
This is a list of all the questions and their associated study carrel identifiers. One can learn a lot of the "aboutness" of a text simply by reading the questions.

identifier question
2628Are they, as the healthy common sense of the ancient Greeks appears to have led them to assume without hesitation, the remains of animals and plants?
2629But if what lies below the horse''s"knee"thus corresponds to the middle finger in ourselves, what has become of the four other fingers or digits?
2629Did things so happen or did they not?
2629What has become of the bones of all these animals?
2629What we desire to know is, is it a fact that evolution took place?
2633In what other way than by such an appeal to their experience could he so surely awaken in his audience the tragic pity and terror?
2633What, then, could be more natural than that a Chaldaean poet should seek for the incidents of a great catastrophe among such phenomena?
2627''Which way did he go? 2627 ''Young man,''cried the eunuch,''have you seen the Queen''s dog?''
2627Where is he?''
2631But what is the good of it all in the face of Leviticus on the one hand and of palaeontology on the other?
2631I am really grieved to be obliged to say that this third( or is it fourth?)
2631It may be so, or it may not be so; but where is the evidence which would justify any one in making a positive assertion on the subject?
2630And what doth the Lord require of thee, but to do justly, and to love mercy, and to walk humbly with thy God?
2630By whom?
2630Has any one ever disputed the contention, thus solemnly enunciated, that the doctrine of evolution was not invented the day before yesterday?
2630Has any one ever dreamed of claiming it as a modern innovation?
2630Vertebrate_ land_-population( Amphibia, Reptilia[?]).
2632And, in matter of fact, can the record with due regard to legitimate historical criticism, be pronounced true?
2632But have we a right to do so?
2632But what is the meaning of this expression?
2632How could its subsistence, by any possibility, be an affair of weeks and months?
2632If Jonah''s three days''residence in the whale is not an"admitted reality,"how could it"warrant belief"in the"coming resurrection?"
2632If divine authority is not here claimed for the twenty- fourth verse of the second chapter of Genesis, what is the value of language?
2632If no Flood swept the careless people away, how is the warning of more worth than the cry of"Wolf"when there is no wolf?
2632Is there any known historical work which is throughout exactly true, or is there not?
2632When Jesus spoke, as of a matter of fact, that"the Flood came and destroyed them all,"did he believe that the Deluge really took place, or not?
2632Why not?
263423)--is not this Deity conceived as manlike in form?
263427 David says to Zadok the priest,"Art thou not a seer?"
2634And Samuel said to Saul, Why hast thou disquieted me to bring me up?
2634And Samuel said, Wherefore then dost thou ask of me, seeing that Jahveh is departed from thee and is become thine adversary?
2634But to Saul nothing is visible, for he asks,"What seest thou?"
2634Can any other conclusion be drawn from the history of Abraham and Isaac?
2634Does Abraham exhibit any indication of surprise when he receives the astounding order to sacrifice his son?
2634Does not the action of Saul, on a famous occasion, involve exactly the same theological presuppositions?
2634Does this mean that Seth resembled Adam only in a spiritual and figurative sense?
2634He next asked him how he knew it was the spirit of Toogoo Ahoo?
2634Laban indignantly demands of his son- in- law,"Wherefore hast thou stolen my Elohim?"
2634Or of Micah''s inquiry,"Will Jahveh be pleased with thousands of rams or with ten thousands of rivers of oil?"
2634Saul goes to this woman, who, after being assured of immunity, asks,"Whom shall I bring up to thee?"
2634Still the spectre remains invisible to Saul, for he asks,"What form is he of?"
2634Then said Saul to his servant, But behold if we go, what shall we bring the man?
2634What have we?
2634Wilt not thou possess that which Chemosh, thy Elohim, giveth thee to possess?"
2634[ Footnote 22: Compare:"And Samuel said unto Saul, Why hast thou disquieted me?"
25975_ Granted; but does that transform a fable into a fact? 25975 And what are clean beasts? 25975 And, if caught, how could they be preserved, together with the original stock of insects necessary to supply the world after the deluge? 25975 But how many cans of cockroaches would be necessary for two hundred and fifty- two of such birds,--the number in the ark? 25975 But was it really done? 25975 But why not every thing in the sea? 25975 Can any thing more be needed? 25975 Can this be tortured to mean a partial deluge? 25975 Food for how long? 25975 Had the pigeons become utterly corrupt, and the pikes remained perfectly innocent? 25975 Had the sheep been more guilty than the sharks? 25975 How could a partial deluge accomplish this? 25975 How could all flesh be destroyed with the earth by any other than a total deluge? 25975 How could the ants escape, with ant- eaters, aard- varks and pangolins on the watch for them as soon as they made their appearance? 25975 How could the ostriches of Africa, the emus of Australia, and the rheas of South America, get there,--birds that never fly? 25975 How did these animals live in the darkness? 25975 How long a lease of life could the sheep, hares, and mice, calculate upon? 25975 How many kinds or species of birds are there? 25975 How many of these animals would survive the journey? 25975 How were all the insects caught, and kept for the use of all these animals for more than a year? 25975 If a partial flood, how could the ark have rested on the mountains of Ararat? 25975 If all the human occupants of the ark were Caucasians, how did they produce negro races in forty- eight years? 25975 If not a total flood, why save the animals, above all the birds? 25975 Is it possible to add to the strength of this? 25975 No such food would do for Noah''s nightingales, then, or where would have been the nightingale''s song? 25975 Was amalgamation practised by any of Noah''s sons? 25975 Were the dogs sinners, and the dog- fish saints? 25975 What chance would a few sheep, rabbits and squirrels, rats and mice, doves and chickens, have, among this ravenous multitude? 25975 What had the larks, the doves, and the bob- o- links done? 25975 What had the squirrels and the tortoises been guilty of, that they should be destroyed? 25975 What kind of a family had Noah? 25975 What then? 25975 Why should the beasts, birds, and creeping things be destroyed? 25975 Why should we go through the world with a lie in our right hand, dupes of the ignorant men who preceded us? 25975 _ How did they breathe?_ There was but one twenty- two inch window; the ark waspitched within and without with pitch;""The Lord shut him in."
