
This is a list of all the questions and their associated study carrel identifiers. One can learn a lot of the "aboutness" of a text simply by reading the questions.

identifier question
47254Which will you Choose?
10717***** Lords of the lute[1], my songs, what god, what hero, or what man, are we to celebrate?
10717***** Wherewithal of the fair deeds done in thy land, O divine Thebe, hath thy soul had most delight?
10717But is not the Hellenic life at least less remote now to Western Europe than it has ever been since the Northern invasions?
10717But to what headland of a strange shore, O my soul, art thou carrying aside the course of my ship?
10717Come bend thy bow on the mark, O my soul-- at whom again are we to launch our shafts of honour from a friendly mind?
10717Did then the slaughter of Iphigenia far from her own land on Euripos''shore so sting her mother to the arousal of a wrath of grievous act?
10717For she said unto him''Sleepest thou O Aiolid king?
10717From what tribe was she torn to dwell in the secret places of the shadowing hills?
10717Is it lawful openly to put forth my hand to her, or rather on a bridal- bed pluck the sweet flower?''
10717Is not one civilisation more like another than it can be to any barbarism?
10717Is there aught dearer to the good than noble parents?
10717Or had nocturnal loves misguided her, in thraldom to a paramour''s embrace?
10717Or hath some wind blown me out of my course, as when it bloweth a boat upon the sea?
10717Or when thou hadst honour in the wise counsels of Teiresias, or in Iolaos the cunning charioteer, or the unwearied spears of the Spartoi?
10717The maiden''s lineage dost thou, O king, enquire of me-- thou who knowest the certain end of all things, and all ways?
10717The sea- sand none hath numbered; and the joys that Theron hath given to others-- who shall declare the tale thereof?
10717Things of a day-- what are we, and what not?
10717Though the separation in time widens does not the separation in thought decrease?
10717To whom and in what cases are translations of poets useful?
10717What country, what house among all lands shall I name more glorious throughout Hellas?
10717What man begat her?
10717What man was he who with his spear smote noble Telephos by Kaïkos''banks?
10717What perilous enterprise clenched them with strong nails of adamant?
10717What power first drave them in the beginning to the quest?
10717What vaunt is this unseasonable?
10717Whence were revealed the new graces of Dionysos with the dithyramb that winneth the ox[2]?
10717Whether when thou broughtest forth to the light Dionysos of the flowing hair, who sitteth beside Demeter to whom the cymbals clang?
10717Who made new means of guidance to the harness of horses, or on the shrines of gods set the twin images of the king of birds[ 3]?
10717Yet for the beast whose name is of gain[10] what great thing is gained thereby?
10717or when out of the noise of the strong battle- cry thou sentest Adrastos home to horse- breeding Argos, of his countless company forlorn?
10717what shall make an end of woes?
38471Am I game?
38471Any harm in my trying that shot?
38471Any objection?
38471Are you serious?
38471Beg pardon,he said,"but have you a match about you?
38471Did I hear you say''please?''
38471Do we?
38471Golly, Dick,he observed,"what did you think of that fellow?
38471Golly, fellows,he shouted;"what do you think now?
38471Good Heavens, Randall,he exclaimed;"what have I struck?
38471Harry,he cried,"for goodness''sake, what school did Jane Austen belong to?
38471He''s all right, is n''t he? 38471 Here''s two things I want to know,"he said at length;"first, where do I take him?"
38471How about the ducks?
38471How did it all happen, Duncan?
38471How did the boy come into it?
38471How high will you have her?
38471How long did you keep at it?
38471How''s your courage, old man?
38471Hullo, fellows,he said;"what''s this gathering for?
38471I do n''t blame you,he answered, then added,"How have you been sleeping this last week or two, Randall?
38471I do n''t like it much,he said again, then added,"When do you mean to pull it off?"
38471I do n''t suppose you''d let two ordinary mortals come along and breathe the same air with heroes, would you, now? 38471 I thought you were going to try running straight at the bar in your vacation, Dave?"
