
This is a list of all the questions and their associated study carrel identifiers. One can learn a lot of the "aboutness" of a text simply by reading the questions.

identifier question
cord-253653-y4a6yan7How is rural homelessness different from urban homelessness?
cord-006728-bejrttykA fresh look at an old vaccine: does BCG have a role in 21st century Canada?
cord-025767-scbteel5The Spoon Heterogeneity in the demand for fruits and vegetables: How much can price and quantity reveal?
cord-024348-nw3a0qcoCanada's Cash- Strapped Cities Fédéralisme d'ouverture et pouvoir de dépenser au Canada Province Building and the Federalization of Immigration in Canada Increasing Returns, Path Dependence, and the Study of Politics An( Overdue) Review of Canada's Fiscal Stabilization Program A Critical Juncture in Fiscal Federalism?
cord-024348-nw3a0qcoThe Next COVID-19 Crisis?
cord-024348-nw3a0qcoTrevor title: A Critical Juncture in Fiscal Federalism?
cord-004973-yqcc54iv52, 53 Until our medical schools are ready to introduce such an educational approach, the query,"Have you been abroad recently?"is likely to continue topping the list of diagnostic questions posed when addressing the health problems of our visibly different immigrant patients.
cord-004973-yqcc54ivSeriously, what is to be done with these creatures?
cord-276625-3l8qu1qxIs under- reporting is a concern?
cord-270021-8obqdbh9: How Should We Prepare?
cord-280619-xcre2zghdoi:10.1016/ j.amepre.2011.06.002.Did you know?
cord-268799-obeinwyq: what should global health expect?
cord-268799-obeinwyqGlobal health and Japan's foreign policy Global action on health systems: a proposal for the Toyako G8 Summit Human security approach for global health G8 and strengthening of health systems: follow- up to the Toyako Summit Italian G8 Summit: a critical juncture for global health G8 Summit 2009: what approach will Italy take to health?
cord-268799-obeinwyqThe case for expanding access to highly active antiretroviral therapy to curb the growth of the HIV epidemic Globalisation and health: the need for a global vision Avoidable global cancer deaths and total deaths from smoking What will it take to stop maternal deaths?
cord-263453-7v4y02j6How severe will the flu outbreak be?
cord-263453-7v4y02j6Mexico's mystery: Why is swine flu deadlier there?
cord-048477-ze511t38The management of new primary care organizations: an international perspective Is decentralisation a real solution?
cord-048477-ze511t38case report A study on SARS awareness and health- seeking behaviour-findings from a sampled population attending National Healthcare Group Polyclinics Assessing the burden of influenza and other respiratory infections in England and Wales Public health preparedness: a systems- level approach Assessing public health emergency preparedness: concepts, tools, and challenges Quality improvement in public health emergency preparedness Enhancing public health response to respiratory epidemics: are family physicians ready and willing to help?
cord-279779-kp6ik8qbSince the identification of these inequities is predicated on the availability and release of COVID-19 surveillance data according to social markers, one fundamental question is how Canada is doing, overall, in health equity- informed COVID-19 data reporting across jurisdictions?
cord-295116-eo887oluPositive, negative, death and release Multiple- input deep convolutional neural network model for covid-19 forecasting in china Prediction for the spread of covid-19 in india and effectiveness of preventive measures Neural network based country wise risk prediction of covid-19 Wavelet transform domain filters: a spatially selective noise filtration technique Lag order and critical values of the augmented dickey- fuller test Insights into lstm fully convolutional networks for time series classification A pandemic warning?
cord-016256-mjgx31n9Am I the only one who has a problem with all the jobs[ the zombies] are taking?
cord-016256-mjgx31n9Re- imagining the Canadian pacific railway and the construction of the nation Racist Culture: Philosophy and the Politics of Meaning What goes around, comes around": Political practice and cultural response in the internationalization of Mexican labour Culture across Borders: Mexican Immigration and Popular Culture Guest Workers or Colonized Labour?
cord-016256-mjgx31n9This begs the question, how can we understand the nostalgic narrative of zombie labour in a contemporary context?
