
This is a list of all the questions and their associated study carrel identifiers. One can learn a lot of the "aboutness" of a text simply by reading the questions.

identifier question
cord-256504-odbaubqmThis leads to the question,"are hospital staff suffering from the same magnitude of stress as before?
cord-011261-h1fzti0iOn long- term post- workshop surveying, students assigned a mean score of 2.21( scale 1- 5, SD ± 0.93) to the question"Did the stress workshop help to improve selfawareness of using positive coping strategies during your clinical rotations?
cord-302254-egt9qdibCOVID-19 pandemia and public and global mental health from the perspective of global health securit Is higher resilience predictive of lower stress and better mental health among corporate executives?
cord-314014-d9jwy5b6The relative trustworthiness of inferential tests of the indirect effect in statistical mediation analysis: Does method really matter?
cord-270469-lle32mharegulators of ER stress- induced apoptosis ER stress and its regulator X- box- binding protein-1 enhance polyIC- induced innate immune response in dendritic cells, þ3 Endoplasmic reticulum stress in disease pathogenesis Endoplasmic reticulum stress and the unfolded protein response are linked to synergistic IFN- beta induction via X- box binding protein 1 Integration of ER stress and viral nucleotide sensing in DCs: mounting a response commensurate to the threat?
cord-304208-jwlc8fxj: what are the mental health risks?
cord-326788-qzm3b3xyCan an earthquake cause flares of rheumatoid arthritis or lupus nephritis?
cord-326788-qzm3b3xyThe impact of Hurricane Hugo and the San Francisco earthquake on a sample of people with rheumatoid arthritis Impact of natural disasters on the functional and health status of patients with rheumatoid arthritis Changes in the clinical and laboratory features of lupus patients after the big earthquake in Taiwan Long- term course of inflammatory bowel disease after the Great East Japan Earthquake Life- event stress induced by the Great East Japan Earthquake was associated with relapse in ulcerative colitis but not Crohn's disease: a retrospective cohort study Does stress affect the joints?
cord-294945-hcf7gsv8a balancing act?
cord-333224-grjbz5u7a nested case control study Is there an association between maternal anxiety propensity and pregnancy outcomes?
cord-332085-s58sd8e4The stress( of an) epidemic Is there a case for quarantine?
cord-332085-s58sd8e4e.g."In the last month, how often have you been angry because of things that were outside your control?"),( 0= never; 4= very often).
cord-309273-gtvi37ghExample items include"In the last month, how often have you been upset because of something that happened unexpectedly?"
cord-349219-tl97bj42Has anyone seen the spider?
cord-349219-tl97bj42The Association Between Muslim Religiosity and Young Adult College Students'Depression, Anxiety, and Stress Assessment of Depression, Anxiety, and Stress among Medical Students Enrolled in a Medical College Strategies for reducing test anxiety and optimizing exam preparation in German university students: A prevention- oriented pilot project of the University of Würzburg Mental health in a gendered context: Gendered community effect on depression and problem drinking', Health and Place Determinants of Anxiety and Depression Among University Students of Lahore Mental health and performance of medical students with high and low test anxiety Correlates of depression, anxiety and stress among Malaysian university students Evaluation of the relationships among happiness, stress, anxiety, and depression in pharmacy students Stress and academic performance among medical students Epidemiology of insomnia in college students: relationship with mental health, quality of life, and substance use difficulties Psychometric study of depression, anxiety and stress among university students Is there any relationship between dietary patterns and depression and anxiety in Chinese adolescents?
cord-349219-tl97bj42The prevalence and correlates of depression, anxiety, and stress in a sample of college students Is the OSCE more stressful?
cord-295767-92oxdmxqPlease see the figure 1- 18 and table??
cord-295767-92oxdmxqPlease see the figure 1- 18 and table??
cord-262551-hxhlhb5mAre elevated monoamines an etiological factor in some cases of major depression?
cord-262551-hxhlhb5mThe corticosteroid receptor hypothesis of depression Is depression an inflammatory disorder?
cord-262551-hxhlhb5mThe evolution of NMDA receptor antagonists as antidepressant agents Esketamine for treatment resistant depression: a trick of smoke and mirrors?
cord-262551-hxhlhb5mWhat does the legacy of Hans Selye and Franz Alexander mean today?
cord-028176-wsveq2hkA strong direct correlation emerged at the Person Regression analysis( R= 0.490, p= 0.002) between the frequency of first person plural pronouns in a text and the scoring at the first questions of the self- reference psychological test("How stressed do you feel today?").
