
This is a list of all the questions and their associated study carrel identifiers. One can learn a lot of the "aboutness" of a text simply by reading the questions.

identifier question
cord-010699-mfe1oajnDifferent HPV Profiles in Oropharyngeal Carcinomas-Why?
cord-011023-eahx37cyWhy do battered women stay?:
cord-027379-e8yk4a09An AI based approach to multiple census data analysis for feature selection Data analytics to predict the income and economic hierarchy on census data Investor profiles: meaningful differences in women's use of investment advice?
cord-016173-ro7nhodyVentilation with lower tidal volumes as compared with traditional tidal volumes for acute lung injury and the acute respiratory distress syndrome Varicella- zoster virus( chickenpox) infection in pregnancy Varicella pneumonia in adults Consequences of varicella and herpes zoster in pregnancy: prospective study of 1739 cases Modifi cation of chicken pox in family contacts by administration of gamma globulin Second varicella infections: are they more common than previously thought?
cord-328071-ulj2gtn3what lessons have we learned?
cord-292800-5hy4uxpfPulling back the curtain on trends in contraceptive use in recent years: What can we predict for the future?
cord-030378-f9hf9plfAmong Academic Emergency Medicine Physicians Are Women Disproportionately Represented in Education Compared to Other Roles in Academic Radiology?
cord-030378-f9hf9plfThe consequences of COVID-19 on domestic violence Challenges for the female academic during the COVID-19 pandemic Meta- research: is Covid-19 amplifying the authorship gender gap in the medical literature?
cord-335019-esttc16zEnzyme Inhibitors/ Angiotensin Receptor Blockers Have a Biphasic Effect?
cord-335723-7wefotweCross- national epidemiology of DSM- IV major depressive episode Parental depression, child mental health problems, and health care utilization Parental depression and depression in offspring: evidence for familial characteristics and subtypes?
cord-033817-hxxa299yThe Feminization of Agriculture or the Feminization of Agrarian Distress?
cord-033817-hxxa299yWho knows how many hands it has passed through?
cord-336083-2tt9053kWhen does gender trump money?
cord-308424-crvnzr44( SARS- CoV-2) confirmed patient Maternal deaths with Covid-19: a different outcome from mid to low resource countries?
cord-308424-crvnzr44COVID-19) pneumonia: a preliminary analysis Novel corona virus disease( COVID-19) in pregnancy: what clinical recommendations to follow?
cord-004495-6cd5sqabA systematic mapping of barriers in low and middle income countries from the provider perspective Factors that influence the provision of intrapartum and postnatal care by skilled birth attendants in low- and middle- income countries: a qualitative evidence synthesis Assessing emergency obstetric and newborn care: can performance indicators capture health system weaknesses?
cord-004495-6cd5sqabNICE Clinical Guideline C. National Institute for Clinical Excellence Unexpected reduction in the incidence of birth trauma and birth asphyxia related to instrumental deliveries during the study period: was this the Hawthorne effect?
cord-004495-6cd5sqabWhat prevents quality midwifery care?
cord-301992-oin1m0uq: motor learning Do women have an accurate perception of their pelvic floor muscle contraction?
cord-301992-oin1m0uqAn education program about pelvic floor muscles improved women's knowledge but not pelvic floor muscle function, urinary incontinence or sexual function: a randomised trial Effectiveness of pelvic floor muscle training and bladder training for women with urinary incontinence in primary care: a pragmatic controlled trial Evaluation of smartphone pelvic floor exercise applications using standardized scoring system Appsolutely fabulous?
cord-277343-0el69uxrWhat do intersectional approaches to the pandemic reveal?
cord-277343-0el69uxrWhy is COVID-19 a disaster for feminism(s)?
cord-332051-yw5zluccA novel coronavirus from patients with pneumonia in China Transmission of 2019-nCoV infection from an asymptomatic contact in Germany Epidemiological and clinical characteristics of 99 cases of 2019 novel coronavirus pneumonia in Wuhan, China: a descriptive study Coronavirus disease 2019( COVID-19) Coronavirus disease 2019( COVID-19) pandemic and pregnancy Public health approach to emerging infections among pregnant women Coronavirus disease 2019( COVID-19) and pregnancy: what obstetricians need to know Novel corona virus disease( COVID-19) in pregnancy: what clinical recommendations to follow?
cord-332051-yw5zluccHow can doctors communicate information about risk more effectively?
cord-318378-omsc9a8kTh1/ Th2/ Th17 and regulatory T- cell paradigm in pregnancy Dynamic Function and Composition Changes of Immune Cells During Normal and Pathological Pregnancy at the Maternal- Fetal Interface Immunological environment shifts during pregnancy may affect the risk of developing severe complications in COVID-19 patients Is COVID-19 receiving ADE from other coronaviruses?
cord-318378-omsc9a8kpdm09 virus showed differential immune response correlated with disease severity Characteristics of lymphocyte subsets and cytokines in peripheral blood of 123 hospitalized patients with 2019 novel coronavirus pneumonia( NCP) Immune cell and transcriptomic analysis of the human decidua in term and preterm parturition Investigating Stress Response during Vaginal Delivery and Elective Cesarean Section through Th1 and Th2 responses: what are they?
cord-289680-pjcskj4mElectoral double standards in the face of corruption Are women really the''fairer sex?
cord-289680-pjcskj4mEvidence that women are preferentially selected to contest hard- to- win seats Why gender quotas do n't work in Brazil?
cord-289680-pjcskj4mThe Latin American Voter US public concerns about the COVID-19 pandemic from results of a survey given via social media A gender lens on COVID-19: Pandemics and violence against women and children Why women?
cord-343305-vqurc1pjAre women publishing less during the pandemic?
cord-343305-vqurc1pjThe Visionaries of Modern Neuroscience Was the first biochemist a woman?
