This is a list of all the questions and their associated study carrel identifiers. One can learn a lot of the "aboutness" of a text simply by reading the questions.
identifier | question |
A36389 | s.n.,[ London? |
A80764 | Is this Christianity to your Brethren, to leave them sick and wounded, with my Judgments? |
A76695 | If thy conscience accuse thee, what peace canst thou have? |
A64256 | O Revolted and Back- sliden Nation; whither art thou gone already? |
A64256 | What do you think by dishonouring Me, to honour your King? |
A64256 | and whither wilt thou run, if thou be suffered to go on? |
A64256 | who shall hinder us from filling our selves with all manner of delights? |
A91831 | How often have you perverted the right way of the Lord? |
A91831 | how have you caused his servants and messengers to be shamefully intreated for declaring unto you his truth in most parts of the Nation? |
A91831 | what will you do when the Lord requires his flock at your hands? |
A91831 | ye seed of evil- doers; How can you escape the damnation of Hell? |
A36273 | whom seekest thou? |
A36273 | you Priests, Rulers and Persecutors, that are risen up against the People of God in these times, how have you appeared against the Law and the Gospel? |
A42011 | How is Justice fallen in the Streets, and Equity hath no place? |
A42011 | did ever a Nation Sin against the Lord as this Nation? |
A42011 | for you turn your backs on the Temple of the Lord, and you Worship the Sun towards the East; will not the Lord be avenged on such a People? |
A42011 | or hath the like Mercies been bestowed upon any People, as the People of this Land? |
A42011 | the Indignation of the Lord is kindled, and by your Abominations he is highly provoked( for, is not in thee O Nation found the greatest Abominations?) |
A42011 | would you limit the Lord, or his good Spirit in his People, that they should not be led thereby? |
A28348 | do not you remember when you were like to dye, and what you promised then? |
A28348 | where shall we go? |
A45380 | And knowst thou, O man, what ere thou be, how soone the Lord may take thy wealth from thée, or thée from it? |
A45380 | May not the Lord say so to our Nation? |
A45380 | Was sin ever at a greater height then it is now at this time in our Land? |
A45380 | What fashiō ● is there invented every day, to fulfil ye pride of this nation? |
A45380 | did you ever sée or hear, that pride was ever grown to ye height in Town& City, as''t is now? |
A45380 | what Nation under ye sun doth more abound in iniquity thē we do,& especially now of late times? |
A77422 | And why should we be offended at warres amongst men, when there are daily and continual Conflicts between the Elements themselves? |
A77422 | But what shall be said to the Captain of the Nations, or to the Angell destroying Edom and Babylon? |
A77422 | For why? |
A77422 | Hast thou not heard of the valiant Angles, of barbarous Neustria, of yonder terrible Picts thy perfidious enemies? |
A77422 | Knowest thou not that it will be bitternesse in the end? |
A77422 | Laugh''st thou, O King? |
A77422 | O thou sower of discord, and Captain of iniquity, how long wilt thou delight to murther, spoil and pursue the distressed? |
A77422 | Or what people shall be parts and members thereof? |
A77422 | Rides, O Rex? |
A77422 | Who then must be Lord of this Monarchy? |
A77422 | what black seas of darknesse, and rivers of bloud pursue after it? |
A66683 | 7. Who are thou, O great Mountain, before Zerubbahel? |
A66683 | And the Angel said to Zechariah, Knowest thou not what these be? |
A66683 | And therefore Stephen told the Jewes, That though they had received the Law by the hand of Angels, yet they had not kept it: and why? |
A66683 | And what is this Heaven? |
A66683 | And what''s the reason? |
A66683 | But how are the Witnesses slain? |
A66683 | But whom do they slay? |
A66683 | Therefore when the question was asked by one Angel in Daniels Vision: How long shall it be to the end of these wonders? |
A66683 | Thirdly, consider, how doe these Angels slay, the third part of men? |
A66683 | thou shalt become plain; that is, who art thou, O great wisdome and powers of the flesh, and darknesse before Christ my Sonne? |
A66683 | who is able to make warre with him? |
