
This is a list of all the questions and their associated study carrel identifiers. One can learn a lot of the "aboutness" of a text simply by reading the questions.

identifier question
cord-011203-fbygs0i6The increased risks of death and extra lengths of hospital and ICU stay from hospital- acquired bloodstream infections: a case- control study Health- related quality of life after prolonged pediatric intensive care unit stay Do in- hours or off- hours matter for extubating children in the pediatric intensive care unit?
cord-274012-56i4sikjRespiratory viral infections aggravate airway damage caused by chronic rejection in rat lung allografts Chronic rhinoviral infection in lung transplant recipients Clinical impact of community- acquired respiratory viruses on bronchiolitis obliterans after lung transplant Respiratory viral infections are a distinct risk for bronchiolitis obliterans syndrome and death Respiratory viruses and chronic rejection in lung transplant recipients Infectious etiology of bronchiolitis obliterans: the respiratory viruses connection-myth or reality?
cord-006869-g2q1gpp0QI method be used to incrementally add and evaluate individual facets of neuroprotective therapeutic bundles?
cord-264187-5gy4nkhbWith close to 4000 employees and 40 programs, how could public health operate effectively as part of a parent organization with a different mission?
cord-253341-y2rf5cz9WHAT IS LIFE?
cord-271042-0ilj86y9Ante qué síntomas debo consultar?
cord-311377-ffkwis40anti- IL-6 Should we stimulate or suppress immune responses in COVID-19?
cord-338192-2v9dbc9hY. title: How many patients will need ventilators tomorrow?
cord-006182-kck5e1ryManagement of this phenomenon is controversial: should you treat the seizures or the arrhythmia?
cord-029789-ttql1jpvThe effect of smoking on 30-day outcomes in elective hernia repair Cost- utility analysis of biologic and biosynthetic mesh in ventral hernia repair: when are they worth it?
cord-029789-ttql1jpvboarding surgical ICU patients in other ICUs and the effect of distances from the home unit Cohorting trauma patients in a medical/ surgical unit at a level I pediatric trauma center to enhance interdisciplinary collaboration and documentation Boarding ICU patients: are our rounding practices subpar?
cord-324136-ybjy8oz6Quel avenir pour la ribavirine en dehors de l'hépatite C?
cord-339649-ppgmmeuzMarketWatch COVID-19 Models for Hospital Surge Capacity Planning Disaster Medicine and Public Health Preparedness 7 Will protests set off a second viral wave?
cord-339649-ppgmmeuzwrong or useful?
cord-322275-w6sc75k0Télémédecine Virtually Perfect?
cord-322275-w6sc75k0quality improvement approach Predictors of missed appointments in prospective hand surgery research Is virtual clinic follow- up of hip and knee joint replacement acceptable to patients and clinicians?
cord-020747-zojhok9eCuál es la mortalidad asociada al SRAS?
cord-020747-zojhok9eCuándo puede volver a casa el paciente?
cord-280641-zqdrzyzlPor qué, entonces, no se ha encontrado un agente causal?
cord-280641-zqdrzyzlresults by race and sex of the ACCESS study Is there a role for microorganisms in the pathogenesis of sarcoidosis?
cord-296874-jpc0e6p5Will reduction of antibiotic use reduce resistance?
cord-296874-jpc0e6p5what is true burden and what is the potential for prevention using 7 valent pneumococcal conjugate vaccine?
cord-267042-nvwnbp2jThe assessment of autonomy in elderly people Should clinical case definitions of influenza in hospitalized older adults include fever?
cord-267042-nvwnbp2jprevalence surveys of healthcare- associated infections and antimicrobial use in European long- term care facilities Pandemic A(H1N1)2009 influenza virus detection by real time RT- PCR: is viral quantification useful?
cord-316937-lm1jcbydVirtually Perfect?
cord-316937-lm1jcbydla no maleficencia, la justicia y la autonomía 16 cuando hay que decidir a cuál de los dos pacientes que necesitan un respirador se le proporcionará?
cord-280460-kcnzh3ieCan respiratory syncytial virus etiology be diagnosed clinically?
cord-280460-kcnzh3ieWhat's in the name?
cord-316798-jw7l40ioa la consulta tradicional?
