
This is a list of all the questions and their associated study carrel identifiers. One can learn a lot of the "aboutness" of a text simply by reading the questions.

identifier question
50145But the question was, how long would Herat be able to retain its independence?
12863By- the- bye, how is old Nelly?
12863So now it is a regular case of--"Who so merry as we in camp?
12863The vizier, in the dreadful condition in which he had been reduced, replied to the demand of Mahmood,"What can an old and blind man do?"
12863This is a regular case of here to- day and there to- morrow: perhaps my next letter may be dated from Cashmere-- who knows?
12863Where were they to be found?
12863You write about old----: did I never mention him to you?
8428''What Ameer?''
8428''Why not?''
8428Gallantly led home, the charge had failed-- what other result could have been expected?
8428On whose memory rests the dark shadow of responsibility for the first Afghan war?
8428Was that ever likely?
8428What, then, was to be done?
8428Why, then, should he concern himself with their rescue?
8428Yes, but could the framer of those orders have anticipated the possibility of such a position as that in which Massy now found himself?
52473''A girl?''
52473''Oh, a boy?''
52473''Pray, sir, may I ask what department you belong to?''
52473''Slip off at three?''
52473''Stroll in,''said the minister, in surprise;''then I presume you do not leave until a late hour?''
52473''Two hundred mortars being expected from France and England, can the town be destroyed by this means and an assault obviated?''
52473''Was you ever engaged at the Surrey in London?''
52473But is this really essential?
52473Can it be taken?
52473During dinner he turned gravely to one of the old Indian officers and said,''Can you tell me, what is a dhobie?''
52473He asked him about his Victoria Cross, and then, seeing he had the Crimean medal and clasp for Inkerman, said:''Were you at that battle?''
52473He said:''Why all this pressing to send British officers, when you declare that you have no wish to interfere in the internal affairs of Afghanistan?
52473He went up to Sir Edward, and remarked:''You lost your leg in the Crimea?''
52473I asked, where and what to do, neither enemy nor guns being in sight?
52473It is related that on his arrival he inquired of Sir Alexander if he remembered the last occasion on which they had met?
52473Looking about the room, and seeing a general officer at some distance, he inquired:''Who is that great man in a red coat?''
52473On this being brought to his notice, it is said, and I believe truly, that he observed:"Not loyal to the English?
52473One, looking over the parapet, said to his comrade:"Alphonse, êtes- vous prêt?"
52473Presently he turned round to me and said,''You wo n''t be offended, will you?''
52473Subject considered:''A telegraphic despatch from England, Can the town be destroyed?
52473Subject:''Whether, in case the town should not fall before the winter, it may not be necessary to raise the siege?''
52473The officer at once remarked:''If one stove saves half the fuel, why do n''t you buy two of them, and save the whole of it?''
52473This seemed rather incomprehensible, so I added,''Where is his brother?''
52473What is it?''
52473What is your reason?''
52473What was a chew- patty?
52473What were their duties?
52473What will you do next?''
52473Who was the brave Jones?
21979Ah Ripon, how are you?
21979All safe?
21979And you?
21979Any distinguishing mark on its clothes?
21979Anyhow, you''ll write to me regular, wo n''t you, Bill?
21979Are the children to come?
21979Are there any other channels through the reef?
21979Are there only two hands under the captain?
21979Are you quite agreed?
21979Are you ready to begin work at once, young''un? 21979 Are you sure that you know what you are saying?
21979Ask the sahibs,he said to Yossouf,"why they are in such a hurry-- why they want to start in the heat of the day?
21979But as we said before, Gale,Fortescue urged,"why should n''t they now attack us, if they wanted to?
21979But how are we to do that, Hans? 21979 But how on earth can that be?"
21979But if the men are thinking of attacking us why should n''t they do so, at once?
21979But is n''t it very dangerous?
21979But what has that to do with it, my dear old friend? 21979 But what is it?"
21979But what was his origin, Shepherd? 21979 But what will you do that for, Gale?
21979But where did the boy spring from? 21979 Could n''t we send a messenger, with the news of the fix we are in?"
21979Dangerous? 21979 Do n''t you think they will notice him?"
21979Do you know anything of him, previous to the time of his enlisting? 21979 Do you like fish?"
21979Do you think I have lived to the age of forty- five, and do n''t know a child''s cry, when I hear it? 21979 Every time I gets back to port, I''ll write; and you''ll write sometimes, wo n''t you?
