
This is a list of all the questions and their associated study carrel identifiers. One can learn a lot of the "aboutness" of a text simply by reading the questions.

identifier question
hvd.32044020698825Are we to be mere wisps of gaseous happiness floating 80 THE NEW REVELATION about in the air?
hvd.32044020698825Are we using our own hand or is an outside power directing it?
hvd.32044020698825How are we to use it?
hvd.32044020698825How are you to act?
hvd.32044020698825Or when Christ, on being touched by the sick woman, said: “ Who has touched me?
hvd.32044020698825People say, “ If they exist why do n’t they do this or that? ” The an- swer usually is that they ca n’t.
hvd.32044020698825What is it to a mother if some impersonal glorified entity is shown to her?
hvd.32044020698825Where was this spirit of which he talked?
hvd.32044020698825Why then should it not exist on its own when the body was de- stroyed?
mdp.39015086849984//M3~_o:.uwi- V- W70 “?
mdp.39015086849984At this point they 46< 2335 w A<~ Q. N?
mdp.39015086849984It is 2; a remarkable illustration, if one were needed, of the £ 232?
mdp.39015086849984The The second phase of this great battle, which began 223 ’s?
mdp.39015086849984The only rein- V'forcements they could hope for in case of disaster Ganglia? “ were from the south.
mdp.39015086849984Which had the staying- power when tried out to a finish?
mdp.39015086849984Who would cry “ Enough! ” first?
mdp.39015086849984Who would stick it to the bitter end?
mdp.39015086849984a E: N???
mdp.39015086849984a E: N???
mdp.39015086849984a E: N???
mdp.39015086849976( kg m n »?
mdp.39015086849976/, thrill flew »?
mdp.39015086849976Could they hold the line till then?
mdp.39015086849976Ik} RAIL WA vs m ROADS CANAL?
mdp.39015086849976P.PFPP.PHPP wWr Law/66 PP »?
mdp.39015086849976The importa- tions of corn, the secret preparations of giant guns, the preparations of concrete gun- platforms, the Cm?
mdp.39015086849976Were these the tactics of the army which had claimed to be the most scientific in Eu- rope?
mdp.39015086849976What was the profit of one day of successful defence if the morrow would dawn upon a British Sedan?
mdp.39015086849976Why were they not blown up in the dangerous peninsula?
mdp.39015086849976ewe... b2,.. JP P?
coo.31924088059708, “ 6'0 le/?
coo.31924088059708- 33:31:, ” Eight of them, however, were'destroyed by the 11%;? “ French anti- tank artillery.
coo.31924088059708.. 55?
coo.31924088059708: 7 af ‘ Br/ t/ sh Dims/ ans during the battles of- the Chem/ n a'es Dames and the Ardr'e May 27?"
coo.31924088059708A, If?
coo.31924088059708Captain Pryce, on the ex- treme left of the Guards, found the Germans all round The him, and his Grenadiers were standing back to back 33%;?
coo.31924088059708Despairing messages — “ What shall we do?
coo.31924088059708K ”[ a'I‘ie\
coo.31924088059708Then came the'173rd Third Brigade in the Vouel neighbourhood with the 18th fig?
coo.31924088059708They were accurately located 32:33, “ by the enemy, and were smothered in poison and 11%;? “ steel.
coo.31924088059708Was it destined to roll back to Amiens or possibly to Abbeville beyond it-?
coo.31924088059708Where was the retreat to be stayed?
coo.31924088059708XL The three sapper field companies, the personnel of the$ 115 “'trench- mortar batteries, and every straggler who Dram?
nyp.33433088074582Are there real fairies to be met with there?
nyp.33433088074582Now, what are the fairies? nyp.33433088074582 What can we make of it all?
nyp.33433088074582And who were you speaking to just now in the yard?'
nyp.33433088074582But if pipes, why not every- thing else?
nyp.33433088074582But supposing that they actually do exist, what are these creatures?
nyp.33433088074582But why does he believe it?
nyp.33433088074582By kind permission I reproduce the article: DO FAIRIES EXIST?
nyp.33433088074582Can these be thought- forms?
nyp.33433088074582If horses, why not dogs?
nyp.33433088074582It told of a curious sequence of events in Yorkshire, and ran as follows:"Are there real fairies in the land to- day?
nyp.33433088074582One may well ask what connection has this fairy- lore with the general scheme of psychic philosophy?
nyp.33433088074582What do you think of this?
nyp.33433088074582What have you seen?
nyp.33433088074582When Columbus knelt in prayer upon the edge of America, what prophetic eye saw all that a new continent might do to affect the destinies of the world?
nyp.33433088074582Wherever did it come from?"
nyp.33433088074582Which is the harder of belief, the faking of a photograph or the objective existence of winged beings eighteen inches high?
nyp.33433088074582Would it be too long to wait until then, when we could explain what we know about it?
nyp.33433088074582tioning a few domestic details connected with the story?
nyp.33433088074582what is this?'
nyp.33433088074582x 160 SOME SUBSEQUENT CASES"Do you think shadows, etc., can explain it?
mdp.39015086849992184 THE BRITISH CAMPAIGN, 1916 CH6? “ that it was hard to see more than a few yards.
mdp.39015086849992And these gunners, when the order came that we must pull out and go with the infantry — do you think they were glad or willing?
mdp.39015086849992Could other tactics, other equipment, other methods of guarding the soldiers, have brought them across the fatal open levels?
mdp.39015086849992JANUARY TO JULY 1916 3 What could the Allies put against these formid- CHAPTER able successes?
mdp.39015086849992None the less, they poured into the trenches opposite to them but found them strongly held by infantry of the Fifty- second Ger?
mdp.39015086849992Only one colony, the largest and most 3:33;?
mdp.39015086849992Thanks to the la- 1'hours of various enthusiasts for the rifle, this matter 3:31?
mdp.39015086849992The of the results were admirable, as the whole of Hessian 35;?
mdp.39015086849992mEezo> 526?
mdp.39015086849992siqnopag ucuuag@ ® ® fl'sdomi ueuuag I?
mdp.39015086849992uqfi- mung) 144:?)
mdp.39015086849992we villers laBoiselle:3?
mdp.39015086849992“ Who would believe, ” he wrote, “ that only a few months ago not one of these men knew anything of the soldier ’s profession?
mdp.39015086850024$ 5129?
mdp.3901508685002452.5. an?
mdp.3901508685002470 THE BRITISH CAMPAIGN, 1918 Cmrm that more severe machine- gun fire had seldom been 2 seen than on this occasion, and the tanks engaged a??
mdp.3901508685002470 THE BRITISH CAMPAIGN, 1918 Cmrm that more severe machine- gun fire had seldom been 2 seen than on this occasion, and the tanks engaged a??
mdp.39015086850024? “ crowned with the dark ragged trees, their trunks Operations linked up with abattis, laced with wire, and covering gawlmon,.machine- guns.
mdp.39015086850024Another counter- attack against the Egg?
mdp.39015086850024Camry-._/ o. m?
mdp.39015086850024During the night 2:?
mdp.39015086850024On 2 that far side lay the culminating slope of the hill 32???
mdp.39015086850024On 2 that far side lay the culminating slope of the hill 32???
mdp.39015086850024On 2 that far side lay the culminating slope of the hill 32???
mdp.39015086850024The 7 th Brigade 2;? “ advanced on the right, with the 53rd and 54th Bri- Oct. 23. gades of the Eighteenth Division in the order given on its left.
mdp.39015086850024The 7th West Kents had a 52:?
mdp.39015086850024The Selle River in front of the 21:?
mdp.39015086850024The other three brigades in the line, Rawlinson ’s which were, counting from the right, the 138th, 18th, 52;?"
mdp.39015086850024What matter anything else?
mdp.39015086850024What matter life or limb?
mdp.39015086850024gilwslimon‘s These two corps worked in close liaison forming the 2:1?
mdp.39015086850024j APPROX/ MAffL/ AE NOV.//t#/.9/8. —\ Rafiwgvs~~~ rem'Cana/ s--- — ‘ o ZS- MILES Q. ‘ b — —__ it?'
mdp.39015086850024{ 12:}?
hvd.32044086822939A fox?
hvd.32044086822939An'why should'e go talkin'In that aggravatin ’ way, As if the gent would gallop'i m And wallop'i m all day?
hvd.32044086822939And then — the blunder of a horse, The crash upon the frozen clods, And – Death?
hvd.32044086822939Have you not read his poems?
hvd.32044086822939He gave to you, What of this spine- curved cripple, Shall he sing praises too?
hvd.32044086822939I ’ve not a word to say agin His fondness for'is'orse, But why should'e insinivate The gent would treat'i m worse?
hvd.32044086822939If it is love that gave us A thousand blossoms bright, Why should that love not save us From poisoned aconite?
hvd.32044086822939If you may justly thank Him For strength in mind and limb, Then what of yonder weakling — Must he give thanks to Him?
hvd.32044086822939Know you not That in our day a learned chancellor Might better far dispense unjustest law Than be suspect of such frivolity As lies in verse?
hvd.32044086822939Now the second daughter, Sadie — But the subject why pursue?
hvd.32044086822939Shall it end well or shall it not?
hvd.32044086822939Spanish Armada, is it not?
hvd.32044086822939That pea- green face, that gamboge sky?
hvd.32044086822939The solid stone is resting there, But where the sitter?
hvd.32044086822939What are we in Thy sight?
hvd.32044086822939What though they bow the dainty head And fleck the raven hair with gray?
hvd.32044086822939What's he been about?
hvd.32044086822939What's this?
hvd.32044086822939Where did you get those daring hues, Those blues on reds, those reds on blues?
hvd.32044086822939Where now the with Where now the will?
hvd.32044086822939Which sets his fields aglow, Shall that man curse the tempest That lays his harvest low?
hvd.32044086822939Who's your board school teacher?
hvd.32044086822939when I learned to love you so What recked we of December's snow?
hvd.320440141699400.: Anything more?
hvd.32044014169940131 who profess to speak in the name of religion?
hvd.32044014169940And why?
hvd.32044014169940But when religion is dead, materialism becomes active, IS IT THE SECOND DAWN?
hvd.32044014169940Can any theologian give a reason for such an action?
hvd.32044014169940Can we not see, then, what was the inner reason for the war?
hvd.32044014169940Have you passed long?
hvd.32044014169940IS IT THE SECOND DAWN?
hvd.32044014169940Is this then a line of thought which merits the wholesale condem- nations and anathemas hurled at it by those IS IT THE SECOND DAWN?
hvd.32044014169940Mr. 0.: How did you pass?
hvd.32044014169940Mr. 0.: What is it?
hvd.32044014169940Mr. 0.: What were you?
hvd.32044014169940So, too, with IS IT THE SECOND DAWN?
hvd.32044014169940The ques- tion then arises if Home concentrated all his force upon transferring such a power how long would that power last?
hvd.32044014169940V Is IT THE SECOND DAWN?
hvd.32044014169940What did He do?
hvd.32044014169940What do the messages from beyond say about these?
hvd.32044014169940What weight has science of that sort?
hvd.32044014169940When He spoke merely from His human body He was certainly IS IT THE SECOND DAWN?
hvd.32044014169940Who are you?
hvd.32044014169940Why should some have this power and some not?
hvd.32044014169940Why these particular ones?
hvd.32044014169940Why was this tremendous experience forced upon mankind?
hvd.32044014169940to magnetise them in the same way — if that word may express the process?
hvd.32044014169940“ Raymond ” and “ Do Thoughts Perish?''
mdp.39015008918545And on Sunday night?
mdp.39015008918545But owing to your fault was it about eight before it was served?
mdp.39015008918545Did Miss Gilchrist use to have a dog?
mdp.39015008918545Did he usually come home to din- ner?
mdp.39015008918545Did n't you say you did not see the man's face?
mdp.39015008918545Did she wear her diamonds at this dinner party?
mdp.39015008918545Do you see the man here you saw there?
mdp.39015008918545Had you introduced him?
mdp.39015008918545He was your friend, was n't he?
mdp.39015008918545How did you identify him in Amer- ica?
mdp.39015008918545Is that man in the room?
mdp.39015008918545On Saturday night?
mdp.39015008918545On Sunday you invited him there to dinner with Miss Gilchrist and yourself, did n't you?
mdp.39015008918545She knew nothing about him?
mdp.39015008918545She took him to the house on your recommendation? mdp.39015008918545 Then you invited this man to tea at Miss Gilchrist's summer house?"
mdp.39015008918545Was it sometimes nearly eight? mdp.39015008918545 Was that thought to be done by some one?"
mdp.39015008918545Was that true?
mdp.39015008918545What did you mean in America by saying that you never saw his face if, in point of fact, you did see it so as to help you to recognise it? mdp.39015008918545 What happened to it?"
mdp.39015008918545When was it poisoned?
mdp.39015008918545Why did you say you were only sus- picions?
mdp.39015008918545You told him that she was a rich woman?
mdp.39015008918545You were not quite sure of him at first in America?
mdp.39015008918545But if he had keys, how did he get the mould, and how did he get them made?
mdp.39015008918545Could anything be more positive than this?
mdp.39015008918545Does it not pre- suppose a previous acquaint- ance with the inside of the flat and the ways of its owner?
mdp.39015008918545How could he suppose that the old lady would do so incredible a thing as leave her door open and return to her reading?
mdp.39015008918545How did the murderer get in if Lambie is correct in thinking that she shut the doors?
mdp.39015008918545I said:'Where is your mistress?'
mdp.39015008918545Is not this remarkably suggestive?
mdp.39015008918545It may be argued that the existence of the hammer is such a point; but what household in the land is devoid of a hammer?
mdp.39015008918545On the appearance of the stranger she did not gasp out:"Who are you?"
mdp.39015008918545She gave no alarm however, and it was only when Adams called out:"Where is your mistress?"
mdp.39015008918545This is possible, but is it not in the highest degree improbable?
mdp.39015008918545Were the papers his object, and the final ab- straction of one diamond brooch a mere blind?
mdp.39015008918545What could a man who was planning murder hope to gain by standing nights beforehand eighty and a hundred yards away from the place in the darkness?
mdp.39015008918545What did you mean?"
mdp.39015008918545What evidence could 49 THE CASE OF OSCAR SLATER he give, save that of everyone who lived with him?
mdp.39015008918545What friends?
mdp.39015008918545What men had ever visited the house?
mdp.39015008918545Who brought back the jewels after they had been stored with the jewellers when the old lady went every year to the country?
mdp.39015008918545Why did he go straight into the spare 62 THE CASE OF OSCAR SLATER bedroom where the jewels were actually kept?
mdp.39015008918545Why the spare bedroom?
mdp.39015008918545Would she not have taken it if it were only to say:"What, have you forgotten your keys?"
mdp.39015008918545what plumb- ers?
mdp.39015008918545what tradesmen?
mdp.39015007005823Did you ever fire a revolver?
mdp.39015007005823Did you wait to dress?
mdp.39015007005823Do you know him?
mdp.39015007005823How long was the snake?
mdp.39015007005823Was it a poisonous snake?
mdp.39015007005823Well, then, how did you manage?
mdp.39015007005823Were you ever in a railway accident?
mdp.39015007005823What did the people say?
mdp.39015007005823What had you on in your bunk?
mdp.39015007005823What made it jump?
mdp.39015007005823Who at?
mdp.39015007005823After all, the deepest sea sustains life — why not the highest air?
mdp.39015007005823And how can we feel vexation, or anything but pity, for those who reject such a gift?
mdp.39015007005823But if not, then are our paths in life so accurately mapped that, even twenty- four years before, the outcome can be seen?
mdp.39015007005823But is it really necessary[ 49] OUR AMERICAN ADVENTURE to be so drastic?
mdp.39015007005823But what has the sceptic materialist to say to such an incident?
mdp.39015007005823But what is America to get in such a readjustment, and how can we help being humiliated if we accept favours from her with no return?
mdp.39015007005823But when?
mdp.39015007005823Charlemagne converted the[ 137] OUR AMERICAN ADVENTURE Saxons by battalions, but what was such a conversion worth?
mdp.39015007005823Do not these psychic air- vibrations throw a light on the constant request from spirits that we sing or play and so keep the waves moving?
mdp.39015007005823Does it require a millionaire priestess and a five- million- dollar temple to teach us that?
mdp.39015007005823Has culture gone with them?
mdp.39015007005823How can one explain such a thing as that?
mdp.39015007005823How could I when I think how long it took to break down my own materialistic prejudices?
mdp.39015007005823How is this to be done?
mdp.39015007005823Is this Gordian knot of debt to be carefully unravelled or is there some way by which it can be cut?
mdp.39015007005823Men in newspaper offices who wrote the scare headlines at first perpetrated such atrocities as'Do Spooks Marry?'
mdp.39015007005823Says the Sceptic,"Where are they?"
mdp.39015007005823The answer was,"Do you mean the fellow who used to get in such peculiar posi- tions and amuse all by his queer stories and grimaces?"
mdp.39015007005823Ticknor's Mediumship — Ac- tion of the Control — Controversies — Quo Vadis? — Best- sellers — Lady Medium in Brooklyn — Striking Seance.
mdp.39015007005823Ticknor's Mediumship — Action of the Control — Controversies — Quo Vadis? — Best- sellers — Lady Medium in Brooklyn — Striking Seance.
mdp.39015007005823Was I deceived in this and other cases which I cited?
mdp.39015007005823Was ever a man in the whole[ 69] OUR AMERICAN ADVENTURE course of history placed in such a position?
mdp.39015007005823What about reincarnation?
mdp.39015007005823What did she bring into the world that is new?
mdp.39015007005823What greater reward to any teacher than that?
mdp.39015007005823What have our opponents to say to that?
mdp.39015007005823What religion could there be in a jumping table or a flying tambourine?
mdp.39015007005823What then?"
mdp.39015007005823Where did it jump to?"
mdp.39015007005823Where, then, can it come from?
mdp.39015007005823Why did we remember nothing before birth?
mdp.39015007005823Why may not I?"
mdp.39015007005823Why should extremists always have their way?
mdp.39015007005823You gave it away, did you not?"
mdp.39015007005823[ 44] OUR AMERICAN ADVENTURE"How then are they produced?"
coo.31924088059690- By vm'mid- day the 1st Regiment on the right had lost gal???
coo.31924088059690- By vm'mid- day the 1st Regiment on the right had lost gal???
coo.31924088059690- By vm'mid- day the 1st Regiment on the right had lost gal???
coo.31924088059690..- as “?
coo.31924088059690.0_~, sass sass?
coo.319240880596903'The total result of this Broodseinde action was gags?
coo.31924088059690As night Cumin fell this right wing was in touch with the Australians vm'near Anzac, and thence passed through the wood and £ 255???
coo.31924088059690As night Cumin fell this right wing was in touch with the Australians vm'near Anzac, and thence passed through the wood and £ 255???
coo.31924088059690As night Cumin fell this right wing was in touch with the Australians vm'near Anzac, and thence passed through the wood and £ 255???
coo.31924088059690El an: 03mm-_\W% s= 83?
coo.31924088059690Only one CHArm British disaster occurred during the day, and that VI ‘ was in the appearance of that constant and formidable gal???
coo.31924088059690Only one CHArm British disaster occurred during the day, and that VI ‘ was in the appearance of that constant and formidable gal???
coo.31924088059690Only one CHArm British disaster occurred during the day, and that VI ‘ was in the appearance of that constant and formidable gal???
coo.31924088059690THE BATTLE 0]?
coo.31924088059690The 100th Brigade VIII ‘ was exposed to a severe assault all day most gallantly gages?
coo.31924088059690The 14th Glosters and 16th 25;'Cheshires attained their fullest objective, and though gal???
coo.31924088059690The 14th Glosters and 16th 25;'Cheshires attained their fullest objective, and though gal???
coo.31924088059690The 14th Glosters and 16th 25;'Cheshires attained their fullest objective, and though gal???
coo.31924088059690VHI'South of this point, and forming the flank of Est]???
coo.31924088059690VHI'South of this point, and forming the flank of Est]???
coo.31924088059690VHI'South of this point, and forming the flank of Est]???
coo.31924088059690attacks in the afternoon, the Glosters ’ fighting line, gitj'fis?
coo.31924088059690improved the com- 1222,? “ munications of the army.
coo.31924088059690on 2.5?
coo.31924088059690with life, and the constant snap of the sniper ’s bullet$ 3413?
coo.31924088059690‘ v b A].t ’ 2 SW “;\mg- 1,1? ».25,.
hvd.32044037103587An obvious question must here occur to the mind of every non- military reader—“Why should this position be attacked at all?
hvd.32044037103587And now what had come of it all?
hvd.32044037103587And then suddenly — could that be they?
hvd.32044037103587BATTLE OF COLENSO Io?
hvd.32044037103587BULLER'S FINAL ADVANCE 165 “ Whom are you going to? ” “ General Hart, ” said the aide- de- camp.
hvd.32044037103587Besides, why should he abandon it?
hvd.32044037103587But how could help come when there was no means by which they could let White know the plight in which they found themselves?
hvd.32044037103587But if he should lose his battle — what then?
hvd.32044037103587Can you last so long?
hvd.32044037103587Could they gather volume enough to carry themselves over?
hvd.32044037103587Had Great Britain bought those vast regions which extended beyond the settlements?
hvd.32044037103587Had they any wrongs to tell?
hvd.32044037103587Have they got the hill? ” was his one eternal question as they carried him dripping to the rear.
hvd.32044037103587Have your losses been very heavy?
hvd.32044037103587How came they there?
hvd.32044037103587How could they expect it after the raid 2 Would Britain object to the enormous importation of arms and obvious preparations for war?
hvd.32044037103587How shall we sum up such an action save that it was a gallant at- tempt, gallantly carried out, and as gallantly met?
hvd.32044037103587How was it to be extricated?
hvd.32044037103587If they did not like the country why did they not leave it?
hvd.32044037103587Is it likely that he would have tamely given up all his advantages and surrendered the fruits of his victory without a struggle?
hvd.32044037103587Is the object of getting the people to take an interest in political matters not a good one?
hvd.32044037103587It may be asked, why should these men be called freebooters if the founders of Rhodesia were pioneers?
hvd.32044037103587It was THE SECOND INVASION OF CAPE COLONY 32?
hvd.32044037103587Many might have prophesied that the deed would be avenged; but who could ever have guessed the men who would avenge it?
hvd.32044037103587Or were the discontented Dutch at liberty to pass on- wards and found fresh nations to bar the path of the Anglo- Celtic colonists?
hvd.32044037103587PAARDEBERG 193 What had we got in return for our eleven hundred casualties?
hvd.32044037103587Reitz: What?
hvd.32044037103587Should Dutch ideas or English ideas of government prevail throughout that huge country?
hvd.32044037103587THE EVE OF WAR 41 And to this one may retort, why should they not conspire?
hvd.32044037103587The infantry fired also, and fired, and fired — but what was there to fire at?
hvd.32044037103587Then what was there between them and the sea?
hvd.32044037103587They could not break away, for how can men on foot break away from horsemen?
hvd.32044037103587Was it a meaningless pouring of wine, or were they ready to pour their hearts'blood also in time of war?
hvd.32044037103587Was it fair to expect it?
hvd.32044037103587Was it possible that it had been entirely abandoned?
hvd.32044037103587Was it thereby abrogated or was it not?
hvd.32044037103587Was not that enough to satisfy them?
hvd.32044037103587We had our hill, but what else had we?
hvd.32044037103587Were the Boers to lose by the ballot- box the victory which they had won by their rifles?
hvd.32044037103587Were the Uitlanders to have the franchise?
hvd.32044037103587Were they coming on again?
hvd.32044037103587What could an Opposition do if a vote of the Gov- ernment might at any moment unseat them all?
hvd.32044037103587What could be done to give them some relief?
hvd.32044037103587What could the Boers do then?
hvd.32044037103587What is their right?
hvd.32044037103587What is to be done?
hvd.32044037103587What was it which swept west- wards within its reddish heart?
hvd.32044037103587What was there left for them to do?
hvd.32044037103587What was there to shoot at in those sunlit boulder- strewn hills in front?
hvd.32044037103587What was to become of this detachment five miles up in the air?
hvd.32044037103587What were they fighting for?
hvd.32044037103587What were they waiting for?
hvd.32044037103587What would Castlereagh or Liverpool have thought could they have seen the items which we were buying for our six million pounds?
hvd.32044037103587What would happen if the enemy burst rudely through and pushed straight for the town?
hvd.32044037103587Where is water? ” as they toiled upon their way.
hvd.32044037103587Which flag was it to be?
hvd.32044037103587Who are these Teutonic folk who have burrowed so deeply into Africa?
hvd.32044037103587Who has seen that Army and can forget it — its spirit, its picturesqueness — above all, what it stands for in the future history of the world?
hvd.32044037103587Who shall blame the Highlanders for retiring when they did?
hvd.32044037103587Why had no scouts gone forward to be certain of the position of the ford?
hvd.32044037103587Why should they not endeavour to have one universal flag and one common speech?
hvd.32044037103587Why should they not have their own views as to the future of South Africa?
hvd.32044037103587Why should they not win over our colonists, if they can, and push us into the sea?
hvd.32044037103587Why were the men in quarter column when advancing against an unseen foe?
hvd.32044037103587Would the gentle shuffle of feet be heard by the men who lay within stone- throw of them?
hvd.32044037103587mean on your shoulder- strap? ” he asked.
hvd.32044037103587º 104 THE GREAT BOER WAR The bank of the river had been gained, but where was the ford?
hvd.32044037103587“ Have they got the hill?
hvd.32044037103587“ How long, O Lord, how long? ” was the cry which was wrung from them in their solitude.
hvd.32044037103587“ How many days can you hold out?
hvd.32044037103587“ Myself: You do n't suppose, do you, that that flag is going to disap- pear from South Africa without a tremendous struggle and fight?
hvd.32044037103587“ Now, boys, who's for otter hunting? ” cried Major Coleridge, of the North Lan- cashires, as he sprang into the water.
hvd.32044037103587“ Reitz( with the same pleasant self- conscious, self- satisfied, and yet semi- apologetic smile): Well, I suppose not; but even so, what of that?
hvd.32044037103587“ The burghers have had enough; what are they to do? ” said he.
