
This is a list of all the questions and their associated study carrel identifiers. One can learn a lot of the "aboutness" of a text simply by reading the questions.

identifier question
cord-268040-6i0bmneePostmortem examination of patients with COVID-19 Endothelial cell infection and endotheliitis in COVID-19 Post- discharge cardiac care in the era of coronavirus 2019: How should we prepare?
cord-262261-tmyeh64yCharacteristics and mechanism of apogeotropic central positional nystagmus Epidemiology of benign paroxysmal positional vertigo: a population based study Recurrence of benign paroxysmal positional vertigo A geriatric perspective on benign paroxysmal positional vertigo Serum uric acid levels correlate with benign paroxysmal positional vertigo Concurrent posterior semicircular canal benign paroxysmal positional vertigo in patients with ipsilateral sudden sensorineural hearing loss: is it caused by otolith particles?
cord-329640-10trdf87Would you say that we were tightly united in a crisis?
cord-276591-aft3agxxCan active video games improve physical activity in adolescents?
cord-012623-bc9fj29hBut they should at least have the option to turn it off if they want I think, right?"
cord-012623-bc9fj29hWe could all- oh, Maria*, how's that going, or Chris*, how's that?
cord-300490-aslvqymxThe IPAQ- SF has an additional item, namely"During the last week, how long in total did you spend in sedentary activities on a typical day?"to assess sedentary behavior.
cord-344902-bittqpyohow much do hospitalized adults move?
cord-347126-hvrly37eThe evidence for physical activity in the management of major mental illnesses: A concise overview to inform busy clinicians'practice and guide policy Respiratory health in athletes: Facing the COVID-19 challenge COVID-19 and Smoking Clinical characteristics of coronavirus disease 2019 in China Analysis of factors associated with disease outcomes in hospitalized patients with 2019 novel coronavirus disease Stress, dysregulation of drug reward pathways, and the transition to drug dependence Alcohol use and misuse during the COVID-19 pandemic: A potential public health crisis?
cord-294863-5qf5dqdghow will COVID-19 and global trends in physical inactivity and sedentary behavior affect one another?
cord-277770-sbieo46sSlum health: arresting COVID-19 and improving well- being in urban informal settlements Does participating in physical activity in outdoor natural environments have a greater effect on physical and mental wellbeing than physical activity indoors?
cord-277770-sbieo46sUrban health research in Africa: themes and priority research questions How will country- based mitigation measures influence the course of the COVID-19 epidemic?
cord-336599-r8xgnz87A review An exceptional war that ended in victory for estonia or an ordinary e- disturbance?
cord-336599-r8xgnz87Does Lebanon possess the capabilities to defend itself from cyber- theats?
cord-336599-r8xgnz87what comes after wannacry and petya global attacks?
cord-307229-wjx90xki( ACE2) is a key modulator of the renin angiotensin system in health and disease Expression of the SARS- CoV-2 cell receptor gene ACE2 in a wide variety of human tissues COVID-19 and chronological aging: senolytics and other anti- aging drugs for the treatment or prevention of corona virus infection?
cord-307229-wjx90xkiThe ACE-2 in COVID-19: foe or Friend?
cord-318528-yc0jw3s1: Why are some people physically active and others not?
cord-318528-yc0jw3s1Findings from the ANIBES study How Sedentary Are University Students?
cord-318528-yc0jw3s1Toward an integrative model of change Validation of three short physical activity questionnaires with accelerometers among university students in Spain How to deal with COVID-19 epidemic- related lockdown physical inactivity and sedentary increase in youth?
cord-341332-tl3vhd3s, nature- and socially interactive- based initiatives improve mood and self- esteem in the clinical population Exercise for preventing falls in older people living in the community: an abridged Cochrane systematic review Guidance about age- friendly outdoor exercise equipment and associated strategies to maximise usability for older people Adherence to exercise programs for older people is influenced by program characteristics and personal factors: a systematic review Reducing attrition in physical activity programs for older adults Measurement properties of the CHAMPS physical activity questionnaire in a sample of older Australians Who participates in physical activity intervention trials?
cord-341332-tl3vhd3sDepartment of Health and Aged Care Occasional Papers Does physical activity prevent cognitive decline and dementia?:
cord-341332-tl3vhd3sWorld Health Organisation Loneliness, social isolation, their synergistic interaction, and mortality Loneliness and health in older adults: a mini- review and synthesis Loneliness, depression and sociability in old age Can physical activity improve the mental health of older adults?
cord-294180-t5bncpo4How does mindfulness meditation work?
