This is a list of all the questions and their associated study carrel identifiers. One can learn a lot of the "aboutness" of a text simply by reading the questions.
identifier | question |
work_2mpeyjbkxzbynfh3ayj7pqwxam | ( 2015) Software, animation and the moving image : what ’s in the box? |
work_2o4np3tc4jh4rlfbuqc3ph25jy | 2004 200 PDF View 1 excerpt, references background Save Alert Research Feed What''s Wrong With This Picture? |
work_3exztiycjrdc7nxsfn7blvjluy | Deborah McGrady sees book acquisition as aggressive assertion of power: ‘ What is a Patron? |
work_3kjkcyftynb4zb7vgfhewuxkp4 | Best Practices: How Open Is It? |
work_5xindvqeznd4jnwdcedfssbatu | What might we mean by a pedagogy of public sociology? |
work_6lwfw7r7lrbejf7lytlobovvna | Is the book still the best medium? |
work_35c3ihcgsjbkjkyedfi3ng23zu | “ Is the Numbering System in Wittgenstein ’s Tractatus a Joke? ” Journal of Philosophical Research 21, pp. |
work_3nfo466jsfdxvj6ivsyiuu3dyu | Now what does that mean in real life, how does that work out? |
work_3nfo466jsfdxvj6ivsyiuu3dyu | So where do we go next? |
work_3horm3ctfzfelcnmozatqdozsa | How can the viewer be moved from a passive position to a state of engagement and communal experience? |
work_3horm3ctfzfelcnmozatqdozsa | She is currently writing Laying Claim: Imagining Empire on the U.S. Mexico Border( Oxford University Press) and Where Is American Literature? |
work_44tztmnvirbntoa5hjl5bhjyfy | The evidence? |
work_53fbik5w3vd6jmmdhueoxowvlu | Did Shakespeare write Double Falsehood? |
work_53fbik5w3vd6jmmdhueoxowvlu | How variable may a constant be? |
work_76bqfwvpdbfirhsocjahwprzzm | | THATCamp Southeast 2012 March 8, 2012 at 11:01 am[ …] and build upon the resulting code and artifacts? |
work_7onj277ixfdazpr3y35n67g33q | How Open is Open? |
work_5ip5fmo26rck7l22u52aly5eii | BCE?) |
work_5ip5fmo26rck7l22u52aly5eii | The ‘ ‘ south build- ing ’ ’ in the main Urban Sanctuary of Selinus: a thea- tral structure? |
work_c2msrzfsnnd2dird2ma24h2diy | How should medical learners develop this skill? |
work_6omnbizymvheroc7oxilbogt4i | How do we get the word out and improve the profile of our existing journals? |
work_6omnbizymvheroc7oxilbogt4i | Who is responsible for the content, ensuring progression if key people leave? |
work_alcflt4zcvcsnnw4hlklj5rdx4 | Consecutive Extreme Flooding and Heat Wave in Japan: Are They Becoming a Norm? |
work_alcflt4zcvcsnnw4hlklj5rdx4 | What is RVAgreen 2050? |
work_2lmhzpj6rzayxcwyhma3pxazya | 2: 68- 75 Open Access: Help or Hindrance to Resource Sharing? |
work_2lmhzpj6rzayxcwyhma3pxazya | McGrath, M.( 2014), “ Viewpoint: open access – a nail in the coffin of ILL? ”, Interlending and Document Supply, Vol. |
work_2raxh4aynjh6zcp5d76gc75zum | Available at: |
work_2raxh4aynjh6zcp5d76gc75zum | Darnton R( 1982/2009) What is the history of books? |
work_2raxh4aynjh6zcp5d76gc75zum | ‘ Ask the Chefs: “ Who Will Win the Future – The Small, the Mid- sized, or the Big Organization? ” ’( Scholarly Kitchen, 2011). |
work_3ftgcadrvrbubeji6htvhb32oq | Evaluation 2019 5 PDF Save Alert Research Feed Who ’s afraid of Virginia Woolf? |
work_3l7qq5oinre6lmyfbxidwg53z4 | Total STM HSS Code What are your future intentions regarding OA and your own research? |
work_3pbeltgn3vgmfjuyl47yydks3y | A quick analysis What ’s So Important about Peer Review? |
work_3pbeltgn3vgmfjuyl47yydks3y | What ’s So Important about Peer Review? |
work_cx2zxt4nqjawzlu44v7vyonoau | Pets can be a great deal of work, but all of it is worth it when they are curled up with you when you are working on your late articles — right? |
work_aqva5wrmkrgypfvrkrq6eaqigq | and a question mark(?). |
work_aqva5wrmkrgypfvrkrq6eaqigq | or a question mark(? |
work_cnr35i6a35fajkmz3lyvd23nq4 | A pedagogy of abundance or a pedagogy to support human beings? |
work_cnr35i6a35fajkmz3lyvd23nq4 | Personal learning environments – The future of eLearning? |
work_5qhupuqqbvhubljpmol7hxwq6q | How can you engage with your office of research, and in particular, your research development professionals? |
work_5qhupuqqbvhubljpmol7hxwq6q | Research information meets research data management … in the library? |
work_5qhupuqqbvhubljpmol7hxwq6q | What Is Research Development? |
work_5pcvb46fsvcfbghqtbodsxmziu | Although the notion of a fixed publication date can be ambiguous( for example, do you chose the print, online, or pre- release date? |
work_5pcvb46fsvcfbghqtbodsxmziu | Repositories – which ones? |
work_5hq3xo2zevfzbb4yh7ixjrxnpy | How does this relate to the specific question of Sigonio''s authorship? |
work_2d55kfkwzfh3dcbwvg7v5mj4wm | - By what means shall we determine what we teach? |
work_2d55kfkwzfh3dcbwvg7v5mj4wm | - In what ways shall we teach it? |
work_2d55kfkwzfh3dcbwvg7v5mj4wm | - Toward what purpose? |
work_2zdnavpduzhc5lgonm6rwazicm | Romanian Users ’ Parodies, Illegitimate? |
work_2zdnavpduzhc5lgonm6rwazicm | Social media engagement: What motivates user participation and consumption on YouTube? |
work_2zdnavpduzhc5lgonm6rwazicm | Young Turks or Corporate Clones? |
work_4alssfpxxvbv7d6hhvv75uisme | Consortia: Anti- competitive or in the public good? |
work_4alssfpxxvbv7d6hhvv75uisme | How do you eat an elephant? |
work_3kuxgxdujvb6zpsys5fbz4kuei | With academic freedom in mind, should faculty in this era of digital publication opportunities be required to pursue traditional publications? |
work_3kuxgxdujvb6zpsys5fbz4kuei | should count toward tenure and promotion? |
work_3kuxgxdujvb6zpsys5fbz4kuei | should count toward tenure and promotion? |
work_3kbt5y45ebayxofspbachsekzu | Approaches to Teaching the Works of Gertrude Stein 782 Looking for new ideas for teaching nineteenth- century French literature? |
work_3kbt5y45ebayxofspbachsekzu | Approaches to Teaching the Works of Ralph Waldo Emerson 781 Looking for new ideas for teaching twentieth- century American literature? |
work_45ch2mwldjbphkpnt5gmi2kfte | Information literacy: the battle we won that we lost? |
work_45ch2mwldjbphkpnt5gmi2kfte | Libraries have repositioned themselves, but have perceptions of them changed in their organisations? |
work_45ch2mwldjbphkpnt5gmi2kfte | Subject vs. functional: should subject librarians be replaced by functional specialists in academic libraries? |
work_45ch2mwldjbphkpnt5gmi2kfte | The Teaching Excellence Framework: what does it mean for academic libraries? |
work_ctdbxt6aafazrlrunbgmdzgwyu | What Counts as Scientific Data? |
work_4cixfgnjd5ctbgx66edwk5krgq | 12 At this point, you may be asking: What ’s different about DResSUP? |
work_4cixfgnjd5ctbgx66edwk5krgq | Did he have to wait for the Summer to get started? |
work_4cixfgnjd5ctbgx66edwk5krgq | We are often asked, “ But how do you plan to scale up so that you can teach all the things to all the people? |
work_4cixfgnjd5ctbgx66edwk5krgq | Why not offer fellowships as many other research centers do? |
work_ataj27cfgng6bha646zizbktua | Open to All? |
work_ataj27cfgng6bha646zizbktua | Scholarly Primitives: what methods do humanities researchers have in common, and how might our tools reflect this? |
work_ataj27cfgng6bha646zizbktua | This after all is a model of knowledge creation: should not models of research also capture this upward spiral? |
work_bu27lrmghzdchfdw3jcg7u3him | The following questions will need to be addressed: Who can have access? |
work_bu27lrmghzdchfdw3jcg7u3him | Under what conditions should access be granted? |
work_bu27lrmghzdchfdw3jcg7u3him | What policies/ procedures are required? |
work_4ubshnppnvhytfurhaxn6g3f3e | How can libraries anticipate the data- driven research of the future? |
work_4ubshnppnvhytfurhaxn6g3f3e | How do we provide librarians with the skillsets and knowledge needed to respond to new research and teaching needs? |
work_e6pyoajom5amxazyeelnl5otyi | Library Carpentry: What Is Library Carpentry? |
work_6fb7gtxmfnetjjamzeck5q4hym | DIMENSIONS: Why do we need a new Data Handling Architecture for Sensor Networks? |
work_6fb7gtxmfnetjjamzeck5q4hym | OKEKE, F., SOBOLEV, M., Dell, N., ESTRIN, D. Good Vibrations: Can a Digital Nudge Reduce Digital Overload? |
work_6fb7gtxmfnetjjamzeck5q4hym | SMS to Promote Risk- Based Late Effect Screenings? |
work_6fb7gtxmfnetjjamzeck5q4hym | Smartphone Data in Rheumatoid Arthritis- What Do Rheumatologists Want?. |
work_czpudkp7zzeavhccl47c2zmvom | And will we all want to live there? |
work_63gibq3wxjfxzovncyh2brduey | What are"The Carpentries"and what are they doing in the library? |
work_63gibq3wxjfxzovncyh2brduey | What is a Carpentries workshop? |
work_63gibq3wxjfxzovncyh2brduey | When asked “ What part of the lessons worked well?, ” students spoke to the value of the instructors and the value of active learning. |
work_4pfsbs6q35dhjkk3437z3p3rna | Could this be done in a way that fosters civic engagement with local communities? |
work_4pfsbs6q35dhjkk3437z3p3rna | Given such complexities, how might a globalization mapping project be adapted to take waste into account? |
work_4pfsbs6q35dhjkk3437z3p3rna | How might the waste stream and its social and polit- ical repercussions be studied and represented? |
work_4pfsbs6q35dhjkk3437z3p3rna | What did the students find? |
work_6a5tzwsktrdtfhigne5byguiaq | 14 Perea, M., Gatt, A., Moret- Tatay, C.& Fabri, R.( 2012), ‘ Are all semitic languages immune to letter transposi- tions? |
work_6a5tzwsktrdtfhigne5byguiaq | Yap, M. J., Tan, S. E., Pexman, P. M.& Hargreaves, I. S.( 2011), ‘ Is more always better? |
work_6q6s76vinzcprhoteoqw6vgn7a | - By what means shall we determine what we teach? |
work_6q6s76vinzcprhoteoqw6vgn7a | - In what ways shall we teach it? |
work_6q6s76vinzcprhoteoqw6vgn7a | - Toward what purpose? |
work_cjdljcb3pzb2nkcshc2fdji6ny | February 2014 What is the theory that underpins our MOOCs? |
work_cjdljcb3pzb2nkcshc2fdji6ny | June 2012 What is the theory that underpins our MOOCs? |
work_cjdljcb3pzb2nkcshc2fdji6ny | June 3, 2012 What is the theory that underpins our MOOCs? |
work_e5majbbopjfbvdzgxainbwquy4 | In terms of humanities research data, how ‘ open ’ can open science be? |
work_2ece76mbanbqda2wk7lpoddltq | Authors are from somewhere and write for a place — is it in their native region or not? |
work_ddjfooo73fbw3cuyextzc2qx2i | Assisted Curation: Does Text Mining Really Help? |
work_dgq5qhzlcrhu7pst6ug7j7s2ma | How do we respond to these revo- lutionary trends through our shifting geography, our essential expertise, and our advocacy of the public interest? |
work_dgq5qhzlcrhu7pst6ug7j7s2ma | What have we learned from our work over the past several years? |
work_ehe6plntqndb5hta3vlqyu4xpm | [ 35] Archie Webster, “ Was marlowe the man?, ” National Review, pp. |
work_7wtgfhvsbffdjpwvib4cp6cfwq | Beprexit and then what? |
work_7wtgfhvsbffdjpwvib4cp6cfwq | Retrieved from monograph- is- dead- long- live- the- monograph? |
work_7wtgfhvsbffdjpwvib4cp6cfwq | What is digital preservation? |
work_7wtgfhvsbffdjpwvib4cp6cfwq | |
work_a5ddewjbvzcq5el6oio7lh6jju | Big? |
work_a5ddewjbvzcq5el6oio7lh6jju | What''s being said near “ Martha ”? |
work_a5ddewjbvzcq5el6oio7lh6jju | clean? |
work_a5ddewjbvzcq5el6oio7lh6jju | messy? |
work_a5ddewjbvzcq5el6oio7lh6jju | smart? |
work_brs4zrj475gshfwpv3iemf4qxe | Attend to the Perspective of Others How do we attend to the ways that the perspectives of the people who made them shape our data sets? |
work_brs4zrj475gshfwpv3iemf4qxe | So if data sets are made by many people: what are the stakes for humanities researchers? |
work_brs4zrj475gshfwpv3iemf4qxe | What about when collaborators are not living or are not named? |
work_cbxknwhhpnaw5fih3upcs6wci4 | : Does academic blogging enhance promotion and tenure? |
work_cbxknwhhpnaw5fih3upcs6wci4 | Eysenbach G: Can tweets predict citations? |
work_cbxknwhhpnaw5fih3upcs6wci4 | Is a blog post not just the modern interpretation of a text book? |
work_cbxknwhhpnaw5fih3upcs6wci4 | Is n’t a podcast just a more easily distributed recording of a lecture? |
work_2xj22ontmjeihm7hdtv3mc47ae | How common were these meetings in those particular places? |
work_2xj22ontmjeihm7hdtv3mc47ae | How many meetings were there? |
work_2xj22ontmjeihm7hdtv3mc47ae | How were they spread across the city, and how did this change over time? |
work_2xj22ontmjeihm7hdtv3mc47ae | Rose Holley, ‘ How Good Can It Get? |
work_2xj22ontmjeihm7hdtv3mc47ae | What can we learn by examining the geographic patterns of all the meetings that were held? |
work_2xj22ontmjeihm7hdtv3mc47ae | Who held them and where? |
work_f5k4btpe7bdb3oe532f6qsi4je | Building Research Data Management Infrastructure in Canada from the Bottom- up Charles( Chuck) Humphrey University of Alberta Where ’s Canada today? |
work_b3xuufr34fhhloiu7gvimq5ouq | Do we need to create a regulatory body for academic social media? |
work_b3xuufr34fhhloiu7gvimq5ouq | Eysenbach G. Can tweets predict citations? |
work_b3xuufr34fhhloiu7gvimq5ouq | Who will determine appropriate metrics, and regulate how these portfolios and analytics are used? |
work_b3xuufr34fhhloiu7gvimq5ouq | Will there be standardization across institutions nationally, and perhaps also internation- ally? |
work_b3xuufr34fhhloiu7gvimq5ouq | Would this benefit from or be appropriate for a guidelines or scientific statement document? |
work_d3kfo3fvxnfzbff4g2eyqfeuue | For the most current and complete analysis of the challenges historians face working in the digital medium, see Roy Rosenzweig,"Scarcity or Abundance? |
work_d3kfo3fvxnfzbff4g2eyqfeuue | Preserving the Past in a Digital Era,"AHR 108( June 2003): 735–62; Roy Rosenzweig and Michael O''Malley,"Brave New World or Blind Alley? |
work_fh6zxbfmrfcudnswxsazs5uol4 | 15 Elizabeth Blakesley Lindsay, Lara Cummings and Corey M. Johnson,"If You Build It, Will They Learn? |
work_6amgal475jhe5d7mv2mylwo2ti | Disruptive innovations in book publishing- threat or opportunity? |
work_6amgal475jhe5d7mv2mylwo2ti | Does digital scholarship have a future? |
work_6amgal475jhe5d7mv2mylwo2ti | Owens, S. Is academic publishing industry on the verge of disruption? |
work_ek45l2kywzexxm2z7eouvwpjtq | How to get started with services? |
work_ek45l2kywzexxm2z7eouvwpjtq | What is research infrastructure? |
work_dqxaf5ogcjgfznrtvyfjtoecee | ; Biener, L.; Brennan, R.T. Do local tobacco regulations influence perceived smoking norms? |
work_dqxaf5ogcjgfznrtvyfjtoecee | ; Montgomery, E. Do Workplace Smoking Bans Reduce Smoking? |
work_dqxaf5ogcjgfznrtvyfjtoecee | Lorenc, T.; Petticrew, M.; Welch, V.; Tugwell, P. What types of interventions generate inequalities? |
work_6rj3s7dd5jgbvc7c66teotwmia | Are you a generator of information? |
work_6rj3s7dd5jgbvc7c66teotwmia | Are you willing to exchange information with others? |
work_6rj3s7dd5jgbvc7c66teotwmia | Can you successfully generate, store and share information? |
work_6rj3s7dd5jgbvc7c66teotwmia | How do you communicate with the outside world through cybernetic technology? |
work_6rj3s7dd5jgbvc7c66teotwmia | How do you use the technology available to extend your time and space? |
work_6rj3s7dd5jgbvc7c66teotwmia | What would be the results? |
work_en4lxy6pe5dgzis6ytjxpwrf7a | Is Data Curator a new role? |
work_5unhrzvj3nab3bqpk3aqh526ky | Early machine- human interface around sepsis severity identification: from diagnosis to improved management? |
work_5unhrzvj3nab3bqpk3aqh526ky | How do sepsis alert systems in the emergency department perform based on accuracy and quality measures? |
work_5unhrzvj3nab3bqpk3aqh526ky | How does this improve population health? |
work_5unhrzvj3nab3bqpk3aqh526ky | Population Health Research Capsule What do we already know about this issue? |
work_5unhrzvj3nab3bqpk3aqh526ky | What was the major finding of the study? |
work_5unhrzvj3nab3bqpk3aqh526ky | What was the research question? |
work_5k6r2aifhbbe7h2ynjnknhdmhq | Neurosci., September 13, 2006 • 26(37):9349 – 9351 Johnson • Will Research Sharing Keep Pace with the Internet? |
work_5k6r2aifhbbe7h2ynjnknhdmhq | Retrieved July 13, 2006, from � strategicplan#6 Johnson • Will Research Sharing Keep Pace with the Internet? |
work_5k6r2aifhbbe7h2ynjnknhdmhq | Who are these new readers? |
work_5k6r2aifhbbe7h2ynjnknhdmhq | Why have n’t journals evolved more rapidly? |
work_5k6r2aifhbbe7h2ynjnknhdmhq | Will Research Sharing Keep Pace with the Internet? |
work_fwtbvrrkgzhozg6jd22ortpemu | 13[ 14] Snow, R., O’Connor, B., Jurafsky, D., Ng, A.Y.. Cheap and fastbut is it good? |
work_b7eknligg5cbbb4jm6tjv3zewy | And, who has the authority to delegate this new work to staff across various departments? |
work_b7eknligg5cbbb4jm6tjv3zewy | What current work may become a lower priority? |
work_b7eknligg5cbbb4jm6tjv3zewy | What new skills are staff expected to acquire? |
work_7ekux4qwxvcuzois3h633bcvnq | I remember thinking, ‘ Gosh, how can there be so much grey area? ’. |
work_7ekux4qwxvcuzois3h633bcvnq | What should I prescribe them? |
work_7ekux4qwxvcuzois3h633bcvnq | “ Did I need an opioid? |
work_4rcfdqsdq5fm5m535bc5cgfzde | Accepted 29/10/2017 5 But what is habitus? |
work_4rcfdqsdq5fm5m535bc5cgfzde | Confession, catharsis, or cure? |
work_4rcfdqsdq5fm5m535bc5cgfzde | The question of importance here as a researcher is: what is being narrated? |
work_6ivuipw3nrdoxg37m5d2ujwdoa | 2 Who are the data stewards in the universities? |
work_6ivuipw3nrdoxg37m5d2ujwdoa | And where in the universities should curation services be offered? |
work_6ivuipw3nrdoxg37m5d2ujwdoa | Name c. Workplace- Where does this person work and who are they employed by? |
work_g3hdxwma7baopn6cytohniw7hq | Anglicans and Puritans? |
work_gzw3w57avzfyzjcybghifbff5i | In: Lichter, C and Meriç, R( eds) How Did Farming Reach Europe? |
work_fuhk2zc66rg7xe2iycfiik44ea | But when will we see it? |
work_fuhk2zc66rg7xe2iycfiik44ea | How long will it take? |
work_6rw6ulf3orahldx7sqgfr5uquy | Are there data privacy or security considerations? |
work_6rw6ulf3orahldx7sqgfr5uquy | Are there policy, copyright, or intellectual property considerations? |
work_6rw6ulf3orahldx7sqgfr5uquy | What services exist at Berkeley that might provide support? |
work_6rw6ulf3orahldx7sqgfr5uquy | Where in the RDM Guide would you look for an answer? |
work_7gs56y4dcfbuzazztlvrgnyzde | How is academia responding to this new professional strand of practice? |
work_7gs56y4dcfbuzazztlvrgnyzde | How well are LIS schools preparing students to be data professionals? |
work_7gs56y4dcfbuzazztlvrgnyzde | IDCC13: What ’s in a name? |
work_7gs56y4dcfbuzazztlvrgnyzde | It has also prompted us to direct our attention to the question: How to harness the power of big data? |
work_7gs56y4dcfbuzazztlvrgnyzde | What is data scien- tist? |
work_6i4kdgc6nvdv7dpimfrqnk7s6i | Can syntactic networks indi- cate morphological complexity of a language? |
work_6i4kdgc6nvdv7dpimfrqnk7s6i | HamleDT: To Parse or Not to Parse? |
work_6i4kdgc6nvdv7dpimfrqnk7s6i | How do local syntactic structures influence global properties in lan- guage networks? |
work_6i4kdgc6nvdv7dpimfrqnk7s6i | Syntax for free? |
work_6i4kdgc6nvdv7dpimfrqnk7s6i | What role does syntax play in a language network? |
work_6i4kdgc6nvdv7dpimfrqnk7s6i | Why do syntactic links not cross? |
work_cp5pcxwdvfhhzdehu5ve53n7rq | ( 1998) Who reviews the reviewers? |
work_cp5pcxwdvfhhzdehu5ve53n7rq | Could open peer review publicly lead to the humiliation and quashing of such incredible minds and their ideas? |
work_cp5pcxwdvfhhzdehu5ve53n7rq | The new dilemma of online peer review: too many places to post? |
work_elm6fywx4zdtppyvw6grfv2esi | ( 2) How do virtual linguistic landscapes change over time? |
work_elm6fywx4zdtppyvw6grfv2esi | How much multilingualism? |
work_37legl7slzhuvjuuenfoj7ys3y | Does Every Research Library Need a Digital Humanities Center? |
work_37legl7slzhuvjuuenfoj7ys3y | Lessons learned and suggestions for scaling metadata work? |
work_37legl7slzhuvjuuenfoj7ys3y | Would they want to partner with us to develop it further? |
work_37legl7slzhuvjuuenfoj7ys3y | What are fruitful sources of additional internal and external funding? |
work_37legl7slzhuvjuuenfoj7ys3y | Will other libraries, archives, and museums find our project and its associated documentation useful? |
work_ffzoxc7ajjfxpg5ferj2imldvi | In terms of I ’m doing this module, am I missing things? |
work_ffzoxc7ajjfxpg5ferj2imldvi | Why is some scientific result excellent if it has been published in Nature? |
work_crpy7vb2ebexvbd6vzhlgnevqa | And who is that father and that certain son? |
work_crpy7vb2ebexvbd6vzhlgnevqa | Does the old boy have a beard and can his son cycle? |
work_crpy7vb2ebexvbd6vzhlgnevqa | He was wandering what color that baize is? |
work_crpy7vb2ebexvbd6vzhlgnevqa | Then where must that rich guy have lived? |
work_eegwbnm2wff7hb5di2ihomq3ki | - By what means shall we determine what we teach? |
work_eegwbnm2wff7hb5di2ihomq3ki | - In what ways shall we teach it? |
work_eegwbnm2wff7hb5di2ihomq3ki | - Toward what purpose? |
work_d4v63hlwavgsza3v2uv25ynlim | Are the subject or genre categories most strongly marked in fiction also the categories most strongly marked in reviews of fiction? |
work_d4v63hlwavgsza3v2uv25ynlim | So do textual models really tell us anything about the boundaries between cultural categories? |
work_d4v63hlwavgsza3v2uv25ynlim | The consolidation of genre? |
work_hnkee3vcarbwzgnzdgl4tvmw2y | Scholarly Primitives: what methods do humanities researchers have in common, and how might our tools reflect this? |
work_4zieqzpq4vendilu6yh4gimfzu | Are you a generator of information? |
work_4zieqzpq4vendilu6yh4gimfzu | Are you willing to exchange information with others? |
work_4zieqzpq4vendilu6yh4gimfzu | Can you successfully generate, store and share information? |
work_4zieqzpq4vendilu6yh4gimfzu | How do you communicate with the outside world through cybernetic technology? |
work_4zieqzpq4vendilu6yh4gimfzu | How do you use the available technology to extend your time and space? |
work_4zieqzpq4vendilu6yh4gimfzu | To use or not to use web 2.0 in higher education? |
work_4zieqzpq4vendilu6yh4gimfzu | What would be the results? |
work_53isusw3bzhjpk7xlatqqjuqy4 | “ Encoding Models for Scholarly Literature: Does the TEI Have a Word to Say? ”. |
work_53isusw3bzhjpk7xlatqqjuqy4 | “ How Is a Digital Project Like a Film? ”. |
work_66hfeszibnhqbfkxekzfxj7k3u | Gaps? |
work_66hfeszibnhqbfkxekzfxj7k3u | How can we make the PH more friendly for women to contribute?. |
work_66hfeszibnhqbfkxekzfxj7k3u | Is coding an essential library skill? |
work_66hfeszibnhqbfkxekzfxj7k3u | Overlaps? |
work_66hfeszibnhqbfkxekzfxj7k3u | What would Library Carpentry look like? |
work_66hfeszibnhqbfkxekzfxj7k3u | Why not grow coders from the inside of libraries? |
work_f4dpj44nuzasji3mhb73rjv73m | : What is the Real McCoy? |
work_f4dpj44nuzasji3mhb73rjv73m | Digital resources in the humanities: Why is digital information different? |
work_f4dpj44nuzasji3mhb73rjv73m | What do we mean by authentic? |
work_d6ykkq4ol5hrlcowsslzwg2qly | Build a knowledge network of Dutch librarians working in DH • University libraries • Archives • Museums • Research institutes Where to start? |
work_d6ykkq4ol5hrlcowsslzwg2qly | • What does it mean to be a DH librarian? |
work_af7sa3spenctfit5v264bdayny | AND WHAT DO THESE RELATIONSHIPS MAKE POSSIBLE? |
work_af7sa3spenctfit5v264bdayny | Digital, information or copyright literacy for all? |
work_af7sa3spenctfit5v264bdayny | Or none? —, this complexity has been successfully embraced in the digital realm. |
work_af7sa3spenctfit5v264bdayny | Who owns oral history? |
work_2mbdud3y75dd3aqmhlcqrr7qh4 | How do these new models compare in usage? |
work_2mbdud3y75dd3aqmhlcqrr7qh4 | How should we best divide up our teams? |
work_2mbdud3y75dd3aqmhlcqrr7qh4 | How should we manage our budgets? |
work_2mbdud3y75dd3aqmhlcqrr7qh4 | Insights – 29(2), July 2016 Where are we now? |
work_2mbdud3y75dd3aqmhlcqrr7qh4 | What advantages do they provide our users, and how can this data inform our future practices and policies? |
work_2mbdud3y75dd3aqmhlcqrr7qh4 | Where are we now? |
work_2mbdud3y75dd3aqmhlcqrr7qh4 | Where are we now? |
work_2obn2hptznh7xmngfw2iil5uqm | ( 622) Is she right? |
work_2obn2hptznh7xmngfw2iil5uqm | Does the complexity of literary texts really reveal itself in something like part- of- speech tagging? |
work_2obn2hptznh7xmngfw2iil5uqm | Eder 2015: Eder, Maciej Does size matter? |
work_2obn2hptznh7xmngfw2iil5uqm | Is this bad? |
work_2obn2hptznh7xmngfw2iil5uqm | Piper 2019: Andrew Piper,"Do We Know What We Are Doing?" |
work_2obn2hptznh7xmngfw2iil5uqm | Rybicki 2011: Jan Rybicki and Maciej Eder: Deeper Delta across genres and languages: do we really need the most frequent words? |
work_2obn2hptznh7xmngfw2iil5uqm | What about Karina van Dalen, Maciej Eder, Mike Kestemont, Jan Rybicki, Christof Schöch? |
work_2obn2hptznh7xmngfw2iil5uqm | |
work_4hfshbxkwbf2hjwlxwceaghevu | How was pay- ment provided? |
work_4hfshbxkwbf2hjwlxwceaghevu | How were the requests sent? |
work_4hfshbxkwbf2hjwlxwceaghevu | John Bohannon, “ Who ’s Downloading Pirated Papers? |
work_4hfshbxkwbf2hjwlxwceaghevu | This niche service provides otherwise unobtainable materials to library users, but to what end? |
work_4hfshbxkwbf2hjwlxwceaghevu | To which countries do you lend most frequently? |
work_4hfshbxkwbf2hjwlxwceaghevu | To which countries will you not lend? |
work_4hfshbxkwbf2hjwlxwceaghevu | Which disciplines, if any, rely on international ILL to meet their information needs? |
work_grcehlywdrhudei3lhclfpz3x4 | How will the ability of content editors to continually edit their work affect the repository? |
work_hmtrqahmnnhgxa62a5gojxjqzi | Digital media scholarship: Innovation or insanity? |
work_hmtrqahmnnhgxa62a5gojxjqzi | The Mid-‐Life ( Crisis?) |
work_cqn3onfbhvfjhnxzcynjwhcqpy | Broadband speed equity: a new digital divide? |
work_cqn3onfbhvfjhnxzcynjwhcqpy | Resilience: a conceptual lens for rural studies? |
work_cqn3onfbhvfjhnxzcynjwhcqpy | Rural resilience? |
work_cqn3onfbhvfjhnxzcynjwhcqpy | Rural resilience? |
work_cqn3onfbhvfjhnxzcynjwhcqpy | What kind of thing is resilience? |
work_hebtpqw3vffnpfo4wo7n5klapy | What is Digital Humanities and What ’s It Doing in English Departments? |
work_hebtpqw3vffnpfo4wo7n5klapy | What ’s Under the Big Tent? |
work_5vsdxv27rjfdva4fxzv244bkni | Do certain persons tend to respond to certain others? |
work_5vsdxv27rjfdva4fxzv244bkni | Do individuals only participate in certain phases of the conversation? |
work_5vsdxv27rjfdva4fxzv244bkni | How does the turn taking evolve? |
work_5vsdxv27rjfdva4fxzv244bkni | The politics of justifi cation? |
work_5vsdxv27rjfdva4fxzv244bkni | Verhandeln statt Argumentieren oder Verhandeln durch Argumentieren? |
work_5vsdxv27rjfdva4fxzv244bkni | a dialog with more than two participants? |
work_6geskr5barh47llwj22c3zu7rq | A tipping point? |
work_6geskr5barh47llwj22c3zu7rq | Learn more Ready to submit your research? |
work_6geskr5barh47llwj22c3zu7rq | Role models again? |
work_6geskr5barh47llwj22c3zu7rq | Role models again? |
work_gheccvgisbbcvplzywm7tjv5be | But can ROs accommodate humanities workflows in useful ways? |
work_gheccvgisbbcvplzywm7tjv5be | Parallel provenance[ Series of parts]: Part 1: What, if anything, is archival description?. |
work_gheccvgisbbcvplzywm7tjv5be | What Ever Happened to Project Bamboo? |
work_gl3lferhwrfhpgtqntesm26cna | And have all digital artifacts been openly li- censed? |
work_gl3lferhwrfhpgtqntesm26cna | Are all digital scholarly objects used in the discovery process cited in the manuscript ’s reference section? |
work_gl3lferhwrfhpgtqntesm26cna | Could the published computational findings be re- produced on an independent system by using the data and code provided? |
work_gl3lferhwrfhpgtqntesm26cna | Is documentation and workflow in- formation available for a reader to follow the discovery process? |
work_fmyhnijisnd6vaii6at3k4sd3y | from sets of terms defined by the various feature selection functions? |
work_hr5jfzq6xjbnxpu5cvq7ywaspe | “ Bloggership, or Is Publishing a Blog Scholarship? |
work_hr5jfzq6xjbnxpu5cvq7ywaspe | “ Using Embryology Screencasts: A Useful Addition to the Student Learning Experience? ” Anatomical Sciences Education 4( 2). |
work_eya25sru2fhadflcel3xuzvi5q | How can we transmit the importance of those rubble contexts in terms of social and historical identities? |
work_eya25sru2fhadflcel3xuzvi5q | What are we giving back to the public in terms of monuments and art? |
work_eya25sru2fhadflcel3xuzvi5q | Why should public institutions fund our research? |
work_jj3fklcyvrh6tk273hb4ap5q5u | Does this mean fewer opportunities for learners at CJEM? |
work_32wwysngpfg7dfcvc77zx4lyqy | 2, 2015 since 8 Guibert ’s Secretaryship: Synergy and Beyond? |
work_32wwysngpfg7dfcvc77zx4lyqy | 3,000 words? |
work_32wwysngpfg7dfcvc77zx4lyqy | Deeper delta across genres and languages: Do we really need the most fre- quent words? |
work_32wwysngpfg7dfcvc77zx4lyqy | Does size matter? |
work_32wwysngpfg7dfcvc77zx4lyqy | Lettres de S. Bernard: histoire ou litterature? |
work_32wwysngpfg7dfcvc77zx4lyqy | Who wrote Bacon? |
work_32wwysngpfg7dfcvc77zx4lyqy | Who wrote the 15th book of Oz? |
work_32wwysngpfg7dfcvc77zx4lyqy | Why Material Philology? |
work_cydc273yujeapba64mmjos47li | Kirkwood, R.J.( 2016), Collection development or data- driven content curation? |
work_cydc273yujeapba64mmjos47li | Robinson, L.( 2016), Are the digital humanities and library and information science the same thing? |
work_cydc273yujeapba64mmjos47li | What if your research librarian could then dig deeper and use[ a digital tool] to map in which sections of articles your key research terms appear? |
work_cydc273yujeapba64mmjos47li | While counting data is now technically quite straightforward, we ask what are we measuring when we measure data, and what does it mean? |
work_gzap5knjfzfb5lzgkyw43rmece | Is the DH mix simply too broad to have meaning? |
work_gzap5knjfzfb5lzgkyw43rmece | Le numéro inclut l’article « What ’s Under the Big Tent? |
work_gzap5knjfzfb5lzgkyw43rmece | “ What ’s Under the Big Tent? |
work_d346whtnwred5fg2cakejvqlhu | Can higher education foster economic growth? |
work_d346whtnwred5fg2cakejvqlhu | How do we define key scientific and innovation capabilities in the context of Africa? |
work_d346whtnwred5fg2cakejvqlhu | What are the key resources/ inputs that help improve national research and innovation systems? |
work_d346whtnwred5fg2cakejvqlhu | What is changing in academic research? |
work_d346whtnwred5fg2cakejvqlhu | To what extent gross expenditure on R&D( GERD) improve research performance in Africa? |
work_d346whtnwred5fg2cakejvqlhu | What key variables enhance the scientific and technical research performance of African higher education systems? |
work_ci46fqczgzei3dg5eea227cjoa | ),( 2) what form(s) of engagement our project could/ should take( i.e., how are we engaging them? |
work_ci46fqczgzei3dg5eea227cjoa | Collaborative planning – A neoliberal strategy? |
work_ci46fqczgzei3dg5eea227cjoa | Context- based conceptions in urban morphology: Hezar- Too, an original urban logic? |
work_ci46fqczgzei3dg5eea227cjoa | Geographies of opportunity for whom? |
work_ci46fqczgzei3dg5eea227cjoa | What role for social science in the ‘ urban age''? |
work_ci46fqczgzei3dg5eea227cjoa | Whose crisis? |
work_dapnaypenrbtjlhhh5dlztjkuy | How is this possible if the histories are separate? |
work_dapnaypenrbtjlhhh5dlztjkuy | R o b i n s o n, The Texts of Shakespeare 239 S t e p h e n Gr e en blat t, Can We Ever Master King Lear? |
work_dapnaypenrbtjlhhh5dlztjkuy | Substantive seman- tic shift?) |
work_dapnaypenrbtjlhhh5dlztjkuy | What should an editor do with this information? |
work_dapnaypenrbtjlhhh5dlztjkuy | Why do they accept this reading? |
work_62hnwgschnhcdfuos56z7vvsne | Airline Industry? |
work_62hnwgschnhcdfuos56z7vvsne | Are libraries offering specific products and/or services to their campuses? |
work_62hnwgschnhcdfuos56z7vvsne | Are there identifiable models and trends in this subfield of publishing today? |
work_62hnwgschnhcdfuos56z7vvsne | How ix many libraries define their scholarly communications activities as “ publishing ”? |
work_62hnwgschnhcdfuos56z7vvsne | How long have they been doing this work? |
work_62hnwgschnhcdfuos56z7vvsne | How many staff members are working on this activity, and how are they funding their activities? |
work_62hnwgschnhcdfuos56z7vvsne | WHY PUBLISH A DIRECTORY? |
work_62hnwgschnhcdfuos56z7vvsne | What percentage of their publications are peer reviewed? |
work_62hnwgschnhcdfuos56z7vvsne | What types of publications are they producing? |
work_62hnwgschnhcdfuos56z7vvsne | With whom do they partner? |
work_jj2c7zz6xvf3xbunf5t5yng47a | ( 2010) 4 12 4–5 ×? |
work_jj2c7zz6xvf3xbunf5t5yng47a | ; Paulsen, G. Training strategies to improve muscle power: Is olympic- style weightlifting relevant? |
work_hucex7asuzhu5esayctslwqdm4 | - By what means shall we determine what we teach? |
work_hucex7asuzhu5esayctslwqdm4 | - In what ways shall we teach it? |
work_hucex7asuzhu5esayctslwqdm4 | - Toward what purpose? |
work_2unm4tvuyzbnbjzhy4o532imue | Arnold, T.; Tilton, L. New Data? |
work_2unm4tvuyzbnbjzhy4o532imue | Bod, R. Who ’s Afraid of Patterns? |
work_2unm4tvuyzbnbjzhy4o532imue | But if agreement is not the objective of humanities discourses, why should inclusion in a discourse be based on agreement? |
work_2unm4tvuyzbnbjzhy4o532imue | Collini, S. What are Universities for? |
work_2unm4tvuyzbnbjzhy4o532imue | Kuhn, A.; Hagenhoff, S. Nicht geeignet oder nur unzureichend gestaltet? |
work_2unm4tvuyzbnbjzhy4o532imue | Laporte, S. Preprint for the Humanities — Fiction or a real possibility? |
work_2unm4tvuyzbnbjzhy4o532imue | Open Humanities? |
work_2unm4tvuyzbnbjzhy4o532imue | Powell, K. Does it take too long to publish research? |
work_2unm4tvuyzbnbjzhy4o532imue | Ross- Hellauer, T. What is Open Peer Review? |
work_2unm4tvuyzbnbjzhy4o532imue | Sperlinger, T.; McLellan, J.; Pettigrew, R. Who are Universities for? |
work_2unm4tvuyzbnbjzhy4o532imue | What, then, are hot topics in( open) humanities publishing? |
work_2oytqmvlsfcn5mej754k2i5kta | But how can we implement and establish this? |
work_2oytqmvlsfcn5mej754k2i5kta | Do we have really global access to research results and data? |
work_2oytqmvlsfcn5mej754k2i5kta | Do we really aim at appropriate shapes of deep exchange and strong interaction? |
work_2oytqmvlsfcn5mej754k2i5kta | Was müssen Virtual Research Environments leisten? |
work_2oytqmvlsfcn5mej754k2i5kta | What can we do in scholarly makerspaces? |
work_2oytqmvlsfcn5mej754k2i5kta | What does really happen in them? |
work_2oytqmvlsfcn5mej754k2i5kta | Where are the collaborative approaches, which the internet and new media are offering? |
work_2oytqmvlsfcn5mej754k2i5kta | Which Changes are Happening? |
work_2oytqmvlsfcn5mej754k2i5kta | Why do we distinguish so formally between the librarians and the users? |
work_2oytqmvlsfcn5mej754k2i5kta | with patrons and users? |
work_jplmov7fqfegfecm6noasauhny | Does it confirm or is it compatible with informa- tion already present in other ancillary text? |
work_bbcdmsu5hzfj5awh7b6tsqudje | How viable are current structures of faculty governance? |
work_bbcdmsu5hzfj5awh7b6tsqudje | Many important questions have arisen: Going forward, how will the liberal arts be defined in institutions of higher education like Emory University? |
work_bbcdmsu5hzfj5awh7b6tsqudje | To what degree are these recommendations driven by the fundamental material and symbolic inequities that define our profession? |
work_bbcdmsu5hzfj5awh7b6tsqudje | What are the rights and respon- sibilities of faculty members in major decision- making processes? |
work_bbcdmsu5hzfj5awh7b6tsqudje | What role will the humanities play in that definition? |
work_bbcdmsu5hzfj5awh7b6tsqudje | Where, then, are the spaces for continuing these conversations about the professoriat? |
work_jrdxzpia3vcydm7z27wviwi7qa | Samuelson, Pamela 2005 Should Economics Play a Role in Copyright Law and Policy? |
work_hpshsxrjybbd3nrzdx3svppbwq | Going forward, how sustainable is the work of scholarly communication information professionals in ARL information agencies likely to be? |
work_hpshsxrjybbd3nrzdx3svppbwq | To what extent has a sub- area of scholarly communication practice( i.e., digital curation) emerged as a cohesive area of practice? |
work_hpshsxrjybbd3nrzdx3svppbwq | What are the most- cited publications in the social sciences( according to Google Scholar)? |
work_hpshsxrjybbd3nrzdx3svppbwq | Who ’s talking about scholarly communication? |
work_h33z5qogczf2levogxhq5cj36e | All of these scholars participated in a session called “ Scholarship Blogging: What? |
work_h33z5qogczf2levogxhq5cj36e | People want to know: What is the “ progressive city ”? |
work_h33z5qogczf2levogxhq5cj36e | What might these be? |
work_h33z5qogczf2levogxhq5cj36e | Why? ” organized by Pierre Clavel for the 2013 meetings of the Society for American City and Regional Planning History( SACRPH) held in Toronto. |
work_emalintz65hk5lhl6avchmrdlu | In E. Mckean, New Oxford American Dictionary, 2nd ed:????. |
work_emalintz65hk5lhl6avchmrdlu | In E. Mckean, New Oxford American Dictionary, 2nd ed:????. |
work_emalintz65hk5lhl6avchmrdlu | In E. Mckean, New Oxford American Dictionary, 2nd ed:????. |
work_emalintz65hk5lhl6avchmrdlu | In E. Mckean, New Oxford American Dictionary, 2nd ed:????. |
work_fxcsnfm4i5gr3jobl66nsx3s6i | How do we decide? |
work_fxcsnfm4i5gr3jobl66nsx3s6i | Impossible Mission solved? |
work_fxcsnfm4i5gr3jobl66nsx3s6i | What about other sorts of diversity, such as ethnicity, sexuality, and gender? |
work_fxcsnfm4i5gr3jobl66nsx3s6i | Where goes opera, so goes art music? |
work_fxcsnfm4i5gr3jobl66nsx3s6i | Who and what is included? |
work_ex2jgqbgjrav3myctnhuvfsmaa | Sahle and Kronenwett( 2016) pose a central question, ‘ Who cares for the presentational systems/“living systems ” in the long run? ’. |
work_ex2jgqbgjrav3myctnhuvfsmaa | Sustainability?! |
work_ex2jgqbgjrav3myctnhuvfsmaa | The Battle We Forgot to Fight: Should We Make a Case for Digital Editions? |
work_ex2jgqbgjrav3myctnhuvfsmaa | What is a Scholarly Digital Edition? |
work_ex2jgqbgjrav3myctnhuvfsmaa | What to preserve? |
work_jpwj5mpn7rby3a3bnsa5jmf6mq | So, what other explanation for the observed calculation could be there apart from a spurious model? |
work_jpwj5mpn7rby3a3bnsa5jmf6mq | Why do we sometimes get nonsense correlations between time series? |
work_jpwj5mpn7rby3a3bnsa5jmf6mq | Why is this problematic? |
work_feygkwrmrrdl3pjbs3jvc24jue | Campus IT, various departments on campus? |
work_feygkwrmrrdl3pjbs3jvc24jue | Can libraries avoid being left out of the loop? |
work_feygkwrmrrdl3pjbs3jvc24jue | Information Literacy& Scholarly Communication: Mutually Exclusive or Naturally Symbiotic? |
work_feygkwrmrrdl3pjbs3jvc24jue | What campus partners are available here, for example, to publish e- journals? |
work_feygkwrmrrdl3pjbs3jvc24jue | What do we mean by scholarly communications and who responded? |
work_feygkwrmrrdl3pjbs3jvc24jue | Who paid page charges or other publishing fees in past? |
work_iizq3bnah5cc7dbqzu2nu5lxuu | Do you feel your research falls under this definition? |
work_kqzowvd5ovectoy33ycu2fwd2a | DOI 10.7759/ cureus.2223 4 of 13 Month Topic May Orientation June What Makes a Leader? |
work_kqzowvd5ovectoy33ycu2fwd2a | Riddell J, Brown A, Kovic I, Jauregui J: Who are the most influential emergency physicians on Twitter?. |
work_jssn2qth6rgtrnah3l74qiuium | WHAT IS DIGITAL SCHOLARSHIP? |
work_jssn2qth6rgtrnah3l74qiuium | WHERE ARE WE LOCATED? |
work_irwt3xlpizadzjwl2aae6wovaa | Did C. S, Lewis write The Dark Tower? |
work_irwt3xlpizadzjwl2aae6wovaa | Did Shakespeare write a newly discovered poem? |
work_irwt3xlpizadzjwl2aae6wovaa | Is this because they were actually written by Hooper, or are they simply written in a stylistically similar non- fictional style? |
work_ktzfytlioff2hc3ao4o4mce2ti | Do publishing trends collide with the grand challenges of archaeology? |
work_bfy7p5j6vvau5epvz6xcbystcy | 38.20 34.60 1.10 O O5: 1.20 1.17 1.03 — O4; 0.84 0.83 1.01 — O3? |
work_bfy7p5j6vvau5epvz6xcbystcy | Avoiding repetitions: A “ universal ” of translation? |
work_bfy7p5j6vvau5epvz6xcbystcy | How frequent are the contractions? |
work_bfy7p5j6vvau5epvz6xcbystcy | How variable may a constant be? |
work_bfy7p5j6vvau5epvz6xcbystcy | In A. Mauranen and P. Ku- jamäki, editors, Translation universals: Do they exist?, pages 33–50. |
work_bfy7p5j6vvau5epvz6xcbystcy | In A. Mauranen and P. Kujamäki, editors, Translation universals: Do they exist?, pages 83–99. |
work_bfy7p5j6vvau5epvz6xcbystcy | Pym( 2008) raises the following ques- tion: how do we know that this finding is not due to interference? |
work_bfy7p5j6vvau5epvz6xcbystcy | Reporting that in translated English: Ev- idence for subconscious processes of explicitation? |
work_bfy7p5j6vvau5epvz6xcbystcy | Translation universals: Do they exist? |
work_bfy7p5j6vvau5epvz6xcbystcy | Translationese: A myth or an empirical fact? |
work_bfy7p5j6vvau5epvz6xcbystcy | We focus on the following punctuation marks:? |
work_kuwn5c6kdfciheaak2h6r4tnqq | How then would one go about translating LC subject headings into Spanish, French, or Portuguese? |
work_4vkyjryxofawjgvxnabziywz7i | 36 Robinson, “ What Is an Electronic Critical Edition?, ” 51–57. |
work_4vkyjryxofawjgvxnabziywz7i | What does “ digital edition in a strict sense ” mean? |
work_k3rcbjlxzzd5jaugo3h4elw5jm | The following questions will need to be addressed: Who can have access? |
work_k3rcbjlxzzd5jaugo3h4elw5jm | Under what conditions should access be granted? |
work_k3rcbjlxzzd5jaugo3h4elw5jm | What policies/ procedures are required? |
work_lhy5ew6f5ncevaxzzrirvnkomq | 5 What lies beneath? |
work_lapjtdpknjaohk26rtti3k3k6y | If library use indeed extends beyond search and retrieval, what types of activities do patrons perform? |
work_2exth75ytzga3eykjawgrz7ugi | ( 2) Resources tend to move and change, so how are the annotations that link to them, either by body or by target, to be maintained? |
work_2exth75ytzga3eykjawgrz7ugi | Can we keep fragment identifiers stable under versioning? |
work_2exth75ytzga3eykjawgrz7ugi | How can annotating support modern, digital forms of research? |
work_2exth75ytzga3eykjawgrz7ugi | How do applications recognize what metadata is available and by which metadata they should let themselves be controlled? |
work_2exth75ytzga3eykjawgrz7ugi | How do digital annotations behave in the total workflow of exploration, hypothesizing, testing, publishing, and archiving? |
work_2exth75ytzga3eykjawgrz7ugi | Is the digital version of an annotation versatile enough to express new results? |
work_2exth75ytzga3eykjawgrz7ugi | Lurking below the surface there is the question: to what extent are differing versions incarnations of the same work? |
work_2exth75ytzga3eykjawgrz7ugi | Or do we? |
work_2exth75ytzga3eykjawgrz7ugi | Quality judgments can be made based on the provenance: who made the annotation, for which project, when? |
work_2exth75ytzga3eykjawgrz7ugi | What do they have in common? |
work_2exth75ytzga3eykjawgrz7ugi | What is the impact of the correspondences and how did new scientific topics and scholarly debates around them emerge? |
work_4x2ryiwzjbhwfetzjen7uq7rhq | How controlled is the situation? |
work_4x2ryiwzjbhwfetzjen7uq7rhq | Specifically, we consider two evaluative questions: how effective are internships at developing knowledge and skills in digital methods? |
work_4x2ryiwzjbhwfetzjen7uq7rhq | Were there aspects of this internship that you found disappointing or did not meet your expectations? |
work_4x2ryiwzjbhwfetzjen7uq7rhq | Will interns have the ability to make a real difference in the project as equals or is the information very controlled and top- down? |
work_grydltmdy5hldko3karquifzzm | 24 Questions or feedback? |
work_grydltmdy5hldko3karquifzzm | DRAFT TRI- AGENCY RDM POLICY 16 Why Require Institutional Strategies? |
work_grydltmdy5hldko3karquifzzm | DRAFT TRI- AGENCY RDM POLICY 18 Why Require Data Management Plans? |
work_grydltmdy5hldko3karquifzzm | DRAFT TRI- AGENCY RDM POLICY 20 Why Require Data Deposit? |
work_grydltmdy5hldko3karquifzzm | WHY DATA MANAGEMENT? |
work_grydltmdy5hldko3karquifzzm | WHY DATA MANAGEMENT? |
work_iifphjr4fre7zhbc6ioczfr4se | 5 See, for instance, Chris Hurley, “ What, if Anything, Is a Function?, ” Archives and Manuscripts 21( 1993): 208–20. |
work_iifphjr4fre7zhbc6ioczfr4se | Do dynamic, mutable resources such as Eugenic Rubicon ever move from prototype into a final, scholarly product? |
work_iifphjr4fre7zhbc6ioczfr4se | If embedded external content changes, disappears, or triggers browser security issues, how is the authority and impact of the scholarship affected? |
work_iifphjr4fre7zhbc6ioczfr4se | If not, is that a problem, or just a demand for the paradigms of scholarly communication to adapt? |
work_jghryqp42nbtvcdbre32aotnu4 | Choose BMC and benefit from:? |
work_jghryqp42nbtvcdbre32aotnu4 | Learn more Ready to submit your researchReady to submit your research? |
work_jghryqp42nbtvcdbre32aotnu4 | Return of chloroquine sensitivity to Africa? |
work_jghryqp42nbtvcdbre32aotnu4 | Towards a re‑emergence of chloroquine sensitivity in Côte d’Ivoire? |
work_ltxa3vfx6nhsnonlite4thr6oy | Or will they? |
work_e6boyuhvrfburhphdpmvallj5i | ( Quoted in Brooks 1983, 306) Are the historical roots of lusofonia in these praças in the nineteenth century? |
work_e6boyuhvrfburhphdpmvallj5i | 1 0 From the nineteenth century So what of later periods? |
work_e6boyuhvrfburhphdpmvallj5i | And why not? |
work_e6boyuhvrfburhphdpmvallj5i | But did that Portuguese rhetoric have any long- term impact in Guinea Bissau? |
work_e6boyuhvrfburhphdpmvallj5i | How then is it possible that community and fellowship has existed in the culturally fragmented space that is known today as Guinea- Bissau? |
work_e6boyuhvrfburhphdpmvallj5i | What other than the legacy of European colonialism fosters multiculturalism? |
work_e6boyuhvrfburhphdpmvallj5i | Why? |
work_e6boyuhvrfburhphdpmvallj5i | “ Is ‘ Portuguese- speaking Africa comparable to ‘ Latin America ’? |
work_gji3hb777fgkrjuxot7ed6ubby | How, however, does one evaluate( and inevitably defend) how one ’s design works? |
work_gji3hb777fgkrjuxot7ed6ubby | If my expectation was a semifinished product, why not have revise and resubmit be the standard by which I assess the students ’ projects? |
work_gji3hb777fgkrjuxot7ed6ubby | Until one answers the what, one can not answer the how( do we assess?). |
work_gji3hb777fgkrjuxot7ed6ubby | WHAT IS SCHOLARLY MULTIMEDIA AND HOW DOES IT WORK? |
work_gji3hb777fgkrjuxot7ed6ubby | do all of the work I assigned? |
work_gji3hb777fgkrjuxot7ed6ubby | do it with excellence? |
work_gji3hb777fgkrjuxot7ed6ubby | turn it in on time? |
work_fwucdk5u5zhrvjqpigrrh7pnzq | Are there emerging best practices at the disciplinary level that might serve as a model for others? |
work_fwucdk5u5zhrvjqpigrrh7pnzq | How will this differ by discipline? |
work_fwucdk5u5zhrvjqpigrrh7pnzq | What role can librarians play in pro- viding altmetrics in support of new models of scholarship? |
work_fwucdk5u5zhrvjqpigrrh7pnzq | • In what ways can libraries assist with supporting sustain- able scholarship in both its emerging formats and tradi- tional formats? |
work_fwucdk5u5zhrvjqpigrrh7pnzq | • What is the role of community engagement in emerging forms of scholarly communication? |
work_isgaspwwgrhmpg7yrkqrklfk74 | Personal knowledge management devices- The next co- evolutionary driver of human development?! |
work_isgaspwwgrhmpg7yrkqrklfk74 | Quo Vadis, knowledge management: A regeneration or a revolution in the making? |
work_isgaspwwgrhmpg7yrkqrklfk74 | The interplay between creativity issues and design theories: A new perspective for design management studies?. |
work_isgaspwwgrhmpg7yrkqrklfk74 | What is wrong with digital documents? |
work_isgaspwwgrhmpg7yrkqrklfk74 | Who needs personal knowledge management anyway and what for? |
work_g6m3xqrcs5dhpbq2sdcbvcqy7y | Is lognormality a reasonable assumption for shot length distributions of Hollywood films? |
work_g6m3xqrcs5dhpbq2sdcbvcqy7y | The Shapiro- Francia test was implemented using the R package nortest( version 1.0), which allows for samples of size 5 ≤? |
work_g6m3xqrcs5dhpbq2sdcbvcqy7y | The test statistic for a sample of size n is@A=? 6 CD �+ 1 4 G − 3 � � I, where S is the sample skewness and K is the sample kurtosis. |
work_g6m3xqrcs5dhpbq2sdcbvcqy7y | Wilcox RR 1998 How many discoveries have been lost by ignoring modern statistical methods?, American Psychologist 53( 3): 300- 314. |
work_kqyfvfw3crfzvdcucr2np6fbha | We thus ask with others ‘ If you can tell authors apart, have you learned anything about them? ’( Craig, 1999). |
work_kqyfvfw3crfzvdcucr2np6fbha | “ Did Dickens write ” Temperate Temperance ”? |
work_kqyfvfw3crfzvdcucr2np6fbha | “ Who wrote Shamela? |
work_lqnu7pxwsne2lakc4vgv6vvzda | Gone mobile? |
work_lqnu7pxwsne2lakc4vgv6vvzda | Why a mobile theme for DSpace? |
work_lrza3ylpvrfbhabpqmbnpmtghy | The first – ‘( Big?) |
work_hqbi22efmvf2xpdtmeopsds2hm | Are there risks for doctoral students or the untenured in undertaking digital projects? |
work_hqbi22efmvf2xpdtmeopsds2hm | Can short- term digital assignments in discipline- specific courses go beyond “ teaching with technology ”? |
work_hqbi22efmvf2xpdtmeopsds2hm | Do they learn methods and skills in the process? |
work_hqbi22efmvf2xpdtmeopsds2hm | Is that an end or a means of graduate education? |
work_hqbi22efmvf2xpdtmeopsds2hm | What should the students walk away knowing? |
work_hqbi22efmvf2xpdtmeopsds2hm | Why not refer everyone to online tutorials? |
work_bapuni2hbjedtl6kponbd4phla | 102 Cautious as it is, does the method of Salemans work? |
work_bapuni2hbjedtl6kponbd4phla | 303 304 Results 305 How, then, did our scholarly intuition fare? |
work_bapuni2hbjedtl6kponbd4phla | 375 How, in this instance, do we define ‘ poorly ’? |
work_bapuni2hbjedtl6kponbd4phla | 434 435 Conclusions 436 What are we to make of these rather surprising results? |
work_bapuni2hbjedtl6kponbd4phla | Is this a case of one philologist simply being better than the 444 other? |
work_kuc3u5gf7vcgxgn4ygidnfxvn4 | -? |
work_kuc3u5gf7vcgxgn4ygidnfxvn4 | -?) |
work_kuc3u5gf7vcgxgn4ygidnfxvn4 | Moreover, Saikaku made a fair copy of other writer ’s draft such as Kindai Yasa Inja( “ The story of a hermit ”; 1686) by Kyōsen Sairoken(? |
work_kuc3u5gf7vcgxgn4ygidnfxvn4 | and Shin Yoshiwara Tsurezure( “ The book of commentary on the licensed quarters of a certain area ”; 1689) by Sutewaka Isogai(? |
work_mlnmubhsxbe3haantprvffezpi | So, why should we strive to foster meaningful collaborations? |
work_j27wztqtp5ctncb7i7hico3lt4 | ? Digital Humanities Laboratory, EPFL †Institute for Computational Linguistics, Zurich University? |
work_j27wztqtp5ctncb7i7hico3lt4 | ? Digital Humanities Laboratory, EPFL †Institute for Computational Linguistics, Zurich University? |
work_j27wztqtp5ctncb7i7hico3lt4 | Entity Extraction is a Boring Solved Problem: Or is It? |
work_hslmqi4fi5dmlgmhf6b7537ugq | What kind of intervention is appropriate? |
work_hslmqi4fi5dmlgmhf6b7537ugq | Who has the responsibility and capacity to intervene in this situation? |
work_hslmqi4fi5dmlgmhf6b7537ugq | “ In Service? |
work_j3g5izpymfg5nfkeqbv5oa3k3i | ( Civil War 1.336- 8) scarcely ended by barbaric poison, will Caesar now be handed over to Pompey as his last charge? |
work_j3g5izpymfg5nfkeqbv5oa3k3i | ? |
work_j3g5izpymfg5nfkeqbv5oa3k3i | As readers, how do we recognize that these two texts are related, when they share just one distinctive word, “ sway ”( nuto)7? |
work_j3g5izpymfg5nfkeqbv5oa3k3i | Does size matter? |
work_m4f7fuks5ra2tnfpfb4yu2i2u4 | Adair LS& Popkin BM( 2005) Are child eating patterns being transformed globally? |
work_e3buscq4tfhzbpivvxrdvz4hpm | If not, why not? |
work_e3buscq4tfhzbpivvxrdvz4hpm | If so, how? |
work_e3buscq4tfhzbpivvxrdvz4hpm | Some questions to consider in your re � ections are: Did completing this mapping assignment change how I understand Mrs. Dalloway? |
work_e3buscq4tfhzbpivvxrdvz4hpm | What are the bene � ts and drawbacks to using a mapping software program like this? |
work_e3buscq4tfhzbpivvxrdvz4hpm | What did I learn about the digital humanities in this experience? |
work_e3buscq4tfhzbpivvxrdvz4hpm | What did I learn by completing this assignment that I could not have learned simply through reading the novel? |
work_e3buscq4tfhzbpivvxrdvz4hpm | What was my experience of using Google Earth? |
work_e3buscq4tfhzbpivvxrdvz4hpm | What was my experience of working in a group on this assignment? |
work_e3buscq4tfhzbpivvxrdvz4hpm | What were the challenges and how did I or my group overcome them? |
work_hdtmlzkzozffri2xlt55a2jslm | 3 Intro duc ti o n What does a 21st century university look like? |
work_hdtmlzkzozffri2xlt55a2jslm | How do libraries reconceptualize collections, space, and services? |
work_hdtmlzkzozffri2xlt55a2jslm | How is a 21st century library organized to meet the needs of its community? |
work_hdtmlzkzozffri2xlt55a2jslm | How would a realignment benefit the library and the University and what might it look like? |
work_hdtmlzkzozffri2xlt55a2jslm | Kellogg, C.( 2009), “ What will the library of the future look like? ” Los A ngeles Times, 11 February. |
work_hdtmlzkzozffri2xlt55a2jslm | Principle one is to begin by asking “ What is it we want to do? ” Starting with this question can help break down traditional thinking. |
work_hm4ljhe2mnbtratt3c3gw756dm | How could ProQuest charge so much for the use of it? |
work_hm4ljhe2mnbtratt3c3gw756dm | How might Americans have understood what it did, or did not do? |
work_hm4ljhe2mnbtratt3c3gw756dm | Of course they can grow by introducing new products, but do they not want to find revenue growth in legacy products as well? |
work_hm4ljhe2mnbtratt3c3gw756dm | Once they have sold their products to the limited number of institutions able to afford them, where do they find growth? |
work_hm4ljhe2mnbtratt3c3gw756dm | What did they have to say about its scope of activity? |
work_hm4ljhe2mnbtratt3c3gw756dm | What happens when they all have acquired or constructed a satisfactory digital preservation application? |
work_hm4ljhe2mnbtratt3c3gw756dm | What language did they use to argue for more, or less, government involvement in the American economy and society? |
work_hm4ljhe2mnbtratt3c3gw756dm | Where does the company find growth then? |
work_iv5gylef5nfnfh5vdmytaq33yi | Dude, where ’s my Tardis? |
work_iv5gylef5nfnfh5vdmytaq33yi | Hall G( 2011) On the limits of openness VI: has critical theory run out of time for data- driven scholarship? |
work_iv5gylef5nfnfh5vdmytaq33yi | O’Shea A( 1998) A special relationship? |
work_iv5gylef5nfnfh5vdmytaq33yi | Will people actually reuse and remix the content or feel comfortable to do so? |
work_iv5gylef5nfnfh5vdmytaq33yi | Will the processes of collaboration, community input and reuse and adaptation actually limit the authorial intentions at work in the text? |
work_l4vkatqh3jexlltf3pcdldzpnu | - By what means shall we determine what we teach? |
work_l4vkatqh3jexlltf3pcdldzpnu | - In what ways shall we teach it? |
work_l4vkatqh3jexlltf3pcdldzpnu | - Toward what purpose? |
work_czesggdpfnhqrfw4bgllfsgode | Are there any last thoughts or considerations to be shared? |
work_czesggdpfnhqrfw4bgllfsgode | For Peggy Gahn to answer: What is the review cycle in place for updating the procedures and processes of the copyright permissions sought? |
work_czesggdpfnhqrfw4bgllfsgode | For Tara, what would be the best practice for reviewing and updating the process and procedures for seeking copyright permissions? |
work_czesggdpfnhqrfw4bgllfsgode | Given this situa- tion, to what extent should copyright permissions be sought? |
work_czesggdpfnhqrfw4bgllfsgode | How do you define or present the concept of “ the alternative or in- dependent press ”? |
work_czesggdpfnhqrfw4bgllfsgode | Perhaps not? |
work_czesggdpfnhqrfw4bgllfsgode | Perhaps we should be able to erase embarrassing things we ’ve done? |
work_czesggdpfnhqrfw4bgllfsgode | Should textual works and two dimensional works be treated differ- ently than photography or other visual and audio media? |
work_kvoiegc2fjhw7av2yo6tncomcu | How do researchers use online RIM systems? |
work_kvoiegc2fjhw7av2yo6tncomcu | Research information management systems- a new service category? |
work_kvoiegc2fjhw7av2yo6tncomcu | What are the levels of researcher engagement in online RIM systems? |
work_kvoiegc2fjhw7av2yo6tncomcu | Why should I share? |
work_lbw6rtyj6zhmjoizoviga4prwm | The following questions will need to be addressed: Who can have access? |
work_lbw6rtyj6zhmjoizoviga4prwm | Under what conditions should access be granted? |
work_lbw6rtyj6zhmjoizoviga4prwm | What policies/ procedures are required? |
work_mgf7krw3pzah5ltzxlcnjjxuim | How do we enable these new kinds of scholarship? |
work_mgf7krw3pzah5ltzxlcnjjxuim | Now, he asked, how could we use teams in peacetime? |
work_jn7wkktaw5dkhcixiudzhnmp7a | ( 2) Does the trigram method resemble one of the other methods in particular? |
work_jn7wkktaw5dkhcixiudzhnmp7a | 4.3 Is English a Scandinavian language? |
work_jn7wkktaw5dkhcixiudzhnmp7a | How easy is it for speakers of Dutch to understand spoken and writ- ten Frisian and Afrikaans, and why? |
work_jn7wkktaw5dkhcixiudzhnmp7a | Modeling intelligibility of written Germanic languages: Do we need to distinguish between ortho- graphic stem and affix variation? |
work_jn7wkktaw5dkhcixiudzhnmp7a | Norsified English or Anglicized Norse? |
work_gcm7643vtfbm7p4gpizbdkkpb4 | How do we make labor in the “ stack ” visible? |
work_gcm7643vtfbm7p4gpizbdkkpb4 | How does DH fit within this megastructure? |
work_gcm7643vtfbm7p4gpizbdkkpb4 | Where are the stacks for a digital project? |
work_gcm7643vtfbm7p4gpizbdkkpb4 | Why ca n’t web programming be a service you provide to me like interlibrary loan? |
work_gcm7643vtfbm7p4gpizbdkkpb4 | Why ca n’t you maintain my website after I retire – exactly the way it looks and feels today, plus update it as technology changes? |
work_kwkhn5q6lzf45aevvfqs6pqt7m | • How to interpret bibliodata through scholarly primitives? |
work_kwkhn5q6lzf45aevvfqs6pqt7m | • where do you place your activities in the bibliodata life cycle? |
work_2h7uabjzejhaniwfcslnfqs7c4 | ( 2009) “ Where There ’s a Will There ’s a Way? |
work_2h7uabjzejhaniwfcslnfqs7c4 | ( 2009) “ Where There ’s a Will There ’s a Way? |
work_2h7uabjzejhaniwfcslnfqs7c4 | And, my biggest beef with C&RL, why the pre- print bottleneck? |
work_2h7uabjzejhaniwfcslnfqs7c4 | And, since I have your ear, why the decision to impose a CC- BY- NC on C&RL authors? |
work_2h7uabjzejhaniwfcslnfqs7c4 | Finally, has the time come and gone for LIS to lead the shifts in scholarly communication? |
work_2h7uabjzejhaniwfcslnfqs7c4 | What does the NC actually practically accomplish? |
work_2h7uabjzejhaniwfcslnfqs7c4 | Why not follow the lead of First Monday and allow full author choice? |
work_kh7cxfj4jffvnl3ofu4uhvflxi | Can the growing variety and functionality of digital timelines defeat some of this criticism and make a place for timelines within scholarship? |
work_kh7cxfj4jffvnl3ofu4uhvflxi | Could an organization like The Print Center integrate a timeline with its centennial that investigates history without putting themselves at risk? |
work_kh7cxfj4jffvnl3ofu4uhvflxi | Do digital timelines, in all their forms, offer anything new? |
work_ieko4vwyyzbahnrsqz7xgsyxki | 2. Who Does the Reviewing — Academic Presses or Internal and External Referees? |
work_ieko4vwyyzbahnrsqz7xgsyxki | < http:// temp/ email2.php? id= pMDvbzdcjcqpRD6kzmyntB4yHSdJjhJX>. |
work_ieko4vwyyzbahnrsqz7xgsyxki | < http:// Perspectives/ Issues/ 2004/ 0402/ 0402new1.cfm? pv= y>. |
work_ieko4vwyyzbahnrsqz7xgsyxki | This move raises the thorny issue of who owns the rights to the intellectual content of the dissertation, the author or the university? |
work_ieko4vwyyzbahnrsqz7xgsyxki | affect our scholarship, as well as the profession as a whole? ”( MLA Ad Hoc Committee 176). |
work_ieko4vwyyzbahnrsqz7xgsyxki | “ Can the Tenure Process Be Im- proved? ” The Questions of Tenure. |
work_nvbfnacgujehpi52fk2nc7sg2m | Why Handwriting Segmentation can be Misleading? |
work_l5mbh4nylfgx7mlgixbycxdolm | Digital Humanities: What Can Libraries Offer? |
work_l5mbh4nylfgx7mlgixbycxdolm | Do DH Librarians Need to be in the Library? |
work_l5mbh4nylfgx7mlgixbycxdolm | How are these connections best facilitated and fostered? |
work_l5mbh4nylfgx7mlgixbycxdolm | How do libraries find their DH research communities? |