cord-253827-5vodag6c( e.g. when on public transport, going to a supermarket, going to a main road)?
cord-253827-5vodag6cThe outcome is a binary variable taking value 1 if the respondent respectively answered"Always"( in the left panel) or"Always"or"Frequently"( in the right panel) to"Thinking about the last 7 days, how often have you worn a face mask outside your home?"
cord-253827-5vodag6cThe outcome is a dummy which takes one for the respondent who answers"Always"or"Frequently"to the survey question"Thinking about the last 7 days, how often have you worn a face mask outside your home?"
cord-253827-5vodag6cThe outcome is a dummy which takes value 1 if the respondent answered"Always"to the survey question"Thinking about the last 7 days, how often have you worn a face mask outside your home?"
cord-333974-mvo2k2jt: rapid review of the evidence Was the economic crisis 1997- 1998 responsible for rising suicide rates in East/ Southeast Asia?
cord-317661-v93mde6lwhat next?
cord-021374-srpg754hColorado Division of Wildlife Spatiotemporal dynamics of Toxoplasma gondii infections in Canada lynx( Lynx canadensis) in western Québec Can the solar cycle and climate synchronize the snowshoe hare cycle in Canada?
cord-021374-srpg754hDo hares eat lynx?
cord-021374-srpg754hThe influence of snow on lynx and coyote movements: does morphology affect behavior?
cord-021374-srpg754hqualified insights Movement and activities of lynx in Newfoundland Food habits of lynx in Newfoundland Physical characteristics of the Newfoundland lynx Morphological investigation into functions of the jaw symphysis in carnivorans Stretching and folding in lynx fur return: evidence for a strange attractor in nature?
cord-321667-jkzxjk54The early history of infectious bronchitis Global distributions and strain diversity of avian infectious bronchitis virus: a review Characterization of turkey coronavirus from turkey poults with acute enteritis Identification of a novel coronavirus from a beluga whale by using a panviral microarray Discovery of a novel bottlenose dolphin coronavirus reveals a distinct species of marine mammal coronavirus in Gammacoronavirus Viral respiratory diseases( ILT, aMPV infections, IB): are they ever under control?
cord-321667-jkzxjk54Why do RNA viruses recombine?
cord-273897-hkt322btAn article that is reflective of his work is"How Does Leader Humility Influence Team Performance?
cord-273897-hkt322btHow do we encourage reflection?
cord-314104-dkm8396yFor example, if this person had recently returned from a country with an ongoing Ebola outbreak, would the existing triage system be sufficient to identify, assess, and rapidly contain a possible Ebola case?
cord-104288-120uu4dh-where did it come from and where might it go?
cord-104288-120uu4dhEarly effects of climate change: do they include changes in vector- borne disease?
cord-104288-120uu4dhIntergovernmental Panel on Climate Change Global warming: Stop worrying, start panicking?
cord-104288-120uu4dhThe El Niño Southern Oscillation and the historic malaria epidemics on the Indian subcontinent and Sri Lanka: an early warning system for future epidemics?
cord-104288-120uu4dhThe effect of weather on respiratory and cardiovascular deaths in 12 US cities Temperature and mortality in 11 cities of the Eastern United States Vulnerability of waterborne diseases to climate change in Canada: A Does ambient temperature affect foodborne disease?
cord-284893-qi6dkcb3Chapter 40 Canada's rejection of surrogate testing How attractive does a new technology have to be to warrant adoption and utilization?
cord-284893-qi6dkcb3How should Canada fund the blood system?
cord-284893-qi6dkcb3In Performance review of Canadian blood services Safety of products Report card on Canada's blood system 7 years after the Commission of Inquiry on the blood system in Canada New variant Creutzfeldt- Jakob disease and the Canadian blood supply: Scientific basis of risk Deregulating federalism?
cord-284893-qi6dkcb3The precautionary principle and emerging biological risks: Lessons from swine flu and HIV in blood products Are all evidence- based practices alike?
cord-284893-qi6dkcb3The success of precaution?
cord-025746-qy9ttbkxAs the legislative and executive branches look to digital technology to allow the business of government to continue, what about the judicial branch of Canada's government?