25975_ How were the various animals obtained?_ The command given to Noah was,"Two of every sort shalt thou_ bring_ into the ark."
25975_"How do you account, then, for these traditions of a deluge that we find all over the globe?
25975and where were the bake- houses from which the supply might be obtained?
25975and, above all, how did Noah and his family supply their wants?
25975and, of those that did, how many would survive the change of climate and habits?
44479-- Is this the last form of unbelief?
44479All is for his use in the lower worlds of plants and animals; then why not use their frame and inner organs also?
44479But who did their works and thought their thoughts?
44479But who is to decide what in the Bible is historical and what is not?
44479But why has physical development ceased at all?
44479Did or did not man descend from the brute or was he specially and divinely created?
44479Evolution is silent when we ask, Whence came these mighty forces?
44479Evolution triumphantly asks, Were they created only in these places?
44479How could man adapt himself by increasing the size of his brain?
44479If it can not be predicated of the animals we see and know, how can it be asserted of a period millenniums ago?
44479If it can not teach correctly the nature of insects and animals, why should it be able to tell us the nature of God?
44479If it is not trustworthy as to facts of this world, why depend upon it as to the other world?
44479If the Bible meant Evolution why did it not give it?
44479If there was a Creator at the origin of life, why not at the origin of all living things?
44479If we can not believe the Bible''s narratives why should we believe its religion?
44479Is it necessary for us to wait twenty years more to reverse our opinions?
44479Is it possible the Biblical view is right after all and that civilized man has been civilized from the outset?"
44479Is it scientific to accept as true an unproven theory and make it the basis of all belief?
44479Max Mueller says,"What do we know of savage tribes beyond the last chapter in their history?
44479Shall we allow the guess as to the origin of the tip of the outer ear to revolutionize theology?
44479Shall we condemn the whole race to a bestial origin on the same evidence?
44479Shall we risk our eternal destiny on the supposed uselessness of the so- called"gill- slits"in premature puppies?
44479Shall we suspend a philosophy of the universe upon a few long hairs?
44479Suppose that Plato and Newton never lived, that their story is a lie?
44479The faith of the Christian is sometimes taxed but what shall we say of the faith of the evolutionist?
44479Theodore Parker:"Shall we be told such a man never lived-- the whole story is a lie?
44479We have the remains of millions of animals reaching through all the ages and why is this particular specimen wanting?
44479We need ever to ask concerning its statements, Is this proven or assumed?
44479We therefore ask, What does it teach as to Evolution?
44479Well may we draw a long breath here and say, Is this Science?
44479What Greek race to- day could reproduce the architecture or statuary of their ancestors?
44479What is to hinder anyone from so discarding any fact whatever in the Bible?
44479What man could have fabricated Jesus?
44479Where is the dynamo from which this perpetual energy originated and still proceeds?
44479Where to- day is the Hindu race that could build the Taj Mahal?
44479Where will this process end?
44479Which is more credible, the simple account of miraculous creation or this long, involved and absolutely unseen and unknown process?
44479Which is the more noble, the more satisfying to our desires for a high and divine origin as well as high and divine destiny?
44479Which is the true and which the false?
44479Whom shall we believe?
44479Why are there not some superior beings by this time?
44479Why are these not pointed to as proofs of descent?
44479Why did not the writer make poetry or allegory which had some agreement with facts?
44479Why has Succession ceased?
44479Why has not the enemy of Christianity the same right to apply this reasoning to the accounts of the death and resurrection of Christ?
44479Why have not the higher orders pushed the lower out, as in the geologic ages, if Evolution was the cause?
44479Why lead us into a perplexing situation when he might as well have given us some other account or omitted it altogether?
44479Why should the passing away of the ice age increase the size of the brain?
12852And who is it now?
12852How did this all first come to be you? 12852 Who is that?"
12852But how did he get that intelligence?
12852But how much worse is it when we consider-- what criterion does mankind possess for disinterring and distinguishing the elements of truth?
12852But looking at the Genesis narrative, who could suppose it to be a parable?
12852But need it always be so made?
12852But what possible reason have they for this conclusion?
12852But why should there be a second narrative at all?
12852Can all these things happen_ without_ such aid?
12852Can it be believed, then, that protoplasm, as the origin of life, is self- caused, and self- developed?
12852Can it be that the professor has for the moment overlooked one very simple fact?
12852First of all, how did any_ substance_, however vapoury and tenuous, come to exist, when previously there was nothing?
12852Here we must stop to ask how this protoplasm, or simplest form of organic life, came to exist?
