This is a list of all the questions and their associated study carrel identifiers. One can learn a lot of the "aboutness" of a text simply by reading the questions.
identifier | question |
cord-006818-2lclcf1x | What is your diagnosis? |
cord-259566-qtlq7a6l | The reproductive number of COVID-19 is higher compared to SARS coronavirus Perinatal transmission of COVID-19 associated SARS- CoV-2: should we worry? |
cord-315089-csqjgozm | Non- face- to- face basic surgical skill education in the novel coronavirus disease 2019( COVID-19) outbreak: obstacle vs. opportunity? |
cord-351373-a21453gz | Is surgical smoke harmful to theater staff? |
cord-254686-pclq855r | How should U.S. hospitals prepare for coronavirus disease 2019( COVID-19)? |
cord-355319-2mn9cf79 | an ally of exercise stress echocardiography during the COVID-19 pandemic? |
cord-325110-cfo5f99l | Innovations in neurosurgical education during the COVID-19 pandemic: is it time to reexamine our neurosurgical training models? |
cord-266977-5swwc6kr | Diathermy forceps and pencils: reservoirs for 349 protein and prion contamination? |
cord-025176-f0frlpwh | How to risk- stratify elective surgery during the COVID-19 pandemic? |
cord-025176-f0frlpwh | Should the distribution of operating room time be in an"open block"fashion or should the block time grid be reconfigured for a limited number of weeks only, prior to complete reopening( stage 3)? |
cord-353004-ocnp758o | How to risk- stratify elective surgery during the COVID-19 pandemic? |
cord-292129-m1ookq0l | Do N95 respirators provide 95% protection level against airborne viruses, and how adequate are surgical masks? |
cord-290209-gkx57lyq | A novel, validated risk score to predict surgical site infection after pancreaticoduodenectomy Impact of surgical site infection on healthcare costs and patient outcomes: a systematic review in six European countries Risk factors for superficial vs deep/ organ- space surgical site infections: implications for quality improvement initiatives Surgical site infections after colorectal surgery: do risk factors vary depending on the type of infection considered? |
cord-258118-j26v354r | How does surgical smoke become dangerous? |
cord-258118-j26v354r | MCF-7 cells reflects both genotoxic and nongenotoxic events Is it time for a more systematic approach to the hazards of surgical smoke? |
cord-029789-ttql1jpv | The effect of smoking on 30-day outcomes in elective hernia repair Cost- utility analysis of biologic and biosynthetic mesh in ventral hernia repair: when are they worth it? |
cord-029789-ttql1jpv | boarding surgical ICU patients in other ICUs and the effect of distances from the home unit Cohorting trauma patients in a medical/ surgical unit at a level I pediatric trauma center to enhance interdisciplinary collaboration and documentation Boarding ICU patients: are our rounding practices subpar? |
cord-348614-im7qtr9k | COVID-19 outbreak and surgical practice: unexpected fatality in perioperative period Emergency colorectal surgery in a COVID-19 pandemic epicenter Management of COVID-19-positive pediatric patients undergoing minimally invasive surgical procedures: systematic review and recommendations of the board of european society of pediatric endoscopic surgeons What happened to surgical emergencies in the era of COVID-19 outbreak? |
cord-348614-im7qtr9k | Lancet COVID-19: are we ready for the second wave? |
cord-337958-472xu87g | g authors: Zuberi, Maaz K.; Nizam, Wasay; Shah, Adil; Petrosyan, Michael; Fullum, Terrance; Cornwell, Edward title: SHOULD I BE CONCERNED? |
cord-318333-rzhrgp5q | Alone Sufficient to Protect Healthy Lungs? |
cord-318333-rzhrgp5q | He, Yuhong; Wu, Yang title: COVID-19 infection, a potential threat to surgical patients and staff? |
cord-287376-wxldnlih | Can surgery follow the dictates of the pandemic “ keep your distance ”? |
cord-287376-wxldnlih | Can surgery follow the dictates of the pandemic"keep your distance"? |
cord-275985-rj0o7lg2 | Instead of asking how to teach surgical skills, the real question should be, how do trainees and surgeons learn surgical skills? |
cord-275985-rj0o7lg2 | Our COVIDcoerced state has transitioned the question from,'How do we ensure appropriate surgical training and professional development in the current environment?' |
cord-275985-rj0o7lg2 | to'How do we maintain the integrity of surgical training while also protecting our trainees and simultaneously ensuring the sustainability of a critical workforce for our healthcare systems?'. |
cord-352884-umlxwnid | ( e) 1 9 10 9 Infection with human papillomavirus can cause the development of which of these cancers? |
cord-352884-umlxwnid | Which of these infectious particles has not currently been found to be transmissible by studies investigating surgical plume? |
cord-260907-uuaa9ta2 | A systematic review Simulation- based medical teaching and learning Simulation as a surgical teaching model Telesimulation: an innovative tool for health professions education Introducing an e- learning solution for medical education in Liberia Systematic review of virtual haptics in surgical simulation: a valid educational tool? |
cord-260907-uuaa9ta2 | But which experiential activities and assessments are essential to retain, and which could be effectively replaced or supplemented by simulation or by remote activities? |
cord-260907-uuaa9ta2 | The utilization of video technology in surgical education: a systematic review Is video- based education an effective method in surgical education? |
cord-302104-wjad5q9q | A retrospective study on the 399 hazards of the carbon dioxide laser plume Laryngeal papillomatosis- first recognition in Germany as an occupational disease in an operating room nurse 402 Transmission of human papillomavirus DNA from 404 patient to surgical masks, gloves and oral mucosa of medical 405 personnel during treatment of laryngeal papillomas and genital 406 warts Is surgical 408 plume developing during routine LEEPs contaminated with high-409 risk HPV? |
cord-302104-wjad5q9q | Are laryngeal papilloma 420 virus- infected cells viable in the plume derived from a continuous 421 mode carbon dioxide laser, and are they infectious? |