cord-025746-qy9ttbkxAs the legislative and executive branches look to digital technology to allow the business of government to continue, what about the judicial branch of Canada's government?
cord-025746-qy9ttbkxNew Emergency Order Renewing, Clarifying and Amending Previous Emergency Orders Judicial Stability in Times of Crisis Trial by Zoom?
cord-025746-qy9ttbkxtitle: Trial by Zoom?
cord-024005-rsnf1ib0How Well Is Canada's Intergovernmental System Handling the Crisis?
cord-024005-rsnf1ib0Towards a Dynamic Theory of Multilevel Policy- Making?
cord-024005-rsnf1ib0What Is So Wicked about Wicked Problems?
cord-024005-rsnf1ib0What are the advantages of labelling COVID-19 as a CIP?
cord-024005-rsnf1ib0What's the Problem?
cord-283450-w6scpc65Given these observations, it is worth posing the question: how does HA epidemiology in the US influence HA epidemiology in Canada?
cord-283450-w6scpc65the growing case for universal immunisation of children Ineffectiveness of the current strategy to prevent hepatitis A in travelers Hepatitis A virus in urban children-are preventative opportunities being missed?
cord-346050-ssv1arr1How did coronavirus start and where did it come from?
cord-346050-ssv1arr1The economics of imperfect competition Victimization after a natural disaster: Social disorganization or community cohesion?
cord-346050-ssv1arr1Was it really Wuhan's animal market?
cord-338390-v4ncshavA history of influenza influenza: the mother of all pandemics Avian influenza H5N1: is it a cause for concern?
cord-338390-v4ncshavHowever, a more important question is how much of the knowledge of Canadian modelers has been employed to support policy decision- making?
cord-338390-v4ncshavIs it all based upon experience of other countries?
cord-272690-r8lv1zzxDo you have one or more of the following symptoms: cough, shortness of breath, difficulty breathing?
cord-272690-r8lv1zzxHave you been in contact with a SARS- affected person in the last 10 days?
cord-272690-r8lv1zzxThree questions were added to both HANs: Do you have a fever?
cord-350915-x0gn8wqvIn this study we sought to answer the following questions: What are the roles of Emergency Managers( EMs) and Emergency Social Services Directors( ESSDs) in Canada?
cord-350915-x0gn8wqvWhat are their perceptions of capabilities, vulnerabilities and barriers that exist within the context of these roles?
cord-330755-7kvaduoqNational Institute of Biomedical Imaging and Bioengineering: the NIBIB is seeking applications to develop life- saving technologies that can be ready for commercialization within one to two years; for example: rapid point- of- care and home- based testing/ diagnostics; digital health platforms and models that integrate data, assess risk and provide illness surveillance and management tools • National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism: what workforce development and deployment strategies are needed to address emerging challenges in mental health/ alcohol use disorder treatment during the pandemic?
cord-330755-7kvaduoqVirtually Perfect?
cord-330755-7kvaduoqWhat Can Early Canadian Experience Screening for COVID-19 Teach Us About How to Prepare for a Pandemic?
cord-330755-7kvaduoqWho is best poised to conduct the research?
cord-330755-7kvaduoqWho is the COVID-19-related HSPR intended for?
cord-330755-7kvaduoqWhose Coronavirus Strategy Worked Best?
cord-263650-jxkjn8ldBecause I would just look at him,"Do you really think my mother would accept going there?".
cord-263650-jxkjn8ldDo you want me to take my aunt?
cord-263650-jxkjn8ldHow do cultural meanings of relationships influence the care process?
cord-263650-jxkjn8ldImmigrant status and period of immigration, 2016 counts, both sexes, age( 65 years and over), Canada, provinces and territories, 2016 census-25% Sample data Expanding the gerontological imagination on ethnicity: Conceptual and theoretical perspectives Caring democracy: Markets, equity and justice Virtual'intimacies?
cord-263650-jxkjn8ldPeople over here are westernized, who bothers?
cord-263650-jxkjn8ldWe explored the following questions: 1) What are the cultural interpretations and meanings of caring for an older family member within select ethnic minority communities?