12852Here, then, he could distinguish and perhaps name the species; but what more was to be done?
12852How are we to understand what was meant by the Tree of Life or the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil, or by the Serpent speaking and beguiling Eve?
12852How did he come to place_ birds_ along with fish and water monsters, and not separately?]
12852How did he get to formulate the idea of a_ God_ when he had simplified his group of many spirits into one?
12852How did it get its_ life_--its property of taking nourishment, of growing and of giving birth to other creatures like itself?
12852How did man get the idea of a personal spirit or double-- no such thing,_ ex hypothesi_ existing?
12852How does such a delicate ornament answer the demands of mere conspicuousness?
12852How is it, then, that this is not the case?
12852How so?
12852How then can it exist in animals?
12852How, for instance, are we told of the temptation and fall of man?
12852If the_ days_ of Genesis mean indefinite periods of aeonian duration, how is the seventh_ day_ of rest to be understood?
12852If this bee became extinct, the plant would die out; how can such a development be advantageous to it?
12852Is it, for instance, the experience of the mass of men, as men, that the"fleshly mind is death, but the spiritual mind is life and peace"?
12852Is not such a production and such a design the true essence of Creation?
12852Is the account in the Book of Genesis true?
12852Lastly, how are we to account for the beauty of autumnal tints in woods, or coloured_ leaves_ in plants such as the_ Caladium_?
12852May I make one remark on this interesting science tournament?
12852Now, in any case, the writer could have had no knowledge of any kind_ of his own_ on the subject: how did he hit on this particular arrangement?
12852Was"bdellium"( as probably being a fragrant gum) one of these offerings?
12852What is the cause, what is the purpose, what is the plan in the scheme of nature, of these structures?
12852Why are they fanatics, Sisyphus- labourers, and what not?
12852Why is Professor Huxley so angry or so contemptuous with people who value the Bible, whole and as it stands, and want to see its accuracy vindicated?
12852Why is that?
12852Why is the dental formula of the_ viverrinae_ different?
12852Why not any other animal, or a nondescript-- a form which no zoologist could place, recognize, or classify?
12852Why should stags shed their horns also, leaving them defenceless for a time?
12852Why should the Jews have received that truth through the medium of a story of which the whole framework was false, and nothing but the moral true?
12852Why should variation take certain directions?
12852Why should_ development_ have gone in different directions_ towards the same object_?
12852Why, again, are savages prone to imagine natural phenomena to be caused or actuated by"spirits"?
12852[ 1] In what possible way would this beauty serve for any purely_ useful_ purpose?
12852[ 1]"Have we not here an exhibition which can not be accounted for on any principle of natural utility?
12852an elephant?
12852and who has changed the inconvenient, the painful, into the_ wrong_?
12852how comes it that natural forces and conditions of life so occur and co- operate as to produce the variety of changes needed?
43328''Have you no recollection of me?'' 43328 ''I suppose you do n''t know me?''
43328''Is it possible,''said Mr. Colby, when the embarrassment of the first shock of recognition was past,''that you have come up here to see me? 43328 And will the portals open To me who roamed so long Filthy and vile and burdened With this great weight of wrong?
43328Colby put the question again,''When and where?''
43328Mr. Webster''s first salutation was--''This is Mr. Colby-- Mr. John Colby-- is it not?''
43328''Is it possible that this is the little black lad that used to ride the horse to water?
43328''Who are you?''
43328Am I wrong in believing that you need no argument here, that no conviction is more sorrowfully intense with you than this?
43328And in giving them up have you found something better and more sure to take their place?
43328And is it worth our while-- yours or mine-- to make it?
43328And is not this well for us?
43328And suppose I can not prove that there is a God?
43328And was your promise the folly of childhood?
43328And when are these manifestations to end and how are they to end?
43328And-- I put it to you in all candor-- is it all a lie?
43328Are Mr.----''s doubts and denials more to be relied on than the positive beliefs of as intelligent and good men as the world has ever seen?
43328Are you a Christian man?
43328Are you a Christian?
43328Are you a Christian?
43328But does it follow that a thing is not good and true because you do not see it?
43328But if I live as if there were no God and it should come to pass at last that there is, where am I?
43328But what shall be said of such ravings?
43328But, after all, is this decisive?
43328Can he be all he ought to be?
43328Can he be fairly answered?
43328Can he do all he ought to do?
43328Can he who is wrong make himself right?
43328Can that, or anything approaching it, be said of any form of atheism or infidelity or unbelief?
43328Can you make the future without error?
43328Can you set right all the wrong and all the failure of the past?
43328Daniel,''he added, with deep earnestness of voice,''Will you pray with me?''
43328Did she go out in final darkness?
43328Did the thought of his mother open the door of his aching heart to his mother''s God and his mother''s Christ?
43328Do you love Christ?
43328Do you love the Lord Jesus Christ?
43328Does it not at once bring hope to you-- a hope as great as it is mysterious?
43328For what good would it do?
43328Has he delivered me from all fear for the future?
43328Has he made it well for me hereafter?
43328Has he saved me beyond question from"the serpent of eternal pain"?
43328Has life anything real?
43328Have we no anchor that will hold as the storm drives us on through the blinding mists and gloom to the eternal shore?
43328Have we no sure word of promise to which we can cling when everything else around us and under our feet is giving way?