hvd.32044037103587“ When is the blood- shed going to begin? ” asked Powell.
hvd.32044037103587“ Where are the bosses? ” cried a Fusilier, and the historian can only repeat the question.
hvd.32044037103587“ Where is General Hart? ” asked some one in action.
hvd.32044037103587“ Which is better for the Republics, ” he asked, “ to continue the struggle and run the risk of total ruin as a nation, or to submit?
hvd.32044037103587“ Will any of you volunteer to save the guns? ” cried Buller.
hvd.32044037103587“ You see that flag? ” said he.
njp.32101013577752I wonder if I may poison it?
njp.32101013577752A long digression, is it not?
njp.32101013577752And Stevenson?
njp.32101013577752And now whom?
njp.32101013577752And then to play a fish a hundred tons in weight, and worth two thou- sand pounds — but what in the world has all this to do with my bookcase?
njp.32101013577752And this strange, powerful style, how is it to be described?
njp.32101013577752And who else?
njp.32101013577752And yet, when all is said, who can doubt that the austere and dreadful American is far the greater and more original mind of the two?
njp.32101013577752Ay, why not?
njp.32101013577752But get past all that to a crisis in the real story, and who finds the terse phrase, the short fire- word, so surely as he?
njp.32101013577752But here are some of the enemy in a barn?
njp.32101013577752But how about Richardson and Fielding?
njp.32101013577752But how about the second best?
njp.32101013577752But how shall I name them all?
njp.32101013577752But must these sides of life be absolutely excluded?
njp.32101013577752But which are we to choose from that long and varied collection, many of which have claims to the highest?
njp.32101013577752But who knows what other injuries had been inflicted to draw forth such a re- taliation?
njp.32101013577752By the way, talking of Napoleon's flight from Egypt, did you ever see a curious little book called, if I remember right,"Intercepted Letters?"
njp.32101013577752Could anything be more 76 THROUGH THE MAGIC DOOR laudable — or less lovable?
njp.32101013577752Did ever any single man, the 54 THROUGH THE MAGIC DOOR very dullest of the race, stand convicted of so many incredible blunders?
njp.32101013577752Do you recollect the third chapter of that work — the one which reconstructs the England of the seventeenth century?
njp.32101013577752Do you remember the fatuous criticism of Matthew Arnold upon the glorious"Lays,"where he calls out"Is this poetry?"
njp.32101013577752Do you want the view of a woman of quality?
njp.32101013577752Does any one ever know a man so well as his doctor?
njp.32101013577752For, after all, which of those writings can be said to have any life to- day?
njp.32101013577752Has life be- come so serious that song has passed out of it?
njp.32101013577752Have you read Maupassant's story called"La Horla"?
njp.32101013577752He was prolix, it may be admitted, but who could bear to have him cut?
njp.32101013577752How could a Tory patriot, whose whole train- ing had been to look upon Napoleon as a malignant Demon, do justice to such a theme?
njp.32101013577752How could one talk on equal terms with a man who could not brook contradiction or even argu- ment upon the most vital questions in life?
njp.32101013577752How is this, for example, if you have an ear for the music of prose?
njp.32101013577752How many go through the world without ever loving at all?
njp.32101013577752I fear I may misquote, for I have not"The Ancient Mariner"at my elbow, but even as it stands does it not elevate the horse- trough?
njp.32101013577752I wonder if Scott had ever seen the original which hangs at the Hepburn family seat?
njp.32101013577752If Boswell had not lived I wonder how much we should hear now of his huge friend?
njp.32101013577752Is Stevenson a classic?
njp.32101013577752Is it possible that here we have some trace of the vanished Germans?
njp.32101013577752Is it possible that we are indeed but conduit pipes from the infinite reservoir of the unknown?
njp.32101013577752Is it that the higher emotions are not there?
njp.32101013577752Is there any pro- fession in the world which in proportion to its numbers could show such losses as that?
njp.32101013577752Is there not a sense of austere dignity?
njp.32101013577752Now you see that whole row of books which takes you at one sweep nearly across the shelf?
njp.32101013577752Or is it a Danish name?
njp.32101013577752Or is it amusement that he lacks?
njp.32101013577752Or is it that they are damped down and covered over as too precious to be exhibited?
njp.32101013577752Ready for yet another?
njp.32101013577752Surely he shall have two places also, for where is a finer sense of THROUGH THE MAGIC DOOR 117 what the short story can do?
njp.32101013577752Talking of weird American stories, have 126 THROUGH THE MAGIC DOOR you ever read any of the works of Ambrose Bierce?
njp.32101013577752The others?
njp.32101013577752There may be a score of 272 THROUGH THE MAGIC DOOR mistakes in what I have said — is it not the privilege of the conversationalist to misquote?
njp.32101013577752Three times as long as an ordinary book no doubt, but why grudge the time?
njp.32101013577752VI Which are the great short stories of the English language?
njp.32101013577752Was ever a more despicable action?
njp.32101013577752Was ever anything in the world's history like it?
njp.32101013577752Was his name Welsh?
njp.32101013577752Was it an effort to leave some memorial of his own existence to single him out from all the countless sons of men?
njp.32101013577752Were they exterminated by the negroes, or did they amalgamate with them?
njp.32101013577752What about that?"
njp.32101013577752What are the points by which you judge them?
njp.32101013577752What could be more vivid than the effect produced by such sentences as these?
njp.32101013577752What could it have been?
njp.32101013577752What matter that no Templar was allowed by the rules of his Order to take part in so secular and frivolous an affair as a tournament?
njp.32101013577752What national change is it which has driven music from the land?
njp.32101013577752What richest imagination could ever evolve any- thing more marvelous and thrilling than the actual historical facts?
njp.32101013577752What was it that stood in the way of the book's success?
njp.32101013577752What was it which gave it such distinction?
njp.32101013577752What, not wearied?
njp.32101013577752Whence came the intense glowing imagination of the Brontes — so unlike the Miss- Austen- like calm of their predecessors?
njp.32101013577752Whence came the wonderful face and great personality of Henry Irving?
njp.32101013577752Where did he get that remarkable face, those strange mental gifts, which place him by himself in literature?
njp.32101013577752Where in the language can you find a stronger, more condensed and more restrained narrative?
njp.32101013577752Where, in his heroes, is there one touch of distinction, of spirituality, of nobility?
njp.32101013577752Whither did they carry THROUGH THE MAGIC DOOR 73 those blue eyes and that flaxen hair?
njp.32101013577752Who guessed it of Poe, and who of Borrow?
njp.32101013577752Who would have imagined that the wise savant and gentle dreamer of these volumes was also the energetic secretary of a railway company?
njp.32101013577752Why must you?
njp.32101013577752Why not?"
njp.32101013577752Why should Borrow snarl so churlishly at Scott?
njp.32101013577752Why was it p 21o THROUGH THE MAGIC DOOR that they did not people it thickly?
njp.32101013577752With the mind so crammed with other people's goods, how can you have room for any fresh manufactures of your own?
njp.32101013577752Would Goldsmith defend his literary views, or Burke his Whiggism, or Gibbon his Deism?
njp.32101013577752Would you care to hear me talk of them?
njp.32101013577752You do n't see it, you say?
njp.32101013577752You see the line of old, brown volumes at the bottom?
njp.32101013577752after quoting —"And how can man die better Than facing fearful odds For the ashes of his fathers And the Temples of his Gods?"
njp.32101013577752and the'What then, sir?'
njp.32101013577752i ii4 THROUGH THE MAGIC DOOR Well, now, if you had to choose your team whom would you put in?
njp.32101013577752shall I name thee last?
hvd.hc38fmA shark? ” asked Mr. Browne. hvd.hc38fm Do you believe it is true?"
hvd.hc38fmHave you noticed a tree covered in spider webs during a fog? hvd.hc38fm He hath broken the teeth in their jaw. ” Can such phrases really mean anything to any thoughtful man?
hvd.hc38fmWell, did youi, for example, see Christ? ” There was an embarrassed silence. hvd.hc38fm What's psychic?
hvd.hc38fmWhere did it come from?
hvd.hc38fmYes, I have. ”Well, did you perceive resemblance? ”.
hvd.hc38fmYou're sure it was Sir Oliver?
hvd.hc38fmAbove all, how did the birds get into the care- fully guarded séance room, especially as Bailey was put in a bag during the proceedings?
hvd.hc38fmAfter all, how much education had the apostles?
hvd.hc38fmAfter all, if enemies are given full play, why should not[ 174] THE WANDERINGS OF A SPIRITUALIST friends redress the balance?
hvd.hc38fmAmong other remarkable advertisements was one"What has become of'Pelorus Jack'?
hvd.hc38fmAnd the others?
hvd.hc38fmAre they not the pools left behind by that terrible tide?
hvd.hc38fmBut how can anyone win through?
hvd.hc38fmBut what has a materialist to say to the whole story?
hvd.hc38fmBut what have Spiritualists had in the main save misrepresentation and persecution?
hvd.hc38fmBut what of Silesia and of Poland now?
hvd.hc38fmBut why should I abandon one faith in order to embrace another one?
hvd.hc38fmBut[ 50] THE WANDERINGS OF A SPIRITUALIST after all, what's the odds?
hvd.hc38fmCan a man with a moderate capital get a share of these good things?
hvd.hc38fmDo n't imagine that the obliquity of the ecliptic was always 23 degrees. ”"The Maoris had a fair wind then? ” The compasses stabbed at the map.
hvd.hc38fmDo they think what they are saying, or does Faith atrophy some part of the brain?
hvd.hc38fmDoes anyone import Indian nests?
hvd.hc38fmDoes anyone import queer little tortoises with long, thin necks?
hvd.hc38fmGranting that they are Jewish forgeries, how do they get into the country?
hvd.hc38fmHad Germany obeyed the moral law would she not now be great and flourishing, instead of the ruin which we see?
hvd.hc38fmHas France ever had the credit she deserves for the splendid faith with which she followed that great beneficent genius Lesseps in his wonderful work?
hvd.hc38fmHave you ever seen Olver Lodge, sir?"
hvd.hc38fmHer hand was heavy on my brow. ”"At the time?"
hvd.hc38fmHis words to the sick woman, “ Who has touched me?
hvd.hc38fmHow can a man fail to be earnest then?
hvd.hc38fmHow can the bulk of the people ever get into touch with a good medium if they are debarred from doing so in the ordinary way of business?
hvd.hc38fmHow can they hope with their feeble hands to clear the ground?
hvd.hc38fmHow many of us have, for example, seen the rings of Saturn?
hvd.hc38fmHow then can any church progress when all its leaders are over that age?
hvd.hc38fmI suppose that on such a voyage one should rest and do nothing, but how difficult it is to do nothing, and can it be restful to do what is difficult?
hvd.hc38fmI testified in my life to the Lamb and to Him crucified. ” I ask again:"What is this ribald nonsense? ” “ It is not nonsense, friend.
hvd.hc38fmIf He be with us, who is against us?
hvd.hc38fmIf here and there one had a new idea, how could it survive the pressure of the others?
hvd.hc38fmIf not, why continue them?
hvd.hc38fmIf so, what is your charges?
hvd.hc38fmIf the whole transaction is normal, then where does he get them?
hvd.hc38fmIf these articles can be got in any normal way, then what is the way?
hvd.hc38fmIf they are not genu- ine, where do they come from?
hvd.hc38fmIs it possible that under some conditions a mineral may change into a metal?
hvd.hc38fmIs not valour the basis of all character, and where shall we find greater valour than theirs?
hvd.hc38fmIs there a depot for Turkish copper coins in Australia?
hvd.hc38fmIs there at the present moment one single bishop, or one head of a Free Church, who has the first idea of psychic truth?
hvd.hc38fmIs there such evidence?
hvd.hc38fmPlenty time yet. ” Who loses except themselves?
hvd.hc38fmThe man dies, and then where are these experiments?
hvd.hc38fmThen what about 100 Babylonian tablets, with legible inscriptions in Assyrian, some of them cylindrical, with long histories upon them?
hvd.hc38fmWas colonisation to be abandoned, or were these brave savages to be over- come?
hvd.hc38fmWas ever such an object lesson in sin and its consequence placed before the world?
hvd.hc38fmWas he a lost soul?"
hvd.hc38fmWas it not spirituality?
hvd.hc38fmWell, who knows?
hvd.hc38fmWhat are these among so many?
hvd.hc38fmWhat are we to make of such a mixture?
hvd.hc38fmWhat direct proof have we of most of the great facts of Science?
hvd.hc38fmWhat is he up to now?"
hvd.hc38fmWhat is it?"
hvd.hc38fmWhat was wanting in you to bring you to such a pass?
hvd.hc38fmWhat would not Galileo and all the old untravelled astronomers have given to have one glimpse of this wondrous Southern display?
hvd.hc38fmWhen they speared the cattle of the settlers what were the settlers to do?
hvd.hc38fmWhere's that little boy?"
hvd.hc38fmWhich is better — that a race be free, immoral and incompetent, or that it be forced into morality and prosperity?
hvd.hc38fmWho else could have drawn such fine detail and yet so broad and philosophic a pic- ture?
hvd.hc38fmWhy should any- one invent such a thing, putting an actual name to the person?
hvd.hc38fmWhy should quartz always be the matrix?
hvd.hc38fmWould a hundred million pounds cover the cost of that one?
hvd.hc38fmcontrol ero tantes e mbetet?
hvd.hc38fm“ But how could they know New Zealand was there? ” “ Ah, yes, how did they know? ”"Had they compasses? ” “ They steered by the stars.
hvd.hc38fm“ But how could they know New Zealand was there? ” “ Ah, yes, how did they know? ”"Had they compasses? ” “ They steered by the stars.
hvd.hc38fm“ But how could they know New Zealand was there? ” “ Ah, yes, how did they know? ”"Had they compasses? ” “ They steered by the stars.
hvd.hc38fm“ Can you tell me anything of the action?"
hvd.hc38fm“ From India. ”"What bird is it? ” “ They call it the jungle sparrow."
hvd.hc38fm“ What have we to do,"they say,"with these old historical quarrels which are hardly intelligible to us?
hvd.hc38fm“ What is this ribald nonsense? ” he cries.
hvd.hc38fm“ Who are you, friend?"
hvd.hc38fm“ Who's that?'
hvd.hc38fm“ Why not?"
uiuc.3232641A young gentleman? uiuc.3232641 Ah, you would attack the English battleships with submarines?"
uiuc.3232641And pray, sir, what is the impediment?
uiuc.3232641And pray, sir, what may this service be?
uiuc.3232641And teas he the Devil?
uiuc.3232641And to Gaster Fell?
uiuc.3232641And what did he think?
uiuc.3232641And why not?
uiuc.3232641And why to him?
uiuc.3232641And you will live alone there?
uiuc.3232641Asked him to — asked him what?
uiuc.3232641But what do they do in India?
uiuc.3232641Can the Devil do wonderful things with a ball?
uiuc.3232641Daddy, was Father Christmas killed in the war?
uiuc.3232641Did he look at you?
uiuc.3232641Did lie ever get out for notliing?
uiuc.3232641Did you ever see W. G. make a hundred, Daddy?
uiuc.3232641Did you ever see a man eaten by sharks?
uiuc.3232641Did you kill it?
uiuc.3232641Did you think, then, that you were the only man in the world with a taste for solitude? uiuc.3232641 Do you mean to say that you live here?"
uiuc.3232641Do you think I could n't tell a Rolls- Royce when I see it — I, who spend half my life on a car and the other half under it? uiuc.3232641 Do you think a zebu could fight a crocodile?"
uiuc.3232641How do the sledge and the reindeer get across the sea? uiuc.3232641 How long do you think it would take the zebu to beat the crocodile?"
uiuc.3232641Is He listenin'now?
uiuc.3232641Like some one? uiuc.3232641 Lord'a mercy, miss, and where did you go?"
uiuc.3232641My dear Barker, do n't you thinS that such a modern highwayman as you describe would be more likely to operate outside his own district? uiuc.3232641 No, one would n't, would it?
uiuc.3232641Oh, Daddy, how could you read all that?
uiuc.3232641One that would turn you black and dead you in five minutes?
uiuc.3232641Sent down?
uiuc.3232641So it was not true?
uiuc.3232641Then what will you do?
uiuc.3232641Then why believe it?
uiuc.3232641Then why does n't He kill the Devil%"And scalp him?
uiuc.3232641Then you wo n't take back what you said of me — the degradation and the rest?
uiuc.3232641Was he the best bat in the world, Daddy?
uiuc.3232641Was he very fast?
uiuc.3232641Well, suppose he butted him once every three hours, do n't you think-?
uiuc.3232641Well, then, what did the carnivorous animals eat?
uiuc.3232641Were n't you frightened, Daddy?
uiuc.3232641What is it?
uiuc.3232641What on earth does the foolish thing hope to do if she could find me?
uiuc.3232641What right have you to stop us on the public road, I should like to know?
uiuc.3232641What then would you advise?
uiuc.3232641What was it, Daddy?
uiuc.3232641What's it going to cost?
uiuc.3232641What's the biggest snake you ever saw?
uiuc.3232641What, a sailor and afraid?
uiuc.3232641What, then, are my instructions, as you are pleased to call them?
uiuc.3232641Whose beard?
uiuc.3232641Why are you here, sir?
uiuc.3232641Wo n't go away? uiuc.3232641 You had my letter?"
uiuc.3232641You have food- stuffs on board?
uiuc.3232641You were told that I was not receiving?
uiuc.3232641You will bolt your door at night?
uiuc.3232641%"What was it dressed like?"
uiuc.3232641* Do you know the person?
uiuc.323264131 I remember old Horli saying,"What use is a gun aboard a submarine?"
uiuc.32326415"Are you sure of all this?
uiuc.3232641Above all, might it not be the food of life, of monstrous life, even as the humble grease of the ocean is the food for the mighty- whale?
uiuc.3232641Am I the only big, tall man in the district?
uiuc.3232641Am I the only man with a motor- car?"
uiuc.3232641And what was the meaning of it all?
uiuc.3232641Anything upset you?"
uiuc.3232641Anything you particularly value?"
uiuc.3232641Are n't you afraid of being caught?
uiuc.3232641Are you the captain?"
uiuc.3232641But before I go, how is this?"
uiuc.3232641But might it not be the remains of life?
uiuc.3232641But what about me?
uiuc.3232641But what do you know of Gaster Fell, Miss Cameron?"
uiuc.3232641But why should they suspect my modest confec- tioner's villa more than any other of the ten thousand houses that face the sea?
uiuc.3232641But you say that you can do me a service which will be worth a thousand pounds to me?"
uiuc.3232641But you will make me a promise?"
uiuc.3232641But, Daddy, is it true that God listens to all we say?"
uiuc.3232641By what devilish instinct did this raw under- graduate find the one chink in his armour?
uiuc.3232641Ca n't you see the flag?
uiuc.3232641Can I hope to convey it to you even as I saw it myself last Thursday?
uiuc.3232641Can I trust you?
uiuc.3232641Could it be merely the restlessness, the love of adventure of a young girl?
uiuc.3232641Crocodiles live on sand- banks, do n't they?
uiuc.3232641Daddy,"said Laddie,"have you ever seen God?"
uiuc.3232641Daddy,"said Laddie.,"Do zebus bite?"
uiuc.3232641Dare not?"
uiuc.3232641Did n't you tell him that I am not seen before midday?"
uiuc.3232641Did you come from Oxford with this precious project?"
uiuc.3232641Did you ever see a really dreadful snake?"
uiuc.3232641Did you say tea and beer?"
uiuc.3232641Do n't you think he would beat the crocodile?"
uiuc.3232641Do n't you think if we both screamed together we could do some good?
uiuc.3232641Do you mean to tell me that I'm not morally justified in what I have done?
uiuc.3232641Do you see that?
uiuc.3232641Do you suppose that I could go and stick up this one personal enemy of mine and escape detection?
uiuc.3232641Do you use Long Melford?"
uiuc.3232641Great Chief, why does a wicked Paleface leave paper wherever he goes?"
uiuc.3232641Have you ever thought of going further — or seeking a course of college or even a learned profession?"
uiuc.3232641Have you found his trail?"
uiuc.3232641Have you my tea there?"
uiuc.3232641Have you not your orders?
uiuc.3232641Have you seen him before?"
uiuc.3232641How dared you break my desk and steal my letter?"
uiuc.3232641How do you do it?"
uiuc.3232641How do you know what friends she may have?"
uiuc.3232641How many hundred Rolls- Royces are there in the South of England?"
uiuc.3232641I hope I have convinced you that I had intended full reparation in each case before you came to accuse me%""Well?"
uiuc.3232641If that latent power of Dimples should ever come out, how will it be manifest?
uiuc.3232641Is n't he too awful with that black thing over his face?
uiuc.3232641Is this blackmail?"
uiuc.3232641Like whom?"
uiuc.3232641May I ask who you are?"
uiuc.3232641No pain, of course?"
uiuc.3232641Not marry — and why?"
uiuc.3232641Nothing more?"
uiuc.3232641Now in London-","Well, what about London?"
uiuc.3232641Now, Barker, what do you think of it all?
uiuc.3232641Now,"said he,"what am I to do to earn this?"
uiuc.3232641Oh, my goodness, whatever shall we do?"
uiuc.3232641Oh, my lord, can you pretend that you have forgotten poor, trusting Amelia, of Woodbine Cottage at Lich- field?"
uiuc.3232641Or was there, possibly, some deeper meaning in this nocturnal journey?
uiuc.3232641Or what, sir?"
uiuc.3232641Perhaps you've heard of Miss Flossie Thornton and Miss Hilda Mannering?
uiuc.3232641See that stream which lies like a silver band upon the distant moor?
uiuc.3232641That would stop all trouble, would n't it, Daddy?"
uiuc.3232641Then why live there?"
uiuc.3232641Then you go — you really go?"
uiuc.3232641Warriors of the Leatherskins, why have we come here?"
uiuc.3232641Was n't that so?"
uiuc.3232641Well, dear?"
uiuc.3232641Well, what's the matter?"
uiuc.3232641What about the girls?"
uiuc.3232641What about yourself?"
uiuc.3232641What about?"
uiuc.3232641What aid should be needed on Gaster Fell?"
uiuc.3232641What are we to do?"
uiuc.3232641What are you then?
uiuc.3232641What could she be doing flying the flag in the enemy's waters?
uiuc.3232641What did he hit you for?"
uiuc.3232641What did you do it for?
uiuc.3232641What do you mean?
uiuc.3232641What else would the bloke do when you bashed his hat?"
uiuc.3232641What has?"
uiuc.3232641What is it that you want?"
uiuc.3232641What is it?"
uiuc.3232641What is sleep?
uiuc.3232641What is the meaning of this?"
uiuc.3232641What is the use% Do you imagine that you could:-defeat their vast armada?"
uiuc.3232641What is your effective fleet, Admiral?"
uiuc.3232641What is your name?"
uiuc.3232641What motive could have taken her from her snug room on to the bleak, wind- swept hills?
uiuc.3232641What on earth is the matter?
uiuc.3232641What on earth-?"
uiuc.3232641What power could there be to draw this tender girl, through wind and rain and darkness, across the fearsome moors to that strange rendezvous?
uiuc.3232641What right have you to play the spy on me?"
uiuc.3232641What shall be his fate?
uiuc.3232641What was it you asked?"
uiuc.3232641What was it?"
uiuc.3232641What would you advise us to do?"
uiuc.3232641What would you have?"
uiuc.3232641What's up?
uiuc.3232641What, then, does Wri'ggly represent?
uiuc.3232641When has such a story as this been written in the annals of our race?"
uiuc.3232641Where's master?"
uiuc.3232641Who are you to call her Henrietta?"
uiuc.3232641Who has a Rolls- Royce about here except you?"
uiuc.3232641Who is it?
uiuc.3232641Who is the wench?
uiuc.3232641Who's the fellow who talks of'one crowded hour of glorious life'?
uiuc.3232641Why did you not warn me, Henrietta?"
uiuc.3232641Why did you rob me last night?"
uiuc.3232641Why do you say that I robbed you last night?"
uiuc.3232641Why do you think that I will give you so large a sum of money?"
uiuc.3232641Why do you want this large sum of money?"
uiuc.3232641Why should I have a y> ort of any kind?
uiuc.3232641Why the devil do n't you keep your head- lights on?
uiuc.3232641Why were you such a chump as to turn your back on him like that?"
uiuc.3232641Why, what's wrong with them?"
uiuc.3232641Will you hold his coat?"
uiuc.3232641Y ou will not refuse me?"
uiuc.3232641You are my nephew, Vereker Tregellis?"
uiuc.3232641You are? my uncle, and, if I may say so, my ideal and my model."
uiuc.3232641You could n't call them useful, could you?"
uiuc.3232641You will give me water, will you not?
uiuc.3232641cried the elder,"may I present Mr. Jack Jarvis, of Brasenose College?
uiuc.3232641from both boys: and then,"Did it go into the next county, Daddy?"
uiuc.3232641he"cried,"what are you up to?"
uiuc.3232641who is there can tell me where it leads?"
uiuc.3232641you would treat a lady so — you would do it again?
uiuc.3232641THE FALL OF LORD BARRYMORE 85"So you made a tumult in his street, forced Ms door, and beat his footman?"
uiuc.3232641THE SURGEON OF GASTER EELL 155"And you will live on the Gaster Fell?"
hvd.32044086823036'” “ What say you to this, gentlemen? ” asked the king, looking round with laughing eyes.
hvd.32044086823036* “ Did you say that you must go on your way, to- morrow, father? ” he asked the priest.
hvd.32044086823036Am I not a free woman Have I not said that this is the only man I ever loved?
hvd.32044086823036Am I not as HOW NIGEL WENT MARKETING 77 proper a man as Tom Withstaff of Churt?
hvd.32044086823036And now, who follows up this quarrel? ” A growl ran round the table.
hvd.32044086823036And this lady of thine, Nigel?
hvd.32044086823036And when do you go?
hvd.32044086823036And who are these who are lashed to their stirrups? ” A small troop of mounted bowmen had ridden out of an oak grove upon the left of the road.
hvd.32044086823036And why should I treat him better?
hvd.32044086823036And why? ” “ Because he is not thine to slay, sire.
hvd.32044086823036But a covey of pheasants: What sort of talk is that?
