
This is a list of all the questions and their associated study carrel identifiers. One can learn a lot of the "aboutness" of a text simply by reading the questions.

identifier question
work_2nyz2eitarcqregrjpxudh55sertm2745 1.. 9 Why is business model innovation that extends beyond the sustaining innovation space so diffi cult for estab- lished fi rms?
work_2jjjnibs5bhz5obzfmbvgc32hiWHY WFU?
work_2v53lf64yjc5jldyrdna5z5woiValidity of linear regression in method comparison studies: is it limited by the statistical model or the quality of the analytical input data?
work_32stwavbdzevtnpqvljowbaz2yMassone C, Brunasso AM, Campbell TM, Soyer HP: Mobile teledermoscopy – melanoma diagnosis by one click?
work_323wup4gebfbbbnc2rywryih3eIs photogrammetry of the face reliable?
work_3d3dgcmpcvandogz2tlpc6aklyrtm2745 1.. 9 Why is business model innovation that extends beyond the sustaining innovation space so diffi cult for estab- lished fi rms?
work_3jrlr2a4c5h77jp2tpkiqh2nsutwice per day( exanthema[ II �;? topical corticoid prednicarbat cream( 0.25%)[ Derma- top �]).
work_3ea7yvl2rrhlve5suhe3lk7gyaBaker M, Bogoni L, Obuchowski N, et al: Computer- aided detection of colorectal polyps: can it improve sensitivity of less- experienced readers?
work_3mtdixeorjhr3d36bjevbelyeeKamath MG, Prakash J, Tripathy A, Concessao P. Taste pathway: What do we teach?
work_3poru3gdljbcxh7yktfxpr6axmHis publications include Globalization and War( Rowman and Littlefield, 2005); ‘ Peoples, Homelands and Wars?
work_5xxea4outbcvxadqfppbieir7m[ 5] M. Kaur, M. Tremaine, N. Huang, J. Wilder, Z. Gakofski, F. Flippo, and C. Mantravadi, “ Where is it?
work_67hx7iz4dzablerir4xksozwrqIs BMI a valid measure of obesity in postmenopausal women?
work_4m5xoee2gjejri6hpb3brbjfgiSo, What Comes Next?
work_3ucvyav5mfbvnnyudy5leqfia4These kinds of measurements are fantastic for evidence- based studies, but do we need them for the pre- sentation of treatment results?
work_3ufp5cxw2javpjbjomxf7d4mvmMobile Digital Pictures – The Future of the Postcard?
work_4mldd5vlafbfrjfl6msc4npteiHow effective are treatments for diabetic retinopathy?
work_4pians4wmfbzrm4zcnygnl4hzeDo patients die from rashes from epidermal growth factor receptor inhibitors?
work_6nkt7f2l7zgcdgdcllsep4t4zqIs here a future role for reading centers in the context of ncreasing technologic innovation and automated measure- ent?
work_4k47gbdotvdk7k4wpwbuhtcjvu4. allen l. are we facing a noncommunicable disease pandemic?
work_4vjvmmhde5hjfhgapo2rhk4fwqLimitations of the db/ db mouse in translational wound healing research: is the NONcNZO10 polygenic mouse model superior?
work_4sskqj6gsrezvp4eblaqffhbqip h p?
work_556mxabtyjgxdaoih6d67ogv3a7- Willmot DR.White lesions after orthodontic treatment: does low fluoride make a difference?
work_5jvjaamsk5ajte7dawztkvcz3eSchoeller DA( 1990) How accurate is self- reported dietary energy intake?
work_63goykx5obetnmnievg35mgww4AIM OF THE COURSE 1.1 What is Descriptive geometry?
work_6ku4cjcubbcbxeftek34ytf7keOr should we assume that we base our judgement on the initial concept of the writer?
work_3rn2pobjsjfwngmsrnab4pbd6uTeleglaucoma: Ready to go?
work_3rn2pobjsjfwngmsrnab4pbd6uTeleophthalmology: Improving patient outcomes?
work_645yod4irrg7pnzqoo35vcrkhaAt what stage of life are tetracycline stains developed?
work_645yod4irrg7pnzqoo35vcrkhaIn reference to color effects, which of the following is false?
work_bu7ku5zazjca5bzr74mht3j7eiWho discovers melanoma?
work_27lekckjy5dcnompcp7ymdn3ryAustin D, Santamaria N. Wound imaging and people with chronic wounds: what happened to hexis?
work_27lekckjy5dcnompcp7ymdn3ryMay C, Harrison R, MacFarlane A, Williams T, Mair F, Wallace P. Why do telemedicine systems fail to normalize as stable models of service delivery?
work_ajavwl6gvjdbdcsmit652e2ig4What are the optimal magnification and aperture diameter?
work_5akkxa2bqvemdali6ger7ex4wy[ 2] S. Kempainen, Cmos image sensors: eclipsing ccds in visual information?, EDN 42( 21)( 1997) 101–102[ See also pp.
work_5akkxa2bqvemdali6ger7ex4wy[ 5] A. Theuwissen, Ccd or cmos image sensors for consumer digital still photography?
work_5ca6aicqxjaa3pswa3xa4a2cvaCan ultrasonography improve on radiographic assessment in osteoarthritis of the hands?
work_5ca6aicqxjaa3pswa3xa4a2cvaMR imaging of erosions in interphalangeal joint osteoarthritis: is all osteoarthritis erosive?
work_av23lemdvvalngbvme7mvczyxm¿ Qué cámara me compro?.
work_26jxwxrav5bkdfdotymjkpqzq4Login nowDon''t have an account?
work_6sdltphwmneqtpdx75mhkt4gs4Where does all this leave the documentary?
work_736d2xs7uzgvnhxdnk72gooqbqHow do macrophyte distribution patterns affect hydraulic resistances?
work_736d2xs7uzgvnhxdnk72gooqbqWhen is stream invertebrate drift catastrophic?
work_6zuztheu6nannmreu5pzrwrciuCounting Actinic Keratosis – Is Photographic Assessment a Reliable Alternative to Physical Examination in Clinical Trials?
work_c76pcwvviraude6uy74uwdgawmNeed Help?
work_cc7csiuszbaonowso6rluzg4lqBut when technological discontinuity does not lead to disruptions of its dominant logic, what other forces lead to such change?
work_cmd5cne7abdilnzccpmilkpn44Can single use negative pressure wound therapy be an alternative method to manage keloid scarring?
work_a77h7rqmszavfeyshqgk3pbmgu475 Research Article Training Older Adults to Use Tablet Computers: Does It Enhance Cognitive Function?
work_a77h7rqmszavfeyshqgk3pbmguCan training in a real- time strategy video game attenuate cognitive decline in older adults?
work_a544zezgkfey5gojssuyeyy2siWhen they happen, the typical response is,"Who would have thought this will happen?".
work_cyvmtrhykfcqjavzbotgr4yfdyKimpe T, Tuytschaever T. Increasing the number of gray shades in medical display systems — how much is enough?
work_4smh7fvoejdifo7vlyi5u4jgduSalisbury, J., Green, M., Hunt, C., and Campbell, J.: Coastal acid- ification by rivers: A new threat to shellfish?
work_4smh7fvoejdifo7vlyi5u4jgduWiddicombe, S. and Spicer, J. I.: Predicting the impact of ocean acidification on benthic biodiversity: What can animal physiol- ogy tell us?, J. Exp.
work_cxbpzhxv7fcvpnwqzyqei6nvpaKatzav, E., and M. Schwartz( 2004), What is the connection between ballistic deposition and the Kardar- Parisi- Zhang equation?, Phys.
work_aeoaaoul6bds7ptd7526pgnjwiOn the correct estimation of effective leaf area index: does it re- veal information on clumping effects?
work_aeoaaoul6bds7ptd7526pgnjwiiForest 5: 290- 295[ online 2012- 12- 17] URL:
work_azmfroy4jzeotjfiky3xqepj5e[ 31] R. K. Johnson, “ Dietary intake- how do we measure what people are really eating?, ” Obesity Research, vol.
work_d5c5tpd4rrejpbo3qcva5q4tneStructural fat grafts: the ideal filler?
work_6aq5wzb55bg7nf5cwdgqlkse2qWalton, L.( 2002) ‘ How shall I frame myself? ’, British Columbia Historical News, vol.
work_6aq5wzb55bg7nf5cwdgqlkse2qWhat do the photographs we take tell the world about who we are?
work_64pw36j7jzckjctfizfxgaaypu2/1 5/?
work_ecph4qqs6bagta4aon6lhib6myWhy Digital Photography( DP) and Outdoor Observation( OO)?
work_c26ke4uo3jh5rhsjqhdkhsu5oaRatcliffe M. Batista ’s operation: what have we learned?
work_c26ke4uo3jh5rhsjqhdkhsu5oaThese results were clearly statistically significant, but are they clinically relevant?
work_3czvs4fo4zhjjopqlzok654maqAccept Log in to your account Email Password Forgot password?
work_3czvs4fo4zhjjopqlzok654maqForgot your password?
work_c5zmlih54jd7dmph2m45y2aesmShe is the author of the internationally published What Is A Girl?
work_c5zmlih54jd7dmph2m45y2aesmWhat Is A Boy?
work_c5umbzkcwfdz7dq7uekl5t6brqMohan V. Why are Indians more prone to diabetes?
work_c5umbzkcwfdz7dq7uekl5t6brqScreening for sight threatening diabetic retinopathy using non- mydriatic retinal camera in a primary care setting: to dilate or not to dilate?
work_6osz6qa6nzgdvjl3xli347nwluDefining overweight and obesity in pre- school children: IOTF reference or WHO standard?
work_6osz6qa6nzgdvjl3xli347nwluEvans R, Barer M, Marmor T. Why Are Some People Healthy and Others Not?
work_6osz6qa6nzgdvjl3xli347nwluLarson N, Ward DS, Neelon SB, Story M. What role can child- care settings play in obesity prevention?
work_evvhhqjiy5bhnb23sp5t652gbuGrading of age- related maculopathy for epidemiological studies: is digital imaging as good as 35-mm film?
work_f3x3gn4ncvc6jpiyxus4rg5b3mIs ‘ ideal ’ sitting real?
work_ffocon4bezdatd6owkwbiexuhqDo global change experi- ments overestimate impacts on terrestrial ecosystems?
work_5bye7f7425dtfcbdj5tmm65dfaEndoscopic Photography Digital or 35 mm?
work_5bye7f7425dtfcbdj5tmm65dfaEndoscopic Photography: Digital or 35 mm?
work_frnu6mq3tjfpvllmo5akfvsotuWhat then can be done to counter digital fraud?
work_fyj7u2k3zbe37osnu6p7k2sv3aAre seven standard photographic fields necessary for classification of diabetic retinopathy?
work_h7tdvsbdsbcxjdu7odiiitsn5qMore detailed analysis could also review whether those with health- care responsibility on board are well enough prepared and educated and trained?
work_5ozaqhbikrg4njik7pp22hf5saChale- Rush, A., Burgess, J. R.,& Mattes, R. D. Evidence for human orosensory( taste?)
work_5ozaqhbikrg4njik7pp22hf5saIs Dietary Fat “ Fattening ”?
work_5ozaqhbikrg4njik7pp22hf5saMattes, R. D. Is there a fatty acid taste?
work_da66gfciobf3hlnt6kipp5qcxmDietary intakes in North Carolina child- care centers: are children meeting current recommendations?
work_da66gfciobf3hlnt6kipp5qcxmDo Canadian children meet their nutrient requirements through food intake alone?
work_geqdytmk4vbvzocvijqnfzenma2013;4(6):22- 6. u. Mertz L. Dream it, design it, print it in 3-D: what can 3-D printing do for you?
work_glsehaqhtbbwznwthwnsx5sffiIs it really thyroid disease?
work_ejumxkb4zvetdd6jkkr57osicmThe filenames of the spectral images are in following format group “_ ” set( “_ ” take| “_ inpainted ”?
work_ejumxkb4zvetdd6jkkr57osicm“_ GDBICP_similarity ”?)
work_gh7zpthrofc3bdflukdupe6cvyIs Canada peaceful and safe for Aboriginal women?
work_3dl7iszvkrd4dk6hzqylgigxue2.1 What is Computerization?
work_3dl7iszvkrd4dk6hzqylgigxue2.3 What is a Computerization Movement?
work_3dl7iszvkrd4dk6hzqylgigxue5 What criteria can researchers use to analyze a CM in terms of success or failure?
work_3dl7iszvkrd4dk6hzqylgigxueThis last issue was among those raised at the CRITO workshop – by what criteria can the outcomes of a given CM be assessed?
work_3dl7iszvkrd4dk6hzqylgigxueWhat difference did computers make?
work_2w7hsbzb4jatbl4fjftrmosv2qThe question that is asked now is: why do we start again?
work_2w7hsbzb4jatbl4fjftrmosv2qWas something not transmitted?
work_2w7hsbzb4jatbl4fjftrmosv2qWhy is madness in film so attractive to the general public?
work_7kukcsywsvhjtah47vrsd5onlqA recent study o n pterygium management showed that one of the most important factors for evaluating severity was its size?
work_7kukcsywsvhjtah47vrsd5onlqSir, How reliable are slit lamp biomicroscopy measurements of anterior segment structures?
work_fjsluvx3w5gcjcitdlitflosz4Barry RJ, Murray PI: Unregistered visual impairment: is registration a failing sys- tem?
work_fjsluvx3w5gcjcitdlitflosz4Why was there no con- comitant increase in individuals with ret- inopathy or maculopathy severe enough to require laser treatment?
work_i3vijnjgdjbx5c7kw5fhztivdqCarotenoid- dependent signals: indicators of foraging efficiency, immunocompetence or detoxification ability?
work_hwrssokxl5efjiu66nia5o4eziTo convert or not to convert?