cord-028176-wsveq2hkHow comfortable do you feel today?"
cord-028176-wsveq2hkHow well were you able to perform today?"
cord-028176-wsveq2hkIt consisted of the following three questions: b. Q1:"How stressed do you feel today?"
cord-324788-echu0zmf: how much do we know?
cord-324788-echu0zmfA review of potential mechanisms Immune mechanisms of pathogenetic synergy in concurrent bovine pulmonary infection with Haemophilus somnus and bovine respiratory syncytial virus Proteomic characterization of the interstitial fl uid perfusing the breast tumor microenvironment: a novel resource for biomarker and therapeutic target discovery Unlocking the mysteries of virus- host interactions: does functional genomics hold the key?
cord-324788-echu0zmfand what's next?
cord-353592-gsvobusu: Lessons learned from a high- volume intensive care unit For the Greater Good? 2
cord-353592-gsvobusuThe Brief Resilience Scale: Assessing the ability to bounce back Reliability and validity of the Brief Resilience Scale( BRS) Spanish version Survivors of COVID-19 are at high risk of posttraumatic stress disorder Prevalence of depression, anxiety, and insomnia among healthcare workers during the COVID-19: A systematic review and meta- analysis Depression, anxiety and symptoms of stress among Hong Kong nurses: A cross- sectional study Post- traumatic Stress Disorder among medical personnel after Nepal earthquake Affective Disorders and Gender Differences Night shift work in resident physicians: Does it affect mood states and cognitive levels?
cord-309892-z7rb7adiA meta- analysis of the effectiveness of 587 yoga- based interventions for maternal depression during pregnancy Exercise and Mental Health: What did We Learn in the Last 20 Years?
cord-309892-z7rb7adiU.S. Adults Aged 18 and Over Is one yoga style better than another?
cord-309892-z7rb7adiWhat Accounts for Physical Activity during 592 Pregnancy?
cord-267907-zbsbqj9oIn the last month, how often have you felt nervous and stressed?, and
cord-267907-zbsbqj9oIn the last month, how often have you found that you could not cope with all the things that you had to do? cord-267907-zbsbqj9o : At the center of both health and economic crises Weekly change in mindfulness and perceived stress in a mindfulness- based stress reduction program Family functioning, perceived control, and anxiety: A mediation model Racial and ethnic disparities in access to and use of paid family and medical leave: evidence from four nationally representative datasets The role of negative parental attributions in the associations between daily stressors, maltreatment history, and harsh and abusive discipline Housework: Who did, does or will do it, and how much does it matter? cord-267907-zbsbqj9o Do levels of perceived stress matter? cord-267907-zbsbqj9o Example items include:In the last month, how often have you been upset because of something that happened unexpectedly?", J o u r n a l P r e
cord-267907-zbsbqj9oby COVID-19 and recommendations to isolate?
cord-009966-6kcgc5fxDepression: is stress the tie that binds?
cord-009966-6kcgc5fxHow does stress influence periodontitis?
cord-009966-6kcgc5fxThe associations between psychosocial stress and the frequency of illness, and innate and adaptive immune function in children Association between psychosocial factors and periodontitis: a case- control study Current depression among adults- United States Do stress- related psychosocial factors contribute to cancer incidence and survival?
cord-009966-6kcgc5fxits influence on periodontal disease Chronic psychosocial stress: does it modulate immunity to the influenza vaccine in Hong Kong Chinese elderly caregivers?
cord-320208-uih4jf8wPrevention COVIDView Summary Ending on What Will Be the Economic Impact of COVID-19 in the US?
cord-320208-uih4jf8wWho tweets?
cord-334890-7lpe8wa6Associating cellular epigenetic models with human phenotypes Non- genetic inheritance via the male germline in mammals Assessment of effects of socio- economic status on IQ in a full crossfostering study Association of Socioeconomic Position With Health Behaviors and Mortality Socioeconomic status and non- communicable disease behavioural risk factors in low- income and lower- middle- income countries: a systematic review Socioeconomic disparities in prepregnancy BMI and impact on maternal and neonatal outcomes and postpartum weight retention: the EFHL longitudinal birth cohort study Is lower socio- economic status a risk factor for Helicobacter pylori infection in pregnant women with hyperemesis gravidarum?
cord-334890-7lpe8wa6The neurodevelopmental hypothesis of schizophrenia, revisited How to Measure Prenatal Stress?