38471I wonder what they''re doing out here at this time of night?
38471I? 38471 Is that what you call a hammer?"
38471It is a kind of misfit name, though, when you come to think of it, is n''t it? 38471 Jane Austen?"
38471Now how are they going to hit a fellow like that?
38471Oh, nonsense,he cried;"do n''t we get all the gossip from the school papers, and from the fellows we see?
38471Say, Dave,he called;"did you hear about the new Pentathlon champion?"
38471Say,he whispered,"what''s our friend Dave got on his mind?
38471Shall I tell the fellows, sir?
38471Still the old style?
38471That is exciting, is n''t it? 38471 Think we''ve struck the right place, Dick?"
38471Turn his ankle? 38471 Well, Ned,"he queried,"what are our prospects?
38471Well, Randall,he asked,"what you got on your mind?
38471Well, all jokes aside,he exclaimed,"your friend''s recovered, has n''t he?"
38471Well, that''s a nice sporting situation, is n''t it? 38471 Well,"he asked,"what ought I to do?
38471Well,queried Dick,"what''s happened?
38471What about it?
38471What can you do with the shot, Dick? 38471 What do you mean?"
38471What does that mean, Allen?
38471What''s struck the kid?
38471What''s the joke?
38471What''s wrong in the village?
38471Why does n''t Jim spurt?
38471Why does n''t he shoot?
38471Why, Jim,he cried;"you do n''t think I''m lying, do you?
38471Why, what do you mean by that?
38471Will we get there?
38471Won your''F''?
38471Would have caused Dick to vanish?
38471You did n''t pass me that in the exam?
38471You do n''t want a great deal, do you? 38471 You worryin''about Rosy?"
38471A hundred and sixty?"
38471All aboard, Dick?"
38471And even the decent fellows, who would n''t stand for such a thing-- what are they going to believe?
38471And if he does do that, then how does Dick stand?
38471And that''s a good idea, is n''t it, Harry?"
38471And the hammer?"
38471And then Brewster asked,"How, Dick?
38471And what did she write?"
38471And what''s the cup?
38471And you ca n''t tell me that you think Dave Ellis is the fellow Mr. Fenton would honestly like to see elected president, now can you?"
38471And, golly, was n''t it close?
38471Are you game?"
38471Are you sure?
38471As well as when you came here first?"
38471At the top, three times underlined, were the words,"Help, please,"and then, underneath,"Who wrote_ Barry Lyndon?_ When was Fielding born?
38471At the top, three times underlined, were the words,"Help, please,"and then, underneath,"Who wrote_ Barry Lyndon?_ When was Fielding born?
38471Bright idea, was n''t it?"
38471But it''s so, is n''t it?
38471But ought n''t we to tell the fellows?
38471But what can the trouble have been?"
38471But what if it had come on the exam?
38471Ca n''t you appreciate good poetry?
38471Come, now, is n''t that right?"
38471Composing a speech?"
38471Could n''t be McDonald, could it, Jim?"
38471Did I ever tell you about Ned Brewster and the daily themes?"
38471Did I ever tell you about the lake, away up north of the village, where they get the ducks?"
38471Did Trollope write_ The Moonstone?_"Below each question Ellis had left a little space for the answer.
38471Did n''t hurt yourself, did you?"
38471Did n''t we know, the very same day, when Johnson broke the Clinton record, that time he did five eight and a half?
38471Did you really do five six in the gym?"
38471Do n''t I remember the first day I came?
38471Do you know anything about what he did in college?"
38471Do you think you can do it?"
38471Does any one know how it got here?"
38471Does n''t he seem pretty-- well, I do n''t know just what word I want-- pretty-- cocksure of himself, somehow?"
38471Ever read him?
38471Ever read_ The Haunted Palace?_ No?
38471Ever read_ The Haunted Palace?_ No?
38471Gallant rescuers?