cord-316798-jw7l40ioutil la consulta telefónica en orl? date: 2020- 07- 08 journal:
cord-320806-vzqof0njWhat is the clinical relevance of respiratory syncytial virus bronchiolitis?:
cord-320806-vzqof0njWhat predicts duration of hospital stay for bronchiolitis?
cord-320806-vzqof0njrationale and protocol Duration of illness in ambulatory children diagnosed with bronchiolitis Duration of illness in infants with bronchiolitis evaluated in the emergency department Three- weekly doses of azithromycin for indigenous infants hospitalised with bronchiolitis: a multicentre, randomised, placebo- controlled trial Severity scoring systems: are they internally valid, reliable and predictive of oxygen use in children with acute bronchiolitis?
cord-287542-t1r09klvDoes this patient have strep throat?
cord-287542-t1r09klvQué papel tiene la otorrinolaringología en la asistencia primaria?
cord-287542-t1r09klvWhich treatments provide the most relief for pharyngitis pain?
cord-255123-epuc6yvian outdated luxury the planet ca n't afford?
cord-255123-epuc6yvisigue siendo de utilidad la cirugía en la era de los tratamientos biológicos?
cord-255123-epuc6yvi¿ sigue siendo la cirugía de utilidad en la era de los tratamientos biológicos?
cord-264993-cj75bdm2Cuál es el riesgo real de rabia en España?
cord-264993-cj75bdm2malaria test for diagnosis of Plasmodium ovale malaria Usefulness of seminested multiplex PCR in surveillance of imported malaria in Spain Imported Falciparum malaria in Europe: sentinel surveillance data from the European network on surveillance of imported infectious diseases Grupo de Trabajo del Taller « Enfermedad de Chagas importada: ¿ un nuevo reto de salud pública?
cord-264993-cj75bdm2¿ una enfermedad y un microorganismo en aumento en España?
cord-331249-jrzgqq8qA new infantile acute febrile mucocutaneous lymph node syndrome( MLNS) prevailing in Japan Are infantile periarteritis nodosa with coronary artery involvement and fatal mucocutaneous lynph node syndrome the same?
cord-331249-jrzgqq8qThe etiology of Kawasaki disease: superantigen or conventional antigen?
cord-331249-jrzgqq8qwhere are the answers?
cord-331950-gkw7ziz5Cómo debería ser el siguiente capítulo de esta historia?
cord-331950-gkw7ziz5Quién debe realizar el próximo movimiento?
cord-305861-tuskio79Are nonmyeloablative changing the picture?
cord-305861-tuskio79Infection in solid- organ transplant recipients Vancomycin- resistant Enterococcus in liver transplantation: What have we left behind?
cord-305861-tuskio79in patients with bacteraemia Impact of restricting fluoroquinolone prescription on bacterial resistance in an intensive care unit Colonization with methicillin- resistant Staphylococcus aureus after liver transplantation Lack of efficacy of mupirocin in the prevention of infections with Staphylococcus aureus in liver transplant recipients and candidates Genetic basis for in vivo daptomycin resistance in enterococci Population structure of Enterococcus faecium causing bacteremia in a Spanish university hospital: Setting the scene for a future increase in vancomycin resistance?
cord-281038-h5iew8ooen los próximos cinco años?
cord-281038-h5iew8oopor SARS- CoV-2?
cord-344384-2snhe6s1Does this patient have strep throat?
cord-344384-2snhe6s1Qué papel tiene la otorrinolaringología en la asistencia primaria?
cord-344384-2snhe6s1Which treatments provide the most relief for pharyngitis pain?
cord-297248-vs6ncz6mA natural experiment with non- equivalent controls Impact of isolation on hospitalised patients who are infectious: systematic review with meta- analysis Increase in patient mortality at 10 days associated with emergency department overcrowding The association between hospital overcrowding and mortality among patients admitted via Western Australian emergency departments Emergency department overcrowding, mortality and the 4-hour rule in Western Australia Hospital overcrowding: A threat to patient safety?
cord-297248-vs6ncz6mAmong ED patients with time- sensitive healthcare needs( P), what is the impact of contact, droplet or airborne precautions*'isolation'+( E), as opposed to no isolation( C), on LOS in the ED?
cord-297248-vs6ncz6mIs single room hospital accommodation associated with differences in healthcare- associated infection, falls, pressure ulcers or medication errors?