cord-302104-wjad5q9q | Preferred 373 reporting items for systematic reviews and meta- analyses: the 374 PRISMA statement Is papillomavirus detect-376 able in the plume of laser- treated laryngeal papilloma? |
cord-258243-2utl2mfl | Does Adenotonsillectomy really reduced clinic visits for pediatric upper respiratory tract infections? |
cord-258243-2utl2mfl | The immune response in adenoids and tonsils High rates of detection of respiratory viruses in tonsillar tissues from children with chronic adenotonsillar disease Is there agreement among general practitioners, paediatricians and otolaryngologists about the management of children with recurrent tonsillitis? |
cord-258243-2utl2mfl | Two Millenia of Trauma, Haemorrhage and Controversy Factors influencing the indication for tonsillectomy: a historical overview and current concepts Trends in the indications for pediatric tonsillectomy or adenotonsillectomy Changing indications and socio- demographic determinants of( adeno)tonsillectomy among children in England- are they linked? |
cord-325290-hbzbyqi4 | , what is an acceptable response rate? |
cord-325290-hbzbyqi4 | Ethics and practicalities of duty of care in pandemics and disasters Recovery of surgical services during and after covid-19 How Should Complex Communication Responsibilities Be Distributed in Surgical Education Settings? |
cord-325290-hbzbyqi4 | How Essential Is to Focus on Physician's Health and Burnout in Coronavirus( COVID-19) Pandemic? |
cord-325290-hbzbyqi4 | The ACGME core competencies: changing the way we educate and evaluate residents Governance arrangements for research ethics committees Lives on the line? |
cord-355431-efwuy8p9 | : weathering the COVID-19 crisis: time for leadership, vigilance, and Unity Cadaveric hands- on training for surgical specialties: is this back to the future for surgical skills development? |
cord-355431-efwuy8p9 | : what is our role in the COVID-19 pandemic? |
cord-355431-efwuy8p9 | N95 respirators vs medical masks for preventing influenza among health care personnel: a randomized clinical trial Preparing to perform trauma and Orthopaedic surgery on patients with COVID-19 A review of state guidelines for Elective Orthopaedic procedures during the COVID-19 outbreak What's important: redeployment of the Orthopaedic surgeon during the COVID-19 pandemic: perspectives from the trenches Managing resident workforce and education during the COVID-19 of 9 pandemic: evolving strategies and lessons learned How to risk- stratify elective surgery during the COVID-19 pandemic? |
cord-355431-efwuy8p9 | What to expect from the future? |
cord-282786-kbr1p8e9 | And has the reduction in clinical work resulted in an increase in academic activity? |
cord-282786-kbr1p8e9 | How does this correlate with developing a more holistic surgeon who is competent in both technical skills and academic research? |
cord-282786-kbr1p8e9 | How has this pandemic impacted the education of surgical trainees? |
cord-282786-kbr1p8e9 | We would like to see wider studies address this topic: has the reduced surgical workload during the COVID-19 pandemic resulted in lower rates of burnout among surgical residents? |
cord-309751-7elnvjk3 | A hospitalbased analysis How to risk- stratify elective surgery during the COVID-19 pandemic? |
cord-309751-7elnvjk3 | COVID-19 outbreak: Is there still a place for scheduled surgery?" |
cord-309751-7elnvjk3 | What is the definition of an elective procedure? |
cord-309751-7elnvjk3 | What risks and what precautions? |
cord-309751-7elnvjk3 | What should be offered to patients as an alternative to surgical intervention? |
cord-258762-vabyyx01 | : Is there a health hazard? |
cord-258762-vabyyx01 | : Is this just a lot of hot air? |
cord-258762-vabyyx01 | Do N95 respirators provide 95% protection level against airborne viruses, and how adequate are surgical masks? |
cord-258762-vabyyx01 | Occupational exposure to inhaled anesthetic Is it a concern for pregnant women? |
cord-258762-vabyyx01 | Secondhand smoke in the operating room? |
cord-281656-8anh8rhm | : a practical algorithm from a hub tertiary teaching hospital in northern Lombardy Safe management of surgical smoke in the age of COVID-19 Detecting hepatitis B virus in surgical smoke emitted during laparoscopic surgery Is surgical plume developing during routine LEEPs contaminated with high- risk HPV? |
cord-281656-8anh8rhm | This study adds to our evolving concepts of rib Laparoscopy at all costs? |
cord-281656-8anh8rhm | key: cord-281656- 8anh8rhm authors: Pata, Francesco; Cuccurullo, Diego; Khan, Mansoor; Carcano, Giulio; Di Saverio, Salomone title: Authors'response: Laparoscopy and COVID-19: An off- key song? |
cord-281656-8anh8rhm | practical advice based on the Italian experience FNOMCeO( the Italian National Federation of Medical Doctors and Dentists) Convert to open: the new paradigm for surgery during COVID-19? |
cord-281656-8anh8rhm | smoke Laparoscopy at all costs? |
cord-330940-ee63wosv | How can we practice skills if being together risks transmission? |
cord-330940-ee63wosv | How do we teach surgical residents if there are no operations? |
cord-330940-ee63wosv | How do we teach surgical residents in the COVID-19 era? |
cord-330940-ee63wosv | How do we train without patients, and how we do this at a distance? |
cord-330940-ee63wosv | When will we resume a normal operative schedule? |
cord-028285-n4dommet | Accessed Immediate and long- term impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on delivery of surgical services Orthopaedic Education During the COVID-19 Innovations in neurosurgical education during the COVID-19 pandemic: is it time to reexamine our neurosurgical training models? |
cord-028285-n4dommet | COVID-19: What are the challenges for NHS surgery? |
cord-028285-n4dommet | How is intensive care reimbursed? |
cord-028285-n4dommet | This raises the question: as the largest employer in the UK, should be the NHS be more responsible for addressing the health of its workforce? |
