
This is a list of all the questions and their associated study carrel identifiers. One can learn a lot of the "aboutness" of a text simply by reading the questions.

identifier question
cord-011261-h1fzti0iOn long- term post- workshop surveying, students assigned a mean score of 2.21( scale 1- 5, SD ± 0.93) to the question"Did the stress workshop help to improve selfawareness of using positive coping strategies during your clinical rotations?
cord-257680-ds1y3ks9von See, Constantin; Gellrich, N.-C. title: Management of pandemic or large- scale emergencies in Germany with a focus on the current and potential role of university schools of dentistry: Can it help in COVID-19 time?
cord-256946-ulvqm24gThe impact of COVID-19 on the undergraduate medical curriculum Medical students take final exams online for first time, despite student concern Are national qualifying examinations a fair way to rank medical students?
cord-292976-qctfl6r8What training is needed in the fourth year of medical school?
cord-021922-de9o76q0Why aircraft disinsection?
cord-301083-nnh95i0kFDA authorizes first COVID-19 test for home collection using saliva Building a primary care/ research partnership: Lessons learned from a telehealth intervention for diabetes and depression Virtually perfect?
cord-350503-en5xkotnHow has the COVID-19 pandemic improved evidence- based- medicine awareness among undergraduate medical students?
cord-330503-w1m1ci4i, the artificially intelligent Doctor will hear you now Meet Molly- the virtual nurse Boston Children's Hospital launches cloud- based education on Amazon Alexa- enabled devices Robotic surgery- a personal view of the past, present and future Robotic abdominal surgery Status of robotic assistance- a less traumatic and more accurate minimally invasive surgery?
cord-342548-ykxvaqczWhy do students quit medical school far less often in Canada than in other countries?
cord-329224-t45bedotThe impact of clerkships on students'specialty preferences: what do undergraduates learn for their profession?
cord-332743-cqk0c2ietitle: How well prepared are dermatologists redeployed to COVID‐19 wards?
cord-328331-y503xma9Could the future of medical school examinations be open- book- a medical student ’s perspective?
cord-351975-2ccsvf4hWill our colleagues be understanding, or adjust their expectations if our clinical competencies differ from previous final years?
cord-302993-t4quwfvaAre medical students adequately prepared to diagnose and treat common 110 dermatologic conditions in the United States?
cord-331410-mcee0wr4The quality of volunteers'motives: Integrating the functional approach and self- determination theory Gender differences in risk assessment: Why do women take fewer risks than men?
cord-351267-itdorsztHow Will the Aftermath Look?
cord-328522-ef4xg3q0Can external signs of trauma guide management?
cord-023049-fio7cjj5Direct sequencing of the APTX gene revealed two variants, c.544- 2A> G, p?
cord-253211-klewqw7u, China 2019-novel coronavirus outbreak: a new challenge Timely mental health care for the 2019 novel coronavirus outbreak is urgently needed Will novel virus go pandemic or be contained?
cord-253211-klewqw7uDoes acute stress disorder predict post- traumatic stress disorder in traffic accident victims?
cord-011859-6ksss988Standardized Examinees: Development of a new tool to evaluate factors influencing OSCE scores and to train examiners Improvisation-a new strategy in medical education?
cord-011859-6ksss988key: cord-011859- 6ksss988 authors: Harendza, Sigrid title: Improvisation – a new strategy in medical education?
cord-255762-qd6fht8yPrice Regulation?
cord-255762-qd6fht8yThe Fear of Discretion and the Quality of Public Performance Bid Takers or Market Makers?
cord-018237-5qfdqlpwAnd how does one address the situation of a woman who says she is due for her chemotherapy when she has no medical records or physician contact?
cord-018237-5qfdqlpwWhat is an appropriate tour of service?
cord-280823-i1n8mu8bDebates about McKeown's thesis have persisted in light of the question, are"public health ends better served by targeted interventions or by broadbased efforts to redistribute the social, political, and economic resources that determine the health of populations?
cord-280823-i1n8mu8bHow do we then differentiate theory from recommendations for healthcare practice?
cord-326253-dddf5u75Is the Indian medical education system being able to cope with the challenges imposed by the increasing burden of COVID-19?
cord-326253-dddf5u75Where Does Indian Medical Education Stand Amidst a Pandemic?
cord-292035-y37whb0uAmerican medical education 100 years after the Flexner report Team- based learning( TBL) in the medical curriculum: better than PBL?
cord-292035-y37whb0uIn clinical assessment, do we really want to see the objective structured clinical examination, a beast of its time, but increasingly flawed in its objectivity, injected into online testing or delivered under the duress of infection control?
cord-024613-yump76quHow might it impact on clinical practice in the foreseeable future? ►
cord-024613-yump76quWhat are the new findings? ►
cord-024613-yump76quWhat to do next to control the 2019-nCoV epidemic?
cord-013263-xw611i8kHow do medical students perceive interventions that have been described in the literature( pass/ fail grading, a peer- to- peer mentoring program, Balint groups, and self- management courses)?
cord-013263-xw611i8kWhat are the perceived influences on asthma self- management at the workplace?
cord-013263-xw611i8kWhat interventions do medical students themselves suggest and wish for?
cord-353772-z1x52stlThe question naturally arises: How serious is this threat and, if it is serious, what strategy should states take to combat it?
cord-353772-z1x52stlThe question naturally arises: How serious is this threat and, if it is serious, what strategy should states take to combat it?
cord-031296-b8dk08slThe Gain- and- Issue scale consists of two semi- open- ended questions that ask for answers to the question,'What was your biggest gain today?';'What is the challenge you are experiencing today?'.
cord-031296-b8dk08slThe Gain- and- Issue scale consists of two semi- open- ended questions that ask for answers to the question,'What was your biggest gain today?';'What is the challenge you are experiencing today?'.
cord-031296-b8dk08slthe evaluation of a team- based burnout intervention program for oncology care providers Can skill- development training alleviate burnout in hospital social workers?
cord-034317-bhzctz87A survey of coverage and attitudes Medical students and professionalism-do the hidden curriculum and current role models fail our future doctors?
cord-034317-bhzctz87Must we remain blind to undergraduate medical ethics education in Africa?
cord-034317-bhzctz87What does it mean for a case to be"local"?
cord-260907-uuaa9ta2A systematic review Simulation- based medical teaching and learning Simulation as a surgical teaching model Telesimulation: an innovative tool for health professions education Introducing an e- learning solution for medical education in Liberia Systematic review of virtual haptics in surgical simulation: a valid educational tool?
cord-260907-uuaa9ta2But which experiential activities and assessments are essential to retain, and which could be effectively replaced or supplemented by simulation or by remote activities?
cord-260907-uuaa9ta2The utilization of video technology in surgical education: a systematic review Is video- based education an effective method in surgical education?
cord-304230-rxhoe8cwAre they empowering others, encouraging questions or, just as importantly, apologising for any overbearing behaviour?
cord-304230-rxhoe8cwAvailable from URL Social media(# SoMe): a life support or a life drain Leading article: what can we do to improve individual and team situational awareness to benefit patient safety?
cord-304230-rxhoe8cwyield better results than traditional clinical education?
cord-006882-t9w1cdr4And what can we do to ensure high risk populations do nt slip through the cracks, as this gentleman did?
cord-006882-t9w1cdr4Poster 10 Q Fever: Questions to be Answered?
cord-006882-t9w1cdr4When should we remember it?
cord-006882-t9w1cdr4When should we test for it?
cord-316879-nbkvd0leCan disaster training programmes improve the integration of medical students into the healthcare workforce during the SARS- CoV-2 pandemic?
cord-316879-nbkvd0leDo disaster training programmes aimed at medical students demonstrate direct patient benefit?
cord-316879-nbkvd0le► How can disaster training programmes be adapted to manage future pandemics?
cord-009997-oecpqf1jQuestions addressed their current feeding route and perception, for example,"What aspect(s) of tube feedings are beneficial to you?"
cord-009997-oecpqf1jThe question remains: which mechanisms influence platelet immune function and are they developmentally regulated?
cord-009997-oecpqf1jand"What aspect(s) of tube feeding worry or scare you?