cord-348221-w37lfv7ea controlled study Is pregnancy associated with mood and anxiety disorders?
cord-348221-w37lfv7ea retrospective review of medical records Pregnancy and perinatal outcomes of women with severe acute respiratory syndrome Middle east respiratory syndrome coronavirus( MERS- CoV) infection during pregnancy: report of two cases& review of the literature Validity and reliability of patient health questionnaire-9 and patient health questionnaire-2 to screen for depression among college students in China Validation of the generalized anxiety disorder-7( GAD-7) among Chinese people with epilepsy Psychological symptoms and nonfatal unintentional injuries among Chinese adolescents: a prospective study Validation of the Insomnia Severity Index in primary care SARS control and psychological effects of quarantine The relationship between mental disorders, quality of life, and pregnancy: findings from a nationally representative sample Intimate partner violence and posttraumatic stress disorder among high- risk women: does pregnancy matter?
cord-310365-mb6y20jf: what more can we do?
cord-310365-mb6y20jfAbortion Onscreen in 2019 Who seeks abortions at or after 20 weeks?
cord-310365-mb6y20jfRethinking reproductive politics in time, and time in UK reproductive politics Reproductive politics in the age of Trump and Brexit Trauma of rape‖ discourse: A double- edged template for everyday understandings of the impact of rape?
cord-255476-p0gyyl3c: Should We Worry?
cord-255476-p0gyyl3cHas Sweden's controversial covid-19 strategy been successful?
cord-255476-p0gyyl3cOutcomes of first nine cases in an inner city London hospital Screening for COVID-19 at childbirth: does it deliver?
cord-343897-f4imrlttCampylobacter jejuni infection and Guillain- Barr e syndrome Transient neonatal Lambert- Eaton syndrome Bilateral radial nerve palsies from use of the standard birthing bar Postpartum femoral neuropathy: managing the next pregnancy Outcome in pregnancies complicated by myotonic dystrophy: a study of 31 patients and review of the literature Pregnancy and delivery in Charcot- Marie- Tooth disease type 1 Obstetric aspects in women with facioscapulohumeral muscular dystrophy, limb- girdle muscular dystrophy, and congenital myopathies Outcome and effect of pregnancy in myotonic dystrophy type 2 Acute pulmonary edema secondary to pregnancy in a patient with the mitochondrial disease MELAS International consensus guidance for management of myasthenia gravis: executive summary MuSK myasthenia gravis and pregnancy Two consecutive pregnancies in early and late stage of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis Eculizumab in pregnancy: a narrative overview Azathioprine and breastfeeding: is it safe?
cord-343897-f4imrlttWhere do we stand?
cord-309892-z7rb7adiA meta- analysis of the effectiveness of 587 yoga- based interventions for maternal depression during pregnancy Exercise and Mental Health: What did We Learn in the Last 20 Years?
cord-309892-z7rb7adiU.S. Adults Aged 18 and Over Is one yoga style better than another?
cord-309892-z7rb7adiWhat Accounts for Physical Activity during 592 Pregnancy?
cord-313924-3swrn1rv: what have we learned?
cord-313924-3swrn1rvWhat should we learn from this situation?
cord-348468-f8i0k5f7: What Does the Evidence Show?
cord-348468-f8i0k5f7no remunerado de los hogares de Ecuador Stalled decline in fertility in Ecuador Adolescent motherhood in Bangladesh: trends and determinants Sexual intercourse and the age difference between adolescent females and their romantic partners Measuring social class in US public health research: concepts, methodologies, and guidelines A survival analysis of the timing of onset of childbearing among young females in Nigeria: are predictors the same across regions?
cord-031547-pjrutiduAre these women anomalies or part of a systematic trend?
cord-031547-pjrutiduAtlanta LOCAL RESPONSES TO A GLOBAL PANDEMIC mayor Bottoms asked herself,"Who is going to be the most vulnerable?
cord-031547-pjrutiduWarn COVID-19 Could Hit Our Communities Especially Hard Gender Gap or Gender Gaps?
cord-031547-pjrutiduWhat will their needs be?"
cord-034124-k49osvkdA Gendered World, a Gendered Discipline Angela Merkel: Germany's Crisis Manager Is Back A Feminised Style of Politics?
cord-034124-k49osvkdSuch a Special Political Presence?
cord-034124-k49osvkdTrump's Most Dangerous Test Why Are Nations Led by Women Doing Better?
cord-326906-z43l7rsmAdvancing from gender equity to women in leadership in pediatric radiology Gender balance in pediatric radiology: it benefits everyone Lean in: women, work, and the will to lead Female leaders: injurious or inspiring role models for women?
cord-326906-z43l7rsmJepson School of Leadership Studies articles, book chapters and other publications Leadership and gender differences-are men and women leading the same way?
cord-326906-z43l7rsmWhy do women find themselves primarily in the middle of the pyramid rather than at the top[ 4]?
cord-252902-qtfx49qpI feel like it's just managing my time better is n't it? cord-252902-qtfx49qp -what are the options? cord-252902-qtfx49qp Effect of diet and physical activity based interventions in pregnancy on gestational weight gain and pregnancy outcomes: Meta- analysis of individual participant data from randomised trials Risks associated with obesity in pregnancy, for the mother and baby: A systematic review of reviews Does maternal obesity cause preeclampsia? cord-252902-qtfx49qp QSR International Pty Ltd Code saturation versus meaning saturation: How many interviews are enough? cord-318211-hhp84ygq Adverse obstetric outcomes Investigation protocol for recurrent pregnancy loss Higher numbers of pregnancies associated with an increased prevalence of gestational diabetes mellitus: Results from the Healthy Baby Cohort Study Recurrent pregnancy loss: A risk factor for long- term maternal atherosclerotic morbidity? cord-318211-hhp84ygq Predicting recurring miscarriage: What is important? cord-318211-hhp84ygq Versus Non- Consecutive Losses? cord-352364-yj31uwiu How do people with intellectual disabilities think about empowerment and information and communication technology( ICT)? cord-352364-yj31uwiu The questions that guided us in examining the were as follows:( 1)what type of objectives did ICT based interventions tried to address?",( 2)"were ICT based interventions effective in addressing IPV?", and( 3)"what type of strategies did they implement to mitigate ICT risks( e.g. safety, data security)".