cord-028285-n4dommet | the NHS post- COVID-19 COVID-19: Can Orthopaedic Surgeons Really Work From Home? |
cord-006563-qmigctkp | Can Chronic Pain Be Prevented? |
cord-006563-qmigctkp | Knowing how the operating rooms and emergency rooms are ventilated and how can they be separated to prevent the Major difficulties in providing anesthesia in mass casualties- how to prevent them by practical exercise? |
cord-006563-qmigctkp | Persistent postsurgical pain: risk factors and prevention When does acute pain become chronic? |
cord-006563-qmigctkp | We may agree that opportunity alone is a strong argument to use simulation to train for catastrophic rare events like malignant hyperthermia or emergency cricothyroidotomy, but is that the case for routine care as well? |
cord-006563-qmigctkp | Whatdo we know? |
cord-006563-qmigctkp | qmigctkp nan Ultrasound guided nerve blocks: what makes us happy? |
cord-262141-th2edwh4 | Do respirators protect health- care workers from airborne infectious diseases? |
cord-262141-th2edwh4 | How infectious is the hazard? |
cord-262141-th2edwh4 | What do healthcare workers think? |
cord-262141-th2edwh4 | What is the particle size of the airborne hazard? |
cord-262141-th2edwh4 | n What is the dominant mode(s) of transmission( ie, contact, droplet, aerosol)? |
cord-262141-th2edwh4 | n What is the hazard? |
cord-259984-csdf1a69 | Did you have any contact with a confirmed COVID-19 case within the past 14 days? |
cord-259984-csdf1a69 | Do you have any fever or acute respiratory infection( sudden onset of respiratory infection with at least one of: shortness of breath, cough or sore throat)? |
cord-259984-csdf1a69 | Do you have any history of travelling to or residing in affected countries in the past 14 days? |
cord-259984-csdf1a69 | Should the surgical instrument be reused? |
cord-259984-csdf1a69 | The impact of professional isolation on teleworker job performance and turnover intentions: does time spent teleworking, interacting face- toface, or having access to communicationenhancing technology matter? |
cord-259984-csdf1a69 | Then what will happen to all elective cases that will be pushed back for a further few months? |
cord-259984-csdf1a69 | Will that add to the mounting burden of long waiting lists that is already stretched? |
cord-015368-a0qz4tb9 | 009 State- of- the- art 2007: mitral valve repairminimally invasive or median sternotomy? |
cord-015368-a0qz4tb9 | 115 Prophylactic operations in palliativ surgerya conflict? |
cord-015368-a0qz4tb9 | 201 Is TME an adequate treatment for low rectal cancer? |
cord-015368-a0qz4tb9 | 229 Teaching means learning-who benefits from academic teaching duties? |
cord-015368-a0qz4tb9 | 233 Single- port appendectomy in obese children-a useful alternative? |
cord-015368-a0qz4tb9 | 253 Does lifting of the abdominal wall for the set up of the pneumoperitoneum for laparoscopy increase the safetiness? |
cord-015368-a0qz4tb9 | 333 Breast cancer centres-can quality only be achieved in high- volume- institutions? |
cord-015368-a0qz4tb9 | 354 Fast track surgery without thoracic peridural anaesthesia? |
cord-015368-a0qz4tb9 | 368 Segmental duodenectomy at periampullary lesions-an adequate therapy? |
cord-015368-a0qz4tb9 | 380 Oversewing of gastric pull up staple line in reconstruction after esophageal resection: counterproductive or helpful procedure? |
cord-015368-a0qz4tb9 | A protective effect towards myocyte damage was further underlined by reduced troponin levels in groups receiving B- beta 15- 42. 081 Acute cellular rejection after cardiac transplantation-is there a way to reduce the number of biopsies? |
cord-015368-a0qz4tb9 | Based on our case we like to discuss the indication for surgery, incidence of malignant change, risk factors, discovery and diagnosis, detection and prevention, the surgical procedures for the treatment of chledochal cysts and especially whether the typ of surgery have an impact on malignant transformation? |
cord-015368-a0qz4tb9 | But how can the terms''malpractice''or medical error be defined at all? |
cord-015368-a0qz4tb9 | But what is the standard treatment in recurrent pneumothorax after primary operation in the era of VATS? |
cord-015368-a0qz4tb9 | Does the lunar phase influence the incidence of postoperative haemorrhage after thyroid surgery? |
cord-015368-a0qz4tb9 | Does the route of gastric pull- up influence the oxygen supply of the anastomosis? |
cord-015368-a0qz4tb9 | However, the question remains, which fields of specialisation are realistic for a general surgical department with a limited staff? |
cord-015368-a0qz4tb9 | Is the laparoscopic sigmoid resection with a primary anastomosis in acute sigmoid diverticulitis the optimal surgical therapy? |
cord-015368-a0qz4tb9 | P08 Stamm- Kader gastrostomy or PEG W. H. Weissenhofer Time- honoured or forgotten? |
cord-015368-a0qz4tb9 | P21 Lymphatic vessel invasion in upper GI cancer: an indication for an additive or adjuvant therapy? |
cord-015368-a0qz4tb9 | P33 Lipocalin-2, regulator or byproduct during ischemia and reperfusion? |
cord-015368-a0qz4tb9 | Pure esophageal atresia with normal outer appearance-a new subtype? |
cord-015368-a0qz4tb9 | Stenosis and occlusion of the proximal subclavian artery-surgical or interventional treatment? |
cord-015368-a0qz4tb9 | Which conditions must be fulfilled for the motion to court or the medical arbitration committee? |
cord-006854-o2e5na78 | : This study includes 40 patients who underwent LC implementing metallic clip( MC) and 40 patients implementing Hem- O- Lock clips( H0)?. |
cord-006854-o2e5na78 | Adenocarcinoma of Duodenum: Surgical or Endoscopic Treatment? |
cord-006854-o2e5na78 | And the temperature in FT under 50 s cases was significantly higher than over FT over 50 s cases( 26.3 vs 30.8?). |
cord-006854-o2e5na78 | Applying to Surgical Residency: What Makes the Best Candidates? |
cord-006854-o2e5na78 | Conclusion: Preserving Duodenal- jejunal transit does not impede glucose tolerance and diabetes remission after gastric bypass in Type-2 diabetes Sprague- Dawley rat model Is Bariatric Surgery Effective for Comorbidity Resolution in Super Obese Patients? |