cord-289205-or60zzjsGloba Health Are Belgian military students in medical sciences better educated in disaster medicine than their civilian colleagues?
cord-289205-or60zzjsObservation services linked with an urgent care center in the absence of an emergency department: an innovative mechanism to initiate efficient health care delivery in the aftermath of a natural disaster Mass disasters observed at the Sapienza University of Rome: a retrospective study between Ebola, quarantine, and the scale of ethics Lessons from the 2015 earthquake(s) in Nepal: implication for rehabilitation A community- led medical response effort in the wake of Hurricane Sandy Education in disaster management: what do we offer and what do we need?
cord-289205-or60zzjsPrepared for what?
cord-289205-or60zzjsThe Tohoku Medical Megabank Project: design and mission Predictors of decline in IADL functioning among older survivors following the Great East Japan earthquake: a prospective study Effect of evacuation on body weight after the Great East Japan earthquake What are the most common domains of the core competencies of disaster nursing?
cord-287350-xj2i6fgdAnd perhaps most pressingly, how can we ensure that our pandemic response is not dampened by the learning curve associated with retroactive telemedicine implementation?
cord-287350-xj2i6fgdHow will we become public health physicians of the future without this vital training?
cord-287350-xj2i6fgdHow will we bridge the inequities that structural barriers have enacted?
cord-287350-xj2i6fgdHow will we offer the best care, to all patients, regardless of gender, race, religion, stigmatization of their medical condition, or physical location?
cord-279719-z0wuajpxCan the COVID-19 crisis strengthen our treatment escalation planning and resuscitation decision making?
cord-279719-z0wuajpxEs lo mismo retirar un tratamiento de soporte vital que no iniciarlo?
cord-279719-z0wuajpxGuía práctica para médicos y directivos de hospitales Ethical rationing of personal protective equipment to minimize moral residue during the COVID-19 pandemic Whose life to save?
cord-279719-z0wuajpxthe Italian perspective during the COVID-19 epidemic Is it wrong to prioritise younger patients with covid-19?
cord-285848-37dmv4epHow can psychological pressure on frontline medical personnel arising from the epidemic situation be mitigated or avoided?
cord-285848-37dmv4epThese findings raise the following question: How long do the impacts of an epidemic endure among frontline medical staff?
cord-285848-37dmv4epWhat are the impacts of the considerable psychological pressure on frontline medical staff?
cord-285848-37dmv4epWhat kinds of psychological pressure are being experienced by frontline medical staff?
cord-327207-bwuag9ekState of otolaryngology match: has competition increased since the"early"match?
cord-327207-bwuag9ekThe gatekeeper disparity- why do some medical schools send more medical students into urology?
cord-327207-bwuag9ekhow to improve the future training of residents?
cord-327207-bwuag9ekthere is still a growing deficit in the number of students applying Factors influencing subspecialty choice among medical students: a systematic review and meta- analysis Deficits in urological knowledge among medical students and primary care providers: potential for impact on urological care Factors affecting UK medical students'decision to train in urology: a national survey Does the outpatient setting provide the best environment for medical student learning of urology?
cord-327723-bnbinwnlAre Medical Students Left Behind?
cord-327723-bnbinwnlHow effective is video consultation in clinical oncology?
cord-327723-bnbinwnlKnowledge, attitudes and practices of telemedicine education and training of French medical students and residents Discordance between cancer prevalence and training: a need for an increase in oncology education Medical student teaching in the UK: how well are newly qualified doctors prepared for their role caring for patients with cancer in hospital?
cord-327723-bnbinwnlTele- oncology in the COVID-19 era: the way forward?
cord-327723-bnbinwnlThe Way Forward?', describing the benefits and limitations of tele- oncology and its role during the coronavirus disease 2019( COVID-19) pandemic.
cord-102667-mtl1x7gzA History of Physician Suicide in America Causes of Death among Anesthesiologists: A 529 20-Year Survey Mortality among male 531 anaesthetists in the United Kingdom Are anaesthetists prone to suicide?
cord-102667-mtl1x7gzA longitudinal study based on national samples Suicide whilst under GMC's fitness to practise investigation: Were 511 those deaths preventable?
cord-102667-mtl1x7gzDo 300 to 400 U.S. physicians die by suicide annually?
cord-102667-mtl1x7gzDo Doctors Benefit From Their Medical Knowledge?
cord-349371-3htcturzHow should the individual mind and"habits of the heart"adapt in commitment to collaborative democratic progress?
cord-349371-3htcturzIn an era promising patient- centredness and inter- professional practices, we must ask: ‘ when will medicine, and its informing agent medical education, embrace democratic habits and collectivism? ’
cord-349371-3htcturzWhat is wrong with"communal learning"?
cord-349371-3htcturzWhat then are the historical conditions of possibility for the emergence of such rabid individualism( expressed as'selfhelp') and demonizing of collectivity?
cord-305136-tnvp3n1gAssessment methods at US and Canadian medical schools Is the OSCE a feasible tool to assess competencies in undergraduate medical education?
cord-305136-tnvp3n1gHow much or should any clinical workplace learning be replaced by virtual experiences?
cord-305136-tnvp3n1gResidents and fellows who are assigned to help cover other services may be asked to practice new skills, but at what point are they practicing beyond their qualifications?
cord-305136-tnvp3n1gThe question then arises: why not graduate students early next year as well?
cord-305136-tnvp3n1gWhy wait until residency?
cord-272218-6vpu59xqGlob Health Action Global health': meaning what?
cord-272218-6vpu59xqThe World Health Organization and the transition from"international"to"global"public health Towards a common definition of global health What is global health?
cord-272218-6vpu59xqThe authors addressed the following question:"What is the current status of scholarly work on the internationalization of medical education in the United States?"
cord-272218-6vpu59xqThe medical education of United States citizens who train abroad-citizen international medical graduates- a boon for the workforce?
cord-272218-6vpu59xqThe research was undertaken to answer the question"What is the current status of scholarly work on the internationalization of medical education in the United States?"
cord-273005-kab6f157A review of academic research from the last decade Social media and anatomy education: Using Twitter to enhance the student learning experience in anatomy Social media guidelines for anatomists Anatomy 1999- 2000: The curriculum, who teaches it and how? 08 Apr COVID-19 Timeline.
cord-273005-kab6f157Do we need dissection in an integrated problem- based learning medical course?
cord-273005-kab6f157Economic Co- operation and Development Publishing Exploring SWOT analysis- Where are we now?
cord-273005-kab6f157The context of learning anatomy: Does it make a difference?
cord-273005-kab6f157The two research questions were:( 1) What strategies have been adopted by UK and ROI anatomy departments in response to What strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats does the instant move to online learning bring?
cord-273005-kab6f157What do medical students learn from dissection?
cord-320184-wacoz5t9: can there be consensus?
cord-320184-wacoz5t9A comparison of general medical and clinical ethics consultations: what can we learn from each other?
cord-320184-wacoz5t9Can India stop drug companies giving gifts to doctors?
cord-320184-wacoz5t9Cardiopulmonary resuscitation ethics: a response to Michael Ardagh Heart disease, guidelines, regulations, and the law Variation in cardiologists'propensity to test and treat: is it associated with regional variation in utilization?
cord-320184-wacoz5t9It's ethical, but is it legal?
cord-320184-wacoz5t9Mosby- Elsevier Ethical issues in cardiac surgery Treating the right patient at the right time: access to specialist consultation and non- invasive testing Ethical issues in fetal management: a cardiac perspective How many are underinsured?
cord-342185-2umby2l8In addition, suicidal ideations were measured by one question:"Over the past two weeks, have you ever had suicidal thoughts?"
cord-342185-2umby2l8The lancet Psychological Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Healthcare Workers in Singapore Help- seeking for mental health problems among young physicians: is it the most ill that seeks help?
cord-342185-2umby2l8The question"Have you ever received any treatment for psychiatric or psychological problems since the outbreak of COVID-19 began?"was used to measure treatment history for mental problems.
cord-342185-2umby2l8The question"Have you ever sought help from psychiatrists or clinical psychologists since the outbreak of COVID-19 began?"was used to estimate help- seeking behavior.
cord-342185-2umby2l8Why do n't academic physicians seek needed professional help for psychological distress?
