
This is a list of all the questions and their associated study carrel identifiers. One can learn a lot of the "aboutness" of a text simply by reading the questions.

identifier question
17956How do you make that out?
17956How is this happy use of leisure to be ensured?
17956To them I say, as one who was fond of George Meredith''s novels once said to a man who complained that he could not read them,"Why should you?"
17956Why should you?
39663A timely topic for discussion is the never- answered question: When does the new century begin-- with January 1, 1900, or 1901?
39663CHAPTER VI DOLLS AND DOLL- HOUSES What little girl does not love a doll?
39663Is she busy in the kitchen?
39663Is she mending the stockings?
39663Mama, what can I do now?"
39663What do the contents of the sewing- basket hint?
39663Why should not the child be taught, before throwing away the discarded picture book, to ask if there is not a use for it still?
14315Colin he bow''d and blush''d, then said,''Will you, sweet maid, this first of May, Begin the dance by Colin led, To make this quite his holiday?'' 14315 Fie then, why sit we musing, Youth''s sweet delight refusing; Say dainty nymphs, and speak: Shall we play barley- breake?"
14315Adolphus says,"What shall he that beats get, or he that is beaten lose?"
14315Bernard replies,"What if he that beats shall have a piece of his ear cut off?
14315How many straws go to a goose''s nest?
14315I may extract the following riddles:--"What is it that never was and never will be?
14315Is it possible that we can not restore some of these time- honoured customs?
14315Why does a cow lie down?
42549484.--"Where is my hat?"]
42549486.--"Will you play with me?"]
42549Ask each boy and girl to repeat in turn these lines:"She says she sells sea- shells; Shall she sell sea- shells?"
42549Can you hesitate between the two arrangements?
42549Could a manufacturer furnish you with such enchanting material from which to make your toys?
42549Do you like real country buttermilk, and have you ever helped churn?
42549Does not all that sound delightful?
42549Feed the Birds Have you ever seen little young birds in their nest?
42549How is it managed?
42549How many bars has yo''got now?
42549Is the old spinning- wheel in the attic, neglected and covered with dust, or in the parlor, decked in all its bravery of blue ribbons and snowy flax?
42549Is there any flower more beautiful?
42549It looks very much like a cape now, does n''t it?
42549There they are sitting in rows; do n''t you see them?
42549WOULD it not be fun to see a yoke of real live oxen come slowly walking into the kitchen dragging a load of logs?
42549Why what can compare with it?
42549Wo n''t you, mammy?"
437203- 0 are beautiful with red berries, and what could be prettier to string with brown seeds or Job''s tears than gold- lined crystal beads?
437206] Where shall we place it now that it is made?
4372084] How would you like to make a game of your very own with which you and your brothers and sisters or some of your friends can play?
4372099]_ Paper Flowers_ Have you ever made paper flowers?
43720Do you know the reason for it?
43720Have you ever seen any Job''s tears-- the interesting tear- shaped seeds of an East Indian grass?
43720How is it to be done?
43720How would you like to make a doll''s raffia hat, as a birthday gift for one of your special friends-- one that will fit her favourite doll?
43720Is n''t it delightful to think that you can make such a dish with your own hands?
43720It is wonderful, is n''t it, to think of being able to plant them when out of doors the earth is covered thick with snow?
43720One of your friends who wears eyeglasses was told by a wise person that the best thing with which to clear her glasses was-- what do you think?
43720Shall we begin with the spring bulbs-- tulips, crocuses and daffodils?
43720What became of them afterward?
43720What do we remember?
43720Why not keep a gift box or drawer, where you can pack away the pretty things you take such pleasure in making on dull days all the year round?
43720Why not make a bowl in which he could carry water when he was travelling or hunting in dry places?
43720Why should not a little girl make one of finer materials for the floor of her doll''s house?
43720Would you like to make a tiny high- backed chair to use with the tea table in the doll''s house?
46445And when these queries have been answered so far as may be, do the answers possess immediate value?
46445Has the Boy had a Chance at this kind of Experience?]
46445Has the boy had a chance at this kind of experience?
46445Have these new things been devised to meet a change in public taste?
46445How else is the boy to find himself?
46445How is it possible then to_ know_ if one can not_ do_?
46445How many boys or girls of the present time possess anything like this sum of_ useful knowledge_--useful for the conditions in which they live?
46445How many housewives have intelligent insight concerning home management and administration; of simple domestic chemistry or sanitation?
46445How may one explain the restful atmosphere of certain homes visited?
46445How much does the embryo housekeeper know about textiles, curtains, carpets, hangings, linens, brass, china, furniture?
46445Is it reasonable to suppose that one who has never made a home, or even helped actively to run one made for her, can on demand"make good?"
46445Now, suppose one wishes to use two or more tones in a room, how may harmonious effect be secured?
46445The second question,"Why do children like to make things and what is their choice?"
46445Were these subjects not the very basis of culture, and what would be more logical than direct systematic presentation of the fundamental principles?
46445What is her chance of success?
46445Where do all these charming things come from?
46445Why do children want to earn money?
46445Why do children-- practically all of them-- try to make things, and what is their choice?"
46445Would a business man think for one moment of handing over any department of his affairs to one not trained for the particular duties involved?
46445[ Illustration] CHAPTER III THE REAL GIRL_ What Is the Ideal Home?_[ Illustration: A School Garden in Jordan Harbor, Ontario, Canada.
46445and color?
44440***** Oh, who knows what the Clover thinks?
4444023 what grown- ups call Japanesque?
44440And do you know that these flowers will fit on the ends of your fingers like tall caps on the heads of little fairies?
44440CHAPTER IV CLOVER DESIGNS HAVE you ever admired the pretty patterns on wallpaper of flowers and green leaves?
44440CHAPTER XXI THINGS TO MAKE OF ENGLISH- WALNUT SHELLS NUTS are the seed- vessels of the nut- trees; did you ever think of that?
44440DO you know the cultivated foxglove with its tall spikes of thimble- shaped flowers, prettily spotted inside?
44440Do you hear that deep, booming sound?
44440Does n''t it look as if it had been copied from a printed pattern on a piece of Japanese cotton cloth?
44440Five petals?
44440From the brilliant- orange tiger- lily, with its dark- brown or black spots, we are going to make a-- tiger?
44440Have you ever embroidered dainty designs in colors on white linen, and do you love it all?
44440Is n''t it delightful to see so many, many apple- blossoms all at once?
44440Is n''t it wonderful?
44440It sounds good to eat, does n''t it?
44440That is being active enough in such a small pulpit, is n''t it?
44440The Greeny Girl The little green- pea greenies, cousins of the brownies, shown in the illustration are funny, are n''t they?
44440The Wild Morning- Glory In your walks through the fields and along the country roadsides have you ever noticed the wild morning- glory?
44440What do you see?
44440When I say noticed, I mean have you thought about the flowers while you looked at them?
44440Why not play that you are a little fairy and live among the grasses?
44440With all these dangerous creatures prowling round, do you think it strange that the Filipino people put their houses on stilts?
44440You can not say that of the humming- bird, can you?
44440You have done this ever so many times when helping mother, have n''t you?
44440[ Illustration: Fig.94-"Do you know the cultivated Fox Glove?"]
6129And this?
6129Along the Rhine this is popular: Ene, tene, mone, mei, Paster, lone, bone, strei, Ene, fune, herke, berke, Wer?
6129And the girls?
6129And the grand- parents?
6129Are you willing to be IT?
6129But can you use them when on?
6129But so long as these things keep up the class spirit and make for sound lungs and high spirits, why should old fogies object?
6129CHAPTER VIII HOW TO SWIM Can you swim?
6129CHAPTER XIII ALL ABOUT LEAP FROG Do you know all about leap frog?
6129CHAPTER XX BICYCLES AND LASSOES Can you ride a bike?
6129How, then, did they start fires?
6129I hear you laughing at the question; but let me change it slightly and ask,"Can you walk properly?"
6129Sometimes a stone or a chip, moistened on one side is used, and the boy who tosses it up shouts,"Wet or dry?"
6129THE WOLF Another variation of tag is called"The Wolf"in some places, and in others,"When do you eat?"
6129Then"Straw- holder,"holding up the straw left in his own hand, cries,"Who is short straw?"
6129Then, with both fists closed, place one above the other and ask,"Which is it, Joe; high or low?"
6129This done, the bull seizes a pair of the grasped hands, and asks:"What is this lock made of?"
6129WALKING Can you walk?
6129What have boys, or sturdy young men, or sturdy old ones for that matter, to do with fashion?
6129What if it is only for a few seconds and you have not moved a foot?
6129What if some did topple over?
6129What is this lock made of?"
6129When two boys are contesting, one may pick up a pebble and ask,"Which hand is it?"
43249A_ what_, dear?
43249All about Dora, dearie? 43249 And lived happily ever after?"
43249Are they good things?
43249Are we going to the woods, mother?
43249Aunt Kathie,he said,--for Miss Covert was now a fully accepted adopted aunt,--"why could n''t_ we_ form a patriarchal society?"
43249Camping? 43249 Is it a picnic?"
43249Is it a pony to take us all driving?
43249Is it-- is it-- a visit to the seaside?
43249The River St. John is like a sick person, is n''t it?
43249Well,said Marjorie, thoughtfully,"how would The Maple- leaves, or The Beavers, do?"
43249What about all the things there are for you to see in Montreal?
43249What does it say, Jackie- boy?
43249Why not Children of Canada?
43249Yes-- isn''t it good? 43249 _ Frightened_, dear?"
43249And they have one dear little daughter, whom they love devotedly, and who is named''Dora Denise,''after her mother and-- who else?"
43249Any fairies, Jackie?"
43249Camping out?
43249Do you know what that means, Jackie?"
43249Do you want to come for a walk with mother?"
43249Jackie asked,"or would they frighten little boys?"
43249Marjorie cried, and"May I take my cart and my spade?"
43249Mother says we can take Kitty with us; wo n''t that be fun?"
43249Really in tents?
43249Shall I tell you?"
43249That would do for to- day, would n''t it?
43249Then Marjorie''s bright face appeared at the door, and,"May I come in?"
43249What luck have my chicks had?
43249What sort of a patriotic society would you like to have, Jack?"
43249What''s the other nice thing you know?"
43249_ Wo n''t_ it be lovely?"
47760But it may well be asked from one who thus praises the paddle,''Has he travelled in other ways, so as to know their several pleasures? 47760 But,"exclaims the intelligent reader,"how can each voice be used for various imaginary places?
47760$ To Boil Water in a Paper Bag.$--"Here is a sheet of note- paper; can you boil me a little water in it?"
47760''I say, my pretty girl, have n''t you some very old wine in your cellar?''
47760''Who''s to pay?
47760But can he give that man away and so win?
47760Does he know the charms of a Nile boat, or a Trinity Eight, or a Yankee steamer, or a sail in the à � gean, or a mule in Spain?
47760Four of them went for a walk; how were the remaining nuns arranged in the square so as still to count nine each way?
47760Friday, did you say?"
47760Has he swung upon a camel, or glided in a sleigh, or sailed a yacht, or trundled in a Rantoone?''
47760He said to her,"Well, I am surprised"and she replied,"Does your mother know you''re out?"
47760How and where should these lines be placed, and what should be the shapes of them?
47760How can we make this egg get inside the bottle?
47760How did he manage it?
47760How did the miser manage to throw the expense on the landlord?
47760How did the surveyor divide the estate?
47760How must he cut his veneer so as to be exactly enough for his purpose?
47760How would this title- page do?
47760In which way is he to do this?
47760It will be found correct and interesting to people who have a memory for such things:"What day of the week did January come in on?"
47760Now that we have this beautiful little rabbit in our hutch, how are we to preserve its distinctive markings in all their beauty?
47760The conjuror counts"one, two,_ three_?"
47760This is Leap Year, is it not?"
47760We must ask ourselves the question, What is the cause of this difference?
47760Why not exactly at the tee?
47760Will the_ distant_ voice serve equally well for roof or street?"
47760Will you kindly explain this?"
47760You may say, What is the use of it all when the necessary skill is obtained?
47760would become"Oohen ang I to cung uk?"
46484But will the bone runners travel swiftly enough over the snow?
46484How could any one be any happier than I?
46484How could the feast be prepared so quickly?
46484Is it a friend, or is it one of my terrible enemies?
46484Is it the work of good spirits, or are evil ones trying to show us their power?
46484What luck? 46484 What makes it, mother?"
46484And laugh?
46484But what kind of a sled do you think Etu uses?
46484But what material would be used now?
46484But where were all these people going to stow themselves for sleeping?
46484Did it see the man?
46484Do n''t you?
46484Do you also see why there was no larger hole?
46484Do you understand what he was trying to do?
46484Do you understand what help it would give?
46484Does it seem as though she must die for want of air?
46484Have you never noticed on cold winter nights lines of light shooting upward into the sky?
46484How did Etu''s mother manage to make the boat water- tight?
46484How is this possible?
46484Is there danger?
46484Should n''t you call that embroidery?
46484Some one asks:"How did he get into this garment, since there were no openings except for the neck and sleeves?"
46484Suppose that while they were gone another party of Eskimos should come along, need they fear their prey would be stolen?
46484Then, opening his eyes, he must have thought:"Is that a brother seal over there?
46484We must not be shocked at this, though it does seem a queer thing to eat, does n''t it?
46484What does it mean?"
46484What luck?"
46484Where was Etu to sit in this wonderful boat?
46484Where was the village, and where was the baby''s home?
46484Where would Etu travel next?
46484Why has he changed so much since he has grown to be a big boy?
46484Why was there such a queer entrance?
46484Would it never stop?
46484Would they like to help her?
46484[ Illustration:"THE BLOCKS OF SNOW WERE HANDED TO THEM"] Where were these people to be sheltered when night came on?
46484was it attacking him below the surface of the water?
26339230,replies the person addressed,"Is n''t that correct?"
26339Is n''t that rather a low calling?
26339What was your father''s calling?
26339You are in the negro minstrel business, I believe?
26339*** Mistress: Did the fisherman who stopped here this morning have frog legs?
26339Are we not at the perpetual mercy of evil men and powers, which blind fair reason?
26339Are we not dazzled by pomp and show?
26339Are we, then, arbiters of our own fate?
26339Are we, then, so soulless in our innocent pleasures?
26339But, which one of you ladies turned the cup?
26339Deception-- intrigue-- house of sickness-- see the crosses and losses?
26339Did we not all cry out,"Oh, what a wonderful cup-- a king, a king with a crown?"
26339Do you grasp some of the leading ideas?
26339Do you know what is your birth stone?
26339Do you see his hat?
26339Do you see the broad sky- scenes?
26339Do you see the standing well- poised form of a woman?
26339Do you see the_ jeweled ring_ with the light flashing for you?
26339Do you want that mysterious thing that is called"good luck?"
26339Done that?
26339Dullwum-- How do you make that out?
26339Fennicus-- They''re mound builders, are n''t they?
26339How is it to be read?
26339How then can we be held in blame for the committal of even some desperate acts?
26339How will you comfort her when sorrows come to you?
26339I wonder if you can do it?"
26339In what month were you born?
26339Listen, friends, are there not better objects everywhere?
26339Madam, how is one to overcome nature?
26339Now, as this is all free play, will you please tell me if this leading figure defines any of your conditions truthfully, as to politics?
26339Now, see you the large moon- faced man from over the deep water?
26339Now, what figure have you got?"
26339See the head?
26339See the little_ dog_, how angry, and the_ cat_, with her back up, and the other animal with a spring?
26339See the young girl-- no doubt your daughter-- under the beautiful fruit trees?
26339See you the ocean?
26339See you the separate roads, with the harsh wind blowing the leafless branches of the trees?
26339See you the_ shaft_, draped like a funeral pall across the cup?
26339See you these faces?
26339The mules and the whole team?
43636And, by the way, did you ever think that our home is really the top of a row of mountains reaching up from the floor of the ocean? 43636 But let us go out into the garden; it is much pleasanter there; do n''t you think so?
43636But of what did you make the white points set into the dominoes?
43636But was n''t he lonesome?
43636CHILDREN, would you like to go to Havana and visit our good friend Señor Alvarez for a week? 43636 Could any people do more to show themselves friendly than these poor, gentle savages?
43636Cuba is shaped like what animal? 43636 Did n''t they have any houses?"
43636Did you ever before see such a small bird?
43636Did you ever eat what is found at the top of the royal palm? 43636 Do n''t you want to come and watch me embroider, Isabella?"
43636Do you suppose Robinson Crusoe''s cave was anything like this?
43636Do you want a tale of old Spain, or shall it be the life of Columbus; or maybe you would like a fairy story?
43636How did they defend themselves?
43636Is your father at home?
43636Lucia, how is it your father keeps on having the cane cut?
43636Of course, you knew the American troops had landed, did n''t you? 43636 PAPA dear,"said Maria, one evening not long after this,"why did our people ever leave Spain and come here to make a home for themselves?
43636Papa dear, if you are not too tired, wo n''t you tell me again about the great Spaniard who was entertained by the Indians? 43636 Say, Maria, what shall we do to- day while father and mother are gone to church?
43636Then what?
43636We will help you all we can, wo n''t we, papa?
43636What did the children''s good father do with that paper?
43636What did they have to eat?
43636What does the molasses come from?
43636What made them think there was such a place?
43636What makes them, papa?
43636What news? 43636 What shall it be to- day?"
43636What shall we do with ourselves?
43636Why not make a belt of them for your waists, as well as necklaces and bracelets?
43636Why, it acts as if afraid of me, does n''t it?
43636Wo n''t you hear me read out of my primer, Maria?
43636Would you like to ride around the plantation? 43636 You know, do n''t you, a new law has been passed ordering the work stopped?
43636And then, when her own torpedoes should be fired off, how could Hobson and his men expect to escape from the sinking ship?
43636And what should the little black boy know of the cruel war and the Cuban children who had been driven away from their homes?
43636Are n''t her colours beautiful?"
43636But can you read and write?
43636But of what was the house made?
43636But who should be chosen to go with the brave man on this dangerous errand?
43636Could any children have a nicer picnic lunch than this, even if a long time had been spent in getting ready for it?
43636Did you ever have one?"
43636Did you ever see it in the stores of Boston or New York, and think how nice it must taste?
43636Do n''t you know what adobe is?
43636Do you hear the cannon roar?
43636Do you suppose you can remember such hard words, my dear little Isabella?
43636How was it possible?
43636Is n''t it a grand place?"
43636Is n''t it queer that the trunk of such a big tree should be hollow?"
43636Now did n''t I do well?"
43636Of course, they had heard what a beautiful island it is, but was that the only reason?"
43636Should n''t you think our little Cuban cousin would have trembled and cried, or at least run for protection to her mother?
43636They had great success, it seemed; but what would the family do with a dozen dead parrots?
43636Was it such hard work?
43636Were they afraid?
43636What did the Spaniards care for that?
43636What had they done?
43636What more could they wish?"
43636What news was her brave brother bringing this morning?
43636What news?"
43636What was now left for Cuba''s tyrants?
43636Where had they come from during the hard rain of the morning?
43636Who could say but that the boy''s own home would suffer next?
43636Who had set the fire?
43636Who knows?
43636Why did the Spanish fleet stay in the harbour of Santiago?
43636Why did they not go out and meet the American war- ships?
43636Why was it?
43636Wo n''t you come, too, mamma?
57844But what in the world are you doing?
57844Is there any game you play any better than this, Sonny?
57844Want to learn it?
57844And he said,"What on earth do you mean, Jimmy?"
57844Did you ever play you were a ghost?
57844Do you think you would mind scalping him?"
57844Else why did he urge the boys to study wasps, and tell us how to collect wasps''nests without getting stung?
57844Father came to the door himself, and when he saw me, he said,"Jimmy, what in the world does this mean?"
57844Father has been away for a week but is coming back in a few days, and wo n''t he be delighted when he finds a monkey in the house?
57844George-- he''s the driver-- was beginning to ask,"Is thishyer some swimmin''match that''s goin''on?"
57844He handed it to Sue and said,"Susan, what does this mean?
57844He would n''t know who hit him, and, besides, who ever heard of a fellow being hurt with a pillow?
57844I do n''t believe it; for how could they get their food brought up to them?
57844I said,"What book?"
57844I was sitting on the grass, practising mumble- te- peg a little, and by- and- by Mr. Martin says,"Well, Bub, what are you doing?"
57844If he could n''t afford to get himself made like other people, why do n''t he stay at home?
57844It was just after supper, and I was having a real nice time, when Mr. Travers came, and he said,"Jimmy, what are you up to now?"
57844Just then Aunt Sarah came to the door and called them, and when she saw them she said,"Good gracious what on earth have you been doing?"
57844Now I''m never allowed to sit in the back parlor, so what good would my chair do me?
57844Now is it probable that any real good man would put a boy up to any such nonsense as this?
57844Now was n''t it my duty to wash that baby, and get the feathers and molasses off it?
57844Now what was there to find fault with in that?
57844One night Sue saw him coming up the garden- walk, and father said,"There''s the other one coming, Susan; is n''t this Travers''s evening?"
57844She gave a shriek, and said,"Oh, what''s that?"
57844So I said,"Why do n''t you play you are pigs, and crawl round and grunt?
57844So says Mr. Travers"What will you take for him?"
57844There was a base- ball match but what did they care?
57844There was once an elephant in a circus, and one day a boy said to him,"Want a lump of sugar, old fellow?"
57844Want it cured, old boy?"
57844Was n''t I just happy though?
57844What do you want, anyway?"
57844Why ca n''t you girls be more careful about pins?"
57844Wo n''t you go down and see what it is?"
57844Would you believe it, that fellow said there was n''t any Santa Claus?
57844and Tommy, that''s the oldest boy, said,"We''ve been playing we were pigs ma and it''s real fun and was n''t Jimmy good to show us how?"
57844that does n''t give him any right to rumple my hair, does it?
57844was he almost frightened to death?"
38977Can you_ never_ remember,they said,"just a simple thing like not biting your nails?"
38977Why is it right?
389778]] CHAPTER II New Ways"WHAT,"we ask with anxious gravity,"what is the best sort of teaching for children?"
38977And let Me help you"?
38977And the ostrich who draws a hansom cab, and the man who beats the boy with a stick?
38977And when the child asks,"Why is it wrong to steal?"
38977Are You pleased with Your boy?"
38977Do you remember the toys you hated-- after the fading of the first day''s flush of novelty, of possession?
38977Do you remember the toys you liked, the toys you played with?
38977Do you remember the world of small and new and joyous and delightful things?
38977Does any one play it now?
38977Entirely to divorce amusement and instruction-- may not this tend to make the one dull and the other silly?
38977Et que veulent ces cavaliers Toujours si gais?
38977Et que veulent ces cavaliers, Compagnons de la Marjolaine?
38977Grown- ups would always rather that you played hide- and- seek-- and can you wonder?
38977Has it ever occurred to any one that the reason why old people say this is quite the simplest of all reasons?
38977How did these despised mid- Victorians deal with it?
38977How then can we not remember, and, remembering, refrain from hurting other children as we were hurt?
38977How would our twentieth century_ entrepreneurs_ deal with a lake?
38977I suppose you know how to use sand- paper?
38977If electricity can move unseen through the air, why not carpets?
38977If very big men live in Patagonia, why should not very little men live in flower- bells?
38977Is it not well that they should feel themselves important as givers, and not as claimants only?
38977No, of course it wo n''t be in the way-- and would n''t it be pretty if we lighted it up with fairy lights after dark?"
38977Qu''est- ce qui passe ici si tard Toujours si gai?
38977The houses with doors that would n''t open?
38977The stables with horses that would n''t stand up?
38977They will wander off, returning with needle- cases, little boxes, shells-- and"Would this do for something?"
38977This game of come and go and give and take is alive in France; witness the old song: Qu''est- ce qui passe ici si tard, Compagnons de la Marjolaine?
38977When he asks,"Why is it wrong to lie?"
38977When they have whizzed their last, who cares for the tin relics outliving their detestable activities?
38977Who wants to know about pumpkins until he has heard Cinderella?
38977Why not tell the miracle of Jonah first, and let the child ask about the natural history of the whale afterwards, if he cares to hear it?
38977Why not?