A17001 | And now they comment best vpon this place: asking where was our Church; before M. Lutheres tyme? |
A17001 | And the Angell said to mee: why doest thou marueile? |
A17001 | And what would al that war, now 40. yeares yeeld in blood of Papistes: going withall to eternall destruction? |
A17001 | And, what an infinite masse of money; and millions of men hath Netherland consumed to him? |
A17001 | Before the consecration he was King; after, Emperor: whence then hath he his Empire, but from the Pope? |
A17001 | For, Gods worke must needes bee perfect: and who can adde to that which he hath done? |
A17001 | How died Popes? |
A17001 | I will aske where was it not? |
A17001 | Say not in thine heart, who can goe vp into heauē, for to bring Christ downe: or, who can goe to the deepe to bring Christ from the dead? |
A17001 | So here it is sayd, who can warre with the beast? |
A17001 | The father saith, what wilt thou make man? |
A17001 | Vnde igitur habet imperium, nisi a Papa? |
A17001 | When the Pope contemneth a thousand times better learned then himselfe: how can hee looke to escape the wrath of God? |
A17001 | White? |
A17001 | Who can warre with him? |
A28133 | What is all the World before him, who is Judge of Judges, and King of Kings? |
A28133 | and are you not all brethren, and all under the Government of one King? |
A28133 | and did he not compass him about with Strength and Power, and gave him Favour in the sight of the People? |
A28133 | and is he not the same God still? |
A28133 | call to mind the years past, how pretious and fresh was the Love of the Lord in your hearts, when he first visited you in this City? |
A28133 | can we forget or refuse such glorious Benefits, which we have received from the God of our Life, in our Meetings together? |
A28133 | could you not have laid down your Lives for his Truth? |
A28133 | did not he cause Abraham to leave the Land of his Nativity, and go into a strange Land? |
A28133 | did you think any thing to dear for him? |
A28133 | do you think that the Lord is such a one as your selves? |
A28133 | do you think to overcome us or make us yeeld by keeping them in Prison, which you think are our Teachers, and Ring- leaders? |
A28133 | dost thou think to obtain Mercy from the Lord? |
A28133 | have I not cloathed the Earth with Grasse, and the dew to descend upon it, and the softly Showers of Rain? |
A28133 | have not I caused to distill upon thy Flowers and Vines that they might give a Fragrant Smell unto thee? |
A28133 | have you the command of Death, or can you stay its stroke? |
A28133 | how have thy Streets and houses been dressed with the glory of them? |
A28133 | is not that God amongst us, who created Adam in Innocency, and Eve of the Dust of the Earth? |
A28133 | the sins of the old world is found in thee; art thou guilty or not guilty? |
A28133 | were you not glad when you were robbed of your Glory, and bereaved of your choicest Jewels even for the Lords sake? |
A39271 | ( thou dost it now, but canst thou help thy self?) |
A39271 | 8. Who is this that cometh up from the Wildernesse leaning upon her Beloved? |
A39271 | Alas for you, you blind guids, how doe you travaile up and downe in sorrow, and yet more is your portion still? |
A39271 | Are they not as a great Army? |
A39271 | Are you brought into a Wilderness, not in temporall, but spirituall things? |
A39271 | But remember, how many yeares is it since Israels troubles were? |
A39271 | But, who are you, O great mountaines, before the breakings forth of the Lord Jesus? |
A39271 | Do not you see how they are increased already? |
A39271 | Doe you see men like trees? |
A39271 | Does the light appeare to you to be neither cleare nor darke? |
A39271 | Give as much to a poore Prodigall, or more, than to you that have continued in your Fathers house? |
A39271 | He makes haste, but who may abide his comming? |
A39271 | Hearken still: You wait for a day to Reigne as you have done: You''l pay these Preachers their wags then, will you not? |
A39271 | How did you help them forward? |
A39271 | How did you rejoice in their afflictions? |
A39271 | How hath thy King, O Zion, cast down thine enemies in this Kingdome? |
A39271 | How will you like it wordlings? |
A39271 | How will you live? |
A39271 | London, is there no healing for you, are your wounds incurable? |