cord-342185-2umby2l8correcting for alpha error inflation with false discovery rate( FDR) or family- wise error rate?
cord-272311-91xjkv6mAttitudes of medical students toward volunteering in emergency situations Medical students and pandemic influenza Would medical students enter an exclusion zone in an infected district with a high mortality rate?
cord-272311-91xjkv6mH5N1 influenza pandemic planning: should medical students be left out?
cord-272311-91xjkv6mIFMSA Policy Proposal Meaningful Youth Participation Medical student research: is it necessary and beneficial?
cord-272311-91xjkv6mThe challenges of"continuing medical education"in a pandemic era Training medical students in bag- valve- mask technique as an alternative to mechanical ventilation in a disaster surge setting Disaster medicine and public health preparedness of health professions students: a multidisciplinary assessment of knowledge, confidence, and attitudes Are Belgian senior medical students ready to deliver basic medical care in case of a H5N1 pandemic Belgian senior medical students and disaster medicine, a real disaster?
cord-272311-91xjkv6mWhy medical students should be trained in disaster management: our experience of the Kashmir earthquake Preparing for the next pandemic flu: the role of the medical student-a view from within Emergency prophylaxis throughput study: An evaluation of medical students'ability to effectively assemble and distribute mass prophylaxis to hospital employees and staff at a closed point of distribution AIDS education and a volunteer training program for medical students What should the dean do?
cord-272311-91xjkv6mstudent perceptions on volunteering at interprofessional hepatitis B student- run clinics Trajectory of university dropout: investigating the cumulative effect of academic vulnerability and proximity to family support Are Saudi medical students aware of middle east respiratory syndrome coronavirus during an outbreak?
cord-351529-30apdn73: Can it transform chaos into an organized, structured care from the distance?
cord-351529-30apdn73Can an office practice telephonic response meet the needs of a pandemic?
cord-351529-30apdn73Can the health- care system meet the challenge of pandemic flu?
cord-351529-30apdn73Emergency Department Telemedicine Shortens Rural Time- To- Provider and Emergency Department Transfer Times Israeli, A. Health and health care in Israel: An introduction Validating Human Behavior Representation Model of General Personnel During Offshore Emergency Situations COVID-19 pandemic: What consequences for cardiac rehabilitation?
cord-351529-30apdn73The Moderating Role of Disgust Propensity and Sensitivity Are people with chronic diseases interested in using telehealth?
cord-351529-30apdn73Will Ebola change the game?
cord-268378-tcuv255vBut how can that group be certain that the information will not be used against them, by insurance companies, for example?
cord-268378-tcuv255vOn the other hand, if beneficial information is gleaned from one group, how is that benefit made available to other groups who were not studied?
cord-268378-tcuv255vSo what does understanding our evolutionary history add to our ability to improve human health?
cord-268378-tcuv255vWhat was the link between removing worms and developing allergies?
cord-268378-tcuv255vWhen so much data, including genetic information, are being gathered on so many people, how can a participating individual's privacy be protected while simultaneously making the information as widely available as possible( NHGRI 2007)?
cord-268378-tcuv255vWhy has n't natural selection made it better?
cord-017650-2uqy3bndWhy did n't you come when he died? cord-017650-2uqy3bnd Could anyone in our class forget the story of how Rene Laennec( 1781- 1826) invented the stethoscope in 1816? cord-017650-2uqy3bnd Could one of them mutate in a way that matches or even exceeds the devastation caused by the 1918 influenza pandemic? cord-017650-2uqy3bnd How can we- in some small way- help pass on the history of medicine to the next generation? cord-017650-2uqy3bnd How can you or I do this? cord-017650-2uqy3bnd How rapidly is medicine's vocabulary growing? cord-017650-2uqy3bnd In the meantime, while the dramas that will generate tomorrow's tales are unfolding, what should you and I do? cord-017650-2uqy3bnd Is the story accurate? cord-017650-2uqy3bnd What should I do? cord-011188-59hn9wsv -Teaching tomorrow's doctors( Education and debate) Fear, knowledge, and efficacy beliefs differentially predict the frequency of digital rectal examination versus prostate specific antigen screening in ethnically diverse samples of older men Reference guide to consent for examination or treatment LGBTQ family fact sheet Do clinical clerks suffer ethical erosion? cord-011188-59hn9wsv Are patients really viewed as a teaching tool rather than a human being? cord-011188-59hn9wsv Gynecological conditions: Periodic screening with the pelvic examination Teaching pelvic examinations under anaesthesia: what do women think? cord-011188-59hn9wsv How sure can we be that the patient is sleeping indeed? cord-011188-59hn9wsv Is there no alternative? cord-011188-59hn9wsv The Utility of and Indications for Routine Pelvic Examination Opinions on patient- physician relationships& the Legal Advisors Committee, Concern for Dying Informed consent to human experimentation: The subject's dilemma Medical students and informed consent: A consensus statement prepared by the faculties of medical and health science of the universities of Auckland and Otago, chief medical officers of district health boards, New Zealand medical students'association and the medical council of New Zealand An introduction to medical malpractice in the United States Practicing pelvic examinations by medical students on women under anesthesia: Why not ask first? cord-011188-59hn9wsv Why are pelvic exams on unconscious, unconsenting women still part of medical training? cord-011188-59hn9wsv aged 15- 20 years in the United States Are med students practicing on you? cord-011188-59hn9wsv can we create lasting change': What can we learn from the Dr Larry Nassar tragedy? cord-024984-d9s7akd5 Alternatively, is this an area into which humans should not intervene? cord-024984-d9s7akd5 For example, if it is discovered at birth that a child would develop a severe disease by the age of 10, what sort of care should that child receive? cord-024984-d9s7akd5 How should society handle theuncertainties"that inevitably and constantly accompany these new technologies?
cord-024984-d9s7akd5However, were the ethical problems truly and completely eliminated by iPS cell technology?
cord-024984-d9s7akd5Is testing justifiable in children if the intent is to prevent disease or slow its progression?
cord-024984-d9s7akd5Should genome editing be conducted, ensuring that the genes causing disease are eliminated prior to birth?
cord-024984-d9s7akd5Simply stated, the central arguments concerning these issues pose the following questions: in what situations should individual autonomy and self- determination be restricted, and what degree of intervention for the sake of the common good and paternalistic interventions should be permitted?
cord-024984-d9s7akd5What would we do if we found out that we would develop dementia by the age of 50?
cord-024984-d9s7akd5Would we be tested early on and take preventive drugs?
cord-307709-o6biwypoBut how is the AI programmed?
cord-307709-o6biwypoBut is it right to aim for a perfectly healthy society at all costs?
cord-307709-o6biwypoHow can we achieve this?
cord-307709-o6biwypoHow should physicians help patients understand unknowns of nanoparticle- based medicines?
cord-307709-o6biwypoOr, as in the case of Harmony's World, to take away self- consciousness permanently from people?
cord-307709-o6biwypoSeiji title: Should We Aim to Create a Perfect Healthy Utopia?
cord-307709-o6biwypoShould we sacrifice freedom, privacy, vivid feelings, and personal dignity to achieve such a world?
cord-307709-o6biwypoThat said, is it permissible to perform a lobotomy on a person's brain or perform medical interventions aimed at improving morals?
cord-307709-o6biwypoThe economist What nanobasics should be taught in medical school?
cord-307709-o6biwypoThe good life: Living for health and life without risks?
cord-307709-o6biwypoWhat is genome editing?
cord-307709-o6biwypoWhat was there to discuss?
cord-307709-o6biwypoWould people want to live even if in a vegetative state, or as perhaps even a robot or zombie?
cord-307709-o6biwypoYou think we bow too deeply to our gods, then?
cord-015394-uj7fe5y6: Do They Change during Pregnancy?
cord-015394-uj7fe5y6A Role for Intrahepatic GLUT1?
cord-015394-uj7fe5y6Androgens Influence Human Luteal Cells Function?
cord-015394-uj7fe5y6Are Contractions at 24- 32 weeks Gestation Less Painful Than Those at Full Term?
cord-015394-uj7fe5y6Could Confined Placental Mosaicism Account for Adverse Perinatal Outcomes in IVF Pregnancies?