cord-334890-7lpe8wa6There a Role for Epigenetic Dysregulation?
cord-302616-1uwrcvjx: at present there is no evidence to abandon Renin- Angiotensin System blockers COVID-19 and angiotensin- converting enzyme inhibitors and angiotensin receptor blockers: what is the evidence?
cord-302616-1uwrcvjxAre patients with hypertension and diabetes mellitus at increased risk for COVID-19 infection?
cord-302616-1uwrcvjxhow, why, and so what?
cord-302616-1uwrcvjxin vitro MicroRNome analysis unravels the molecular basis of SARS infection in bronchoalveolar stem cells Stress- inducible- stem cells: a new view on endocrine, metabolic and mental disease?
cord-302616-1uwrcvjxwhat next?
cord-352465-n746e8qtA comparative study of small molecules targeting eIF4A Active- site inhibitors of mTOR target rapamycin- resistant outputs of mTORC1 and mTORC2 Mammalian Target of Rapamycin Inhibitor Reveals Rapamycin- resistant Functions of mTORC1 Mass Spectrometry Analysis of a Protein Kinase CK2β Subunit Interactome Isolated from Mouse Brain by Affinity Chromatography One- thousand- and- one substrates of protein kinase CK2?
cord-352465-n746e8qtMore stressed out with age?
cord-352465-n746e8qta link to pathological inclusions in ALS?
cord-352465-n746e8qtsignaling: more than just a passing phase?
cord-312362-i18rlo2r( TBI) Cognitive and affective predictors of boredom proneness Adolescent substance abuse and leisure boredom Health anxiety, cyberchondria, and coping in the current COVID-19 pandemic: Which factors are related to coronavirus anxiety?
cord-312362-i18rlo2rCOVID-19 stress responses and coping?
cord-312362-i18rlo2rPersonality and 22 Is coping style linked to emotional states in heart failure patients?
cord-312362-i18rlo2rThe relationship among young adult college students'depression, anxiety, stress, demographics, life satisfaction, and coping styles Effects of occupational stress, job characteristics, coping, and attributional style on the mental health and job satisfaction of university employees Occupational stress, job characteristics, coping, and the mental health of nurses Is trait boredom redundant?
cord-312362-i18rlo2rThe relationship between hope and post- traumatic stress disorder in Chinese shidu parents: The mediating role of perceived stress Boredom prone or nothing to do?
cord-005842-mm3ab7cr( C[T), toll- like receptor-2?
cord-005842-mm3ab7crCa 2?
cord-005842-mm3ab7crPatients with preeclampsia develop agonistic autoantibodies against the angiotensin AT1 receptor Autoantibody from women with preeclampsia induces soluble Fms- like tyrosine kinase-1 production via angiotensin type 1 receptor and calcineurin/ nuclear factor of activated T- cells signaling The functional role of the renin- angiotensin system in pregnancy and preeclampsia Clinical implications for vascular endothelial growth factor in the lung: friend or foe?
cord-005842-mm3ab7crThe role of the immune system in preeclampsia Systemic increase in the ratio between Foxp3?
cord-005842-mm3ab7crand IL-17-producing CD4?
cord-005842-mm3ab7crthe biology of VEGF and haem oxygenases help solve pre- eclampsia?
cord-280605-2i4gk7etA SYSDIET Sub- Study Eicosapentaenoic acid and prevention of thrombosis and atherosclerosis?
cord-280605-2i4gk7etDo You Remember Mitochondria?
cord-280605-2i4gk7etWhat is a healthy Nordic diet?
cord-280605-2i4gk7etattenuates atherosclerotic plaque formation in diet and inflammation- induced atherogenesis Human CNS immune senescence and neurodegeneration Microglial senescence: does the brain's immune system have an expiration date?
cord-342047-pm3i54mbAn update on reactive astrocytes in chronic pain Changes in S100B cerebrospinal fluid levels of rats subjected to predator stress Glucocorticoid- related molecular signaling pathways regulating hippocampal neurogenesis Structural and quantitative analysis of astrocytes in the mouse hippocampus Astrocyte pathology in major depressive disorder: insights from human postmortem brain tissue Astrocytes: orchestrating synaptic plasticity?
cord-342047-pm3i54mbThe chronic mild stress( CMS) model of depression: History, evaluation and usage Short- term social isolation induces depressive- like behaviour and reinstates the retrieval of an aversive task: mood- congruent memory in male mice?