cord-006854-o2e5na78 | Does Concomitant Placement of a Feeding Jejunostomy Tube During Esophagectomy Affect Quality Outcomes? |
cord-006854-o2e5na78 | Does Robotic System Have Advantages Over Laparoscopic System for Distal Pancreatectomy? |
cord-006854-o2e5na78 | Histological grade(? |
cord-006854-o2e5na78 | ICG- enhanced? |
cord-006854-o2e5na78 | In residual intestine, the temperature was siginificantly higher than resected intestine( 31.5 vs 29.0?, p.01). |
cord-006854-o2e5na78 | Is It Safe? |
cord-006854-o2e5na78 | It's in the Bag; Can Stoma Output Predict Acute Kidney Injury in New Ostomates? |
cord-006854-o2e5na78 | Opportunity Lost? |
cord-006854-o2e5na78 | Results: out of 308 patients who went through the procedure 9( 2.9%) suffered hemorrhagic complications: 7 patients had? |
cord-006854-o2e5na78 | The Influence of Thickest Background: The use of stapling devices for distal pancreatectomy remains controversial, due to concerns about the development of postoperative pancreatic? |
cord-006854-o2e5na78 | The intraoperative and postoperative parameters were collected including duration of the operation and complications?. |
cord-006854-o2e5na78 | The surgical outcomes were compared between non- obese( body mass index[ BMI]\25 kg/ m 2) and obese( BMI? 25 kg/ m 2) patients. |
cord-006854-o2e5na78 | There were no intraoperative complications, and one postoperative pancreatitis with grade? of Clavien- Dindo classification of surgical complications. |
cord-006854-o2e5na78 | These patients were divided into three groups by the degree of esophageal clearance( Group A: clearance rate\10%, Group B: 10%? |
cord-006854-o2e5na78 | This study compares the traditional standard metallic clip with Hem- O- Lock used in laparoscopic cholecystectomy( LC) in regard of the safety and efficacy?. |
cord-006854-o2e5na78 | We reviewed the literature and present our data to evaluate the feasibility and usefulness of ICG- enhanced? |
cord-006854-o2e5na78 | Weekday or Weekend Hospital Discharge: Does it Matter for Acute Care Surgery? |
cord-006854-o2e5na78 | Without Interruptions: Does Twitter Level the Playing Field? |
cord-006854-o2e5na78 | clearance rate\50%, and Group C: 50%? |
cord-006854-o2e5na78 | distal to the ligament of Treitz Peri- operative and short- term follow- up results up to Does Age or Preoperative BMI Influence Weight Loss After Bariatric Surgery? |
cord-300689-dz6lybgi | -what is our role as surgeons? |
cord-300689-dz6lybgi | Ann Surg Does the presence of a strong surgical system based on the Lancet Commission on Global Surgery indicators correlate with better pandemic outcomes? |
cord-300689-dz6lybgi | Are outcomes from surgical conditions different for patients with active COVID-19 disease undergoing surgical management, compared to otherwise similar patients with COVID-19 disease with nonoperative management of a surgical condition? |
cord-300689-dz6lybgi | COVID-19 interventions change incidence and severity of traumatic injury, by mechanism and intent? |
cord-300689-dz6lybgi | Do COVID-19 survivors have different long- term surgical care needs or risks associated with surgery, compared to otherwise similar patients without a history of COVID-19 disease? |
cord-300689-dz6lybgi | Do aspects of COVID-19 pandemic control measures( eg, travel restrictions, reduced case volume, delayed/ missed continuing medical education opportunities) impact surgeon and trainee opportunities for career development, promotion, and retention? |
cord-300689-dz6lybgi | Do deferral of elective surgical care and efforts to minimize occupation COVID-19 exposure for surgical trainees reduce total case volume, and do such reductions adversely impact clinical performance or early career development? |
cord-300689-dz6lybgi | Do minoritized, low income, rural, and other marginalized populations realize the same benefits from surgical systems as a reservoir for healthcare capacity during the pandemic, compared to well served populations? |
cord-300689-dz6lybgi | Does COVID-19 and resulting changes to organization and practice of surgery impact medical students'choice of specialty and/or the decision to pursue a career in surgery? |
cord-300689-dz6lybgi | Does postponement of emergency general surgery or use of nonoperative interventions to manage emergency general surgical conditions during the pandemic adversely impact outcomes for non- COVID patients, compared to emergency general surgery after prepandemic standards of care? |
cord-300689-dz6lybgi | For patients with active COVID-19 disease at the time of surgery, are short- and long- term health outcomes different than outcomes for otherwise similar non- COVID surgical patients undergoing the same procedures? |
cord-300689-dz6lybgi | How are safety net hospitals and minority serving hospitals affected by COVID-19 in terms of staff reductions or closures and how does that affect healthcare access for surgical care for underserved populations in the US? |
cord-300689-dz6lybgi | How can surgical clinicians better prepare for future pandemics and what are national needs for surgical safety training, pandemic preparation, and equipment? |
cord-300689-dz6lybgi | How can surgical delivery be adjusted to maximize safety for surgeons, other health care providers, and patients? |
cord-300689-dz6lybgi | How do COVID-19 and federal or state stimulus packages affect financial viability, closures, and layoffs at private surgical practices, ambulatory surgical centers, and surgical departments at hospitals? |
cord-300689-dz6lybgi | How do changes in operating room standards for PPE implemented to extend resources for COVID-19 care impact safety of surgical clinicians? |
cord-300689-dz6lybgi | How do changes to surgical practices( including occupational infection risk), training, and professional development in response to COVID-19 impact surgeons'family structure( ie, partnering, childbearing, care giving responsibilities)? |
cord-300689-dz6lybgi | How do preexisting hospital structure, payer agreements, and payer mix affect financial outcomes and hospital viability? |
cord-300689-dz6lybgi | How does family structure impact surgeons'role in the COVID-19 response? |