hvd.32044086823036But hark, John, what is that? ” Chandos cast up his fierce nose like the eagle which smells slaughter afar.
hvd.32044086823036But if you wish to ride with me — ” “ What could man wish for more?
hvd.32044086823036But now I am yours, and what is your sweet will? ” “ When you are fit to ride, you will come back with me to my people. ” “ Alas!
hvd.32044086823036But of a truth you are too late. ” “ Too late? ” cried Knolles.
hvd.32044086823036But tell me what befell upon the boat? ” “ There is little to tell, fair sir.
hvd.32044086823036But what was this?
hvd.32044086823036But why should we need his word for his own guilt You have seen, my lords, you have heard?
hvd.32044086823036But you, sir?
hvd.32044086823036Can I do aught else, Nigel, to prove to you the high esteem in which I hold you? ” The squire flushed with pleasure.
hvd.32044086823036Can I not read in his eyes that he has indeed deceived me, that he would have left me as you say that he has left others?
hvd.32044086823036Can you not see that there is no wind, and that the Frenchman can warp her as swiftly as we?
hvd.32044086823036Could I or any true man be so caitiff and so thrall?
hvd.32044086823036Did I not warn you? ” “ Be silent, Philip! ” said the king, angrily.
hvd.32044086823036Do you come, little sir? ” “ I pray you, my dear lord, to let me go! ” cried Nigel.
hvd.32044086823036Do you say that some one hath taken the papers? ” “ It is sooth, fair sir!
hvd.32044086823036Has your life not taught its lesson, you, whose horn was exalted among the highest and will soon not have a roof above your grey hairs?
hvd.32044086823036Have we not heard of his thirst for glory?
hvd.32044086823036Have you aught to say, you fox- haired rascal? ” He thrust his face within two inches of that of the red man who had first seized his sword.
hvd.32044086823036Have you seen him with your own eyes, or do you repeat from hearsay?
hvd.32044086823036How are you called, young sir? ” “ I also am a squire by rank and the son of a knight.
hvd.32044086823036How came a pike in the pond?
hvd.32044086823036How can justice come to him, when no man knows who owns the land?
hvd.32044086823036How could he desert the prince and his noble master for the sake of a private gain?
hvd.32044086823036How dare you suppose that I or any noble knight had such a huckster's soul as to think only of ransoms where honour is to be won?
hvd.32044086823036How fares the forester? ” “ His hurt is grievous, Father Abbot, but he will live, ” said a brother, looking up from the prostrate form.
hvd.32044086823036How have you fared, young squire errant?
hvd.32044086823036How like you that, Nigel? ” “ My honoured lord, what could I ask for better? ” “ Then have your harness ready, for we start within the week.
hvd.32044086823036How like you that, Nigel? ” “ My honoured lord, what could I ask for better? ” “ Then have your harness ready, for we start within the week.
hvd.32044086823036How many robbers were there, lady? ” “ Two stout fellows. ” “ Then I come also. ” “ Nay, it is not possible, ” said Nigel.
hvd.32044086823036How now, archer?
hvd.32044086823036How now, my good Walter Have you another squire, or will you clear a path for us yourself?"
hvd.32044086823036How now, young sir, what mean such P 2IO SIR NIGEL words, to which we are little wo nt?
hvd.32044086823036How say you, fair son Is the man guilty 7 ° “ Sire, he is guilty. ” “ And you, John 7 And you, Walter?
hvd.32044086823036How say you? ” The knight turned pale and sank his eyes.
hvd.32044086823036How then would you say it? ” Nigel scratched his head.
hvd.32044086823036Hugh Baddlesmere, and you, Dicon of Rye — into the boat with you! ” 196 SIR NIGEL “ What? ” cried Aylward.
hvd.32044086823036I know not how I have lived to tell it. ” “ What is your devoir to me?
hvd.32044086823036I thank the Virgin that it is not too late| What did he say?
hvd.32044086823036I will save you from this man's cunning and from your own foolish weakness. ” “ What would you do? ” “ There is a priest without.
hvd.32044086823036I will see you married ere I leave this hall. ” “ Or else? ” sneered the man.
hvd.32044086823036If you are man and wife before the altar, then, indeed, why should I, or any other, stand between you?
hvd.32044086823036In what form has the foul fiend appeared, and how has he done this grievous scathe to our brethren?
hvd.32044086823036Is it a compliment, think you, to be mixed with a drove in that fashion?
hvd.32044086823036Is it of this world or of the next? ” The bishop had clambered on his horse the better to consider the point.
hvd.32044086823036Is there a squire in England who would not serve under the banner of Chandos I Whither do you go, fair sir?
hvd.32044086823036Is there, then, no ship for me? ” The king smiled, but shook his head.
hvd.32044086823036Is this not so? ” A murmur of eager assent rose from the table.
hvd.32044086823036Is this young squire never to be unhorsed, or is your king himself to lay lance in rest ere the way can be cleared?
hvd.32044086823036It was but to say what stores were to be sent after you to Calais? ” “ Is that not everything? ” cried Chandos, impatiently.
hvd.32044086823036It was but to say what stores were to be sent after you to Calais? ” “ Is that not everything? ” cried Chandos, impatiently.
hvd.32044086823036Keep your heart highl Is it not the chance of war, to- day to them, to- morrow to thee, and death at last for us all?
hvd.32044086823036Nay, Nigel, whither do you go?
hvd.32044086823036Shall I not show you? ” In an instant he had spurred the charger and was speeding across the plain.
hvd.32044086823036Speak then, Paul of Shalford Will you we d this woman now, or will you not? ” Edith was on her feet with outstretched arms between them.
hvd.32044086823036Surely the matter does not end here? ” “ Two down out of five, ” said Badding, “ and twelve at the least against us.
hvd.32044086823036THE TWISTED MAN OF SHALFORD 145 “ But it is not your road, father? ” “ The only road of a true priest is that which leads to the good of others.
hvd.32044086823036The ban which blasts a man's soul is in the keeping of his Church, and what have we to place against it?
hvd.32044086823036The wise and the good, the noble and the brave, they come from the darkness, and into the darkness they go, whence, whither, and why, who may say?
hvd.32044086823036There is no reason, if things be as we fear, that he should not marry your daughter? ” “ Nay, she could not wish for better. ” “ It is well.
hvd.32044086823036There was the rasping of a bolt and then a loud voice: “ Is that you, priest? ” “ Yes, it is I, ” said the prisoner, in a quavering voice.
hvd.32044086823036They are our own hobbellers, are they not?
hvd.32044086823036Was ever so dreadful, so sudden, so complete, an end to a gentle passage at arms?
hvd.32044086823036We make a merry group, do we not?
hvd.32044086823036What call you them, then, Edith? ” “ Nay, I know not, ” said the girl, listlessly.
hvd.32044086823036What chance did he give me when he had the power?
hvd.32044086823036What do you ask? ” “ I ask only one thing, and I have come hither that I may get it.
hvd.32044086823036What does it mean?
hvd.32044086823036What in the Devil's name have you seen 2 ” “ Know you a little man, partly misshapen, named Paul de la Fosse? ” “ I know him well.
hvd.32044086823036What in the name of the Virgin is that? ” Four brilliant stars of flashing light had shone out from different points of the cloud- bank.
hvd.32044086823036What more would you have, old war- dog?
hvd.32044086823036What new venture does he see that he should tarry here? ” Nigel walked to the table.
hvd.32044086823036What say you to that, young sir? ” Nigel dipped his finger in his glass, and, leaning over, he placed its wet impress on the Breton's hand.
hvd.32044086823036What then would you do? ” Nigel pointed to the boat which towed astern.
hvd.32044086823036What use are you to me, Raoul, since I have gained no honour in the taking of you?
hvd.32044086823036What would I not give to have it back 2 ” “ Will you give me my life? ” asked the outlaw.
hvd.32044086823036What, then, my friend?
hvd.32044086823036Where is your citole, Nigel?
hvd.32044086823036Where, then, was he to look for help?
hvd.32044086823036Whither go you, archer? ” “ To tell the good Sir John that you are mending. ” “ Nay, bide with me a little longer, Aylward.
hvd.32044086823036Why did you not tell me? ” “ I should think it shame to talk of such a thing. ” “ So would your father before you, and his father no less.
hvd.32044086823036Will you indeed take no less than a hundred and fifty?
hvd.32044086823036Will you not ride with me to the wars? ” The tears brimmed over from Nigel's eyes, and he wrung the gaunt hand extended from the bath.
hvd.32044086823036Will you not stoop to show me some small deed of arms?
hvd.32044086823036With what have I fought, father bishop?
hvd.32044086823036Wot you how I took it, archer?
hvd.32044086823036Wot you how I took it, archer?
hvd.32044086823036Wot you why it is that the king has sent for me? ” Nigel read terror in the dark cunning eyes which glanced in sidelong fashion into his.
hvd.32044086823036Would Nigel spring off?
hvd.32044086823036Would he ever get to the end of it?
hvd.32044086823036Yonder betwixt the ash- tree and the rock what do you see on the side of the far hill? ” “ There is a white dot upon it.
hvd.32044086823036You would not do him a hurt| Did you not say so this very THE TWISTED MAN OF SHALFORD 153 day?
hvd.32044086823036You would not murder me? ” said he, leaning back with haggard face and burning eyes against his chair.
hvd.32044086823036how will you behave when you have indeed to face the King of Terrors himself if you can be so frightened by the sight of a yellow horse?
hvd.32044086823036the Red Ferret? ” said he.
hvd.32044086823036there are three years to run, and what may not happen in three years?
hvd.32044086823036what is this?
hvd.32044086823036where is your bracer- guard?
hvd.32044086823036who are you? ” It was Aylward, who had followed Nigel, and was pushing his way aboard.
hvd.32044086823036“ A magpie?
hvd.32044086823036“ Am I to be left behind I, who am the squire's own man?
hvd.32044086823036“ And is it so? ” she cried.
hvd.32044086823036“ Bethink you, Paul Why should you not do what he asks What matter to you whether it be now or on Monday?
hvd.32044086823036“ By Saint Paul I"he cried, “ who is this man on whom you are perched, and where is the lady who has honoured us so far as to crave our help?
hvd.32044086823036“ Can you not hear that? ” he asked.
hvd.32044086823036“ Can you not see that we are warping the Rose of Guienne into midstream for the ebb- tide Is this a time to break in upon us?
hvd.32044086823036“ Did you hear them, Simon?
hvd.32044086823036“ Hark, my lord? ” said he to Sir Robert.
hvd.32044086823036“ Heard you ever such villainy? ” cried Aylward, breathing fierce and hard.
hvd.32044086823036“ Her honour, say you — the honour of my daughter?
hvd.32044086823036“ How long is it, my Lord Chandos, ” said he, hotly, “ since you have taken it upon yourself to wear my arms? ” Chandos smiled.
hvd.32044086823036“ How now, gentles, will you never wait your turn? ” he rumbled, in a deep angry voice.
hvd.32044086823036“ How say you, sire?
hvd.32044086823036“ I would have died ere I lost them 1 What can I say to her?
hvd.32044086823036“ In spite of my will? ” “ In spite of your will, sire, ” said Nigel, sitting up on his couch, with white face and blazing eyes.
hvd.32044086823036“ Is this fair dame your betrothed? ” “ She is my love, ” answered the Frenchman.
hvd.32044086823036“ Is this the sport that you have promised us, Sir John?
hvd.32044086823036“ Is this the way to enter the Abbot's own chamber without knock or reverence, or so much as a ‘ Paa, vobiscum'? ” said he, sternly.
hvd.32044086823036“ Mistress Edith? ” said he.
hvd.32044086823036“ My friend, ” said Simon, “ will you come ashore to- night — for I have need of your help? ”, Aylward crowed lustily.
hvd.32044086823036“ Nay, John, have I not given you two hundred archers and a hundred men- at- arms to take with you into Brittany?
hvd.32044086823036“ Nay, Sir John, what would you?
hvd.32044086823036“ Nay, but you must not lose heart. ” “ Have I not already lost it? ” said he.
hvd.32044086823036“ Say rather will you take me? ” said Chandos.
hvd.32044086823036“ Shall we let them slip from our fingers when we have them here and are fourfold their number?
hvd.32044086823036“ Simon, the Englishman What make you here? ” Simon put his hand upon his shoulder.
hvd.32044086823036“ Surely they are the Spaniards? ” said the king.
hvd.32044086823036“ Surely you would not leave me? ”- But the other's helmet was closed and he could hear nothing.
hvd.32044086823036“ Tell me of the Welsh, honoured sir? ” asked the squire.
hvd.32044086823036“ Tell me, Squire Nigel, did you indeed put pike in the pond? ” The young man drew himself proudly up.
hvd.32044086823036“ They have some of your birds in their cage, have they not?
hvd.32044086823036“ Well, Brother Samuel, what is your will? ” he asked.
hvd.32044086823036“ What do you hope to do, then Would you carry the castle with your own hands?
hvd.32044086823036“ What has befallen to stop us?
hvd.32044086823036“ What have you prayed for, Nigel? ” said she.
hvd.32044086823036“ What is that? ” “ As like as not some poor devil has fallen into their clutches, even as I did.
hvd.32044086823036“ What would you do if I were injured, Nigel?
hvd.32044086823036“ What would you do? ” he asked.
hvd.32044086823036“ What, ” said he, “ the knight errant still lingers?
hvd.32044086823036“ Where is the saddle- bag? ” It had been cut away by a sharp knife.
hvd.32044086823036“ Whither away this evening Sure I am that it is not to see your friends of Cosford, for when did you ever don so brave a doublet for us?
hvd.32044086823036“ Who are you, and whence come you at this hour of the night?
hvd.32044086823036“ Who are you? ” he asked.
hvd.32044086823036“ Who hath fought against these Spaniards? ” he asked.
hvd.32044086823036“ Who is warden here? ” asked Chandos, springing from his horse.
hvd.32044086823036“ Who shall say there is no God? ” she cried.
hvd.32044086823036“ Whose is the shield behind him — silver with scarlet drops? ” asked Knolles.
hvd.32044086823036“ Would you take life from a creature whose only fault is that its spirit is so high that it has met none yet who dare control it?
hvd.32044086823036“ You are young Loring of Tilford, the squire of Chandos, are you not? ” said he.
coo.31924051019580( You will excuse the frankness of this report, will you not, sir?)
coo.31924051019580- “ An appointment. ” “ Got your letter? ” I produced the envelope.
coo.31924051019580- “ What do you know of Professor Challenger? ” “ Challenger? ” He gathered his brdws in scientific disap- proval.
coo.31924051019580- “ What do you know of Professor Challenger? ” “ Challenger? ” He gathered his brdws in scientific disap- proval.
coo.31924051019580-Or are these thoughts the vain wisdom which comes after the event?
coo.31924051019580..... m.. am?
coo.31924051019580.By the way, are vou by any chance the Malone who is expected to get his Rugby cap for Ire- land? ”'“ A reserve, perhaps. ”.
coo.31924051019580189 1 glooming at the back of it?
coo.31924051019580A volcanic tube full of blue clay. ” “ What of that? ” I asked.
coo.31924051019580And was this the imposing Professor who had swelled behind the great desk in his massive study at Enmore Park?
coo.31924051019580And who is it that is after us? ” “ The ape- men, ” he cried.
coo.31924051019580And why should n't we be the men to find it out?
coo.31924051019580And, finally, could this be the austere and prim figure which had risen before the meeting at the Zoological Institute?
coo.31924051019580But Gladys—'was it not the very opportunity of which she spoke?
coo.31924051019580But had he fallen?
coo.31924051019580But had the process stopped?
coo.31924051019580But if animwls, or some single terrible animal, then what had become of my comrades?
coo.31924051019580But if it is neither bird nor bat, what is it? ” My small stock of knowledge was exhausted.
coo.31924051019580But this should puzzle ’ em. ” “ What is it all? ” I asked, when I had got my breath.
coo.31924051019580But what other evidence had they?
coo.31924051019580CHALLENGER: ‘ You would require to see the thing itself? ’ “ DR.
coo.31924051019580Can you hear them now? ” “ Very far away. ”_ “ That little lot will do no good, but I expect their search parties are all over the wood.
coo.31924051019580Celtic, I pre- sume? ” “ I am an Irishman, sir. ” “ Irish Irish?"
coo.31924051019580Celtic, I pre- sume? ” “ I am an Irishman, sir. ” “ Irish Irish?"
coo.31924051019580Clumsily faked! ” “ In the face of specimens? ” “ Ah, there we may have them!
coo.31924051019580Could I have imagined when I entered that hall that I was about to pledge myself to a wilder adventure than had ever come to me in my dreams?
coo.31924051019580Did it not strike you? ” “ A most remarkable creature, ” said I.
coo.31924051019580Did n’t you say it was adventures you were after? ”.
coo.31924051019580Did you think you could match cunning with me — you with your walnut of a brain?.
coo.31924051019580Do you give him in charge, sir? ” I relented.
coo.31924051019580Do you suppose any woman in the world was ever taken unawares?
coo.31924051019580Do you suppose they do n't all talk about you?
coo.31924051019580Each of those nicks is for a slave murderer — a good row of them — what?
coo.31924051019580Had it been an accident?
coo.31924051019580Had it built itself out of the cooling, inorganic elements of the globe?
coo.31924051019580Had the girms of it arrived from outside upon a meteor?
coo.31924051019580Has not the general evidence since that date tended to — well, to strengthen his position? ” “ What evidence? ” He spoke with a menacing calm.
coo.31924051019580Has not the general evidence since that date tended to — well, to strengthen his position? ” “ What evidence? ” He spoke with a menacing calm.
coo.31924051019580Have I made myself clear?
coo.31924051019580Have you searched for hidden treas- ure, or discovered a pole, or done time on a pirate, or flown the Channel, or what?
coo.31924051019580He put the pterodactyl into your head. ”"Well, then, the bones? ” “ First one out of an Irish stew.
coo.31924051019580How came you to take an interest in the affair? ” I told him shortly my experiences of the morning, and he listened intently.
coo.31924051019580How do you account for that? ” “ We can only suppose that he must have made his way to the summit and seen it there.
coo.31924051019580How does it appeal to you? ” “ Anything — anywhere—-I care nothing. ” McArdle was plunged in thought for some minutes.
coo.31924051019580How shall I ever forget the solemn mystery_of it?
coo.31924051019580How then shall I find a means to convey us?
coo.31924051019580I know because I have seen some of them. ”( Applause, uproar, and a voice, “ Liar! ”) “ Am I a liar? ”( General hearty and noisy assent.)
coo.31924051019580I say, young fellah, I hope you do n’t mind — what?
coo.31924051019580I should have remembered that these people have long memories for blood- feuds, and have been more upon my guard. ” “ What about the other one?
coo.31924051019580I suppose it was n't about South America you wanted to see him? ” I could not lie to a lady.
coo.31924051019580I think they have cleared, do n’t you? ” We listened intently, but nothing save the calling of the birds broke the deep peace of the forest.
coo.31924051019580I'll go bail for it that nothing has ever been written upon this paper. ” I “ May I come in? ” boomed a voice from the veranda.
coo.31924051019580If.I marry, I do want to marry a famous man! ” “ V!/hy should you not? ” I cried.
coo.31924051019580Is that clear? ”'“ It is very hard, ” said I.
coo.31924051019580It is certain that there is a point where an ascent is possible. ” “ How do you know that, sir? ” asked Summerlee, sharply.
coo.31924051019580It was a solemn place, for the walls were so gigantic and WHO COULD HAVE FORESEEN IT?
coo.31924051019580It was at a point where the face of the clifl?
coo.31924051019580It was my business to find out what it was. ” “ What did you do? ” My flippancy was gone.
coo.31924051019580Iurucwonrrrz ‘ Undoubtedly. ’ “ Pnoi-‘nssoa CHALLENGER: ‘ And you would accept that? ’ “ Dn.
coo.31924051019580Let me see; you have given me your promise that my confidence will be respected?
coo.31924051019580Lord Iohn, I trust that you will not countenance such madness? ” “ Dooced ingenious, I call it, ” said our peer.
coo.31924051019580May I ask for volunteers? ” It is thus that the great crisis of a man ’s life springs out at him.
coo.31924051019580My general conclusions you are good enough to approve, as I understand? ” “ Entirely, sir — entirely! ” I was very emphatic.
coo.31924051019580Now, sir, why should you not follow your brethren?
coo.31924051019580Oh, my Irish wits, could they not help me now, when I needed help so sorely?
coo.31924051019580Professor Munchausen — how ’s that for an inset headline?
coo.31924051019580That strengthens my position very much, does it not?
coo.31924051019580That was the great De Beers Diamond Mine of Kimberley — what?
coo.31924051019580That your praise can make a man and your blame can break him?
coo.31924051019580That's it, Ma- lone~—-what? ’ ’'“ You are really intolerable! ” said I, hotly.
coo.31924051019580The man- eatin ’ Papuans had me once, but they are Chesterfields compared to this crowd. ” “ How did it happen? ” I asked.
coo.31924051019580The place which Maple White ’s chalk- marks had in- dli)<1: ated as his own means of access was now entirely impass- a e. What were we to do now?
coo.31924051019580The question before us is what are we to do with these Indians?
coo.31924051019580There ’s a Booth boat for Para next Wednesday week, and if the Professor and you can work it, I think we should take it — what?
coo.31924051019580VVhat is the scientific mind to think of their presence?
coo.31924051019580VVhat more?
coo.31924051019580VVho could have fore- seen it?
coo.31924051019580VVhy should n’t somethin’ new and wonderful lie in such a country?
coo.31924051019580WHAT WAS IT?
coo.31924051019580WHO COULD HAVE FORESEEN IT?
coo.31924051019580Was it hardness, was it selfishness, that she should ask me to risk my life for her own glorification?
coo.31924051019580Was it possible that in this age of ingen- ious manipulation photographs could be accepted as evidence?
coo.31924051019580Was n’t he the man who broke the skull of Blundell, of the Telegraph? ” The news editor smiled grimly.
coo.31924051019580Was she dead or alive?
coo.31924051019580Was the London Zoological Institute to place itself in this position?
coo.31924051019580Was there not an exposed margin there upon which he might be accessible?
coo.31924051019580Was this gentleman to be taken as the final type- the be- all and end- all of development?
coo.31924051019580Was this not evi- dence? ’( Several voices, ‘ No. ’) ‘ Who said no? ’ “ DR.
coo.31924051019580Was this not evi- dence? ’( Several voices, ‘ No. ’) ‘ Who said no? ’ “ DR.
coo.31924051019580Was this reasonable?
coo.31924051019580Was this to constitute a final proof where the matters in question were of the most revolutionary and incredible character?
coo.31924051019580We must all bow to you, and try to get a favorable word, must we?
coo.31924051019580What about exposing a fraud — a modern Munchausen—- and making him rideeculous?
coo.31924051019580What about your outfit? ” “ My paper will see to that. ” “ Can you shoot? ”.
coo.31924051019580What about your outfit? ” “ My paper will see to that. ” “ Can you shoot? ”.
coo.31924051019580What can I do better than transcribe his narrative-—head- line: and all?
coo.31924051019580What could I do?
coo.31924051019580What could his sling, his throwing- stick, or his arrow avail him against such forces as have been loose to- night?
coo.31924051019580What did it amount to?
coo.31924051019580What did you say they were? ” “ Iguanodons/, ’ said Summerlee.
coo.31924051019580What do you say to that? ”.
coo.31924051019580What has he done? ” The face flashed back again.
coo.31924051019580What help could I get from that?
coo.31924051019580What if I have returned safe?
coo.31924051019580What is his particular fad? ” “ He has a thousand, but the latest is something about Weismann and Evolution.
coo.31924051019580What is the particular point upon which I, as an original investigator, have challenged our lecturer ’s accuracy?
coo.31924051019580What is the result?
coo.31924051019580What is your profession? ” “ I am a solicitor ’s clerk, ” said he.
coo.31924051019580What ’s that? ”_ It was a strange clicking noise in the distance not unlike castanets.
coo.31924051019580What, my friends, is the conquest of one nation'by another?
coo.31924051019580What, then, shall we now do? ” “ There seems to be only one reasonable course, ” said Pro- fessor Summerlee.
coo.31924051019580Where have you been, young fellah?
coo.31924051019580Where is the glamor of romance?
coo.31924051019580Where is your dignity, George? ” “ How about yours, my dear? ” “ You try me too much.
coo.31924051019580Where is your dignity, George? ” “ How about yours, my dear? ” “ You try me too much.
coo.31924051019580Where is your dignity?
coo.31924051019580Where were all my nightly dreams of the open arms, the smiling face, the words of praise for her man who had risked his life to humor her whim?
coo.31924051019580Who else? ” “ Well, then, the photographs? ” “ There was nothing in the photographs.
coo.31924051019580Who else? ” “ Well, then, the photographs? ” “ There was nothing in the photographs.
coo.31924051019580Who knows what venom these beasts may have in their hideous jaws? ” But surely no men ever had just such a day since the world began.
coo.31924051019580Who ’s to blame them?
coo.31924051019580Why ca n’t you control yourself? ” “ I did n’t invent it, ” I pleaded.
coo.31924051019580Would you care to come? ”.
coo.31924051019580You are my Gladys, are you not — litt1e Gladys Hungerton? ” “ No, ” said she, “ I am Gladys Potts.
coo.31924051019580You are still unconvinced? ” “ I am at least deeply interested. ” “ Then your case is not hopeless.
coo.31924051019580You may re- member that day we found the pterodactyl rookery in the swamp—-what?
coo.31924051019580You remember the great bristle of sharp canes down below where we found the skeleton of the American?
coo.31924051019580You think you are omnipotent, you infernal scribblers, do n’t you?
coo.31924051019580_ CHAPTER IX “ WHO COULD HAVE FORESEEN IT? ” A dreadful thing has happened to us.
coo.31924051019580_ “ What ’s all this?
coo.31924051019580as bad as that?
coo.31924051019580i “ What I do now? ” he cried.
coo.31924051019580in person?
coo.31924051019580insisted, turning to me, “ what is it, then? ” “ This man attacked me, ” said I.
coo.31924051019580wrro COULD HAVE FORESEEN IT?
coo.31924051019580you do? ” “ Well, he became more reasonable and we had a chat.