38977You can not order your life by that Divine precept without a hundred times a day asking yourself,"How should_ I_ like that, if I were not myself?"
38977You will?
38977and"I hope you agree with me?"
38977what are you kids up to with all this rubbish?"
38977why must we clip those wings and dim those eyes with books?
43832''Is the oatmeal ready?'' 43832 Are there great numbers of the birds in the city, and do they build their nests on the chimneys?"
43832Are you very tired, father dear?
43832But it is n''t real, is it, papa?
43832But suppose anything happens to the air- tubes and the men fail to get as much air as they need?
43832But what is amber, father?
43832Did Frau Braun tell of anything else her brother wrote?
43832Did he work till bedtime, Hans?
43832Did the king ever let them know whether he was pleased or not with their cooking?
43832Did you always know how to make those cakes, mamma?
43832Do little girls in Sonneberg help make the dolls, just as Bertha and I help you on the Santa Claus images?
43832Do you know the story of St. Ursula, Gretchen?
43832Do you see that light over there, away off in the distance?
43832Do you suppose there are any bears around?
43832Father, how was the bridge of boats made?
43832How can they see where they are going?
43832How did you learn that, Hans?
43832I suppose you mean to ask,''Did it ever grow on people''s heads?'' 43832 Is that at Leipsic, where our Santa Claus images go?"
43832Is that the way Germans spend the evenings together?
43832Is there any way of letting those in the boat know they are in trouble? 43832 Mother, you will make some of those lovely cakes this year, wo n''t you?"
43832Papa, do you know what day to- morrow is?
43832The schoolmaster has taught you all about the war with France, has n''t he, Bertha?
43832What became of the poor boy?
43832What colour do they have for their caps, Hans?
43832What did Siegfried do with the golden treasure?
43832What did his father do to Frederick?
43832What did his mother answer?
43832What do you think, girls?
43832What happened to Siegfried after that? 43832 What is the story?"
43832What was her name, papa?
43832What work did you do out of school hours?
43832What would a castle be without dungeons?
43832When the city girls get through school, they go away from home and study housekeeping do n''t they?
43832Who sent it to her?
43832Why should I be tired? 43832 You did not go inside of the castle, did you, Hans?"
43832You have heard father tell about the stream flowing down the side of the Kandel, have n''t you?
43832And what can I do for you?''
43832And, besides that, how do the others know when it is time to raise the divers with their precious loads?"
43832But is it true that the men sometimes take their families along with them?"
43832Did he have any more adventures?"
43832Did you ever hear about the Rats''Tower opposite the town of Bingen, Bertha?"
43832Did you ever see one of these curious clocks?
43832Did you know, Bertha, that he was unhappy when he was young?
43832Did you see the blown- up tower, Hans?"
43832Do n''t you wish I had stayed in Strasburg?"
43832Do you see that mark on the rocky platform overhead?
43832Do you see that rabbit jumping along?
43832Do you wish to hear about the palace?"
43832Do you wonder the people like the birds so much?"
43832He said to his servants:"''Do you hear the rats squeaking inside the granary?''
43832Is n''t he a big fellow?"
43832Is that so, Hans?"
43832Is there a story about it, Hans?"
43832Now what do you say to my coming?
43832THE COFFEE- PARTY"HOW would you like to be a wood- cutter, Hans?"
43832Then what do you think the cruel bishop did?
43832There are ever so many different figures on the Strasburg clock, are n''t there, Uncle Fritz?"
43832They killed and ate him as he deserved, did n''t they?"
43832They said among themselves:''What good can the little town of Zurich do us?
43832What do you say to that, my little one?"
43832What do you wish to ask me?
43832What is the matter?
43832What is the story, Gretchen?"
43832Who can it be?"
43832Who knows to what part of the world the emperor will send his soldiers at that time?"
43832Why is it?
43832Why should n''t they be?
43832Would it become a good singer and bring a fair price?
43832Would you like to hear a song I used to sing at that time?
43832You know the rafts grow larger all the time, do n''t you, Hans?"
43832did you see the Heidelberg Tun?"
47200111 What hour do you love?"
47200129 What musical sounds do you love?"
4720014. Who does not understand and love her, With feeling thus o''erfraught?
47200147 What is your favorite flower?"
47200161 What gratifies your taste or affections?"
47200175 For what have you a distaste or aversion?"
47200193 Where or what will be your residence?"
47200209 What is your destiny?"
47200209 What is your destiny?"
4720035 What is the personal appearance of your lady- love?"
4720035 What is the personal appearance of your lady- love?"
4720051 What is the personal appearance of him who loves you?"
4720051 What is the personal appearance of him who loves you?"
4720069 What is the character of your lady- love?"
4720069 What is the character of your lady- love?"
4720083 What is the character of him who loves you?"
4720083 What is the character of him who loves you?"
4720097 What season of the year do you love?"
4720097 Where or what will be your place of residence?"
47200A handsome gallant, and a beau of spirit, Who can go down the dance so well as he?
47200Amongst the vines, See''st thou not where thy_ villa_ stands?
47200Ask you why the stalk is weak, And bending, yet it doth not break?
47200Can she, will she we d for gold?
47200Can such smiles be false and cold?
47200Does he not hold up his head, as it were, and strut in his gait?
47200Have you felt the wool of the beaver?
47200Have you mark''d but the fall o''the snow, Before the soil hath smutch''d it?
47200Have you seen but a bright lily grow, Before rude hands have touch''d it?
47200Must you have my picture?
47200NEVILL.--Know''st thou how slight a thing a woman is?
47200One fanciful question in the succeeding volume will be,_ What is the name of your Lady- love?_ and another,_ Of him who loves you_?
47200One fanciful question in the succeeding volume will be,_ What is the name of your Lady- love?_ and another,_ Of him who loves you_?
47200Or have smelt o''the bud of the brier?
47200Or have tasted the bag of the bee?
47200Or swan''s- down ever?
47200Or the nard in the fire?
47200Pray tell me why an April shower Is pleasanter to see, Than falling drops of other rain?
47200The person who holds the book asks, for instance, What is your character?
47200Whence hast thou all thy treasures?
47200Why so endearing Are those dark lustrous eyes, Through their silk fringe peering?
47200Will this furnish any argument against those ascetics, who think misery preponderates over happiness?
47200_ Much Ado About Nothing._ WHAT IS THE CHARACTER OF YOUR LADY- LOVE?
2603Did you get him?
2603RECENTLY a London magazine sent out 1,000 inquiries on the question,''What is home?'' 2603 Where is Hardy?"
2603Will you please look through my mouth and nose?
2603''See what?''
2603''Where did you get them?''
2603''Whose establishment is that?''
2603A fellow- creature there, and we on shore?
2603And yet, who is at fault?
2603And, boys, what do you suppose that package was?
2603As one has asked:"Could fools to keep their own contrive, On whom, on what could gamesters thrive?"
2603But how is one to do this with so many demands made upon her?
2603But one asks, If tobacco is so injurious, why is it used with such apparent pleasure?
2603But quickly one replies,"Why should there be any social glass?"
2603But who is this aged woman with worn garments and disheveled hair, with agonized entreaty falling upon her knees beside this brave, strong man?
2603Did you save them all?"
2603Dr. J. M. Buckley asks:"Have you a purpose and a plan?"
2603Have I a friend?
2603How can one be in their company, be moved to laughter and to tears and not be contaminated by them?
2603How can she be a true mother to her children and neglect their mental and spiritual growth?
2603How do the American people deal with evils when they deal with them at all?
2603How many friends have I?
2603How may home be made attractive?
2603How may we best benefit ourselves, inspire one another, and in it all, honor God?
2603How shall the company disband in due season?
2603How shall we oppose the evil?
2603I can invoice my stock, my goods, my land, my money, can I invoice my friends?
2603I said to myself,"What does God mean to allow me to worship here?"
2603If Christ Himself were here in body, do you know what He would advise on this point?
2603Is family worship formal, or has it ceased?
2603Is the class- meeting becoming extinct?
2603Is the prayer- meeting lifeless?
2603Is the revival spirit decaying?
2603It becomes a question which is of greater importance, the life and health of the wife and mother, or the paltry wages of a servant?
2603It is not true that the dance, as an institution, is not patronized by the most capable in conversation and companionship?
2603It might be a mark of credit rather than an embarrassment for one to answer,"No,"to the question,"Have you read the latest book?"
2603Now, how may we get the largest amount of pleasure, of rest, of recreation from such gatherings?
2603Says Holmes:"Do n''t you know how hard it is for some people to get out of a room when their visit is really over?
2603She kept quiet as long as she could; but finally rising came to them, and addressing the judge, asked:''Do you know me?''
2603THE PRACTICAL QUESTION FOR US HERE AND NOW IS, How may we openly oppose this drink evil?
2603The first man to help them land was Hardy, whose words rang above the roar of the breakers:"Are you all here?
2603The judge turned to the trembling woman and said:"This is a pretty clear case, madam; have you anything to say in your defense?"
2603There should not be a social glass; but what has that to do with the fact that the social glass is here?
2603To what may we turn?
2603We answer, by asking, Will one''s home be happier and more prosperous without some deadly Foe continually invading it, or with such a Foe?
2603What did Agassiz find on that tour?
2603What is our duty?
2603What is that secret?
2603What is the uncertain mark of a friend?
2603What principles are to guide one in his choice of reading, that he may select only the wisest, purest, and helpfulest from all these classes of books?
2603What was her end?
2603When Great Britain went a little too far in"taxation without representation,"what course did the American Colonies adopt in remedying the evil?
2603When a Territory is organized, or a State comes into the Union, what is done?
2603When the British Government unduly impressed American seamen, how was the difficulty settled?
2603When we wanted to increase our territory in 1803, and in 1845, and in 1867, how did we go about it?
2603When will the drink evil cease in our country?
2603When will we have representatives in Congress, lawmakers who will stand for the abolition of the saloon, and who will vote it out of existence?
2603Where may we go?
2603Who does not find himself, daily, looking through other people''s glasses, weighing on other people''s scales, sounding other people''s voices?
2603Who does this, if it is done?
2603Who is it that feeds and supports them?
2603Who is it that helps one to places of honor and usefulness?
2603Who is it that recognizes one''s true worth, extols his virtues, and gives tone and quality to the diligent services of months and years?
2603Who knows what such an one will do next?
2603Whoever heard of a first- class loafer who did not e- a- t the weed or burn it, or both?
2603Would it be narrow or uncharitable to assert that not to stand upon this platform argues that one is not sober, or not informed, or not conscientious?
2603You answer,"Why allow these fountains of death to exist?"
2603You ask, Will one''s body be healthier and live longer without tobacco than with it?
2603leave one there to die alone?
22422But what shall actors do?
22422Can a maid forget her ornaments?
22422Doth a fountain send forth at the same place sweet water and bitter?
22422Hard upon dancing?
22422Is Miss Hope going to such and such a performance?
22422Is any merry? 22422 Nothing left?"
22422--Has it ever been done?
22422Alas!--"If the trumpet give an uncertain sound, who shall prepare himself for battle?"
22422And do you see?
22422And must Christians give no other feasts but such as that?
22422And would such dancing be possible now?
22422Are they not kings and queens and fairies?
22422Are they not rather trailing in the dust, or quietly pocketed, or left at home?
22422Are they the shoes of peace on which you go in?
22422Are your shoes"peace"?
22422But besides that, what is there left for Christian people?
22422But how is one to tell?
22422But perhaps you"do not care for out- door things?"
22422But what of music that puts the evil spirit into men?
22422Can you dance"in armour"?
22422Can you go as the Lord did?
22422Can you go to the entertainment so, keeping your garments spotless?
22422Can you"shew your colours"in the throng?
22422Do I not find it right in the way of some of my Bible Class who might else become Christians?
22422Do I not know?
22422Do not the careless young men in the class boast that they can get the Church members to go with them anywhere-- for a dance?
22422Do you think you would never sing at all, unless you sometimes forgot such solemn thoughts?
22422Do_ they_ flourish at your doubtful entertainments?
22422Does it follow then that a Christian must stand aloof from all festivities that are not wholly among Christian people?
22422Does she not"amuse"us all?
22422Does this keep out all_ but_ sacred music?
22422Had he not himself dedicated her to be the Lord''s?
22422Has he not said:"I will be as the dew unto Israel"?
22422How could one dance for joy in a state dress?
22422I asked a friend( a minister of deep experience) lately, if he had seen much of this private card playing among Church members?
22422I was almost angry then, but do you know it has come true?
22422Is it not a fashionable, intellectual, and what not, amusement?
22422Is it the sword of the Spirit with which you meet and parry the thrusts of idleness, folly, mischief?
22422Is that true?
22422Is the girdle of truth,--truth of life, purpose, and heart,--fast bound?
22422Is the narrow way indeed so barren, that we must step out of it to rest?
22422Is there much praise in that?
22422Is your belt the girdle of"truth"?
22422Let me repeat my question, Is it as a Christian you go to the theatre?
22422Music"What do you mean by''the world''?"
22422Not able to give up doubtful games and questionable dances?
22422O it hurts one to have a fellow Christian ask in the quiet evening at her own house,"Would you object to our bringing out the cards?"
22422Of songs, however sweet sounding, that are written in the service of the devil, and sung at the high court of the world?
22422Or how does this compare, with the way we hand over the praise to some who do not even profess to feel it?
22422Shall it be worse with your mind than with your body?
22422Tired Church members, do you go there for_ rest_?
22422Turning round upon the head of the house, she said:"Do you really want me to go?"
22422What Left?
22422What about the theatre, tried by that test?
22422Who is ready with a song for some weary, tuneless life?
22422Why do you add up and consult and consider in the pauses of the sermon, or make opportunity for a business whisper in the porch, and on the way home?
22422Why do you let the perplexities of servants, of means, of plans, ruffle your spirits on the one great day of freedom?
22422Why do you take Sunday papers, to keep your nerves astir with business on the Lord''s own day of rest?
22422Why not?--if his mother went once?
22422Yet why?
22422You have no horse?
22422[ 11] Does it seem very strange to you?
22422[ 12] Can anything be gayer than that?
22422[ 13] Is such glad thankfulness so rare in our days that people have forgotten how it acts?
22422[ 16] How run the directions?
22422[ 17] Can you do that?
22422[ 29] What!--never invite your friends unless they happen to be poor?
22422[ 5] For why?
22422[ 9] Are you not glad of that word"skilfully"?
22422_ Dare_ you?
22422_ Do_ you think so?
22422can you go and keep your armour bright?
22422crowned and shielded and shining with"the hope of salvation,"with"righteousness"and"faith"?
22422do I not know how it tarnishes the Christian profession of others?
22422do they not rather droop and hang their heads, like the dear flowers in your bouquet?
22422does the helmet of salvation rest securely on your head?
22422much refreshment for a tired heart?
22422much worship?
22422not pleasure, but_ peace_?
22422or who"keeps up her music"till the tired years of her own?
22422the breastplate of righteousness burnished, the shield of faith ready against every dart that may fly in that great building?
45677It is quite true that a very considerable section of our aristocracy is on the turf, but with what result? 45677 Now, look here, parson,"said our friend, somewhat excited,"what good will it do me to join your Church if I need not be any thing but what I am?
45677O, well,answered the minister,"you do not mean any harm by it, do you?
45677_ Can a man take fire in his bosom and his clothes not be burned?_Prov.
45677_ How can one be warm alone?_Eccl.
45677And if you deem yourself equal in judgment to all combined, let me ask you another question: Is your conclusion as safe as theirs?
45677And where is the proof of moral and religious usefulness?
45677Are virtue and honor so far undermined that the victim is ready to take refuge in hypocrisy and lies, denying in public and indulging in secret?
45677Are we at liberty to follow the multitude, inquiring, not for the best reason, but the latest fashion?
45677Are you as fully persuaded that God will condemn you if you do not venture into them?
45677Are you equally confident that it is dangerous_ not_ to dance,_ not_ to play cards,_ not_ to attend the theater?
45677Before we part, will our young Christian reader"suffer the word of exhortation?"
45677But is it true that worldly craft and policy will fail even as a policy?
45677But on what principle are we to choose our recreations?
45677But what does your pastor think?
45677But what is the game?
45677By what blindness, by what mode of self- delusion, can virtuous women be induced to patronize an institution which lives on the ruins of virtue?
45677Can you, for one moment, harbor the thought of repudiating so solemn an obligation?
45677Did Fletcher or Clarke?
45677Did Hedding, or Fisk, or Olin?
45677Did John Wesley?
45677Do they know how valuable their help is, and at what a price the engineers are willing to purchase even their silence?
45677Do you profess to be in doubt as to the true intent and meaning of the Rule?
45677Does he need a still greater change?
45677Does he need physical as well as mental relaxation and change?
45677Does it adorn the character and conduct of the performers?
45677Does the layman of the Church need recreation as a relief from the monotonous and exhausting labors and cares that come upon him daily?
45677Does the studious, hardworking minister need recreation?
45677First of all, then, we inquire, What is the true design of recreation?
45677Have we damaged ourselves by our fidelity to the right?
45677How can any young lady, who respects herself, submit to it?
45677How can the two parts of this double existence harmonize?
45677How can those who believe in God and love his cause aid this engine of the devil?
45677How dare a young man propose any such performance to a lady for whom he has a shadow of respect?
45677How many"trials of speed"would there be if, by some method which man has never yet discovered, betting on the results could be wholly prevented?
45677How much worse is the victim of alcohol or opium than the victim of mental intoxication?
45677How shall we bring others within the range of our influence, and at the same time keep wholly beyond the range of theirs?
45677How shall we lift up others and yet not feel their weight?
45677How, then, can a Christian hesitate one moment in regard to duty?
45677If plays are as good as sermons, how happens it that, as a rule, those who admire plays have no love for sermons?
45677If you and he differ, who is probably right?
45677In the matter of novels, are you uncertain whether the point of peril has been reached in your own case?
45677Is abstinence as perilous as indulgence?
45677Let him find it in turning from the severe study of theology to biography, or poetry, or rhetoric, or logic?
45677Other things being equal among rival denominations, have not the purest in doctrine and the strictest in morals always been the most successful?
45677Shall a man touch pitch and not be defiled?
45677The Psalmist inquires,"_ Lord, who shall abide in thy tabernacle?
45677There may be no special lack of a certain kind of gifts, but where is the grace?
45677What amusements, then, are rational and allowable?
45677What do they think?
45677What effort will it cost to stop?
45677What is a NOVEL?
45677What is the verdict of history?
45677What makes the difference?
45677What matters it whether a horse that belongs to some branded swindler can go a mile in three minutes or two?
45677What proportion does this good sort bear to the general mass of plays nightly set before the public?
45677Where did any evil invention of man ever bear upon its front the stamp of infamy in plainer, deeper lines?
45677Where will you place the line?
45677Which of the founders of Methodism favored dancing?
45677Which of them favored the theater or the horse- race?
45677Who believes that it would be wise, even according to the wisdom of this world, to compromise with evil now?
45677Who shall dwell in thy holy hill?_"And he thus answers his own question:"_ He that sweareth to his own hurt, and changeth not_."
45677Who will say that it was not wise?
45677Why consent to act, even once, as decoy duck, to lure many, it may be, to their destruction?
45677Why should it be so?
45677Why should people leave their useful employments, and assemble in thousands, from far and near, merely to see one horse beat another horse?
45677Why should you lend your example, even once, to encourage the inconsiderate and the inexperienced to form the habit of attending the theater?
45677Why should you make even one contribution to keep in motion the remorseless jaws which have devoured so many victims?
45677Why, then, should those who believe in virtue sustain, or help to sustain, that which can not exist at all except in alliance with vice and shame?
45677Will he do this by means of plays which, from the first line to the last, brand vice as infamous, and exalt virtue and honor?
45677Will it be said that if we are so rigid our young people will leave us and join other communions?
45677Will it require a mighty struggle, an agony of soul, a summoning of all concentrated power of will?
45677Will the apologist for dancing explain?
45677Will you say that the evils depicted flow not from your conduct, but from the censoriousness of the Church?
45677Will you set yourself in array against whole Conferences, Councils, and General Assemblies?
45677Will you still try to apologize for questionable pleasures?
45677Will you try to draw it half way between right and wrong?
45677Would it figure well in the published obituary?
45677and to what extent may we indulge in them?
31186Am I a man?
31186Are we all ready?
31186Can I have a room to- night? 31186 Did you walk here this evening?"
31186Do n''t we make a pretty picture?
31186Have I been dead long?
31186Have n''t you anything fresher?
31186Have you been reading anything interesting lately?
31186Have you read_ David Balfour_?
31186How do you like it?
31186How do you like it?
31186Is it a chemist?
31186Is it a draper?
31186Is it a fruiterer?
31186Is it a goldsmith?
31186Is it a lawyer?
31186Is it a small loaf of bread?
31186Is it something you burn?
31186Is it something you eat bread and milk from?
31186Is it that?
31186Is it the armchair?
31186Is it the carpet?
31186Is it the clock?
31186Is it the curtain- rod?
31186Is it the fireplace?
31186Is it the sideboard?
31186Is it this?
31186Is it this?
31186Is it this?
31186Is it vegetable?
31186Is this for the complexion?
31186May I come with you?
31186No; who''s it by?
31186The Grand Mogul does not like E''s,says one player;"what will you give him for dinner?"
31186The name of the captain?
31186The name of the cargo?
31186The next letter?
31186The place she is bound for?
31186The port she comes from?
31186What else did he write?
31186When do you like it?
31186When will that be?
31186When will you pay me?
31186Wo n''t you have some?
31186Yes, and what has it brought?
31186Yes, and what has it brought?
31186Yes,is the reply,"and what have you bought?"
31186_ C_ome now, was it this book?
31186_ H_ow about this hearth- rug?
31186_ L_ook, was it the armchair?
31186_ O_r the piano?
31186( What does y- e- s spell?)
31186A horse?
31186A sun flower?
31186A wild rose?
31186About how many petals has a common daisy?
31186And how soon will_ supper_ be ready?
31186And where do you think I found it?
31186Any one can begin by giving either a prophecy or a characteristic-- thus:"Who will inherit a fortune inside a year?"
31186As he is supposed for the time being actually to be the thing thought of, he ought to frame his questions accordingly:"Am I living?"
31186But perhaps he will now venture to ask for a consonant( which is much more risky than a vowel), and will say,"May I have an''s''?"
31186By this time"Cloche"has been spelled, so that the next question is,"Was it the bell?"
31186Do n''t you think so, Miss Pitters?"
31186Each of the party writes at the top of a piece of paper a question of any kind whatever, such as"How old was CÃ ¦ sar when he died?"
31186His first question therefore is,"Is it animal?"
31186His questions must take the form,"How do you like it?"
31186How big do you think a postage- stamp is, in inches-- a five dollar bill?
31186How does a cow lie down?
31186How high from the ground is a street- car?--a railway car?
31186How many holes are there in a high laced shoe-- your own?
31186How many legs has a fly?
31186How many toes has a cat, a dog?
31186How tall do you think a man''s silk hat is, a derby?
31186If Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled pepper, where is the peck of pickled pepper Peter Piper picked?"
31186If you found yourself in a strange city, where you did n''t know a soul, with no money and nothing you could pawn, what would you do?
31186If you should be in a foreign country, not able to speak the language and wanted to order a room and breakfast, what would you do?
31186If you should look out of your school- room door and see smoke and fire in the hall, what would you do?
31186If you should wake up in the night and see a burglar just entering the room, what would you do?
31186Is it a grocer?"
31186Is it the piano?"
31186Oh, do you know the muffin man who lives in Drury Lane?
31186One stands in a corner and the other calls loudly,"Ebenezer, do you hear?"
31186Perhaps he will say,"Miss A, do you think it will rain to- morrow?"
31186Perhaps it will be,"Did you get very wet this evening?"
31186Perhaps this question will be,"I hope your cousin is better?"
31186Pray what shall be done to the owner of this pretty thing?"
31186Pray, who will you gather for nuts in May, on a cold and frosty morning?
31186Pray, who will you send to fetch her away, on a cold and frosty morning?
31186Shall I get a---- instead?"
31186Suppose you was to feel faint-- what then?
31186The Hen: What do you want a bag for?
31186The Hen: What do you want a needle for?
31186The Hen: What do you want a saucepan for?