work_l5mbh4nylfgx7mlgixbycxdolm | How do we let ‘ them ’ find ‘ us ’? |
work_nzudwknq6jgadjj7vsxurim7zy | How can we effectively assess their quality in relation to archival standards? |
work_lvzb35r5knhk7jelf2kqkesmiu | Digital humanities: Roles for libraries? |
work_lvzb35r5knhk7jelf2kqkesmiu | Does the library have a role to play in digital human- ities? |
work_lvzb35r5knhk7jelf2kqkesmiu | What is digital humanities and what ’s it doing in English departments? |
work_lvzb35r5knhk7jelf2kqkesmiu | What is digital humanities and what ’s it doing in the li- brary? |
work_odhyras4enftxcchdx76eqgace | Anguyo I( 2014) Is Government provision of Computers to Varsity Student Realistic? |
work_hqesb5mke5amnbpengesddnpg4 | CollinsK, ShiffmanD, RockJ.Howarescientistsusingsocial mediaintheworkplace? |
work_hqesb5mke5amnbpengesddnpg4 | Does academic blogging enhance promotion andtenure? |
work_hqesb5mke5amnbpengesddnpg4 | Eysenbach G. Can tweets predict citations? |
work_hqesb5mke5amnbpengesddnpg4 | McCartney M. How much of a social media profile can doctorshave? |
work_hqesb5mke5amnbpengesddnpg4 | What does “ TLDR ” mean, and how do you use it?. |
work_hqesb5mke5amnbpengesddnpg4 | Who are the most in- fluentialemergencymedicinephysiciansontwitter? |
work_mc67enkncbcd7kh3qydfcv6vbm | Esistono forme testuali alternative, o almeno integrative, al classico paper scritto o alla monografia? |
work_mc67enkncbcd7kh3qydfcv6vbm | “ Entre el transmedia y McLuhan: ¿ hacia un storytelling científico transmedia? ” 2 November 2015. |
work_mc67enkncbcd7kh3qydfcv6vbm | “ From ‘ video essay ’ to ‘ video monograph ’? |
work_fooxxved5zgsddcx7iawm44dhi | But what would it mean to slip the bounds of the neoliberal academy, even for a moment, and imagine this work as the center of scholarly activity? |
work_fooxxved5zgsddcx7iawm44dhi | But why not? |
work_fooxxved5zgsddcx7iawm44dhi | From the video ’s description: What if you could become anything? |
work_fooxxved5zgsddcx7iawm44dhi | Gold, Matthew K. “ Whose Revolution? |
work_fooxxved5zgsddcx7iawm44dhi | If they centered around questions of labor, race, gender, and justice at personal, local, and global scales? |
work_fooxxved5zgsddcx7iawm44dhi | In “ Whose Revolution? |
work_fooxxved5zgsddcx7iawm44dhi | What happens after species change surgery becomes a reality? |
work_fooxxved5zgsddcx7iawm44dhi | What was the idea? |
work_bjjfbq4lhng57hzbz3vysf7u6m | 4) Any Other Needs and Concerns? |
work_bjjfbq4lhng57hzbz3vysf7u6m | Q1.2 What would you like to be able to do differently? |
work_bjjfbq4lhng57hzbz3vysf7u6m | Q1.3 Are you interested in adding your material to an institutional repository? |
work_bjjfbq4lhng57hzbz3vysf7u6m | Q1.5 What types of materials would you submit? |
work_bjjfbq4lhng57hzbz3vysf7u6m | Q2.2 Who would you like to have access to material you put in an institutional repository? |
work_bjjfbq4lhng57hzbz3vysf7u6m | What''s the big IDeA? |
work_7xwxe5u7s5fw5cvxoi3nu2m7jy | For example, how are student curators interpreted by local industry and community organisations? |
work_7xwxe5u7s5fw5cvxoi3nu2m7jy | How do prospective students interpret the content posted and its curators? |
work_7xwxe5u7s5fw5cvxoi3nu2m7jy | How do they influence our adult relationships? |
work_7xwxe5u7s5fw5cvxoi3nu2m7jy | How does the multi- voiced approach impact upon interaction? |
work_7xwxe5u7s5fw5cvxoi3nu2m7jy | Scholars in an increasingly open and digital world: How do education professors and students use Twitter? |
work_7xwxe5u7s5fw5cvxoi3nu2m7jy | The network university? |
work_7xwxe5u7s5fw5cvxoi3nu2m7jy | Tweeters on Campus: Twitter a Learning Tool in Classroom? |
work_7xwxe5u7s5fw5cvxoi3nu2m7jy | What content is posted and how does it impact interaction? |
work_7xwxe5u7s5fw5cvxoi3nu2m7jy | What does the content look like? |
work_7xwxe5u7s5fw5cvxoi3nu2m7jy | Who is following us? |
work_7xwxe5u7s5fw5cvxoi3nu2m7jy | Why do academics blog? |
work_7xwxe5u7s5fw5cvxoi3nu2m7jy | “ I realise this could ruin any hope I have of being productive today, but... what is your fave study/ piece of research? |
work_7xwxe5u7s5fw5cvxoi3nu2m7jy | “ There''s lots of you thinking about or doing dissertations at the mo? |
work_7xwxe5u7s5fw5cvxoi3nu2m7jy | “ To tweet or not to tweet? ” A comparison of academics ’ and students ’ usage of Twitter in academic contexts. |
work_7xwxe5u7s5fw5cvxoi3nu2m7jy | “ What do you think about early childhood attachments? |
work_ntyuoy4oxfcw7mjtrbs3dhavq4 | What is Minor Poetry? |
work_ic4loyh7n5gpzmb4m7d6mjx2s4 | Bibliometric analysis – a new business area for information professionals in libraries? |
work_ic4loyh7n5gpzmb4m7d6mjx2s4 | Is data curation education at library and information science schools in North America adequate? |
work_ic4loyh7n5gpzmb4m7d6mjx2s4 | Skilling up to do data: Whose role, whose responsibility, whose career? |
work_ic4loyh7n5gpzmb4m7d6mjx2s4 | Who owns our work? |
work_ic4loyh7n5gpzmb4m7d6mjx2s4 | • How can practitioners in the field get the research know- how required for effective support services? |
work_ic4loyh7n5gpzmb4m7d6mjx2s4 | • Should all library and information students undertake an empirical research project as preparation for research support roles? |
work_ic4loyh7n5gpzmb4m7d6mjx2s4 | • What subjects or courses will be dropped to make space for the subjects identified? |
work_m2ftkvfxyjcepitnjnmzhnjt7y | Are new methods really worth the investment of time and energy? |
work_m2ftkvfxyjcepitnjnmzhnjt7y | How can one tell which methods are most appropriate for which sources? |
work_m2ftkvfxyjcepitnjnmzhnjt7y | What are the pros and cons of various tools and software? |
work_m2ftkvfxyjcepitnjnmzhnjt7y | What kinds of projects can benefit from digital methods? |
work_2em2due5onbxhjy75jjogi7whi | 3. Who leads the work of your IR, and what is their title? |
work_2em2due5onbxhjy75jjogi7whi | Have you had any support from other departments, universities, or other outside organizations? |
work_2em2due5onbxhjy75jjogi7whi | If so, how were you supported? |
work_2em2due5onbxhjy75jjogi7whi | Is there a committee or advisory group in place to support the work of your IR? |
work_2em2due5onbxhjy75jjogi7whi | Is there anything else you would like to share about your repository or the work you do in support of it? |
work_2em2due5onbxhjy75jjogi7whi | What do you and your colleagues spend the most of your time on? |
work_2em2due5onbxhjy75jjogi7whi | What has been a struggle? |
work_2em2due5onbxhjy75jjogi7whi | What helped that to happen? |
work_2em2due5onbxhjy75jjogi7whi | What is the name of your repository? |
work_2em2due5onbxhjy75jjogi7whi | What is your biggest accomplishment? |
work_2em2due5onbxhjy75jjogi7whi | What is your estimated annual budget? |
work_2em2due5onbxhjy75jjogi7whi | What kind of materials do you collect? |
work_2em2due5onbxhjy75jjogi7whi | What percent of personnel assignments and time are spent on the repository? |
work_2em2due5onbxhjy75jjogi7whi | What platform do you run your repository on? |
work_2em2due5onbxhjy75jjogi7whi | What resources could help solve that? |
work_2em2due5onbxhjy75jjogi7whi | What was the startup budget? |
work_2em2due5onbxhjy75jjogi7whi | When was your repository started? |
work_njzmvhhnljcldfkhhq4ikyeiua | “ Bloggership, or Is Publishing a Blog Scholarship? |
work_njzmvhhnljcldfkhhq4ikyeiua | “ Using Embryology Screencasts: A Useful Addition to the Student Learning Experience? ” Anatomical Sciences Education 4( 2). |
work_amntcfc2b5dnlmi7eqrjr724rm | And also getting a sense from anywhere of what is sensible and what you should be able to achieve, how to do that? |
work_amntcfc2b5dnlmi7eqrjr724rm | Are Academics Relevant in the Digital Age? |
work_amntcfc2b5dnlmi7eqrjr724rm | Can the students add to this? |
work_amntcfc2b5dnlmi7eqrjr724rm | How can our strategy reflect and anticipate new direc- tions in accessing and using resources? |
work_amntcfc2b5dnlmi7eqrjr724rm | How do we create a go- to online pres- ence that does the job of a physical library but in a virtual space? |
work_amntcfc2b5dnlmi7eqrjr724rm | Maybe if I was stricter or something but ┘ エ;デげゲ the point in that? |
work_amntcfc2b5dnlmi7eqrjr724rm | Now how will they concretely help me and affect how I do research? |
work_amntcfc2b5dnlmi7eqrjr724rm | Scholarship: How do we make information available in an increasingly open, virtual and col- laborative scholarly environment? |
work_amntcfc2b5dnlmi7eqrjr724rm | Skills: What does it mean for us to be at the forefront of learning delivery? |
work_amntcfc2b5dnlmi7eqrjr724rm | So You Want to Do Anthropology in Your Library? |
work_amntcfc2b5dnlmi7eqrjr724rm | So You Want to Do Anthropology in Your Library? |
work_amntcfc2b5dnlmi7eqrjr724rm | さ‘WゲW;ヴIエ-led teaching? |
work_nihkeeclgvgxpkc6fgeqex4s4y | ( For example, what are the value systems of the academic promotion and advancement processes, as perceived by different actors in those processes?) |
work_nihkeeclgvgxpkc6fgeqex4s4y | ( For example, what do scholars perceive as necessary to make a name for themselves?) |
work_nihkeeclgvgxpkc6fgeqex4s4y | 3 Theodore C. Bergstrom, “ Free Labor for Costly Journals? ” Journal of Economic Perspectives 15, no. |
work_pu5xff5v3zdgxmu7lvohlp3j4a | 908 � � Why? |
work_cdtp5ymcijchdod7rq66hueqvq | Are there aspects of them that all sides of a collaboratory can share? |
work_cdtp5ymcijchdod7rq66hueqvq | Are there other aspects that are simply too commercially oriented to take root in the open source ethos espoused by digital humanities? |
work_cdtp5ymcijchdod7rq66hueqvq | Could such guidelines be scaled from the informal collaboration to the more formalized research collaboratory? |
work_cdtp5ymcijchdod7rq66hueqvq | How can humanists understand what colleagues in computing think is a valuable result in a research project? |
work_cdtp5ymcijchdod7rq66hueqvq | How do we balance experimentation and rigor in software prototyping that can bring us closer to “ next generation tools ”( Siemens, 2016, n.p.)? |
work_cdtp5ymcijchdod7rq66hueqvq | Humanities and Computer Science Collaborations: Towards a Product or Prototype? |
work_cdtp5ymcijchdod7rq66hueqvq | If we are to generalize from the experience, what might be some ways of constructing the frame of collaboration in mutually beneficial ways? |
work_cdtp5ymcijchdod7rq66hueqvq | In our case, what kinds of thinking across the disciplines led to our prototype? |
work_cdtp5ymcijchdod7rq66hueqvq | We might formulate this insight as a question: for whom does a prototype have an afterlife? |
work_cdtp5ymcijchdod7rq66hueqvq | “ So What ’s an Economic Metaphor? ” In Natural Images in Economic Thought: Markets Read in Tooth and Claw, edited by Philip Mirowski, 20–51. |
work_dzpx2hl4kvdblaufhkagfpeu3i | But will they be for much longer? |
work_dzpx2hl4kvdblaufhkagfpeu3i | In order to facilitate that change, what should we give up? |
work_dzpx2hl4kvdblaufhkagfpeu3i | This Used to be my Playground? |
work_dzpx2hl4kvdblaufhkagfpeu3i | What should libraries be in the twenty- first century? |
work_dzpx2hl4kvdblaufhkagfpeu3i | What should twenty- first century librarians do? |
work_dzpx2hl4kvdblaufhkagfpeu3i | Which Way Do We Go? |
work_dzpx2hl4kvdblaufhkagfpeu3i | “ The End of Library Scut Work? |
work_54dwrq365vesphbu5mqkx56u4m | ( 2012) Consumers, creators or commentators? |
work_54dwrq365vesphbu5mqkx56u4m | ( 2015) Are We Doomed to a World of PDFs? |
work_54dwrq365vesphbu5mqkx56u4m | ( 2017) Scholarly equivalents of the monograph? |
work_54dwrq365vesphbu5mqkx56u4m | How is the book changing as a ‘ system ’ for creating and disseminating knowledge? |
work_54dwrq365vesphbu5mqkx56u4m | How might a digital long- form publication which could truly rival the printed academic book emerge? |
work_54dwrq365vesphbu5mqkx56u4m | How well are we currently placed to commit to such challenges? |
work_54dwrq365vesphbu5mqkx56u4m | Price, K. M.( 2009) Edition, Project, Database, Archive, Thematic Research Collection: What ’s in a Name? |
work_54dwrq365vesphbu5mqkx56u4m | That gives some sense of how the digital humanities views publishing; in what ways does it actually perform publishing functions or roles? |
work_54dwrq365vesphbu5mqkx56u4m | ‘ Print first ’ or ‘ digital first ’? |
work_awlhkzl4rvbgnerdgoo6kyk4zm | A podcast in this series should be evaluated in a framework of the rhetorical situation: How broad or specific is its content? |
work_awlhkzl4rvbgnerdgoo6kyk4zm | Can the author(s) or the community respon- sible for production claim expertise in the subject matter? |
work_awlhkzl4rvbgnerdgoo6kyk4zm | Do those who shared in the production continue to use and reuse the text to produce knowledge? |
work_awlhkzl4rvbgnerdgoo6kyk4zm | How are the media used to produce and disseminate it appropriate to the topic and audience? |
work_awlhkzl4rvbgnerdgoo6kyk4zm | How have they contributed to disciplinary knowledge? |
work_awlhkzl4rvbgnerdgoo6kyk4zm | How were they reviewed? |
work_awlhkzl4rvbgnerdgoo6kyk4zm | Miall, David S. “ The Library versus the Internet: Literary Studies under Siege? ” PMLA 116( 2001): 1405–14. |
work_awlhkzl4rvbgnerdgoo6kyk4zm | Were articles solicited or submit- ted? |
work_awlhkzl4rvbgnerdgoo6kyk4zm | What Is the Clergy of the Church of En gland Database Project? |
work_awlhkzl4rvbgnerdgoo6kyk4zm | What skills or expertise did the scholar use to produce it? |
work_awlhkzl4rvbgnerdgoo6kyk4zm | Who has shared in this production? |
work_awlhkzl4rvbgnerdgoo6kyk4zm | Who interacts with and changes it? |
work_awlhkzl4rvbgnerdgoo6kyk4zm | Who uses it? |
work_awlhkzl4rvbgnerdgoo6kyk4zm | With which recognizable genre( e.g., blog, scholarly Web site, wiki) might it correspond? |
work_awlhkzl4rvbgnerdgoo6kyk4zm | “ Copy and Paste Literacy? |
work_awlhkzl4rvbgnerdgoo6kyk4zm | “ WIDEpaper# 2: Why Teach Digital Writing? ” Writing in Digital Environments. |
work_pwas6ksyqveghag4qrrkl4ry6u | Brandt, R.( 2003), ‘ ‘ Is this school a learning organization? |
work_m74vektlcjhyniuacx26xizqgq | How can titles that have undergone careful peer review be distinguished from those that have been selected through less formal processes? |
work_m74vektlcjhyniuacx26xizqgq | How does one avoid undermining the hard- earned university press brand through association with lighter- weight publishing products? |
work_m74vektlcjhyniuacx26xizqgq | How might the publica- tion of student scholarship affect the willing- ness of their professors to be published by the same organization? |
work_fnapq6vp2rhw3mnwgsuubuhysq | Am I a Digital Humanist or a Digital Art Historian or, simply, an Art Historian? |
work_fnapq6vp2rhw3mnwgsuubuhysq | Are we asking the wrong ques- tions? |
work_fnapq6vp2rhw3mnwgsuubuhysq | Digital Art History? ” In Digital Art History – A Subject in Transition, edited by Anna Bentkowska- Kafel, Trish Cashen and Hazel Gardiner, 1–2. |
work_fnapq6vp2rhw3mnwgsuubuhysq | Digital Art History? ”, in Digital Art History – A Subject in Transition, ed. |
work_fnapq6vp2rhw3mnwgsuubuhysq | Is it necessary to have a degree in DAH to be considered a professional digital art historian? |
work_fnapq6vp2rhw3mnwgsuubuhysq | J. Drucker ’s opening article,''Is There a"Digital"Art History? |
work_fnapq6vp2rhw3mnwgsuubuhysq | Or, being engaged in this field in one way or another, are we simply asking for recognition? |
work_fnapq6vp2rhw3mnwgsuubuhysq | The End of the History of Art? |
work_fnapq6vp2rhw3mnwgsuubuhysq | Therefore, the following year CHArt convened, again at the British Academy, the conference Digital Art History? |
work_fnapq6vp2rhw3mnwgsuubuhysq | “ Is There a ‘ Digital ’ Art History? ”, Visual Resources. |
work_pg3yfll5fjhhzdlag5qlrohjge | Hella nor cal or totally so cal? |
work_pg3yfll5fjhhzdlag5qlrohjge | Is that letter part of the San Francisco speech community or the Seattle speech community? |
work_nxaxt6m74jfz3kyewq4cmvc53a | How are users able to locate these collections in a seamless fashion? |
work_nxaxt6m74jfz3kyewq4cmvc53a | In other words, how many uses lead to an addition to the catalog? |
work_nxaxt6m74jfz3kyewq4cmvc53a | Is a PDF download of one chapter or a simple browse on the landing page enough to merit inclusion? |
work_q5lmdknrmvdypexqzzv3c7wbk4 | “ A ‘ Key to All Quotations ’? |
work_q5lmdknrmvdypexqzzv3c7wbk4 | “ What Is an Allusion? ” The Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 59: 287- 297. |
work_ms7jtxoew5bglkkgyyb4z2ieyi | What is lost or transformed when a sacred artifact is converted into 0s and 1s and rematerialized on the screen? |
work_ms7jtxoew5bglkkgyyb4z2ieyi | “ The Hengwrt Canterbury Tales: Inadmissible Evidence? ” Occasional Papers, 2, pp. |
work_ms7jtxoew5bglkkgyyb4z2ieyi | “ Whence Feminism? |
work_ms7jtxoew5bglkkgyyb4z2ieyi | “ Why Are the Digital Humanities So White? |
work_mp2vwfaizffgdji7nxdc5eyvz4 | Gulliford, M.; Figueroa- Munoz, J.; Morgan, M.; Hughes, D.; Gibson, B.; Beech, R.; Hudson, M. What does ‘ access to health care ’ mean? |
work_mp2vwfaizffgdji7nxdc5eyvz4 | How to Budget for COVID-19 Response? |
work_mp2vwfaizffgdji7nxdc5eyvz4 | Mannelli, C. Whose life to save? |
work_mp2vwfaizffgdji7nxdc5eyvz4 | Virtual care: Enhancing access or harming care? |
work_mp2vwfaizffgdji7nxdc5eyvz4 | What are ontologies, and why do we need them? |
work_mp2vwfaizffgdji7nxdc5eyvz4 | Which melbourne metropolitan areas are vulnerable to COVID-19 based on age, disability, and access to health services? |
work_ntpv7fiogrfdjpvwgddjrl3ztm | Flüchtlinge: Alles neu am Lageso? |
work_ntpv7fiogrfdjpvwgddjrl3ztm | Virtual intimacies? |
work_ntpv7fiogrfdjpvwgddjrl3ztm | [ Refugees: Everything new at the Lageso?]. |
work_npzmbz5rgndg3hgcxgkyil3g4u | ( How else does one start a conference?!) |
work_npzmbz5rgndg3hgcxgkyil3g4u | 6 Seth, Salah and Isabel all attended Magaly Bascones and Amy Staniforth ’s breakout session ‘ What is all the fuss about? |
work_npzmbz5rgndg3hgcxgkyil3g4u | Is any established publisher entirely free of unethical behaviour? |
work_npzmbz5rgndg3hgcxgkyil3g4u | Ralf Schimmer ’s plenary session talk, ‘ Just how open are we? ’, attracted a lot of interest on Twitter. |
work_lmh64qfyifhllbseubedyvrscu | Expect the Unexpected? |
work_lmh64qfyifhllbseubedyvrscu | Is Little Red Riding Hood a Myth? |
work_lmh64qfyifhllbseubedyvrscu | The version of record Tehrani, J. J., Nguyen, Q. and Roos, T.( 2016)''Oral fairy tale or literary fake? |
work_lmh64qfyifhllbseubedyvrscu | Un Petit chaperon rouge médiéval? |
work_qk5gucxo6bcs7evorfjnryjoqm | [ Go20] Goodchild, M. F.ȷ How Well Do We Really Know the World? |
work_ohfwpledazayjjq4zs7vlok5wi | Can fiber posts increase root[36] stresses and reduce fracture? |
work_ohfwpledazayjjq4zs7vlok5wi | The question to be answered in this review was “ what are the different formulations/ compositions of prefabricated fiber- reinforced posts? ”. |
work_hnpz6ksevfbafby5h5rdw6mhdq | 2 Part 1 The Digital Humanities A Case of Cruel Optimism? |
work_hnpz6ksevfbafby5h5rdw6mhdq | And would students such as my younger self, educated in Canada in the 1980s, have found moocs so attractive? |
work_hnpz6ksevfbafby5h5rdw6mhdq | But why and how have we gotten here? |
work_hnpz6ksevfbafby5h5rdw6mhdq | Modern Languages Association Program Archive 29 Dec. 2009. |
work_hnpz6ksevfbafby5h5rdw6mhdq | The question is, though, what have we been able to do to change this? |
work_hnpz6ksevfbafby5h5rdw6mhdq | between what ’s empirically observable and what ’s true? |
work_hnpz6ksevfbafby5h5rdw6mhdq | “ Whatever Happened to Project Bamboo? ” Conference paper. |
work_hnpz6ksevfbafby5h5rdw6mhdq | “ Where Is Cultural Criticism in the Digital Humanities? ” Alan Liu. |
work_jeyphotcebebrdgkcjbb5lcjmm | Digital Literacy What is the Importance of Digital Literacy? |
work_jeyphotcebebrdgkcjbb5lcjmm | Explain the concept of chronological thinking in the development of local wisdom piil pesenggiri? |
work_jeyphotcebebrdgkcjbb5lcjmm | Explain the concept of diachronic thinking in the development of local wisdom piil pesenggiri? |
work_jeyphotcebebrdgkcjbb5lcjmm | Explain the concept of space and time in the development of local wisdom piil pesenggiri? |
work_jeyphotcebebrdgkcjbb5lcjmm | Explain the concept of synchronous thinking in the development of local wisdom piil pesenggiri? |
work_jeyphotcebebrdgkcjbb5lcjmm | In terms of learners, how enjoyable are students who live in the millennial era who are facilitated by qualified digital technology? |
work_jeyphotcebebrdgkcjbb5lcjmm | Then what is meant by the industrial revolution 4.0 and how will it affect education and especially learning history? |
work_jeyphotcebebrdgkcjbb5lcjmm | • How to think chronologically, associate local wisdom piil pesenggiri? |
work_jeyphotcebebrdgkcjbb5lcjmm | • What is meant by chronological thinking, linking local wisdom piil pesenggiri? |
work_ovk3kvmo7rc2hihklbr552j7vq | Special feature: Whither library education? |
work_ovk3kvmo7rc2hihklbr552j7vq | • What technology skills are employers seeking in technology- related job list- ings? |
work_avyr635l2vhjhax6r47xeqvgom | ( What is an author?). |
work_avyr635l2vhjhax6r47xeqvgom | And what if the change is not even Shakespeare ’s own but someone else ’s? |
work_avyr635l2vhjhax6r47xeqvgom | But what exactly is social editing? |
work_avyr635l2vhjhax6r47xeqvgom | But what of the analyses that the API- driven, distant- reading model promotes? |
work_avyr635l2vhjhax6r47xeqvgom | But why is it an ‘ edition ’ not an archive? |
work_avyr635l2vhjhax6r47xeqvgom | Deleted Text:`` Deleted Text:''''? |
work_avyr635l2vhjhax6r47xeqvgom | If we are going to undertake crowdsourcing of some of the work in scholarly editing, what does practical experience tell us to plan for? |
work_avyr635l2vhjhax6r47xeqvgom | Qu’est- ce Qu- un Auteur? |
work_avyr635l2vhjhax6r47xeqvgom | What is an author? |
work_avyr635l2vhjhax6r47xeqvgom | What is not collaborative about early modern drama in performance and print? |
work_ntjq364fibgxbhnlzsfbktevre | If fortuitously discovered, what do these results mean? |
work_ntjq364fibgxbhnlzsfbktevre | What happens when Leary ’s own essay about electronic ser- endipity gets fed into the Serendip- o- matic? |
work_7tycitiduvgkbo3fj66msfb2wa | 3 What does all this mean? |
work_7tycitiduvgkbo3fj66msfb2wa | 7 So where is all this leading us and what should we be doing? |
work_7tycitiduvgkbo3fj66msfb2wa | Can the surroundings and atmosphere add value – even enhance – the information we are providing? |
work_7tycitiduvgkbo3fj66msfb2wa | How could we expand the use business made of our resources? |
work_7tycitiduvgkbo3fj66msfb2wa | How do other industries respond to change? |
work_7tycitiduvgkbo3fj66msfb2wa | If the British Library is the physical representation of the information age, what should it be like? |
work_7tycitiduvgkbo3fj66msfb2wa | Lynch, C.( 2005), “ Where do we go from here? |
work_7tycitiduvgkbo3fj66msfb2wa | The new Marketing Director led on the tough questions – Who are our users? |
work_7tycitiduvgkbo3fj66msfb2wa | What could we do to make ourselves more appealing to them? |
work_7tycitiduvgkbo3fj66msfb2wa | What is our proposition to them? |
work_7tycitiduvgkbo3fj66msfb2wa | and Jesuroga, S.( 2005), “ What is a digital library anymore, anyway? ”, D- Lib Magazine, Vol. |
work_7tycitiduvgkbo3fj66msfb2wa | � Does the library as place have relevance and how should space be best used? |
work_7tycitiduvgkbo3fj66msfb2wa | � How are publishing and intellectual property regimes changing, and how must we influence thinking on them and change in response? |
work_7tycitiduvgkbo3fj66msfb2wa | � Where should we focus in the information value chain, and what should we not do? |
work_hh4gchixdzfrnbivmmqly4iaza | 1 U.S. intelligence official with nearly two decades of experience ”)? |
work_hh4gchixdzfrnbivmmqly4iaza | And, why have n’t our computers already given us the answer? |
work_hh4gchixdzfrnbivmmqly4iaza | But how seriously should we take this consensus? |
work_hh4gchixdzfrnbivmmqly4iaza | Does the(?) |
work_hh4gchixdzfrnbivmmqly4iaza | Even questions such as the preferred method of output — dendrograms? |
work_hh4gchixdzfrnbivmmqly4iaza | Fixed attribution assignments as in the present system? |
work_hh4gchixdzfrnbivmmqly4iaza | Have we, then, made a Faustian bargain in creating such a “ plug and play ” authorship attribution system? |
work_hh4gchixdzfrnbivmmqly4iaza | In 2004, “ anonymous ” published Imperial Hubris, a followup to his( her?) |
work_hh4gchixdzfrnbivmmqly4iaza | MDS subspace projections? |
work_hh4gchixdzfrnbivmmqly4iaza | What can we do with small corpora? |
work_hh4gchixdzfrnbivmmqly4iaza | Who wrote these books?1 Did the same person actually write these books? |
work_k6a5xjmeorcbxopzj7doedz4ba | How could an emo- tion generally associated with negativity also be as- sociated with good luck? |
work_k6a5xjmeorcbxopzj7doedz4ba | If a fiber optic cable buried under the ground can be used to detect fountains and cars, what else can be used as a sensor? |
work_k6a5xjmeorcbxopzj7doedz4ba | Is the ground beneath the Stanford cam- pus listening to you? |
work_k6a5xjmeorcbxopzj7doedz4ba | Season 3, Episode 3, Chapter 29( |
work_k6a5xjmeorcbxopzj7doedz4ba | What is equivalent to the Google Earth example above, when this kind of in- formation is as ubiquitous as satellite imagery? |
work_k6a5xjmeorcbxopzj7doedz4ba | What kinds of new ques- tions could they enable? |
work_k6a5xjmeorcbxopzj7doedz4ba | What kinds of problems can we use for these sensing ap- paratuses to investigate? |
work_k6a5xjmeorcbxopzj7doedz4ba | v= svhhwdjpTtE |
work_qb2edqt7hzcwha4blvjcofohya | Digital Preservation of the Moving Image Material? |
work_l4auw4z2ircodetsqhe2bdhaqa | What hardware and software were optimal for running this artwork when it was new?) |
work_l4auw4z2ircodetsqhe2bdhaqa | ( e.g.,"What software or programming language was used to create this artwork?" |
work_l4auw4z2ircodetsqhe2bdhaqa | Do digital works explore something further than the analog approaches can do? |
work_l4auw4z2ircodetsqhe2bdhaqa | How are access issues for individuals with lower economic backgrounds being addressed? |
work_l4auw4z2ircodetsqhe2bdhaqa | How do technologies support and stimulate community engagement? |
work_l4auw4z2ircodetsqhe2bdhaqa | How do you bring the work to the viewer through the interactive power of technologies? |
work_l4auw4z2ircodetsqhe2bdhaqa | Some sample research questions include: How are technologies assisting the exploration of political issues by artists? |
work_l4auw4z2ircodetsqhe2bdhaqa | What are the possible implications of gender in digital media artworks? |
work_l4auw4z2ircodetsqhe2bdhaqa | What does it mean to view an art work that is designed for an old TV set in a larger installation? |
work_am4amy5buvcwplbvdzknmmb4oq | Can community buy- in be achieved? |
work_am4amy5buvcwplbvdzknmmb4oq | Do they even participate? |
work_am4amy5buvcwplbvdzknmmb4oq | How can an electronic copy be as good as seeing the original in a library? |
work_am4amy5buvcwplbvdzknmmb4oq | How can existing resources such as lexi- cons and ontologies be incorporated into the framework? |
work_am4amy5buvcwplbvdzknmmb4oq | How can it take advan- tage of( instead of competing with) existing commercial search utilities? |
work_am4amy5buvcwplbvdzknmmb4oq | In the words of the summit report, What kinds of tools would foster the discovery and exploration 11 of digital resources in the humanities? |
work_am4amy5buvcwplbvdzknmmb4oq | No such thing as humanities comput- ing? |
work_am4amy5buvcwplbvdzknmmb4oq | Perhaps the real heavyweights are simply publishing their DH work else- where, but are still a part of the community? |
work_am4amy5buvcwplbvdzknmmb4oq | Reaching out: What do scholars want from electronic resources? |
work_am4amy5buvcwplbvdzknmmb4oq | We can again compare this to the publishing opportunities for a bibliography — is “ my bibliography is now 50% complete ” a publishable result? |
work_am4amy5buvcwplbvdzknmmb4oq | What kind of search questions should be supported? |
work_am4amy5buvcwplbvdzknmmb4oq | Who are these authors, and do they represent high- profile and influential scholars? |
work_am4amy5buvcwplbvdzknmmb4oq | Whose funeral? |
work_pmtk7voowbegtaofars26flhfi | Hybridizing Habitus and Reflexivity: Towards an Understanding of Contemporary Identity? |
work_pmtk7voowbegtaofars26flhfi | Writing for publication: what counts as a ‘ high status, eminent academic journal ’? |
work_ir6bthfmjzgq5azbyett4iijfi | & Dlaza, Z., 2018, ‘ Can you teach an old dog new tricks? |
work_ir6bthfmjzgq5azbyett4iijfi | Can you teach an old dog new tricks? |
work_ir6bthfmjzgq5azbyett4iijfi | Do you see the confusion it creates? |
work_ir6bthfmjzgq5azbyett4iijfi | How lecturers develop digital literacies? |
work_ir6bthfmjzgq5azbyett4iijfi | In conclusion, one participant of this study spoke of the challenge they face and a possible solution: ‘ Can you teach an old dog new tricks? |
work_ir6bthfmjzgq5azbyett4iijfi | 10.1177/2158244016663609 Khunou, G., 2015, ‘ What middle class? |
work_ir6bthfmjzgq5azbyett4iijfi | 376835X.2014.975889 Koehler, M.J.& Mishra, P., 2005, ‘ What happens when teachers design educational technology? |
work_qw6wjqfctngslgls2qca6fza5e | Never Mine the Mind? |
work_crjdd4bodjewvnd245tuteqmoa | But still this question remains: Is the traditional affective work of the librarian of the last hundred years not important? |
work_crjdd4bodjewvnd245tuteqmoa | Does it not serve a unique purpose on a university campus, and is that purpose still unrecognized and underval- ued? |
work_crjdd4bodjewvnd245tuteqmoa | How do such activities fit into an analysis of our labor? |
work_crjdd4bodjewvnd245tuteqmoa | Ice ice baby: Are librarian stereotypes freezing us out of instruction? |
work_crjdd4bodjewvnd245tuteqmoa | Was I internalizing sexism in diverging from a more traditional librarianship role? |
work_crjdd4bodjewvnd245tuteqmoa | Was it because librarianship was traditionally a women ’s profession, and research more the domain of men and hence considered more prestigious? |
work_crjdd4bodjewvnd245tuteqmoa | We recognize movers, shakers, pushers, shovers, leaders, and change agents, but how do we acknowledge emotional labor and care work? |
work_crjdd4bodjewvnd245tuteqmoa | What about all those people in tears in my office? |
work_crjdd4bodjewvnd245tuteqmoa | What are the social divisions of labor, and what are the economic and political implications of such divisions? |
work_crjdd4bodjewvnd245tuteqmoa | What constitutes “ doing some- thing ”? |
work_crjdd4bodjewvnd245tuteqmoa | What constitutes “ women ’s work ” and how did labor come to be gendered? |
work_crjdd4bodjewvnd245tuteqmoa | What did I have to show for my time? |
work_crjdd4bodjewvnd245tuteqmoa | What is the proper and historical labor of librarians anyway? |
work_crjdd4bodjewvnd245tuteqmoa | What was wrong with focusing on providing library traditional services like refer- ence help, collection management, and teaching? |
work_crjdd4bodjewvnd245tuteqmoa | Why? |
work_q2drsr7d6jhkhhi3tp5gf7iiea | ( 2013) ‘ What is humanities computing and what is not? ’, in Defining Digital Humanities: A Reader, eds. |
work_q2drsr7d6jhkhhi3tp5gf7iiea | Grand, A., et al.,( 2012) ‘ Open science: A new ‘ ‘ Trust technology ’ ’? ’, Science Communication, vol. |
work_q2drsr7d6jhkhhi3tp5gf7iiea | doi: Goodfellow, R.( 2014) ‘ Scholarly, digital, open: an impossible triangle? |
work_q2drsr7d6jhkhhi3tp5gf7iiea | doi:10.3402/ rlt.v24.32036 RESEARCH ARTICLE Different views on Digital Scholarship: separate worlds or cohesive research field? |
work_chgow3e3mrbshgwpyr3oc3gu4y | Are there gaps of information? |
work_chgow3e3mrbshgwpyr3oc3gu4y | Are there images? |
work_chgow3e3mrbshgwpyr3oc3gu4y | Can you name the social, political and geographical ties that link them? |
work_chgow3e3mrbshgwpyr3oc3gu4y | Could the use of images appeal to potential audiences? |
work_chgow3e3mrbshgwpyr3oc3gu4y | Does the biography fully explain what these are, and why they matter? |
work_chgow3e3mrbshgwpyr3oc3gu4y | Does the name of the author of the biography appear anywhere on the page? |
work_chgow3e3mrbshgwpyr3oc3gu4y | If images can be used, are they displayed randomly or deliberately? |
work_chgow3e3mrbshgwpyr3oc3gu4y | Looking at the page online, what do you notice about the design or layout? |
work_chgow3e3mrbshgwpyr3oc3gu4y | What areas in the biography require further research? |
work_chgow3e3mrbshgwpyr3oc3gu4y | What can you tell about the author ’s research? |
work_chgow3e3mrbshgwpyr3oc3gu4y | What gives the delegate ’s life historical significance that differs from other delegates? |
work_chgow3e3mrbshgwpyr3oc3gu4y | What is the nature of the content? |
work_chgow3e3mrbshgwpyr3oc3gu4y | What revisions do you, as a stand- in for the general interest, online reader, think would make the essay more readable? |
work_chgow3e3mrbshgwpyr3oc3gu4y | What was the delegate ’s role and actions, or lack thereof, at the convention? |
work_chgow3e3mrbshgwpyr3oc3gu4y | Where did you discover these texts? |
work_chgow3e3mrbshgwpyr3oc3gu4y | Who is in your delegate ’s posse, how are they connected and for what duration? |
work_chgow3e3mrbshgwpyr3oc3gu4y | Why or how this person was involved with or connected to the convention or the convention ’s concerns? |
work_r5th63sysjbtxewjfm7ts7vjqu | What are those few dots for? |
work_ip2zk72tajb2tfejdhmoys6pqq | 16 Joris van Zundert, ‘ If You Built It, Will We Come? |
work_ip2zk72tajb2tfejdhmoys6pqq | 17 Van Zundert, ‘ If You Built It, Will We Come?, ’ 167. |
work_ip2zk72tajb2tfejdhmoys6pqq | How can the basic affordances of annotation tools accommodate for disagreement or complementary views? |
work_ip2zk72tajb2tfejdhmoys6pqq | How did the tool influence our research methodology, and did it stimulate us to change our research question or strategies? |
work_ip2zk72tajb2tfejdhmoys6pqq | Moreover, is it necessary to agree? |
work_k5nr4o2jjnet5mru4sogihdefu | Print oriented E- Books und E- Journals( as emulations) are focusing the library collections and services multimedia objects? |
work_k5nr4o2jjnet5mru4sogihdefu | Prof. Dr. Andreas Degkwitz LIBER 2017 Patras- Session 2: Strategy July 5 2017 Is anything changing in depth? |
work_k5nr4o2jjnet5mru4sogihdefu | The organisation of libraries are oriented to the traditional patterns further networked structures? |
work_k5nr4o2jjnet5mru4sogihdefu | The roles of librarians and users don‘t change since many many years collaborative approaches? |
work_k5nr4o2jjnet5mru4sogihdefu | • Do we replace the traditional services by interactive patterns and shapes of the scholarly makerspaces? |
work_k5nr4o2jjnet5mru4sogihdefu | • What about the role of collection management and service provisioning for local users and user communites worldwide? |
work_jvoiujigvff45klae5xermbbae | Available at tc/ catalogue detail.htm? |
work_jvoiujigvff45klae5xermbbae | Believe it or not: how much can we rely on published data on potential drug targets? |
work_jvoiujigvff45klae5xermbbae | Document Data Model — How should publishers adapt their document data models to support direct citation of data? |
work_jvoiujigvff45klae5xermbbae | Publishing Workflows — How should publishers change their editorial workflows to support data citation? |
work_jvoiujigvff45klae5xermbbae | RECOMMENDATIONS FOR ACHIEVING MACHINE ACCESSIBILITY What is machine accessibility? |
work_jvoiujigvff45klae5xermbbae | What do publisher data deposition and citation workflows look like where data is being cited today, such as in Nature Scientific Data or GigaScience? |
work_jvoiujigvff45klae5xermbbae | Why are the attribution and citation of scientific data important? |
work_jvoiujigvff45klae5xermbbae | Why cite data? |
work_q5mcdbdde5d4fayz77f2ghyseu | - By what means shall we determine what we teach? |
work_q5mcdbdde5d4fayz77f2ghyseu | - In what ways shall we teach it? |
work_q5mcdbdde5d4fayz77f2ghyseu | - Toward what purpose? |
work_htotg5ut6beldjs54yzegyfsuy | How frequently do you use Bulletin Boards? |
work_htotg5ut6beldjs54yzegyfsuy | How frequently do you use E- journals? |
work_htotg5ut6beldjs54yzegyfsuy | How frequently do you use E- mail? |
work_htotg5ut6beldjs54yzegyfsuy | How frequently do you use Full- texts other than E- journals? |
work_htotg5ut6beldjs54yzegyfsuy | How frequently do you use Internet Chat? |
work_htotg5ut6beldjs54yzegyfsuy | How frequently do you use Internet search engines? |
work_htotg5ut6beldjs54yzegyfsuy | How frequently do you use Mailing Lists? |
work_htotg5ut6beldjs54yzegyfsuy | How frequently do you use Video Conferencing? |
work_htotg5ut6beldjs54yzegyfsuy | How frequently do you use Web- based Databases? |
work_htotg5ut6beldjs54yzegyfsuy | How frequently do you use Web- based Library Catalogues? |
work_htotg5ut6beldjs54yzegyfsuy | How important is it for you to be proficient in using and applying networked information? |
work_htotg5ut6beldjs54yzegyfsuy | How long have you been using networked information services? |
work_htotg5ut6beldjs54yzegyfsuy | How would you describe your skills as a user of networked information? |
work_m3ms4jirqvdoraavmcxsuwkrpi | 2018 25 PDF View 2 excerpts, cites background Save Alert Research Feed Innovating Support for Research: The Coalescence of Scholarly Communication? |
work_m3ms4jirqvdoraavmcxsuwkrpi | 2020 PDF Save Alert Research Feed Restructuring and formalizing: Scholarly communication as a sustainable growth opportunity in information agencies? |
work_n3svrctkqnaoxhgk3g43mf6bly | ''Does Size Matter? |
work_n3svrctkqnaoxhgk3g43mf6bly | ''How Variable May a Constant be? |
work_n3svrctkqnaoxhgk3g43mf6bly | ''PCA, Delta, JGAAP and Polish Poetry of the 16th and Digital Humanities 2010 4 the 17th Centuries: Who Wrote the Dirty Stuff?''. |
work_n3svrctkqnaoxhgk3g43mf6bly | Digital Humanities 2010 1 Does Size Matter? |
work_n3svrctkqnaoxhgk3g43mf6bly | Eder and Rybicki, 2009) would reach the effectiveness comparable to that presented above? |
work_q3wingdixba6vaq4u55wmokk4i | Comment renouveler le dialogue entre institutions patrimoniales et milieu de la recherche? |
work_q3wingdixba6vaq4u55wmokk4i | [ 11] — — —, « Quels usages aujourd’hui des bibliothèques numériques? |
work_q3wingdixba6vaq4u55wmokk4i | [ 20] — — —, « Données liées et données à lier: quels outils pour quels alignements? |
work_6g3o4veek5gxrjlymbyyrnjgwu | 2002)? |
work_6g3o4veek5gxrjlymbyyrnjgwu | 2013) and documentation( “ What Is DSpace? |
work_6g3o4veek5gxrjlymbyyrnjgwu | 2015)? |
work_6g3o4veek5gxrjlymbyyrnjgwu | How can we create truly participatory digital library project communities? |
work_6g3o4veek5gxrjlymbyyrnjgwu | How is so much talent and investment( Arlitsch and Grant 2018) producing such mediocre results? |
work_6g3o4veek5gxrjlymbyyrnjgwu | More importantly, how do we re- invigorate our own open source projects and fulfill the ultimate missions of digital libraries? |
work_6g3o4veek5gxrjlymbyyrnjgwu | What if those contributions shaped the strategic direction of those applications and communities? |
work_6g3o4veek5gxrjlymbyyrnjgwu | Whither the Ethics of Care? |
work_6g3o4veek5gxrjlymbyyrnjgwu | Whose Community Projects? |
work_6g3o4veek5gxrjlymbyyrnjgwu | Why are our technical products failing our users? |
work_6g3o4veek5gxrjlymbyyrnjgwu | “ What Is DSpace? |
work_6g3o4veek5gxrjlymbyyrnjgwu | “ Who Killed the World? |
work_6g3o4veek5gxrjlymbyyrnjgwu | “ Why So Many Repositories? |
work_gukh2woncrdkpjillh4jgxqp2u | Between context and creativity? |
work_gukh2woncrdkpjillh4jgxqp2u | Between ease- of- use and technical power? |
work_gukh2woncrdkpjillh4jgxqp2u | Between licensing and liberty? |
work_gukh2woncrdkpjillh4jgxqp2u | But have n’t we always shared — through stories, gossip, jokes, performances, and rituals? |
work_gukh2woncrdkpjillh4jgxqp2u | Do we join the party, or call the police to complain about the noise? |
work_gukh2woncrdkpjillh4jgxqp2u | Download PDF Like this? |
work_gukh2woncrdkpjillh4jgxqp2u | This is not ‘ engagement ’? |
work_gukh2woncrdkpjillh4jgxqp2u | What balance do we need between push and pull? |
work_gukh2woncrdkpjillh4jgxqp2u | What is going on here? |
work_s6bxd2fk5vfmxjdslhmqcr27fq | Does language shape thought? |
work_qwrovbrddfbwzbesyp2r65lx74 | ''What Does That Symbol Mean? |
work_qwrovbrddfbwzbesyp2r65lx74 | How Portable Are the Metadata Standards for Scientific Data? |
work_ldqcgb474ndcfbtfggtnd4yzpa | Do survey results reflect the truth or a biased opinion on emergency department care? |
work_ldqcgb474ndcfbtfggtnd4yzpa | Do you think analgesia in the department can be extrapolated to satisfaction of analgesic prescriptions dispensed at discharge from the ED? |
work_ldqcgb474ndcfbtfggtnd4yzpa | How might that group differ from the others? |
work_ldqcgb474ndcfbtfggtnd4yzpa | Is pain control the largest component of satisfaction, or is it merely a small player? |
work_ldqcgb474ndcfbtfggtnd4yzpa | Is there another way to measure patient satisfaction? |
work_ldqcgb474ndcfbtfggtnd4yzpa | What are the limitations to using this instrument? |
work_ldqcgb474ndcfbtfggtnd4yzpa | What might these authors have done, given that they had treatment data on all patients, to explore the potential for response bias? |
work_ldqcgb474ndcfbtfggtnd4yzpa | What other aspects of the patient experience can affect patient satisfaction? |
work_qi36aerlbbfafj7dxk74jmiiyq | Full name& Full name| Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, CIRCSE 10 Why LOD? |
work_qi36aerlbbfafj7dxk74jmiiyq | Full name& Full name| Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, CIRCSE 3 Treebanks: a success story? |
work_nbtklu5fazfszhydbgffgv67g4 | Does a poetic work have to look like a poem? |
work_nbtklu5fazfszhydbgffgv67g4 | Introduction ¶ 2 What is electronic literature? |
work_nbtklu5fazfszhydbgffgv67g4 | Or is it about simulating a record of a familiar form of text- based communication between two subjects? |
work_nbtklu5fazfszhydbgffgv67g4 | Producing a conclusive answer requires a response to a different but related perplexity that has persisted for far longer: What is literature? |
work_nbtklu5fazfszhydbgffgv67g4 | What signs can literature be made of?). |
work_mvfm3u5amja73maeybjl4vsvhe | 2009, ‘ Revisiting ‘ what is a document? ’ ’ Journal of Documentation, vol. |
work_mvfm3u5amja73maeybjl4vsvhe | 662- 679, DOI: Briet, S. 2006, What is documentation? |
work_mvfm3u5amja73maeybjl4vsvhe | 91- 104. boyd, d. 2009, ‘ Social media is here to stay... now what? ’ Microsoft Research Tech Fest, Redmond, Washington, February 26. |
work_mvfm3u5amja73maeybjl4vsvhe | Buckland, M. 1997, ‘ What is a document? ’ Journal of the American Society for Information Science, vol. |
work_mvfm3u5amja73maeybjl4vsvhe | Levy, D. 1994, ‘ Fixed or fluid? |
work_mvfm3u5amja73maeybjl4vsvhe | The notion of demonstrating relationships is inherent in one of the classic texts, Suzanne Briet ’s What is Documentation? |
work_mvfm3u5amja73maeybjl4vsvhe | What is Documentation? |
work_rmgahlnwafg2roeslncfqrasda | Does the Bible have secrets to reveal? |
work_rmgahlnwafg2roeslncfqrasda | The history of chemical reinforcement of texts in manuscript- what should we do now? |
work_rstwalkltjaqjgfnmsikaabl3m | Subject vs. functional: should subject librarians be replaced by functional specialists in academic libraries? |
work_rstwalkltjaqjgfnmsikaabl3m | The digital humanities are alive and well and blooming: now what? |
work_r5eorv63lfcwxjjh6dygat2zxq | Delta prime? |
work_r5eorv63lfcwxjjh6dygat2zxq | How variable may a constant be? |
work_r5eorv63lfcwxjjh6dygat2zxq | Who wrote the 15th book of Oz? |
work_pbhz3pt7t5cdvoidswsdifh6fq | ( 2) What types of information would be useful to classify? |
work_pbhz3pt7t5cdvoidswsdifh6fq | ( 2) What types of information would be useful to classify? |
work_pbhz3pt7t5cdvoidswsdifh6fq | ( 3) What other related needs exist? |
work_pbhz3pt7t5cdvoidswsdifh6fq | ( 3) What other related needs exist? |
work_pbhz3pt7t5cdvoidswsdifh6fq | Key questions included:( 1) How could an online platform be deemed suitable for Indigenous communities to catalogue food wisdom? |
work_n6bq2rurhrhi7m3yhpzsnqtlka | Data Walls- How can data walls be used by groups for research and instruction with Voyant? |
work_n6bq2rurhrhi7m3yhpzsnqtlka | How can it present a story of different views on data? |
work_n6bq2rurhrhi7m3yhpzsnqtlka | Touch Tables- How can touch tables be used by small groups with Voyant? |
work_n6bq2rurhrhi7m3yhpzsnqtlka | Visual Matters CSDH- SCHN 2020 2 Significance: Why do these prototypes matter? |
work_n6bq2rurhrhi7m3yhpzsnqtlka | ● How can a tool make clear the positionality of the interpreter? |
work_n6bq2rurhrhi7m3yhpzsnqtlka | ● How can visualization be a site for negotiating ideas about texts in a group rather than simply presenting them? |
work_n6bq2rurhrhi7m3yhpzsnqtlka | ● How can visualization communicate where information is missing or ambiguous in ways that open room for speculation? |
work_pfrddwfeffhufnqj3n2ds5kb3m | 13 Steele, Colin( 1995) ‘ New Romances or Pulp Fiction? |
work_pfrddwfeffhufnqj3n2ds5kb3m | Do Libraries and Librarians have an Internet Future? ’, visited 20.2.13). |
work_pfrddwfeffhufnqj3n2ds5kb3m | Do Libraries and Librarians have an Internet Future? ’. |
work_pfrddwfeffhufnqj3n2ds5kb3m | This author attempted some futurology in 1995, when invited to give the Follett Lectures in that year, ‘ New Romances or Pulp Fiction? |
work_pfrddwfeffhufnqj3n2ds5kb3m | Wu demonstrates how new communication mediums arrive on a wave of optimism,( like the ‘ Big Deal ’? |
work_m72cws4cyrd7fbctybvm2gut4y | How do each theorists reading of desire change their understanding of utopia? |
work_m72cws4cyrd7fbctybvm2gut4y | How do these align or dispute Christina Sharpe ’s understanding of living in the wake of slavery? |
work_m72cws4cyrd7fbctybvm2gut4y | How does Hopkins transform Haggard ’s colonial adventure story? |
work_m72cws4cyrd7fbctybvm2gut4y | What does this disagreement reveal about their sense of human agency? |
work_m72cws4cyrd7fbctybvm2gut4y | What is the edition ’s editorial approach? |
work_m72cws4cyrd7fbctybvm2gut4y | What is the relationship between matter, language, and verse driving the early history of evolution? |
work_m72cws4cyrd7fbctybvm2gut4y | What theoretical approach to understanding the novel do you detect in its editorial approach? |
work_gwxv6d57yrg45m3glnnv54bwlm | Budzynska, K.; Reed, C. Whence Inference? |
work_gwxv6d57yrg45m3glnnv54bwlm | How these guidelines could be implemented in a real software solution for assisting discursive and argumentation textual analysis? |
work_gwxv6d57yrg45m3glnnv54bwlm | RQ1: What evidence is there that discourse and argumentation textual analysis is currently supported via information visualization software? |
work_gwxv6d57yrg45m3glnnv54bwlm | RQ2: What kind of support are these works providing and how is it implemented? |
work_gwxv6d57yrg45m3glnnv54bwlm | RQ2: What kind of support are these works providing and how is it implemented? |
work_gwxv6d57yrg45m3glnnv54bwlm | Single or Multiple Conversational Agents? |
work_gwxv6d57yrg45m3glnnv54bwlm | Y Y N N N 2 N ACM Lib.-ACM12[ 52] Single or Multiple Conversational Agents? |
work_gwxv6d57yrg45m3glnnv54bwlm | • Q3: Is the proposal validated with real text analysis cases? |
work_gwxv6d57yrg45m3glnnv54bwlm | • Q4: Is the proposal dealing with textual discursive/ argumentation analysis information? |
work_iwgfpoaaaremdonrwjwtg2lv5y | 29 Richard White, “ What Is Spatial History?, ” para. |
work_iwgfpoaaaremdonrwjwtg2lv5y | 5 Barbara Herrnstein Smith, “ What Was ‘ Close Reading ’? |
work_iwgfpoaaaremdonrwjwtg2lv5y | 580/ Harmony Bench and Kate Elswit of knowledge in situ.12 Where were key figures when they engaged in the discovery/ production of knowledge? |
work_iwgfpoaaaremdonrwjwtg2lv5y | 594/ Harmony Bench and Kate Elswit about the sites that are dominant versus marginal in these dancers ’ perspectives on the world? |
work_iwgfpoaaaremdonrwjwtg2lv5y | And what are the implications for disciplinary and interdisciplinary performing arts research? |
work_iwgfpoaaaremdonrwjwtg2lv5y | Or when it results in a digital object that is, at minimum, unstable and even ephemeral, prone to failure and accelerated obsolescence? |
work_iwgfpoaaaremdonrwjwtg2lv5y | What about that exact location qualifies it to stand in for the whole? |
work_iwgfpoaaaremdonrwjwtg2lv5y | When the process of digital scholarship and its iterative manifestations of a research idea may exceed the final product? |
work_iwgfpoaaaremdonrwjwtg2lv5y | Which routes were the most common? |
work_iwgfpoaaaremdonrwjwtg2lv5y | Who performed different dances to the same music or the same dances to different music? |
work_iwgfpoaaaremdonrwjwtg2lv5y | Who performed in the same cities and theatres not only within, but across forms? |
work_i5lmbc3dkfemjd2u3fsfu2qczq | 4.2. WHO HAD INPUT? |
work_i5lmbc3dkfemjd2u3fsfu2qczq | Approximately how much and what type of material is currently in your institutional repository? |
work_i5lmbc3dkfemjd2u3fsfu2qczq | Approximately how much and what type of material is currently in your institutional repository? |
work_i5lmbc3dkfemjd2u3fsfu2qczq | Can I copyright my data? |
work_i5lmbc3dkfemjd2u3fsfu2qczq | DEMOGRAPHICS 4.2. WHO HAD INPUT? |
work_i5lmbc3dkfemjd2u3fsfu2qczq | Retrieved from: |
work_i5lmbc3dkfemjd2u3fsfu2qczq | Similarly, is a co- authors work included in the original or treated as third- party work? |
work_i5lmbc3dkfemjd2u3fsfu2qczq | What approximate percentage of material in your institutional repository was self – submitted by depositors? |
work_i5lmbc3dkfemjd2u3fsfu2qczq | What approximate percentage of material in your institutional repository was self – submitted by depositors? |
work_i5lmbc3dkfemjd2u3fsfu2qczq | What entities had input into the submission agreement(s)? |
work_i5lmbc3dkfemjd2u3fsfu2qczq | What entities had input into the submission agreement(s)? |
work_i5lmbc3dkfemjd2u3fsfu2qczq | What entities had input into the submission agreement(s)? |
work_ezvqnubn2ndg3dgbcliozoda3e | After hearing about my project, they asked: ‘ But did it work? ’ The answer, of course, is all in what you choose to assess. |
work_ezvqnubn2ndg3dgbcliozoda3e | How do you curate it? |
work_ezvqnubn2ndg3dgbcliozoda3e | How does the public interact with virtual objects? |
work_ezvqnubn2ndg3dgbcliozoda3e | How does the public interact with virtual objects? |
work_ezvqnubn2ndg3dgbcliozoda3e | I began the research project by asking the following questions of my students: What does material culture look like on the web? |
work_ezvqnubn2ndg3dgbcliozoda3e | Out of Touch? |
work_ezvqnubn2ndg3dgbcliozoda3e | So did it work? |
work_ezvqnubn2ndg3dgbcliozoda3e | What are effective teaching tech- niques? |
work_ezvqnubn2ndg3dgbcliozoda3e | What is the relationship between virtual and phys- ical museum artifacts? |
work_ezvqnubn2ndg3dgbcliozoda3e | What is the relationship between virtual and physical museum artefacts? |
work_ezvqnubn2ndg3dgbcliozoda3e | What skills do museum professionals believe graduating students should have? |
work_pev3iwitu5efhgosmipcqbjgp4 | Did I adapt my knowledge to the patron ’s level of understanding? |
work_pev3iwitu5efhgosmipcqbjgp4 | How can LIS educators and students learn more about critical pedagogy? |
work_pev3iwitu5efhgosmipcqbjgp4 | How can critical reflection influence our work as reference librarians? |
work_pev3iwitu5efhgosmipcqbjgp4 | Some questions to consider include the follow- ing: When did I feel connected/ disconnected from the patron? |
work_pev3iwitu5efhgosmipcqbjgp4 | Was there any- thing about the interaction that made me feel anxious? |
work_pev3iwitu5efhgosmipcqbjgp4 | What do I need to learn in order to improve my reference skills? |
work_pev3iwitu5efhgosmipcqbjgp4 | What would I do differently if I had the chance for a do- over? |
work_6fu6aiwvubhrlhtso5q7z4euzi | Areas that are not traditionally associated with humanities research( or institutions that support the How Digital Are the Digital Humanities? |
work_6fu6aiwvubhrlhtso5q7z4euzi | Art, culture, How Digital Are the Digital Humanities? |
work_6fu6aiwvubhrlhtso5q7z4euzi | How Digital Are the Digital Humanities? |
work_6fu6aiwvubhrlhtso5q7z4euzi | How Digital Are the Digital Humanities? |
work_6fu6aiwvubhrlhtso5q7z4euzi | How Digital Are the Digital Humanities? |
work_6fu6aiwvubhrlhtso5q7z4euzi | How Digital Are the Digital Humanities? |
work_6fu6aiwvubhrlhtso5q7z4euzi | How Digital Are the Digital Humanities? |
work_6fu6aiwvubhrlhtso5q7z4euzi | How Digital Are the Digital Humanities? |
work_6fu6aiwvubhrlhtso5q7z4euzi | Kirschenbaum MG( 2010) What is digital humanities and what ’s it doing in English departments? |
work_6fu6aiwvubhrlhtso5q7z4euzi | Puschmann C( 2014)( Micro)blogging science? |
work_6fu6aiwvubhrlhtso5q7z4euzi | Puschmann C, Mahrt M( 2012) Scholarly blogging: A new form of publishing or science journalism 2.0? |
work_6fu6aiwvubhrlhtso5q7z4euzi | The Hypotheses team provides support How Digital Are the Digital Humanities? |
work_6fu6aiwvubhrlhtso5q7z4euzi | doi:10.1371/ journal.pone.0115035.g002 How Digital Are the Digital Humanities? |
work_6fu6aiwvubhrlhtso5q7z4euzi | doi:10.1371/ journal.pone.0115035.g003 How Digital Are the Digital Humanities? |
work_6fu6aiwvubhrlhtso5q7z4euzi | doi:10.1371/ journal.pone.0115035.g004 How Digital Are the Digital Humanities? |
work_rwibwhcoc5cdddk3dx2gocq5dy | Why Marry? |
work_rwibwhcoc5cdddk3dx2gocq5dy | Why Not Just Good Friends? |
work_mnm5j5sn2rbepk7q2rqtvbkk4m | Are digital humanities projects sustainable? |
work_mnm5j5sn2rbepk7q2rqtvbkk4m | Community archives: What are we really talking about? |
work_mnm5j5sn2rbepk7q2rqtvbkk4m | In other words, what idea of completeness — in the senses of wholeness, totality, or comprehensiveness — guides the development of the collection? |
work_mnm5j5sn2rbepk7q2rqtvbkk4m | What are we talking about when we talk about sustainability of digital archives, repositories and libraries? |
work_mnm5j5sn2rbepk7q2rqtvbkk4m | What ever happened to Project Bamboo? |
work_reij7pxs6nblphawhq3thvtfxa | Linhard, Tabea and Timothy H. Parsons( 2019) “ Introduction: how does migration take place? ” In Tabea Linhard and Timothy H. Parsons, eds. |
work_reij7pxs6nblphawhq3thvtfxa | The question is, what do we achieve by mapping oral history? |
work_reij7pxs6nblphawhq3thvtfxa | Why map these locations? |
work_s7cadhlur5finip33s3wcqljdq | Is the Tanzanian Ngoni language threatened? |
work_ripfgskwinhnflc65fsy3qb7a4 | ( 2010) Is transparency the best disinfectant? |
work_ripfgskwinhnflc65fsy3qb7a4 | Open code for open science? |
work_ripfgskwinhnflc65fsy3qb7a4 | What are the attitudes, understandings and practices of librarians and information professionals to the concepts of transparency and open research? |
work_rerrybmydvdd7jfxhy22zdim24 | Fifth, Riddell also championed legitimizing social media technologies from the perspective of learners, stating, “ How do we engage learners? |
work_rerrybmydvdd7jfxhy22zdim24 | What would happen to education if we take education evidence seriously? |
work_meydyhhik5fodpsvuckkt6ecrm | 15 Leclercq, “ Lettres de S. Bernard: Histoire où littérature?, ” Recueil d’études, 4:148. |
work_meydyhhik5fodpsvuckkt6ecrm | 70 Leclercq, “ Lettres de S. Bernard: Histoire où littérature?, ” Recueil d’études, 4:158. |
work_meydyhhik5fodpsvuckkt6ecrm | 85 Rochais, “ Saint Bernard est- il l’auteur des sermons 40, 41 et 42?, ” 324–45. |
work_meydyhhik5fodpsvuckkt6ecrm | T ige, “ Collabor Matter? |
work_meydyhhik5fodpsvuckkt6ecrm | Would Nicholas have known Hugh well, and would they have collaborated before the latter ’s death in 1141? |
work_rphjchjcs5edfaf6wikxgg3c7i | How many academic librarians have seen a dataset recently? |
work_rphjchjcs5edfaf6wikxgg3c7i | “ Do Researchers Dream of Data Management? ” Paper presented at eResearch Australasia 2014, Melbourne, 27- 31 October. |
work_rphjchjcs5edfaf6wikxgg3c7i | “ Terra Nova: A New Land for Librarians? ” Paper presented at VALA 2014, Melbourne, 3- 6 February. |
work_qdezivl3vrcg7p74fr7e3xdsj4 | In addition, what are the central issues in the organisation and what will be the policy outlines? |
work_qdezivl3vrcg7p74fr7e3xdsj4 | The fundamental principles were easy to understand for formulating decisions; namely, what is the position now and what are the aims for the future? |
work_qdezivl3vrcg7p74fr7e3xdsj4 | who is rating and which benchmarks are answered by whom? |
work_kuzbsb2e3jberjnlczxe547iiy | ( Professor Michael Stewart, UCL) How does research contribute to changes in everyday decisions or working practices? |
work_kuzbsb2e3jberjnlczxe547iiy | And how do you demonstrate this to funders? |
work_kuzbsb2e3jberjnlczxe547iiy | Why Altmetric? |
work_kuzbsb2e3jberjnlczxe547iiy | « Did it help improve services or business? |
work_kuzbsb2e3jberjnlczxe547iiy | « Provoke debate? |
work_kuzbsb2e3jberjnlczxe547iiy | « Shape policy? |
work_kuzbsb2e3jberjnlczxe547iiy | • Many, many questions about open access policies • How can the Library help me with all of this? |
work_kuzbsb2e3jberjnlczxe547iiy | • What platforms should I use to share my papers& data? |
work_kuzbsb2e3jberjnlczxe547iiy | • Who ’s downloading and citing my research? |
work_q75gogqi3vfeljyqrut2wm3vo4 | -DSI Participant What worked best? |
work_q75gogqi3vfeljyqrut2wm3vo4 | We asked attendees to reflect upon: ○ What they learned today? |
work_q75gogqi3vfeljyqrut2wm3vo4 | ○ What did n’t work? |
work_q75gogqi3vfeljyqrut2wm3vo4 | ○ What do you wish you learned today or did you expect to learn? |
work_q75gogqi3vfeljyqrut2wm3vo4 | ○ What they would have liked to learn? |
work_q75gogqi3vfeljyqrut2wm3vo4 | ○ What worked? |
work_sarw76hxkrcf5oqd77w7w4fjwa | ( 2007, January 31) What is privacy? |
work_sarw76hxkrcf5oqd77w7w4fjwa | What do faculty think of electronic resources? |
work_sarw76hxkrcf5oqd77w7w4fjwa | What do faculty think of electronic resources? |
work_qwh27vgatrdapa6bg4iw2menzm | ( 2006) Do Oscar winners live longer than less successful peers? |
work_qwh27vgatrdapa6bg4iw2menzm | ( 2008) What is cinema? |
work_qwh27vgatrdapa6bg4iw2menzm | Literary and Linguistic Computing, doi:10.1093/ llc/ fqt030[ 29] Grzybek P. and Koch V.( 2012) Shot length: random or rigid, choice or chance? |
work_qwh27vgatrdapa6bg4iw2menzm | Literary and Linguistic Computing, doi:10.1093/ llc/ fqt041[ 12] Baxter M.( 2013e) Evolution in Hollywood editing patterns? |
work_qwh27vgatrdapa6bg4iw2menzm | Cutting and cinemetrics.pdf[ 16] Buckland W.( 2008) What does the statistical style analysis of film involve? |
work_ln25zza5gbgdtkjjevovcn737e | As a sensory- based methodology, documentary criminology seeks to answer the question: how can we know and relate to harm? |
work_ln25zza5gbgdtkjjevovcn737e | Ferrell, J( 2011) “ Disciplinarity and Drift, ” in Mary Bosworth and Carolyn Hoyle, editors, What is Criminology? |
work_ln25zza5gbgdtkjjevovcn737e | How do academics overcome this limitation while also preserving the integrity of their research? |
work_ln25zza5gbgdtkjjevovcn737e | Sonic Communication and Diegetic Sounds( or, how can we ignore the range of donkey brays?) |
work_ln25zza5gbgdtkjjevovcn737e | This startling number of rescues makes us wonder: what happens after these animals are rescued? |
work_ln25zza5gbgdtkjjevovcn737e | What are the sensory elements of the rehabilitative process that donkeys undergo inside donkey sanctuaries as they recover from abuse and abandonment? |
work_ln25zza5gbgdtkjjevovcn737e | What remains when human language is stripped from documentary analysis? |
work_ln25zza5gbgdtkjjevovcn737e | When the verbal, expository language is omitted, requiring viewers to rely on their own interpretive skills to experience the documentary? |
work_ln25zza5gbgdtkjjevovcn737e | Where is the donkey going and why? |
work_qm3spbqhgzeqzfxsv3cp3pjnxy | How could we expect teaching faculty to submit their work to an institutional repository if we were not leading by example? |
work_qm3spbqhgzeqzfxsv3cp3pjnxy | Motivations for Web- based scholarly pub- lishing: Do scientists recognize open availability as an advantage? |
work_qm3spbqhgzeqzfxsv3cp3pjnxy | Mutually exclusive? |
work_qm3spbqhgzeqzfxsv3cp3pjnxy | Tenure and promotion: Should you publish in electronic journals? |
work_qm3spbqhgzeqzfxsv3cp3pjnxy | To web or not to web? |
work_qm3spbqhgzeqzfxsv3cp3pjnxy | Who ’s afraid of peer review? |
work_qag2k4ovyfgtbaemnefthr4qlq | Does it help you to explore more than you otherwise would? |
work_qag2k4ovyfgtbaemnefthr4qlq | Interviewer: How does it change that? |