coo.31924051019580‘ Strange story of high life'— you felt fairly high on that pedestal, did you not?
coo.31924051019580“ After all, what do I know about your honor? ” said he.
coo.31924051019580“ Ah, what indeed? ” I murmured.
coo.31924051019580“ And then, sir, what did you do next? ” “ It was the wet season, Mr. Malone, and my stores were ex- hausted.
coo.31924051019580“ Any- thing wrong with you? ” “ Did you see it? ” I cried, with my arms round the branch and all my nerves tingling.
coo.31924051019580“ Any- thing wrong with you? ” “ Did you see it? ” I cried, with my arms round the branch and all my nerves tingling.
coo.31924051019580“ But round the water — where the reeds were? ” “ It was a bluish soil.
coo.31924051019580“ But what I do for you now? ” There was plenty for him to do, and admirably the faithful fellow did it.
coo.31924051019580“ But what does that prove? ” he asked, in a gentle, persua- sive voice.
coo.31924051019580“ Can we be in the wrong cave? ” I suggested.
coo.31924051019580“ Challenger was the man who came with some cock- and- bull story from South America. ” “ What story? ”.
coo.31924051019580“ Clever old dear, ai n’t he? ” he whispered to me, and then louder to Challenger.
coo.31924051019580“ Did I hear some- one say that I was a liar?
coo.31924051019580“ Did you attack him? ” asked the policeman.
coo.31924051019580“ Did you notice the soil? ”'-.
coo.31924051019580“ Did you see it? ” cried Challenger, in exultation.
coo.31924051019580“ Did you venture to call me a liar? ”( “ No, sir, no! ” shouted the accused, and disappeared like a Iaek- in- the- box.)
coo.31924051019580“ Do I help you to realize that the plateau contains some animal life? ” I have said that a thick fringe of green overhung the edge of the cliff.
coo.31924051019580“ Do n't women always know?
coo.31924051019580“ Do n't you think all this is a little too personal? ” he said.
coo.31924051019580“ Do you mind?
coo.31924051019580“ Expected? ” he asked.
coo.31924051019580“ F:1 fin"?
coo.31924051019580“ Had enough? ” he panted.
coo.31924051019580“ How did"you do it?
coo.31924051019580“ How do you know that? ” asked Lord Iohn.
coo.31924051019580“ I believe it is meant for a sign- post. ” Il T “?
coo.31924051019580“ Is all ready for your journey? ” he asked.
coo.31924051019580“ No, ” said I, “ I do not. ” “ What's that? ” said the policeman.
coo.31924051019580“ Now, how_ did you know that I was going to propose? ” I asked in genuine wonder.
coo.31924051019580“ Oh, you are the young person who can not understand plain English, are you?
coo.31924051019580“ Summer- lee, did you see it? ” His colleague was staring at the spot where the creature had disappeared.
coo.31924051019580“ Surely I hear something? ” From the utter silence there emerged a deep, regular pat- pat.
coo.31924051019580“ Surely these are only crocodiles? ” “ Alligators!
coo.31924051019580“ Surely we could get down. ” “ How about the Indians in the cave? ” Summerlee objected.
coo.31924051019580“ VVhy not? ” she said.
coo.31924051019580“ We fitted him up with an empty beef tin and he is off. ” “ To the old camp? ” I asked.
coo.31924051019580“ Well, then, I promise. ” “ Word of honor? ”.
coo.31924051019580“ Well, ” he cried, expectantly, “ what may it run to?
coo.31924051019580“ Well? ” he asked.
coo.31924051019580“ Well? ” said he, with a most insolent stare.
coo.31924051019580“ What about a car? ” “ The car will be my next care.
coo.31924051019580“ What are you?
coo.31924051019580“ What can you 24 THE LOST WORLD hope for?.
coo.31924051019580“ What do you claim that it was? ” he asked.
coo.31924051019580“ What do you make.of that? ” he asked.
coo.31924051019580“ What do you mean? ” she said.
coo.31924051019580“ What does it prove? ” “ Shall I tell you? ” he cooed.
coo.31924051019580“ What does it prove? ” “ Shall I tell you? ” he cooed.
coo.31924051019580“ What is it, then? ” I asked.
coo.31924051019580“ What is the matter?
coo.31924051019580“ What is the use of returning? ” he said.
coo.31924051019580“ What more do you want?
coo.31924051019580“ What now? ” I must keep up my deception for at least a little time longer, otherwise here was evidently an end of the interview.
coo.31924051019580“ What shall we call it? ” he asked.
coo.31924051019580“ What was it? ” i whispered.
coo.31924051019580“ What ’s the matter? ” shouted Roxton from below.
coo.31924051019580“ Where are the professors?
coo.31924051019580“ Why should you not take the chance of perpetuating your own name? ” said Summerlee, with his usual touch of acidity.
coo.31924051019580“ Will you answer a question? ” I asked.
coo.31924051019580“ Will you come to the meeting? ” I asked.
coo.31924051019580“ You did n't get my letter at Para, then? ” “ No, I got no letter. ” “ Oh, what a pity!
coo.31924051019580“ You wo n’t stand it, eh? ”_ “ Do n't be such.a fool, Professor! ” I cried.
uiug.30112042261195311 RODNEY STONE “ I presume that you have a warrant, sir? ” said Craven.
uiug.30112042261195359 LORD AWON “ Surely, Ned, you have a greeting for me after all these years? ” “ You believed me to have done this deed, Charles.
uiug.3011204226119546 PLAY- ACTRESS OF ANSTEY CROSS “ Oh, that's the prettiest, is it? ” said she, laughing.
uiug.30112042261195Ai n't they damnation smart? ” cried the little WOIman.
uiug.30112042261195All ready? ” “ All ready! ” from both corners.
uiug.30112042261195And perhaps you never heard the name before? ” We were compelled to confess that we never had.
uiug.30112042261195And what then, sir? ” cried Francis, who appeared to be an irascible, rough- tongued man.
uiug.30112042261195And why does he sign himself ‘ him whom you knew as Jim Harrison? ” By what other style should I know him?
uiug.30112042261195And why does he sign himself ‘ him whom you knew as Jim Harrison? ” By what other style should I know him?
uiug.30112042261195Are you bound that way?
uiug.30112042261195Are you still laying against him? ” “ Three to one. ” “ Have you once in hundreds. ” “ Very good, Craven!
uiug.30112042261195Been out of town, Tregellis? ” “ For a few days. ” “ Heml ” said the man, transferring his sleepy gaze to my uncle.
uiug.30112042261195But as to hunting, what amuse- ment can there be in flying about among a 152 WATIER'S crowd of greasy, galloping farmers?
uiug.30112042261195But let them hoist sail, and how d'you tell them then? ” “ Frenchy has white sails, ” cried several.
uiug.30112042261195But surely you do n't go to hounds, Charles? ” “ I was out with the Belvoir last winter. ” “ The Belvoir!
uiug.30112042261195But what's this you've brought, Tregellis, eh? ” My uncle put his hand on my sleeve and led me forward.
uiug.30112042261195But what's this?
uiug.30112042261195But you will promise me not to gamble, Roddy?
uiug.30112042261195By the way, Sir Charles, where is your man? ” “ I would ask you that question, Sir Lothian, ” answered my uncle.
uiug.30112042261195By the way, Tregellis, have you got your man for this fight yet? ” “ NO. ” “ You seem to be hanging in the wind a long time.
uiug.30112042261195Can you do addition?
uiug.30112042261195Can you do anything on a yard of tin?
uiug.30112042261195Can you write verse? ” “ I fear not, sir. ” “ A small book of rhymes may be had for half a crown.
uiug.30112042261195D'you know what the bettin'is to- day? ” “ I have not been out yet. ” “ Then I'll tell you.
uiug.30112042261195Did I ever tell you how we laid aboard the French sloop of war Minerve — hey, Tre- gellis? ”- “ No, sir, ” said my uncle.
uiug.30112042261195Did you hear how I smoked Rutland?
uiug.30112042261195Did you not understand that they were hired to cripple my man?
uiug.30112042261195Did you observe, nephew, that these four villains spoke in Warr's hearing of the master who was behind them, and who was paying them for their infamy?
uiug.30112042261195Do you agree with that? ” “ With all my heart, ” said Jim.
uiug.30112042261195Do you know, lieutenant, how many oaks go to make an eighty- gun ship? ” My father shook his head.
uiug.30112042261195Do you presume to talk for the peo- ple of England?
uiug.30112042261195Do you suppose it shook my po- sition?
uiug.30112042261195Good drive down? ” he cried.
uiug.30112042261195Halloa, Warr, what is the matter now? ” The prize- fighter was hastening towards us as fast as his bulk would allow.
uiug.30112042261195Halloa, who's this? ” Up flew his glass to his eye.
uiug.30112042261195Have you any eccentricity? ” It made me laugh, the easy way in which he asked the question, as if it were a most natural thing to possess.
uiug.30112042261195Have you greased the hubs as I told you?
uiug.30112042261195Have you learned his- tory? ” “ Yes, father, ” said I, with some confidence.
uiug.30112042261195He often complains that things do not look as well upon him as upon me, but how can I make the obvious reply?
uiug.30112042261195He pushed open the door. ” “ Pushed it open I What d'you mean, Lori- mer?
uiug.30112042261195He'll do us all proud, sir, or I'm a Dutchman But what in the world's amiss with the betting?
uiug.30112042261195How am I to tell her when she could n't so much as hear a pistol in her ears?
uiug.30112042261195How are you, Apreece?
uiug.30112042261195How are you, Cap- tain Ball?
uiug.30112042261195How are you, Colonel?
uiug.30112042261195How are you, Maddox?
uiug.30112042261195How are you? ” “ My head's singin'like a kettle.
uiug.30112042261195How could I have seen it had 161 RODNEY STONE I not travelled?
uiug.30112042261195How could I tell all this without revealing the family scandal which he was so anxious to conceal?
uiug.30112042261195How d'ye do, Captain Foley?
uiug.30112042261195How d'ye do, Mrs. Harrison?
uiug.30112042261195How do, George? ” “ Have you heard about Vereker Merton? ” asked Brummell, strolling up with one or two other exquisites at his heels.
uiug.30112042261195How do, George? ” “ Have you heard about Vereker Merton? ” asked Brummell, strolling up with one or two other exquisites at his heels.
uiug.30112042261195How do, your Grace?
uiug.30112042261195How do?
uiug.30112042261195How is the wind this morning, Stone? ” “ East- south- east, ” my father answered, read.
uiug.30112042261195I do n't suppose you scale more than thirteen and a half? ” “ Thirteen ten, Sir Charles.
uiug.30112042261195I know better now. ” “ Could it have been a man, Jim? ” I asked, plucking up my courage now that I could hear the dogs barking on the farms.
uiug.30112042261195I must try and make it a good one. ” “ But your training? ” 314 THE RING- SIDE “ I ’m always in training, sir.
uiug.30112042261195I pray you to come as soon as may be; and until then I remain him whom you knew as “ JAMES HARRISON. ” “ Well, nephew? ” asked my uncle.
uiug.30112042261195I suppose I shall see you at the Downs to- morrow? ” 269 RODNEY STONE “ Mr.
uiug.30112042261195I want you to forgive me for taking Jim away from you last night. ” “ It was you, then? ” “ I had a stronger claim even than you could have.
uiug.30112042261195I'm off to the Continent next week. ” “ Bailiffs? ” asked one of his companions.
uiug.30112042261195I've known him ever since I was a boy, and I ca n't be mistaken. ” “ Well, what the devil can he know about it? ” said Craven.
uiug.30112042261195Is it a match? ” “ Very good, ” said my uncle, and, raising his hat, he led the way into the grounds.
uiug.30112042261195It makes me feel sick and heavy at heart. ” “ She was so yesterday, Jim. ” “ Was she?
uiug.30112042261195It's a fine play, is Pizarro. ” “ And who wrote it, ma'am? ” “ Who wrote it 2 I never heard.
uiug.30112042261195It's seven to one against your man. ” “ What? ” “ Seven to one, gov'nor, no less. ” “ You're talking nonsense, Warr!
uiug.30112042261195Nevertheless But what the deuce have we here? ” The footman had suddenly precipitated him.
uiug.30112042261195Now, Warr, what is the matter? ” The bruiser very calmly seated himself astride of a chair with his arms resting upon the back of it.
uiug.30112042261195Or were they appalled by the gigantic load of debt which must bend the backs of many generations unborn?
uiug.30112042261195Put them at four pounds apiece to me, and what will the seventy bring? ” “ Two hundred and eighty pounds, ” I an- swered.
uiug.30112042261195Red four- in- hand passed, ostler? ” “ Just gone, sir. ” “ Going hard? ” “ Galloping full split, sir!
uiug.30112042261195Red four- in- hand passed, ostler? ” “ Just gone, sir. ” “ Going hard? ” “ Galloping full split, sir!
uiug.30112042261195So this is my nephew, is it? ” He put a hand upon each of my shoul- ders in a very friendly way and looked me up and down.
uiug.30112042261195Surely you were with us, Sherry? ” “ I was in London at the time, ” said Sheridan, gravely.
uiug.30112042261195Tell me, little man, ” she added, turning to me, “ what do you call your friend? ” “ Boy Jim, ma'am, ” said I.
uiug.30112042261195That's Belcher, ai n't it — the good- lookin'young chap with the flash coat? ” “ Yes, that's Jem.
uiug.30112042261195The smell of these country inns is always most offensive to me — mais que voulez- vous?
uiug.30112042261195Then they can brag all their lives that they had hit Tom Owen. ” “ D'you draw their cork in return? ” asked Harrison.
uiug.30112042261195Well, Lorimer? ” “ A person to see you, Sir Charles, ” said the new valet.
uiug.30112042261195Well? ” “ Well, the Eytalian'e got a touch of the gur- gles, an'e shut'imself right up like a two- foot rule.
uiug.30112042261195What am I to wait for?
uiug.30112042261195What am I?
uiug.30112042261195What be- came of the Chance, and of the Martin, and of the Orestes?
uiug.30112042261195What boy was there through the length and breadth of Britain who did not long to be out with them under the red- cross flag?
uiug.30112042261195What can a man find to do? ” “ You do n't hunt, George? ” “ When I do, it's a woman.
uiug.30112042261195What can a man find to do? ” “ You do n't hunt, George? ” “ When I do, it's a woman.
uiug.30112042261195What do you suppose I hold in this bag? ” “ Bullets, ” said Troubridge.
uiug.30112042261195What do you think will be the consequence of that? ” My fears told me that it might be my own very great discomfiture, but I did not say so.
uiug.30112042261195What is it, Craven? ” “ We shall have to declare a draw, Tregel- lis. ” “ My man has the fight in hand. ” “ I can not help it.
uiug.30112042261195What is the meaning of this? ” 290 CRAWLEY DOWNS “ Even money either way, ” cried the voice again.
uiug.30112042261195What is your father, Mr. Stone?
uiug.30112042261195What's my share of that? ” “ A hundred pounds. ” “ Why, the purser could n't work it out quicker, ” he cried in his delight.
uiug.30112042261195What's the truth of it? ” “ Only a small matter of a couple of thous to a thou, he giving the odds.
uiug.30112042261195When could you join? ” “ To- night, my lord. ” “ Right, Stone, right!
uiug.30112042261195Where in the world can he have gone to with his head bare?
uiug.30112042261195Where in the world did you come from? ” “ Glad to see you, Jackson, ” said my com- panion.
uiug.30112042261195Where will the quarters be? ” “ I thought it would be handy for you if we fixed it at the George, at Crawley.
uiug.30112042261195Where's Mellish?
uiug.30112042261195Where's Townshend?
uiug.30112042261195Where's the landlord?
uiug.30112042261195Where's the man that we have backed? ” Flushed faces began to crane over each other, and angry eyes glared up at us.
uiug.30112042261195Which were the ships that laid her aboard? ” Again I had to confess that he had beaten me.
uiug.30112042261195Whither, then, could he have vanished to?
uiug.30112042261195Who knows what these rascals may be doing in my absence?
uiug.30112042261195Who was there in all the Down country who had not heard of the Walker of Cliffe Royal?
uiug.30112042261195Who'd ha ’ thought of 98 ON THE THRESHOLD seein ’ you at Friar's Oak?
uiug.30112042261195Who's the youngster beside him?
uiug.30112042261195Who, then, could have hired them?
uiug.30112042261195Whoa, my dar- lings, you'll have your fill of it before you reach Westminster Bridge. ” “ Shall I put in the toilet- case? ” asked the landlord.
uiug.30112042261195Why did n't you put him out? ” A smile passed over the servant's face.
uiug.30112042261195Why should I wait?
uiug.30112042261195Why should he have brandy, when many a Christian has to go without? ” “ Hush, Anson! ” said my mother, taking the 76 BUCK TREGELLIS cushion.
uiug.30112042261195Why, Roddy, what's amiss now? ” My fears were all back upon me, and every nerve creeping with horror.
uiug.30112042261195Would the Government try it again?
uiug.30112042261195Would you care to make one of us? ” Boy Jim's dark eyes sparkled with pleasure.
uiug.30112042261195You are from the country, Mr. Stone? ” “ From Sussex, sir. ” “ Sussex'Why, that is where I send my washing to.
uiug.30112042261195You are over five- and- thirty, Harrison? ” “ Forty- one next month, master. ” “ Very good.
uiug.30112042261195You came here and you saw your father — here at Cliffe Royal? ” “ Yes, sir. ” 858 CLIFFE ROYAL My uncle had turned very pale.
uiug.30112042261195You chose the best man, and how could you do other- wise?
uiug.30112042261195You have heard how he returned the money which we had lost? ” “ Nay, I have heard nothing of it, ” my father answered.
uiug.30112042261195You have not yet began to practice it? ” I confessed that I had not.
uiug.30112042261195You hear of the few who succeed, but 249 RODNEY STONE what do you know of the hundreds who never find their way?
uiug.30112042261195You heard of my bout with the Chevalier d'Eon?
uiug.30112042261195You heard to- night of the dreadful things which come from it. ” “ I promise you, mother. ” “ And you will be careful of wine, Roddy?
uiug.30112042261195You know Joe Berks's record? ” “ He ’s since my time. ” “ Well,'e's a terror, that's all.
uiug.30112042261195You remem- ber Berks?
uiug.30112042261195You want to be paid for what you know? ” The prize- fighter smiled an affirmative.
uiug.30112042261195You would n't think the mares had come fifty miles, would you?
uiug.30112042261195Your mother is well, and I saw her in church on Sunday. ” “ And Boy Jim? ” Champion Harrison's good- humoured face clouded over.
uiug.30112042261195“ Ah, Mellish, is the Prince within? ” “ In the private saloon, Sir Charles, ” said the gentleman addressed.
uiug.30112042261195“ And what said Lord Avon? ” cried my father.
uiug.30112042261195“ And what would you have had if you had struck him dead? ’ said I.
uiug.30112042261195“ Any one with him? ” “ Sheridan and Francis.
uiug.30112042261195“ Are you Tom Owen the bruiser? ” says one o'them.
uiug.30112042261195“ Ay, and what does he want? ” asked he, in no very amiable voice.
uiug.30112042261195“ But how on earth could something have occurred to make him leave me at a time when we were going full- trot down hill in my curricle?
uiug.30112042261195“ Can I not take his place? ” “ You would not have it said that I gave a challenge and let another carry it out? ” whis- pered Jim.
uiug.30112042261195“ Can I not take his place? ” “ You would not have it said that I gave a challenge and let another carry it out? ” whis- pered Jim.
uiug.30112042261195“ Can you stand, Roddy? ” “ Yes, but I'm shaking. ” “ So am I, ” said he, passing his hand over his forehead.
uiug.30112042261195“ D'you start to- morrow? ” 113 RODNEY STONE “ Yes, Jack. ” “ Well, I'll make you an offer.
uiug.30112042261195“ Dice 2 ” “ No, whist. ” “ You could n't get very hard hit over that. ” “ Could n't you? ” he snarled.
uiug.30112042261195“ Do you mind doubling our bet? ” said Berkeley Craven, who was craning his neck to get a glimpse of Jim.
uiug.30112042261195“ Have you learned geography? ” 61 RODNEY STONE “ Yes, father, ” said I, though with less confi- dence than before.
uiug.30112042261195“ Here's one of the windows open. ” “ Do n’t you think we've gone far enough, Jim? ” said I, with my teeth chattering.
uiug.30112042261195“ How are you, Berks? ” “ Pretty tidy.
uiug.30112042261195“ How like you that, then? ” she cried.
uiug.30112042261195“ I already owe Weston something over a thousand, so how can a few odd hundreds affect it?
uiug.30112042261195“ I wonder whence that stair leads? ” said Jim.
uiug.30112042261195“ If Ushant lay three leagues upon your star- board quarter, what would be your nearest Eng- lish port? ” Again I had to give it up.
uiug.30112042261195“ If he does n't brake, why should I?
uiug.30112042261195“ In the old ships, maybe, but how many of the new are laid down on the French model?
uiug.30112042261195“ Is he well- favoured? ” “ He is a fine figure of a man.
uiug.30112042261195“ Is it fair to break a dozen 160 WATIER'S hearts in order to intoxicate one with rapture?
uiug.30112042261195“ Is that he? ” I heard her ask.
uiug.30112042261195“ Is this genuine? ” asked my uncle.
uiug.30112042261195“ Is your mother living? ” “ Yes, sir, ” said I.
uiug.30112042261195“ It was a spirit, Rodney. ” “ How do you know? ” “ Because I followed it and saw it vanish into a wall, as easily as an eel into sand.
uiug.30112042261195“ It was little Letty, was it? ” said he.
uiug.30112042261195“ Listen to that l ” “ What is it? ” we cried, all three.
uiug.30112042261195“ On whose suit is it? ” “ Several suits, sir.
uiug.30112042261195“ Pitt has been at you, sir, I understand? ” “ Yes, confound him!
uiug.30112042261195“ Roddy, ” said he at last, “ will you come with me to- night and look for the ghost? ” It turned me cold, the very thought of it.
uiug.30112042261195“ Roddy, ” said he, “ have you heard that Cliffe Royal is haunted? ” Had I heard it?
uiug.30112042261195“ Roddy, ” said he, “ have you heard that Cliffe Royal is haunted? ” Had I heard it?
uiug.30112042261195“ Then how many sail of the line were at the Battle of Camperdown? ” He shook his head gravely when he found that I could not answer him.
uiug.30112042261195“ Then you're my man from this hour on, dye see? ” said Belcher.
uiug.30112042261195“ They are getting a match on for him, ai n't they? ” “ Yes.
uiug.30112042261195“ To- morrow, then? ” she cried loud out.
uiug.30112042261195“ Twenty- four, as they are both big ones, sir. ” “ Very good, and half- minutes between rounds, I suppose?
uiug.30112042261195“ Two minutes, Tregellis! ” “ Where's your man, Sir Charles?
uiug.30112042261195“ Was it at the inn you stayed? ” he asked.
uiug.30112042261195“ Well, I'm blessed if it is n't Boy Jim And what's this?
uiug.30112042261195“ Well, how far is it from Port Mahon to Algeciras? ” I could only shake my head.
uiug.30112042261195“ Well, what is it? ” cried my uncle, impa- tiently.
uiug.30112042261195“ What did you say, young man?
uiug.30112042261195“ What do you think of your chances, Har- rison? ” I heard my uncle ask, as the two mares picked their way over the broken ground.
uiug.30112042261195“ What in the world brings you here, Harri- son? ” he whispered.
uiug.30112042261195“ What is there for me to do, Rodney? ” he cried.
uiug.30112042261195“ What should he be doing at that house of ill- omen?
uiug.30112042261195“ What space do you give them? ” asked my uncle.
uiug.30112042261195“ What the deuce is the meaning of this, sir? ” cried my uncle.
uiug.30112042261195“ What the deuce is this? ” he shouted, angrily.
uiug.30112042261195“ What the devil is that to you? ” cried Belcher, furiously.
uiug.30112042261195“ What think you now? ” shouted all the neighbours of the west- countryman, repeating his own refrain.
uiug.30112042261195“ What's the betting, boys? ” asked Belcher, from the steps.
uiug.30112042261195“ What, am I to be dunned in my own private room?
uiug.30112042261195“ Where got you all these fine feathers, Jim?
uiug.30112042261195“ Where is he? ” he asked.
uiug.30112042261195“ Where is my man? ” A look of astonishment passed over Sir Lo- thian's features, which, if it were not real, was most admirably affected.
uiug.30112042261195“ Where is your man, Belcher? ” “ He has gone to his room, sir.
uiug.30112042261195“ Where is'e, gov'nor?
uiug.30112042261195“ Where on earth have they got to? ” cried my uncle.
uiug.30112042261195“ Where shall it be? ” “'Pon my soul, Tregellis, ” cried the Prince, “ I think our unknown friend might have a word to say upon that matter.
uiug.30112042261195“ Where's it going to be held? ” “ Where you like, masters.
uiug.30112042261195“ Where's the four to one now? ” “ Give us time to get the lid off our pepper- box, ” said Mendoza.
uiug.30112042261195“ Who ordered that? ” I asked.
uiug.30112042261195“ Who takes him on? ” They all wanted to, from nine- stone Dutch Sam upwards.
uiug.30112042261195“ Whom think you that it is from, Anson? ” she asked.
uiug.30112042261195“ Why, where are your eyes? ” she cried at last.
uiug.30112042261195“ Will you permit me to lay the table?
uiug.30112042261195“ Yes, Sir Charles, what d'you think of them?
uiug.30112042261195“ Yes, Sir Charles. ” “ Has he passed? ” 273 RODNEY STONE “ Yes, Sir Charles.
uiug.30112042261195“ Yes, sir, a little. ” “ A baritone, I should fancy? ” “ Yes, sir. ” “ And your mother tells me that you play the fiddle.
uiug.30112042261195“ You know Berks, the bruiser? ” asked my uncle.
uiug.30112042261195“ You show me in this instant, young man, d'ye ’ ear?
hvd.32044086822970Fool! ” said another, “ is it not such talk which has brought us to our ruin? hvd.32044086822970 How was he received? ” “ Coldly enough.
hvd.32044086822970I beg pardon, sir, ” said he, “ but surely I have the honour of talking to Mr. Thomas Spring?