cord-300689-dz6lybgi | How might COVID precipitate changes in payment models or insurance coverage, and how will these changes affect surgeons and patients with surgical conditions? |
cord-300689-dz6lybgi | How will rising unemployment and other reasons for economic hardship affect insurance status and ability to pay any out- of- pocket expenses for surgical care? |
cord-300689-dz6lybgi | Is it true, for example, that surgical beds can be rapidly transformed into pandemic beds? |
cord-300689-dz6lybgi | Is the COVID-19 pandemic and response associated with delayed presentation or reduced diagnosis of surgical conditions? |
cord-300689-dz6lybgi | Patient Outcomes Does deferral of elective surgery during the COVID-19 pandemic adversely impact outcomes for non- COVID patients, compared to patients with surgical interventions after prepandemic timelines and standards of care? |
cord-300689-dz6lybgi | Surgical Disparities and Economic Hardship Do changes to surgical system capacity and practices in response to COVID-19 disproportionately impact underserved and/or vulnerable populations, create new disparities in surgical care, and/or exacerbate existing disparities in surgical care/ outcomes? |
cord-300689-dz6lybgi | Were surgical critical care rotations effective preparation for taking care of COVIDþ19 patients? |
cord-300689-dz6lybgi | What are the changes in healthcare costs and quality associated with the use of virtual care/ telehealth for pre and postoperative care? |
cord-300689-dz6lybgi | What are the minimum necessary resources( eg, personnel, acute and long term care beds, durable equipment, disposable/ consumable goods) and estimated timeline for safely resuming elective surgical care? |
cord-300689-dz6lybgi | What are the short- and long- term health outcomes( eg, COVID-19 disease and sequelae, PTSD, anxiety, depression) of surgical clinicians redeployed to care for COVID-19 patients, how do these outcomes impact workforce capacity? |
cord-300689-dz6lybgi | What clinical personnel gains are associated with early graduation/ promotion and licensing/ credentialing of trainees? |
cord-300689-dz6lybgi | What is the access to virtual care across different demographic groups, and how does differential access affect ability to temporize or triage elective surgical conditions? |
cord-300689-dz6lybgi | What is the direct financial impact of delaying elective surgical care to hospitals, and outcomes including hospital closures, personnel layoffs, and decreased access to care for patients? |
cord-300689-dz6lybgi | What is the minimum necessary PPE for each type of surgical procedure? |
cord-300689-dz6lybgi | What is the role of task- shifting from surgery in a pandemic within low- and middle- income countries, and how may this differ from high income countries? |
cord-300689-dz6lybgi | What is the safety of improvised and/or reused PPE? |
cord-300689-dz6lybgi | What resources does the surgical delivery system need to prepare for future pandemics? |
cord-300689-dz6lybgi | When these( 2) hospitalization and convalescence of clinicians with severe COVID-19 disease, and( 3) clinician mortality due to COVID-19? |
cord-300689-dz6lybgi | Which surgical conditions were found to be more common and which surgical conditions were found to be less common as a result of social distancing and/or delays in seeking or receiving care? |
cord-300689-dz6lybgi | do those changes affect access to quality healthcare for surgical patients? |
cord-300689-dz6lybgi | the same across all demographic groups or are certain groups delayed more than others? |
cord-006849-vgjz74ts | ( 0/50 N?) |
cord-006849-vgjz74ts | ( LAR? TME) with high or low ligation( LL) of the inferior mesenteric artery( IMA). |
cord-006849-vgjz74ts | ( LR? 5,6). |
cord-006849-vgjz74ts | ( n?=? |
cord-006849-vgjz74ts | ( n?=? |
cord-006849-vgjz74ts | ( p?\? 0.001). |
cord-006849-vgjz74ts | ( p?\? 0.001). |
cord-006849-vgjz74ts | 25 Gy/ 10 fraction/5 days? S-1 or Xeloda) is performed to secure circumferential resection margin( CRM) due to tumor shrinkage, reduction of cancer cells with viability, reduction of radiation hazard for resectable locally advanced lower rectal cancer( more T3 or N1). |
cord-006849-vgjz74ts | 3 cycles Carboplatine? 5FU). |
cord-006849-vgjz74ts | 6 months after surgery, the number of post- operative strictures increased in both groups, but was lower in the research group and amounted to 4 cases in the research group and 11 cases in the control group(? |
cord-006849-vgjz74ts | A 56-year- old male with distal rectal cancer underwent neoadjuvant CRT for a mrT3cN2M0 mrEMVI? |
cord-006849-vgjz74ts | A consecutive experience from its introduction of SILS? |
cord-006849-vgjz74ts | A nomogram was performed; as regards the BMI, the positive likelihood index in the group of BMI[ 30 a prediction index of conversion of 50%( LR? 4,95) and in BMI\ 30 the prediction index of conversion is 5%( LR-0,52). |
cord-006849-vgjz74ts | A randomized prospective cohort study with two groups( A? B) of ten laparoscopically naïve medical students was conducted. |
cord-006849-vgjz74ts | According to pathological grading about rectal neuroendocrine neoplasm, there were 17 grade 1( G1) and 3 grade 2( G2) in conventional ESD group while 13 grade 1( G1) and 4 grade 2( G2) in DFS- ESD group(? 2= 0.436, P= 0.509). |
cord-006849-vgjz74ts | After reduction of the stomach to abdominal cavity, a total D1? |
cord-006849-vgjz74ts | All the patients underwent the laparoscopic right colectomy( CME? CVL) with D3 lymph node dissection. |
cord-006849-vgjz74ts | As Rubric evaluation showed weak points of detailed parts of maneuver, and VR? |
cord-006849-vgjz74ts | Both the treatment of LCBDE and ERCP? |
cord-006849-vgjz74ts | CD117??? |
cord-006849-vgjz74ts | CD117??? |
cord-006849-vgjz74ts | CD117??? |
cord-006849-vgjz74ts | CD4(-) GOG1(-) Caldesmon(?) |
cord-006849-vgjz74ts | Conclusions: LL of the IMA in LAR? |
cord-006849-vgjz74ts | EpCAM? |
cord-006849-vgjz74ts | EpCAM? cells spreading out from the ductular reactions( DR). |