cord-263650-jxkjn8ldWho helps the helper?
cord-263650-jxkjn8ldWho would do that?
cord-263650-jxkjn8ldYour attachment?.
cord-273196-ji3suirn: where does Canada stand?
cord-273196-ji3suirn; citizens in those countries can hold their governments to account: What happened to the money?
cord-273196-ji3suirnInsights from the EITI process in Colombia and Peru First Nation ordered to Produce Private Agreements With Industry-update on Blueberry River First Nations Treaty 8 infringement proceedings Hiding Conflict Over Industry Returns: a stakeholder Analysis of the Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative Secrecy jurisdictions and economic development in Africa: the role of sovereign spaces of exception in producing private wealth and public poverty Political corruption in the age of transnational capitalism: from the relative autonomy of the state to the white man's burden Powerful or just plain power- full?
cord-273196-ji3suirnThe Audit society: Rituals of Verification A Bailout for the Oil and Gas Industry?
cord-273196-ji3suirnWhere did it go?
cord-273196-ji3suirnwhy are Indigenous rights being defined by an energy corporation?
cord-312252-4l3ok44oAre residents of aged care facilities willing to have their medications deprescribed?
cord-312252-4l3ok44oI still need this medication?
cord-312252-4l3ok44oIs deprescribing for you?
cord-312252-4l3ok44oWhat is deprescribing?
cord-283398-wplz8o2k-can you help me'?
cord-283398-wplz8o2kA Canadian example Expanding ID Card Access for LGBT Homeless Youth Policy Brief on Government Identification Community, use it or lose it?
cord-283398-wplz8o2kCan I See Your ID?
cord-283398-wplz8o2kCan you please?
cord-283398-wplz8o2kIt takes ID to get ID: The new identity politics in services Restrictive ID policies: Implications for health equity Risk Factors, Endurance of victimization, and survival strategies: The impact of the structural location of men and women on their experiences within homeless milieus Perspectives of homeless people on their health and health needs priorities More Sinned Against than Sinning?
cord-263261-xhem8l39How can developing countries achieve universal health care, and at the same time work toward national health targets such as upgrading maternal and child heath, control of infectious diseases and preventing chronic diseases? 6.
cord-263261-xhem8l39How can low- income countries address the low public expenditure on health to reduce dependence on global financial aid for Sustainable Development Goals( SDGs)?
cord-263261-xhem8l39How does the Canadian public view the universal public single payer Medicare run by the provinces with federal guidelines and cost- sharing program?
cord-263261-xhem8l39How does the quality of care compare in five countries?
cord-263261-xhem8l39What is health policy and systems research( HPSR)?
cord-263261-xhem8l39What methods may be incorporated into national health systems to promote quality of care?
cord-263261-xhem8l39health systems to promote efficient use of resources and achievement of specified health targets?
cord-280648-1dpsggwxCould this lead to exit by FSAs?
cord-280648-1dpsggwxDefining aggregate demand as Q ¼ Q D þ Q T; the profits from a hub- andspoke network, are: Y while the profits of a FC network are: Y More generally, for a network of size n, hub- and- spoke optimal profits are: Y and FC profits are: Under what conditions would an airline be indifferent between network structure?
cord-280648-1dpsggwxSo where are we headed?
cord-280648-1dpsggwxWhat about the threat of entry or the expansion of operations by VBAs?
cord-280648-1dpsggwxWhat of the future and what factors will affect the evolution of network design and scope?
cord-280648-1dpsggwxWhat response would we expect from an FSA to limited competition from a VBA on selected links of its hub- and- spoke network?
cord-269498-q63ce5piA provincial perspective on pandemic preparedness How prepared is Europe for pandemic influenza?
cord-269498-q63ce5piAnd'how will children and families cope with these stressful events?'.
cord-269498-q63ce5piAre these different than they will be for the adult population?
cord-269498-q63ce5piNevertheless, even these more thorough plans lack consideration of certain psychosocial and ethical issues, for example,'how will decisions be made regarding children whose parents are unable to consent due to treatment?'.
cord-269498-q63ce5piThe next influenza pandemic: will we be ready to care for our children?