work_j33aumffyrdhhlzo4bbwy4tqgyLam: Image Restoration i?
work_jgcd5ltudrhgfhw7hfaii3jpaeFrey, K. E., Smith, L. C.: How well do we know northern land cover?
work_gvse347e7jdulef62denwcpp3mSynoptic/ checklist reporting of breast biopsies: Has the time come?
work_gvse347e7jdulef62denwcpp3mWhen is an image not a scientifically authentic image?
work_epbqijcwprc3njboiugypteucmAnd, why do students waste food in general, from their own perspective?
work_epbqijcwprc3njboiugypteucmHowever, how can food waste be minimized?
work_jl3qdokxvvgf5pdwsnqmqo2mcaH-17 The x- choice E. Zagvozdkin; Moscow/ RU Purpose: Why radiology?
work_6srmts75d5g5ti2fjqp4ulzgvmFirst, how do art therapists determine whether to adopt or reject existing and emerging DITs as expressive therapeutic tools?
work_6srmts75d5g5ti2fjqp4ulzgvmSuperhighway to promoting a client- therapist partnership?
work_6srmts75d5g5ti2fjqp4ulzgvmTechnology training for future art therapists: Are we meeting their needs?
work_6srmts75d5g5ti2fjqp4ulzgvmWill art therapy cross the digital divide?
work_7dtuo44lmrfeffbjz5dnkj6rr420 Having become a component among others of the communication world, does photography not risk disappearing?
work_7dtuo44lmrfeffbjz5dnkj6rr4André Gunthert, “ Tous journalistes?
work_7dtuo44lmrfeffbjz5dnkj6rr4But is technical determinism the only parameter of this increase?
work_7dtuo44lmrfeffbjz5dnkj6rr4But the opposition of good and bad taste is it not, in this case, a wrong way to ask the question?
work_7dtuo44lmrfeffbjz5dnkj6rr4Jean- Samuel Beuscart, Dominique Cardon, Nicolas Pissard and Christophe Prieur, “ Pourquoi partager mes photos de vacances avec des inconnus?
work_jplwpu46yjbwdem7rpkghrv4kaThe facial red fluorescence of ultraviolet photography: is this color due to Propionibacterium acnes or the unknown content of secreted sebum?
work_jlrfqsor3vc5jniyvhweq34wo4Is screening with digital imaging using one retinal view adequate?
work_fgbkv4xwyvf57f4tpfj6ziljf4OxFFFFFFFF- reserved UINTI The size of the payload contained in 2?
work_fgbkv4xwyvf57f4tpfj6ziljf4transaction depends on ContainerType field?
work_jynyz772w5hzbcwl64faoiw3iyDoes this patient have clubbing?
work_jy3iit3v3bhu7mztr7rowuf3emBartlett KB, Davis SA, Feldman SR. Topical antimicrobial acne treatment tolerability: a meaningful factor in treatment adherence?
work_iduorpowunccrlcbhmxa6a6soePicture for tropical medicine article: How to provide the qualified one?
work_iduorpowunccrlcbhmxa6a6soeWhat is a good picture for a tropical medicine article?
work_frfmxmtkhfg55kwbozbjcsqsfeInterdisciplinary Machine Learning How machine learning works?
work_frfmxmtkhfg55kwbozbjcsqsfeWhy we use machine learning? Volume 02 Issue 07 July 2020 International Research Journal on Advanced Science Hub( IRJASH) 101 1.1 What is Machine Learning?
work_kdvhz5vtufft7hkxihnp37oyieWhich nerve fibers mediate the axon reflex flare in human skin?
work_4oa7kezpvfalhjseax2eet65amInt J Sports Phys Ther 8(5):680–688 Russell TG, Jull GA, Wootton R( 2003) Can the internet be used as a medium to evaluate knee angle?
work_4oa7kezpvfalhjseax2eet65amIs digital photography an accurate and precise method for measuring range of motion of the hip and knee?
work_4oa7kezpvfalhjseax2eet65amRESEARCH Open Access Is digital photography an accurate and precise method for measuring range of motion of the hip and knee?
work_d4yk7xzhnvg6tij34jrrlbozs4How much slip is localized on main rupture surfaces and how much is distributed in the bulk for various fault environments?
work_d4yk7xzhnvg6tij34jrrlbozs4What are the characteristics of nonlinear stress – strain behavior of damaged rocks and how can they be modeled quantitatively?
work_d4yk7xzhnvg6tij34jrrlbozs4What are the main similarities and differences between the dynamics of damaged rocks and granular media?
work_d4jyw6xjxrfv3nrxlxv4ppkckiSydney C. K. Chu and Man- Keung Siu, How far can you stick out your neck?, College Math Journal 17( 1986), 122–132.
work_d4jyw6xjxrfv3nrxlxv4ppkckiWhat is f?
work_l2mat3t7ybhxvm3tgl5uu77eqyStremitzer S, Wild T, Hoelzenbein T. How precise is the evaluation of chronic wounds by health care professionals?
work_iqzqmtz65rbytjvsan3betxoimFlanagan M: Wound Measurement: can it help us to monitor progression to healing?
work_gltqphc5g5gh5mx3s2dok4jsiuAllison P, Bedos C. What are the research priorities of Canadian dentists?
work_gltqphc5g5gh5mx3s2dok4jsiuBodenheimer T, Grumbach K. Electronic technology: a spark to revitalize primary care?
work_gltqphc5g5gh5mx3s2dok4jsiuCook J, Austen G, Stephens C. Videoconferencing: what are the benefits for dental practice?
work_llfv4rdto5bp7nd63czfdkriouWarmest year on record in the Antarctic Peninsula?
work_jqawwj4cirfchh5xhppkodygfaWhat is this"homemade"connector?
work_kubx7dgntfc7hcn3tn46x5tmvqFacial soft tissues of mouth- breathing children: do expectations meet reality?
work_gkqcpmhocjb37en4lwjvsvalgmWhat works in the fi eld?
work_lcsq5waeufesxkol2z5e2ebyfmMar Ecol Prog Ser 260:195–207 Thatje S, Arntz WE( 2004) Antarctic reptant decapods: more than a myth?
work_lgknu3mfdvaqxmfxdec467xmveAre we teaching sufficient anatomy at medical school?
work_jkcpo4hz4jgopdznr4ukt77mreThe cast Al egg or the cast Al hen?
work_jkcpo4hz4jgopdznr4ukt77mreThe question is: Which came fi rst?
work_k4ydrftih5ew5eprtb7puvpxleThe superior labial frenulum in newborns: what is normal?
work_i7v37kiw5zhydgyzuvstl2b3eaW h at energy functions can be minimized via graph cuts?
work_i7v37kiw5zhydgyzuvstl2b3eaW h at is th e range of surface reconstructions from a gradient field?
work_hxqrxuuquraffc6kth5t6u3shq“ What color is it?, ” R. Eschbach, G. Sharma, and G. B. Unal, in Proc.
work_mnrk6xhlejdzflgnm2jznwby7u: Are seven standard photo- graphic fields necessary for classification of diabetic retinop- athy?
work_5vh3xayawbbchc3h7sp2pidnkqA QUESTION OF STRATEGY: TO BE A PIONEER OR A FOLLOWER?
work_5vh3xayawbbchc3h7sp2pidnkqA QUESTION OF STRATEGY: TO BE A PIONEER OR A FOLLOWER?
work_5vh3xayawbbchc3h7sp2pidnkqIf a flat- screen manufacturer is able to allocate additional resources and reduce A QUESTION OF STRATEGY: TO BE A PIONEER OR A FOLLOWER?
work_5vh3xayawbbchc3h7sp2pidnkqMittal, S. and S. Swami,( 2004), “ What Factors Influence Pioneering Advantage of Companies? ”, Vikalpa, Vol.
work_5vh3xayawbbchc3h7sp2pidnkqOne way to minimize the risk is to enter through a joint A QUESTION OF STRATEGY: TO BE A PIONEER OR A FOLLOWER?
work_i4pzigk2gbfszizu2ul7hwjhvu276- 295 MacDougall, D( 1991) ‘ Whose story is it? ’ Visual Anthropology Review, Vol.
work_i4pzigk2gbfszizu2ul7hwjhvu29(2) 166- 179 Ginsberg, F( 1991) ‘ Indigenous Media: Faustian Contract or Global Village? ’, Cultural Anthropology, Vol.
work_i4pzigk2gbfszizu2ul7hwjhvuIf so, what impact might this have for visual anthropology more generally?
work_mnwnzmmu7rgafmw2o5bminopaqA British Tradition?
work_jdy3e74jsbbctncr7zd7fsww6yIt would be great to just go click and to have an outstanding photo, but it would be a bit boring, would n’t it?
work_jdy3e74jsbbctncr7zd7fsww6yReferences Abidin C( 2016) ‘ Are n’t these just young, rich women doing vain things online? ’: Influencer selfies as subversive frivolity.
work_ebozsk3wfrduvfiixxyvmw3qnqBrown Medicine 2020 PDF Save Alert Research Feed Unhealthy eating habits around sleep and sleep duration: To eat or fast?
work_ebozsk3wfrduvfiixxyvmw3qnqMedical News Today 14 October 2017 News Article Most important meal?
work_mdbmojwdifdopiqzuuyof4o4imDoes intervening in childcare settings impact fundamental movement skill development?
work_mdbmojwdifdopiqzuuyof4o4imLarson N, Ward DS, Neelon SB, Story M. What role can child- care settings play in obesity prevention?
work_mi6hrpr7yzb5di7lxupmggih7uTELL or SHOW?
work_kulpocb6vbh6ho74ysrhyvk7aeJones RB, Larizgoitia I, Casado L, Barrie T: How effective is the referral chain for di- abetic retinopathy?
work_o63mxiwykbdpzf4dixvhbtavpeIf no difference is visually discernable, why bother with expensive, high megapixels cameras?
work_n3tpbupcrjeqrawxl2il6ndoxeMatamalas A, Bago J, D ’ Agata E, Pellise F. Does patient perception of shoulder balance correlate with clinical balance?
work_leajt7jphzblvkmpqlfmtbch24[ 22] H. C. Kraemer and C. Blasey, How Many Subjects?
work_leajt7jphzblvkmpqlfmtbch24[ 7] G. Ariëns, P. Bongers, M. Douwes et al., “ Are neck flexion, neck rotation, and sitting at work risk factors for neck pain?
work_h7kyvzzrhvbybbyeobdiwv5pguAre mealtime best practice guidelines for child care centers associated with energy, vegetable, and fruit intake?
work_h7kyvzzrhvbybbyeobdiwv5pguBender R, Lange S. Adjusting for multiple testing – when and how?
work_h7kyvzzrhvbybbyeobdiwv5pguDietary intakes in North Carolina child- care centers: are children meeting current recommendations?
work_h7kyvzzrhvbybbyeobdiwv5pgureality or myth?
work_o67lxefhnjaopnudzeoxzo56lyWhy does carbon dioxide resurfacing work?
work_obcgsps7rfgqfmrdvv2hrmrlzyHave the authors achieved this aim?
work_hnyap7iyrfhqxa75e7pqcvi3dyForgot your username?
work_hnyap7iyrfhqxa75e7pqcvi3dyRequest Username Ca n''t sign in?
work_hnyap7iyrfhqxa75e7pqcvi3dyVeterinary Record- Wiley Online Library Skip to Main Content Working off- campus?
work_nfslpsv45zbtdceyjke5v4tglqOf course, the degree of good feeling again surges past the Uncanny Valley but such point is difficult to achieve using robotics(?).
work_nfslpsv45zbtdceyjke5v4tglqWho, then, will make images in the digital age?
work_ok6dv3mg35cx5gsnffxzho4yqeReducing hazard related falls in people 75 years and older with significant visual impairment: how did a successful program work?
work_nijostrtxvh4vljw6enxeny5qiLasers in veterinary medicine: where we are and where are we going?
work_4po3zpj3jzabfkfdwedwrr2wwmAre existing photographers used, or does the person assigned to taking photographs change?
work_4po3zpj3jzabfkfdwedwrr2wwmBiomolecular Databases: New Communication Regimes for Biology?
work_4po3zpj3jzabfkfdwedwrr2wwmConclusion How applicable is this communication regime framework to areas of interest to information scientists other than digital photography?
work_4po3zpj3jzabfkfdwedwrr2wwmIf a photojournalist is in a location distant from the paper, such as foreign correspondents, do processes for transmitting photographs change?
work_4po3zpj3jzabfkfdwedwrr2wwmWhat new business processes are going to be instituted to deal with new flows of information, in this case photographs?
work_4po3zpj3jzabfkfdwedwrr2wwmWhat training and re- training, if any, is required?
work_4po3zpj3jzabfkfdwedwrr2wwmWill previous gatekeepers( lab managers, photo editors) be bypassed by reporters sending digital images via computer network directly to editors?
work_nwilyqphvzc7rgd5cko3vcggc4and( ii) How much are you afraid that the skin lesions will expand?
work_ksprlm3y4bcjrnfrzpzg7c4woiNegrini S, Grivas TB, Kotwicki T, Maruyama T, Rigo M, Weiss HR: Why do we treat adolescent idiopathic scoliosis?
work_kuj33nsvtvdafd7csivg33hycm2 Marchand S, Phillips McEnany G. Hoarding ’s place in the DSM-5: another symptom, or a newly listed disorder?
work_kuj33nsvtvdafd7csivg33hycmDo patients with hoarding disorder have autistic traits?
work_kuj33nsvtvdafd7csivg33hycmIs ADHD in childhood associated with lifetime hoarding symptoms?
work_jfipn6cttfgbzcuj2hjzrbwim4Dig Liver Dis 2011; 43: 199–203 25 Cherian S, Singh P. Is routine ileoscopy useful?