A39271 | May not he doe with his owne what he will? |
A39271 | O Israel, consider, is here another Gospel? |
A39271 | O London, consider what plagues, what unseasonable weather, what want of bread hath been in thee in former years? |
A39271 | O London, what vexatiousnesse of spirit hast thou? |
A39271 | O sad soule consider, Is any thing too hard for God? |
A39271 | Or, is here not a tast of the promises, prophesies, and words of the Prophets of old, and Apostles of our Lord Jesus Ghrist? |
A39271 | Returne, come, its night, and Watchmen, what thinke you of it? |
A39271 | The Aposties did so, the people wereas cruell to them, as these can be to you, yet they lived in the world, should not you? |
A39271 | The words will seem to thee as Tales, thou beleevest them not; yet say not, how can this thing be? |
A39271 | This Kingdome, to whom you ought to be as Fathers, how many Stormes has past through it, and been upon it? |
A39271 | VVAtchmen, where are you? |
A39271 | Watchmen, come, are you for Peace? |
A39271 | Well, Watchmen, what doe you see? |
A39271 | What do these feeble Jews? |
A39271 | What if you should Preach the Gospel, and trust God for a living? |
A39271 | What will you do even like your brethren in former times, will you not? |
A39271 | What, asleep? |
A39271 | Where''s your Flock? |
A39271 | Why should this offend you? |
A39271 | Would you hear of the Spirituall Glorie, and Excellencie of the Lord Jesus? |
A39271 | Yee Merchants of Babylon, did you thinke it possible, so great judgments should have come upon you in so little time? |
A39271 | You corrupted ones of what degree soever; how have you despis''d the poor Saints, and scornd the excellent of the Earth? |
A39271 | another faith, or new prophesies? |
A39271 | the Prophets, do they live for ever, but hath not the words of his servants taken hold on you? |
A39271 | the breakings forth of another Spirit? |
A39271 | what a trembling heart is in the midst of thee? |
A39271 | what complaining in thy streets? |
A39271 | what leading into captivity? |
A39271 | why? |
A39271 | will they fortifie themselves? |
A39271 | will they make an end in a day? |
A39271 | will they sacrifice? |
A35274 | 1? |
A35274 | 2. saith the Apostle, Received you the Spirit by the workes of the Law, or by the hearing of faith? |
A35274 | 29. he saith, Are all Apostles? |
A35274 | 3. to sit upon this Beast? |
A35274 | 3? |
A35274 | 4. we finde that the Prophet doth ask the Angel, What these be? |
A35274 | And O do you not stop your breath; what though you be in Babylon? |
A35274 | And doth what you have received from grace, worke such an effect in you, as to make you grow cold in love toward your brethren? |
A35274 | And hath it not been even thus? |
A35274 | And hath it not been even thus? |
A35274 | And hath not he made war with the Saints, which kept the Commandments of God, and the testimony of Jesus Christ? |
A35274 | And have you sent horses, and arms, and provisions to the Army? |
A35274 | And have your servants or children, or your selves in person, been actually in that warre? |
A35274 | And how did you groan in your spirits to be delivered? |
A35274 | And how many frequent prayers did your souls breath out, and lift up to heaven against your enemies, and for deliverance, from their yoake of bondage? |
A35274 | And how many plots of wicked men, wherein they endeavoured the ruine of this Kingdome, hath God blasted? |
A35274 | And the Angel said unto me wherefore didst thou marvel? |
A35274 | And what a burden was it? |
A35274 | And what though a great Armie should be a preparing to overcome you, as there was in July, one thousand six hundred and fourty seven? |
A35274 | And what though some are Presbyterians and some Independents, as they are commonly distinguished? |
A35274 | And why? |
A35274 | Are all Prophets? |
A35274 | Are all Teachers? |
A35274 | But here this query may be made; May there be Prophets, Evangelists, Apostles, and Teachers, that were never ordained by the laying on of hands? |
A35274 | But how can Saints have experience of this, but by comparing his Word and works together? |
A35274 | But how could all the Witnesses of Christ, be said to prophesie? |