cord-269498-q63ce5piWill the philosophy of family centred care be impacted during a pandemic event?
cord-324507-w32pe2pzAdapting form to function: can simulation serve our healthcare system and educational needs?
cord-324507-w32pe2pzAn active shooter in your hospital: a novel method to develop a response policy using in situ simulation and video framework analysis See one, do one, teach one: is it enough?
cord-324507-w32pe2pzCrash testing the dummy: a review of in situ trauma simulation at a Canadian tertiary Centre Translational simulation: not'where?'
cord-324507-w32pe2pzThe value proposition of simulation- based education Collaborative practice in action: building interprofessional competencies through simulation based education and novel approaches to team training Promoting excellence and reflective learning in simulation( PEARLS): development and rationale for a blended approach to health care simulation debriefing In situ simulation: detection of safety threats and teamwork training in a high risk emergency department In situ simulation in continuing education for the health care professions: a systematic review Simulation in the clinical setting: towards a standard lexicon Connecting simulation and quality improvement: how can healthcare simulation really improve patient care?
cord-324507-w32pe2pzWhat factors might have led to the emergence of ebola in West Africa?
cord-306798-f28264k3A balance between clinical expression and epidemiological silence Tissue and cellular tropism, pathology and pathogenesis of Ebola and Marburg viruses Clinical features and pathobiology of Ebolavirus infection Ebola virus disease in Africa: epidemiology and nosocomial transmission Are adaptive randomised trials or non- randomised studies the best way to address the Ebola outbreak in west Africa?
cord-306798-f28264k3How can blood operators best prepare for emerging threats?
cord-306798-f28264k3The Future of Pathogen Testing?
cord-306798-f28264k3The risk- based decision- making framework Risk- based decisionmaking for blood safety: preliminary report of a consensus conference How safe is safe enough, who decides and how?
cord-306798-f28264k3WHO commends Sierra Leone for stopping Ebola virus transmission What factors might have led to the emergence of Ebola in West Africa?
cord-306798-f28264k3Why do some emerging infections impact blood safety?
cord-306798-f28264k3Why is Ebola less deadly in America than in Africa?
cord-341709-nzvon5hcHow do we ensure the environment, curriculum, and climate are ones which students can experience a sense of belonging, a sense of membership and shared power?"
cord-341709-nzvon5hcIf inclusion means everyone, why not me?
cord-341709-nzvon5hcOne school guidance counsellor stated: We need the support, but I'm always going to be like,"But what's our role?"
cord-341709-nzvon5hcOne specialist wondered,"Can we do more in class consultative types of services with our SLPs so that teachers are building their skillsets and understanding what they can do at the classroom level before they are asking for direct therapy whether small group or individual?"
cord-341709-nzvon5hcThe case of Ontario's strategies and actions to advance excellence and equity for students Left out: Challenges faced by persons with disabilities in Canada's schools Enhancing inclusive education through teacher education reforms Time for change?
cord-341709-nzvon5hcThe changing roles of classroom teachers: Islands no longer?
cord-341709-nzvon5hcWho am I and what do you do?
cord-330228-plcdwazuAre there neighbourhood effects?
cord-330228-plcdwazuGiven the fact that policy documents on chronic disease prevention and healthy living at the provincial level in both BC and ON acknowledge the importance of the social determinants of health, why is the health sector not acting on them?
cord-330228-plcdwazuGore, Dana; Kothari, Anita title: Social determinants of health in Canada: Are healthy living initiatives there yet?
cord-330228-plcdwazuIf so, in what way?
cord-330228-plcdwazuNorwegian public health policy: revitalization of the social democratic welfare state?
cord-330228-plcdwazuWhat factor is the initiative trying to change that will lead to healthy eating and active living?
cord-330228-plcdwazuWhat section of the population does the initiative target?
cord-330228-plcdwazuc) Does the initiative directly acknowledge and attempt to act on the social determinants of health?
cord-330228-plcdwazud) What is the mechanism that the initiative uses to promote healthy living?
cord-313218-4rbxdimf: Narrative care through careful listening Thinking about your future?
cord-313218-4rbxdimfBut should I live here?