43328Have you heard him?
43328How came we here?
43328How can that existence be made a safe and satisfying one?
43328I have had success, as the world goes, but what of it?
43328If there is no God, does that make it certain that there will be no future suffering for any man?
43328If they were wrong, of course you are right in parting with them; but is it certain they were wrong?
43328If we came without a God, who will prove that without a God we may not go elsewhere, and that suffering may not go with us?
43328In other words, are you willing to receive the kingdom of heaven as a little child-- to be saved, if saved you may be, in God''s own way?
43328Is anything certain?
43328Is it darkness for ever?
43328Is it so?
43328Is it worth living?
43328Is it worth while for any man to spend his life in persuading us to make this exchange of despair?
43328Is there a God?
43328Is there a future existence for us?
43328Is there a future state of existence?
43328Is there any way in which our immortality can be assured to us as an immortal good?
43328Is there no rift in this cloud?
43328Is this Daniel?
43328May I not know it to be real because I have felt its power?
43328May it not be a reality-- a supreme reality-- though you do not see it or feel it?
43328Must nations and men and the evening- moth alike go down and perish for ever under the crush of an inexorable fate?
43328Nay, what assurance can Mr.---- give us that"Nature"is not a power that may in some future frenzy cast us into a state_ far worse_ than the present?
43328Now, is it not possible that there may be something like this in religion?
43328That is the only question that is worth asking or answering?
43328The question still comes, Is the cause in the thing or in you?
43328Was it all a delusion?
43328What does it amount to?
43328What is to be the end of it all?
43328Which is the more reasonable?
43328Who knows?
43328Will you bear with me if I recall another and a later scene?
43328Will you go now a step farther?
43328You ask,"What_ is_''the way of settlement that the Bible opens to the great questions that press us?''"
43328You may be a_ great_ man: are you a_ good_ man?
43328You remember the Beethoven concert we once attended together in B----?
43328_ Is the Bible true?_ That is the simple but momentous question; it settles all other questions of most concern to men.
43328and how did suffering come here?
43328or is there the light of an eternal day?
43328said he;''pray, when and where?''
33049Canst thou tighten the bonds of the Pleiades,[93] Or loose the bands of Orion? 33049 Knowest thou the ordinances of the heavens?
33049Lo, these are but the outlines of his ways, and how faint the whisper which we hear of him-- the thunder of his power who could understand?
33049Where is the way where light dwelleth? 33049 Where wast thou when I founded the earth?
33049''So careful of the type?''
33049:"When I consider the heavens, the work of thy fingers, The moon and the stars which thou hast ordained; What is man that thou art mindful of him?"
33049Again, were the separated light and darkness the morning and evening?
33049And if this be so, is it reasonable to suppose that either, without the other, can be fully understood?
33049Are God and Nature then at strife, That Nature lends such evil dreams?
33049Are none of them constant in the one supposed species, and constantly absent in the other?
33049Are not improved steam- engines or clocks the lineal descendants of some existing steam- engine or clock?
33049Are they no greater than those which occur in other species of similar structure or habits?
33049But admitting all this, it may be asked, Are these ancient records of any value to us?
33049But may it not equally deride the faith of Elijah himself, when, after three years of drought, he prayed in the sight of assembled Israel for rain?
33049But the question remains-- If there was a beginning, what existed in that beginning?
33049But what is the meaning of evening and morning, if these days were long periods?
33049But what made the use of these divisions necessary or appropriate?
33049But where shall wisdom be found, And where is the place of understanding?"
33049But with respect to the precise origin of this cosmogony, the question now arises, Is it really in substance a revelation from God to man?
33049But, says another objector, is not the present the child of the past?
33049Canst thou bring forth the Mazzaroth in their season, Or lead forth Arcturus and its sons?
33049Canst thou establish a dominion even over the earth?"
33049Did Abraham take with him in his pilgrimage the records of his people?
33049Do these mark a different origin?
33049Do they occur in points known in other species to be readily variable, or in points that usually remain unchanged?
33049Dost thou know the poising of the clouds, The wonderful work of the Perfect in knowledge?
33049Dost thou know the poising of the dark clouds, The wonderful works of the Perfect in knowledge?"
33049Dost thou know when God disposes them, And the lightning of his cloud shines forth?
33049Dost thou know when God disposes these things, And the lightning of his cloud flashes forth?
33049Dost thou send forth the lightnings, and they go, And say unto thee, Here are we?
33049Equally fine are some of the following lines:"Dost thou lift up thy voice to the clouds, That abundance of waters may cover thee?
33049Grant this first point to science, and what farther conflict is there?
33049Have we or can we have any certain solution of those two great questions-- Whence are all things?
33049How could such a scene be represented in words?
33049How is all this to be explained?
33049How, when confined to a limited region, could he increase and multiply and replenish the earth?
33049If one, is He an imperfect or capricious being who changes his plans of operation?
33049If so, why is the evening mentioned first, contrary to the supposed facts of the case?
33049In Job, 38th chapter, we have the following:"In what way is the lightning distributed, And how is the east wind spread abroad over the earth?
33049Is there ever a new creation in art or science any more than in nature?
33049It may be asked-- Must we suppose that the Adam of the Bible was of the type of the coarsely featured and gigantic men of the European caverns?
33049It may still be asked-- Were not the races created as they are, with especial reference to these conditions?