38471Going some?"
38471Has he ever tried to borrow any money of you?"
38471Have they struck?"
38471How are you feeling these days?
38471How does that strike you, Dick?
38471How many did you folks get?"
38471How many did you kill?"
38471How much do you weigh?
38471How would you like that?"
38471How''s that?
38471Hullo, what''s that?"
38471I do n''t suppose either of you has heard any word of Randall, our entry in the Pentathlon?"
38471I''ve got everything else straight, but just what''s the Pentathlon, anyway?"
38471Is n''t it only fair, if they want to elect him president, to let them know first what kind of fellow they''re picking out to represent the class?
38471Is n''t that what we are, Jim?
38471Is that straight?
38471It seems curious, does n''t it?
38471Now then, will you pull out, or not?
38471Now what do you say?"
38471Now, do you see?"
38471Ought he to keep silence, after all?
38471Pretty well?"
38471So that now Dick hesitated for a moment, and then asked,"Say, Allen, if it''s a proper question, what sort of fellow is Ellis?
38471Some means of escape he must find-- and yet-- how was it possible?
38471Some one of Dave''s friends will come running to him with it right away, and what''s Dave going to do then?
38471Suppose Dave denies the whole business, what then?"
38471Suppose Randall does n''t show up to- morrow, at ten o''clock, what happens then?
38471That''s an awfully mean trick, and we''ll see that we make the school too hot to hold him?''
38471Then added, with a smile,"You would n''t think, to look at me, Randall, that I had any pretensions to being an athlete, now would you?
38471Then, after a little pause, he added,"Are you going to try the Pentathlon, Randall?"
38471Track team, or crew?"
38471Was a fellow really killed, Allen?"
38471Well, if I''ve_ got_ to descend to vulgar prose, where do you chaps think you''re going, anyway?"
38471Well, never mind, that''s not the Pentathlon, is it?
38471What about Thanksgiving?
38471What can it mean, Mr. Fenton?
38471What did Ned say?"
38471What do you fellows say?"
38471What do you say to that, Dick?"
38471What do you suppose can have happened to him?"
38471What do you think of that, now?"
38471What do you think of the master anyway; and what do you think of the school?"
38471What kind of guns you got?"
38471What kinds do they have here, Jim?"
38471What more do you want than that?
38471What ought we to do, rather?
38471What say, Harry?"
38471What''s the best way to act?
38471What''s the big meet?
38471What''s to prevent him from saying that Dick is lying-- that Dick''s a friend of Harry''s, and that this is all a dodge to get Harry elected?
38471Who can beat it, besides Johnson?"
38471Who on earth do you suppose is interested in athletics around here?
38471Who the devil dares to say such a thing as that about me?
38471Why do n''t you take a rest, a complete rest, from now until the day of the games?"
38471Why does n''t Jim hit''er up, too?
38471Why, do you boys care for that sort of thing?"
38471Why, has he tried you, too?"
38471Why, where would you fit with them, Dick?"
38471Will we draw first blood in the track meet next week, or will Ellis''desertion cost us the games?"
38471Will you ask Peter to slip the mare into the buggy, please; and you go with him, Harry, and show him the way?
38471With Dave and Johnson both in the game?
38471Wo n''t they postpone the whole darn business?
38471Wo n''t we, Doctor?
38471Would Cluff get another shot?
38471Would n''t that raise the deuce?
38471Would they decoy again?
38471You do n''t mean to say you doubt my word?"
38471You knew we''d cut out football, did n''t you?"
38471You met him last night, did n''t you?"
38471You''re not going home, are you?"
38471he queried,"what have you got to say?"
38471he wondered,"Why does n''t he shoot?"
37912''Eh?'' 37912 ''Hebe?''
37912''Is Laura literary, Mammy?'' 37912 ''What you want-- hair cut again this week, Pretty?''
37912''What''s the matter, Purt?'' 37912 ''Why did n''t he swim it_ four_ times,''says Billy, grave as a judge,''and so get back to the bank where he''d left his clothes?''