cord-297248-vs6ncz6mThe National Emergency Access Target( NEAT) and the 4-hour rule: time to review the target What is happening to non- covid deaths?
cord-297459-3iksel7kA randomized controlled trial Virtually perfect?
cord-297459-3iksel7kHave we reached the tipping point?
cord-297459-3iksel7kIs it still relevant to consider polysomnography as essential for noninvasive ventilation titration?
cord-297459-3iksel7kProspects for developing countries Science or fiction?
cord-297459-3iksel7kWhat does builtin software of home ventilators tell us?
cord-346709-zql8qpu1Discurso doctrinal: sesión extraordinaria y solemne de recepción de académico de honor Universidad de Ciencias de la Salud: ¿ una opción innovadora?
cord-346709-zql8qpu1Son necesarias?
cord-346709-zql8qpu1What are expectations of the faculty?
cord-346709-zql8qpu1¿ dónde estamos? FEM
cord-003532-lcgeingzCan myocardial perfusion imaging with echo contrast help recognise type 1 acute myocardial infarction in the critically ill?
cord-003532-lcgeingzIs esmolol associated with worse outcome at the acute phase of ischemic stroke that receives thrombolysis?
cord-003532-lcgeingzThe question was"in situations where an expert opinion on an ultrasound is not immediately available, is it acceptable to get an expert review via an online medium such as WhatsApp, and would you be happy to be that expert?
cord-003532-lcgeingzWhat is the role of the pulmonary embolism severity index( PESI) and RV/ LV ratio as clinical risk assessment tools for patients undergoing ultrasound- assisted catheter- directed thrombolysis( UACDT)?
cord-350211-vuxs5wttA shortcut for influenza and other viral diseases into the central nervous system Isolated sudden onset anosmia in COVID-19 A novel syndrome?
cord-350211-vuxs5wttMinerva Anestesiol Is the brain a reservoir organ for SARS2-CoV2?
cord-350211-vuxs5wttShould we expect neurological symptoms in the SARS- CoV-2 epidemic?
cord-350211-vuxs5wttWhat it comes down to?
cord-350211-vuxs5wttWould a rose by another name smell as sweet?
cord-273824-qybrotg8Can archaeology explain the bread baking craze?
cord-273824-qybrotg8In her Sapiens article"Can Archaeology Explain the Bread Baking Craze?,
cord-273824-qybrotg8So, why do micaceous cookpots persist, appearing in late contexts at far- flung homesteads?
cord-273824-qybrotg8What do people choose to maintain or discard?
cord-273824-qybrotg8What do people hold on to, and why?
cord-324097-d23svod2: a double- blind, randomized, placebo- controlled trial Does irrigation of the subdiaphragmatic region with ropivacaine reduce the incidence of right shoulder tip pain after laparoscopic cholecystectomy?
cord-324097-d23svod2A randomized multicentre controlled trial Is a drain required after laparoscopic cholecystectomy?
cord-324097-d23svod2Prospective, controlled study with random patient selection Clinical significance of drainage tube insertion in laparoscopic cholecystectomy: a prospective randomized controlled trial Is there a role for drain use in elective laparoscopic cholecystectomy?
cord-324097-d23svod2The effect of prophylactic antibiotics on post laparoscopic cholecystectomy infectious complications: a double- blinded clinical trial Are prophylactic antibiotics necessary in elective laparoscopic cholecystectomy, regardless of patient risk?
cord-324097-d23svod2The need for antibiotic prophylaxis in elective laparoscopic cholecystectomy: a prospective randomized study A reevaluation of antibiotic prophylaxis in laparoscopic cholecystectomy: a randomized controlled trial A prospective randomized study of prophylactic antibiotics in elective laparoscopic cholecystectomy Evaluation of the role of prophylactic antibiotics in elective laparoscopic cholecystectomy: a prospective randomized trial The role of prophylactic antibiotics in elective laparoscopic cholecystectomy Role of prophylactic antibiotics in laparoscopic cholecystectomy and risk factors for surgical site infection: a randomized controlled trial Routine use of antibiotic prophylaxis in low- risk laparoscopic cholecystectomy is unnecessary: a randomized clinical trial Role of prophylactic antibiotics in low risk elective laparoscopic cholecystectomy: is there a need?
cord-324097-d23svod2a prospective randomised study Is the routine use of drainage after elective laparoscopic cholecystectomy justified?