cord-015394-uj7fe5y6Fact or Fiction?
cord-015394-uj7fe5y6Following Periconceptional Undernutrition or Twinning in Sheep?
cord-015394-uj7fe5y6In these experiments we sought to answer the question,'Does anandamide( AEA) work in the same manner as THC?'
cord-015394-uj7fe5y6Is There Evidence for Aromatase Activity in the Stroma of Postmenopausal Ovaries?
cord-015394-uj7fe5y6Is There a Role for Fatty Acids in the Pathogenesis of Pre- Eclampsia?
cord-015394-uj7fe5y6Is There a Seasonal Pattern in the Incidence of Post- Cesarean Endometritis?
cord-015394-uj7fe5y6Pregnancy Outcome?
cord-015394-uj7fe5y6Reason To Change Intrauterine Referral Practice in the Netherlands?
cord-015394-uj7fe5y6Term Preeclampsia: Any Risk for the Neonate?
cord-015394-uj7fe5y6and What Are the Roles Played by Peroxynitrite in Preeclamptic Women?
cord-024622-ez4ke2ofAre there additional opportunities( non- committee, non- curriculum) that can provide faculty opportunities to work with medical students( i.e. medical student mentoring programs, CV workshops, etc.)?
cord-024622-ez4ke2ofAre there other opportunities for medical students to get involved in research?
cord-024622-ez4ke2ofAre you doing anything outside of the curriculum for medical students?
cord-024622-ez4ke2ofDo you have a freecare/ outreach/ community service experience for students?
cord-024622-ez4ke2ofDo you have any equipment that aids in teaching?
cord-024622-ez4ke2ofDo you have career fairs?
cord-024622-ez4ke2ofDo you have student advisers in the department?
cord-024622-ez4ke2ofDo you use the AUPO guidelines in assisting the writing of your ophthalmology curriculum?
cord-024622-ez4ke2ofHow many students take it each year?
cord-024622-ez4ke2ofHow many students take it each year?
cord-024622-ez4ke2ofHow many weeks is it?
cord-024622-ez4ke2ofHow much time is spent in clinic?
cord-024622-ez4ke2ofHow much time is spent in the OR?
cord-024622-ez4ke2ofIf so, what equipment?
cord-024622-ez4ke2ofIs there an ophthalmology interest group?
cord-024622-ez4ke2ofanyone on specifically the curriculum committee?
cord-024622-ez4ke2oflong is it?
cord-024622-ez4ke2oftrends in the education of medical students and 194 primary care residents Is there more than one type of elective?
cord-023211-kt5gt26t2) Were there any adverse haematological effects with the use of oral chloramphenicol at RBH?
cord-023211-kt5gt26t4) Was the parent diagnosed before or after pregnancy was confirmed?
cord-023211-kt5gt26t6) Was the parent's diagnosis a result of prenatal testing?
cord-023211-kt5gt26tDo pre- packaged salt packets contain a precise amount of sodium and thus could be recommended to fulfill the daily requirement of sodium in patients with CF?
cord-023211-kt5gt26tDo you presently care for any patients with CF who have given birth to, or fathered a CF affected child?
cord-023211-kt5gt26tDoes CF patient age or ethnicity increase the likelihood of hearing loss as determined by a hearing questionnaire?
cord-023211-kt5gt26tDoes gender play a role in perception of CF quality of life domains before and after lung transplantation?
cord-023211-kt5gt26tFukushima, L.K.; Hsu, E.; Woo, M.S. Division of Pediatric Pulmonology, Childrens Hospital Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA, USA Do Hispanic and Caucasian CF patients share the same frequency of pulmonary exacerbations?
cord-023211-kt5gt26tHow effective is chloramphenicol in comparison to ciprofloxacin?
cord-023211-kt5gt26tHow many patients at your center have had CF affected children?
cord-023211-kt5gt26tIf parent's diagnosis came after conception, was this after child was diagnosed?
cord-023211-kt5gt26tIs the increased morbidity/ mortality risk due to decreased access to outpatient CF care?
cord-023211-kt5gt26tThe potentially protective effects of the now available HPV vaccination in females and males?
cord-023211-kt5gt26tThirty- five% of parents in group A and 53% in group B changed their family planning projects following the diagnosis PHYSICAL HEALTH AND ANXIETY SYMPTOMS: DOES MONITORING MEDIATE THE RELATION?
cord-023211-kt5gt26tThis study aimed to address three questions: 1) What proportion of PSA is sensitive to ciprofloxacin and/or chloramphenicol?
cord-023211-kt5gt26tWhat are the results of hearing questionnaires administered to pediatric CF patients?
cord-023211-kt5gt26tWhat is the estimated incidence of CF patients having CF affected children attending accredited CF centers in the United States?
cord-014794-yppi30a0Are MUC 2 and MUC 5AC reliable markers in the differential diagnosis of primary and metastatic ovarian carcinomas?
cord-014794-yppi30a0Are there any relationship between Bellini duct carcinoma and urothelial cell carcinoma?
cord-014794-yppi30a0Can a pleomorphic vulvar leiomyoma be a tumor with local aggressive behavior?
cord-014794-yppi30a0Case report The full- term female patient-3100 g/49 cm-has been developing well with the exception of early( intrauterine?)
cord-014794-yppi30a0Chromophobe renal cell carcinoma: the variant with the best outcome?
cord-014794-yppi30a0Do human papillomaviruses infect proximal parts of the male genital tract?
cord-014794-yppi30a0Does HPV play a role in the development of bladder TCC?
cord-014794-yppi30a0Does TGF- α1 prevent carcinoma spreading?
cord-014794-yppi30a0Ezrin immunoreactivity: Is it a usefull marker for the prognosis and grading of astrocytoma?
cord-014794-yppi30a0Is telomerase catalytic subunit gene re- expression an early event in gallbladder carcinogenesis?
cord-014794-yppi30a0Is the activation of Akt a prognostic parameter in colorectal cancer?
cord-014794-yppi30a0Is there any prognostic significance for HER2 protein in urothelial tumors of the upper urinary tract?
cord-014794-yppi30a0It has been speculated that secondary iron overload( heavy alcohol, chronic hepatitis,?-thalassemia) may be a critical co- factor in those heterozygotes that develop symptoms of HH.
cord-014794-yppi30a0Measurements of DNA amount and nuclear size by image cytometry: are these two features sufficient for diagnosis of early lung cancer?
cord-014794-yppi30a0Primary or metastatic?
cord-014794-yppi30a0Trichoblastic fibroma or primary soft tissue adamantinoma?
cord-014794-yppi30a0Two questions are to be studied: 1. does FH, HP, Adenoma( A) and Carcinoma( Ca) represent a continuum in terms of Ki-67 proliferative activity?
cord-014794-yppi30a0What is the relation of age, gender and histological types to the subsite location of colon carcinoma?
cord-014794-yppi30a0carcinoma( HP- Ca)?
cord-014794-yppi30a0it possible to predict clinical behaviour?
cord-000718-7whai7nr: Are they the clues in determination of tumor grade?
cord-000718-7whai7nr: Do we need a cut- off?
cord-000718-7whai7nrA marker for BRAF mutated colorectal carcinomas?
cord-000718-7whai7nrAfter two mediastinal biopsies with unspecific features( Castleman disease?), the diagnostic one showed fibrosis, abundant small reactive lymphocytes( CD20+/CD3+) and areas with diffuse small- medium size lymphocytes positive for CD3, TdT, CD34, CD7, LMO2 and high Ki67.
cord-000718-7whai7nrAre HMB-45 and MIB1 results reliable for safe diagnosis of nevi?
cord-000718-7whai7nrCan we rely on alternative sampling method of radical prostatectomy specimens?
cord-000718-7whai7nrCould the appearance of this tumor be related either to transplanted pneumocytes or it is inmunosupression the main risk factor?
cord-000718-7whai7nrCould these AIPs provide the way to escape the cell death?
cord-000718-7whai7nrIs the contusion a cause of death per se?
cord-000718-7whai7nrMore than it meets the eye?
cord-000718-7whai7nrOFP-03- 002 Tumor budding in pancreatic cancer: Are we missing important prognostic information?