cord-342047-pm3i54mbThe role of pro- inflammatory cytokines in neuroinflammation, neurogenesis and the neuroendocrine system in major depression IL-4 knock out mice display anxiety- like behavior Interactions between the immune and nervous systems in pain Chronic pain and chronic stress: two sides of the same coin?
cord-342047-pm3i54mbThus, is one type of stress exposure more potent than another and, if so, does this matter?
cord-342047-pm3i54mbacross decades Why is depression more prevalent in women?
cord-342047-pm3i54mbearly life stress hampers spatial learning and neurogenesis, but improves hippocampal synaptic plasticity and emotional learning under high- stress conditions in adulthood Hippocampal neurogenesis: a biomarker for depression or antidepressant effects?
cord-272406-h22atwd4( b) How many students altogether attend the school(s) you currently manage?
cord-272406-h22atwd4An analysis of burnout and job satisfaction among Turkish special school headteachers and teachers, and the factors effecting their burnout and job satisfaction Burnout among Iranian School Principals Burnout in School Principals: Role Related Antecedents Stress and job satisfaction among primary head teachers: A question of balance?
cord-272406-h22atwd4How long( in years) have you been a principal at the current location?
cord-272406-h22atwd4How long( in years) have you been a school principal?
cord-272406-h22atwd4Where are the principal candidates?
cord-017817-ztp7w9yhBacteria, the endoplasmic reticulum and the unfolded protein response: friends or foes?
cord-017817-ztp7w9yhEndocytosis and autophagy: exploitation or cooperation?
cord-017817-ztp7w9yhHow can this be?
cord-017817-ztp7w9yhSuch"ROS- induced ROS release"might permit small ROS signals generated by mitochondria to activate ROS signalling throughout the cell, thereby avoiding mitochondrial damage that might arise if the entire cellular oxidant signal originated from that organelle[ 83]( or even leading to excessive ROS production?).
cord-017817-ztp7w9yhWhat's the damage?
cord-017817-ztp7w9yhan essential component of universal oxygen sensing machinery?
cord-309161-ceahghs1A recipe for accelerated cellular aging?
cord-309161-ceahghs1Hormones Can Childhood Adversity Affect Telomeres of the Next Generation?
cord-309161-ceahghs1How can we best translate hormetic interventions to humans?
cord-309161-ceahghs1Ten years of life: Is it a matter of choice?
cord-309161-ceahghs1The Geroscience Hypothesis: Is It Possible to Change the Rate of Aging?
cord-309161-ceahghs1The geroscience agenda: What does stress have to do with it?
cord-356131-3at94sle: Using positive psychology to promote teachers'professional well- being Positive Psychology Perspectives on Foreign Language Learning and Teaching Emergency Remote Teaching: A Post Secondary Reality Check Stress contagion in the classroom?
cord-356131-3at94sleConsidering the myriad challenges and stressors, how are language teachers coping and are there any reasons for positivity among their experiences?
cord-356131-3at94sleFindings from the 2007 National Survey of Mental Health and Wellbeing Loss, trauma, and human resilience: Have we underestimated the human capacity to thrive after extremely aversive events?
cord-356131-3at94sleGiven the high levels of stress revealed in the above analysis, the second research question asked'what coping strategies do teachers use most often?'
cord-356131-3at94sleHow are language teachers coping in the midst of the crisis as much of the world is locked down and education systems are disrupted?
cord-356131-3at94sleThe first research question( RQ1) asked'what do teachers find most stressful?'
cord-356131-3at94sleThe right and left feet of FL learning?
cord-292853-xihpfidg-Is the distinction real or apparent?
cord-292853-xihpfidgAssociated features of posttraumatic stress disorder to comorbid but distinct syndromes?
cord-292853-xihpfidgHow do we make the harm of sexual exploitation visible?
cord-292853-xihpfidgIn a world where sexual exploitation is increasingly normalized and industrialized, what is needed to make people see the harm and act to stop it?
cord-292853-xihpfidgIn the book What Is the What?
cord-292853-xihpfidgWhat Is the What?
cord-292853-xihpfidgWhy are hispanics at greater risk for PTSD?
cord-302185-pnw3xiun( e.g., How often have you been bothered by little interest or pleasure in doing things?), including a question related to hurting oneself( i.e., How often have you been bothered by thoughts that you would be better off dead or of hurting yourself in some way?).
cord-302185-pnw3xiun( e.g., How often have you been bothered by little interest or pleasure in doing things?), including a question related to hurting oneself( i.e., How often have you been bothered by thoughts that you would be better off dead or of hurting yourself in some way?).