work_qag2k4ovyfgtbaemnefthr4qlq | Interviewer: So you contact them and what happens then? |
work_qag2k4ovyfgtbaemnefthr4qlq | Or it does n’t change that? |
work_kkzhkqx76zf7xa6zcxqv4eycze | Back to basics: Who re- uses qualitative data and why? |
work_kkzhkqx76zf7xa6zcxqv4eycze | Digital knowledge and digital research: What does eResearch offer education and social policy? |
work_kkzhkqx76zf7xa6zcxqv4eycze | Education(al) research and education policy making: Is conflict inevitable? |
work_kkzhkqx76zf7xa6zcxqv4eycze | Finally, how does eResearch affordances change the ways in which educational research knowledge is( and could be) constructed and communicated? |
work_kkzhkqx76zf7xa6zcxqv4eycze | How do engineering scientists think? |
work_kkzhkqx76zf7xa6zcxqv4eycze | How does the digital inscription of data, inquiry tools and interactions change the nature of knowledge and knowing? |
work_kkzhkqx76zf7xa6zcxqv4eycze | How does the digital inscription of learning change the nature of research questions and practices in educational research? |
work_kkzhkqx76zf7xa6zcxqv4eycze | Learning, teaching, and scholarship in a digital age: Web 2.0 and classroom research: What path should we take now? |
work_kkzhkqx76zf7xa6zcxqv4eycze | New learning – old methods? |
work_kkzhkqx76zf7xa6zcxqv4eycze | Perspectives on evidence- based research in education – what works? |
work_kkzhkqx76zf7xa6zcxqv4eycze | Publishing perishing? |
work_kkzhkqx76zf7xa6zcxqv4eycze | The doubtful guest? |
work_t3suhmknwnchldigurwkqcbjza | ( 2013), Is there a ‘ digital ’ art history? |
work_t3suhmknwnchldigurwkqcbjza | Can information be unfettered? |
work_t3suhmknwnchldigurwkqcbjza | What ’s wrong with this picture? |
work_r2v7lbhravb5jbahxlkgry2d7e | 16 Robert Darnton, “ What Is the History of Books? ” Daedalus 111.3( 1982), 65- 83. |
work_r2v7lbhravb5jbahxlkgry2d7e | Anne Welsh 31 9 Stanley Fish, Surprised by Sin: The Reader in Paradise Lost( London: Macmillan, 1967; Is There a Text in this Class? |
work_r2v7lbhravb5jbahxlkgry2d7e | What quantitative analyses might we, or the people who use our catalogs for access, wish to carry out on our data, and how might this be possible? |
work_qmo74bepsrbg3bwpbj27v54fau | 10 Laurel G. Bowen and Peter J. Roberts, “ Exhibits: Illegitimate Children of Academic Libraries?, ” College& Research Libraries 54, no. |
work_qmo74bepsrbg3bwpbj27v54fau | 15 J. Matthew Huculak and Lisa Goddard, “ Is Promotion and Tenure Inhibiting DH/ Library Collaboration? |
work_qmo74bepsrbg3bwpbj27v54fau | In 1993, Laurel G. Bowen and Peter J. Roberts published “ Exhibits: Illegitimate Children of Academic Libraries? ” in College& Research Libraries. |
work_qmo74bepsrbg3bwpbj27v54fau | Should not the original project be enough to satisfy the APT process? |
work_nkly3ond2nflfitnralpsyje3q | 25 26.. 93 Umanistica Digitale- ISSN:2532- 8816- n.5, 2019 Which Data? |
work_nkly3ond2nflfitnralpsyje3q | DBLP Digital Library Women in Computer Science research Citation Network Why bibliographic data? |
work_nkly3ond2nflfitnralpsyje3q | What ’s( not) behind the data? |
work_nkly3ond2nflfitnralpsyje3q | Why bibliographic data? |
work_nkly3ond2nflfitnralpsyje3q | “ Has the Battle Been Won? |
work_nkly3ond2nflfitnralpsyje3q | “ Women in Computer Science Research: What Is the Bibliography Data Telling Us? ” SIGCAS Computers and Society 46( 1):7–19. |
work_mhenjbm7ifdufgdkpgjchbuche | Are collections sets?. |
work_mhenjbm7ifdufgdkpgjchbuche | Are digital humanities projects sus- tainable? |
work_mhenjbm7ifdufgdkpgjchbuche | How can management systems serve to underpin experimental, interactive, and dynamic platforms? |
work_mhenjbm7ifdufgdkpgjchbuche | How well can this model capture the logic and meaning of dig- ital collections? |
work_mhenjbm7ifdufgdkpgjchbuche | Research Information Systems – fit for the future? |
work_mhenjbm7ifdufgdkpgjchbuche | The final question is, how are both context and content components interrelated? |
work_mhenjbm7ifdufgdkpgjchbuche | What are the original con- tributions and important contextual components, and how are they related? |
work_uhuwzjpu5vbaza7twulzxykvty | “ Web Services As Public Services: Are We Supporting Our Busiest Service Point? ” Journal of Academic Librarianship 35( 1):65–74. |
work_ucygi7qzvfgntjz2w7k2qvcjvi | “ What ’s in a Name? |
work_tbq7u2oghfbsfbsfj4dog7ev7a | Do altmetrics work for assessing research quality? |
work_tbq7u2oghfbsfbsfj4dog7ev7a | What is Impact? |
work_tbq7u2oghfbsfbsfj4dog7ev7a | What is societal impact and where do altmetrics fit into the equation? |
work_mx72jk5zlzhvpci2p3us52gm2a | For Taylor, the answer to the questions, ‘ How can you love a work, if you do n’t know it? |
work_mx72jk5zlzhvpci2p3us52gm2a | How can you know it, if you ca n’t get near it? |
work_mx72jk5zlzhvpci2p3us52gm2a | Retrieved on 12 December 2010 from: |
work_mx72jk5zlzhvpci2p3us52gm2a | Why, with the theoretically boundless possibilities of the electronic medium in mind, do we continue to limit ourselves to editions in print? |
work_mx72jk5zlzhvpci2p3us52gm2a | ‘ Archives 2.0: If We Build It, Will They Come? ’ Ariadne 60( 2009): n. p.[ Online]. |
work_mx72jk5zlzhvpci2p3us52gm2a | ‘ The Evolution of Online Editing: Where Will It End? ’ Shakespeare Survey 59( 2006): 168–81. |
work_mx72jk5zlzhvpci2p3us52gm2a | ‘ Thou art going to Lord Timon ’s feast? ’). |
work_6p25dxgcp5exlglfvxdadvoqbi | A New Digital Dark Age? |
work_6p25dxgcp5exlglfvxdadvoqbi | DETAILS — HOW DO WE TALK ABOUT DATA? |
work_6p25dxgcp5exlglfvxdadvoqbi | How can we sim- plify complex argumentation to require less background knowledge? |
work_6p25dxgcp5exlglfvxdadvoqbi | Is the difference merely a matter of what we choose to call the product? |
work_6p25dxgcp5exlglfvxdadvoqbi | Just being Difficult? |
work_6p25dxgcp5exlglfvxdadvoqbi | Scholarly Equivalents of the Monograph? |
work_6p25dxgcp5exlglfvxdadvoqbi | Thispoints usto a fundamental question: how densely should we link between our different layers of text and the data in our current structure? |
work_6p25dxgcp5exlglfvxdadvoqbi | Who are we Writing this Stuff for, Anyway? ” Draft proposed actions, summary of issues discussed, and notes. |
work_6p25dxgcp5exlglfvxdadvoqbi | “ Drowning in Data? |
work_6p25dxgcp5exlglfvxdadvoqbi | “ Humble Servants of the Discipline? |
work_6p25dxgcp5exlglfvxdadvoqbi | “ Insidious or just Boring? |
work_scrudalyszcohiikfptwijo6ma | Gail Steinhart, Eric Chen, Florio Arguillas, Dianne Dietrich, and Stefan Kramer,"Prepared to Plan? |
work_scrudalyszcohiikfptwijo6ma | Steinhart, Chen, Arguillas, Dietrich, and Kramer,"Prepared to Plan?". |
work_scrudalyszcohiikfptwijo6ma | When asked"Who would you imagine would be interested in this data?" |
work_nrj6cea2evg7dc5noh67nknnw4 | ( ii) was this prediction accurate? |
work_nrj6cea2evg7dc5noh67nknnw4 | ( iii) what are the conceptual foundations for this idea? |
work_nrj6cea2evg7dc5noh67nknnw4 | ( iv) who has built on this idea? |
work_nrj6cea2evg7dc5noh67nknnw4 | ( v) who has challenged this idea, and using what kind of arguments? |
work_nrj6cea2evg7dc5noh67nknnw4 | ( vi) are there distinctive perspectives on this problem? |
work_nrj6cea2evg7dc5noh67nknnw4 | ); to conduct a lineage analysis( for example, where did this idea come from? |
work_nrj6cea2evg7dc5noh67nknnw4 | Bourne, P. Will a biological database be different from a biological journal? |
work_nrj6cea2evg7dc5noh67nknnw4 | Net- Centric Scholarly Discourse? |
work_nrj6cea2evg7dc5noh67nknnw4 | Seringhaus, T.; Gerstein, M. Publishing perishing? |
work_nrj6cea2evg7dc5noh67nknnw4 | This will allow us to answer questions like:( i) what is the evidence for this claim? |
work_nrj6cea2evg7dc5noh67nknnw4 | and( vii) are there inconsistencies within this school of thought? |
work_sr4htmz7ybetbljnas2gnhc45a | Did Shakespeare Write a Newly- Discovered Poem? |
work_sr4htmz7ybetbljnas2gnhc45a | For example: are common words better in authorship studies while TEFF markers work better on content- based discriminations? |
work_sr4htmz7ybetbljnas2gnhc45a | How Long is a Piece of Substring? |
work_rm6gu244xvajxaihdkj72z6b4a | Can falls risk prediction tools correctly identify fall- prone elderly rehabilitation inpatients? |
work_rm6gu244xvajxaihdkj72z6b4a | Jonsson E, Seiger A, Hirschfeld H. One- leg stance in healthy young and elderly adults: a measure of postural steadiness? |
work_rm6gu244xvajxaihdkj72z6b4a | – How well can the risk of falling in older adults be predicted from COP characteristics and analysis? |
work_v6piubzsrncbjc6sayt7f7eb5i | For more on Zomia and the Himalayas, see Sara Shneiderman, “ Are the Central Himalayas in Zomia? |
work_v3owreetvbftvcsu453uyozucy | What kind of new definition do we then need of''prosopog- rapher''and''prosopography''? |
work_quwkmykanzcl5bsahk763lbdgu | Challenges for Academic Libraries What kinds of challenges are academic libraries facing in the changing information and scholarly environment? |
work_quwkmykanzcl5bsahk763lbdgu | For instance, how much control of the space and facilities did we let go when a learning event was hosted by a campus partner? |
work_quwkmykanzcl5bsahk763lbdgu | How do we transit from a system that enables such library- driven digital projects, to a new model supporting digital scholarship? |
work_quwkmykanzcl5bsahk763lbdgu | This is the Pre- Published Version 4 What does thriving means for libraries? |
work_quwkmykanzcl5bsahk763lbdgu | What does that new model look like? |
work_s7iohy4ggbde7nx3wot6log7cu | How did they model this( I use model because that is what Sima and Strabo were in fact doing)? |
work_s7iohy4ggbde7nx3wot6log7cu | How do we organize linked data into geohistorical factoids? |
work_s7iohy4ggbde7nx3wot6log7cu | How does this apply to using GIS in service of history? |
work_s7iohy4ggbde7nx3wot6log7cu | Understanding global change: how best to organize information? |
work_s7iohy4ggbde7nx3wot6log7cu | What is Spatial History? |
work_44kn7hdxhncdvm4v5256ioie3q | Are there stated standards on what file types can be deposited? |
work_44kn7hdxhncdvm4v5256ioie3q | Collection Policy? |
work_44kn7hdxhncdvm4v5256ioie3q | Does the repository have a connecting URL link from the institution''s library web page? |
work_44kn7hdxhncdvm4v5256ioie3q | Does the repository have a dedicated"landing page"with associated information? |
work_44kn7hdxhncdvm4v5256ioie3q | Does the repository or library offer Open Access information? |
work_44kn7hdxhncdvm4v5256ioie3q | Does the repository or the library site offer contact information for the repository staff or administrators? |
work_44kn7hdxhncdvm4v5256ioie3q | If so, what is the link? |
work_44kn7hdxhncdvm4v5256ioie3q | If so, who is listed and how many? |
work_44kn7hdxhncdvm4v5256ioie3q | Institution& Repository Name Open Access Information? |
work_44kn7hdxhncdvm4v5256ioie3q | Is self- deposit allowed for the repository user community? |
work_44kn7hdxhncdvm4v5256ioie3q | Is the repository registered with OpenDOAR or ROAR? |
work_44kn7hdxhncdvm4v5256ioie3q | Is the repository subject to some kind of institutional mandate? |
work_44kn7hdxhncdvm4v5256ioie3q | Is there a mandate registered with the Registry of Open Access Repositories Mandatory Archiving Policies( ROARMAP)? |
work_44kn7hdxhncdvm4v5256ioie3q | Is there a stated collection policy? |
work_44kn7hdxhncdvm4v5256ioie3q | Is there a stated metadata policy? |
work_44kn7hdxhncdvm4v5256ioie3q | Is there a stated preservation plan? |
work_44kn7hdxhncdvm4v5256ioie3q | Is there a stated submission policy for ingested objects? |
work_44kn7hdxhncdvm4v5256ioie3q | Is there an Open Access policy? |
work_44kn7hdxhncdvm4v5256ioie3q | Metadata Policy File Types Policy Preservation Plan? |
work_44kn7hdxhncdvm4v5256ioie3q | N/ A American University in Cairo Digital Archive and Research Repository Yes Unknown Likely Thesis? |
work_44kn7hdxhncdvm4v5256ioie3q | OCLC Systems& Services: 80.[ 2] Mohamed Boufarss,"If we build it, will they come? |
work_44kn7hdxhncdvm4v5256ioie3q | Open Access Policy? |
work_44kn7hdxhncdvm4v5256ioie3q | Repository Name Submission Policy? |
work_44kn7hdxhncdvm4v5256ioie3q | Self Deposit Allowed? |
work_44kn7hdxhncdvm4v5256ioie3q | Stated Mandate? |
work_to7gjj476bg4ziez2jfocqoxra | Wat is een Verrijkte Publicatie? |
work_to7gjj476bg4ziez2jfocqoxra | What is an enhanced publication? |
work_to7gjj476bg4ziez2jfocqoxra | [ What is an Enhanced Publication?] |
work_uuthwddayja5jbvfskdmc6f4ue | Research Output Poster; printed map Film on DVD; film on CD Publications( e- books and e- journals) Website? |
work_w4yi7u2525aqlflg6fta6jkr74 | How do I import records from other reference man- agers systems? |
work_txx3suqd3be67kyfk6d46r2nhq | Hacker Ethics? |
work_txx3suqd3be67kyfk6d46r2nhq | Is the Measurement Error the Cause of the Crisis of Values? |
work_v3ajva6rtzcfdoaxr72kh2exr4 | Do open- access articles have a greater research impact?. |
work_v3ajva6rtzcfdoaxr72kh2exr4 | The Hybrid Model for Open Access Publication of Scholarly Articles – a Failed Experiment? |
work_dzwxbcb2vbdizheuvkk4ve32hu | ; Cucchiara, S.; Manganello, F.; Persico, D. Different views on digital scholarship: Separate worlds or cohesive research field? |
work_dzwxbcb2vbdizheuvkk4ve32hu | ; Lutz, C.; Meckel, M. A relational altmetric? |
work_dzwxbcb2vbdizheuvkk4ve32hu | ; Manca, S. Is there a social life in Open Data? |
work_dzwxbcb2vbdizheuvkk4ve32hu | Do researchers in the field of Educational Technology publish Open Data sets? |
work_dzwxbcb2vbdizheuvkk4ve32hu | Do researchers in the field of Educational Technology publish Open Datasets( ODs)? |
work_dzwxbcb2vbdizheuvkk4ve32hu | Goodfellow, R. Scholarly, digital, open: an impossible triangle? |
work_dzwxbcb2vbdizheuvkk4ve32hu | Is There a Social Life in Open Data? |
work_dzwxbcb2vbdizheuvkk4ve32hu | Open data: Empowering the empowered or effective data use for everyone? |
work_dzwxbcb2vbdizheuvkk4ve32hu | Orduna- Malea, E.; Martín- Martín, A.; Thelwall, M.; Delgado López- Cózar, E. Do ResearchGate Scores create ghost academic reputations? |
work_dzwxbcb2vbdizheuvkk4ve32hu | The Case of Open Data Practices in Educational Technology Research publications Article Is There a Social Life in Open Data? |
work_dzwxbcb2vbdizheuvkk4ve32hu | Thelwall, M.; Kousha, K. ResearchGate: Disseminating, communicating, and measuring Scholarship? |
work_dzwxbcb2vbdizheuvkk4ve32hu | To what extent do Open Data portals allow researchers to cultivate social practices around OD? |
work_dzwxbcb2vbdizheuvkk4ve32hu | To what extent do Open Data portals allow researchers to cultivate social practices around OD? |
work_dzwxbcb2vbdizheuvkk4ve32hu | To which extent are ODs compliant with the FAIR data principles? |
work_dzwxbcb2vbdizheuvkk4ve32hu | To which extent are ODs compliant with the FAIR data principles? |
work_dzwxbcb2vbdizheuvkk4ve32hu | To which extent are ODs compliant with the FAIR data principles? |
work_dzwxbcb2vbdizheuvkk4ve32hu | Veletsianos, G.; Kimmons, R. Scholars in an increasingly open and digital world: How do education professors and students use Twitter? |
work_dzwxbcb2vbdizheuvkk4ve32hu | Veletsianos, G.; Shepherdson, P. Who studies MOOCs? |
work_dzwxbcb2vbdizheuvkk4ve32hu | What is the social life relating to the ODs in terms of the metrics provided by the OD portals? |
work_dzwxbcb2vbdizheuvkk4ve32hu | What is the social life relating to the ODs in terms of the metrics provided by the OD portals? |
work_dzwxbcb2vbdizheuvkk4ve32hu | What is the social life relating to the ODs in terms of the metrics provided by the OD portals? |
work_dzwxbcb2vbdizheuvkk4ve32hu | to what extent do Open Data portals allow researchers to cultivate social practices around OD? |
work_ozivi7vjhfcntejlpk2dk4dlcy | ( 1= not at all, 5= a lot) How difficult did you find it to understand the poem? |
work_ozivi7vjhfcntejlpk2dk4dlcy | ( 1= not confident at all, 5= absolutely confi- dent) What is the main emotion conveyed by the poem? |
work_ozivi7vjhfcntejlpk2dk4dlcy | But is the output comparable to what an actual poet would have produced? |
work_ozivi7vjhfcntejlpk2dk4dlcy | So can it tell us anything about poetical language? |
work_ozivi7vjhfcntejlpk2dk4dlcy | To help the annotators with the task, they were first presented with simple questions regarding the topic of the text: What is this poem about? |
work_ozivi7vjhfcntejlpk2dk4dlcy | anger, love, disappointment, etc) What are the main images in the poem? |
work_ozivi7vjhfcntejlpk2dk4dlcy | some people talking, the sun, a busy street, etc) How did you like the poem? |
work_f6hxffoqo5f67d6kvdv7qgnbcm | ............................................... 4 How do I assess the sensitivity of non- identifying variables in dataset? |
work_f6hxffoqo5f67d6kvdv7qgnbcm | 2 Portage COVID-19 Working Group, “ Can I Share My Data? ” September 25, 2020, |
work_f6hxffoqo5f67d6kvdv7qgnbcm | 28 See also Thorogood( 2018) Canada: will privacy rules continue to favour open science? |
work_f6hxffoqo5f67d6kvdv7qgnbcm | Here are a series of questions to consider before you deposit social media data: ● Could the topic you are studying be considered sensitive? |
work_f6hxffoqo5f67d6kvdv7qgnbcm | How do I figure out what combination of quasi- identifiers are a problem? |
work_f6hxffoqo5f67d6kvdv7qgnbcm | If you are unsure whether you need to de- identify your data, please see the Portage help guide Can I share my Data? |
work_f6hxffoqo5f67d6kvdv7qgnbcm | Is there any likelihood that the person would be recognizable? |
work_f6hxffoqo5f67d6kvdv7qgnbcm | Portage COVID-19 Working Group, “ Can I Share My Data? ” September 25, 2020. |
work_f6hxffoqo5f67d6kvdv7qgnbcm | Use data reduction techniques to address dataset risk How do I assess the sensitivity of non- identifying variables in dataset? |
work_f6hxffoqo5f67d6kvdv7qgnbcm | “ Canada: Will Privacy Rules Continue to Favour Open Science? ” Human Genetics 137: 595–602( July 16, 2018). |
work_f6hxffoqo5f67d6kvdv7qgnbcm | “ What is Considered PHI Under HIPAA Rules? ” HIPAA Journal, December 28, 2017. |
work_f6hxffoqo5f67d6kvdv7qgnbcm | ● Can or should the data be anonymized? |
work_f6hxffoqo5f67d6kvdv7qgnbcm | ● Could your data lead to stigmatization of, or discrimination against, the content author? |
work_f6hxffoqo5f67d6kvdv7qgnbcm | ● Do the platform ’s terms of use allow you to redistribute content? |
work_f6hxffoqo5f67d6kvdv7qgnbcm | ● Is it possible or reasonable to obtain informed consent? |
work_f6hxffoqo5f67d6kvdv7qgnbcm | ● Is the study population vulnerable? |
work_f6hxffoqo5f67d6kvdv7qgnbcm | ● What expectation of privacy might the individual users of this platform have? |
work_wi7tetp6zvhrdk5rhzeerll44q | Evolution to revolution to chaos? |
work_wi7tetp6zvhrdk5rhzeerll44q | What is knowledge management? |
work_qdotulkyfnaodjb5wo4c7bgnvu | 1.4 Visualization as scholarly argument Where is visualization as a research tool in its own right? |
work_qdotulkyfnaodjb5wo4c7bgnvu | Can visualization not actually create new re- search questions? |
work_qdotulkyfnaodjb5wo4c7bgnvu | Is Digital Humanities Too Text- Heavy? |
work_qdotulkyfnaodjb5wo4c7bgnvu | The idiocy of the digital literary( and what does it have to do with digital humanities)? |
work_qdotulkyfnaodjb5wo4c7bgnvu | What are the Digital Humanities? |
work_qdotulkyfnaodjb5wo4c7bgnvu | http:// |
work_wqw54et4aveidc74sx7swk57tm | How well do colleges and universities prepare students for future and productive careers? |
work_kezocl5rlvdhzbwpcaeleltl6a | 2 T. BOELLSTORFF How can someone who identifies as an entrepreneur have a ‘ best- selling ’ bed only five people have purchased? |
work_kezocl5rlvdhzbwpcaeleltl6a | As Ellie herself noted, ‘ people say “ why is your stuff so cheap? ” … I ’m not trying to sell it for a profit ’. |
work_kezocl5rlvdhzbwpcaeleltl6a | Disability: A rose by any other name? |
work_kezocl5rlvdhzbwpcaeleltl6a | Entrepreneuring the good life? |
work_kezocl5rlvdhzbwpcaeleltl6a | How can such a person not seek to sell for profit – indeed, lose money? |
work_kezocl5rlvdhzbwpcaeleltl6a | How do disabled persons understand these dynamics of virtual labor in the context of entrepreneurial selfhood? |
work_kezocl5rlvdhzbwpcaeleltl6a | I remain amazed by how often colleagues ask me some version of the question ‘ is Second Life even around any more ’? |
work_kezocl5rlvdhzbwpcaeleltl6a | Is this false consciousness, someone duped by neoliberal capitalism? |
work_kezocl5rlvdhzbwpcaeleltl6a | Morgan once noted that: When you compare to Facebook, Facebook is a social media … there ’s nothing solid in it, right? |
work_kezocl5rlvdhzbwpcaeleltl6a | Open forum: What ’s the most you ever paid for a virtual item in second Life( besides land)? |
work_kezocl5rlvdhzbwpcaeleltl6a | Or might there be a more complicated interplay of selfhood, labor, and ability in a digital context? |
work_kezocl5rlvdhzbwpcaeleltl6a | Right? |
work_kezocl5rlvdhzbwpcaeleltl6a | Well, no, 15 to break even, because you ’ve got ta con- sider I put money into the textures and money into the animations, right? |
work_um2icj6t75bnfctcmkv4vscrxi | The following questions will need to be addressed: Who can have access? |
work_um2icj6t75bnfctcmkv4vscrxi | Under what conditions should access be granted? |
work_um2icj6t75bnfctcmkv4vscrxi | What policies/ procedures are required? |
work_wxhrcv2gvrfp5muwsfakz7vbqi | “ So What is Digital Archaeology? |
work_jxo7onqy3zby7i72tfc3dll3cm | Can tweets predict citations? |
work_jxo7onqy3zby7i72tfc3dll3cm | Do altmetrics work? |
work_jxo7onqy3zby7i72tfc3dll3cm | Learning, teaching, and scholarship in a digital age: Web 2.0 and classroom research: What path should we take now? |
work_jxo7onqy3zby7i72tfc3dll3cm | Other than# aera14, which was the hashtag that all these scholars contributed to, what hashtags did they use? |
work_jxo7onqy3zby7i72tfc3dll3cm | Putting open science into practice: A social dilemma? |
work_jxo7onqy3zby7i72tfc3dll3cm | RQ1: how do graduate students and professors in the education field use Twitter? |
work_jxo7onqy3zby7i72tfc3dll3cm | RQ1: how do graduate students and professors in the education field use Twitter? |
work_jxo7onqy3zby7i72tfc3dll3cm | RQ2 Which hashtags do education scholars contribute to? |
work_jxo7onqy3zby7i72tfc3dll3cm | RQ2: which hashtags do education scholars contribute to? |
work_jxo7onqy3zby7i72tfc3dll3cm | RQ2: which hashtags do education scholars contribute to? |
work_jxo7onqy3zby7i72tfc3dll3cm | RQ3 What factors predict participants''follower counts? |
work_jxo7onqy3zby7i72tfc3dll3cm | RQ3: what factors predict participants''follower counts? |
work_jxo7onqy3zby7i72tfc3dll3cm | RQ3: what factors predict participants''follower counts? |
work_jxo7onqy3zby7i72tfc3dll3cm | Scholars in an increasingly open and digital world: How do education professors and students use Twitter? |
work_jxo7onqy3zby7i72tfc3dll3cm | Why do academics blog? |
work_wsplttoxxnez5aa4c4bktwmhzi | Early life influences on cardio- metabolic disease risk in aboriginal populations-- what is the evidence? |
work_wsplttoxxnez5aa4c4bktwmhzi | Indigenous health and environmental risk factors: an Australian problem with global analogues? |
work_vebtomyio5ehxosyq2qsigtjna | Abstract What impact are new Web 2.0 tools having on communication and publishing practices in the research field? |
work_vebtomyio5ehxosyq2qsigtjna | If you build it, will they come? |
work_vebtomyio5ehxosyq2qsigtjna | Social networking tools and rese- arch information systems: do they compete?. |
work_vegwecfidbfijjjj2atkld2acm | xlv Quantifying the aesthetic or the aesthetics of quantification? |
work_vegwecfidbfijjjj2atkld2acm | xxxix N. Hayles, Writing Machines xl L. Manovich, What is visualization? |
work_h2tvva7wyfekdnkcifygomew6a | ............................................... 4 How do I assess the sensitivity of non- identifying variables in dataset? |
work_h2tvva7wyfekdnkcifygomew6a | 2 Portage COVID-19 Working Group, “ Can I Share My Data? ” September 25, 2020, |
work_h2tvva7wyfekdnkcifygomew6a | 26 See also Thorogood( 2018) Canada: will privacy rules continue to favour open science? |
work_h2tvva7wyfekdnkcifygomew6a | Here are a series of questions to consider before you deposit social media data: ● Could the topic you are studying be considered sensitive? |
work_h2tvva7wyfekdnkcifygomew6a | How do I figure out what combination of quasi- identifiers are a problem? |
work_h2tvva7wyfekdnkcifygomew6a | If you are unsure whether you need to de- identify your data, please see the Portage help guide Can I share my Data? |
work_h2tvva7wyfekdnkcifygomew6a | Is there any likelihood that the person would be recognizable? |
work_h2tvva7wyfekdnkcifygomew6a | Portage COVID-19 Working Group, “ Can I Share My Data? ” September 25, 2020. |
work_h2tvva7wyfekdnkcifygomew6a | Use data reduction techniques to address dataset risk How do I assess the sensitivity of non- identifying variables in dataset? |
work_h2tvva7wyfekdnkcifygomew6a | “ Canada: Will Privacy Rules Continue to Favour Open Science? ” Human Genetics 137: 595–602( July 16, 2018). |
work_h2tvva7wyfekdnkcifygomew6a | “ What is Considered PHI Under HIPAA Rules? ” HIPAA Journal, December 28, 2017. |
work_h2tvva7wyfekdnkcifygomew6a | ● Can or should the data be anonymized? |
work_h2tvva7wyfekdnkcifygomew6a | ● Could your data lead to stigmatization of, or discrimination against, the content author? |
work_h2tvva7wyfekdnkcifygomew6a | ● Do the platform ’s terms of use allow you to redistribute content? |
work_h2tvva7wyfekdnkcifygomew6a | ● Is it possible or reasonable to obtain informed consent? |
work_h2tvva7wyfekdnkcifygomew6a | ● Is the study population vulnerable? |
work_h2tvva7wyfekdnkcifygomew6a | ● What expectation of privacy might the individual users of this platform have? |
work_xfl63gzwyver7no3exeunxmubi | Library Carpentry: What Is Library Carpentry? |
work_vsvxcadirzcitamgd7opn3uysq | ● Questions: ● Who visited Beijing as diplomatic interpreters? |
work_vsvxcadirzcitamgd7opn3uysq | ● What is the relationship among the interpreters in one diplomatic delegation? |
work_vsvxcadirzcitamgd7opn3uysq | ● Where did diplomatic interpreters encounter Chinese people in China? |
work_pobelomjmbdgfbaimyljpwwm7q | Social network or academic network? |
work_pobelomjmbdgfbaimyljpwwm7q | Do altmetrics work? |
work_pobelomjmbdgfbaimyljpwwm7q | Mendeley group as a new source of interdisciplinarity study: How do disciplines interact on Mendeley? |
work_pobelomjmbdgfbaimyljpwwm7q | Social media and the production of knowledge: A return to little science? |
work_pobelomjmbdgfbaimyljpwwm7q | Web presence of academic geographers: A generational divide? |
work_pobelomjmbdgfbaimyljpwwm7q | What we blog? |
work_pobelomjmbdgfbaimyljpwwm7q | Why do academics blog? |
work_2mmfgozb35ghnkw55ivtgdsuqm | Can we leverage quantitative methods in ways that respect the nuance and complexity we value in the humanities? |
work_2mmfgozb35ghnkw55ivtgdsuqm | Can you create a session that focuses on a piece of the process — i.e., looking at a predetermined corpus in AntConc? |
work_2mmfgozb35ghnkw55ivtgdsuqm | How do you allocate staff in this situation? |
work_2mmfgozb35ghnkw55ivtgdsuqm | How do you allocate staff? |
work_2mmfgozb35ghnkw55ivtgdsuqm | If graduate students are used as labor for these projects, how can it be organically integrated into graduate training? |
work_2mmfgozb35ghnkw55ivtgdsuqm | If the library is to provide this support, however, how can it do so most effectively? |
work_2mmfgozb35ghnkw55ivtgdsuqm | Should the library provide support staff for digital projects, or should that support staff come from the ranks of graduate students? |
work_2mmfgozb35ghnkw55ivtgdsuqm | So what are you going to do with that? |
work_2mmfgozb35ghnkw55ivtgdsuqm | The question becomes, who is best positioned to provide that support? |
work_2mmfgozb35ghnkw55ivtgdsuqm | These text sets raise a range of issues: What skills do you train humanists to have? |
work_2mmfgozb35ghnkw55ivtgdsuqm | What is the library ’s role in enabling and supporting use of those materials? |
work_2mmfgozb35ghnkw55ivtgdsuqm | When an institution or a company provides access to a data set, do they have a responsibility to assist researchers in using the data set? |
work_2mmfgozb35ghnkw55ivtgdsuqm | Who oversees sus- tainability and data management? |
work_2mmfgozb35ghnkw55ivtgdsuqm | Who ’s going to oversee sustainability and data management? |
work_2mmfgozb35ghnkw55ivtgdsuqm | “ Does Every Research Library Need a Digital Humanities Center? ” OCLC Research Report. |
work_2mmfgozb35ghnkw55ivtgdsuqm | “ Must Humanists Learn to Code? |
work_2mmfgozb35ghnkw55ivtgdsuqm | “ The Digital Humanities Are Alive and Well and Blooming: Now What? ” Educause Review. |
work_2mmfgozb35ghnkw55ivtgdsuqm | … Under the flag of interdisciplinar- ity, are the digital humanities no more than the colonization of the humanities by the sciences? |
work_2mmfgozb35ghnkw55ivtgdsuqm | … What kinds of lessons and prac- tices are needed to master key performances? ”( 1998, 8). |
work_xh7hljyc5na4nbijsu5qm6gw7m | W1( 2019) What is academic dishonesty?, Berkeley City College. |
work_wo34c5a2xvhh5hihcnb3ugiffm | What international training models and course offerings are available and appropriate to our local context? |
work_wo34c5a2xvhh5hihcnb3ugiffm | What national guidelines and best practices for pedagogical design and delivery can be adapted to a local context? |
work_wcns7ioekrcpdfr7fn3vrt6yka | How about Tools for the whole range of scholarly activities? |
work_wcns7ioekrcpdfr7fn3vrt6yka | What is Modelling? |
work_wcns7ioekrcpdfr7fn3vrt6yka | Why do we make such external representations? |
work_wcns7ioekrcpdfr7fn3vrt6yka | Introduction What is Modelling? |
work_vhnnwghhhnhd5pkpjzfqod3m7a | Cut from the same CLOTH? |
work_vhnnwghhhnhd5pkpjzfqod3m7a | John Walker: Prescriptivist or linguistic innovator? |
work_vhnnwghhhnhd5pkpjzfqod3m7a | Some aゲヮWIデゲ ラa W;ノニWヴげゲ methodology: A decisive step towards standardization? |
work_vhnnwghhhnhd5pkpjzfqod3m7a | W(h)o, w(h)en, w(h)ere, and w(h)at?. |
work_txwlf7z2cjbp3gv44ch47txckm | Both steps are basically a ↵ ected by the following choice criteria: does it fit the research field? |
work_txwlf7z2cjbp3gv44ch47txckm | move w 0 i to C: discard w 0 i end for/* second selection*/ for all ci 2 C do Manually read full paper( ci 2 I)? |
work_3gvl2xnehnhtpmnyafgbummojq | A course whose instructors are particularly grateful for help from instruction librarians? |
work_3gvl2xnehnhtpmnyafgbummojq | And how are we preparing them for it? |
work_3gvl2xnehnhtpmnyafgbummojq | And in doing so, are we adequately modeling our own enthusiasm for the subject being taught? |
work_3gvl2xnehnhtpmnyafgbummojq | Are there faculty/ instructors who are known to be willing to experiment? |
work_3gvl2xnehnhtpmnyafgbummojq | Are we, through our assignments, conveying that love? |
work_3gvl2xnehnhtpmnyafgbummojq | But few of our students will go on to become academics, and so the question arises: what do they get out of this “ academic ” practice? |
work_3gvl2xnehnhtpmnyafgbummojq | But is this assignment type an effective way to assess student learning or writing skills? |
work_3gvl2xnehnhtpmnyafgbummojq | Chapter 1: What is backward design? |
work_3gvl2xnehnhtpmnyafgbummojq | Chapter 1: What is backward design? |
work_3gvl2xnehnhtpmnyafgbummojq | Folks who are big advocates for the library? |
work_3gvl2xnehnhtpmnyafgbummojq | If we love rhetoric or composition, what is it that we love about it? |
work_3gvl2xnehnhtpmnyafgbummojq | Kelly: But, it was a good challenge to my assumption: did they really need to understand how to use the finding aid to complete the assignment? |
work_3gvl2xnehnhtpmnyafgbummojq | Rhetorically analyze its content( why did the letter writers choose the words they did?) |
work_3gvl2xnehnhtpmnyafgbummojq | So what are we preparing them for? |
work_3gvl2xnehnhtpmnyafgbummojq | So what if we used assignments that highlight editing of multimedia as a gateway for helping them understand why and how to edit writing? |
work_3gvl2xnehnhtpmnyafgbummojq | That is: does a short research paper help students learn to do research? |
work_3gvl2xnehnhtpmnyafgbummojq | Was this scribble an “ s ” or an “ f ”? |
work_3gvl2xnehnhtpmnyafgbummojq | What is a better researcher able to do? |
work_3gvl2xnehnhtpmnyafgbummojq | What is the point? |
work_3gvl2xnehnhtpmnyafgbummojq | Will they see this as the solution to a perennial problem? |
work_3gvl2xnehnhtpmnyafgbummojq | a hassle this late in the term? |
work_3gvl2xnehnhtpmnyafgbummojq | an innovative feather in their teaching cap? |
work_3gvl2xnehnhtpmnyafgbummojq | an opportunity to give back to the library? |
work_3gvl2xnehnhtpmnyafgbummojq | “ What Information Competencies Matter in Today ’s Workplace? ” Library and Information Research 37, no. |
work_srxrpv2yfnepzb4vkhjq26o4wq | How can we visually and ethically represent various forms of data and how does the data morph in the representation? |
work_srxrpv2yfnepzb4vkhjq26o4wq | How does the concept of mapping change when we begin from the Global South? |
work_srxrpv2yfnepzb4vkhjq26o4wq | What kinds of questions, for instance, does the practice of mapping pose to our research and teaching? |
work_srxrpv2yfnepzb4vkhjq26o4wq | When we attempt to share our work through social media, how is it changed and who do we imagine it reaches? |
work_srxrpv2yfnepzb4vkhjq26o4wq | • Or, If you were to center an understanding about what DH is around one of these projects/ sites, how would DH be defined( or redefined)? |
work_xcklbtlqqzbr3doojzjzzgrdb4 | Why are the numbers lower than expected at this stage, and what can staff learn from this? |
work_xxio53rbffhuzcdkzulrnfybca | So, what does open science do? |
work_y24pvjtcijcfjiou7x457zb4a4 | Retrieved 10/12/2016, from: http://books/ google/ books? |
work_wrtij3q6kvhrbajhegu4rcdyre | Upgrade equipment Department cleanup and organization Questions? |
work_risvtxt5erfq5pvasnytdgdkwy | Abby Smith, Why Digitize? |
work_risvtxt5erfq5pvasnytdgdkwy | At that point the question will be: Do all students who need to know about Mezhov ’s work actually know that it is available online? |
work_risvtxt5erfq5pvasnytdgdkwy | But does that mean that bibliographies( like those of Mezhov) and other traditional reference tools have entirely outlived their usefulness? |
work_risvtxt5erfq5pvasnytdgdkwy | See Nicholas Carr, ‘ ‘ Is Google Making Us Stupid? ’ ’ Atlantic Monthly, July/ August 2008, |
work_risvtxt5erfq5pvasnytdgdkwy | Was I right about that then, and if I was, is it still true today? |
work_risvtxt5erfq5pvasnytdgdkwy | Will they even know why they should consult Mezhov in the first place? |
work_f6jampzzxnfwla3oa4ntkontfe | Another Suitcase, Another Student Hall, Where are we going to? work_f6jampzzxnfwla3oa4ntkontfe Another Suitcase, Another Student Hall, Where are we going to? |
work_f6jampzzxnfwla3oa4ntkontfe | Another Suitcase, Another Student Hall, Where are we going to? work_f6jampzzxnfwla3oa4ntkontfe Another Suitcase, Another Student Hall, Where are we going to? |
work_f6jampzzxnfwla3oa4ntkontfe | Another Suitcase, Another Student Hall, Where are we going to? work_f6jampzzxnfwla3oa4ntkontfe Another Suitcase, Another Student Hall, Where are we going to? |
work_f6jampzzxnfwla3oa4ntkontfe | Another Suitcase, Another Student Hall, Where are we going to? work_f6jampzzxnfwla3oa4ntkontfe Another Suitcase, Another Student Hall, Where are we going to? |
work_f6jampzzxnfwla3oa4ntkontfe | Another Suitcase, Another Student Hall, Where are we going to? work_f6jampzzxnfwla3oa4ntkontfe Another Suitcase, Another Student Hall, Where are we going to? |
work_f6jampzzxnfwla3oa4ntkontfe | Another Suitcase, Another Student Hall, Where are we going to? work_f6jampzzxnfwla3oa4ntkontfe Another Suitcase, Another Student Hall, Where are we going to? |
work_f6jampzzxnfwla3oa4ntkontfe | Another Suitcase, Another Student Hall, Where are we going to? work_f6jampzzxnfwla3oa4ntkontfe Another Suitcase, Another Student Hall, Where are we going to? |
work_f6jampzzxnfwla3oa4ntkontfe | Another Suitcase, Another Student Hall, Where are we going to? work_f6jampzzxnfwla3oa4ntkontfe Another Suitcase, Another Student Hall, Where are we going to? |
work_f6jampzzxnfwla3oa4ntkontfe | Another Suitcase, Another Student Hall, Where are we going to? work_f6jampzzxnfwla3oa4ntkontfe Another Suitcase, Another Student Hall, Where are we going to? |
work_f6jampzzxnfwla3oa4ntkontfe | Another Suitcase, Another Student Hall, Where are we going to? work_f6jampzzxnfwla3oa4ntkontfe 9.30 session on Saturday morning, anyone? work_f6jampzzxnfwla3oa4ntkontfe Another Suitcase, Another Student Hall – Where Are We Going To? work_f6jampzzxnfwla3oa4ntkontfe So where is it all going? work_f6jampzzxnfwla3oa4ntkontfe The conference culminated in a banquet at the 5 th Avenue Ballroom, but unfortunately there was no dancing( no dancing? work_vhljrkwl75cl5gbzsaaujaanp4 Collective memory and social media: Fostering a new historical consciousness in the digital age? work_vhljrkwl75cl5gbzsaaujaanp4 Katz, D. Is Eastern European ‘ Double Genocide ’ Revisionism Reaching Museums? work_vhljrkwl75cl5gbzsaaujaanp4 What is ‘ virtual Holocaust memory ’? work_vhljrkwl75cl5gbzsaaujaanp4 What kind of content do the three museums publish via their social media profiles? work_vhljrkwl75cl5gbzsaaujaanp4 What kind of interaction takes place with these profiles? work_vhljrkwl75cl5gbzsaaujaanp4 What types of content engage the fans/ followers most? work_wextl3iu3zcxvgjyihtajatt4a Research questions: The study addresses the following questions: • What can we learn from a study of interfaces to digital humanities material? work_wextl3iu3zcxvgjyihtajatt4a “ How Has Your Science Data Grown? work_wextl3iu3zcxvgjyihtajatt4a • Do these changes affect the way the resource is used, and the way it conveys meaning? work_wextl3iu3zcxvgjyihtajatt4a • How have interfaces to digital humanities materials changed over the course of their existence? work_wextl3iu3zcxvgjyihtajatt4a • Should we preserve interfaces for future scholarship? work_qnzomioclfgcjm7m5mhqlkm22u 17 See especially Thomas Peace, “ Does the Crowd Matter? work_qnzomioclfgcjm7m5mhqlkm22u 2( 2009): studies/ article/ view/167/222; Sasha Mullally, “ Democratizing the Past? work_qnzomioclfgcjm7m5mhqlkm22u 4 Key works on digital history include Roy Rosenzweig, “ Can History Be Open Source? work_qnzomioclfgcjm7m5mhqlkm22u On blogging and historical scholarship, see Alex Sayf Cummings and Jonathan Jar- rett, “ Only Typing? work_qnzomioclfgcjm7m5mhqlkm22u Should blogging count as scholarship, or service? work_wmvkb7pnbngx3onvlzvyzpyiam Galina asks, ‘ who are we? ’ in Digital Humanities and we both share a similar view: DH is a community( more on that below). work_wmvkb7pnbngx3onvlzvyzpyiam In her keynote, ‘ Is There Anybody Out There? work_wmvkb7pnbngx3onvlzvyzpyiam ‘ An alternate beginning to humanities computing? ’ work_wmvkb7pnbngx3onvlzvyzpyiam ‘ Is There Anybody Out There? work_siybn34o5vgk3azqwvhc4fu4a4 10 Which main issues should be considered by EOSC executive and governing boards? work_siybn34o5vgk3azqwvhc4fu4a4 What added value will EOSC bring to the research? work_siybn34o5vgk3azqwvhc4fu4a4 What added value will EOSC bring to the research? work_siybn34o5vgk3azqwvhc4fu4a4 What is the research community expecting from EOSC? work_siybn34o5vgk3azqwvhc4fu4a4 Which main issues should be considered by EOSC executive and governing boards? work_tmtixmrqebewfox5lpkfkb6gnu Activity Theory and Distribuuted Cognition: Or what does CSCW Need to Do with Theo- ries? work_tmtixmrqebewfox5lpkfkb6gnu Technology- enhanced learning and teaching in higher education: what is ‘ enhanced ’ and how do we know? work_tmtixmrqebewfox5lpkfkb6gnu What is the ‘ World ’ of Phenomenography? work_tmtixmrqebewfox5lpkfkb6gnu What ’s the matter with ‘ technology- en- hanced learning ’? work_tmtixmrqebewfox5lpkfkb6gnu What ’s the use of theory? work_tmtixmrqebewfox5lpkfkb6gnu Where is the “ theory ” within the field of educational technology research? work_x27kbde7vfdcjm7ziclzpfr2cm John Western, “ Russian Dolls or Scale Skippers? work_ovxmjzm77zgxdcyjruozwrc4nu 3.5 How to combine transcription with databases? work_ovxmjzm77zgxdcyjruozwrc4nu Can we encode the propositions made by the words of a text into the transcription? work_ovxmjzm77zgxdcyjruozwrc4nu Comment mettre en lumière les réseaux sociaux dans les corpus historiques numériques? work_ovxmjzm77zgxdcyjruozwrc4nu Gibt es eine fachspezifische Datenverarbeitung in den historischen Wissenschaften? work_ovxmjzm77zgxdcyjruozwrc4nu How can we integrate the Web of Data( the ‘ Semantic Web ’) into scholarly editions? work_ovxmjzm77zgxdcyjruozwrc4nu How can we use automatic information extraction processes in the scholarly edition? work_ovxmjzm77zgxdcyjruozwrc4nu How does one harvest information? work_ovxmjzm77zgxdcyjruozwrc4nu If so, how? work_ovxmjzm77zgxdcyjruozwrc4nu Is semantic markup( provided by the TEI) sufficient? work_ovxmjzm77zgxdcyjruozwrc4nu This method is attractive, as it closely relates the assertive expression to the text How might TEI be similarly extended? work_ovxmjzm77zgxdcyjruozwrc4nu Warum werden mittelalterliche und frühneuzeitliche Rechnungsbücher eigentlich nicht digital ediert? work_ovxmjzm77zgxdcyjruozwrc4nu What form does the information take as digital data? work_ovxmjzm77zgxdcyjruozwrc4nu Which interface elements are typical for an assertive edition? work_ovxmjzm77zgxdcyjruozwrc4nu Which models relate the information to the transcription? work_xha7grkajbfcxf5wlpbxnxwo54 Diversity of mammalian photoreceptor properties: adaptations to habitat and 568 lifestyle? work_xha7grkajbfcxf5wlpbxnxwo54 Is colour vision possible with only rods and blue- sensitive 584 cones? work_xha7grkajbfcxf5wlpbxnxwo54 Why do mice have ultra- violet vision? work_n4qwnbq7s5g2vljop7l7t2m3qe 38 For an overview, see Fiona J. Tweedie and R. Harald Baayen, ‘ How Variable May a Constant Be? work_n4qwnbq7s5g2vljop7l7t2m3qe 63 Hildegardis, Sciuias, II.5.49, p. 217: ‘ Quomodo? work_n4qwnbq7s5g2vljop7l7t2m3qe 71 Christel Meier, ‘ Eriugena i m Nonnenkloster? work_n4qwnbq7s5g2vljop7l7t2m3qe And why is it called the Word? work_n4qwnbq7s5g2vljop7l7t2m3qe But why sermo? work_n4qwnbq7s5g2vljop7l7t2m3qe Et| quare dicitur uerbum? work_n4qwnbq7s5g2vljop7l7t2m3qe Exegetical formulas in the vision books Sciuias Part 1 Quod dicitur Part 2 Quid est hoc? work_n4qwnbq7s5g2vljop7l7t2m3qe For the problem in general, see Maciej Eder, ‘ Does Size Matter? work_n4qwnbq7s5g2vljop7l7t2m3qe If fewer words are used, does that mean that fewer realities are indicated, or that larger parts of reality are taken together? work_n4qwnbq7s5g2vljop7l7t2m3qe Parergon 36.1( 2019) 43Language and Thought in Hildegard of Bingen ’s Visionary Trilogy Quid est hoc? work_n4qwnbq7s5g2vljop7l7t2m3qe Quomodo? work_n4qwnbq7s5g2vljop7l7t2m3qe We first notice that all exegeses of biblical citations are introduced by an exegetical formula such as Quid est hoc? work_n4qwnbq7s5g2vljop7l7t2m3qe Why does she use adverbs itaque and etenim more often in Liber diuinorum operum, words that rarely occur in Sciuias or Liber uite meritorum? work_n4qwnbq7s5g2vljop7l7t2m3qe Why does the interrogative conjunction an practically only occur in Sciuias? work_n4qwnbq7s5g2vljop7l7t2m3qe Why, exactly, does Hildegard use the indefinite pronoun quilibet ten times more often in Liber diuinorum operum? work_ts7swpwokna3xh3mo57ycxqwgu Easterbrook, S. M.( 2014), Open code for open science? work_ts7swpwokna3xh3mo57ycxqwgu How to make both model and data citable? work_ts7swpwokna3xh3mo57ycxqwgu How to programmatically reproduce an entire study? work_ts7swpwokna3xh3mo57ycxqwgu How to share data? work_ts7swpwokna3xh3mo57ycxqwgu How to test a model and how to do so automatically? work_ts7swpwokna3xh3mo57ycxqwgu What are the limits of sharing? work_ts7swpwokna3xh3mo57ycxqwgu What are the minimum sharing steps? work_yscii3s6yjbpxppov4eeyfrdga Wohlrabe K and Birkmeier D( 2014) Do Open Access Articles in Economics have a Cita- tion Advantage? work_udse3l6u25csxaks6sqhn2lf24 Does Information Really Want to be Free? work_udse3l6u25csxaks6sqhn2lf24 Finally, is this materialopen"to everyone? |
work_udse3l6u25csxaks6sqhn2lf24 | Is anyone in the photo or video deceased? |
work_udse3l6u25csxaks6sqhn2lf24 | Is the image restricted only to those related to specific countries( a pull down menu allows countries to be checked)? |
work_udse3l6u25csxaks6sqhn2lf24 | Is the image sacred and thus restricted to elders only? |
work_udse3l6u25csxaks6sqhn2lf24 | Is the material restricted to men only or women only? |
work_udse3l6u25csxaks6sqhn2lf24 | Which families can see the image( a pull down menu allows families to be added)? |
work_r6gy5gp23rctvmafzeajnwmn6a | Can you find their research and link to it, or even pinpoint their recent articles under departmental listings? |
work_r6gy5gp23rctvmafzeajnwmn6a | Frame the library as a service provider, and begin to ask fac- ulty, “ What can I do for you? ” Faculty want clerical and consultative services. |
work_r6gy5gp23rctvmafzeajnwmn6a | How do you prove to the university community that the IR is work- ing? |
work_r6gy5gp23rctvmafzeajnwmn6a | How will the system run, be serviced and supported, be customized, be enhanced? |
work_r6gy5gp23rctvmafzeajnwmn6a | IRs represent a new How do you prove to the university community that the IR is working? |
work_r6gy5gp23rctvmafzeajnwmn6a | Should the librarian be tin- kering with code and making policy in a backroom? |
work_r6gy5gp23rctvmafzeajnwmn6a | Strategies for Success What makes an IR flounder? |
work_r6gy5gp23rctvmafzeajnwmn6a | What do you get for what you are paying? |
work_r6gy5gp23rctvmafzeajnwmn6a | What is the collection policy? |
work_r6gy5gp23rctvmafzeajnwmn6a | What will the response time be to problems and changes? |
work_r6gy5gp23rctvmafzeajnwmn6a | Where will the IR fall within library and university priorities, and who will manage it? |
work_wovbzvkqnrffhgpccuvc6lkjwe | Open and Shut? |
work_wovbzvkqnrffhgpccuvc6lkjwe | Open and Shut? |
work_wovbzvkqnrffhgpccuvc6lkjwe | Open and Shut? |
work_wovbzvkqnrffhgpccuvc6lkjwe | Sept 2016 Q&A with CNI ’s Clifford Lynch: Time to Rethink the Institutional Repository? |
work_wovbzvkqnrffhgpccuvc6lkjwe | Sept Q&A with CNI''s Clifford Lynch: Time to Rethink the Institutional Repository?" |
work_y7fklhnetzd6zno5wphu2zba6a | ( 2017), How far have we come and what do we do next? |
work_y7fklhnetzd6zno5wphu2zba6a | Walter, S.,& Yu, J- C.( 2013), “ What do faculty favor? |
work_rdq6gj3vuzdonkxt4fxjvtl5x4 | But what is a reasonable course of action in the face of such adversity? |
work_rdq6gj3vuzdonkxt4fxjvtl5x4 | Does It Meet Conservation Needs? |
work_rdq6gj3vuzdonkxt4fxjvtl5x4 | Finally, who will pay for all this? |
work_rdq6gj3vuzdonkxt4fxjvtl5x4 | How is this data to be saved to ensure access in five years, 100 years or 1,000 years? |
work_rdq6gj3vuzdonkxt4fxjvtl5x4 | Is the information within these files meaningless? |
work_rdq6gj3vuzdonkxt4fxjvtl5x4 | Responsible preservation of our most valued digital data requires answers to key questions: Which data should we keep and how should we keep it? |
work_rdq6gj3vuzdonkxt4fxjvtl5x4 | Should we be asking, what will happen ‘ when ’? |
work_rdq6gj3vuzdonkxt4fxjvtl5x4 | What would happen if the Internet ‘ died ’ or Microsoft decided to pull the plug on Flickr? |
work_wrlqibwztffjzacq6boaf53q6i | Retrieved from What are MOOCs? |
work_wrlqibwztffjzacq6boaf53q6i | What ’s the matter with MOOCs? |
work_rhgxhnu7tfaedlae25r4ikokyu | And if so, are the potential outcomes of Do- It- Yourself digital disruptions truly worth the risk? |
work_rhgxhnu7tfaedlae25r4ikokyu | Digital technology provides opportunities to challenge conventional representations of people past and present in creative ways, but at what cost? |
work_rhgxhnu7tfaedlae25r4ikokyu | Has Feminism Changed Archaeology? |
work_rhgxhnu7tfaedlae25r4ikokyu | Where Do We Go from Here? |
work_rhgxhnu7tfaedlae25r4ikokyu | Why Queer Archaeology? |
work_rhgxhnu7tfaedlae25r4ikokyu | Why is it different now? |
work_yvuz3g7xkffajn4uwlkhngpgxm | In other words, value propositions respond to this question: Why should an institution purchase your product or service? |
work_wvtsqi77u5ccrnplu7dghcvo6y | Is there a Digital Art History? |
work_wvtsqi77u5ccrnplu7dghcvo6y | Can this charge hold up to a scru- tiny of the historical record? |
work_wvtsqi77u5ccrnplu7dghcvo6y | Drucker,"Is There a"Digital"Art History?" |
work_wvtsqi77u5ccrnplu7dghcvo6y | Forgotten Genealogies: What is Digital Art History? |
work_m4irgoykbres3c2xcadzn4kjpy | Are scholars engaging in scholarly digital practices merely as a result of opportunities presented by contemporary forms of technology? |
work_m4irgoykbres3c2xcadzn4kjpy | Blogging as social activity, or, would you let 900 million people read your diary? |
work_m4irgoykbres3c2xcadzn4kjpy | Connectivism: learning theory of the future or vestige of the past? |
work_m4irgoykbres3c2xcadzn4kjpy | Conversely, how do current conceptualizations of scholarly practice and online participation hinder our scholarly goals? |
work_m4irgoykbres3c2xcadzn4kjpy | Given these growing phenomena, we should ask: why might scholars be interested in engaging such audiences? |
work_m4irgoykbres3c2xcadzn4kjpy | How does a course structured as a network differ from a course structured as a group, and why is this an example of NPS? |
work_m4irgoykbres3c2xcadzn4kjpy | Is peer review censorship? |
work_m4irgoykbres3c2xcadzn4kjpy | Is technology simply an outlet through which scholars enact scholarly practices that they value? |
work_m4irgoykbres3c2xcadzn4kjpy | Learning, Teaching, and Scholarship in a Digital Age: Web 2.0 and Classroom Research: What Path Should We Take Now? |
work_m4irgoykbres3c2xcadzn4kjpy | Questions relevant to this investigation are: What does the participatory Web mean for scholarship? |
work_m4irgoykbres3c2xcadzn4kjpy | Reproducibility of peer review in clinical neuroscience: is agreement between reviewers any greater than would be expected by chance alone? |
work_m4irgoykbres3c2xcadzn4kjpy | Scholarly primitives: what methods do humanities researchers have in common, and how might our tools reflect this?. |
work_m4irgoykbres3c2xcadzn4kjpy | The educational researcher defined: what will future researchers be trained to do? |
work_m4irgoykbres3c2xcadzn4kjpy | What is the relationship between technology and scholarly practice? |
work_m4irgoykbres3c2xcadzn4kjpy | What, then, is the role of the scholar in the participatory age? |
work_m4irgoykbres3c2xcadzn4kjpy | Why is the scholarship of teaching and learning such a hard sell? |
work_m4irgoykbres3c2xcadzn4kjpy | Will a clinical approach make education research more relevant for practice? |
work_m4irgoykbres3c2xcadzn4kjpy | |
work_s3ynbyxlb5gmjj7xjknzyb4mpe | 1) Is it public? |
work_s3ynbyxlb5gmjj7xjknzyb4mpe | 1) Is it public? |
work_s3ynbyxlb5gmjj7xjknzyb4mpe | 3) Able to be reproduced and extended by other scholars? |
work_s3ynbyxlb5gmjj7xjknzyb4mpe | 3) Able to be reproduced and extended by other scholars? |
work_s3ynbyxlb5gmjj7xjknzyb4mpe | Impact factor of medical education journals and recently developed indices: Can any of them support academic promotion criteria? |
work_s3ynbyxlb5gmjj7xjknzyb4mpe | Is there a consensus on consensus methodology? |
work_s3ynbyxlb5gmjj7xjknzyb4mpe | Tweetorial reviewing and appraising the latest evidence on a topic Does this meet the criteria for scholarship per Hutchings and Shulman? |
work_s3ynbyxlb5gmjj7xjknzyb4mpe | What type of Boyer ’s scholarship is this? |
work_s3ynbyxlb5gmjj7xjknzyb4mpe | Yes 2) Is it available for peer review? |
work_s3ynbyxlb5gmjj7xjknzyb4mpe | Yes 2) Is it available for peer review? |
work_s3ynbyxlb5gmjj7xjknzyb4mpe | Yes 2) Is it available for peer review? |
work_tgo2c6z7lvg4botl7v262lxfia | Given the designation, they should cater to scholars and re- searchers, but do they? |
work_tgo2c6z7lvg4botl7v262lxfia | If the book metaphor paradigm suffices for our needs, does this not indeed suffice? |
work_tgo2c6z7lvg4botl7v262lxfia | If we accept the bilateral dynamic be- tween audience and innovation, then why would we care when some innovations do not succeed? |
work_tgo2c6z7lvg4botl7v262lxfia | Interpretatie en/ of patroon? |
work_tgo2c6z7lvg4botl7v262lxfia | So You Think You Can Edit? |
work_tgo2c6z7lvg4botl7v262lxfia | To answer that we must ask: to whose needs do digital scholarly editions actually cater? |
work_tgo2c6z7lvg4botl7v262lxfia | Transcription maximized; expense minimized? |
work_tgo2c6z7lvg4botl7v262lxfia | What matters? |
work_tgo2c6z7lvg4botl7v262lxfia | r¼0( accessed 25 September 2013). |
work_ygmpjkhitradbhrqvzfntyegay | Is the library a partner or service? |
work_ygmpjkhitradbhrqvzfntyegay | Read: Wilson& Berg, Locke& Mapes( 8) PARTNERSHIP VS SERVICE How is this DH collaboration framed? |
work_qqs3avdvbna6xhmytk3kmuzfce | 21Amy Marcott, “ A Level Field At Last? |
work_qqs3avdvbna6xhmytk3kmuzfce | 8Gail Drakes, “ Who Owns Your Archive? |
work_qqs3avdvbna6xhmytk3kmuzfce | And what do journals devoted to the history of women, gender, and sexuality need to be thinking about as they look to the future? |
work_qqs3avdvbna6xhmytk3kmuzfce | Has the Internet made a difference to the practice of women ’s history? |
work_qqs3avdvbna6xhmytk3kmuzfce | If so, what difference has it made? |
work_qqs3avdvbna6xhmytk3kmuzfce | What do these new forms of community look like? |
work_qqs3avdvbna6xhmytk3kmuzfce | While paper will still be with us for some time, the writing, so to speak, is on the( Facebook?) |
work_qqs3avdvbna6xhmytk3kmuzfce | “ What are they talking about? ” I asked my tennis partner, a former mass- market book editor, later in the day. |
work_qqs3avdvbna6xhmytk3kmuzfce | “ Who knows? ” she responded, handing two balls over the net. |
work_xqj6bitz2rh7ffgsjx4no34mxu | Computing or humanities?. |
work_xqj6bitz2rh7ffgsjx4no34mxu | Does the library have a role to play in digital humanities? |
work_xqj6bitz2rh7ffgsjx4no34mxu | What does digital humanities bring to the table? |
work_xqj6bitz2rh7ffgsjx4no34mxu | What is humanities computing? |
work_zooefobk5zhz5okeludd4mubtm | A digital dark ages? |
work_xaxysmelvnht5izpd6qmhhte54 | Are we witnessing a revolu- tion in scholarly communication, or an evolution? |
work_xaxysmelvnht5izpd6qmhhte54 | How much has the infrastructure for scholarly com- munication changed? |
work_xaxysmelvnht5izpd6qmhhte54 | Or a co- evolution of technology and behavior? |
work_xaxysmelvnht5izpd6qmhhte54 | Scholarly communication in the digital environ- ment: What do authors want? |
work_xaxysmelvnht5izpd6qmhhte54 | … And how do we determine what kinds of change are occurring? |
work_iqx2b2yqfngfnjtrm2x2rtoedy | ; Hswe, P.; Hudson- Vitale, C.; Imker, H.; Kozlowski, W.; Olendorf, R.K.; Stewart, C. Data Curation Network: How Do We Compare? |
work_iqx2b2yqfngfnjtrm2x2rtoedy | By examining the repository beyond its own confines, can the IR serve a larger role? |
work_iqx2b2yqfngfnjtrm2x2rtoedy | Can a repository be a part of the broader scholarly communication ecosystem at an institution? |
work_iqx2b2yqfngfnjtrm2x2rtoedy | Can an IR serve a larger role than just as a home for outputs of a particular institution? |
work_iqx2b2yqfngfnjtrm2x2rtoedy | Does it mean the repository will hold textual materials and not data? |
work_iqx2b2yqfngfnjtrm2x2rtoedy | Does this level of control and oversight alter how one decides to administer the repository? |
work_iqx2b2yqfngfnjtrm2x2rtoedy | How should an institution provide a repository as a service? |
work_iqx2b2yqfngfnjtrm2x2rtoedy | How will its role affect its limitations and capabilities? |
work_iqx2b2yqfngfnjtrm2x2rtoedy | If a repository is a part of the broader scholarly communication ecosystem, what type of role can it potentially play? |
work_iqx2b2yqfngfnjtrm2x2rtoedy | If the IR can accommodate the needs of the content and its users, why should it be limited in role or responsibility? |
work_iqx2b2yqfngfnjtrm2x2rtoedy | If the repository is institutional service, how does it fit within the broader system of services and mechanisms offered by the institution? |
work_iqx2b2yqfngfnjtrm2x2rtoedy | If the repository is truly “ institutional, ” how should it be administered? |
work_iqx2b2yqfngfnjtrm2x2rtoedy | Or will the repository contain academic and research outputs, but not other materials that may have been housed in other types of repositories? |
work_iqx2b2yqfngfnjtrm2x2rtoedy | Related to these previous questions, what will be the role of the IR? |
work_iqx2b2yqfngfnjtrm2x2rtoedy | Research Data Services in Academic Libraries: Data Intensive Roles for the Future? |
work_iqx2b2yqfngfnjtrm2x2rtoedy | Should the repository collect content that it can not accommodate, or provide users a means to use or preview? |
work_iqx2b2yqfngfnjtrm2x2rtoedy | Splawa- Neyman, P. What makes a successful IR? |
work_iqx2b2yqfngfnjtrm2x2rtoedy | Steele, C. Open access in Australia: An odyssey of sorts? |
work_iqx2b2yqfngfnjtrm2x2rtoedy | The first question is what does it mean to be defined as an IR? |
work_iqx2b2yqfngfnjtrm2x2rtoedy | What is Tartan? |
work_iqx2b2yqfngfnjtrm2x2rtoedy | What level of control or administration does an institution need over its repositories? |
work_iqx2b2yqfngfnjtrm2x2rtoedy | in the library? |
work_uxg23jtd6vhavdihn4mh5wrfyy | Campus IT, various departments on campus? |
work_uxg23jtd6vhavdihn4mh5wrfyy | Can libraries avoid being left out of the loop? |
work_uxg23jtd6vhavdihn4mh5wrfyy | Information Literacy& Scholarly Communication: Mutually Exclusive or Naturally Symbiotic? |
work_uxg23jtd6vhavdihn4mh5wrfyy | What campus partners are available here, for example, to publish e- journals? |
work_uxg23jtd6vhavdihn4mh5wrfyy | What do we mean by scholarly communications and who responded? |
work_uxg23jtd6vhavdihn4mh5wrfyy | Who paid page charges or other publishing fees in past? |
work_xga23zwf4rf2biiwsam2l6nkaa | Wonder yet then at the fiery hunt? ’( 165)( Figure 12). |
work_xga23zwf4rf2biiwsam2l6nkaa | he soars away with it!—Where ’s the old man now? |
work_y3latjeqz5adxdtpqzaema4akm | Nobody speaks Spanish in the Philippines, right? |
work_y3latjeqz5adxdtpqzaema4akm | Now, the question is: canonical for whom? |
work_mdin75yeyfeanhwhlzt4yqmrbm | Crowdsourcing: How and Why Should Libraries Do It? |
work_mdin75yeyfeanhwhlzt4yqmrbm | Every time you tweet, do you know who is paying attention? |
work_mdin75yeyfeanhwhlzt4yqmrbm | How can we monitor success in a crowdsourced environment? |
work_mdin75yeyfeanhwhlzt4yqmrbm | How come higher ed never moves that fast? ’( Bobley 2010) we all chuckle at the thought of the academy as being a reactive, immediate place to be. |
work_mdin75yeyfeanhwhlzt4yqmrbm | How do we fair with the crucial aspects of Digital Identity, Impact, and Sustainability? |
work_mdin75yeyfeanhwhlzt4yqmrbm | How does Digital Humanities itself hold up when under scrutiny? |
work_mdin75yeyfeanhwhlzt4yqmrbm | Is a PhD really required for one to take part in the digital humanities these days, even in supporting( non- research) roles? ’( Porter 2010). |
work_mdin75yeyfeanhwhlzt4yqmrbm | Literary and Linguistic Computing, 26(3): 257- 269. leave it to its own devices, to become an online- free- for all? |
work_mdin75yeyfeanhwhlzt4yqmrbm | Maybe I ’m sensitive, not having a PhD? |
work_mdin75yeyfeanhwhlzt4yqmrbm | So why am I writing journal articles again? |
work_mdin75yeyfeanhwhlzt4yqmrbm | We understand the implicit horror in a tweet such as that from Simon Tanner saying ‘ England next? |
work_mdin75yeyfeanhwhlzt4yqmrbm | What about impact? |
work_mdin75yeyfeanhwhlzt4yqmrbm | What audience are we performing for, and can you be sure you are in control of how our actions are viewed and used? |
work_mdin75yeyfeanhwhlzt4yqmrbm | What technical and pragmatic difficulties will we run into? |
work_mdin75yeyfeanhwhlzt4yqmrbm | Why does all this matter? |
work_mdin75yeyfeanhwhlzt4yqmrbm | Will people be interested in volunteering their time and effort to read the( poor) handwriting of a great philosopher? |
work_mdin75yeyfeanhwhlzt4yqmrbm | Will the user forums, and user contributions, continue to be monitored and moderated if we ca n’t afford a staff member to do so? |
work_mdin75yeyfeanhwhlzt4yqmrbm | Will we get high quality, trustworthy transcriptions as a result of this work? |
work_tppvvpy5ajbllozceotbskoqhq | ), History for the taking? |