cord-006849-vgjz74ts | Furthermore, the sutures'appearance itself correlated with EWL% at both time points( rho? 0.416; p= 0.002 and rho 0.439; p= 0.028 respectively). |
cord-006849-vgjz74ts | HSI analyzes optical properties of tissues and acquires 3D data sets with two spatial dimensions( x, y) and one spectral dimension(?). |
cord-006849-vgjz74ts | However, pathological results showed tumor tissue close to the burning margin in 5 cases of conventional ESD group and in 2 cases of DFS- ESD group(? 2= 0.364, P= 0.546). |
cord-006849-vgjz74ts | In postoperative outcomes, there were significant differences in complications(? grade3) |
cord-006849-vgjz74ts | In the video we can see how we perform a laparoscopic distal gastrectomy with D1? |
cord-006849-vgjz74ts | Inter- rater agreement using the Doublet View vs. the Binary method was as follows: 83.33%(?= 0.54) vs. 88.46%(?= 0.75) for CVS achievement, 66.66%(?= 0.48) vs. 93.59%(?= 0.79) for the 2 structures, 65.38%(?= 0.45) vs. 82.05%(?= 0.62) for the hepatocystic triangle and 61.53%(?= 0.36) vs. 88.46%(?= 0.77) for the cystic plate( Fig. 1). |
cord-006849-vgjz74ts | Inter- rater agreement using the Doublet View vs. the Binary method was as follows: 83.33%(?= 0.54) vs. 88.46%(?= 0.75) for CVS achievement, 66.66%(?= 0.48) vs. 93.59%(?= 0.79) for the 2 structures, 65.38%(?= 0.45) vs. 82.05%(?= 0.62) for the hepatocystic triangle and 61.53%(?= 0.36) vs. 88.46%(?= 0.77) for the cystic plate( Fig. 1). |
cord-006849-vgjz74ts | Inter- rater agreement using the Doublet View vs. the Binary method was as follows: 83.33%(?= 0.54) vs. 88.46%(?= 0.75) for CVS achievement, 66.66%(?= 0.48) vs. 93.59%(?= 0.79) for the 2 structures, 65.38%(?= 0.45) vs. 82.05%(?= 0.62) for the hepatocystic triangle and 61.53%(?= 0.36) vs. 88.46%(?= 0.77) for the cystic plate( Fig. 1). |
cord-006849-vgjz74ts | Inter- rater agreement using the Doublet View vs. the Binary method was as follows: 83.33%(?= 0.54) vs. 88.46%(?= 0.75) for CVS achievement, 66.66%(?= 0.48) vs. 93.59%(?= 0.79) for the 2 structures, 65.38%(?= 0.45) vs. 82.05%(?= 0.62) for the hepatocystic triangle and 61.53%(?= 0.36) vs. 88.46%(?= 0.77) for the cystic plate( Fig. 1). |
cord-006849-vgjz74ts | Inter- rater agreement using the Doublet View vs. the Binary method was as follows: 83.33%(?= 0.54) vs. 88.46%(?= 0.75) for CVS achievement, 66.66%(?= 0.48) vs. 93.59%(?= 0.79) for the 2 structures, 65.38%(?= 0.45) vs. 82.05%(?= 0.62) for the hepatocystic triangle and 61.53%(?= 0.36) vs. 88.46%(?= 0.77) for the cystic plate( Fig. 1). |
cord-006849-vgjz74ts | Inter- rater agreement using the Doublet View vs. the Binary method was as follows: 83.33%(?= 0.54) vs. 88.46%(?= 0.75) for CVS achievement, 66.66%(?= 0.48) vs. 93.59%(?= 0.79) for the 2 structures, 65.38%(?= 0.45) vs. 82.05%(?= 0.62) for the hepatocystic triangle and 61.53%(?= 0.36) vs. 88.46%(?= 0.77) for the cystic plate( Fig. 1). |
cord-006849-vgjz74ts | Inter- rater agreement using the Doublet View vs. the Binary method was as follows: 83.33%(?= 0.54) vs. 88.46%(?= 0.75) for CVS achievement, 66.66%(?= 0.48) vs. 93.59%(?= 0.79) for the 2 structures, 65.38%(?= 0.45) vs. 82.05%(?= 0.62) for the hepatocystic triangle and 61.53%(?= 0.36) vs. 88.46%(?= 0.77) for the cystic plate( Fig. 1). |
cord-006849-vgjz74ts | Inter- rater agreement using the Doublet View vs. the Binary method was as follows: 83.33%(?= 0.54) vs. 88.46%(?= 0.75) for CVS achievement, 66.66%(?= 0.48) vs. 93.59%(?= 0.79) for the 2 structures, 65.38%(?= 0.45) vs. 82.05%(?= 0.62) for the hepatocystic triangle and 61.53%(?= 0.36) vs. 88.46%(?= 0.77) for the cystic plate( Fig. 1). |
cord-006849-vgjz74ts | Introduction: We have developed and previously reported single- incision plus one port laparoscopic anterior resection of the rectum( SILS? 1-AR) as a reduced port surgery in which we can utilize the incision for drainage as an additional access route for laparoscopic procedures including the transection the lower rectum. |
cord-006849-vgjz74ts | Is the appendicolith a causative factor or merely an incidental finding? |
cord-006849-vgjz74ts | Knowing the lack of perfusion in the gastric pouch could be of great interest in revisional surgeries; but the question remains: is the current icg technology reliable enough to make intraoperative decisions in bariatric surgery? |
cord-006849-vgjz74ts | Major etiological factors were: viral hepatitis C( 47 patients( 48.0%)), B( 29 patients( 29.6%)), B? |
cord-006849-vgjz74ts | Measurement data were compressed to low- dimensional vectors using a TUCKER 3 like algorithm, and used to train an artificial neural network( ANN) to provide a classification between patients(? 1) and healthy controls(-1). |
cord-006849-vgjz74ts | Methods: Between June 2014 and December 2016, patients who underwent elective laparoscopic LAR? |
cord-006849-vgjz74ts | No N? |
cord-006849-vgjz74ts | One hundred and forty- one patients( 53 female) with a mean age of 67.6 years adopted the SILS? |
cord-006849-vgjz74ts | One hundred and thirty- six patients( 96.5%) completed with SILA? |
cord-006849-vgjz74ts | Research group did not register a single case of EGA leakage while 2 patients in control group(?\ 0,05). |
cord-006849-vgjz74ts | Result: Intervention: Complete laparoscopic approach, right lateral partial decubitus, massive splenomegaly,? |
cord-006849-vgjz74ts | Subgroup analysis showed that the CS3 of patients who had poor prognostic factors initially demonstrated the greatest increase in postoperative survival time( e.g., N3b: 26.6%-84.1%,? 57.5% vs. N0: 84.1%-93.3%,? 9.2%). |
cord-006849-vgjz74ts | Subgroup analysis showed that the CS3 of patients who had poor prognostic factors initially demonstrated the greatest increase in postoperative survival time( e.g., N3b: 26.6%-84.1%,? 57.5% vs. N0: 84.1%-93.3%,? 9.2%). |
cord-006849-vgjz74ts | Surgery was performed under epidural anesthesia in 24 patients and multimodal analgesia in 15: periodic acetaminophen administration? |
cord-006849-vgjz74ts | The Ethicon SecureStrap?? |
cord-006849-vgjz74ts | The Ethicon SecureStrap?? |