cord-302185-pnw3xiunDoes it really feel the same?
cord-302185-pnw3xiunEthical principles for medical research involving human subjects Who complies with the restrictions to reduce the spread of COVID-19?:
cord-302185-pnw3xiunIn the last month, how often have you felt that things were going your way?
cord-302185-pnw3xiunMeta- analyses of diagnoses and symptoms Properties of persons and situations related to overall and distinctive personality- behavior congruence Is life stress more likely to provoke depressive episodes in women than in men?
cord-302185-pnw3xiunPersonality and perceptions of the COVID-19 situation Do time perspectives predict unique variance in life satisfaction beyond personality traits?
cord-302185-pnw3xiunSpecific predictors and differences in symptoms severity Gender and depression Feeling stuck in the present?
cord-302185-pnw3xiunWhat predicts positive life events that influence the course of depression?
cord-302185-pnw3xiunand six negatively stated, e.g., In the last month, how often have you been upset because of something that happened unexpectedly?)
cord-340128-qxkopvot-How Can Work Design and Organisation Be Improved?
cord-340128-qxkopvotAmong Danish General Dental Practitioners in Private Practices Chronic Fatigue of the Small Enterprise Workers Participating in an Occupational Health Checkup Center in Southern Taiwan Moderation or Mediation?
cord-340128-qxkopvotCommonwealth of Australia Did Small and Medium Enterprises Maintain Better Jobs During the Early Years of the Recession?
cord-340128-qxkopvotConcerning the Definition of Micro, Small and Medium- Sized Enterprises Search Strings for the Study of Putative Occupational Determinants of Disease Is the Internet a US Invention?
cord-340128-qxkopvotIs Role Breadth Self- Efficacy the Link?
cord-340128-qxkopvotModerate the Association Between Job Strain and Leisure Time Physical Activity?
cord-340128-qxkopvotWhat is the current state of knowledge on psychosocial demands in SMEs?
cord-340128-qxkopvotWhen and Why Is Small Beautiful?
cord-340128-qxkopvotWhich outcomes and economic sectors have been examined?
cord-340128-qxkopvotYou Mentally Ill?
cord-316222-cm4k04wvIs there something interesting some of you would like to share about your creative inner work?
cord-316222-cm4k04wvA new vision of life What is the molecular signature of mind- body interventions?
cord-316222-cm4k04wvAnd which hand seems to be the opposite, perhaps holds an answer to your problem?"
cord-316222-cm4k04wvFor whom may participation in a mindfulness- based stress reduction program be contraindicated?
cord-316222-cm4k04wvHow Often Do They Really Occur?
cord-316222-cm4k04wvThe therapist asks,"Which hand feels a bit warmer or cooler?"
cord-316222-cm4k04wvThe therapist now asks,"Which hand represents some problem you would like to solve right now- today in this exercise?"
cord-316222-cm4k04wvWhat do you really need that is most interesting and important to you?"
cord-316222-cm4k04wvWhich hand seems to be you today- and which hand feels more like you as a child?"
cord-316222-cm4k04wvwith each memory you find yourself reviewing?"
cord-316222-cm4k04wvyou can look forward to?
cord-316222-cm4k04wv•"What is surprising and unexpected about this that is new to you?"•"What interesting possibilities are opening up for you to now?"
cord-316222-cm4k04wv•"What is surprising and unexpected about this that is new to you?"•"What interesting possibilities are opening up for you to now?"
cord-022506-fkddo12nCan appropriate care realistically be delivered?
cord-022506-fkddo12nCan the facility afford the cost and time for care?
cord-022506-fkddo12nHow will it impact resources available for other cats?
cord-022506-fkddo12nIf the cat is not adopted, do humane long- term care options exist in the shelter?
cord-022506-fkddo12nIn the case of animal shelters, additional considerations should include Will the cat be adoptable?
cord-022506-fkddo12nScaredy cat or feral cat?
cord-022506-fkddo12nWhat is the cause of its illness, and how can I prevent this from affecting others?"
cord-022506-fkddo12nWhat steps can be taken to minimize the holding time required for treatment?
cord-022506-fkddo12nWhat welfare assessment will be used to measure quality of life in the shelter?
cord-022506-fkddo12nWhen determining if cats with special needs can be humanely cared for in a population setting, the following goals and considerations should be addressed: What measures must be implemented to prevent transmission of disease to other cats or people?