cord-000718-7whai7nrOFP-09- 002 Is quality of histological and cytological slides a palatable issue?:
cord-000718-7whai7nrPresent study investigated; could nuclear morphometery differentiate histomorphologically similar paediatric malignant small round cell tumors in H& E stained sections for using in a poor resource country?
cord-000718-7whai7nrTelomerase expression in urothelial carcinomas of the urinary bladder: Does it make sense for carcinogenesis or prognosis?
cord-000718-7whai7nrTurkey Objective: Is there an effect of the length of appendix vermiformis on the settlement of the bowel parasites?
cord-000718-7whai7nrWhich is the best method to measure multiple breast cancer?
cord-000718-7whai7nrWhich morphological criteria ensure the diagnosis?
cord-000718-7whai7nrand CyclinD3 useful to characterize oncocytic adenomas and carcinomas?
cord-000718-7whai7nrusual finding in gastrointestinal specimen?
cord-010119-t1x9gkndAmong all potential causes investigated, only the gel card lot number was associated with the number of"?"generated( table 1).
cord-010119-t1x9gkndAssuming 30 seconds of technologist time per"?", we estimate that 13.6 hours were needed to resolve and update these results.
cord-010119-t1x9gkndCan Texting Decrease Wastage?
cord-010119-t1x9gkndInterference: More Than Just Kell?
cord-010119-t1x9gkndIs Its Use Inappropriate?
cord-010119-t1x9gkndOf 19,647 columns run as part of antibody screens, 1,633( 8.3%) columns generated"?
cord-010119-t1x9gkndPatient 1 was a 29 yo female, C2E2c1e1, whose RBCs reacted 11 by ECHO and 31 by NEO with anti- D4, and'?'
cord-010119-t1x9gkndPlatelet Rich Plasma and Quality Control: Is There a Role for the Blood Bank?
cord-010119-t1x9gkndShortly after implementation, technologists reported increased time spent performing manual resolution of indeterminate( designated as"?") results.
cord-010119-t1x9gkndStudy Design/ Method: We analyzed allogeneic interview responses to the screening question,"In the past 12 months have you had a tattoo?"
cord-010119-t1x9gkndStudy Design/ Methods: With assistance from Ortho Diagnostics, analyzer archives were queried to identify the number of gel card columns used for screens, the number of columns with"?"results, and the gel card lot numbers used for testing from 1/29/2017 to 3/31/2017.
cord-010119-t1x9gkndTesting Worth the Headache?
cord-010119-t1x9gkndTexas Children's Hospital, 2 Baylor College of Medicine AP127 Vision Titers--Easier or Problematic?
cord-010119-t1x9gkndThe Future of Plasma Therapy?
cord-010119-t1x9gkndThe incidence of"?"and visually negative analyzer positive results is dependent on the specific lot of MTS- Gel TM cards used.
cord-010119-t1x9gkndThe objective of this study was to investigate the cause of"?"and apparent false positive results on VisionV R three- cell antibody screens.
cord-010119-t1x9gkndVariations in Biochemical Markers of Bone Metabolism during Plateletpheresis: Impact of Socio- Demographic and Lifestyle Factors?
cord-010119-t1x9gkndWere Patients Transfused after Testing?
cord-010119-t1x9gkndWhat Is the Best Practice for Testing Residual White Blood Cells in Blood Components for Monthly Routine Quality Control?
cord-010119-t1x9gkndWhere We Go?
cord-014687-0am4l5ms: How Big a Problem is It?
cord-014687-0am4l5ms: Where Are We Now?
cord-014687-0am4l5msA conversant?
cord-014687-0am4l5msBeen a leader in science and application?
cord-014687-0am4l5msBeen part of the dialogue that has been increasingly influential across all of Radiology, a conversation steeped in a deep tradition of excellence in diagnosis and treatment, and the safety and welfare of our children?
cord-014687-0am4l5msCan Time- Resolved Contrast- Enhanced MRA( TWIST) Classify Soft Tissue Vascular Anomalies in the Head and Neck in Children Accurately?
cord-014687-0am4l5msDoes a Tertiary Care Radiologist Make a Difference?
cord-014687-0am4l5msHas he been part of the Pediatric Radiology landscape these last ten years?
cord-014687-0am4l5msHorizons, innovation, and the gift of en- abling … What else is needed to define a true pioneer?
cord-014687-0am4l5msHow can we maintain and expand these relationships?
cord-014687-0am4l5msHow was this done?
cord-014687-0am4l5msImaging Followup of Lymphoma in Pediatric Patients: Is Pelvic CT Necessary?
cord-014687-0am4l5msImaging Pulmonary Tuberculosis in Infants: What are the Most Useful Diagnostic Radiological Findings?
cord-014687-0am4l5msIs Dedicated Chest CT needed in Addition to PET CT for Evaluation of Pediatric Oncology Patients?
cord-014687-0am4l5msM.D. Why George Bisset?
cord-014687-0am4l5msPart of the dialogue?
cord-014687-0am4l5msPart of the landscape?
cord-014687-0am4l5msPart of the science and application?
cord-014687-0am4l5msSonographic Evaluation of Pediatric Skeletal Lesions: Is it worthwhile?
cord-014687-0am4l5msUtility of Contrast- Enhanced MR Imaging in Children with Osteonecrosis: Does Gadolinium Help?
cord-014687-0am4l5msWith these successes in mind, who better to embody the concept of bridging horizons that is the theme for this entire meeting?
cord-313927-60l1ulis123-How to read studies of educational costs Mason: South- Western Cengage Learning Herding Cats?
cord-313927-60l1ulisA discrete choice experiment What can discrete choice experiments do for you?
cord-313927-60l1ulisA discrete choice experiment What do UK medical students value most in their career?
cord-313927-60l1ulisA suggested framework Availability of cookies during an academic course session affects evaluation of teaching Cutting costs of multiple mini- interviews- Changes in reliability and efficiency of the Hamburg medical school admission test between two applications University rankings in action?
cord-313927-60l1ulisDo students take it seriously?
cord-313927-60l1ulisDo they believe their views make any difference?
cord-313927-60l1ulisEmbracing methodological borrowing, shifting and importing Medical education: Microeconomics or macroeconomics?
cord-313927-60l1ulisExpand the number of stations in an objective structured clinical examination( OSCE)?
cord-313927-60l1ulisHow do institutional processes( e.g., re- sits, repeating a year) influence student assessment behaviour?
cord-313927-60l1ulisHow do politicians attribute bureaucratic responsibility for performance?
cord-313927-60l1ulisHow effective are selection methods in medical education? A systematic review Location and support are critical to attracting junior doctors: A discrete choice experiment Does selection pay off?
cord-313927-60l1ulisHow is innovation in assessment developed and implemented, for example the use of computerised adaptive testing as either a formative or summative activity?
cord-313927-60l1ulisIn respect to organisational level of resource allocation, how many OSCE stations are optimal given each station will have a cost( e.g., examiner time, an actor or simulated patient, consumables, refreshments, room hire)?
cord-313927-60l1ulisIn respect to the former, how much time do students take to prepare for different types of assessment( e.g., formative vs. summative)?
cord-313927-60l1ulisIs the investment of staff training and quality assurance processes required to score short- answer questions( SAQs) considered worthwhile?
cord-313927-60l1ulisIs this mandatory?
cord-313927-60l1ulisMore or less simulation?
cord-313927-60l1ulisMore simulation may be desirable in terms of mastering skills but which activity should it replace, and can the simulated patients, rooms and other resources be feasibly sourced?
cord-313927-60l1ulisShould we give our students more feedback?
cord-313927-60l1ulisThe General Theory of Employment, Interest, and Money Diffusion of innovations in health care: Does the structural context determine its direction?
cord-313927-60l1ulisThe concept of value is also of interest in respect to value to whom?
cord-313927-60l1ulisThe transition from classical to neoclassical economics: A scientific revolution Do changing medical admissions practices in the UK impact on who is admitted?
cord-313927-60l1ulisWhat do UK doctors- intraining value in a post?
cord-313927-60l1ulisWhat is the optimal strategy in allocating time between formative and summative assessments preparation?
cord-023913-pnjhi8cuA well- designed EMR system can"stack"required co- signing tasks on a computer screen, offer standard entries as well as free- hand options, and create a process far faster than paper records for an attending's validation( same as reconciliation?).