cord-294180-t5bncpo4The anti- inflammatory effect of exercise Can exercise training improve immune function in the aged?
cord-294180-t5bncpo4The mercurial nature of neutrophils: still an enigma in ARDS?
cord-294180-t5bncpo4a systematic review and meta- analysis Is depression an inflammatory disorder?
cord-294180-t5bncpo4guidance for prescribing exercise Impact of physical inactivity on the world's major non- communicable diseases Is physical activity or physical fitness more important in defining health benefits?
cord-269872-w2m3cqlxCould physical activity practice minimize the economic burden of epilepsy?
cord-269872-w2m3cqlxDiagnosing and treating depression in epilepsy Large- scale physical activity data reveal worldwide activity inequality From depressive symptoms to depression in people with epilepsy: contribution of physical exercise to improve this picture Physical activity and epilepsy: proven and predicted benefits Exercise as medicine-evidence for prescribing exercise as therapy in 26 different chronic diseases Exercise as medicine for people with epilepsy Alternative medicine as a coping strategy for people with epilepsy: can exercise of religion and spirituality be part of this context?
cord-269872-w2m3cqlxHow will COVID-19 and global trends in physical inactivity and sedentary behavior affect one another?
cord-269872-w2m3cqlxHow will COVID-19 and global trends in physical inactivity and sedentary behavior affect one another?
cord-269872-w2m3cqlxIt is time to move, act and encourage physical exercise ’?
cord-269872-w2m3cqlxWho Uses Exercise as a Coping Strategy for Stress?
cord-011062-ukz4hnmyData examined was categorised as follows: New patients, Follow- ups; How many patients were seen on day of ED attendance vs after day of attendance?
cord-011062-ukz4hnmyHave you lost a lot of weight recently without wishing to do so?
cord-011062-ukz4hnmyIn the last year, have you lost weight unintentionally( i.e., not due to dieting or exercise)?
cord-011062-ukz4hnmyThe unintentional weight loss was assessed by questions contained in three frailty assessment tools and one nutrition screening and assessment tool, described below:( 1)"Have you recently lost weight such that your clothing has become more loose?"
cord-011062-ukz4hnmyThen … what a better way to know their needs that asking them personally?
cord-305743-rnfn6opa: Does It Enhance Cognitive Function?
cord-305743-rnfn6opaA missing piece in the puzzle of exercise therapy for older adults?
cord-305743-rnfn6opaAnd can function improve as we age?
cord-305743-rnfn6opaCan we really slow the decline in mobility that occurs during aging?
cord-305743-rnfn6opaCould Intermittent Energy Restriction and Intermittent Fasting Reduce Rates of Cancer in Obese, Overweight, and Normal- Weight Subjects?
cord-305743-rnfn6opaGerontologist Can Acquired Skill and Technology Mitigate Age- Related Declines in Learning Rate?
cord-305743-rnfn6opaProspective Analysis Self- efficacy, pain, and quadriceps capacity at baseline predict changes in mobility performance over 2 years in women with knee osteoarthritis Falls efficacy as a measure of fear of falling Dizziness and its association with walking speed and falls efficacy among older men and women in an urban population Falls and fear of falling: which comes first?
cord-305743-rnfn6opaSmoking, alcohol consumption, physical activity, and body mass index Effect of structured physical activity on prevention of major mobility disability in older adults: the LIFE study randomized clinical trial Resistance training for activity limitations in older adults with skeletal muscle function deficits: a systematic review Effects of a Fall Prevention Exercise Program on Muscle Strength and Balance of the Old- old Elderly Is lower extremity strength gain associated with improvement in physical performance and disability in frail, community- dwelling elders?
cord-305743-rnfn6opaThe Global Burden of Musculoskeletal Pain- Where to From Here?
cord-305743-rnfn6opaThe State of US Health, 1990- 2016: Burden of Diseases, Injuries, and Risk Factors Among US States Does overall diet in midlife predict future aging phenotypes?
cord-305743-rnfn6opaThe Three R's: How Community Based Participatory Research Strengthens the Rigor Community- based participatory research from the margin to the mainstream: are researchers prepared?
cord-339716-1khdh9nfIf participants respondedyes,"a follow- up question was asked:"How many meals?"
cord-339716-1khdh9nfIf participants respondedyes,"a follow- up question was asked:"How many serves of fruit?
cord-339716-1khdh9nfIf participants respondedyes,"a follow- up question was asked:"How many serves of vegetables?
cord-339716-1khdh9nfIn the past 24 hours, did you spend any time on the internet, social media( like Instagram, Youtube, or Facebook), or playing computer games?