cord-259240-rfnghx7zAre Shorter Stays Associated with Worse Medical Outcomes?
cord-259240-rfnghx7zViejos patógenos, nuevos tiempos Acute otitis media Antibiotics for acute otitis media in children( Cochrane Review) Antimicrobials for acute otitis media?
cord-259240-rfnghx7zactual y resistencia de los patógenos respiratorios en España Usamos demasiados antibióticos?
cord-259240-rfnghx7zdebe ser atendido el paciente?
cord-259240-rfnghx7zqué hacer?
cord-259240-rfnghx7z¿ qué tratamiento antibiótico debe recibir?
cord-005497-w81ysjf9( 1) Are serum- S1P levels affected by cardiac surgery?
cord-005497-w81ysjf9( 2) Are potential alterations of serum- S1P levels related to changes of acute- phase proteins, S1P sources or carrier?
cord-005497-w81ysjf9( 3) Is the invasiveness of the surgery a factor that may influence serum- S1P levels?
cord-005497-w81ysjf9A hybrid approach as treatment for coronary artery disease: endo- CABG or PCI first, does it matter?
cord-005497-w81ysjf9Assessing the volume of blood taken for blood culture and culture positivitydo we need to take less blood?
cord-005497-w81ysjf9Does the endotoxin adsorption of PMX column saturate in 2 hours?
cord-005497-w81ysjf9What is the useful coagulation and fibrinolysis marker for predicting extracorporeal membrane oxygenation circuit exchange due to intra- circuit thrombus?
cord-341063-3rqnu5bu-If not currently using has it been considered?
cord-341063-3rqnu5bu-Which antibiotics are you using for continuous or extended infusions?
cord-341063-3rqnu5buIs enzymatic debridement better in critically burned patients?
cord-341063-3rqnu5buP441 Acquired neuromuscular weakness in eldery patients with femoral bone fracture, could we decrease the incidence?
cord-341063-3rqnu5buQuestions included:-Are you using continuous or extended antibiotic infusions?
cord-341063-3rqnu5buUsing a protocol for fluid resuscitation: how well is it followed?
cord-341063-3rqnu5buWhat are physicians in doubt about?
cord-341063-3rqnu5buis it still required?
cord-325653-mgd28daqA new pandemic threat?
cord-325653-mgd28daqAre we really?
cord-325653-mgd28daqHow big a problem?
cord-325653-mgd28daqIssues pertaining to flight attendant comfort What happens to patients with respiratory disease when they fly?
cord-325653-mgd28daqThe BEST study-a prospective study to compare business class versus economy class air travel as a cause of thrombosis Travel as a risk factor for venous thromboembolic disease: a case- control study Association between acute hypobaric hypoxia and activation of coagulation in human beings Changes of biochemical markers and functional tests for clot formation during long- haul flights Is mild normobaric hypoxia a risk factor for venous thromboembolism?
cord-325653-mgd28daqThe effect of carbon monoxide inhalation on pulse oximetry and transcutaneous PO2 Accuracy of oxyhemoglobin saturation monitors during simulated altitude exposure of men with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease Is normobaric simulation of hypobaric hypoxia accurate in chronic airflow limitation?
cord-325653-mgd28daqWashington Post Staff Writer Entry screening for severe acute respiratory syndrome( SARS) or influenza: policy evaluation Are we ready for pandemic influenza?
cord-006870-f5w6fw6q: Are you aware that Medicare can reject critical care charges( 99291 and 99292) can be rejected unless you are listed as a CMS'critical care provider'or as a neurocritical care provider?
cord-006870-f5w6fw6qA management QEEG ADR in Poor Grade SAH: Is it Really Useful?
cord-006870-f5w6fw6qLumbar puncture in the presence of mass effect?
cord-006870-f5w6fw6qNeurocritical care taxonomy code 2084A2900X?
cord-006870-f5w6fw6qQ3: Are you aware why the NCC taxonomy code was created?
cord-006870-f5w6fw6qQ6: Are you aware of rejection of critical care charges happening at your own institution due to this misclassification?
cord-006870-f5w6fw6qQuestion( Q1) and( Answers, A1): Are you a neurology or neurosurgery back grounded intensivist who does neurocritical care at your hospital?
cord-006870-f5w6fw6qWhat is your primary department for revenue collection?
