This is a list of all the questions and their associated study carrel identifiers. One can learn a lot of the "aboutness" of a text simply by reading the questions.
identifier | question |
A68069 | William Jones? |
A68069 | or William Stansby? |
A02728 | For what is your lyfe? |
A02728 | Nempe side quanta prole inclytus( vt sonat illud) Is recturus ovans Regia Sceptra geret? |
A02728 | Quale dein belli fulmen adultus erit? |
A02728 | Quanta fide prole inclytus is recturus? |
A02728 | SI DEVS NOBISCVM; If God be with vs, and for vs. QVIS CONTRA NOS? |
A16302 | And first of all, who knowes not how the house of Austria, hath hitherto beene eleuated aboue all other Princely Families vnder the sacred Empire? |
A16302 | And if it were true, would not the Catholike inhabitants of the Countrey send to request the Kings assistance? |
A16302 | But on which side hath he beene alreadie inuited, but by the Emperour Ferdinand? |
A16302 | It is question( say they) of Religion, but may not that bee preserued but vnder the Empire of Austria? |
A16302 | Will you beleeue the accusers only? |
A16302 | [ 44] p. Printed by William Stansby? |
A16302 | or William Jones? |
A16302 | shall wee condemne our Allies without hearing them vpon this point? |
A16294 | = John Harrison?. |
A16294 | And how otherwhere can hee deny to the States power of Electing, the Royall Issue yet remayning? |
A16294 | And if the Informer doe truely accuse them of such crimes, why doth he not expresse their cases? |
A16294 | And if the pretended right of Succession were or euer had beene so manifest, what needed so many words and reuersals? |
A16294 | Doe not all these things sauour of manifest Contrarieties? |
A16294 | Had not the free power of ELECTING a King, taken deep root in the hearts of the Bohemians? |
A16294 | If the free right of election did not belong to the States of Buhemia, by what right could they haue chosen this Rohonicus? |
A16294 | If this Kingdome had bin Hereditarie by force of that clause of Charles the fourth: What hope had there bin for so many great Personages? |
A16294 | Is it to bee found in the designation of Podiebratius? |
A16294 | Is not this tergiuersation more then ridiculous? |
A16294 | Sovereign( 1598- 1621: Philip III)[ 8], 44, 16 p. Printed by William Jones and William Stansby? |
A16294 | The King of France, by what consanguinity I pray you was he ioyned to the precedent Kings of Bohemia? |
A16294 | What can this therefore profit Ferdinand, borne of the Arch- dukes Bloud of Austria? |
A16294 | What should hee then doe? |
A16294 | Where is this Hereditary Succession? |
A16294 | Where is this ordinarie succession, which the Informer dreameth of? |
A16294 | or in the communion of Language with the Polonians? |
A16294 | or in the inclination of the Bohemians? |
A16294 | or lastly, in the words now repeated, Not by any Hereditarie Right of the Kingdome, which is none at all among a free Nation? |
A16303 | And what vnkinde hand hath now throwne filthines or durt into the pure streame of your former resolutions? |
A16303 | For what can we expect lesse then desolation and dissolution of Gouernment& Religion? |
A16303 | Is it Spaines mightines you stand in awe of? |
A16303 | Is it our reuoltings you disalow of, as if either the rejection of Ferdinand were not lawfull, or ratification of this our choyse suspencible? |
A16303 | Is it the Marquesse Spinola''s Army which terrifies you? |
A16303 | Is it the care of the Empire you shoot at? |
A16303 | Is it the obseruation of the Emperour himselfe, or respect to his Family? |
A16303 | Is it the person of our King you maligne? |
A16303 | It may be they are suspected amongst our owne Priests, and haue imputation rather of pollicie, then piety: but what is that to the cure of soules? |
A16303 | and how dangerously haue the hartes of all Kingdomes beene eaten vpon by the hungry teeth of mercinary Souldiers? |
A16303 | and the estate of Lay men? |
A16303 | how can that be? |
A16303 | or what hath beene done these 100. yeares for the good of Christendome? |
A16303 | or why shall this glowing meteor or exhalation darken the light of truer starres, and more radiant Planets? |
A16303 | wherein hath he deserued better of reputation, then your selfe, or other Princes of Germany? |
A16303 | you make a scruple of? |