31186The Hen: What do you want salt for?
31186The Hen: What is the water for?
31186The Hen: Where will you get it?
31186The answer is"Yes, and what has it brought?"
31186The captured player is then asked in a whisper which he will be, oranges or lemons?
31186The duty of the player is to treat them as a riddle, and, asking the question either as"Why is a school- teacher like a pair of skates?"
31186The first one then asks the next,"How shall my lady be dressed for the ball?"
31186The fox replies,"Making a fire"; and the conversation goes on like this:-- The Hen: What for?
31186The next in turn gives a characteristic,"Who has the worst temper?"
31186The next,"_ Wo n''t_ you change the subject,_ please_?"
31186The next,"_ You_, I suppose, agree with_ that_?"
31186The one that acts as schoolmaster asks sharply, beginning at one end,"The name of the letter?"
31186The other row then ask-- Pray, who will you send to fetch her away, fetch her away, fetch her away?
31186The others have to guess what the word is, yet not bluntly, as,"Is it mole?"
31186The player in the middle calls out to the crowd of players,"What''ll you do when the black man comes?"
31186The questions and answers may run something like this:--"Are you feeling pretty well to- day?"
31186The schoolmaster turns to the next player,"the name of the ship?"
31186The secret is that the article touched is always signified by"Is it that?"
31186Then one player starts the game by suggesting some predicament and asking the company"What would you do in such a case?"
31186Then they leave go of each other and stand round the fox, and the leader, the hen, says,"What are you doing, old fox?"
31186They then fall back and the other row advance to them singing in reply-- Pray, who will you gather for nuts in May, nuts in May, nuts in May?
31186Thus in the present instance the first player would announce that the question was,"I hope your cousin is better?"
31186Thus, if it were the bell, he might say,"_ C_ome now, was it the table?"
31186Thus, the original question may be,"Do you like mince_ pies_?"
31186To the next,"When do you like it?"
31186To the next,"Where do you like it?"
31186To the next,"Where do you like it?"
31186To which the blindfolded one replies by asking,"Is it fine or superfine?"
31186Was it the clock?"
31186What do you think we shall need?"
31186[ Illustration: A PUEBLO SETTLEMENT(_ Frontispiece_)] WHAT SHALL WE DO NOW?
31186_ The second player writes_:--Can you give me any information about suitable songs for our village choir?
31186and"Where do you like it?"
31186but like this:"Is it a little animal that burrows?"
31186meaning, Does it belong to a boy( fine) or a girl( superfine)?
31186or"What is the difference between a school- teacher and a pair of skates?"
31186or"What is your favorite color?"
31186or"Who has the most unselfish disposition?"
31186or"Who will be the first in the room to wear false teeth?"
22219And how far off do you think you could see a boy smile?
22219And if it had been your own money, would you have been more anxious about it than about your brother?
22219And if it had been your own money, you would n''t have been anxious about it? 22219 But supposing an apple was to drop over the fence onto the sidewalk, what would you do then?"
22219But when he pretended that he should n''t know the right patch, and wanted to turn back?
22219Did he count it when he gave it to you?
22219Did n''t I tell you so?
22219Did n''t you know he could n''t be telling the truth when he said the man had left his watermelon patch? 22219 Did you?"
22219Do n''t you see him? 22219 Does it hurt you much, Jimmy?"
22219Hey, Jim, what''d you do if they pulled your hair out?
22219How could Jim Leonard tell them that a man would give up his watermelon patch, and how could they believe such a lie, poor, foolish boys?
22219How could you tell, in that muddy water?
22219How far off can you say a rainbow is?
22219On account of last night, Pony?
22219Parents living?
22219Somebody you know? 22219 Then,"said his father,"you expect to stay in the second reader the rest of your life?"
22219Two thousand?
22219Wants to go with the circus, heigh? 22219 Well, have you made up with poor old Trip, Pony?
22219Well, what of it?
22219Well, you know his father has got a boat?
22219What for?
22219What is the matter with you, Pony? 22219 What is the matter, child?"
22219Where? 22219 Which was the greater anxiety to you last night, Mr. Bushell''s money, or your brother?"
22219Who''s crazy_ now_, I should like to know?
22219Who''s touchin''your old hair?
22219Why, Pony,said his mother,"is there anybody who thinks such a thing can be right?"
22219Why, does the river go past the city?
22219Why, what in the world makes you so cross with poor Trip, Pony?
22219After a good while, or about the time he usually came in from playing, he heard his mother saying:"Where in the world is Pony?
22219And do you think that excuses him?"
22219And you must promise, wo n''t you, never to touch any fruit that does n''t belong to you?"
22219Archie Hawkins asked,"What would you do to him?"
22219Archy Hawkins said:"How long did you have to wait on the front steps, Pony, dear?"
22219Are you awake?"
22219Are you in a flat- boat?
22219Are you in a tree, or what?
22219Are you offended with your mother?"
22219Are you sick, Pony?
22219Are you sick?"
22219But as they all three saw the boy at different times, why, it''s--""What?"
22219But she did not come, and after a good while his father came and said:"Are you awake, Pony?
22219But she put her arms around him and hugged him up to her and kissed his head and said:"You''ll be very careful, Pony, wo n''t you?
22219Did n''t any of the boys?"
22219Do n''t you see me, Pony?"
22219Do n''t you see that?"
22219Do you believe that the child longed so to be back here that--""Ah, who knows?
22219Do you think it is?"
22219Do you think you''d lose it?"
22219Do you think you''ll be afraid to come home through the bridge after sunset?"
22219Frank told him all about it, and after a while his father asked,"Well, Frank, do you like to have the care of money?"
22219Hain''t you always wanted to sleep out- doors and not do anything but hunt?"
22219Has he come in yet?
22219Has n''t he come in yet?"
22219Have you got the nightmare?"
22219Have you seen him, girls?
22219He began to think, What if some one should get Mr. Bushell''s money away from him in the night, while he was asleep?
22219He holloed out:"Who''s there?"
22219He pounced on him, and caught him by the collar, and he said as savagely as he could:"What are you doing here, Jim?"
22219He said,"Why, you ai n''t afraid, are you, Pony?"
22219He saw that his mother was watching him all the time, and she said:"What makes you so quiet, child?"
22219His father came in from up- town at last and asked:"Has Pony come in?"
22219His mother said:"Why, I thought you liked to have him with you?"
22219His mother was silent, and Pony asked,"Do you believe that a boy has a right to take anything off a tree or a vine?"
22219How in the world do you account for it?"
22219How would you like to drink a glass of elephant milk every morning and grow into an eight- footer?"
22219How''d he look, anyway?"
22219Is that you, Pony?"
22219It was not long before he stopped and asked, What if he could not find the right patch?
22219It was the first time Dave had heard the puzzle, and he asked,"Well, what''s the answer?"
22219It was you, was it, you good- for- nothing boy?
22219Jim Leonard said,"You''re not afraid, are you, just because that fellow got took up?
22219Maybe you''re used to holloing now when you get hurt?"
22219Now, say, are you going with the Indians, or ai n''t you going?
22219One thing she did ask him, and that was:"What in the world made you want to sleep in the barn, Pony?"
22219Ought they let him turn back?
22219Pony Baker thought very likely he could, but Hen Billard said:"Well, why did n''t you do it, with the kind of a roof you had?"
22219Pony asked,"What thing?"
22219Pony said,"Oh, nothing,"and his mother asked,"Have you been falling out with Jim Leonard?"
22219Say, you ai n''t afraid now, are you, Pony?"
22219The circus man thought a moment, and then he said:"How would double- somersaults on four horses bareback do?"
22219The fellows could not think what to do till at last one of them said:"You know Piccolo Wright?"
22219Then Pony''s father went home, and the minute he opened the front door Pony''s mother called out:"Have you found him?"
22219Then it was Dave''s turn to laugh, and he began:"What''s the matter, boys?
22219They just make signs; did n''t you know that?
22219Want to help find the other end of that pole?"
22219What are you on?
22219What are you throwin''that light in my face for?"
22219What do you talk about together?"
22219What do you think?"
22219What if Mr. Bushell had made a mistake, and not given him as much as he thought he had?
22219What if he had lost some of the money?
22219What if somebody had got it out of his pocket, while he was so dead asleep, and taken part of it?
22219What makes you ask?"
22219What makes you like him, Pony?"
22219What makes you look so?"
22219What''s the matter?
22219When Pony was gone, Hen Billard said:"Well, going to stay all night, Jim?"
22219When Pony''s mother was ready to go to bed she said to Pony''s father:"Did Pony say good- night to you?"
22219Where are you, child?
22219Where are you?"
22219Where d''you s''pose he came up?
22219Where''s your geography?"
22219Which''d you rather do?"
22219Who''s going up to the court- house yard to see the fireworks?"
22219Why did n''t you answer me?
22219Why do n''t you come in, child?
22219Why, Pony, what are you afraid of?
22219Would n''t like it, heigh?
22219Would you hollo much louder if they tomahawked you?"
22219You would n''t have cared if you had lost it, or somebody had stolen it from you?"
22219You''re not such a cowardy- calf as to want to back out now?"
22219[ Illustration:"''WHY, YOU AIN''T AFRAID, ARE YOU, PONY?''"]
40309''Art going?'' 40309 ''Why is this thus?''
40309''Wilt marry us?'' 40309 Are you ready?"
40309Ca n''t you make something that will jump up?
40309Can we not do something with paper?
40309D''you see that boat there?
40309Did we know what a billion meant?
40309Did we know what a million meant?
40309How did it happen?
40309How is that, Mr. Sprawl( Gold Specks''proper name being Sprawl); can anything be clearer than a mathematical demonstration?
40309I''m very sorry,whined Nix, contritely;"it was quite an accident, I assure you; but I wonder whether it could not be mended?"
40309Is that right?
40309Oh, ca n''t you make something that will jump up?
40309Well, but what do you throw at the person?
40309What shall we make next?
40309When did you get it? 40309 Why is an apple- tart like a slipper?"
40309( Aside-- He does n''t look as if he were thinking of a lady, does he?)
40309--Now wo n''t he be an unreasonable old polypus to object to that as a likeness?
40309--_See page 180._]_ Artist._ Here is who?
403092) representing the way in which it is done; need we add anything in the way of explanation?
40309Again they walked across the room, and as they passed, one said to the other,"How do, again?"
40309Ah, you villain, are you going to betray me?
40309Another wished to know why meat should always be served rare?
40309Are you fond of art?
40309Are you sure of it-- no deception?
40309As he neither erased any word or letter, nor substituted a new direction, how did he so alter it as to correspond with the contents of the box?
40309As we parted, he asked us if we should like to have a small statue of Vishnu?
40309B._ And sleep late in the morning?
40309B._ Are you short- sighted in your left eye?
40309B._ But my dear sir-- my good young friend, what was I to do?
40309B._ Do you snore at nights?
40309B._ Gooseberry?
40309B._ Have you a strawberry mark on your left arm?
40309B._ The shirt- collar is certainly very like; but do n''t you think the complexion is a little high?
40309B._ You are a painter, are you not, sir?
40309But how was this change effected?
40309But how were these extraordinary faces produced?
40309But my palette-- where can it have gone?
40309But what is this the rich man discovers?
40309Confession and repentance ought to come out of a man with tears of blood, and----""But about the ladies?"
40309Did you ever see a man ring the bell with his back to the target?"
40309Did you say Puttyblow?
40309Do n''t you find trees very difficult?
40309Do you know I like people who, when they are mad, get sulky?
40309Does it not sound plebeian?
40309Does the young man fancy that I propose to drink through my nose, like an elephant?
40309First came the question:"Why were Moses and the Jews the best bred people in the world?"
40309For who, they said, could speak better on the virtues of a_ great canard_ than an editor?
40309Have I the honor to address the Lady Cicily de Rhino?"
40309Have you a gooseberry bush on your left arm?
40309How do you play it, Toney?"
40309How is he to manage this, so that the wolf may not be left alone with the goat, nor the goat with the cabbage?
40309How''s the folks?"
40309I will demand satisfaction; where are they?"
40309I wonder who started the admiration of_ impulsive_ people?
40309If a herring and a half cost three cents, how many will you get for a dollar?
40309Is it because you are----?
40309Now comes the question-- How was the elephant made?
40309Now do you understand?"
40309Now turning to Bud, we asked her to decide what answer the lover should receive; should he be accepted or rejected?
40309Now, where on earth can be my palette?
40309Our friend Nix asked why Moses and the Jews were the best- bred people in the world?
40309Perhaps she has a brother; and how would she like to have him married against his will by fifteen women in blue?
40309Singular dream, was it not?
40309So when one of the company asked,"When does a sculptor die of a fit?"
40309The brave MacSlasher, who married my half- cousin Columbia Ann, of Pickleville, Indiana?
40309The conversation might commence something in this style( you in your natural tone of voice):"Well, aunty, how are_ you_ to- day?"
40309The second was:"Why meat should always be cooked rare?"
40309The shirt- collar and the cravat are extremely like; but do n''t you think you might alter the rest?
40309Then you do n''t love me?
40309Then, in a feigned voice:[ Illustration][ Illustration]"How do, pretty ladee and gentlemen?
40309There, sir, will you be kind enough to look at that?
40309They took positions in opposite corners of the room, advanced towards each other, and as they passed, the friend said to the doctor,"How do, Doctor?"
40309To this end he submitted the well known problem:"What is the difference between six dozen dozen and half a dozen dozen?"
40309To which of the family did she refer?
40309We even enjoyed the time- honored riddle:"What was Joan of Arc made of?"
40309Well, what do you say?"
40309What do you mean, sir?
40309What has brought me here?
40309What is his name?
40309What is it you have to say?"
40309What now?
40309What would you think of that, sir?"
40309When the Constable tells him to put his head into the noose, he puts it in the wrong place over and over again, inquiring each time,"That way?"
40309Where does he live?
40309Where is she?"
40309Where kin that keow a poked herself now?
40309Where would they have it?
40309Where''s that d-- d palette?
40309Where''s the knife( takes knife and loaf)?
40309Who is it from?"
40309Why does Aunty Delluvian consult us on this point, and many other trivial points concerning the proper conduct of a"modest, right- minded maiden?"
40309Why should you treat yourself so much worse than a horse?
40309Will some gentleman be kind enough to lend me three twenty- dollar gold pieces?"
40309Will you have him for nothing?
40309Will you kindly rise for one moment, Mr. Winglebully?
40309Will you take a seat, madam?
40309With my mouth?
40309Wonder, by the way, whether there''s anybody about, after all?
40309You doubt it?
40309You have a hand?
40309You see Mr. Smith, yonder; he is a rather tall man; six feet two, I should judge?
40309Your name is Lady Cicily Rhino?"
40309[ Illustration] Aunty Grummidge:"How am I?
40309_ Artist._ A what, sir?
40309_ Artist._ Are you in the habit of committing suicide?
40309_ Artist._ Are you subject to hydrophobia?
40309_ Artist._ Do you wear corns or paper collars?
40309_ Artist._ I mean, sir, will you be pleased to smile with your mouth?
40309_ Artist._ Or a side face?
40309_ Artist._ Or a three- quarter face?
40309_ Artist._ The blue woman?
40309_ Artist._ Will you smile, sir?
40309_ Artist._ Will you take a seat, Mr. Wingle?
40309_ Artist._ Would you like a full face?
40309_ Lady C._"Purty well; how''s yourself?"
40309_ Lady._ I have left my portemonnaie in your studio-- will you be kind enough to let me have it?
40309_ Lady._ Is there a gentleman here?
40309_ Lady._ There is no other studio in this building?
40309_ Lady._ This is an artist''s studio, is it not?
40309_ P._"Have you seen my wife?"
40309_ P._"Is n''t it?
40309_ P._"Shall I call my wife?"
40309_ Reginald._"A sympathetic heart within your bosom burns; say, let it beat in unison with mine?"
40309_ Reginald._"Coming?
40309_ S._"April fool?
40309_ S._"Because I do n''t understand the feelings of a gentleman?
40309_ S._"Got a nose just like yours, eh?
40309_ S._"Not so beautiful as you?
40309_ S._"Salt it down till next year?
40309_ S._"Seen your wife?
40309_ S._"Such a pretty creature, eh?
40309_ S._"Well, what do you say?"
40309_ S._"What?"
40309_ S._"You''re a proud, sensitive nature, are you, Mr. Punch?
40309how de do, my dear?
40309how shall I begin?
40309inquired Nix;"a bureau, or decanter, for instance?"
40309oh, why goest thou?''
40309that''s the way, is it?
40309that''s the way, is it?"
40309then, turning to the audience, he asks earnestly:"Is n''t she a beauty?"
40309was it punch, or was it negus, or was it sherbet?
40309will you smile, sir?
40309you''ve got a pretty baby, Mr. Punch, have you?
6416What did she give you for so doing?
6416What did you buy?
6416What did you do with the money?
6416What did you do with them?
6416Where did you go, and what have you been doing all this time?
6416Where do you like it? 6416 Where''s my share of it?"
6416Where''s the cat?
6416Where''s the fire?
6416Where''s the moo cow?
6416Where''s the water?
6416Where''s the wood?
6416Why did you run so far?
6416Will we be there by candle light?
6416''What have you done with the other twelve which you said you had a month ago?''
64161 asks:"Which one of your wives did you love best?"
64162 says:"Do you approve of a man marrying his deceased brother''s wife?"
64163 adds:"Were you very sorry your brother died?"
6416But how would you like it beneath some rapid torrent or some broad majestic river?
6416By the way, do you remember an old paradox upon this subject,"What nobody cares to give away, yet nobody wishes to keep?"
6416By what means can one of them infallibly attain to that number before the other?
6416D. K. What is even better than presence of mind in a railway accident?
6416Did Oliver Oglethorp ogle an owl and oyster?
6416Did you find it, number seven?"
6416Example: About what time of the month were they married?
6416Example: Who is the just, gentle writer?
6416He moves around outside of the circle, and says,"Who let you into my garden?"
6416His voice, which you may perhaps have an opportunity of hearing( here the''What- do- you- think?''
6416How many dinners would be necessary for that purpose?
6416How would you make a thin man fat?
6416I have been often asked''why I did not have a figure of the villain also added to the group?''
6416I think not May I ask you to name your guess?
6416I, I?"
6416If Oliver Oglethorp ogled an owl and oyster, where are the owl and oyster Oliver Oglethorp ogled?
6416If a church be on fire, why has the organ the smallest chance of escape?
6416If a man gets up on a donkey, where should he get down?
6416If a stupid fellow was going up for a competitive examination, why should he study the letter P?
6416If your uncle''s sister is not your aunt, what relation is she to you?
6416In what kind of a place did they live?
6416It is curious, is n''t it, that they must be made afresh every day?
6416Leader:"Who then, sir, if not you?"
6416Leader:"Who then, sir?"
6416Name in two letters the destiny of all earthly things?
6416Number 4 jumps up, and says:"What, sir?
6416Of what color is grass when covered with snow?
6416Of whom did they buy the ring?
6416On his return, he asks each in succession,"How do you like it?"
6416On which side of a pitcher is the handle?
6416One asks:"Mother, may I go out to play?"
6416Or in a sauce?
6416Please tell me in a whisper what you suppose the word to be?
6416She asks as she does this,"Where''s my money?"
6416Suddenly the conductor turns to one of the players and asks,"What is the matter with your instrument?"
6416Suppose the dog should meet a bone?
6416Suppose the man should fall asleep?
6416Surely you would have them plucked?
6416The circuit having been made, the leader says to the first player:"Button, button, who has the button?"
6416The exhibitor refers to his notes and says:"46--46?
6416The first one in the line walks to the opposite line, and asks of the first one:"What flower am I?"
6416The future husband or wife will be seen--?
6416The leader asks each player in turn,"What is my thought like?"
6416The leader begins, addressing the first player,"I have a cook who does n''t like peas( p''s); what will you give her for dinner?"
6416The letter M. What is that which will give a cold, cure a cold, and pay the doctor''s bill?
6416The letter S. Why is the letter F like a cow''s tail?
6416The question,"How do you like it?"
6416The question,"When do you like it?
6416The"What- do- you- think?"
6416Upon this, number 7 replies, jumping to his feet quickly:"I, sir, I?"
6416What act of folly does a washerwoman commit?
6416What did Adam first plant in the Garden of Eden?
6416What does a cat have that no other animal has?
6416What does a stone become in the water?
6416What flower most resembles a bull''s mouth?
6416What is Majesty, deprived of its externals?
6416What is higher and handsomer when the head is off?
6416What is it that walks with its head downwards?
6416What is it?
6416What is lengthened by being cut at both ends?
6416What is most like a hen stealing?
6416What is that from which the whole may be taken, and yet some will remain?
6416What is that which comes with a coach, goes with a coach, is of no use whatever to the coach, and yet the coach ca n''t go without it?
6416What is that which is neither flesh nor bone, yet has four fingers and a thumb?
6416What is that which no one wishes to have, yet no one cares to lose?
6416What is that which occurs twice in a moment, once in a minute, and not once in a thousand years?
6416What is that word of five letters from which, if you take two, only one remains?
6416What is the difference between a baby and a pair of boots?
6416What is the difference between a bankrupt and a feather bed?
6416What is the difference between a cow and a rickety chair?
6416What is the difference between a young maid of sixteen and an old maid of eighty?
6416What is the keynote to good breeding?
6416What is the most difficult surgical operation?
6416What is worse than"raining cats and dogs"?
6416What letter is always invisible, yet never out of sight?
6416What letter is the pleasantest to a deaf woman?
6416What letter made Queen Bess mind her P''s and Q''s?
6416What relation is that child to its own father who is not its own father''s son?
6416What relation is the doormat to the scraper?
6416What vegetable products are the most important in history?
6416What word becomes shorter by adding a syllable to it?
6416What word contains all the vowels in due order?
6416What word is pronounced quicker by adding a syllable to it?
6416What''s the prisoner done to you?
6416When a leader calls:"Which way does the wind blow?"
6416When does a man sneeze three times?
6416When does a pig become landed property?
6416When he says,"Mary, where are you?"
6416When is a man behind the times?
6416When is butter like Irish children?
6416When is love a deformity?
6416When may a man be said to have four hands?
6416When was beef- tea first introduced into England?
6416When was fruit known to use bad language?
6416Where rolled the round roll Robert Rowley rolled round?
6416Which animal travels with the most, and which with the least, luggage?
6416Which is the heavier, the full or the new moon?
6416Which is the merriest letter in the alphabet?
6416Which is the strongest day of the week?
6416Which of the constellations reminds you of an empty fireplace?
6416Which tree is most suggestive of kissing?
6416Who was he?
6416Who was the greatest humorist?
6416Whose stories are read alike by old and young?
6416Why are bakers the most self- denying people?
6416Why are fowls the most profitable of live stock?
6416Why are good resolutions like ladies fainting in church?
6416Why do black sheep eat less than white ones?
6416Why do you not attend to your duties better?"
6416Why does a duck put his head under water?
6416Why does a piebald pony never pay toll?
6416Why does it take it out again?
6416Why has man more hair than woman?
6416Why is a Member of Parliament like a shrimp?
6416Why is a bad half- dollar like something said in a whisper?
6416Why is a barn- door fowl sitting on a gate like a half- penny?
6416Why is a caterpillar like a hot roll?
6416Why is a chronometer like thingumbob?
6416Why is a lame dog like a schoolboy adding six and seven together?
6416Why is a madman equal to two men?
6416Why is a man searching for the Philosopher''s Stone like Neptune?
6416Why is a mouse like hay?
6416Why is a pig a paradox?
6416Why is a pig in a parlor like a house on fire?
6416Why is an alligator the most deceitful of animals?
6416Why is blind- man''s buff like sympathy?
6416Why is buttermilk like something that never happened?
6416Why is it an insult to a cock- sparrow to mistake him for a pheasant?
6416Why is it difficult to flirt on board the P. and O. steamers?
6416Why is it easy to break into an old man''s house?
6416Why is life the greatest of riddles?
6416Why is the Brooklyn Bridge like merit?
6416Why is the letter B like a fire?
6416Why is the letter D like a wedding- ring?
6416Why is the letter G like the sun?
6416Why is the letter O the noisiest of all the vowels?
6416Why is the letter S like a sewing- machine?