cord-285822-b5itedu3According to Procedure Indication Risk stratification for advanced colorectal neoplasia according to fecal hemoglobin concentration in a colorectal cancer screening program Association Between Time to Colonoscopy After a Positive Fecal Test Result and Risk of Colorectal Cancer and Cancer Stage at Diagnosis Time to Endoscopy in Patients with Colorectal Cancer: Analysis of Wait- Times Symptom or faecal immunochemical test based referral criteria for colorectal cancer detection in symptomatic patients: a diagnostic tests study Diagnostic accuracy of one or two faecal haemoglobin and calprotectin measurements in patients with suspected colorectal cancer Canadian consensus on medically acceptable wait times for digestive health care Priority and appropriateness of upper endoscopy out- patient referrals: Two- period comparison in an open- access unit Identification of upper gastrointestinal malignancy in patients with uncomplicated dyspepsia referred under the two- week- wait cancer pathway: a single- centre, 10-year experience Improving the appropriateness of referrals and waiting times for endoscopic procedures Gastroenterology department operational reorganisation at the time of covid-19 outbreak: an Italian and Chinese experience Overview of guidance for endoscopy during the coronavirus disease COVID-19 in endoscopy: Time to do more?
cord-285822-b5itedu3COVID-19: How to select patients for endoscopy and how to reschedule the procedures?
cord-285822-b5itedu3Cómo debe realizarse la desinfección de dispositivos, material, superficies y salas de endoscopia?
cord-285822-b5itedu3Qué criterios se recomienda emplear para priorizar los procedimientos endoscópicos en nuestro medio?
cord-285822-b5itedu3Si no dispone de equipos de protección personal, se debe realizar la endoscopia?
cord-285822-b5itedu3Y la gestión de residuos?
cord-285822-b5itedu3a considerar en la fase de transicion European panel on the appropriateness of gastrointestinal endoscopy II guidelines help in selecting and prioritizing patients referred to colonoscopy-- a quality control study Colonoscopy appropriateness: Really needed or a waste of time?
cord-285822-b5itedu3especial durante la oxigenoterapia en la sedación?
cord-285822-b5itedu3o en una sala habilitada específicamente para tal uso?
cord-285822-b5itedu3previo al inicio de la reprogramación de actividad tras superar el pico de pandemia por SARS- CoV-2?
cord-285822-b5itedu3se discuta específicamente el método de trabajo?
cord-285822-b5itedu3¿ es recomendable emplear métodos de barrera adicionales sobre el área nasobucal del paciente o sobre las válvulas del endoscopio?
cord-022633-fr55uod6All sites were asked:''Are psychiatric consults available in- person to the ED?''
cord-022633-fr55uod6Does Implementation of a Therapeutic Hypothermia Protocol Improve Survival and Neurologic Outcomes in all Comatose Survivors of Sudden Cardiac Arrest?
cord-022633-fr55uod6Does the Addition of a Hands- Free Communication Device Improve ED Interruption Times?
cord-022633-fr55uod6Due to the Medication?
cord-022633-fr55uod6EMS 9- 1- 1 Protocols Predict ED Utilization for Pediatric Patients?
cord-022633-fr55uod6Has a doctor or other health professional every told you that you are overweight?
cord-022633-fr55uod6How often have you felt down, depressed or hopeless?'
cord-022633-fr55uod6In both surveys, physicians were asked to rate a list of 18 items in response to the question,''What is your current level of competence in each of the following aspects of work in EM?''
cord-022633-fr55uod6Is the Australian Triage System a Better Indicator of Psychiatric Patients'Needs for Intervention than the ENA Emergency Severity Index Triage System?
cord-022633-fr55uod6Objectives: Is PRP helpful in acute ankle sprains in the the emergency department?
cord-022633-fr55uod6Objectives: To answer the following research question: are wounds closed via primary repair after the golden period at increased risk for infection?
cord-022633-fr55uod6Objectives: We assessed patients'perceptions about obesity as disease and patient communication with their providers through two questions: Do you believe your present weight is damaging to your health?
cord-022633-fr55uod6Over the last two weeks, how often have you had little interest in doing things?
cord-022633-fr55uod6Residents were asked:''What do you feel are your greatest strengths as a resident?
cord-022633-fr55uod6The Way Of The Future?