cord-339716-1khdh9nfIn the past 24 hours, did you spend any time watching TV?; and( iii)
cord-339716-1khdh9nfIn the past 24 hours, have you eaten any serves of vegetables? cord-339716-1khdh9nf In the past 24 hours, have you had any meals or snacks such as burgers, pizza, chicken, or chips from places like McDonalds, Hungry Jacks, Pizza Hut, KFC, Red Rooster or local takeaway food places?
cord-339716-1khdh9nfFor participants who answered"friends,"an additional question was asked:"How many friends?"
cord-339716-1khdh9nfFor participants who answered"yes"to this question, a follow- up question was asked:"If Yes, how long did you spend on the internet, social media, or playing computer games?"
cord-339716-1khdh9nfIn addition, social relationships were measured based on the question:"In the past hour, who were you with?"
cord-339716-1khdh9nfIn the past 24 hours, have you eaten any serves of fruit?
cord-339716-1khdh9nfIn the past 24 hours, were you physically active for a total of 60 minutes or more?'
cord-254758-ubw0chrf, what are the implications for the optimal spatial patterns of human settlements?
cord-254758-ubw0chrfA prophet of scientific rigor- and a covid contrarian Big or small cities?
cord-254758-ubw0chrfDo we really understand the age- VSL relationship?
cord-254758-ubw0chrfFinally, will the pandemic have a lasting influence on how people spend their leisure time?
cord-254758-ubw0chrfMerging economics and epidemiology to improve the prediction and management of infectious disease Deregulation in a time of pandemic: does pollution increase coronarirus cases or deaths?
cord-254758-ubw0chrfPandemics, tourism and global change: a rapid assessment of COVID-19 Does social distancing matter?
cord-254758-ubw0chrfThe allocation of time and risk of Lyme: a case of ecosystem service income and substitution effects Value and policy iterations in optimal control and adaptive dynamic programming Optimal control of epidemic size and duration with limited resources Burden of cause- specific mortality associated with pm2.5 air pollution in the united states Green and brown?
cord-254758-ubw0chrfThe environmental impact of cities Meta- analysis of randomised controlled trials testing behavioural interventions to promote household action on climate change Assessing nitrogen dioxide( NO 2) levels as a contributing factor to the coronavirus( COVID-19) fatality rate City size and economic performance: is bigger better, small more beautiful or middling marvellous?
cord-254758-ubw0chrfThird, will COVID-19 have long- run implications for food production and consumption?
cord-254758-ubw0chrfWhat's in a name?
cord-254758-ubw0chrfWhen will it be over?"
cord-254758-ubw0chrfthat is, where they choose to live?
cord-013203-qvuand0sBut can physical education stop the drop?
cord-013203-qvuand0sCan all youth become proficient in all sports and activities?
cord-013203-qvuand0sConceptual physical education: the anatomy of an innovation The second 100 years: or, can physical education become the renaissance field of the 21st century?
cord-013203-qvuand0sDo they want to?
cord-013203-qvuand0sDoes cardiorespiratory fitness knowledge carry over in middle school students?
cord-013203-qvuand0sHow does repetition of the same activities contribute to all content standards and benchmarks?
cord-013203-qvuand0sHowever, questions remain: If CPE is defensible as the-go to‖ program during the pandemic, why has it not been more universally implemented?
cord-013203-qvuand0sIs it necessary to repeat the same activities over and over again, especially activities that are often not used after the school years?
cord-013203-qvuand0sIs the traditional sports- based model the best model for the future?
cord-013203-qvuand0sIs there a PE Effect?
cord-013203-qvuand0sMore than 9 million children lack internet access at home for online learning JROTC as a substitute for PE: really?
cord-013203-qvuand0sPhysical activity participation of high school graduates following exposure to conceptual or traditional physical education Effectiveness of secondary school conceptual physical education: a 20-year longitudinal study Urban minority ninth- grade students'healthrelated fitness knowledge Physical activity and fitness knowledge: how much 1- 6 grade students know?
cord-013203-qvuand0sShould students at least have a choice?
cord-013203-qvuand0sTo move more and sit less: does physical activity/ fitness knowledge matter in youth?
cord-013203-qvuand0sWhat Schools Could Be Mission impossible?
cord-013203-qvuand0sWhy classroom sessions?
cord-013203-qvuand0sWill it continue to be implemented post- pandemic?
cord-013203-qvuand0sWould it be more productive to focus on activities that are more likely to be performed later in life?
cord-013203-qvuand0sa 16-year follow- up study Can conceptual physical education promote physically active lifestyles?
cord-013203-qvuand0speople see things as they are and say why?