work_jfipn6cttfgbzcuj2hjzrbwim4Is ileoscopy with biopsy worthwhile in patients presenting with symptoms of inflammatory bowel disease?
work_jfipn6cttfgbzcuj2hjzrbwim4Routine ileal intubation during screening colonoscopy: a useful maneuver?
work_jfipn6cttfgbzcuj2hjzrbwim4Terminal ileal photography or biop- sy to verify total colonoscopy: does the endoscope agree with the mi- croscope?
work_obyjx4brwvcdfmdsgdpgajvkoqIncreased precipitation in the Norwegian Arctic: true or false?
work_iy7d2qlnqnhflfasazqvcaia2mDo people want all these images and what will they do with them when they have got them?
work_iy7d2qlnqnhflfasazqvcaia2mGiven this reminder of what digital photography should be about, how does it actually measure up?
work_iy7d2qlnqnhflfasazqvcaia2mHow do people manage their digital photographs?
work_bqiyrooukzda3pjikgay2crlkyAre carotenoids a red herring in sexual display?
work_bqiyrooukzda3pjikgay2crlkyCostly sexual signals: are carotenoids rare, risky or required?
work_bqiyrooukzda3pjikgay2crlkyDo carotenoid- based sexual traits signal the availability of non- pigmentary antioxidants?
work_bqiyrooukzda3pjikgay2crlkyDo female zebra finches vary primary reproductive effort in relation to mate attractiveness?
work_bqiyrooukzda3pjikgay2crlkyDoes beak colour affect female prefer- ence in zebra finches?
work_bqiyrooukzda3pjikgay2crlkyMate choice in zebra finches: does corticosterone play a role?
work_bqiyrooukzda3pjikgay2crlkyRESULTS Do females prefer males with the reddest bill?
work_kqvjhlmrxra3radu63nnsvwyum? a, P.V., Jesus, P.C.M., Gaspar, R.B., Eduardo, G.M.L., 2014.
work_kqvjhlmrxra3radu63nnsvwyumSustainable schools programmes: what influence on schools and how do we 957 know?
work_o6xfdc56jbdctmbjddljgrom3yHow do you work smart now?
work_o6xfdc56jbdctmbjddljgrom3yWho really knows the best path and with the most accurate information?
work_ortjqsszmnebxj53ydyotssdkuHow reliable are reliability sudies of fracture classifications?
work_jje5ugneuveknarrtsduit2cbi0579: CONSENT FOR ENT SURGERY- ARE WE THE ONES AT RISK?
work_jje5ugneuveknarrtsduit2cbi0582: CAN WE SLEEP EASY?
work_jje5ugneuveknarrtsduit2cbiCan we sleep easy?
work_jjipn5zy5ff3tf7aipxe5bj65eCompact( point-and-shoot) cameras or digital SLR( single lens reflex)?
work_jjipn5zy5ff3tf7aipxe5bj65eHistopathology and the ‘ third great 8. lie ’: When is an image not a scientifically authentic image?
work_jjipn5zy5ff3tf7aipxe5bj65eResolution in digital imaging: enough already?
work_jjipn5zy5ff3tf7aipxe5bj65e[ 1] How many pixels?
work_6siq5l4pyjh7fl6re4e7njcvq4Can 4,150,058 photographs tagged with ‘ ‘ party ’ ’ be wrong?
work_6siq5l4pyjh7fl6re4e7njcvq4Cohen, K. ‘ ‘ What Does the Photoblog Want? ’ ’ Media, Culture& Society 27( 2005): 883–901.
work_6siq5l4pyjh7fl6re4e7njcvq4O’Reilly, T. ‘ ‘ What is Web 2.0?
work_6siq5l4pyjh7fl6re4e7njcvq4Robins, K. ‘ ‘ Will the Image Move us Still? ’ ’ The Photographic Image in Digital Culture.
work_6siq5l4pyjh7fl6re4e7njcvq4‘ ‘ Do You Have 10,000 Digital Photos?
work_caungjrpgnh43gnxnuio6cuyb4& Poeschl, S.( 2016) How gender- stereotypical are selfies?
work_caungjrpgnh43gnxnuio6cuyb4But what occurs when a private selfie is viewed without consent?
work_caungjrpgnh43gnxnuio6cuyb4Consensual sexting among adolescents: Risk prevention through abstinence education or safer sexting?
work_caungjrpgnh43gnxnuio6cuyb4Is This a Selfie?
work_caungjrpgnh43gnxnuio6cuyb4Portable music device use on trains: a ‘ splendid isolation ’?.
work_caungjrpgnh43gnxnuio6cuyb4Sexting Behaviors Among College Students: Cause for Concern?
work_caungjrpgnh43gnxnuio6cuyb4So what?.
work_caungjrpgnh43gnxnuio6cuyb4What does the selfie say?
work_5zmjks7ilffhxo6k7pfxnrwik4A clash of definitions? ” explores the concept of post- conflict using Afghanistan as an example.
work_5zmjks7ilffhxo6k7pfxnrwik4From Engaged to Balanced or from Balanced to Engaged? ” Written by Roy Krøvel, it deals with the understanding of the role journalism education.
work_5zmjks7ilffhxo6k7pfxnrwik4In her chapter “ Justified mission?
work_5zmjks7ilffhxo6k7pfxnrwik4In the chapter “ Who ’s to blame for the chaos in Syria?
work_5zmjks7ilffhxo6k7pfxnrwik4Jenny Wiik ’s paper “ Standardized new Providers or Creative Innovators?
work_5zmjks7ilffhxo6k7pfxnrwik4The fourth paper “ New Times, New Journalists?
work_5zmjks7ilffhxo6k7pfxnrwik4“ From Politics on Print to Online Entertainment?
work_5zmjks7ilffhxo6k7pfxnrwik4“ Is This a Good News Story?
work_a56vnbz4pvc6nbbcrhsgwzxclqEnabling access to tourism through information schemes?
work_a56vnbz4pvc6nbbcrhsgwzxclqIs there congruence between the information presented and the respondents ’ assessment of the accessible rooms?
work_a56vnbz4pvc6nbbcrhsgwzxclqPractice Note: Harmony and Certainty?
work_a56vnbz4pvc6nbbcrhsgwzxclqThe Disability Discrimination Act: Time for the stick?
work_a56vnbz4pvc6nbbcrhsgwzxclqThe social model of disability: An outdated ideology?
work_a56vnbz4pvc6nbbcrhsgwzxclqWhat are the key selection criteria for accessible rooms on which PwD make decisions about whether the rooms suit their access needs?
work_a56vnbz4pvc6nbbcrhsgwzxclqWhich of the three- industry standard and one innovative accessible accommodation information formats do PwD prefer?
work_phwi6fehovh6lp3csk3adihs3iCan local supply of bone marrow mononuclear cells improve the outcome from late tubular repair of human median and ulnar nerves?
work_phwi6fehovh6lp3csk3adihs3iDifferentiation of human adipose- derived adult stem cells into neuronal tissue: does it work?
work_pdki4fybifdqblxwrhto77hw7qDouble Bundle or Double Trouble?
work_phuy56bf4rcwlp7f5ehoygvaueWartman D, Weinstock M. Are we overemphasizing sun avoidance in protection from melanoma?
work_kamarykukzgkpgdhwn6og5a5yiAnd, is this relationship consistent across fitting meth- ods and ecosystem types?
work_kamarykukzgkpgdhwn6og5a5yiEuropean larch phenology in the Alps: can we grasp the role of ecological factors by combining field observations and inverse modelling?
work_kamarykukzgkpgdhwn6og5a5yiTherefore, an emergent question215 is how the ROI- averaged analysis is representative of all ROI pixels in terms of extracted phenophases?
work_kamarykukzgkpgdhwn6og5a5yiURL: aModele= afficheN&cpsidt=3503524.
work_kamarykukzgkpgdhwn6og5a5yiWhy do temperate deciduous trees leaf out at different times?
work_rpaphdktazgm5f63jdx5672x6uWhen paper records can last centuries, why adopt digital records that are useless after only ten years?
work_rzkuuqcjpjfcji3ktemjxvc7fuLong- term outcome after tibial shaft fracture: is 470 malunion important?
work_4lpdi25frrggrkefuo7w7bqh7mDoes Ford sue aftermarket parts vendors because they can make a Mustang faster or more fuel- efficient?
work_4lpdi25frrggrkefuo7w7bqh7mIf a person legally owns something, should n’t they have the right to alter it in any way they deem appropriate for their needs?
work_4lpdi25frrggrkefuo7w7bqh7mShould Warner Brothers care if I edited Harry Potter 3 so that the deleted scenes are woven into a movie legally purchased from them?
work_4lpdi25frrggrkefuo7w7bqh7mThe question arises, why would one “ hack ” into one ’s own phone or camera?
work_4lpdi25frrggrkefuo7w7bqh7mWhat right do companies have to stop consumers from altering the devices they legally purchased?
work_bgtwgfoqvbay7lqcxrnsm2cphuIf technology is the answer, what ’s the question?
work_bgtwgfoqvbay7lqcxrnsm2cphuImplications for new pedagogy in higher education: Can online technology enhance studentengagement& learning?
work_bgtwgfoqvbay7lqcxrnsm2cphuIs there any difference between students ’ perception of using computers for learning activities in college and its use at home?
work_bgtwgfoqvbay7lqcxrnsm2cphuIs there any difference in students ’ perception of using computers in college with respect to gender?
work_bgtwgfoqvbay7lqcxrnsm2cphuSomething for everyone?
work_bgtwgfoqvbay7lqcxrnsm2cphuWhat do new views of knowledge and thinking have to sayabout research onteacher learning?
work_bgtwgfoqvbay7lqcxrnsm2cphu” Does the ’ New Economy ’ Measure Up to the Great Inventions of the Past? ”, Working Paper 7833, NBER.
work_o6lv3trgcjhx3mrg5qowpkb4ti“ How do People Manage their Digital Photographs? ” Proceedings of the SIGCHI conference on human factors in computing systems, 409 – 416.
work_omjmhksrxbgvtbegl5bn67skzuDel: Share to LinkedIn Share to Facebook Share by mail Share to Twitter Fant du det du lette etter?
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work_oiimw5lghjgwjdz6nlh7c2ka5qLearn more Ready to submit your research?
work_oiimw5lghjgwjdz6nlh7c2ka5qMapping vineyard leaf area using mobile terrestrial laser scanners: should rows be scanned on- the- go or discontinuously sampled?
work_isk7jtykxnfq7gbaqh2yzipuyi3 Identify cohort for invitation and call — recall 4 How to invite them?
work_isk7jtykxnfq7gbaqh2yzipuyiquadrants( c) Prominent IRMA in 1?
work_ksi7u7fhinacjl4qet6m4ojzcqDigital imaging: a viable alternative to conventional medico- legal photography?
work_ksi7u7fhinacjl4qet6m4ojzcqN Who has possession of the original images?
work_ehv622iocjhfdok6g7khwte22aIn what way do they belong to those contexts?
work_ehv622iocjhfdok6g7khwte22aWhat kind of relations do they maintain within the contexts that they inhabit?
work_ehv622iocjhfdok6g7khwte22aWhat ’s Love Got to Do with It?
work_ehv622iocjhfdok6g7khwte22a“ A Caribbean Confederation?
work_ehv622iocjhfdok6g7khwte22a“ What Is an Island?
work_ehv622iocjhfdok6g7khwte22a“ ‘ Isla Abierta ’ or ‘ Isla Cerrada ’?
work_rqbzjzpsbfgpdlpwghvq4ol53mFrey, K. E., Smith, L. C.: How well do we know northern land cover?
work_rvcy6qhy3vcxhchscwfnvjkhy4North American grassland birds: an unfolding conservation crisis?
work_lml6aldnt5bqzmwe23lnobnmdiBut how exactly is monetary value attributed to these pictures produced and reproduced through photography?
work_lml6aldnt5bqzmwe23lnobnmdiHow does the dictate of economic efficiency shape and influence the materiality and status of photography?
work_lml6aldnt5bqzmwe23lnobnmdiHow does the information associated to a picture as well as the specific forms of visual archiving and picture retrieval contribute to its value?
work_lml6aldnt5bqzmwe23lnobnmdiJane LUSAKA, Susannah CASSEDY O’DONNELLL, and John STRAND, ‘ Whose 800-lb Gorilla Is It?
work_6olzxeyqzrb5jgbwhfgq3t7woyInside This Book( learn more) First Sentence: How come time?
work_6olzxeyqzrb5jgbwhfgq3t7woyIs there any other feedback you would like to provide?
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work_6olzxeyqzrb5jgbwhfgq3t7woyShop All Departments Sign in 21 used& new Have one to sell?