cord-023913-pnjhi8cuAre these rare variants the source of much of the missing heritability?
cord-023913-pnjhi8cuBasic sciences aside, could a clinicalbased educational training center have an advantage over a school- based clinical center?
cord-023913-pnjhi8cuDental care for your baby Does caries in primary teeth predict enamel defects in permanent teeth?
cord-023913-pnjhi8cuFor those affected, why do some progress more rapidly than others?
cord-023913-pnjhi8cuHe also posed the question"Can dentists recognize signs and systems of contagious diseases?", and emphasized that education can be essential.
cord-023913-pnjhi8cuHow does one measure the economic impact of a life not lived and another derailed by such tragedy?
cord-023913-pnjhi8cuHow much would all of this cost?
cord-023913-pnjhi8cuHow will we seize them?
cord-023913-pnjhi8cuHow would it compare to the benefi ts that may be available?
cord-023913-pnjhi8cuIs it better to travel down a road that leads a school to develop and operate a clinic?
cord-023913-pnjhi8cuMight an enterprise profi cient at running a successful clinical business model have an advantage running a professional, patient- centered clinical training program as compared to a pedagogical business model attempting to run a clinical training model?
cord-023913-pnjhi8cuNeed we say more?
cord-023913-pnjhi8cuOr is the road less traveled, where a clinic becomes a school, the better of the two options?
cord-023913-pnjhi8cuOral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol Endod Oral hygiene can reduce the incidence of and death resulting from pneumonia and respiratory tract infection Effect of daily asprin on long- term risk of death due to cancer: analysis of individual patient data from randomized trails Access to oral health care for elders: mere words or action?
cord-023913-pnjhi8cuSo what do we mean by an aggressive dental treatment plan?
cord-023913-pnjhi8cuThe evolution of molecular markers-just a matter of fashion?
cord-023913-pnjhi8cuThe relationship between reduction in periodontal infl ammation and diabetes control: a report of 9 cases Can presence or absence of periodontal pathogens distinguish between subjects with chronic and aggressive periodontitis?
cord-023913-pnjhi8cuTo what extent are medical and dental and providers aware of recommendations for a fi rst dental visit for a child by age one, as recommended by the AAP, the American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry( AAPD), and the American Dental Association?
cord-023913-pnjhi8cuWhat about cardiovascular disease and rheumatoid arthritis?
cord-023913-pnjhi8cuWhat causes some patients to respond to therapies, while others suffer from adverse reactions?
cord-023913-pnjhi8cuWhat's strange about recent events?
cord-023913-pnjhi8cuWhy do some acquire diseases and others do not?
cord-023913-pnjhi8cuwhat value, what price?
cord-007890-bie1veti( 5?-GCAAGTTCTT- CAGCTTGTTT-3?).
cord-007890-bie1veti( 5?-TATTGCGCT- TAGAAAATTAA-3?)
cord-007890-bie1veti( hence, if we treat alcoholic cirrhosis patients with interferon could we have a favorable response?).
cord-007890-bie1veti*/does its aetiology matter?
cord-007890-bie1vetiAnd on the basis of which classification system should the two legs of such a trial be separated?
cord-007890-bie1vetiCan coins and paper currency transmit Bacillus anthracis?
cord-007890-bie1vetiCan varicella be eliminated by universal childhood vaccination?
cord-007890-bie1vetiDo the trials with interferon alfa for patients with HBV or HCV cirrhosis exhibit a favorable result due to the antiviral properties of interferon, or is interferon exhibiting anti- oncogenic potential?, and is HCC cytokine and hormone sensitive( view ongoing trials with somatostatine analogues versus HCC)?
cord-007890-bie1vetiDo the trials with interferon alfa for patients with HBV or HCV cirrhosis exhibit a favorable result due to the antiviral properties of interferon, or is interferon exhibiting anti- oncogenic potential?, and is HCC cytokine and hormone sensitive( view ongoing trials with somatostatine analogues versus HCC)?
cord-007890-bie1vetiDoes their end in the stage of cirrhosis?
cord-007890-bie1vetiHBV Á/ HCV and liver carcinogenesis: where does the viral influence end?
cord-007890-bie1vetiHow ethical is it to conduct a randomised trial where one leg of cirrhotic patients is left without antiviral therapy?
cord-007890-bie1vetiHow much hope can be put on a drug that seems to be partly useless before its initiation?
cord-007890-bie1vetiIn vivo activity of glycopeptides against S. aureus infection in a rabbit endocarditis model: is MIC predictive for in vivo efficacy?
cord-007890-bie1vetiIs progression towards HCC independent of the etiology of cirrhosis( since alcoholic cirrhosis also proceeds to HCC)?
cord-007890-bie1vetiLactulose, a factor that decreases endotoxaemia, in obstructive jaundice?
cord-007890-bie1vetiMoreover, do viral proteins with oncogenic potential exist( the controversy over the recently discovered HBV protein is still, unresolved)?
cord-007890-bie1vetiOur experience suggests a promising role of lamivudine in the treatment of acute hepatitis B, but how long such therapy have to be practiced and in which patients?
cord-007890-bie1vetiThese strains was genotypically characterized for the mec A gene presence by PCR method using the mec A 1- 5?-AAA ATC CAT GGT AAA GGT TGG C-3? and the mec A 2 Á/5?-AGT TCT GCA GTA CCG GAT TTG C-3? primers( GIBCO, BRL).
cord-007890-bie1vetiThese strains was genotypically characterized for the mec A gene presence by PCR method using the mec A 1- 5?-AAA ATC CAT GGT AAA GGT TGG C-3? and the mec A 2 Á/5?-AGT TCT GCA GTA CCG GAT TTG C-3? primers( GIBCO, BRL).
cord-007890-bie1vetiWhich patients with HBV or HCV cirrhosis are eligible for interferon treatment?
cord-007890-bie1vetiand of transconjugants and the amplification by PCR of the gene aac(6?)-aph(2??
cord-007890-bie1vetiand of transconjugants and the amplification by PCR of the gene aac(6?)-aph(2??
cord-007890-bie1vetican the associated morbidity and mortality in this rare but deadly disease be reduced?
cord-257167-rz4r5sj7( 1) Which type of brain infarction will be a future target of this therapeutic approach?
cord-257167-rz4r5sj7( 2) Which phase of brain infarction( i.e., acute or chronic phase) will be selected as a future timing of therapeutic intervention?
cord-257167-rz4r5sj7( 3) Which will be the best way to be applied in the clinical settings, neurogenesis control, stem cell supply or both?
cord-257167-rz4r5sj7Are NSF and VCP playing complementary or antagonistic roles?
cord-257167-rz4r5sj7How are brains controlled molecularly?
cord-257167-rz4r5sj7How can a material object became aware of the world around it and of its very own awareness?
cord-257167-rz4r5sj7How do pictorial cues influence 3D information processing in the parietal association cortex?
cord-257167-rz4r5sj7How do these neurons integrate signals from V1?
cord-257167-rz4r5sj7How do we deal with timing in the brain?
cord-257167-rz4r5sj7How do we determine what is good or bad for the maturing brain?
cord-257167-rz4r5sj7How does the brain order successive events?
cord-257167-rz4r5sj7How is olfactory receptor- dependent axonal wiring conducted?
cord-257167-rz4r5sj7How relevant is it in protein synthesis- dependent late- phase plasticity( LP)?
cord-257167-rz4r5sj7In particular, does the well- known columnar organization of V1 play a role in determining the shape selectivity of higher- order neurons?
cord-257167-rz4r5sj7It is open question, however, if the brain correctly compensates the difference of the relative position of eyes to the head?
cord-257167-rz4r5sj7JST.ERATO, HFSP SY2- 2- 08- 4 Why look there?
cord-257167-rz4r5sj7PS3P- G101 Is"seronegative"MG explained by autoantibodies to MuSK?
cord-257167-rz4r5sj7Thirty tasks were presented visually every 30 s, the subjects were asked to think about the question immediately following the sentences and asked not to think moreover if the question was difficult( e.g., How to cook curried rice?