6416Why is the letter W like a maid of honor?
6416Why is the nose placed in the middle of the face?
6416Why should a cabman be brave?
6416Why should a sailor be the best authority as to what goes on in the moon?
6416Why should ladies not learn French?
6416Why should the male sex avoid the letter A?
6416Why should you not go to New York by the 12:50 train?
6416You know the proverb?
6416ZOOLOGY-- ANY NUMBER OF PLAYERS The leader says:"Of what animal am I thinking?"
6416is n''t that right?
6416said I,''my fellow, what do you want at this time of day?''
15550A man in the road? 15550 All the way by trolley?
15550An accident?
15550And spend?
15550Another shiny thing? 15550 Are all of you girls going to be dressed alike?"
15550Are n''t we?
15550Are n''t you going to do something with those sides-- those arms, or whatever you call them?
15550Are n''t you shivering all over with excitement, Miss Gertrude?
15550Are our plans far enough along for us to ask her?
15550Are those the Green Mountains?
15550Are you able to do anything for your patient? 15550 Are you going to use wall paper?"
15550Are you people very keen on this drive through the Park System to- day?
15550As good as yours?
15550Could you use some prints of pictures-- good paintings?
15550Count my guineas?
15550Did n''t the child have a chill?
15550Did n''t they arrest the driver of the car?
15550Did the Indianth uthe it?
15550Did they find much?
15550Did they get there?
15550Did you get any work?
15550Did you say,''Come, come,''just because you heard it? 15550 Do I understand that you''re really appealing to me to learn my scheme?"
15550Do I understand, Madam President,asked Roger,"that the chief officer of this distinguished Club has n''t any ideas to suggest?"
15550Do n''t you think it pushes your elbows up too high?
15550Do you recognize that piece of land?
15550Do you remember those wild grape vines that Helen and Ethel Brown found in the West Woods and used for Hallowe''en decorations? 15550 Do you see these cleats, ma''am?
15550Do you smell something queer?
15550Do you suppose she''d be willing to teach us how to do it? 15550 Do you suppose these old walls are in good enough condition to go uncovered?"
15550Do you think it''s safe for Dicky to have an arrow as sharp as that?
15550Do you think that was a lightning- bolt and it set the house on fire?
15550Do you think your talks are making any impressions on the mothers?
15550Do you throw it?
15550Do you want cushions for those chairs?
15550Had we better appoint committees for making the different investigations?
15550Had we better tell Mrs. Schuler about the embroidery class plan?
15550Has any one any suggestions?
15550Has n''t anybody else any ideas?
15550Have n''t you heard Father say so a dozen times?
15550Have you heard lately from your doctor in Oklahoma?
15550Have you talked about it with Mother and Aunt Louise?
15550How about music?
15550How are we ever going to teach them the madness of such behavior?
15550How are we going to fill it?
15550How are we going to serve them? 15550 How are you going to fasten that seat so it wo n''t let the sitter down on the floor?"
15550How are you going to make it look like a rose and not a pink bell?
15550How did you get back so soon?
15550How did you get here?
15550How do you make them?
15550How doeth it work?
15550How high from the ground does the seat go?
15550How is your patient?
15550How to make over the house, you mean?
15550How will you manage that?
15550How would you like to trolley back to New York?
15550Hungry, eh?
15550If it''s Algernon''s it ought to have-- how many guineas was it?
15550Is it early enough?
15550Is it furnished?
15550Is it guineas ye''re speaking about?
15550Is it marked''Gertrude''?
15550Is n''t this where the big college boat races are rowed?
15550Is the baby in the street?
15550Is this a very old town?
15550Just us three?
15550Me being the helper?
15550Not a cat?
15550Shall we appoint Ethel Brown to call on Mrs. Schuler and talk it over with her? 15550 Shall we have all the different kinds of flowers we can find or select one kind?"
15550Sleepy now?
15550Taught? 15550 The ones we gave a''show''for?"
15550There''s your house provided and furnished after a fashion-- how are you going to run it?
15550They always used flint, did n''t they?
15550They have you pretty often, do n''t they?
15550Was it hard to make? 15550 Was it like these, Vladdy?"
15550We''ve had so many entertainments; can we do anything different enough for the Rosemonters to be willing to come?
15550Were you planning to paint them?
15550What are you youngsters plotting?
15550What can they be doing?
15550What did he do with thith arrowhead?
15550What did the shinies look like, son?
15550What did you find in the fireplace this morning, Moya? 15550 What do you suggest for these upstairs floors, Miss Merriam?
15550What do you think of this plan?
15550What does he mean by his''shinies''?
15550What have you been doing?
15550What have you got there, small blessing?
15550What is it?
15550What shiny thing?
15550What were you trying to do?
15550What you doing that for?
15550What''s the matter, old man? 15550 What''s the matter?
15550What''s this, what''s this?
15550What''s to prevent the plates sliding off?
15550What''th a bow?
15550What''th an arrow?
15550What''th that?
15550Where are they all?
15550Where could we have it--_it_ meaning our sale or whatever we decide to have?
15550Where have you been now?
15550Where in the world did you get those?
15550Where on the floor?
15550Where''s the money to come from?
15550Who gave them to you?
15550Who''s got a piece of string?
15550Who? 15550 Why ca n''t Ethel Blue and I each make a high chair?"
15550Why ca n''t we have a cooky sale-- with a few other things thrown in-- and use the proceeds for the decoration and furnishing of Rose House?
15550Why do n''t we get out, then?
15550Why do you leave Elisabeth to look after herself in this fashion? 15550 Why is it called that?"
15550Why not have it here? 15550 Would these be the shinies?"
15550You do n''t recall West Point?
15550You know the furniture they call''knockdown''?
15550You never were taught to cook?
15550You say you picked these up on the track, Dicky?
15550You wo n''t think it impertinent if I figure out how much you''re worth, will you Miss Gertrude?
15550All that money?
15550And who''s her friend?"
15550Are you sure he''ll make it well enough?
15550Are your leggies tired?
15550Can we reach them anywhere by telephone?"
15550Can you eat these cookies?"
15550Can you give me the lengths for these strips?"
15550Do you see the veranda of the hotel?
15550Does it take all of you to help Roger do that?"
15550Does that seem old to you?"
15550Get me?"
15550Grandfather thought they were n''t bad enough to have new ones laid, but they do look rather rocky, do n''t they?"
15550He''s still in the hospital, is n''t he?"
15550How are these kiddies at Rose House?"
15550How does it strike you?"
15550How does that strike you?"
15550How long will it take?
15550How many inches?"
15550I believe these children can mend it and paint it to look well enough for this room''?"
15550I wonder, if Greg Patton would bring his fiddle?"
15550If you''d like those--?"
15550Is it a bargain?"
15550Is n''t there some piece of furniture that they''d like better than anything else we could give them?"
15550Is n''t there something we can call his attention to now to take his mind off Indians?"
15550Is your eloquence equal to that strain, Ethel?"
15550Ivery day I walked and walked and ivery day I carried the baby, for where could I leave her?
15550Let''s see it?"
15550See how these two- sided legs protect the edges of the box as well as make it decent looking?"
15550Some one in Rosemont?"
15550That pink room raises my spirits when--""--when you get_ blue_?"
15550Treasury low?"
15550Up on the headland?"
15550Want the Ethels to carry you?"
15550We could say on the poster that exceptionally choice roses will be on exhibition and sale and-- and why could n''t we take orders for the bushes?
15550What did he do with it?
15550What do you say?"
15550What do you think?"
15550What for?"
15550Where did you find it, Ayleesabet?"
15550Why do n''t we have a class for international embroidery?"
15550cried Ethel Brown, and"Would n''t Helen be just crazy over all the history of this region?"
15550does n''t it?
15550she cried breathlessly,"Is the house falling?
15550she repeated,"mine?"
46540About how much do you suppose that means?
46540Acquaintances of mine, you think, lassie?
46540Ah, do you see? 46540 Ah, is that so?
46540Ah, what father would, if he had such a dear little girl and boy as mine?
46540Ah, what is that?
46540Am I the angel, and may I fly in?
46540And did all that happen at the siege of Jerusalem?
46540And do you wish to visit it-- or a part of it?
46540And does England own it yet, grandma?
46540And how is it with Max and Eva?
46540And how soon did he begin his piracy, papa?
46540And is n''t it a very important part trying to win souls to Christ?
46540And is the baleen all they kill the whales for, papa?
46540And it has a warm climate, has n''t it, grandma?
46540And oh, mamma, do n''t you think that he and Uncle Harold will soon get dear Neddie well of his dreadful dip in the sea?
46540And perhaps you may treat Cuba in the same way?
46540And so I''m not a real person?
46540And we are on the coast of Brazil now?
46540And what father would n''t be ready and glad to bestow it upon such a daughter as mine?
46540And when will that be, Cousin Ronald?
46540And you can take a cup of coffee and a little fruit, ca n''t you, father?
46540And you would n''t miss that for something, would you?
46540And you, Evelyn?
46540And you, mother?
46540And, after all, the ventriloquism was really all you wanted me for, eh?
46540Any of us but papa?
46540Are n''t we, papa?
46540Are the fish handsome, too, grandpa?
46540Are the rest of us invited, Gracie?
46540Are there a good many wild flowers in Cuba, papa?
46540Are there any rivers, grandma?
46540Are there any towns?
46540Are there fruits and flowers in those forests, papa?
46540Are there many kinds, papa?
46540Are there mountains, grandma?
46540Are there not many and important exports sent down the Amazon?
46540Are there towns on it, grandma?
46540Are they big islands, grandma? 46540 Are we going to stop at any of these South American countries, papa?"
46540Are we likely to land there?
46540Are you going to take us to Cuba, too, papa?
46540Are you quite sure of all that, daughter?
46540Are you talking about Elsie''s Tiny, papa?
46540Are you?
46540Blow hole,repeated Ned, wonderingly;"what''s that, papa?"
46540Brazil''s a big country, is n''t it, papa?
46540But could n''t we let the supper wait till the whale comes up and gets done spouting?
46540But have n''t we had a good time in all our journeying about old ocean and her islands?
46540But how are we going to keep Christmas here on the yacht?
46540But how can they tell where it goes when it mixes in with other waters, papa?
46540But now as we have finished eating and drinking shall we not take our stroll about the grounds?
46540But what kind of people live there, grandma?
46540But where are we going?
46540But where does it run to, papa?
46540But, papa, where does it get so much water to pour out?
46540Ca n''t they go, father and Mamma Vi?
46540Could n''t you make use of the telephone now, to give your invitations, my dear?
46540Cousin Ronald, wo n''t you please make him talk a little more?
46540Dear me, papa, how can anybody live there?
46540Did Columbus discover it, and the Spaniards settle it, papa?
46540Did he own that he was guilty, papa?
46540Did it pay?
46540Did the folks give you plenty to eat, Tee- tee?
46540Do n''t they have some difficulty in finding it, father?
46540Do n''t you think it would be pleasanter to visit it after it has had time to recover from the war?
46540Do they live in flocks in their own forests, papa?
46540Do they usually go alone, papa?
46540Do you forget that I told you they would run up the trees? 46540 Do you hear that?
46540Do you mean throw the water up out of its nostrils, papa?
46540Do you really think so, cousin doctor?
46540Do you think of giving him to any one of them?
46540Do you think of visiting any part of the island, Captain?
46540Do you think we will have as good a time where we are going now?
46540Does n''t he ride well?
46540Elsie and Ned would n''t you like your grandma to tell you something about the islands we are going to?
46540Every one of them, papa?
46540Father,said Lucilla,"are we not nearing the Caribbean Sea?"
46540Father,said Lulu,"you will let me be your amanuensis again, will you not?"
46540For what purpose did you two children take papa down below? 46540 Give my little pet Tiny away?
46540Gold is to be found in Brazil, is it not, papa?
46540Grace, do you think the spies were truthful?
46540Had not the earlier prophets foretold the destruction of Jerusalem?
46540Had they any right to, grandma?
46540Have they railroads and telegraphs, papa?
46540Have those times been fulfilled yet?
46540Have you any money?
46540Have you wanted us sometimes when you were far away on the sea, Brother Max?
46540Having completed the circuit of Cuba, where do we go next, Captain?
46540Hello, what is it?
46540How are Max and Eva this morning?
46540How does Cousin Ronald help him?
46540How early would you like to have it?
46540How is it with you, Cousins Annis and Ronald?
46540How is the little lad, sir?
46540How large is it, grandma?
46540How long will it take us to get to Viamede, papa?
46540How soon, father, do you think of starting on your southward trip?
46540How would you like to be carried off to a strange place, away from papa and mamma?
46540I hope you think you are having a good time here on this yacht?
46540I like this place, Tiny, do n''t you?
46540I suppose you two have not forgotten that to- morrow will be Sunday and the next day Christmas?
46540I suppose you would hardly blame them for following your example?
46540I think I have read,said Evelyn,"that Columbus at first thought Cuba not an island but a part of the mainland?"
46540I think you are worthy of an increase of pay, Mr. Clark, and you wo n''t object to it, I suppose?
46540Is he good to eat, grandpa?
46540Is it a very hot place, papa?
46540Is it really good to eat, papa?
46540Is n''t it the ant that clips and carries away leaves?
46540Is she a very big island, papa?
46540Is that all you want me for, Neddie boy?
46540Is there anything I can do to help with your preparations, Mamma Vi?
46540Is there much of it in one whale, papa?
46540It will be a long journey before we get to Viamede, wo n''t it, mamma?
46540Lu, dear, can you give me an early breakfast to- morrow morning?
46540Many other bugs, too, I suppose?
46540Mosquitoes, for instance?
46540Not so very much, papa-- only-- she belongs to England, does n''t she, papa?
46540Now, father, you are going to take us to Santiago next, are you not?
46540Now, mother, shall I give my invitation in the same way to our own friends?
46540Oh mamma, do you think they would do that?
46540Oh, Brother Max, it was you, was n''t it?
46540Oh, Max, my husband, my dear, dear husband,she sobbed,"how can I live away from you?
46540Oh, Uncle Harold, you''ll take Sister Eva to a good place to see everything from, wo nt you?
46540Oh, do they like to live right in among the icebergs, papa?
46540Oh, do you think he can learn, papa?
46540Oh, is my tee- tee drowned?
46540Oh, papa, are we really going there?
46540Oh, was I? 46540 Oh,"cried Lucilla,"it is a secret then, is it?
46540Oh? 46540 Orders, my son?"
46540Our whale fishing is done mostly by the New Englanders, is n''t it, papa?
46540Papa, I know there used to be pirates in the West Indies; was it there that Kidd committed his crimes?
46540Papa, are monkeys mischievous?
46540Papa, did all those people lose their souls?
46540Papa, did that old king live long enough to see how very cruel the Spaniards were to his people?
46540Papa, that Captain Capron was n''t instantly killed by that Mauser bullet, was he?
46540Papa, were they-- the Indians-- heathen?
46540Papa, why do they call it by that name-- Caribbean Sea?
46540Papa, wo n''t you buy me one?
46540Papa,asked Ned,"are there lions and tigers and monkeys in the woods?"
46540Perhaps papa will bring us a second time after that?
46540Please, papa, tell us something about Cuba now, wo n''t you?
46540Quite true, Harold,he said,"but who is to be the happy recipient of mother''s bounty this time?"
46540Shall I ring and call for you?
46540Shall I send you in the carriage?
46540Shall we find a good harbor for our''Dolphin,''father?
46540Shall we go up the Orinoco?
46540Slaves, grandma?
46540Spanish colors? 46540 That was you, grandma, was n''t it?"
46540The Gulf Stream is very important, is n''t it, papa?
46540The Romans?
46540The Stream is very broad, is n''t it, papa?
46540The carriage is coming, Lu,said Eva;"are you ready for a drive?
46540The sea fight?
46540The whales are so big and strong; do n''t they ever fight back when men try to kill them, papa?
46540Then, papa, does n''t it seem as if we ought to be busied with religious duties all the time?
46540There were other charges, were there not, Captain?
46540They belong to England, do n''t they, grandma?
46540They have earthquakes there sometimes, have they not, father?
46540They have some very large and busy ants in this country, have n''t they, father?
46540This is one of the occasions for the wearing of the wedding- gown, is it not?
46540To what genus does he belong, Captain?
46540Trinidad is a warm place, is n''t it, grandma?
46540Was n''t it, papa?
46540Well, dear child, what is it?
46540Well, dears, we have had a very good time at Bermuda, have n''t we?
46540Well, little master, did n''t you make a mistake, too?
46540Whalebone or baleen is black, is n''t it, papa?
46540What about little master?
46540What are the names of some of them, grandma? 46540 What do monkeys eat, papa?"
46540What do you say, Grandma Dinsmore?
46540What is it, papa? 46540 What is to be the subject of to- morrow''s lesson, Captain?"
46540What mischief did it do, grandma?
46540What was?
46540What would you say as to visiting Viamede?
46540What''s that, uncle?
46540Where are Vi, Grace and the children?
46540Where do you suppose Max is now, father?
46540Who is making you talk, I wonder?
46540Why do you want me to talk so much, little mistress?
46540Why is this kind of whale called bottlenosed, papa?
46540Why should n''t Elsie go too? 46540 Why should they wish they had died in the land of Egypt, or in the wilderness?
46540Will this be your first visit to Porto Rico, Captain?
46540Will we go back to Trinidad?
46540Wo nt you sit down with us? 46540 Would you like to be?"
46540Yes, but we are having a very good time here on the''Dolphin,''are n''t we, Elsie?
46540Yes, papa,she laughed,"who would n''t be an early bird to get such a token of love from such a father as mine?"
46540Yes, sir; Grandpa Travilla would have been his-- papa''s-- father- in- law if he had lived, would n''t he?
46540Yes,seemed to come from another voice,"would n''t I like to git in thar and help myself?
46540You and uncle, of course, expect to be at Woodburn to- night, Aunt Elsie?
46540You are not weary of life on shipboard, daughter?
46540You are not wearying of it, I hope, my dear?
46540You are taking us home now, I suppose, father?
46540You do n''t want to be surprised by the pretty things you will see there, eh?
46540You have been there, have n''t you, grandma?
46540You have enjoyed your trip thus far, daughter, have you not?
46540You know something about it, I suppose?
46540You will come, wo n''t you?
46540You will not mind seeing me in it for the second time, will you?
46540You would n''t like to miss that?
46540Your leave of absence has nearly expired?
46540And Paul and Silas, when asked by the jailor,''Sirs, what must I do to be saved?''
46540And how long will it be ere they believe me, for all the signs which I have showed among them?
46540And it comes out of the whale''s mouth, does it, papa?"
46540And shall we not take a little stroll about your grounds when we leave the breakfast- room?"
46540And the Lord said unto Moses,''How long will this people provoke me?
46540And what effect had their report upon the people, Cousin Violet?"
46540And wherefore hath the Lord brought us unto this land, to fall by the sword, that our wives and our children should be a prey?
46540But what do you know about Jamaica, the island we are bound for?"
46540Chester, what did Moses say in reply?"
46540Did you not notice the almost infantile innocence in the expression of their countenances?"
46540Do n''t you think so?"
46540Do n''t you, Cousin Ronald?"
46540Do n''t you?"
46540Do n''t you?"
46540Do you care very much about them, Tee- tee?"
46540Do you know, Neddie, what Eshcol means?"
46540Do you like to be with us on this nice big yacht?"
46540Do you think it-- his coming-- is very near?"
46540Does it not?"
46540Eager, excited remarks and queries now followed in rapid succession from the others present--"When was the start to be made?
46540Gracie wo n''t you ride him home?
46540Have you something to show us?"
46540Here in the first chapter of Acts we read that the disciples asked,''Lord, wilt thou at this time restore again the kingdom to Israel?
46540How could she bear it?
46540How could they depart out of the city while it was compassed with armies?"
46540How much have you?"
46540I do n''t know any lovelier or more delightful place to go to; do you, papa?"
46540I presume you would all like to see that city?"
46540Is it a fertile island, papa?
46540Is n''t it delightful to begin our married life in so lovely a home of our very own?"
46540Is there any way for us to get gifts for all these dear folks on the yacht with us, or for any of them, papa?"
46540Is there much to attract us there?
46540Ned laughed, saying,"So you think, do you?"
46540Papa, where are we going now?
46540Papa, wo n''t you tell us something about the Amazon?"
46540Shall I read it?"
46540Shall I tell you about it?"
46540Shall my brother Tee- tee have a good time with me, too?"
46540Then, catching sight of his little girl as he gained the deck, and seeing that she was crying bitterly,"Elsie daughter, what is it?"
46540To interest and instruct?
46540Uncle Harold, you came pretty near having a share in the Santiago one, did n''t you?"
46540We are bound for Porto Rico now, are we not?"
46540Were it not better for us to return into Egypt?''
46540What are they, grandpa?"
46540What has happened to them?"
46540What shall we do?
46540Who besides Grandma Elsie and the Captain were to compose the party?"
46540Who shall say that you wo n''t change your mind after a few weeks spent in Brazil?"
46540Why not stay here with us?"
46540Will they ever come back?"
46540Will we get there to- day?"
46540Wo nt you come in and eat with me?"
46540Wo nt you go with us, Grace?
46540Would you like me to tell you about some of the more interesting ones?"
46540Would you like me to tell you something of its beauties and its history?"
46540and are there many of them?"
46540and have you decided where you wish to go?"
46540and which set will you join, little wife?"
46540and will you remember?"
46540asked Ned;"were there houses destroyed and people killed?"
46540how is he-- my darling little son?"
46540or was it he who took you?"
46540who wants to be paid for saving that cute little chap from drowning?"
14608A nine o''clock bell? 14608 Ah, Jimmum, do you think all thieves ought to go to jail?
14608Ah, good morning; how do you all do?
14608And did n''t they have any clocks?
14608And sell the tickets? 14608 And the Mexican who built this air- castle,"said Aunt Vi,"is he here this summer?"
14608And what is it ringing for?
14608And what''s that long wooden thing?
14608Are you in earnest?
14608Are you willing to be Katharine''s grandson in the play?
14608But ca n''t I see him sometime, Auntie Lucy?
14608But how did you ever happen to take up this sudden fancy for teaching, dear? 14608 But when they''ve done wrong-- you still think you did wrong, do n''t you, Jimmy?"
14608But where''s Nate Pollard?
14608But you have n''t told me yet what your name is?
14608Ca n''t you say,''I forgive you''?
14608Dear child, what is the matter?
14608Did he bring it back?
14608Did she take the watch? 14608 Did you hear him tell of sitting up there one day and seeing a little toad help another toad-- a lame one-- up the trunk of the tree?"
14608Did you know the Egyptians used to worship cats? 14608 Did you think mamma had gone and left you, Job darling?
14608Do n''t you call that good music?
14608Do n''t you want some nails driven? 14608 Do you know who built it?"
14608Do you like animals, young ladies? 14608 Do you observe it is walled all around with stones?"
14608Do you really mean it?
14608Do you suppose she''ll like it, mamma? 14608 Do you suppose the magpie will be there?"
14608Does n''t that seem human?
14608Does she, though? 14608 Does the canary sing?"
14608Does your mother like cats?
14608Dreadfully smashed up, is n''t it, sir? 14608 Had to run?
14608Have you done something wicked?
14608Hello, Chicken Little, what''s the matter with you?
14608Henry, what is the matter with you?
14608How can you?
14608How could I when the men were blowing up rocks just like an earthquake?
14608How did dead fishes ever get into this mud- puddle?
14608How did the toad do it?
14608How do you do, Jimmy?
14608How do_ you_ know?
14608I could make the children''toe the mark''; would n''t that be fun? 14608 I know''t will heal, auntie; but what I''m thinking of is, wo n''t it be stiff?
14608I said I''d go down in a bucket; do n''t you know I did?
14608I wonder if Nate is laughing at me for locking the door?
14608I''m Joseph Rolfe; do n''t you remember me?
14608Is it because he is guilty?
14608Is it possible, Katharine?
14608Is n''t it beautiful to stand in the door and look down, down, and see Castle Cliff right at your feet? 14608 Is n''t it queer?
14608Is that so, Miss Edith? 14608 Is the gold all washed out, every bit?"
14608Is the thief in your room, Uncle James?