cord-022633-fr55uod6The question being asked: is the TBT still useful as a screening tool for patients with suspected mandibular fractures when compared to the new gold standard of HCT?
cord-006854-o2e5na78: This study includes 40 patients who underwent LC implementing metallic clip( MC) and 40 patients implementing Hem- O- Lock clips( H0)?.
cord-006854-o2e5na78Adenocarcinoma of Duodenum: Surgical or Endoscopic Treatment?
cord-006854-o2e5na78And the temperature in FT under 50 s cases was significantly higher than over FT over 50 s cases( 26.3 vs 30.8?).
cord-006854-o2e5na78Applying to Surgical Residency: What Makes the Best Candidates?
cord-006854-o2e5na78Conclusion: Preserving Duodenal- jejunal transit does not impede glucose tolerance and diabetes remission after gastric bypass in Type-2 diabetes Sprague- Dawley rat model Is Bariatric Surgery Effective for Comorbidity Resolution in Super Obese Patients?
cord-006854-o2e5na78Does Concomitant Placement of a Feeding Jejunostomy Tube During Esophagectomy Affect Quality Outcomes?
cord-006854-o2e5na78Does Robotic System Have Advantages Over Laparoscopic System for Distal Pancreatectomy?
cord-006854-o2e5na78Histological grade(?
cord-006854-o2e5na78ICG- enhanced?
cord-006854-o2e5na78In residual intestine, the temperature was siginificantly higher than resected intestine( 31.5 vs 29.0?, p.01).
cord-006854-o2e5na78Is It Safe?
cord-006854-o2e5na78It's in the Bag; Can Stoma Output Predict Acute Kidney Injury in New Ostomates?
cord-006854-o2e5na78Opportunity Lost?
cord-006854-o2e5na78Results: out of 308 patients who went through the procedure 9( 2.9%) suffered hemorrhagic complications: 7 patients had?
cord-006854-o2e5na78The Influence of Thickest Background: The use of stapling devices for distal pancreatectomy remains controversial, due to concerns about the development of postoperative pancreatic?
cord-006854-o2e5na78The intraoperative and postoperative parameters were collected including duration of the operation and complications?.
cord-006854-o2e5na78The surgical outcomes were compared between non- obese( body mass index[ BMI]\25 kg/ m 2) and obese( BMI? 25 kg/ m 2) patients.
cord-006854-o2e5na78There were no intraoperative complications, and one postoperative pancreatitis with grade? of Clavien- Dindo classification of surgical complications.
cord-006854-o2e5na78These patients were divided into three groups by the degree of esophageal clearance( Group A: clearance rate\10%, Group B: 10%?
cord-006854-o2e5na78This study compares the traditional standard metallic clip with Hem- O- Lock used in laparoscopic cholecystectomy( LC) in regard of the safety and efficacy?.
cord-006854-o2e5na78We reviewed the literature and present our data to evaluate the feasibility and usefulness of ICG- enhanced?
cord-006854-o2e5na78Weekday or Weekend Hospital Discharge: Does it Matter for Acute Care Surgery?
cord-006854-o2e5na78Without Interruptions: Does Twitter Level the Playing Field?
cord-006854-o2e5na78clearance rate\50%, and Group C: 50%?
cord-006854-o2e5na78distal to the ligament of Treitz Peri- operative and short- term follow- up results up to Does Age or Preoperative BMI Influence Weight Loss After Bariatric Surgery?
cord-307138-g3f54kbkA quiénes queremos entrevistar?
cord-307138-g3f54kbkEl peso corporal de su hijo(a) se ha elevado?
cord-307138-g3f54kbkEl peso corporal de su hijo(a) se ha elevado?
cord-307138-g3f54kbkHas your child's body weight increased?
cord-307138-g3f54kbkHas your child's body weight increased?
cord-307138-g3f54kbkHow many hours do you sleep at night?
cord-307138-g3f54kbkHow many hours do you sleep at night?
cord-307138-g3f54kbkHow many minutes of physical activity at home do you do?
cord-307138-g3f54kbkHow many minutes of physical activity at home do you do?
cord-307138-g3f54kbkHow much?.
cord-307138-g3f54kbkHow much?.
cord-307138-g3f54kbkQué esperamos aprender de esta encuesta?
cord-307138-g3f54kbka 18 años 8 a 10 horas 19 Pregunta No. 5 ¿ El peso corporal de su hijo(a) se ha elevado?