37912A rope?
37912Ai n''t she the greatest girl you ever heard of, Mis''Case?
37912Ai n''t that just like you, Hessie?
37912All ready?
37912And Billy says:''What''s puzzling me, is why he swam it_ three_ times?''
37912And I suppose you think,said Mr. Billson, scowling,"that she is doing all this for the Doyles to pay Rufus for his monkey- shines, eh?"
37912And can they be blamed?
37912And did they?
37912And do you know,laughed Eve,"that Hebe was almost the best behaved boy in the school all that term?"
37912And he shuffled right up to this window-- And how do you suppose he opened it, if, as Mr. Jackway says, it was locked on the inside?
37912And they ai n''t give him the bounce?
37912And what do you suppose Moose pointed out?
37912And what is that, Miss?
37912And when you were in there that night this fellow was there?
37912And who hates us?
37912And who''ll sign it?
37912And why not? 37912 And why not_ me_?"
37912And you expect Mr. Grimes to find you a good job, do you? 37912 And you have no suspicion as to who could have taken her?"
37912And you told her she could n''t be herself because she said,''It is me?'' 37912 And you''re one of the''nice''ones, I suppose, Miss?"
37912Are you afraid of this man?
37912Are you ready to play, or shall I take you out of the game right now?
37912Are you sure that your Daddy Doctor saw quite straight when he saw Hester save the kid? 37912 But I guess we could find the person at fault pretty easily, eh?"
37912But I_ did_ drive it alone, did n''t I? 37912 But did you have Miss Carrington at your meeting?"
37912But have you heard what she did last week, girls?
37912But how about Keyport and East High?
37912But how can we get to those other farms?
37912But it''s never the New Century?
37912But what did Laura say?
37912But what''s happened to Miss Carrington?
37912But who''ll ask her? 37912 But why mix Hester Grimes up with it?"
37912Can I use your name at the hospital in Centerport?
37912Can we help you? 37912 Can you beat that for a school trustee?"
37912Could it be that half- foolish boy, do you suppose?
37912Did n''t you hear what Gee Gee said to the English class to- day when the gong rang?
37912Did they put that Jackway out?
37912Did_ I_ see it?
37912Do n''t you see? 37912 Do n''t you_ want_ to play any more?"
37912Do you know there is good stuff in that girl Hester?
37912Do you know where Hester is?
37912Do you mean that, Doctor?
37912Do you s''pose they''ll be in danger?
37912Does the shoe hurt it?
37912Had n''t you better take that left- hand turn, Miss?
37912Has n''t your father tried to find the thief-- or the colt?
37912Has the sky fallen?
37912He ai n''t said so, has he?
37912Henry Grimes''s gal, eh?
37912How are we going to know? 37912 How could you?"
37912How do you expect to do it?
37912How many miles have I come, I wonder?
37912How was that, Bobby?
37912I guess you''re one of these crazy folk that think she did it?
37912I wonder why it is that we always want to shift our burdens on other folks''shoulders? 37912 I''m pretty smart to take care of Johnny so well-- ain''t I, Uncle Bill?"
37912In Hester Grimes?
37912Is Johnny all right?
37912Is it dangerous?
37912Is n''t that young Pocock, that used to work for your father, Hester?
37912Is she in trouble, do you think?
37912Is that so, Miss?
37912It jest dishes me about gittin''that job at the young ladies''gymnasium, heh?
37912Meaning me?
37912Nobody really knows who did that mean job in the girls''gymnasium, eh?
37912Not deserted you?
37912Now, I should like very much to be instructed what to do about this? 37912 Oh, he''ll be all right-- won''t he, Rufie?"
37912Pocock, eh?
37912Remember the day we found her broken down in that new car of her father''s on the Keyport road?
37912Rufus is n''t just right in his mind-- is he?
37912Same t''ing, ai n''t it? 37912 See how blurred the marks are at the heel?"