cord-006849-vgjz74ts | The above procedure was performed for 45 RGC patients with stage cT1- 4aN0/? |
cord-006849-vgjz74ts | The accumulated macrophages existed around fibrous scar as well as CK19? |
cord-006849-vgjz74ts | The criterion standard surgical approach for rectal cancer is LAR? |
cord-006849-vgjz74ts | The day before surgery, ICG diluted 50 times( 0.2 ml of reagent? |
cord-006849-vgjz74ts | The extent of lymph node dissection( D1?/ D2) was 23/7 cases in both groups |
cord-006849-vgjz74ts | The macrophages were CD163? |
cord-006849-vgjz74ts | The mechanism possibly include hepatic accumulation of anti- fibrotic CD163-positive macrophages and stimulation of DR- derived CK19? |
cord-006849-vgjz74ts | The software was implemented in C?? |
cord-006849-vgjz74ts | The software was implemented in C?? |
cord-006849-vgjz74ts | The stone size of the ERCP? |
cord-006849-vgjz74ts | The study is completed with MRI where the lesion is located below the right kidney, in front of the right psoas muscle and lateral to the inferior vena cava, and without contact with these structures.?? |
cord-006849-vgjz74ts | The study is completed with MRI where the lesion is located below the right kidney, in front of the right psoas muscle and lateral to the inferior vena cava, and without contact with these structures.?? |
cord-006849-vgjz74ts | There were 2 cases of esophagus postoperative strictures which developed 3 months after the surgery in the research group which was less than in the control group which saw 6 cases of strictures of EGA(?\ 0,05). |
cord-006849-vgjz74ts | There were 5 cases of esophagus postoperative strictures which developed 12 months after the surgery in the research group which was less than in the control group which saw 13 cases of strictures of EGA(?\ 0,05). |
cord-006849-vgjz74ts | Thirty patients were N?, and 28 were NND. |
cord-006849-vgjz74ts | This study was supported by the Russian Science Foundation under project? |
cord-006849-vgjz74ts | This way, D2 dissection for advanced gastric cancer and D1? |
cord-006849-vgjz74ts | Three months later, intervention was carried out; Laparotomy Hysterectomy? |
cord-006849-vgjz74ts | To conquer these weak points, virtual reality( VR)? |
cord-006849-vgjz74ts | UNDERGOING RADICAL GASTRECTOMY? |
cord-006849-vgjz74ts | We performed likelihood index( LR?/- |
cord-006849-vgjz74ts | We present a case in which we have performed a laparoscopic distal gastrectomy with D1? |
cord-006849-vgjz74ts | actin- DOG1??? |
cord-006849-vgjz74ts | actin- DOG1??? |
cord-006849-vgjz74ts | actin- DOG1??? |
cord-006849-vgjz74ts | appendectomy? |
cord-006849-vgjz74ts | cholecystectomy(ERCP? |
cord-006849-vgjz74ts | double anexectomy? |
cord-006849-vgjz74ts | follow up was 15? |
cord-006849-vgjz74ts | in the first case and pT3N1( 2/40 N?) in the second. |
cord-006849-vgjz74ts | local anesthesia of the wound in 2, and periodic acetaminophen administration? |
cord-006849-vgjz74ts | mrCRM? |
cord-006849-vgjz74ts | omentectomy? |
cord-006849-vgjz74ts | s100(?). |
cord-006849-vgjz74ts | transverse abdominis plane( TAP) block in 6, periodic acetaminophen administration? |
cord-026031-hnf5vayd | Any cleaning products used inside or outside the house within the last 48 hours? |
cord-026031-hnf5vayd | Any construction work or renovation recently? |
cord-026031-hnf5vayd | Any fertilizers or weed killer used in the last week? |
cord-026031-hnf5vayd | Any mouse or rat poison in your house, yard, or garage? |
cord-026031-hnf5vayd | Are there any abnormal postures? |
cord-026031-hnf5vayd | Are there any characteristic odors on the breath? |
cord-026031-hnf5vayd | Are there any other abnormal signs that you have seen? |
cord-026031-hnf5vayd | Are there any pulse deficits or dysrhythmias auscultated? |
cord-026031-hnf5vayd | Are there any traces of foreign material on the tongue or in the crevices of the teeth or gums? |
cord-026031-hnf5vayd | Are there petechiae or ecchymosis on the gums or bleeding from the gumline? |
cord-026031-hnf5vayd | Did the owner attempt any irrigation or medical techniques prior to presentation? |
cord-026031-hnf5vayd | Did you give any medications to your animal? |
cord-026031-hnf5vayd | Did you witness the ingestion or exposure? |
cord-026031-hnf5vayd | Did your pet eat this morning or last night? |
cord-026031-hnf5vayd | Do the intestinal loops feel normal, or are they fluid- filled or gas- filled? |
cord-026031-hnf5vayd | Do you have any over- the- counter or prescription medications that your animal may have had access to? |
cord-026031-hnf5vayd | Do you have the container with you today? |
cord-026031-hnf5vayd | Do you hear harsh airway sounds or pulmonary crackles? |
cord-026031-hnf5vayd | Do you observe any ptyalism or attempts to vomit? |
cord-026031-hnf5vayd | Do you think that the signs have been the same, better, or getting worse? |
cord-026031-hnf5vayd | Does it appear lethargic or hyperactive? |
cord-026031-hnf5vayd | Does the animal have access to any poisonous substances? |
cord-026031-hnf5vayd | Does your animal have access to any known toxins, or does he or she run loose unattended? |
cord-026031-hnf5vayd | Does your animal have any ongoing or past medical problems? |
cord-026031-hnf5vayd | Does your animal run loose outdoors unattended? |
cord-026031-hnf5vayd | Does your pet have access to a compost pile? |
cord-026031-hnf5vayd | Does your pet have access to neighboring properties( even for a short time)? |
cord-026031-hnf5vayd | Does your pet run loose unattended? |
cord-026031-hnf5vayd | For example, is the patient retaining bicarbonate( metabolic alkalosis) because of carbon dioxide retention( respiratory acidosis)? |
cord-026031-hnf5vayd | Has it changed at all since the owner noticed the problem? |
cord-026031-hnf5vayd | Has there been any gardening work recently? |
cord-026031-hnf5vayd | Has there been any prior incident of ocular disease? |
cord-026031-hnf5vayd | Has your animal been on any medications recently or currently? |
cord-026031-hnf5vayd | Has your animal been vaccinated recently? |
cord-026031-hnf5vayd | Has your animal had any previous or similar episodes? |