work_tppvvpy5ajbllozceotbskoqhq | A Digital Public Archaeology? |
work_tppvvpy5ajbllozceotbskoqhq | Archaeology 2.0? |
work_tppvvpy5ajbllozceotbskoqhq | DIY and digital archaeology: what are you doing to participate? |
work_tppvvpy5ajbllozceotbskoqhq | DOI: https:// Perry, S. 2015. Who actually profits from web- based crowdsourcing and crowdfunding in Archaeology? |
work_tppvvpy5ajbllozceotbskoqhq | How should archaeologists adapt to this ever- shifting digitally networked landscape, and what opportunities or threats await a meaningful engagement? |
work_tppvvpy5ajbllozceotbskoqhq | If I ca n’t do it at NASA, what is keeping me from going somewhere else? ”( 2017, 13). |
work_tppvvpy5ajbllozceotbskoqhq | What about Southport? |
work_tppvvpy5ajbllozceotbskoqhq | Whither archaeologists? |
work_onibgryxgvgdreulxqvytqfvjy | Altmetrics in Library and Information Science: Trickle or Tsunami? |
work_onibgryxgvgdreulxqvytqfvjy | Altmetrics in academe: Bottom up or policy driven? |
work_onibgryxgvgdreulxqvytqfvjy | Do altmetrics work? |
work_onibgryxgvgdreulxqvytqfvjy | Do “ altmetrics ” correlate with ci- tations? |
work_onibgryxgvgdreulxqvytqfvjy | How do their familiarity with and awareness of altmetrics compare to their familiarity with, and awareness of, other measures of re- search impact? |
work_onibgryxgvgdreulxqvytqfvjy | Sooner or later? |
work_onibgryxgvgdreulxqvytqfvjy | What level of familiarity with and awareness of altmetrics do LIS scholars report themselves to have? |
work_onibgryxgvgdreulxqvytqfvjy | org/10.5860/ crl.78.2.16580 What are altmetrics? |
work_z72h7eugrngj3ap4v4qvh5f2om | And, relatedly: how could we best go about identifying and developing a relationship with them? |
work_z72h7eugrngj3ap4v4qvh5f2om | Kimberly Douglass and Thura Mack, “ What Do You Give the Undergraduate Researcher Who Has Everything? |
work_yjtkdil2pfg7hpy6i6shpc3r3m | Alison Byerly, Are We There Yet? |
work_yjtkdil2pfg7hpy6i6shpc3r3m | J[ames]Burns, “ The Work of the Spiritualist, and How to Do It? ” Medium and Daybreak, November 17, 1876, 722–23. |
work_yjtkdil2pfg7hpy6i6shpc3r3m | M. A. Oxon[ William Stainton Moses], “ After All, Is There Any Such Thing as Matter? ” Human Nature( May 1877): 194. |
work_yjtkdil2pfg7hpy6i6shpc3r3m | “ How Do Spirits Make Themselves Visible? ” Spiritual Magazine( June 1872): 256. |
work_t7syp4ri3vaa7mvow4apubm34u | # any use? |
work_t7syp4ri3vaa7mvow4apubm34u | A relational altmetric? |
work_t7syp4ri3vaa7mvow4apubm34u | Different views on Digital Scholarship: separate worlds or cohesive research field? |
work_t7syp4ri3vaa7mvow4apubm34u | Do ResearchGate Scores create ghost academic reputations? |
work_t7syp4ri3vaa7mvow4apubm34u | Is LinkedIn making you more successful? |
work_t7syp4ri3vaa7mvow4apubm34u | Properties of Teacher Networks in Twitter: Are They Related to Community- Based Peer Production? |
work_t7syp4ri3vaa7mvow4apubm34u | ResearchGate: Disseminating, communicating, and measuring scholarship? |
work_t7syp4ri3vaa7mvow4apubm34u | Scholarly Reputation Building: How does ResearchGate Fare? |
work_t7syp4ri3vaa7mvow4apubm34u | What do we know about how teachers and doctors learn through social media use? |
work_t7syp4ri3vaa7mvow4apubm34u | What makes users share content on facebook? |
work_t7syp4ri3vaa7mvow4apubm34u | Why( and how) do teachers engage in social networks? |
work_zlx5onq3j5b7ld4453wixt5fsy | Who needs neuroimaging? |
work_yurqjf5clzh6fogzfl27mg7tby | Does the repository consider the images used for a par- ticular event the most important thing worth documenting or do they want all of the images? |
work_yurqjf5clzh6fogzfl27mg7tby | Richard Anderson, “ Should I Convert to DNG? ”, accessed March 15, 2012, |
work_vqpsl2vysjb7boi6s45fr3r37m | Does seeing the locations of the booksellers and authors implicated in the Dunciad illuminate our reading of the poem? |
work_vqpsl2vysjb7boi6s45fr3r37m | How would it carry the argument further? |
work_vqpsl2vysjb7boi6s45fr3r37m | We could do all this, but what might we see? |
work_vqpsl2vysjb7boi6s45fr3r37m | What do they do that can not be done with words...? ” has yet, I think, to be fully explored. |
work_vqpsl2vysjb7boi6s45fr3r37m | What new discoveries could be made through this process? |
work_t3q3tvgk2jambjasev6ezdcejq | DOI: Laurillard, D 2016 How should professors adapt to the changing digital education environment? |
work_t3q3tvgk2jambjasev6ezdcejq | DOI: Siemens, G 2013 Massive Open Online Courses: Innova- tion in Education? |
work_t3q3tvgk2jambjasev6ezdcejq | From Books to MOOCs? |
work_t3q3tvgk2jambjasev6ezdcejq | In Social informatics: an infor- mation society for all? |
work_t3q3tvgk2jambjasev6ezdcejq | Literat, I 2015 Implications of massive open online courses for higher education: mitigating or reifying educational inequities? |
work_t3q3tvgk2jambjasev6ezdcejq | This presents something of a ‘ moving target ’ for STIN studies- into what context exactly are MOOC technologies embedded? |
work_t3q3tvgk2jambjasev6ezdcejq | Universities UK 2013 Massive open online courses: Higher education ’s digital moment? |
work_t3q3tvgk2jambjasev6ezdcejq | What are the roles of educators and learning designers within MOOC development and implementation projects? |
work_t3q3tvgk2jambjasev6ezdcejq | What are the roles of educators and learning designers within MOOC development and implementation projects? |
work_t3q3tvgk2jambjasev6ezdcejq | What are the socio- technical systems related to MOOC production and implementation in which learning designers and educators are involved? |
work_t3q3tvgk2jambjasev6ezdcejq | What are the socio- technical systems related to MOOC production and implementation in which learning designers and educators are involved? |
work_r2eq5uvhprdkxl35v52kiigiru | Also consider reporting structure: for example, does your unit report directly to either the associate dean, dean, or provost? |
work_r2eq5uvhprdkxl35v52kiigiru | Digital This, Digital That: How Do We Define “ the Center ”? |
work_r2eq5uvhprdkxl35v52kiigiru | Do you have your own budget line? |
work_r2eq5uvhprdkxl35v52kiigiru | How are you funded? |
work_r2eq5uvhprdkxl35v52kiigiru | Joris van Zundert, “ If You Build It, Will We Come? |
work_r2eq5uvhprdkxl35v52kiigiru | Models: What Does a Digital Scholarship Center Do? |
work_r2eq5uvhprdkxl35v52kiigiru | Schaffner and Erway, “ Does Every Research Library Need a Digital Humanities Center? ” 5. |
work_r2eq5uvhprdkxl35v52kiigiru | What is your mission statement? |
work_r2eq5uvhprdkxl35v52kiigiru | What is your reporting structure? |
work_r2eq5uvhprdkxl35v52kiigiru | What positions do you have to support your work? |
work_r2eq5uvhprdkxl35v52kiigiru | What services do you offer? |
work_r2eq5uvhprdkxl35v52kiigiru | What space do you have? |
work_vzmvhsguavdgxavqql3jl6mak4 | Airline Industry? |
work_vzmvhsguavdgxavqql3jl6mak4 | Are libraries offering specific products and/or services to their campuses? |
work_vzmvhsguavdgxavqql3jl6mak4 | Are there identifiable models and trends in this subfield of publishing today? |
work_vzmvhsguavdgxavqql3jl6mak4 | How ix many libraries define their scholarly communications activities as “ publishing ”? |
work_vzmvhsguavdgxavqql3jl6mak4 | How long have they been doing this work? |
work_vzmvhsguavdgxavqql3jl6mak4 | How many staff members are working on this activity, and how are they funding their activities? |
work_vzmvhsguavdgxavqql3jl6mak4 | WHY PUBLISH A DIRECTORY? |
work_vzmvhsguavdgxavqql3jl6mak4 | What percentage of their publications are peer reviewed? |
work_vzmvhsguavdgxavqql3jl6mak4 | What types of publications are they producing? |
work_vzmvhsguavdgxavqql3jl6mak4 | With whom do they partner? |
work_t56vuv654jgztg4pwmgitrbc2u | Are faculty aware of the life expectancy of PC and external hard drives and their rates of failure? |
work_t56vuv654jgztg4pwmgitrbc2u | How are they being analyzed? |
work_t56vuv654jgztg4pwmgitrbc2u | It provides an approach for others to follow when tackling the difficult question of, “ What next? ” with regard to providing academic RDS. |
work_t56vuv654jgztg4pwmgitrbc2u | Responses to the question, “ Do you generate metadata? |
work_t56vuv654jgztg4pwmgitrbc2u | Steinhart, G., Chen, E., Arguillas, F., Dietrich, D. and Kramer, S.( 2012), “ Prepared to plan? |
work_t56vuv654jgztg4pwmgitrbc2u | This observation also generates more questions: what are they taking pictures of? |
work_t56vuv654jgztg4pwmgitrbc2u | Why do faculty rely on themselves for data storage at such high percentages? |
work_t56vuv654jgztg4pwmgitrbc2u | With increasing funder and publisher mandates for data sharing, how will researchers share them? |
work_t56vuv654jgztg4pwmgitrbc2u | replication)? |
work_j633qmxbm5epjeom5vmb6uiwn4 | 2017 Mechanizing the Humanities? |
work_j633qmxbm5epjeom5vmb6uiwn4 | As the organisers of What Is a Feminist Lab? |
work_j633qmxbm5epjeom5vmb6uiwn4 | Bowrey, K and Anderson J 2009 The Politics of Global Information Sharing: Whose Cultural Agendas Are Being Advanced? |
work_j633qmxbm5epjeom5vmb6uiwn4 | DOI: Gooday, G 2008 Placing or Replacing the Laboratory in the History of Science? |
work_j633qmxbm5epjeom5vmb6uiwn4 | Davidson, C N 1999 What If Scholars in the Humanities Worked Together, in a Lab? |
work_j633qmxbm5epjeom5vmb6uiwn4 | How can changes be accomplished through the humanities infrastructure? |
work_j633qmxbm5epjeom5vmb6uiwn4 | How can we design a better humanities lab, more attuned to the challenges of today ’s world? |
work_j633qmxbm5epjeom5vmb6uiwn4 | How can we design a better humanities laboratory that is more attuned to contemporary challenges? |
work_j633qmxbm5epjeom5vmb6uiwn4 | How can we enhance the humanities as a responsive field with the ability to translate knowledge into actions? |
work_j633qmxbm5epjeom5vmb6uiwn4 | How can we enhance the position and the application of humanities knowledge in cross- disciplinary and cross- sectoral labs? |
work_j633qmxbm5epjeom5vmb6uiwn4 | How can we rebrand and enhance the humanities as a responsive field with the ability to translate knowledge into collaborative actions? |
work_j633qmxbm5epjeom5vmb6uiwn4 | The question that arises at this point is, thus: why has a lab been seen as a site imbued with certain forms of power? |
work_j633qmxbm5epjeom5vmb6uiwn4 | What Is a Feminist Lab? |
work_j633qmxbm5epjeom5vmb6uiwn4 | What is the contribution of the humanities in designing solutions for contemporary challenges? |
work_j633qmxbm5epjeom5vmb6uiwn4 | What new approaches are necessary for a cross- sectoral way of solving problems and moving ideas from one place to the other? |
work_z6nsfwjjnfcbnja6c66ghjrdqa | Do you have an institutional data policy? |
work_z6nsfwjjnfcbnja6c66ghjrdqa | Does every research library need a digital humanities center? |
work_z6nsfwjjnfcbnja6c66ghjrdqa | The digital humanities are alive and well and blooming: now what? |
work_yjjt2tluvnfi7gmclje6lhampi | What does such a field look like? |
work_yjjt2tluvnfi7gmclje6lhampi | What happens when historical questions are separated out from inherently interdisciplinary projects? |
work_trma2ndy75a2hbmk4eiaqsx6am | How did the idea of a modern dramatic repertoire emerge? |
work_trma2ndy75a2hbmk4eiaqsx6am | How did these avant- garde societies shape the performance repertoire? |
work_trma2ndy75a2hbmk4eiaqsx6am | Or are we asked to imagine a performance repertoire, like the lists of plays embedded in subscription ephemera? |
work_trma2ndy75a2hbmk4eiaqsx6am | To what extent did subscription societies discover drama for the commercial repertoire? |
work_trma2ndy75a2hbmk4eiaqsx6am | Why are original works at best one- third and at worst one- fifth or less of all works produced on the London stage each year from 1890 to 1959? |
work_trma2ndy75a2hbmk4eiaqsx6am | Why are original works at best one- third and at worst one- fifth or less of all works produced on the London stage each year from 1890–1959? |
work_trma2ndy75a2hbmk4eiaqsx6am | Why does the one- act replace the three- act as the dominant work structure just before World War I? |
work_trma2ndy75a2hbmk4eiaqsx6am | Why, for example, does the one- act replace the three- act as the dominant play structure just before World War I? |
work_bfslfdvmpvdgtdgeiria5s5kga | - How do we evaluate collaborative work? |
work_bfslfdvmpvdgtdgeiria5s5kga | - How should we modify< collex: genre>? |
work_bfslfdvmpvdgtdgeiria5s5kga | - How should we modify< dc: discipline>? |
work_bfslfdvmpvdgtdgeiria5s5kga | - Should we aggregate software and how? |
work_bfslfdvmpvdgtdgeiria5s5kga | - Should we use Collex? |
work_bfslfdvmpvdgtdgeiria5s5kga | 14:30- 15:00 – Break 15:00- 17:00 – Discussion[ MSC 2505]: What RDF guidelines should be used by MuSO? |
work_bfslfdvmpvdgtdgeiria5s5kga | Does the project achieve its own goals? |
work_bfslfdvmpvdgtdgeiria5s5kga | Does the project achieve its own goals? |
work_bfslfdvmpvdgtdgeiria5s5kga | Does the project achieve its stated goals? |
work_bfslfdvmpvdgtdgeiria5s5kga | Furthermore, how can users ensure that the information presented there is reliable? |
work_bfslfdvmpvdgtdgeiria5s5kga | How are this project ’s materials manifested, exposed, and documented? |
work_bfslfdvmpvdgtdgeiria5s5kga | How can scholars generating born- digital music scholarship such as this ensure that their hard work will be discoverable? |
work_bfslfdvmpvdgtdgeiria5s5kga | How can you ensure that people can discover the content of your project? |
work_bfslfdvmpvdgtdgeiria5s5kga | How can you make your project interoperable with other projects and digital resources? |
work_bfslfdvmpvdgtdgeiria5s5kga | How does the project make its materials manifest, exposed, and documented? |
work_bfslfdvmpvdgtdgeiria5s5kga | How does the project make its materials manifest, exposed, and documented? |
work_bfslfdvmpvdgtdgeiria5s5kga | How you can receive professional credit for your project? |
work_bfslfdvmpvdgtdgeiria5s5kga | Is that acceptable? |
work_bfslfdvmpvdgtdgeiria5s5kga | SIMSSA vs. its components like Diva.js)? |
work_bfslfdvmpvdgtdgeiria5s5kga | This is great for researchers in literature and history, but what about music scholars? |
work_bfslfdvmpvdgtdgeiria5s5kga | To whom is this content interesting? |
work_bfslfdvmpvdgtdgeiria5s5kga | To whom is this content interesting? |
work_bfslfdvmpvdgtdgeiria5s5kga | To whom is this content interesting? |
work_bfslfdvmpvdgtdgeiria5s5kga | What are our other options? |
work_bfslfdvmpvdgtdgeiria5s5kga | What are some exemplars for digital projects in music? |
work_bfslfdvmpvdgtdgeiria5s5kga | What is the sustainability plan for the project? |
work_bfslfdvmpvdgtdgeiria5s5kga | What is the sustainability plan for the project? |
work_bfslfdvmpvdgtdgeiria5s5kga | What is the sustainability plan for the project? |
work_xfwacjaiwnalpoy2em3dvlrupy | 9 Language documentation and teaching, collection What was the most valuable part of the workshop? |
work_xfwacjaiwnalpoy2em3dvlrupy | How do you envision using Mukurtu Mobile at your own institution? |
work_xfwacjaiwnalpoy2em3dvlrupy | What additional features or capabilities would you like to see in Mukurtu Mobile? |
work_xfwacjaiwnalpoy2em3dvlrupy | What other departments in your tribe or organization could use Mukurtu Mobile? |
work_xfwacjaiwnalpoy2em3dvlrupy | What types of projects might they want to do? |
work_xfwacjaiwnalpoy2em3dvlrupy | Language app:) Not sure? |
work_yxdvham3bzhotd5zpqv4tdy4y4 | : how does a zebrafish see a replica? |
work_yxdvham3bzhotd5zpqv4tdy4y4 | Learn more Ready to submit your research? |
work_yxdvham3bzhotd5zpqv4tdy4y4 | Ruberto T, Polverino G, Porfiri M. How different is a 3D- printed replica from a conspecific in the eyes of a zebrafish? |
work_yyu34kqmnfhvbohcyife4gx76e | 7 Was it worth it? |
work_yyu34kqmnfhvbohcyife4gx76e | How do you check their work? |
work_yyu34kqmnfhvbohcyife4gx76e | How do you stop them copying or plagiarizing? |
work_yyu34kqmnfhvbohcyife4gx76e | Polity Press, Cambridge Löfström E, Trotman T, Furnari M, Shephard S( 2015) Who teaches academic integrity and how do they teach it? |
work_zutp3i2bjfekvnumtewgknzeji | Are There Computers in this Class? |
work_g64mcshizfep7plnwgp2xo4yua | A first law of humanities com- puting? |
work_g64mcshizfep7plnwgp2xo4yua | And if transcription is always interpretive, is all the interpretive ana- lysis by transcribers of a piece? |
work_g64mcshizfep7plnwgp2xo4yua | And so, it is asked, can the surrogate be unmediated, representing exactly the original, such that the user need not see the physical document? |
work_g64mcshizfep7plnwgp2xo4yua | But text is volatile and stable in Qu’est- ce qu’un texte numérique? |
work_g64mcshizfep7plnwgp2xo4yua | Do artefacts have ambivalence? |
work_g64mcshizfep7plnwgp2xo4yua | Fixed or fluid? |
work_g64mcshizfep7plnwgp2xo4yua | How could we say that what is in the mind of the reader is ‘ not ’ a text? |
work_g64mcshizfep7plnwgp2xo4yua | How should it be read, and how should it be represented if it is remediated? |
work_g64mcshizfep7plnwgp2xo4yua | Is it futile to distinguish levels of intervention so that the Qu’est- ce qu’un texte numérique? |
work_g64mcshizfep7plnwgp2xo4yua | Is it underlined or crossed out? |
work_g64mcshizfep7plnwgp2xo4yua | Is the obscured letter a k or a t? |
work_g64mcshizfep7plnwgp2xo4yua | Qu’est- ce que la Documentation? |
work_g64mcshizfep7plnwgp2xo4yua | Qu’est- ce qu’un texte numérique? |
work_g64mcshizfep7plnwgp2xo4yua | Revolution or remedi- ation? |
work_g64mcshizfep7plnwgp2xo4yua | Should that upright have been crossed as a t or is it an l?—were the bushes lopped or topped?). |
work_g64mcshizfep7plnwgp2xo4yua | Un animal vivant est- il un document? |
work_g64mcshizfep7plnwgp2xo4yua | Un étoile est- elle un document? |
work_g64mcshizfep7plnwgp2xo4yua | Un galet roulé par un torrent est- il un document? |
work_g64mcshizfep7plnwgp2xo4yua | What exactly is the text here? |
work_g64mcshizfep7plnwgp2xo4yua | What is Documentation? |
work_g64mcshizfep7plnwgp2xo4yua | What is documentation? |
work_g64mcshizfep7plnwgp2xo4yua | What is humanities computing and what is not? |
work_g64mcshizfep7plnwgp2xo4yua | � British Library Board, reproduced with permission of the British Library Board Qu’est- ce qu’un texte numérique? |
work_xn3uyxse4rdpjnggbtryoiv67m | Can blogging enhance subjective well- being through self- disclosure? |
work_xn3uyxse4rdpjnggbtryoiv67m | Did blogging contribute to a higher profile academic identity? |
work_xn3uyxse4rdpjnggbtryoiv67m | Ewins, R. 2005. Who are you? |
work_xn3uyxse4rdpjnggbtryoiv67m | Paper presented at the 23rd annual Ascilite conference: Who ’s learning? |
work_xn3uyxse4rdpjnggbtryoiv67m | The role of an audience for academic blogs? |
work_xn3uyxse4rdpjnggbtryoiv67m | Whose technology? |
work_3uzhy5musnfilpusezilqisjti | ; Dill, E.; Christie, C. Where there ’s a will there ’s a way? |
work_3uzhy5musnfilpusezilqisjti | Boufarss, M. If we build it, will they come? |
work_3uzhy5musnfilpusezilqisjti | Conclusion: Narrowing or Widening? |
work_3uzhy5musnfilpusezilqisjti | Connects How? |
work_3uzhy5musnfilpusezilqisjti | How can we make a difference( automation)? |
work_3uzhy5musnfilpusezilqisjti | How will it take place( concerning history or function)? |
work_3uzhy5musnfilpusezilqisjti | Jaschik, S. Embargoes for dissertations? |
work_3uzhy5musnfilpusezilqisjti | Pinfield, S. How do physicists use an e- print archive? |
work_3uzhy5musnfilpusezilqisjti | Pinfield, S. Journals and repositories: An evolving relationship? |
work_3uzhy5musnfilpusezilqisjti | Rowlands, I.; Nicholas, D.; Huntingdon, P. Scholarly Communication in the Digital Environment: What do Authors Wants? |
work_3uzhy5musnfilpusezilqisjti | Thatcher, S.G. From the university presses – What university presses think about open access? |
work_3uzhy5musnfilpusezilqisjti | The constructs have been bestowed with new substances as to focus on asking: Who can we connect with( social networking)? |
work_3uzhy5musnfilpusezilqisjti | What did the journalist read to write this( social bookmarking)? |
work_3uzhy5musnfilpusezilqisjti | What is it about( denoting the problems, things, and ideas)? |
work_3uzhy5musnfilpusezilqisjti | What is publishing? |
work_3uzhy5musnfilpusezilqisjti | What of it?). |
work_3uzhy5musnfilpusezilqisjti | What? |
work_3uzhy5musnfilpusezilqisjti | When are events coming up( calendars)? |
work_3uzhy5musnfilpusezilqisjti | When will it happen( verifying past, present, and future of the topic)? |
work_3uzhy5musnfilpusezilqisjti | Where did this happen( mapping)? |
work_3uzhy5musnfilpusezilqisjti | Where will it happen( involving the locations)? |
work_3uzhy5musnfilpusezilqisjti | Where? |
work_3uzhy5musnfilpusezilqisjti | Who bears the cost? |
work_3uzhy5musnfilpusezilqisjti | Who does n’t? |
work_3uzhy5musnfilpusezilqisjti | Who shares? |
work_3uzhy5musnfilpusezilqisjti | Whom? |
work_3uzhy5musnfilpusezilqisjti | Why is it happening( regarding the causes, reasons, results, and conditions)? |
work_3uzhy5musnfilpusezilqisjti | Why should we care( databases)? |
work_3uzhy5musnfilpusezilqisjti | Why? |
work_3uzhy5musnfilpusezilqisjti | Why?). |
work_3uzhy5musnfilpusezilqisjti | Will the varying outlooks of the open access divide be narrowed or eventually be overcome? |
work_peutawgvezbthoqdwyuujshbfm | 5.1 Are Identified Entities Relevant? |
work_peutawgvezbthoqdwyuujshbfm | 5.2 Do Entities Refer to Specific or General Concepts? |
work_peutawgvezbthoqdwyuujshbfm | 5.4 What is the Overlap and Complementarity in between NER Services? |
work_peutawgvezbthoqdwyuujshbfm | 5.5 Do URIs Refer to Resources or their Descriptions? |
work_peutawgvezbthoqdwyuujshbfm | And how can we overcome the shortcomings of the Gold Standard Corpus( GSC) by extracting terms that are not generally recognized as named entities? |
work_peutawgvezbthoqdwyuujshbfm | Are the Entities Correctly Disambiguated? |
work_peutawgvezbthoqdwyuujshbfm | Do Entities Refer to Specific or General Concepts? |
work_peutawgvezbthoqdwyuujshbfm | Do URIs Refer to Resources or their Descriptions? |
work_peutawgvezbthoqdwyuujshbfm | How can quality be defined in the context of information systems? |
work_peutawgvezbthoqdwyuujshbfm | The discussion finishes with the challenging issue of what exactly is identified by a URI: a resource or a document about this resource? |
work_peutawgvezbthoqdwyuujshbfm | What is the Overlap and Complementarity in between NER Services? |
work_s2dedpg6rjbtflewe7rox54squ | CC0 under CC- BY? |
work_s2dedpg6rjbtflewe7rox54squ | Contextualising our data collections • What do we digitise? |
work_s2dedpg6rjbtflewe7rox54squ | Copyright/ Licenses? |
work_s2dedpg6rjbtflewe7rox54squ | No luck? |
work_s2dedpg6rjbtflewe7rox54squ | Publish under CC- BY- NC? |
work_s2dedpg6rjbtflewe7rox54squ | What are the responsibilities of libraries as we increasingly become producers of our own collections? |
work_s2dedpg6rjbtflewe7rox54squ | page 8 page 9- Open Source- Interactive content- Mobile friendly- Download and Re- use Technical Platform? |
work_s2dedpg6rjbtflewe7rox54squ | • What funds it? |
work_s2dedpg6rjbtflewe7rox54squ | • Where? |
work_s2dedpg6rjbtflewe7rox54squ | • Who is involved in the selection process? |
work_s2dedpg6rjbtflewe7rox54squ | • Why? |
work_s2dedpg6rjbtflewe7rox54squ | ● Questions for the speakers? |
work_u6acthdibra5bohz6b2zw5gima | DMAC Challenge: can you integrate insights from Melanie ’s talk into your DMAC discussions/ projects/ classes to help enact change? |
work_u6acthdibra5bohz6b2zw5gima | Handicapped? |
work_u6acthdibra5bohz6b2zw5gima | How do the visually impaired identify office numbers in this building? |
work_u6acthdibra5bohz6b2zw5gima | Or does it help us in what we are doing? |
work_u6acthdibra5bohz6b2zw5gima | Retrieved from: |
work_u6acthdibra5bohz6b2zw5gima | So, we ask things like, does the technology get in the way of what we are doing? |
work_u6acthdibra5bohz6b2zw5gima | What is the upshot? |
work_u6acthdibra5bohz6b2zw5gima | Who else is going besides@selfe2,@selfe3,@harleyferris, and@myergeau? |
work_u6acthdibra5bohz6b2zw5gima | Who else is going besides@selfe2,@selfe3,@harleyferris, and@myergeau? |
work_u6acthdibra5bohz6b2zw5gima | publication idea? |
work_wif2lk2tyzfu3flwhu33dyfmem | Are there ways that the future of media studies could work out the produc- tion versus theory/ studies issues that often plague our departments? |
work_wif2lk2tyzfu3flwhu33dyfmem | Given resource differences between institutions, who gets to work and play with new methods? |
work_wif2lk2tyzfu3flwhu33dyfmem | How much do we need to know about coding and programming? |
work_wif2lk2tyzfu3flwhu33dyfmem | How will media futures affect scholars and teachers working in a variety of contexts and types of institutions? |
work_wif2lk2tyzfu3flwhu33dyfmem | Turner G( 2012) What ’s Become of Cultural Studies? |
work_wif2lk2tyzfu3flwhu33dyfmem | data visualization, big data, etc.)? |
work_wk4yvwi4e5dxfgx6yq57jf6fj4 | Can we reasonably expect that some users will ever need re- productions at 3,000 DPI or more? |
work_wk4yvwi4e5dxfgx6yq57jf6fj4 | Does the word Bernard, for instance, refer to the medieval author Bernard of Clairvaux or the present- day scholar Bernard Mc- Ginn( or both)? |
work_wk4yvwi4e5dxfgx6yq57jf6fj4 | Starting from what resolution does a photograph offer a reliable representation of the immediate source? |
work_wk4yvwi4e5dxfgx6yq57jf6fj4 | The software makes these decisions on the basis of a statistical assessment of a token ’s appearance( for example, is the token capitalized?) |
work_wk4yvwi4e5dxfgx6yq57jf6fj4 | and the lexical context in which it appears( for example, is the token preceded by an adjective?). |
work_qp5yxh7q2fehrl2iya5bva35xu | Can examples of bridge building in area studies advance special collections ’ efforts toward relevance, and vice versa? |
work_qp5yxh7q2fehrl2iya5bva35xu | How do you catch the passion of the local business donor? |
work_qp5yxh7q2fehrl2iya5bva35xu | How might you advance a university ’s drive toward technological and medical innovation with distinctive materials? |
work_qp5yxh7q2fehrl2iya5bva35xu | Might their strategies translate to better engagement with the work of area and international studies librarians? |
work_qp5yxh7q2fehrl2iya5bva35xu | What place should they have now in a society that is globalized but still has need of greater cultural understanding? |
work_qp5yxh7q2fehrl2iya5bva35xu | • How do academic institutions measure the qualitative impact of these distinctive collections when use is disparate, long- term, and prolonged? |
work_qp5yxh7q2fehrl2iya5bva35xu | • How do librarians achieve such intensive relationships at scale? |
work_qp5yxh7q2fehrl2iya5bva35xu | • How do librarians break down silos( without undermining distinctiveness) to specifically advance interdisciplinary inquiry and scholarship? |
work_qp5yxh7q2fehrl2iya5bva35xu | • How might area studies, special collections, and other distinctive collecting areas share strategy, advocacy, and outreach opportunities? |
work_qp5yxh7q2fehrl2iya5bva35xu | • What is the essence of the expert ’s skill in relationship building and how can that inform the evolving role of the liaison librarian? |
work_z65tykardfdz5jbwifz5ykiigq | A presentation? |
work_z65tykardfdz5jbwifz5ykiigq | And, how does one understand the physical archive that underpins the CDA, the Concord Free Pub- lic Library''s Special Collections? |
work_z65tykardfdz5jbwifz5ykiigq | Can you standardize your materials to best take advantage of work that is already completed in digital humanities? |
work_z65tykardfdz5jbwifz5ykiigq | Could you develop links to other digital humanities projects or resources, such as NINES or the TEl consortium? |
work_z65tykardfdz5jbwifz5ykiigq | Does this make the CDA a col- lection? |
work_z65tykardfdz5jbwifz5ykiigq | What infrastructure is available at your institution? |
work_z6elnpk7kbcglneqvoth3q2j7u | Any questions? |
work_z6elnpk7kbcglneqvoth3q2j7u | How do we utilise our traditional competencies in this new role? |
work_z6elnpk7kbcglneqvoth3q2j7u | Teaching in the brave new open world: how can libraries help? |
work_ukpvc2b5cbecnbjt56dhoynplq | How can communities of interest benefit scientists and the public? |
work_ukpvc2b5cbecnbjt56dhoynplq | How can communities of interest benefit scientists and the public? |
work_ukpvc2b5cbecnbjt56dhoynplq | How can researchers in conservation biology use these methods to share data, show impact and connect to colleagues and stakeholders? |
work_ukpvc2b5cbecnbjt56dhoynplq | How can researchers in conservation biology use these methods to share data, show impact and connect to colleagues and stakeholders? |
work_ukpvc2b5cbecnbjt56dhoynplq | One question we hoped to answer was how can communities of interest benefit scientists and the public? |
work_ukpvc2b5cbecnbjt56dhoynplq | Questions the authors hoped to answer in the course were: What are the benefits and limitations of these tools? |
work_ukpvc2b5cbecnbjt56dhoynplq | Questions the authors hoped to answer in the course were: What are the benefits and limitations of these tools? |
work_ukpvc2b5cbecnbjt56dhoynplq | So how should scholars who would like to publish their research in OA platforms proceed? |
work_ukpvc2b5cbecnbjt56dhoynplq | Why is open access even more important in this highly collaborative scholarly environment? |
work_ukpvc2b5cbecnbjt56dhoynplq | Why is open access even more important in this highly collaborative scholarly environment? |
work_ukpvc2b5cbecnbjt56dhoynplq | Would you recommend this workshop to others? |
work_ukpvc2b5cbecnbjt56dhoynplq | “ Who ’s Afraid of Peer Review? ” Science 342( 6154): 60–65. |
work_usszl6merjhfhd3vyppl3s5bjq | Allahar, H. Is Open Access Publishing a Case of Disruptive Innovation? |
work_usszl6merjhfhd3vyppl3s5bjq | Are Alternative Metrics Still Alternative? |
work_usszl6merjhfhd3vyppl3s5bjq | Are metrics appropriate? |
work_usszl6merjhfhd3vyppl3s5bjq | Beyond the Impact Factor — What Do Alternative Metrics Have to Offer? |
work_usszl6merjhfhd3vyppl3s5bjq | Björk, B.-C. Open Access to Scientific Publications — An Analysis of the Barriers to Change? |
work_usszl6merjhfhd3vyppl3s5bjq | Chan, L. What Role for Open and Collaborative Science in Development? |
work_usszl6merjhfhd3vyppl3s5bjq | Costas, R.; Zahedi, Z.; Wouters, P. Do “ Altmetrics ” Correlate with Citations? |
work_usszl6merjhfhd3vyppl3s5bjq | Hoyt, J.; Binfield, P. Who Killed the PrePrint, and Could It Make a Return? |
work_usszl6merjhfhd3vyppl3s5bjq | Is such assessment even operationally better than randomness? |
work_usszl6merjhfhd3vyppl3s5bjq | Open Science Is All Very Well but How Do You Make It FAIR in Practice? |
work_usszl6merjhfhd3vyppl3s5bjq | Or is qualitative assessment needed? |
work_usszl6merjhfhd3vyppl3s5bjq | What Is a Preprint? |
work_yhsu6n2x25bvrkxnrys3cll2oq | Trust Your Science? work_yhsu6n2x25bvrkxnrys3cll2oq How Did They Make That?, 2014. work_yhsu6n2x25bvrkxnrys3cll2oq Risam: to what extent are the motivations driving all of the above available to the user? work_yhsu6n2x25bvrkxnrys3cll2oq Stodden: to what extent are data and the code that generates data available to the user? work_tzxamlyk75eobemfhj2yhuk4qu ( 2010), “ Exploring SWOT analysis – where are we now? work_tzxamlyk75eobemfhj2yhuk4qu ( 2017c), “ Kudos: bringing your publications to life? ”, Information and Learning Science, Vol. work_tzxamlyk75eobemfhj2yhuk4qu From a methodological vantage, how stable, reliable and valid are altmetric data? work_tzxamlyk75eobemfhj2yhuk4qu From a theoretical perspective, what are the uses and gratifications that academics garner from altmetrics? work_tzxamlyk75eobemfhj2yhuk4qu From an institutional perspective, how many and what types of institutions have adopted PlumX? work_tzxamlyk75eobemfhj2yhuk4qu How are scholars using altmetrics, generally, and Plum Analytics, specifically? work_tzxamlyk75eobemfhj2yhuk4qu How can altmetric tools help to encourage and promote public engagement with research? work_tzxamlyk75eobemfhj2yhuk4qu What value(s) do these measures provide to scholars? work_tzxamlyk75eobemfhj2yhuk4qu What values do they derive from these metrics? work_mviuokqttbfctgjxhbjoq46sfe Academic libraries: “ Social ” or “ communal? ” The nature and future of academic libraries. work_mviuokqttbfctgjxhbjoq46sfe All hype or real change: Has the digital revolution changed scholarly communication? work_mviuokqttbfctgjxhbjoq46sfe Are faculty beginning to turn to librarians for assistance with these services? work_mviuokqttbfctgjxhbjoq46sfe Comments? work_mviuokqttbfctgjxhbjoq46sfe Did you attend the Scholarly Communication Coach training workshop? work_mviuokqttbfctgjxhbjoq46sfe Do you have any specific projects that would benefit from digital support services? work_mviuokqttbfctgjxhbjoq46sfe Is almetrics an acceptable replacement for citation counts and the impact factor? work_mviuokqttbfctgjxhbjoq46sfe Liaison Feedback on Scholarly Communication Support: Enthusiasm, Indifference or Reluctance? work_mviuokqttbfctgjxhbjoq46sfe Plus ça change? work_mviuokqttbfctgjxhbjoq46sfe Since the workshop, have you read about scholarly communication services or identified open- access resources to add to our collection? work_mviuokqttbfctgjxhbjoq46sfe What is the most important to you? work_mviuokqttbfctgjxhbjoq46sfe What would make you more inclined to incorporate scholarly communication services into your liaison duties? work_mviuokqttbfctgjxhbjoq46sfe Where do you need the most help? work_mviuokqttbfctgjxhbjoq46sfe Where do you see scholarly communication services fitting within your assigned duties? work_mviuokqttbfctgjxhbjoq46sfe Which of the above research materials are the most important to manage/ organize/ preserve/ share? work_mviuokqttbfctgjxhbjoq46sfe Which of the above student projects are the most important for you or your students to manage/ organize/ preserve/ share? work_mviuokqttbfctgjxhbjoq46sfe Which of the above teaching materials are the most important to manage/ organize/ preserve/ share? work_mviuokqttbfctgjxhbjoq46sfe Why? work_mviuokqttbfctgjxhbjoq46sfe Why? work_mviuokqttbfctgjxhbjoq46sfe Why? work_qxkr6vstzzgzjljw6ozfp25gra Additionally, what mechanisms of inclusion and exclusion are at work in geospatial communities? work_qxkr6vstzzgzjljw6ozfp25gra Has the analysis of some spatial inequities been privileged over others? work_qxkr6vstzzgzjljw6ozfp25gra How can marginalized populations be digitally empowered in the contemporary geoweb era? work_qxkr6vstzzgzjljw6ozfp25gra One approach involves continually asking, ‘ Who is missing? work_qxkr6vstzzgzjljw6ozfp25gra Participatory GIS a people ’s GIS? work_qxkr6vstzzgzjljw6ozfp25gra Such questions might include: How should we conceptualize the notion of ‘ justice, ’ in procedural, distributional, or other terms? work_qxkr6vstzzgzjljw6ozfp25gra This slippage is not a mistake, but rather the crux of an ongoing debate: What exactly is the scope for critical GIS? work_qxkr6vstzzgzjljw6ozfp25gra To what extent does the availability of particular types of data influence which injustices are addressed? work_qxkr6vstzzgzjljw6ozfp25gra What can an interrogation of GIS tell us about broader political economies? work_qxkr6vstzzgzjljw6ozfp25gra What tools and theories are most relevant to our work and with what political commitments do they come? work_qxkr6vstzzgzjljw6ozfp25gra With few exceptions, both mainstream GIS( or should that be GIScience?) work_qxkr6vstzzgzjljw6ozfp25gra “ How Much Information is Geospatially Referenced? work_qxkr6vstzzgzjljw6ozfp25gra “ New Lines? work_qxkr6vstzzgzjljw6ozfp25gra “ What Does a Critical Data Studies Look Like, and Why Do We Care? work_qxkr6vstzzgzjljw6ozfp25gra “ Where is an Author? ” City 19(1): 5- 43. doi:10.1080/13604813.2014.962897. work_udykev3jpzes3hc7punmaml3gi 3.1 Seeing web history or web archiving history? work_udykev3jpzes3hc7punmaml3gi For instance, what conclusions do we reach when we apply similar methods to different kinds of files? work_udykev3jpzes3hc7punmaml3gi How does Google ’s cleardot.gif track email recipients with a generic URL? work_udykev3jpzes3hc7punmaml3gi Using the data, is it possible to identify which uses of the single- pixel, transparent GIF predate other uses? work_udykev3jpzes3hc7punmaml3gi What answers do web archives and other born- digital archives offer to such questions? work_udykev3jpzes3hc7punmaml3gi What does this tell us about the history of web archiving practices? work_udykev3jpzes3hc7punmaml3gi Who invented the spacer.gif? work_udykev3jpzes3hc7punmaml3gi Who would have imagined there were millions of copies of one of these tiny files captured in the UK Web Archive in one particular year? work_x2sztjruhngj7cuex6kb7jd65a 7 Is The Kominas ’ friend concentration in Southeast Asia be related to the fact that Malaysia and Indonesia have a Muslim- majority population? work_x2sztjruhngj7cuex6kb7jd65a A blogger on music and opinion site Elivindotorg ascertained: ‘ Is 2010 the year punk turns brown? ’( Elivindotorg, 2010). work_x2sztjruhngj7cuex6kb7jd65a Anglophone world? work_x2sztjruhngj7cuex6kb7jd65a From Subculture to Cyberculture? work_x2sztjruhngj7cuex6kb7jd65a How can you be so cold? work_x2sztjruhngj7cuex6kb7jd65a It raises the questions, ‘ Where do I point to blame, when men scatter like moths? work_x2sztjruhngj7cuex6kb7jd65a Resounding( anti)racism, or concordant politics? work_x2sztjruhngj7cuex6kb7jd65a What are the ethnic, racial, and geopolitical implications of brownness in The Kominas ’ social world? work_x2sztjruhngj7cuex6kb7jd65a What happens when ethnographers investigate communities comprised of multiple sites, some online and others off- line? work_x2sztjruhngj7cuex6kb7jd65a Where is the band ’s ‘ digital diaspora ’ situated geographically? work_x2sztjruhngj7cuex6kb7jd65a how ’d I get here, from a land with long monsoons? ’ Local alienation fuels the nostalgia for Lahore, a home far away from home. work_em7nci6tnrflrixsyqkuhkrljy Are specialized scholarly communication design techniques generalizable to a tradition- bound organization within a similarly constrained institution? work_em7nci6tnrflrixsyqkuhkrljy Arms W, Automated Digital Libraries: How Effectively Can Computers Be Used for the Skilled Tasks of Professional Librarianship? work_em7nci6tnrflrixsyqkuhkrljy Can the UCL organize itself and its activities so that collaboration at scale is possible? work_em7nci6tnrflrixsyqkuhkrljy Did the librarians inform the process in unexpected ways? work_em7nci6tnrflrixsyqkuhkrljy Do concerns about ownership or tenure and promotion override the collaborative nature of the project? work_em7nci6tnrflrixsyqkuhkrljy Do faculty, design technologists and other project members perceive role and professional identity shifts during the multiple stages in the process? work_em7nci6tnrflrixsyqkuhkrljy Do the glass walls invite interaction and questions from library users or cause noise concerns for those on either side of the wall? work_em7nci6tnrflrixsyqkuhkrljy Does lack of a central focus on technology enable greater creativity in digital projects? work_em7nci6tnrflrixsyqkuhkrljy Does the change in professional identity influence future interactions, assessment of services, or service design, and if so, at what level? work_em7nci6tnrflrixsyqkuhkrljy Does the experience influence pedagogy? work_em7nci6tnrflrixsyqkuhkrljy Does the unique GS environment help overcome persistent librarian ‘ timidity ’ to embrace new roles in DH contexts? work_em7nci6tnrflrixsyqkuhkrljy Does this co- location encourage interaction or will GS cohorts and general UCL users exist separately? work_em7nci6tnrflrixsyqkuhkrljy Does this indicate that, despite differing professional training and backgrounds, design projects require less technology during each phase? work_em7nci6tnrflrixsyqkuhkrljy How does a lack of a ‘ standard ’ technology set impact the library ’s current technology support structures? work_em7nci6tnrflrixsyqkuhkrljy How will the outcome be preserved and what is the scholarly item of record? work_em7nci6tnrflrixsyqkuhkrljy Mason R O, What Is an Information Professional?, Journal of Education for Library and Information Science,1990, 31(2), 122–38. work_em7nci6tnrflrixsyqkuhkrljy Methods: or, how are we going to know if it works? work_em7nci6tnrflrixsyqkuhkrljy Methods: or, how are we going to know if it works? work_em7nci6tnrflrixsyqkuhkrljy Of the technology – from virtual reality to rolls of butcher paper – which is most useful and why? work_em7nci6tnrflrixsyqkuhkrljy Since participation is not mandatory, did librarians choose to prioritize traditional library work over participation, and if so, why? work_em7nci6tnrflrixsyqkuhkrljy So why do it at all? work_em7nci6tnrflrixsyqkuhkrljy What do student collaborators learn about academic power dynamics? work_em7nci6tnrflrixsyqkuhkrljy What is the maximum level of tech support GS can expect or the minimum amount of technology control the UCL can demand in these situations? work_em7nci6tnrflrixsyqkuhkrljy What is the time commitment during the process and does the amount of time positively or negatively impact external deadlines or other work? work_em7nci6tnrflrixsyqkuhkrljy Who determines project completion? work_em7nci6tnrflrixsyqkuhkrljy Why UConn Library? work_em7nci6tnrflrixsyqkuhkrljy Why not a ‘ digital ’ research lab? work_em7nci6tnrflrixsyqkuhkrljy Why not a ‘ digital ’ research lab? work_em7nci6tnrflrixsyqkuhkrljy Will transactional- oriented librarians and staff succeed or enjoy an open- ended, no- rules, no- right- answer project? work_em7nci6tnrflrixsyqkuhkrljy non- library) staff perceived as a questionable investment especially in a resource- constrained environment? work_m2bdpqteirdfhchykyp32w2gum 1 A typical data workflow observed in the Jones laboratory 123 What Lies Beneath? work_m2bdpqteirdfhchykyp32w2gum 3.4.1 Why does heterogeneity come about? work_m2bdpqteirdfhchykyp32w2gum 5.3 Where does data get shared? work_m2bdpqteirdfhchykyp32w2gum 5.4 Why is sharing data important? work_m2bdpqteirdfhchykyp32w2gum 5.4 Why is sharing data important? work_m2bdpqteirdfhchykyp32w2gum : If we share data, will any- one use them? work_m2bdpqteirdfhchykyp32w2gum : Who is responsible for data? work_m2bdpqteirdfhchykyp32w2gum : Who ’s got the data? work_m2bdpqteirdfhchykyp32w2gum An ethnographic study involves a range of qualita- tive research methods to provide a thorough account of the 123 What Lies Beneath? work_m2bdpqteirdfhchykyp32w2gum By viewing the process of accom- 123 What Lies Beneath? work_m2bdpqteirdfhchykyp32w2gum Does Technology Drive History? work_m2bdpqteirdfhchykyp32w2gum For instance, the journals in which C- DEBI- funded scientists publish mandate that bio- 123 What Lies Beneath? work_m2bdpqteirdfhchykyp32w2gum Fundamental to scientists ’ work is the production, analysis 123 What Lies Beneath? work_m2bdpqteirdfhchykyp32w2gum How are the infrastructures of multidisciplinary, data- driven scientific collaborations established and how are they dismantled? work_m2bdpqteirdfhchykyp32w2gum How do data management, curation, sharing, and reuse practices vary among research areas? work_m2bdpqteirdfhchykyp32w2gum Int J Digit Libr( 2015) 16:61–77 DOI 10.1007/ s00799- 015- 0137- 3 What lies beneath? work_m2bdpqteirdfhchykyp32w2gum What data are most important to curate, from whose per- spective, and who decides? work_m2bdpqteirdfhchykyp32w2gum What new infrastructures, divisions of labor, knowledge, and expertise are required for data- driven science? work_m2bdpqteirdfhchykyp32w2gum Working out how to supply this knowledge is a com- plicated process: what granularity of details needs to be recorded? work_m2bdpqteirdfhchykyp32w2gum c.799_2015_Article_137.pdf What lies beneath? work_q2rsgkdukvaorbjxcsdnsdlt3u ), SQ= yes/ no questions( Did you see that? work_q2rsgkdukvaorbjxcsdnsdlt3u ), WHADVP= wh- adverb phrase( How are you? work_q2rsgkdukvaorbjxcsdnsdlt3u ), WHNP= wh- noun phrase( Who are you? work_q2rsgkdukvaorbjxcsdnsdlt3u ), WHPP= wh- preposition phrase( With whom did you see it? work_q2rsgkdukvaorbjxcsdnsdlt3u Does size matter? work_q2rsgkdukvaorbjxcsdnsdlt3u First, can Richardson construct distinct character writeprints at all? work_q2rsgkdukvaorbjxcsdnsdlt3u Given this, was Lovelace successful in his deception as Anna and Clarissa? work_q2rsgkdukvaorbjxcsdnsdlt3u Second, if any distinct character writeprints were in fact created, which linguistic features did Richardson manipulate in order to do so? work_q2rsgkdukvaorbjxcsdnsdlt3u That is, do different characters created by the same author have distinct character writeprints? work_q2rsgkdukvaorbjxcsdnsdlt3u Who wrote Shamela? work_q2rsgkdukvaorbjxcsdnsdlt3u Who wrote the 15th book of Oz? work_q2rsgkdukvaorbjxcsdnsdlt3u Why do we care about literary characters? work_q2rsgkdukvaorbjxcsdnsdlt3u character writeprint similarities aligning with current character alliances? work_ztq23qmr6zapdaw2vy26qvitiy 8 How could libraries better support digital scholarship? work_ztq23qmr6zapdaw2vy26qvitiy How to make authentication and authorization seamless? work_ztq23qmr6zapdaw2vy26qvitiy How to technically represent the entire spectrum of licensing rights, from fully open to completely protected? work_ztq23qmr6zapdaw2vy26qvitiy How to work with libraries ’ internal database management systems automatically? work_ztq23qmr6zapdaw2vy26qvitiy • Options beyond Shibboleth and RISE ’s own user registry? work_yojii7retbf6rppn3ee3t72j4a Cocciolo, Anthony( 2010) ‘ Can Web 2.0 enhance community participation in an institutional repository? work_yojii7retbf6rppn3ee3t72j4a RQ2: What social media platforms does the US government use? work_yojii7retbf6rppn3ee3t72j4a RQ2: What social media platforms does the US government use? work_yojii7retbf6rppn3ee3t72j4a RQ3: What observations can be made of the content available from the US government via social media platforms? work_yojii7retbf6rppn3ee3t72j4a We pose the fol- lowing research questions: RQ1: Who uses social media in the US government? work_tnm47mwrwrg4hctwwkpzbjtrne Greg Guest, Arwen Bunce, and Laura Johnson, “ How Many Interviews Are Enough? work_tnm47mwrwrg4hctwwkpzbjtrne When we asked researchers, ‘ What kinds of help or resources do you come to the library for? ’, researchers mentioned all of the above. work_tljc3biwcfbkvlr2ejnkh67iua Can the web presence be optimized so that readers can more easily and quickly navigate the table of contents or find specific functions? work_tljc3biwcfbkvlr2ejnkh67iua For example, should a journal offer a web- only interface, only downloadable formats( PDF or otherwise), or both? work_tljc3biwcfbkvlr2ejnkh67iua How can the capacity for annotation in e- books be optimized for reflective academic reading? work_tljc3biwcfbkvlr2ejnkh67iua If the creator of an experi- mental interface seeks to create a novel reading experience as a result, is it successful? work_tljc3biwcfbkvlr2ejnkh67iua Q1: Name of institution( required) Q2: Does your institution ’s library publishing service publish( or support publication of) electronic journals? work_y7gr2qqfrrb3vavewykqxoolam And who decides what is important and what not? work_y7gr2qqfrrb3vavewykqxoolam But who are these researchers? work_y7gr2qqfrrb3vavewykqxoolam Do they always seek objectivity? work_y7gr2qqfrrb3vavewykqxoolam Do they even know exactly what they may be looking for in an archive? work_y7gr2qqfrrb3vavewykqxoolam How can we predict what might, in the future, become of importance to researchers? work_y7gr2qqfrrb3vavewykqxoolam Is an editorial function already in operation in the tidying of papers and disposing of ephemera? work_y7gr2qqfrrb3vavewykqxoolam Is the past it stores always a coming into being of the past? work_y7gr2qqfrrb3vavewykqxoolam Is the process of writing that it records an illusion, its fluidity already fixed, its provisionality already a historical fact? work_y7gr2qqfrrb3vavewykqxoolam What Is Digital Humanities? work_zyb3ucdqorcariifmkkq36uffi But if that ’s the idea, then who should that person be? work_zyb3ucdqorcariifmkkq36uffi Often fixed- term roles, what happens when the contract runs it course? work_zyb3ucdqorcariifmkkq36uffi So, what is the DH job? work_zyb3ucdqorcariifmkkq36uffi What are the prospects for someone who wants to stay in alt- ac? work_zyb3ucdqorcariifmkkq36uffi Will we start to see senior versions of the DH job emerge, or is the idea that capacity building will lead to new opportunities? work_uwthzvxq65g2jmoekl6zxmndd4 But what is ‘ perfection ’ anyway? work_uwthzvxq65g2jmoekl6zxmndd4 How do new tools for visualisation reinforce the invisibility of the missing and excluded? work_uwthzvxq65g2jmoekl6zxmndd4 How do the assumptions of ‘ access ’ direct attention away from practical barriers to participation? work_uwthzvxq65g2jmoekl6zxmndd4 How do those of us in the discovery business respond? work_uwthzvxq65g2jmoekl6zxmndd4 How do we create a buffer for critical reflection while still meeting user expectations? work_uwthzvxq65g2jmoekl6zxmndd4 How does our dream of comprehensiveness mask the biases in our collections? work_uwthzvxq65g2jmoekl6zxmndd4 In a competition for resources what gets digitised and why? work_uwthzvxq65g2jmoekl6zxmndd4 Is it a machine, a community, or something else? work_uwthzvxq65g2jmoekl6zxmndd4 Rose Holley, ‘ How Good Can It Get? work_uwthzvxq65g2jmoekl6zxmndd4 See also Tim Sherratt, ‘ When did the “ Great War ” become the “ First World War ”? ’. work_uwthzvxq65g2jmoekl6zxmndd4 This power bears ontological weight — if we ca n’t find something on Google does it exist? work_uwthzvxq65g2jmoekl6zxmndd4 Were more newspapers printed during the war era? work_uwthzvxq65g2jmoekl6zxmndd4 [ 20] When did the ‘ Great War ’ become the ‘ First World War ’? work_uwthzvxq65g2jmoekl6zxmndd4 [ 22] Figure 1 — Trove newspaper articles by state/ year Why? work_xc4zecaaobemdedm5i67xgj6ke A Crisis of Resilience? work_xc4zecaaobemdedm5i67xgj6ke A Crisis of Resilience? work_xc4zecaaobemdedm5i67xgj6ke A Labour of Love? work_xc4zecaaobemdedm5i67xgj6ke But what is meant by digital scholarship? work_xc4zecaaobemdedm5i67xgj6ke Keywords in planning: what do we mean by ‘ community resilience ’? work_xc4zecaaobemdedm5i67xgj6ke People Can Be Resilient, But Can Communities? work_xc4zecaaobemdedm5i67xgj6ke Resilience for Whom? work_xc4zecaaobemdedm5i67xgj6ke Sperlinger, T, McLellan, J and Pettigrew, R. 2018. Who Are Universities For? work_xc4zecaaobemdedm5i67xgj6ke The USS: How did it come to this? work_xc4zecaaobemdedm5i67xgj6ke What is equitable resilience? work_xc4zecaaobemdedm5i67xgj6ke Why ‘ Hacking ’? work_xc4zecaaobemdedm5i67xgj6ke With or without U? work_xc4zecaaobemdedm5i67xgj6ke ‘ Bouncing back ’ to capital- ism? work_wpu4niz3pzfsrpaymlndfaku6u Does “ global ”, for instance, tend to refer to economic phenomena? work_wpu4niz3pzfsrpaymlndfaku6u How do community colleges operationalize internationalization in their strategic plans? work_wpu4niz3pzfsrpaymlndfaku6u How do these institutional groupings op- erationalize internationalization in the corpus of their plans? work_wpu4niz3pzfsrpaymlndfaku6u Or are they not yet in existence? work_wpu4niz3pzfsrpaymlndfaku6u What terms and/or concepts are used to indicate international efforts? work_wpu4niz3pzfsrpaymlndfaku6u What terms and/or concepts are used to indicate internationalization efforts? work_wpu4niz3pzfsrpaymlndfaku6u Whose culture has capital? work_evcf3al45jaz3fsjee2omqh5o4 And, how does digital data transformation impact the chain of archaeological practice? work_evcf3al45jaz3fsjee2omqh5o4 And, how does digital data transformation, integration, and interpreta- tion impact archaeological practice and scholarship? work_evcf3al45jaz3fsjee2omqh5o4 Are peculiar margin com- ments corroborated by other authors within the archives? work_evcf3al45jaz3fsjee2omqh5o4 Can such comparisons help us interpolate older analog maps? work_evcf3al45jaz3fsjee2omqh5o4 Cyber- archaeology and grand narratives: Where do we currently stand? work_evcf3al45jaz3fsjee2omqh5o4 Did individual field workers have years of experience, or did they learn on the job? work_evcf3al45jaz3fsjee2omqh5o4 Fantastic Reconstructions or Reconstructions of the Fan- tastic? work_evcf3al45jaz3fsjee2omqh5o4 First, how was each dataset initially produced? work_evcf3al45jaz3fsjee2omqh5o4 For example, what spatial resolution is sufficient? work_evcf3al45jaz3fsjee2omqh5o4 For which research questions were the data commissioned to answer? work_evcf3al45jaz3fsjee2omqh5o4 Geospatial Data: What ’s the Big Deal? work_evcf3al45jaz3fsjee2omqh5o4 Here Wood ’s( 1990) second and third steps apply: the vari- ous paper maps must be subjected to external criticism( are they authentic?) work_evcf3al45jaz3fsjee2omqh5o4 How accurate are LiDAR data in particular cultural and environmental contexts? work_evcf3al45jaz3fsjee2omqh5o4 How do we decide which dataset is best, how to combine datasets, or how to give more weight to the ‘ better ’ dataset? work_evcf3al45jaz3fsjee2omqh5o4 If so, for what purposes? work_evcf3al45jaz3fsjee2omqh5o4 Second, which aspects of each map were more ‘ accurate ’ in instances of overlap? work_evcf3al45jaz3fsjee2omqh5o4 Specifically, we ask: What can we learn as we convert analog data to geospatial data? work_evcf3al45jaz3fsjee2omqh5o4 We ask: What can we learn as we convert analog data to digital data? work_evcf3al45jaz3fsjee2omqh5o4 We ask: who lived in view of royal architecture? work_evcf3al45jaz3fsjee2omqh5o4 We read each source completely to gain a sense of internal validity – does the author contradict themselves? work_evcf3al45jaz3fsjee2omqh5o4 Were cer- tain social groups channeled toward specific locations? work_evcf3al45jaz3fsjee2omqh5o4 What Can GIS+ 3D Mean for Landscape Archaeology? work_evcf3al45jaz3fsjee2omqh5o4 What were standard cartographic practices in the US, Hondu- ras, Germany, and France in the 1970s? work_evcf3al45jaz3fsjee2omqh5o4 What were the defined problems for which these maps were produced? work_evcf3al45jaz3fsjee2omqh5o4 Where is Çatalhöyük? work_evcf3al45jaz3fsjee2omqh5o4 Which details did the mapmakers include and exclude, and why? work_evcf3al45jaz3fsjee2omqh5o4 Who was visually isolated? work_evcf3al45jaz3fsjee2omqh5o4 Why and how do we make specific choices? work_evcf3al45jaz3fsjee2omqh5o4 and( 2) How did daily life within Copán ’s urban neighborhoods change over time in rela- tion to major political and/or economic events? work_evcf3al45jaz3fsjee2omqh5o4 as well as internal criticism( are the details within accurate?). work_evcf3al45jaz3fsjee2omqh5o4 record metadata and paradata, to allow for digitally- mediated scholarship to become better integrated and accepted into archaeological practice? work_evcf3al45jaz3fsjee2omqh5o4 that were or were not published in the final map? work_opdhzzpdm5eivkydsq2tfm7sdm 12 What is the Analogue for the Semantic Web and Why is Having One Important? work_opdhzzpdm5eivkydsq2tfm7sdm And by the way, what is being adopted? work_opdhzzpdm5eivkydsq2tfm7sdm But how do we describe this potential? work_opdhzzpdm5eivkydsq2tfm7sdm Do we then need to go further back? work_opdhzzpdm5eivkydsq2tfm7sdm How can they be understood to be directly and effectively supported digitally? work_opdhzzpdm5eivkydsq2tfm7sdm How do we evaluate the strength of this feature? work_opdhzzpdm5eivkydsq2tfm7sdm If that is so, which attributes? work_opdhzzpdm5eivkydsq2tfm7sdm That is, what problems is this new technology going to solve that makes the cost of adoption worth the supposed benefits? work_opdhzzpdm5eivkydsq2tfm7sdm The organized cards could then be What is the Analogue for the Semantic Web and Why is Having One Important? work_opdhzzpdm5eivkydsq2tfm7sdm These associative connections have been translated into hypertext links, What is the Analogue for the Semantic Web and Why is Having One Important? work_opdhzzpdm5eivkydsq2tfm7sdm We may ask then is Hypertext as imagined in the late 20th Century a better framing for the Web Scale possibilities enabled by the Semantic Web? work_opdhzzpdm5eivkydsq2tfm7sdm What is the Analogue for the Semantic Web and Why is Having One Important? work_opdhzzpdm5eivkydsq2tfm7sdm What is the Analogue for the Semantic Web and Why is Having One Important? work_opdhzzpdm5eivkydsq2tfm7sdm What is the Semantic Web? work_opdhzzpdm5eivkydsq2tfm7sdm What is the equivalent analogue for the Semantic Web to help make it tractable? work_opdhzzpdm5eivkydsq2tfm7sdm [ 10] Gray, J. Turing Award Lecture: What Next? work_opdhzzpdm5eivkydsq2tfm7sdm [ 17] What is the Analogue for the Semantic Web and Why is Having One Important? work_opdhzzpdm5eivkydsq2tfm7sdm failed] AI stuff? ” was a common theme. work_opdhzzpdm5eivkydsq2tfm7sdm[ 16] Kalnikaité, V. Whittaker, S. Capturing life experiences: Software or wetware? work_zmbe2wb2fvfotmujz3gfiwxk2i # icanhazpdf: Civil disobedience? work_zmbe2wb2fvfotmujz3gfiwxk2i A worthwhile question to ask in future research might be, how has this community developed over time? work_zmbe2wb2fvfotmujz3gfiwxk2i And what role has the technology played in its development? work_zmbe2wb2fvfotmujz3gfiwxk2i Blogging as social activity, or, would you let 900 million people read your diary? work_zmbe2wb2fvfotmujz3gfiwxk2i How have scholars ’ institutions responded to these practices, and how do these responses differ across institutions? work_zmbe2wb2fvfotmujz3gfiwxk2i The question that is of interest here is: what types of scholarly practices are made visible through scholars ’ online participation? work_zmbe2wb2fvfotmujz3gfiwxk2i This journal centers around three questions, “ What am I observing in my social media participation with regard to scholarly practice? work_zmbe2wb2fvfotmujz3gfiwxk2i What can you tell from an N of 1? work_zmbe2wb2fvfotmujz3gfiwxk2i What options are available to you? work_zmbe2wb2fvfotmujz3gfiwxk2i What phenomena and/or issues arise? work_zmbe2wb2fvfotmujz3gfiwxk2i Why openness in education? work_svv3onqwxjfivm3djpvdmdxx2e Are We Asking the Right Questions? work_svv3onqwxjfivm3djpvdmdxx2e Different views on Digital Scholarship: separate worlds or cohesive research field? work_svv3onqwxjfivm3djpvdmdxx2e For Amundsen and Wilson( 2012) the right questions to address faculty development are How are educational development practices designed? work_svv3onqwxjfivm3djpvdmdxx2e How do we know who we are when we ’re online? work_svv3onqwxjfivm3djpvdmdxx2e Open Science: A New “ Trust Technology ”? work_svv3onqwxjfivm3djpvdmdxx2e Scholarly, digital, open: an impossible triangle? work_svv3onqwxjfivm3djpvdmdxx2e Scholars in an increasingly open and digital world: How do education professors and students use Twitter? work_svv3onqwxjfivm3djpvdmdxx2e Should This Be the Last Thing You Read on work_svv3onqwxjfivm3djpvdmdxx2e The Future of MOOCs: Adaptive Learning or Business Model? work_svv3onqwxjfivm3djpvdmdxx2e The main research question are faculty development strategies hindered by the lack of a cohesive view in the research on digital scholarship? work_svv3onqwxjfivm3djpvdmdxx2e Trasmissione d’élite o accesso alle conoscenze? work_svv3onqwxjfivm3djpvdmdxx2e What Works in Professional Development? work_svv3onqwxjfivm3djpvdmdxx2e What is humanities computing and what is not? work_svv3onqwxjfivm3djpvdmdxx2e Where does good evidence come from? work_svv3onqwxjfivm3djpvdmdxx2e and What is the thinking underpinning the design of educational development practice? work_svv3onqwxjfivm3djpvdmdxx2e is here explored through the subsidiary question is the current state of research on digital scholarship fragmentary? work_sdkeoc6ppjdijayzvfnaag7kby What Do Scholars Want?" |
work_sdkeoc6ppjdijayzvfnaag7kby | But can we reconcile them instead? |
work_sdkeoc6ppjdijayzvfnaag7kby | Can we redefine these very categories? |
work_sdkeoc6ppjdijayzvfnaag7kby | Does this even make sense? |
work_sdkeoc6ppjdijayzvfnaag7kby | Hacking the Yacking What does it mean to do digital humanities? |
work_sdkeoc6ppjdijayzvfnaag7kby | How do you mark that up? |
work_sdkeoc6ppjdijayzvfnaag7kby | How might we even imagine a"digital pedagogy" without the potentially limiting factor of electronics? |
work_sdkeoc6ppjdijayzvfnaag7kby | How might we reimagine analog teaching in terms of the digital? |
work_sdkeoc6ppjdijayzvfnaag7kby | It also suggests an obvious question: Can the digital humanities be hacked? |
work_sdkeoc6ppjdijayzvfnaag7kby | Teaching Naked Can there be a digital pedagogy without computers? |
work_sdkeoc6ppjdijayzvfnaag7kby | To be a digital humanist? |