14608It is this: might n''t we get up some entertainments,--good ones that would be worth paying for?
14608It''s not so very easy for little boys to earn money; is it, dear?
14608Let me see, you are only fourteen?
14608Long? 14608 Look here, Jimmy Dunlee, why do n''t you speak?"
14608Mamma,he murmured, pushing aside his saucer of ice- cream,"may I-- may I be excused?"
14608Mercy upon us, what are those boyoes doing atop of that house?
14608Miss what?
14608Must_ I_ go to Grandmother Graymouse?
14608Now tell the gentleman who stole his watch? 14608 O papa, do you really, really think''twill ever be forgotten?
14608Oh, has he got it back again? 14608 Oh, is that the one?
14608Oh, was n''t it, though?
14608Oh, wo n''t we be happy?
14608Powdered rocks? 14608 Pushed him?"
14608See here,said Joe Rolfe, twitching off his hat again very respectfully,"Are you going to keep school in the schoolhouse?
14608Seems queer about Adam and Eve,said she, hastening to change the subject;"who do you s''pose took care of''em when they were little babies?"
14608She is pretty, now is n''t she?
14608The mine?
14608The twigs are woven together so closely that it looks nice enough for a lady''s work- bag, now does n''t it?
14608Three points? 14608 Very kind of you,"returned Aunt Vi;"but we''ll not take it if we can help it, will we, Jimmy?
14608Wait till I put on my old clothes, will you?
14608Was it last Friday?
14608Was it you and Joseph Rolfe together? 14608 Was n''t that cunning?"
14608Well, but do n''t I keep having presents? 14608 Well, do you think Joe Rolfe has got it, or Chicken Little?
14608Well, then, Jimmy Dunlee, what_ shall_ we do at Castle Cliff?
14608Well, you''ll try to forgive her, wo n''t you, sir? 14608 What bell is that?
14608What did keep you two so long?
14608What do you call that?
14608What do you mean, my son? 14608 What does_ mine_ mean, Jimmum?"
14608What in the world is tailings?
14608What is it, my son?
14608What is the matter, Henry?
14608What made him die, mamma? 14608 What made you think, you silly boy, that I was going to punish you?"
14608What makes you think you''ll find the watch, Kyzie?
14608What thief?
14608What will the knitting- woman think of such actions?
14608What would Miss Prince do? 14608 What''s that?"
14608What''s the use of a cave?
14608What_ are_ forefathers?
14608What_ can_ you mean? 14608 What_ do_ you mean?"
14608When was it?
14608Where could we have put Bab? 14608 Where did papa find it?
14608Who knows but I shall be the one to find it?
14608Who said I was scared? 14608 Who would n''t run after the engine, Jimmum?"
14608Who would n''t?
14608Why ca n''t it ever snow in this country?
14608Why did n''t you put him in jail?
14608Why do you think that, my son?
14608Why, I never tried-- papa fastened it on himself-- oh, Jimmy- boy, you will be so careful of it, now wo n''t you?
14608Why, Jamie Dunlee, you did not follow Nate without knowing where he was going?
14608Why, Nate why,_ Nate_, what are you doing?
14608Why, mamma, you''ve certainly heard of vacation schools-- summer schools? 14608 Will you tell me after school?"
14608Would n''t he make a good scarecrow?
14608Would n''t it be fun, Edy, to teach school in there and ring that''lin- lan- lone bell''to call in the scholars? 14608 Yes, ma''am; will you please look at her wounds again?"
14608You forgot to tell us, and we forgot to ask you, How do you like your school?
14608You know a great many things, do n''t you, Bab? 14608 A dude? 14608 Am I going to dig dirt in my best clothes just because Nate Pollard laughs at me? 14608 And ca n''t I ask folks to stop giving me toys and books and give me money? 14608 And off there a city-- Why, what''s that noise?
14608And pray what may that be?"
14608And what are those things that come and walk on top of the house in the morning?"
14608Are n''t the rest of you willing to give him up just for this morning?
14608Are n''t you afraid''twill lose the-- the--_expression of the wiggle?_"No one even smiled at the question; everybody tried to comfort Edith.
14608Besides, what good would it do?"
14608Besides, what harm would dry sand do?
14608But if you go you''ll be good, wo n''t you-- you and Jimmy both?"
14608But mamma, you do n''t expect me to go to school to that little girl; now do you?"
14608But was this a fair race?
14608But when they all reached the sand- bank, where were the"cave- dwellers"?
14608But where was he?
14608But why did he look so sober?
14608But you remember what I was saying a little while ago about your mother?
14608Can you tell?"
14608Could you help?"
14608Could you keep the children in order?
14608Did Adam and Eve wear glasses?
14608Did he blush?
14608Did n''t he like it down here?"
14608Did n''t you hear him?
14608Did n''t you understand me to confess to stealing it?
14608Did she really and truly?"
14608Did they dry up too?"
14608Did you go through that?"
14608Did you hear that a magpie stole a watch the other day?"
14608Did you really do it your own self-- and for me?
14608Did you tell him where we were going?"
14608Do you think it is, Nate?"
14608Do you think so, mamma?
14608Do you want to see the mine?"
14608Does your head ache?
14608Edith threw one arm around her older sister Katharine, saying:--"O Kyzie, are n''t you glad you live in California?
14608First, would your papa consent?
14608Had n''t Nate"stumped"him; and had n''t he"taken the stump,"agreeing to follow his lead?
14608He admired the view from the mountain, and I do n''t blame him, do you?
14608He let Lucy have it; do n''t you know?"
14608He ran to the maid to ask"what made the kitty sing so sorry?"
14608He would act just like George Washington; and then how would the big boys feel?
14608He''ll talk to Mr. Templeton, and I just know I shall have the school Is n''t it splendid?"
14608How could I take real live little girls into the kingdom of the elves and gnomes and pixies?
14608How could she help it?
14608How do I know papa would be willing?"
14608Human people do n''t die of grief, do they, mamma?"
14608I did not forbid your digging in the sand, did I?"
14608I do n''t believe you''ve seen Barbara Hale, have you?"
14608I hope you were not abrupt, my child?"
14608I mean to bring her up as well as I know how; but what are you going to do with a girl that ca n''t sense the ten commandments?"
14608I s''pose they''ll put us down in a bucket, wo n''t they?
14608I was not very brave; now was I?
14608I wish I could take Kyzie with me; would you dare?"
14608In passing the door of her mother''s room she had heard her father say, laughing:--"What, our Katharine?
14608In that cave?
14608Indeed, how did they know the boys were still alive?
14608Is n''t it horrid?"
14608Is n''t it too bad?
14608Is that the way you play, you boys?"
14608It had been a delightful day, and when the friends all met again at table they kept saying,"Did n''t we have a good time?"
14608It must have dropped out of his pocket when he slid down the roof; but where, oh, where was it now?
14608James S. Dunlee, will-- you-- forgive me?"
14608Kyzie, though she may have feared it vaguely all along, was taken entirely by surprise, and did-- what do you think?
14608Let me see, where is the best crack in the floor for them to stand on?
14608Like the one at Coronado Beach?
14608Mrs. Mehitable Whalen, are you my wife or my very great grandmamma?"
14608Next Jimmy inquired about"the colonel,"and Nate asked:"What colonel?
14608Next morning when Dave Blake ran out his tongue at him and Joe Rolfe said,"Got any chickens to sell?"
14608Now why should he jump and seem so confused unless he knew he had done something wrong?
14608Oh, are n''t you glad we came to Castle Cliff?"
14608Oh, dear, how can he stand it?"
14608Oh, is n''t she sweet?"
14608One of them asked:--"Where''s that little Dunlee girl, the one that keeps the play- school?"
14608Or because magpies steal watches?
14608Perhaps you_ both_ did something wicked?"
14608Pokerish place, is n''t it?
14608Pray, where has it been?"
14608Say, Jimmum, where did the engine hurt me?"
14608Second, would your mamma consent?
14608She gazed after them through her spectacles, and said to Mr. Templeton in a tone of inquiry:--"Boarders?"
14608She had told Bab she was almost sure there would be a"China cook"at the mountains, and when he passed the soup he would say,"Have soup- ee?"
14608She went and put it in my mending- basket; and who would have thought of looking for it there?"
14608So unfortunate, Lucy thought; for how could any plans be made without Bab?
14608So young as that?
14608Tell me, Uncle James, do I look old enough?"
14608That was n''t abrupt, was it?
14608The family at home looked at her curiously, and Uncle James asked outright,"Tell us, Grandmother Graymouse, how do the scholars behave?"
14608The little teacher had always wished they would not do so, but how could she help it?
14608The people in the mine are blasting rocks again, but we wo n''t run away, will we?"
14608The scholars all appeared pretty much as usual; raising their hands very often to ask,"May I speak?"
14608Then without waiting for a reply he added most tenderly and unexpectedly,"Is n''t it nice that_ you''re_ not dead, mamma?"
14608They all thought she was to have a sort of play- school; did they?
14608They always bit their ears for a"How d''ye do?"
14608They lost the vein, that''s all""The vein?
14608Third, do the people of Castle Cliff want a summer school anyway?"
14608V THE AIR- CASTLE"A vacation school, Katharine?
14608Was it still on the ground, or had some one picked it up?
14608Was n''t that lovely?"
14608Was that a nice thing to do?"
14608Was the candy given because George Washington did n''t"run and tell"?
14608Well, Edith, so you''ve been to see the gold mine?
14608Well, what of that?
14608What do you suppose?"
14608What does make me do such ridiculous things?"
14608What else is it, pray?"
14608What first made you think of it-- at your age?
14608What for?"
14608What got into her all at once?
14608What have you to say, Jimmy?
14608What if he should laugh at her behind his slate?
14608What made you climb that ridge- pole?
14608What would become of him if he should fall head- first with the chimney on his back?
14608What would you like?"
14608What wretched little beggar was this coming to the house?
14608What''s a vein?"
14608What''s the use?"
14608What''s your hurry?"
14608When we were East last summer did n''t you pity the people?
14608Where are you"?
14608Where are you?
14608Where did he find it?"
14608Where is it?"
14608Who powdered them?
14608Who would play the grandson and shell the corn?
14608Who''d have thought of his climbing top of a house?"
14608Who''s afraid?"
14608Why could n''t he have been a Chinaman with a pigtail?
14608Why did n''t I bring a quarter of a dollar with a hole in it for a medal?
14608Why do n''t you come along?"
14608Why, Mr. Templeton, are you here too?
14608Would n''t they let us open a luncheon basket?"
14608Would they obey you?"
14608Would you like to know what it is?"
14608You see this little gun?
14608You''d be a great deal happier if you did n''t cry so much; do you know it?"
14608_ Did_ the engine hurt me?
14608_ When''d_ I say that?
14608_ Where_ did it hurt me?
14608_ You_ would n''t steal anything, would you, Henry?"
14608asked Aunt Vi;"and why he built it?"
14608cried Edith,"is that the old gold mine, that monstrous great thing?
14608he said: and Jimmy responded,"How d''ye do yourself?"
14608little Eddo ran up the steps to ask in haste:--"Where''s Lucy going?
14608or,"May I have a drink of water?"
14608repeated Aunt Vi, laughing,"Is n''t that characteristic of Jimmy?"
14608said Aunt Lucy"Edith painting the Cherub for Mrs. McQuilken"''James S. Dunlee, will-- you-- forgive me?''"
14608said he;"did you hear about that dreadful earthquake in San Diego?"
14608said the men cheerily; though how could they tell whether the boys heard or not?
14608who would have dreamed that sweet little Bab could become such a fright?
36010About how long ago?
36010All different shapes?
36010All we''ll have to do will be to sit still?
36010And Helen?
36010And the man knew? 36010 And you sold a lot of them?"
36010Anybody any more ideas?
36010Anything more, Ethel?
36010Are all of you going to rehearse this afternoon? 36010 Are there any waterfalls around here?"
36010Are there lots of girls here?
36010Are there really as many as that?
36010Are these young women mad or do my ears deceive me? 36010 Are we equal to it?"
36010Are we really almost there?
36010Are you all going to the Amphitheatre this evening?
36010Are you going to put rice in it?
36010Are you going to sail in the_ Humbug_ again?
36010Are you hurt, dear child? 36010 Are you ready for the question?"
36010Are you ready for the question?
36010But there''s still a hurt in my girls''consciences, is n''t there?
36010But this summer you''re all right, are n''t you?
36010But why ca n''t I?
36010But you do n''t mean to tell me that those babes, those infants in arms are going the rest of the way by themselves? 36010 But you think you''ll be lonesome?
36010Ca n''t we help them decorate?
36010Ca n''t you shoo her out, Ethel Blue?
36010Ca n''t you tell me? 36010 Can I help your mother any more?
36010Can we fish when we go there?
36010Can you make out Ethel Blue?
36010Clothes and shoes and all? 36010 Could you make the proprietor of the house understand that you knew her?"
36010Did Mother ever compliment you like that, kids?
36010Did he really?
36010Did n''t he ever write home?
36010Did n''t you ever read about the young squires watching over their armor on the night before they received the honor of knighthood?
36010Did she call him Dicky?
36010Did she kill him?
36010Did the Mexican tell you that my husband was shot there? 36010 Did the girl have blue eyes or brown?"
36010Did you ask him, Roger?
36010Did you find him? 36010 Did you get that job at the Springers?"
36010Did you know this was the Bishop''s house you''re in front of?
36010Did your grandmother graduate?
36010Do n''t you have parliamentary law in your school?
36010Do n''t you have to pay for those?
36010Do n''t you know Dorothy said her mother was teaching embroidery in an art store in Illinois last winter? 36010 Do n''t you remember Grandfather said the Indians used to put their canoes in Lake Chautauqua just after they passed Mayville?"
36010Do n''t you remember Grandmother told us about the fishing village on Lake Erie when we were coming over on the trolley?
36010Do n''t you think Aunt Marion will let us belong, Helen?
36010Do they want you to go there?
36010Do you get your room, too?
36010Do you know the first names of any of them?
36010Do you make that motion?
36010Do you notice that the rows are wide enough apart for a wagon to drive between them? 36010 Do you remember how flat it was in the village of Westfield?
36010Do you remember my two reasons for cowardice? 36010 Do you see who it is?
36010Do you see?
36010Do you suppose it''s money Dicky wants?
36010Do you suppose they''ll tell us what they''ve decided?
36010Do you suppose we''ll ever be big enough to go to bed just as late as we want to?
36010Do you suppose we''ll ever have a chance to speak to him?
36010Do you think they could possibly catch us? 36010 Do you think,"she stammered,"do you think that a coward can ever become brave?"
36010Does Dorothy embroider?
36010Does n''t she look pretty in that all brown suit of hers? 36010 Dorothy said--""Who is Dorothy?"
36010Has she won another race?
36010Have I got a name?
36010Have I met your mother?
36010Have n''t they a maid?
36010Have you all got your bundles? 36010 Have you ever been in Mexico?"
36010Have you thought what you are going to do about the punch on your tickets?
36010He would like it, would n''t he?
36010How about the table- waiting and the bag- toting?
36010How about us girls?
36010How are the sewing lessons coming on?
36010How are we going to turn round?
36010How can that be?
36010How could you work with them? 36010 How do I do that?"
36010How do we get there?
36010How do you go there?
36010How do you know?
36010How far do we have to go on the trolley, Mother?
36010How in the world did you find that out so quickly?
36010How long do we stay?
36010How long do you keep it up?
36010How long have we got to wait?
36010How long will he stay, Roger?
36010How many people are there here now?
36010How many_ will_ be here?
36010How shall we find out?
36010How shall we get to Buffalo?
36010Hurt yourself, old girl? 36010 I wonder if there are any people here now who came that first summer?"
36010Is he going to take passengers?
36010Is it seconded?
36010Is my namesake asleep?
36010Is that motion seconded?
36010Is that right, James?
36010Is the course very hard?
36010Is there anything that girls do on Old First Night?
36010Is your father coming on Recognition Day?
36010Is_ that_ Mrs. Emerson your mother? 36010 It''s queer for a country place, is n''t it?"
36010Ith it a lady bird or a boy bird?
36010Its name?
36010Madam President,said Margaret promptly,"do you think it''s necessary for us to be so particular and follow parliamentary law?
36010May we go in every day, Mother?
36010Morton? 36010 Mother, are n''t my manners the top notch of perfection?"
36010Mother,drawled Dicky in a voice that seemed on the verge of tears,"why do n''t we ride?
36010No? 36010 Not-- me-- and Niagara?"
36010Now what is it?
36010Now, what is it?
36010Oh, Granny dear, do you really think so? 36010 Oh, how?"
36010On commission? 36010 On commission?
36010Our cousin?
36010Really our cousin?
36010Roger, ca n''t you get another porter to take your bags while you carry Dicky?
36010Say,''Is it seconded?''
36010So you got a furlough and you''re on your way to Chicago now?
36010That suits you, does it, kid?
36010That''s a good stunt in scientific management, is n''t it?
36010That''s true,admitted Mrs. Morton,"but I should have to pay some one to do the work, so why not you?
36010The graduates are busy just about every minute, are n''t they?
36010The house is on fire, do n''t you hear it?
36010Then I may go this morning and arrange for my lessons?
36010Then ca n''t we trail a rowboat so Roger can give me a lesson in rowing? 36010 To meet when?"
36010Want to just as much as if you were a man, eh?
36010Want what?
36010Was n''t she really?
36010Was n''t your father more severe to his children than you ever were to yours?
36010We ca n''t be expected to know every date in the history book, can we?
36010Were n''t their feet tired?
36010What about the punch?
36010What are Panama Rocks?
36010What are they doing now? 36010 What are we going to do first?"
36010What are you doing yourself, then, talking straight to me?
36010What are you going to be?
36010What became of the hall?
36010What becomes of the water that makes these turbines go?
36010What did she look like? 36010 What do the fellows our age do?"
36010What do they teach-- domestic science?
36010What do you mean by that?
36010What do you mean?
36010What do you think we did? 36010 What does he mean?"
36010What does that mean?
36010What does that mean?
36010What happened?
36010What happens on Sunday?
36010What happens?
36010What hath Mother done to make her graduate?
36010What idea?
36010What in the world have you been doing, children?
36010What is behind it all?
36010What is it, Grandmother? 36010 What is it, Roger?"
36010What is it? 36010 What is it?"
36010What is that do you suppose?
36010What is that?
36010What is the story about the Frenchmen, Grandfather?
36010What is this big place?
36010What kind of sewing, dear? 36010 What ought I to say?"
36010What shall I do, Father?
36010What sort of party, dear?
36010What was the first thing Roger said?
36010What would be a good name for it?
36010What''ll we call the club?
36010What''s Barcelona?
36010What''s that?
36010What''s the idea of the punching?
36010What''s the matter with me?
36010What''s the matter? 36010 What''s this building?"
36010What''s this we''re coming out on?
36010What''th it''th name?
36010When will Recognition Day be?
36010When will it open?
36010When? 36010 Where are the 1914''s?"
36010Where are the children?
36010Where is Ethel? 36010 Where is it?"
36010Where was Aunt Louise planning to go for the winter?
36010Where will he fly from?
36010Where''s he going to keep his machine?
36010Where''s it going to be?
36010Where''s that going to be?
36010Where''s that?
36010Which is the house, the wooden part or the tent?
36010Which of you suggested_ Hirondelle_?
36010Which way are you going, goose?
36010Who are the people on the platform beside the speakers?
36010Who told you about it?
36010Who told you it was called the Miller Tower?
36010Who? 36010 Why ca n''t you both go home with us?
36010Why did n''t you tell me, Louise? 36010 Why do n''t you ask for Ethel Blue''s motion?"
36010Why do they call it a Vigil?
36010Why do we have to pay, anyway?
36010Why do you need more money, dear? 36010 Why does that sound familiar to me?"
36010Why famous? 36010 Why is it called''Portage Street''?"
36010Why is it such good fun?
36010Why is it? 36010 Why is she?"
36010Why not offer a prize to the person who suggests the most suitable name?
36010Why not''The United Service''?
36010Why not?
36010Why this hilarity?
36010Will they take boys as young as he is?
36010Will you put my arm in a splint, Doctor?
36010Working, you mean?
36010Would n''t you like to try it?
36010Would you really like it?
36010You can really go under them, ca n''t you? 36010 You could n''t suggest one, could you?"
36010You do n''t really mind, do you, Aunt Marion?
36010You found a clue there?
36010You know it is against the rule? 36010 You put the chicken in cold water, did n''t you, to draw the goodness out?"
36010You see those wheels lying flat on their sides?
36010You would n''t have the heart to stop him, would you?
36010You''ve never been to the Falls?
36010Your white suit? 36010 _ Hirondelle?_ That means''swallow,''"translated Grandfather Emerson.
36010A cloud?"
36010Amid the laughter that followed the announcement Helen whispered to Margaret who sat next to her--"Why New York, Pennsylvania, and Ohio?"
36010Any more sandwiches left?"
36010Are there any girls as old as I am?"
36010Are we all going?"
36010But what harm did it do?
36010CHAPTER XIV NIAGARA FALLS"HOW would you two Ethels like to go to Niagara Falls?"
36010Ca n''t you help?
36010Ca n''t you make your arms go at the same time?
36010Can you see any objection?"
36010Did he tell you the address?"
36010Did he tell you?"
36010Did n''t you?"
36010Did you see that fellow jump?
36010Do I hear a second?"
36010Do I''lamp''Niagara Falls?
36010Do n''t you remember that Roger went to the Boys''Club with Dicky for three or four days after he entered?
36010Do n''t you remember, Roger?
36010Do n''t you remember?
36010Do n''t you see you ca n''t pull it if you have such a mass of water resisting you?
36010Do n''t you think I''d be a more useful girl if I knew how to do some of those things?"
36010Do n''t you think it would be fun?"
36010Do you know Dorothy''s mother''s name, Ethel?"
36010Do you know the answer?"
36010Do you like the water?"
36010Do you see that piece of wood fitting in notches nailed across the floor of the boat?
36010Do you see the name on the tree?"
36010Do you see?
36010Do you think I might, too?"
36010Do you understand?"
36010Does anybody know of any?"
36010Ethel Brown looked frankly into the benign face above her and made a prompt answer to the question,"Is this your first summer at Chautauqua?"
36010Every girl sat up in her bed with a sharp,"What''s that?"
36010Have I preached too hard a sermon?"
36010Have I told you about my friends at the Girls''Club, two cousins, both named Ethel Morton?"
36010Have you got the price?"
36010Have you met any?"
36010Have you really a clue?"
36010Helen clapped her hands excitedly, and Mrs. Morton laid down her embroidery to ask,"When is he to come?"
36010His machine is what they call a hydro- aeroplane--""It will go both in the water and in the air?"
36010How could it have come there?"
36010How do you do that?"
36010How do you know it was n''t one leaping twenty times to show off to us?"
36010How far?
36010How long is it?
36010How much is it?"
36010I suppose there are pockets in those extraordinary garments he wears?"
36010I suppose you poor creatures did n''t realize there was any news, eh?"
36010Is Dicky safe?"
36010Is it Louise?
36010Is n''t anything interesting going to happen before then?"
36010Is n''t that it?
36010Is that it?"
36010Is the soil especially good for them?"
36010It was kind of goo- ey at first, though, was n''t it, ducking your head and opening your eyes?"
36010Listen to that hum?
36010Miss Kimball told you about the Home Reading Course, did n''t she?"
36010Mr. Emerson wo n''t want more than a cupful of chicken broth this afternoon-- what are you going to do with the rest of it?"
36010Not bad, are they?
36010Now I call that romantic, do n''t you, old man?"
36010Now the question is, how do you find out where people are on these grounds?"
36010Or does my part of the trip stop at Mayville?"
36010Roger, Roger, do you see?"
36010See her rise?"
36010See it turn?"
36010Shall I tell you now?"
36010The beach?
36010The result was beautiful and the group was delighted when a hearty voice said suddenly,"Is this the United Service Club?
36010The water?
36010To Buffalo?"
36010Vera Cruz--?"
36010Was Dicky in the water?
36010Was she pretty?"
36010What are their fathers''names?
36010What are you going to do when you want to go out again?"
36010What are you going to do?"
36010What became of her?"
36010What can I do?
36010What do I do now?"
36010What do you say?"