A35274 | But it may be objected, How doth it appear that seven thousand men, or persons were so converted, by the resurrection of the Witnesses? |
A35274 | But saies our Saviour at the eighth verse, Neverthelesse, when the Sonne of man cometh, shall he finde faith on earth? |
A35274 | But the Prophet at the 12 verse, is said again to ask the Angel, What the Olive- branches are? |
A35274 | But thirdly, If the Question be, What the seven heads of the Beast are? |
A35274 | But thirdly, Is it so, that it is a blessed thing to reade and hear the Word, so as to keep it? |
A35274 | Doe you desire to presse forward toward perfection, that you may not be as children, carried about with every winde of doctrine? |
A35274 | Doe you not know, that it is not for your merits that you have more then him, but it was from grace, from free favour that you have it? |
A35274 | First, Is it so that when God setteth instruments about a work which he will have done, that they must, and shall effect it? |
A35274 | Hath God delivered any of the chief actours of this unnaturall, bloudy warre into your hands? |
A35274 | Hath he not said himself was the head of the Church, and that he could forgive sins, with many other blasphemies? |
A35274 | Hath not the Beast, and all his adherents been as dry trees, and have they not continued to be so, without ever obtaining a drop of spirituall grace? |
A35274 | Have not they been the only ones with whom he hath made war? |
A35274 | Have they not been as the dry ground, obdurate and hardened in their hellish waies? |
A35274 | Have you contributed to the maintenance of the warre in England and Ireland, by lending plate, and disbursing money? |
A35274 | How shall they believe in him, of whom they have not heard? |
A35274 | How would your spirits at the apprehension hereof, have been filled with joy? |
A35274 | Must it not be some great and mighty Potentate? |
A35274 | Now doe you desire to be edified? |
A35274 | Now how precious is light, to them that are continually in a sensible darknesse? |
A35274 | Now therefore, you that were active in that quarrel of the Beast, how doth it concern you to renounce what you have done therein? |
A35274 | Now would we know, what is here meant by water and flouds? |
A35274 | Saints doe you desire to have flesh subdued? |
A35274 | Secondly, Doth the Lord reveal his secrets unto his servants? |
A35274 | Secondly, Is this book of the Revelation, the word of God, and the testimony of Jesus Christ? |
A35274 | The Lion hath roared, Who will not fear? |
A35274 | The Lord God hath spoken, who can but prophesie? |
A35274 | Thirdly, Is it so, That this Book of the Revelation is the Word of God, and the testimony of Jesus Christ? |
A35274 | This passage gives a most clear answer to the question, What is it to prophesie? |
A35274 | This was the primitive Saints confidence, and what Saint hath not this confidence now, that if we ask any thing according to his will, he heareth us? |
A35274 | We see John cals it so, and why may not we? |
A35274 | What a grief was it to you to see precious Saints cruelly, and ridgedly dealt with, by the enemies of Iesus Christ? |
A35274 | What a weaknesse is this in you thus to doe? |
A35274 | What cause have Saints now to admire, and extoll that rich Grace of God, that is extended to them herein? |
A35274 | What is the man that James saith shall be blessed? |
A35274 | Who is able to make war with him? |
A35274 | Who is able to make warre with him? |
A35274 | Who is the spouse, the bride that is adorned for her husband Jesus Christ, but his Saints? |
A35274 | Who must doe thus? |
A35274 | Why? |
A35274 | opened these mysteries, now the meaning of them is more apparent: So that, First, If it be queried, What is the Beast? |
A51311 | 15. v. 4. Who shall not fear thee, O Lord, and glorifie thy Name? |
A51311 | 8. Who shall separate us from the Love of Christ? |
A51311 | And indeed what Protestant writer before Grotius, ever expounded that Prophecy of any other than the Pope? |
A51311 | And is not this a clipping of his Wings indeed, who was soaring before above the Clouds? |
A51311 | And is not this a mouth speaking great things indeed? |
A51311 | And where is it foretold, especially expresly, if not here? |
A51311 | And who can say that the space of about four years is more than competent, or superfluous? |