cord-022506-fkddo12nWhen individuals are ill, their health and well- being is always a priority; however, it should also immediately trigger the clinician to ask,"Why is this individual sick?
cord-022506-fkddo12nWill the care provided result in a cure or adequate management of the disease or problem behavior?
cord-329206-xsxkn5myA review Human- cat interactions: Relationships with, and breed differences between, non- pedigree, Persian and Siamese cats Factors influencing the temporal patterns of dyadic behaviours and interactions between domestic cats and their owners Are cats( Felis catus) from multi- cat households more stressed?
cord-329206-xsxkn5myA simple, reliable tool for owners to assess the body condition of their dog or cat Usefulness of muscle condition score and ultrasonographic measurements for assessment of muscle mass in cats with cachexia and sarcopenia How often do veterinarians assess the bodyweight and body condition of dogs?
cord-329206-xsxkn5myAnimal well- being I. General considerations Indicators of poor welfare Family quality of life: Moving from measurement to application Is quality of life a useful concept for companion animals?
cord-329206-xsxkn5myCan human contact reduce stress for shelter dogs?
cord-329206-xsxkn5myCan we really measure animal quality of life?
cord-329206-xsxkn5myExploration of the hypothalamic- pituitary- adrenal function as a tool to evaluate animal welfare Why is there no simple way of measuring animal welfare?
cord-329206-xsxkn5myIn The Welfare of Cats Stress, security, and scent: The influence of chemical signals on the social lives of domestic cats and implications for applied settings A case- controlled comparison of behavioural arousal levels in urine spraying and latrining cats Vertical or horizontal?
cord-329206-xsxkn5myIs there a relationship between attitudes of shelter staff to cats and the cats'approach behaviour?
cord-329206-xsxkn5myMethodologies for measuring quality of life in people and other animals Development of a discriminative questionnaire to assess nonphysical aspects of quality of life of dogs Enhancing quality of life for dogs and cats in confined situations Stress and adaptation of cats( Felis silvestris catus) housed singly, in pairs and in groups in boarding catteries Animal- based measures for the assessment of welfare state of dairy cattle, pigs and laying hens: Consensus of expert opinion Too cute to kill?
cord-329206-xsxkn5myThe effect of hiding enrichment on stress levels and behaviour of domestic cats( Felis sylvestris catus) in a shelter setting and the implications for adoption potential Will a hiding box provide stress reduction for shelter cats?
cord-329206-xsxkn5mythe study of facial expressions in non- human animals, using the domestic cat as an exemplar Development and application of CatFACS: Are human cat adopters influenced by cat facial expressions?
cord-318363-1mv5j4w2: Is There a Generalized HIV Epidemic in Impoverished Urban Areas of the United States?
cord-318363-1mv5j4w2A multidimensional model of obsessive- compulsive disorder Do the daily experiences of healthy men and women vary according to occupational prestige and work strain?
cord-318363-1mv5j4w2Behavior, Research, and Therapy Socioeconomic status differences in vulnerability to undesirable life events Is anxiety sensitivity distinguishable from trait anxiety?
cord-318363-1mv5j4w2COVID-19: Risk of increase in smoking rates among England's 6 million smokers and relapse among England's 11 million ex- smokers Computer- delivered personalized feedback intervention for hazardous drinkers with elevated anxiety sensitivity: Study protocol for a randomized controlled trial Pandemics and violence against women and children Wider income gaps, wider waistbands?
cord-318363-1mv5j4w2Do negative beliefs about exposure therapy cause its suboptimal delivery?
cord-318363-1mv5j4w2How much anxiety is reasonable?
cord-318363-1mv5j4w2That is, do cleaning behaviors likewise decline or remain at elevated states thereby impacting diagnosis rates?
cord-318363-1mv5j4w2The Pediatric infectious disease journal Are the high smoking rates related to COVID-19 outbreaks?
cord-318363-1mv5j4w2The age of anxiety?
cord-318363-1mv5j4w2The relation of perceived and received social support to mental health among first responders: a meta- analytic review Intolerance of uncertainty and DSM-5 PTSD symptoms: Associations among a treatment seeking veteran sample Acceptance: A key to wellbeing in older adults?
cord-318363-1mv5j4w2Why do clinicians exclude anxious clients from exposure therapy?
cord-318363-1mv5j4w2a meta- analysis of treatment outcome and moderators Is nicotine exposure linked to cardiopulmonary vulnerability to COVID-19 in the general population?