cord-352364-yj31uwiuThe questions that guided us in examining the were as follows:( 1)"what type of objectives did ICT based interventions tried to address?",( 2)"were ICT based interventions effective in addressing IPV?", and( 3)"what type of strategies did they implement to mitigate ICT risks( e.g. safety, data security)".
cord-033827-ex1ahuc6But how likely are they to have an effective platform for doing so?
cord-033827-ex1ahuc6By controlling for"essential workers"based on self- report( i.e.,"Is your job something your state government considers an essential job function that is exempt from stay- at- home orders?"), we are able to show that it does not negate the gender gap.
cord-033827-ex1ahuc6Except in the Workplace Mask or No Mask?
cord-033827-ex1ahuc6If Republican leaders continue to minimize the need for safety measures around COVID-19( Hellmann 2020; Wildermuth 2020), could it lead to a further shift among women in the short term toward a vote for Joe Biden over Trump, or away from the Republican party in the long term?
cord-033827-ex1ahuc6Might this pandemic cause womenand perhaps Republican- leaning working women in particularto become especially concerned about the relative lack of female decision makers both at work and in politics?
cord-354848-7aakik9aThe rise of Zika infection and microcephaly: what can we learn from a public health emergency?
cord-354848-7aakik9aWhat changes in current practice are likely to improve outcomes?
cord-354848-7aakik9aWhat is current practice?
cord-350618-rtilfnzi: An update for the recent coronavirus pandemic( COVID-19) Drugs in Pregnancy and Lactation Drugs During Pregnancy and Lactation-3rd Edition Role of lopinavir/ ritonavir in the treatment of SARS: initial virological and clinical findings Safety and efficacy of Society of Critical Care Medicine( SCCM) Should we stop aspirin prophylaxis in pregnant women diagnosed with COVID-19?
cord-350618-rtilfnziCan SARS- CoV-2 Infection Be Acquired In Utero?:
cord-350618-rtilfnziJAMA Pediatr Clinical manifestations and outcome of SARS- CoV-2 infection during pregnancy Clinical Features and Outcomes of Pregnant Women Suspected of Coronavirus Disease Perinatal Transmission of COVID-19 Associated SARS- CoV-2: Should We Worry?
cord-272001-er7lvhn5Example questions included,"In general, how has the COVID-19 pandemic impacted your pregnancy experience thus far?"
cord-272001-er7lvhn5Psychological first aid: a model for disaster psychosocial support for the perinatal population Social support- a protective factor for depressed perinatal women?
cord-272001-er7lvhn5a cohort study The psychological impact of quarantine and how to reduce it: rapid review of the evidence Should infants be separated from mothers with COVID-19?
cord-272001-er7lvhn5and"How has the pandemic changed your expectations around parenting?
cord-342739-iy9vjpuhA critical question that must be answered at this stage- with a clear view of the potential deleterious effects of a new coronavirus in pregnancy- is will maternal immunization be a priority in research and development?
cord-342739-iy9vjpuhHas modern technology improved maternal and fetal outcome?
cord-342739-iy9vjpuhWhat lessons have we learned?
cord-342739-iy9vjpuhWhen is it acceptable to vaccinate pregnant women?
cord-332099-d50iu975How can I file a lawsuit, or follow- up on one, while staying at home?
cord-332099-d50iu975However, we need to realize that those measures are not sufficient in the current context and ask questions like: How can I call for help if there is constant forced coexistence with my aggressor?
cord-332099-d50iu975Where should I go to find shelter without being exposed to contagion?
cord-332099-d50iu975Who ensures that I can have access to justice when the government workforce is not at full capacity?
cord-013390-i5h7ob3nAsian Pac Diagnosis delay in Libyan female breast cancer Public and Professional Educational Needs for Downstaging Breast Cancer in Egypt Being within or being between?
cord-013390-i5h7ob3nDo we need to maximise the breast cancer screening awareness?
cord-013390-i5h7ob3nWhat do Omani women know about breast cancer symptoms?
cord-013390-i5h7ob3nWho Cares?
cord-013390-i5h7ob3nWho cares?
cord-308652-i6q23olvFelt constantly under strain?,"Felt that life is n't worth living?", and"Felt that life is entirely hopeless?".
cord-308652-i6q23olvFelt constantly under strain?,"Felt that life is n't worth living?", and"Felt that life is entirely hopeless?".
cord-308652-i6q23olvFelt constantly under strain?,"Felt that life is n't worth living?", and"Felt that life is entirely hopeless?".
cord-308652-i6q23olvExample items are"Been feeling nervous and strung- up all the time?",
cord-308652-i6q23olvor are they not?
cord-032245-f5g3r3nv-The Gender Effects of Economic Partnership Agreements Global Defeminization?
cord-032245-f5g3r3nv: cord-032245-f5g3r3nv authors: Bahri, Amrita title: Women at the frontline of COVID-19: Can Gender Mainstreaming in Free Trade Agreements Help?
cord-032245-f5g3r3nvAre gender considerations and removal of barriers women face any less important than the conservation of exhaustible natural resources( such as sea- turtles) or protection of public morals( including religious beliefs)?
cord-032245-f5g3r3nvDoes this mean that countries postpandemic might not remain as open to trade as they were before the pandemic in order to be more self- sufficient?