37912Shall I run that far and see what it means? 37912 Shall we take him home?"
37912She is_ never_ going to overlook that awful break of mine-- is she?
37912So you''re slandering me, as usual, are you, Miss?
37912Suppose you suggest a course of procedure, Miss Gould?
37912Surely you''re not sore over the way folks are treating Hester Grimes_ now_? 37912 The other day she asked them what two very famous men were boys together, and what do you suppose was the answer she got?"
37912Then what? 37912 Then you know all about him, Carey?"
37912They want slappin'', do n''t they?
37912To you? 37912 Was by chance the man asking about the_ consumption_ of water, Jinny?"
37912Was n''t_ that_ a slap? 37912 Watcher want here, gooney?"
37912We cheered''em, did n''t we? 37912 What did I tell you?"
37912What did you do to it?
37912What do I care about those nasty girls on the Hill?
37912What do I care for''em?
37912What do you mean, then, by saying that the fellow opened the window from the inside?
37912What do you s''pose?
37912What do you say, Mother Wit?
37912What do you say, Mother Wit?
37912What do you think-- that a girl like this would hire a foolish boy to do such dirty work? 37912 What do you think?"
37912What do you want me to do?
37912What for? 37912 What for?"
37912What have you done now, you bad, bad child?
37912What if I did leave Central High? 37912 What in thunder are you doing, riding over the country alone?"
37912What is it he needs, Doctor?
37912What is it, Bobby?
37912What is it, Daddy Doctor?
37912What is the matter here?
37912What now?
37912What under the sun are you supposed to represent, Lil?
37912What was it?
37912What would the doctor say to me?
37912What you doing to that kid?
37912What you so cross about?
37912What''s all this? 37912 What''s burning?"
37912What''s happened to her?
37912What''s on the contrary?
37912What''s that?
37912What''s that?
37912What''s that?
37912What''s that?
37912What''s the answer, then, Miss Captain?
37912What''s the fight about?
37912What''s the matter with that girl and her car?
37912What''s the matter with you?
37912What''s the matter, Nell?
37912What''s the matter? 37912 What''s them gals doin''to your brother Mike, Hebe?"
37912What''s to- morrow?
37912What''s your name, Miss?
37912Where is Hester?
37912Where is she?
37912Where was that?
37912Where would ye have us live-- at the Four Corners still?
37912Who else would I mean, Miss?
37912Who is he?
37912Who says that''s the conductor, Lance?
37912Who''s there?
37912Whoever heard of anybody''s taking Pretty seriously?
37912Why ai n''t I seen your friend Lily so much lately?
37912Why did n''t you go home at once and change your clothing?
37912Why is it?
37912Why not? 37912 Why not?"
37912Why not?
37912Why not?
37912Why should they?
37912Why-- for pity''s sake?
37912Won''t-- won''t they see it?
37912Yes, ma''am?
37912You do n''t blame her?
37912You mean this Hester Grimes, Henry Grimes''s daughter?
37912You understand me?
37912You''d burst, would n''t you?
37912You''re worried about what happened last night, are n''t you?
37912_ How_ did he open it?
37912_ Now_ what will we do?
37912_ Now_ what''s the matter?
37912_ Who_ did it?
37912''Consumption''an''''tuberculosis''jes de same-- heh?"
37912''How many birthdays does that make?''
37912''How''s that, young man?''"
37912''What did your mother say when you told her I was sorry for having made a fool of myself at the party last night?''
37912''Where is the word?''
37912Are you goin''to do what I tell you?"
37912Betting''s store, on the side street?
37912But Laura hopped out before him, came to Hester''s side of the car, and asked:"Did it stop of itself?"
37912But how about the rope?
37912But you said you could show me how to get back on the basketball team, and I guess I_ do_ want to get back-- if it is n''t too late?"
37912Can you beat those infants?"
37912D''ye see_ that_?"
37912Do n''t you see?