cord-313218-4rbxdimfI always try to be, because who is going to be the one to make me look and feel strong?
cord-313218-4rbxdimfOur research questions include: 1) What is it like to live at"home"alone for older women with physical limitations? 2)
cord-313218-4rbxdimfThe very last thing I wanted to do was move into this building … Do I want to live here?
cord-313218-4rbxdimfWhat support do they receive and how?
cord-313218-4rbxdimf[ …] Well, you have to make the choices yourself, do n't you?
cord-313218-4rbxdimfand 3) What are the enabling and disabling factors for their independent living?
cord-351204-5m1ch7lsA common approach to examining health vulnerability begins with the question,'Given projected climate changes, how will this affect health systems?'
cord-351204-5m1ch7lsAddressing social determinants of health inequities: what can the state and civil society do?
cord-351204-5m1ch7lsCommision on the Future of Public Health Care in Canada Global warming: stop worrying, start panicking?
cord-351204-5m1ch7lsThe determinants of vulnerability and adaptive capacity at the national level and the implications for adaptation Climate change, adaptive capacity and policy direction in the Canadian North: can we learn anything from the collapse of the east coast cod fishery?
cord-351204-5m1ch7lsThe embodiment of inequity- health disparities in Aboriginal Canada Institutional adaptation to environmental risk under the transition in Vietnam Are there social limits to adaptation to climate change?
cord-351204-5m1ch7lscould climate change adaptation help to reduce chronic poverty?
cord-351204-5m1ch7lsinsights from the Canadian experience Department of Indian and Northern Affairs Indian/ non- Indian life expectancy: why the gap?
cord-349348-9rnvawfaCan the State Allow Access to Genomic Databases?
cord-349348-9rnvawfaCould genomic research programs be a part of these measures?
cord-349348-9rnvawfaCould this latter aspect possibly include the need for population genomic data on gene- environment relationships?
cord-349348-9rnvawfaHaving established the lack of a legislative basis for genomic research by the State in the course of the normal practice of public health, and more specifically, in ongoing surveillance, would it be possible for other previously collected data to be used by the State for other purposes, such as genomic research?
cord-349348-9rnvawfaHowever, how can this innovative tool be utilized to reach the public health objectives of protection, prevention, promotion, and surveillance?
cord-349348-9rnvawfaHowever, to the extent that it can be shown that the genomic can be a very useful tool to respond more efficiently to a crisis in public health, should the State not take into account this new field of knowledge?
cord-349348-9rnvawfaIf genomics research is a new tool in public health action, should not the research and innovation function be integrated into the core functions of public health as an important activity, thus enabling the State to achieve its public health objectives?
cord-349348-9rnvawfaIn this respect, should State powers in public health allow access to databases for the purposes of genomic research?
cord-349348-9rnvawfaIs there a clear definition of the precautionary principle?
cord-349348-9rnvawfaKnowing this, could the INSPQ initiate fundamental research in genomics?
cord-349348-9rnvawfaThen, is the mandate of our public health authorities adapted to the actual expansion of the genomic research domain?
cord-349348-9rnvawfafor example research into genetic susceptibility to an infectious disease endangering the health of the population?
cord-256366-9qb1zrzh: What can Standing Rock's Water Protectors teach us about organizing for climate justice in the United States?
cord-256366-9qb1zrzhA Yellowhead Institute Red Paper A rights turn in climate change litigation?
cord-256366-9qb1zrzhAddressing police racism and sexualized violence against indigenous women and girls in the national inquiry Jurisdiction and settler colonialism: Where do laws meet?
cord-256366-9qb1zrzhAs plans for expanding fossil fuel infrastructure continue to ramp up despite threats to the planet, how are geographers to address the criminalisation and prosecution of peaceful acts of defending earth, water and land?
cord-256366-9qb1zrzhCan Canada's"living tree"constitution and lessons from foreign climate litigation seed climate justice and remedy climate change Just cuts for fossil fuels?
cord-256366-9qb1zrzhDid the Crown prosecutors and judge really have to deny the certainty of climate change?