cord-032245-f5g3r3nvIf countries can allow FTA- inconsistent practices and laws to operate if they are important to protect their public morals, or animal health or life, or even plant health or life, how can countries oppose an exception that can reduce gender inequality and include humankind's half population in the journey towards economic growth and development?
cord-032245-f5g3r3nvThe EU's Trade Policy: from Gender- blind to Gender- sensitive?', Directorate for External Policies, European Parliament Gender- Related Provisions in Regional Trade Agreements', WTO Economic Research and Statistics Division Modernized Canada- Chile Free Trade Agreement( CCFTA)( enforced Modernized Canada- Israel Free Trade Agreement( CIFTA)( enforced ECA Policy Brief Spotlights Women's Wellbeing and Health Care Systems
cord-295650-90pf87mj: Assessing causal dynamics using 1950- 2000 U.S. Census data Women and the minimum wage, state by state Savings by gender: Who's saving more, women or men?
cord-295650-90pf87mjPart- time work for women: Does it really help balance work and family?
cord-295650-90pf87mjThink Global Health Opting out?
cord-295650-90pf87mjWhy do parents pay so much for child care when early educators earn so little?
cord-295650-90pf87mjWorth less?
cord-292853-xihpfidg-Is the distinction real or apparent?
cord-292853-xihpfidgAssociated features of posttraumatic stress disorder to comorbid but distinct syndromes?
cord-292853-xihpfidgHow do we make the harm of sexual exploitation visible?
cord-292853-xihpfidgIn a world where sexual exploitation is increasingly normalized and industrialized, what is needed to make people see the harm and act to stop it?
cord-292853-xihpfidgIn the book What Is the What?
cord-292853-xihpfidgWhat Is the What?
cord-292853-xihpfidgWhy are hispanics at greater risk for PTSD?
cord-285898-rtqkvf63A case report and review of literature Chronic hepatitis B infection in pregnancy illustrated by a case of successful treatment with entecavir Maternal drug use in early pregnancy and infant cardiovascular defect Is erythromycin therapy teratogenic in humans?
cord-285898-rtqkvf63ORACLE Collaborative Group Antifungal therapy during pregnancy Is gentamicin ototoxic to the fetus?
cord-285898-rtqkvf63Pharmacokinetics of quinine and its metabolites in pregnant Sudanese women with uncomplicated Plasmodium falciparum malaria Maternal febrile illnesses, medication use, and the risk of congenital renal anomalies Is praziquantel therapy safe during pregnancy?
cord-285898-rtqkvf63The outcomes of pregnancy in women exposed to the new macrolides in the first trimester: a prospective, multicentre, observational study Impact of malaria at the end of pregnancy on infant mortality and morbidity Is single- dose fosfomycin trometamol a good alternative for asymptomatic bacteriuria in the second trimesterof pregnancy?
cord-285898-rtqkvf63a case series presentation Can amodiaquine be used safely during pregnancy?
cord-285898-rtqkvf63case report and review of literature Is antiretroviral therapy during pregnancy associated with an increased risk of preterm delivery, low birth weight, or stillbirth?
cord-285898-rtqkvf63does it cause hearing loss or nephrotoxicity in the infant?
cord-017367-15o6g57q: what are the differences between men and women?
cord-017367-15o6g57qA multicentre review of the hairdressing allergens tested in the UK Occupational risk for hepatitis A: a literature- based analysis Exposure Assessment in Epidemiology: Does Gender Matter?
cord-017367-15o6g57qAn analysis of occupational dysphonia diagnosed in the north- east of Poland Do teachers have more health problems?
cord-017367-15o6g57qHome health care services quarterly Health hazards of ceramic artists Occupational contact urticaria and protein contact dermatitis Are health care providers who work with cancer drugs at an increased risk for toxic events?
cord-017367-15o6g57qHow is sex considered in recent epidemiological publications on occupational risks?
cord-017367-15o6g57qProtecting Women Workers Evaluation of the exposure to biomechanical overload of the upper limbs and clinical investigation in a female population employed in the manual loading of production lines in 2 ceramics factories Noise exposure and hearing loss in agriculture: a survey of farmers and farm workers in the Southland region of New Zealand An investigation of contact transmission of methicillin- resistant Staphylococcus aureus Women in agriculture: risks for occupational injury within the context of gendered role Male and female rate differences in carpal tunnel syndrome injuries: personal attributes or job tasks?
cord-017367-15o6g57qThe PRECEDE- PROCEED planning model Organisational and occupational risk factors associated with work related injuries among public hospital employees in Costa Rica Bad nights or bad bars?
cord-017367-15o6g57qequitable or debatable?
cord-255376-nqq5ieygAurat Publication and Information Service Foundation Feminism, citizenship and radical democratic politics Women of Pakistan, two steps forward, one step back?
cord-255376-nqq5ieygDoes the Qur'an support gender equality?
cord-255376-nqq5ieygJust a time- pass: Acknowledgement/ denial(?) of sexual harassment in young women's discourse
cord-255376-nqq5ieygReligious agency or secular autonomy?
cord-255376-nqq5ieygThe following prompt was used to initiate the semi- structured individual interviews which lasted over an hour each and also included informal irrelevant exchanges of ideas and gossip: How are you doing during these lockdown/ containment measures by the government?
cord-255376-nqq5ieygThe largest ever epidemic of Ebola Case study Secularizing Islamists?
cord-255376-nqq5ieygWillful daughters or free citizens?
cord-299521-igo40dbsFor example, what constitutes"planning"?
cord-299521-igo40dbsIs it the spark that ignites the thought or feeling that starting a business would be desirable or does a formal business plan need to be in place?
cord-299521-igo40dbsThe benefits of frequent positive affect: Does happiness lead to success?
cord-299521-igo40dbsThe effect of gender stereotype activation on entrepreneurial intentions Gender effects on entrepreneurial intention: A meta- analytical structural equation model The entrepreneurial propensity of women Does gender matter?