37912Do you suppose either the East or West Highs would find Hester any more bearable if she attended them instead of Central?"
37912Do you understand that?"
37912Does it hurt, Nellie?"
37912He found no trace of the firebug-- can discover no way in which he got out----""But how did he get in?"
37912Hebe Pocock-- Laura will remember him?"
37912Hebe said, gruffly:"I reckon I gotter croak, eh?
37912How dare you speak that way to a teacher?
37912How else would the interest be kept up?
37912I hope I make myself clear?
37912I never told you how she jumped into the sewer- basin and saved Johnny''s life?"
37912I tol''him we nebber drink no tap watah, but has it bro''t in bottles, same as nice fo''ks does----""The water man?"
37912If I tell Henry about this what chance do you suppose you''ll ever have at_ that_ job?"
37912If folks have really got anything against Miss Hester, why do n''t they come out square and say so?
37912If it should balk now, what would become of them?
37912Is he, Uncle Bill?"
37912Is it going to kick up rusty now and here?"
37912Is n''t she, girls?"
37912Is n''t that so, Chet?"
37912It''s Mr. Wood, is n''t it?
37912Laura said:"Ca n''t you boys, all together, roll away that stone?"
37912Madeline Spink, the captain, said quietly:"But the goal counts for us, does it not, Miss Lawrence?"
37912Now, what do you know about_ that_?"
37912Now, you ought to wear a nut- brown suit, had n''t you?"
37912See him?"
37912She asked him the other day:"''Ivan, what is a calf?''
37912She''s smart an''bright-- remember how she found my auto veil that you lost last spring?"
37912Show yourself loyal to the other girls of Central High, and to the betterment of basketball and the other athletics, by----""By what?"
37912Surely you ai n''t goin''to show a yaller streak now?"
37912The mystery is: How did he get in?"
37912They rob the gardens and orchards on the edge of town----""Toward Centerport, you mean?"
37912Tommy is as full of mischief as Billy, is n''t he?"
37912Well,''ruminated the doctor, stopping at the gate as though he contemplated coming in,''what had I better do to a boy that''s got a birthday?''
37912What do you know about_ that_?"
37912What do you say, Chet?"
37912What for?"
37912What kind of a fellow are you, anyway?"
37912What team did_ he_ play on?"
37912What was the matter with her?"
37912What''s he been doing to you, Laura?"
37912What''s the joke?"
37912What''s the matter with your car?"
37912When the laugh against her had subsided, Laura said:"But what good is it to boil, Bobby, if we ca n''t win games?
37912When they were all laughing at Billy''s antics and prophecies, Laura said to Alice:"How do you ever manage to get along with those children, Alice?
37912When will you want me at the hospital?"
37912Where did he come from?"
37912Where''ll we get it?"
37912Where''s the chauffeur?"
37912Who would warn those squatters and small farmers of the danger down here in the cut?
37912You want your eyebrows shaved off, do n''t ye, Pretty?''
37912You wanted to get to be watchman, or the like, in town?
37912You''ve told on me now, have n''t you?"
37912do you know how Laura explained that canoe tipping over with Purt Sweet and Lily Pendleton?"
37912do you think it would help clear her of suspicion if you found out the truth?"
37912drawled Mrs. Grimes,"that child does n''t take young Purt Sweet seriously, does she?"
37912she added, with increased hilarity,"what do you suppose the boys are telling about Pretty now?"
37912suppose it_ should_ be Miss Carrington?"
37912suppose we did n''t have athletics at all?"
37912that was some jump, was n''t it?"
37912the night of the first raid?"
37912was that it?"
37912what for?"
37912what for?"
37912what have I told you about being good losers?"
37912what''s all this?"
37912where''s the referee''s eyes?"
37912who''ll we put in, Laura?"
37912why did Daddy Doctor have to find out that there was some good in Hester, and tell_ me_ about it?"
37912why not?"
37912you ai n''t afraid, are you?"