cord-307138-g3f54kbkhoras duerme en la noche?
cord-307138-g3f54kbkhoras duerme en la noche?
cord-307138-g3f54kbkhoras duerme en la noche?:
cord-307138-g3f54kbkminutos por día de actividad física en casa realiza?
cord-307138-g3f54kbkminutos por día de actividad física en casa realiza?
cord-307138-g3f54kbkminutos por día de actividad física en casa realiza?
cord-307138-g3f54kbkper day?
cord-307138-g3f54kbkper day?
cord-307138-g3f54kbkpor día?
cord-307138-g3f54kbkpor día?
cord-307138-g3f54kbksobre la conveniencia de aislar a los niños y adolescentes por el peligro de contagio por COVID-19?
cord-307138-g3f54kbk¿ Cuánto?
cord-307138-g3f54kbk¿ Cuánto?
cord-307138-g3f54kbk¿ Cuánto?
cord-315598-qwh72inxA Missing Link?
cord-315598-qwh72inxAnn Intensive Care Venovenous extracorporeal membrane oxygenation for acute respiratory distress syndrome: a systematic review and meta- analysis Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation for Severe Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome and Posterior Probability of Mortality Benefit in a Post Hoc Bayesian Analysis of a Randomized Clinical Trial Surviving Sepsis Campaign International Guidelines for the Management of Septic Shock and Sepsis- Associated Organ Dysfunction in Children Use of ECMO in ARDS: does the EOLIA trial really help?
cord-315598-qwh72inxCOVID-19 pneumonia: ARDS or not?
cord-315598-qwh72inxCOVID-19 pneumonia: different respiratory treatment for different phenotypes?
cord-315598-qwh72inxCan Lung US Help Critical Care Clinicians in the Early Diagnosis of Novel Coronavirus( COVID-19) Pneumonia?
cord-315598-qwh72inxCould Intravenous Immunoglobulin Collected from Recovered Coronavirus Patients Protect against COVID-19 and Strengthen the Immune System of New Patients?
cord-315598-qwh72inxCómo podemos medir la calidad de vida, en los pacientes con COVID-19 que egresan de la uci?
cord-315598-qwh72inxDocumento de Rionegro Surviving Sepsis Campaign: guidelines on the management of critically ill adults with Coronavirus Disease 2019( COVID-19) COVID-19 pneumonia: different respiratory treatments for different phenotypes?
cord-315598-qwh72inxDoes COVID19 Infect the Brain?
cord-315598-qwh72inxDoes SARS- Cov-2 invade the brain?
cord-315598-qwh72inxDoes central venous pressure predict fluid responsiveness?
cord-315598-qwh72inxHeart Lung Patient selfproning with high- flow nasal cannula improves oxygenation in COVID-19 pneumonia Expert Recommendations for Tracheal Intubation in Critically ill Patients with Noval Coronavirus Disease Intubation and Ventilation amid the COVID-19 Outbreak: Wuhan's Experience Sedation for critically ill patients with COVID-19: Which specificities?
cord-315598-qwh72inxHow should health systems prepare for the evolving COVID-19 pandemic?
cord-315598-qwh72inxHow will countrybased mitigation measures influence the course of the COVID-19 epidemic?
cord-315598-qwh72inxIncidence, clinical course, and outcome in 217 patients with acute respiratory distress syndrome Driving pressure and survival in the acute respiratory distress syndrome Driving pressure: a marker of severity, a safety limit, or a goal for mechanical ventilation?
cord-315598-qwh72inxManagement of COVID-19 Respiratory Distress Stages or phenotypes?
cord-315598-qwh72inxNoninvasive ventilation in acute cardiogenic pulmonary edema Noninvasive Ventilation in Acute Heart Failure Noninvasive ventilation in immunosuppressed patients with pulmonary infiltrates, fever, and acute respiratory failure Is there a role for noninvasive ventilation in acute respiratory distress syndrome?
cord-315598-qwh72inxPautas COVID-19 HiSpaFlow) endGEMdTdScAFeA. Respiratory support therapy after extubation: Who and how?
cord-315598-qwh72inxPdlr An international survey of training in adult intensive care medicine Do intensivist staffing patterns influence hospital mortality following ICU admission?
cord-315598-qwh72inxPor qué seguimos buscando métodos alternativos?
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