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work_cjn6n4pwrvb4vfrmsaqsbqimxeGiven the patent need for change and the internal opposition, how did Richard Ward and his team make it work?
work_cjn6n4pwrvb4vfrmsaqsbqimxeInsurance companies are always asking a standard question: what is the best way to manage large and unpredictable risks?
work_cjn6n4pwrvb4vfrmsaqsbqimxeLook inside How does a leader successfully implement far- reaching changes across an organization in the face of external dramatic demands?
work_cjn6n4pwrvb4vfrmsaqsbqimxeWhat do I mean by this term?
work_cjn6n4pwrvb4vfrmsaqsbqimxeWhat was Ward thinking?
work_ooxtk4mscfadrmo2445ekg5cl4Is there an ideal outcome scoring system for facial reanimation surgery?
work_ooxtk4mscfadrmo2445ekg5cl4Niziol et al,7 2015 “ Is There an Ideal Outcome Scoring System for Facial Reanimation Surgery?
work_q5ki5t3q3bcr3pu2xq64shprjaMinihan P, Fitch S& Must A( 2007) What does the epidemic of childhood obesity mean for children with special health care needs?
work_q5ki5t3q3bcr3pu2xq64shprjaThe Gray Center for Social Learning and Understanding( 2013) What are Social StoriesTM?
work_cpjcqt6rnbgofjnebuzz7pr5tq( 2) How do greenness- biomass relationships compare to NDVI- biomass relationships?
work_cpjcqt6rnbgofjnebuzz7pr5tq( 3) Can greenness data detect seasonal patterns of green- up and senescence at the plot and species scale?
work_cpjcqt6rnbgofjnebuzz7pr5tq( 4) Can greenness data detect differences due to treatment?
work_cpjcqt6rnbgofjnebuzz7pr5tq( 5) Can greenness data detect differences due to differences in hydrological regimes?
work_cpjcqt6rnbgofjnebuzz7pr5tq( 6) Can we automate flower counting with an algorithm?
work_cpjcqt6rnbgofjnebuzz7pr5tqDoes NDVI reflect variation in the structural attributes associated with increasing shrub dominance in arctic tundra?
work_cpjcqt6rnbgofjnebuzz7pr5tqHow well do we understand and evaluate climate change feedback processes?
work_cpjcqt6rnbgofjnebuzz7pr5tqThese data were used to answer the following questions:( 1) How does greenness data( GEI) from colour digital photographs relate to biomass measures?
work_pctpxe6kvbgvvnj6wnk6kvri5eLogin nowDon''t have an account?
work_sv7zvuxaenhq7p7ns7afhnzzgu• User may use extracts from the document in line with the concept of ‘ fair dealing ’ under the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988(?)
work_t5foiysbmvdpfctvj2rg6hzvo4Complete Aneumogomphius?
work_g644ejuc5fbihbzt2ndupuqpsqAre you going to get a chance to present it to them so I can get their approval and support?"
work_g644ejuc5fbihbzt2ndupuqpsqAre you going to get a chance to present the same material to him?"
work_g644ejuc5fbihbzt2ndupuqpsqFor example, if a decision is made to increase advertising expenditures, what increase in sales is expected and by when?
work_g644ejuc5fbihbzt2ndupuqpsqHow can an organization''s culture be changed so that it as concerned about errors of omission as errors of commission?
work_g644ejuc5fbihbzt2ndupuqpsqHow can it assure learning from both types of error?
work_g644ejuc5fbihbzt2ndupuqpsqREFERENCE Mittelstaedt, Jr., Robert E.,"Will Your Next Mistake Be Fatal''?
work_ocseewgofzc77meiush4v2ytqeOn the correct estimation of effective leaf area index: Does it reveal information on clumping effects?
work_ocseewgofzc77meiush4v2ytqeOn the correct estimation of gap fraction: How to remove scattered radiation in gap fraction measurements?
work_qpuytrmafvaqhhhwh76crzh6ey17 replies what kind of images did you use in the exercise?
work_qpuytrmafvaqhhhwh76crzh6eyGender of the participants in the exercise MaleFemale Are you fond of photography?
work_mu2w2g2xajevxiwhfpv77glezyHow can one software family help facilitate collaboration in this type of fast- moving, global work environment?
work_mu2w2g2xajevxiwhfpv77glezyHow can the new digital agency use this situation to its advantage?
work_mu2w2g2xajevxiwhfpv77glezyLooking at the current landscape of business as digital supply chain, what is required of the new digital agency?
work_mu2w2g2xajevxiwhfpv77glezyWhat buying criteria do marketing executives employ to go digital with successful multi- channel publishing?
work_oqmvlqxmurbnrk7lruzvbhvlju2.1 What is Resilience and what is Resilience Strategies?
work_oqmvlqxmurbnrk7lruzvbhvljuWhen they happen, the typical response is,"Who would have thought this will happen?".
work_ucpb6cl6kve5helpotztegmor4Lippard, Lucy R. Get the Message?
work_s34ia3o5jrd4rlfb2ziflrfrbuIs the spherical leaf in- clination angle distribution a valid assumption for temperate and boreal broadleaf tree species?
work_s34ia3o5jrd4rlfb2ziflrfrbuLeaf size and angle vary widely across species: what consequences for light interception?
work_s4rzdmxh5jh7bc4iuk2py777caHe Y, Merin MR, Sharon VR, Maverakis E. Eruptive keloids associated with breast cancer: a paraneoplastic phenomenon?
work_s4rzdmxh5jh7bc4iuk2py777caKeloidal basal cell carcinoma: should it be considered a distinct entity?
work_mnhmljxjcnfe5mwhpfums352fySellen, A. Fogg, M. Aitken, S. Hodges, C. Rother, and K. Wood, ‘ ‘ Do life- logging technologies support memory for the past?
work_mnhmljxjcnfe5mwhpfums352fyWhat is it in a picture taken with a playful camera application that triggers the spectator( as opposed to the operator, the photographer)?
work_sgwv75lrnbfghp47brgcxhukgqJones RB, Larizgoitia I, Casado L, Barrie T: How effective is the referral chain for di- abetic retinopathy?
work_a3iahepgbvafhnegid3df3a36m- what is the impression?
work_a3iahepgbvafhnegid3df3a36m- which picture?
work_a3iahepgbvafhnegid3df3a36m1998]:"Internet paradox: a social technology t h a t r e d u c e s s o c i a l i n v o l v e m e n t a n d psychological well- being?".
work_a3iahepgbvafhnegid3df3a36mFor example, it should be possible for the user to ask the system questions like: • What was the activity during the last 3 days?
work_a3iahepgbvafhnegid3df3a36mIn turn, how do Japanese people understand and value their own photograph collections?"
work_a3iahepgbvafhnegid3df3a36mIs it for information acquisition and entertainment, or is it for interpersonal communication?
work_a3iahepgbvafhnegid3df3a36m• What was the activity generated by this group of people?
work_a3iahepgbvafhnegid3df3a36m• What was the activity generated by this group of photographs?
work_ffaleyjcpncpnjcvlexgt37jteHow did I address the dy- namic process of the lived experiences of the community?
work_ffaleyjcpncpnjcvlexgt37jteHow did I know about the knowledge that they brought to the meeting without falling into stereo- typing their cultural practices?
work_ffaleyjcpncpnjcvlexgt37jteHow does this occur?
work_ffaleyjcpncpnjcvlexgt37jteParents and community mathematical and science funds of knowledge become the building block for the development of schooled or academic concepts?
work_ffaleyjcpncpnjcvlexgt37jteRetrieved from
work_ffaleyjcpncpnjcvlexgt37jteWhat comes next?
work_ffaleyjcpncpnjcvlexgt37jteWhich part is missing?
work_ffaleyjcpncpnjcvlexgt37jteWhich part is repeating?
work_uyjfq5mrnjfvphmyzeqsaot2quCan so many subjects be covered adequately in a single book?
work_swzcp7eldjgk7fz57e6q5jzmpmActinic keratosis: how to differentiate the good from the bad ones?
work_swzcp7eldjgk7fz57e6q5jzmpmFor example, are small, barely palpable ones less of a risk than large, inflamed hyperkeratotic ones?
work_v57ih2kcrvbmpknv7mjiy7v4rmRhodes AR, Public education and cancer of the skin: what do people need to know about melanoma and non- melanoma skin cancer?
work_t33almrgtjeoperzvbva3d7staBergquist R, Johansen MV, Utzinger J: Diagnostic dilemmas in helminthology: what tools to use and when?
work_t33almrgtjeoperzvbva3d7staDoenhoff MJ, Chiodini PL, Hamilton JV: Specific and sensitive diagnosis of schistosome infection: can it be done with antibodies?
work_td4isadxuvgkrd6krgppmsouuiAt what point in the procedure were photo- graphic images taken?
work_td4isadxuvgkrd6krgppmsouuiWhich of the following is not a critical pre- preparation component for complex veneer case planning?
work_tkzof5otyfb7lkvacv6fd22pz4Is it worth it?
work_tkzof5otyfb7lkvacv6fd22pz4Then there was the question: what to do with all this imagery?
work_tmjyql4uqnd77m6wsfosq3en3eNature 362:537–539 Olson VA, Owens IPF( 1998) Costly sexual signals: are carotenoids rare, risky or required?
work_dz6rzkf6bbgk7cntlpjktjdoyqDatt G. and M. Ravallion( 2002), ‘ Is India ’s Economic Growth Leaving the Poor Behind? ’ Mimeograph, World Bank, Washington, DC.
work_dz6rzkf6bbgk7cntlpjktjdoyqKakwani, N. and E. Pernia( 2000), ‘ What is Pro- Poor Growth? ’ Asian Development Review, 18(1), pp.
work_dz6rzkf6bbgk7cntlpjktjdoyqThus, the central question arises: what is the impact of ICT- enabled devel- opment on the rural sector in India?
work_dz6rzkf6bbgk7cntlpjktjdoyqTimmer P.( 1997), ‘ How Well Did the Poor Connect to the Growth Process? ’ Consulting Assistance on Economic Reform II Discussion Paper No.
work_dz6rzkf6bbgk7cntlpjktjdoyqTiongson( 2007), ‘ How Does the Composition of Public Spending Matter? ’ Oxford Development Studies, 35(1), pp.
work_vs52qr6evnhs5l2bmkcahutxi4What are the costs of underutilization?
work_ox4pmfmzmnaoxkhg5fv5id7z34Are conservators prepared to address these issues?
work_ox4pmfmzmnaoxkhg5fv5id7z34Have they begun, or are future conservators already facing a span of time from which information will be lost?
work_vteoocf52zhzzfvcgxbnawh3tuWorld Health Organization( n.d.) What is a health promot- ing school?
work_tocmqzoapbav5jjhdxskhci2h4What do we need to build explainable AI systems for the medical domain?
work_tocmqzoapbav5jjhdxskhci2h4What is the role of annotations in the detection of dermoscopic structures?
work_w5f5vyejbrgbbgm3wf2qxd5uhqSo what happens to a set of images from a photo shoot over the course of its lifetime?
work_w5rdekvqvjcnhgpteke7pdm2dyPhotography, Language and Logic What is a photograph?
work_6zyfcl32tbhrbj3s3jvzwxolj4Does Observability Amplify Sensitivity to Moral Frames? work_6zyfcl32tbhrbj3s3jvzwxolj4 Does Observability Amplify Sensitivity to Moral Frames?
work_6zyfcl32tbhrbj3s3jvzwxolj4Why Do Successful Women Feel So Guilty?
work_6zyfcl32tbhrbj3s3jvzwxolj4Does Observability Amplify Sensitivity to Moral Frames?
work_6zyfcl32tbhrbj3s3jvzwxolj4HBS Working Knowledge Fairness or Control: What Determines Elected Local Leaders ’ Support for Hosting Refugees in Their Community?
work_6zyfcl32tbhrbj3s3jvzwxolj4The persistence of these inequalities begs the question: Why have n''t we made more progress?
work_6zyfcl32tbhrbj3s3jvzwxolj4What gives rise to these preferences?
work_6zyfcl32tbhrbj3s3jvzwxolj4What gives rise to these preferences?
work_6zyfcl32tbhrbj3s3jvzwxolj4Why Do Successful Women Feel So Guilty?
work_wa6etsukejahnce7vu5vukf5jm21-Calglar A, Yamanel K, Gulsahi K. Could digi- tal imaging bean alternative for digital colorime- ters?
work_clh4lctsbzbf5ggex42xfmwzwaBut can these questions be legitimately set aside, and can images really be so easily separated from practices of image- making?
work_clh4lctsbzbf5ggex42xfmwzwaDo they generate new social practices or adapt to existing ones?
work_clh4lctsbzbf5ggex42xfmwzwaIn Where is the photograph?, ed.
work_clh4lctsbzbf5ggex42xfmwzwaIn what way do these differences impact on the uses of the media?
work_clh4lctsbzbf5ggex42xfmwzwaOn these occasions, is it primarily the possibility of the manipulation of the image which is at stake?
work_clh4lctsbzbf5ggex42xfmwzwaPrecisely what properties distinguish the old technology from the new one?
work_clh4lctsbzbf5ggex42xfmwzwaWhat ’s the Point of an Index?
work_clh4lctsbzbf5ggex42xfmwzwaWhat, then, are the key features of Polaroid image- making which distinguish it from other forms of pre- digital photography?
work_clh4lctsbzbf5ggex42xfmwzwaWill Image Move Still?
work_sixgnkkn6jb5pmj7hkfw6bkqriDenning, P. Who are we?
work_sixgnkkn6jb5pmj7hkfw6bkqriWhat then does characterize comput- ing?
work_wtlyi75lsrfijbbn36ydd7aabe( 1993) How"significant"is your reliability?
work_wv4x6rnuuzd5fbtfsdmsfp7lvy3-D retinal surface inference: stereo or monocular fundus camera?
work_x3vdoaxrqfdo3i3fdebdmm4jfyAre seven standard photographic fields necessary for classifica- tion of diabetic retinopathy?
work_fzbfgty2v5dv5nxmeop4qy3uw4Bonding to dentin and enamel where does it stand in 2005?
work_fzbfgty2v5dv5nxmeop4qy3uw4Clinical dental photography can be used BEFORE a direct composite veneer case to do which of the following?
work_fzbfgty2v5dv5nxmeop4qy3uw4When there is interproximal decay that must be restored, what is the first material chosen and placed in the interproximal area?
work_fzbfgty2v5dv5nxmeop4qy3uw4Which of the following composite components is used for masking color or for matching more opaque parts of the tooth?
work_fzbfgty2v5dv5nxmeop4qy3uw4Which of the following criterium/ criteria must be fol- lowed when doing final facial polishing?
work_fzbfgty2v5dv5nxmeop4qy3uw4Which of the following is an instrument that can aid in final composite placement and contouring?
work_fzbfgty2v5dv5nxmeop4qy3uw4Which of the following is important in choosing a com- posite for direct veneers?