33049Knowest thou the laws of the heavens, Or hast thou appointed their dominion over the earth?"
33049May we not now dispense with them, and trust to the light of science?
33049No more?
33049Or the son of man, that thou visitest him?"
33049Or who laid its corner- stone, When the morning stars sang together, And all the sons of God shouted for joy?
33049Pleistocene or Glacial Age,|================================================================== The question recurs-- Why are God''s days so long?
33049The important questions still remain: When was this trade commenced, and how rapidly did it extend itself from the sea- coast across Europe?
33049The questions would have arisen-- Are there more creative Powers than one?
33049The words themselves suggest the important question: Are they intended to represent this as the original condition of the earth?
33049Under the first of these we inquire-- Are they no greater in amount than those which may be observed in individuals of the same parentage?
33049Upon what are its foundations settled?
33049Was it a scene of desolation and confusion when it sprang from the hand of its Creator?
33049Was it the water''s fathomless abyss?
33049Was the old primeval darkness the evening or night, and the first breaking forth of light morning?
33049What covered all?
33049What hope of answer, or redress?
33049What is the absolute antiquity of the Palæocosmic age in Europe?
33049What was the nature of this earliest vegetation?
33049What, said these ancients, can have existed before the''darkness?''
33049What, then, are the facts in the case of man?
33049What, then, are we to say of the imaginary"conflict of science with religion,"of which so much has been made?
33049What, then, was the nature of the light which on the first day shone without the presence of any local luminary?
33049When the dust groweth into mire, And the clods cleave fast together?"
33049When thy garments become warm When he quieteth the earth by the south wind; Hast thou with him spread out the clouds Firm and like a molten mirror?
33049Who can number the clouds by wisdom, Or cause the bottles of heaven to empty themselves?
33049Who hath fixed the proportion thereof, if thou knowest?
33049Who hath opened a channel for the pouring rain, Or a way for the thunder- flash?
33049Who shut up the sea with doors In its bursting forth as from the womb?
33049Who stretched the line upon it?
33049Who will admit such an absurdity?"
33049Why was the completion of the heavenly bodies so long delayed?
33049Why was the earth thus occupied for countless ages by an animal population whose highest members were reptiles and birds?
33049Why were light and vegetation introduced previously?
33049and Whither do all things tend?
33049and as for darkness, where is the place thereof, that thou shouldest take it to the bound thereof, and know the way to the house thereof?"
33049what concealed?
33049what sheltered?
33049why, indeed, are the evening and morning mentioned at all, since on that supposition this is merely a repetition?
33049| oldest rocks-- Eozoic Period of| Geology?
56302And void?
56302Darkness was upon the face of the deep?
56302The heaven?
56302Without form?
56302And how explain the entire absence of free hydrogen gas from our own atmosphere and its replacement by oxygen?
56302But can we not go back one step farther still in the progressive stages of creative energy?
56302But is there such an available force?
56302But what of the vast total, of which we consume so minute a fraction?
56302Can we indicate any relationship of periodicity for the genesis of solar systems from space?
56302Does it mean the beginning of our own solar system?
56302Has it, indeed, come to this, that the last word which science has to offer is,"After us the deluge"?
56302Have the fixed stars planetary systems like our own, or not?
56302How could the heaven and earth be void after they had been brought into existence?
56302How now shall we explain these periodical aberrations of energy?
56302How was the belt of asteroids formed between Mars and Jupiter?
56302If all space is meant, where was its outside, or its face?
56302If it was empty, what was it that was empty?
56302If the earth was a physical structure it must have had some form; what was it?
56302If the former, was it a faith which could only have come from the experience of after- ages?
56302If the latter, did all other systems of space wait for their light on ours?
56302In the"beginning"of what?
56302Is all the rest wasted?
56302Is it Jehovah, or Aleim, or some other God not yet mentioned or described?
56302Is space, then, eternal, and is this constant round of energies to be eternal?
56302Is the record anonymous or does it reveal the name of its author?
56302Must they have such, or merely may they have?
56302Now, whence comes this aqueous vapor surrounding all the planets?
56302The author refers constantly to our bodies; for example,"Could we live on a planet like Neptune?"
56302Was it a physical creation by an inconceivable action of mere thought, or will?
56302Was it that to which the virtuous are supposed to go after death?
56302Was it the sea not yet created?
56302Was the creating a creation out of nothing?
56302Was the creation a direct or an indirect one?
56302Was the earth void like a soap- bubble?
56302Was the earth without any form at all?
56302Was the heaven one of these which He created, or did He create all the different heavens of all the solar systems and nebulæ at the same time?
56302Were these statements to be accepted by faith or reason?
56302What deep?
56302What heaven?
56302What is meant by this word?
56302What is the basic principle on which depends the ratio of mean planetary distances, 0, 3, 6, 12, 24, etc., always plus 4?
56302What is the origin of the planetary satellites and the cause of their irregular distribution, and what the origin of Saturn''s rings?
56302What is the rational interpretation and what the origin of the sun''s corona and the cause of the coronal streamers?
56302What is the ultimate constitution of interstellar space?
56302What they are now who can tell?"
56302What was the basis of faith when the record was first written?
56302What was this life fashioned out of?
56302What"God"is meant?
56302What, then, becomes of the light and heat flashed forth with eternal energy from the fiery waves of the sun''s incandescent atmosphere?