work_sdkeoc6ppjdijayzvfnaag7kby | What about both "pride" and "prejudice" — the instances where the novel ’s title terms are copresent? |
work_sdkeoc6ppjdijayzvfnaag7kby | What if we just started "teaching naked"? |
work_sdkeoc6ppjdijayzvfnaag7kby | What interpretive machines might the students imagine, electronic or otherwise? |
work_sdkeoc6ppjdijayzvfnaag7kby | What might an electronicallyenabled pedagogy look like if we pulled the plug? |
work_sdkeoc6ppjdijayzvfnaag7kby | What might they even potentially build, given the conditions of the media they ’re working in? |
work_sdkeoc6ppjdijayzvfnaag7kby | Why is this different from a seminar where everyone works from the same edition of a physical book? |
work_sdkeoc6ppjdijayzvfnaag7kby | Why not find out? |
work_sdkeoc6ppjdijayzvfnaag7kby | Without electronics? |
work_x2nphkwocfbiphrwvjcaywqayy | 14 Jennifer Schaffner; Ricky Erway, Does every research library need a digital humanities center?. |
work_x2nphkwocfbiphrwvjcaywqayy | 18 Joris van Zundert, If you build it, will we come? |
work_x2nphkwocfbiphrwvjcaywqayy | 29 Christine L. Borgman, What are digital libraries? |
work_x2nphkwocfbiphrwvjcaywqayy | 93 J. Schaffner; R. Erway, Does every research library need a digital humanities center? |
work_x2nphkwocfbiphrwvjcaywqayy | Borgman, What are digital libraries? |
work_x2nphkwocfbiphrwvjcaywqayy | Che cosa ne emerge? |
work_x2nphkwocfbiphrwvjcaywqayy | Come si valutano i dati che si ottengono? |
work_x2nphkwocfbiphrwvjcaywqayy | Con quali strumenti? |
work_x2nphkwocfbiphrwvjcaywqayy | L’articolo ha per titolo la domanda: Does every research library need a digi- tal humanities center? |
work_x2nphkwocfbiphrwvjcaywqayy | intersezioni 223 113 Dino Buzzetti, Where do humanities computing and digital libraries meet? |
work_kwr4ogghnnhw5e6hxyblekuuia | And where does the “ brand ” come from? |
work_kwr4ogghnnhw5e6hxyblekuuia | And which new convections can we imagine as optimized for the digital? |
work_kwr4ogghnnhw5e6hxyblekuuia | Are journals interested? |
work_kwr4ogghnnhw5e6hxyblekuuia | Are journals interested? |
work_kwr4ogghnnhw5e6hxyblekuuia | Are our colleagues interested? |
work_kwr4ogghnnhw5e6hxyblekuuia | Are our colleagues interested? |
work_kwr4ogghnnhw5e6hxyblekuuia | Does the digital format change/ challenge that authority?] |
work_kwr4ogghnnhw5e6hxyblekuuia | How do we need to redefine the definitions and roles of authors and editors/ publishers in light of this? |
work_kwr4ogghnnhw5e6hxyblekuuia | How is digital scholarship like and unlike the traditional forms of scholarship that your journal deals with? |
work_kwr4ogghnnhw5e6hxyblekuuia | How will the digital format weaken the familiar binaries of professional/ non- professional; academic/ public; specialist/ synthesizing? |
work_kwr4ogghnnhw5e6hxyblekuuia | If so what is making this move difficult? |
work_kwr4ogghnnhw5e6hxyblekuuia | If so what is making this move difficult? |
work_kwr4ogghnnhw5e6hxyblekuuia | Jon Christensen sought to answer to questions: 1) what has the research produced?, and 2) so what? |
work_kwr4ogghnnhw5e6hxyblekuuia | Jon Christensen sought to answer to questions: 1) what has the research produced?, and 2) so what? |
work_kwr4ogghnnhw5e6hxyblekuuia | Or else …..[ AT] Do we see libraries increasing stepping up to publish journals in the way that some are now housing university presses? |
work_kwr4ogghnnhw5e6hxyblekuuia | To what extent do you think journals will be-- or should be-- transformed by digital technologies by 2022? |
work_kwr4ogghnnhw5e6hxyblekuuia | To what extent do you think your journal will be-- or should be-- transformed by digital technologies by 2022? |
work_kwr4ogghnnhw5e6hxyblekuuia | What are the challenges a born- digital"article"( entity?) |
work_kwr4ogghnnhw5e6hxyblekuuia | What are the challenges a born- digital"article"( entity?) |
work_kwr4ogghnnhw5e6hxyblekuuia | What are the financial ramifications of digital production and/or digital journals for journals themselves and for their associations? |
work_kwr4ogghnnhw5e6hxyblekuuia | What are the ramifications of Open Access principals to the history journal model? |
work_kwr4ogghnnhw5e6hxyblekuuia | What becomes a sustainable model financially as well as intellectually going forward? |
work_kwr4ogghnnhw5e6hxyblekuuia | What becomes a sustainable model financially as well as intellectually going forward? |
work_kwr4ogghnnhw5e6hxyblekuuia | What challenges does it pose to editing, production, and distribution? |
work_kwr4ogghnnhw5e6hxyblekuuia | What challenges does it pose to editing, production, and distribution? |
work_kwr4ogghnnhw5e6hxyblekuuia | What genres will emerge as the most robust in the journal niche of the short- form communication? |
work_kwr4ogghnnhw5e6hxyblekuuia | What have you done so far to take a traditional journal into the digital age and what are the next steps? |
work_kwr4ogghnnhw5e6hxyblekuuia | Who will be the audience for our online journals? |
work_kwr4ogghnnhw5e6hxyblekuuia | [ ASR] Who will be the audience for our online journals? |
work_kwr4ogghnnhw5e6hxyblekuuia | [ ASR] what conventions of the journal are optimized for print( page limit might be one) and we should feel okay about letting go of in the digital? |
work_kwr4ogghnnhw5e6hxyblekuuia | [ CG] How is digital scholarship like and unlike the traditional forms of scholarship that your journal deals with? |
work_kwr4ogghnnhw5e6hxyblekuuia | [ DRL] what are the financial ramifications of digital production and/or digital journals for journals themselves and for their associations? |
work_kwr4ogghnnhw5e6hxyblekuuia | [ How should the discipline rethink itself and how should scholarly journals fit into it?] |
work_kwr4ogghnnhw5e6hxyblekuuia | [ Is the journal a “ community ” or just the expression of one part of a community?] |
work_kwr4ogghnnhw5e6hxyblekuuia | [ ST] Are there alternative ways of writing history than the analytic essay[ spatial, data mining, deep databases, etc.]? |
work_kwr4ogghnnhw5e6hxyblekuuia | [ more]< FEB 12 2012> Added the essay,"What is Digital History? |
work_kwr4ogghnnhw5e6hxyblekuuia | poses to the double- blind review process at a scholarly journal? |
work_kwr4ogghnnhw5e6hxyblekuuia | poses to the double- blind review process at a scholarly journal? |
work_5ghxjzdgqzeppp4ahm2hn3uj6u | 9} Block C: Retrieve all associated information 10 graph? datasets{ 11? uri? p? o. |
work_5ghxjzdgqzeppp4ahm2hn3uj6u | 9} Block C: Retrieve all associated information 10 graph? datasets{ 11? uri? p? o. |
work_5ghxjzdgqzeppp4ahm2hn3uj6u | 9} Block C: Retrieve all associated information 10 graph? datasets{ 11? uri? p? o. |
work_5ghxjzdgqzeppp4ahm2hn3uj6u | 9} Block C: Retrieve all associated information 10 graph? datasets{ 11? uri? p? o. |
work_5ghxjzdgqzeppp4ahm2hn3uj6u | ? pand? orefertothepredicatesandobjects associated with these entities; that is, the directly related information that we wish to retrieve. |
work_5ghxjzdgqzeppp4ahm2hn3uj6u | ? pand? orefertothepredicatesandobjects associated with these entities; that is, the directly related information that we wish to retrieve. |
work_5ghxjzdgqzeppp4ahm2hn3uj6u | Block A: Specify datasets and source URI 1 SELECT DISTINCT? uri? p? o WHERE{ 2 BIND({sourceUri} AS? source). |
work_5ghxjzdgqzeppp4ahm2hn3uj6u | Block A: Specify datasets and source URI 1 SELECT DISTINCT? uri? p? o WHERE{ 2 BIND({sourceUri} AS? source). |
work_5ghxjzdgqzeppp4ahm2hn3uj6u | Block A: Specify datasets and source URI 1 SELECT DISTINCT? uri? p? o WHERE{ 2 BIND({sourceUri} AS? source). |
work_5ghxjzdgqzeppp4ahm2hn3uj6u | Block A: Specify datasets and source URI 1 SELECT DISTINCT? uri? p? o WHERE{ 2 BIND({sourceUri} AS? source). |
work_5ghxjzdgqzeppp4ahm2hn3uj6u | Line 8 retrieves all entities that share a match chain with the specified? source URI. |
work_5ghxjzdgqzeppp4ahm2hn3uj6u | all prop- erties(? p) and objects(? o) of any? uri retrieved in Block B. |
work_5ghxjzdgqzeppp4ahm2hn3uj6u | all prop- erties(? p) and objects(? o) of any? uri retrieved in Block B. |
work_5ghxjzdgqzeppp4ahm2hn3uj6u | all prop- erties(? p) and objects(? o) of any? uri retrieved in Block B. |
work_zoyzpvdp7nhfff7x6xwbww64lu | 21 december geeft mij meer stress, want als de wereld echt vergaat? |
work_zoyzpvdp7nhfff7x6xwbww64lu | < meerdere afzenders> RT@RandomAdolescent: So December 21st the world will end? |
work_zoyzpvdp7nhfff7x6xwbww64lu | < ook verzonden door@LachJeRot> Modernproverbs Mayan 1: Hey, grab a beer? |
work_zoyzpvdp7nhfff7x6xwbww64lu | After the humpback had died, some people suggested having a silent procession to commemorate the( unnecessary?) |
work_zoyzpvdp7nhfff7x6xwbww64lu | December 21 gives me a lot of stress, because if the world is really gon na end? |
work_zoyzpvdp7nhfff7x6xwbww64lu | Het einde...< variaties> RT@Male_Humor: Silent procession for# humpback? |
work_zoyzpvdp7nhfff7x6xwbww64lu | Modernegezegden Maya 1: Hey, biertje doen? |
work_zoyzpvdp7nhfff7x6xwbww64lu | RT@Mannen_Humor: Stille tocht voor# bultrug? |
work_zoyzpvdp7nhfff7x6xwbww64lu | RT@RandomPuber: Dus 21 December vergaat de wereld? |
work_zoyzpvdp7nhfff7x6xwbww64lu | Serieus? |
work_zoyzpvdp7nhfff7x6xwbww64lu | Seriously? |
work_zoyzpvdp7nhfff7x6xwbww64lu | This is different with a tweet like"Hey, grab a beer?" |
work_sgzsndn6mnds5fkrzbjy4z2uru | Did data science efforts on campus require the library to change( or add onto) its technical infrastructure? |
work_sgzsndn6mnds5fkrzbjy4z2uru | Did partnering with data science efforts require structural changes to your library org chart? |
work_sgzsndn6mnds5fkrzbjy4z2uru | Did you establish any physical spaces dedicated specifically to supporting this initiative? |
work_sgzsndn6mnds5fkrzbjy4z2uru | Did you have to rebrand existing services? |
work_sgzsndn6mnds5fkrzbjy4z2uru | Did you partner with any other organizations to design or manage these spaces? |
work_sgzsndn6mnds5fkrzbjy4z2uru | Do you have any formal structures or frameworks that you use, such as joint appointments or MOUs? |
work_sgzsndn6mnds5fkrzbjy4z2uru | Follow up: If the library ca n’t provide a data science service that is requested, who do you refer people to? |
work_sgzsndn6mnds5fkrzbjy4z2uru | Follow- up if answer is no: What challenges have prevented this? |
work_sgzsndn6mnds5fkrzbjy4z2uru | Follow- up where applicable: Did departments or specific staff stop doing some types of work or services to make room for data science? |
work_sgzsndn6mnds5fkrzbjy4z2uru | Follow- up where applicable: How did you go about cultivating the partnerships? |
work_sgzsndn6mnds5fkrzbjy4z2uru | Follow- up where applicable: In terms of spaces and services, have you found any areas of misalignment? |
work_sgzsndn6mnds5fkrzbjy4z2uru | Follow- up where applicable: Would you be willing to share some of your findings? |
work_sgzsndn6mnds5fkrzbjy4z2uru | Have you noticed any changes in the demand for library services due to the data science program/ initiative at your institution? |
work_sgzsndn6mnds5fkrzbjy4z2uru | How did staff and community/ users react to the change? |
work_sgzsndn6mnds5fkrzbjy4z2uru | How many of your library''s staff are affiliated with services that support data science work? |
work_sgzsndn6mnds5fkrzbjy4z2uru | How were existing job descriptions rewritten? |
work_sgzsndn6mnds5fkrzbjy4z2uru | How would you describe your institution ’s readiness for change in this area when you started the program? |
work_sgzsndn6mnds5fkrzbjy4z2uru | If so, how did you communicate and manage that change? |
work_sgzsndn6mnds5fkrzbjy4z2uru | If so, what new positions were created? |
work_sgzsndn6mnds5fkrzbjy4z2uru | If yes → Answer Questions 3- 5 and Questions 7- 8 Question 2: Do you have current or future needs around data science for instruction or curricula? |
work_sgzsndn6mnds5fkrzbjy4z2uru | If yes → Answer Questions 6- 8 If Yes to Question 1( research focus)→ Question 3: What are your data science needs around research? |
work_sgzsndn6mnds5fkrzbjy4z2uru | Question 1: Do you have current or anticipated needs around data science for research? |
work_sgzsndn6mnds5fkrzbjy4z2uru | Question 4: Where do you go on or off campus for these services? |
work_sgzsndn6mnds5fkrzbjy4z2uru | Question 5: To what extent are the following services important for your current and/or anticipated research needs? |
work_sgzsndn6mnds5fkrzbjy4z2uru | Question 8: Would you like to speak with us further? |
work_sgzsndn6mnds5fkrzbjy4z2uru | What kinds of skills were necessary for your staff to have to meet the needs of data science efforts at your institution? |
work_sgzsndn6mnds5fkrzbjy4z2uru | What methods does your library use to evaluate your partnership with data science efforts? |
work_sgzsndn6mnds5fkrzbjy4z2uru | What partnerships exist between the Library and other units on campus around data science? |
work_sgzsndn6mnds5fkrzbjy4z2uru | between what you planned and actual use? |
work_77rct77xgnbupfxvs5sqievzjq | ( Indicating that there are, on average, more than two presenters associated with each paper: perhaps a rarity in Humanities scholarship?) |
work_77rct77xgnbupfxvs5sqievzjq | 2 What is Humanities Computing? |
work_77rct77xgnbupfxvs5sqievzjq | 3.1 Is Humanities Computing a discipline? |
work_77rct77xgnbupfxvs5sqievzjq | 5 Who is Part of the Humanities Computing Community? |
work_77rct77xgnbupfxvs5sqievzjq | : who, for example, ever learnt anything of significance of learning or loving by defining these concepts? |
work_77rct77xgnbupfxvs5sqievzjq | As a novel and alternative approach to answering the perennial question ‘ What is Humanities Computing? ’, this research yields useful insights. |
work_77rct77xgnbupfxvs5sqievzjq | But who are these people? |
work_77rct77xgnbupfxvs5sqievzjq | Do Humanities Computing scholars publish in ‘ traditional ’ Humanities single- subject journals, or is there a cross- over with Computing Science? |
work_77rct77xgnbupfxvs5sqievzjq | Does it exist as an academic field? |
work_77rct77xgnbupfxvs5sqievzjq | Finally, if the subject can not define a set of core theories and techniques to be taught, is it really a subject at all? |
work_77rct77xgnbupfxvs5sqievzjq | How could this be measured, and what could it tell us about the field? |
work_77rct77xgnbupfxvs5sqievzjq | IATH and Humanities Computing part of Is Humanities Computing an Academic Discipline?, Interdisciplinary Seminar, University of Virginia. |
work_77rct77xgnbupfxvs5sqievzjq | Is Education a Discipline?. |
work_77rct77xgnbupfxvs5sqievzjq | Is Humanities Computing a discipline at all? |
work_77rct77xgnbupfxvs5sqievzjq | Is Humanities Computing an Academic Discipline? |
work_77rct77xgnbupfxvs5sqievzjq | Is There a Computer in this Class? |
work_77rct77xgnbupfxvs5sqievzjq | Is humanities computing an academic discipline? |
work_77rct77xgnbupfxvs5sqievzjq | Is it such a bad thing if a definition of the subject does not exist? |
work_77rct77xgnbupfxvs5sqievzjq | Is there a culture which binds the scholars together? |
work_77rct77xgnbupfxvs5sqievzjq | No such thing as Humanities Computing? |
work_77rct77xgnbupfxvs5sqievzjq | Surely if it was, it would have become established by now? |
work_77rct77xgnbupfxvs5sqievzjq | Tool- Time, or ‘ Have n’t We Been Here Already? ’ Ten Years in Humanities Computing. |
work_77rct77xgnbupfxvs5sqievzjq | Tree, turf, centre or archipelago? |
work_77rct77xgnbupfxvs5sqievzjq | What are the methodological approaches of Humanities Computing? |
work_77rct77xgnbupfxvs5sqievzjq | What is Humanities Computing( and What is Not)? |
work_77rct77xgnbupfxvs5sqievzjq | What is humanities computing? |
work_77rct77xgnbupfxvs5sqievzjq | What thoughts are we projecting in our teaching pro- grams and research as to the scope and relevance of Humanities Computing? |
work_77rct77xgnbupfxvs5sqievzjq | Which are the seminal texts in Humanities Computing, that emerge from this analysis? |
work_77rct77xgnbupfxvs5sqievzjq | Which journals are most popular? |
work_77rct77xgnbupfxvs5sqievzjq | Who would be the most cited author(s)? |
work_77rct77xgnbupfxvs5sqievzjq | Hughes, E. C.( 1971) Is Education A Discipline? |
work_77rct77xgnbupfxvs5sqievzjq | or, Why humanities computing matters part of Is humanities computing an academic discipline?, Interdisciplinary Seminar University of Virginia. |
work_77rct77xgnbupfxvs5sqievzjq | part of Is Humanities Computing an Academic Discipline?, Interdisciplinary Seminar, University of Virginia. |
work_xml6hgc7onamjm7hnjl3odctwu | Can people browse and find content? |
work_xml6hgc7onamjm7hnjl3odctwu | Citation for published version: Terras, M 2015,''So you want to reuse digital heritage content in a creative context? |
work_xml6hgc7onamjm7hnjl3odctwu | Cousin Henry would love a tea- towel: I''ll make some Christmas presents based on that! ”? |
work_xml6hgc7onamjm7hnjl3odctwu | Does it work? |
work_xml6hgc7onamjm7hnjl3odctwu | Have you actually tried to use it? |
work_xml6hgc7onamjm7hnjl3odctwu | That someone is going to pop over to Photobox( other commercial photo printers are available) and make up some notelets? |
work_xml6hgc7onamjm7hnjl3odctwu | That someone will make a corset out of images and sell it on Etsy? |
work_xml6hgc7onamjm7hnjl3odctwu | That something archival takes off and becomes another"keep calm and carry on31"meme? |
work_xml6hgc7onamjm7hnjl3odctwu | What are institutions afraid of? |
work_xml6hgc7onamjm7hnjl3odctwu | What are institutions scared of? |
work_xml6hgc7onamjm7hnjl3odctwu | What are you scared of? |
work_xml6hgc7onamjm7hnjl3odctwu | What if institutions have their own content management system? |
work_xml6hgc7onamjm7hnjl3odctwu | What is the worst that could happen? |
work_xml6hgc7onamjm7hnjl3odctwu | What relationship does digitisation of cultural and heritage content have to the maker movement9? |
work_xml6hgc7onamjm7hnjl3odctwu | What would happen if we just let people reuse( out of copyright) digital content? |
work_xml6hgc7onamjm7hnjl3odctwu | What"access"are institutions actually providing, if it ’s only of the"look but do nt touch"variety? |
work_xml6hgc7onamjm7hnjl3odctwu | When do we want that? |
work_xml6hgc7onamjm7hnjl3odctwu | Why have n’t we seen the"maker''s revolution"where everyone is walking around going"this old thing? |
work_xml6hgc7onamjm7hnjl3odctwu | Why not? |
work_xml6hgc7onamjm7hnjl3odctwu | Would n’t institutions love to be the source of one of those, for perpetuity? |
work_xbczhjtli5bdfl6ab6j734oa2y | ( please provide information) e) mentions in the press/ blogosphere? |
work_xbczhjtli5bdfl6ab6j734oa2y | ( please provide link) d) software or tool? |
work_xbczhjtli5bdfl6ab6j734oa2y | ( please provide links) 3) Has your project continued beyond the Start- up Phase( if appropriate?) |
work_xbczhjtli5bdfl6ab6j734oa2y | ( please provide links) b) journal articles or other publications? |
work_xbczhjtli5bdfl6ab6j734oa2y | ( please provide links) c) a museum exhibit or other public program? |
work_xbczhjtli5bdfl6ab6j734oa2y | ( please provide links) e) a class, workshop, etc? |
work_xbczhjtli5bdfl6ab6j734oa2y | 2) Did your project lead to any of the following: a) a project website? |
work_xbczhjtli5bdfl6ab6j734oa2y | 6) What are you overall thoughts about the Start- Up Grant program? |
work_xbczhjtli5bdfl6ab6j734oa2y | If so, did having an NEH SUG help you in obtaining further funding? |
work_xbczhjtli5bdfl6ab6j734oa2y | So where does it fall? |
work_xbczhjtli5bdfl6ab6j734oa2y | The survey questions were: 1) What is the current status of your project? |
work_xbczhjtli5bdfl6ab6j734oa2y | Was it helpful for your work? |
work_xbczhjtli5bdfl6ab6j734oa2y | What barriers did you encounter? |
work_xbczhjtli5bdfl6ab6j734oa2y | Who? |
work_xbczhjtli5bdfl6ab6j734oa2y | Your career? |
work_xbczhjtli5bdfl6ab6j734oa2y | a) Did you accomplish the goals you set out to do? |
work_xbczhjtli5bdfl6ab6j734oa2y | a) If yes, tell us how? |
work_xbczhjtli5bdfl6ab6j734oa2y | b) Did you receive money from any other funders? |
work_xbczhjtli5bdfl6ab6j734oa2y | b) What lessons did you learn? |
work_xbczhjtli5bdfl6ab6j734oa2y | c) If you were turned down for further funding, can you give us an idea why? |
work_xbczhjtli5bdfl6ab6j734oa2y | d) If your project has not continued, please tell us why? |
work_xbczhjtli5bdfl6ab6j734oa2y | fully complete, no funding, etc) 4) What are your general feelings about your project? |
work_xbczhjtli5bdfl6ab6j734oa2y | what worked? |
work_xbczhjtli5bdfl6ab6j734oa2y | what would you do differently?) |
work_xdr2smax3zgcje4gwqweytehia | ( 1) Since university funding will not today increase, what do you recommend be given up to support e- Humanities as you recommend? |
work_xdr2smax3zgcje4gwqweytehia | ( 2) What do you yourself propose to accomplish? |
work_xdr2smax3zgcje4gwqweytehia | ( 3) Why would your proposed research be better done in a Humanities Faculty than by current scientific or engineering faculty in your own university? |
work_xdr2smax3zgcje4gwqweytehia | 17( 2) Over and above an answer to( 1), what criteria must be satisfied for a digital preservation method to be judged a practical solution? |
work_xdr2smax3zgcje4gwqweytehia | But is the current issue such a case? |
work_xdr2smax3zgcje4gwqweytehia | How could this happen? |
work_xdr2smax3zgcje4gwqweytehia | How much new funding will this require? |
work_xdr2smax3zgcje4gwqweytehia | Microsoft Word- Gladney_april22_hmg.docx Long- Term Digital Preservation: a Digital Humanities Topic? |
work_xdr2smax3zgcje4gwqweytehia | SWE, your background seems insufficient for you to understand! ” How might SWE respond? |
work_xdr2smax3zgcje4gwqweytehia | What balancing cuts should be made within your own university? |
work_xdr2smax3zgcje4gwqweytehia | What should a digital preservation solution accomplish? |
work_xdr2smax3zgcje4gwqweytehia | Which of many different signal versions is ‘ the original ’? |
work_xdr2smax3zgcje4gwqweytehia | Who might be harmed by considering DH to be a discipline in itself? |
work_xdr2smax3zgcje4gwqweytehia | Why is it needed and how is it justified? |
work_xdr2smax3zgcje4gwqweytehia | With these in hand, we would surely ask, “ What skills are needed to provide what''s called for? |
work_xdr2smax3zgcje4gwqweytehia | “ Are Intellectual Property Rights a Digital Dilemma? |
work_xdr2smax3zgcje4gwqweytehia | “ Got Data? |
work_xdr2smax3zgcje4gwqweytehia | “ Long- Term Digital Preservation: Why is Progress Lagging? ” |
work_xy6uljcywva7xb3sww6zjj43mi | A student project, say, that encodes text for display rather than structure? |
work_xy6uljcywva7xb3sww6zjj43mi | But what about poor quality work from “ diverse ” researchers? |
work_xy6uljcywva7xb3sww6zjj43mi | Full of Sound and Fury …? |
work_xy6uljcywva7xb3sww6zjj43mi | How do you do digital humanities differently in high- vs. low- bandwidth? |
work_xy6uljcywva7xb3sww6zjj43mi | How do( groups of) people differ in their relationship to technology? |
work_xy6uljcywva7xb3sww6zjj43mi | How does digital scholarship differ when it is done by the colonised and the coloniser? |
work_xy6uljcywva7xb3sww6zjj43mi | How is what we discuss and research influenced by factors such as class, gender, race, age, social capital in an intersectional way? |
work_xy6uljcywva7xb3sww6zjj43mi | Is there an inherent conflict between these two concepts within the Digital Humanities? |
work_xy6uljcywva7xb3sww6zjj43mi | Or a project from a researcher working outside mainstream Digital Humanities that uses proprietary software or formats or strict commercial licences? |
work_xy6uljcywva7xb3sww6zjj43mi | That ignores( or appears to be ignorant of) basic disciplinary conventions? |
work_xy6uljcywva7xb3sww6zjj43mi | What criteria, this committee asked itself, should we use for accepting or rejecting submissions? |
work_xy6uljcywva7xb3sww6zjj43mi | Work, for example, that does not use or recognise existing technological standards? |
work_xy6uljcywva7xb3sww6zjj43mi | case that “ whenever one opts for diversity, it usually means opting for less quality ”? |
work_jt56whbelzfmhbkldz2elcygm4 | Also available at Lyman, P and Varian, H R( 2003) How much information? |
work_jt56whbelzfmhbkldz2elcygm4 | Are archivists part of the information professions, or part of the historical or cultural heritage fields, or all of these and more? |
work_jt56whbelzfmhbkldz2elcygm4 | Are digital advocates still arguing that all information sources can be saved and effectively used? |
work_jt56whbelzfmhbkldz2elcygm4 | Are new means of providing access to more complex digital information sources trumping issues of definition and maintenance? |
work_jt56whbelzfmhbkldz2elcygm4 | Are not the iSchools and their archival scholars placed well to consider the core issues? |
work_jt56whbelzfmhbkldz2elcygm4 | Are researchers and others needing access to records still concerned about matters of authenticity and reliability as they once used to be? |
work_jt56whbelzfmhbkldz2elcygm4 | Astronomers? |
work_jt56whbelzfmhbkldz2elcygm4 | Could this be a natural alliance in which the total is, indeed, greater than the sum of the parts? |
work_jt56whbelzfmhbkldz2elcygm4 | Do information scientists really understand that they probably ca n’t save everything? |
work_jt56whbelzfmhbkldz2elcygm4 | Genomists? |
work_jt56whbelzfmhbkldz2elcygm4 | Have the continuously emerging digital documentary forms eased the way for more postmodern notions of evidence and information? |
work_jt56whbelzfmhbkldz2elcygm4 | How do traditional principles of archives administration hold up in our emerging digital era? |
work_jt56whbelzfmhbkldz2elcygm4 | How has the concept of preservation been challenged or transformed with the growing use of and dependence on digital systems? |
work_jt56whbelzfmhbkldz2elcygm4 | How is the mission and work of the archivist evolving in light of digital recordkeeping and information systems? |
work_jt56whbelzfmhbkldz2elcygm4 | However, as some LIS Schools evolve into iSchools, what does this suggest about what prospective archivists ought to be learning? |
work_jt56whbelzfmhbkldz2elcygm4 | If so, does this not suggest a role for a new generation of archivists 39 and new archival theory? |
work_jt56whbelzfmhbkldz2elcygm4 | Is this not a challenge made to order for the iSchools and the archival profession? |
work_jt56whbelzfmhbkldz2elcygm4 | Is this not a natural direction for the iSchools with archival programs? |
work_jt56whbelzfmhbkldz2elcygm4 | Just what are they 13 and how do they differ from library and information science schools? |
work_jt56whbelzfmhbkldz2elcygm4 | Might it even be a reason for others to develop them? |
work_jt56whbelzfmhbkldz2elcygm4 | Might it not be the case that the staid( some might say stodgy) discipline known as archival studies might, in fact, provide a window to our future? |
work_jt56whbelzfmhbkldz2elcygm4 | Now that research is becoming increasingly dependent on voluminous data resources, should we be building superdata centers? |
work_jt56whbelzfmhbkldz2elcygm4 | Physicists or chemists? |
work_jt56whbelzfmhbkldz2elcygm4 | So why should archival educators care about the iSchools, beyond the fact that many of them have evolved from more traditional LIS schools? |
work_jt56whbelzfmhbkldz2elcygm4 | What better way to help jump- start the creation of this new culture than by embedding archival studies programs in the emerging iSchools? |
work_jt56whbelzfmhbkldz2elcygm4 | What is the ideal weighting between traditional and digital preservation in educating archivists( and preservation administrators)? |
work_jt56whbelzfmhbkldz2elcygm4 | What is the nature of the knowledge domain of the archivist, and how does it intersect 7 with the information sciences? |
work_jt56whbelzfmhbkldz2elcygm4 | What is the place of archival studies programs in iSchools? |
work_jt56whbelzfmhbkldz2elcygm4 | What is the timetable for the complete shift from paper to digital and the implications of this for the education of a new generation of archivists? |
work_jt56whbelzfmhbkldz2elcygm4 | Where are these programs going? |
work_jt56whbelzfmhbkldz2elcygm4 | Where should the locus of responsibility fall? |
work_jt56whbelzfmhbkldz2elcygm4 | Where to begin? ”( Pearce- Moses, 2006, p. 3). |
work_jt56whbelzfmhbkldz2elcygm4 | Who will do this? |
work_jt56whbelzfmhbkldz2elcygm4 | Will we continue to build information systems without being able to preserve records and their evidence or information needed over the long haul? |
work_jt56whbelzfmhbkldz2elcygm4 | Will we digitize other materials only to see these digital surrogates disappear relatively quickly( when compared to how long older formats lasted)? |
work_w6tw6azjxjf6bin62o2nzuyqze | 1- 2 years 3- 4 years 5+ years Not sure Is your resource hosted at your own institution? |
work_w6tw6azjxjf6bin62o2nzuyqze | 2- 3 4- 5 6+ I am working on this project alone Has preservation been discussed in relation to this project? |
work_w6tw6azjxjf6bin62o2nzuyqze | And who will do the work? ” whose answers are often difficult to pin down. |
work_w6tw6azjxjf6bin62o2nzuyqze | Before the project began During the project After project completion Who is/ will be responsible for preserving this project? |
work_w6tw6azjxjf6bin62o2nzuyqze | Do you have defined member roles/ responsibilities for your project? |
work_w6tw6azjxjf6bin62o2nzuyqze | How are you backing up your work? |
work_w6tw6azjxjf6bin62o2nzuyqze | Large- Scale Humanities Computing Projects: Snakes Eating Tails, or Every End is a New Beginning? |
work_w6tw6azjxjf6bin62o2nzuyqze | Retrieved from What is digital humanities? |
work_w6tw6azjxjf6bin62o2nzuyqze | Select all that apply Institutional funding Grant funding Personal funds Were you required to create a preservation plan for a funding application? |
work_w6tw6azjxjf6bin62o2nzuyqze | Self Librarian DH center staff Project member Funder Host department Other: At what stage in the project was preservation first discussed? |
work_w6tw6azjxjf6bin62o2nzuyqze | What is your main contribution to this project team? |
work_w6tw6azjxjf6bin62o2nzuyqze | Who will pay for it? |
work_w6tw6azjxjf6bin62o2nzuyqze | Yes No How many years into the future do you see your project being usable/ accessible? |
work_w6tw6azjxjf6bin62o2nzuyqze | Yes No How often have you consulted with the DH center for your project? |
work_w6tw6azjxjf6bin62o2nzuyqze | Yes No If no, where is it hosted? |
work_w6tw6azjxjf6bin62o2nzuyqze | Yes No Is there a DH center at your institution? |
work_w6tw6azjxjf6bin62o2nzuyqze | Yes No Title or working title of your DH project: Does your project have an online component? |
work_w6tw6azjxjf6bin62o2nzuyqze | Yes No What kinds of resources have you consulted to inform the preservation of your project? |
work_w6tw6azjxjf6bin62o2nzuyqze | Yes No Who first mentioned the preservation of your project? |
work_w6tw6azjxjf6bin62o2nzuyqze | Yes( Please provide link, if available): To be determined No What techniques or content types have you used or will you use in your project? |
work_sr37hksbtbbmdnyc5nijjaow4q | ( 2001), “ What happened to the library? |
work_sr37hksbtbbmdnyc5nijjaow4q | ... for that of your students? |
work_sr37hksbtbbmdnyc5nijjaow4q | Do you believe the marriage of these organizations contributes to the effective support of faculty and students at they seek and use information? |
work_sr37hksbtbbmdnyc5nijjaow4q | Final Draft/ page 14 Are We There Yet? |
work_sr37hksbtbbmdnyc5nijjaow4q | Final Draft/ page 19 • How do you share and disseminate information within your profession and with others? |
work_sr37hksbtbbmdnyc5nijjaow4q | Final Draft/ page 20 • What should faculty, students, researchers 20- 30 years into the future expect us to do today? |
work_sr37hksbtbbmdnyc5nijjaow4q | Have students and faculty benefited or been harmed by the merger of IT and Libraries? |
work_sr37hksbtbbmdnyc5nijjaow4q | How do the ‘ virtual ’ or internet aspects of library services matter to you or your students? |
work_sr37hksbtbbmdnyc5nijjaow4q | How is it changing? |
work_sr37hksbtbbmdnyc5nijjaow4q | How to discover and explore new research questions? |
work_sr37hksbtbbmdnyc5nijjaow4q | How to preserve the record of research and human expression? |
work_sr37hksbtbbmdnyc5nijjaow4q | If so, how? |
work_sr37hksbtbbmdnyc5nijjaow4q | Microsoft Word- Article_FINAL_DRAFT_Header_LudwigBullington.doc Final Draft/ page 1 Title: Libraries and IT: Are We There Yet? |
work_sr37hksbtbbmdnyc5nijjaow4q | Whose Values? |
work_sr37hksbtbbmdnyc5nijjaow4q | available at ience Ferguson, C.( 2003),"Whose Vision? |
work_sr37hksbtbbmdnyc5nijjaow4q | • Are you concerned about the availability of the information you create for its intended audience today? |
work_sr37hksbtbbmdnyc5nijjaow4q | • Do libraries, or the services they extend to you through the internet, play a part in your current use of information? |
work_sr37hksbtbbmdnyc5nijjaow4q | • Do you have available to you the support( tools, resources, services, support) that you require as a creator of information? |
work_sr37hksbtbbmdnyc5nijjaow4q | • How large a role does/ will technology play in achieving those strategic directions successfully? |
work_sr37hksbtbbmdnyc5nijjaow4q | • How relevant and how successful are libraries in creating an environment that is effective for users? |
work_sr37hksbtbbmdnyc5nijjaow4q | • Is the organization of information in your field changing? |
work_sr37hksbtbbmdnyc5nijjaow4q | • Is the role of formal publishing changing in your field? |
work_sr37hksbtbbmdnyc5nijjaow4q | • What do you require that is not easily supported through the University ’s current resources? |
work_sr37hksbtbbmdnyc5nijjaow4q | • What do you see( from your perspective) as the strategic directions for scholarship at the University of Kansas? |
work_sr37hksbtbbmdnyc5nijjaow4q | • What kinds of information do you create in your profession? |
work_sr37hksbtbbmdnyc5nijjaow4q | • What role do external players have( Google for example) in achieving those strategic directions? |
work_sr37hksbtbbmdnyc5nijjaow4q | • What roles do libraries play in achieving those strategic directions successfully? |
work_sr37hksbtbbmdnyc5nijjaow4q | • When you need to find information on a specific topic in your field, how do you do it? |
work_sr37hksbtbbmdnyc5nijjaow4q | … for future users? |
work_7yyoedczyvg5dgtnhyxfgyjh3q | ? |
work_7yyoedczyvg5dgtnhyxfgyjh3q | ?, 4 about how jazz musicians who have never played with one another can come together successfully in a session. |
work_7yyoedczyvg5dgtnhyxfgyjh3q | ABW: As a tenured faculty member you think it is OK to do independent e- book publishing, but you would never want young scholars to do that? |
work_7yyoedczyvg5dgtnhyxfgyjh3q | ABW: Do you think that it is as effective as the way you had imagined it? |
work_7yyoedczyvg5dgtnhyxfgyjh3q | ABW: How do you create an e- book in a design field that works for the readers of books? |
work_7yyoedczyvg5dgtnhyxfgyjh3q | ABW: Is there something else that you see replacing the concept of the book review? |
work_7yyoedczyvg5dgtnhyxfgyjh3q | ABW: What are the implications of these new services for libraries? |
work_7yyoedczyvg5dgtnhyxfgyjh3q | ABW: Will you publish your next book independently? |
work_7yyoedczyvg5dgtnhyxfgyjh3q | ABW: Would you advise other scholars to take the approach that you did? |
work_7yyoedczyvg5dgtnhyxfgyjh3q | AWS: Are you saying that another university can not borrow it for one user? |
work_7yyoedczyvg5dgtnhyxfgyjh3q | AWS: But what does it mean to not have a national library? |
work_7yyoedczyvg5dgtnhyxfgyjh3q | AWS: How do libraries obtain e- books? |
work_7yyoedczyvg5dgtnhyxfgyjh3q | AWS: Like interlibrary loan? |
work_7yyoedczyvg5dgtnhyxfgyjh3q | AWS: What do you mean by saying that most vendors will not allow that? |
work_7yyoedczyvg5dgtnhyxfgyjh3q | AWS: Who is making the decisions about what books distributors will offer to librar- ies and which books they will not distribute? |
work_7yyoedczyvg5dgtnhyxfgyjh3q | And how do we as librarians work with someone like yourself, as the author of a self- published e- book? |
work_7yyoedczyvg5dgtnhyxfgyjh3q | At what point will the price charged for publications stifle the advance of knowledge? |
work_7yyoedczyvg5dgtnhyxfgyjh3q | Do we broaden our collecting outside of our vendors and begin collecting individual e- books directly from authors or vendors? |
work_7yyoedczyvg5dgtnhyxfgyjh3q | Do we collect solely through licensed subscriptions? |
work_7yyoedczyvg5dgtnhyxfgyjh3q | Do we work with individual authors to determine these issues? |
work_7yyoedczyvg5dgtnhyxfgyjh3q | Do you envision a time when an e- book will be viewed as the equivalent of a published monograph in print form? |
work_7yyoedczyvg5dgtnhyxfgyjh3q | Do you think it is going to be important in the e- publishing, digital book world to change the perceptions of what is acceptable for tenure? |
work_7yyoedczyvg5dgtnhyxfgyjh3q | How do you make reading in a digital age the best experience it can be? |
work_7yyoedczyvg5dgtnhyxfgyjh3q | If these books are not truly peer reviewed or edited, how does this model support young academics in the tenure process? |
work_7yyoedczyvg5dgtnhyxfgyjh3q | If we are going to collect e- books, how do we reframe collection development in libraries to not just accept packages but to look at them critically? |
work_7yyoedczyvg5dgtnhyxfgyjh3q | In October 2010, she attended the symposium Why Books? |
work_7yyoedczyvg5dgtnhyxfgyjh3q | In what ways is it an experiment? |
work_7yyoedczyvg5dgtnhyxfgyjh3q | Is there an intermediary who takes on this role? |
work_7yyoedczyvg5dgtnhyxfgyjh3q | One of Anne ’s revelations at the Why Books? |
work_7yyoedczyvg5dgtnhyxfgyjh3q | Or do librar- ies have an opportunity to shape the building of new models? |
work_7yyoedczyvg5dgtnhyxfgyjh3q | So now they are being told by publishers and distributors that they can not share resources anymore? |
work_7yyoedczyvg5dgtnhyxfgyjh3q | The challenge remains: how do we find richly illustrated e- books on art and design? |
work_7yyoedczyvg5dgtnhyxfgyjh3q | What are the implications for storage and preservation? |
work_7yyoedczyvg5dgtnhyxfgyjh3q | What do I do with this package? |
work_7yyoedczyvg5dgtnhyxfgyjh3q | What does it mean to publish digitally or independently when you are an established scholar versus a non- established scholar? |
work_7yyoedczyvg5dgtnhyxfgyjh3q | What does this mean for the library? |
work_7yyoedczyvg5dgtnhyxfgyjh3q | Why did you decide to publish this book yourself? |
work_7yyoedczyvg5dgtnhyxfgyjh3q | Why did you decide to publish your new book as an e- book? |
work_7yyoedczyvg5dgtnhyxfgyjh3q | Why should a publisher or distributor be the one to select the books that a university library can buy? |
work_7yyoedczyvg5dgtnhyxfgyjh3q | Will libraries build their own e- book platforms, as is being planned in the Connecticut State librar- ies and Douglas County libraries? |
work_7yyoedczyvg5dgtnhyxfgyjh3q | Will libraries take on the distribution of e- books? |
work_7yyoedczyvg5dgtnhyxfgyjh3q | or do they keep them? |
work_7yyoedczyvg5dgtnhyxfgyjh3q | w h y e- b o o k s i n d e s i g n a n d t h e v i s u a l a r t s? |
work_stg4ik5i6jb35akrgi5jctnzzi | Absent the notion of “ sales, ” how robust will the notion of “ distribution ” and therefore discovery be? |
work_stg4ik5i6jb35akrgi5jctnzzi | Do first books, cost more to produce than books by more experienced authors? |
work_stg4ik5i6jb35akrgi5jctnzzi | How about the director ’s time? |
work_stg4ik5i6jb35akrgi5jctnzzi | How can publishers model future revenue across a monograph list, across the press, given certain titles most likely to become OA? |
work_stg4ik5i6jb35akrgi5jctnzzi | How can these data be used to develop pricing models for open access funder subventions and publisher fees? |
work_stg4ik5i6jb35akrgi5jctnzzi | How is rent factored in? |
work_stg4ik5i6jb35akrgi5jctnzzi | How might a change in funding model result in changes to the publisher landscape? |
work_stg4ik5i6jb35akrgi5jctnzzi | How will readers and institutions know they have been published? |
work_stg4ik5i6jb35akrgi5jctnzzi | How will this uncertainty influence the way that publishers make choices about implementing an OA model? |
work_stg4ik5i6jb35akrgi5jctnzzi | If not, where would the OA titles be hosted? |
work_stg4ik5i6jb35akrgi5jctnzzi | If so, what would the hosting cost be? |
work_stg4ik5i6jb35akrgi5jctnzzi | In other words, is the basic, full, or full plus cost the one which publishers will seek to recoup? |
work_stg4ik5i6jb35akrgi5jctnzzi | Should a share of the cost to have a company website be “ charged ” to each book? |
work_stg4ik5i6jb35akrgi5jctnzzi | What are the prospects for continuing to sell premium ebook versions and print copies? |
work_stg4ik5i6jb35akrgi5jctnzzi | What do we see today as the real value of publishing? |
work_stg4ik5i6jb35akrgi5jctnzzi | What licensing would be needed to insure continued revenue generation from other formats? |
work_stg4ik5i6jb35akrgi5jctnzzi | What models will emerge to financially support these high- quality, freely- available digital monographs? |
work_stg4ik5i6jb35akrgi5jctnzzi | What role — if any — does discipline play? |
work_stg4ik5i6jb35akrgi5jctnzzi | What will happen to subsidiary rights and permissions income? |
work_stg4ik5i6jb35akrgi5jctnzzi | What will the impact on revenue per title be as a result of this? |
work_stg4ik5i6jb35akrgi5jctnzzi | Which specific metrics will the presses gather, and what systems will they need to harvest and aggregate these? |
work_stg4ik5i6jb35akrgi5jctnzzi | Who, in the end, will be setting the prices: presses or funders? |
work_stg4ik5i6jb35akrgi5jctnzzi | Will new, institutional sources of support have the impact of incentivizing other, newer entrants into the field of scholarly book publishing? |
work_stg4ik5i6jb35akrgi5jctnzzi | Will publishers look to recover full costs, or be able to develop estimates that model just the revenue forgone with OA models? |
work_stg4ik5i6jb35akrgi5jctnzzi | Will they act cautiously, considering which books are likely to sell few copies, and therefore require the subsidy? |
work_stg4ik5i6jb35akrgi5jctnzzi | Would today ’s aggregators want to host open content alongside paid content? |
work_stg4ik5i6jb35akrgi5jctnzzi | Scale? |
work_yyq452tbovgupm5d3c6w2gx4vu | ), Other — please elaborate)? |
work_yyq452tbovgupm5d3c6w2gx4vu | 12–Does your library have an institutional repository( Yes, No, Unsure)? |
work_yyq452tbovgupm5d3c6w2gx4vu | 16–Has your library sought development or grant funding for sustainability efforts( Yes, No, Unsure)? |
work_yyq452tbovgupm5d3c6w2gx4vu | 18—Is an individual or group responsible for coordinating your library''s sustainability efforts? |
work_yyq452tbovgupm5d3c6w2gx4vu | 4—Has your library adopted any of the following( sustainability statement, commitment, action plan, or other)? |
work_yyq452tbovgupm5d3c6w2gx4vu | Can the ALA interest in sustainable development be continued? |
work_yyq452tbovgupm5d3c6w2gx4vu | How are academic libraries embracing campus- wide efforts to incorporate sustainability concepts into scholarship, teaching, and service? |
work_yyq452tbovgupm5d3c6w2gx4vu | In what areas do libraries collaborate on sustainability- related content with other units on campus? |
work_yyq452tbovgupm5d3c6w2gx4vu | In what ways do academic libraries market sustainability resources to users? |
work_yyq452tbovgupm5d3c6w2gx4vu | New paradigm, new educational requirements? |
work_yyq452tbovgupm5d3c6w2gx4vu | What is the level of academic library engagement in campus sustainability teaching and curricular activities? |
work_yyq452tbovgupm5d3c6w2gx4vu | What is the main focus of sustainability stressed by LIS schools in their curriculum and practice? |
work_yyq452tbovgupm5d3c6w2gx4vu | What kind of sustainability activities are academic libraries involved in? |
work_yyq452tbovgupm5d3c6w2gx4vu | What''s next for collection management and managers? |
work_7t5cwfr2frcy7jawd6ja52lfkm | ( 2) How do library spaces facilitate innovative research, creative thinking, and problem- solving? |
work_7t5cwfr2frcy7jawd6ja52lfkm | ( 3) How does the library contribute to equitable student outcomes and an inclusive learning environ- ment? |
work_7t5cwfr2frcy7jawd6ja52lfkm | ( 4) How do the library ’s special collections specifically support and promote teaching, learning, and research? |
work_7t5cwfr2frcy7jawd6ja52lfkm | ( 5) How do the library ’s collections play a role in attracting and retaining top researchers and faculty to the institution? |
work_7t5cwfr2frcy7jawd6ja52lfkm | And how can that happen without sacrificing some of our deepest values about privacy? |
work_7t5cwfr2frcy7jawd6ja52lfkm | Bottom line – what is the value in becoming a member of a collaborative library network in today ’s world? |
work_7t5cwfr2frcy7jawd6ja52lfkm | But how can they do that? |
work_7t5cwfr2frcy7jawd6ja52lfkm | Democratizing data- whose job is it? |
work_7t5cwfr2frcy7jawd6ja52lfkm | Do we duplicate the work of others? |
work_7t5cwfr2frcy7jawd6ja52lfkm | Do we have the right partners? |
work_7t5cwfr2frcy7jawd6ja52lfkm | Do you have individual(s) that are involved with ongoing system evaluation? |
work_7t5cwfr2frcy7jawd6ja52lfkm | Does there appear to be sufficient information to reproduce the experiment(s) contained therein? |
work_7t5cwfr2frcy7jawd6ja52lfkm | He asked the question: “ What would Scholarly Publishing look like if it were built from Scratch? ” Is there a need to rebuild? |
work_7t5cwfr2frcy7jawd6ja52lfkm | He asked the question: “ What would Scholarly Publishing look like if it were built from Scratch? ” Is there a need to rebuild? |
work_7t5cwfr2frcy7jawd6ja52lfkm | He noted that library consortia need to do some self- reflection and ask the following questions: What is our strategic role? |
work_7t5cwfr2frcy7jawd6ja52lfkm | He opened with the following question: “ How can a system be user- centric if it is not all about the user? |
work_7t5cwfr2frcy7jawd6ja52lfkm | How do they remain relevant to their users and sustainable as an organization well into the future? |
work_7t5cwfr2frcy7jawd6ja52lfkm | If sharing is so important, why the battle to control data? |
work_7t5cwfr2frcy7jawd6ja52lfkm | Is our governance model well- adopted to the strategic role that we envision? |
work_7t5cwfr2frcy7jawd6ja52lfkm | Is the content at a level appropriate for sharing with practicing scientists, regardless of quality or accuracy? |
work_7t5cwfr2frcy7jawd6ja52lfkm | Is the manuscript a complete research paper? |
work_7t5cwfr2frcy7jawd6ja52lfkm | Is there a problem? |
work_7t5cwfr2frcy7jawd6ja52lfkm | Manuscripts are either made live or flagged for further review after consideration of the following questions: Is the content science? |
work_7t5cwfr2frcy7jawd6ja52lfkm | Perhaps we are making our way to the table to work things out? |
work_7t5cwfr2frcy7jawd6ja52lfkm | So as a public librarian what do you do? |
work_7t5cwfr2frcy7jawd6ja52lfkm | So what did they do with the information? |
work_7t5cwfr2frcy7jawd6ja52lfkm | So what do users expect? |
work_7t5cwfr2frcy7jawd6ja52lfkm | So what is Blockchain technology? |
work_7t5cwfr2frcy7jawd6ja52lfkm | So why change after fifty years of success? |
work_7t5cwfr2frcy7jawd6ja52lfkm | What is a Library? |
work_7t5cwfr2frcy7jawd6ja52lfkm | When is Harrison Ford ’s birthday? |
work_7t5cwfr2frcy7jawd6ja52lfkm | Why? |
work_7t5cwfr2frcy7jawd6ja52lfkm | Why? |
work_7t5cwfr2frcy7jawd6ja52lfkm | [ 35] R. Schonfeld, Why was Springer Nature ’s IPO Withdrawn? |
work_7t5cwfr2frcy7jawd6ja52lfkm | [ 42] D. Barron, How freely should scientists share their data?, Scientific American( 2018), https://blogs.scientificamerican. |
work_7t5cwfr2frcy7jawd6ja52lfkm | [ 48] What is Open Access? |
work_7t5cwfr2frcy7jawd6ja52lfkm | • Are your users more likely to search internally or externally? |
work_7t5cwfr2frcy7jawd6ja52lfkm | • If you have facets, do users actually use them? |
work_7t5cwfr2frcy7jawd6ja52lfkm | • If you index content from multiple sites, do users search to get to those sites? |
work_7t5cwfr2frcy7jawd6ja52lfkm | • What are the topical buckets of your queries( e.g., what terms/ concepts are users generally looking for)? |
work_7t5cwfr2frcy7jawd6ja52lfkm | • What terms are searched, but do not produce any results? |
work_sglspe4szvdgvoiuc2lkf7zbxm | Corina Logan, 2018 Why do we need Open Access? |
work_sglspe4szvdgvoiuc2lkf7zbxm | DOES IT SUIT YOU, THE WAY IT IS? |
work_sglspe4szvdgvoiuc2lkf7zbxm | OR IS IT MORE A « FURTHER EXPLOITATION »? |
work_sglspe4szvdgvoiuc2lkf7zbxm | Open Science??? |
work_sglspe4szvdgvoiuc2lkf7zbxm | Open Science??? |
work_sglspe4szvdgvoiuc2lkf7zbxm | Open Science??? |
work_sglspe4szvdgvoiuc2lkf7zbxm | Please … … today let ’s look at scholarly communication with fresh eyes … 3 QUESTIONS WHY DO YOU DO RESEARCH? |
work_sglspe4szvdgvoiuc2lkf7zbxm | Presentazione standard di PowerPoint Why Open Science? |
work_sglspe4szvdgvoiuc2lkf7zbxm | WHAT ’S YOUR SHADE OF « OPEN »? |
work_sglspe4szvdgvoiuc2lkf7zbxm | Why Open Science? � Elena Giglia Take away messages Open Science? |
work_sglspe4szvdgvoiuc2lkf7zbxm | Why do we need Open Access? |
work_sglspe4szvdgvoiuc2lkf7zbxm | [ or: where does the money go?] |
work_sglspe4szvdgvoiuc2lkf7zbxm | [ when the wind of changes blows, some people build walls, some people build windmills] … WHAT ABOUT YOU? |
work_sglspe4szvdgvoiuc2lkf7zbxm | « Obsession » Diapositiva numero 24 … a deadly embrace[ WE ARE ON THE WRONG ROAD] Diapositiva numero 27 … what about a different landscape? |
work_sglspe4szvdgvoiuc2lkf7zbxm | … and a bit of monopoly « Access »? |
work_sglspe4szvdgvoiuc2lkf7zbxm | … if not, Sci- Hub would not exist[ alternative ways to get a pdf] … does it work? |
work_sglspe4szvdgvoiuc2lkf7zbxm | … the system is broken[ retractions] Diapositiva numero 22 … evaluation? |
work_pul6eskgivhj7pubk7chj55r3e | - Bodleian... 15 May 2012 by iholowaty Call for papers: “ Revolutionizing Early Modern Studies ”? |
work_pul6eskgivhj7pubk7chj55r3e | 15/05/2012 by iholowaty · “ Revolutionizing Early Modern Studies ”? |
work_pul6eskgivhj7pubk7chj55r3e | 2) how do texts differ? |
work_pul6eskgivhj7pubk7chj55r3e | 47 User Feedback Conference The SECT project co- hosted, with Oxford EEBO- TCP, the conference “ Revolutionizing Early Modern Studies ”? |
work_pul6eskgivhj7pubk7chj55r3e | Call for papers: “ Revolutionizing Early Modern Studies ”? |
work_pul6eskgivhj7pubk7chj55r3e | Crowdsourcing initiatives often encourage users to build a resource – like Transcribe Bentham, Your Art, What ’s the Score at the Bodleian? |
work_pul6eskgivhj7pubk7chj55r3e | Do you report errors that you find in online resources, including EEBO? |
work_pul6eskgivhj7pubk7chj55r3e | How and where did writers reference enclosure? |
work_pul6eskgivhj7pubk7chj55r3e | How are research methods changing? |
work_pul6eskgivhj7pubk7chj55r3e | How can scholars explain and make explicit their methodologies? |
work_pul6eskgivhj7pubk7chj55r3e | How do they change over time? |
work_pul6eskgivhj7pubk7chj55r3e | How do you prefer to learn how to use digital resources? |
work_pul6eskgivhj7pubk7chj55r3e | How early was such a phrase available in print? |
work_pul6eskgivhj7pubk7chj55r3e | How were woodcuts utilised in other editions of this text? |
work_pul6eskgivhj7pubk7chj55r3e | If it were possible, would you send corrections you spot in EEBO- TCP texts? |
work_pul6eskgivhj7pubk7chj55r3e | Might ProQuest be willing to change their copyright statement to allow use for professional( but not commercial) use? |
work_pul6eskgivhj7pubk7chj55r3e | Much( most?) |
work_pul6eskgivhj7pubk7chj55r3e | On what grounds is it decided if the section of text is considered prologue, dedication or''to the reader''? |
work_pul6eskgivhj7pubk7chj55r3e | Others were uncertain as to how much value a correction process would 45 actually have – how much would it really improve the data? |
work_pul6eskgivhj7pubk7chj55r3e | Participants were asked: What is your main field of specialization? |
work_pul6eskgivhj7pubk7chj55r3e | Respondents were also asked: Would you suggest texts for inclusion in EEBO- TCP? |
work_pul6eskgivhj7pubk7chj55r3e | Respondents were asked: If it were possible, would you send corrections you spot in EEBO- TCP texts? |
work_pul6eskgivhj7pubk7chj55r3e | Respondents were asked: What one thing would you change about EEBO- TCP to improve it, if anything? |
work_pul6eskgivhj7pubk7chj55r3e | Sample research Q:"What early modern books include Shakespeare''s proverb"fat paunches make lean pates"?" |
work_pul6eskgivhj7pubk7chj55r3e | Use of online resources in research How often do you use online resources in your research? |
work_pul6eskgivhj7pubk7chj55r3e | Use of online resources in teaching How often do you use online resources in your teaching? |
work_pul6eskgivhj7pubk7chj55r3e | What improvements/ developments would users like from EEBO- TCP? |
work_pul6eskgivhj7pubk7chj55r3e | What influences literature scholars''desires to use electronic primary sources? |
work_pul6eskgivhj7pubk7chj55r3e | What other, more specific, recommendations emerged from the focus group discussion? |
work_pul6eskgivhj7pubk7chj55r3e | What role can content creators play in this process? |
work_pul6eskgivhj7pubk7chj55r3e | Which is the canonical identifier? |
work_pul6eskgivhj7pubk7chj55r3e | Who are EEBO- TCP ’s users? |
work_pul6eskgivhj7pubk7chj55r3e | • How and where did writers reference bookmarks? |
work_pul6eskgivhj7pubk7chj55r3e | • How common was a phrase like___ in the corpus? |
work_pul6eskgivhj7pubk7chj55r3e | • How do literature scholars use electronic primary sources? |
work_pul6eskgivhj7pubk7chj55r3e | • I want to know more about EEBO- TCP • Make it easier to access information on authors without linking to LION( perhaps also linking to ODNB?) |
work_pul6eskgivhj7pubk7chj55r3e | • Was this abnormality present in multiple editions of this text? |
work_pul6eskgivhj7pubk7chj55r3e | • What kind of genres are there in early English printed texts? |
work_pul6eskgivhj7pubk7chj55r3e | • how do readers read early modern books? |
work_pul6eskgivhj7pubk7chj55r3e | •''Is this word/ phrase common or rare in the period?'' |
work_zyu47yszcfem5ehuzrv2dqu3ka | ( 5 and a bit?) |
work_zyu47yszcfem5ehuzrv2dqu3ka | 1 Can we make an edition that conveniently compares the manuscripts to the print publications? |
work_zyu47yszcfem5ehuzrv2dqu3ka | 11 Next Steps: Questions/ Methods How can we characterize changes by trends established in analysis of each person ’s hand? |
work_zyu47yszcfem5ehuzrv2dqu3ka | 13 A running text stream...? |
work_zyu47yszcfem5ehuzrv2dqu3ka | Can we make a comprehensive collation to show changes to the novel over time, from 1816 to 1831? |
work_zyu47yszcfem5ehuzrv2dqu3ka | How can those changes be attributed and/or characterized? |
work_zyu47yszcfem5ehuzrv2dqu3ka | How can we think about changes as moving closer or further away from a genre baseline? |
work_zyu47yszcfem5ehuzrv2dqu3ka | How do index quantifications like “ how modern ” or “ how scientific ” each version of the text is? |
work_zyu47yszcfem5ehuzrv2dqu3ka | How do we account for “ modern ” and “ scientific ” as rapidly changing ideas? |
work_zyu47yszcfem5ehuzrv2dqu3ka | How does Frankenstein change stylistically across different expressions/ manifestations? |
work_zyu47yszcfem5ehuzrv2dqu3ka | If so, how? |
work_zyu47yszcfem5ehuzrv2dqu3ka | In whose authorial voice is Frankenstein? |
work_zyu47yszcfem5ehuzrv2dqu3ka | MWS in the"Thomas"copy: how much of this persists into 1831? |
work_zyu47yszcfem5ehuzrv2dqu3ka | Or an architecture of bridges? |
work_zyu47yszcfem5ehuzrv2dqu3ka | PBS''s additions: which/ how many of these persist to 1831? |
work_zyu47yszcfem5ehuzrv2dqu3ka | What kinds of questions can we ask with hand- corrected editions that we can not ask with HTRC corpora? |
work_zyu47yszcfem5ehuzrv2dqu3ka | What parts of the novel were most mutable? |
work_zyu47yszcfem5ehuzrv2dqu3ka | Which editorial interventions persist from 1816 to 1831? |
work_zyu47yszcfem5ehuzrv2dqu3ka | How many versions? |
work_yg4xsr7mgjbi5jcc24ox6zhrom | Are the conditions clear and feasible? |
work_yg4xsr7mgjbi5jcc24ox6zhrom | Are there any specific outcomes that you anticipate from these actions? |
work_yg4xsr7mgjbi5jcc24ox6zhrom | Are there any specific outcomes that you anticipate from these actions? |
work_yg4xsr7mgjbi5jcc24ox6zhrom | Are there any specific outcomes that you anticipate from these actions? |
work_yg4xsr7mgjbi5jcc24ox6zhrom | Are there any specific outcomes that you anticipate from these actions? |
work_yg4xsr7mgjbi5jcc24ox6zhrom | Are there any specific outcomes that you anticipate from these actions? |
work_yg4xsr7mgjbi5jcc24ox6zhrom | Are there any specific outcomes that you anticipate from these actions? |
work_yg4xsr7mgjbi5jcc24ox6zhrom | Are there any specific outcomes that you anticipate from these actions? |
work_yg4xsr7mgjbi5jcc24ox6zhrom | Do you give a lot of theory or make people do things immediately to get the experience? |
work_yg4xsr7mgjbi5jcc24ox6zhrom | Do you start at the beginning or at the “ end ” to hook people in? |
work_yg4xsr7mgjbi5jcc24ox6zhrom | How much content do you put on your slides, and how much do you deliver in words only? |
work_yg4xsr7mgjbi5jcc24ox6zhrom | If so, can you please describe them? |
work_yg4xsr7mgjbi5jcc24ox6zhrom | If so, can you please describe them? |
work_yg4xsr7mgjbi5jcc24ox6zhrom | If so, can you please describe them? |
work_yg4xsr7mgjbi5jcc24ox6zhrom | If so, can you please describe them? |
work_yg4xsr7mgjbi5jcc24ox6zhrom | If so, can you please describe them? |
work_yg4xsr7mgjbi5jcc24ox6zhrom | If so, can you please describe them? |
work_yg4xsr7mgjbi5jcc24ox6zhrom | If so, can you please describe them? |
work_yg4xsr7mgjbi5jcc24ox6zhrom | If so, can you please describe them? |
work_yg4xsr7mgjbi5jcc24ox6zhrom | In collaboration with the Research Office: ❖ analyze which researchers are involved in H2020/ FP7( open access pilot?) |
work_yg4xsr7mgjbi5jcc24ox6zhrom | Is it better to allow students to ask questions, or do you work with green and pink stickers? |
work_yg4xsr7mgjbi5jcc24ox6zhrom | Plus discussion Repositories Preservation and publishing What does an archivist do? |
work_yg4xsr7mgjbi5jcc24ox6zhrom | Specifically, what are three things you would like to achieve within the next six months? |
work_yg4xsr7mgjbi5jcc24ox6zhrom | Specifically, what are three things you would like to achieve within the next six months? |
work_yg4xsr7mgjbi5jcc24ox6zhrom | Specifically, what are three things you would like to achieve within the next six months? |
work_yg4xsr7mgjbi5jcc24ox6zhrom | Specifically, what are three things you would like to achieve within the next six months? |
work_yg4xsr7mgjbi5jcc24ox6zhrom | Specifically, what are three things you would like to achieve within the next six months? |
work_yg4xsr7mgjbi5jcc24ox6zhrom | Specifically, what are three things you would like to achieve within the next six months? |
work_yg4xsr7mgjbi5jcc24ox6zhrom | Specifically, what are three things you would like to achieve within the next six months? |
work_yg4xsr7mgjbi5jcc24ox6zhrom | Specifically, what are three things you would like to achieve within the next six months? |
work_yg4xsr7mgjbi5jcc24ox6zhrom | What does a data steward do? |
work_yg4xsr7mgjbi5jcc24ox6zhrom | What is the OAIS model? |
work_yg4xsr7mgjbi5jcc24ox6zhrom | Are there any specific outcomes that you anticipate from these actions? |
work_yg4xsr7mgjbi5jcc24ox6zhrom | ➢ Are you interested in making your data findable, accessible, interoperable and reusable( FAIR)? |
work_yg4xsr7mgjbi5jcc24ox6zhrom | ➢ Do you know what data FAIRness is? |
work_yg4xsr7mgjbi5jcc24ox6zhrom | ➢ How could we help with the Research Data Management? |
work_yg4xsr7mgjbi5jcc24ox6zhrom | ➢ Would you like to have at your disposal a help service for cleaning, data processing and data storage? |
work_5z53qa4tyfftrfgryzulouxfe4 | 3D and VR/ AR in Historical and Cultural Visualization Why use 3D and VR/ AR? |
work_5z53qa4tyfftrfgryzulouxfe4 | 3D scanned or computer generated? |
work_5z53qa4tyfftrfgryzulouxfe4 | Animated or static? |
work_5z53qa4tyfftrfgryzulouxfe4 | Are we talking about vector or raster data? |
work_5z53qa4tyfftrfgryzulouxfe4 | At the same time, this very interdisciplinarity chal- lenges accepted structures of authority: Where should this work take place? |
work_5z53qa4tyfftrfgryzulouxfe4 | But how far should that responsibility go in the case of tools and methods that require a significant effort to master? |
work_5z53qa4tyfftrfgryzulouxfe4 | For example, will researchers and other content creators, libraries and archives, or commercial platforms take the lead? |