cord-256366-9qb1zrzhHow can a critical lens merging anti- colonial political ecology with legal geography help to guide an understanding of the criminalisation of peaceful civil disobedience 1 and Indigenous- led resistance?
cord-256366-9qb1zrzhIn an age of fossil fuel extractivism and amid growing concern that it may now be"too late to stop dangerous climate change"( Whyte, 2020), what do such encounters signify?
cord-256366-9qb1zrzhIn section 4, considering diverse affects and dramas surrounding contested deployment of the term"irreparable harm"in the courtroom, I turn to some of the defendants'challenges to the court, including an eventual theatrical reproduction of courtroom dramas in a play entitled"Irreparable harm?"
cord-256366-9qb1zrzhIrreparable Harm?", a play created after some of the trials, was performed by the"Sinister Sisters Ensemble", a group composed of activists and theatre folk, young and old, Indigenous and settlers, including people who were arrested for breaching the TMX injunction.
cord-256366-9qb1zrzhThe injunction disavows the truth for Indigenous People who have lived experience long forgotten … Who are"they"to hold the living in contempt?
cord-256366-9qb1zrzhWas the suspension of climate change as an imminent peril vital to make this injunction seem legitimate?
cord-256366-9qb1zrzhWhat are the roles of'solidarity'in countering corporate and colonial agendas that converge in the courtroom space?
cord-256366-9qb1zrzhWhat does it mean to see values of land and water protectionand what Shiri Pasternak( 2017) calls Indigenous ontologies of carecolliding with settler- colonial courts?
cord-256366-9qb1zrzhWhat is time immemorial?"
cord-256366-9qb1zrzhWhere do laws meet?"and Borrows( 1997)"
cord-348039-kl1a0au3( e.g. how will citizens react as social distancing measures remain in place?), meaning such results should not be used as the sole basis for planning for the future.
cord-348039-kl1a0au3Given the range of uncertainties we currently face with COVID-19, and the numerous broader forces that will influence how the pandemic will unfold, what concrete actions can we take?
cord-348039-kl1a0au3How many of our staff, faculty, and students will get sick?
cord-348039-kl1a0au3How will these impacts intersect with our cultures and customs?
cord-348039-kl1a0au3How will those populations currently marginalised by society or within the University community be disproportionately impacted?
cord-348039-kl1a0au3If we lose workforce capacity, will it be widespread or localised, ongoing or sporadic?
cord-348039-kl1a0au3Or will there be some sort of lifting( and reinstating?) of measures and restrictions?
cord-348039-kl1a0au3Or will there be some sort of lifting( and reinstating?) of measures and restrictions?
cord-348039-kl1a0au3What might the future bring?
cord-348039-kl1a0au3While these models show epidemic curves that stretch into the fall and into 2021, there are sufficient uncertainties( e.g. how long will immunity last?)
cord-348039-kl1a0au3Will immune individuals be mobilised( e.g. to fulfill essential public/ in- person functions, to donate plasma)?
cord-348039-kl1a0au3Will measures be applied as broadly as they are now, or become more targeted to specific groups, characteristics or functions?
cord-348039-kl1a0au3Will measures be similar to how they are now, or less restrictive, or more restrictive?
cord-348039-kl1a0au3Will public funding for universities be diverted?
cord-348039-kl1a0au3Will university resources be called upon in new ways to help the pandemic response, for example using laboratory or dormitory space for testing and community care?
cord-348039-kl1a0au3Will we all stay in our roles as usual( even if working remotely)?
cord-348039-kl1a0au3Will we face widespread grief, burnout and mental health impacts related to illness, intensive care, intubation, death or isolation?
cord-348039-kl1a0au3Will we have had to sustain the current level of social distancing from March to September?
cord-348039-kl1a0au3Will we lose substantial workforce capacity( e.g. capacity for individual research projects, for university- wide operations, or to cover for absent instructors and administrators)?
cord-348039-kl1a0au3Will we still be social distancing, like we currently are, in the fall?
cord-348039-kl1a0au3if yes for how long?
cord-348039-kl1a0au3would I wish I had implemented now, if this future comes to pass?'.