work_fzbfgty2v5dv5nxmeop4qy3uw4Which tooth should be treated first in a direct compos- ite veneer case to establish ca nt, midline, and tooth proportion?
work_fzbfgty2v5dv5nxmeop4qy3uw4Why is photography valuable after composite placement?
work_kg7tieuavvanroubyivx3ysuleBamshad   M. Genetic influences on health: does race matter?
work_kg7tieuavvanroubyivx3ysuleFor example, who will maintain the database and how will access be regulated?
work_kg7tieuavvanroubyivx3ysuleLantz   PM, Viruell- Fuentes   E, Israel   BA, Softley   D, Guzman   R. Can communities and academia work together on public health research?
work_kg7tieuavvanroubyivx3ysuleOrr,   G. Why are the words ‘ mongol, ’ ‘ mongoloid, ’ and ‘ mongy ’ still bandied about as insults?
work_kg7tieuavvanroubyivx3ysuleRacial categories in medical practice: how useful are they?
work_kg7tieuavvanroubyivx3ysuleSankar   P, Cho   MK, Monahan   K, Nowak   K. Reporting race and ethnicity in genetics research: do journal recommendations or resources matter?
work_kg7tieuavvanroubyivx3ysuleVirginia   H. Is this doctors app a digital classroom — or medical porn?
work_adxl63lpvzfxfa623ejwj3lmwmDynamic capabilities: What are they?
work_adxl63lpvzfxfa623ejwj3lmwmIs the compensation model for real estate brokers broken?
work_adxl63lpvzfxfa623ejwj3lmwmNot At All – Totally.94 Overall how would you rate the outcome?
work_adxl63lpvzfxfa623ejwj3lmwmVery Negative – Very Positive How would you classify the result?
work_adxl63lpvzfxfa623ejwj3lmwmWhat lies beneath?
work_adxl63lpvzfxfa623ejwj3lmwmWill disruptive innovations cure health care?
work_sjobhdntiffkjha5ouqk3i7ds4( 2000) How do children ’s eating patterns and food choices change over time?
work_sjobhdntiffkjha5ouqk3i7ds4Dresler- Hawke E, Whitehead D& Coad J( 2009) What are New Zealand children eating at school?
work_sjobhdntiffkjha5ouqk3i7ds4Food Dudes( 2009) What is Food Dudes?
work_xcy6qnoqubasbavditbiswllx4Coral Reefs 31:425–439 Dekker AG, Wettle M, Brando VE( 2005) Coral reef habitat mapping using MERIS: can MERIS detect coral bleaching?
work_xdr6otxznndclhuhijp4s7bc3iStene LC, Midthjell K, Jenum AK, Skeie S, Birkeland KI, Lund E, Joner G, Tell GS, Schirmer H: Hvor mange har diabetes mellitus i Norge?.
work_n4dolm7g5vfenjfnwpoebnnk7aA fotografia digital teria a mesma credibilidade do que a analógica?
work_n4dolm7g5vfenjfnwpoebnnk7aAlgumas ambiguidades se tornam evidentes nesse caso: quem doou sua imagem para o projeto o fez para uma obra artística ou trabalhou para a polícia?
work_n4dolm7g5vfenjfnwpoebnnk7aOs alunos de belas- artes trabalharam para um projeto estético ou policialesco?
work_n4dolm7g5vfenjfnwpoebnnk7aSerá que a fotografia numérica perde o seu caráter documental ao deixar de ser uma reprodução puramente mecânica de um referente?
work_n4dolm7g5vfenjfnwpoebnnk7aSerá que haveria uma diferença de grau ou de natureza entre uma imagem fotográfica analógica e uma fotografia numérica?
work_n4dolm7g5vfenjfnwpoebnnk7aSerá, então, que a polícia e a prisão, enquanto agenciamentos pertencentes ao diagrama disciplinar, estariam se tornando obsoletos?
work_rpc6hnbvfrhldmibw72xorow4m( 2010) Is a 6-week course of ganciclovir therapy effective for chorioretinitis in infants with congenital cytomegalovirus infection?.
work_rpc6hnbvfrhldmibw72xorow4mCan the Digital Camera Help Preserve Vision of Rb Patients in Highly Developed Nations?
work_rpc6hnbvfrhldmibw72xorow4mMaki JL, Marr BP, Abramson DH( 2009) Diagnosis of retinoblastoma: how good are referring physicians?
work_rpc6hnbvfrhldmibw72xorow4mMurphy D, Bishop H, Edgar A( 2012) Leukocoria and retinoblastoma: pitfalls of the digital age?
work_ucf3c52ahvhovkcv57eexsuht4Creativity: What Are We Talking About?
work_ucf3c52ahvhovkcv57eexsuht4What is a Photograph?
work_ucf3c52ahvhovkcv57eexsuht4What is a Photography?
work_tssvkjgzjbgvlpw6ntgh6f6vciKanthraj GR: Classification and design of teledermatology practice: What dermatoses?
work_tssvkjgzjbgvlpw6ntgh6f6vciTucker WFG, Lewis FM: Digital imaging: a diagnostic screening tool?
work_tssvkjgzjbgvlpw6ntgh6f6vciWhich technology to apply?
work_rvyzozpndffbzaadtluamnjruu( 2) How usable is the C5, viewed as an important instance of a class of devices that are increasingly used by clinicians in patient care settings?
work_rvyzozpndffbzaadtluamnjruu.actually, what does minimize mean? ” 5.
work_xwythogoxbeh7bruvc2wmceifmCan DNA barcoding accurately discriminate megadiverse Neotropical freshwater fish fauna?
work_uicquopiung2zgeebr5mribja4Melanoma chemoprevention: a role for statins or fibrates?
work_7vntzamhl5d3rnufyxw53hhkwyAccepted for publication 20 October 2004 BOOK REVIEWS and Technical Aspects be comprehensive with regards to disaster planning?
work_7vntzamhl5d3rnufyxw53hhkwyAdvanced airway management in the emergency department: what are the training and skills maintenance needs for UK emergency physicians?
work_7vntzamhl5d3rnufyxw53hhkwyCan it provide me with what I need to know?
work_7vntzamhl5d3rnufyxw53hhkwyI am an emergency physician, blinkered by measuring the response of interventions in real time; is the peak flow better after the nebuliser?
work_7vntzamhl5d3rnufyxw53hhkwyIs the pain less with intravenous morphine?
work_7vntzamhl5d3rnufyxw53hhkwyQ2 Would you consent the follow- ing body part(s) to be photo- graphed( head, chest, abdomen, limbs and/or genitalia)?
work_7vntzamhl5d3rnufyxw53hhkwyQ3 Would you consent to your photo being published in a medical journal, book or internet site?
work_7vntzamhl5d3rnufyxw53hhkwyThe everyday emergency physician?
work_7vntzamhl5d3rnufyxw53hhkwyWhen I feared a bio- terrorism threat?
work_7vntzamhl5d3rnufyxw53hhkwyWhen I watched helplessly the victims of the latest Iranian earthquake?
work_7vntzamhl5d3rnufyxw53hhkwyWho is this book for?
work_7vntzamhl5d3rnufyxw53hhkwyWould I have turned to it last year during the SARS outbreak?
work_ycyo7be5ufbtvjlexnly32zr5qEcological impacts of buffel grass( Cenchrus ciliaris L.) invasion in central Australia — does field evidence support a fire- invasion feedback?
work_hrymwtw3yvhmtdqy4vu4lsafiu( 1990b) „ “ Primitive Cinema ”: A Frame- Up?
work_hrymwtw3yvhmtdqy4vu4lsafiu( 2005) What Do Pictures Want?
work_hrymwtw3yvhmtdqy4vu4lsafiuBut why should the seaside camera be an occasion for scorn, and why need „ gimmick‟ be a term of dismissal?
work_hrymwtw3yvhmtdqy4vu4lsafiuHow to explain this insistent surplus of object over image in instant photography?
work_hrymwtw3yvhmtdqy4vu4lsafiuInstantaneity, ice, and the technological unconscious What is the cultural significance of this „ photography of attractions‟?
work_hrymwtw3yvhmtdqy4vu4lsafiuWhat sort of photo- object is a Polaroid print?
work_qexyrxds2vcyxlysm2gbefeqreIs the fresh entrant into pathology training aware of this growing aspect of healthcare?
work_qexyrxds2vcyxlysm2gbefeqreMapstone NP, Quirke P: The pathologist in the 21st Century- man or machine?
work_qexyrxds2vcyxlysm2gbefeqreSo is n''t it wise for a postgraduate student to handle a short course on photography at the beginning of the training as a pathologist?
work_qexyrxds2vcyxlysm2gbefeqreSotiriou C, Piccart MJ: Taking gene- expression profiling to the clinic: when will molecular signatures become relevant to patient care?
work_rfrzyoh6cjcjvgk2wjr3riqqpmCase presentation: Are case presentations an error of omission or errors of commission?
work_rfrzyoh6cjcjvgk2wjr3riqqpmDoherty M: What value case reports?
work_rfrzyoh6cjcjvgk2wjr3riqqpmMCRs of adverse events: errors of omission or errors of commission?
work_v3m2ypf3ajc3bmyunyp47y2iryL a w- i i- i- B-?
work_v3m2ypf3ajc3bmyunyp47y2iryNeed a Fluorescence Reference?
work_v3m2ypf3ajc3bmyunyp47y2iryfor40X(4Xx10X), Flgum 3 bottom w''th » fc?
work_ysy4m6z4yjbfxnyhjorypjgwgi32. herrington l, nester C. Q angle undervaluated?
work_ywiljbbizjhqnkmz7zjw24i42uAre bone and serum cefazolin concentrations adequate for antimicrobial pro- phylaxis?
work_dplvuxp33vhu5ot4tpthjr3gk4Both focus on the Chronicles of the 14th- century writer and poet Jean Froissart(? 1337-?1404).
work_dplvuxp33vhu5ot4tpthjr3gk4Do our procedures suggest the presence and activity of more than one individual actively at work behind these labels?
work_dplvuxp33vhu5ot4tpthjr3gk4How did a particular phrase evolve?
work_dplvuxp33vhu5ot4tpthjr3gk4How was a key manuscript altered on a given day?
work_dplvuxp33vhu5ot4tpthjr3gk4In the near future scholars will be asking themselves slightly different questions: How did authors use and customise their desktops?
work_dplvuxp33vhu5ot4tpthjr3gk4What applications were used, and how were their files organised?
work_dplvuxp33vhu5ot4tpthjr3gk4What were their characteristic habits and shortcuts?
work_dplvuxp33vhu5ot4tpthjr3gk4Which emails went out that day and to whom?
work_dplvuxp33vhu5ot4tpthjr3gk4initials and marginal decoration) of these manuscripts?
work_septivkparfmzg2isgi3wddoeu( 2) How do these relationships change with community type and season?
work_septivkparfmzg2isgi3wddoeu( 3) To what extent do the indices rep- resent actual chlorophyll and carotenoid content?
work_septivkparfmzg2isgi3wddoeuDo anthocyanins function as antioxidants in leaves?
work_septivkparfmzg2isgi3wddoeuNonlinear flowering responses to cli- mate: Are species approaching their limits of phenological change?
work_z4u32pjue5hzraxjg33k634ld4• User may use extracts from the document in line with the concept of ‘ fair dealing ’ under the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988(?)
work_xlqjpyyk3regxfhqqrgspukb6y( 2008) The 2007 eastern US spring freezes: increased cold damage in a warming world?
work_zyqxfrf4ofhbzkby2risuvnzz4Are dietary patterns stable throughout early and mid- childhood?
work_clx5zqbmxjeoxj3zn2feyqjynyAccepted for publication 20 October 2004 BOOK REVIEWS and Technical Aspects be comprehensive with regards to disaster planning?
work_clx5zqbmxjeoxj3zn2feyqjynyAdvanced airway management in the emergency department: what are the training and skills maintenance needs for UK emergency physicians?
work_clx5zqbmxjeoxj3zn2feyqjynyCan it provide me with what I need to know?
work_clx5zqbmxjeoxj3zn2feyqjynyI am an emergency physician, blinkered by measuring the response of interventions in real time; is the peak flow better after the nebuliser?
work_clx5zqbmxjeoxj3zn2feyqjynyIs the pain less with intravenous morphine?
work_clx5zqbmxjeoxj3zn2feyqjynyQ2 Would you consent the follow- ing body part(s) to be photo- graphed( head, chest, abdomen, limbs and/or genitalia)?
work_clx5zqbmxjeoxj3zn2feyqjynyQ3 Would you consent to your photo being published in a medical journal, book or internet site?
work_clx5zqbmxjeoxj3zn2feyqjynyThe everyday emergency physician?
work_clx5zqbmxjeoxj3zn2feyqjynyWhen I feared a bio- terrorism threat?
work_clx5zqbmxjeoxj3zn2feyqjynyWhen I watched helplessly the victims of the latest Iranian earthquake?
work_clx5zqbmxjeoxj3zn2feyqjynyWho is this book for?
work_clx5zqbmxjeoxj3zn2feyqjynyWould I have turned to it last year during the SARS outbreak?
work_z7yjqndmg5fsppns5u7gld2yvy: Analysis of outcome mea- sures for persons with patellofemoral pain: which are reliable and valid?
work_isojvd42wzdk7csuphm4iwrf64( 2) Have you noticed a change in the borders of your mole since your last visit?
work_isojvd42wzdk7csuphm4iwrf64( 3) Have you noticed a change in the color of your mole since your last visit?
work_isojvd42wzdk7csuphm4iwrf64( 4) Have you no- ticed a change in the size of your mole since your last visit?
work_isojvd42wzdk7csuphm4iwrf64( 5) Does your mole ever itch?