cord-299521-igo40dbsThe influence of perceived emotional support and competences The role of positive emotions in positive psychology: The broaden- and- build theory of positive emotions Beyond hubris: How highly confident entrepreneurs rebound to venture again The importance of being emotional: How do emotions affect entrepreneurial opportunity evaluation and exploitation?
cord-299521-igo40dbsWill you be there for me when things go right?
cord-299521-igo40dbscord-299521-igo40dbs authors: Sweida, Gloria; Sherman, Cynthia L. title: Does Happiness Launch More Businesses?
cord-332559-2r2gavbq,'How will it impact my life in the long- term?","Will I have a job when this is over?","Will I have an employer to return to?","Will all my family members survive?"
cord-332559-2r2gavbq,'How will it impact my life in the long- term?","Will I have a job when this is over?","Will I have an employer to return to?","Will all my family members survive?"
cord-332559-2r2gavbq,'How will it impact my life in the long- term?","Will I have a job when this is over?","Will I have an employer to return to?","Will all my family members survive?"
cord-332559-2r2gavbq,'How will it impact my life in the long- term?","Will I have a job when this is over?","Will I have an employer to return to?","Will all my family members survive?"
cord-332559-2r2gavbqIf the world fails to protect the economy, COVID-19 will damage health not just now but also in the future Covid-19 pandemic: a public and global mental health opportunity for social transformation?
cord-332559-2r2gavbqMany people are asking themselves questions such as:"How long will all this last?"
cord-332559-2r2gavbqWhat do pregnant women know about the healthy eating guidelines for pregnancy?
cord-275786-etli5c3a697 and clinic blood pressure readings compare in pregnancy?
cord-275786-etli5c3a735 perinatal outcomes be predicted when blood pressure becomes elevated?
cord-275786-etli5c3a: a scoping review Are blood pressure level 713 and variability related to pregnancy outcome?
cord-275786-etli5c3aAnalysis of data from the Control Do commonly used oral 871 antihypertensives alter fetal or neonatal heart rate characteristics?
cord-275786-etli5c3aCan placental growth factor in 973 maternal circulation identify fetuses with placental intrauterine growth restriction?
cord-275786-etli5c3aHypertension Is home blood- pressure monitoring in 699 hypertensive disorders of pregnancy consistent with clinic recordings?
cord-275786-etli5c3aI. Perinatal factors and neonatal morbidity Vitamin D enhances efficacy of oral nifedipine in 865 treating preeclampsia with severe features: a double blinded, placebo- controlled and randomized 866 clinical trial Do labetalol and 868 methyldopa have different effects on pregnancy outcome?
cord-275786-etli5c3aThe CHIPS randomized 816 controlled trial( Control of Hypertension in Pregnancy Study): is severe hypertension just an elevated 817 blood pressure?
cord-338282-q2g1vw3y, World Health Organisation Measuring social class in US public health research: concepts, methodologies, and guidelines A life course perspective on socioeconomic inequalities in health: a critical review of conceptual frameworks Commission on Social Determinants of, Closing the gap in a generation: health equity through action on the social determinants of health Defining and measuring gender: a social determinant of health whose time has come Women's relative immunity to the socio- economic health gradient: artifact or real?
cord-338282-q2g1vw3yA behavioral- economics view of poverty Education and occupational social class: which is the more important indicator of mortality risk?
cord-338282-q2g1vw3yHousehold wealth and the metabolic syndrome in the Whitehall II study Are educational differences in U.S. self- rated health increasing?: an examination by gender and race Trends in the Educational Gradient of U.S. Adult Mortality from 1986 to 2006 by Race, Gender, and Age Group Sex differences in the association between marital status and the risk of cardiovascular, cancer, and all- cause mortality: a systematic review and meta- analysis of 7,881,040 individuals
cord-338282-q2g1vw3yIn India Gender- specific trends in educational attainment and self- rated health Sex differences in the relationship between socioeconomic status and cardiovascular disease: a systematic review and meta- analysis Degrees Conferred by Degree- Granting Institutions, by Level of Degree and Sex of Student: Selected Years Gender inequalities in health: exploring the contribution of living conditions in the intersection of social class Social class and self- reported health status among men and women: what is the role of work organisation, household material standards and household labour?
cord-338282-q2g1vw3yThe Atherosclerosis Risk in Communities Study Risk factors for low birth weight in a socio- economically disadvantaged population: parity, marital status, ethnicity and cigarette smoking Motherhood, health status, and health care Getting a job: is there a motherhood penalty?
cord-338282-q2g1vw3yThe protective effect of marriage for survival: a review and update Rising educational gradients in mortality among U.S. whites: What are the roles of marital status and educational homogamy?
cord-338282-q2g1vw3yWhad'ya know?
cord-338282-q2g1vw3ydo gradients differ within childhood and adolescence?
cord-325669-6kjlcakt: Is COVID-19 an Endothelial Disease?
cord-325669-6kjlcaktA casecontrolled study comparing clinical course and outcomes of pregnant and nonpregnant women with severe acute respiratory syndrome 2019-nCoV epidemic: what about pregnancies?
cord-325669-6kjlcaktCOVID-19 and pregnancy-where are we now?
cord-325669-6kjlcaktHypertension Inhibition of inflammation induced shedding of the endothelial glycocalyx with low molecular weight heparin Macrolide treatment for COVID-19: Will this be the way forward?
cord-325669-6kjlcaktWhat are the risks of COVID-19 infection in pregnant women?
cord-325669-6kjlcaktWhy are pregnant women susceptible to COVID-19?
cord-325669-6kjlcaktWhy we should not stop giving aspirin to pregnant women during the COVID-19 pandemic MAP kinase phosphatase 1: a novel mediator of biological effects of glucocorticoids?