21979Has the mission been captured?
21979Has your voyage been a pleasant one, captain?
21979Have you plenty of powder on board the ship, sir?
21979How goes it in front?
21979How is that, Mayhew? 21979 How many are there of you?"
21979How old is he?
21979How old is who?
21979I tell you, Sam, it''s a child; do n''t you hear it, man? 21979 If,"he said presently,"the time comes, and you see that it is of no use any longer to fight, and that all is lost, would you try to escape then?"
21979Is Lieutenant Gale here?
21979Is everything quiet?
21979Is that feather the only proof you have, Ripon?
21979Major Harrison,the colonel said,"will you and Captain Mayhew come with me to my cabin?
21979Not appear, because an impudent gypsy woman has threatened me? 21979 Not find Tom?"
21979Now, what do you say to enlisting? 21979 Now, which of these men has got such a boot on?
21979Now,he said, turning to Will,"what is that you have been doing?
21979Oh, Robert, how can you talk so? 21979 The same kind of fish as this?"
21979Well, Yossouf, what is it? 21979 Well, Yossouf, where have you laid the tiffin?"
21979Well, who was it?
21979Well, young''un,one said,"what''s yer name, and where do you come from?
21979What are you doing?
21979What are you going to do, now?
21979What can that have to do with it?
21979What do you say, Hans, shall we go on, or not?
21979What do you say, Hans?
21979What do you think, Tom? 21979 What do you zay, Will?
21979What had we better do, if no one comes back?
21979What have you got there, Yossouf?
21979What is it?
21979What is that for?
21979What is the matter, Yossouf?
21979What is zqueak?
21979What on earth are we to do now, Gale?
21979What on earth has become of the cavalry? 21979 What shall we do next, Hans?"
21979What sort of noise?
21979What style and type is he, captain? 21979 What''s the use of talking that way?"
21979What, drunk at this time in the morning?
21979Where can we be going?
21979Where is that little pickle?
21979Where''s mother?
21979Which way now?
21979Who is the old man?
21979Who is there?
21979Why do you come to us?
21979Why, how long have you missed him?
21979Why, what is the matter, Ripon? 21979 Will she beat Billy, when she comes back?"
21979Will you ship regularly on board the Sea Belle?
21979Will you take off your patrol jacket, open your shirt, and turn it well down at the neck?
21979Your idea is a capital one,the captain said, warmly;"but how about a fuse which would burn under water?
21979Your name is Mrs. Dickson, I think?
21979A rough sort of chap?"
21979Are you all determined?"
21979But how on earth are we to do that?"
21979Could it be managed?"
21979Did you happen to hear anything about it?"
21979Did you never hear of my having lost my child?"
21979Do n''t you see it?
21979Do you not hear them?"
21979Does she often beat you?"
21979Fortescue, are you hit?"
21979Good heavens, are you ill?"
21979Had you any difficulty in getting through the passes?"
21979Have you any wounded men here with you?"
21979Have you learned anything?"
21979How on earth came he to be there?"
21979Is your head quite clear, old friend?"
21979Now are you going to get up, or am I?"
21979Nurse, have you seen Master Tom?
21979That gives you your step, does it not?"
21979Their soldiers will fight, but what can they do against an army?
21979What is the feeling of the people here?"
21979What is the matter with you?"
21979What is your name?"
21979What is your name?"
21979What was it?"
21979What would be the good of being a marksman, when you can not see the end of your own rifle, let alone the man you are firing at?"
21979Where can the child have hidden itself?"
21979Where do you spring from?"
21979Who do you think this is?"
21979Why does your officer stop here, to be killed?"
21979Why should peace have been made at the very first reverse, and before the best fighting men had come to the front?
21979Why should you involve yourself in our fate?
21979Will you do it, without asking why?"
21979Yossouf raised Will to his feet,"Are you hurt?"
21979You remember her, Shepherd?
21979Zhall we get down and go furder into wood, or zhall we wait here?"
21979he repeated;"what are you talking about zhaving?"
21979the young wife exclaimed, apprehensively,"what could she do?
21979whom do I see here?"
55779An Englishman?
55779And I suppose that you know something of trade?
55779And how about Burnes?
55779And now you come hither as a spy?
55779And now, chief, what do you propose to do with me?
55779And so it is you, chief, to whom I owe my life?