36010What does the chair think about Margaret''s question?"
36010What for?"
36010What have you been up to?"
36010What kinds of things did you learn to make?"
36010What''s a fence guard?
36010What''s that little tent on the other side?
36010What''s that?"
36010What''s the matter with Ethel Brown?"
36010What''s the next thing to do?"
36010Where are you?"
36010Where do they live?"
36010Where do we come in?"
36010Where do you suppose she is?"
36010Where had the matches gone to?
36010Where''s Helen?"
36010Who are we?
36010Who does it?"
36010Whom do you think we saw?"
36010Why not?
36010Why should n''t I do it?"
36010Will that do?"
36010Will you?"
36010Would n''t anybody ever come?
36010You''re sure you''d like to live with us?"
36010cried the Ethels, and Dicky asked,"Was it the President?"
36010she asked again;"are we Americans getting so thoroughly commercialized that even the babies want to go out in the street and earn money?"
42863"celebrating a great festival?
42863a dunce?
42863found on the grass?
42863named for a bird?
42863named for a month?
42863used for bedding cattle?
42863used for making ladies''dresses?
42863used in sewing?
42863How do I know so much, you ask? 42863 Novanglus"was the pen- name signed By what President of cultured mind?
42863Somehow-- anyway I want to hear the old band play Sich tunes as''John Brown''s body,''and''Sweet Alice,''do n''t you know? 42863 is melancholy?
42863should be respected for its age? 42863 ''K- kind sir, may I have M- Mary Jane?'' 42863 ( Abraham Lincoln) What is Li Hung Chang credited with being? 42863 ( Anchorage) What age is necessary to the clergyman? 42863 ( Astor) What is the chair- boy likely to do to the old lady he has to push on a hot day? 42863 ( Average) What is the age people are stuck on? 42863 ( Beecher) What does a ship do to a seasick man? 42863 ( Beverage) What is the most indigestible age? 42863 ( Bragg) What do the waves do to a vessel wrecked near shore? 42863 ( Buchanan) Tippecanoe? 42863 ( Coinage) What age is shared by the doctor and the thief? 42863 ( Connecticut) The Empire State? 42863 ( Connecticut) The Keystone State? 42863 ( Courage) What age is required on the high seas? 42863 ( Custer) What did Isaac watch while his father was forging a chain? 42863 ( Damage) At what age are vessels to ride safe? 42863 ( Delaware) The Bay State? 42863 ( Delaware) The Creole State? 42863 ( Dewey) What does Aguinaldo keep between himself and the Americans? 42863 ( Dolly Madison) What was Mrs. Lincoln''s name before marriage? 42863 ( Dotage) To what age do most women look forward with anxiety? 42863 ( Early) When Max O''Rell gets on a platform what does he do? 42863 ( Espionage) To what age will people arrive if they live long enough? 42863 ( Fillmore) In the settlement of disputes, do the European nations quarrel? 42863 ( Garfield) Northern Man with Southern Principles? 42863 ( Garrison) What did the Jews say when the mother of Samuel passed? 42863 ( General Lee) The towns taken by the British generally lacked the what? 42863 ( Homage) What age is slavery? 42863 ( Hostage) What age is most enjoyed at the morning meal? 42863 ( Illinois) The Lone Star State? 42863 ( Illinois) The Sucker State? 42863 ( Image) What age is not less or more? 42863 ( Indiana) The Nutmeg State? 42863 ( Iowa) The Green Mountain State? 42863 ( J. Q. Adams) Canal Boy? 42863 ( Jackson) Old Man Eloquent? 42863 ( Jackson) What early President besides Washington married a widow called Martha? 42863 ( Kentucky) The Blue Hen State? 42863 ( Kitchener) What do you do when you drive a slow horse? 42863 ( Lincoln) Hero of New Orleans? 42863 ( Lincoln) Rough and Ready? 42863 ( Longstreet) What does a Chinese lover say when he proposes? 42863 ( Louisa K. Johnson, of Maryland) What President had a troubled love affair and marriage? 42863 ( Louisiana) The Corn Cracker State? 42863 ( Maine) The Mother of States? 42863 ( Maine) The Prairie State? 42863 ( Maize[ maze]) What vegetables should see a great deal, and why? 42863 ( Mark Hanna) In Cairo purchases are made at a what? 42863 ( Marriage) What age has the soldier often to find? 42863 ( Mileage) What is the age now popular for charity? 42863 ( Miles) What happens when the wind blows in spiders''houses? 42863 ( Miss Mary Todd) Name three early Presidents who married widows? 42863 ( Monroe) Whom did John Q. Adams marry? 42863 ( Mr. Rhodes) What did the Emperor of China do when the Empress usurped the throne? 42863 ( Mucilage) What age is both profane and destructive? 42863 ( New York) The Diamond State? 42863 ( North Carolina) The Hawkeye State? 42863 ( Ohio) The Palmetto State? 42863 ( Parsonage) What age is one of communication? 42863 ( Pea[ p]) A boy, a letter, and a part of the body? 42863 ( Pennsylvania) The Buckeye State? 42863 ( Pillage) What age do we all wish for? 42863 ( Polk) When do you get up to see a sunrise? 42863 ( Postage) What age is most important to travelers by rail? 42863 ( Rockefeller) What did Uncle Sam do when he wanted to know whether England would let him mediate? 42863 ( Schley) The lane that has no turning is a what? 42863 ( South Carolina) The Pine Tree State? 42863 ( Speaker Reed) What does a waiter do after he has filled half of the glasses at a table? 42863 ( Texas) The Lumber State? 42863 ( Tomato[ Tom- a- toe]) Yielding water, and connections? 42863 ( Tonnage) What age are we forbidden to worship? 42863 ( Vermont) The Freestone State? 42863 ( Vermont) The Granite State? 42863 ( Virginia) The Mother of Presidents? 42863 ( Virginia) The Old Dominion? 42863 ( Virginia) The Old North State? 42863 ( W. H. Harrison) Honest Abe? 42863 ( Washington, Jefferson, and Madison) What early President married a New York girl? 42863 ( Webster) What did Buller unfortunately do? 42863 ( Wheeler) What is a novel military name for a cook? 42863 10. Who President again became Just four year after resigning the name? 42863 10. Who saidThe harvest is past, the summer is ended, and we are not saved"?
4286311. Who sang at the ceremony?
4286311. Who was the mother of Samuel?
4286312. Who commanded the gates of Jerusalem to be closed on the Sabbath?
4286314. Who, when his oath of office he took, Was known as"The Wizard of Kinderhook"?
4286315. Who waxed fat and kicked?
4286315. Who, after his inaugural vow, Turned round to kiss his mother''s brow?
4286317. Who in the Quaker City neat Their oaths of office did repeat?
4286320. Who only as President and Commander- in- Chief Has stood on the battle- field planning relief?
4286320. Who showed them the sights of Venice?
428633_ Heroes and heroines-- in what books do they figure?_ KEY 1.
428634. Who was called"a ready scribe in the law of Moses"?
428635. Who in his New York home did take The oath which doth a President make?
428636. Who to his inaugural hied His good and faithful horse astride?
428636. Who was the author of the expression,"What hath God wrought?"
428638. Who to his inaugural came disguised, For fear of mischief ill- advised?
428638. Who was Moses''brother?
428639. Who was wounded in Trenton town When Washington put the Hessians down?
428639. Who went down into a pit on a snowy day and slew a lion?
42863Again, the hostess may prepare a certain number of blank cards, with the heading on each one"Who and What?"
42863Also pinned to the pie was this verse: When this pie is opened The birds begin to sing?
42863Am I growing blind?
42863And the sad tree when schoolmasters hold?
42863And the tree like an Irish nurse?
42863And the tree neither up nor down hill?
42863And the tree that bears a curse?
42863And the tree that forbids you to die?
42863And the tree that guides ships to go forth?
42863And the tree that is nearest the sea?
42863And the tree that makes one sad?
42863And the tree that will never stand still?
42863And the tree that''s the warmest clad?
42863And the tree we may use as a quill?
42863And the tree where ships may be?
42863And the tree whose wood faces the north?
42863And what each must become ere he''s old?
42863And what round itself doth entwine?
42863At the wedding what Spanish girl was maid of honor?
42863At what sort of party did they meet?
42863At what time of day was it?
42863BEAN SOCIABLE_ Have you ever"bean"to a"bean"sociable?
42863Because March fourth on Sunday came, Who, for one day, deferred their claim?
42863Below is the list of questions and answers used in the contest, which may be lengthened or shortened at will: Which cake did the society woman buy?
42863By the death of Garfield?
42863Ca n''t some one speak up and explain this mystery, or at least tell us what to do to celebrate Christmas?"
42863Can you tell a harrowing tale?
42863Could I bear to find a hairpin Sticking in my shaving- mug?
42863Could I have my choice Havanas Bandied all about the place, Strewn around like cheap bananas, Looked upon as a disgrace?
42863Could I see my bachelor treasures Sniffed at by a scornful dame?
42863Decimal state?
42863Decorate the room with mottoes, such as:"Is there no balm in Israel, is there no physician there?"
42863Do you know your letters?
42863During the administration of what President did the Louisiana purchase and Burr''s treason occur?
42863During what administration did the annexation of Texas and the Mexican war take place?
42863Each pupil before being assigned a seat was interrogated by the teacher somewhat as follows: In what state and country were you born?
42863For actors?
42863For athletes?
42863For beggars?
42863For chauffeurs?
42863For crowds?
42863For greedy people?
42863For happy people?
42863For home lovers?
42863For hungry people?
42863For hypocrites?
42863For nations?
42863For odd people?
42863For office seekers?
42863For reporters?
42863For telegraph operators?
42863For truthful people?
42863For unhappy people?
42863For wild beasts?
42863For wise people?
42863How do we dislike to grow?
42863How far can you count?
42863How long will Samuel Lover?
42863How many readers will be able to credit the following to the proper sources?
42863How old was Methuselah when he died?
42863I am content"?
42863I wonder what Tabby the---- to now?
42863If I ask you to accept me, And my lonely life to bless, Will you?
42863If a young man would win what should he do?
42863If a young man would win, what must he do?
42863In Northeast Italy what grand affair did they attend?
42863It ca n''t be that any of you children have been so naughty that he thinks we do n''t deserve a visit from him, can it?
42863It is very mysterious; I never heard of the like before-- no, never----"Well, what are we going to do about it, anyway?
42863Meat, what are you doing in the oven?
42863More than once I''ve been moved to propound the fond query,''Wo n''t you tell me you love me, my beautiful dearie?''
42863Not a state for the untidy?
42863Now tell me what was a poor maiden to do, Who could n''t, to save her, make choice''tween the two?
42863Number nine speaks as follows:"Could I give up all the pleasures That a single man may claim?
42863Oh, shall I call thee bird, Or but a wandering voice?
42863Or a pair of high- heeled slippers Lying on my Persian rug?
42863PRESIDENTIAL QUESTIONS What President had a son who became President?
42863SPINNING PARTY"Will you walk into my parlor?"
42863STATE NICKNAMES Which is the Hoosier State?
42863So if you wear a number 10 You owe us 20, see?
42863State of astonishment?
42863State of exclamation?
42863State to cure the sick?
42863That half- given to doctors when ill?
42863The Bryan man?
42863The artist?
42863The best state in time of flood?
42863The candidate for office?
42863The champion?
42863The dairyman?
42863The farmer?
42863The father of states?
42863The following were the questions: 1. Who were the bride and groom?
42863The fond mamma for her daughter?
42863The gossip?
42863The grocer?
42863The hostess then asked"What was the heroine called?"
42863The initials of what President''s name Stand for a phrase which made his fame?
42863The jockey?
42863The list of nicknames is as follows: Rail- splitter of the West?
42863The maiden aunt?
42863The mean man?
42863The milliner?
42863The minister?
42863The most Asiatic?
42863The most egotistical?
42863The most maidenly?
42863The most unhealthy state?
42863The most useful in haying time?
42863The name of what flower did Johnny''s mother use when she told him to rise?
42863The name of what flower is used every day in a slang expression?
42863The name of what flower means comfort?
42863The politician?
42863The pretty girls?
42863The schoolgirl?
42863The sculptor?
42863The shoemaker?
42863The small boys?
42863The story progressed thus: What was the hero''s name?
42863The tramp?
42863The tree that we offer to friends when we meet?
42863The young man for his sweetheart?
42863They can answer questions in a little, fine voice, or say,"How do you do?"
42863This is the list that the questioner reads, omitting, of course, the answers: Why did England so often lose her way in South Africa?
42863Under what President was the War of 1812 begun?
42863WHICH IS YOUR AGE What is the best age for a girl or boy?
42863Was I to be caught in the snare of a curl, And dangle through life in a dizzy whirl?
42863What Miss can destroy the peace of home, school and nation?
42863What Miss causes her mother sorrow?
42863What Miss causes in turn amusements and quarrels?
42863What Miss gives unreliable information?
42863What Miss is distinguished as uncivil and ill- bred?
42863What Miss is distrustful of human nature?
42863What Miss is not always honest?
42863What Miss is provoking and a blunderer?
42863What Miss is responsible for gross errors?
42863What Miss is unhappy?
42863What Miss is untruthful?
42863What Miss meets with ill- luck and delay?
42863What Miss proves an uncertain correspondent?
42863What Miss should the traveler shun?
42863What Miss undervalues her opportunities?
42863What Miss wastes times and money?
42863What President fought the last battle of the War of 1812?
42863What President outlined a famous foreign policy?
42863What President served but thirty days Ere death dissolved his term of praise?
42863What President, renowned for spleen, Joined the Continentals when fourteen?
42863What President, son of a President, Was known as"The Old Man Eloquent"?
42863What Presidents served as generals in the Mexican war?
42863What Vice- President became President by the death of Taylor?
42863What ailed Harriet Beecher Stowe?
42863What ant hires his home?
42863What ant is a beggar?
42863What ant is an officer?
42863What ant is angry?
42863What ant is joyful?
42863What ant is learned?
42863What ant is obstinate?
42863What ant is prayerful?
42863What ant is proud?
42863What ant is successful?
42863What ant is trustworthy?
42863What ant is well- informed?
42863What ant is youngest?
42863What ant lives in a house?
42863What ant points out things?
42863What ant sees things?
42863What ant tells things?
42863What berry is red when it''s green?
42863What by cockneys is turned into wine?
42863What city is for few people?
42863What city was saved from famine by lepers?
42863What did Charles Dudley Warner?
42863What did Eugene Fitch Ware?
42863What did Julia McNair Wright?
42863What did he say?
42863What did he then bid her?
42863What did she say?
42863What did the band play when he came home?
42863What did the band play?
42863What did the soldier say when he bade his sweetheart good- bye?
42863What dies only with life?
42863What dies only with life?
42863What does Anthony Hope?
42863What does a maid''s heart crave?
42863What does a maiden''s heart crave?
42863What does an angry person often raise?
42863What does an angry person often raise?
42863What does the---- to?
42863What field flower is something to eat and a dish we drink from?
42863What first lady of the land fled from Washington to escape the British?
42863What flower did Alice Cary?
42863What flower is most popular in April?
42863What four Germans were the ushers?
42863What gentleman of dark complexion rescued them?
42863What gives John Howard Payne?
42863What happens when John Kendrick Bangs?
42863What historical people entertained them in France?
42863What hotel in New York city bears the name of a flower?
42863What is James Warden Owen?
42863What is a good receipt for hoe cake?
42863What is a hoe used for?
42863What is a suitable adjective for the national library building?
42863What is it William Macy?
42863What is the favorite nut in Ohio?
42863What is the mason''s favorite nut?
42863What is the matter with my eyes?
42863What is the oldest ant?
42863What is the ruling ant?
42863What is the saddest flower?
42863What is the tree That makes each townsman flee?
42863What is the true mission of a harrow?
42863What is the wandering ant?
42863What mythological personage presided over the music?
42863What noted Swiss was best man?
42863What noted bells were rung in honor of the wedding?
42863What noted person from Japan was present?
42863What nut can not the farmer go to town without?
42863What nut grows nearest the sea?
42863What nut grows on the Amazon?
42863What nut grows the lowest?
42863What nut is good for naughty boys?
42863What nut is like a Chinaman''s eyes?
42863What nut is like a good Jersey cow?
42863What nut is like a naughty boy when sister has a beau?
42863What nut is like an oft told tale?
42863What nut is the color of a pretty girl''s eyes?
42863What ship did they take for their wedding trip?
42863What should all literary people do?
42863What should all literary people do?
42863What strange thing is this?
42863What three Presidents were assassinated?
42863What two Presidents died the same day?
42863What two ladies( friends of Donizetti''s) were bridesmaids?
42863What virtue sustained them in captivity?
42863What was he called?
42863What was she called?
42863What was the bride called-- from the circumstances of her wedding?
42863What was their motto?
42863What will turn John Locke?
42863What would this umbrella bring If we changed to hippetty- hop And our hostess called out''stop''?"
42863What would we consider the person who answers correctly all these questions?
42863What would we prefer to be?
42863What''s the tree that in death will benight you?
42863When death first made vacant a President''s chair, What Vice- President succeeded there?
42863When did Mary Mapes Dodge?
42863When did Thomas Buchanan Read?
42863When did he propose?
42863When is Marian Evans Cross?
42863When on the voyage who captured them?
42863When we leave here we go to our what?
42863When we leave here we go to seek our what?
42863Where did Henry Cabot Lodge?
42863Where did he go?
42863Where did he spend that night?
42863Where did they always remain?
42863Where did they make their home?
42863Where did they meet?
42863Where there is no such word as fail?
42863Where was he born?
42863Where was she born?
42863Where were they married?
42863Which Chief Magistrate was styled"The American Fabius"of the wild?
42863Which President, most grave and wary, Was called"Old Public Functionary"?
42863Which is the most religious state?
42863Who built the ark?
42863Who furnished the music?
42863Who furnished the wedding feast?
42863Who was the fifteenth President of the United States?
42863Who was the first man?
42863Who were the bridesmaids?
42863Whose flock was Moses tending when he saw the burning bush?
42863Whose phaeton, made from ship of state, Conveyed him to inaugural fête?
42863Whose three daughters were the fairest in all the land?
42863Why did Helen Hunt Jackson?
42863Why is George Canning?
42863Why is Sarah Grand?
42863Why was Rider Haggard?
42863Will you?
42863Will you?"
42863With how many men did Gideon conquer the Midianites?
42863Would I want my meditations Broken up by cries of fright At a mouse or daddy- long- legs, Or some other fearful sight?
42863[_ Rubbing his eyes again._]"Do you see any?
18907''Can such anger dwell in celestial souls?'' 18907 After such a generous offer, who would n''t be tempted?"
18907Agreed, we are all ready to listen; but who shall tell the tale?
18907Alice, are you not almost tired of this game?
18907Alice, why was he like a_ sigh_?
18907All? 18907 Amy, are you not almost roasted in that hot corner of the chimney?"
18907Amy, why was he like a_ cat_?
18907And Daucus-- was he a carrot?
18907And can not I make you happy?
18907And how is it about the verses, Amy?
18907And is it really the wonderful Rose of Hesperus which you seek?
18907And may I really go? 18907 And may she not sleep with me to- night, mother?"
18907And now,said Amy,"are n''t you all tired of potentates?
18907And shall I falsify my motto?
18907And who is the poet that has immortalized Sydney''s sister, in the following lines? 18907 And who was the good aunt?"
18907And you, Amy?
18907And you, Amy?
18907And you, Ellen?
18907And you, George?
18907And you, Gertrude?
18907And you, Harry?
18907And you, Harry?
18907And you, Louis?
18907And you, Sister Ellen?
18907And, Louis, how do you make him like a_ flower_?
18907And, uncle, is not the custom of hanging up the stocking derived from Germany?
18907And, when we notice these coincidences, is it not an argument for a superintending Providence?
18907Animal, vegetable, or mineral?
18907Anna,said Tom,"how do you like it?
18907Are not these kings near relatives of''the good grandmother?''
18907Are you quite sure?
18907Are you sure that you have not embellished it?
18907Are you sure there was no cheating?
18907Are you sure, Mary,said Mrs. Wyndham, laughing,"that you are not taking any liberties with my name?"
18907Aunt Lucy, how was he like a_ fire_?
18907Aunt Lucy, what shall be our story to- night?
18907Before or after the year 1500?
18907Bright Fairy Queen, shall mortal dare On beauty gaze beyond compare; Shall one of earth unpunish''d see The mazes of your revelry? 18907 But do you think him as ancient as he pretends to be?"
18907But how long have you known him?
18907But how to break the meshes? 18907 But is n''t this rather silly-- all this about love and marriage?"
18907But meanwhile, what about Willing, and the very mixed accounts of Stewart& Gamble? 18907 But perhaps some of you can tell me who her very lovely mother was?"
18907But pray, why not?
18907But what about that ghost?
18907But what are you putting into it? 18907 But what can you mean, Uncle?
18907But what''s the moral of your story?
18907But, Cousin Mary, what''s your improvement? 18907 But, my child, you must have a home; why are you out on such a stormy night?"
18907But, uncle, do you not know that I have an idea? 18907 But, uncle,"said Charlie Bolton,"could n''t you put off Sunday as Dean Swift, or somebody or other, put off the eclipse?
18907Can it be, that the vile rabble dare to think of revolt-- against_ me_? 18907 Can you tell us where that piece of wisdom may be found?"
18907Charlie, are you fond of mince- pie?
18907Charlie, are you tired from your long walk this morning?
18907Charlie, why was he like a_ vine_?
18907Cornelia, have you finished your crochet purse?
18907Cornelia, why was President Taylor like a_ sunset_?
18907Cousin Mary, did n''t you enjoy the clear- up to- day?
18907Did I not tell you that he would never predict aught but evil of me?
18907Did he live about a thousand years before the Christian era?
18907Did this bird live in ancient or modern times-- before or after the Christian era?
18907Did you ever see a sweeter, gentler countenance?
18907Did you not hear the plunge into the sea? 18907 Did you say, father, that Eclipse would go over the_ moon_?
18907Do n''t know his name, do n''t you? 18907 Do you feel any thing?"
18907Do you feel much better?
18907Do you know how to play''Consequences?''
18907Do you love her?
18907Do you love her?
18907Do you perceive the smell of smoke? 18907 Do you remember the anecdote about Frederic the Great, of Prussia?"
18907Do you see any thing in it?
18907Do you think they can be the banditti they talk of?
18907Do you, who are fresh from school, remember the names of the four generals and kingdoms who succeeded him?
18907Does she love you?
18907Does she love you?
18907Does this ancient bird belong to the goose, duck, chicken, peacock, or turkey tribe?
18907Ellen, why was he like an_ umbrella_?
18907Even so, Charlie: now, what have you got to say for yourself?
18907George, how did he resemble_ cream_?
18907George, you are so fond of skating, do n''t you hope to enjoy the sport to- morrow?
18907Gertrude, do n''t you think_ the mice will play_ to- night?
18907Gertrude, how did he resemble the_ Alps_?
18907Had it any thing to do with Columbus?
18907Had your brother no family, sir? 18907 Harry, how did you make him out like a_ laugh_?"
18907Has not any one wit enough to think of a game at which we can all assist?
18907How can I possibly please the taste of both?
18907How can people live in the city,they exclaimed,"when such a free and happy life is before them?
18907How could he wish to leave such a charming place, where there was every thing that was lovely on earth?
18907How could you, when you are stone- blind? 18907 How do those lines of Milton run, Ellen, in L''Allegro?
18907How do you like it, John?
18907How do you prefer it, Charlie?
18907How does he resemble a_ carpet_?
18907How does he resemble_ Cousin Mary_?
18907How is he like a_ lion_?
18907How is he like a_ tree_?
18907How is that played? 18907 How is that?
18907How long have you been in his service?
18907How many servants will you keep?
18907How much is the lady worth?
18907How soon does this auspicious match come off? 18907 How then do you account for my finding myself on top of my bed, and dressed?
18907How would you like Bible stories?
18907I am glad to see that she makes herself so useful; is she any relation to you?
18907I apprenticed my daughter to a dry- goods store, and the first thing she sold was ten yards of L."Lace?
18907I apprenticed my daughter to a milliner, and the first thing she sold was a yard of R. R."Red ribbon?