A51311 | But how can we help it in the Literal sense, if we will interpret with constancy and coherency? |
A51311 | But is there nothing in Antichrist that answers this presumption in Antiochus his standing up against the Prince of Princes? |
A51311 | But methinks I hear you say, if these be not sure Symptomes of it, what I beseech you are? |
A51311 | But that this should be in the Church of God either Iew or Christian, whose hair would not stand on end at so horrid and detestable a spectacle? |
A51311 | But you will say, how is this fulfilled in Antichrist or the Pope? |
A51311 | Concerning the taking of it away, how long will that condition last? |
A51311 | For how can they excuse themselves from treachery against the Kingdome of Christ by thus listing themselves amongst the slaves of Antichrist? |
A51311 | For how can we be said to know what we are not assured of that it is true? |
A51311 | For was this Roman Army any thing more suae spontis in, that they had not a Kingly Government at Rome? |
A51311 | For where can we find it but amongst those many Horns in the Roman Kingdome or Empire? |
A51311 | For who could endure that two carcases should lye stinking in the streets of the City suppose 1260 days or three years and an half? |
A51311 | Has Sense? |
A51311 | How can we return like a dog to his vomit? |
A51311 | How easily then and naturally, or rather necessarily, does this Description of the Church of Laodicea fall upon the last Interval? |
A51311 | How long O Lord Holy and true, dost thou not judge and avenge our bloud on them that dwell on the earth? |
A51311 | How long shall it be to the end of these wonders, that is, How long shall these wonderfull things that have been here foretold continue? |
A51311 | If a person of his quality went so far in reproach to the God of Israel, what would others of less sagacity and morality blurt out? |
A51311 | Into how deep a sopor therefore or lethargy is their wit and judgment cast whom twenty Arguments of like nature will not awake? |
A51311 | Is not this great Babylon that I have built, by the might of my Power, and for the honour of my Majesty? |
A51311 | Is the vote of Primitive antiquity of any value? |
A51311 | May we take the Members of Christ and make them the members of an Harlot? |
A51311 | The Hebrew has it 〈 ◊ 〉 〈 ◊ 〉 〈 ◊ 〉 〈 ◊ 〉 〈 ◊ 〉, What the latter part of those? |
A51311 | What Aegyptian darkness and blindness will Prejudice and Interest cast men into, that can entertain such impossible conceits as these? |
A51311 | What Victories or Dominion did the Church in Thyatira in Asia get over the Nations more than other Churches? |
A51311 | What can be more easy or plain? |
A51311 | What can be more significant of Nebuchadnezzar''s Case than this? |
A51311 | What greater or more Authentick testimony for this way of interpreting can be desired? |
A51311 | What is this but to succeed in place of him, as the Heads of one and the same Empire? |
A51311 | What palpable Hypocrisie is this, as if it were tempting the Lord to do as he commanded him? |
A51311 | What peculiar thing then in this Church of Pergamus is there to require this Description? |
A51311 | What shall be the end of these things? |
A51311 | What then, is the Beast destroyed and the little Horn escape punishment? |
A51311 | What think you of the Emperour? |
A51311 | Where think you does Grotius take shelter now? |
A51311 | Where to the Prophet asking, what are these my Lord? |
A51311 | Which ordering of them who can be so stupid as not to acknowledg to be done by design? |
A51311 | Why might not other Churches be attacqued by them, and also discover them, as well as the Church of Ephesus? |
A51311 | Why should this be said to the Church of Philadelphia more than to any other of the Churches here specified? |
A51311 | a vomit cast out as nauseous to all that is sound or sacred in the faculties of a man? |
A51311 | be said to be written? |
A51311 | common Reason? |
A51311 | have such serious Testimonies any force with them? |
A51311 | or the Times of the Reign of Antichrist? |
A51311 | shall Tribulation, or Distress, or Persecution, or Famine, or Nakedness, or Peril, or Sword? |
A51311 | the Rudiments of Logick? |