cord-257167-rz4r5sj7This raises urgent and important ethical questions for our consideration: is there an"ideal"brain we should be nurturing?
cord-257167-rz4r5sj7To what extent can/ should drugs be used not merely to correct developmental disorders but also to enhance performance?
cord-257167-rz4r5sj7Which is essential?
cord-257167-rz4r5sj7Why do we look where we do?
cord-257167-rz4r5sj7or How to fold paper into a turtle? etc).
cord-006854-o2e5na78: This study includes 40 patients who underwent LC implementing metallic clip( MC) and 40 patients implementing Hem- O- Lock clips( H0)?.
cord-006854-o2e5na78Adenocarcinoma of Duodenum: Surgical or Endoscopic Treatment?
cord-006854-o2e5na78And the temperature in FT under 50 s cases was significantly higher than over FT over 50 s cases( 26.3 vs 30.8?).
cord-006854-o2e5na78Applying to Surgical Residency: What Makes the Best Candidates?
cord-006854-o2e5na78Conclusion: Preserving Duodenal- jejunal transit does not impede glucose tolerance and diabetes remission after gastric bypass in Type-2 diabetes Sprague- Dawley rat model Is Bariatric Surgery Effective for Comorbidity Resolution in Super Obese Patients?
cord-006854-o2e5na78Does Concomitant Placement of a Feeding Jejunostomy Tube During Esophagectomy Affect Quality Outcomes?
cord-006854-o2e5na78Does Robotic System Have Advantages Over Laparoscopic System for Distal Pancreatectomy?
cord-006854-o2e5na78Histological grade(?
cord-006854-o2e5na78ICG- enhanced?
cord-006854-o2e5na78In residual intestine, the temperature was siginificantly higher than resected intestine( 31.5 vs 29.0?, p.01).
cord-006854-o2e5na78Is It Safe?
cord-006854-o2e5na78It's in the Bag; Can Stoma Output Predict Acute Kidney Injury in New Ostomates?
cord-006854-o2e5na78Opportunity Lost?
cord-006854-o2e5na78Results: out of 308 patients who went through the procedure 9( 2.9%) suffered hemorrhagic complications: 7 patients had?
cord-006854-o2e5na78The Influence of Thickest Background: The use of stapling devices for distal pancreatectomy remains controversial, due to concerns about the development of postoperative pancreatic?
cord-006854-o2e5na78The intraoperative and postoperative parameters were collected including duration of the operation and complications?.
cord-006854-o2e5na78The surgical outcomes were compared between non- obese( body mass index[ BMI]\25 kg/ m 2) and obese( BMI? 25 kg/ m 2) patients.
cord-006854-o2e5na78There were no intraoperative complications, and one postoperative pancreatitis with grade? of Clavien- Dindo classification of surgical complications.
cord-006854-o2e5na78These patients were divided into three groups by the degree of esophageal clearance( Group A: clearance rate\10%, Group B: 10%?
cord-006854-o2e5na78This study compares the traditional standard metallic clip with Hem- O- Lock used in laparoscopic cholecystectomy( LC) in regard of the safety and efficacy?.
cord-006854-o2e5na78We reviewed the literature and present our data to evaluate the feasibility and usefulness of ICG- enhanced?
cord-006854-o2e5na78Weekday or Weekend Hospital Discharge: Does it Matter for Acute Care Surgery?
cord-006854-o2e5na78Without Interruptions: Does Twitter Level the Playing Field?
cord-006854-o2e5na78clearance rate\50%, and Group C: 50%?
cord-006854-o2e5na78distal to the ligament of Treitz Peri- operative and short- term follow- up results up to Does Age or Preoperative BMI Influence Weight Loss After Bariatric Surgery?
cord-006849-vgjz74ts( 0/50 N?)
cord-006849-vgjz74ts( LAR? TME) with high or low ligation( LL) of the inferior mesenteric artery( IMA).
cord-006849-vgjz74ts( LR? 5,6).
cord-006849-vgjz74ts( n?=?
cord-006849-vgjz74ts( n?=?
cord-006849-vgjz74ts( p?\? 0.001).
cord-006849-vgjz74ts( p?\? 0.001).
cord-006849-vgjz74ts25 Gy/ 10 fraction/5 days? S-1 or Xeloda) is performed to secure circumferential resection margin( CRM) due to tumor shrinkage, reduction of cancer cells with viability, reduction of radiation hazard for resectable locally advanced lower rectal cancer( more T3 or N1).
cord-006849-vgjz74ts3 cycles Carboplatine? 5FU).
cord-006849-vgjz74ts6 months after surgery, the number of post- operative strictures increased in both groups, but was lower in the research group and amounted to 4 cases in the research group and 11 cases in the control group(?
cord-006849-vgjz74tsA 56-year- old male with distal rectal cancer underwent neoadjuvant CRT for a mrT3cN2M0 mrEMVI?
cord-006849-vgjz74tsA consecutive experience from its introduction of SILS?
cord-006849-vgjz74tsA nomogram was performed; as regards the BMI, the positive likelihood index in the group of BMI[ 30 a prediction index of conversion of 50%( LR? 4,95) and in BMI\ 30 the prediction index of conversion is 5%( LR-0,52).
cord-006849-vgjz74tsA randomized prospective cohort study with two groups( A? B) of ten laparoscopically naïve medical students was conducted.
cord-006849-vgjz74tsAccording to pathological grading about rectal neuroendocrine neoplasm, there were 17 grade 1( G1) and 3 grade 2( G2) in conventional ESD group while 13 grade 1( G1) and 4 grade 2( G2) in DFS- ESD group(? 2= 0.436, P= 0.509).
cord-006849-vgjz74tsAfter reduction of the stomach to abdominal cavity, a total D1?
cord-006849-vgjz74tsAll the patients underwent the laparoscopic right colectomy( CME? CVL) with D3 lymph node dissection.
cord-006849-vgjz74tsAs Rubric evaluation showed weak points of detailed parts of maneuver, and VR?
cord-006849-vgjz74tsBoth the treatment of LCBDE and ERCP?
cord-006849-vgjz74tsCD4(-) GOG1(-) Caldesmon(?)
cord-006849-vgjz74tsConclusions: LL of the IMA in LAR?
cord-006849-vgjz74tsEpCAM? cells spreading out from the ductular reactions( DR).
cord-006849-vgjz74tsFurthermore, the sutures'appearance itself correlated with EWL% at both time points( rho? 0.416; p= 0.002 and rho 0.439; p= 0.028 respectively).
cord-006849-vgjz74tsHSI analyzes optical properties of tissues and acquires 3D data sets with two spatial dimensions( x, y) and one spectral dimension(?).
cord-006849-vgjz74tsHowever, pathological results showed tumor tissue close to the burning margin in 5 cases of conventional ESD group and in 2 cases of DFS- ESD group(? 2= 0.364, P= 0.546).
cord-006849-vgjz74tsIn postoperative outcomes, there were significant differences in complications(? grade3)
cord-006849-vgjz74tsIn the video we can see how we perform a laparoscopic distal gastrectomy with D1?
cord-006849-vgjz74tsInter- rater agreement using the Doublet View vs. the Binary method was as follows: 83.33%(?= 0.54) vs. 88.46%(?= 0.75) for CVS achievement, 66.66%(?= 0.48) vs. 93.59%(?= 0.79) for the 2 structures, 65.38%(?= 0.45) vs. 82.05%(?= 0.62) for the hepatocystic triangle and 61.53%(?= 0.36) vs. 88.46%(?= 0.77) for the cystic plate( Fig. 1).
cord-006849-vgjz74tsInter- rater agreement using the Doublet View vs. the Binary method was as follows: 83.33%(?= 0.54) vs. 88.46%(?= 0.75) for CVS achievement, 66.66%(?= 0.48) vs. 93.59%(?= 0.79) for the 2 structures, 65.38%(?= 0.45) vs. 82.05%(?= 0.62) for the hepatocystic triangle and 61.53%(?= 0.36) vs. 88.46%(?= 0.77) for the cystic plate( Fig. 1).