hvd.32044086822970Maximinus! ” he yelled, “ Imperator Max- iminus Augustus! ” Who could tell how it come about? hvd.32044086822970 Tell me, brother Paul, ” said he,"you who have lived here so long — what lies at the further side of that plain? ” The old man shook his head.
hvd.32044086822970Trained are you? ” he muttered. hvd.32044086822970 'And how 148 THE LAST GALLEY long will it be before your victorious troops have reached the Bosphorus?
hvd.32044086822970- a hundred times I have said it. ” “ And had they no answer? ” asked the Rover.
hvd.3204408682297058 THE LAST GALLEY as ne “ Why do you follow me? ” he asked.
hvd.32044086822970Above all, what advantage could he draw from it?
hvd.32044086822970And Giant Maximin — what of him?
hvd.32044086822970And Marie, did she wish to marry me?
hvd.32044086822970And a game one, too, I hope? ” Young Spring shrugged his shoulders.
hvd.32044086822970And how are you, Miss Dolly?
hvd.32044086822970And if the door be locked, then what way is there but the window?
hvd.32044086822970And was it not worth the danger?
hvd.32044086822970And who is the woman, and what is the dreadful emotion which I read in 156 THE LAST GALLEY those wonderful brown eyes?
hvd.32044086822970And why was she not with the others? ”"I will tell you why she was not with the others.
hvd.32044086822970And you, Leon ”- she bent her wonderful eyes with a strange mixture of sternness and of love upon the boy, “ can I trust you?
hvd.32044086822970Are you of Jewish faith, stranger?'
hvd.32044086822970Are you satisfied with the terms? ” “ Very handsome, ma'am, I'm sure."
hvd.32044086822970But stop work?
hvd.32044086822970But was it good, was it kind, was it true?
hvd.32044086822970But who would believe that?
hvd.32044086822970But why this particular shape?
hvd.32044086822970But, by your leave, does he have anything if he loses? ”.
hvd.32044086822970By the way, Mr. Spring, I suppose it is not business that has brought you down into these parts?
hvd.32044086822970Can I give him a knee?"
hvd.32044086822970Can you say it after me? ”.
hvd.32044086822970Come to think of it, how many 11 214 THE LAST GALLEY men on the list could stand up to you for half an hour?
hvd.32044086822970Could she trust you?
hvd.32044086822970Did I wish to marry Marie?
hvd.32044086822970Did father ever do that for you before you married?"
hvd.32044086822970Did father ever do that for you before you married?"
hvd.32044086822970Do you dare to stand there on my land and talk back to me? ” He advanced with a menacing face and his dog whip half raised.
hvd.32044086822970Do you not dis- cover there every virtue which man could have, although he knew nothing of your creed?
hvd.32044086822970Do you remember the words, my lord?
hvd.32044086822970Do you remember the words? ” He stood stunned for a moment.
hvd.32044086822970Every detail is exact. ”"But why to me?"
hvd.32044086822970For a weakness which was unworthy of an empress, for a foolish new- born spasm of love, for that which had no existence within her in the morning?
hvd.32044086822970Had all the bulls of Castile guarded the entrance, would it not still have been worth it?
hvd.32044086822970Have you anything else to say?
hvd.32044086822970Have you by chance read the book which was written by our Emperor Marcus Aurelius?
hvd.32044086822970Have you ever seen a bull charge, my friends?
hvd.32044086822970Have you never known the feeling of fear?"
hvd.32044086822970He would take them both?
hvd.32044086822970He'll be here soon. ” “ But where are they taking him? ” “ To the loft where he sleeps. ” “ I'm sure he's welcome to my room, father."
hvd.32044086822970Here was a great fact; but what use could he make of it?
hvd.32044086822970How can you who hide behind mercenaries hope to stand against them?
hvd.32044086822970How could she be so foolish as to risk losing such a substance for such a shadow?
hvd.32044086822970How had he failed them?
hvd.32044086822970How have I harmed them that they should forget their vows and rise upon me? ” “ They are like children who ask always for something new.
hvd.32044086822970How long were the Romans here, Mr. Cunningham? ” “ A fair time, ma'am.
hvd.32044086822970How long would it take you to get back to your best?"
hvd.32044086822970How shall I describe it?
hvd.32044086822970I wo n't do it. ” “ Cowardly?
hvd.32044086822970I wonder whether I shall ever pene- trate what they all mean?
hvd.32044086822970I've done with you now. ” 236 THE LAST GALLEY “ But where am I to go?"
hvd.32044086822970If I have occasion to find fault I shall choose another man. ” “ And you wo n't tell me who I am to fight? ” “ Not a word.
hvd.32044086822970If for a minute I forgot my dignity, who would be the wiser?
hvd.32044086822970If it is your will that the emperor should know nothing, then who is to tell him?"
hvd.32044086822970In a month, two months, three at the most, their armies would be there, and what could all the untrained multitudes of Carthage do to stop them?
hvd.32044086822970Is it not much more likely that the recent tragedy of the sheep has caused him to take some steps which may have ended in his own destruc- tion?
hvd.32044086822970Is it not the cursed bridge they use for boarding? ” “ So they grudge us even one, ” said Magro with a bitter laugh.
hvd.32044086822970Is she to bide aboard and poison us all? ” “ Send her off with her mate! ” cried another, and the rovers roared their approval.
hvd.32044086822970Is there a chance for me, I say?"
hvd.32044086822970Is there a chance for me?
hvd.32044086822970Is this cat- calling to earn an Olympian prize?
hvd.32044086822970Is this what you call music?
hvd.32044086822970It did not seem too strange to them that I should fly in through the window, for who should be a hot- headed suitor if it is not a gallant hussar?
hvd.32044086822970Let me see, what was I talking about?
hvd.32044086822970Let me see, what was I talking about?
hvd.32044086822970My figures must be out by a cer- tain date; unless they are so, I shall lose the chance of my lifetime, so how on earth am I to rest?
hvd.32044086822970Now Mr. Spring, will you kindly follow me?
hvd.32044086822970Or should I harden my heart and turn away from Marie?
hvd.32044086822970Or was it not possible that all might be reconciled; that I might be a happy hus- band in Normandy but a brave soldier elsewhere?
hvd.32044086822970Saw you ever a more slap- up carriage?
hvd.32044086822970Shall I stop?
hvd.32044086822970Stephanos, Vacculus — is anything amiss?
hvd.32044086822970Still, some one must suffer, else how could we be purified?
hvd.32044086822970Still, some one must suffer, else how could we be purified?
hvd.32044086822970THE LAST GALLEY 291 “ Will you give up the patent, Brown? ” There was no answer.
hvd.32044086822970Taken up with a prize- fighter, eh?
hvd.32044086822970Tell me, my pretty, why you were so mishandled and laid in the bilboes aboard yonder craft? ” The woman shook her head and smiled.
hvd.32044086822970That'll be it, marm, you may depend. ” W 274 THE LAST GALLEY ne “ Or else?
hvd.32044086822970The law? ” “ Good gracious, no!"
hvd.32044086822970There are fifty pounds — here they are in this paper — would you refuse them? ” “ It's a cowardly business.
hvd.32044086822970Was I not beat down Broadwater way by George Nicholls in 1805?
hvd.32044086822970Was it his fault that he came here?
hvd.32044086822970Was it not so with the guard at Waterloo?
hvd.32044086822970Was it not, perhaps, for that very end that God had guided him to the wilderness?
hvd.32044086822970Was she to risk the losing of it all — for what?
hvd.32044086822970We are few and weak, but if it is His will, who can stand against us?
hvd.32044086822970Well, a farm hand is a useful thing, but what is a man to do with one who has an injured spine and half his ribs smashed?
hvd.32044086822970Well, and did you sec who put it there? ” “ Yes, I did. ” “ Who was it then? ” “ It was Adam. ” “ Was it now?
hvd.32044086822970Well, and did you sec who put it there? ” “ Yes, I did. ” “ Who was it then? ” “ It was Adam. ” “ Was it now?
hvd.32044086822970Well, and did you sec who put it there? ” “ Yes, I did. ” “ Who was it then? ” “ It was Adam. ” “ Was it now?
hvd.32044086822970Well, and did you sec who put it there? ” “ Yes, I did. ” “ Who was it then? ” “ It was Adam. ” “ Was it now?
hvd.32044086822970Well, and did you sec who put it there? ” “ Yes, I did. ” “ Who was it then? ” “ It was Adam. ” “ Was it now?
hvd.32044086822970Well, and did you sec who put it there? ” “ Yes, I did. ” “ Who was it then? ” “ It was Adam. ” “ Was it now?
hvd.32044086822970What about Adam then? ” “ Nor him either. ” “ Oh, Dolly girl, can you not take advice from THE LAST GALLEY 253 them that is older.
hvd.32044086822970What about Adam then? ” “ Nor him either. ” “ Oh, Dolly girl, can you not take advice from THE LAST GALLEY 253 them that is older.
hvd.32044086822970What am I to do with him? ” “ Fight him!
hvd.32044086822970What are these dark streaks which foul her white decks and dapple her brazen shields?
hvd.32044086822970What are we to do? ” “ There is only one way for safety,"said the eunuch.
hvd.32044086822970What are you cheering?
hvd.32044086822970What could we do without you? ” “ My place is down among yonder men, ” said the young man.
hvd.32044086822970What did he think now of this strange hap- pening?
hvd.32044086822970What did it matter to them who was emperor?
hvd.32044086822970What did you get out of that? ” The young man smiled rather grimly, as he turned up his cuff and looked at a puckered hole in his wrist.
hvd.32044086822970What do you mean? ” “ None know him, great Cæsar!
hvd.32044086822970What does he say?
hvd.32044086822970What does he want here every second evening? ”.
hvd.32044086822970What does he want here every second evening? ”.
hvd.32044086822970What has terrified him so?
hvd.32044086822970What has this naked harlot to do with Him to whom the great firmament is but a garment and the earth a footstool?
hvd.32044086822970What have they against me?
hvd.32044086822970What have you to say? ” The trembling slave advanced to his master.
hvd.32044086822970What he can do, I can do, so why should I fear him?
hvd.32044086822970What is amiss with the fellow?
hvd.32044086822970What is it, then?
hvd.32044086822970What is this?
hvd.32044086822970What is your view upon that vital matter, brother Simon? ” “ Surely,"said the younger man, “ there can be no question as to that.
hvd.32044086822970What mean you, Metas?
hvd.32044086822970What more can I do? ” “ Did you ever do anything to prove it? ” “ Set me something and see if I do n't do it."
hvd.32044086822970What more can I do? ” “ Did you ever do anything to prove it? ” “ Set me something and see if I do n't do it."
hvd.32044086822970What more would you have?
hvd.32044086822970What on earth is the meaning of it all?
hvd.32044086822970What place could fear have in the mind of a hussar?
hvd.32044086822970What shall he do with a wife?
hvd.32044086822970What shall it profit us to make the Roman victory complete?
hvd.32044086822970What then?
hvd.32044086822970What would the patriarch do?"
hvd.32044086822970When we return with it to the holy place, who of all the Koraish will fail to see the finger of God which has led us?
hvd.32044086822970Whence comes he, and what is his name? ” An interpreter translated the barbarian's answer.
hvd.32044086822970Where could you find a more perfect man than he?"
hvd.32044086822970Where have you lived?
hvd.32044086822970Where shall he go? ” “ I will tell you exactly, and you will please take careful note of all that I say.
hvd.32044086822970Who is he?"
hvd.32044086822970Who is the fellow? ” “ Great Jupiter!
hvd.32044086822970Who is to stop their progress? ” “ You and your fellows, ” said the Roman.
hvd.32044086822970Who would be a junior partner?
hvd.32044086822970Whom think you that it was, Maggie? ” His wife moistened her dry lips.
hvd.32044086822970Why are some missing from the staring portholes, some snapped with jagged, yellow edges, some trailing inert against the side?
hvd.32044086822970Why are two prongs of the brazen ram twisted and broken?
hvd.32044086822970Why can not a soldier have what the soldier gains?
hvd.32044086822970Why did you not wait until you had her command? ” “ At a distance, Leon, it would be easy to refuse THE LAST GALLEY 117 you.
hvd.32044086822970Why do the long, red oars move out of time, irregular, convulsive?
hvd.32044086822970Why does he grip the woman's dress?
hvd.32044086822970Why save him, then? ” But the patrician still hesitated.
hvd.32044086822970Why should I die? ”"You have turned me against my own.
hvd.32044086822970Why should they call down the curse of the whole empire upon their heads by upholding him?
hvd.32044086822970Why should they mishandle you?
hvd.32044086822970Will you be my wife, Miss Foster? ”.
hvd.32044086822970Will you be my wife, Miss Foster? ”.
hvd.32044086822970Will you give up the patent? ” “ No, I will not. ” “ Brown, I say, give it up! ” “ I will not.
hvd.32044086822970Would it be fair to either of them?
hvd.32044086822970Would you in very truth have it so again? ” “ Those were in the evil pagan days, the days of the Druid and the oak grove, your excellency.
hvd.32044086822970Would you refuse a hundred? ” He turned on his heel.
hvd.32044086822970You are a poet, Mr. Mason, are you not? ” “ I am a lover of poetry. ” “ And poets are fond of flowers? ” “ I am very fond of flowers."
hvd.32044086822970You are a poet, Mr. Mason, are you not? ” “ I am a lover of poetry. ” “ And poets are fond of flowers? ” “ I am very fond of flowers."
hvd.32044086822970You are wise, great empress, for there only is real safety and assurance of silence. ” “ And the monk? ”"Him also. ” “ But the holy synod?
hvd.32044086822970You are wise, great empress, for there only is real safety and assurance of silence. ” “ And the monk? ”"Him also. ” “ But the holy synod?
hvd.32044086822970You can lay that my answers did you no harm. ” “ She ai n't making a match, surely? ” “ Well, she seemed to know a tidy bit about it.
hvd.32044086822970You can not have misunderstood what my feelings are to you?
hvd.32044086822970You can not have misunderstood what my feelings are to you?
hvd.32044086822970You have indeed kept my secret all these years, have you not? ”"I have in very truth, great empress.
hvd.32044086822970You have not yet found what is the true treasure aboard of this ship. ” “ Not found it?
hvd.32044086822970You know that I love you true. ” “ How do I know that then? ” “ I tell you so.
hvd.32044086822970You know that I love you true. ” “ How do I know that then?"
hvd.32044086822970You know, do you not, the little white- washed cottage with the vine in front, in the field beside the Garonne?
hvd.32044086822970You said six feet, I believe? ” THE LAST GALLEY 209.“So he is, ma'am, but he carries it so easy.
hvd.32044086822970You see this bit of a flower, dear. ” “ It's a common dogrose. ” “ Well, where d'you think I found it? ” “ In the hedge likely."
hvd.32044086822970You see this bit of a flower, dear. ” “ It's a common dogrose. ” “ Well, where d’you think I found it? ” “ In the hedge likely."
hvd.32044086822970You think, then, that it was Mary's mirror — that it stood in the room where the deed was done? ”"I am convinced that it was Mary's mirror.
hvd.32044086822970did you not know?
hvd.32044086822970“ All right? ” he asked.
hvd.32044086822970“ And I am not to come? ” “ No,"said the lady.
hvd.32044086822970“ And how far from London? ” “ Within a hundred miles.
hvd.32044086822970“ And the inscription?"
hvd.32044086822970“ And which was it? ” “ Ah, if I knew!
hvd.32044086822970“ And why? ” I asked.
hvd.32044086822970“ Are not our laws just? ” asked the Governor.
hvd.32044086822970“ Are you Datus the scavenger? ” asked the patrician.
hvd.32044086822970“ Are you sure, Father Luke, that my mother will indeed be glad to see me? ” The abbot turned away his face to avoid those questioning eyes.
hvd.32044086822970“ Are you wiser than your emperor?
hvd.32044086822970“ But since we have fallen, and Rome will fall, who in turn may hope to be Queen of the Waters? ”.
hvd.32044086822970“ But surely, ma'am, ” he pleaded, “ I may come as far as Tunbridge Wells?
hvd.32044086822970“ But the monk, the boy?
hvd.32044086822970“ But why not say so?
hvd.32044086822970“ But you do n't surely ask Tom Spring to train for three weeks to meet a Corinthian? ”"I will say nothing more of who it is.
hvd.32044086822970“ Can I do anything, father? ” “ No, lass, no.
hvd.32044086822970“ Can I do anything, father? ” “ No, lass, no.
hvd.32044086822970“ Can you not be content with worshipping Woden, over which we are all agreed, and not make so much of those small points upon which we may differ?
hvd.32044086822970“ Did the gentleman seem ill? ” I asked.
hvd.32044086822970“ Did the gentleman seem ill? ” I asked.
hvd.32044086822970“ Do n't you go, missey,"he cried, “ a man's hurt. ” “ Who?"
hvd.32044086822970“ Do n't you think he will do? ” said the lady.
hvd.32044086822970“ Does he?
hvd.32044086822970“ Does he?
hvd.32044086822970“ Ha, my lady, that stings your pride, does it?
hvd.32044086822970“ Has your heart never failed you?
hvd.32044086822970“ Have I lived here so long to have it polluted by a vile Trinitarian – a follower of the rascal Athana- sius?
hvd.32044086822970“ Have you no idea whence that mirror came and to whom it once belonged? ” he continued.
hvd.32044086822970“ Have you?"
hvd.32044086822970“ He ca n't get better?"
hvd.32044086822970“ He died yesterday night, about ten o'clock, in hospital at Madeira, did he not? ” The seaman stared aghast.
hvd.32044086822970“ He's not got one. ” “ No name?"
hvd.32044086822970“ How about this? ” She pulled a little crumpled sprig of dogrose, such as grows wild in the way- side hedges, out of her bosom.
hvd.32044086822970“ How do you feel? ” “ Pretty tidy, ma'am, I thank you. ” “ I will get up beside you, Johnson.
hvd.32044086822970“ How do you know he is so good? ” he asked.
hvd.32044086822970“ How many had he with him? ” asked Labienus, a black- browed veteran from the south of Gaul.
hvd.32044086822970“ How say you, Crassus?
hvd.32044086822970“ I consider that I have the best right to it. ” “ And my name does not appear? ” “ No, but —".
hvd.32044086822970“ I say, mother, what is Bill's other name? ” asked the girl, with languid curiosity.
hvd.32044086822970“ I will defend myself if you attack me. ” “ You threaten me? ” cried Pericord, whose face was livid with anger.
hvd.32044086822970“ I wonder what the governess will think? ” said she.
hvd.32044086822970“ Is this the man? ” said she.
hvd.32044086822970“ It's incredible, ” said he, “ and yet how else can one explain it?
hvd.32044086822970“ Must it be — death?"
hvd.32044086822970“ No, but on my window ledge. ” “ Oh, but when? ” “ This morning.
hvd.32044086822970“ No, but on my window ledge. ” “ Oh, but when?"
hvd.32044086822970“ No?
hvd.32044086822970“ No?
hvd.32044086822970“ Oh, my gracious mistress, dear lady, what is this?
hvd.32044086822970“ Oh, what have I done?
hvd.32044086822970“ Ruffianing or fighting?"
hvd.32044086822970“ Surely there ca n't be any harm in my havin'a pipe?"
hvd.32044086822970“ Then perhaps you know something of these? ” She took out the humble little sprig, and held it out to him with an arch questioning glance.
hvd.32044086822970“ Then you have n't done anything yet? ” “ I do n't know.
hvd.32044086822970“ There be no mates aboard a pirate craft, and so the boatswain, the gunner, and the quartermaster are the officers. ” “ Did I gainsay it?"
hvd.32044086822970“ To the doctor's? ” “ Yes.
hvd.32044086822970“ Was any name in the mouths of the soldiers?"
hvd.32044086822970“ Well, are you going? ” he cried, as he swung it into the air.
hvd.32044086822970“ Well, friend, what think you now? ” he cried.
hvd.32044086822970“ Well, what would you have? ” asked Sharkey.
hvd.32044086822970“ Well? ” asked the governor.
hvd.32044086822970“ What are you clapping at?
hvd.32044086822970“ What be I to do? ” he asked humbly, slouching forward.
hvd.32044086822970“ What be I to do? ” he asked humbly, slouching forward.
hvd.32044086822970“ What do you mean, Arsenius?
hvd.32044086822970“ What has he done?
hvd.32044086822970“ What in the name of Pluto is the matter with you all? ” cried the amazed senator, whose night of potations had left him in no mood for patience.
hvd.32044086822970“ What is it, Maggie?
hvd.32044086822970“ What is it, then? ” he asked.
hvd.32044086822970“ What is your news? ” But the hermit could only point at the rising sun.
hvd.32044086822970“ What of me?"
hvd.32044086822970“ What of the wench?
hvd.32044086822970“ What say you, Baldy Stable?
hvd.32044086822970“ What says he?
hvd.32044086822970“ What would Cæsar advise? ” “ There are the games this afternoon.
hvd.32044086822970“ Where is the fellow? ” he asked.
hvd.32044086822970“ Where to? ” “ To the work’us hospital.
hvd.32044086822970“ Where's Mr.-?
hvd.32044086822970“ Who did you wish me to fight? ” asked the young pugilist.
hvd.32044086822970“ Who is he? ” stammered the emperor, clutching at his guardsman's sleeve.
hvd.32044086822970“ Who's that with him?"
hvd.32044086822970“ Whom do you please by living in such a fashion? ” he asked.
hvd.32044086822970“ Whom think you that I see in audience this morning? ”.
hvd.32044086822970“ Why did you do this? ” he asked.
hvd.32044086822970“ Why do you call me that? ”"I beg pardon.
hvd.32044086822970“ Why do you stand moping there?
hvd.32044086822970“ Why kill them, great lady, if it pains your gracious heart? ” said he.
hvd.32044086822970“ Why of all the human race to me? ” “ Because you were in the fit mental state to receive the impression.
hvd.32044086822970“ Will that help you to fight? ”"I came here to fight,"said Tom Spring, licking his dry lips.
hvd.32044086822970“ Will you give it up?"
hvd.32044086822970“ Would you dare to cross my hawse?
hvd.32044086822970“ Yes. ” “ Can I be of use? ” “ No; I am going to the doctor's."
hvd.32044086822970“ You are going out? ” I asked.
hvd.32044086822970“ You are sure of this? ”.
hvd.32044086822970“ You do n't identify this with any well- known scene in history? ” he asked, with suspicion in his eyes.
hvd.32044086822970“ You saw his vision?"
hvd.32044086822970“ You saw the fight? ” “ Every round of it!
hvd.32044086822970“ You've tried and failed. ” “ Yes, I must admit it. ” “ What else is there?
hvd.32044086822954A big P with a flourish above it, E and N smaller?
hvd.32044086822954A fine room, is it not?
hvd.32044086822954A penitentiary job?
hvd.32044086822954A stranger in these parts?
hvd.32044086822954Ames, the butler[ 66] DARKNESS"What about him?
hvd.32044086822954Ames,he said, when the butler entered,"where is Mr. Cecil Barker now?"
hvd.32044086822954And blew out the candle?
hvd.32044086822954And he never mentioned any names?
hvd.32044086822954And how do you consider that all this bears upon the general case?
hvd.32044086822954And how do you propose to prove all this?
hvd.32044086822954And how?
hvd.32044086822954And it arrived very speedily?
hvd.32044086822954And what is it we are watching for?
hvd.32044086822954And where may that be?
hvd.32044086822954And who bought the ironworks of Manson and of Shuman, and of Van Deher and of At- wood, which have all been given up of late?
hvd.32044086822954And who bought the mines of Todman and of Lee that came into the market in the same way last year?
hvd.32044086822954And who told you?
hvd.32044086822954And why no arrest? hvd.32044086822954 And why the missing ring?"
hvd.32044086822954And you accept the rule of the Bodymaster for the time being under all circumstances?
hvd.32044086822954And you were told to see me?
hvd.32044086822954And you, Mr. White Mason?
hvd.32044086822954Any reward this time?
hvd.32044086822954Anything fresh, Sergeant Wilson?
hvd.32044086822954Are n't you?
hvd.32044086822954Are you a member of the union?
hvd.32044086822954Are you quick of action?
hvd.32044086822954At what o'clock was it raised?
hvd.32044086822954Aye, what's the game?
hvd.32044086822954Baldwin — he speaks like that, does he?
hvd.32044086822954But if a man had a danger hanging over him, and knew what it was, do n't you think he would turn to the police for protection?
hvd.32044086822954But this man — your friend — has he any other person that he would be likely to write to?
hvd.32044086822954But what can he do?
hvd.32044086822954But what do you allow that we should do about it?
hvd.32044086822954But what is the use of a cipher message with- out the cipher?
hvd.32044086822954But why'Douglas'and'Birlstone'?
hvd.32044086822954But why?
hvd.32044086822954But, I say, are n't we wasting precious time? hvd.32044086822954 By its light you saw that some terrible inci- dent had occurred?"
hvd.32044086822954Can a husband ever carry about a secret all his life and a woman who loves him have no sus- picion of it? hvd.32044086822954 Can you give us any idea how long your hus- band had been downstairs before you heard the shot?"
hvd.32044086822954Can you remember, Ames, what Mr. Barker had on his feet last night when you joined him in the study?
hvd.32044086822954Could this have any connec- tion with the crime?
hvd.32044086822954D'ye think I'm ashamed of my own name?
hvd.32044086822954D'you know what that means?
hvd.32044086822954Dear me, Watson, is it possible that you have not penetrated the fact that the case hangs upon the missing dumb- bell? hvd.32044086822954 Did I ask you for your advice, or did you think me such a sucker that I could n't move without it?
hvd.32044086822954Did n't I tell you he shot Jim Carnaway?
hvd.32044086822954Did n't he ask you why you did n't bring him the papers?
hvd.32044086822954Did you come to see him? hvd.32044086822954 Did you ever know him to cut himself in shav- ing before?"
hvd.32044086822954Did you ever trouble to see who called for them?
hvd.32044086822954Did you know Mrs. Douglas before her mar riage?
hvd.32044086822954Did you not? hvd.32044086822954 Did you see no one?"
hvd.32044086822954Do n't we?