56302What, then, is the probable cause of these terrific conflagrations, as they appear to us?
56302Whence came these powerful agencies by means of which all those distant regions became peopled with suns and worlds?
56302Whence comes this enormous mass of hydrogen?
56302Whence, then, came this bright light?
56302Why is the mass of Neptune out of its proper proportion compared with those of Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune in a diminishing series?
56302Why is the orbit of Neptune relatively compressed against that of Uranus?
56302Why, then, it may be asked, is not this line of eruption continuous entirely around the sun?
56302Would not the zodiacal light also find explanation by slow electric discharges backward from the dust towards the sun?"
56302and did the latter originate spontaneously, or otherwise?
56302and if so, was this thought, or will, God himself, or one of his attributes or powers only?
56302and what occupied the intervening regions?
56302are there no new systems now forming, and none to be formed hereafter?
56302by the use of the forces of nature, or by overriding the forces of nature?
56302or a vacuum?
56302or all space?
56302or did we wait on theirs?
56302or merely without its present form?
56302or of Jehovah( for He has not yet been mentioned or described)?
56302or of all space?
56302or of all systems?
56302or of the Aleim themselves,--that is, did the work begin as soon as the forces began?
56302or something coexisting elsewhere?
56302or the earth, which is anything but a"deep"?
56302or void like a ray of light?
56302or was it based on the ipse dixit of Moses?
56302or was it some more physical heaven?
56302or without some particular form not mentioned?
56302out of something pre- existing?
56302was it a physical face or the face of a vacuum?
56302was it from generally accepted tradition or by revelation?
56302was it the atmosphere?
59651But how is its tone sustained? 59651 Shall it be seriously objected to the application of the sciences to philosophical problems that its results are not agreeable?
59651Why do the heathen rage, and the people imagine vain things?
59651( 1) How could God have light when the sun was not made?
59651( 2) How can God create a planet, this earth?
59651( 2) In what season of the year were they planted?
59651( 3) Did these thrive and flourish in the absence of sunlight?
59651( 3) Does it not seem strange that God, who seemed to have direct dealings with Moses, did not give him more information about it?
59651( 3) Who was the first man that received this information?
59651( 5) Is it not highly probable that the man who first told this story might also have invented it?
59651( That was three thousand years ago; how is it with us?)
59651( You know he asked God for wisdom and God gave it to him; why did not God keep him wise?)
59651A perfect part of a perfect whole?
59651After how many generations or centuries was this news published, and to whom?
59651And is the nervous system subservient to the soul?
59651And was it possible for God to overcome the laws of gravitation?
59651And what are they doing now?
59651And why should alcohol have such a peculiar effect upon the master tissues of the body?
59651Are not fish, fowl, and whales living creatures?
59651At what period of fetal development is it that the soul enters the body?
59651Because he built the temple and made profuse exhibition of his gold and silver?
59651Because he had an immense number of chariots and soldiers, decked with costly trappings?
59651Besides, if it was in an aqueous solution what became of the sixty- two elementary substances that never enter into the composition of water?
59651But if we concede that this earth has a God, what right have we to assume that each other planet has not a god of its own?
59651But what forms the brake, and by what agency is it held, while it rubs against the sun?
59651But what is the burning matter which can thus maintain itself?
59651But-- where is Jehova all this while?
59651Can a jockey or a prizefighter have feelings like these?
59651Can any man be so silly as to believe that an almanac was made before man was created?
59651Can anyone conceive a more meaningless set of phrases?
59651Can it be possible that our Christian neighbors believe that the life and conduct of Saul was directed by any supreme power?
59651Can the soul deteriorate, be injured or be afflicted?
59651Can we detect the presence of any of our terrestrial substances in the sun?...
59651Chapter lv:"Thus saith the Lord, where is the bill of your mother''s divorcement, whom I have put away?
59651Chapter vi, verse 1:"Whither is my beloved gone, O thou fairest among women?
59651Chapter xxxi, verse 22:"How long wilt thou go about, O thou backsliding daughter?
59651Did this change or eradicate the evil?
59651Do not the brains become blunted, the senses dulled?
59651Does any woman believe that she is a bone of her husband''s bone, and flesh of his flesh?
59651Does anyone, except the most ignorant, believe any of the items contained in the above creed?
59651Does every human being receive a like quality and quantity?
59651Does it not bar proper inquiry into the phenomena of nature?
59651Does it not encourage a cowardly dependence on priestcraft and hypocritical cunning?
59651Does it not extinguish every impulse towards the evolution of thought?
59651Does it not seem strange that the different numerical combinations of the same elements should have such different effects upon the animal system?
59651Does it not seem strange that the only animal mentioned in the fifth and sixth days''performance is the whale?
59651Does it not stamp out the energies and aspirations of man and woman?
59651Does not this rigid system of changeless belief prevent intellectual development?
59651Does the soul possess all the excellences and qualities theologians claim for it?
59651Does the will power reside in the soul?
59651Does there exist in this mass of organized protoplasm anything that may be called divine?
59651Does your kindergarten church teach aught that corrects the above evils?
59651Dollars and cents?
59651Envy and jealousy prevented his ever assuming the crown of Egypt, but what was to hinder him becoming the head and leader of his own people?
59651For centuries these explanations and interpretations have been going on-- over what?
59651For whom?
59651For whose use?