A51311 | the Successours of Ptolemaeus Lagi and of Seleucus be Heads likewise of the Greek Empire? |
A51311 | the sound Principles of Philosophy any weight with them? |
A51311 | to a vomit cast out and lying so long time cold and sour in the dirt and mire? |
A51311 | what reason in the Letter can be given of that? |
A51311 | whether Times, or things transacted in those Times? |
A74677 | And if these tokens do not prove Our fall draws on, unless we do amend? |
A74677 | And shal my Soul turn coward, ● ear and flie? |
A74677 | And shalt thou see? |
A74677 | And that my soul i''th end shall sure exult, Although the way seem somewhat difficult? |
A74677 | And therein dwel I in thee, thou in me? |
A74677 | And what so scornfully, scoff ● ing Cham so bold? |
A74677 | And what''s his price? |
A74677 | And, why shouldst thou a sp''rit invisible, Be pleas''d with things both gross and visible? |
A74677 | But Lord, it may be thou maist say to me, Alas, poor soul, wouldst thou my beauty see? |
A74677 | But here this one objection may accrew, How it may come to pass, a pearl should shew And represent this Man- God Christ our King? |
A74677 | But what am I, that me thou should''st believe? |
A74677 | But what sayes Rome to this? |
A74677 | Can height or depth, things present, things to come? |
A74677 | Can kingly favours, wealth or dignity? |
A74677 | Can worldly pleasures, pleasant unto some? |
A74677 | Could any valiant Ioshua, think you, chuse But enter combat with the proudest Foe? |
A74677 | For why? |
A74677 | For, in what Hath any Church a pow''r, if not in that VVhich is indifferent? |
A74677 | For, what ● s this world? |
A74677 | Give me( O Lord) a voice angelicall, With Heart unfeigned on thee thus to call: How long( O Lord) how long wilt thou delay? |
A74677 | How long, O Lord, how long wilt thou prolong, Thy wrath ● appeale and ease me, from among These d ● death- threatning dangers? |
A74677 | How many dreadfull Meteors, have there been In this our Climate, lately heard and seen? |
A74677 | How may the King and people take the same, I shall in the open streets defame So great a City? |
A74677 | How oft hast thou been my souls meditation? |
A74677 | How oft have I been ravisht with desire, That unto thee my soul might once aspire? |
A74677 | How oft have I been scorn''d and vili- pended Earths most unpleasant pleasures quickly ended? |
A74677 | How oft have I thee view''d with admiration? |
A74677 | How oft, the touch, Of famine have we had? |
A74677 | How often have we seen prodigious lights, O''respread the face of heav''n in moonless nights? |
A74677 | How shall I then Be hopeful of reclaiming other men? |
A74677 | How should my soul thy prayses due record? |
A74677 | I Se the Storm a comming, whether shall I Seek Covert in the Mountain, or the Valley? |
A74677 | If I shall, the Lord commanded me, Then, they perhaps will answer, What is he? |
A74677 | In seeking what their knowledg doth exceed? |
A74677 | In strains which man shall never apprehend? |
A74677 | In strange Chymera''s, and fantastick notions, That neither stir us up to good devotions, Nor mend our manners? |
A74677 | In what age, to fore did hear So many, who did Saints and Scars appear, Fall( as it were) from heav''n? |
A74677 | Is''t not most strong, invincible, durable? |
A74677 | Leave, leave your wanton toyes, and let alone Apollo sporting at his Helicon: Let Vulcan deale with Venus, what''s to thee? |
A74677 | Lord Jesus come, come quickly, do not stay; Make hast and tarry not, I thee intreat, And draw my soul from earth to heavenly seat, For why? |
A74677 | O when shal I come and appear in sight Of thee, the S ● n of righteousness most bright? |
A74677 | Of evill customes many are we see Insinuated, and so strict are we To keep them, that we sottishly deny To leave them, for what more would edifie? |
A74677 | Oh then, my soul, what pleasure infinite? |
A74677 | Oh what an Ocean of most sweet delight? |
A74677 | Or unto what I tel, credit give? |
A74677 | Or who hath heard Of greater eathquakes, than hath lately scar''d These quarters of the world? |
A74677 | Or who should be The Judge what is indifferent, if not she? |
A74677 | Or, in what I pray VVil men the Church authority obey, If not in such like things? |