work_isojvd42wzdk7csuphm4iwrf64( 6) Does your mole ever bleed?
work_isojvd42wzdk7csuphm4iwrf64( 7) Does your mole ever hurt?
work_isojvd42wzdk7csuphm4iwrf64( If you drew a line down the middle of the mole, has one side changed more than the other?)
work_isojvd42wzdk7csuphm4iwrf64If yes, has it gotten bigger or smaller?
work_isojvd42wzdk7csuphm4iwrf64The eclipse nae- vus and cockade naevus: are they two of a kind?
work_xqyxprcq7va77budlv5pymo4cyCatchments on the Cusp?
work_xqyxprcq7va77budlv5pymo4cyWill catchment characteristics moderate the projected effects of climate change on flow regimes in the Scottish Highlands?
work_zcfjgl2u4vcjbhzwefjosudjzyHypospadias: are we as good as we think when we correct proximal hypospadias?
work_x4iad7n5k5glrdl2rc7kkfxj6yCan training in a real- time strategy video game attenuate cognitive decline in older adults?
work_x4iad7n5k5glrdl2rc7kkfxj6yEnrichment effects on adult cognitive development: Can the functional capacity of older adults be preserved and enhanced?
work_yzhdziycefa5zc3bdzrowyh7eiCan Platelet richplasma be used for skin rejuvenation?
work_yzhdziycefa5zc3bdzrowyh7ei[ 24] Freitag, FM e Cestari, TF: What causes dark circles under the eyes?
work_zsddevstvfcinekvzdhqhtinoiIs obesity caused by calorie underestima- tion?
work_wjeovlbbjzatzm3tcfbgcojhbiWhy non- exclusive?
work_wjeovlbbjzatzm3tcfbgcojhbiWhy would firms do this?
work_yh7innnahrcxxf44pelegdyjbyCryptic differences in colour among Müllerian mimics: how can the visual capacities of predators and prey shape the evolution of wing colours?
work_qmfr2vpmjrh6da57h42olu4ggy2006 90?
work_qmfr2vpmjrh6da57h42olu4ggyCan video images imitate real stimuli in animal behaviour experiments?
work_qmfr2vpmjrh6da57h42olu4ggyColour vision; is colour constancy real?
work_qmfr2vpmjrh6da57h42olu4ggyIs the human visual system optimised for encoding the statistical information of natural scenes?
work_z443tu7h7zhkjexzhdum6qbw4yDigital imaging: A diagnostic screening tool?
work_li7oqdlwxnhwllox5untr4cmreHow do we begin to create solutions and truly digital workfl ows?
work_li7oqdlwxnhwllox5untr4cmreRethinking asset management for enterprise digital photography OVERVIEW What''s the problem?
work_li7oqdlwxnhwllox5untr4cmreWhat are the needs?
work_li7oqdlwxnhwllox5untr4cmreWhat ’ s the good news?
work_li7oqdlwxnhwllox5untr4cmreWhat ’ s the problem?
work_li7oqdlwxnhwllox5untr4cmreWho benefi ts from this solution and how?
work_li7oqdlwxnhwllox5untr4cmre” What are the risks?
work_ub6cvnf2irbhfdmrqhh7w67hleD o yon want to c o m m e n t on that?
work_ub6cvnf2irbhfdmrqhh7w67hleI n o t h e r words, h o w accurately does a digital image represent a wound?
work_zzpr3zx4uzc57exlpuqbtxe3oaHow Does Light Trigger Anthocyanin Biosynthesis in the Flesh?
work_yevfxwxmuffu3gomfk5xeg6gsiAtalay K, Gurez C, Kirgiz A, Serefoglu Cabuk K. Does severity of dermatochalasis in aging affect corneal biomechanical properties?
work_yevfxwxmuffu3gomfk5xeg6gsiHollow or full upper eyelid sulcus, which do patients prefer?.
work_yevfxwxmuffu3gomfk5xeg6gsiNOTA FINAL DA CIRURGIA SUBJETIVA – 0 A 10=>( 0 totalmente insatisfeito e 10 extremamente satisfeito) FARIA O PROCEDIMENTO NOVAMENTE?
work_wpnfwgu5tfclhbaa2ndz36cx3qWhat is my expected yield benefit from applying precision farming techniques to those areas?
work_wpnfwgu5tfclhbaa2ndz36cx3qWhat percentage of the total area has the potential for improvement?
work_ykn2ykzepbdjvhufp7q5n4hwgqBut could it get implemented in time?
work_ykn2ykzepbdjvhufp7q5n4hwgqHOW ’ D THEY DO THAT?
work_ykn2ykzepbdjvhufp7q5n4hwgqPossibilities THE OPPORTUNITY IN THE OLD DAYS … HOW’D THEY DO THAT?
work_ykn2ykzepbdjvhufp7q5n4hwgqThe trick was could we program the applet to put them in a specifi c place and tag them with XMP data( metadata)?
work_yurqjf5clzh6fogzfl27mg7tbyDoes the repository consider the images used for a par- ticular event the most important thing worth documenting or do they want all of the images?
work_yurqjf5clzh6fogzfl27mg7tbyRichard Anderson, “ Should I Convert to DNG? ”, accessed March 15, 2012,
work_z42gbwr6ffckdg6v27nobj45gmBreast cancer incidence: what do the figures mean?
work_z42gbwr6ffckdg6v27nobj45gmDoes cosmetic outcome from treatment of primary breast cancer influence psychosocial morbidity?
work_z42gbwr6ffckdg6v27nobj45gmIs there a difference in psychological adjustment or quality of life in the year after surgery?
work_vrzbv3kv5bf4npcz4wye3oqvoqMonitoring the EU protected Geomalacus maculosus( Kerry Slug): what are the factors affecting catch returns in open and forested habitats?
work_vrzbv3kv5bf4npcz4wye3oqvoqPolychromatic patterns of Littorina obtusata on Ascophyllum nodosum: are snails hiding in intertidal seaweed?
work_z4rq4irlhnew7h2x23jmmo6d7u• Is DECT feasible for use in clinical trials?
work_y2gd2nmuunfudoaxuapiqanhzeWhy non- exclusive?
work_y2gd2nmuunfudoaxuapiqanhzeWhy would firms do this?
work_xzhpcbegujhtpegdeu6t7pyuumAre you going to get a chance to present it to him?"
work_xzhpcbegujhtpegdeu6t7pyuumAre you going to get a chance to present it to them?"
work_xzhpcbegujhtpegdeu6t7pyuumAt the end of the presentation I am almost always asked,"If this way of thinking is as good as you say it is, why do n''t more organizations use it?"
work_xzhpcbegujhtpegdeu6t7pyuumThese conferences should reveal what are we doing and can do that they should know about?
work_siphecpuazcaxmqzjf6ud2nmeeAnd if so, what would the content of these words be?
work_siphecpuazcaxmqzjf6ud2nmeeHow can we benefi t from the experience of visual anthropology and the debates that it provokes?
work_siphecpuazcaxmqzjf6ud2nmeeHow can we counter the traditions of the autonomous gaze, and of disembodied encounters partaken by both modernist archaeology and early photography?
work_siphecpuazcaxmqzjf6ud2nmeeMitchell, W J T 2005 What do pictures want?
work_siphecpuazcaxmqzjf6ud2nmeeMore pertinently, is there a place for an active role of photography within archaeo- logical ethnography?
work_mmtvh3eofbagpjw5nhtugpaxwi1 What do I actually mean when I say a photograph of a house depicts that house, and a computer image of an airplane yet to be built is a model?
work_mmtvh3eofbagpjw5nhtugpaxwiThis is why the question of why be a photographic image?
work_mmtvh3eofbagpjw5nhtugpaxwiThis, however, does not explain another question: « Why do such images so often appear photograph- like?
work_mmtvh3eofbagpjw5nhtugpaxwiWHY IMAGES?
work_mmtvh3eofbagpjw5nhtugpaxwiWhy are they taken to be photographic images? » WHY PHOTOGRAPHS?
work_mmtvh3eofbagpjw5nhtugpaxwiWhy are they taken to be photographic images? » WHY PHOTOGRAPHS?
work_gv2yxlgymrf6vjyvjepjwjt22mAccepted for publication 20 October 2004 BOOK REVIEWS and Technical Aspects be comprehensive with regards to disaster planning?
work_gv2yxlgymrf6vjyvjepjwjt22mAdvanced airway management in the emergency department: what are the training and skills maintenance needs for UK emergency physicians?
work_gv2yxlgymrf6vjyvjepjwjt22mCan it provide me with what I need to know?
work_gv2yxlgymrf6vjyvjepjwjt22mI am an emergency physician, blinkered by measuring the response of interventions in real time; is the peak flow better after the nebuliser?
work_gv2yxlgymrf6vjyvjepjwjt22mIs the pain less with intravenous morphine?
work_gv2yxlgymrf6vjyvjepjwjt22mQ2 Would you consent the follow- ing body part(s) to be photo- graphed( head, chest, abdomen, limbs and/or genitalia)?
work_gv2yxlgymrf6vjyvjepjwjt22mQ3 Would you consent to your photo being published in a medical journal, book or internet site?
work_gv2yxlgymrf6vjyvjepjwjt22mThe everyday emergency physician?
work_gv2yxlgymrf6vjyvjepjwjt22mWhen I feared a bio- terrorism threat?
work_gv2yxlgymrf6vjyvjepjwjt22mWhen I watched helplessly the victims of the latest Iranian earthquake?
work_gv2yxlgymrf6vjyvjepjwjt22mWho is this book for?
work_gv2yxlgymrf6vjyvjepjwjt22mWould I have turned to it last year during the SARS outbreak?
work_h7isxetmqnhatiozqj3bhsyaryAccepted for publication 20 October 2004 BOOK REVIEWS and Technical Aspects be comprehensive with regards to disaster planning?
work_h7isxetmqnhatiozqj3bhsyaryAdvanced airway management in the emergency department: what are the training and skills maintenance needs for UK emergency physicians?
work_h7isxetmqnhatiozqj3bhsyaryCan it provide me with what I need to know?
work_h7isxetmqnhatiozqj3bhsyaryI am an emergency physician, blinkered by measuring the response of interventions in real time; is the peak flow better after the nebuliser?
work_h7isxetmqnhatiozqj3bhsyaryIs the pain less with intravenous morphine?
work_h7isxetmqnhatiozqj3bhsyaryQ2 Would you consent the follow- ing body part(s) to be photo- graphed( head, chest, abdomen, limbs and/or genitalia)?
work_h7isxetmqnhatiozqj3bhsyaryQ3 Would you consent to your photo being published in a medical journal, book or internet site?
work_h7isxetmqnhatiozqj3bhsyaryThe everyday emergency physician?
work_h7isxetmqnhatiozqj3bhsyaryWhen I feared a bio- terrorism threat?
work_h7isxetmqnhatiozqj3bhsyaryWhen I watched helplessly the victims of the latest Iranian earthquake?
work_h7isxetmqnhatiozqj3bhsyaryWho is this book for?
work_h7isxetmqnhatiozqj3bhsyaryWould I have turned to it last year during the SARS outbreak?
work_ypp7zalb6zf47jzzx3byyyfsbuElectronic document,
work_ypp7zalb6zf47jzzx3byyyfsbuGrima, Reuben 2016 But Is n’t All Archaeology “ Public ” Archaeology?
work_ypp7zalb6zf47jzzx3byyyfsbuHowland, Matthew D. 2018 3D Recording in the Field: Style without Substance?
work_ypp7zalb6zf47jzzx3byyyfsbuRichardson, Lorna- Jane, and Jaime Almansa- Sánchez 2015 Do You Even Know What Public Archaeology Is?
work_nyypqkrs2fha5mv63vcjkhqxmyCan this be predicted by information collected at baseline?
work_nyypqkrs2fha5mv63vcjkhqxmyCan this be predicted?
work_nyypqkrs2fha5mv63vcjkhqxmyHow does this relate to hand function?
work_nyypqkrs2fha5mv63vcjkhqxmySpecifically our study will consider the following ques- tions: • What is the prevalence of clinical signs and symptoms?
work_nyypqkrs2fha5mv63vcjkhqxmycarpal tunnel syndrome?
work_nyypqkrs2fha5mv63vcjkhqxmy• Can simple signs and symptoms accurately identify older adults with radiographic hand OA?
work_nyypqkrs2fha5mv63vcjkhqxmy• Does radiographic OA predict change in severity and characteristics of symptomatic hand OA?
work_nyypqkrs2fha5mv63vcjkhqxmy• In what respect do consulters and non- consulters differ at baseline?
work_nyypqkrs2fha5mv63vcjkhqxmy• What is the prevalence of''red flags''indicative of possi- ble serious joint pathology?
work_nyypqkrs2fha5mv63vcjkhqxmy• What is the relative contribution of clinical history, hand assessment, digital imaging, x- rays and lower limb func- tion as prognostic markers?
work_smrseqsyubaa3o7v2bmnjv7p5yAre physically impaired artists currently utilising digital technologies and assistive tools in their practice?
work_smrseqsyubaa3o7v2bmnjv7p5yHow do physically impaired visual artists currently work?
work_smrseqsyubaa3o7v2bmnjv7p5yIf not, are there any specific reasons why they are not utilising them to support creative work?
work_smrseqsyubaa3o7v2bmnjv7p5yIf so, what are their experiences in using these tools?
work_smrseqsyubaa3o7v2bmnjv7p5yIn particular, which art forms are they working in, what is their typical creative process, and which tools do they use to support their practice?
work_smrseqsyubaa3o7v2bmnjv7p5yIndependent lives?
work_smrseqsyubaa3o7v2bmnjv7p5yWhat levels of personal assistance are required and how does this influence creative practice?
work_smrseqsyubaa3o7v2bmnjv7p5yWhich barriers do physically impaired artists currently experience around their work?