59651From idiocy or imbecility?
59651God inquires with a Chinese simplicity,"Where art thou?"
59651Has he a soul?
59651Has humanity improved since the coming of Christ?
59651Has humanity improved?
59651Has it an existence separate and apart from the body?
59651Has it consistency?
59651Has the Roman Catholic church receded one step from her antiquated ecclesiastical position?
59651Have they advanced the cause of humanity?
59651Have they done any good upon earth?
59651Have they not as much right to have each of them a god as this earth is supposed to have?
59651Have you made them all into saints?
59651He opens his ears to the winds, and asks them, Whence and whither?
59651Here is an instructive example of teaching:"What is the blessed Eucharist?
59651Heresy, blasphemy, money disputes, Briggs, Smith, Corrigan, Wigger, etc.--what is it all about that will benefit humanity?
59651How can 26 feet 3 inches of water cover plateaus 10,000 feet high and mountains like the Ida, 4,000 feet, and the Himalayas 29,000 feet in height?
59651How comes it that the nations with the heathen gods were victorious and finally conquered the Hebrew nation and led them forth as captives?
59651How could a man go up to heaven?
59651How do we know that the inhabitants of other planets have not had angels, saints, and saviors?
59651How is the perennial loss made good?
59651How many sons and daughters?
59651How many wives had he?
59651How was it, if their gods were not more potent, that they should win so many battles, and enslave the nation of the true God?
59651If God made man, why did he not make him properly to begin with, so as to suit himself at least?
59651If God was a fool big enough to make him bad, or silly, why should he be responsible?
59651If evaporation and consolidation exist why should there not be aqueous vapor, rain, etc.?
59651If so, in what?
59651If so, to whom?
59651If so, where?
59651In the history of the Catholic church?
59651In this connection we may ask, Is alcohol a food?
59651In what degree does the soul differ in the civilized and in uncivilized man?
59651In what state does it exist previous to entering the body?
59651Is humanity any wiser to- day than these poor ignorant creatures were at the time Paul was trying to get a new idea into their untutored brain?
59651Is it a something entire and complete in itself?
59651Is it not the dawn of love, the transitory period, that bridge of nervous exaltation that leads from puberty to maternity?
59651Is it not time that men of intelligence, in this age of progress and civilization we boast so much of, cease to pretend to believe such nonsense?
59651Is it self- acting and self- existing?
59651Is not our high state of nervous development largely due to that struggle?
59651Is not the act of prayer a humiliating acknowledgement either of an enfeebled mind or of a contemptible slave?
59651Is not the kneeling and praying before some daub of a picture or the figure of some supposed God or saint debasing and degrading to the individual?
59651Is not the will power subdued and deteriorated and the natural energy destroyed?
59651Is the soul endowed with passions and emotions?
59651Is the soul something quite independent of matter?
59651Is the soul susceptible to training and education, and the reception of knowledge?
59651Is the victory doubtful?
59651Is there any connection between the soul principle and matter?
59651Is there anything in this newly born babe of a supernatural character, such as a soul, spirit; the knowledge of God, or of good and evil?
59651Is there aught innate?
59651Is this the man that is sinning-- when tempted to steal some trifle to satisfy hunger?
59651It is a pertinent question, or questions:( 1) On what part of the globe were these planted?
59651It is but reasonable to inquire, Does God create the Brain, or does the Brain create God?
59651Look at the integrated energies of the world-- the stored power of our coal fields; our winds and rivers; our fleets, armies, and guns; what are they?
59651May not the god of Venus have a preëmptory claim to the godship of this planetary system?
59651May we not ask, Is not our present high state of civilization the natural outcome of our necessities in the struggle to exist?
59651May we not assume that it is both possible and probable?
59651Of course, what could they do otherwise than yield?
59651Of what good is the talking of spiritual welfare, salvation, and heaven to a hungry stomach?
59651Of what use are they?
59651Of what use are your incense, your prayer, and your blessing, your self- conceited holiness, your pretended sanctity, and your priestly hypocrisy?
59651Or does it enter at birth?
59651Or have the orthodox Protestants?
59651Or in disease of the meninges( coverings); or in case of insanity, whatever morbid cause might have produced that condition, where is the soul?
59651Or is it a mere mechanical effort, accompanied by an extraordinary amount of insincerity and actual duplicity of character?
59651Or is the soul already trained, educated, and possessed of all the knowledge that is now known or likely to be known?
59651Or stupidity?
59651Or the god of Uranus, or of any other of the planets?
59651Or was it really somewhere in Chaldea where the story originated?
59651Or was this great whale purposely inserted to do that extraordinary service to Jonah?
59651Or, are we to be saved from poverty, hunger, starvation, misery and wretchedness, distress and degradation?
59651Or, why should morphia have such a peculiar effect upon the animal tissues-- especially the nervous?
59651Professor Max Müller says:"He begins to lift up his eyes; he stares at the tent of heaven, and asks, Who supports it?
59651Sacrifice a man to God in place of sheep and cattle?
59651Saved from what?
59651Shall we terrify ourselves by this thought?
59651Spirit and soul, are they one and the same thing, or do they differ?
59651Supposing it rained forty days and forty nights, how many inches of rainfall could we possibly get?
59651That God directed Saul to do so many foolish, barbarous, and murderous acts?