cord-325669-6kjlcaktvitro Remdesivir and chloroquine effectively inhibit the recently emerged novel coronavirus( 2019-nCoV) in vitro Novel corona virus disease( COVID-19) in pregnancy: What clinical recommendations to follow?
cord-018616-31n8zs84Do you think this is a free hospital?'
cord-018616-31n8zs84How did pregnant women's stigmatization of other parties( namely health care workers) affect their access to obstetric care?
cord-018616-31n8zs84How did reluctance to care for pregnant women result in compounding adverse effects for a segment of the population that was already at far greater risk for death- both from pregnancy- related causes, and Ebola virus itself?
cord-018616-31n8zs84I tell them,'So who's killing the nurses?'"
cord-018616-31n8zs84The New Federalist Could a pregnant woman change the way we think about Ebola?
cord-018616-31n8zs84The anthropology of menstruation Exploring the dirty side of women's health Reaching out to Ebola victims: Coercion, persuasion or an appeal for self- sacrifice?
cord-018616-31n8zs84The function of menstrual taboos among the Dogon: Defense against cuckoldry?
cord-018616-31n8zs84The history of tuberculosis Reproductive health: The biggest casualty of the Ebola epidemic?
cord-018616-31n8zs84We then explore the consequences of this stigmatization, seeking to answer questions such as: how did women and/or their family members seek to combat stigmatization?
cord-018616-31n8zs84What were the intended effects of stigmatizing health workers?
cord-018616-31n8zs84What were the protective effects of stigmatizing pregnant women and for whom?
cord-343684-z63qn66bAnd finally will the response to vaccines be comparable in men and women?
cord-343684-z63qn66bAre symptoms in women and men similar?
cord-343684-z63qn66bAre the biological and clinical immune responses identical?
cord-343684-z63qn66bAre the fatality rates identical?
cord-343684-z63qn66bAre the responses to treatment and the recovery patterns similar in men and women?
cord-343684-z63qn66bAre women and men similarly vulnerable or is there a difference in susceptibility?
cord-343684-z63qn66bDoes Covid-19 affect women and men differently?
cord-343684-z63qn66bWhat is the proportion of men and women who are hospitalized and transferred to intensive care units( ICU)?
cord-343684-z63qn66band COVID-19: Serendipity or Opportunity for Intervention?
cord-343684-z63qn66bkey: cord-343684-z63qn66b authors: Serge, Rozenberg; Vandromme, Jean; Charlotte, Martin title: Are we equal in adversity?
cord-319580-awtp0mpgAre certain therapies more effective for treatment of severe COVID-19 in obese pregnant women compared to lean or non- pregnant women?
cord-319580-awtp0mpgAre the kinetics of viral clearance different in obese versus lean pregnant women?
cord-319580-awtp0mpgAre viral loads higher of SARS- CoV-2 in obese versus lean pregnant women?
cord-319580-awtp0mpgCan adipose tissue serve as a reservoir for SARS- CoV-2 viral infection through adipocyte ACE2 expression?
cord-319580-awtp0mpgCan we design epidemiologic studies to further assess whether the risk of severe COVID-19 infection in obese pregnancy is directly related to obesity itself or to associated socioeconomic factors?
cord-319580-awtp0mpgDoes increased surveillance for COVID-19 in obese pregnant women improve health outcomes?
cord-319580-awtp0mpgDoes the second and third trimester of pregnancy represent a time of increased risk for severe COVID-19?
cord-319580-awtp0mpgIf yes, how does gestational age modify the effect of obesity on COVID-19 disease severity?
cord-319580-awtp0mpgIs preterm birth more common in obese pregnant women with COVID-19 due to concern for respiratory compromise?
cord-319580-awtp0mpgThe role of adipose tissue immune cells in obesity and low- grade inflammation Adipocytes properties and crosstalk with immune system in obesity- related inflammation Inflamed fat: what starts the fire?
cord-319580-awtp0mpgWhat is the mechanism of increased risk for severe COVID-19 disease in obese nonpregnant and pregnant women?
cord-322299-24uqpro6** 33 18 Feel lonely and isolated?
cord-322299-24uqpro614 17 Experience financial strain?
cord-322299-24uqpro6A handbook for churches in transition Ministry and stress: Listening to Anglican clergy in wales Leading with their hearts?
cord-322299-24uqpro6Dependent variables included:"Health worsened,"measured by"In your opinion, how did serving in this church affect your health?
cord-322299-24uqpro6Feel lonely and isolated in your work?
cord-322299-24uqpro6Female leaders and the self- reinforcing cycle of illegitimacy Is the United States a Counterexample to the Secularization Thesis?
cord-322299-24uqpro6Have doubts about your abilities as a pastoral minister?
cord-322299-24uqpro6Seriously think of leaving for a secular occupation?
cord-322299-24uqpro6Seriously think of leaving for another type of ministry?".
cord-322299-24uqpro6The cost of a calling?
cord-322299-24uqpro6The study also demonstrates that among the vocational consequences of closing a church, a job search for women takes longer than men, is accompanied by women's greater reporting of Have a sense of shame?
cord-322299-24uqpro6Very often/ Fairly often/ Rarely/ Never): Experience stress because of the challenges in that congregation?
cord-015394-uj7fe5y6: Do They Change during Pregnancy?
cord-015394-uj7fe5y6A Role for Intrahepatic GLUT1?
cord-015394-uj7fe5y6Androgens Influence Human Luteal Cells Function?
cord-015394-uj7fe5y6Are Contractions at 24- 32 weeks Gestation Less Painful Than Those at Full Term?
cord-015394-uj7fe5y6Could Confined Placental Mosaicism Account for Adverse Perinatal Outcomes in IVF Pregnancies?
cord-015394-uj7fe5y6Fact or Fiction?
cord-015394-uj7fe5y6Following Periconceptional Undernutrition or Twinning in Sheep?
