This is a table of authors, titles, dates and other bibliographic information; it is a list metadata describing the content of your study carrel. Think of it as your library.
id | author | title | date | words | sentences | pages | cache | text |
62416 | Cummings, Ray | Juggernaut of Space | nan | 17232 | 1717 | nan | ./cache/62416.txt | ./txt/62416.txt |
38347 | Green, Anna Katharine | The Millionaire Baby | nan | 70591 | 4845 | nan | ./cache/38347.txt | ./txt/38347.txt |
20071 | Meade, L. T. | Sue, A Little Heroine | nan | 76570 | 6695 | nan | ./cache/20071.txt | ./txt/20071.txt |
61380 | Pohl, Frederik | The Five Hells of Orion | nan | 11956 | 962 | nan | ./cache/61380.txt | ./txt/61380.txt |
35196 | Reid, Mayne | Gwen Wynn: A Romance of the Wye | nan | 135495 | 9395 | nan | ./cache/35196.txt | ./txt/35196.txt |
35784 | Reid, Mayne | Gwen Wynn: A Romance of the Wye | nan | 136315 | 9413 | nan | ./cache/35784.txt | ./txt/35784.txt |
36220 | Robins, Elizabeth | My Little Sister | nan | 63269 | 6008 | nan | ./cache/36220.txt | ./txt/36220.txt |
50372 | Russell, William Clark | The Tragedy of Ida Noble | nan | 59686 | 3430 | nan | ./cache/50372.txt | ./txt/50372.txt |
4774 | Shakespeare (spurious and doubtful works) | The Merry Devill of Edmonton | nan | 12988 | 1832 | nan | ./cache/4774.txt | ./txt/4774.txt |
12315 | Sherwood, Mary Martha | Shanty the Blacksmith; a Tale of Other Times | nan | 32263 | 1109 | nan | ./cache/12315.txt | ./txt/12315.txt |
11556 | Verne, Jules | Facing the Flag | nan | 57265 | 3442 | nan | ./cache/11556.txt | ./txt/11556.txt |
63709 | Walton, Bryce | Prisoner of the Brain-Mistress | nan | 8491 | 712 | nan | ./cache/63709.txt | ./txt/63709.txt |