cord-002774-tpqsjjet( 2) does participation in drug treatment programs increase social capital?, and( 3) is there a significant difference among treatment modalities in affecting change in~ial capital?
cord-002774-tpqsjjet( 2) does participation in drug treatment programs increase social capital?, and( 3) is there a significant difference among treatment modalities in affecting change in~ial capital?
cord-002774-tpqsjjetDie: How to Save our Children?
cord-002774-tpqsjjetFindings suggest that HM have less access t?
cord-002774-tpqsjjetHow can we Measure this Elusive Goal?
cord-002774-tpqsjjetHow do AIDS mortality and fatality rates vary when related community characteristics, such as household income, ethnic mix, and geographic access to primary and ancillary HIV/ AIDS services are considered?
cord-002774-tpqsjjetHow has the widespread availability of HAART( after 1996) impacted AIDS outcomes at the community level?
cord-002774-tpqsjjetHowever, as part of an ongoing study?
cord-002774-tpqsjjetIn June 2004, the Association of?
cord-002774-tpqsjjetMoreover, there is n? basis for assessing the impact of the resultant initiatives to improve health~onditions amo~ g~o":1":1um ties settled in unplanned areas.
cord-002774-tpqsjjetNearly all participants( 97%) reported a history of contact with drug llt.lnnent services( methadone maintenance, rehabilitation clinics and judicial treatment), mental health car?
cord-002774-tpqsjjetSince urban areas are more than the aggregation?
cord-002774-tpqsjjetSystem for Homeless, HIV- infected Patients in NYC?
cord-002774-tpqsjjetThe increase m parnc1pat10n, the CHR mvolvement in the community, and the positive feedback from the agen?
cord-002774-tpqsjjetThe moot question in all the above observed development are: has the city rationally addressed it planning needs?
cord-002774-tpqsjjetThe principle research questions were: 1) What is the relationship between the locations of areas with concentrations of PL WA and the distribution of both primary and ancillary service providers?
cord-002774-tpqsjjetThe quesuon to be 1~: If health care is available and accessible to one person, what makes it not available to all people?
cord-002774-tpqsjjetThe research questions were: What are the effects of homelessness on health?
cord-002774-tpqsjjetTwo research questions were investigated: are there spatial patterns to the events dis · tribution, and moreover, are these patterns overlapping across space?
cord-002774-tpqsjjetWhat kind of supports are needed for homeless people to get off the street?
cord-002774-tpqsjjetWhen the govern · ment withdrew from direct service provision as reform trends and donor advocacy suggested, how does it perform its new indirect role of managing relations with new direct health services providers in terms of regulating, enabling, and managing relations with these health services providers?
cord-002774-tpqsjjetWhen/(calen · dar time), By 2, fisher exact and t were appliedxwhom( authors?).
cord-002774-tpqsjjetWho and Why?
cord-002774-tpqsjjetWhy children die in Bangladesh?
cord-002774-tpqsjjet_ contacts these women via?
cord-002774-tpqsjjeta report of the efforts being made towards such a goal: The paper descr~ bes~ c~ se study?
cord-002774-tpqsjjetand dent~ I hygiene t?
cord-002774-tpqsjjetblocks, we considered a broad range of factors including evidence of homogeneity an~ heterogeneity( socmeconomic, ethnic, housing type, environmental) across blocks within and blocks ad1acent to a nei.ghborhood, and across the 36 sample neighborhoods; the potential for efficient recruit · ment of appropriate particip.ants( i.e. sufficient local pedestrian traffic); and boundaries used in reporting census data( s?
cord-002774-tpqsjjetcQue tenemos para aprender de las"soluciones"que ellos mismos encuenrran a los usos problemat1cos?
cord-002774-tpqsjjeten estas comunidades?
cord-002774-tpqsjjett) does social capital predict parti~ ipating in treatment programs?
cord-002774-tpqsjjetto all pama~~g?
cord-002774-tpqsjjet~i~ an~ s were recruited from drop in centres in 7 cities across
cord-002774-tpqsjjet~ts: In addmon to reporting process data and descriptions of the SIF users, we report on data indicating that the establishment of the SIF has been independently associated with reductions in public~': ° g~( p