A74677 | Shal fear of death my Christian- courage quell, Since my sure ground than his, is much more firm, And death to me is but my sorrows term? |
A74677 | Shal not my soul controle that enemy? |
A74677 | Shal then his Pagan- courage mine excel? |
A74677 | Shall Merchants venture both lives and goods, For wealth& pelf through th''Oceans dangrous floods? |
A74677 | That day of gladness never to decay, That day of Jubile when all are glad, That day when all rejoyce, none can be sad? |
A74677 | Treasure( sa ● d I?) |
A74677 | VVhat impious athiest dares it untrue hold What fearfull, faultfull, or unfaithfull Cain, Doth dare this truth, deride, doubt or disdain? |
A74677 | VVhat less, I pray, Are they then mad who fool their wits away In wheeling arguments which have no end? |
A74677 | VVhen shall see thee in it, it in theee? |
A74677 | What excellent rare thing are said of thee? |
A74677 | What man is capable to comprehend, Even so great glory God wil then extend? |
A74677 | What wilt thou say of this beatitude? |
A74677 | When shal I leave this Wilderness of wo, Wherein my soul is tossed to and fro? |
A74677 | When shal my soul by thine all- saving hand, Be led with joy from forth this Des ● rt Land? |
A74677 | Who could with vile pusillanimity, So free a Conquest coward like deny? |
A74677 | Who knoweth not that but a while ago A great Eclipse did threat, if not foreshow Gods Judgements? |
A74677 | Who then( I say) what''s he would be so base, As not this proffer gladlie to imbrace? |
A74677 | Why shouldst thou pin thy thoughts on mortal things Who art immortal from the King of Kings? |
A74677 | Why then my soul, shouldst thou to the earth be thral, Which hast a heav''nly blest Original? |
A74677 | Wilt thou a Princes Son, a heavenly Prince, Let Satans gilded apples thee convince? |
A74677 | Wilt thou the Son of heav''ns all- sacred King, Offend thy father for so vile a thing? |
A74677 | Would any David his Goliah flie? |
A74677 | Would any Gideon such a fight refuse? |
A74677 | Yea, shal the ship boy gladly undergo All hazards which or Sea or shore can show? |
A74677 | Yea, what a most profound and pure abyss; Thus to behold the Lord of Lords, is this? |
A74677 | are these That people which was Master of the Seas, And grew so mighty? |
A74677 | how can it be?) |
A74677 | how long shall it be said to me, Wait, wait, expect, and thou the time shalt see? |
A74677 | must not then this City needs be stable? |
A74677 | tel me, if thou can? |
A74677 | when shal I see that day? |
A85476 | Abner his skill in war? |
A85476 | Am I a God at hand, saith the Lord, and not a God afar off? |
A85476 | And Christ saith, If any of you have a son shall ask bread, will he give him a stone? |
A85476 | And Mahomet make cease? |
A85476 | And do ye think that these actions before- rehearsed, will stand and bear weight in that day? |
A85476 | And dost thou hope that now, These schisms at all shall cease; And the round world with light, As the full Moon increase, Without Elias aid? |
A85476 | And he said unto them, O generation of vipers, who hath warned you to flee from the wrath to come? |
A85476 | And how canst thou plead thy self a Minister of the Gospel, and sue for treble Damages? |
A85476 | And now, Souldiers, will you tell us you have regulated our Laws? |
A85476 | And the Lord said, Is not Aaron the Levite thy Brother? |
A85476 | And while they yet believed not, for joy, and wondered, he said unto them, Have ye here any meat? |
A85476 | And why so? |
A85476 | Are there no Prophets more? |
A85476 | But Joash bold replies, Will ye for Idols fight? |
A85476 | But what is the reason that the Preachers of this world, so called by many, are so bitter against truth in the inward parts? |
A85476 | But what saith it? |
A85476 | Can not all men see that they are in darkness? |
A85476 | Can you sans tryal know Who is not surely sent? |
A85476 | Canst thou prove that Abraham did pay Tythes out of that? |
A85476 | DId not Elias need When''twixt Jehove and The doubtful Jews did half? |
A85476 | DId not King Ahab so, And with him that abus''d His Prince with tales, and false, Micaiah just accus''d? |
A85476 | Did not Elias call Men from their crooked ways, And for the Lord prepare; Before himself appear''d His Gospel to declare? |
A85476 | Do all else go amiss? |