cord-026031-hnf5vayd | Has your pet been off your property in the last 24- 48 hours? |
cord-026031-hnf5vayd | Has your pet been to rural areas in the last week? |
cord-026031-hnf5vayd | Has your pet had any antiflea/ tick medication within the last week?Your pet's environment Is your animal kept inside or outside of the house? |
cord-026031-hnf5vayd | Has your pet traveled outside of your immediate geographic location? |
cord-026031-hnf5vayd | Have any known relatives of your animal had any bleeding disorders? |
cord-026031-hnf5vayd | Have similar signs occurred in the past? |
cord-026031-hnf5vayd | Have the signs become better or worse since you first saw them? |
cord-026031-hnf5vayd | Have you changed your radiator fluid or does a car leak antifreeze? |
cord-026031-hnf5vayd | Have you fed table scraps or anything new recently? |
cord-026031-hnf5vayd | How fast did the clinical signs develop? |
cord-026031-hnf5vayd | How is the patient acting? |
cord-026031-hnf5vayd | How long ago do you think that your pet was exposed to the poison? |
cord-026031-hnf5vayd | How long ago was the exposure? |
cord-026031-hnf5vayd | How long has the animal been acting that way? |
cord-026031-hnf5vayd | How much did the animal consume? |
cord-026031-hnf5vayd | How soon did other signs develop? |
cord-026031-hnf5vayd | If so, what? |
cord-026031-hnf5vayd | If so, when and how much did your animal consume? |
cord-026031-hnf5vayd | If so, when? |
cord-026031-hnf5vayd | If so, which? |
cord-026031-hnf5vayd | Is abdominal palpation painful? |
cord-026031-hnf5vayd | Is it a liquid concentrate, dilute spray, or solid? |
cord-026031-hnf5vayd | Is it fast, normal, or slow? |
cord-026031-hnf5vayd | Is it moist, dry, bubbling, or frothy, or caked with dirt? |
cord-026031-hnf5vayd | Is it normal and pink, or dark red( injected), pale, or icteric? |
cord-026031-hnf5vayd | Is it normal, fast, shallow, or labored? |
cord-026031-hnf5vayd | Is it synchronous with the heart rate, or are there dropped pulses? |
cord-026031-hnf5vayd | Is the animal ambulatory, and if so, do you observe any gait abnormalities? |
cord-026031-hnf5vayd | Is the lens clear and is it in the normal position? |
cord-026031-hnf5vayd | Is the ocular examination normal? |
cord-026031-hnf5vayd | Is the pulse bounding, normal, thready, or not palpable? |
cord-026031-hnf5vayd | Is there a P wave for every QRS, and a QRS for every P wave? |
cord-026031-hnf5vayd | Is there a chance that your pet may have gotten into the garbage? |
cord-026031-hnf5vayd | Is there a palpable urinary bladder? |
cord-026031-hnf5vayd | Is there any history of trauma or known chemical irritant or exposure? |
cord-026031-hnf5vayd | Is there any possibility of any toxin exposure? |
cord-026031-hnf5vayd | Is there any possibility of trauma? |
cord-026031-hnf5vayd | Is there any vomiting, diarrhea, trembling, or seizures? |
cord-026031-hnf5vayd | Is there evidence of vomiting or diarrhea? |
cord-026031-hnf5vayd | Is there excessive salivation? |
cord-026031-hnf5vayd | Is there respiratory distress? |
cord-026031-hnf5vayd | Is there urine production? |
cord-026031-hnf5vayd | Is your animal able to walk? |
cord-026031-hnf5vayd | Is your animal breathing or does it have respiratory difficulty? |
cord-026031-hnf5vayd | Is your pet kept in a fenced- in yard or allowed to run loose unattended? |
cord-026031-hnf5vayd | It is useful to phrase questions in a neutral fashion- for example,"Is such- and- such present on the premises?" |
cord-026031-hnf5vayd | Was the substance swallowed, or is it on the animal's skin or eyes? |
cord-026031-hnf5vayd | What clinical signs developed? |
cord-026031-hnf5vayd | What do you hear on thoracic auscultation? |
cord-026031-hnf5vayd | What is the animal's activity level? |
cord-026031-hnf5vayd | What is the capillary refill time? |
cord-026031-hnf5vayd | What is the color and consistency of the feces? |
cord-026031-hnf5vayd | What is the color of the gums or tongue? |
cord-026031-hnf5vayd | What is the color of the urine? |
cord-026031-hnf5vayd | What is the mucous membrane color? |
cord-026031-hnf5vayd | What is the name of the product? |
cord-026031-hnf5vayd | What is the nature of the bleeding? |
cord-026031-hnf5vayd | What is the patient's blood pressure? |
cord-026031-hnf5vayd | What is the patient's electrocardiogram? |
cord-026031-hnf5vayd | What is the patient's heart rate? |
cord-026031-hnf5vayd | What is the patient's rectal temperature? |
cord-026031-hnf5vayd | What is the patient's respiratory character? |
cord-026031-hnf5vayd | What is the patient's respiratory rate? |
cord-026031-hnf5vayd | What is the pupil reactivity to light? |
cord-026031-hnf5vayd | What is the pupil size? |
cord-026031-hnf5vayd | What is the quality of the femoral pulse? |
cord-026031-hnf5vayd | What is the sensitivity to light or sound? |
cord-026031-hnf5vayd | What is the substance that your animal ingested( was exposed to)? |
cord-026031-hnf5vayd | What is your chief complaint or reason that you brought your animal in on emergency? |
cord-026031-hnf5vayd | What other conditions have developed and what are they? |
cord-026031-hnf5vayd | What sites are affected? |
cord-026031-hnf5vayd | What was the first abnormal sign noticed? |
cord-026031-hnf5vayd | When did the signs first start, or when was your animal last normal? |
cord-026031-hnf5vayd | When did you first notice that something was wrong with your pet? |
cord-026031-hnf5vayd | When was the animal last seen as normal? |
cord-026031-hnf5vayd | When was the last time you noticed your pet act normally? |
cord-026031-hnf5vayd | When was the onset of clinical signs? |
cord-026031-hnf5vayd | When was the problem first noticed? |
cord-026031-hnf5vayd | Where do you think it happened? |
cord-026031-hnf5vayd | Where has your pet been in the last 24 hours? |
cord-026031-hnf5vayd | if so, where? |
cord-026031-hnf5vayd | or When was the last time you saw your animal act normally? |
cord-026031-hnf5vayd | rather than"Could the dog have eaten such- and- such?" |
cord-026031-hnf5vayd | she normally fed? |
cord-026031-hnf5vayd | • How long has the bleeding been going on? |