work_smrseqsyubaa3o7v2bmnjv7p5y“ The right to assistive technology: For whom, for what, and by whom? ” Disability& Society 26( 2): 151- 167.
work_v7z22hkegffatfgr76x75p3tp4Always burn 1( 2) Usually burn 8( 16) Sometimes burn 20( 39) Rarely burn 21( 41) How often do you apply sunscreen when you go to the beach or pool?
work_v7z22hkegffatfgr76x75p3tp4Never/ less than half of the time 15( 29) Most days/ every day 33( 65) During the past summer, when outside, how often do you have sunscreen on?
work_v7z22hkegffatfgr76x75p3tp4No 15 14 1.0 Yes 24 21 1.6( 0.49- 5.87) Do n’t know 10 10 0.50( 0.09- 2.66) What happens to skin after 45 minutes in sun?
work_v7z22hkegffatfgr76x75p3tp4Yes 24( 47) No 15( 29) Do n’t know 11( 22) What happens to your skin after you go outside in the sun for 45 minutes in the summer?
work_v7z22hkegffatfgr76x75p3tp4of sunburns during previous summer 0 7( 14) 1 23( 45) 2 12( 24) � 3 9( 18) Do people look healthier with a tan?
work_v7z22hkegffatfgr76x75p3tp4of sunburns in previous summer 0- 1 30 16 1.0 � 1 19 15 0.90( 0.30- 2.80) Do people look healthier with a tan?
work_vjmv7omdcne6dk5uh5vxhtawjeApproximately, what number of dentists do you currently work with?
work_vjmv7omdcne6dk5uh5vxhtawjeHow involved do you feel as part of the dental team?
work_vjmv7omdcne6dk5uh5vxhtawjeWhat percentage of dentists would send a patient to you to do the shade matching?
work_vjmv7omdcne6dk5uh5vxhtawjeWhat percentage of dentists would send you a photograph of the patient ’s teeth with the shade tab to help you with shading?
work_vjmv7omdcne6dk5uh5vxhtawjeWhat percentage of laboratory prescriptions do you have to contact the dentist to obtain further information?
work_vjmv7omdcne6dk5uh5vxhtawjeWhat percentage of the time is a single shade( for example, A3 or B2) specified for crown and bridgework?
work_4rbfrm7iuzhjnbrfrheolpcsdmA review of photovoice applications in environment, sustainability, and conservation contexts: Is the method maintaining its emancipatory intents?
work_4rbfrm7iuzhjnbrfrheolpcsdmAre children human beings or human becomings?
work_4rbfrm7iuzhjnbrfrheolpcsdmCulture and the independent self: Obstacles to environmental sustainability?
work_4rbfrm7iuzhjnbrfrheolpcsdmCutter- Mackenzie, A.; Rousell, D. Education for what?
work_4rbfrm7iuzhjnbrfrheolpcsdmFor example, could transformative sustainability pedagogies also influence science learning, attitudes, and behavioral engagement?
work_4rbfrm7iuzhjnbrfrheolpcsdmHow did SCA influence children ’s perceptions of science?
work_4rbfrm7iuzhjnbrfrheolpcsdmHow did children describe the influence of SCA on their behavioral engagement with science?
work_4rbfrm7iuzhjnbrfrheolpcsdmHow did children ’s attitudes towards science change following SCA?
work_4rbfrm7iuzhjnbrfrheolpcsdmKenis, A.; Mathijs, E. Climate change and post- politics: Repoliticizing the present by imagining the future?
work_4rbfrm7iuzhjnbrfrheolpcsdmLike science experiments and stuff?
work_4rbfrm7iuzhjnbrfrheolpcsdmOjala, M. Regulating worry, promoting hope: How do children, adolescents, and young adults cope with climate change?
work_4rbfrm7iuzhjnbrfrheolpcsdmSustainability in science education?
work_4rbfrm7iuzhjnbrfrheolpcsdmWho produces knowledge?
work_4rbfrm7iuzhjnbrfrheolpcsdmWhy so Few?
work_4rbfrm7iuzhjnbrfrheolpcsdmhelp you to like science more? ” and were then prompted to provide an open- ended explanation of their response.
work_vld64vnf3jfsngmd3fcpbwcf6m3D printing — a future disruptive innovation?
work_vld64vnf3jfsngmd3fcpbwcf6mHow does the entanglement of disruptions take place?
work_vld64vnf3jfsngmd3fcpbwcf6mHow useful is the theory of disruptive innovation?
work_vld64vnf3jfsngmd3fcpbwcf6mTechnological discontinuities and interfirm cooperation: what determines a startup''s attractiveness as alliance partner?
work_vld64vnf3jfsngmd3fcpbwcf6mWhen is a disruptive innovation disruptive?
work_vld64vnf3jfsngmd3fcpbwcf6mWhy do incumbents sometimes succeed?
work_wzert2x4p5h3jmdyw4vugmyyzeBu ayrımı yaparken fotoğrafa ilişkin bilgi birikimlerini ve deneyimlerini nasıl kullanmışlardır?
work_wzert2x4p5h3jmdyw4vugmyyzeHow realistic is photorealistic?
work_wzert2x4p5h3jmdyw4vugmyyzeKatılımcılar fotoğraflar ve bilgisayar aracılığıyla üretilen görüntüleri birbirinden doğru bir şekilde ayırabilmekte midir?
work_wzert2x4p5h3jmdyw4vugmyyzeSorulan soru ‘ Gördüğünüz görsel bir fotoğraf mı yoksa bilgisayar aracılığıyla üretilmiş bir görüntü mü? ’ şeklindedir.
work_wzert2x4p5h3jmdyw4vugmyyzeWhat ’s wrong with this picture?
work_x4vjemlsmfb45di6ol2t7qznkmHappiness is everything, or is it?
work_x4vjemlsmfb45di6ol2t7qznkmHow do simple positive activities increase well- being?
work_x4vjemlsmfb45di6ol2t7qznkmInterviewer: So because of the impact it had on your life?
work_x4vjemlsmfb45di6ol2t7qznkmWhat does the photoblog want?
work_xpth44dztfhxznvriknisci57i9. de Saint Pol, T. Quand est- ce qu’on mange?
work_xpth44dztfhxznvriknisci57iDid you enjoy it?
work_xpth44dztfhxznvriknisci57iHad you had enough?
work_xpth44dztfhxznvriknisci57iIf not liked, why did n’t you like it?
work_xpth44dztfhxznvriknisci57iThe questions were: Which starter/ main dish did you choose today?
work_xpth44dztfhxznvriknisci57inot enough?
work_xpth44dztfhxznvriknisci57itoo much?
work_rpvg23zul5fqpgf3zmlaefmffmAccepted for publication 20 October 2004 BOOK REVIEWS and Technical Aspects be comprehensive with regards to disaster planning?
work_rpvg23zul5fqpgf3zmlaefmffmAdvanced airway management in the emergency department: what are the training and skills maintenance needs for UK emergency physicians?
work_rpvg23zul5fqpgf3zmlaefmffmCan it provide me with what I need to know?
work_rpvg23zul5fqpgf3zmlaefmffmI am an emergency physician, blinkered by measuring the response of interventions in real time; is the peak flow better after the nebuliser?
work_rpvg23zul5fqpgf3zmlaefmffmIs the pain less with intravenous morphine?
work_rpvg23zul5fqpgf3zmlaefmffmQ2 Would you consent the follow- ing body part(s) to be photo- graphed( head, chest, abdomen, limbs and/or genitalia)?
work_rpvg23zul5fqpgf3zmlaefmffmQ3 Would you consent to your photo being published in a medical journal, book or internet site?
work_rpvg23zul5fqpgf3zmlaefmffmThe everyday emergency physician?
work_rpvg23zul5fqpgf3zmlaefmffmWhen I feared a bio- terrorism threat?
work_rpvg23zul5fqpgf3zmlaefmffmWhen I watched helplessly the victims of the latest Iranian earthquake?
work_rpvg23zul5fqpgf3zmlaefmffmWho is this book for?
work_rpvg23zul5fqpgf3zmlaefmffmWould I have turned to it last year during the SARS outbreak?
work_xyfkyyeftvf7ll23kuylacld2mAdministrative Database Studies: Goldmine or Goose Chase?
work_xyfkyyeftvf7ll23kuylacld2mHopkins, R. Factive Pictorial Experience: What ’s Special about Photographs?
work_xyfkyyeftvf7ll23kuylacld2mKapoor, P. Photo- editing in Orthodontics: How Much is Too Much?
work_xyfkyyeftvf7ll23kuylacld2mLynch, C. How do your data grow?
work_xyfkyyeftvf7ll23kuylacld2mVirtual Dental Patient: How Long Until It ’s Here?
work_xyfkyyeftvf7ll23kuylacld2mWhat Guidance Is There for Ethical Records Transfer and Fee Charges?
work_xyfkyyeftvf7ll23kuylacld2mWhat ethical responsibilities do I have with regard to radiographs for my patients?
work_w5ohqgzhwzatvb7iwmll236gbqFrey CB and Osborne MA( 2013) The Future of Employment: How susceptible are jobs to computerisation?
work_w5ohqgzhwzatvb7iwmll236gbqRunning Head: The Expert and the Machine 1 Title: The Expert and the Machine: Competition or Convergence?
work_w5ohqgzhwzatvb7iwmll236gbqSo the answer to our earlier question( Can 10 million lines of algorithmic code replace 10 thousand hours of human experience?)
work_w5ohqgzhwzatvb7iwmll236gbqThe Expert and the Machine: Competition or Convergence?
work_w5ohqgzhwzatvb7iwmll236gbqTo return to the title of the paper, are we seeing competition or convergence between the expert and the machine?
work_w5ohqgzhwzatvb7iwmll236gbqUsing our example of photography, what are examples of these new forms of expertise?
work_zvg67o37yfhudbfofcwydrkazyKling, R. “ What is Social Informatics and Why Does it Matter? ” D- Lib Magazine 5.1( 1999).
work_zvg67o37yfhudbfofcwydrkazyThe iPhone as a Socio- technical network: a fifth moment?
work_zvg67o37yfhudbfofcwydrkazyWhat ’s So Special? ” Information Technology and People 17.2( 2004): 116–23.
work_zvg67o37yfhudbfofcwydrkazy“ Over- Exposed?
work_zvg67o37yfhudbfofcwydrkazy“ What Does the Photoblog Want? ” Media, Culture and Society 27.6( 2005): 883–901.
work_s6lq3nkaoncebfcqqg7nx3iuxe2014 ‘ Blurry and Centred or Clear and Balanced? ’, Journalism Practice, DOI: 10.1080/17512786.2014.892703.
work_s6lq3nkaoncebfcqqg7nx3iuxeAre developments in networked social media felt by photographers to be affecting the value of their work in sport?
work_s6lq3nkaoncebfcqqg7nx3iuxeHow many photographers have identified the issue of access to sporting venues and events as a problem or a challenge to their daily work in sport?
work_s6lq3nkaoncebfcqqg7nx3iuxeIs there a future for professional sports photography?
work_s6lq3nkaoncebfcqqg7nx3iuxeIs there a future for professional sports photography?
work_s6lq3nkaoncebfcqqg7nx3iuxeOr, conversely, has it led to more repetition of themes, uniformity and social mimicry?
work_s6lq3nkaoncebfcqqg7nx3iuxeTo what extent have sport photographers adopted the broader visual culture of digital media and introduced video capture in to their work?
work_s6lq3nkaoncebfcqqg7nx3iuxeWhat are the challenges they face?
work_s6lq3nkaoncebfcqqg7nx3iuxeWhat are the key challenges they face?
work_s6lq3nkaoncebfcqqg7nx3iuxeWomen reporting sport: Still a man ’s game?
work_x664icbdnne23l5szu2c4o6pdi( 2) How often has your mood been affected by concern that you might get melanoma someday?
work_x664icbdnne23l5szu2c4o6pdi( 2) perform effective SSE?
work_x664icbdnne23l5szu2c4o6pdi( 3) How often have thoughts about getting melanoma affected your abilities to perform your daily activities?
work_x664icbdnne23l5szu2c4o6pdi( 4) How emotionally distressed or concerned have you been about the possibility of getting melanoma?
work_x664icbdnne23l5szu2c4o6pdiAfter patients changed back into their clothing, they viewed a 3-minute video on SSE: Skin Cancer: Can you Spot it?
work_x664icbdnne23l5szu2c4o6pdiIs physician detection associated with thinner melanomas?
work_x664icbdnne23l5szu2c4o6pdiSkin cancer: Can you spot it?
work_v5or43j2hzaujanhaosdqxiyi4Accepted for publication 20 October 2004 BOOK REVIEWS and Technical Aspects be comprehensive with regards to disaster planning?
work_v5or43j2hzaujanhaosdqxiyi4Advanced airway management in the emergency department: what are the training and skills maintenance needs for UK emergency physicians?
work_v5or43j2hzaujanhaosdqxiyi4Can it provide me with what I need to know?
work_v5or43j2hzaujanhaosdqxiyi4I am an emergency physician, blinkered by measuring the response of interventions in real time; is the peak flow better after the nebuliser?
work_v5or43j2hzaujanhaosdqxiyi4Is the pain less with intravenous morphine?
work_v5or43j2hzaujanhaosdqxiyi4Q2 Would you consent the follow- ing body part(s) to be photo- graphed( head, chest, abdomen, limbs and/or genitalia)?
work_v5or43j2hzaujanhaosdqxiyi4Q3 Would you consent to your photo being published in a medical journal, book or internet site?
work_v5or43j2hzaujanhaosdqxiyi4The everyday emergency physician?
work_v5or43j2hzaujanhaosdqxiyi4When I feared a bio- terrorism threat?
work_v5or43j2hzaujanhaosdqxiyi4When I watched helplessly the victims of the latest Iranian earthquake?