work_5z53qa4tyfftrfgryzulouxfe4 | How do we archive this information into digital preservation repositories and make it accessible? |
work_5z53qa4tyfftrfgryzulouxfe4 | How should credit be distributed to contributors? |
work_5z53qa4tyfftrfgryzulouxfe4 | In other words, what kinds of things do we want our standards to encourage and facilitate? |
work_5z53qa4tyfftrfgryzulouxfe4 | In what venues should the work be shared with others? |
work_5z53qa4tyfftrfgryzulouxfe4 | Is it necessary to preserve software, or is an emulation framework required? |
work_5z53qa4tyfftrfgryzulouxfe4 | Is it reasonable to expect librarians to take on this role? |
work_5z53qa4tyfftrfgryzulouxfe4 | Or is it potentially more effective to focus on each major data curation challenge that bears particular relevance for 3D/ VR? |
work_5z53qa4tyfftrfgryzulouxfe4 | Or should the staff of departments and programs arrange to teach and support digital humanities methods? |
work_5z53qa4tyfftrfgryzulouxfe4 | Point clouds or meshes? |
work_5z53qa4tyfftrfgryzulouxfe4 | Raw or edited data? |
work_5z53qa4tyfftrfgryzulouxfe4 | Should the ecosystem be a cen- tralized one or a more loosely associated network? |
work_5z53qa4tyfftrfgryzulouxfe4 | Specifically, what techniques should be applied to preserve native CAD models over archival timeframes? |
work_5z53qa4tyfftrfgryzulouxfe4 | Textured or untextured? |
work_5z53qa4tyfftrfgryzulouxfe4 | What additional process information is re- quired to capture the building lifecycle, and how can that be stored in digital archives? |
work_5z53qa4tyfftrfgryzulouxfe4 | What are the blind spots, particularly for tackling 3D/ VR preservation? |
work_5z53qa4tyfftrfgryzulouxfe4 | What use is a 3D model on its own? |
work_5z53qa4tyfftrfgryzulouxfe4 | Who is leading them? |
work_5z53qa4tyfftrfgryzulouxfe4 | Who should lead it? |
work_5z53qa4tyfftrfgryzulouxfe4 | “ 3D Scans Help Preserve History, But Who Should Own Them? ” All Tech Considered( May 21). |
work_5z53qa4tyfftrfgryzulouxfe4 | “ A Rift in Our Practices? |
work_5z53qa4tyfftrfgryzulouxfe4 | “ Ca n’t Judge a Book by Its Cover? |
work_5z53qa4tyfftrfgryzulouxfe4 | “ Can CAD Be Saved? |
work_5z53qa4tyfftrfgryzulouxfe4 | “ Does Digital Scholarship Have a Future? ” Educause Review 48(4): 24–34. |
work_5z53qa4tyfftrfgryzulouxfe4 | “ Replacing the Squeeze? |
work_5z53qa4tyfftrfgryzulouxfe4 | “ Virtual Reality: How Much Immersion Is Enough? ” Computer 40(7): 36- 43. |
work_5z53qa4tyfftrfgryzulouxfe4 | “ What Happens When You Share 3D Models Online( In 3D)? ” focuses on the broader dissemination of 3D models online through webGL and WebVR. |
work_5z53qa4tyfftrfgryzulouxfe4 | “ Who Cares About 3D Preservation? ” IASSIST Quarterly 42(1): 15–15. |
work_5z53qa4tyfftrfgryzulouxfe4 | “ Who Gets to Be on the Steam Store? ”( blog), June 6, 2018. |
work_5z53qa4tyfftrfgryzulouxfe4 | • At what point does digitized content made for AR or VR not rep- resent the physical artifact on which it is based? |
work_5z53qa4tyfftrfgryzulouxfe4 | • Do digital born artifacts have authenticity as a digital replica? |
work_5z53qa4tyfftrfgryzulouxfe4 | • How much freedom does a 3D artist have? |
work_5z53qa4tyfftrfgryzulouxfe4 | • What are the dependent variables in defining authenticity? |
work_5z53qa4tyfftrfgryzulouxfe4 | • What are the major gaps or issues with the CI model? |
work_5z53qa4tyfftrfgryzulouxfe4 | • Where are the discussions about community infrastructure taking place? |
work_g32yzef3n5bbbpnadc5km6icmm | 23Across the Great Divide • Northwestern University: Do the faculty understand, and/or take advantage of, the Library/ Press relationship? |
work_g32yzef3n5bbbpnadc5km6icmm | And how do we do this at scale? |
work_g32yzef3n5bbbpnadc5km6icmm | Are there alternatives to OJS? |
work_g32yzef3n5bbbpnadc5km6icmm | Are they commercial publishers in all but name, or are they instruments of the academy that can be brought within this new sphere? |
work_g32yzef3n5bbbpnadc5km6icmm | Are we paying attention to what they want and need? |
work_g32yzef3n5bbbpnadc5km6icmm | Can an alignment of goals offer strategic advantages in planning shared innovation and processes? |
work_g32yzef3n5bbbpnadc5km6icmm | Can the options of both the library as a partner for press projects and the press as an advisor for library projects be supported? |
work_g32yzef3n5bbbpnadc5km6icmm | Digital Scholarship Does the library have a support center or formal program to facilitate digital humanities/ digital scholarship activities? |
work_g32yzef3n5bbbpnadc5km6icmm | Do administrators understand the shared values of presses and libraries and why those values are critical for institutions of higher ed? |
work_g32yzef3n5bbbpnadc5km6icmm | For example, what good( and low cost) platforms are being used to publish( OA) journals? |
work_g32yzef3n5bbbpnadc5km6icmm | How are the roles and responsibilities of the library and press defined? |
work_g32yzef3n5bbbpnadc5km6icmm | How can an aligned press and library further the greater institutional mission in ways not possible before? |
work_g32yzef3n5bbbpnadc5km6icmm | How? |
work_g32yzef3n5bbbpnadc5km6icmm | In a post- open- or post- public- access world, who are we working for? |
work_g32yzef3n5bbbpnadc5km6icmm | Is greater mission alignment both desirable and possible as these expectations shift? |
work_g32yzef3n5bbbpnadc5km6icmm | Is it a one- off project, a prototype, or part of a broader infrastructure? |
work_g32yzef3n5bbbpnadc5km6icmm | Is the strategy aligned with the strategic planning of the parent institution? |
work_g32yzef3n5bbbpnadc5km6icmm | Is there a shared vision of the future of scholarly communications and academic publishing? |
work_g32yzef3n5bbbpnadc5km6icmm | Is there agreement that the future goal for monographs in digital form is open access? |
work_g32yzef3n5bbbpnadc5km6icmm | Is there an evolution in what people expect from content and how they may get it? |
work_g32yzef3n5bbbpnadc5km6icmm | Many digital humanities/ digital scholarship projects would benefit from editorial vision and review; how and when is this input gathered? |
work_g32yzef3n5bbbpnadc5km6icmm | Operational Alignment: Are the press and library aligned operationally? |
work_g32yzef3n5bbbpnadc5km6icmm | Strategic Alignment 17Across the Great Divide Are the strategic plans of the library and press created in partnership? |
work_g32yzef3n5bbbpnadc5km6icmm | That is, is it automatically supported or first evaluated for value and impact? |
work_g32yzef3n5bbbpnadc5km6icmm | What about all of the other smaller university presses? |
work_g32yzef3n5bbbpnadc5km6icmm | What approaches are new library publishing/ press ventures to engage and entice the university community to opt for their services? |
work_g32yzef3n5bbbpnadc5km6icmm | What are some structural, financial, administrative, technical, or social barriers? |
work_g32yzef3n5bbbpnadc5km6icmm | What are the challenges in planning future endeavors? |
work_g32yzef3n5bbbpnadc5km6icmm | What book production/ publishing management/ marketing software is available that is low cost but productive? |
work_g32yzef3n5bbbpnadc5km6icmm | What did n’t we ask that you think we should know? |
work_g32yzef3n5bbbpnadc5km6icmm | What do you wish people in the other organization understood? |
work_g32yzef3n5bbbpnadc5km6icmm | What is the response when a faculty member brings a project? |
work_g32yzef3n5bbbpnadc5km6icmm | What is “ publishing ” in these cases? |
work_g32yzef3n5bbbpnadc5km6icmm | What shared infrastructure, workflows, and cross- training opportunities offer the greatest promise for both press and library? |
work_g32yzef3n5bbbpnadc5km6icmm | What, if any, are the models for commerce and OA co- existence? |
work_g32yzef3n5bbbpnadc5km6icmm | What, if any, is the role of the embargo? |
work_g32yzef3n5bbbpnadc5km6icmm | Where do the big, wealthy university presses, that are so important in the monographic marketplace, like Oxford, Cambridge, Harvard, etc., fit in? |
work_g32yzef3n5bbbpnadc5km6icmm | Where is the reader/ researcher in all this? |
work_g32yzef3n5bbbpnadc5km6icmm | Who owns the resulting work? |
work_g32yzef3n5bbbpnadc5km6icmm | Yes: 15( 60%)| No: 10( 40%) Does the library have a digital publishing service? |
work_g32yzef3n5bbbpnadc5km6icmm | to traditional book or journal publications? |
work_g32yzef3n5bbbpnadc5km6icmm | • Purdue: Do all players share a similar definition of what publishing is and might become or of what scholarly communications is and might become? |
work_vjfn27px45henfvxthr2dq7inu | ( p. 367) What will this new regime look like? |
work_vjfn27px45henfvxthr2dq7inu | ( p. 391) Another question is: what will teachers themselves consider as ephemeral and as “ collectible ” and why? |
work_vjfn27px45henfvxthr2dq7inu | 49 NO 3 FALL 2014 “ Reflecting Forward ” on the Digital 679 What are those key elements? |
work_vjfn27px45henfvxthr2dq7inu | And how do we make sure that we do n’t misrepresent the visual data? |
work_vjfn27px45henfvxthr2dq7inu | And if yes, what will be the implications of this for future generations? |
work_vjfn27px45henfvxthr2dq7inu | Are there certain dominant themes? |
work_vjfn27px45henfvxthr2dq7inu | But what is the purpose of such multidirectional memory- work? |
work_vjfn27px45henfvxthr2dq7inu | Do we also have a responsibility to respond to the photograph beyond simply reading it? |
work_vjfn27px45henfvxthr2dq7inu | Elle est l’auteur de l’ouvrage Who do They Think They Are? |
work_vjfn27px45henfvxthr2dq7inu | How do differing national contexts / pasts play out? |
work_vjfn27px45henfvxthr2dq7inu | How does he arrive at this point? |
work_vjfn27px45henfvxthr2dq7inu | How much depends on an individual ’s ability or desire( or prior knowledge) to establish privacy settings? |
work_vjfn27px45henfvxthr2dq7inu | How will we know what is new? |
work_vjfn27px45henfvxthr2dq7inu | Our key question then asks: what kind of pastiche story might be told by bringing together histories as diverse as Canada ’s and South Africa ’s? |
work_vjfn27px45henfvxthr2dq7inu | Preservation of digital literary words: Another model of memory? |
work_vjfn27px45henfvxthr2dq7inu | Question 4: What are some of the new ethical challenges associated with digital representation in multidirectional memory- work? |
work_vjfn27px45henfvxthr2dq7inu | She is the author of Who do They Think They Are? |
work_vjfn27px45henfvxthr2dq7inu | What about what Americans did to Black people?, Michaels asks. |
work_vjfn27px45henfvxthr2dq7inu | What can a teacher do with a cellphone? |
work_vjfn27px45henfvxthr2dq7inu | What do we make of these memories? |
work_vjfn27px45henfvxthr2dq7inu | What is the question that atrocity photographs ask of us? |
work_vjfn27px45henfvxthr2dq7inu | What memories / pasts are missing? |
work_vjfn27px45henfvxthr2dq7inu | What next?) |
work_vjfn27px45henfvxthr2dq7inu | What story do we want our data to tell? |
work_vjfn27px45henfvxthr2dq7inu | What theoretical framework(s) can support the use of digital dialogue for productive forms of remembering that can lead to social agency? |
work_vjfn27px45henfvxthr2dq7inu | What would be the educational usefulness of bringing together these shared and simultaneously vastly different political contexts? |
work_vjfn27px45henfvxthr2dq7inu | While much of this work takes place within a DIY culture, what happens when it is part of a data- gathering project? |
work_vjfn27px45henfvxthr2dq7inu | Who will “ own ” the digital artifacts that are produced? |
work_vjfn27px45henfvxthr2dq7inu | Will this be a case of colonial cringe? |
work_vjfn27px45henfvxthr2dq7inu | Will we inadvertently be contributing to the creation of a virtual museum of the personal? |
work_b4dq5dxi7ng43klitoyjqq2tne | : The challenges of reconstructing cultural heritage 229 Article Born fi dead? |
work_b4dq5dxi7ng43klitoyjqq2tne | And should there be? |
work_b4dq5dxi7ng43klitoyjqq2tne | Available at: |
work_b4dq5dxi7ng43klitoyjqq2tne | Born fi dead? |
work_b4dq5dxi7ng43klitoyjqq2tne | Born fi dead? |
work_b4dq5dxi7ng43klitoyjqq2tne | Born fi dead? |
work_b4dq5dxi7ng43klitoyjqq2tne | Born fi dead? |
work_b4dq5dxi7ng43klitoyjqq2tne | Byrne A( 2003) Digital libraries: Barriers or gateways to scholarly information? |
work_b4dq5dxi7ng43klitoyjqq2tne | Cependant, comment conserver et partager la sagesse? |
work_b4dq5dxi7ng43klitoyjqq2tne | Do you have the means to achieve it? |
work_b4dq5dxi7ng43klitoyjqq2tne | Do you have the space, money, and equipment, and expertise? |
work_b4dq5dxi7ng43klitoyjqq2tne | Entonces, ¿ cómo se puede almacenar y com- partir la sabiduría? |
work_b4dq5dxi7ng43klitoyjqq2tne | How can these two be effectively embodied within the con- text of the library? |
work_b4dq5dxi7ng43klitoyjqq2tne | How will they use it? |
work_b4dq5dxi7ng43klitoyjqq2tne | How, though, can wisdom be stored and shared? |
work_b4dq5dxi7ng43klitoyjqq2tne | In particular, the LOD2 Project was launched to deal with the following issues: � How to improve coherence and quality of data published on the Web? |
work_b4dq5dxi7ng43klitoyjqq2tne | Is it pos- sible to facilitate this in the stacks of the library, or are libraries simply storehouses for dead words? |
work_b4dq5dxi7ng43klitoyjqq2tne | Is there a way to house wisdom, as well, in the library? |
work_b4dq5dxi7ng43klitoyjqq2tne | Is there still a dichotomy in relation to books, education, and libraries that stands between western culture and non- western culture? |
work_b4dq5dxi7ng43klitoyjqq2tne | It becomes Smart: Born fi dead? |
work_b4dq5dxi7ng43klitoyjqq2tne | Malin SC( 2012) What if? |
work_b4dq5dxi7ng43klitoyjqq2tne | Smart: Born fi dead? |
work_b4dq5dxi7ng43klitoyjqq2tne | Smart: Born fi dead? |
work_b4dq5dxi7ng43klitoyjqq2tne | So how do information professionals learn their roles in these different processes? |
work_b4dq5dxi7ng43klitoyjqq2tne | So what are the facets of such an environment and is there any common practi- cal framework to assess its quality and sustainability? |
work_b4dq5dxi7ng43klitoyjqq2tne | Special collections and born digital heritage, Jamaica Born Fi ’ Dead? |
work_b4dq5dxi7ng43klitoyjqq2tne | Special collections and born digital heritage, Jamaica Born fi dead? |
work_b4dq5dxi7ng43klitoyjqq2tne | Special collections and born digital heritage, Jamaica Рождены, чтобы умереть? |
work_b4dq5dxi7ng43klitoyjqq2tne | Special collections and born digital heritage, Jamaica[ Born fi dead? |
work_b4dq5dxi7ng43klitoyjqq2tne | The challenge of digitisation: Technical service or digital scholarship? |
work_b4dq5dxi7ng43klitoyjqq2tne | The report collected, evaluated and provided key answers to the following issues: � Has the digitally encoded information been preserved properly? |
work_b4dq5dxi7ng43klitoyjqq2tne | Traister D( 2010) Is there a future for special collections? |
work_b4dq5dxi7ng43klitoyjqq2tne | What are the goals and objectives? |
work_b4dq5dxi7ng43klitoyjqq2tne | What are the results of establishing western- style education, imposing a western tradition of learning from books on non- western societies? |
work_b4dq5dxi7ng43klitoyjqq2tne | What can an external vendor provide? |
work_b4dq5dxi7ng43klitoyjqq2tne | What is Digital Curation? |
work_b4dq5dxi7ng43klitoyjqq2tne | What is LOD? |
work_b4dq5dxi7ng43klitoyjqq2tne | What might that mean for the self- determination of a nation with different values and processes of legitimation and authority? |
work_b4dq5dxi7ng43klitoyjqq2tne | What would we hear? |
work_b4dq5dxi7ng43klitoyjqq2tne | When is a text not a text? |
work_b4dq5dxi7ng43klitoyjqq2tne | Wie allerdings lässt sich Weisheit sichern und teilen? |
work_b4dq5dxi7ng43klitoyjqq2tne | Would the old tape tear? |
work_b4dq5dxi7ng43klitoyjqq2tne | Would we be able to capture the full audio spectrum adequately? |
work_b4dq5dxi7ng43klitoyjqq2tne | Правда, как можно хранить мудрость и делиться ею? |
work_b4dq5dxi7ng43klitoyjqq2tne | � Are there any copyright issues regarding the materials? |
work_b4dq5dxi7ng43klitoyjqq2tne | � Are there any entire books on Indigenous librarianship? |
work_b4dq5dxi7ng43klitoyjqq2tne | � Are there any special issues of journals on Indi- genous cultural heritage preservation? |
work_b4dq5dxi7ng43klitoyjqq2tne | � Are there external funding opportunities? |
work_b4dq5dxi7ng43klitoyjqq2tne | � Does the pointer or link takes user to the right object? |
work_b4dq5dxi7ng43klitoyjqq2tne | � Has it been changed in some way? |
work_b4dq5dxi7ng43klitoyjqq2tne | � How to close the performance gap between relational and RDF data management? |
work_b4dq5dxi7ng43klitoyjqq2tne | � How to establish Trust on the LD Web and gen- erally lower the entrance barrier for data pub- lishers and users? |
work_b4dq5dxi7ng43klitoyjqq2tne | � How will you incorporate quality management into all stages of the project? |
work_b4dq5dxi7ng43klitoyjqq2tne | � Is a social networking component envisioned, such as crowd- sourced transcription or meta- data enhancement? |
work_b4dq5dxi7ng43klitoyjqq2tne | � Is it of high quality? |
work_b4dq5dxi7ng43klitoyjqq2tne | � Should the digitization be accomplished in house or by external service providers? |
work_b4dq5dxi7ng43klitoyjqq2tne | � What conferences might I attend to hear the latest about Indigenous cultural heritage preservation? |
work_b4dq5dxi7ng43klitoyjqq2tne | � What do you want to digitize and why? |
work_b4dq5dxi7ng43klitoyjqq2tne | � What is the final format of the project? |
work_b4dq5dxi7ng43klitoyjqq2tne | � What level of complexity can be achieved? |
work_b4dq5dxi7ng43klitoyjqq2tne | � Who should be involved in the planning? |
work_b4dq5dxi7ng43klitoyjqq2tne | � Who will create the metadata? |
work_b4dq5dxi7ng43klitoyjqq2tne | � Who will curate the preserved information? |
work_b4dq5dxi7ng43klitoyjqq2tne | � Who will decide what needs to be preserved? |
work_b4dq5dxi7ng43klitoyjqq2tne | � Who will pay for it? |
work_b4dq5dxi7ng43klitoyjqq2tne | � Who will use it? |
work_vwbmyxsghnfjjb4h27jeugny4m | And what of the digital prepress materials at Farrar, Straus and Giroux? |
work_vwbmyxsghnfjjb4h27jeugny4m | Are there ways of mapping the interior of a book? |
work_vwbmyxsghnfjjb4h27jeugny4m | But what might digital tools offer scholars who are interested in textual history? |
work_vwbmyxsghnfjjb4h27jeugny4m | But what might we learn if we do think about the entrance of old media into the platforms of new media? |
work_vwbmyxsghnfjjb4h27jeugny4m | Franzen ’s email correspondence with agents, editors, publicists, and friends, and confidantes? |
work_vwbmyxsghnfjjb4h27jeugny4m | How is the history of soft- ware being preserved? |
work_vwbmyxsghnfjjb4h27jeugny4m | How many of us encounter the objects of our study unmediated through subsequent technologies? |
work_vwbmyxsghnfjjb4h27jeugny4m | Is it the application or the complete operating environment? |
work_vwbmyxsghnfjjb4h27jeugny4m | Is software the user inter- face that most of us see and experience, or is it the lines of source code? |
work_vwbmyxsghnfjjb4h27jeugny4m | Merely a good, clean copy of the text? |
work_vwbmyxsghnfjjb4h27jeugny4m | Parikka ’s What is Media Archaeology? |
work_vwbmyxsghnfjjb4h27jeugny4m | Paul Duguid addressed these issues early and compellingly in “ Inheritance and Loss? |
work_vwbmyxsghnfjjb4h27jeugny4m | So what can we say about today ’s objects of tomorrow ’s book history? |
work_vwbmyxsghnfjjb4h27jeugny4m | What about documentation, packaging, and other kinds of ancillary material? |
work_vwbmyxsghnfjjb4h27jeugny4m | What are the material realities of book- writing, bookmaking, and bookselling in the present moment? |
work_vwbmyxsghnfjjb4h27jeugny4m | What does it mean, then, to study histories of authorship, publishing, and reading right now? |
work_vwbmyxsghnfjjb4h27jeugny4m | What might digitizations do other than show us pages of text? |
work_vwbmyxsghnfjjb4h27jeugny4m | What might the distribution of dirt tell us about the usage of books? |
work_vwbmyxsghnfjjb4h27jeugny4m | What will such persons wish to have available to them as prerequisites for scholarly inquiry? |
work_vwbmyxsghnfjjb4h27jeugny4m | What would forensic computing tell us about the expurgated fragments of files on the original hard disk? |
work_vwbmyxsghnfjjb4h27jeugny4m | Will Franzen allow them to be accessioned by whatever institution eventually acquires his literary papers? |
work_vwbmyxsghnfjjb4h27jeugny4m | Will the documents con- tain track changes and other algorithmically encoded versions and variants? |
work_etoqmx7jond7jkg2zg5zyvaoje | 39 Armitage, Foundations of Modern International Thought; Armitage “ What ’s the Big Idea? |
work_etoqmx7jond7jkg2zg5zyvaoje | Are we all global historians now? |
work_etoqmx7jond7jkg2zg5zyvaoje | Are we all global historians now? |
work_etoqmx7jond7jkg2zg5zyvaoje | But that is a Western phenomenon, is it not? |
work_etoqmx7jond7jkg2zg5zyvaoje | Could you tell us something about your life story? |
work_etoqmx7jond7jkg2zg5zyvaoje | Did you ask Harvard University Press to publish one chapter as a separate book? |
work_etoqmx7jond7jkg2zg5zyvaoje | Do Harvard historians have a duty to speak to the general public? |
work_etoqmx7jond7jkg2zg5zyvaoje | Do you consider your work to have moral implications? |
work_etoqmx7jond7jkg2zg5zyvaoje | Do you feel that it was a crucial step in your academic and professional career? |
work_etoqmx7jond7jkg2zg5zyvaoje | Does it not also depend on the audience historians are writing for? |
work_etoqmx7jond7jkg2zg5zyvaoje | Does this make you a public historian? |
work_etoqmx7jond7jkg2zg5zyvaoje | Finally, how might you define the future of Intellectual History? |
work_etoqmx7jond7jkg2zg5zyvaoje | How can faculty members reach out, under what circumstances, with what kind of encouragements? |
work_etoqmx7jond7jkg2zg5zyvaoje | How can this be made relevant to them? |
work_etoqmx7jond7jkg2zg5zyvaoje | How can we not? |
work_etoqmx7jond7jkg2zg5zyvaoje | How different was American academia from what you were used to back in Britain? |
work_etoqmx7jond7jkg2zg5zyvaoje | How do we evaluate digital scholarship in non- traditional formats? |
work_etoqmx7jond7jkg2zg5zyvaoje | How do you do what we do as interpretative, evaluative, qualitative scholars in that kind of scaled- up, massive on- line environment? |
work_etoqmx7jond7jkg2zg5zyvaoje | How do you gain protection from that? |
work_etoqmx7jond7jkg2zg5zyvaoje | Is EdX going to be one of your priorities as Chair of the History Department at Harvard? |
work_etoqmx7jond7jkg2zg5zyvaoje | Is it essential for US or British historians to continue doing national history for the same reasons? |
work_etoqmx7jond7jkg2zg5zyvaoje | Is it even possible for us to do what we do in that kind of environment? ’. |
work_etoqmx7jond7jkg2zg5zyvaoje | Is it valued by the Harvard administration? |
work_etoqmx7jond7jkg2zg5zyvaoje | Is there anything you would like to add to conclude our interview? |
work_etoqmx7jond7jkg2zg5zyvaoje | Itinerario Interview Are We All Global Historians Now? |
work_etoqmx7jond7jkg2zg5zyvaoje | Should historians consider these questions as well? |
work_etoqmx7jond7jkg2zg5zyvaoje | Should we characterize the period 1993- 2004 as the ‘ Atlanticist ’ decade of your career? |
work_etoqmx7jond7jkg2zg5zyvaoje | So Princeton, not Cambridge, was the decisive influence in your career? |
work_etoqmx7jond7jkg2zg5zyvaoje | So the really interesting questions are: ‘ how do we do what we do in that kind of environment? |
work_etoqmx7jond7jkg2zg5zyvaoje | So what might those better arguments be, instead of the shorthand assumptions that Jefferson built into the document? |
work_etoqmx7jond7jkg2zg5zyvaoje | To answer the larger question, are we all global historians now? |
work_etoqmx7jond7jkg2zg5zyvaoje | Was it your intention to speak to a wider audience? |
work_etoqmx7jond7jkg2zg5zyvaoje | Were there any negative reactions to your interpretation of the Declaration of Independence? |
work_etoqmx7jond7jkg2zg5zyvaoje | Were you influenced by Prof. Bernard Bailyn ’s conceptualization of Atlantic history? |
work_etoqmx7jond7jkg2zg5zyvaoje | What about your research and publications at this time? |
work_etoqmx7jond7jkg2zg5zyvaoje | What are the university ’s responsibilities towards a wider audience beyond its gates? |
work_etoqmx7jond7jkg2zg5zyvaoje | What difference did it make to your intellectual interests and academic career? |
work_etoqmx7jond7jkg2zg5zyvaoje | What is your position with regard to FEEGI discussions about hemispheric history versus world history and European expansion versus world history? |
work_etoqmx7jond7jkg2zg5zyvaoje | What more could one want? |
work_etoqmx7jond7jkg2zg5zyvaoje | What will be History ’s contribution to the joint MIT- Harvard EdX initiative( |
work_etoqmx7jond7jkg2zg5zyvaoje | Where were you born, where did you grow up, what is your family background? |
work_etoqmx7jond7jkg2zg5zyvaoje | Why did he mention empire, discovery and colonization, oftentimes with a negative valence? |
work_ndkln7bkbjaibigb7xbortgioq | 52 Future Looking forward, what challenges do you see for yourself as you continue to do research? |
work_ndkln7bkbjaibigb7xbortgioq | Digital Scholarship( if relevant) How have new technologies impacted your scholarship? |
work_ndkln7bkbjaibigb7xbortgioq | Discovery How do researchers obtain information, begin the process of discovery, and use network and local resources in the field? |
work_ndkln7bkbjaibigb7xbortgioq | From another library? |
work_ndkln7bkbjaibigb7xbortgioq | How would that impact your work? |
work_ndkln7bkbjaibigb7xbortgioq | Interviewer: At dead ends? |
work_ndkln7bkbjaibigb7xbortgioq | Interviewer: At what point do you talk to the librarians? |
work_ndkln7bkbjaibigb7xbortgioq | Interviewer: Do you ever talk to them about the overall process of research and writing? |
work_ndkln7bkbjaibigb7xbortgioq | Interviewer: Have you worked with any of the librarians on campus? |
work_ndkln7bkbjaibigb7xbortgioq | Interviewer: So if there is something that you can not find, that ’s when you go? |
work_ndkln7bkbjaibigb7xbortgioq | Interviewer: “ Does your campus library have a role in your research? |
work_ndkln7bkbjaibigb7xbortgioq | Library and Resources Use of archives o Are you doing archival research for your current project? |
work_ndkln7bkbjaibigb7xbortgioq | Research What research methodologies are currently in use and how are these expected to change? |
work_ndkln7bkbjaibigb7xbortgioq | The first question was – where will be put it[ the GIS project]? |
work_ndkln7bkbjaibigb7xbortgioq | They like it. ” “ Do you know what they use? ” “ No clue. |
work_ndkln7bkbjaibigb7xbortgioq | What happens when you ca n’t find something? |
work_ndkln7bkbjaibigb7xbortgioq | What support is available – locally or distributed – to help facilitate the research process? |
work_ndkln7bkbjaibigb7xbortgioq | What technology support do you wish the library offered? |
work_ndkln7bkbjaibigb7xbortgioq | What types of resources were you using for your dissertation? |
work_ndkln7bkbjaibigb7xbortgioq | Which ones? |
work_ndkln7bkbjaibigb7xbortgioq | Why not bring in more people? ” 33 “ What does interest me is making w hat we do relevant outsi de of thi s buil ding. |
work_ndkln7bkbjaibigb7xbortgioq | o Do you wish any of these materials were available digitally? |
work_ndkln7bkbjaibigb7xbortgioq | o Have you used a digital camera while you ’re working in archives? |
work_ndkln7bkbjaibigb7xbortgioq | o Have you used any technology services offered by the library? |
work_ndkln7bkbjaibigb7xbortgioq | o Have you worked with a history librarian at your library for this project? |
work_ndkln7bkbjaibigb7xbortgioq | o How did you capture information while you were there? |
work_ndkln7bkbjaibigb7xbortgioq | o How did you develop your topic? |
work_ndkln7bkbjaibigb7xbortgioq | o How did you prepare for your visit? |
work_ndkln7bkbjaibigb7xbortgioq | o How did you start finding materials for your project? |
work_ndkln7bkbjaibigb7xbortgioq | o How did you work with your research notes once you came back? |
work_ndkln7bkbjaibigb7xbortgioq | o How do you know when you have everything you need? |
work_ndkln7bkbjaibigb7xbortgioq | o Were all the resources you needed available to you on campus? |
work_ndkln7bkbjaibigb7xbortgioq | o What do you do if something is n’t readily available? |
work_ndkln7bkbjaibigb7xbortgioq | o What do you wish was available to you on campus that is n’t? |
work_ndkln7bkbjaibigb7xbortgioq | o What obstacles have you experienced in working on this project? |
work_ndkln7bkbjaibigb7xbortgioq | o What ’s the most valuable thing that the library helps you with? |
work_ndkln7bkbjaibigb7xbortgioq | o Where did you start? |
work_ndkln7bkbjaibigb7xbortgioq | “ Do you use a citation management software? ” “ I have n’t, but some of the students have. |
work_ndkln7bkbjaibigb7xbortgioq | Challenges 51 o What are the biggest barriers to finding the resources you need? |
work_ndkln7bkbjaibigb7xbortgioq | Challenges o What ’s going really well with your current project? |
work_ndkln7bkbjaibigb7xbortgioq | Collaboration o Have you worked on any collaborative projects? |
work_ndkln7bkbjaibigb7xbortgioq | Have you worked with a digital humanities center, or equivalent, on any of your projects? |
work_ndkln7bkbjaibigb7xbortgioq | How did you go about building skills in this method? |
work_ndkln7bkbjaibigb7xbortgioq | How has your approach to research changed since then? |
work_ndkln7bkbjaibigb7xbortgioq | Is there anything you wish you had time or resource to learn? |
work_ndkln7bkbjaibigb7xbortgioq | Last time you were exploring a new topic, for class prep or for a potential research project, what did you do? |
work_ndkln7bkbjaibigb7xbortgioq | Last time you were looking for a book or article, what did you do? |
work_ndkln7bkbjaibigb7xbortgioq | Looking forward, what challenges do you see your field facing as methods continue to evolve? |
work_ndkln7bkbjaibigb7xbortgioq | Use of digital collections o Are you using digitized collections – text, images, video – in your current project? |
work_ndkln7bkbjaibigb7xbortgioq | Use of other libraries o What other libraries, archives, societies, or collections are you working with on your current project? |
work_ndkln7bkbjaibigb7xbortgioq | Use of the campus library o How would you describe the library ’s role in your research? |
work_ndkln7bkbjaibigb7xbortgioq | What ca n’t you find with Google and your usual search strategies? |
work_ndkln7bkbjaibigb7xbortgioq | What impact has this method had on your scholarship? |
work_ndkln7bkbjaibigb7xbortgioq | What inspired you to try this new method/ approach/ technology? |
work_ndkln7bkbjaibigb7xbortgioq | What obstacles have you encountered in conducting research for your current project? |
work_zosejaztubbbpdxl254n7yli5i | ( Group A) § How do you determine the scope of ICPSR ’s collection? |
work_zosejaztubbbpdxl254n7yli5i | ( Group A) § What are critical factors that may influence researchers ’ willingness to share their data? |
work_zosejaztubbbpdxl254n7yli5i | ( Group B) § Does ICPSR provide other services or support to further connect the data depositors and data reusers? |
work_zosejaztubbbpdxl254n7yli5i | ( Their experience with OpenICPSR?) |
work_zosejaztubbbpdxl254n7yli5i | ( What year were you involved) What primary tasks does your job involve? |
work_zosejaztubbbpdxl254n7yli5i | ( What year were you involved) § What primary tasks does your job involve? |
work_zosejaztubbbpdxl254n7yli5i | ( yellow post- its) Question 3: Can you think of any desired tools( tools may not exist) or technology which can facilitating your actions at ICPSR? |
work_zosejaztubbbpdxl254n7yli5i | 00:55- 00:60 Debriefing-- Suggestions about research instrument? |
work_zosejaztubbbpdxl254n7yli5i | 23 § What is your observation? |
work_zosejaztubbbpdxl254n7yli5i | Are they different from quantitative one? |
work_zosejaztubbbpdxl254n7yli5i | Do you have any observation? |
work_zosejaztubbbpdxl254n7yli5i | Does ICPSR provide other services or support to further connect the data depositors and reusers? |
work_zosejaztubbbpdxl254n7yli5i | How does ICPSR decide which areas should be given priority? |
work_zosejaztubbbpdxl254n7yli5i | If yes, jump to 5B If no, have you heard about your colleagues or others in ICPSR curating qualitative data? |
work_zosejaztubbbpdxl254n7yli5i | Is OpenICPSR within the scope of ICPSR? |
work_zosejaztubbbpdxl254n7yli5i | Is there any special case or example that you would like to share? |
work_zosejaztubbbpdxl254n7yli5i | Is there any special case or example that you would like to share? |
work_zosejaztubbbpdxl254n7yli5i | It''s not as cut and dried to use Word as a proprietary format, to use XML, or PDFs, or if you put it in a PDF, is it searchable? |
work_zosejaztubbbpdxl254n7yli5i | Prompts: Computer equipments Software Online services Internal toolkits? |
work_zosejaztubbbpdxl254n7yli5i | Prompts: How long have you been involved in your current job? |
work_zosejaztubbbpdxl254n7yli5i | Prompts: When will data be referred to the QDR? |
work_zosejaztubbbpdxl254n7yli5i | Prompts: § Are these decisions from ICPSR ’s interval decision? |
work_zosejaztubbbpdxl254n7yli5i | Prompts: § Computer equipments § Software 20 § Online services § Internal toolkits? |
work_zosejaztubbbpdxl254n7yli5i | Prompts: § Do ICPSR members mention anything about ICPSR? |
work_zosejaztubbbpdxl254n7yli5i | Prompts: § Has a PI ever told you about or you have heard--- the factors could influence PI ’s willingness? |
work_zosejaztubbbpdxl254n7yli5i | Prompts: § How long have you been involved in your current job? |
work_zosejaztubbbpdxl254n7yli5i | Question 2: Are there any tools that you use? |
work_zosejaztubbbpdxl254n7yli5i | Question 4: Can you think of any desired tools or technology( tools may not exist) which can facilitating your actions at ICPSR? |
work_zosejaztubbbpdxl254n7yli5i | Question 4: How do you determine the scope of ICPSR ’s collection? |
work_zosejaztubbbpdxl254n7yli5i | Was anything unclear? |
work_zosejaztubbbpdxl254n7yli5i | Was anything unclear? |
work_zosejaztubbbpdxl254n7yli5i | What are the current challenges of the underlying technologies at a data repository? |
work_zosejaztubbbpdxl254n7yli5i | What are the current practices in a data repository? |
work_zosejaztubbbpdxl254n7yli5i | What are the desired information technologies( ITs) perceived by employees to support their data repository services? |
work_zosejaztubbbpdxl254n7yli5i | What drives academic data sharing?. |
work_zosejaztubbbpdxl254n7yli5i | What general challenges do they see regarding social science data sharing? |
work_zosejaztubbbpdxl254n7yli5i | § Are they from: § Individual incentives § Research culture § Institution 00:55- 00:60 Debriefing-- Suggestions about research instrument? |
work_zosejaztubbbpdxl254n7yli5i | § How does ICPSR decide to add a new interest? |
work_zosejaztubbbpdxl254n7yli5i | § Is there any plan for further promoting Open- ICPSR to ICPSR members? |
work_zosejaztubbbpdxl254n7yli5i | § Recent research hot topics( recent publications)? |
work_zosejaztubbbpdxl254n7yli5i | § members ’ opinions or feedback? |
work_zosejaztubbbpdxl254n7yli5i | § or community or specific researchers ’ demands? |
work_qbzxmn7jtzamvelgksfxdht5x4 | An obvious lay question is: Which one is best? |
work_qbzxmn7jtzamvelgksfxdht5x4 | And what do the strong links among them indicate? |
work_qbzxmn7jtzamvelgksfxdht5x4 | B o d en st ed t 1 8 6 7 7 T u g en d? |
work_qbzxmn7jtzamvelgksfxdht5x4 | B u h ss 1 9 9 6( T) 3 0 H H C h ar ak te r? |
work_qbzxmn7jtzamvelgksfxdht5x4 | But the problem is already clear: By what criteria, or whose, do we judge? |
work_qbzxmn7jtzamvelgksfxdht5x4 | C h ar ac te r? |
work_qbzxmn7jtzamvelgksfxdht5x4 | Can it be that textual ‘ affect ’ is relatively less, because that is the kind of character, the mind, the ‘ virtue ’ Othello is projecting? |
work_qbzxmn7jtzamvelgksfxdht5x4 | Could digital tools help to explore such questions and communicate their interest to a wider public? |
work_qbzxmn7jtzamvelgksfxdht5x4 | Does the answer lie in linguistic, textual qualities of the translation, measured in terms of its relation to the original work? |
work_qbzxmn7jtzamvelgksfxdht5x4 | E ck er t) 1 7 7 9( S) 3 L L T u g en d? |
work_qbzxmn7jtzamvelgksfxdht5x4 | E n er g y? |
work_qbzxmn7jtzamvelgksfxdht5x4 | E n g el 1 9 3 9( T) 1 3 E n er g ie? |
work_qbzxmn7jtzamvelgksfxdht5x4 | Eddy ’s highest score is for ‘ Charakter? |
work_qbzxmn7jtzamvelgksfxdht5x4 | Eddy ’s lowest- scoring translation is ‘ Tugend? |
work_qbzxmn7jtzamvelgksfxdht5x4 | Experiments with Eddy and Viv 4.1 Eddy and ‘ Virtue? |
work_qbzxmn7jtzamvelgksfxdht5x4 | F la tt er 1 9 5 2 1 7 T u g en d? |
work_qbzxmn7jtzamvelgksfxdht5x4 | Günther is the most celebrated living German Shakespeare translator: do these lines trace his debts to less famous precursors? |
work_qbzxmn7jtzamvelgksfxdht5x4 | If not, what would it discover? |
work_qbzxmn7jtzamvelgksfxdht5x4 | In y o u r p o w er? |
work_qbzxmn7jtzamvelgksfxdht5x4 | Jo rd an 1 8 6 7 8 T u g en d? |
work_qbzxmn7jtzamvelgksfxdht5x4 | Mutual influence, plagiarism, common external influence? |
work_qbzxmn7jtzamvelgksfxdht5x4 | N o n se n se � B o lt e an d H am b lo ck 1 9 8 5( S) 2 7 H H N ic h t in d ei n er M ac h t? |
work_qbzxmn7jtzamvelgksfxdht5x4 | N o t in y o u r p o w er? |
work_qbzxmn7jtzamvelgksfxdht5x4 | N o t in y o u r p o w er? |
work_qbzxmn7jtzamvelgksfxdht5x4 | N o t in y o u r p o w er? |
work_qbzxmn7jtzamvelgksfxdht5x4 | Or does it lie solely in institutional factors? |
work_qbzxmn7jtzamvelgksfxdht5x4 | Or in some quali- ties of it, measured in relation to alternative versions or other target culture corpora? |
work_qbzxmn7jtzamvelgksfxdht5x4 | P o w er? |
work_qbzxmn7jtzamvelgksfxdht5x4 | P o w er? |
work_qbzxmn7jtzamvelgksfxdht5x4 | Perhaps a multi- retranslation corpus could be used to discover which items provoke vari- ation, as a proxy for such knowledge? |
work_qbzxmn7jtzamvelgksfxdht5x4 | Perhaps translators respond to this ‘ low affect ’ by writing less differently? |
work_qbzxmn7jtzamvelgksfxdht5x4 | Q u at sc h V ir tu e? |
work_qbzxmn7jtzamvelgksfxdht5x4 | R o th e 1 9 5 6 1 8 M ac h t? |
work_qbzxmn7jtzamvelgksfxdht5x4 | S ch al le r 1 9 5 9 1 9 T u g en d? |
work_qbzxmn7jtzamvelgksfxdht5x4 | S ch il le r an d V o ss 1 8 0 5( P) C f.# 4,# 1 1 4 L T u g en d? |
work_qbzxmn7jtzamvelgksfxdht5x4 | S ch rö d er 1 9 6 2 2 0 T u g en d? |
work_qbzxmn7jtzamvelgksfxdht5x4 | V ir tu e? |
work_qbzxmn7jtzamvelgksfxdht5x4 | V ir tu e? |
work_qbzxmn7jtzamvelgksfxdht5x4 | V ir tu e? |
work_qbzxmn7jtzamvelgksfxdht5x4 | V ir tu e? |
work_qbzxmn7jtzamvelgksfxdht5x4 | V ir tu e? |
work_qbzxmn7jtzamvelgksfxdht5x4 | V ir tu e? |
work_qbzxmn7jtzamvelgksfxdht5x4 | V ir tu e? |
work_qbzxmn7jtzamvelgksfxdht5x4 | V ir tu e? |
work_qbzxmn7jtzamvelgksfxdht5x4 | What could they be proxies for? |
work_qbzxmn7jtzamvelgksfxdht5x4 | Why? |
work_qbzxmn7jtzamvelgksfxdht5x4 | Z ey n ek?- 1 9 4 8( T) 1 6 L ‘ T u g en d ’? |
work_qbzxmn7jtzamvelgksfxdht5x4 | Zeynek(?-1948) ap- pears to be writing a C19 style in the 1940s. |
work_qbzxmn7jtzamvelgksfxdht5x4 | Zeynek, T.(?-1948). |
work_qbzxmn7jtzamvelgksfxdht5x4 | [ C ra p] R ü d ig er 1 9 8 3( T) 2 6 L L T u g en d? |
work_qbzxmn7jtzamvelgksfxdht5x4 | [ d ia le ct al: S G er m an] � E n g le r 1 9 7 6( S) 2 4 H H N ic h t in d ei n er M ac h t? |
work_qbzxmn7jtzamvelgksfxdht5x4 | [ s o ft ch ee se/n o n se n se] L au te rb ac h 1 9 7 3( T) C f.# 2 7 2 3 M ac h t? |
work_qbzxmn7jtzamvelgksfxdht5x4 | fi ck d ra u f V ir tu e? |
work_qbzxmn7jtzamvelgksfxdht5x4 | fu ck it S w ac zy n n a 1 9 7 2( T) 2 1 H H In d ei n er M ac h t? |
work_qbzxmn7jtzamvelgksfxdht5x4 | is a prudent response to credible( scientific experts ’?) |
work_qbzxmn7jtzamvelgksfxdht5x4 | ‘ Stockpiling ’( by the population, or the civil authorities?) |
work_qbzxmn7jtzamvelgksfxdht5x4 | ‘ V ir tu e ’? |
work_qbzxmn7jtzamvelgksfxdht5x4 | � B au d is si n[ S ch le g el-T ie ck] 1 8 3 2( P) 6 T u g en d? |
work_qbzxmn7jtzamvelgksfxdht5x4 | � Z ai m o g lu an d S en k el 2 0 0 3 3 1 H H N ic h t in d ei n er M ac h t? |
work_apmuwdugyzerbb7gyu5ghphaua | ( Could an editorial board member find a new publisher and move the journal/ book series/ conference proceeding? |
work_apmuwdugyzerbb7gyu5ghphaua | A growing number of libraries are now asking, can library budgets support the production of scholarly publications differently? |
work_apmuwdugyzerbb7gyu5ghphaua | Additionally, programs will want to consider: • Will the publishing program preserve all publications? |
work_apmuwdugyzerbb7gyu5ghphaua | Are additional services being added as requested? |
work_apmuwdugyzerbb7gyu5ghphaua | Are editorial workflows keeping up with an increase in content? |
work_apmuwdugyzerbb7gyu5ghphaua | Are publishing staff able to maintain developed workflows? |
work_apmuwdugyzerbb7gyu5ghphaua | Are these one- time costs or on- going? |
work_apmuwdugyzerbb7gyu5ghphaua | Can it be done at the library level or the university level? |
work_apmuwdugyzerbb7gyu5ghphaua | Can the author, as the copyright holder, set up their own digital storefront? |
work_apmuwdugyzerbb7gyu5ghphaua | Can they instead support the production in a new system where they know and control the costs? |
work_apmuwdugyzerbb7gyu5ghphaua | Does the university have a mission to support the public( e.g., land- grant mission)? |
work_apmuwdugyzerbb7gyu5ghphaua | Generally, all of the following points should be considered: • What can the technology for each type of publication automate? |
work_apmuwdugyzerbb7gyu5ghphaua | Generally, this section should address the following questions: • What type of publications will be published? |
work_apmuwdugyzerbb7gyu5ghphaua | If the publishing program sells print copies of books, will there be a markup fee? |
work_apmuwdugyzerbb7gyu5ghphaua | Is the publication being cited? |
work_apmuwdugyzerbb7gyu5ghphaua | Is the publication meeting publication- specific goals? |
work_apmuwdugyzerbb7gyu5ghphaua | Or are there EZproxy or Shibboleth requirements? |
work_apmuwdugyzerbb7gyu5ghphaua | Or, for political reasons, does there need to be a university affiliation with the publication? |
work_apmuwdugyzerbb7gyu5ghphaua | Publications 2018, 6, 42 5 of 14 • How can library publishing tie its goals to that of the institution ’s? |
work_apmuwdugyzerbb7gyu5ghphaua | What case needs to be made that library publishers are necessary, effective disruptors to the current scholarly publishing environment? |
work_apmuwdugyzerbb7gyu5ghphaua | What will the publisher be responsible for? |
work_apmuwdugyzerbb7gyu5ghphaua | When eligible, is the publication included in disciplinary- appropriate indexes? |
work_apmuwdugyzerbb7gyu5ghphaua | o How will service rates be calculated? |
work_apmuwdugyzerbb7gyu5ghphaua | o What expenses will potential revenue cover? |
work_apmuwdugyzerbb7gyu5ghphaua | o Will staffing and core technologies be paid for by the library ’s budget or covered by publishing revenue? |
work_apmuwdugyzerbb7gyu5ghphaua | o Will the service charge fees for any/ all services? |
work_apmuwdugyzerbb7gyu5ghphaua | • Are allocated or revenue generated funds scooped at the end of the year( i.e., spend or return to the university)? |
work_apmuwdugyzerbb7gyu5ghphaua | • Are there other library or campus programs that currently serve the needs of the identified publication type? |
work_apmuwdugyzerbb7gyu5ghphaua | • Can the library and/or university budget cover expenses of non- affiliates? |
work_apmuwdugyzerbb7gyu5ghphaua | • Can the library ’s publishing unit support external publications? |
work_apmuwdugyzerbb7gyu5ghphaua | • Can the program ’s selected technology work with affiliates and non- affiliates? |
work_apmuwdugyzerbb7gyu5ghphaua | • Do all publication types require the same amount of time and attention from the program staff? |
work_apmuwdugyzerbb7gyu5ghphaua | • Does the program have a discipline specialty or focus? |
work_apmuwdugyzerbb7gyu5ghphaua | • Does the university recognize the benefits of library publishing? |
work_apmuwdugyzerbb7gyu5ghphaua | • How can either party end the business relationship between publisher and publication? |
work_apmuwdugyzerbb7gyu5ghphaua | • How can library publishing get an initial allocation? |
work_apmuwdugyzerbb7gyu5ghphaua | • How can the content be used? |
work_apmuwdugyzerbb7gyu5ghphaua | • How can/ will the service leverage the university ’s budget model? |
work_apmuwdugyzerbb7gyu5ghphaua | • How will clients contact the publisher? |
work_apmuwdugyzerbb7gyu5ghphaua | • How will costs, charged directly to clients or covered by the library, be communicated to clients? |
work_apmuwdugyzerbb7gyu5ghphaua | • How will customer service be approached in relation to existing library services? |
work_apmuwdugyzerbb7gyu5ghphaua | • If costs are recovered, and revenue is generated, does that money need to be given back to the university? |
work_apmuwdugyzerbb7gyu5ghphaua | • Scalability: Is the publication able to respond to increased readership? |
work_apmuwdugyzerbb7gyu5ghphaua | • Scalability: Is there a growth in number of publications? |
work_apmuwdugyzerbb7gyu5ghphaua | • Visibility: Is the publication attracting readership? |
work_apmuwdugyzerbb7gyu5ghphaua | • Visibility: Is there campus awareness of the publishing program? |
work_apmuwdugyzerbb7gyu5ghphaua | • What about publications that cease or move to another publisher? |
work_apmuwdugyzerbb7gyu5ghphaua | • What is the average cost associated with each type of publication? |
work_apmuwdugyzerbb7gyu5ghphaua | • What level of service will be provided to each publication? |
work_apmuwdugyzerbb7gyu5ghphaua | • What will the editors of each publication be responsible for? |
work_apmuwdugyzerbb7gyu5ghphaua | • Which authors/ editors are eligible? |
work_apmuwdugyzerbb7gyu5ghphaua | • Which expenditures are flat versus usage- based? |
work_apmuwdugyzerbb7gyu5ghphaua | • Which pre- existing memberships or technologies will the program use? |
work_apmuwdugyzerbb7gyu5ghphaua | • Who does the title of the journal belong to? |
work_apmuwdugyzerbb7gyu5ghphaua | • Will a journal ’s webpages be preserved, or just PDFs? |
work_apmuwdugyzerbb7gyu5ghphaua | • Will production files be preserved, or just version of record? |
work_apmuwdugyzerbb7gyu5ghphaua | • Will publishing staff be available to assist the editors of publications on an on- going basis( serials) or for only a limited time( monograph)? |
work_apmuwdugyzerbb7gyu5ghphaua | • Will the program prioritize the works of different groups? |
work_uo666soykrfpheppj27wazqfam | Are there any statistics on access to the article that can give a sense of the impact of the research? |
work_uo666soykrfpheppj27wazqfam | Are there plans to archive the blog or to repurpose parts as publications? |
work_uo666soykrfpheppj27wazqfam | Are there sta- tistics that show the reach and impact of the blog? |
work_uo666soykrfpheppj27wazqfam | Did the editor also report on the research and decisions behind the edition? |
work_uo666soykrfpheppj27wazqfam | Do we really want our tools to be built only by Google and to thus be geared for handling business documentation? |
work_uo666soykrfpheppj27wazqfam | First, there will be documentation about job expecta- tions so that the evaluators can ask, Did the hire do what we discussed? |
work_uo666soykrfpheppj27wazqfam | How are colleagues to feel comfortable evaluating when they ca n’t imagine the making — the poesis of digital work? |
work_uo666soykrfpheppj27wazqfam | How are those documented or shown? |
work_uo666soykrfpheppj27wazqfam | How does it handle peer review? |
work_uo666soykrfpheppj27wazqfam | How does the work use the computing medium and opportunities for interac- tivity? |
work_uo666soykrfpheppj27wazqfam | How is it documented? |
work_uo666soykrfpheppj27wazqfam | How is it exhibited or shared with its audience? |
work_uo666soykrfpheppj27wazqfam | How is the tool an improvement on previous tools? |
work_uo666soykrfpheppj27wazqfam | How to evaluate tool work then? |
work_uo666soykrfpheppj27wazqfam | How were the specifications developed? |
work_uo666soykrfpheppj27wazqfam | How were the specifications returned to the community, and is there evidence of impact? |
work_uo666soykrfpheppj27wazqfam | How, then, are we to think about such work? |
work_uo666soykrfpheppj27wazqfam | Is it playful, fun, and responsive? |
work_uo666soykrfpheppj27wazqfam | Is the interface interesting or the algorithm better? |
work_uo666soykrfpheppj27wazqfam | Is the work being archived for long- term preservation? |
work_uo666soykrfpheppj27wazqfam | Is there a maintenance plan, or is this a prototype? |
work_uo666soykrfpheppj27wazqfam | Is there a plan for long- term maintenance and preservation? |
work_uo666soykrfpheppj27wazqfam | Is there a plan for long- term review and maintenance of the specifications? |
work_uo666soykrfpheppj27wazqfam | Things to discuss: How did the editor think through representing the edition electronically? |
work_uo666soykrfpheppj27wazqfam | Things to discuss: How should such a work be interpreted? |
work_uo666soykrfpheppj27wazqfam | Things to discuss: What are the subject and audience of the blog? |
work_uo666soykrfpheppj27wazqfam | Things to discuss: What need does the tool meet, and how has it been shown to meet that need? |
work_uo666soykrfpheppj27wazqfam | Things to discuss: What needs and communities do these specifications address? |
work_uo666soykrfpheppj27wazqfam | Was the tool or its development reviewed as a grant proposal or in some other way? |
work_uo666soykrfpheppj27wazqfam | Was the work GEOFFREY ROCKWELL||| 157 S N 157 deposited in a trusted digital repository? |
work_uo666soykrfpheppj27wazqfam | Were others consulted, or was a review so- licited? |
work_uo666soykrfpheppj27wazqfam | Were there formal pro- cesses that included outside review? |
work_uo666soykrfpheppj27wazqfam | What are some exem- plary posts that show the research focus of the blog? |
work_uo666soykrfpheppj27wazqfam | What community is the tool for, and how has the developer engaged the community? |
work_uo666soykrfpheppj27wazqfam | What is the contribution to the research community of the work? |
work_uo666soykrfpheppj27wazqfam | What is the history of this work, and how is the work responding to other works? |
work_uo666soykrfpheppj27wazqfam | What theories or arguments are borne by the tool? |
work_uo666soykrfpheppj27wazqfam | What was lost? |
work_uo666soykrfpheppj27wazqfam | What was the editor able to do differently in elec- tronic form? |
work_uo666soykrfpheppj27wazqfam | What would a research review of a tool look like? |
work_uo666soykrfpheppj27wazqfam | Who is using the edition, and are there any statistics on usage? |
work_uo666soykrfpheppj27wazqfam | Why not simply sub- contract the work to reviewers familiar with digital research? |
work_uo666soykrfpheppj27wazqfam | “ Online or Invisible? ” Nature 411.6837( 2001): 521. |
work_q5uojb4k3rbt5m4aben222vqfi | A set of lesson plans? |
work_q5uojb4k3rbt5m4aben222vqfi | A textbook? |
work_q5uojb4k3rbt5m4aben222vqfi | A typical question might be: Is the quality of the OER as good as commercially produced copyrighted course material? |
work_q5uojb4k3rbt5m4aben222vqfi | A video? |
work_q5uojb4k3rbt5m4aben222vqfi | Accurate? |
work_q5uojb4k3rbt5m4aben222vqfi | Adaptability and Modularity ● Is the resource in a file format which allows for adaptations, modifications, rearrangements, and updates? |
work_q5uojb4k3rbt5m4aben222vqfi | After reading and reflecting, do you agree or disagree with this statement? |
work_q5uojb4k3rbt5m4aben222vqfi | Alternatively, are you looking for a full OER course on Psychology? |
work_q5uojb4k3rbt5m4aben222vqfi | Appropriateness ● Is the content presented at a reading level appropriate for higher education students? |
work_q5uojb4k3rbt5m4aben222vqfi | Are there broken links or obsolete formats? |
work_q5uojb4k3rbt5m4aben222vqfi | Are you seeking OER video lectures that discuss Microeconomics? |
work_q5uojb4k3rbt5m4aben222vqfi | Ask specific questions, such as: ● Is all written content presented as text, so students using assistive technologies can read it? |
work_q5uojb4k3rbt5m4aben222vqfi | Check the license of the work- does it allow for modifications or derivatives? |
work_q5uojb4k3rbt5m4aben222vqfi | Content Accuracy and Technical Accuracy ● Is the content accurate based on both your expert knowledge and through external sources? |
work_q5uojb4k3rbt5m4aben222vqfi | Course Module Outline Module 1: Understanding OER Module 2: Why OER? |
work_q5uojb4k3rbt5m4aben222vqfi | Cover course outcomes? |
work_q5uojb4k3rbt5m4aben222vqfi | Determine access for the work- how will your students access the content? |
work_q5uojb4k3rbt5m4aben222vqfi | Do I want to remove chapters or rewrite entire chapters? |
work_q5uojb4k3rbt5m4aben222vqfi | Do you want to adopt and use as is? |
work_q5uojb4k3rbt5m4aben222vqfi | Do you want to reuse the content, modify it for your students or colleagues? |
work_q5uojb4k3rbt5m4aben222vqfi | Do you wish to release your work under Creative Commons license or in the public domain? |
work_q5uojb4k3rbt5m4aben222vqfi | Does it have a Creative Commons license that allows for modification or adaptation of the content? |
work_q5uojb4k3rbt5m4aben222vqfi | Explore Further Want to learn more about the history of OER? |
work_q5uojb4k3rbt5m4aben222vqfi | First things first: what do you want to do with the OER you found? |
work_q5uojb4k3rbt5m4aben222vqfi | Grimaldi PJ, Basu Mallick D, Waters AE, Baraniuk RG( 2019) Do open educational resources improve student learning? |
work_q5uojb4k3rbt5m4aben222vqfi | How can you ensure adopters can easily reuse, revise, remix, redistribute, and retain the work? |
work_q5uojb4k3rbt5m4aben222vqfi | Module 2: Why OER? |
work_q5uojb4k3rbt5m4aben222vqfi | OER: Equity& Openness Explore Further Module 3: Introduction to Open Licensing What is Copyright? |
work_q5uojb4k3rbt5m4aben222vqfi | Or, do you want to adapt and modify the content to meet your needs? |
work_q5uojb4k3rbt5m4aben222vqfi | Or, is it licensed in a way that does not allow for modifications or derivatives? |
work_q5uojb4k3rbt5m4aben222vqfi | Please see “ What is the difference between public domain and open license? ” in Module 3 for details. |
work_q5uojb4k3rbt5m4aben222vqfi | Professionalism?) |
work_q5uojb4k3rbt5m4aben222vqfi | Sharing Your Work Are you interested in sharing your material? |
work_q5uojb4k3rbt5m4aben222vqfi | Understanding an open license Why is an open license important? |
work_q5uojb4k3rbt5m4aben222vqfi | What are Open Educational Resources( OER)? |
work_q5uojb4k3rbt5m4aben222vqfi | What are you looking for? |
work_q5uojb4k3rbt5m4aben222vqfi | What does UD mean for learning and curriculum design? |
work_q5uojb4k3rbt5m4aben222vqfi | What is Copyright? |
work_q5uojb4k3rbt5m4aben222vqfi | What is Fair Use? |
work_q5uojb4k3rbt5m4aben222vqfi | What is Fair Use? |
work_q5uojb4k3rbt5m4aben222vqfi | What is the Public Domain? |
work_q5uojb4k3rbt5m4aben222vqfi | What is the Public Domain? |
work_q5uojb4k3rbt5m4aben222vqfi | What is the difference between public domain and open license? |
work_q5uojb4k3rbt5m4aben222vqfi | What is the difference between public domain and open license? |
work_q5uojb4k3rbt5m4aben222vqfi | Where do you look for OER? |
work_q5uojb4k3rbt5m4aben222vqfi | Which source file do you prefer to use? |
work_q5uojb4k3rbt5m4aben222vqfi | Why is an open license important? |
work_q5uojb4k3rbt5m4aben222vqfi | Why use OER? |
work_q5uojb4k3rbt5m4aben222vqfi | Why use OER? |
work_q5uojb4k3rbt5m4aben222vqfi | Will it be available in an LMS, Google Classroom, OER Commons, or another online hosting service? |
work_q5uojb4k3rbt5m4aben222vqfi | ○ Rank your top 5 elements( Are they current? |
work_q5uojb4k3rbt5m4aben222vqfi | ● Are students able to access the materials in a quick, non- restrictive manner? |
work_q5uojb4k3rbt5m4aben222vqfi | ● Are there any factual, grammatical, or typographical errors? |
work_q5uojb4k3rbt5m4aben222vqfi | ● Do the materials avoid communicating information using color alone( e.g., the red line means X, the green line means Y)? |
work_q5uojb4k3rbt5m4aben222vqfi | ● Do videos have accurate closed- captioning? |
work_q5uojb4k3rbt5m4aben222vqfi | ● Do you want the same license to be applied on derivatives? |
work_q5uojb4k3rbt5m4aben222vqfi | ● Do you want to allow derivatives? |
work_q5uojb4k3rbt5m4aben222vqfi | ● Do you want to allow for commercial purposes? |
work_q5uojb4k3rbt5m4aben222vqfi | ● Have you reviewed these supplementary resources in the same manner as the original OER? |
work_q5uojb4k3rbt5m4aben222vqfi | ● Have you used any open educational resources before? |
work_q5uojb4k3rbt5m4aben222vqfi | ● How comfortable are you with using technology and creating content? |
work_q5uojb4k3rbt5m4aben222vqfi | ● How is the content useful for instructors or students? |
work_q5uojb4k3rbt5m4aben222vqfi | ● If the materials include audio or video content, is it captioned or transcribed? |
work_q5uojb4k3rbt5m4aben222vqfi | ● If the materials include images, is the important information from the images adequately communicated with accompanying alt text? |
work_q5uojb4k3rbt5m4aben222vqfi | ● If this work was made using openly licensed material, is there a copyright provision you must abide? |
work_q5uojb4k3rbt5m4aben222vqfi | ● If you are using Web resources, does each image have alternate text that can be read? |
work_q5uojb4k3rbt5m4aben222vqfi | ● Is the content accessible to students with disabilities? |
work_q5uojb4k3rbt5m4aben222vqfi | ● Is the content consistent with its language and key terms? |
work_q5uojb4k3rbt5m4aben222vqfi | ● Is the content itself appropriate for higher education? |
work_q5uojb4k3rbt5m4aben222vqfi | ● Is the content licensed in a way which allows for adaptations and modifications? |
work_q5uojb4k3rbt5m4aben222vqfi | ● Is the content well- categorized in terms of logic, sequencing, and flow? |
work_q5uojb4k3rbt5m4aben222vqfi | ● Is the interface easy to navigate? |
work_q5uojb4k3rbt5m4aben222vqfi | ● Is the resource easily divided into modules, or sections, which can then be used or rearranged out of their original order? |
work_q5uojb4k3rbt5m4aben222vqfi | ● What sparked your interest in OER? |
work_q5uojb4k3rbt5m4aben222vqfi | ● What technical format is the original textbook- an MS Word doc, Google Doc, or PDF? |
work_q5uojb4k3rbt5m4aben222vqfi | ● What type of OER are you looking for? |
work_q5uojb4k3rbt5m4aben222vqfi | ● What type of license is the content released under? |
work_s4qdg3t63rc3fodu45snyih45m | - Questions about digital analysis tools: What elements of the data does the tool allow you to analyze qualitatively or quantitatively? |
work_s4qdg3t63rc3fodu45snyih45m | - Questions about digital search tools: What search strategies does the tool allow? |
work_s4qdg3t63rc3fodu45snyih45m | - Questions about digital tools: Which tools are available and relevant for your research? |
work_s4qdg3t63rc3fodu45snyih45m | 9 ● Do digital tools change our research, and if so, how? |
work_s4qdg3t63rc3fodu45snyih45m | And to what extent are digital tool criticism and digital source criticism entangled? |
work_s4qdg3t63rc3fodu45snyih45m | Are all sources digitized or only selected materials? |
work_s4qdg3t63rc3fodu45snyih45m | Did the OCR process use language- specific models and parameters in deciding between candidate characters or words? |
work_s4qdg3t63rc3fodu45snyih45m | Do Digital Humanists Need to Understand Algorithms? |
work_s4qdg3t63rc3fodu45snyih45m | Fickers posits five basic questions that are essential for historical source criticism: ■ Who created the text? |
work_s4qdg3t63rc3fodu45snyih45m | For which phase of your research is this tool suitable? |
work_s4qdg3t63rc3fodu45snyih45m | How did the digitization process deal with aspects like image noise, marginalia, tilted scans, missing fragments, cuts and holes in the page, etc? |
work_s4qdg3t63rc3fodu45snyih45m | How did the tools you used influence or steer your exploration and analysis? |
work_s4qdg3t63rc3fodu45snyih45m | How does the tool fit the method you want to use? |
work_s4qdg3t63rc3fodu45snyih45m | How does the tool transform the data that it works upon? |
work_s4qdg3t63rc3fodu45snyih45m | How is it organised? |
work_s4qdg3t63rc3fodu45snyih45m | If digitized from analogue sources, how does the digitized data differ from the analogue sources? |
work_s4qdg3t63rc3fodu45snyih45m | Sunset for Ideology, Sunrise for Methodology? |