hvd.32044086822954Do you tell me that we have to sit down under this? hvd.32044086822954 Do you tell me,"said the Sergeant,"that the wedding ring was below the other?"
hvd.32044086822954Does anyone else know of this?
hvd.32044086822954Get what?
hvd.32044086822954Hate you, Jack? hvd.32044086822954 Have you ever heard where his first wife came from?"
hvd.32044086822954Have you ever read of Jonathan Wild?
hvd.32044086822954Have you found anything out yet?
hvd.32044086822954Have you heard him speak of anything which occurred in America and might bring some dan- ger upon him?
hvd.32044086822954He was a bachelor, you say?
hvd.32044086822954How deep is it?
hvd.32044086822954How did you know it, then?
hvd.32044086822954How did you know that?
hvd.32044086822954How do I know that they are lying? hvd.32044086822954 How do you know this?"
hvd.32044086822954How long have you allowed us to waste ourselves upon a search that you knew to be an absurd one?
hvd.32044086822954How long is this to last?
hvd.32044086822954How long were you with Douglas in Cali- fornia?
hvd.32044086822954How's that, then?
hvd.32044086822954How's the arm?
hvd.32044086822954I do n't think we have met before, Councilor?
hvd.32044086822954I'd like to know,said McMurdo,"how you ever came to learn that I had spoken with Mor- ris at all?"
hvd.32044086822954In trou- ble?
hvd.32044086822954Is he here? hvd.32044086822954 Is he on his own or is he entirely in with them?"
hvd.32044086822954Is it by the police? hvd.32044086822954 Is it not?
hvd.32044086822954Is it suicide, or is it murder — that's our first question, Gentlemen, is it not? hvd.32044086822954 Is n't the place full of police and detectives, and what harm did they ever do us?"
hvd.32044086822954It's your first, is it not? hvd.32044086822954 May I smoke as I talk?
hvd.32044086822954Maybe Miss Ettie has told you how it is with us?
hvd.32044086822954Might I ask,said Holmes,"what the words were which attracted your attention?"
hvd.32044086822954Mr. Treas- urer,he asked,"may I ask who has bought the property of this man that we have driven out of the district?"
hvd.32044086822954My name's Jack Mc- Murdo — see? hvd.32044086822954 No tracks or marks?"
hvd.32044086822954Not here?
hvd.32044086822954Of the lodge?
hvd.32044086822954Oh, it's Jack, is it?
hvd.32044086822954Oh, it's like that, is it?
hvd.32044086822954Oh, you think so, do you? hvd.32044086822954 Or Herman Strauss?"
hvd.32044086822954So you are good enough to pass my appearance?
hvd.32044086822954So,said he with a furious glance at Mc- Murdo,"you got here first, did you?
hvd.32044086822954Someone else?
hvd.32044086822954Still on the track of the elusive bicyclist?
hvd.32044086822954Sun in your eyes and his face in the shadow?
hvd.32044086822954Surely you asked him what he meant by the Valley of Fear?
hvd.32044086822954That was six years ago?
hvd.32044086822954The clothes are commonplace,remarked Holmes,"save only the overcoat, which is full of suggestive touches.'?
hvd.32044086822954The police?
hvd.32044086822954Then how did you get at Mr. Douglas and the fact that he had been horribly murdered?
hvd.32044086822954Then how do you know about his rooms?
hvd.32044086822954Then the truth is too bad to tell?
hvd.32044086822954Then what do you suggest that we do?
hvd.32044086822954Then why did you leave?
hvd.32044086822954Then why has he not indicated the book?
hvd.32044086822954There is nothing there, no sign that anyone has landed — but why should he leave any sign?
hvd.32044086822954They both claim the head money given by the lodge for the shooting of old man Crabbe over at Stylestown, and who's to say which fired the bullet?
hvd.32044086822954They have to — else how can we get him?
hvd.32044086822954This professor that I've heard you mention?
hvd.32044086822954Was he a politician? hvd.32044086822954 Was the door open?"
hvd.32044086822954We have heard from Mr. Cecil Barker that you did not actually see — that you were never in the room where the tragedy occurred?
hvd.32044086822954Well, Holmes,I murmured,"have you found anything out?"
hvd.32044086822954Well, did you think of such a thing when you joined the Freeman's society at Chicago?
hvd.32044086822954Well, have you anything more?
hvd.32044086822954Well, what are we to do now?
hvd.32044086822954Well, what happened?
hvd.32044086822954Well, what have you to say?
hvd.32044086822954Well, what if I am?
hvd.32044086822954Well, what is it?
hvd.32044086822954Were these men Americans — Califomians?
hvd.32044086822954What Bodymaster?
hvd.32044086822954What about Archie Swindon?
hvd.32044086822954What about Birlstone?
hvd.32044086822954What about the shotgun?
hvd.32044086822954What am I accused of?
hvd.32044086822954What are we here for at all? hvd.32044086822954 What do you mean by'appears'?
hvd.32044086822954What else could I do if you trusted me? hvd.32044086822954 What has the man done?"
hvd.32044086822954What impression has my evi- dence made upon you?
hvd.32044086822954What in thunder has that to do with you? hvd.32044086822954 What is the latest news of the ruffian?"
hvd.32044086822954What is your evidence for this, Brother MC- Murdo?
hvd.32044086822954What papers?
hvd.32044086822954What sort of fool's talk is this? hvd.32044086822954 What sort of men?"
hvd.32044086822954What the devil d'you mean by that?
hvd.32044086822954What the hell is it to you who are my friends?
hvd.32044086822954What think you of our ways, Brother?
hvd.32044086822954What were they?
hvd.32044086822954What were you doing?
hvd.32044086822954What's come over you, Jack?
hvd.32044086822954What's that?
hvd.32044086822954What's this mark?
hvd.32044086822954What, does he hate the police too?
hvd.32044086822954When was that?
hvd.32044086822954When you entered the room there was only a candle lighted on the table, was there not?
hvd.32044086822954Where are the slippers now?
hvd.32044086822954Where is he, then? hvd.32044086822954 Where's your warrant?"
hvd.32044086822954Who are they?
hvd.32044086822954Who is this?
hvd.32044086822954Who is your district ruler?
hvd.32044086822954Who then?
hvd.32044086822954Who will volunteer for the job?
hvd.32044086822954Why did he shoot him?
hvd.32044086822954Why did he write at all? hvd.32044086822954 Why do you say'in this instance'?"
hvd.32044086822954Why not go right down now and fix him?
hvd.32044086822954Why not?
hvd.32044086822954Why should we not leave together?
hvd.32044086822954Why were you so scared of me? hvd.32044086822954 Why wo n't you tell me?"
hvd.32044086822954Would you be afraid to sleep in the same room with a lunatic, a man with softening of the brain, an idiot whose mind has lost its grip?
hvd.32044086822954You are aware,said he,"that the dead man's wedding ring has been taken from his finger?"
hvd.32044086822954You at once rang for help?
hvd.32044086822954You do n't associate his past with any par- ticular part of America?
hvd.32044086822954You found something compromising?
hvd.32044086822954You have already sworn the oath of secrecy and fidelity, and you are aware that the punishment for any breach of it is instant and inevitable death?
hvd.32044086822954You have no reason to think it was criminal?
hvd.32044086822954You mean that he has a great income and that he must earn it in an illegal fashion?
hvd.32044086822954You sat in front of his writing desk?
hvd.32044086822954You think it will come to that?
hvd.32044086822954You think then, definitely, that Barker and Mrs. Douglas are guilty of the murder?
hvd.32044086822954You think there is someone behind him?
hvd.32044086822954You would n't kill this man?
hvd.32044086822954You would n't squeal on a fellow?
hvd.32044086822954You'll be the new Captain?
hvd.32044086822954You'll do it, then?
hvd.32044086822954You've come to that already, have you?
hvd.32044086822954'—'Are we never to get out of the Valley of Fear?'
hvd.32044086822954Am I to lose my life's chance and all my heart's desire for someone else?
hvd.32044086822954Ames, I understand that you have often seen this very unusual mark — a branded triangle inside a circle — upon Mr. Doug- las'forearm?"
hvd.32044086822954And ca n't I speak alone with a gentle- man for five minutes but you must butt in on us?"
hvd.32044086822954And how in the world has he got away without it?
hvd.32044086822954As to the lodge, was n't it the order of the Bodymaster that the man was not to be killed — and what are you doing but killing him?"
hvd.32044086822954Besides, if I wanted to, how could I do it?
hvd.32044086822954Besides, what is there to be afraid of?
hvd.32044086822954But I would ask you how did this man know that you lived here, or how to get into your house, or where to hide to get you?"
hvd.32044086822954But his description — what of that?"
hvd.32044086822954But how do you pro- pose to lay your hands on the so- called Por- lock?"
hvd.32044086822954But if you are a Freeman, Jack, why should you not go down and make a friend of Boss McGinty?
hvd.32044086822954But what do you gather from it?"
hvd.32044086822954But what in the name of all that is won- derful made the fellow leave it behind?
hvd.32044086822954But what's the game, Mr. Holmes — what's the game?"
hvd.32044086822954But why this gun, of all weapons?"
hvd.32044086822954But why — what's amiss with the names?"
hvd.32044086822954But you've heard of Pinkerton's?"
hvd.32044086822954But, hullo, who's the visitor?"
hvd.32044086822954Can we for our present practical needs get any fur- ther than that?"
hvd.32044086822954Can we have the butler in for a moment?
hvd.32044086822954Can you make anything"of the inscription, Ames?"
hvd.32044086822954Could n't we start out and scour the country before the fellow gets away?"
hvd.32044086822954Could you take me away?"
hvd.32044086822954Did Mr. Douglas entirely approve your friendship with his wife?"
hvd.32044086822954Did he seem to scent a trap?"
hvd.32044086822954Did n't you say that you have sent him money?"
hvd.32044086822954Did you get anything else?"
hvd.32044086822954Did you happen to observe a picture over the professor's head?"
hvd.32044086822954Did you ob- serve that in life?"
hvd.32044086822954Do they go up too?"
hvd.32044086822954Do you back out?"
hvd.32044086822954Do you say that no one can ever get level with this king devil?"
hvd.32044086822954Do[ 65] THE VALLEY OF FEAR you carry the names of all the gunmakers in the world in your memory?"
hvd.32044086822954Does that make any impression on your mind?"
hvd.32044086822954Does that strike you as very probable, Watson?"
hvd.32044086822954Had this secret society to do with politics?"
hvd.32044086822954Had you no- ticed anything unusual in his conduct, yesterday, Ames?"
hvd.32044086822954Have n't we tried that before now, and what ever came of it?"
hvd.32044086822954Have we reached the limits of what reason can supply?"
hvd.32044086822954Have you any friends?"
hvd.32044086822954Have you any of the sort in the house?"
hvd.32044086822954Have you heard anything of the lodge in these parts?"
hvd.32044086822954He was reminded of his omission, how- ever, by a visit one evening from Mike Scanlan,[ 180] THE VALLEY OF FEAR"Is n't it?"
hvd.32044086822954How am I to know that you are not a married man — you, a stranger, that nobody knows?"
hvd.32044086822954How could I give it up when it would be to break my oath and to desert my comrades?
hvd.32044086822954How could he swear there was no such gun in the house?"
hvd.32044086822954How could he?"
hvd.32044086822954How could they be so sure that the sound of it would not bring someone on to them?
hvd.32044086822954How did he acquire wealth?
hvd.32044086822954How long are we to endure it?
hvd.32044086822954How would he know this Pinkerton man?"
hvd.32044086822954I guess you are new to this part, young man?"
hvd.32044086822954I say to you, Ted Baldwin, what is the offense, Sir?"
hvd.32044086822954I take it for granted that since dawn every con- stable within forty miles has been looking out for a wet stranger?"
hvd.32044086822954I've heard that there is no harm in being a Freeman anywhere but here; so why should I think the worse of you for that?
hvd.32044086822954If you could get a bag of blast- ing powder at the front door with a slow match to it""What's the man done?"
hvd.32044086822954If you love me, and I you, who will dare to come between?"
hvd.32044086822954If you want me, you'll find me at Jacob Shafter's on Sheridan street, Vermissa; so I'm not hiding from you, am I?
hvd.32044086822954Is Birdy Edwards here?"
hvd.32044086822954Is he reliable?"
hvd.32044086822954Is it for such results as this that our great country welcomes to its bosom the alien who flies from the despot- isms of Europe?
hvd.32044086822954Is it forgery, coining, bur- glary — where does the money come from?"
hvd.32044086822954Is it not?
hvd.32044086822954Is the water al- ways turbid?"
hvd.32044086822954Is this a man to traduce?
hvd.32044086822954It is, I admit, mere imagination; but how often is imagination the mother of truth?
hvd.32044086822954It was his idea that I was at a loose end, and that[ 247] THE VALLEY OF FEAR"Nor against me?"
hvd.32044086822954Oh, Jack, how I can tell you the truth?
hvd.32044086822954Or is it by the law courts and the Judge?
hvd.32044086822954Perhaps you hate me too, now that I've told you as much?"
hvd.32044086822954Pray what more could I do?
hvd.32044086822954See here, Morris, will you leave this thing in my hands?"
hvd.32044086822954So far we are within the bounds of pos- sibility, are we not?"
hvd.32044086822954Some- one in a novel, was he not?
hvd.32044086822954Supposing that a matter were brought confidentially to his knowledge, is it absolutely necessary that he should pass it on to the detec- tives?"
hvd.32044086822954Sure, have we not tried it often enough in the law courts?
hvd.32044086822954Tell me, Friend MacDonald, this pleasing and touching interview was, I suppose, in the professor's study?"
hvd.32044086822954That does not seem a very likely start, does it?"
hvd.32044086822954That's good impartial evi- dence, ai n't it?
hvd.32044086822954The blunt accusa- tion, the brutal tap upon the shoulder,—what can one make of such a denouement?
hvd.32044086822954The cipher message begins with a large 534, does it not?
hvd.32044086822954The question I'm asking you is what shall we say to him?"
hvd.32044086822954The valley of fearSir Arthur Conan Doyle HARVARD COLLEGE LIBRARY THE VALLEY OF FEAR"WHAT'S THIS, MR. HOLMES?
hvd.32044086822954Was I right?"
hvd.32044086822954Was it my imagination that there was an un- dertone of fear rather than of hope in the ques- tion?
hvd.32044086822954Was it to your wife that you were writing?
hvd.32044086822954Was that crime — or what else would you call it?"
hvd.32044086822954Was there any robbery?"
hvd.32044086822954Was there nothing to identify this man?"
hvd.32044086822954We do seem to make a little prog- ress, do we not?
hvd.32044086822954Well, what is it now?"
hvd.32044086822954Well, what the hell do you want?
hvd.32044086822954What I ask you now is how do I stand by the English law?"
hvd.32044086822954What are you but the paid tool of the capitalists, hired by them to club or shoot your poorer fellow citizen?"
hvd.32044086822954What are you doing here?"
hvd.32044086822954What chance have you against a dozen of them, with Boss McGinty and all the power of the lodge behind them?"
hvd.32044086822954What d'you think of me?"
hvd.32044086822954What do you make of that, Watson?"
hvd.32044086822954What do you think he pays him?"
hvd.32044086822954What does he mean by allowing his retreat to be cut off like that?
hvd.32044086822954What does he mean by using a shotgun when silence was his one chance of es- cape?
hvd.32044086822954What does the Mahratta government do?
hvd.32044086822954What has happened since[ 131] THE VALLEY OF FEAR II then to give you a completely new idea of the case?"
hvd.32044086822954What have I ever said or done that you should think I would be after standing back from an order of the Bodymaster of my own lodge?
hvd.32044086822954What in the whole wide world can be the connection be- tween this dead painting man and the affair at Birlstone?"
hvd.32044086822954What indications have we as to this book?"
hvd.32044086822954What is the meaning of this?"
hvd.32044086822954What is the result?
hvd.32044086822954What made you come here?"
hvd.32044086822954What other indications have we as to the nature of this large book?
hvd.32044086822954What possible connection could she have with an American assassin which would cause her to shelter him?"
hvd.32044086822954What then is left?"
hvd.32044086822954What we have to determine is, whether it was done by some- one outside or inside the house?"
hvd.32044086822954What weapon would he choose?
hvd.32044086822954What were they doing, and why did they not instantly give the alarm?
hvd.32044086822954What were you speak- ing to Brother Morris about on Miller Hill this morning?"
hvd.32044086822954What's this under the side table?"
hvd.32044086822954What[ 125] THE VALLEY OF FEAR was he to do next?
hvd.32044086822954What[ 23] THE VALLEY OF FEAR do you think of pure reason, and its fruits?
hvd.32044086822954Where are you bound for now?"
hvd.32044086822954Where are you staying?"
hvd.32044086822954Where shall we know him?"
hvd.32044086822954Where were you made?"
hvd.32044086822954Where would be that thrill if I had been as[ 139] THE VALLEY OF FEAR I definite as a timetable?
hvd.32044086822954Where's the other?"
hvd.32044086822954Who are you that you should take it on yourself to ask such things?"
hvd.32044086822954Why a cut- off shot- gun of all weapons — and an American one at that?
hvd.32044086822954Why are they lying, and what is the truth which they are trying so hard to conceal?
hvd.32044086822954Why did he not simply drop it?"
hvd.32044086822954Why did you leave Chicago?"
hvd.32044086822954Why did your guilty couple do all this, Watson?"
hvd.32044086822954Why else should you hold it from me?
hvd.32044086822954Why should I be surprised?
hvd.32044086822954Why should I pull her into it?
hvd.32044086822954Why should he?
hvd.32044086822954Why should we not get him?"
hvd.32044086822954Will that content you?"
hvd.32044086822954With that?"
hvd.32044086822954Would there be any objection, Mr. White Mason, to our going down to the house at once?
hvd.32044086822954Would you mind coming over and speaking to Mrs. Douglas for one instant?"
hvd.32044086822954Would you trust me?"
hvd.32044086822954You do n't suppose that the lodge would let a man go free with all its secrets?"
hvd.32044086822954You followed him next year, did you not?"
hvd.32044086822954You have known your hus- band only in England, have you not?"
hvd.32044086822954[ 120] a dawning Light By the way, you have that big umbrella of yours, have you not?"
hvd.32044086822954[ 134] THE SOLUTION"Where?"
hvd.32044086822954[ 165] THE VALLEY OF FEAR"Have you heard nothing of doings here- abouts?"
hvd.32044086822954[ 190] THE BODYMASTER"Did n't you?
hvd.32044086822954[ 259] THE DARKEST HOUR are in court for murder?
hvd.32044086822954[ 82] CHAPTER V THE PEOPLE OF THE DRAMA HAVE you seen all you want of the study?"
hvd.32044086822954[ 89] THE VALLEY OF FEAR"Was there anything curious about his life in California?"
hvd.32044086822954is that so?"
hvd.32044086822954■[ 77] THE VALLEY OF FEAR"You never heard any speculation as to what it meant?"
hvd.hn2bxlHave you seen Pierrot's advertisement to- day?"
hvd.hn2bxlAll you desire is a plain statement, is it not?'' hvd.hn2bxl And he was well dressed?"
hvd.hn2bxlBut the three missing drawings are the most important? ” “ Undoubtedly.
hvd.hn2bxlBut where, then, is Gennaro? ” she asked. hvd.hn2bxl Can you not make reparation?
hvd.hn2bxlDid you close it?
hvd.hn2bxlHardly on the evidence. ” “ What can we hope to do? ” “ We can not tell what correspondence may be there.
hvd.hn2bxlHave you found out anything?
hvd.hn2bxlHave you had something to eat? hvd.hn2bxl How far to Wallington? ” he asked.
hvd.hn2bxlI understand that you are a doc- Have you ever heard of this prepara- tion? ”Devil's- foot root!
hvd.hn2bxlIs Miss Cushing at home?
hvd.hn2bxlIs she gone, Watson? hvd.hn2bxl Is that you, Mr. Smith? ” Holmes whispered.
hvd.hn2bxlMan or woman? ” I asked. hvd.hn2bxl May I ask what your name is? ” “ No, you may not, ” said he, with decision.
hvd.hn2bxlOh, he went out the first night, did he?
hvd.hn2bxlRobbed? ” “ No, there was no attempt at robbery.
hvd.hn2bxlStand still, will you? ” There was the click of the closing handcuffs. hvd.hn2bxl Surely you have heard of it?
hvd.hn2bxlThe what?
hvd.hn2bxlTurn up the gas? hvd.hn2bxl Well, did you see him, Watson? ” “ Yes; he is coming."
hvd.hn2bxlWell, you are their employer, ai n't you? hvd.hn2bxl What if I am? ” he asked, with a most villain- ous scowl.
hvd.hn2bxlWhat the devil do you mean? hvd.hn2bxl What's the meaning of this? ” I heard him say at last, in a dry, rasping tone.
hvd.hn2bxlWhat's this, Watson? hvd.hn2bxl Your sister Sarah lives, I think you said, at New Street, Wallington?
hvd.hn2bxl'Why not?'
hvd.hn2bxlA shocking crime has been committed, and I think I have now laid bare every detail of it. ” “ And the criminal?"
hvd.hn2bxlAbsurd, is it not?
hvd.hn2bxlAfter all, you have done your best for your country, and I have done my best for mine, and what could be more natural?
hvd.hn2bxlAh, the shadows begin to fall, do they?
hvd.hn2bxlAn accident? ” “ Murder, if ever there was one upon earth. ” “ Good God!
hvd.hn2bxlAnd do n't budge, whatever happens — whatever happens, do you hear?
hvd.hn2bxlAnd why should these proofs of the deed be sent to Miss Sarah Cushing?
hvd.hn2bxlAnd yet I would have trusted him as I trust myself. ” “ At what hour was the office closed on Mon- day?".
hvd.hn2bxlAnd you, Les- trade, could you favour us with your company for an hour or two?
hvd.hn2bxlAnother one? ” “ Yes, here it is:"To- night.
hvd.hn2bxlAny other point, Watson?"
hvd.hn2bxlBut I have been seated quietly in my chair, and what clues can I have given you? ”"You do yourself an injustice.
hvd.hn2bxlBut how about the disappearance of the others?!
hvd.hn2bxlBut how are you affected?''
hvd.hn2bxlBut some of these days you'll go too far, and you'll find yourself and your friend in trouble. ” “ For England, home and beauty- eh, Wat- son?
hvd.hn2bxlBut they do fall down, and when did you ever pick them up?
hvd.hn2bxlBut this is not a practical joke. ” • “ You are sure of it? ” “ The presumption is strongly against it.
hvd.hn2bxlBut what do you think of it, Mycroft? ”"Excellent, Sherlock!
hvd.hn2bxlBut what do you think of yourself spreading reports about me like that, and then crawling to me for help the moment you are in trouble?
hvd.hn2bxlBut what end?
hvd.hn2bxlBut what use will you make of it? ” Holmes picked up the Daily Telegraph which lay upon the table.
hvd.hn2bxlBut why?
hvd.hn2bxlBut why? ” Holmes leaned back in his armchair and took his notebook from his pocket.
hvd.hn2bxlBut, in the second place, why did you not come at once? ” “ What do you mean? ” Holmes glanced at his watch.
hvd.hn2bxlBut, in the second place, why did you not come at once? ” “ What do you mean? ” Holmes glanced at his watch.
hvd.hn2bxlBy the way, Mister, talking of Jack James, it seems to me you do n't do much to cover your men. ” “ What do you mean?"
hvd.hn2bxlBy the way, do you know what Mycroft is?"
hvd.hn2bxlCan you think of no other way you could have got this thing? ”"I ca n't think.
hvd.hn2bxlCan you un- derstand what I say? ”.
hvd.hn2bxlCould I fancy that your astute judg- ment would pass a dying man who, however weak, had no rise of pulse or temperature?
hvd.hn2bxlCould it have been an official superior who took the papers?
hvd.hn2bxlCould the good people who were her companions not screen her from his violence or his blackmail?
hvd.hn2bxlCould we see her, then and try to use her?
hvd.hn2bxlDark clothes- nothing you would note. ”"He gave no name? ”!
hvd.hn2bxlDid anything come by post? ” “ By post? ” “ A box by chance?"
hvd.hn2bxlDid anything come by post? ” “ By post? ” “ A box by chance?"
hvd.hn2bxlDid anything come by post? ” “ By post? ” “ A box by chance?"
hvd.hn2bxlDid he ask what ailed me? ” “ I told him about the Chinese in the East- end. ”"Exactly!
hvd.hn2bxlDid his companions follow him and kill him?
hvd.hn2bxlDid they ever show any apprehension of coming danger? ” “ Nothing of the kind. ”"You have nothing to add then, which could assist me?"
hvd.hn2bxlDid they ever show any apprehension of coming danger? ” “ Nothing of the kind. ”"You have nothing to add then, which could assist me?"
hvd.hn2bxlDid you chance to observe what became of it?"
hvd.hn2bxlDid you say he was dead? ” “ Yes, sir, he is dead."
hvd.hn2bxlDo I hear the step of a friend? ” There were footfalls outside, the door opened, and Inspector Morton appeared.
hvd.hn2bxlDo you im- agine that I have no respect for your medical talents?
hvd.hn2bxlDo you know what is the matter with you? ” “ The same,"said Holmes.
hvd.hn2bxlDo you remember a box- an ivory box?
hvd.hn2bxlDo you suppose that such a consideration weighs with me for an instant?
hvd.hn2bxlDoes she know?
hvd.hn2bxlEight, was it not? ” he asked, eagerly.
hvd.hn2bxlFinally, if he did not throw this substance into the fire at the moment of leaving the room, who did do so?
hvd.hn2bxlFind an answer to all these questions, and you will have done good service for your country. ”.“Why do you not solve it yourself, Mycroft?
hvd.hn2bxlFrom an official point of view it's simply awful. ” “ But you have recovered them? ”"No, Sherlock, no!
hvd.hn2bxlGood heavens, Watson, what has become of any brains that God has given me?
hvd.hn2bxlGorgiano of the Red Circle? ” “ Oh, he has a European fame, has he?
hvd.hn2bxlGorgiano of the Red Circle? ” “ Oh, he has a European fame, has he?
hvd.hn2bxlHad he already overtaken her?
hvd.hn2bxlHas he any one outstanding quality?
