Q. Wherefore callest thou the Covenant of grace, the old Covenant?
A16536Q. Wherefore callest thou these rests of corruption in the faithfull, after the name of flesh?
A16536Q. Wherefore did Christ rise againe from the dead?
A16536Q. Wherefore died Hee such a cursed death?
A16536Q. Wherefore died he such a cursed death?
A16536Q. Wherefore died hee such a cursed death?
A16536Q. Wherefore dyed he?
A16536Q. Wherefore is he called holy for his nature?
A16536Q. Wherefore is he called holy for his office?
A16536Q. Wherefore is it called a new Testament or Covenant?
A16536Q. Wherefore is it then delivered unto men in the Scriptures?
A16536Q. Wherefore is the Father particularly called our Creator?
A16536Q. Wherefore is the Sonne called our Redeemer?
A16536Q. Wherefore is the holy Ghost called our Sanctifier?
A16536Q. Wherefore is this subjoyned as we forgive these that trespasse against us?
A16536Q. Wherefore not before God?
A16536Q. Wherefore serve these seales?
A16536Q. Wherefore that?
A16536Q. Wherefore that?
A16536Q. Wherefore was Christ said to arise for our righteousnesse?
A16536Q. Wherefore was he a King?
A16536Q. Wherefore was he a Priest?
A16536Q. Wherefore was he a Priest?
A16536Q. Wherefore was he a Prophet?
A16536Q. Wherefore was hee a Priest?
A16536Q. Wherefore was the death of the Crosse more cursed then any other death?
A16536Q. Wherefra cometh this power?
A16536Q. Wherein consists that examination?
A16536Q. Wherein consists that examination?
A16536Q. Wherein did that personall union consist?
A16536Q. Whereof was man made?
A16536Q. Whereof was man made?
A16536Q. Whereof was man made?
A16536Q. Whereunto was he annointed?
A16536Q. Whereunto was he anointed?
A16536Qu What if his faith be weak, may he come to the table of the Lord?
A16536Qu ▪ How then eat we his body?
A16536Shall they not rise by the vertue of CHRISTS resurrection?
A16536The second part of Gods Service?
A16536This then is thy meaning, that originall sin, like a leprosie, hath desiled the whole man?
A16536To whom belongs the Sacraments of Baptisme?
A16536VVhat signifieth the staying under the water?
A16536WHAT is a Sacrament?
A16536WHAT is a Sacrament?
A16536WHAT is the Lords Supper?
A16536WHAT is the Lords Supper?
A16536WHAT is the third degree of his exaltation?
A16536WHAT should he try of his faith?
A16536WHO is mans Saviour?
A16536WHO is mans Saviour?
A16536WHO made man?
A16536WHat are the chief prerogatives of the kirk?
A16536WHat are the wordes of the preface?
A16536WHat callest thou a Covenant?
A16536WHat callest thou actuall sinne?
A16536WHat callest thou to discerne the Lords body?
A16536WHat have we in the Creed concerning God the Father?
A16536WHat is Baptisme?
A16536WHat is God?
A16536WHat is contained in the fourth part of the Creed?
A16536WHat is it to create a thing?
A16536WHat is sin?
A16536WHat is that propertie of the Father, that is not common to the Son, and holy Ghost?
A16536WHat is the eight commandement?
A16536WHat is the fifth commandement?
A16536WHat is the first Commandement?
A16536WHat is the first part of Gods Service?
A16536WHat is the fourth and last part of GODS service?
A16536WHat is the fourth part of Gods service?
A16536WHat is the manner of CHRISTS intercession, while he is now in the Heavens?
A16536WHat is the second part of Gods service?
A16536WHat is the third benefite belonging to the church?
A16536WHat is the third part of Gods service?
A16536WHat more is required in our thankes, then to declare the Lords death by publishing the same by word?
A16536WHat owe we to God for so great a Salvation?
A16536WHat owe we to God for so great a salvation?
A16536WHat should we thinke upon, when we are come to the Lords table?
A16536What a life shall that be?
A16536What are his titles?
A16536What are the qualities of the Church?
A16536What are the speciall graces sealed up untous, while wee are baptized?
A16536What are the spirituall duties of these that would rightly communicate?
A16536What are the visible signes of that Sacrament?
A16536What are the visible signes?
A16536What are the workes of the Sabboth day?
A16536What be contained in the second table?
A16536What be the chiefe fruits of the holy Ghost?
A16536What bee these?
A16536What call ye the remission of sins?
A16536What callest thou Adoption?
A16536What callest thou his incarnation?
A16536What callest thou original sin?
A16536What callest thou originall sin?
A16536What callest thou the Covenant of grace?
A16536What callest thou the Covenant of workes?
A16536What callest thou to discerne the Lords body?
A16536What callest thou to sanctifie the Sabboth?
A16536What comfort hast thou of Christs ascension?
A16536What comfort hast thou of Christs resurrection?
A16536What commandements be contained in the first table?
A16536What danger is if we come without them?