work_s4qdg3t63rc3fodu45snyih45m | Their reflections on their own research question: ‘ How is the topic migration present in cultural expression? |
work_s4qdg3t63rc3fodu45snyih45m | This group ’s research question is somewhat similar to that of previous group: ‘ How did word usage of migration changed over time? ’. |
work_s4qdg3t63rc3fodu45snyih45m | This prompted the question:''What actually is the raw data?'' |
work_s4qdg3t63rc3fodu45snyih45m | This prompts further questions, such as: What makes digital tool criticism different from digital source criticism? |
work_s4qdg3t63rc3fodu45snyih45m | This question can be translated into questions about the tool itself: ■ Who made the tool? |
work_s4qdg3t63rc3fodu45snyih45m | Tool criticism adds a question for source criticism to the list of five, namely: how was a( version of a) source made? |
work_s4qdg3t63rc3fodu45snyih45m | Towards a New Digital Historicism? |
work_s4qdg3t63rc3fodu45snyih45m | What are important considerations, reflections and insights? |
work_s4qdg3t63rc3fodu45snyih45m | What are known omissions/ gaps in the data? |
work_s4qdg3t63rc3fodu45snyih45m | What are most important questions on specific tools and tool use? |
work_s4qdg3t63rc3fodu45snyih45m | What are the potential consequences of this? |
work_s4qdg3t63rc3fodu45snyih45m | What feedback about matching and non- matching documents does the tool provide? |
work_s4qdg3t63rc3fodu45snyih45m | What insights led to a change in direction, and what new insights does that give? |
work_s4qdg3t63rc3fodu45snyih45m | What is this a picture of? |
work_s4qdg3t63rc3fodu45snyih45m | What kind of tool is it? |
work_s4qdg3t63rc3fodu45snyih45m | What preprocessing steps were used to make the data available? |
work_s4qdg3t63rc3fodu45snyih45m | What selection criteria were used? |
work_s4qdg3t63rc3fodu45snyih45m | What ways does the tool offer for sense- making and getting an overview of the data it gives access to? |
work_s4qdg3t63rc3fodu45snyih45m | What ways of analyzing does the tool offer, and what ways to contextualize your analysis? |
work_s4qdg3t63rc3fodu45snyih45m | When do you switch, and why? |
work_s4qdg3t63rc3fodu45snyih45m | Where to start? |
work_s4qdg3t63rc3fodu45snyih45m | Which tool best fits the method you want to use? |
work_s4qdg3t63rc3fodu45snyih45m | Who made the data available? |
work_s4qdg3t63rc3fodu45snyih45m | Who made the data? |
work_s4qdg3t63rc3fodu45snyih45m | Who made the tool, when, why and what for? |
work_s4qdg3t63rc3fodu45snyih45m | Why are certain directions discarded in favour of different directions? |
work_s4qdg3t63rc3fodu45snyih45m | Why are particular data, tools and functionalities chosen? |
work_s4qdg3t63rc3fodu45snyih45m | in shaping research questions, in selecting or analysing materials? |
work_s4qdg3t63rc3fodu45snyih45m | the access, presentation and transformation of data? |
work_s4qdg3t63rc3fodu45snyih45m | ■ How does the tool function? |
work_s4qdg3t63rc3fodu45snyih45m | ■ What kind of document is it? |
work_s4qdg3t63rc3fodu45snyih45m | ■ What kind of tool is it? |
work_s4qdg3t63rc3fodu45snyih45m | ■ When was it made? |
work_s4qdg3t63rc3fodu45snyih45m | ■ When was it made? |
work_s4qdg3t63rc3fodu45snyih45m | ■ Where was it made and distributed? |
work_s4qdg3t63rc3fodu45snyih45m | ■ Why was it made? |
work_s4qdg3t63rc3fodu45snyih45m | ■ Why was it made? |
work_s4qdg3t63rc3fodu45snyih45m | ● To what extent can digital source criticism and digital tool criticism be separated? |
work_s4qdg3t63rc3fodu45snyih45m | ● What type of use was the tool intended for? |
work_s4qdg3t63rc3fodu45snyih45m | ● Who is the intended audience or user group of a tool? |
work_cq4wurwbijfg3k7nubx3lkx5g4 | 47 Fuller, S. “ Humanity: The Always Already- or Never to Be- Object of the Social Sciences? ” In The Social Sciences and Democracy. |
work_cq4wurwbijfg3k7nubx3lkx5g4 | Ayers, Edward L. “ Does Digtal Scholarship Have a Future? ” In Educause Review/48, no. |
work_cq4wurwbijfg3k7nubx3lkx5g4 | Cheal, C. “ Second Life: Hype or Hyperlearning? ” On the Horizon 15( Pt.4),( 2004): 204- 210. |
work_cq4wurwbijfg3k7nubx3lkx5g4 | Clean? |
work_cq4wurwbijfg3k7nubx3lkx5g4 | Clement, Tanya E. “ Where is Methodology in Digital Humanities? ” In Debates in the Digi- tal Humanities. |
work_cq4wurwbijfg3k7nubx3lkx5g4 | Davidson, Cathy N. “ How Can A Digital Humanist Get Tenure? ” HASTAC. |
work_cq4wurwbijfg3k7nubx3lkx5g4 | Earhart, Amy E. “ Can Information Be Unfettered? |
work_cq4wurwbijfg3k7nubx3lkx5g4 | For Writing Cen- ters? ” Two Year College Association Pacific- Northwest, October 26, 2013. |
work_cq4wurwbijfg3k7nubx3lkx5g4 | Gatrell, Anthony C. “ Any Space for Spatial Analysis? ” In The Future of Geography. |
work_cq4wurwbijfg3k7nubx3lkx5g4 | Gold, Matthew K. “ Whose Revolution? |
work_cq4wurwbijfg3k7nubx3lkx5g4 | Heritage and Digital Humanities: How Should Training Practices Evolve? |
work_cq4wurwbijfg3k7nubx3lkx5g4 | Holley, R. “ Crowdsourcing: How and Why Should Libraries Do It? ” In D- lib Magazine 16( 3/4)( 2010). |
work_cq4wurwbijfg3k7nubx3lkx5g4 | Is There a Text in This Class? |
work_cq4wurwbijfg3k7nubx3lkx5g4 | Kirschenbaum, Matthew G. “ What is Digital Humanities and What ’s it Doing in English Departments? ” ADE Bulletin 150( 2010): 55- 61. |
work_cq4wurwbijfg3k7nubx3lkx5g4 | Landow, George P. “ What ’s a Critic to Do? |
work_cq4wurwbijfg3k7nubx3lkx5g4 | Messy? |
work_cq4wurwbijfg3k7nubx3lkx5g4 | Robinson, P. “ Digital Humanities: Is Bigger Better? ” In Advancing Digital Humanities: Re- search, Methods, Theories. |
work_cq4wurwbijfg3k7nubx3lkx5g4 | Smart? |
work_cq4wurwbijfg3k7nubx3lkx5g4 | The End of Books — Or Books Without End? |
work_cq4wurwbijfg3k7nubx3lkx5g4 | What Is Media Archaeology? |
work_cq4wurwbijfg3k7nubx3lkx5g4 | What is Your Quest? |
work_cq4wurwbijfg3k7nubx3lkx5g4 | What ’s in a word- List? |
work_cq4wurwbijfg3k7nubx3lkx5g4 | “ A Telescope for the Mind? ” In Debates in the Digital Humanities. |
work_cq4wurwbijfg3k7nubx3lkx5g4 | “ Are Digital Humanists Utopian? ” In Debates in the Digital Humani- ties. |
work_cq4wurwbijfg3k7nubx3lkx5g4 | “ Are MOOCs Part of the Digital Humanities? ” The Transducer. |
work_cq4wurwbijfg3k7nubx3lkx5g4 | “ Are You a Digital Humanist? ” In Computers and Writing. |
work_cq4wurwbijfg3k7nubx3lkx5g4 | “ Augmented Reality: No Longer a Novelty? ” Computer 42:1( 2009): 19- 22. |
work_cq4wurwbijfg3k7nubx3lkx5g4 | “ Beyond Digital Incunabula: Modeling the Next Generation of Digital Libraries? ” European Conference on Digital Libraries. |
work_cq4wurwbijfg3k7nubx3lkx5g4 | “ Big? |
work_cq4wurwbijfg3k7nubx3lkx5g4 | “ Building Theories or Theories of Building? |
work_cq4wurwbijfg3k7nubx3lkx5g4 | “ Can Digital Humanities Mean Transformative Cri- tique? ” Journal of e- Media Studies 3, no. |
work_cq4wurwbijfg3k7nubx3lkx5g4 | “ Consumers, Creators or Commentators? |
work_cq4wurwbijfg3k7nubx3lkx5g4 | “ Culture and Technology: The Way We Live Now, What is to Be Done? ” New Literary History 36, no. |
work_cq4wurwbijfg3k7nubx3lkx5g4 | “ Defining Data Humanists: Text, Artifact, Information or Evidence? ” Journal of Digital Humanities 1.1( 2011). |
work_cq4wurwbijfg3k7nubx3lkx5g4 | “ Defining Public History: Is It Possible? |
work_cq4wurwbijfg3k7nubx3lkx5g4 | “ Digital Humanities Triumphant? ” In Debates in the Digital Hu- manities. |
work_cq4wurwbijfg3k7nubx3lkx5g4 | “ Digital Humanities: Roles for Libraries? ” College& Research Libraries News 71, no. |
work_cq4wurwbijfg3k7nubx3lkx5g4 | “ Dispatches from Capitol Hill:# 4, or What is Transcription, Re- ally? ” |
work_cq4wurwbijfg3k7nubx3lkx5g4 | “ Do Digital Humanists Need to Understand Algorithms? ” In Debates in the Digital Humanities. |
work_cq4wurwbijfg3k7nubx3lkx5g4 | “ Does Every Research Library Need a Digital Humanities Cen- ter? ” Dublin, OH: OCLC Research. |
work_cq4wurwbijfg3k7nubx3lkx5g4 | “ Electronic Literature: What Is It? ” In Doing Digital Humanities: Practice, Training, Research. |
work_cq4wurwbijfg3k7nubx3lkx5g4 | “ Electronic Literature: Where is it? ” In Doing Digital Humanities: Practice, Training, Research. |
work_cq4wurwbijfg3k7nubx3lkx5g4 | “ Elit: What Is It? ” Electronic Literature Organization. |
work_cq4wurwbijfg3k7nubx3lkx5g4 | “ Has Critical Theory Run Out of Time for Data- Driven Scholarship? ” In De- bates in the Digital Humanities. |
work_cq4wurwbijfg3k7nubx3lkx5g4 | “ How Much DH can you Fit in a Literature Department? ” The Stone and the Shell. |
work_cq4wurwbijfg3k7nubx3lkx5g4 | “ How do You Define Humanities Computing/ Digital Humanities? ” In Day of Digital Humanities. |
work_cq4wurwbijfg3k7nubx3lkx5g4 | “ How is New Media Reshaping the Work of Historians? ” Perspectives on History. |
work_cq4wurwbijfg3k7nubx3lkx5g4 | “ In Service? |
work_cq4wurwbijfg3k7nubx3lkx5g4 | “ Introduction: Did Somebody Say New Media? ” In New Media, Old Media: A History and Theory Reader. |
work_cq4wurwbijfg3k7nubx3lkx5g4 | “ Introduction: What ’s New about New Media? ” In New Media, 1740- 1915. |
work_cq4wurwbijfg3k7nubx3lkx5g4 | “ Is Google Making Us Stupid? ” The Atlantic. |
work_cq4wurwbijfg3k7nubx3lkx5g4 | “ Is There Anybody Out There? |
work_cq4wurwbijfg3k7nubx3lkx5g4 | “ Is There a Digital Art History? ” Visual Resources 29( 1- 2) 2013: 5- 13. |
work_cq4wurwbijfg3k7nubx3lkx5g4 | “ Is( Digital) History More than an Argument about the Past? ” In Writing History in the Digital Age. |
work_cq4wurwbijfg3k7nubx3lkx5g4 | “ Linked, Open, Semantic? ”( 2009). |
work_cq4wurwbijfg3k7nubx3lkx5g4 | “ Looks Good in Practice, but Does It Work in Theory? |
work_cq4wurwbijfg3k7nubx3lkx5g4 | “ More Networks in the Humanities or Did Books Have DNA? ” Digital Hu- manities Specialist. |
work_cq4wurwbijfg3k7nubx3lkx5g4 | “ Now is the Future Now? |
work_cq4wurwbijfg3k7nubx3lkx5g4 | “ Reflections on Gender and Technology Studies: in What State is the Art? ” Social Studies of Science 30( 3)( 2000): 447- 464. |
work_cq4wurwbijfg3k7nubx3lkx5g4 | “ Reinventing Research? |
work_cq4wurwbijfg3k7nubx3lkx5g4 | “ Saving the Bits: Digital Humanities Forever? ” In A New Companion to Digital Humanities. |
work_cq4wurwbijfg3k7nubx3lkx5g4 | “ Scarcity or Abundance? |
work_cq4wurwbijfg3k7nubx3lkx5g4 | “ Serious Play at Hand: Is Gaming Serious Research in the Humani- ties? ” Text Technology 12( 2), 89- 99. |
work_cq4wurwbijfg3k7nubx3lkx5g4 | “ Should Liberal Arts Campuses Do Digital Hu- manities? |
work_cq4wurwbijfg3k7nubx3lkx5g4 | “ Sunset for Ideology, Sunrise for Methodology? ” In Debates in the Digital Humanities. |
work_cq4wurwbijfg3k7nubx3lkx5g4 | “ Teaching Skills of Teaching Methodology? ” Digital Humanities Pedagogy: Practices, Principles and Policies. |
work_cq4wurwbijfg3k7nubx3lkx5g4 | “ The Digital Universe Decade: Are You Ready? ” Interna- tional Data Corporation. |
work_cq4wurwbijfg3k7nubx3lkx5g4 | “ The Language of New Media( What Is New Media? |
work_cq4wurwbijfg3k7nubx3lkx5g4 | “ The Prehistoric Turn? |
work_cq4wurwbijfg3k7nubx3lkx5g4 | “ They Have Come, Why Wo n’t We Build It? |
work_cq4wurwbijfg3k7nubx3lkx5g4 | “ Throwing Open the Doors. ” in Let- ting Go? |
work_cq4wurwbijfg3k7nubx3lkx5g4 | “ To Web or Not to Web? |
work_cq4wurwbijfg3k7nubx3lkx5g4 | “ Twitter Revolutions? |
work_cq4wurwbijfg3k7nubx3lkx5g4 | “ Twitter Under Crisis: Can We Trust What We RT? ” First Workshop on Social Media Analystics( SOMA ’ 10). |
work_cq4wurwbijfg3k7nubx3lkx5g4 | “ WWJD? |
work_cq4wurwbijfg3k7nubx3lkx5g4 | “ What Ever Happened to Project Bamboo? ” Literary and Linguistic Computing 29, No. |
work_cq4wurwbijfg3k7nubx3lkx5g4 | “ What Is Big Data? |
work_cq4wurwbijfg3k7nubx3lkx5g4 | “ What Is Humanities Computing and What Is Not? ” Graduate School of Library and Information Sciences. |
work_cq4wurwbijfg3k7nubx3lkx5g4 | “ What Is the Spatial Turn? ” Spatial Humanities, 2011. http://spatial.schol- |
work_cq4wurwbijfg3k7nubx3lkx5g4 | “ What are Games Good For? |
work_cq4wurwbijfg3k7nubx3lkx5g4 | “ What are Research Infrastructures? ” International Journal of Humani- ties and Arts Computing 7( 1- 2)( 2013): 4- 23. |
work_cq4wurwbijfg3k7nubx3lkx5g4 | “ What do Girls Dig? ” In Debates in the Digital Humanities. |
work_cq4wurwbijfg3k7nubx3lkx5g4 | “ What is Humanities Computing? |
work_cq4wurwbijfg3k7nubx3lkx5g4 | “ What is New Media? ” The New Media Theory Reader. |
work_cq4wurwbijfg3k7nubx3lkx5g4 | “ What is Spatial History? ” Stanford University Spatial History Project. |
work_cq4wurwbijfg3k7nubx3lkx5g4 | “ What is Text Analysis, Really? ” Literary and Linguistic Compu- ting. |
work_cq4wurwbijfg3k7nubx3lkx5g4 | “ What is Text, Really? ” Journal of Computing in Higher Education 1( 2)( 1990): 3- 26. |
work_cq4wurwbijfg3k7nubx3lkx5g4 | “ What is Visual Culture? ” In The Visual Culture Reader. |
work_cq4wurwbijfg3k7nubx3lkx5g4 | “ What ’s On the Menu? |
work_cq4wurwbijfg3k7nubx3lkx5g4 | “ Whence Feminism? |
work_cq4wurwbijfg3k7nubx3lkx5g4 | “ Where Do Images of Art Go Once They Go Online? |
work_cq4wurwbijfg3k7nubx3lkx5g4 | “ Where Is Cultural Criticism in the Digital Humanities? ” In Debates in the Digi- tal Humanities. |
work_cq4wurwbijfg3k7nubx3lkx5g4 | “ Where ’s the Pedagogy? |
work_cq4wurwbijfg3k7nubx3lkx5g4 | “ Why Are the Digital Humanities So White? |
work_cq4wurwbijfg3k7nubx3lkx5g4 | “ Why Digital Humanities is ‘ Nice ’? ”. |
work_cq4wurwbijfg3k7nubx3lkx5g4 | “ Why Do Marketspaces Matter for the Humanities? |
work_cq4wurwbijfg3k7nubx3lkx5g4 | “ Why Do We Ask ‘ What If? ’ Reflections on the Function of Alterna- tive History. ” History and Theory 41( December 2002): 90- 103. |
work_cq4wurwbijfg3k7nubx3lkx5g4 | “ Why Has Critique Run Out of Steam? |
work_cq4wurwbijfg3k7nubx3lkx5g4 | “ ’ Where ’s the Beef? ’ ” Does Digital Humanities Have to Answer Ques- tions? ” In Debates in the Digital Humanities. |
work_cq4wurwbijfg3k7nubx3lkx5g4 | “ ’ Where ’s the Beef? ’ ” Does Digital Humanities Have to Answer Ques- tions? ” In Debates in the Digital Humanities. |
work_vmjlzaujm5bzlobzfkszy7fijm | ( “ What Is DevOps? |
work_vmjlzaujm5bzlobzfkszy7fijm | 11. Who is responsible for the project? |
work_vmjlzaujm5bzlobzfkszy7fijm | 3. Who was the intended audience for the project? |
work_vmjlzaujm5bzlobzfkszy7fijm | 4. Who did you work with on your last project( if anyone)? |
work_vmjlzaujm5bzlobzfkszy7fijm | Angie Kemp, Lee Skallerup, and Kris Shaffer, “ What Do You Do with 11,000 Blogs? |
work_vmjlzaujm5bzlobzfkszy7fijm | Books go out of print and journals fold, so why, with digital projects, should we have an idea of “ we paid for it, it should exist forever ”? |
work_vmjlzaujm5bzlobzfkszy7fijm | But what if they were? |
work_vmjlzaujm5bzlobzfkszy7fijm | Do you have any questions for us? |
work_vmjlzaujm5bzlobzfkszy7fijm | Does it make more sense to focus preservation efforts on the components rather than the container? |
work_vmjlzaujm5bzlobzfkszy7fijm | For layered container images are the lower layers available? |
work_vmjlzaujm5bzlobzfkszy7fijm | Give us some details? |
work_vmjlzaujm5bzlobzfkszy7fijm | How do we preserve Docker or other runtime engines? |
work_vmjlzaujm5bzlobzfkszy7fijm | How do you see credit functioning for your work and for non- traditional scholarly objects more generally? |
work_vmjlzaujm5bzlobzfkszy7fijm | How important is/ was the preservation of the project? |
work_vmjlzaujm5bzlobzfkszy7fijm | How to deal with proprietary hardware like GPUs? |
work_vmjlzaujm5bzlobzfkszy7fijm | If not, where was the boundary between these two activities? |
work_vmjlzaujm5bzlobzfkszy7fijm | In relation to your work on non- traditional scholarly output, what are your goals for the future? |
work_vmjlzaujm5bzlobzfkszy7fijm | Interview subjects asked “ what is the difference between the live web site and the archived site? |
work_vmjlzaujm5bzlobzfkszy7fijm | See, e.g., Kemp, Skallerup, and Shaffer, “ What Do You Do with 11,000 Blogs? |
work_vmjlzaujm5bzlobzfkszy7fijm | Tell us what you did on your last project? |
work_vmjlzaujm5bzlobzfkszy7fijm | There are still many open questions related to the preservation of containers: How to deal with proprietary, licensed software? |
work_vmjlzaujm5bzlobzfkszy7fijm | This begs the question, if we can bundle scientific software environment can we bundle the data and scientific workflow as well? |
work_vmjlzaujm5bzlobzfkszy7fijm | Virtual Machines How are containers different from virtual machines? |
work_vmjlzaujm5bzlobzfkszy7fijm | Virtual Machines[ two- reports- on- new- units- of- scholarly- publication? |
work_vmjlzaujm5bzlobzfkszy7fijm | We heard frustrations like"how do I submit a digital object without self- publishing it?" |
work_vmjlzaujm5bzlobzfkszy7fijm | What additional environmental information is needed? |
work_vmjlzaujm5bzlobzfkszy7fijm | What affordances/ expressive capabilities would you like in your non- traditional scholarly output( that you currently do n’t have)? |
work_vmjlzaujm5bzlobzfkszy7fijm | What are Containers? |
work_vmjlzaujm5bzlobzfkszy7fijm | What happened/ happens when the project ends? |
work_vmjlzaujm5bzlobzfkszy7fijm | What if we thought about containers as publications? |
work_vmjlzaujm5bzlobzfkszy7fijm | What is it that you do in your role? |
work_vmjlzaujm5bzlobzfkszy7fijm | What is the afterlife? |
work_vmjlzaujm5bzlobzfkszy7fijm | What is your role in the production, publication, and/or preservation of non- traditional scholarly output? |
work_vmjlzaujm5bzlobzfkszy7fijm | What were the pain points with the work you did on that project? |
work_vmjlzaujm5bzlobzfkszy7fijm | What were your collaborator ’s roles? |
work_vmjlzaujm5bzlobzfkszy7fijm | What, in other words, does tenure mean? |
work_vmjlzaujm5bzlobzfkszy7fijm | Where did the project get “ published? ” 8. |
work_vmjlzaujm5bzlobzfkszy7fijm | Where does one put pedagogical materials, datasets, software, contract work, consulting work, funded Kickstarters, or Patreon donations? |
work_vmjlzaujm5bzlobzfkszy7fijm | Who, for example, should be included as a co- author on an article written about a digital project? |
work_vmjlzaujm5bzlobzfkszy7fijm | [ 4][# N4] Which aspects of containerization have not yet been fully explored in the context of digital scholarship? |
work_vmjlzaujm5bzlobzfkszy7fijm | [ two- reports- on- new- units- of- scholarly- publication? |
work_vmjlzaujm5bzlobzfkszy7fijm | f= tweets&vertical= default&q=%23c4rr&src= typd[ |
work_vmjlzaujm5bzlobzfkszy7fijm | or"how do I know what technical stack would work best for a particular scholarly journal?" |
work_vmjlzaujm5bzlobzfkszy7fijm | page= browseSessions&form_session=139&presentations= show[ |
work_vmjlzaujm5bzlobzfkszy7fijm | trgt= p_fcy5sf9cogom;view= fulltext#p_fcy5sf9cogom] What are Containers? |
work_vmjlzaujm5bzlobzfkszy7fijm | “ The State of Digital Humanities Software Development Roundtable. ” Pittsburgh, PA, 2019. |
work_vmjlzaujm5bzlobzfkszy7fijm | “ What Do You Do with 11,000 Blogs? |
work_vmjlzaujm5bzlobzfkszy7fijm | “ What Is DevOps? |
work_zsbb2prkdndk7cof2ia7nysrqy | 103 Anderson, “ Are You Being Served?, ” 81–129. |
work_zsbb2prkdndk7cof2ia7nysrqy | 118 Anderson, “ Are You Being Served?, ” 100–111. |
work_zsbb2prkdndk7cof2ia7nysrqy | 2 Fall/ Winter 2015 377Archival Divides and Foreign Countries? |
work_zsbb2prkdndk7cof2ia7nysrqy | 2 Fall/ Winter 2015 379Archival Divides and Foreign Countries? |
work_zsbb2prkdndk7cof2ia7nysrqy | 2 Fall/ Winter 2015 381Archival Divides and Foreign Countries? |
work_zsbb2prkdndk7cof2ia7nysrqy | 2 Fall/ Winter 2015 383Archival Divides and Foreign Countries? |
work_zsbb2prkdndk7cof2ia7nysrqy | 2 Fall/ Winter 2015 385Archival Divides and Foreign Countries? |
work_zsbb2prkdndk7cof2ia7nysrqy | 2 Fall/ Winter 2015 387Archival Divides and Foreign Countries? |
work_zsbb2prkdndk7cof2ia7nysrqy | 2 Fall/ Winter 2015 389Archival Divides and Foreign Countries? |
work_zsbb2prkdndk7cof2ia7nysrqy | 2 Fall/ Winter 2015 391Archival Divides and Foreign Countries? |
work_zsbb2prkdndk7cof2ia7nysrqy | 2 Fall/ Winter 2015 393Archival Divides and Foreign Countries? |
work_zsbb2prkdndk7cof2ia7nysrqy | 2 Fall/ Winter 2015 395Archival Divides and Foreign Countries? |
work_zsbb2prkdndk7cof2ia7nysrqy | 2 Fall/ Winter 2015 397Archival Divides and Foreign Countries? |
work_zsbb2prkdndk7cof2ia7nysrqy | 2 Fall/ Winter 2015 399Archival Divides and Foreign Countries? |
work_zsbb2prkdndk7cof2ia7nysrqy | 2 Fall/ Winter 2015 401Archival Divides and Foreign Countries? |
work_zsbb2prkdndk7cof2ia7nysrqy | 2 Fall/ Winter 2015 403Archival Divides and Foreign Countries? |
work_zsbb2prkdndk7cof2ia7nysrqy | 2 Fall/ Winter 2015 405Archival Divides and Foreign Countries? |
work_zsbb2prkdndk7cof2ia7nysrqy | 2 Fall/ Winter 2015 407Archival Divides and Foreign Countries? |
work_zsbb2prkdndk7cof2ia7nysrqy | 2 Fall/ Winter 2015 409Archival Divides and Foreign Countries? |
work_zsbb2prkdndk7cof2ia7nysrqy | 2 Fall/ Winter 2015 411Archival Divides and Foreign Countries? |
work_zsbb2prkdndk7cof2ia7nysrqy | 2 Fall/ Winter 2015 413Archival Divides and Foreign Countries? |
work_zsbb2prkdndk7cof2ia7nysrqy | 2 Fall/ Winter 2015 415Archival Divides and Foreign Countries? |
work_zsbb2prkdndk7cof2ia7nysrqy | 2 Fall/ Winter 2015 417Archival Divides and Foreign Countries? |
work_zsbb2prkdndk7cof2ia7nysrqy | 2 Fall/ Winter 2015 419Archival Divides and Foreign Countries? |
work_zsbb2prkdndk7cof2ia7nysrqy | 2 Fall/ Winter 2015 421Archival Divides and Foreign Countries? |
work_zsbb2prkdndk7cof2ia7nysrqy | 2 Fall/ Winter 2015 423Archival Divides and Foreign Countries? |
work_zsbb2prkdndk7cof2ia7nysrqy | 2 Fall/ Winter 2015 425Archival Divides and Foreign Countries? |
work_zsbb2prkdndk7cof2ia7nysrqy | 2 Fall/ Winter 2015 427Archival Divides and Foreign Countries? |
work_zsbb2prkdndk7cof2ia7nysrqy | 2 Fall/ Winter 2015 429Archival Divides and Foreign Countries? |
work_zsbb2prkdndk7cof2ia7nysrqy | 2 Fall/ Winter 2015 431Archival Divides and Foreign Countries? |
work_zsbb2prkdndk7cof2ia7nysrqy | 2 Fall/ Winter 2015 433Archival Divides and Foreign Countries? |
work_zsbb2prkdndk7cof2ia7nysrqy | 201 Michael O’Malley and Roy Rosenzweig, “ Brave New World or Blind Alley? |
work_zsbb2prkdndk7cof2ia7nysrqy | 210 O’Malley and Rosenzweig, “ Brave New World or Blind Alley?, ” 134. |
work_zsbb2prkdndk7cof2ia7nysrqy | 211 O’Malley and Rosenzweig, “ Brave New World or Blind Alley?, ” 154. |
work_zsbb2prkdndk7cof2ia7nysrqy | 212 Dennis Trinkle, “ Computers and the Practice of History: Where Are We? |
work_zsbb2prkdndk7cof2ia7nysrqy | 219 Anderson, “ Are You Being Served?, ” 83. |
work_zsbb2prkdndk7cof2ia7nysrqy | 241 Douglas Seefeldt and William G. Thomas, “ What Is Digital History? |
work_zsbb2prkdndk7cof2ia7nysrqy | 260 Neil Beagrie, “ Plenty of Room at the Bottom? |
work_zsbb2prkdndk7cof2ia7nysrqy | 288 Rosenzweig, “ Scarcity or Abundance?, ” 759. |
work_zsbb2prkdndk7cof2ia7nysrqy | 319 Ian Johnston, “ Whose History Is It Anyway?, ” Journal of the Society of Archivists 22, no. |
work_zsbb2prkdndk7cof2ia7nysrqy | 361 E. H. Carr, What Is History? |
work_zsbb2prkdndk7cof2ia7nysrqy | 61 Burke, What Is Cultural History?, 130–31. |
work_zsbb2prkdndk7cof2ia7nysrqy | 7 Ian Anderson, “ Are You Being Served? |
work_zsbb2prkdndk7cof2ia7nysrqy | Archival Divides and Foreign Countries? |
work_zsbb2prkdndk7cof2ia7nysrqy | Can they work together to develop criteria for selection and appraisal? |
work_zsbb2prkdndk7cof2ia7nysrqy | Chassanoff ’s, Sinn ’s, and Gibbs and Owens ’s studies suggest scholarly consensus is elusive: do historians prefer quality over quantity? |
work_zsbb2prkdndk7cof2ia7nysrqy | Historians, Archivists, Information- Seeking, and Technology: Retrospect and Prospect 310 Alex H. Poole, “ How Has Your Science Data Grown? |
work_zsbb2prkdndk7cof2ia7nysrqy | How can archivists ensure such diverse materials are made available and accessible to historians? |
work_zsbb2prkdndk7cof2ia7nysrqy | How can collecting policies be developed to preserve the diversity of the cultural record? |
work_zsbb2prkdndk7cof2ia7nysrqy | Marc Parry asked, “ Will enough volunteers participate to sustain these projects? |
work_zsbb2prkdndk7cof2ia7nysrqy | See Kate Theimer, “ What Is the Meaning of Archives 2.0?, ” The American Archivist 74( Spring/ Summer 2011): 60–64. |
work_zsbb2prkdndk7cof2ia7nysrqy | What selection and appraisal policies and practices are appropriate? |
work_zsbb2prkdndk7cof2ia7nysrqy | What will I find out there? |
work_zsbb2prkdndk7cof2ia7nysrqy | What will I lose? |
work_zsbb2prkdndk7cof2ia7nysrqy | Will the crowd care about less- sexy subjects, beyond war and famous individuals? |
work_zsbb2prkdndk7cof2ia7nysrqy | — Jennifer Rutner and Roger C. Schonfeld4 Introduction: Why Study Historians? |
work_p2tsydcnhbeslhfm2noaprytii | aardvarks? |
work_p2tsydcnhbeslhfm2noaprytii | abacus?...). |
work_p2tsydcnhbeslhfm2noaprytii | 2. Who uses it? |
work_p2tsydcnhbeslhfm2noaprytii | 2. Who uses it? |
work_p2tsydcnhbeslhfm2noaprytii | APPRAISE ‑ Are there duplicates? |
work_p2tsydcnhbeslhfm2noaprytii | Are there projects and initiatives this work should be connected to? |
work_p2tsydcnhbeslhfm2noaprytii | Are there questions and communities we are n’t currently considering? |
work_p2tsydcnhbeslhfm2noaprytii | Are you able to adopt ? |
work_p2tsydcnhbeslhfm2noaprytii | Are researchers genuinely invited to engage with library collections as data? |
work_p2tsydcnhbeslhfm2noaprytii | Ask the question: are we offering optimal access for computational use of the full‑text? |
work_p2tsydcnhbeslhfm2noaprytii | Can we plug into our library data ETL systems a public Hadoop integration point? |
work_p2tsydcnhbeslhfm2noaprytii | For which terms will we expend the effort to do this reconciliation? |
work_p2tsydcnhbeslhfm2noaprytii | For whom? |
work_p2tsydcnhbeslhfm2noaprytii | How do we provide access to these data collections? |
work_p2tsydcnhbeslhfm2noaprytii | How do you see this work aligning with your institutional/ organizational mission? |
work_p2tsydcnhbeslhfm2noaprytii | How have you started, shifted, or institutionalized collections as data? |
work_p2tsydcnhbeslhfm2noaprytii | How might we envision ways to access born‑digital materials? |
work_p2tsydcnhbeslhfm2noaprytii | How will researchers use it? |
work_p2tsydcnhbeslhfm2noaprytii | How can this underlying ecosystem be better leveraged for computational data analysis by researchers? |
work_p2tsydcnhbeslhfm2noaprytii | How can we best serve our patrons, new and old, machines and humans? |
work_p2tsydcnhbeslhfm2noaprytii | How can we make it better? |
work_p2tsydcnhbeslhfm2noaprytii | How do we make it happen at scale? |
work_p2tsydcnhbeslhfm2noaprytii | How much do we have? |
work_p2tsydcnhbeslhfm2noaprytii | INVENTORY ‑ What do we have? |
work_p2tsydcnhbeslhfm2noaprytii | Is anything missing? |
work_p2tsydcnhbeslhfm2noaprytii | Is there something concrete or conceptual we are missing? |
work_p2tsydcnhbeslhfm2noaprytii | Is it available for user download? |
work_p2tsydcnhbeslhfm2noaprytii | Migrating a legacy digital collection to a new system or platform? |
work_p2tsydcnhbeslhfm2noaprytii | ORGANIZE ‑ By cruise, station, variable, year? |
work_p2tsydcnhbeslhfm2noaprytii | Or which artists have been exhibited most frequently without having works in the collection? |
work_p2tsydcnhbeslhfm2noaprytii | Prioritize: what is most valuable or in the worst shape? |
work_p2tsydcnhbeslhfm2noaprytii | Relatedly, how might we use born‑digital materials in our research? |
work_p2tsydcnhbeslhfm2noaprytii | So how do we make collections accessible for work? |
work_p2tsydcnhbeslhfm2noaprytii | They might ask what is the percent of the network that is isolated from the rest? |
work_p2tsydcnhbeslhfm2noaprytii | Thus, I would ask, how can we conceptualize the full spectrum of data usability? |
work_p2tsydcnhbeslhfm2noaprytii | What are “ collections as data ”? |
work_p2tsydcnhbeslhfm2noaprytii | What do they do? |
work_p2tsydcnhbeslhfm2noaprytii | What does it mean to be both library and publisher? |
work_p2tsydcnhbeslhfm2noaprytii | What is the coolest thing about your collections as data work? |
work_p2tsydcnhbeslhfm2noaprytii | What ultimately constitutes “ the data ”? |
work_p2tsydcnhbeslhfm2noaprytii | What values guide their development? |
work_p2tsydcnhbeslhfm2noaprytii | What would the stakes of that change be? |
work_p2tsydcnhbeslhfm2noaprytii | What problems and pitfalls exist? |
work_p2tsydcnhbeslhfm2noaprytii | What are the people places or things that have easiest access to outer bounds of network? |
work_p2tsydcnhbeslhfm2noaprytii | What data features might researchers explore? |
work_p2tsydcnhbeslhfm2noaprytii | What do you think are particularly good or useful ideas? |
work_p2tsydcnhbeslhfm2noaprytii | What does a digital collections as data repository look like? |
work_p2tsydcnhbeslhfm2noaprytii | What form of data is most useful for it? |
work_p2tsydcnhbeslhfm2noaprytii | What form of data is most useful for this method? |
work_p2tsydcnhbeslhfm2noaprytii | What formats are created? |
work_p2tsydcnhbeslhfm2noaprytii | What is it? |
work_p2tsydcnhbeslhfm2noaprytii | What is it? |
work_p2tsydcnhbeslhfm2noaprytii | What is the update history? |
work_p2tsydcnhbeslhfm2noaprytii | What kind of data were they looking for? |
work_p2tsydcnhbeslhfm2noaprytii | What kinds do we have? |
work_p2tsydcnhbeslhfm2noaprytii | What levels of accuracy are produced? |
work_p2tsydcnhbeslhfm2noaprytii | What might be easy to implement? |
work_p2tsydcnhbeslhfm2noaprytii | What might researchers explore when they ’re text mining? |
work_p2tsydcnhbeslhfm2noaprytii | What software is used? |
work_p2tsydcnhbeslhfm2noaprytii | What work have you done to match CaD with populations? |
work_p2tsydcnhbeslhfm2noaprytii | Where is it stored? |
work_p2tsydcnhbeslhfm2noaprytii | Which edge cases will we try to capture in an ever‑more‑complex data model? |
work_p2tsydcnhbeslhfm2noaprytii | Who are they for? |
work_p2tsydcnhbeslhfm2noaprytii | Who is Collections as Data for? |
work_p2tsydcnhbeslhfm2noaprytii | Why are they needed? |
work_p2tsydcnhbeslhfm2noaprytii | Why did they need the data? |
work_p2tsydcnhbeslhfm2noaprytii | Would it be possible to go beyond simply linking to the dataset as a digital asset? |
work_p2tsydcnhbeslhfm2noaprytii | Would we need to change the filename to something more human‑readable in order to make the dataset useful? |
work_p2tsydcnhbeslhfm2noaprytii | do we just need to make access to a Solr index publicly available? |
work_p2tsydcnhbeslhfm2noaprytii | ○ Do versions exist elsewhere? |
work_p2tsydcnhbeslhfm2noaprytii | ○ How did it arrive here? |
work_p2tsydcnhbeslhfm2noaprytii | ○ Is it complete? |
work_p2tsydcnhbeslhfm2noaprytii | ○ Is it growing? |
work_p2tsydcnhbeslhfm2noaprytii | ● Define dataset scope: ○ What makes the corpus complete? |
work_p2tsydcnhbeslhfm2noaprytii | ● Define license terms, how can we use the data? |
work_p2tsydcnhbeslhfm2noaprytii | ● Define provenance: ○ Who produced the data and why? |
work_jpkzqd4svvfgbeoc7v4etzqiem | ( Yes/ No) Branch: Do library staff serve on your university press ’s faculty board? |
work_jpkzqd4svvfgbeoc7v4etzqiem | ( Yes/ No) Do you know an acquisitions editor? |
work_jpkzqd4svvfgbeoc7v4etzqiem | ( Yes/ No) Have you worked with an acquisitions editor? |
work_jpkzqd4svvfgbeoc7v4etzqiem | ( Yes/ No) If collaborating university presses developed a cloud consortium, would your library sign up for it to access material? |
work_jpkzqd4svvfgbeoc7v4etzqiem | ( Yes/ No) Would you consider allocating library funds to subsidize press publications? |
work_jpkzqd4svvfgbeoc7v4etzqiem | ( Yes/ No/ Please Explain) Do you know what an acquisitions editor does? |
work_jpkzqd4svvfgbeoc7v4etzqiem | ( Yes/ No/ Please Explain) Do you share distribution activities among presses? |
work_jpkzqd4svvfgbeoc7v4etzqiem | ( Yes/ No/ Please Explain) Do you share marketing among presses? |
work_jpkzqd4svvfgbeoc7v4etzqiem | ( Yes/ No/ Please Explain) Do you share production activities among presses? |
work_jpkzqd4svvfgbeoc7v4etzqiem | ( Yes/ No/ Please Explain) Questions for Administrators and Librarians Do you think that libraries determine the quality of published scholarship? |
work_jpkzqd4svvfgbeoc7v4etzqiem | ( Yes/ No/ Please Explain) Would you use an editorial management system( such as bepress offers)? |
work_jpkzqd4svvfgbeoc7v4etzqiem | 19 Question: are presses themselves the middle- men that can be eliminated? |
work_jpkzqd4svvfgbeoc7v4etzqiem | 23 Follow- Up Survey Questions: Questions for Faculty Which of the following describes your rank? |
work_jpkzqd4svvfgbeoc7v4etzqiem | Answer( complete? |
work_jpkzqd4svvfgbeoc7v4etzqiem | Can what presses offer indeed be likened to “ book packaging ”? |
work_jpkzqd4svvfgbeoc7v4etzqiem | Could those resources be used to further assist small presses with limited resources, i.e., through shared reviewers or a faculty board consortium? |
work_jpkzqd4svvfgbeoc7v4etzqiem | Digital; c. Both Have you published a scholarly monograph that has an addendum website? |
work_jpkzqd4svvfgbeoc7v4etzqiem | Do you think this type of information should influence promotion and tenure? |
work_jpkzqd4svvfgbeoc7v4etzqiem | Double blind; c. Open Do you think digital born monographs should count towards tenure and promotion? |
work_jpkzqd4svvfgbeoc7v4etzqiem | For further description of the project design, see Appendices A- E Conclusions Print or Digital? |
work_jpkzqd4svvfgbeoc7v4etzqiem | If content is king, then why does media/ format matter? |
work_jpkzqd4svvfgbeoc7v4etzqiem | Initial Survey Questions: In which forms – digital and/or print – do scholars prefer to publish monographs? |
work_jpkzqd4svvfgbeoc7v4etzqiem | Key issues discussed at the workshop included the following: What is the role of the press in scholarly communications? |
work_jpkzqd4svvfgbeoc7v4etzqiem | Mission critical question: what would stakeholders be willing to do without in order to get a scholarly( digital born) monograph published? |
work_jpkzqd4svvfgbeoc7v4etzqiem | No Branch Do you know how the faculty board of your university ’s press is selected? |
work_jpkzqd4svvfgbeoc7v4etzqiem | No Branch: Do you have contact with the faculty board of your university ’s press? |
work_jpkzqd4svvfgbeoc7v4etzqiem | No Branch: Do you know the role of a faculty board in your university ’s press? |
work_jpkzqd4svvfgbeoc7v4etzqiem | No Branch: If an addendum website to a scholarly monograph was peer reviewed, then in what manner was it peer reviewed? |
work_jpkzqd4svvfgbeoc7v4etzqiem | No Branch: If you have ever served on a university press faculty board, were you appointed to the service? |
work_jpkzqd4svvfgbeoc7v4etzqiem | No Branch: If you published a scholarly monograph that has an addendum website, was the website peer reviewed? |
work_jpkzqd4svvfgbeoc7v4etzqiem | No Have you ever served on a university press faculty board? |
work_jpkzqd4svvfgbeoc7v4etzqiem | No( please explain) 25 Do you think that a university press ’s faculty board is the equivalent of a community of scholars? |
work_jpkzqd4svvfgbeoc7v4etzqiem | No( please explain) As an author, in which of the following forms do you prefer your scholarly monograph to be published? |
work_jpkzqd4svvfgbeoc7v4etzqiem | No( please explain) Do monographs need to be of a certain length( ie up to 500 pp)? |
work_jpkzqd4svvfgbeoc7v4etzqiem | No( please explain) Do monographs need to be published in print? |
work_jpkzqd4svvfgbeoc7v4etzqiem | No( please explain) Do you think that a single- author monograph is the highest form of scholarship in the humanities? |
work_jpkzqd4svvfgbeoc7v4etzqiem | No( please explain) Do you think that the peer review process can be crowdsourced? |
work_jpkzqd4svvfgbeoc7v4etzqiem | No( please explain) Do you think that writing peer reviews should be considered expected professional activity? |
work_jpkzqd4svvfgbeoc7v4etzqiem | No( please explain) Do you think the peer review of digital born monographs differs in any way from the peer review of print scholarship? |
work_jpkzqd4svvfgbeoc7v4etzqiem | No( please explain) Does blogging lend itself to constant, in depth scholarly conversation? |
work_jpkzqd4svvfgbeoc7v4etzqiem | No( please explain) Does your university credit peer reviewed work that has not been published through a university press? |
work_jpkzqd4svvfgbeoc7v4etzqiem | No( please explain) Does your university credit service learning/ engaged scholarship towards promotion and tenure? |
work_jpkzqd4svvfgbeoc7v4etzqiem | No( please explain) Have you ever worked with an acquisitions editor? |
work_jpkzqd4svvfgbeoc7v4etzqiem | No( please explain) If a scholarly monograph is peer reviewed, does its place of publication matter? |
work_jpkzqd4svvfgbeoc7v4etzqiem | No( please explain) Should authors suggest people to review their own work? |
work_jpkzqd4svvfgbeoc7v4etzqiem | No( please explain) Who are the consumers of scholarly monographs( check all that apply)? |
work_jpkzqd4svvfgbeoc7v4etzqiem | No( please explain) Why do you agree to write peer reviews? |
work_jpkzqd4svvfgbeoc7v4etzqiem | No( please explain) With new formats constantly appearing, do you think that digital- only content has longevity? |
work_jpkzqd4svvfgbeoc7v4etzqiem | No( please explain) Would you serve as a peer reviewer for a press that shares peer reviewers among a consortium of university presses? |
work_jpkzqd4svvfgbeoc7v4etzqiem | No( please explain); c. Maybe( please explain) Could blogs be peer reviewed in the same manner as scholarly monographs? |
work_jpkzqd4svvfgbeoc7v4etzqiem | No( please explain); c. Maybe( please explain) For Publishers and Editors Do you share editors among presses? |
work_jpkzqd4svvfgbeoc7v4etzqiem | Or are the costs there, and can you move them around? |
work_jpkzqd4svvfgbeoc7v4etzqiem | Or are the costs there, and can you move them around? ” One means of reducing costs is to cut out the middle- men. |
work_jpkzqd4svvfgbeoc7v4etzqiem | Presses have their own roster of peer reviewers( closed community of scholars?). |
work_jpkzqd4svvfgbeoc7v4etzqiem | Professional responsibility; c. Access to current research; d. Other? |
work_jpkzqd4svvfgbeoc7v4etzqiem | Question: Can a press be all- digital? |
work_jpkzqd4svvfgbeoc7v4etzqiem | Question: Can you reduce the whole system( for both presses and institutions) costs down? |
work_jpkzqd4svvfgbeoc7v4etzqiem | Question: who does the “ branding ” of scholarship? |
work_jpkzqd4svvfgbeoc7v4etzqiem | They asked, “ Can you reduce the whole system( for both presses and institutions) costs down? |
work_jpkzqd4svvfgbeoc7v4etzqiem | Why Monographs? |
work_jpkzqd4svvfgbeoc7v4etzqiem | Would you peer review scholarship in order to earn a reduction on a learned society ’s dues? |
work_jpkzqd4svvfgbeoc7v4etzqiem | Yes( please explain) Does your university credit non- peer- reviewed publications towards promotion and tenure? |
work_jpkzqd4svvfgbeoc7v4etzqiem | Yes; b. No What do you think are the role(s) of learned societies( check all that apply)? |
work_jpkzqd4svvfgbeoc7v4etzqiem | Are innovative and traditional forms of peer review mutually exclusive? |
work_jpkzqd4svvfgbeoc7v4etzqiem | Can the peer review process be crowd- sourced? |
work_jpkzqd4svvfgbeoc7v4etzqiem | Could blogs be peer reviewed in the same manner as scholarly monographs? |
work_jpkzqd4svvfgbeoc7v4etzqiem | Did peer review improve/ enhance a published monograph before its publication? |
work_jpkzqd4svvfgbeoc7v4etzqiem | Do promotion and tenure committees prefer traditional to new models of publishing? |
work_jpkzqd4svvfgbeoc7v4etzqiem | Do scholarly monographs need to be published in print? |
work_jpkzqd4svvfgbeoc7v4etzqiem | Do you think peer review of digital born monographs differs in any way from the peer review of print scholarship? |
work_jpkzqd4svvfgbeoc7v4etzqiem | Does digital- only content have longevity? |
work_jpkzqd4svvfgbeoc7v4etzqiem | Has digital publishing increased the usefulness of peer reviewed shorter forms of scholarship, such as shorts, essays, web pages, and blogs? |
work_jpkzqd4svvfgbeoc7v4etzqiem | How can university presses collaborate in order to reduce costs and so encourage small presses and start up presses? |
work_jpkzqd4svvfgbeoc7v4etzqiem | How can university presses collaborate in order to reduce costs and so encourage/ assist small and start up university presses? |
work_jpkzqd4svvfgbeoc7v4etzqiem | How do we persuade promotion and tenure committees of the value of digital born scholarship? |
work_jpkzqd4svvfgbeoc7v4etzqiem | How do we persuade tenure- and- promotion committees and college/ university administrations of the value of digital born scholarship? |
work_jpkzqd4svvfgbeoc7v4etzqiem | How do we persuade tenure- and- promotion committees and college/ university administrations of the value of digital born scholarship? |
work_jpkzqd4svvfgbeoc7v4etzqiem | If a scholarly monograph is peer reviewed, does its delivery method matter? |
work_jpkzqd4svvfgbeoc7v4etzqiem | If a scholarly monograph is peer reviewed, does its place of publication matter? |
work_jpkzqd4svvfgbeoc7v4etzqiem | Is the future of peer review open peer review within a closed community of credentialed scholars? |
work_jpkzqd4svvfgbeoc7v4etzqiem | Is the value of rigorous, traditional peer review available to innovative forms of peer review? |
work_jpkzqd4svvfgbeoc7v4etzqiem | Is the value of rigorous, traditional peer review available to innovative forms of peer review? |
work_jpkzqd4svvfgbeoc7v4etzqiem | What are the purposes of peer review? |
work_jpkzqd4svvfgbeoc7v4etzqiem | What are the purposes of peer review? |
work_jpkzqd4svvfgbeoc7v4etzqiem | What are the purposes of peer review? |
work_jpkzqd4svvfgbeoc7v4etzqiem | What is the role of university presses? |
work_jpkzqd4svvfgbeoc7v4etzqiem | What is the value of print over digital publication( and vice versa)? |
work_jpkzqd4svvfgbeoc7v4etzqiem | What is the value of print over digital publication( and vice versa)? |
work_jpkzqd4svvfgbeoc7v4etzqiem | What is the value of print over digital publication( and vice versa)? |
work_7idmol6jkzbwjfz2emqlljzlp4 | ( Alternatively: what is a top journal in your field?) |
work_7idmol6jkzbwjfz2emqlljzlp4 | ( Linked example is for UK)* Are there other examples? |
work_7idmol6jkzbwjfz2emqlljzlp4 | * Are persistent identifiers used? |
work_7idmol6jkzbwjfz2emqlljzlp4 | * Consider your current metadata practices- do they follow any schema or incorporate any vocabularies? |
work_7idmol6jkzbwjfz2emqlljzlp4 | * Does it include culturally sensitive materials? |
work_7idmol6jkzbwjfz2emqlljzlp4 | * Does it involve material subject to commercial agreements? |
work_7idmol6jkzbwjfz2emqlljzlp4 | * Does it reveal information that endangers or reveals the location of human rights defenders, whistleblowers, or other people requiring protection? |
work_7idmol6jkzbwjfz2emqlljzlp4 | * Does the material you used or created include personal information? |
work_7idmol6jkzbwjfz2emqlljzlp4 | * How easy was it to apply the FAIR criteria to your dataset? |
work_7idmol6jkzbwjfz2emqlljzlp4 | * Is there provenance information? |
work_7idmol6jkzbwjfz2emqlljzlp4 | * Or do you prefer a less defined set of criteria, such as that set out by International Organization? |
work_7idmol6jkzbwjfz2emqlljzlp4 | * What things need to happen in order to improve the ‘ FAIRness ’ of your chosen dataset? |
work_7idmol6jkzbwjfz2emqlljzlp4 | * When you are producing data for a body with a more permissive licence or different licencing scheme in place? |
work_7idmol6jkzbwjfz2emqlljzlp4 | * When you are producing data on behalf of a body with an Open Government Data licence? |
work_7idmol6jkzbwjfz2emqlljzlp4 | * Where are you at in your own understanding of the FAIR Data Principles? |
work_7idmol6jkzbwjfz2emqlljzlp4 | 11 What is a DMP? |
work_7idmol6jkzbwjfz2emqlljzlp4 | 14 Thing 9: Reproducibility Can you or others reproduce your work? |
work_7idmol6jkzbwjfz2emqlljzlp4 | 73 Thing 3: Data discovery • What ’s a data repository? |
work_7idmol6jkzbwjfz2emqlljzlp4 | ACTIVITY: When might a Creative Commons licence not be appropriate for your data? |
work_7idmol6jkzbwjfz2emqlljzlp4 | Activity 1: What is controlled vocabulary? |
work_7idmol6jkzbwjfz2emqlljzlp4 | Activity 1: Why license research data? |
work_7idmol6jkzbwjfz2emqlljzlp4 | Activity 2: You ’ve been given this DOI: 10.6075/ J03N21KQ • What would you do to find the dataset this DOI references? |
work_7idmol6jkzbwjfz2emqlljzlp4 | Activity 2: • What is the next journal you would like to publish in? |
work_7idmol6jkzbwjfz2emqlljzlp4 | Activity: Find out how well your library supports ORCIDs and DOIs:* Do your library systems support the identification of researchers via an ORCID? |
work_7idmol6jkzbwjfz2emqlljzlp4 | Activity: Think of the registries most used in your domain? |
work_7idmol6jkzbwjfz2emqlljzlp4 | Activity: What are the relevant standards in your field? |
work_7idmol6jkzbwjfz2emqlljzlp4 | Advanced activity: How FAIR is your data? |
work_7idmol6jkzbwjfz2emqlljzlp4 | Are revisions required? |
work_7idmol6jkzbwjfz2emqlljzlp4 | Are the Data Access, Production Transparency, and Analytic Transparency guidelines for APSR( American Political Science Review) helpful? |
work_7idmol6jkzbwjfz2emqlljzlp4 | Are the data sets also in preferred formats? |
work_7idmol6jkzbwjfz2emqlljzlp4 | Are there any drawbacks or concerns? |
work_7idmol6jkzbwjfz2emqlljzlp4 | Are there long- term considerations and protocols for the data that is produced? |
work_7idmol6jkzbwjfz2emqlljzlp4 | Are they up to scratch or are improvements required? |
work_7idmol6jkzbwjfz2emqlljzlp4 | Are you missing any Project Metadata? |
work_7idmol6jkzbwjfz2emqlljzlp4 | Are your metadata fields described and documented explicitly? |
work_7idmol6jkzbwjfz2emqlljzlp4 | But do you know what you can and can not do with the data? |
work_7idmol6jkzbwjfz2emqlljzlp4 | But why should librarians care? |
work_7idmol6jkzbwjfz2emqlljzlp4 | But, what if you are n’t funded, and are n’t required to provide supplementary data or comply with data publishing conditions? |
work_7idmol6jkzbwjfz2emqlljzlp4 | Can he/ she download it? |
work_7idmol6jkzbwjfz2emqlljzlp4 | Can he/ she produce the expected results? |
work_7idmol6jkzbwjfz2emqlljzlp4 | Can he/ she run it? |
work_7idmol6jkzbwjfz2emqlljzlp4 | Can you find the data submission requirements for this journal? |
work_7idmol6jkzbwjfz2emqlljzlp4 | Can you identify the creator associated with the DOI on the activity 1? |
work_7idmol6jkzbwjfz2emqlljzlp4 | Can you match the right document to the appropriate DOI? |
work_7idmol6jkzbwjfz2emqlljzlp4 | Can you see how many times the data has been downloaded and the record viewed( scroll down to the bottom of the record)? |
work_7idmol6jkzbwjfz2emqlljzlp4 | Can you still access your most up to date data? |
work_7idmol6jkzbwjfz2emqlljzlp4 | Can you think of someone for whom this data or collection would be useful? |
work_7idmol6jkzbwjfz2emqlljzlp4 | Consider: Could you apply a dataset from one of these repositories to your own work? |
work_7idmol6jkzbwjfz2emqlljzlp4 | Consider: How are you managing your physical samples? |
work_7idmol6jkzbwjfz2emqlljzlp4 | Consider: How would you give an explanation of two new terms you have just learnt? |
work_7idmol6jkzbwjfz2emqlljzlp4 | Consider: If you were considering licensing a dataset on something which may have commercial value to others- what licence would you apply? |
work_7idmol6jkzbwjfz2emqlljzlp4 | Consider: If your research appeared in the right data portal or repository, what things might result from that for yourself? |
work_7idmol6jkzbwjfz2emqlljzlp4 | Consider: Why do you think these geospatial visualisations are so powerful? |
work_7idmol6jkzbwjfz2emqlljzlp4 | Consider:* Does the library display reuse permissions/ licenses on how to use the item? |
work_7idmol6jkzbwjfz2emqlljzlp4 | Consider:* How FAIR was your chosen dataset? |
work_7idmol6jkzbwjfz2emqlljzlp4 | Consider:* What other types of persistent identifiers do you think your library should support? |
work_7idmol6jkzbwjfz2emqlljzlp4 | Discussion 1: • From either of the two scenarios, can your data survive a disaster? |
work_7idmol6jkzbwjfz2emqlljzlp4 | Discussion 1: • How many people have made public or shared part of their research automaton pipeline? |
work_7idmol6jkzbwjfz2emqlljzlp4 | Discussion 1: • what are the most common data formats used in your field? |
work_7idmol6jkzbwjfz2emqlljzlp4 | Discussion 2: • Are there instances where your own research would have been improved if you had access to other people ’s process products? |
work_7idmol6jkzbwjfz2emqlljzlp4 | Discussion 2: • Think about a time when you had or potentially had a data disaster- how could the disaster have been avoided? |
work_7idmol6jkzbwjfz2emqlljzlp4 | Discussion 2: • What are the advantages and disadvantages of storing in plain ASCII, like a CSV file versus a binary, like netCDF? |
work_7idmol6jkzbwjfz2emqlljzlp4 | Discussion: • What would be a positive benefit for having a personal persistent ID such as ORCID? |
work_7idmol6jkzbwjfz2emqlljzlp4 | Do all data repositories or metadata catalogues enable users to refine search by licenses? |
work_7idmol6jkzbwjfz2emqlljzlp4 | Do you authenticate against the ORCID registry? |
work_7idmol6jkzbwjfz2emqlljzlp4 | Do you have an ORCID? |
work_7idmol6jkzbwjfz2emqlljzlp4 | Do you know about any? |
work_7idmol6jkzbwjfz2emqlljzlp4 | Do you know of a service provider in your region? |
work_7idmol6jkzbwjfz2emqlljzlp4 | Do you think something is missing from the results? |
work_7idmol6jkzbwjfz2emqlljzlp4 | Do you use any of the non- preferred formats? |
work_7idmol6jkzbwjfz2emqlljzlp4 | Does he/ she also have access to the documentation? |
work_7idmol6jkzbwjfz2emqlljzlp4 | Does it differ from the general Taylor and Francis policy? |
work_7idmol6jkzbwjfz2emqlljzlp4 | Does it have a DOI? |
work_7idmol6jkzbwjfz2emqlljzlp4 | Does it have features that support the FAIR Data Principles or are changes required? |
work_7idmol6jkzbwjfz2emqlljzlp4 | Does the current wording in the policy for Open Data encourage making the data FAIR? |
work_7idmol6jkzbwjfz2emqlljzlp4 | Does your institution have policies or guidelines around data licensing? |
work_7idmol6jkzbwjfz2emqlljzlp4 | Does your library incorporate FAIR into researcher training? |
work_7idmol6jkzbwjfz2emqlljzlp4 | File- Level Metadata( general and technical)? |
work_7idmol6jkzbwjfz2emqlljzlp4 | For example:* When you are working on a contract and the contracting body does not permit it? |
work_7idmol6jkzbwjfz2emqlljzlp4 | Have any of them ever cited a dataset? |
work_7idmol6jkzbwjfz2emqlljzlp4 | Have you or your colleagues ever experienced data loss? |
work_7idmol6jkzbwjfz2emqlljzlp4 | How FAIR aware are your researchers? |
work_7idmol6jkzbwjfz2emqlljzlp4 | How and where do you usually find software? |
work_7idmol6jkzbwjfz2emqlljzlp4 | How can the dataset be downloaded? |
work_7idmol6jkzbwjfz2emqlljzlp4 | How can these skills be encouraged in your institution? |
work_7idmol6jkzbwjfz2emqlljzlp4 | How can you do better? |
work_7idmol6jkzbwjfz2emqlljzlp4 | How can you fill in any gaps? |
work_7idmol6jkzbwjfz2emqlljzlp4 | How did you address this issue? |
work_7idmol6jkzbwjfz2emqlljzlp4 | How easy it to figure out if the data you found online is reliable? |
work_7idmol6jkzbwjfz2emqlljzlp4 | How many entries are returned for the query specific for your research topic on re3data? |
work_7idmol6jkzbwjfz2emqlljzlp4 | How many file formats do you work with regularly? |
work_7idmol6jkzbwjfz2emqlljzlp4 | How many files have become inaccessible to you over the years? |
work_7idmol6jkzbwjfz2emqlljzlp4 | How many results did you get? |
work_7idmol6jkzbwjfz2emqlljzlp4 | How to use this guide? |
work_7idmol6jkzbwjfz2emqlljzlp4 | How well does it support FAIR Data? |
work_7idmol6jkzbwjfz2emqlljzlp4 | How would you cite data from the Multibeam Bathymetry Database? |
work_7idmol6jkzbwjfz2emqlljzlp4 | How would you cite the World Ocean Database? |
work_7idmol6jkzbwjfz2emqlljzlp4 | How would you cite this data? |
work_7idmol6jkzbwjfz2emqlljzlp4 | How would you encourage other researchers to use them? |
work_7idmol6jkzbwjfz2emqlljzlp4 | If someone wanted to use this dataset for further research, would they know how to give credit to the creator of the original dataset? |
work_7idmol6jkzbwjfz2emqlljzlp4 | If someone who is unfamiliar with your research wants to find, evaluate, understand and reuse your data, what would he/ she need? |
work_7idmol6jkzbwjfz2emqlljzlp4 | If we consider this video, already mentioned in Thing 2, how would you describe the photography example in terms of FAIR? |
work_7idmol6jkzbwjfz2emqlljzlp4 | If you filter under"Subject", what do you find? |
work_7idmol6jkzbwjfz2emqlljzlp4 | If you have n’t shared this, what prevented you from sharing? |
work_7idmol6jkzbwjfz2emqlljzlp4 | If you knew about this data portal, would you be able to easily find this dataset if it was relevant to your research? |
work_7idmol6jkzbwjfz2emqlljzlp4 | If you library supports the minting of DOIs for research data and related materials, is there more that you could do in this regard? |
work_7idmol6jkzbwjfz2emqlljzlp4 | If you saw the citation, would you know how to go about accessing the data? |
work_7idmol6jkzbwjfz2emqlljzlp4 | If you were allowed to update the time capsule every 5 years, what would you change to make it easier for those unearthing it? |
work_7idmol6jkzbwjfz2emqlljzlp4 | Is he/ she able to install your software? |
work_7idmol6jkzbwjfz2emqlljzlp4 | Is it easy to find a dataset in those repositories that covered the California coast( or any other region of your choice) during the last year? |
work_7idmol6jkzbwjfz2emqlljzlp4 | Is it hosted on a reliable platform( long term persistent, such as Zenodo, PyPI, CRAN)? |
work_7idmol6jkzbwjfz2emqlljzlp4 | Is it something you collected, or was it from a public repository? |
work_7idmol6jkzbwjfz2emqlljzlp4 | Is the falsification/ fabrication of data an issue with digital data? |
work_7idmol6jkzbwjfz2emqlljzlp4 | Is there a place where you can find the relevant standards and a detailed description? |
work_7idmol6jkzbwjfz2emqlljzlp4 | Is there a way to access this data from within your preferred analysis software? |
work_7idmol6jkzbwjfz2emqlljzlp4 | Is there an API for this data source? |
work_7idmol6jkzbwjfz2emqlljzlp4 | Is there anything preventing him/ her from getting to it? |
work_7idmol6jkzbwjfz2emqlljzlp4 | Learn more* Watch the webinar Enabling FAIR Data at fair- data or Are we FAIR yet? |
work_7idmol6jkzbwjfz2emqlljzlp4 | License information( regarding commercial use)? |
work_7idmol6jkzbwjfz2emqlljzlp4 | Or want to make sure you are credited for use of data? |
work_7idmol6jkzbwjfz2emqlljzlp4 | Prefer watching? |
work_7idmol6jkzbwjfz2emqlljzlp4 | Q: What type of data identifier does a government data custodian have? |
work_7idmol6jkzbwjfz2emqlljzlp4 | Reflection: Could you understand the description? |
work_7idmol6jkzbwjfz2emqlljzlp4 | So how can you and your library get started with the FAIR principles? |
work_7idmol6jkzbwjfz2emqlljzlp4 | So how well does your library support persistent identifiers? |
work_7idmol6jkzbwjfz2emqlljzlp4 | The next morning, can you access any of your data? |
work_7idmol6jkzbwjfz2emqlljzlp4 | The prefix or the suffix of a DOI? |
work_7idmol6jkzbwjfz2emqlljzlp4 | Thing 1- Why is data important? |
work_7idmol6jkzbwjfz2emqlljzlp4 | Thing 10- Data Impact( R) Things Thing 1: Why is data important? |
work_7idmol6jkzbwjfz2emqlljzlp4 | Thing 2: How FAIR are your data? |
work_7idmol6jkzbwjfz2emqlljzlp4 | Thing 2: How FAIR are your data? |
work_7idmol6jkzbwjfz2emqlljzlp4 | Thing 3: Do you teach FAIR to your researchers? |
work_7idmol6jkzbwjfz2emqlljzlp4 | Thing 3: Do you teach FAIR to your researchers? |
work_7idmol6jkzbwjfz2emqlljzlp4 | Thing 4: Data citation Using someone else ’s dataset? |
work_7idmol6jkzbwjfz2emqlljzlp4 | Thing 4: Is FAIR built into library practice and policy? |
work_7idmol6jkzbwjfz2emqlljzlp4 | Thing 4: Is FAIR built into library practice and policy? |
work_7idmol6jkzbwjfz2emqlljzlp4 | Thing 5: Are your library staff trained in FAIR? |
work_7idmol6jkzbwjfz2emqlljzlp4 | Thing 5: Are your library staff trained in FAIR? |
work_7idmol6jkzbwjfz2emqlljzlp4 | Thing 6: Are digital libraries FAIR? |
work_7idmol6jkzbwjfz2emqlljzlp4 | Thing 6: Are digital libraries FAIR? |
work_7idmol6jkzbwjfz2emqlljzlp4 | Thing 7: Does your library support FAIR metadata? |
work_7idmol6jkzbwjfz2emqlljzlp4 | Thing 7: Does your library support FAIR metadata? |
work_7idmol6jkzbwjfz2emqlljzlp4 | Thing 8: Does your library support FAIR identifiers? |
work_7idmol6jkzbwjfz2emqlljzlp4 | Thing 8: Does your library support FAIR identifiers? |
work_7idmol6jkzbwjfz2emqlljzlp4 | Thing 8: What are publishers& funders saying about data? |
work_7idmol6jkzbwjfz2emqlljzlp4 | Thing 9: Does your library support FAIR protocols? |
work_7idmol6jkzbwjfz2emqlljzlp4 | Thing 9: Does your library support FAIR protocols? |
work_7idmol6jkzbwjfz2emqlljzlp4 | Things Thing 1: Why bother with FAIR? |
work_7idmol6jkzbwjfz2emqlljzlp4 | Think about it you would you be able to create a DMP? |
work_7idmol6jkzbwjfz2emqlljzlp4 | To your colleagues or collaborators? |
work_7idmol6jkzbwjfz2emqlljzlp4 | Want more? |
work_7idmol6jkzbwjfz2emqlljzlp4 | Want more? |
work_7idmol6jkzbwjfz2emqlljzlp4 | Want more? |
work_7idmol6jkzbwjfz2emqlljzlp4 | Want more? |
work_7idmol6jkzbwjfz2emqlljzlp4 | Was it clear where to go next to access the data, or to ask for more information about this data or collection? |
work_7idmol6jkzbwjfz2emqlljzlp4 | Was it difficult to find the dataset? |
work_7idmol6jkzbwjfz2emqlljzlp4 | Were you able to find it? |
work_7idmol6jkzbwjfz2emqlljzlp4 | What about your discipline? |
work_7idmol6jkzbwjfz2emqlljzlp4 | What are some of the things that you think you are doing incorrectly to prevent data loss? |
work_7idmol6jkzbwjfz2emqlljzlp4 | What can you do to facilitate the ongoing use and reuse of your data? |
work_7idmol6jkzbwjfz2emqlljzlp4 | What could be done to encourage routine citation of research data and software associated with research outputs? |
work_7idmol6jkzbwjfz2emqlljzlp4 | What did you learn about your data? |
work_7idmol6jkzbwjfz2emqlljzlp4 | What do I tell researchers?) |
work_7idmol6jkzbwjfz2emqlljzlp4 | What do you think are the two or three pieces of information essential to include in every DMP and why? |
work_7idmol6jkzbwjfz2emqlljzlp4 | What else would you like to know about this data/ collection? |
work_7idmol6jkzbwjfz2emqlljzlp4 | What identifiers can you use? |
work_7idmol6jkzbwjfz2emqlljzlp4 | What is FAIR data? |
work_7idmol6jkzbwjfz2emqlljzlp4 | What is metadata, how is it relevant to FAIR and does your library support the kind of metadata specified in the FAIR Data Principles? |
work_7idmol6jkzbwjfz2emqlljzlp4 | What is needed to access the data? |
work_7idmol6jkzbwjfz2emqlljzlp4 | What is the ORCID of the author? |
work_7idmol6jkzbwjfz2emqlljzlp4 | What is? |
work_7idmol6jkzbwjfz2emqlljzlp4 | What kind of keywords do you use when searching? |
work_7idmol6jkzbwjfz2emqlljzlp4 | What level of technical/ domain knowledge is required to open, edit, and interactive with these data types? |
work_7idmol6jkzbwjfz2emqlljzlp4 | What main headings would you need to include as part of your data policy? |
work_7idmol6jkzbwjfz2emqlljzlp4 | What metadata elements would be most important to include? |
work_7idmol6jkzbwjfz2emqlljzlp4 | What might have made this process easier? |
work_7idmol6jkzbwjfz2emqlljzlp4 | What other tools use these standards? |
work_7idmol6jkzbwjfz2emqlljzlp4 | What processes and workflows have gotten you to the stage you are at currently? |
work_7idmol6jkzbwjfz2emqlljzlp4 | What should go in a description? |
work_7idmol6jkzbwjfz2emqlljzlp4 | What steps did you have to take to make sense of the data, to incorporate it into your own dataset, or to analyze it? |
work_7idmol6jkzbwjfz2emqlljzlp4 | What tools do you think would best automate this task? |
work_7idmol6jkzbwjfz2emqlljzlp4 | What were the deciding factors for selecting the applications you used or are using for your project? |
work_7idmol6jkzbwjfz2emqlljzlp4 | What would be needed for this to become a common practice in archaeology? |
work_7idmol6jkzbwjfz2emqlljzlp4 | What would it mean if every archaeologist followed these principles? |
work_7idmol6jkzbwjfz2emqlljzlp4 | What, if anything, have you changed about your data storage and workflow as a result? |
work_7idmol6jkzbwjfz2emqlljzlp4 | When was that published? |
work_7idmol6jkzbwjfz2emqlljzlp4 | Where are the gaps and what can you do to fill these? |