A85476 | Do not with Jehu''s friends, If in your sight appear( As will) a Prophet, ask, What makes this mad- man here? |
A85476 | Do they think the Lord God, who hath an all- seeing eye, doth not know their hypocrisie, and will repay their deceit upon their own heads? |
A85476 | Do you follow the Rule that Christ commandeth, To do unto all men, as you would that all men should do unto you? |
A85476 | Dog Doegs villanies? |
A85476 | Dost thou believe? |
A85476 | IF men these Prophecies Judge as to sense they seem, How can they feasibly Such uncouth wonders deem? |
A85476 | If after the manner of men( saith Paul) I have fought with beasts at Ephesus, what advantageth it me, if the dead rise not? |
A85476 | Is all the learning his? |
A85476 | Is not the fruits of their hearers clean contrary? |
A85476 | Is not this a grand Impudence? |
A85476 | Know ye not that ye are the Temple of God, and that the Spirit of God dwelleth in you? |
A85476 | Know you not that Christ is in you, except you be Reprobates? |
A85476 | LEt us this Jeremie How to supplant devise,( Said the rash Jews) for sure All that he tells are lies: Is no man wise but he? |
A85476 | Michal shall be his friend, And so shall all the best; And above all his choice, VVhat cares he for the rest? |
A85476 | Now doth not most Professors look back? |
A85476 | Now let the Priests be tried, do they know the voice of the Lord? |
A85476 | Now some may say, What is it for a man to live in the Kingdom of Hell, Devil, or Darkness? |
A85476 | Now the soul being of so great worth, that Christ said, What will it profit a man to gain the whole world, and to loose his soul? |
A85476 | O turn ye, turn ye: for why will ye die, ye house of Israel? |
A85476 | Or art thou in doubt? |
A85476 | Shall sacred Prophesies In Schools or Cells be pent? |
A85476 | The Ziphims treachery? |
A85476 | Then lend thy helping hand: Dar''st thou deny? |
A85476 | Therefore turn ye, turn ye: for why will you die, O house of Israel? |
A85476 | Thou vain man, what can deceive Antichrist? |
A85476 | VVhat weighs he Nabals scorn? |
A85476 | VVhen David offered His service to his King, VVhat a loud peal did then His eldest brother ring? |
A85476 | VVilt thou the winds forbid To blow where they are sent? |
A85476 | WHat hast thou to do to take the Name of the Lord in thy mouth, seeing thou hatest to be reformed? |
A85476 | What do you mean by Divine Power? |
A85476 | What is it for a man to live in the Kingdom of Heaven within you? |
A85476 | What is the Kingdom of Heaven, or of Christ? |
A85476 | Who shall restore our peace? |
A85476 | Who shall the Jews convert? |
A85476 | Who shall the Pope subvert? |
A85476 | and can the light of the World, Christ Jesus, can he delude them? |
A85476 | and doth not this cry for Vengeance against such a Generation as this is, that the Poor, the Fatherless, the Widow, hath little or no right done him? |
A85476 | and if the righteous scarcely be saved, where shall the ungodly and the sinner appear? |
A85476 | and what will become of them then? |
A85476 | are not these led by the Prince of Darkness, that ruleth in the hearts of the children of disobedience? |
A85476 | can any hide himself in secret places, that I shall not see him, saith the Lord? |
A85476 | can you streight know What God in heaven hath meant? |
A85476 | do not I fill heaven and earth, saith the Lord? |
A85476 | do they do the works God, or are they not doing the works of the devil? |
A85476 | do they not deny, and say, Revelation is ceased, and teach men can not be freed from sin while they live, and teach people to die in their sin? |
A85476 | for Judgement is already begun at the house of God: And if the Righteous scarcely be saved, where shall the sinner and the ungodly appear? |
A85476 | for know you not that the Kingdom of heaven is within you? |
A85476 | how long shall this be in the hearts of the Prophets that prophesie lies? |
A85476 | or if he shall ask a fish, will he give him a serpent? |
A85476 | or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul? |
A85476 | that is, to bring Christ down from above; or who shall ascend into the deep? |
A85476 | what can deceive a Drunkard, a Whoremonger, an unclean Swearer, Lyer, Covetous man, who is an Idolater? |
A85476 | what hath not ear heard? |