18907I apprenticed my son to a cabinet- maker, and the first thing he sold was a S."Sofa?
18907I apprenticed my son to a grocer, and the first thing he sold was a B. of R."Box of raisins?
18907I never heard of it,replied Cornelia;"how do you play it?"
18907I''ll take charge of her; have you got her ticket?
18907I''m sure I''m very sorry; what are you going to do with me, sir?
18907I? 18907 I?
18907In New York, is he? 18907 In its natural or prepared state?"
18907In its natural or prepared state?
18907Is all the power, and the grandeur, and the wisdom, and the beauty you see in Fairy Land, insufficient to satisfy that foolish heart of yours? 18907 Is any gentleman here willing to take charge of this little girl?"
18907Is it Punch?
18907Is it a German wine, highly prized by connoisseurs?
18907Is it a bean?
18907Is it a collection of sheep?
18907Is it a common weed, and also the place where ships are built?
18907Is it a large receptacle used in the brewery and tannery?
18907Is it a manly covering for the head?
18907Is it a part of a tree, a shrub, a vine, or is it of the grass kind?
18907Is it a rap at the door?
18907Is it a very gentle slap, indicative of love?
18907Is it an article of infants''clothing?
18907Is it an important part of woman''s attire?
18907Is it an ornamental way of dressing the hair?
18907Is it biped or quadruped, fish, flesh, fowl, or insect?
18907Is it one of the wooden pieces of which blinds are composed?
18907Is it out yet?
18907Is it possible it was only an hour ago? 18907 Is it possible you have not read the Arabian Nights?
18907Is it possible?
18907Is it that covering for the head occasionally worn by young misses, and also a frequent quality of their conversation?
18907Is it that sly animal of the tiger species which is domesticated by man, and delights to steal the cream and to torture poor little mice?
18907Is it that word sometimes applied to a disagreeable child?
18907Is it that word, which followed by head, shows what we all are, for not guessing it sooner?
18907Is it the opposite of leanness?
18907Is it the root, stem, leaf, flower, or fruit?
18907Is it the species you think of, or one individual of it?
18907Is it the thing that brokers buy and sell?
18907Is it the whole, or only a part of the plant?
18907Is it used for food?
18907Is it used for the table?
18907Is she pretty?
18907Is that all?
18907Is that you, Russell?
18907Is there any thing else in the jar?
18907Is this fruit pulpy like the grape, or mealy like the bean?
18907It ca n''t be a tree-- how do you like it, Mary?
18907It could not be, Charlie!--how could it?
18907Job''s turkey?
18907John, how many miles did you walk to- day?
18907John, why was he like a_ brick_?
18907Just from college, is n''t he?
18907Let us see-- California? 18907 Linen?
18907Lucy, do you see it, dear I do you see the moon getting dark?
18907Man, monkey, or bird?
18907May I go now, and play, pretty lady? 18907 Much obliged; what was that?"
18907My little girl, what are you doing out of doors on a night like this? 18907 No one else; but what on earth are you doing with such a heap of trunks?
18907No: do you all give it up?
18907No; and I declare I have no more than half a dollar with me-- can you advance the money? 18907 No_ what_?"
18907Not even the ice- bath at the pond, George?
18907Now tell us whose speech gave you the first impression of being Milton?
18907Now, I apprenticed my son to a hardware man, and the first thing he sold was a P. of S."Pair of skates?
18907O, I forgot; but if Clara lays the uneasy spirit of Don Pedro, then will you not remove here?
18907Oh dear, what_ shall_ I do? 18907 Oh, sir, if you ca n''t find my uncle, wo n''t you send me on to Boston again?
18907Optics, is it? 18907 Pray, tell us the name of your rival?"
18907Pray, what can be the difference between Joan of Arc and Noah''s ark?
18907Prayer- book? 18907 Pretty well, with your coal- black eyes and hooked nose: but what is that notion?"
18907Quadruped or biped, fish, snake, or insect?
18907Rudolph, would you like to play at soap- bubbles?
18907Shall I call next week?
18907Shall I make a sailor''s knot, or how shall I fix it?
18907Shall we be so ungrateful, because a glimpse of the earthly paradise has been vouchsafed us, as to sink into idle, repining dreamers? 18907 Simply this-- if he had not, what would have become of my story, I''d like to know?
18907Steam engines and locomotives?
18907The_ horse_? 18907 Then why will you not take me to my uncle?
18907Then you will not buy my lead?
18907Then, how does Anna make him resemble a_ tear_?
18907Then, why is he like_ ink_?
18907There appears, then, to be no prosecution in this case? 18907 There are many funny stories told of him,"answered Mr. Wyndham;"which is the one you refer to?"
18907To bury them at seven, and dig them out at seventeen; how do you like it?
18907Tom, do you like to ask questions?
18907Tom, why was he like a_ cow_?
18907Was it Columbus''egg?
18907Was it very thin?
18907Was it''rare Ben Jonson?''
18907Was this bean an ancient or modern one?
18907We''ll see: does it belong to the animal, vegetable, mineral, or spiritual kingdoms?
18907Well, am I right in my explanation?
18907What can it be?
18907What clergyman will marry you?
18907What do people think,said Charlie,"about my waking up my daughter, instead of taking the trouble to write down my poetry myself?"
18907What do you make of this? 18907 What do you say to''Who can he be?"
18907What do you say, Gertrude?
18907What do you think was the reason?
18907What game shall we play to- night?
18907What has father got?
18907What is her height?
18907What is that? 18907 What is the color of her hair?"
18907What is the gentleman''s name, can you tell me?
18907What is the matter, my little Ellen?
18907What is your preference, George?
18907What means this riotous assembly?
18907What say you, John?
18907What sort of a story will you have?
18907What time is it-- before or after the Christian era?
18907What''s to be done with her when we get to New York?
18907When do you like it, Alice?
18907When do you like it, Anna?
18907When do you like it, Mary?
18907When do you prefer it, Charlie?
18907When is it in a passion?
18907When was it?
18907When will my trunks come?
18907Where did this interesting event take place?
18907Where does she live?
18907Where will you live?
18907Which of us has a hole in her stocking?
18907Which of us is the old maid of the company?
18907Who but Chaucer?
18907Who comes down last to breakfast?
18907Who is the prettiest person present?
18907Who is to be bridesmaid at this happy wedding?
18907Who is your sympathizing confidante?
18907Who loves mince- pie the best?
18907Who shall be appointed to tell the story to- night?
18907Who will wait upon her?
18907Who''s afraid? 18907 Whom will you marry?"
18907Why are pens, ink, and paper like the fixed stars?
18907Why is Trusty like_ paper_?
18907Why is he like a_ bed_?
18907Why is he like a_ table_?
18907Why is he like_ Aunt Lucy_?
18907Why is it that in all Bibles some words are put in Italics? 18907 Why must they go?
18907Why should you want to go? 18907 Wild or tame?"
18907Will he be satisfied upon this point to- morrow?
18907Will the spirit condescend to signify, in writing, in what way he shall act to obtain this end?
18907Will you be so kind as to take me with you?
18907Will you take this man to be your lawful husband?
18907Will you walk into my parlor?
18907Wo n''t we get there a little sooner than we came?
18907Yes, actually; and if only some such process could be applied to children, would it not save trouble?
18907Yes-- but from whom did you take the idea? 18907 Yes: how could she help it?"
18907You do? 18907 You recognize this countenance?"
18907You remember your speech, at least-- eh, Will?
18907You think not, Ellen? 18907 You will not?
18907''And did you know his family?''
18907''Do I, indeed?
18907''Have you indeed, Miss Caterina?
18907--"How do you like it?"
18907A blue ribbon, worn upon his arm, shows that he has not enlisted himself among the admirers of the Lady Clotilda: in whose honor can he wear it?
18907Amy, will you buy any lead?"
18907And he said,''Who shall persuade the Lord of Israel to go up against Ramoth- Gilead to his destruction?''
18907And how do you make out these purple marks?"
18907And how had they been kept?
18907And may Bruno, and Saladin, and old Fritz come too?"
18907And my papa and mamma, and dear little Bertha, can they live here too?
18907And now, shall we not vary the scene by having a story?"
18907And shall he go, unscath''d, away?
18907And the father?
18907And was the memory of the past blotted out from her mind?
18907And what became of the imperious Clotilda?
18907And what did they do then?
18907And when he is a man, and has become under my teaching a perfect specimen of what a man should be, what then?
18907And who was her brave preserver?
18907And why not?
18907Animal, vegetable, mineral, or spiritual?"
18907Are you boys made of different stuff from us, I want to know?"
18907Are you such an eternal fool as to think I''ll pay your passage again?
18907At last, out of patience, he burst forth:''Tell me, did n''t he break his leg?''
18907Before, did I say?
18907But do you know any one of that name, Alice?
18907But how dare to reveal their affection?
18907But is it true?"
18907But what cavalier is this, with closed vizor, whose head towers above the rest like the cedar of Lebanon above all the trees of the forest?
18907But what could be wished for beyond?
18907But what do George and John say?"
18907But what shall we do?
18907But who altered it?
18907But who are these two other Asiatics, as they appear by their dress, fashioned in Oriental magnificence?
18907But who was she?"
18907But who was the selfish queen, unwilling to have her noblest subject exalted beyond her control?"
18907But why should you weep?
18907But would she not, herself, merely add another to his list of slaves?
18907But, meantime, what was to be done for Mrs. Norton?
18907By the way, what have you found in your slippers?''
18907Charlie, to whom did you make your first offer?"
18907Could he do less than soothe her fluttered nerves, guide her horse, and make himself as agreeable as possible?
18907Could she do less than feel ardently grateful, and manifest it in every look and accent?
18907Could you alter that, Will?"
18907Cousin Alice, how do you like it?"
18907Cousin Mary, are you too much engaged with your book to help us poor souls?"
18907Dear father, will you not give up your offices at court, and live henceforth at Alcantra?"
18907Did I say without a pilot?
18907Did not animal magnetism, containing so many things which could not be explained away, plainly prove it?
18907Did they fight?"
18907Do n''t you see that Ellen is ready to begin?"
18907Do you give it up?"
18907Do you know, I thought I was in Fairy Land?
18907Do you not love me?"
18907Do you not see, comrades, how she resembles her mother, Ellen Buckingham?
18907Do you remember the story of Dr. Samuel Johnson, when writing his''Lives of the Poets''?"
18907Do you see any other moral?"
18907Do you see that big fellow, how he shines in the sun, and shows all the colors of the rainbow?
18907Does no one have compassion upon him?
18907Don Alphonso, however, was not quite such a bloody- minded tyrant as Don Pedro: how could he be, as he was one of our ancestors?
18907Enraged at her insolence, her enemy, looking up, asked,"Who in the palace is on my side?"
18907For hearest thou not the subdued sound of horses''hoofs scattering the snow?
18907Full of awe as he was, the little man still wished to gratify his curiosity as to the manner of his kinsman''s death: could that be done?
18907Go to my own dear, sweet mamma?
18907Have none a plea to offer for his pardon?
18907Have they any particular mode of training?"
18907Have you any objection to being my servant, Ned?"
18907Have you ever rubbed a cat''s fur the wrong way, in the dark?"
18907Have you not well considered the matter?"
18907Have you the direction?"
18907He is not one of those who hold the creed of impious Cain,"Am I my brother''s keeper?"
18907He remarked,''Do you like the last style of bonnets, Madam?''
18907Horrified, the little girl ran up to Smith:"these are my things,"she said;"how dare you put them into the shop?"
18907How came he there?
18907How can she please you all?"
18907How can they prefer brick and stone to the everlasting hills, the soft green turf, and the majestic forests?
18907How could that be?"
18907How do you like my plan?"
18907How do you think I could pass for a Jew?"
18907How long since?"
18907How shall we manage it though, my fine fellow?"
18907How stood they in their accounts?
18907How to retrieve himself?
18907How would you like that?"
18907I apprenticed my daughter to a dressmaker, and the first thing she made was a V. M.""Velvet mantilla?"
18907I apprenticed my son to a carpenter, and the first thing he sold was a T.""A table?"
18907I apprenticed my son to a tinman, and the first thing he sold was a N. G.""Nutmeg- grater?"
18907I call it''Who can he be?''"
18907I have a thousand pretty things I want to teach you: do you not wish to learn them?"
18907I hope so indeed; for do you know, my dears,"said Mrs. Wyndham,"that it is past eleven o''clock?
18907I must use the words of that sensible''Coon, who has earned immortality by meeting his death like a philosopher--''Is that you, Captain Scott?''
18907I remember the question was once put to him,''What is the Latin name of the earth?''
18907I shall not forget that passage, uncle, as long as I live: who wrote it?"
18907In asking the girls, I merely reverse the questions:''From whom did you receive your first offer?''
18907In five minutes, the farmer returned, having concluded his bargain; but where was his cart, and horse, and load of wood?
18907In the morning, when the Professor was ready for his usual ride, where was his horse?
18907Indeed, what woman should be ignorant of them, if she wishes to be helpful to herself and useful to others?
18907Is any one too grave and too wise to approve of such conduct?
18907Is it the western sun, tinted by the colored glass of the bay- window, or is it the ruddy hickory fire?
18907Is it wonderful that Don Fernando escorted her to the gate of the castle?
18907Is it wonderful, that Rudolph was the idol of his parents, the favorite of his playmates, and the cherished darling of the whole castle?
18907Is n''t it fine?"
18907Is n''t it right and proper for the boys to take their equal share?"
18907Just then, young Rudolph, brave and fair, Perceived my urgent need; He risk''d his life in saving mine-- And shall that kind heart bleed?"
18907Magdalena clasped her father''s hand:"O, may we not always live here?"
18907Mary, will you be kind enough to read it?"
18907May I be allowed a word in private?"
18907Now will you let me fly a kite?"
18907Now, do you understand about oxygen and nitrogen, which chiefly make up the atmospheric air?"
18907Now, who can be this poet, warrior, and king?"
18907One of the games this evening was"What is my thought like?"
18907Secluded within his palace, with many rivals to counteract her, would she not gather thorns, as well as blossoms, in the Flowery Land?
18907Shall I attempt to describe the grief of the child, deprived of all she loved?
18907Shall I lap my soul in indolent ease while the work of life is before me?
18907Shall I let him return to earth?
18907Shall we allow the visions of fancy, or the charms of nature, to steal away our hearts from human sympathy?
18907Surely, it can not be Mr. Roscoe, the retired merchant, who is so prominent for his benevolence and liberality?"
18907Surely, you do not believe in ghosts?
18907The arrows of the Almighty have pierced us-- shall we any longer strive against our Maker?
18907The medium asked,"Whether the inquirer should recover his rights, and obtain a copy of the deed?"
18907Their town was, indeed, admirably fortified; but since Tyre, the Queen of the Sea, had been subdued, how could they hope to escape?
18907They continually received-- did they also dispense the goodness of God?
18907They owed debts to their Maker and Redeemer, and to their fellow- men: how had they paid them?
18907They would kill me if they thought I had betrayed them;--will you protect me?"
18907Tom, do n''t you hope we''ll have a story to- night?"
18907Was all deception, illusion?
18907Was he ever to be alone, consumed by vain longings for affection he was destined never to receive?
18907Was it Hood?"
18907Was there nothing real, naught to satisfy the heart?
18907Was your_ spook_ polite enough to bring your lamp, as well as yourself, into your room?"
18907We ca n''t play to- day, and a fellow like me does n''t want to read the whole time: what on earth can we do?
18907What could have put the notion into your head that I was ill?"
18907What do you think of our turning astrologers?"
18907What have you to answer, Cornelia?"
18907What is the meaning of that?"
18907What is this I hold in my hand?"
18907What relationship was there between them?"
18907What shall they do next?
18907What was there upon earth to revive the spirit of the little orphan, so utterly deserted, so ready to perish?
18907What was to be done?
18907What words can describe the sights of beauty that awaited him?
18907What, madam, is the reason of this change of purpose?
18907What, meantime, had been Malcom''s lot?
18907What, meantime, had been her fate?
18907When Cornelia entered, Mary said to her:"Does your majesty feel very sore from your fall?"
18907When that year had begun, what resolutions of improvement had been formed, what vows of greater fidelity had been made?
18907Who are the most immoral of manufacturers?
18907Who can he be?"
18907Who can he be?"
18907Who can he be?"
18907Who can he be?"
18907Who let that cat out of the bag?"
18907Who was the true prophet, and who the false?"
18907Who would stoop to be a duchess, when the diadem of an empress was placed at her disposal?
18907Why are you not at home with your father and mother?"
18907Why is it that this desirable accomplishment, which promotes so much the happiness of the home circle, is not more cultivated?
18907Why is the clock the most humble of all things?"
18907Why not?
18907Will she, can she accept him?
18907Will you be the lead- merchant?"
18907With ardent gratitude and passionate love and admiration, Rudolph embraced the beautiful Queen, and said,"Is this really true?
18907Would she accept from him an annuity, which, after all, was only a small return for her kindness to his brother''s child?"
18907Would you like to try it?"
18907Would you run off, Amy, if he were?"
18907You are not so weak?"
18907You do n''t think I am going to keep you without receiving board, do you?"
18907You see this jar?
18907allow me to ask, reverend sir, or venerable madam, as the case may be, how many centuries are pressing their weight upon your silver locks?
18907and is this splendid place to be my own home?"
18907and when, for the first time, the young heir followed him to the chase, who so happy as he?
18907are you not almost perished?"
18907asked the monarch:"that magic flower hitherto unplucked by mortals?
18907do you mean our tell- tale faces?"
18907exclaimed Barrington,"how do you stand it?
18907felt by young as well as old-- how, in trouble, could we dispense with it?
18907has a friend arrived?"
18907is that all the thanks I get for the pains I have taken to make a man of you?"
18907mourn, and weep, and give herself up to melancholy?
18907no wife or child?"
18907or had it fallen upon hard, unfeeling hearts, which it could not penetrate?
18907said his sister Ellen,"you do n''t really think the dinner the best part of the day?"
18907shall we tell her of our hopes?"
18907sons of*** and****, do you say?
18907the chariot of Israel, and the horsemen thereof?''
18907were you, really, such a_ green_ child as that?"
18907what do you mean, child?"
18907what words can describe them?
18907why, can that be true?"
18907with so many little ones, could you take another?"
18907would not our hearts sink under their load?
18907would not our spirits be crushed within us?
16448''Ah, why was that?'' 16448 ''And in what direction do I fly?''
16448''And what may be your name?'' 16448 ''And will you live with me here, my precious child?''
16448''And you have seen it?'' 16448 ''But what-- where-- where is the Valley of Vain Regret?''
16448''Dear me,''said Purity,''is that old make- believe thing ground here, trying to cheat you? 16448 ''Do n''t you fear the dogs?''
16448''From whence come you?'' 16448 ''Have you ever heard, in your country, of the Castle of True Delight?''
16448''Have you still--_still_ no faith?'' 16448 ''No, you can not see how-- but what does that matter?''
16448''Oh, Love, y''ai n''t done fergit me, is yer? 16448 ''Purity,''he asked slowly,''is this my castle?''
16448''Then I-- I, too, am the King''s child?'' 16448 ''Then why not?''
16448''To what end?'' 16448 ''What do you see?''
16448''What is fear?'' 16448 ''Why did they do that for us?''
16448A beauty, is she?
16448A daisy is an idea of God, is n''t it?
16448A good breakfast, eh?
16448A new one, mother?
16448A-- a handkerchief?
16448Am I of any consequence?
16448America''s all right, eh, Julia?
16448And did n''t your niece ever have a little girl?
16448And do n''t know where it is? 16448 And have you thought of your mothers, whom you did n''t even kiss good- by?"
16448And how about Chips?
16448And how about the beam in my little girl''s own eye?
16448And let grandpa choose, wo n''t you?
16448And what are you going to do at Lake Michigan?
16448And what is to become of you?
16448And what will you do this dismal day?
16448And wo n''t Mr. Reeves be glad to see you coming to church with us?
16448And you do n''t feel a bit sorry to be going alone to Chicago?
16448And you, Julia?
16448And you, too, grandpa?
16448Anybody? 16448 Apples for the little baskets?"
16448Are n''t they cunning, Jewel?
16448Are n''t we getting well acquainted, mother?
16448Are n''t you going to kiss me good- night?
16448Are they going with us, grandpa?
16448Are you all through talking about that?
16448Are you coming down to the auto, Frank?
16448Are you going to allow me to drive to the station in your place this morning?
16448Are you sure you are n''t getting too tired, dear?
16448Are you sure, Zeke, that grandpa said father might ride Essex Maid?
16448Beside,with an inspiration,"you''d like your hands free to help your mother carry her bags, would n''t you?"
16448Bless their little hearts, what can it all be about?
16448But I can wade, ca n''t I? 16448 But has grandpa gone?"
16448But how can she get it out, how?
16448But how would it be my fault?
16448But what are we going to do?
16448But what shall I do about Frank and Lucy?
16448But you never would have expected to have it when you were as young as father, would you?
16448But, father,Julia appealed to him,"is it right to make Harry get on still longer without Jewel?"
16448By means of that book?
16448Ca n''t I roll your chair?
16448Ca n''t we help it?
16448Ca n''t you see that we are half buried in golden dogs?
16448Can I speak to you just one minute?
16448Can we have the dishes just the same?
16448Can you be strong, princess?
16448Can you pay your debts?
16448Could we stay here a few days?
16448Could you?
16448Dear God,he murmured breathlessly,"what now?
16448Dear me, am I really going to_ do_ it?
16448Dear me,she replied,"if you think God made her get that way, who do you think''s going to cure her?"
16448Did n''t grandpa love father before?
16448Did n''t we_ know_ that Divine Love would take care of us, grandpa?
16448Did n''t you ever hear the saying''laugh and grow fat''? 16448 Did n''t you ever see any?"
16448Did n''t you see how glad Faith was when she gave-- I mean when I found the prince in the bowl? 16448 Did n''t you see what a pretty curtsy we all made?"
16448Did you answer me?
16448Did you ever hear of anything so wonderful, grandpa? 16448 Did you ever see anybody look so pretty as Anna Belle does, in that necklace?"
16448Did you know there was a God?
16448Did you like it?
16448Do n''t I get out of it?
16448Do n''t you know about God?
16448Do n''t you know that you are going home?
16448Do n''t you want to choose one special one for yours, Gladys? 16448 Do n''t you, Topaz?"
16448Do they have Nesselrode pudding?
16448Do you ever kiss strangers?
16448Do you feel well, Gladys?
16448Do you like stories?
16448Do you like turtles?
16448Do you mean it?
16448Do you mean jealousy; envy, hatred, or malice?
16448Do you realize what unfashionable people you are proposing to take, yourself, father?
16448Do you remember Gladys on her birthday morning, dearie? 16448 Do you remember good old Chloe, who used to come every Saturday to scrub for me?
16448Do you remember the last time we stood watching Jewel asleep? 16448 Do you remember the stories your mother used to tell us about the work of the error- fairies?"
16448Do you remember the teaching about the worthlessness of mortal mind love? 16448 Do you remember what a little time you used to have to hold me in your lap and hug me?"
16448Do you see that bunch under the cloth at my place? 16448 Do you suppose I believe in such things?
16448Do you suppose Valentine''s Day is over, dearie, or had I better stand by the door again?
16448Do you suppose for one minute that you could make them stay at home?
16448Do you suppose ragamuffins like you approach her highness?
16448Do you suppose we could find another?
16448Do you think I could call you aunt Hazel?
16448Do you think I shall get over my awe of him?
16448Do you think it will always be enough for you to hear her say''Ma- ma, Pa- pa?''
16448Do_ you_?
16448Does Flossie think He would?
16448Does every one know it?
16448Does n''t my little girl want anything to eat to- night?
16448Does n''t she like to come out here where the flowers are?
16448Does she know she''s going to have the tea- set?
16448Does the pond have to go, grandpa?
16448Does your highness intend to take this-- this person to the palace?
16448Error, eh?
16448Father, father,he exclaimed,"what wonder is this?
16448Father, father,she said,"do n''t you want us to go with you?"
16448Father, will you change places with me?
16448Father, will you come back here?
16448For an office, do you mean? 16448 Grandpa, are father and mother and I going to live with you-- always?"