cord-015394-uj7fe5y6In these experiments we sought to answer the question,'Does anandamide( AEA) work in the same manner as THC?'
cord-015394-uj7fe5y6Is There Evidence for Aromatase Activity in the Stroma of Postmenopausal Ovaries?
cord-015394-uj7fe5y6Is There a Role for Fatty Acids in the Pathogenesis of Pre- Eclampsia?
cord-015394-uj7fe5y6Is There a Seasonal Pattern in the Incidence of Post- Cesarean Endometritis?
cord-015394-uj7fe5y6Pregnancy Outcome?
cord-015394-uj7fe5y6Reason To Change Intrauterine Referral Practice in the Netherlands?
cord-015394-uj7fe5y6Term Preeclampsia: Any Risk for the Neonate?
cord-015394-uj7fe5y6and What Are the Roles Played by Peroxynitrite in Preeclamptic Women?
cord-329964-reoa8kcwne suffit- il pas pour bien nourrir les enfants des familles d'agriculteurs? cord-329964-reoa8kcw And How Can we Prevent the Next one? cord-329964-reoa8kcw Assessing the effectiveness of private finance blending in ensuring that small- scale farmers are not left behind Food, Finance and Fuel: The Impacts of the Triple F Crisis in Nigeria How to target households in adaptive social protection systems? cord-329964-reoa8kcw Explaining Africa Agricultural and Food Trade Deficits USAID/ Haiti Gender Assessment Report Prepared by Banyan Global Accountability deficit? cord-329964-reoa8kcw Feed the Future Learning the lessons? cord-329964-reoa8kcw Gender focus? cord-329964-reoa8kcw Halving hunger: Still Possible? cord-329964-reoa8kcw How Does Aid Support Women's Economic Empowerment? cord-329964-reoa8kcw How Is the 2011 Food Price Crisis Affecting Poor People? cord-329964-reoa8kcw How effective was the global response in tackling the structural causes of the crisis? cord-329964-reoa8kcw How has it Hurt? cord-329964-reoa8kcw How international financial institutions and donors influence economic policies in developing countries Why Another Food Commodity Price Spike? cord-329964-reoa8kcw International Development Policy, Graduate Institute of Geneva Are They Really Gender Equality Projects? cord-329964-reoa8kcw Thanks to Foreign Aid? cord-329964-reoa8kcw The Pittsburgh Summit G8 Hokkaido Toyako Summit Leaders Declaration Responsible Leadership for a Sustainable Future GAFSP( Global Agriculture and Food Security Program) Regards crois es: L'Afrique de l'Ouest a- t- elle les moyens de r epondre à la prochaine crise alimentaire? cord-329964-reoa8kcw The Potential Establishment of Emergency Food Reserve Funds Climate trends and global crop production since 1980 Consomme- t- on ce que l'on sème? cord-329964-reoa8kcw Towards a New World Food Order? cord-329964-reoa8kcw Underlying structural factors and their impacts on women 3 2.1 What led to the food price crisis? cord-329964-reoa8kcw What changes have there been in the institutional and funding agenda to address women's food insecurity? cord-329964-reoa8kcw What led to the food price crisis? cord-329964-reoa8kcw Why Has Africa Become a Net Food Importer? cord-329964-reoa8kcw a chang e? cord-329964-reoa8kcw and Why? cord-329964-reoa8kcw funding agenda to address women's food insecurity? cord-329964-reoa8kcw nasyonal ou diri miami? cord-329964-reoa8kcw the structural causes of the crisis? cord-329964-reoa8kcw à l'agenda Reflections on the Global Food Crisis: How did it Happen? cord-004894-75w35fkd 0.56; 95%CI 0.43- 0.69), the surveillance database slightly(?= 0.14; 95%CI 0.02- 0.27). cord-004894-75w35fkd 51% had cholinesterase levels below the mean value of 0.7? cord-004894-75w35fkd Are they different from the''classic''tools and frameworks of clinical epidemiology? cord-004894-75w35fkd Conclusion: Long- term ICS use(> 2 years) seems to be associated with a reduced? cord-004894-75w35fkd Do these questions about needs give other results compared to questions about prevalence of health problems? cord-004894-75w35fkd Do we feel comfortable with this''black- box''reasoning, i.e. do we question the role of pathophysiological and mechanistic reasoning in clinical medicine? cord-004894-75w35fkd FEV1, with respect to non- users, of 10.4(95%CI: 1.6- 19.2) mL/ year.? cord-004894-75w35fkd For reliability, Cohen's kappa coefficient(?) was applied. cord-004894-75w35fkd Have GPs treatment arm preferences? cord-004894-75w35fkd How can epidemiologic data be used for( quantitative) risk assessment? cord-004894-75w35fkd How much sense does it make for epidemiology to play with and scrutinize proteomics and genomics approaches in epidemiology and clinical medicine? cord-004894-75w35fkd Infection diseases: Beneficial or Disaster for man? cord-004894-75w35fkd Is population- based primary prevention more favourable than secondary prevention( risk factor reduction in coronary heart disease( CHD) patients)? cord-004894-75w35fkd Methods: From the Netherlands Cancer Registry patients were selected with invasive pT1(? 2.0 cm) or pT2( 2.1- 5.0 cm) tumours, without metastasis at time of diagnosis. cord-004894-75w35fkd Methods: We retrospectively analysed medical data from 3,166 episodes of LRTI among patients? cord-004894-75w35fkd Objective: What factors are associated with referral to physiotherapy or specialist in non- traumatic armneck- shoulder complaints in general practice, during the first consultation? cord-004894-75w35fkd Objectives: Our question was: Can we understand RCT outcomes better with qualitative research? cord-004894-75w35fkd Objectives: The question is: Are observed increasing rates due to actual changes in incidence rates or mainly caused by changes in registration practice or artefacts? cord-004894-75w35fkd Our question is: Does BPSA yield improved interval estimation of treatment effects compared to PSA? cord-004894-75w35fkd Results: When adjusting for all covariates, ICS use for> 2 years significantly reduced? cord-004894-75w35fkd Should a researcher foresee press reaction and what can be done to prevent negative consequences? cord-004894-75w35fkd THE FUTURE: DO THEY FULFIL IT? cord-004894-75w35fkd The ODP database was moderately reliable(? cord-004894-75w35fkd The annual FEV1 decrease(? FEV1) was analysed by multi- level regression models, according to age, sex, height, BMI, occupation, familiarity of asthma, hospitalization for asthma( baseline factors); cumulative time of inhaled corticosteroid( ICS) use and annual weight gain during the follow- up; lifetime pack- years smoked. cord-004894-75w35fkd The use of BCS and BCS- RT in pT1(? 