hvd.hn2bxlHas she perhaps met her end on the same night as the fricnd whom she had summoned?
hvd.hn2bxlHave you a clue? ” “ An idea- an indication, no more.
hvd.hn2bxlHave you been there yourself, Mr. Roundhay? ”.
hvd.hn2bxlHave you heard of the death of the chief? ” “ We have just come from his house."
hvd.hn2bxlHave you read up the case? ” “ We have just done so.
hvd.hn2bxlHave you the cab below?
hvd.hn2bxlHave you the tools? ”"They are here, in my overcoat. ”"Excellent.
hvd.hn2bxlHow could you call? ” “ Your cipher was not difficult, madam.
hvd.hn2bxlHow do I come to be mixed up with the case? ” “ Very simply, sir, ” Inspector Baynes an- swered.
hvd.hn2bxlHow is any news or any mes- sage to reach him from without?
hvd.hn2bxlHow is he???
hvd.hn2bxlHow is he???
hvd.hn2bxlHow is he???
hvd.hn2bxlHow many did you make it?
hvd.hn2bxlHow would Lausanne do, my dear Watson- first- class tickets and all expenses paid on a princely scale? ” “ Splendid!
hvd.hn2bxlI only kept them here until my friend, Mr. Holmes, should have seen them in your presence. ” “ Why in my presence, sir?"
hvd.hn2bxlI put them there myself. ” “ Is there no watchman to the building?"
hvd.hn2bxlI should put Scotland Yard in touch with this business — and yet, it is too pressing for us to leave. ”"Shall I go for the police?"
hvd.hn2bxlI suppose there could not be two people in your rooms, Mrs. Warren? ” “ No, sir.
hvd.hn2bxlI suppose when you doctored you found yourself studying cases without thought of a fee?"
hvd.hn2bxlI understand that there was no sign of rob- bery? ”"Apparently not.
hvd.hn2bxlI'd like you to know before you die. ” “ Give me something to ease my pain. ”"Painful, is it?
hvd.hn2bxlI'd rather watch him from over the water. ” “ But you're an American citizen?"
hvd.hn2bxlI've been taking the signals. ”"Signals? ” “ Yes, from that window.
hvd.hn2bxlIf I failed to do[ 203] VI THE DISAPPEARANCE OF LADY FRANCES CARFAX DUT why Turkish? ” asked Mr. Sherlock D Holmes, gazing fixedly at my boots.
hvd.hn2bxlIf she knew, why should she call the police in?
hvd.hn2bxlIf the latter, may it be taken as some sign of self- reproach for duty neglected?
hvd.hn2bxlIf the law can do nothing we must take: the risk ourselves. ” “ What do you suggest? ” “ I know which is her room.
hvd.hn2bxlIf the two people were mur- dered, who but their murderer would have sent this sign of his work to Miss Cushing?
hvd.hn2bxlIs it a coincidence that it is found at the very point where the train pitches and sways as it comes round on the points?
hvd.hn2bxlIs it not so? ” “ We are police, madam. ” She looked round into the shadows of the room.
hvd.hn2bxlIs not that the place where an object upon the roof might be expected to fall off?
hvd.hn2bxlIs she alive or dead?
hvd.hn2bxlIs she alive?
hvd.hn2bxlIs that all clear?
hvd.hn2bxlIs that not enough? ”[ 181] HIS LAST BOW Yes, Mrs. Hudson was right.
hvd.hn2bxlIs that not so? ” “ There has been an inquest. ” said I.
hvd.hn2bxlIs there a spark left?
hvd.hn2bxlIs there any point which is not quite clear to you? ” “ The object of the mulatto cook's return?"
hvd.hn2bxlIs there any point which is not quite clear to you? ” “ The object of the mulatto cook's return?"
hvd.hn2bxlIt is very curious and complex, Watson. ” “ Why should you go further in it?
hvd.hn2bxlIt sounds plaus- ible, does it not?
hvd.hn2bxlIt was just who would get his evidence first. ”"Then why did you arrest the mulatto? ” Baynes chuckled.
hvd.hn2bxlLet me see, what were the points?
hvd.hn2bxlMYCROFT. ”"Cadogan West?
hvd.hn2bxlMy God, shall I ever forget their faces when they saw who was in the boat that was closing in upon them?
hvd.hn2bxlMy God, whoever would have thought that it could have come to this?
hvd.hn2bxlNow, Dr. Sterndale, how do you justify such conduct, and what were the motives for your actions?
hvd.hn2bxlNow, my dear Watson, is it beyond the limits of human ingenuity to furnish an explanation which would cover both these big facts?
hvd.hn2bxlNow, what did he want with Eccles?
hvd.hn2bxlNow, when did this occur?
hvd.hn2bxlOh, you will see it out, will you?
hvd.hn2bxlOnce again I ask you, where is your warrant?"
hvd.hn2bxlOnly a week or so ago we had a man here upon the same errand. ” “ Did he give a name? ” I asked.
hvd.hn2bxlOnly cure me, and I'll forget it. ”"Forget what? ” “ Well, about Victor Savage's death.
hvd.hn2bxlOnly one cheque has been drawn since. ” “ To whom, and where? ” “ To Miss Marie Devine.
hvd.hn2bxlOr did he drop it in the carriage?
hvd.hn2bxlOr is she merely a prisoner?
hvd.hn2bxlOtherwise why should not her lug- gage have been openly labelled for Baden?
hvd.hn2bxlPerhaps you can not yourself recall how your reverie commenced?"
hvd.hn2bxlPoor devil, how could I be angry when I saw him lying in such a plight before me?
hvd.hn2bxlPray do n't think it a liberty if I give you a word of friendly warning. ”"Of warning, Mr. Holmes?"
hvd.hn2bxlSeclusion I can understand; but why print?
hvd.hn2bxlShall I read it, Mr. Gregson? ” The Londoner nodded.
hvd.hn2bxlShall the world, then, be overrun by oysters?
hvd.hn2bxlShe would have come. ” “ Will you see him?"
hvd.hn2bxlSo far all is clear. ” “ But what is at the root of it? ” “ Ah, yes, Watson- severely practical, as usual!
hvd.hn2bxlSo far it holds together. ” “ What is the next step?"
hvd.hn2bxlSuddenly he darted away into the fog. ” “ Without a word? ”"He gave an exclamation; that was all.
hvd.hn2bxlSug- gestive, Watson, is it not? ” “ Of caution?"
hvd.hn2bxlSug- gestive, Watson, is it not? ” “ Of caution?"
hvd.hn2bxlSurely she had other correspondents? ” “ There is one correspondent who is a sure[ 208] THE DISAPPEARANCE OF LADY FRANCES CARFAX draw, Watson.
hvd.hn2bxlThat West, of all men, should have done such a thing! ” “ You are sure of his guilt, then? ” “ I can see no other way out of it.
hvd.hn2bxlThat ca n't be all, Watson?
hvd.hn2bxlThat was the end of the matter so far as I was concerned. ”"And your brother?"
hvd.hn2bxlThat would account for everything, would it not? ”.
hvd.hn2bxlThat would explain his persistence, would it not? ”.
hvd.hn2bxlThat would fully explain the facts, would it not? ” The whole inexplicable tangle seemed to straighten out before me.
hvd.hn2bxlThe cards[ 254] HIS LAST BOW of their senses?
hvd.hn2bxlThe general sequence of events is pretty clear, is it not?
hvd.hn2bxlThe gentle- man was bearded and moustached, you say?"
hvd.hn2bxlThe man met his death elsewhere, and his body was on the roof of a carriage. ” “ On the roof! ”"Remarkable, is it not?
hvd.hn2bxlThe oval seal is un- doubtedly a plain sleeve- link- what else is of such a shape?
hvd.hn2bxlThe sum was fifty pounds. ” “ And who is Miss Marie Devine? ”"That also I have been able to discover.
hvd.hn2bxlThe word puts me on the alert. ”"Have you it there? ” I asked.
hvd.hn2bxlThen, again, where is the price of his treason?
hvd.hn2bxlThen, again, why should he leave the[ 154] ADVENTURE OF THE BRUCE- PARTINGTON PLANS girl in the street and dart away to commit a felony? ”"Exactly!
hvd.hn2bxlThen, again, why such laconic messages? ” “ I can not imagine. ” “ It opens a pleasing field for intelligent specu- lation.
hvd.hn2bxlThere was his crime; what was to be his punish- ment?
hvd.hn2bxlThere's only the one exit to these flats, so we have him safe. ”, “ Who is he?"
hvd.hn2bxlThey had him alone at their mercy every other night in the week. ” “ Then why did they fly? ” “ Quite so.
hvd.hn2bxlThink yourself smart, do n't you?
hvd.hn2bxlUnique, per- fectly unique, and yet why not?
hvd.hn2bxlWas it taken from him in order to conceal the station from which he came?
hvd.hn2bxlWas that the secret of her con- tinued silence?
hvd.hn2bxlWas there any clue, may I ask, as to the exact hour that the man met his death? ” “ He had been there since one o'clock.
hvd.hn2bxlWe picked up the[ 15] HIS LAST BOW scent at Charing Cross Post Office and came on here. ”"But why do you follow me?
hvd.hn2bxlWell, Mrs. Warren, what now?"
hvd.hn2bxlWell, what remains?
hvd.hn2bxlWhat about his luggage? ”"He had one big brown bag with him- nothing else. ” “ Well, we do n't seem to have much material to help us.
hvd.hn2bxlWhat brings you here? ” “ The same reasons that bring you, I expect, ” said Gregson.
hvd.hn2bxlWhat can it matter to him that his landlady should have a word of his writing?
hvd.hn2bxlWhat could Eccles supply?
hvd.hn2bxlWhat could the coffin mean, and for whom could it be but for her? ”"We will do all that can be done, Mr. Green.
hvd.hn2bxlWhat did we see first?
hvd.hn2bxlWhat do you make of these bones? ”"A lamb, I should say, or a kid. ” “ And the white cock?"
hvd.hn2bxlWhat do you make of these bones? ”"A lamb, I should say, or a kid. ” “ And the white cock?"
hvd.hn2bxlWhat do you mean? ” “ I suppose there are no great number of points on a system such as this? ” “ No; there are very few."
hvd.hn2bxlWhat do you mean? ” “ I suppose there are no great number of points on a system such as this? ” “ No; there are very few."
hvd.hn2bxlWhat do you mean? ” “ I will tell you, ” said Holmes, “ and the reason why I tell you is that I hope frankness may beget frankness.
hvd.hn2bxlWhat does he want?
hvd.hn2bxlWhat does that mean?
hvd.hn2bxlWhat does the law of England care for the rivers of blood shed years ago in San Pedro, or for the ship- load of treasure which this man has stolen?
hvd.hn2bxlWhat had be- come of the other three?
hvd.hn2bxlWhat happened next? ” “ The woman came out, but I had hid myself in[ 223] HIS LAST BOW a doorway.
hvd.hn2bxlWhat has he done?
hvd.hn2bxlWhat have I done?
hvd.hn2bxlWhat have you to gain from it? ”"What, indeed?
hvd.hn2bxlWhat have you to gain from it? ”"What, indeed?
hvd.hn2bxlWhat horrible purpose, what[ 213] HIS LAST BOW deep design, lay behind this long pursuit?
hvd.hn2bxlWhat human contrivance could do that? ”"I fear, ” said Holmes,"that if the matter is beyond humanity it is certainly beyond me.
hvd.hn2bxlWhat in the world can he have to do with it?
hvd.hn2bxlWhat is at the root of it all?
hvd.hn2bxlWhat is he hiding for?
hvd.hn2bxlWhat is the result?
hvd.hn2bxlWhat is there for us to do? ”"To act, Sherlock- to act! ” cried Mycroft, springing to his feet.
hvd.hn2bxlWhat next? ” said he.
hvd.hn2bxlWhat reason then?
hvd.hn2bxlWhat say you, Watson?
hvd.hn2bxlWhat sort of a game is that, eh?"
hvd.hn2bxlWhat upheaval can possibly have derailed him?"
hvd.hn2bxlWhat was I say- ing, Watson? ”"My directions for Mr. Culverton Smith."
hvd.hn2bxlWhat was my baggage or Africa to me when I learned that such a fate had come upon my darling?
hvd.hn2bxlWhat were the tech- nical papers? ” “ Ah, there's the point!
hvd.hn2bxlWhat would it suggest, Wat- son? ” “ That he desired to conceal his handwriting. ”"But why?
hvd.hn2bxlWhat would it suggest, Wat- son? ” “ That he desired to conceal his handwriting. ”"But why?
hvd.hn2bxlWhat's that?
hvd.hn2bxlWhat's this?
hvd.hn2bxlWhat, did not observe it?
hvd.hn2bxlWhat, then, might she be expected to do if she heard of his death?
hvd.hn2bxlWhere is Gennaro?
hvd.hn2bxlWhere is that coffin which was brought into your house? ”"What do you want with the coffin?
hvd.hn2bxlWhere is that coffin which was brought into your house? ”"What do you want with the coffin?
hvd.hn2bxlWhere were my proofs?
hvd.hn2bxlWhere's Mary?
hvd.hn2bxlWhile in London on this treasonable mission he met his end. ” “ How?"
hvd.hn2bxlWho asked you to cross my path?
hvd.hn2bxlWho has tied them?
hvd.hn2bxlWho knows?
hvd.hn2bxlWho then, but Miss Burnet, the governess?
hvd.hn2bxlWho wrote the note?
hvd.hn2bxlWho, then is most likely to have taken his life?
hvd.hn2bxlWho- ever would have dreamed it?
hvd.hn2bxlWhy did Cadogan West take the papers, where are the missing ones, how did he die, how came his body where it was found, how can the evil be set right?
hvd.hn2bxlWhy did he not do so?
hvd.hn2bxlWhy did they fly?
hvd.hn2bxlWhy did you not call in a doc- tor? ”"He would n't have it, sir.
hvd.hn2bxlWhy have you pursued her?
hvd.hn2bxlWhy should such a message stop in such a way?
hvd.hn2bxlWhy so large a coffin for so small a body?
hvd.hn2bxlWhy, then, was he picked out from all the other people whom Garcia met as particularly suited to his purpose?
hvd.hn2bxlWould it be possible for me to inspect the train which contained the passenger who heard the thud of a fall in the fog? ”"I fear not, Mr. Holmes.
hvd.hn2bxlYes, Watson, there are good reasons to suspect that there has been a substitution of lodgers. ” “ But for what possible end? ”"Ah!
hvd.hn2bxlYes, sir, my own views are very different. ”"You have a theory then? ” “ And I'll work it myself, Mr. Holmes.
hvd.hn2bxlYet that is precisely what we are about to make. ” “ Could we not get a warrant and legalise it?"
hvd.hn2bxlYou are police, are you not?
hvd.hn2bxlYou do n't object to tobacco, I take it?
hvd.hn2bxlYou know what that is? ”"Search me, ” said the American.
hvd.hn2bxlYou opened it- do you remember? ” “ Yes, yes, I opened it.
hvd.hn2bxlYou perceive our difficulties, Watson? ” “ They are only too clear,"I answered, with conviction.
hvd.hn2bxlYou recognise the symptoms? ” “ Only too well. ”"Well, I should n't be surprised, Holmes.
hvd.hn2bxlYou understand, madam, that your husband will be ar- rested and tried for the death of the man who lies before us?
hvd.hn2bxlYou wo n't be offended, Watson?
hvd.hn2bxlYou wo n't put me alone into a cell, sir?
hvd.hn2bxlYou would not denounce the man? ” “ Certainly not, ” I answered.
hvd.hn2bxl[ 101] HIS LAST BOW Why not write?
hvd.hn2bxl[ 103] HIS LAST BOW Why, Watson, even your modest moustache would have been singed. ”"A holder? ”!
hvd.hn2bxl[ 155] HIS LAST DOW “ Where were the plans? ”"In that safe.
hvd.hn2bxlif it were only so. ”"What is it, Mr. Holmes?
hvd.hn2bxl“ Absurdly commonplace, is it not? ” “ But the boots and the bath? ”"Equally childish.
hvd.hn2bxl“ Absurdly commonplace, is it not? ” “ But the boots and the bath? ”"Equally childish.
hvd.hn2bxl“ Ah, the Conqueror, perhaps? ” “ No, the May Day, when last I heard.
hvd.hn2bxl“ And that ring went with him to London? ” “ He said so. ” “ And your key never left your possession?"
hvd.hn2bxl“ And that ring went with him to London? ” “ He said so. ” “ And your key never left your possession?"
hvd.hn2bxl“ Any- thing more?"
hvd.hn2bxl“ Are you Mr. John Scott Eccles, of Popham House, Lee?"
hvd.hn2bxl“ Brother Mycroft is coming round. ” “ Why not? ” I asked.
hvd.hn2bxl“ But how come you into this matter, Miss Burnet? ” asked Holmes.
hvd.hn2bxl“ But how?
hvd.hn2bxl“ But surely, Holmes, character goes for some- thing?
hvd.hn2bxl“ But why?"
hvd.hn2bxl“ Ca n't you be happy for five minutes without Mary, Jim?
hvd.hn2bxl“ Ca n't you hear me, Holmes? ” There was a rustling, as if he had shaken the sick man roughly by the shoulder.
hvd.hn2bxl“ Can you fit us both into your dogcart? ” “ Yes, I can. ” “ Then, Watson, we will postpone our break- fast.
hvd.hn2bxl“ Dead?
hvd.hn2bxl“ Did you observe them closely?"
hvd.hn2bxl“ Does he not explain? ” Holmes handed me his brother's telegram.
hvd.hn2bxl“ For my sake? ” “ I know what is the matter with me.
hvd.hn2bxl“ Have you come from Holmes? ” he asked.
hvd.hn2bxl“ How do you define the word “ grotesque'?"
hvd.hn2bxl“ How far is it to the house where this singular tragedy occurred? ”"About a mile inland."
hvd.hn2bxl“ How is Mr. Holmes, sir? ” he asked.
hvd.hn2bxl“ I have just left him. ” “ What about Holmes?
hvd.hn2bxl“ I presume that this Jim Browner, the steward of a Liverpool boat, is the man whom you sus- pect? ” “ Oh!
hvd.hn2bxl“ Is there any other little service that I can do you, my friend? ”"A match and a cigarette. ” I nearly called out in my joy and my amaze- ment.
hvd.hn2bxl“ May I ask, sir, what you did then?"
hvd.hn2bxl“ May I introduce you to Mr. Sherlock Holmes? ” he said to the cabman.
hvd.hn2bxl“ None; but he was an Englishman, though of an unusual type. ” “ A savage?"
hvd.hn2bxl“ Nothing of interest in the paper, Watson?"
hvd.hn2bxl“ Oh, you did, did you? ” Out came the official notebook.
hvd.hn2bxl“ Prints it? ” “ Yes, sir; prints it in pencil.
hvd.hn2bxl“ Should I appeal to the law?
hvd.hn2bxl“ Should I be guilty of a liberty if I lit a cigar and placed it between your lips?"
hvd.hn2bxl“ Then you have none in me?''
hvd.hn2bxl“ This is Mr. Leverton, of Pinkerton's American Agency. ” “ The hero of the Long Island Cave mystery?"
hvd.hn2bxl“ This was not the bird that I was looking for. ” “ Who is he? ” asked Mycroft eagerly.
hvd.hn2bxl“ Well, Watson, ” he asked, turning suddenly upon me,"what do you make of it?"
hvd.hn2bxl“ Well, it figures out that way, does it not?
hvd.hn2bxl“ Well, what is the next step? ”"The next step is the note received by Garcia at the dinner.
hvd.hn2bxl“ Well? ” asked Von Bork eagerly, running for- ward to meet his visitor.
hvd.hn2bxl“ Well? ” he asked, in that vibrant voice which told of the fiery soul behind the cold, grey face.
hvd.hn2bxl“ What about the dough? ” he asked.
hvd.hn2bxl“ What do you make of it? ” CO[ 35] HIS LAST BOW He held up his candle before an extraordinary object which stood at the back of the dresser.
hvd.hn2bxl“ What do you make of this string, Lestrade? ” “ It has been tarred. ” “ Precisely.
hvd.hn2bxl“ What do you mean? ” he asked, at last.
hvd.hn2bxl“ What have you done with her?
hvd.hn2bxl“ What is it worth?
hvd.hn2bxl“ What is that? ” said Smith.
hvd.hn2bxl“ What is that? ”!
hvd.hn2bxl“ What is this, Holmes?"
hvd.hn2bxl“ What is this, Mr. Holmes? ” he asked.
hvd.hn2bxl“ What is this? ” he asked.
hvd.hn2bxl“ What is this?"
hvd.hn2bxl“ What object is served by this circle of misery and violence and fear?
hvd.hn2bxl“ What of it?
hvd.hn2bxl“ What time was the funeral?
hvd.hn2bxl“ What were your plans? ” he asked, at last.
hvd.hn2bxl“ When does he lunch? ”"About one, sir. ” “ Then Dr. Watson and I will come round in time.
hvd.hn2bxl“ Where is the Lady Frances Carfax? ” I asked.
hvd.hn2bxl“ Where is your warrant? ” Holmes half drew a revolver from his pocket.
hvd.hn2bxl“ Where's Sarah?'
hvd.hn2bxl“ Who is this person?
hvd.hn2bxl“ Why do you think so? ”.
hvd.hn2bxl“ Why had he no ticket? ”.
hvd.hn2bxl“ Why not?
hvd.hn2bxl“ You are not angry? ” he asked, gasping for breath.
hvd.hn2bxl“ You are proud of your brains, Holmes, are you not?
hvd.hn2bxl“ You do n't mean that Baynes has got him?"
hvd.hn2bxl“ You wo n't cut that metal with any tool. ” “ But the lock? ” “ No, it's a double combination lock.
hvd.hn2bxl“ You've seen the paper, Mr. Holmes? ” he asked, holding one out to us.
hvd.hn2bxl“ Your people were in their usual spirits? ”"Never better. ”[ 248] THE ADVENTURE OF THE DEVIL'S FOOT “ Were they nervous people?
hvd.hn2bxl“ Your people were in their usual spirits? ”"Never better. ”[ 248] THE ADVENTURE OF THE DEVIL'S FOOT “ Were they nervous people?
hvd.32044021217070Then her influence still holds him?
hvd.32044021217070136 PLAYING WITH FIRE “ Do n't you think we are going too far?
hvd.3204402121707026 THE BEETLE HUNTER “ Are you really prepared for this, Charles?
hvd.320440212170706 Do they all know? ”.
hvd.320440212170706 There, what more could you ask?
hvd.320440212170706 What has happened, then? ” He waved his hand towards the case which contained the breastplate.
hvd.320440212170706 Where is the man? ” he asked.
hvd.320440212170706 • Who is it, anyway?'
hvd.3204402121707066 It's he! ” 66 Sir Thomas?"
hvd.3204402121707066 What d'you mean?'
hvd.3204402121707066 « Then the present stones are false?'
hvd.3204402121707066 • Where were they seen last?'
hvd.3204402121707066"You swear it?'
hvd.32044021217070666 And what is that?'
hvd.32044021217070666 Gentlemen,'said I,.are you aware whom you are playing with?'
hvd.3204402121707084 THE JAPANNED BOX 85 Could there be a more obvious prelude to an engagement?
hvd.32044021217070A Juryman: Has anyone up to now expressed any doubt about the matter?
hvd.32044021217070And I?
hvd.32044021217070And now we sit in silence and we expect — hein?
hvd.32044021217070And now with your permission I will turn the lights all out. ” “ What is the advantage of the dark?"
hvd.32044021217070And these others are griffins and coc'satrices, and dragons of sorts?"
hvd.32044021217070And who would wish to attack him?
hvd.32044021217070And yet, what was the alternative?
hvd.32044021217070Are the present precautions enough to insure you against rob- bery?"
hvd.32044021217070Are you prepared to swear to this handwriting, Miss Morton?
hvd.32044021217070Are you?'
hvd.32044021217070Be upon your guard, or an irreparable mis- fortune may occur. ” “ Is that all?"
hvd.32044021217070But Mrs. Delamere —?"
hvd.32044021217070But granting that our employer led a double and dubious life, who could she be, this mysterious woman who kept him company in the old tower?
hvd.32044021217070But how could you know it?"
hvd.32044021217070But how?
hvd.32044021217070But if so, why should he hesitate to warn Mortimer in his own name?
hvd.32044021217070But if we have no luck?'
hvd.32044021217070But in that case where did she come from?
hvd.32044021217070But is it really cer- tain?"
hvd.32044021217070But surely those guns are very much nearer? ” There could be no doubt of it.
hvd.32044021217070But the average man — if you will 266 USHER OF LEA HOUSE SCHOOL 269.."And the other masters?
hvd.32044021217070But the others, I have spoken with them, but what are you to do?
hvd.32044021217070But this other place, was it as ably de- fended?
hvd.32044021217070But what do you think of it?
hvd.32044021217070But what have uni- corns to do with it?
hvd.32044021217070But what need to worry about that now that re- lief was assured?
hvd.32044021217070But what was that?
hvd.32044021217070But what would you have done in my place? ” “ Kill them. ” “ Mein Gott!
hvd.32044021217070By the way, did you see a black japanned box in his room?"
hvd.32044021217070Ca n't you recognize one?"
hvd.32044021217070Can you make out any lettering upon it? ” There were certainly some scratches upon it, almost obliterated by time.
hvd.32044021217070Could I possibly pull it back?
hvd.32044021217070Could it have been saved? ” “ No; everything possible was done — save only one thing. ” 66 Ah!
hvd.32044021217070Could you help me so far? ” It was easily done.
hvd.32044021217070D'ye see?
hvd.32044021217070Deacon, where are the matches?
hvd.32044021217070Did I not do all I could for you?
hvd.32044021217070Did you know him?"
hvd.32044021217070Did you say that you had run with that lamp all over the ground floor?"
hvd.32044021217070Did you stand it out to the end? ” “ No, thank God, I awoke before it really began. ” “ Ah!
hvd.32044021217070Did you?"
hvd.32044021217070Do n't you, boy? ”.
hvd.32044021217070Do you hear? ” Dr. McCarthy's reply was inaudible, but the angry voice broke in again.
hvd.32044021217070Does madame make the trance?"