55779And what do people say about the Russians? 55779 And would you thus burden yourself with a stranger?"
55779Are they madmen, who think they can tear down the walls of Ghuznee with their finger- nails?
55779Are you awake?
55779Are you going anywhere, master?
55779Are you ready to undertake a hazardous mission?
55779But does your chief guarantee that we shall go unmolested down to Dadur?
55779But how,he said doubtfully,"can your country, which is, as I hear, very far distant, exercise any influence with the Shah?
55779But what is our army doing?
55779But who are you, then, who have travelled so far, and how is it that having learned so many languages you are now here as a peasant?
55779But why should England have interfered? 55779 Can you find your way across the mountains in the dark?
55779Do you know the name of this chief?
55779Do you know where they have brought us?
55779Do you not see that we are friends?
55779Do you not think that Kamran will be able at any important moment to come forward and show himself among the defenders of the breach? 55779 Do you think that Akbar was a sharer in this treacherous attack?"
55779Does Saleh Mahomed sleep there?
55779Does not the Koran bid us succour the afflicted?
55779Had you hard fighting to get here?
55779Have you anything to report, Suleiman?
55779Have you news for us?
55779Have you thought of any way of escape?
55779How can he be there, in the midst of the enemy, unless indeed he is a prisoner?
55779How could this have happened, Azim? 55779 How do they intend to take Ghuznee?
55779How long is the pass, master?
55779How much would be charged?
55779How on earth did you manage it?
55779How quickly have you come from Cabul? 55779 How was it that you did not turn back when you found that your army was retiring without having captured Herat?"
55779I hear that one of your men is ill, can anything be done for him? 55779 I suppose it would be of no use taking torches?"
55779In the first place,the general said,"what is the state of the Bolan?"
55779Is it true that the kafirs are bringing no big guns with them?
55779It means, then,he said,"that if I do not leave Herat there will be war?"
55779May I ask what dress it will be proper for me to wear?
55779Shall I get the woman''s dress?
55779Shall you be sending a message to the minister?
55779So you are back, Suffyd?
55779Then why do you not do it? 55779 Then why should you go, master?"
55779Then you do n''t think things are going on well?
55779Then, if we are attacked we must be taken prisoners?
55779There were no troops there, then?
55779They tell me,the governor said,"that you can speak our tongue?"
55779Well, how much would you charge?
55779Well, lad, have you thought of any plan yet?
55779Well, lad?
55779Well, what would you have? 55779 Were you in the Persian camp?"
55779What are we to take, master? 55779 What are you doing, fools?"
55779What are you smiling at, Campbell?
55779What are you thinking of doing?
55779What can it mean? 55779 What do you think has happened?"
55779What do you want?
55779What does it matter,he said,"whether the soldiers take things or not?
55779What has happened?
55779What is it that you have come to ask of me? 55779 What is it that you want with me?"
55779What is its nature?
55779What is to be done next?
55779What on earth does this mean?
55779What should I do with money without employment?
55779What should we say,he burst out,"if the families of Dost Mahomed and Akbar himself were to be sold by your people as slaves to some barbarous race?
55779What words should I say, my lord? 55779 What would you here, stranger?"
55779When do you expect that a relief column will arrive from Peshawur?
55779When you have been in the city, Azim, have you ever seen our friend Sadut?
55779Where are you wounded?
55779Where could we put him in prison?
55779Where did you learn it?
55779Where did you say you came from?
55779Where in the world did you get these wedges?
55779Which, think you, would be best-- to travel straight for Cabul when you hear that the British have arrived there, or to wait here? 55779 Who are you?"
55779Who can withstand your people when they are fighting among your own hills? 55779 Why are we brought here?
55779Why come you here, Persian?
55779Why trouble to bring him as a prisoner?
55779Will you tell Izaac effendi that I desire greatly to speak to him?
55779Yes, what your minister says is true; but will he do this at once?
55779You are Mr. Campbell, the young gentleman of whom our vice- consul at Tabriz writes to me?
55779You are aware of its contents?
55779You have come hither for purposes of trade? 55779 You have my disguise ready and your own, Azim?"
55779You journeyed here comfortably, I hope?
55779You speak Persian, your excellency?
55779''Do you think that because our chief is a traitor we are traitors too?''"
55779Angus said,"and why have we been carried off?"
55779Angus uttered an exclamation of disgust, and Azim struck another blow at his plan by saying,"How would you get the horses out, master?