2 cm) and pT2-tumours( 2- 5 cm) was investigated in the Netherlands in the period 1990 and 2001. cord-004894-75w35fkd Two different IFN- g tests will be done in those with a TST induration of? cord-004894-75w35fkd Viruses were detected in 58% of the cases,? cord-004894-75w35fkd What are at meaningful and consequential examples of current findings in proteomics, genomics and similar approaches in biomedical research? cord-004894-75w35fkd What is the effect on allocation concealment and selection bias? cord-004894-75w35fkd Which factors are associated with differences in utilisation of GP care? cord-004894-75w35fkd Which factors are associated with ethnic differences in self- rated health? cord-004894-75w35fkd Whose responsibility is this misunderstanding between press and researchers? cord-004894-75w35fkd the main biological, clinical and public health implications of current findings in these research fields? cord-002774-tpqsjjet ( 2) does participation in drug treatment programs increase social capital?, and( 3) is there a significant difference among treatment modalities in affecting change in~ial capital? cord-002774-tpqsjjet ( 2) does participation in drug treatment programs increase social capital?, and( 3) is there a significant difference among treatment modalities in affecting change in~ial capital? cord-002774-tpqsjjet Die: How to Save our Children? cord-002774-tpqsjjet Findings suggest that HM have less access t? cord-002774-tpqsjjet How can we Measure this Elusive Goal? cord-002774-tpqsjjet How do AIDS mortality and fatality rates vary when related community characteristics, such as household income, ethnic mix, and geographic access to primary and ancillary HIV/ AIDS services are considered? cord-002774-tpqsjjet How has the widespread availability of HAART( after 1996) impacted AIDS outcomes at the community level? cord-002774-tpqsjjet However, as part of an ongoing study? cord-002774-tpqsjjet In June 2004, the Association of? cord-002774-tpqsjjet Moreover, there is n? basis for assessing the impact of the resultant initiatives to improve health~onditions amo~ g~o:1":1um ties settled in unplanned areas.
cord-002774-tpqsjjetNearly all participants( 97%) reported a history of contact with drug llt.lnnent services( methadone maintenance, rehabilitation clinics and judicial treatment), mental health car?
cord-002774-tpqsjjetSince urban areas are more than the aggregation?
cord-002774-tpqsjjetSystem for Homeless, HIV- infected Patients in NYC?
cord-002774-tpqsjjetThe increase m parnc1pat10n, the CHR mvolvement in the community, and the positive feedback from the agen?
cord-002774-tpqsjjetThe moot question in all the above observed development are: has the city rationally addressed it planning needs?
cord-002774-tpqsjjetThe principle research questions were: 1) What is the relationship between the locations of areas with concentrations of PL WA and the distribution of both primary and ancillary service providers?
cord-002774-tpqsjjetThe quesuon to be 1~: If health care is available and accessible to one person, what makes it not available to all people?
cord-002774-tpqsjjetThe research questions were: What are the effects of homelessness on health?
cord-002774-tpqsjjetTwo research questions were investigated: are there spatial patterns to the events dis · tribution, and moreover, are these patterns overlapping across space?
cord-002774-tpqsjjetWhat kind of supports are needed for homeless people to get off the street?
cord-002774-tpqsjjetWhen the govern · ment withdrew from direct service provision as reform trends and donor advocacy suggested, how does it perform its new indirect role of managing relations with new direct health services providers in terms of regulating, enabling, and managing relations with these health services providers?
cord-002774-tpqsjjetWhen/(calen · dar time), By 2, fisher exact and t were appliedxwhom( authors?).
cord-002774-tpqsjjetWho and Why?
cord-002774-tpqsjjetWhy children die in Bangladesh?
cord-002774-tpqsjjet_ contacts these women via?
cord-002774-tpqsjjeta report of the efforts being made towards such a goal: The paper descr~ bes~ c~ se study?
cord-002774-tpqsjjetand dent~ I hygiene t?
cord-002774-tpqsjjetblocks, we considered a broad range of factors including evidence of homogeneity an~ heterogeneity( socmeconomic, ethnic, housing type, environmental) across blocks within and blocks ad1acent to a nei.ghborhood, and across the 36 sample neighborhoods; the potential for efficient recruit · ment of appropriate particip.ants( i.e. sufficient local pedestrian traffic); and boundaries used in reporting census data( s?
cord-002774-tpqsjjetcQue tenemos para aprender de las"soluciones"que ellos mismos encuenrran a los usos problemat1cos?
cord-002774-tpqsjjeten estas comunidades?
cord-002774-tpqsjjett) does social capital predict parti~ ipating in treatment programs?
cord-002774-tpqsjjetto all pama~~g?
cord-002774-tpqsjjet~i~ an~ s were recruited from drop in centres in 7 cities across
cord-002774-tpqsjjet~ts: In addmon to reporting process data and descriptions of the SIF users, we report on data indicating that the establishment of the SIF has been independently associated with reductions in public~': ° g~( p