cord-006849-vgjz74tsInter- rater agreement using the Doublet View vs. the Binary method was as follows: 83.33%(?= 0.54) vs. 88.46%(?= 0.75) for CVS achievement, 66.66%(?= 0.48) vs. 93.59%(?= 0.79) for the 2 structures, 65.38%(?= 0.45) vs. 82.05%(?= 0.62) for the hepatocystic triangle and 61.53%(?= 0.36) vs. 88.46%(?= 0.77) for the cystic plate( Fig. 1).
cord-006849-vgjz74tsInter- rater agreement using the Doublet View vs. the Binary method was as follows: 83.33%(?= 0.54) vs. 88.46%(?= 0.75) for CVS achievement, 66.66%(?= 0.48) vs. 93.59%(?= 0.79) for the 2 structures, 65.38%(?= 0.45) vs. 82.05%(?= 0.62) for the hepatocystic triangle and 61.53%(?= 0.36) vs. 88.46%(?= 0.77) for the cystic plate( Fig. 1).
cord-006849-vgjz74tsInter- rater agreement using the Doublet View vs. the Binary method was as follows: 83.33%(?= 0.54) vs. 88.46%(?= 0.75) for CVS achievement, 66.66%(?= 0.48) vs. 93.59%(?= 0.79) for the 2 structures, 65.38%(?= 0.45) vs. 82.05%(?= 0.62) for the hepatocystic triangle and 61.53%(?= 0.36) vs. 88.46%(?= 0.77) for the cystic plate( Fig. 1).
cord-006849-vgjz74tsInter- rater agreement using the Doublet View vs. the Binary method was as follows: 83.33%(?= 0.54) vs. 88.46%(?= 0.75) for CVS achievement, 66.66%(?= 0.48) vs. 93.59%(?= 0.79) for the 2 structures, 65.38%(?= 0.45) vs. 82.05%(?= 0.62) for the hepatocystic triangle and 61.53%(?= 0.36) vs. 88.46%(?= 0.77) for the cystic plate( Fig. 1).
cord-006849-vgjz74tsInter- rater agreement using the Doublet View vs. the Binary method was as follows: 83.33%(?= 0.54) vs. 88.46%(?= 0.75) for CVS achievement, 66.66%(?= 0.48) vs. 93.59%(?= 0.79) for the 2 structures, 65.38%(?= 0.45) vs. 82.05%(?= 0.62) for the hepatocystic triangle and 61.53%(?= 0.36) vs. 88.46%(?= 0.77) for the cystic plate( Fig. 1).
cord-006849-vgjz74tsInter- rater agreement using the Doublet View vs. the Binary method was as follows: 83.33%(?= 0.54) vs. 88.46%(?= 0.75) for CVS achievement, 66.66%(?= 0.48) vs. 93.59%(?= 0.79) for the 2 structures, 65.38%(?= 0.45) vs. 82.05%(?= 0.62) for the hepatocystic triangle and 61.53%(?= 0.36) vs. 88.46%(?= 0.77) for the cystic plate( Fig. 1).
cord-006849-vgjz74tsIntroduction: We have developed and previously reported single- incision plus one port laparoscopic anterior resection of the rectum( SILS? 1-AR) as a reduced port surgery in which we can utilize the incision for drainage as an additional access route for laparoscopic procedures including the transection the lower rectum.
cord-006849-vgjz74tsIs the appendicolith a causative factor or merely an incidental finding?
cord-006849-vgjz74tsKnowing the lack of perfusion in the gastric pouch could be of great interest in revisional surgeries; but the question remains: is the current icg technology reliable enough to make intraoperative decisions in bariatric surgery?
cord-006849-vgjz74tsMajor etiological factors were: viral hepatitis C( 47 patients( 48.0%)), B( 29 patients( 29.6%)), B?
cord-006849-vgjz74tsMeasurement data were compressed to low- dimensional vectors using a TUCKER 3 like algorithm, and used to train an artificial neural network( ANN) to provide a classification between patients(? 1) and healthy controls(-1).
cord-006849-vgjz74tsMethods: Between June 2014 and December 2016, patients who underwent elective laparoscopic LAR?
cord-006849-vgjz74tsNo N?
cord-006849-vgjz74tsOne hundred and forty- one patients( 53 female) with a mean age of 67.6 years adopted the SILS?
cord-006849-vgjz74tsOne hundred and thirty- six patients( 96.5%) completed with SILA?
cord-006849-vgjz74tsResearch group did not register a single case of EGA leakage while 2 patients in control group(?\ 0,05).
cord-006849-vgjz74tsResult: Intervention: Complete laparoscopic approach, right lateral partial decubitus, massive splenomegaly,?
cord-006849-vgjz74tsSubgroup analysis showed that the CS3 of patients who had poor prognostic factors initially demonstrated the greatest increase in postoperative survival time( e.g., N3b: 26.6%-84.1%,? 57.5% vs. N0: 84.1%-93.3%,? 9.2%).
cord-006849-vgjz74tsSubgroup analysis showed that the CS3 of patients who had poor prognostic factors initially demonstrated the greatest increase in postoperative survival time( e.g., N3b: 26.6%-84.1%,? 57.5% vs. N0: 84.1%-93.3%,? 9.2%).
cord-006849-vgjz74tsSurgery was performed under epidural anesthesia in 24 patients and multimodal analgesia in 15: periodic acetaminophen administration?
cord-006849-vgjz74tsThe Ethicon SecureStrap??
cord-006849-vgjz74tsThe Ethicon SecureStrap??
cord-006849-vgjz74tsThe above procedure was performed for 45 RGC patients with stage cT1- 4aN0/?
cord-006849-vgjz74tsThe accumulated macrophages existed around fibrous scar as well as CK19?
cord-006849-vgjz74tsThe criterion standard surgical approach for rectal cancer is LAR?
cord-006849-vgjz74tsThe day before surgery, ICG diluted 50 times( 0.2 ml of reagent?
cord-006849-vgjz74tsThe extent of lymph node dissection( D1?/ D2) was 23/7 cases in both groups
cord-006849-vgjz74tsThe macrophages were CD163?
cord-006849-vgjz74tsThe mechanism possibly include hepatic accumulation of anti- fibrotic CD163-positive macrophages and stimulation of DR- derived CK19?
cord-006849-vgjz74tsThe software was implemented in C??
cord-006849-vgjz74tsThe software was implemented in C??
cord-006849-vgjz74tsThe stone size of the ERCP?
cord-006849-vgjz74tsThe study is completed with MRI where the lesion is located below the right kidney, in front of the right psoas muscle and lateral to the inferior vena cava, and without contact with these structures.??
cord-006849-vgjz74tsThe study is completed with MRI where the lesion is located below the right kidney, in front of the right psoas muscle and lateral to the inferior vena cava, and without contact with these structures.??
cord-006849-vgjz74tsThere were 2 cases of esophagus postoperative strictures which developed 3 months after the surgery in the research group which was less than in the control group which saw 6 cases of strictures of EGA(?\ 0,05).
cord-006849-vgjz74tsThere were 5 cases of esophagus postoperative strictures which developed 12 months after the surgery in the research group which was less than in the control group which saw 13 cases of strictures of EGA(?\ 0,05).
cord-006849-vgjz74tsThirty patients were N?, and 28 were NND.
cord-006849-vgjz74tsThis study was supported by the Russian Science Foundation under project?
cord-006849-vgjz74tsThis way, D2 dissection for advanced gastric cancer and D1?
cord-006849-vgjz74tsThree months later, intervention was carried out; Laparotomy Hysterectomy?
cord-006849-vgjz74tsTo conquer these weak points, virtual reality( VR)?
cord-006849-vgjz74tsWe performed likelihood index( LR?/-
cord-006849-vgjz74tsWe present a case in which we have performed a laparoscopic distal gastrectomy with D1?
cord-006849-vgjz74tsactin- DOG1???
cord-006849-vgjz74tsactin- DOG1???
cord-006849-vgjz74tsactin- DOG1???
cord-006849-vgjz74tsdouble anexectomy?
cord-006849-vgjz74tsfollow up was 15?
cord-006849-vgjz74tsin the first case and pT3N1( 2/40 N?) in the second.
cord-006849-vgjz74tslocal anesthesia of the wound in 2, and periodic acetaminophen administration?
cord-006849-vgjz74tstransverse abdominis plane( TAP) block in 6, periodic acetaminophen administration?