16448Grandpa, would n''t it be nice if mother had somebody to play with, too, so we could go out in the boat whenever we wanted to?
16448Grandpa,she began, in an unsteady, muffled tone,"I did n''t tease you too much about the old boat, did I?"
16448Has she ever seen them?
16448Have n''t I been telling you all about it? 16448 Have things?"
16448Have you asked father if you might keep hens?
16448Have you been driving?
16448Have you decided I do n''t deserve them?
16448Have you ever seen Jewel''s silk dress?
16448Have you ever spoken to your uncle Dick about my garden?
16448Have you forgotten the yellow chicken you gave me?
16448Have you given me something, dearie?
16448He does n''t know you, does he?
16448He let me buy geraniums and pansies and lemon verbena-- I love that, do n''t you?
16448He''s Mr. Evringham''s coachman, is n''t he?
16448He''s a friendly fellow,he went on; then continued to the man,"Would you like to sell him?"
16448Hello, grandpa, are you coming out?
16448Here,said her father hastily,"which of these delicious candies do you want, Jewel?
16448How about your own, father?
16448How can I help it? 16448 How do I know you are not a thief?"
16448How do you know I have?
16448How do you suppose father has got along without his little girl all these weeks, eh, baby?
16448How has Jewel been able to take it so cheerfully? 16448 How is Anna Belle?"
16448How is the baby prince?
16448How is the quest flower to- day?
16448How long do you suppose you''ll be staying with us now, Jewel?
16448How m- many m- miles off is Chicago?
16448How many days have you to give us, Harry?
16448How will little Jewel like the apartment after this?
16448How would it be for me to go up to the house and see if we could get permission to take a little sail?
16448How would you like it next spring for me to get some for you for the brook?
16448How''s that?
16448I ask you,pursued Mr. Evringham,"what would the turtles do while the war was on?"
16448I can not part with it to you,returned the youth,"but do you not know that at the Public Garden a bulb of this flower is free to all?"
16448I guess I like Star best the way he is,she replied,"but grandpa, did you ever_ hear_ of such a darling dog?"
16448I should hate to be a third party, should n''t you?
16448I suppose it would n''t be any use to try to teach Star to dance, would it?
16448I suppose you are not devotedly attached to Chicago, Harry?
16448I think it wanted to look up and down the street, do n''t you?
16448I wish she would n''t do that,she said wistfully;"because turtles would be fun, would n''t they, grandpa?"
16448I''m glad He does n''t think about mistakes,--sickness, and everything like that, are n''t you?
16448I''m to go in town with you, am I? 16448 If what?"
16448In where? 16448 Indeed?"
16448Is Ada still there?
16448Is error talking to you, Zeke? 16448 Is he yours?"
16448Is it sorry, do you think?
16448Is n''t it lovely to live with this garden?
16448Is n''t she queer- looking?
16448Is n''t she stunning? 16448 Is she anybody to be afraid of?"
16448Is she as bitter as ever?
16448Is she going to help stock your island?
16448Is somebody calling me?
16448Is that the way you think the story went, grandpa?
16448Is that what Big- Eyes was crying about? 16448 Is that what you''ve been talking about?"
16448Is that you, grandpa?
16448Is there some one with her?
16448Is this an india rubber girl?
16448It is Hobson''s choice this time,said Mrs. Evringham,"so we''ll all choose the story, wo n''t we?"
16448It would n''t be loving to let them know how sorry it makes us to say good- by, would it? 16448 It''s a case, is n''t it, Zeke?"
16448It''s a pretty nice world, is n''t it?
16448It_ is_?
16448Jewel''s voice, do you mean?
16448Jewel, are you strictly honorable?
16448Jewel,for here the child entered the room,"play the Spring Song for your mother, will you?"
16448Lay eggs?
16448Lunch, do you mean?
16448May I make her speak once?
16448Mother, do you see his star?
16448Mother, would n''t you like to have a fire while we read?
16448Mother,said Alma brokenly, as soon as she could speak again,"when do you think father will come home?"
16448Mrs. Forbes is careful of you, is n''t she?
16448Not yours?
16448Now what are you hoping your mother has for you?
16448Now? 16448 Oh, Frank, do you suppose she could have sent Alma the''comic''?"
16448Oh, Harry, ca n''t you see how touching it is?
16448Oh, Mrs. Forbes, do you think I could take Anna Belle to New York?
16448Oh, are they sand- fleas? 16448 Oh, do you believe He does?"
16448Oh, grandpa, do these cost very much?
16448Oh, grandpa, do you think our pictures will be good?
16448Oh, grandpa, is that you?
16448Oh, have you an aquarium?
16448Oh, have you come?
16448Oh, it would be splendid, grandpa,responded Jewel,"but-- but he might say no, and_ could_ I get in just a minute first?"
16448Oh, may I look at it?
16448Oh, mother, did you ever_ hear_ of such a pretty boat?
16448Oh, that''s your plan, is it?
16448Oh, the inseparables? 16448 Oh, then, is it new?
16448Oh, what was it?
16448Oh, why did you say that, Ada?
16448Oh,cried the child, bewildered,"are you going to_ do_ it?"
16448Oh,_ did n''t_ you send it?
16448One bone perhaps you could give him?
16448Perhaps we could,replied Jewel hopefully"Does n''t mother tell the_ nicest_ stories, grandpa?"
16448Pretty neat outfit, is n''t it?
16448Pretty nice folks, are they?
16448Put it on in the morning, then, and keep it on all day?
16448Remember the day you got here, kid?
16448Saw you ever anything so grand, your highness?
16448Saw you ever one so handsome?
16448Saw you not''twas not Topaz?
16448Sha n''t I pull up the bucket for you?
16448Shall you ever forget our relief when her first letter came, showing that she was happy? 16448 Shall you-- shall you like this one, too?"
16448She would n''t touch this great big pond, would she?
16448She''s hopping, is n''t she?
16448That is n''t Christian Science, is it?
16448That-- and this?
16448The fairy Flapjack?
16448The green pastures were in Bel- Air Park, were n''t they?
16448The horses wo n''t care, will they, Jewel?
16448Then does she say her prayers just the same?
16448Then if you believe it, why are you sad?
16448Then we ought to row over, do n''t you think so?
16448Then why is not every one happy?
16448Then why not take a vacation, Julia?
16448Then why-- why,asked Jewel,"when the big rollers keep coming, does n''t the pond get filled fuller than ever?"
16448Then will your highness kindly ask these ladies to leave us?
16448Then you will give me one of you, too, grandpa?
16448There, Topaz, what do you think of that?
16448There, do you see these little hoppers?
16448To Chicago, do you mean?
16448Topaz, what_ is_ the matter?
16448Two of those in a day? 16448 Use them for horses?
16448Wait, Jewel, I think Anna Belle would rather see it growing until we go, do n''t you?
16448Wake her? 16448 Was it because of what you could get from her, or because of what you could do for her?"
16448Was n''t that a silly sort of thing for Ellen to say?
16448Was n''t that_ lovely_, grandpa? 16448 We do n''t know how to thank your grandpa, do we?"
16448We''d rather hurt each other than the turtles, would n''t we, Ernest?
16448We''ll see, and then, after that-- how much Nesselrode pudding do you think you can eat? 16448 We''re all ready now, are n''t we?
16448Well, but are you smiling, grandpa?
16448Well, is n''t it a comfort about eternity?
16448Well, is n''t it a good thing then that nothing is?
16448Well, mother, will you go and see Mrs. Driscoll some time?
16448Well, was n''t it meant to make you laugh, dearie?
16448Well, what_ is_ up?
16448Well, you do that all the time, do n''t you?
16448Well,said Mr. Evringham to Jewel,"he is a dog of high degree, like Gabriel''s, is n''t he?
16448Well,she said, after a pause, smiling at her grandfather and lifting her shoulders,"shall I try, then?"
16448Well? 16448 Were you thinking of spending the night in the ferry- house, perhaps?"
16448What I was thinking of was, could I have a picture of Essex Maid to take with me to Chicago?
16448What ails you, little one?
16448What am I to go in quest of?
16448What are we going to do?
16448What are you doing?
16448What are you going to do; treat the little invalid?
16448What did Mr. Evringham say?
16448What did she mean?
16448What do you mean, child?
16448What do you mean?
16448What do you mean?
16448What do you mean?
16448What do you mean?
16448What do you scream so for?
16448What do you suppose it is?
16448What do you think?
16448What does this mean, Vera? 16448 What for the other?"
16448What for?
16448What friends? 16448 What game are they playing?"
16448What green- eyed monster?
16448What happened a minute ago to you- all? 16448 What happened next?"
16448What happened to Dinah?
16448What has that to do with it?
16448What have you brought with you for her and her brother?
16448What have you done to make them glad you came? 16448 What have you for me?"
16448What have you in your hand?
16448What have you there?
16448What is a quest?
16448What is blasphemous?
16448What is her business, briefly?
16448What is it, Ellen?
16448What is it, Jewel?
16448What is it, mother; a bag for my skates?
16448What is it, my lamb, what is it?
16448What is it? 16448 What is it?
16448What is it? 16448 What is it?"
16448What is the meaning of that?
16448What is this, father?
16448What is your last name?
16448What is your plan, Jewel?
16448What king is going to get my lily?
16448What made you think of such a thing?
16448What part is the hen going to play?
16448What prevents? 16448 What reward have they given you?"
16448What shall I call you, little one?
16448What shall I say to her, Jewel?
16448What sort of a doll have you, Faith?
16448What train?
16448What was that?
16448What was that?
16448What was this comic valentine that made so much trouble?
16448What work?
16448What would he be doing dancing? 16448 What''ll you give us?"
16448What''s Tiffany''s?
16448What''s all this?
16448What''s bail?
16448What''s his last name?
16448What''s ructions?
16448What''s that? 16448 What''s that?"
16448What''s that?
16448What''s the reason that we could n''t drive with them to the nearest river before the brook ran dry?
16448What''s up?
16448What''s your doll''s name?
16448What? 16448 What?
16448What? 16448 What?
16448What? 16448 What?
16448When are we going out, Jewel?
16448When are you going to let me jump fences?
16448When is father coming back again?
16448When shall I come? 16448 Where are your principles?"
16448Where did it come from?
16448Where did you ever see it?
16448Where does she live?
16448Where dwells his master, then?
16448Where go you now, and what do you do?
16448Where is Jewel?
16448Where is it to be bought?
16448Where is the great and good Anna Belle?
16448Where is your home, Gabriel, and why are you not returning there?
16448Where is your yellow dog?
16448Where shall I put him for to- night?
16448Where were we?
16448Which do you guess, Anna Belle? 16448 Which one do you look like?"
16448Which one?
16448Which? 16448 Who afflicted her?"
16448Who is she?
16448Who is that girl?
16448Who is this that has n''t any friend?
16448Who says this dog ai n''t accomplished?
16448Who were you named for?
16448Who would do that?
16448Who''s going to punish you?
16448Whose fault is it?
16448Why did n''t I see it first?
16448Why did n''t she tell me last evening?
16448Why did n''t_ you_ think of it, then, or mother?
16448Why did you fly at me so yesterday?
16448Why do you say that?
16448Why do you suppose I ca n''t find any turtles in my brook?
16448Why not have''The Golden Dog''again?
16448Why not, pray?
16448Why not? 16448 Why not?"
16448Why not?
16448Why, Harry, how can I? 16448 Why, I could eat"--began the child hungrily,"I could eat"--"Eggs?"
16448Why, grandpa, why?
16448Why, grandpa? 16448 Why, grandpa?"
16448Why, have you asked her?
16448Why, is Frank in it, too?
16448Why, it''s error to be weak and wear spectacles and have things, is n''t it?
16448Why, then, could n''t the somebody keep him?
16448Why, then, did you stain his coat?
16448Why, what happens?
16448Why, what has happened, dear?
16448Why? 16448 Will he scrabble?"
16448Will they, indeed?
16448Will you give me that dog?
16448Will you if he does?
16448Wo n''t Faith''s eyes open when she sees Vera?
16448Wo n''t you be seated?
16448Would n''t that be the most_ fun_?
16448Would n''t you rather the waitress poured?
16448Would she ask Summer to touch this great big pond? 16448 Would the dog dance for me if he were not mine?
16448Would you, dearie? 16448 Yes, I do, and we''ll have the story now, wo n''t we, mother?"
16448Yes, have n''t we had_ fun_? 16448 Yes, indeed,"replied Frank;"but do n''t you want to take Lucy in my place?"
16448Yes,she responded,"and then after dinner,_ what_?"
16448You are n''t in earnest, Julia? 16448 You do, eh, rascal?"
16448You knew him when he was little?
16448You know when Jesus was on earth? 16448 You mean my invitation?"
16448You really do, eh?
16448You wo n''t object, will you?
16448You''d like to have a picture of Star to keep, would n''t you?
16448You''ll help me, Jewel?
16448You''re happy, are n''t you, father?
16448You''re not willing to be a thorough- going land lubber, are you?
16448You''ve named him?
16448Your father is through in Chicago, then? 16448 Your house is splendid and safe, is n''t it, Johnnie?"
16448_ You_ know it''s more blessed to give than to receive, do n''t you, grandpa?
16448''Felt you an unloving thought?''
16448''How did you pass the dragon?''
16448''Purity,''said the man, for something suddenly came into his head,''is this the Heavenly Country?''
16448''We need no horses,''she said, gently,''and what would you with a sword?''
16448''What does that mean?''
16448A lot of men waiting for you?
16448Anna Belle, wo n''t it be the most_ fun_?
16448Another listening silence, then:--"You know the reason I feel the worst, do n''t you?"
16448Another pause; then Mr. Ford said:"You both look tired, have n''t you had enough of it?
16448Are there any pictures of you?"
16448Are they going to have them both, grandpa?"
16448Are you laying laws on grandpa?"
16448Are you staying far from here?"
16448Are you sure?
16448Are you_ sure_ you do n''t feel sorry now?"
16448At the Waldorf?"
16448But would an organ- grinder dare claim for his own a dog that belonged to a princess of the country?
16448But you say he danced with so much grace?"
16448Ca n''t you see?"
16448Can I bring Anna Belle?"
16448Can you hear me?"
16448Come, now, are you going to read us that story?
16448Could I go out in the dressing- room to get my handkerchief, and see if they''re on their usual window- sill?"
16448Did n''t we?"
16448Did the ride seem_ very_ long, all alone?"
16448Did these people think they were seeing Topaz dance?
16448Did you ever_ hear_ of such impoliteness?"
16448Did you feel our insignificance when she found he''d gone?
16448Did you feel very sorry when you got in the brougham, grandpa?"
16448Did you notice we caught one of our old horses to- day?
16448Did you say''Go off, you triflin''vilyun''?
16448Did you suppose I would n''t want you to speak the truth?"
16448Did you think your story was going to end that way?"
16448Did your grandpa have him made to order?"
16448Do it now, wo n''t you?"
16448Do n''t you begin to love mother very much, grandpa?"
16448Do n''t you suppose I know enough not to rock it too far?
16448Do n''t you think so?"
16448Do n''t you wish we could cross in a swan boat, grandpa?"
16448Do people believe it?"
16448Do you fear to take him home lest your father boil him down for his gold?"
16448Do you forget that?''
16448Do you like to row, Gladys?"
16448Do you play the piano?"
16448Do you remember how much it troubled you when I first came?
16448Do you remember the hornpipe you danced in our lodgings and how you shocked the landlady?
16448Do you suppose the wind gives them any warning, or any time to pack?"
16448Do you think it would be too extravagant for me to wear my silk dress?"
16448Do you understand?"
16448Do you want a stranger like that to hear everything we''re saying?"
16448Do you want to have Star sit for his picture?"
16448Do_ you_ know the name?"
16448Does she do pretty well in her studies, Miss Joslyn?"
16448Grandpa, are we going home with you?"
16448Harry, is it possible that we do n''t know your father at_ all_?
16448Has n''t He taken care of us all the way and helped us over every hard place?
16448Has n''t she the prettiest clothes?
16448Has n''t she told you?"
16448Have n''t I God to take care of me, and is n''t He greater than all men?"
16448Have n''t I just had a trip to Europe?"
16448Have n''t you something you can read to us, Julia?"
16448Have you ever learned to ride?"
16448Have you forgotten that there is only one person you have the right to work with and change?"
16448Have you found some other path?''
16448Have you named her yet?"
16448Have you such a book?"
16448He leadeth me beside the still waters''?"
16448How can she dip it out?
16448How can they?"
16448How could I be?
16448How could a girl expect to be so selfish as Faith, and then have everybody let her do just what she wanted to?
16448How could grown- up people not forgive one another?
16448How do you know that this was n''t meant for you all day?"
16448How ever came you across by yourself?''
16448How is it with you?"
16448How is it with you?"
16448How long, I mean?"
16448How many times have you made me laugh since we left the office?"
16448How shall we go over to the beach this time, Jewel, row or sail?
16448How shall you like that?"
16448How was that for a case of_ lèse majestà ©_?
16448How would you like to stay in at the hotel with us, and then we could go out to the house to- morrow and pack your trunk?"
16448How, then, was help to come?
16448How_ can_ the lady know him by his name so well as we do?"
16448I do n''t even know what jibe is, so how could I do it?"
16448I fancy it will oftener be your father and mother in the phaeton and you and I on our noble steeds, eh, Jewel?"
16448I have n''t had one taken in so many years, how can I tell?
16448I know you do n''t call it that, but what does it matter what you call it, when you all give her slavish obedience?
16448I love to hear the rain, too, do n''t you?"
16448I suppose, ma''am, you''ll like to have the children come to the table?"
16448I think that''s about as much fun as anything, do n''t you, Ernest?"
16448I told grandpa about it, driving to the station this morning, and what do you suppose he asked me?"
16448I went to my tailor this morning, and what do you think he told me?"
16448If I should wear some large bows behind my ears, could n''t I come to some of these readings?"
16448If you did n''t have one to grow on, how would you get along?"
16448Into New York?"
16448Is n''t he a darling?"
16448Is n''t her hair sweet, Ellen?"
16448Is n''t it a little comfort to you to think that it will be some punishment to Ada to see you do it?"
16448Is n''t it a quaint old thing?"
16448Is n''t it beautiful that it has, Jewel?"
16448Is n''t it beautiful that she''s going to get well?"
16448Is n''t it the most_ fun_ not to know what it is?"
16448Is n''t this a fine birthday Mother Nature''s fixed up for you?"
16448It says in the Bible''When He giveth quietness who then can make trouble?''
16448It''ll be an adventure, grandpa, wo n''t it?"
16448Just as soon as your thought is surely right, do n''t you know that your heavenly Father is going to show you how to unravel this little snarl?
16448Love was as willin'', as willin''to stay as violets is to open in the springtime; but when Dinah an''Slap- back was both agin her, what could she do?
16448Meanwhile what am I to do with you?"
16448Must I give up mine to Him?
16448Must n''t they be surprised when that happens, grandpa?"
16448Nice old place, this, Julia?"
16448Now where shall we go first?"
16448Now, what if this wise prospector was willing to help you?
16448Now, why should n''t flowers grow for me, I should like to know?"
16448Oh, mother, we''ll go to the ravine to read, wo n''t we?"
16448Oh, there is so much to see, Jewel; shall we ever get to the end?"
16448Perhaps some day somebody''ll say to you,''Why, Jewel''s a grown up lady, is n''t she?''
16448Saw you ever one like it?"
16448Say, when''ll you read it to me?
16448She does n''t know how big the house is, does she, grandpa?"
16448She knew this was the truth, but oh, the entrancing bird, how could she see it belong to another?
16448Should n''t you think she''d feel ashamed?
16448Should n''t you think you''d_ know_ by this time that we''re being taken care of?''
16448Should n''t you-- you think I''d-- remember it?
16448Something about that Driscoll kid?
16448Suppose we send for him, eh?"
16448That you needed some new clothes?"
16448The big man obeyed and walked along, grumbling:"Is the city full of stolen dogs, I wonder?"
16448The child observed his laughing face wistfully,"She did n''t know how to handle it in mind, did she?"
16448There, young lady, what do you think of that?"
16448They kissed her lovingly, and then her mother said:--"Well, what does my little girl want for her gift?"
16448To her surprise and even dismay, Jewel spoke cheerfully after another yawn:--"Grandpa, how far is it to the ferry?
16448Tom, Dick, and Harry?
16448Was it really worth while, he wondered,"to buckle down"and learn to read?
16448Was n''t it a nice time, father?"
16448Was this to be their last morning together?
16448We know something about golden dogs here, eh, Jewel?"
16448Well, we wo n''t be here while the ravine is empty of the brook, will we, grandpa?
16448Were there any Almas where you went to school, Jewel?"
16448Were they sorry to go?
16448What are the fruits of Christian Science?
16448What did I understand you to say, Harry, is your limit for time?"
16448What did I wrong, that you did not take care of Topaz and me?"
16448What did you tell me this morning?"
16448What do you know about that outfit?"
16448What do you mean?"
16448What do you suppose it was she whispered to him?"
16448What do you think it was, aunt Hazel?"
16448What do you think of that?
16448What do you think of that?"
16448What else could Alma Driscoll expect?"
16448What golden dog was there anywhere but Topaz?
16448What had happened to it?
16448What has the factory to do with it?"
16448What is it?
16448What is the need of thinking about her at all?"
16448What wonder was this?
16448What would she want to do it for?"
16448What would you do?"
16448What''d you do?
16448What''s he going to have?"
16448What''s that it said on your grandmother''s silver bowl?"
16448What''s the matter?"
16448When did you hear that?"
16448When do you think we can go, Harry?"
16448When he did, it was with a brief,"Well?"
16448When his advice or directions came to you, from time to time, do you think you would be likely to stop to haggle or argue over them?
16448Where are your principles?
16448Where do your folks go to church, for pity''s sake?"
16448Where shall it be?
16448Where, if I have any right to ask, are you going?"
16448Which are we going to do, row or sail?"
16448Which way did they go?"
16448Who could benefit by the truth voiced by any of them, while he nursed either contempt or criticism of the personality of the teacher?"
16448Who do you suppose did it?"
16448Who does not?"
16448Who drives and who rides?"
16448Who was impolite when you rocked the boat, although Ernest asked you not to?"
16448Who''s afraid now?"
16448Why did n''t you come and bring me downstairs?"
16448Why do n''t people know that all they have to do is to put on more love to one another?
16448Why do you weep, Mother Lemon?
16448Why does n''t your father hurry up his affairs?"
16448Why not be a fish, Jewel?
16448Will it not go hard with the peasant?
16448Will they like it?"
16448Will they only be beautiful for Faith and Ernest?"
16448Will you?"
16448Wo n''t he be cunning in my aquarium?"
16448Would he grudge food for your pet?"
16448Would n''t she?
16448Would n''t you like to be Friday?"
16448Would n''t you like to come in and see it?"
16448Would n''t you like to go?"
16448Would that prospector be forcing you?
16448Writing books?
16448Yes-- yes-- I hear it; and you''ll come home early because you know-- our secret?"
16448You can see that, grandpa, because is n''t your rheumatism better?"
16448You could n''t look like a king in a procession in the clothes you wear to the store, could you, father?"
16448You do n''t happen to have seen many, sick folks, I guess-- what is your name?"
16448You have n''t been the giver of all these valentines, I suppose?"
16448You have n''t lost''em, have you?"
16448You know I love you just the same, even if I_ did_ sleep, do n''t you?"
16448You know where the reading- room is?
16448You see I''m going to dinner with him, and that''s just like going to a party, and I ought to be very particular, do n''t you think so?"
16448You see them?"
16448You waited for me, did n''t you?"
16448You''d have me become a rolling stone again?"
16448You''ve really been talking about Science?"
16448Zeke was a joker, of course, being a man, but what was he driving at now?
16448_ Could_ you wait while I get Anna Belle?"
16448and you''ll say,''Is she, really?
16448cried Hazel,"and would n''t you like to come too?"
16448mourned Faith,"and his shell is so red; but, Ernest, did n''t you notice what it said on that bowl?"
16448or doing you a kindness?
16448protested Jewel,"not even wade?"
16448protested the Lady Gertrude,"have you considered?
16448she said,"and you had n''t seen them, had you?"
16448she sighed happily,"are you really home?"