A16536What deserve our sinnes at Gods hand?
A16536What deserved they for such eating?
A16536What deserved they for that eating?
A16536What did all that represent and seale?
A16536What did that represent and seale?
A16536What difference is between the first commandement and the second?
A16536What difference is betweene the essence of God and the person?
A16536What doest thou more?
A16536What doeth the first part containe?
A16536What doeth the second part containe?
A16536What doth he now to these things which he hath created?
A16536What doth the bread in the Sacrament represent?
A16536What doth the bread represent?
A16536What doth the breaking of the bread represent?
A16536What doth the breaking of the bread represent?
A16536What doth the powreing out of the wine signifie?
A16536What doth the powring out of the wine signifie?
A16536What doth the water represent unto us?
A16536What doth the wine signifie?
A16536What doth the wine signifie?
A16536What good learne we of these wordes?
A16536What ground hast thou of that comfort?
A16536What hath God the Father, done for thee?
A16536What hath God the Son done for thee?
A16536What hath followed on that first sinne?
A16536What hath followed upon this sin?
A16536What hath it done to his affections?
A16536What hath it done to his minde and understanding?
A16536What hath it done to his will?
A16536What hath the Father done for thee?
A16536What hath the Sonne done for thee?
A16536What hath the holy Ghost done for thee?
A16536What hath the holy Ghost done for thee?
A16536What hath this sinne done to man?
A16536What honour shall the godly have that day?
A16536What if wee want any of them?
A16536What is Baptisme?
A16536What is Baptisme?
A16536What is a Sacrament?
A16536What is actuall sinne?
A16536What is faith?
A16536What is faith?
A16536What is faith?
A16536What is forbidden?
A16536What is heere commanded?
A16536What is heere commanded?
A16536What is heere commanded?
A16536What is heere commanded?
A16536What is heere forbidden?
A16536What is heere forbidden?
A16536What is heere forbidden?
A16536What is his name?
A16536What is his worke?
A16536What is in the fourth part?
A16536What is in the third part?
A16536What is in the third part?
A16536What is originall sinne?
A16536What is our duty after wee have received the Sacrament?
A16536What is prayer?
A16536What is properly called a Testament?
A16536What is signified by the washing made by water?
A16536What is sinne?
A16536What is that communion of Saints?
A16536What is that difference?
A16536What is that image of God, according to which man was made?
A16536What is that image of God?
A16536What is that image of God?
A16536What is that speciall propertie of the Son?
A16536What is that to believe in GOD?
A16536What is that to declare the Lords death?
A16536What is that to say, that he descended into hell?
A16536What is that to say?
A16536What is that to say?
A16536What is that to say?
A16536What is the Church?
A16536What is the Churche?
A16536What is the Covenant of God and man?
A16536What is the Fathers attribute?
A16536What is the Lord now doeing for us at the right hand of his Father?
A16536What is the Lords Supper?
A16536What is the best rule of prayer which we have?
A16536What is the cause of the resurrection of the faithfull?
A16536What is the chiefest end of this Sacrament?
A16536What is the conclusion of that most perfect prayer?
A16536What is the danger if wee want any of them?
A16536What is the difference?
A16536What is the differences of these two graces Iustification and Sanctification, which are sealed by our Baptisme?
A16536What is the fifth petition?
A16536What is the fifth?
A16536What is the first petition?
A16536What is the first reason?
A16536What is the first?
A16536What is the first?
A16536What is the fourth petition?
A16536What is the fourth?
A16536What is the last benefite that GOD shall bestow upon His Church?
A16536What is the last petition?
A16536What is the last petition?
A16536What is the meaning of these wordes?
A16536What is the meaning thereof?
A16536What is the meaning thereof?
A16536What is the meaning thereof?
A16536What is the meaning thereof?
A16536What is the meaning thereof?
A16536What is the meaning thereof?
A16536What is the ninth commandement?
A16536What is the other reason?
A16536What is the propertie of the Holy Ghost?
A16536What is the punishment of the wicked?
A16536What is the punishment of the wicked?
A16536What is the punishment of these that communicate unworthily?
A16536What is the punishment of those that communicate unworthily?
A16536What is the reason?
A16536What is the reason?
A16536What is the second benefite belonging to the Church?
A16536What is the second commandement?
A16536What is the second petition?
A16536What is the second petition?
A16536What is the second?
A16536What is the seventh?
A16536What is the sixt commandement?
A16536What is the sixt?
A16536What is the spirituall grace represented and offered unto us, by the elements and actions?
A16536What is the spirituall grace signified and offered unto us, by the elements and actions?
A16536What is the substance of this Covenant?
A16536What is the summe of the first foure?
A16536What is the summe of the first foure?
A16536What is the summe of the last six?
A16536What is the summe of the last six?
A16536What is the summe of the whole Covenant betweene GOD and man?
A16536What is the summe of the whole law?
A16536What is the summe thereof?
A16536What is the tenth commandement?
A16536What is the third commandement?