hvd.32044021217070Enoch must be'alfway to Purcell's by now. ” “ But what do these sailors want?"
hvd.32044021217070First of all, I think there is something due to our relations, do n't you?'
hvd.32044021217070For God's sake what's the matter?
hvd.32044021217070For my part I wish to see something that I have never seen before. ” “ What then?
hvd.32044021217070Ha, your face drops at that, does it?
hvd.32044021217070Had it possibly been side- tracked for some reason in order to allow the slower train to go past?
hvd.32044021217070Have they stayed? ” “ There is only one other residential master, and he appears to be unchanged.
hvd.32044021217070He has no motive. ” 6 Mania?"
hvd.32044021217070He is very exclusive in his friends — are n't you, Tommy?
hvd.32044021217070He looked at me in surprise “ Is it possible, ” said he, “ that Sir John Bollamore's previous history is unknown to you? ” “ Absolutely."
hvd.32044021217070Here I was with these precious relics in my possession, and how could I return them without a scandal and an exposure?
hvd.32044021217070His body lies at the postern gate. ” “ And no one saw him?"
hvd.32044021217070How about you, Ralston? ” “ Oh, I do n't know.
hvd.32044021217070How am I to set up in Australia without money?
hvd.32044021217070How could I expose him without in- juring her — and how far was I justified in exposing him when he had voluntarily put himself into my power?
hvd.32044021217070How could I stave it off until morning?
hvd.32044021217070How could I tell that it would be frightened?
hvd.32044021217070How could I, without striking my own daughter, who was infatuated about him, prevent him from carrying out any plan which he might have formed?
hvd.32044021217070How could we convict him without a full account of my brother's career being made public — the very thing which of all others we wished to avoid?
hvd.32044021217070How do you prove the two women to be the same? ”.
hvd.32044021217070How's that?"
hvd.32044021217070I always took it for granted that you knew that you were in the service of • Devil'Bollamore. ” “ But why · Devil'?
hvd.32044021217070I apologize now for all you have had to submit to, but I ask you what else could I do?
hvd.32044021217070I do n't want to buck, but I think it's a bit of a test for nerve. ” “ Why?"
hvd.32044021217070I kept on hoping that I should find some- one. ” “ Did you enter all the rooms?
hvd.32044021217070I leave you this little gold- mine of a school, and that's enough for one old man, is it not?
hvd.32044021217070I ran across the road to his side. “ Any harm done?
hvd.32044021217070I suppose from what you say that you have seen the whole dreadful business. ” “ What dreadful business?"
hvd.32044021217070I suppose that you have no idea what it was that you have seen?"
hvd.32044021217070I thought I would spend the time with you, for I had something to ask you. ” “ What was it?"
hvd.32044021217070I thought'e would ’ ave been the death of me. ” “ But what had you done? ” “ Done, sir!
hvd.32044021217070I've been doing the west coast from Senegal downwards. ” “ Good sport?
hvd.32044021217070I've been in my position ten years, but nothing of the kind has ever occurred before. ” “ No thief could have come through the windows?"
hvd.32044021217070If I met anyone I should get no pay. ” “ You met that sailor on the road? ” “ Yes, and I think he was one of them. ” 66 One of whom?"
hvd.32044021217070If I met anyone I should get no pay. ” “ You met that sailor on the road? ” “ Yes, and I think he was one of them. ” 66 One of whom?"
hvd.32044021217070If I tell him they must all know. ” “ How long can we hold out?"
hvd.32044021217070If he had a hold over our principal, might not I in turn obtain one over him?
hvd.32044021217070If he had any such misgivings, why could he not come and tell me direct?"
hvd.32044021217070In Heaven's name, what is it?"
hvd.32044021217070In a word, Mr. Weld, this unhappy man's real name is James McCarthy, and he is my only son. ” “ Your son?"
hvd.32044021217070Is all right?
hvd.32044021217070Is it a woman or not? ” 96 THE JAPANNED BOX “ It is certainly a woman. ” “ Which room did you hear it from?"
hvd.32044021217070Is it a woman or not? ” 96 THE JAPANNED BOX “ It is certainly a woman. ” “ Which room did you hear it from?"
hvd.32044021217070Is it death?
hvd.32044021217070Is it sleep?
hvd.32044021217070Is there a secret society of colliers, an English camorra, which is capable of destroying both train and passengers?
hvd.32044021217070It has happened frequently. ” “ Who can the woman be? ” “ I have no idea.
hvd.32044021217070It is n't a very common thing for a young man to carry about with him, is it?
hvd.32044021217070It may be a woman —"“ Why, what else could it be? ” He looked at me hard.
hvd.32044021217070It seems to me that with this power here we might be able to have some great experience — hein?
hvd.32044021217070It was dreadful. ” “ Then it was you who screamed?"
hvd.32044021217070It would be as well to guard against them in advance. ” “ What shall I do, then? ” “ I will tell you.
hvd.32044021217070Just come in here, will you? ” He led the way into a long building with an immense quantity of barrel staves and iron hoops littered about in it.
hvd.32044021217070May I place you as I should wish?
hvd.32044021217070Merciful Father, what was that?
hvd.32044021217070Mr. Humphrey: And how do you know, Miss Morton, that Dr. Lana is not dead?
hvd.32044021217070Mr. Humphrey: And the date?
hvd.32044021217070Mr. Humphrey: Can you explain this, Miss Morton?
hvd.32044021217070Mr. Humphrey: Do you believe your brother to be guilty of this crime?
hvd.32044021217070Mr. Humphrey: Do you know that your brother is not guilty of the death of Doctor Lana?
hvd.32044021217070Mr. Humphrey: Have you the envelope?
hvd.32044021217070Mr. Humphrey: Have you this letter?
hvd.32044021217070Mr. Humphrey: How do you know it?
hvd.32044021217070Mr. Humphrey: What is the post- mark?
hvd.32044021217070Mr. Porlock Carr: Then why have you made this pub- lic?
hvd.32044021217070My room is close by, and you can return to your own before the servant calls you in the morning. ” “ But why?"
hvd.32044021217070Now that the mission and school are formed I am to leave it to Father Amiel, and to push westward to found another. ” “ You are leaving?"
hvd.32044021217070Now'e's out an'after me again. ” “ But why should he be after you?"
hvd.32044021217070Now, in your case, Mr. Weld, is your own temper under good control?
hvd.32044021217070Oh, good Lord, what have I done? ” he cried.
hvd.32044021217070Oh, why would he do 236 THE SEALED ROOM it?
hvd.32044021217070Oh, you would squeal, would you?'
hvd.32044021217070Our conditions are different. ” PLAYING WITH FIRE 137 “ Are you happy? ” 66 Yes."
hvd.32044021217070Shall I read it to you? ” “ Do so."
hvd.32044021217070She has taken my place, as I have taken hers. ” 6 Who are you? ”.
hvd.32044021217070She will not an- swer. ” “ But we have learned already all that she can tell — hein?
hvd.32044021217070Should we not break up this séance? ” I cried.
hvd.32044021217070Surely it was a European cheer?
hvd.32044021217070Surely that must be obvious, for in what other possible way can the facts be explained?"
hvd.32044021217070Surely they did not carry their mediæval homage to the nobility to the point of decorating instruments of torture with their titles?"
hvd.32044021217070THE BEETLE HUNTER CURIOUS experience?
hvd.32044021217070THE CLUB- FOOTED GROCER 209 “ And there was another, ” said I, “ a man with a pipe. ” “ What was'e like?"
hvd.32044021217070THE LEATHER FUNNEL 19 “ And this? ” I asked, pointing to the marks upon the leathern neck.
hvd.32044021217070That is why an evil thought is also a danger. ” “ They are, I suppose, upon the astral plane? ” said Moir.
hvd.32044021217070The seamen tied my uncle THE CLUB- FOOTED GROCER 215 6 In my bedroom. ” “ Where is that? ” 6.
hvd.32044021217070Then Lord Southerton must have died about the same time that I was hurt?
hvd.32044021217070There is a tin box with money enough to fill this bag under his bed. ” “ How can I get it without waking him?"
hvd.32044021217070They had many wounded; they spared me. ” “ And the rest?"
hvd.32044021217070Was he going mad?
hvd.32044021217070Was it all a fantasy, or did it really stand for something which had happened in the black, cruel days of the world's history?
hvd.32044021217070Was it because he foresaw it that he abandoned his charge of it?
hvd.32044021217070Was it good?
hvd.32044021217070Was it the effect of the drug?
hvd.32044021217070Was it wise?
hvd.32044021217070Was it worthy of the traditions of the German army? ” “ I think you could have done no more. ” “ Thank you.
hvd.32044021217070Was that you, Mark- ham?"
hvd.32044021217070We have the wires all for our- selves now — hein?
hvd.32044021217070We start together from Paddington Station at 3:40 this afternoon. ” “ Do we go far? ” “ As far as Pangbourne.
hvd.32044021217070What am I to say that I represented?
hvd.32044021217070What can I possibly do for you that is commensurate?
hvd.32044021217070What can these as were THE POT OF CAVIARE 69 rascals with their matchlocks and swords do against modern weapons?
hvd.32044021217070What could I know of the English railway lines?
hvd.32044021217070What ever will she think when we tell her of it afterward?
hvd.32044021217070What have you ever done for me ex- cept what you could n't help doing?
hvd.32044021217070What is it?
hvd.32044021217070What is it?"
hvd.32044021217070What is that paper?
hvd.32044021217070What is the meaning of this, sir? ” With halting words I explained it all, my neuralgia, the narcotic, my luckless sleep and singular awakening.
hvd.32044021217070What more natural than that he should bring him to our little séance, or that we should feel honored by his presence?
hvd.32044021217070What shall we do with the old'un?"
hvd.32044021217070What sin have I ever committed that I should have such a punishment?
hvd.32044021217070What was it?"
hvd.32044021217070What was the connection, or was there any connection between this and the secret visits of the lady whose voice I had overheard?
hvd.32044021217070What was the mean- ing of it all, this atmosphere of mystery, this inexplicable terror, these confidences between two such dissimilar men?
hvd.32044021217070What was the use of revenging his death upon a man who was as much stricken by that death as I was?
hvd.32044021217070What's this?"
hvd.32044021217070What's this?'
hvd.32044021217070Where are they?
hvd.32044021217070Where can they get guns, com- mon, wandering seamen?
hvd.32044021217070Where could the train be?
hvd.32044021217070Where do you live? ” “ Here. ” He nodded his head towards the big, dark house in the garden.
hvd.32044021217070Where is the door? ” My hand, by good luck, lit upon the handle as I groped about in the darkness.
hvd.32044021217070Where's your whisky?
hvd.32044021217070Which window was it?"
hvd.32044021217070Who has been thinking so hard upon a subject so bizarre? ” 66 This is wonderful! ” cried Deacon.
hvd.32044021217070Who knows what temptation may have driven him to crime?
hvd.32044021217070Who spoke?
hvd.32044021217070Why did he do this?"
hvd.32044021217070Why do n't you run a Sunday- school?'
hvd.32044021217070Why else should he admit so hateful a presence into his house and so harmful an influence into his school?
hvd.32044021217070Why not start to educate your taste now?
hvd.32044021217070Why should I send my only son to serve him now?"
hvd.32044021217070Why should he possibly wish to be attacked?
hvd.32044021217070Why should he submit to degradations which could not be witnessed, far less endured, without indignation?
hvd.32044021217070Why should you not have them?
hvd.32044021217070Why wait?
hvd.32044021217070Why, then, had he come?
hvd.32044021217070Why, then, should their stale bread not be glorified by the treasured caviare?
hvd.32044021217070Will you be true to me, or will you remove the last good influence which is ever likely to come into my life?'
hvd.32044021217070Will you do it?'
hvd.32044021217070Will you give us a test that you are really there? ” What test do you demand?"
hvd.32044021217070Will you give us a test that you are really there? ” What test do you demand?"
hvd.32044021217070Will you join me? ” “ With the utmost pleasure, ” said I; and so it was agreed.
hvd.32044021217070Will you open your safe or will you not? ” USHER OF LEA HOUSE SCHOOL 283 “ Oh, James, how can you use me so?
hvd.32044021217070Will you open your safe or will you not? ” USHER OF LEA HOUSE SCHOOL 283 “ Oh, James, how can you use me so?
hvd.32044021217070Will you take a risk for me? ” I thought better of my uncle when I saw how readily the man consented.
hvd.32044021217070Will you?
hvd.32044021217070Wonderful thing — the quiet courage, the patience, the — what shall I say?
hvd.32044021217070Would you mind following me this way?"
hvd.32044021217070Would you mind holding the lantern for a moment?"
hvd.32044021217070You are not a somnam- bulist, by any chance? ” “ Nothing of the sort, I assure you."
hvd.32044021217070You can see by his face that he died in his sleep. ” “ But who can have done this?"
hvd.32044021217070You did not know it, hein?
hvd.32044021217070You know that skylight which overlooks the central hall?
hvd.32044021217070You look as if you had seen a ghost. ” “ So I have — several ghosts. ” “ The leather funnel has acted, then?"
hvd.32044021217070You must spend the night in my bedroom. ” “ What do you mean?"
hvd.32044021217070You say that you heard nothing, Simpson? ” “ No, sir, ” the comissionaire answered.
hvd.32044021217070You will not be frightened in the darkness, madame?
hvd.32044021217070You will not tell me who you are? ”"What does it matter? ” “ Have you been a spirit long?"
hvd.32044021217070You will not tell me who you are? ”"What does it matter? ” “ Have you been a spirit long?"
hvd.32044021217070You will not tell me who you are? ”"What does it matter? ” “ Have you been a spirit long?"
hvd.32044021217070You would murder them?
hvd.32044021217070You're not a doctor, are you? ” “ No, a lawyer.
hvd.32044021217070You've heard the voice, Colmore?"
hvd.32044021217070crime be brought home to him?
hvd.32044021217070not a collector?
hvd.32044021217070the place fell?
hvd.32044021217070their as settling But I soo THE MAN WITH THE WATCHES 57 66 • What's that to you?
hvd.32044021217070they did see him, then? ” “ Ainslie must have seen him from the church tower.
hvd.32044021217070what's amiss with Mr. Ralston?"
hvd.32044021217070would you dare to strike me?"
hvd.32044021217070’ Ark, what is that? ” A distant cry rang from out of the darkness, and then another one, short and sharp like the wail of the curlew.
hvd.32044021217070“ All over it? ” he asked, with emphasis, and he looked at me very hard.
hvd.32044021217070“ An hour or two at the most. ” “ Is that absolutely certain?"
hvd.32044021217070“ And terms?"
hvd.32044021217070“ And the other? ” “ Must remain, on watch. ” “ Why? ” said I.
hvd.32044021217070“ And the other? ” “ Must remain, on watch. ” “ Why? ” said I.
hvd.32044021217070“ And what do you think of it? ” I shrugged my shoulders, and remarked that it was no business of mine.
hvd.32044021217070“ And why all this mystery about getting out at a distant station and driving to the wrong address?
hvd.32044021217070“ Anything else I do, Massa Walker? ” he asked.
hvd.32044021217070“ Are you conscious?
hvd.32044021217070“ Because it is the acknowledgment of forces outside ourselves. ” “ What religion do you hold over there?"
hvd.32044021217070“ But how does that differ from any other cat? ” “ You will soon see that, ” said he, laughing.
hvd.32044021217070“ But suppose they rush us before to- morrow morning?"
hvd.32044021217070“ But surely, ” said he, “ you are the heir of our rela- tive, Lord Southerton?"
hvd.32044021217070“ But what can have changed him so?"
hvd.32044021217070“ But why should he indulge in such wanton destruc- tion?
hvd.32044021217070“ But why?
hvd.32044021217070“ Can you put forward any theory? ” A curious idea came into my head.
hvd.32044021217070“ Could you have believed it?"
hvd.32044021217070“ Curiosity and levity. ” “ May harm come of that?"
hvd.32044021217070“ D'you hear, you cursed Cockney thief?
hvd.32044021217070“ Did you see anything, Meldrum? ” “ No.
hvd.32044021217070“ Does a train vanish into thin air in England in broad daylight?
hvd.32044021217070“ Done for me?
hvd.32044021217070“ For fear of being seen?
hvd.32044021217070“ Harold Weld. ” “ Oxford or Cambridge? ” “ Cambridge. ” “ Honors?"
hvd.32044021217070“ Harold Weld. ” “ Oxford or Cambridge? ” “ Cambridge. ” “ Honors?"
hvd.32044021217070“ Have the stones been altered? ” I asked.
hvd.32044021217070“ Have you an eye for handwriting? ” said he. “ Now, look at this! ” He put another letter in front of me.
hvd.32044021217070“ Have you included the psychology of dreams among your learned studies?
hvd.32044021217070“ Have you met my husband?
hvd.32044021217070“ Have you pain in your life?"
hvd.32044021217070“ He's been dead some hours. ” “ Was it fever? ” “ Fever!
hvd.32044021217070“ How about the anti- Semitic movement?
hvd.32044021217070“ How could you possibly know her identity?"
hvd.32044021217070“ How do you know that?
hvd.32044021217070“ How have you escaped dis- covery??
hvd.32044021217070“ How have you escaped dis- covery??
hvd.32044021217070“ How long?"
hvd.32044021217070“ I am sure,"I answered, “ that Mr. Everard King would tell me if I were outstaying my welcome. ” 6 What's this?
hvd.32044021217070“ I am to remain on watch, then? ” said I, ruefully.
hvd.32044021217070“ I ca n't imagine; can you? ” “ Well, I might, perhaps, guess.
hvd.32044021217070“ I have been so anxious about father. ” 156 THE JEW'S BREASTPLATE “ Can you give me his Scotch address?"
hvd.32044021217070“ I tell you it is foolish not to eat caviare to- night. ” “ But why — why?"
hvd.32044021217070“ I'm owner and captain — Meldrum is the name. ” “ Exploring? ” he asked.
hvd.32044021217070“ If done in the right spirit. ” • What is the wrong spirit?"
hvd.32044021217070“ If it is a woman, how does she get there? ” “ I do n't know. ” “ No, nor I.
hvd.32044021217070“ Is a gun any use? ” “ No, no.
hvd.32044021217070“ Is n't he splendid?
hvd.32044021217070“ Is the trap ready? ” “ You'll need no trap.
hvd.32044021217070“ Is this Mr. Stephen Maple's? ” I asked.
hvd.32044021217070“ Is this the man, your Ladyship?
hvd.32044021217070“ It is splendid! ” “ Shall we call the alphabet? ” asked Moir.
hvd.32044021217070“ Meaning the large house on the right before I came to the village? ” said I.
hvd.32044021217070“ My dear Hardacre, how can I ever in this world repay you? ” “ You do n't mean to say that it is all right? ” “ Indeed I do.
hvd.32044021217070“ My dear Hardacre, how can I ever in this world repay you? ” “ You do n't mean to say that it is all right? ” “ Indeed I do.
hvd.32044021217070“ My dear Thomas, how are you? ” said he, heartily.
hvd.32044021217070“ No eaves- droppers, I suppose?'
hvd.32044021217070“ No — certainly not. ” “ Are you busy? ” “ We could not be happy if we were not busy. ”.
hvd.32044021217070“ No, I will swear to his sanity. ” “ Have you any other theory? ” “ Well, yourself, for example.
hvd.32044021217070“ No, sir. ” 6 Athlete?"
hvd.32044021217070“ Notice what?"
hvd.32044021217070“ Now, what do you think of this, Jackson? ” he asked.
hvd.32044021217070“ Only this — do you pray in your world? ” “ One should pray in every world. ” “ Why?"
hvd.32044021217070“ Only this — do you pray in your world? ” “ One should pray in every world. ” “ Why?"
hvd.32044021217070“ Say, mate, where are you bound for? ” he asked, in a rough but good- humored fashion.
hvd.32044021217070“ So much we have clearly gathered from this en- graved rim. ” “ But what has all this to do with dreams?"
hvd.32044021217070“ So now, Dr. Hamilton, may I rely upon your aid? ” “ Most undoubtedly, ” said I.
hvd.32044021217070“ Some of them. ” “ Why only some of them? ” “ Only those who are sympathetic. ” “ Do husbands meet wives?"
hvd.32044021217070“ Some of them. ” “ Why only some of them? ” “ Only those who are sympathetic. ” “ Do husbands meet wives?"
hvd.32044021217070“ Some one has tried to cut off the neck. ” “ Would you call it a cut? ” “ It is torn and lacerated.
hvd.32044021217070“ Speak out, or we'll find a way to make you. ” “ I am Mr. Stephen Maple's nephew, come to visit him. ” “ You are, are you?
hvd.32044021217070“ Thank God! ” “ Where is he? ” I asked, looking round the room.
hvd.32044021217070“ The one that stands in its own park?
hvd.32044021217070“ Then I give it up. ” “ But I do n't — and I have a plan by which we will make it all clear. ” “ To visit Professor Andreas?"
hvd.32044021217070“ Then what in the world did the thief want?"
hvd.32044021217070“ These beasts — what are they?
hvd.32044021217070“ These letters to my mother and to myself — were they forgeries?"
hvd.32044021217070“ Those who have truly loved. ” “ And the others?"
hvd.32044021217070“ Very serious harm. ” “ What sort of harm?
hvd.32044021217070“ Was that you?
hvd.32044021217070“ Well, he's had some good out of his money. ” 6 What good can he have had if he does not spend it?"
hvd.32044021217070“ What a black devil he looks, does n't he?
hvd.32044021217070“ What became of him?"
hvd.32044021217070“ What can have done this?
hvd.32044021217070“ What do you do?
hvd.32044021217070“ What do you know about beetles?"
hvd.32044021217070“ What do you make of it?
hvd.32044021217070“ What do you mean, Summers?
hvd.32044021217070“ What do you say to that?
hvd.32044021217070“ What do you think of it, Markham? ” he asked.
hvd.32044021217070“ What have I done?
hvd.32044021217070“ What is it, Colonel?
hvd.32044021217070“ What is it, then? ” “ Ca n't you see the horn in front?
hvd.32044021217070“ What is it, then? ” “ Ca n't you see the horn in front?
hvd.32044021217070“ What is it?
hvd.32044021217070“ What is it?"
hvd.32044021217070“ What is that? ” Far away in the silence of the house we heard a low, dragging, shuffling sound, and the distant tread of feet.
hvd.32044021217070“ What is the history of that?"
hvd.32044021217070“ What is the matter, Mrs. Brown?"
hvd.32044021217070“ What is the tree? ” I asked.
hvd.32044021217070“ What is your name? ” he asked, speaking a dialect which I will not attempt to reproduce.
hvd.32044021217070“ What matter if he does wake? ” She looked very hard at me as she spoke.
hvd.32044021217070“ What on earth could he want at that hour of night?
hvd.32044021217070“ What shall we do? ” I shook him roughly by the shoulder.
hvd.32044021217070“ What was it?
hvd.32044021217070“ What will you do yourself, Mr. Patterson?
hvd.32044021217070“ What would you do? ” “ I have said to you that thoughts are things.
hvd.32044021217070“ What! ” I cried, “ that quiet, studious, sad- faced man?"
hvd.32044021217070“ What's that?
hvd.32044021217070“ What's the meaning of this, ma’am?
hvd.32044021217070“ Where is Mrs. Delamere?
hvd.32044021217070“ Whereabouts?"
hvd.32044021217070“ Who are you? ” he asked.
hvd.32044021217070“ Who is he, then?"
hvd.32044021217070“ Who is there?
hvd.32044021217070“ Who was it?"
hvd.32044021217070“ Who was she then?
hvd.32044021217070“ Who was that?
hvd.32044021217070“ Who's there?
hvd.32044021217070“ Who's there?"
hvd.32044021217070“ Why are they all asleep?
hvd.32044021217070“ Why did it not carry him off?"
hvd.32044021217070“ Why do you say relapsed? ” I asked.
hvd.32044021217070“ Why on earth did you take the lamp away? ” he asked.
hvd.32044021217070“ Why should he do it?"
hvd.32044021217070“ Why should you hide yourself, then? ” I asked, sharply.
hvd.32044021217070“ Why should you wish to help me?
hvd.32044021217070“ Will they let us pass?"
hvd.32044021217070“ Will you speak to him about it?"
hvd.32044021217070“ Wo n't tell, wo n't you?
hvd.32044021217070“ Would not golden sovereigns be worth more to you than these things?
hvd.32044021217070“ Yes, but I do n't care about being locked in alone like this. ” “ Do n't you?"
hvd.32044021217070“ Yes, sir?"
hvd.32044021217070“ Yes, yes, I knew that they would be the end of ’ i m. ” “ Who are they?
hvd.32044021217070“ Yes, ” said she, in her quiet way, “ I've done it now. ” “ What are you going to do? ” I asked.
hvd.32044021217070“ Yes. ” “ What does he want? ” “ Hush!
hvd.32044021217070“ You are not hurt?
hvd.32044021217070“ You do n't mean that you are going away from Ichau? ” Father Pierre shook his venerable head in waggish re- proof.
hvd.32044021217070“ You do n't mean that you are yourself a collector?
hvd.32044021217070“ You have come in answer to my advertisement, Dr. Hamilton? ” he asked.
hvd.32044021217070“ You have heard something?"
hvd.32044021217070“ You have no certain knowledge?"
hvd.32044021217070“ You make it a B? ” “ Yes, I do. ” “ So do I.
hvd.32044021217070“ You see that bed?
hvd.32044021217070“ You would not wish to come back to life?"
hvd.32044021217070“ You've had news, Colonel? ” Professor Mercer pushed to the front.
hvd.32044021217070“ You've made up your mind to go, then?"
hvd.32044021217070“ Your name, sir? ” said he, sitting pen in hand with his long, red- lined folio in front of him.
hvd.32044021217070” cried a deep- booming voice, and urg- ently, “ Who is it, I say?
hvd.32044021217070” “ I have said that the conditions are entirely different. ” “ Can you give us no idea of your work?
hvd.32044021217070” “ Yes, it fell. ” “ And you came through alive? ” “ I am a doctor as well as an entomologist.
hvd.32044021217070” “ You may call up forces over which you have no con- trol. ” “ Evil forces?"
hvd.32044021217070” “ You will let me try?"