59651That ideas, thought, consciousness, intellect, understanding, imagination, knowledge, etc., etc., are but the functions of nervous matter?
59651The Soul-- What is it?
59651The beloved offspring given them of God?
59651The debates on progressive sanctification, a middle state, whether sanctification is complete or incomplete at death-- where is the heresy?
59651Then God asks Cain why he is cross, and after Cain kills his brother Abel, he, God, says: Where is thy brother Abel?
59651These divisions did not take place before man was created?
59651To save sinners?
59651Verse 10:"Who is she that looketh forth as the morning, fair as the moon, clear as the sun, and terrible as an army with banners?"
59651Verse 22:"And the Lord God said, Behold the man is become as one of us"( were there more gods than one?
59651Verse 8:"Is there a God beside me?
59651Verse 8:"We have a little sister; and she hath no breasts; what shall we do for our sister in the day when she shall be spoken for?"
59651Verse 9:"What is my beloved more than another beloved, O thou fairest among women?
59651Was God ignorant of the existence of more oceans than one?
59651Was God married?
59651Was his family large or small?
59651Was his life sacrificed for the sins of humanity?
59651Was it sandy soil, as in the deserts of Arabia, or hill, valley, or mountain?
59651Was it winter, spring, summer, or autumn?
59651We know with certainty what gets drunk-- where is the spiritual part of man?
59651We may ask frankly, honestly, truthfully, and in perfect good faith: Has not the time arrived for a grand and human reformation?
59651Were his domestic relations pleasant or not?
59651Were really these divisions made before a living creature inhabited this earth?
59651Were these trees, grass, herbs, planted at the North Pole, equator, in a subtropical or in a mild climate?
59651What are all the mountebank church costumes for?
59651What are these Ten Commandments?
59651What are these overgrown, lopsided educated men thinking about-- these self- constituted righteous bigots, what are they squabbling about?
59651What are they?
59651What becomes of it?
59651What can we expect of a God that can not raise his own children properly?
59651What does it consist of?
59651What does it signify who wrote Æsop''s fables, Homer''s Iliad, the five books of Moses, Isaiah, or the New Testament, or even Shakespeare?
59651What generations of heaven?
59651What have the popes, bishops, and priests done?
59651What have they accomplished?
59651What have they to save?
59651What is it all for?
59651What is it?
59651What is morality?
59651What is sin?
59651What is substance soul and substance spirit?
59651What is the awakening of these new emotions, the unfolding of these new sentiments, that seem to linger on the borderland of restrained passion?
59651What is the breath of life that caused so much controversy, in church and out of church?
59651What is the difference between man and animal?
59651What is the good of lying because some man said, God said so?
59651What is the relation of woman to- day to the respective churches to which she may belong?
59651What is the soul?
59651What is the use for a man to disguise himself in a stage costume of the Egyptian period, to scare a lot of ignorant boobies?
59651What is there extraordinary about that?
59651What is thy beloved more than another beloved, that thou dost so charge us?"
59651What is to hinder them?
59651What kind of a God was this Jehova?
59651What shall we do to be saved?
59651What shall we do to be saved?
59651What waters?
59651When in old times we find heretics tried by the Roman Catholic church, Are heretics rightly punished with death?
59651When the body is afflicted with disease, does the soul suffer?
59651Whence does it come?
59651Where did he get his material from?
59651Where do you find it?
59651Where was God''s residence, if he had any?
59651Where was God?
59651Whether the idol is in the image of somebody or a four- cornered box wherein lies the difference?
59651Whither is my beloved turned aside?
59651Who but a man accustomed to command and be obeyed would dare use such language?
59651Who dares to state positively that they have not a god?
59651Who were these descendants of God that became mighty and men of renown?
59651Why attempt to enumerate the extraordinary roles they play on earth and in the universe?
59651Why did God make a man of dust and the woman out of the man''s rib?
59651Why did he breathe into the nostrils of the man and forget to do it to the woman?
59651Why did he not make him so as to know the father right from the start?
59651Why did it take God to make this terrestrial globe six days?
59651Why do those who adopt for their mode of livelihood the profession of theology want to exercise salvation?
59651Why great whales?
59651Why lead and mislead?
59651Why living creatures?
59651Why permit people to be so foolish and senseless as to create rival gods?
59651Why sewed?
59651Why should a God come and go by leaps and jumps, appearing and disappearing at distant ages, now helping and then punishing?
59651Why should he be jealous of a wooden god, or of any other kind of an idol?
59651Why should it be necessary to whip people into understanding God, knowing him?
59651Why should it paralyze the brain first, before it affects the heart, since it has to be carried by the blood through the circulation to the brain?
59651Why should starch and sugar compounds be good for the sustenance of animal life while other compounds of the same elements prove destructive to life?
59651Why should this almighty God, this Jehova, keep his chosen people continually on the rack of transgression, crime, and folly?
59651Why should we wonder that such miracles could be performed among the lower classes, rude, uneducated, and poor?
59651Why twist, torture, and falsify it?
59651Why were there so many thousand people slaughtered to force conviction of his marvelous powers?
59651With what?
59651Wonder why the world has not become better?
59651and( 4) In what kind of soil and in what locality?
59651of the numerous seas and lakes?
59651or was this creation a local affair near the Gulf of Persia?
59651or which creditors is it to whom I have sold you?
59651where is the blasphemy?
59651where is the soul?