A16536What is the third petition?
A16536What is the third petition?
A16536What is the third?
A16536What is the visible signe in Baptisme?
A16536What is there commanded?
A16536What is there forbidden?
A16536What is there forbidden?
A16536What is thy exercise the rest of that day?
A16536What learnest thou thereby?
A16536What must wee doe before wee come to the Sacrament?
A16536What needed Christ to be buried?
A16536What needed him to be God?
A16536What needed him to be man?
A16536What needed him to bee a King?
A16536What needed him to bee a Prophet?
A16536What needed him to bee a Prophet?
A16536What needed our Saviour to be a King?
A16536What other name hath this Covenant in Scriptures?
A16536What other reason be there?
A16536What other reason hast thou?
A16536What other reason is there of his resurrection?
A16536What other signes are in the Lords Supper?
A16536What other sin had he?
A16536What other sinnes did goe before that?
A16536What other thing is to be considered in that image of God?
A16536What outward action represents our justification?
A16536What outward actions represent our Sanctification?
A16536What outward actions represent our Sanctification?
A16536What prayer is most perfect?
A16536What sacrifice offered he up for us?
A16536What sacrifice offered he up?
A16536What said God unto him?
A16536What said Sathan unto him that he beleeved?
A16536What sayest thou of Christs birth?
A16536What sayest thou of his Essence?
A16536What sayest thou of the Father?
A16536What sayest thou of the Son?
A16536What sayest thou of the holy Ghost?
A16536What sayest thou of the three persons of the Trinitie?
A16536What shall he say to the wicked at his left hand?
A16536What shall he try of his repentance?
A16536What shall he try of his repentance?
A16536What shall the judge say unto the godly at his right hand?
A16536What shall they doe upon these Thrones?
A16536What should he try concerning his love towards his neighbour?
A16536What should he try of his love?
A16536What should hee try of his faith?
A16536What should the communicant try of his love?
A16536What signifieth the breaking of the bread?
A16536What signifieth the comming out of the water?
A16536What signifieth the dipping of the body?
A16536What signifieth the powreing out of the wine?
A16536What signifieth the staying under the water?
A16536What signifieth the word Sabboth?
A16536What sorrowes suffered he?
A16536What sort of death died he for us?
A16536What sort of death died he for us?
A16536What sort of death dyed he?
A16536What sorts of workes are these which are wrought with in the Trinitie?
A16536What thankes requireth God of us?
A16536What thankes requireth God of us?
A16536What then is the meaning of these words, that Christ sitteth at the right hand of God?
A16536What then shall bee the cause of the resurrection of the Wicked?
A16536What then should be our chiefe exercise, before we come to the Lords Supper?
A16536What then, is that to sit at Gods right hand?
A16536What things shall wee enjoy in the heavens?
A16536What time must be observed in the observation of the Sabboth?
A16536What understand yee by his left hand?
A16536What understandest thou by the Spirit against whom our corruptions covet?
A16536What understandest thou by the coveting flesh?
A16536What understandest thou by the word Almightie?
A16536What understandest thou by these wordes?
A16536What was his pride?
A16536What was his sin against God?
A16536What was his sinne?
A16536What was his unbeliefe?
A16536What was the first?
A16536What was the fourth?
A16536What was the outward seale in Circumcision?
A16536What was the outward signe and seale of the Sacrament of the lambe?
A16536What was the second?
A16536What was the third?
A16536What were his offices?
A16536What were his offices?
A16536What were the instruments of his fall?
A16536What were the instruments of his sinne?
A16536What wordes of thankes hast thou for God after thou hast received the Sacrament?
A16536When chiefly suffered he these paines?
A16536When he cryed, My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?
A16536When is sin said to reigne in a man?
A16536When thou drinkest the wine, what sayeth thou in thy selfe?
A16536When thou eatest that bread of the Sacrament, what sayeth thou in thy self?
A16536When thou seest the bread of the Sacrament broken, what should thou remember?
A16536When thou seest the wine povvred out, vvhat shouldest thou remember?
A16536When, and where was the Covenant of grace made?
A16536Where is the summe of our faith to be found?
A16536Where learne we what obedience we owe to God?
A16536Where learnest thou what obedience thou owe to God?
A16536Where shall the wicked then be?
A16536Whether was he man onely, or both God and man?
A16536Whether was he man onely, or both God and man?
A16536Who are our cheefest enemies?
A16536Who are our chiefest enemies?
A16536Who are these Saints?
A16536Who are worthy communicants?
A16536Who hath procured this?
A16536Who is Iesus Christ?
A16536Who is this Iesus Christ?
A16536Who teacheth us to pray?
A16536Who then is said rightly to discerne the Lords body?
A16536Who were the instruments of mans fall?
A16536Who worketh this faith in our hearts?
A16536Who worketh this faith in our hearts?
A16536Who worketh this true faith in our hearts?
A16536Whom callest thou the Church militant?
A16536Whom callest thou the Church triumphant?
A16536Whose Father is he?