work_7idmol6jkzbwjfz2emqlljzlp4 | Where do you see gaps? |
work_7idmol6jkzbwjfz2emqlljzlp4 | Which Creative Commons licence is applied to government data by default? |
work_7idmol6jkzbwjfz2emqlljzlp4 | Which are the groups/ organizations that are responsible for standards in your field? |
work_7idmol6jkzbwjfz2emqlljzlp4 | Which databases and standards are mentioned in this policy? |
work_7idmol6jkzbwjfz2emqlljzlp4 | Which difficulties do you experience while trying to do the evaluation? |
work_7idmol6jkzbwjfz2emqlljzlp4 | Which fields are mandatory and which ones are not? |
work_7idmol6jkzbwjfz2emqlljzlp4 | Which formats are available? |
work_7idmol6jkzbwjfz2emqlljzlp4 | Which licenses put the least restrictions on data? |
work_7idmol6jkzbwjfz2emqlljzlp4 | Which metadata fields do you have to add when uploading data and why? |
work_7idmol6jkzbwjfz2emqlljzlp4 | Which of these repositories looks most relevant to your research area? |
work_7idmol6jkzbwjfz2emqlljzlp4 | Which part indicates the publishing institution? |
work_7idmol6jkzbwjfz2emqlljzlp4 | Who funded that research? |
work_7idmol6jkzbwjfz2emqlljzlp4 | Who is the creator of that dataset? |
work_7idmol6jkzbwjfz2emqlljzlp4 | Who was the creator of this dataset? |
work_7idmol6jkzbwjfz2emqlljzlp4 | Why are the results so different? |
work_7idmol6jkzbwjfz2emqlljzlp4 | Why do I need to know? |
work_7idmol6jkzbwjfz2emqlljzlp4 | Why open source tools? |
work_7idmol6jkzbwjfz2emqlljzlp4 | Why or why not? |
work_7idmol6jkzbwjfz2emqlljzlp4 | Why or why not? |
work_7idmol6jkzbwjfz2emqlljzlp4 | Why this guide? |
work_7idmol6jkzbwjfz2emqlljzlp4 | Why this guide? |
work_7idmol6jkzbwjfz2emqlljzlp4 | Why, or why not? |
work_7idmol6jkzbwjfz2emqlljzlp4 | Why? |
work_7idmol6jkzbwjfz2emqlljzlp4 | Would another lab member be able to access all your data if needed? |
work_7idmol6jkzbwjfz2emqlljzlp4 | Would it be a good place to contribute the data from your own research? |
work_7idmol6jkzbwjfz2emqlljzlp4 | Would they think that you would want attribution? |
work_7idmol6jkzbwjfz2emqlljzlp4 | Would you feel more confident citing another person ’s work if you knew? |
work_7idmol6jkzbwjfz2emqlljzlp4 | Would you need to change file formats or learn a new software package? |
work_7idmol6jkzbwjfz2emqlljzlp4 | for commercial purposes? |
work_7idmol6jkzbwjfz2emqlljzlp4 | the preferred format for a time series would be different than a numerical model output, or a gene sequence? |
work_7idmol6jkzbwjfz2emqlljzlp4 | with international collaborators? |
work_7idmol6jkzbwjfz2emqlljzlp4 | “ Electronic lab notebooks: can they replace paper? ” Journal of cheminformatics vol. |
work_7idmol6jkzbwjfz2emqlljzlp4 | • After completing the second activity, what are strengths and weaknesses of your chosen template? |
work_7idmol6jkzbwjfz2emqlljzlp4 | • Do you have any documentation associated describing how to navigate your data structures? |
work_7idmol6jkzbwjfz2emqlljzlp4 | • Is there something you can do about it now? |
work_7idmol6jkzbwjfz2emqlljzlp4 | • Look at your ORCID record, if you have undertaken peer review activities are they listed? |
work_7idmol6jkzbwjfz2emqlljzlp4 | • Using the above approach, you just identified, what is associated with this DOI? |
work_7idmol6jkzbwjfz2emqlljzlp4 | • Was there proper documentation? |
work_7idmol6jkzbwjfz2emqlljzlp4 | • Were there any pain points that you encounter or are dealing with now? |
work_7idmol6jkzbwjfz2emqlljzlp4 | • What are some of the best practices you have adopted to make your research reproducible for others? |
work_7idmol6jkzbwjfz2emqlljzlp4 | • What are the most relevant"Things"previously mentioned in this document that you could use to make your research more reproducible? |
work_7idmol6jkzbwjfz2emqlljzlp4 | • What did he publish in 1839? |
work_7idmol6jkzbwjfz2emqlljzlp4 | • What makes a good description? |
work_7idmol6jkzbwjfz2emqlljzlp4 | • What ’s a data portal? |
work_7idmol6jkzbwjfz2emqlljzlp4 | • Where to find data? |
work_7idmol6jkzbwjfz2emqlljzlp4 | • Where to store data? |
work_7idmol6jkzbwjfz2emqlljzlp4 | • Who created the objects( ORCID)? |
work_7idmol6jkzbwjfz2emqlljzlp4 | • Why do you think linking peer review activities to ORCIDs could be useful? |
work_dtqpmklv3fgkhlutvc4a3ukmze | , At the moment the pilot is in a initial phase Please specify: Q12 What kind of collection are you using in the activity? |
work_dtqpmklv3fgkhlutvc4a3ukmze | , Download statistics and other knowledge of usage Please specify: Q12 What kind of collection are you using in the activity? |
work_dtqpmklv3fgkhlutvc4a3ukmze | , Google analytics, social media, publications Please specify: Q12 What kind of collection are you using in the activity? |
work_dtqpmklv3fgkhlutvc4a3ukmze | , Participant feedback Please specify: Q12 What kind of collection are you using in the activity? |
work_dtqpmklv3fgkhlutvc4a3ukmze | , Through existing relationships Q15 What would be the main topics describing your relationship with the researchers working in the activity? |
work_dtqpmklv3fgkhlutvc4a3ukmze | , Through existing relationships Q15 What would be the main topics describing your relationship with the researchers working in the activity? |
work_dtqpmklv3fgkhlutvc4a3ukmze | , Through existing relationships Q15 What would be the main topics describing your relationship with the researchers working in the activity? |
work_dtqpmklv3fgkhlutvc4a3ukmze | , Through existing relationships Q15 What would be the main topics describing your relationship with the researchers working in the activity? |
work_dtqpmklv3fgkhlutvc4a3ukmze | , With surveys Please specify: Q12 What kind of collection are you using in the activity? |
work_dtqpmklv3fgkhlutvc4a3ukmze | , Yearly reviews Please specify: Q12 What kind of collection are you using in the activity? |
work_dtqpmklv3fgkhlutvc4a3ukmze | , not exactly clear how we would do this Please specify: Q12 What kind of collection are you using in the activity? |
work_dtqpmklv3fgkhlutvc4a3ukmze | 1- 2 years Q8 How many people of your library are involved in the activity? |
work_dtqpmklv3fgkhlutvc4a3ukmze | 1- 2 years Q8 How many people of your library are involved in the activity? |
work_dtqpmklv3fgkhlutvc4a3ukmze | 2- 5 Q9 Is the activity being undertaken in an embedded program in your library? |
work_dtqpmklv3fgkhlutvc4a3ukmze | 2- 5 Q9 Is the activity being undertaken in an embedded program in your library? |
work_dtqpmklv3fgkhlutvc4a3ukmze | 2- 5 Q9 Is the activity being undertaken in an embedded program in your library? |
work_dtqpmklv3fgkhlutvc4a3ukmze | 2- 5 Q9 Is the activity being undertaken in an embedded program in your library? |
work_dtqpmklv3fgkhlutvc4a3ukmze | 2- 5 Q9 Is the activity being undertaken in an embedded program in your library? |
work_dtqpmklv3fgkhlutvc4a3ukmze | 2- 5 Q9 Is the activity being undertaken in an embedded program in your library? |
work_dtqpmklv3fgkhlutvc4a3ukmze | 2- 5 Q9 Is the activity being undertaken in an embedded program in your library? |
work_dtqpmklv3fgkhlutvc4a3ukmze | 3- 5 years Q8 How many people of your library are involved in the activity? |
work_dtqpmklv3fgkhlutvc4a3ukmze | 3- 5 years Q8 How many people of your library are involved in the activity? |
work_dtqpmklv3fgkhlutvc4a3ukmze | 3- 5 years Q8 How many people of your library are involved in the activity? |
work_dtqpmklv3fgkhlutvc4a3ukmze | 3- 5 years Q8 How many people of your library are involved in the activity? |
work_dtqpmklv3fgkhlutvc4a3ukmze | 3- 5 years Q8 How many people of your library are involved in the activity? |
work_dtqpmklv3fgkhlutvc4a3ukmze | 3- 5 years Q8 How many people of your library are involved in the activity? |
work_dtqpmklv3fgkhlutvc4a3ukmze | 33/ 67 LIBER DH& DCH Working group- use case survey Q17 Did you follow or offer any training for librarians as part of this activity? |
work_dtqpmklv3fgkhlutvc4a3ukmze | 57/ 67 LIBER DH& DCH Working group- use case survey Q17 Did you follow or offer any training for librarians as part of this activity? |
work_dtqpmklv3fgkhlutvc4a3ukmze | 6- 10 Q9 Is the activity being undertaken in an embedded program in your library? |
work_dtqpmklv3fgkhlutvc4a3ukmze | 6- 10 Q9 Is the activity being undertaken in an embedded program in your library? |
work_dtqpmklv3fgkhlutvc4a3ukmze | 6- 10 Q9 Is the activity being undertaken in an embedded program in your library? |
work_dtqpmklv3fgkhlutvc4a3ukmze | 6- 10 Q9 Is the activity being undertaken in an embedded program in your library? |
work_dtqpmklv3fgkhlutvc4a3ukmze | A born- digital collection we created and curate, A digitised collection we created and curate, Metadata Q13 How is the data you are using licensed? |
work_dtqpmklv3fgkhlutvc4a3ukmze | A born- digital collection we created and curate, A digitised collection we created and curate, Metadata Q13 How is the data you are using licensed? |
work_dtqpmklv3fgkhlutvc4a3ukmze | A born- digital collection we created and curate, A digitised collection we created and curate, Metadata Q13 How is the data you are using licensed? |
work_dtqpmklv3fgkhlutvc4a3ukmze | A born- digital collection we created and curate, A digitised collection we created and curate, Metadata Q13 How is the data you are using licensed? |
work_dtqpmklv3fgkhlutvc4a3ukmze | A digitised collection we created and curate Q13 How is the data you are using licensed? |
work_dtqpmklv3fgkhlutvc4a3ukmze | A digitised collection we created and curate Q13 How is the data you are using licensed? |
work_dtqpmklv3fgkhlutvc4a3ukmze | A digitised collection we created and curate Q13 How is the data you are using licensed? |
work_dtqpmklv3fgkhlutvc4a3ukmze | A digitised collection we created and curate, Metadata Q13 How is the data you are using licensed? |
work_dtqpmklv3fgkhlutvc4a3ukmze | A digitised collection we created and curate, Metadata Q13 How is the data you are using licensed? |
work_dtqpmklv3fgkhlutvc4a3ukmze | A digitised collection we have a license to, A digitised collection we created and curate, Metadata Q13 How is the data you are using licensed? |
work_dtqpmklv3fgkhlutvc4a3ukmze | Any other CC- license Q14 How did you find/ built a relationship with the researchers working in this activity? |
work_dtqpmklv3fgkhlutvc4a3ukmze | Any other CC- license Q14 How did you find/ built a relationship with the researchers working in this activity? |
work_dtqpmklv3fgkhlutvc4a3ukmze | Articles in journals, Conferences, Blog posts, Other( please specify): Workshops Q21 Where can we find any extra information about the activity? |
work_dtqpmklv3fgkhlutvc4a3ukmze | Articles in journals, Conferences, Own website Q21 Where can we find any extra information about the activity? |
work_dtqpmklv3fgkhlutvc4a3ukmze | Articles in journals, Conferences, Own website Q21 Where can we find any extra information about the activity? |
work_dtqpmklv3fgkhlutvc4a3ukmze | Articles in journals, Conferences, Partner''s website, Social media Q21 Where can we find any extra information about the activity? |
work_dtqpmklv3fgkhlutvc4a3ukmze | Articles in journals, Own website, Social media, Blog posts Q21 Where can we find any extra information about the activity? |
work_dtqpmklv3fgkhlutvc4a3ukmze | Aware( They know( some of) the activities the library is active in) Q20 If the library promotes the activity, where does it do so? |
work_dtqpmklv3fgkhlutvc4a3ukmze | Aware( They know( some of) the activities the library is active in) Q20 If the library promotes the activity, where does it do so? |
work_dtqpmklv3fgkhlutvc4a3ukmze | Aware( They know( some of) the activities the library is active in) Q20 If the library promotes the activity, where does it do so? |
work_dtqpmklv3fgkhlutvc4a3ukmze | Aware( They know( some of) the activities the library is active in) Q20 If the library promotes the activity, where does it do so? |
work_dtqpmklv3fgkhlutvc4a3ukmze | Aware( They know( some of) the activities the library is active in) Q20 If the library promotes the activity, where does it do so? |
work_dtqpmklv3fgkhlutvc4a3ukmze | CC0, Any other CC- license Q14 How did you find/ built a relationship with the researchers working in this activity? |
work_dtqpmklv3fgkhlutvc4a3ukmze | CC0, Any other CC- license, Copyrighted Q14 How did you find/ built a relationship with the researchers working in this activity? |
work_dtqpmklv3fgkhlutvc4a3ukmze | CC0, Copyrighted Q14 How did you find/ built a relationship with the researchers working in this activity? |
work_dtqpmklv3fgkhlutvc4a3ukmze | Conferences, Own website, Partner''s website, Social media Q21 Where can we find any extra information about the activity? |
work_dtqpmklv3fgkhlutvc4a3ukmze | Conferences, Own website, Social media, Blog posts Q21 Where can we find any extra information about the activity? |
work_dtqpmklv3fgkhlutvc4a3ukmze | Copyrighted Q14 How did you find/ built a relationship with the researchers working in this activity? |
work_dtqpmklv3fgkhlutvc4a3ukmze | Copyrighted Q14 How did you find/ built a relationship with the researchers working in this activity? |
work_dtqpmklv3fgkhlutvc4a3ukmze | Digital content/ collections Q16 What were the most significant skill- gaps you identified for this activity? |
work_dtqpmklv3fgkhlutvc4a3ukmze | Digital content/ collections Q16 What were the most significant skill- gaps you identified for this activity? |
work_dtqpmklv3fgkhlutvc4a3ukmze | Digital content/ collections, Advisory/ consultation roles Q16 What were the most significant skill- gaps you identified for this activity? |
work_dtqpmklv3fgkhlutvc4a3ukmze | Digital content/ collections, Digital storage/ preservation/ hosting Q16 What were the most significant skill- gaps you identified for this activity? |
work_dtqpmklv3fgkhlutvc4a3ukmze | Digital content/ collections, Skills training and development Q16 What were the most significant skill- gaps you identified for this activity? |
work_dtqpmklv3fgkhlutvc4a3ukmze | If no, why not? |
work_dtqpmklv3fgkhlutvc4a3ukmze | If no, why not? |
work_dtqpmklv3fgkhlutvc4a3ukmze | If no, why not? |
work_dtqpmklv3fgkhlutvc4a3ukmze | If no, why not? |
work_dtqpmklv3fgkhlutvc4a3ukmze | If yes, how? |
work_dtqpmklv3fgkhlutvc4a3ukmze | If yes, how? |
work_dtqpmklv3fgkhlutvc4a3ukmze | If yes, how? |
work_dtqpmklv3fgkhlutvc4a3ukmze | If yes, how? |
work_dtqpmklv3fgkhlutvc4a3ukmze | If yes, how? |
work_dtqpmklv3fgkhlutvc4a3ukmze | If yes, how? |
work_dtqpmklv3fgkhlutvc4a3ukmze | If yes, how? |
work_dtqpmklv3fgkhlutvc4a3ukmze | If yes, how? |
work_dtqpmklv3fgkhlutvc4a3ukmze | If yes, how? |
work_dtqpmklv3fgkhlutvc4a3ukmze | If yes, how? |
work_dtqpmklv3fgkhlutvc4a3ukmze | If yes, how? |
work_dtqpmklv3fgkhlutvc4a3ukmze | If yes, how? |
work_dtqpmklv3fgkhlutvc4a3ukmze | If yes, how? |
work_dtqpmklv3fgkhlutvc4a3ukmze | If yes, please specify which skill gaps you indentified: Q17 Did you follow or offer any training for librarians as part of this activity? |
work_dtqpmklv3fgkhlutvc4a3ukmze | In other words, is it part of a policy? |
work_dtqpmklv3fgkhlutvc4a3ukmze | In other words, is it part of a policy? |
work_dtqpmklv3fgkhlutvc4a3ukmze | In other words, is it part of a policy? |
work_dtqpmklv3fgkhlutvc4a3ukmze | In other words, is it part of a policy? |
work_dtqpmklv3fgkhlutvc4a3ukmze | In other words, is it part of a policy? |
work_dtqpmklv3fgkhlutvc4a3ukmze | In other words, is it part of a policy? |
work_dtqpmklv3fgkhlutvc4a3ukmze | In other words, is it part of a policy? |
work_dtqpmklv3fgkhlutvc4a3ukmze | In other words, is it part of a policy? |
work_dtqpmklv3fgkhlutvc4a3ukmze | In other words, is it part of a policy? |
work_dtqpmklv3fgkhlutvc4a3ukmze | In other words, is it part of a policy? |
work_dtqpmklv3fgkhlutvc4a3ukmze | In other words, is it part of a policy? |
work_dtqpmklv3fgkhlutvc4a3ukmze | In other words, is it part of a policy? |
work_dtqpmklv3fgkhlutvc4a3ukmze | In other words, is it part of a policy? |
work_dtqpmklv3fgkhlutvc4a3ukmze | In other words, is it part of a policy? |
work_dtqpmklv3fgkhlutvc4a3ukmze | In other words, is it part of a policy? |
work_dtqpmklv3fgkhlutvc4a3ukmze | In other words, is it part of a policy? |
work_dtqpmklv3fgkhlutvc4a3ukmze | In other words, is it part of a policy? |
work_dtqpmklv3fgkhlutvc4a3ukmze | It belongs to the scope of this activity Q19 How aware are academics in your institution of the DH activities the library is active in? |
work_dtqpmklv3fgkhlutvc4a3ukmze | It belongs to the scope of this activity Q19 How aware are academics in your institution of the DH activities the library is active in? |
work_dtqpmklv3fgkhlutvc4a3ukmze | It belongs to the scope of this activity Q19 How aware are academics in your institution of the DH activities the library is active in? |
work_dtqpmklv3fgkhlutvc4a3ukmze | It belongs to the scope of this activity Q19 How aware are academics in your institution of the DH activities the library is active in? |
work_dtqpmklv3fgkhlutvc4a3ukmze | More than 10 Q9 Is the activity being undertaken in an embedded program in your library? |
work_dtqpmklv3fgkhlutvc4a3ukmze | More than 5 years Q8 How many people of your library are involved in the activity? |
work_dtqpmklv3fgkhlutvc4a3ukmze | More than 5 years Q8 How many people of your library are involved in the activity? |
work_dtqpmklv3fgkhlutvc4a3ukmze | More than 5 years Q8 How many people of your library are involved in the activity? |
work_dtqpmklv3fgkhlutvc4a3ukmze | No Q11 Are you assessing the impact of your work? |
work_dtqpmklv3fgkhlutvc4a3ukmze | No Q11 Are you assessing the impact of your work? |
work_dtqpmklv3fgkhlutvc4a3ukmze | No Q11 Are you assessing the impact of your work? |
work_dtqpmklv3fgkhlutvc4a3ukmze | No Q11 Are you assessing the impact of your work? |
work_dtqpmklv3fgkhlutvc4a3ukmze | No Q11 Are you assessing the impact of your work? |
work_dtqpmklv3fgkhlutvc4a3ukmze | No Q11 Are you assessing the impact of your work? |
work_dtqpmklv3fgkhlutvc4a3ukmze | No, because Q18 If you have followed or offered any DH training for librarians, how is it organised? |
work_dtqpmklv3fgkhlutvc4a3ukmze | No, because, Lack of money Please specify: Q18 If you have followed or offered any DH training for librarians, how is it organised? |
work_dtqpmklv3fgkhlutvc4a3ukmze | No, because, Not yet, but we will Please specify: Q18 If you have followed or offered any DH training for librarians, how is it organised? |
work_dtqpmklv3fgkhlutvc4a3ukmze | No, it is an ad- hoc activity Q10 Do you have a dedicated budget for this activity? |
work_dtqpmklv3fgkhlutvc4a3ukmze | No, it is an ad- hoc activity Q10 Do you have a dedicated budget for this activity? |
work_dtqpmklv3fgkhlutvc4a3ukmze | No, it is an ad- hoc activity Q10 Do you have a dedicated budget for this activity? |
work_dtqpmklv3fgkhlutvc4a3ukmze | None Q17 Did you follow or offer any training for librarians as part of this activity? |
work_dtqpmklv3fgkhlutvc4a3ukmze | Not applicable, the library does not promote the activity Q21 Where can we find any extra information about the activity? |
work_dtqpmklv3fgkhlutvc4a3ukmze | Not applicable, the library does not promote the activity Q21 Where can we find any extra information about the activity? |
work_dtqpmklv3fgkhlutvc4a3ukmze | Not applicable, we did not follow or offer any training Q19 How aware are academics in your institution of the DH activities the library is active in? |
work_dtqpmklv3fgkhlutvc4a3ukmze | Not applicable, we did not follow or offer any training Q19 How aware are academics in your institution of the DH activities the library is active in? |
work_dtqpmklv3fgkhlutvc4a3ukmze | Not applicable, we did not follow or offer any training Q19 How aware are academics in your institution of the DH activities the library is active in? |
work_dtqpmklv3fgkhlutvc4a3ukmze | Not applicable, we did not follow or offer any training Q19 How aware are academics in your institution of the DH activities the library is active in? |
work_dtqpmklv3fgkhlutvc4a3ukmze | Not aware( They have no idea the library does anything related to DH) Q20 If the library promotes the activity, where does it do so? |
work_dtqpmklv3fgkhlutvc4a3ukmze | Not aware( They have no idea the library does anything related to DH) Q20 If the library promotes the activity, where does it do so? |
work_dtqpmklv3fgkhlutvc4a3ukmze | Online Presence – DH Lab/ Portal, Social Media, Other forums – committees, faculty liaison, others? |
work_dtqpmklv3fgkhlutvc4a3ukmze | Online Presence – DH Lab/ Portal, Social Media, Physical Space – Facilitating/ Hosting, Other forums – committees, faculty liaison, others? |
work_dtqpmklv3fgkhlutvc4a3ukmze | Other forums – committees, faculty liaison, others? |
work_dtqpmklv3fgkhlutvc4a3ukmze | Other forums – committees, faculty liaison, others? |
work_dtqpmklv3fgkhlutvc4a3ukmze | Other( please specify): Archive data Q13 How is the data you are using licensed? |
work_dtqpmklv3fgkhlutvc4a3ukmze | Other( please specify): Catalogues Q13 How is the data you are using licensed? |
work_dtqpmklv3fgkhlutvc4a3ukmze | Other( please specify): Collection we are digitising and are making available CC- BY Q13 How is the data you are using licensed? |
work_dtqpmklv3fgkhlutvc4a3ukmze | Own website Q21 Where can we find any extra information about the activity? |
work_dtqpmklv3fgkhlutvc4a3ukmze | Own website, Partner''s website, Social media, Blog posts Q21 Where can we find any extra information about the activity? |
work_dtqpmklv3fgkhlutvc4a3ukmze | Own website, Social media, Blog posts Q21 Where can we find any extra information about the activity? |
work_dtqpmklv3fgkhlutvc4a3ukmze | Please specify: Q12 What kind of collection are you using in the activity? |
work_dtqpmklv3fgkhlutvc4a3ukmze | Please specify: Q12 What kind of collection are you using in the activity? |
work_dtqpmklv3fgkhlutvc4a3ukmze | Please specify: Q12 What kind of collection are you using in the activity? |
work_dtqpmklv3fgkhlutvc4a3ukmze | Please specify: Q12 What kind of collection are you using in the activity? |
work_dtqpmklv3fgkhlutvc4a3ukmze | Please specify: Q12 What kind of collection are you using in the activity? |
work_dtqpmklv3fgkhlutvc4a3ukmze | Please specify: Q12 What kind of collection are you using in the activity? |
work_dtqpmklv3fgkhlutvc4a3ukmze | Please specify: Q12 What kind of collection are you using in the activity? |
work_dtqpmklv3fgkhlutvc4a3ukmze | Please specify: Q12 What kind of collection are you using in the activity? |
work_dtqpmklv3fgkhlutvc4a3ukmze | Please specify: Q18 If you have followed or offered any DH training for librarians, how is it organised? |
work_dtqpmklv3fgkhlutvc4a3ukmze | Please specify: Q18 If you have followed or offered any DH training for librarians, how is it organised? |
work_dtqpmklv3fgkhlutvc4a3ukmze | Please specify: Q18 If you have followed or offered any DH training for librarians, how is it organised? |
work_dtqpmklv3fgkhlutvc4a3ukmze | Please specify: Q18 If you have followed or offered any DH training for librarians, how is it organised? |
work_dtqpmklv3fgkhlutvc4a3ukmze | Public domain Q14 How did you find/ built a relationship with the researchers working in this activity? |
work_dtqpmklv3fgkhlutvc4a3ukmze | Public domain, Any other CC- license Q14 How did you find/ built a relationship with the researchers working in this activity? |
work_dtqpmklv3fgkhlutvc4a3ukmze | Public domain, CC0 Q14 How did you find/ built a relationship with the researchers working in this activity? |
work_dtqpmklv3fgkhlutvc4a3ukmze | Public domain, CC0, Any other CC- license Q14 How did you find/ built a relationship with the researchers working in this activity? |
work_dtqpmklv3fgkhlutvc4a3ukmze | Public domain, CC0, Any other CC- license, Copyrighted Q14 How did you find/ built a relationship with the researchers working in this activity? |
work_dtqpmklv3fgkhlutvc4a3ukmze | Public domain, CC0, Any other CC- license, Copyrighted Q14 How did you find/ built a relationship with the researchers working in this activity? |
work_dtqpmklv3fgkhlutvc4a3ukmze | Public domain, Copyrighted Q14 How did you find/ built a relationship with the researchers working in this activity? |
work_dtqpmklv3fgkhlutvc4a3ukmze | Public domain, Copyrighted Q14 How did you find/ built a relationship with the researchers working in this activity? |
work_dtqpmklv3fgkhlutvc4a3ukmze | Public domain, Copyrighted Q14 How did you find/ built a relationship with the researchers working in this activity? |
work_dtqpmklv3fgkhlutvc4a3ukmze | Public domain, Copyrighted Q14 How did you find/ built a relationship with the researchers working in this activity? |
work_dtqpmklv3fgkhlutvc4a3ukmze | Q15 What would be the main topics describing your relationship with the researchers working in the activity? |
work_dtqpmklv3fgkhlutvc4a3ukmze | Q15 What would be the main topics describing your relationship with the researchers working in the activity? |
work_dtqpmklv3fgkhlutvc4a3ukmze | Q16 What were the most significant skill- gaps you identified for this activity? |
work_dtqpmklv3fgkhlutvc4a3ukmze | Q17 Did you follow or offer any training for librarians as part of this activity? |
work_dtqpmklv3fgkhlutvc4a3ukmze | Q17 Did you follow or offer any training for librarians as part of this activity? |
work_dtqpmklv3fgkhlutvc4a3ukmze | Q17 Did you follow or offer any training for librarians as part of this activity? |
work_dtqpmklv3fgkhlutvc4a3ukmze | Q17 Did you follow or offer any training for librarians as part of this activity? |
work_dtqpmklv3fgkhlutvc4a3ukmze | Q17 Did you follow or offer any training for librarians as part of this activity? |
work_dtqpmklv3fgkhlutvc4a3ukmze | Q17 Did you follow or offer any training for librarians as part of this activity? |
work_dtqpmklv3fgkhlutvc4a3ukmze | Q17 Did you follow or offer any training for librarians as part of this activity? |
work_dtqpmklv3fgkhlutvc4a3ukmze | Q17 Did you follow or offer any training for librarians as part of this activity? |
work_dtqpmklv3fgkhlutvc4a3ukmze | Q17 Did you follow or offer any training for librarians as part of this activity? |
work_dtqpmklv3fgkhlutvc4a3ukmze | Q3 Is it OK if we share this use case( including the name of library)? |
work_dtqpmklv3fgkhlutvc4a3ukmze | Q7 How long have you been doing this activity in your library? |
work_dtqpmklv3fgkhlutvc4a3ukmze | Q7 How long have you been doing this activity in your library? |
work_dtqpmklv3fgkhlutvc4a3ukmze | Q7 How long have you been doing this activity in your library? |
work_dtqpmklv3fgkhlutvc4a3ukmze | Q7 How long have you been doing this activity in your library? |
work_dtqpmklv3fgkhlutvc4a3ukmze | Q7 How long have you been doing this activity in your library? |
work_dtqpmklv3fgkhlutvc4a3ukmze | Q7 How long have you been doing this activity in your library? |
work_dtqpmklv3fgkhlutvc4a3ukmze | Q7 How long have you been doing this activity in your library? |
work_dtqpmklv3fgkhlutvc4a3ukmze | Q7 How long have you been doing this activity in your library? |
work_dtqpmklv3fgkhlutvc4a3ukmze | Q7 How long have you been doing this activity in your library? |
work_dtqpmklv3fgkhlutvc4a3ukmze | Q7 How long have you been doing this activity in your library? |
work_dtqpmklv3fgkhlutvc4a3ukmze | Q7 How long have you been doing this activity in your library? |
work_dtqpmklv3fgkhlutvc4a3ukmze | Q7 How long have you been doing this activity in your library? |
work_dtqpmklv3fgkhlutvc4a3ukmze | Scoping tools – Environmental Scans, Surveys, Training/ outreach events, Other forums – committees, faculty liaison, others? |
work_dtqpmklv3fgkhlutvc4a3ukmze | Somewhat aware( They know that the library does something, but are not sure what) Q20 If the library promotes the activity, where does it do so? |
work_dtqpmklv3fgkhlutvc4a3ukmze | Somewhat aware( They know that the library does something, but are not sure what) Q20 If the library promotes the activity, where does it do so? |
work_dtqpmklv3fgkhlutvc4a3ukmze | Somewhat aware( They know that the library does something, but are not sure what) Q20 If the library promotes the activity, where does it do so? |
work_dtqpmklv3fgkhlutvc4a3ukmze | Somewhat aware( They know that the library does something, but are not sure what) Q20 If the library promotes the activity, where does it do so? |
work_dtqpmklv3fgkhlutvc4a3ukmze | Somewhat aware( They know that the library does something, but are not sure what) Q20 If the library promotes the activity, where does it do so? |
work_dtqpmklv3fgkhlutvc4a3ukmze | Somewhat aware( They know that the library does something, but are not sure what) Q20 If the library promotes the activity, where does it do so? |
work_dtqpmklv3fgkhlutvc4a3ukmze | Somewhat aware( They know that the library does something, but are not sure what) Q20 If the library promotes the activity, where does it do so? |
work_dtqpmklv3fgkhlutvc4a3ukmze | Somewhat aware( They know that the library does something, but are not sure what) Q20 If the library promotes the activity, where does it do so? |
work_dtqpmklv3fgkhlutvc4a3ukmze | Somewhat aware( They know that the library does something, but are not sure what) Q20 If the library promotes the activity, where does it do so? |
work_dtqpmklv3fgkhlutvc4a3ukmze | Through existing relationships Q15 What would be the main topics describing your relationship with the researchers working in the activity? |
work_dtqpmklv3fgkhlutvc4a3ukmze | Through existing relationships Q15 What would be the main topics describing your relationship with the researchers working in the activity? |
work_dtqpmklv3fgkhlutvc4a3ukmze | Training/ outreach events, Online Presence – DH Lab/ Portal, Social Media, Other forums – committees, faculty liaison, others? |
work_dtqpmklv3fgkhlutvc4a3ukmze | Training/ outreach events, Physical Space – Facilitating/ Hosting, Other forums – committees, faculty liaison, others? |
work_dtqpmklv3fgkhlutvc4a3ukmze | Under a year Q8 How many people of your library are involved in the activity? |
work_dtqpmklv3fgkhlutvc4a3ukmze | Under a year Q8 How many people of your library are involved in the activity? |
work_dtqpmklv3fgkhlutvc4a3ukmze | Under a year Q8 How many people of your library are involved in the activity? |
work_dtqpmklv3fgkhlutvc4a3ukmze | Yes, it is part of the library ’s policy Q10 Do you have a dedicated budget for this activity? |
work_dtqpmklv3fgkhlutvc4a3ukmze | Yes, it is part of the library ’s policy Q10 Do you have a dedicated budget for this activity? |
work_dtqpmklv3fgkhlutvc4a3ukmze | Yes, it is part of the library ’s policy Q10 Do you have a dedicated budget for this activity? |
work_dtqpmklv3fgkhlutvc4a3ukmze | Yes, it is part of the library ’s policy Q10 Do you have a dedicated budget for this activity? |
work_dtqpmklv3fgkhlutvc4a3ukmze | Yes, namely Q18 If you have followed or offered any DH training for librarians, how is it organised? |
work_dtqpmklv3fgkhlutvc4a3ukmze | Yes, namely Q18 If you have followed or offered any DH training for librarians, how is it organised? |
work_dtqpmklv3fgkhlutvc4a3ukmze | Yes, namely, Metadata training Please specify: Q18 If you have followed or offered any DH training for librarians, how is it organised? |
work_dtqpmklv3fgkhlutvc4a3ukmze | Yes, namely, html, php, digitisation Please specify: Q18 If you have followed or offered any DH training for librarians, how is it organised? |
work_dtqpmklv3fgkhlutvc4a3ukmze | Yes, with a combination of internal and external funding Q11 Are you assessing the impact of your work? |
work_dtqpmklv3fgkhlutvc4a3ukmze | Yes, with a combination of internal and external funding Q11 Are you assessing the impact of your work? |
work_dtqpmklv3fgkhlutvc4a3ukmze | Yes, with external funding Q11 Are you assessing the impact of your work? |
work_dtqpmklv3fgkhlutvc4a3ukmze | Yes, with external funding Q11 Are you assessing the impact of your work? |
work_dtqpmklv3fgkhlutvc4a3ukmze | Yes, with external funding Q11 Are you assessing the impact of your work? |
work_dtqpmklv3fgkhlutvc4a3ukmze | Yes, with internal funding Q11 Are you assessing the impact of your work? |
work_dtqpmklv3fgkhlutvc4a3ukmze | Yes, with internal funding Q11 Are you assessing the impact of your work? |
work_dtqpmklv3fgkhlutvc4a3ukmze | Yes, with internal funding Q11 Are you assessing the impact of your work? |
work_dtqpmklv3fgkhlutvc4a3ukmze | Yes, with internal funding Q11 Are you assessing the impact of your work? |
work_dtqpmklv3fgkhlutvc4a3ukmze | Yes, with internal funding Q11 Are you assessing the impact of your work? |
work_dtqpmklv3fgkhlutvc4a3ukmze | Yes, with internal funding Q11 Are you assessing the impact of your work? |
work_y3z4rocfqnhc3nlhejadrl6ft4 | ''No One Uses Them So Why Should We Keep Them? work_y3z4rocfqnhc3nlhejadrl6ft4 ''What Are Your Terms?''" |
work_y3z4rocfqnhc3nlhejadrl6ft4 | ''What? work_y3z4rocfqnhc3nlhejadrl6ft4 20/20 Vision? |
work_y3z4rocfqnhc3nlhejadrl6ft4 | 21st- Century Rights Management: Why Does It Matter and What Is Being Done? |
work_y3z4rocfqnhc3nlhejadrl6ft4 | A Bug''s Life? work_y3z4rocfqnhc3nlhejadrl6ft4 A Digital Decade: Where Have We Been and Where Are We Going in Digital Preservation?" |
work_y3z4rocfqnhc3nlhejadrl6ft4 | A Mandate to Self Archive? work_y3z4rocfqnhc3nlhejadrl6ft4 A National Co- ordinating Body for Digital Archiving?" |
work_y3z4rocfqnhc3nlhejadrl6ft4 | A New Front in the Sweatshop Wars? |
work_y3z4rocfqnhc3nlhejadrl6ft4 | A Screen Too Far? work_y3z4rocfqnhc3nlhejadrl6ft4 An Orderly Retreat from the Big Deal: Is It Possible for Consortia?" |
work_y3z4rocfqnhc3nlhejadrl6ft4 | Archiving Challenges of Scholarly Electronic Journals: How Do Publishers Manage Them? |
work_y3z4rocfqnhc3nlhejadrl6ft4 | Archiving Electronic Publications: What Are the Problems and Who Should Solve Them? |
work_y3z4rocfqnhc3nlhejadrl6ft4 | Are Journal Publishers Trapped in the Dual- Media Transition Zone? |
work_y3z4rocfqnhc3nlhejadrl6ft4 | Are Print Journals Dinosaurs? |
work_y3z4rocfqnhc3nlhejadrl6ft4 | Are Researchers Ready for the Electronic- Only Journal Collection? work_y3z4rocfqnhc3nlhejadrl6ft4 Are We There Yet? |
work_y3z4rocfqnhc3nlhejadrl6ft4 | Back to Academia? work_y3z4rocfqnhc3nlhejadrl6ft4 Big Deal — Good Deal? |
work_y3z4rocfqnhc3nlhejadrl6ft4 | But What Have You Done for Me Lately? work_y3z4rocfqnhc3nlhejadrl6ft4 Buy or Lease? |
work_y3z4rocfqnhc3nlhejadrl6ft4 | Can Electronic Journal Usage Data Replace Citation Data as a Measure of Journal Use? work_y3z4rocfqnhc3nlhejadrl6ft4 Can Open Access Repositories and Peer- Reviewed Journals Coexist?" |
work_y3z4rocfqnhc3nlhejadrl6ft4 | Can Peer Review Be Better Focused? |
work_y3z4rocfqnhc3nlhejadrl6ft4 | Can We Really See Where Electronic Journals Are Going? |
work_y3z4rocfqnhc3nlhejadrl6ft4 | Can Web 2.0 Enhance Community Participation in an Institutional Repository? work_y3z4rocfqnhc3nlhejadrl6ft4 Can the Monograph Help Solve the Library''Serials''Funding Crisis?" |
work_y3z4rocfqnhc3nlhejadrl6ft4 | Cooperation or Control? work_y3z4rocfqnhc3nlhejadrl6ft4 Copyright Management Technologies: The Key to Unlocking Digital Works?" |
work_y3z4rocfqnhc3nlhejadrl6ft4 | Copyright or Contract? |
work_y3z4rocfqnhc3nlhejadrl6ft4 | Copyright: What Makes a Use''Fair''? |
work_y3z4rocfqnhc3nlhejadrl6ft4 | Counting the Costs of Digital Preservation: Is Repository Storage Affordable? |
work_y3z4rocfqnhc3nlhejadrl6ft4 | Creating an Electronic Archive: Who Should Do It and Why? |
work_y3z4rocfqnhc3nlhejadrl6ft4 | Creative Commons Licences in Higher and Further Education: Do We Care? |
work_y3z4rocfqnhc3nlhejadrl6ft4 | Creative Commons and Contemporary Copyright: A Fitting Shoe or''a Load of Old Cobblers''? |
work_y3z4rocfqnhc3nlhejadrl6ft4 | Creative Commons — The Other Way? |
work_y3z4rocfqnhc3nlhejadrl6ft4 | Creative Humbug? work_y3z4rocfqnhc3nlhejadrl6ft4 DOI or Do n''t We?" |
work_y3z4rocfqnhc3nlhejadrl6ft4 | Demystifying the E- book: What Is It?, Where Will It Lead Us, and Who''s in the Game? |
work_y3z4rocfqnhc3nlhejadrl6ft4 | Demystifying the E- book: What Is It?, Where Will It Lead Us, and Who''s in the Game? |
work_y3z4rocfqnhc3nlhejadrl6ft4 | Digital Archiving: What Is Involved? |
work_y3z4rocfqnhc3nlhejadrl6ft4 | Digital Imaging — How Far Have We Come and What Still Needs to Be Done? |
work_y3z4rocfqnhc3nlhejadrl6ft4 | Digital Libraries: For Whom? work_y3z4rocfqnhc3nlhejadrl6ft4 Digital Libraries: What Do Users Want?" |
work_y3z4rocfqnhc3nlhejadrl6ft4 | Digital Object Identifiers: Just an Idea or an Innovation of Value? |
work_y3z4rocfqnhc3nlhejadrl6ft4 | Digital Repositories: Individual, Discipline- Based, Institutional, Consortial, or National? |
work_y3z4rocfqnhc3nlhejadrl6ft4 | Digital Rights Management: Can the Technology Provide Long- Term Solutions? |
work_y3z4rocfqnhc3nlhejadrl6ft4 | Do I Have to Negotiate a License for Every E- resource I Buy? work_y3z4rocfqnhc3nlhejadrl6ft4 Do I Need Permission? |
work_y3z4rocfqnhc3nlhejadrl6ft4 | Do It Yourself? work_y3z4rocfqnhc3nlhejadrl6ft4 Do Librarians Dream of Electronic Serials? |
work_y3z4rocfqnhc3nlhejadrl6ft4 | Do Off- Campus Students Use E- books? |
work_y3z4rocfqnhc3nlhejadrl6ft4 | Do Open- Access Articles Have a Greater Research Impact? |
work_y3z4rocfqnhc3nlhejadrl6ft4 | Do Open- Access Journals in Library and Information Science Have Any Scholarly Impact? work_y3z4rocfqnhc3nlhejadrl6ft4 Do We Catalog or Not? |
work_y3z4rocfqnhc3nlhejadrl6ft4 | Do''Digital Certificates''Hold the Key to Colleges''On- Line Activities? |
work_y3z4rocfqnhc3nlhejadrl6ft4 | Does Copyright Have Any Future on the Internet? |
work_y3z4rocfqnhc3nlhejadrl6ft4 | Does Open Access Really Make Sense? work_y3z4rocfqnhc3nlhejadrl6ft4 Download Statistics — What Do They Tell Us? |
work_y3z4rocfqnhc3nlhejadrl6ft4 | E- book Usage and the Choice Outstanding Academic Book List: Is There a Correlation? |
work_y3z4rocfqnhc3nlhejadrl6ft4 | E- books for the Future: Here but Hiding? |
work_y3z4rocfqnhc3nlhejadrl6ft4 | E- books in Academic Libraries: How Does Currency Affect Usage? |
work_y3z4rocfqnhc3nlhejadrl6ft4 | E- books in Public Libraries: A Terminal or Termination Technology? |
work_y3z4rocfqnhc3nlhejadrl6ft4 | E- books or Print Books,''Big Deals''or Local Selections — What Gets More Use? |
work_y3z4rocfqnhc3nlhejadrl6ft4 | E- books — Reinventing the Wheel? |
work_y3z4rocfqnhc3nlhejadrl6ft4 | E- books: Are They the Interlibrary Lending Model of the Future? |
work_y3z4rocfqnhc3nlhejadrl6ft4 | E- books: Should We Be Afraid? |
work_y3z4rocfqnhc3nlhejadrl6ft4 | E- journal Databases: A Long- Term Solution? |
work_y3z4rocfqnhc3nlhejadrl6ft4 | E- journals — What Do You Get for Your Money? |
work_y3z4rocfqnhc3nlhejadrl6ft4 | E- measures: A Comprehensive Waste of Time? |
work_y3z4rocfqnhc3nlhejadrl6ft4 | E- only Journals: Is It Time to Drop Print? |
work_y3z4rocfqnhc3nlhejadrl6ft4 | Ebooks in UK Libraries: Where Are We Now? |
work_y3z4rocfqnhc3nlhejadrl6ft4 | Electronic Journal Access: How Does It Affect the Print Subscription Price? |
work_y3z4rocfqnhc3nlhejadrl6ft4 | Electronic Journals: Are They Really Used? |
work_y3z4rocfqnhc3nlhejadrl6ft4 | Electronic Journals: Problem or Panacea? |
work_y3z4rocfqnhc3nlhejadrl6ft4 | Electronic Journals: The Grand Information Future? |
work_y3z4rocfqnhc3nlhejadrl6ft4 | Electronic Publishing in Medicine: Where Are We? |
work_y3z4rocfqnhc3nlhejadrl6ft4 | Electronic Rhetoric or Electronic Reality? |
work_y3z4rocfqnhc3nlhejadrl6ft4 | Electronic Scholarly Publication: Quo Vadis? |
work_y3z4rocfqnhc3nlhejadrl6ft4 | Electronic Serials Cataloging: Now That We''re Here, What Do We Do? |
work_y3z4rocfqnhc3nlhejadrl6ft4 | Electronic Serials: Realistic or Unrealistic Solution to the Journal''Crisis''? |
work_y3z4rocfqnhc3nlhejadrl6ft4 | Electronic These s and Dissertation( ETD) Repositories: What Are They? work_y3z4rocfqnhc3nlhejadrl6ft4 Electronic or Print Books: Which Are Used?" |
work_y3z4rocfqnhc3nlhejadrl6ft4 | Electronic or Print: Are Scholarly Journals Still Important? |
work_y3z4rocfqnhc3nlhejadrl6ft4 | Emulation vs. Migration: Do Users Care? |
work_y3z4rocfqnhc3nlhejadrl6ft4 | Fair to Whom? |
work_y3z4rocfqnhc3nlhejadrl6ft4 | Federal Repositories: Comparative Advantage in Open Access? |
work_y3z4rocfqnhc3nlhejadrl6ft4 | Flying First Class or Economy? work_y3z4rocfqnhc3nlhejadrl6ft4 Free Scholarly Electronic Journals: How Good Are They?" |
work_y3z4rocfqnhc3nlhejadrl6ft4 | Free Scholarly Electronic Journals: What Access Do College and University Libraries Provide? |
work_y3z4rocfqnhc3nlhejadrl6ft4 | Freedom of Information? work_y3z4rocfqnhc3nlhejadrl6ft4 From TIFF to JPEG 2000? |
work_y3z4rocfqnhc3nlhejadrl6ft4 | Here''s the Content — Where''s the Context? |
work_y3z4rocfqnhc3nlhejadrl6ft4 | Hoping the Web Will Rescue Young Professors: In the Publish- or- Perish World Can They Live on the Internet? |
work_y3z4rocfqnhc3nlhejadrl6ft4 | How Are Electronic Journals and CD- ROMs Being Accepted in Japan? |
work_y3z4rocfqnhc3nlhejadrl6ft4 | How Can There Be Open Access to Journal Articles? |
work_y3z4rocfqnhc3nlhejadrl6ft4 | How Did We Ever Manage without the OpenURL? |
work_y3z4rocfqnhc3nlhejadrl6ft4 | How Do Physicists Use an E- print Archive? work_y3z4rocfqnhc3nlhejadrl6ft4 How Does Your Library Handle Electronic Serials? |
work_y3z4rocfqnhc3nlhejadrl6ft4 | How Good Can It Get? work_y3z4rocfqnhc3nlhejadrl6ft4 How Much Does It Cost, and Who Pays? |
work_y3z4rocfqnhc3nlhejadrl6ft4 | How Much Information? |
work_y3z4rocfqnhc3nlhejadrl6ft4 | How Should We Define''Open Access''? |
work_y3z4rocfqnhc3nlhejadrl6ft4 | How''Free Distribution''Impacts Your Business Model: Is It Really Free? |
work_y3z4rocfqnhc3nlhejadrl6ft4 | If SWORD Is the Answer, What Is the Question? work_y3z4rocfqnhc3nlhejadrl6ft4 If We Build It, Will They Come? |
work_y3z4rocfqnhc3nlhejadrl6ft4 | If the Academic Library Ceased to Exist, Would We Have to Invent It? |
work_y3z4rocfqnhc3nlhejadrl6ft4 | In What Are We Trading? work_y3z4rocfqnhc3nlhejadrl6ft4 Infinite Riches in a Little Room: How Can We Manage, Market and Modernize the E- books Phenomenon?" |
work_y3z4rocfqnhc3nlhejadrl6ft4 | Inheritance and Loss? work_y3z4rocfqnhc3nlhejadrl6ft4 Institutional Repositories and E- journal Archiving: What Are We Learning?" |
work_y3z4rocfqnhc3nlhejadrl6ft4 | Institutional Repositories: Is the Open Access Door Half Open or Half Shut? |
work_y3z4rocfqnhc3nlhejadrl6ft4 | Institutional Repository Access Patterns of Nontraditionally Published Academic Content: What Types of Content Are Accessed the Most? |
work_y3z4rocfqnhc3nlhejadrl6ft4 | Inventory List or Information Gateway? work_y3z4rocfqnhc3nlhejadrl6ft4 Is Copyright Necessary?" |
work_y3z4rocfqnhc3nlhejadrl6ft4 | Is It Worth Establishing Institutional Repositories? work_y3z4rocfqnhc3nlhejadrl6ft4 Is Paperless Really More? |
work_y3z4rocfqnhc3nlhejadrl6ft4 | Is There a Text in This Library? work_y3z4rocfqnhc3nlhejadrl6ft4 Is There a Viable Business Model for Commercial Open Access Publishing?" |
work_y3z4rocfqnhc3nlhejadrl6ft4 | Is Virtual Trespass an Apt Analogy? |
work_y3z4rocfqnhc3nlhejadrl6ft4 | Is the Answer Still in the Machine: Do Publishers Need Digital Rights Management? |
work_y3z4rocfqnhc3nlhejadrl6ft4 | Is the Digital Archive a New Beast Entirely? |
work_y3z4rocfqnhc3nlhejadrl6ft4 | Is the Journal as We Know It an Article of Faith? work_y3z4rocfqnhc3nlhejadrl6ft4 JSTOR Usage Data and What It Can Tell Us about Ourselves: Is There Predictability Based on Historical Use by Libraries of Similar Size?" |
work_y3z4rocfqnhc3nlhejadrl6ft4 | Journals and Repositories: An Evolving Relationship? |
work_y3z4rocfqnhc3nlhejadrl6ft4 | Knock, Knock, Who''s There? work_y3z4rocfqnhc3nlhejadrl6ft4 LIS Open Access E- journal''Where Are You?''" |
work_y3z4rocfqnhc3nlhejadrl6ft4 | Last Writes? work_y3z4rocfqnhc3nlhejadrl6ft4 Legally Speaking: Does Information Really Want to Be Licensed?" |
work_y3z4rocfqnhc3nlhejadrl6ft4 | Librarians as Publishers: Is the Digital Library an Electronic Publisher? |
work_y3z4rocfqnhc3nlhejadrl6ft4 | Libraries and University Presses Can Collaborate to Improve Scholarly Communication or''Why Ca n''t We All Just Get Along?'' |
work_y3z4rocfqnhc3nlhejadrl6ft4 | Libraries: Standing at the Wrong Platform, Waiting for the Wrong Train? |
work_y3z4rocfqnhc3nlhejadrl6ft4 | License Agreements in Lieu of Copyright: Are We Signing Away Our Rights? |
work_y3z4rocfqnhc3nlhejadrl6ft4 | Long- Term Access to E- journals: What Exactly Can We Promise Our Readers? |
work_y3z4rocfqnhc3nlhejadrl6ft4 | Long- Term Archiving of Digital Documents: What Efforts Are Being Made in Germany? |
work_y3z4rocfqnhc3nlhejadrl6ft4 | Looking at Electronic Resources Librarians: Is There Gender Equity within This Emerging Specialty? |
work_y3z4rocfqnhc3nlhejadrl6ft4 | MP3 Audiobooks: A New Library Medium? |
work_y3z4rocfqnhc3nlhejadrl6ft4 | Mapping the Journal Publishing Landscape: How Much Do We Know? |
work_y3z4rocfqnhc3nlhejadrl6ft4 | Market Formation for E- books: Diffusion, Confusion or Delusion? |
work_y3z4rocfqnhc3nlhejadrl6ft4 | Metadata or Cataloging? work_y3z4rocfqnhc3nlhejadrl6ft4 Motivations for Web- Based Scholarly Publishing: Do Scientists Recognize Open Availability as an Advantage?" |
work_y3z4rocfqnhc3nlhejadrl6ft4 | Moving Out of Oldenbourg''s Long Shadow: What Is the Future for Society Publishing? |
work_y3z4rocfqnhc3nlhejadrl6ft4 | Multi- Media, Multi- Cultural, and Multi- Lingual Digital Libraries: Or How Do We Exchange Data in 400 Languages? |
work_y3z4rocfqnhc3nlhejadrl6ft4 | NESLI: An Agent for Change or Changing the Agent? |
work_y3z4rocfqnhc3nlhejadrl6ft4 | Napster: Copyright Killer or Distribution Hero? |
work_y3z4rocfqnhc3nlhejadrl6ft4 | New Bottles for Old Wine? work_y3z4rocfqnhc3nlhejadrl6ft4 Online Peer Review?" |
work_y3z4rocfqnhc3nlhejadrl6ft4 | Open Access Publishing Models: Opportunity or Threat to Scholarly and Academic Publishers? |
work_y3z4rocfqnhc3nlhejadrl6ft4 | Open Access or Differential Pricing for Journals: The Road Best Traveled? |
work_y3z4rocfqnhc3nlhejadrl6ft4 | Open Access to the Medical Literature: How Much Content Is Available in Published Journals? |
work_y3z4rocfqnhc3nlhejadrl6ft4 | Open Access — Time to Stop Preaching to the Converted? |
work_y3z4rocfqnhc3nlhejadrl6ft4 | Open Access: Evidence- Based Policy or Policy- Based Evidence? work_y3z4rocfqnhc3nlhejadrl6ft4 Open Access: Marginal or Core Phenomenon? |
work_y3z4rocfqnhc3nlhejadrl6ft4 | Open Access: What Comes Next? |
work_y3z4rocfqnhc3nlhejadrl6ft4 | PANDORA, Australia''s Web Archive: How Much Metadata is Enough? |
work_y3z4rocfqnhc3nlhejadrl6ft4 | Paying for Open Access? work_y3z4rocfqnhc3nlhejadrl6ft4 Periodicals: Print or Electronic?" |
work_y3z4rocfqnhc3nlhejadrl6ft4 | Phoenix Rising: New Models for the Research Monograph? |
work_y3z4rocfqnhc3nlhejadrl6ft4 | Place as Library? |
work_y3z4rocfqnhc3nlhejadrl6ft4 | Pleas''d by a Newe Inuention? work_y3z4rocfqnhc3nlhejadrl6ft4 Preprint Servers: A New Model for Scholarly Publishing?" |
work_y3z4rocfqnhc3nlhejadrl6ft4 | Preserving African Digital Resources: Is There a Role for Repository Libraries? |
work_y3z4rocfqnhc3nlhejadrl6ft4 | Preserving Digital Libraries: Determining''What?'' work_y3z4rocfqnhc3nlhejadrl6ft4 Print Journals: Fit for the Future?" |
work_y3z4rocfqnhc3nlhejadrl6ft4 | Print versus Electronic Journal Use in Three Sci/ Tech Disciplines: What''s Going On Here? |
work_y3z4rocfqnhc3nlhejadrl6ft4 | Property and Speech: Who Owns What You Say in Cyberspace? |
work_y3z4rocfqnhc3nlhejadrl6ft4 | Public Access to Scientific Information: Are 22,700 Scientists Wrong? |
work_y3z4rocfqnhc3nlhejadrl6ft4 | Publishing an E- journal on a Shoe String: Is It a Sustainable Project? |
work_y3z4rocfqnhc3nlhejadrl6ft4 | Really 10 Years Old? |
work_y3z4rocfqnhc3nlhejadrl6ft4 | Remote Internet Serials in the OPAC? |
work_y3z4rocfqnhc3nlhejadrl6ft4 | Replacing Print with E- journals: Can It Be Done? work_y3z4rocfqnhc3nlhejadrl6ft4 Replication: The Forgotten Component in Digital Library Interoperability?" |
work_y3z4rocfqnhc3nlhejadrl6ft4 | Repositories and Journals: Are They in Conflict? work_y3z4rocfqnhc3nlhejadrl6ft4 Research Libraries and Electronic Scholarly Journals: Challenges or Opportunities?" |
work_y3z4rocfqnhc3nlhejadrl6ft4 | Research into the Reward System of Scholarship; Where Does Scholarly Electronic Publishing Get You? |
work_y3z4rocfqnhc3nlhejadrl6ft4 | Revolutionary or Regressive? work_y3z4rocfqnhc3nlhejadrl6ft4 Roadkill on the Electronic Highway? |
work_y3z4rocfqnhc3nlhejadrl6ft4 | Scholarly Communication in the Digital Environment: What Do Authors Want? |
work_y3z4rocfqnhc3nlhejadrl6ft4 | Scholarly Monographs: Why Would I Want to Publish Electronically? |
work_y3z4rocfqnhc3nlhejadrl6ft4 | Scholarly Publishing Practices: A Case of Plus Ça Change, Plus C''est la Même Chose? |
work_y3z4rocfqnhc3nlhejadrl6ft4 | Science Resources: Does the Internet Make Them Cheaper, Better? |
work_y3z4rocfqnhc3nlhejadrl6ft4 | Scientific Publications: Free for All? work_y3z4rocfqnhc3nlhejadrl6ft4 Serial Killers: How Great Is the E- print Threat to Periodicals Publishers?" |
work_y3z4rocfqnhc3nlhejadrl6ft4 | Should Commercial Publishers Be Included in the Model for Open Access through Author Payment? |
work_y3z4rocfqnhc3nlhejadrl6ft4 | Should Scholarly Journals Embrace Open Access( or Is It the Kiss of Death)? |
work_y3z4rocfqnhc3nlhejadrl6ft4 | Should Scientific Journals Be Printed? work_y3z4rocfqnhc3nlhejadrl6ft4 Successful Journal Publishing on the Internet: Hit or Myth?" |
work_y3z4rocfqnhc3nlhejadrl6ft4 | Sui Generis Database Protection: Has Its Time Come? |
work_y3z4rocfqnhc3nlhejadrl6ft4 | TASINI: Did Authors Win? |
work_y3z4rocfqnhc3nlhejadrl6ft4 | The Acquisition and Management of Electronic Resources: Can Use Justify Cost? |
work_y3z4rocfqnhc3nlhejadrl6ft4 | The Antaeus Column: Does the''Open Access''Advantage Exist? work_y3z4rocfqnhc3nlhejadrl6ft4 The Deconstructed( or Distributed) Journal — An Emerging Model?" |
work_y3z4rocfqnhc3nlhejadrl6ft4 | The E- book: Pipe Dream or Potential Disaster? |
work_y3z4rocfqnhc3nlhejadrl6ft4 | The Electronic Book: A Transformational Library Technology? |
work_y3z4rocfqnhc3nlhejadrl6ft4 | The Electronic Journal: What, Whence, and When? |
work_y3z4rocfqnhc3nlhejadrl6ft4 | The Electronic Resources Librarian Position: A Public Services Phenomenon? |
work_y3z4rocfqnhc3nlhejadrl6ft4 | The Future of Repositories? work_y3z4rocfqnhc3nlhejadrl6ft4 The Future of eBooks? |
work_y3z4rocfqnhc3nlhejadrl6ft4 | The Immunity Dilemma: Are State Colleges and Universities Still Liable for Copyright Infringements? |
work_y3z4rocfqnhc3nlhejadrl6ft4 | The Indexing of Scholarly Journals: A Tipping Point for Publishing Reform? |
work_y3z4rocfqnhc3nlhejadrl6ft4 | The Institutional Repository Rediscovered: What Can a University Do for Open Access Publishing? |
work_y3z4rocfqnhc3nlhejadrl6ft4 | The Internet as a New Medium for the Sciences? work_y3z4rocfqnhc3nlhejadrl6ft4 The Irish Research Electronic Library Initiative: Levelling the Playing- Field?" |
work_y3z4rocfqnhc3nlhejadrl6ft4 | The Next Step in Scholarly Communication: Is the Traditional Journal Dead? |
work_y3z4rocfqnhc3nlhejadrl6ft4 | The Royal Society of New Zealand''s Journals: How Can They Cope with the Changing Serials Environment? |
work_y3z4rocfqnhc3nlhejadrl6ft4 | Tragic Loss or Good Riddance? work_y3z4rocfqnhc3nlhejadrl6ft4 Virtual Preservation: How Has Digital Culture Influenced Our Ideas about Permanence? |
work_y3z4rocfqnhc3nlhejadrl6ft4 | Was That the Rubicon, Lethe, or Styx We Just Crossed? work_y3z4rocfqnhc3nlhejadrl6ft4 Weblogs — Are You Serious?" |
work_y3z4rocfqnhc3nlhejadrl6ft4 | What Are Digital Libraries? work_y3z4rocfqnhc3nlhejadrl6ft4 What Are the Alternatives to Peer Review? |
work_y3z4rocfqnhc3nlhejadrl6ft4 | What Are the Factors That Will Shape Peer Review in E- journals? |
work_y3z4rocfqnhc3nlhejadrl6ft4 | What Do Application Profiles Reveal about the Learning Object Metadata Standard? |
work_y3z4rocfqnhc3nlhejadrl6ft4 | What Do Digital Books Mean for Libraries? |
work_y3z4rocfqnhc3nlhejadrl6ft4 | What Do Faculty and Students Really Think about E- books? |
work_y3z4rocfqnhc3nlhejadrl6ft4 | What Do Universities Want from Publishing? |
work_y3z4rocfqnhc3nlhejadrl6ft4 | What Do We Mean by Authentic? work_y3z4rocfqnhc3nlhejadrl6ft4 What Do the Readers Think? |
work_y3z4rocfqnhc3nlhejadrl6ft4 | What Happened to the E- book Revolution? work_y3z4rocfqnhc3nlhejadrl6ft4 What Is New in Open Access?" |
work_y3z4rocfqnhc3nlhejadrl6ft4 | What Is SFX? |
work_y3z4rocfqnhc3nlhejadrl6ft4 | What Is a Collection? |
work_y3z4rocfqnhc3nlhejadrl6ft4 | What Is a Digital Library Anymore, Anyway? work_y3z4rocfqnhc3nlhejadrl6ft4 What Is a Document? |
work_y3z4rocfqnhc3nlhejadrl6ft4 | What Is a Library Anymore, Anyway? |
work_y3z4rocfqnhc3nlhejadrl6ft4 | What Is the Hybrid Library? |
work_y3z4rocfqnhc3nlhejadrl6ft4 | What Qualifications and Skills Are Important for Digital Librarian Positions in Academic Libraries? work_y3z4rocfqnhc3nlhejadrl6ft4 What Qualifies as''Fair Use''?" |
work_y3z4rocfqnhc3nlhejadrl6ft4 | What if Libraries Are Artifact- Bound Institutions? |
work_y3z4rocfqnhc3nlhejadrl6ft4 | What''s Fair? work_y3z4rocfqnhc3nlhejadrl6ft4 What''s The Opposite of a Pyrrhic Victory? |
work_y3z4rocfqnhc3nlhejadrl6ft4 | What''s Wrong with Fair- Use Guidelines for the Academic Community? |
work_y3z4rocfqnhc3nlhejadrl6ft4 | What''s a Serial When You''re Running on Internet Time? |
work_y3z4rocfqnhc3nlhejadrl6ft4 | What''s the Big IDeA? work_y3z4rocfqnhc3nlhejadrl6ft4 What''s the Use? |
work_y3z4rocfqnhc3nlhejadrl6ft4 | When Is a Journal Not a Journal? work_y3z4rocfqnhc3nlhejadrl6ft4 When Shall We Be Free?" |
work_y3z4rocfqnhc3nlhejadrl6ft4 | Where Do We Go from Here? work_y3z4rocfqnhc3nlhejadrl6ft4 Where Does Scholarly Electronic Publishing Get You?" |
work_y3z4rocfqnhc3nlhejadrl6ft4 | Where Does the Free Online Scholarship Movement Stand Today? |
work_y3z4rocfqnhc3nlhejadrl6ft4 | Which Journals Do Primary Care Physicians and Specialists Access from an Online Service? |
work_y3z4rocfqnhc3nlhejadrl6ft4 | Which Route Do I Take? work_y3z4rocfqnhc3nlhejadrl6ft4 Whither Competition?" |
work_y3z4rocfqnhc3nlhejadrl6ft4 | Whither Print? work_y3z4rocfqnhc3nlhejadrl6ft4 Who Is Reading On- Line Education Journals? |
work_y3z4rocfqnhc3nlhejadrl6ft4 | Who Needs Publishers? |
work_y3z4rocfqnhc3nlhejadrl6ft4 | Who Owns Our Work? work_y3z4rocfqnhc3nlhejadrl6ft4 Who Owns Scientific Data? |
work_y3z4rocfqnhc3nlhejadrl6ft4 | Who Should Own Scientific Papers? |
work_y3z4rocfqnhc3nlhejadrl6ft4 | Who Uses What? work_y3z4rocfqnhc3nlhejadrl6ft4 Who Will Buy My Bells and Whistles? |
work_y3z4rocfqnhc3nlhejadrl6ft4 | Who Will Create the Metadata for the Internet? |
work_y3z4rocfqnhc3nlhejadrl6ft4 | Who Will Keep the Archives? work_y3z4rocfqnhc3nlhejadrl6ft4 Whose Article Is It Anyway? |
work_y3z4rocfqnhc3nlhejadrl6ft4 | Whose Good Old Days Are These? work_y3z4rocfqnhc3nlhejadrl6ft4 Whose Work Is It Anyway? |
work_y3z4rocfqnhc3nlhejadrl6ft4 | Why Digital Asset Management? work_y3z4rocfqnhc3nlhejadrl6ft4 Why Digital Asset Management? |
work_y3z4rocfqnhc3nlhejadrl6ft4 | Why Do Some Electronic- Only Journals Struggle, While Others Flourish? |
work_y3z4rocfqnhc3nlhejadrl6ft4 | Why OpenURL? |
work_y3z4rocfqnhc3nlhejadrl6ft4 | Will E- books Change the World? |
work_y3z4rocfqnhc3nlhejadrl6ft4 | Will New Information Technology Destroy Copyright? |
work_y3z4rocfqnhc3nlhejadrl6ft4 | Will Open Access Undermine Peer Review? |
work_y3z4rocfqnhc3nlhejadrl6ft4 | Will PELICAN Fly? |
work_y3z4rocfqnhc3nlhejadrl6ft4 | Will the Parasite Kill the Host? work_y3z4rocfqnhc3nlhejadrl6ft4 Win- Win- Win: Can the Evaluation and Promotion of Electronic Journals Bring Benefits to Library Suppliers, Information Professionals, and Users?" |
work_y3z4rocfqnhc3nlhejadrl6ft4 | You Get What You Pay for? work_y3z4rocfqnhc3nlhejadrl6ft4 eBooks: Tipping or Vanishing Point?" |
work_y3z4rocfqnhc3nlhejadrl6ft4 | 2( 1998): 119- 122. 000002/ art00005 Best, Rickey D."Is the''Big Deal''Dead?" |
work_y3z4rocfqnhc3nlhejadrl6ft4 | 2( 2004): 233- 241. |
work_y3z4rocfqnhc3nlhejadrl6ft4 | 3( 2003): 263- 267. |
work_y3z4rocfqnhc3nlhejadrl6ft4 | 365 Roth, Dana L."FRPAA and NIH Mandate: A Blessing in Disguise for Scientific Society Publishers?" |
work_y3z4rocfqnhc3nlhejadrl6ft4 | 6( 2010): 25- 30. Anderson, Ian G."Pure Dead Brilliant? |
work_y3z4rocfqnhc3nlhejadrl6ft4 | : How about a Little Privacy?" |
work_y3z4rocfqnhc3nlhejadrl6ft4 | Alexander, Adrian W."Wither Fair Use? |
work_y3z4rocfqnhc3nlhejadrl6ft4 | And What Are They Reading?" |
work_y3z4rocfqnhc3nlhejadrl6ft4 | Are Institutional Repositories a Fact of Life — and Does It Matter?" |
work_y3z4rocfqnhc3nlhejadrl6ft4 | Bailey, Charles W., Jr."Bricks, Bytes, or Both? |
work_y3z4rocfqnhc3nlhejadrl6ft4 | Can We Make the Case?" |
work_y3z4rocfqnhc3nlhejadrl6ft4 | Cornish, Graham P."Electronic Copyright Management Systems: Dream, Nightmare or Reality?" |
work_y3z4rocfqnhc3nlhejadrl6ft4 | Does Your Project Have a Copyright Problem? |
work_y3z4rocfqnhc3nlhejadrl6ft4 | Dougherty, William C."The Google Books Project: Will it Make Libraries Obsolete?" |
work_y3z4rocfqnhc3nlhejadrl6ft4 | Fisher, Janet H."Comparing Electronic Journals to Print Journals: Are There Savings?" |
work_y3z4rocfqnhc3nlhejadrl6ft4 | For What?" |
work_y3z4rocfqnhc3nlhejadrl6ft4 | Guthrie, Kevin M."Archiving in the Digital Age: There''s a Will, but Is There a Way?" |
work_y3z4rocfqnhc3nlhejadrl6ft4 | Gyeszly, Suzanne D."Electronic or Paper Journals? |
work_y3z4rocfqnhc3nlhejadrl6ft4 | How Do They Work?" |
work_y3z4rocfqnhc3nlhejadrl6ft4 | How Shall a Man Persuade Management What to Do in Such Times?" |
work_y3z4rocfqnhc3nlhejadrl6ft4 | Hurd, Julie M."Serials Management: Adrift during a Sea Change?" |
work_y3z4rocfqnhc3nlhejadrl6ft4 | Intner, Sheila S."Impact of the Internet on Collection Development: Where Are We Now? |
work_y3z4rocfqnhc3nlhejadrl6ft4 | Jacobson, Michael W."Biomedical Publishing and the Internet: Evolution or Revolution?" |
work_y3z4rocfqnhc3nlhejadrl6ft4 | Johnson, Ian M."Electronic Publishing in Librarianship and Information Science in Latin America — A Step towards Development?" |
work_y3z4rocfqnhc3nlhejadrl6ft4 | Kircz, Joost G."New Practices for Electronic Publishing 1: Will the Scientific Paper Keep Its Form?" |
work_y3z4rocfqnhc3nlhejadrl6ft4 | Meadow, Charles T."On the Future of the Book, or Does It Have a Future?" |
work_y3z4rocfqnhc3nlhejadrl6ft4 | Nelson, Mark R."E- books in Higher Education: Nearing the End of the Era of Hype?" |
work_y3z4rocfqnhc3nlhejadrl6ft4 | Or Is There a Better Deal?" |
work_y3z4rocfqnhc3nlhejadrl6ft4 | Peek, Robin P."Where Is Publishing Going? |
work_y3z4rocfqnhc3nlhejadrl6ft4 | Quandt, Richard E."Scholarly Materials: Paper or Digital?" |
work_y3z4rocfqnhc3nlhejadrl6ft4 | Schaffner, Bradley L."Electronic Resources: A Wolf in Sheep''s Clothing?" |
work_y3z4rocfqnhc3nlhejadrl6ft4 | Some Digital Preservation Fallacies?" |
work_y3z4rocfqnhc3nlhejadrl6ft4 | Steenbakkers, Johan F."Digital Archiving: A Necessary Evil or New Opportunity?" |
work_y3z4rocfqnhc3nlhejadrl6ft4 | Taylor, Arlene G."Where Does AACR2 Fall Short for Internet Resources?" |
work_y3z4rocfqnhc3nlhejadrl6ft4 | Thatcher, Sanford G."Re- engineering Scholarly Communication: A Role for University Presses?" |
work_y3z4rocfqnhc3nlhejadrl6ft4 | The Google Book Search Project: Is Online Indexing a Fair Use under Copyright Law? |
work_y3z4rocfqnhc3nlhejadrl6ft4 | Then Who''s Going to Pay for It?" |
work_y3z4rocfqnhc3nlhejadrl6ft4 | Washington, DC: ARL, 2009. Michaels, Jan."Here Today, Gone Tomorrow? |
work_y3z4rocfqnhc3nlhejadrl6ft4 | What''s the Real McCoy?" |
work_y3z4rocfqnhc3nlhejadrl6ft4 | Where Are We Headed? |
work_y3z4rocfqnhc3nlhejadrl6ft4 | Where Do They Come from? |
work_y3z4rocfqnhc3nlhejadrl6ft4 | Who Receives Dividends?" |
work_y3z4rocfqnhc3nlhejadrl6ft4 | Why? |
work_y3z4rocfqnhc3nlhejadrl6ft4 | Will Print Disappear? |
work_y3z4rocfqnhc3nlhejadrl6ft4 | and Future?" |
work_y3z4rocfqnhc3nlhejadrl6ft4 | before Deciding''How?''" |
work_y3z4rocfqnhc3nlhejadrl6ft4 | but Will They Cite It?" |
work_y3z4rocfqnhc3nlhejadrl6ft4 | r/ file3612.html#article1 Rosenthal, David S. H."Bit Preservation: A Solved Problem?" |
work_y3z4rocfqnhc3nlhejadrl6ft4 | Eschenfelder, Kristin R."Every Library''s Nightmare? |
work_y3z4rocfqnhc3nlhejadrl6ft4 | Wleklinski, Joann M."Studying Google Scholar: Wall to Wall Coverage?" |
work_y3z4rocfqnhc3nlhejadrl6ft4 | Gregory, Vicki L."UCITA: What Does It Mean for Libraries?" |
work_y3z4rocfqnhc3nlhejadrl6ft4 | Tomlins, Christopher L."Just One More''Zine? |
work_y3z4rocfqnhc3nlhejadrl6ft4 | or the Librarian Wrapped Up? |