55779Are there any of your tribe who would act as a guide for us?
55779Are you alone going to fail?"
55779Are you going to return to the embassy or remain here?"
55779Are you uninjured?"
55779As for to- morrow, who can say?"
55779As soon as they had cleared the snow and opened the felt out a little, Sadut called--"Are you awake, Hassan?"
55779Besides, how could they have told that a Momund chief had been here with Dost Mahomed when he passed through?"
55779But how did you learn that I was going to try to make my way down to Jellalabad?
55779But how should we get the camel?"
55779But should I see him have you any message for him?
55779But why do you stand so far away?"
55779But why should they have taken this trouble?
55779CHAPTER XIX THE BRITISH CAPTIVES"Why are you going as a Cashmerian?"
55779Can you tell me how it was that my wife, Lady Macnaghten, and the other ladies, escaped uninjured?
55779Can you tell me where I can procure a lodging?"
55779Did you suffer from want of water?"
55779Do you know any other language at all?"
55779Do you think that you can do it without his hearing you?
55779From what city do you come?"
55779Has the chief returned?"
55779Have you European clothes with you?"
55779Have you a good commander?"
55779Have you cooked some of the flour?"
55779Have you ever been through by night before?"
55779Have you, chief, taken part in this terrible business?"
55779How comes it that you have entered this lonely gorge with your pack- horses and your goods?"
55779How did men say it was that they failed to capture Herat, which is but a weak town?"
55779How have you got through?"
55779How is that?"
55779How long are you going to stay here?"
55779How long would it take us?"
55779How many years has your excellency?"
55779How much would you be willing to pay?"
55779How old are you now?"
55779I suppose Mohun Lal really did give you the assurance about the ransom?"
55779I suppose that he will be armed?"
55779I suppose you have come to see how we are getting on?"
55779I suppose you speak Persian well?"
55779I suppose you will start at once?"
55779If someone did not come in an hour, why should he come in a week or a month?"
55779Is it you who has thus made us prisoners?"
55779Is that your man over there with the two horses?
55779Now that you have told us about yourself, please give us any details you can of what you saw of the fighting?"
55779Now, I suppose you want something to eat?
55779Now, about forage?"
55779Presently he said:"But we have no pen and ink to write this order?"
55779Shall I desert my friends when they most need comfort and aid?
55779Shall I mention your name to him?"
55779Should I speak to him if I do so?"
55779Surely you could not send an army all that distance?"
55779The officers were silent for a minute, and then Pottinger said:"What do you think, Brigadier?
55779The question is, do you feel strong enough to travel through the mountains?
55779Then you saw nothing of it?"
55779There would be no harm in that, would there?"
55779Think you that Saleh would let me traffic with them?"
55779Was there any news when you left there?"
55779We know about it as far as the edge of Beloochee Desert; what is it beyond that?
55779Were they very strong?
55779What are your instructions?
55779What disguise could he adopt, and how could he evade the vigilance of those who were watching him?
55779What do you think of the state of affairs?
55779What guarantee does Mohun Lal offer that these terms shall be fulfilled?"
55779What harm have we done?"
55779What is my friendship worth if I should, now in your hour of need, turn my back upon you?
55779What motive, chief, could I have in deceiving you?"
55779What on earth can Macnaghten and Elphinstone be doing?"
55779What would happen if the British again settled down at Cabul?
55779When do we start?"
55779When will you start?"
55779Where are you dwelling now?"
55779Where are you thinking of cashing this?"
55779Which road will he go by?"
55779Who do you think it is?"
55779Why leave the animals?"
55779Why not kill him?
55779Why should a man throw away his life?
55779Why should he not have bought a larger store of Indian goods to exchange with the Turkomans?
55779Why should they leave us our swords and provide a good meal for us if they intended to murder us afterwards?"
55779Will they fly over the walls or burrow through the rock?"
55779Will you undertake that mission?
55779Would you be ready to start on Thursday?"
55779Would you wish me to return as soon as I have delivered your message?"
55779You have a horse, of course, and a servant, I suppose?"
55779You know Syud Moorteza?"
55779Your father had correspondents also in Bombay, had he not?"
55779and why should they have prepared this place beforehand for our reception?
55779he said,"and what message can one like you bear to me?"
55779he said;"and how come you to speak our language?"
55779if so, how was it that the Shah was friendly with them?
55779were they infidels?
55779were they really in alliance with Persia?