work_v5or43j2hzaujanhaosdqxiyi4Who is this book for?
work_v5or43j2hzaujanhaosdqxiyi4Would I have turned to it last year during the SARS outbreak?
work_tmw5jizwebfzzkv5g3s2fvs6uq), Where is the Photograph?
work_tmw5jizwebfzzkv5g3s2fvs6uq), Where is the Photograph?
work_tmw5jizwebfzzkv5g3s2fvs6uqAnd is there not thus a strange convergence here, actualized in the digital image, between art and the commodity form?
work_tmw5jizwebfzzkv5g3s2fvs6uqSo, one must think, perhaps something else is going on here?
work_tmw5jizwebfzzkv5g3s2fvs6uqWhat does it mean to speak of photography from the standpoint of philosophy?
work_nnlzx2hrfjfxxdncxllrczd3iq( 1988) ‘ In What Sense Is Language a “ Primary Modeling System ”? ’, in H. Broms and R. Kaufmann( eds) Semiotics of Culture.
work_nnlzx2hrfjfxxdncxllrczd3iq( 2002) Phototruth or Photofiction?
work_nnlzx2hrfjfxxdncxllrczd3iqAnd, if so, do generalizations about snapshots still hold?
work_nnlzx2hrfjfxxdncxllrczd3iqCould we not enlist photography in the ranks of counter- hegemony and prefigurative culture?
work_nnlzx2hrfjfxxdncxllrczd3iqDo they enable command over imaging?
work_nnlzx2hrfjfxxdncxllrczd3iqMuch- needed ethnographic research in the area would have to pose classic questions of communication: ● How was the image captured?
work_nnlzx2hrfjfxxdncxllrczd3iqWere these images not ‘ snapshots ’ in the broad sense, outside of the family, in which we have begun to discuss them earlier?
work_nnlzx2hrfjfxxdncxllrczd3iqWhere can these questions be posed and how can we attempt to get the public to begin asking them more systematically?
work_nnlzx2hrfjfxxdncxllrczd3iq● To whom and why?
work_nnlzx2hrfjfxxdncxllrczd3iq● What was the object of representation?
work_nnlzx2hrfjfxxdncxllrczd3iq● Where does it circulate?
work_z3z5ec7cizhlfb262b5in6ebpuGames telling stories?
work_z3z5ec7cizhlfb262b5in6ebpuInteractive audiences?
work_z3z5ec7cizhlfb262b5in6ebpuOr, do we adhere to the para- digmatic character of academic progress following Thomas Kuhn ’s philosophy of science?
work_z3z5ec7cizhlfb262b5in6ebpuWhy Game Studies Now?
work_z3z5ec7cizhlfb262b5in6ebpuWhy Game Studies Now?
work_z3z5ec7cizhlfb262b5in6ebpuWhy Game Studies Now?
work_psxsjya2czbirckmkeyx2bu64uBedson J, Jordan K, Croft P: How do GPs use x rays to manage chronic knee pain in the elderly?
work_psxsjya2czbirckmkeyx2bu64uCan it be predicted?
work_psxsjya2czbirckmkeyx2bu64uCan this be predicted by clinical and/or non- clinical vari- ables collected at baseline?
work_psxsjya2czbirckmkeyx2bu64uDoes this associ- ation differ between tibiofemoral joint( TFJ) and patellofemoral joint( PFJ) OA?
work_psxsjya2czbirckmkeyx2bu64uVan Eerd D, Beaton D, Bombardier C, Cole D, Hogg- Johnson S: Clas- sifying the forest or the trees?
work_psxsjya2czbirckmkeyx2bu64upsychosocial factors) compare between symptomatic radiographic knee OA and other knee pain?
work_psxsjya2czbirckmkeyx2bu64u• Can simple clinical signs and symptoms accurately iden- tify symptomatic radiographic knee OA in older adults with knee pain?
work_psxsjya2czbirckmkeyx2bu64u• How common is clinical deterioration( in terms of increasing pain/ disability severity) in this sample?
work_psxsjya2czbirckmkeyx2bu64u• How does a GP diagnosis of"knee osteoarthritis"relate to disease- based and regional pain syndrome- based classification?
work_psxsjya2czbirckmkeyx2bu64u• In what respects do consulters and non- consulters differ in their characteristics at baseline?
work_psxsjya2czbirckmkeyx2bu64u• What is the relative contribution of disease- based, clini- cal, and regional pain syndrome- based variables as prog- nostic markers?
work_uerd6gfrivgljnws66mb6ub2mq123 relationship?
work_uerd6gfrivgljnws66mb6ub2mqCan or should we teach the nature of engineering and technology without involving normative aspects?
work_uerd6gfrivgljnws66mb6ub2mqDoes that suggest a vocational bias in the list?
work_uerd6gfrivgljnws66mb6ub2mqHow do we value that?
work_uerd6gfrivgljnws66mb6ub2mqHow should we value that consideration?
work_uerd6gfrivgljnws66mb6ub2mqIf so, how would that be valued?
work_uerd6gfrivgljnws66mb6ub2mqIs there a best approach, or can the approaches be combined?
work_uerd6gfrivgljnws66mb6ub2mqIs this a matter of traditionalism or a lack of awareness of the latest educational research studies?
work_uerd6gfrivgljnws66mb6ub2mqOne of the other respondents added: ‘ ‘ Many( most?)
work_uerd6gfrivgljnws66mb6ub2mqOr did the experts con- sciously reject this new idea, preferring instead the more traditional, broader contexts?
work_uerd6gfrivgljnws66mb6ub2mqThis raises the question, would sepa- rating the two have resulted in two different lists of concepts?
work_uerd6gfrivgljnws66mb6ub2mqWere relevant concepts lost not because they were less important but because they were less specific for engineering and technology?
work_uerd6gfrivgljnws66mb6ub2mqWhat ideas about science should be taught in school science?
work_uerd6gfrivgljnws66mb6ub2mqWhat is a realistic image of engineering and technology?
work_uerd6gfrivgljnws66mb6ub2mqWhy then was this criterion of uniqueness( for engineering and technology) not applied more consistently?
work_uerd6gfrivgljnws66mb6ub2mq‘ ‘ Domestic technologies ’ ’ gets 4?
work_qzga5emeubatxjv67ag53wfvn4Bierma- Zeinstra SM, Lipschart S, Njoo KH, Bernsen R, Verhaar J, Prins A, Bohnen AM: How do general practitioners manage hip problems in adults?
work_qzga5emeubatxjv67ag53wfvn4Dufour AB, Broe KE, Nguyen US, Gagnon DR, Hillstrom HJ, Walker AH, Kivell E, Hannan MT: Foot pain: is current or past shoewear a factor?
work_qzga5emeubatxjv67ag53wfvn4Menz HB, Jordan KP, Roddy E, Croft PR: Musculoskeletal foot problems in primary care: what influences older people to consult?
work_qzga5emeubatxjv67ag53wfvn4Recorded verbatim Diagnostic attribution What do you think is the matter with your foot/ feet now?
work_pmhcxwz5jbgajjm3angsydk2va), Ifip International Federation for Information Processing, Volume 223, Social Informatics: An Information Society for All?
work_pmhcxwz5jbgajjm3angsydk2va), Ifip International Federation for Information Processing, Volume 223, Social Informatics: An Information Society for All?
work_pmhcxwz5jbgajjm3angsydk2vaAnd what happens with the digital?
work_pmhcxwz5jbgajjm3angsydk2vaDid you also do the programming part of it?
work_pmhcxwz5jbgajjm3angsydk2vaExclusion of Actors What about excluded actors in this socio- technical system?
work_pmhcxwz5jbgajjm3angsydk2vaHas the influence and participation of some types of actors been reduced with the change from film photography to digital photography?
work_pmhcxwz5jbgajjm3angsydk2vaIt took forever, you know?
work_pmhcxwz5jbgajjm3angsydk2vaSee Rob Kling,''What Is Social Informatics and Why Does It Matter?''
work_pmhcxwz5jbgajjm3angsydk2vaSee Vasja Vehovar,''Social Informatics: An Emerging Discipline?
work_pmhcxwz5jbgajjm3angsydk2vaThey tell me you designed that?
work_pmhcxwz5jbgajjm3angsydk2vaWho are these volunteers?
work_pmhcxwz5jbgajjm3angsydk2vaYou know, who, which boat, where, how long were you out?
work_l3fz6glh4na4vgystepdr5rwfm4.2.3 How does photographic equipment affect photographic imagery?
work_l3fz6glh4na4vgystepdr5rwfm4.2.4 What kinds of scenes exist “ somewhere out there ”?
work_l3fz6glh4na4vgystepdr5rwfmHas content been removed or added?
work_l3fz6glh4na4vgystepdr5rwfmHas content been removed or added?
work_l3fz6glh4na4vgystepdr5rwfmHave people been cut out of the negatives produced?
work_l3fz6glh4na4vgystepdr5rwfmHave the scenes photographed been staged?
work_l3fz6glh4na4vgystepdr5rwfmHere questions used to assess the images are the likes of: has the picture been staged or re- enacted?
work_l3fz6glh4na4vgystepdr5rwfmIs this distinction important?
work_l3fz6glh4na4vgystepdr5rwfmLyu S and Farid H( 2005) How Realistic is Photorealistic?
work_l3fz6glh4na4vgystepdr5rwfmReaves S( 1992) What ’s Wrong With This Picture?
work_l3fz6glh4na4vgystepdr5rwfmWhat do photographs look like?
work_l3fz6glh4na4vgystepdr5rwfmWhat has been left out of the images?
work_l3fz6glh4na4vgystepdr5rwfmWhose story is being told?
work_zaua33dr4bghrcqxsexb2uky4mBut what are the implications of this transformed use of photography as a memory tool?
work_zaua33dr4bghrcqxsexb2uky4mCohen, Kris( 2005) ‘ What does the photoblog want? ’ Media, Culture and Society 27( 6): 883- 901.
work_zaua33dr4bghrcqxsexb2uky4mHow do we gauge new features that help us brush up our pictures and make our memories picture perfect?
work_zaua33dr4bghrcqxsexb2uky4mIn other words, does image doctoring become an integral element of autobiographical remembering?
work_zaua33dr4bghrcqxsexb2uky4mLehtonen, Turo- Kimmo, Ilpo Koskinen, and Esko Kurvinen( 2002) ‘ Mobile Digital Pictures — The future of the postcard?
work_zaua33dr4bghrcqxsexb2uky4mMcCarthy, Anna( 2002) ‘ Cyberculture or Material Culture? ’ Etnofoor 15( 1).
work_zaua33dr4bghrcqxsexb2uky4mPictures for Life?
work_zaua33dr4bghrcqxsexb2uky4mRodden, Kerry, and Kenneth Wood( 2003) ‘ How do people manage their digital photographs? ’ Computer Human Interaction 5( 1): 409- 16.
work_izdgxwun2va7lpu7cg3dqgmj3y1: See “ A Fertile Future? ” in ALIAS No.
work_izdgxwun2va7lpu7cg3dqgmj3y1: ‘ Brave New World? ’( After Dark Special) 30 May 1994, Channel 4.
work_izdgxwun2va7lpu7cg3dqgmj3y3: Report in The Times 12( or 13?)
work_izdgxwun2va7lpu7cg3dqgmj3y7: And presumably women with AIS?
work_izdgxwun2va7lpu7cg3dqgmj3yA Fertile Future?
work_izdgxwun2va7lpu7cg3dqgmj3yA speculation has been made that Joan of Arc( 1412) might have had AIS( Wooster 1992?).
work_izdgxwun2va7lpu7cg3dqgmj3yAnd would society have to accept an ‘ I ’ for those of us who want it?
work_izdgxwun2va7lpu7cg3dqgmj3yAnother barrier … if two women are able to procreate a child together how can they be denied marital rights?
work_izdgxwun2va7lpu7cg3dqgmj3yBakan R: Queen Elizabeth I: A Case of Testicular Feminization Syndrome?
work_izdgxwun2va7lpu7cg3dqgmj3yBlackless, M. et al: How Sexually Dimorphic Are We?
work_izdgxwun2va7lpu7cg3dqgmj3yFertility Possibility?
work_izdgxwun2va7lpu7cg3dqgmj3yHow much trouble would it be to freeze the tissue and let her decide later what to do with it?
work_izdgxwun2va7lpu7cg3dqgmj3yIndex to this Page Table of Contents What is Intersex?
work_izdgxwun2va7lpu7cg3dqgmj3yKarkazis, K., Jordan- Young, R., Davis, G. and Camporesi, S: Out of Bounds?
work_izdgxwun2va7lpu7cg3dqgmj3yNews What is AIS?
work_izdgxwun2va7lpu7cg3dqgmj3yParents of AIS infants/ children may want to ask about this possibility when discussing early gonadectomy with their specialist?
work_izdgxwun2va7lpu7cg3dqgmj3yPerhaps this holds out some distant hope for an improvement in plastic surgery in AIS?
work_izdgxwun2va7lpu7cg3dqgmj3yWhat aspects do you think need further attention?
work_izdgxwun2va7lpu7cg3dqgmj3yWooster N: The Real Joan of Arc?, published by The Book Guild, Lewes, Sussex( 1992?).
work_ppaq7q4s3rbilmybfflfjssn6u( ii) How do different artificial colours change the reflectance properties of the substrates to which they are applied?
work_ppaq7q4s3rbilmybfflfjssn6u( iii) Do artificial colours have different effects on different substrates?
work_ppaq7q4s3rbilmybfflfjssn6u( iv) Using models of animal colour vision, how might artificial colours appear to a range of animal viewers?
work_ppaq7q4s3rbilmybfflfjssn6u2018 Using human vision to detect variation in avian coloration: how bad is it?
work_ppaq7q4s3rbilmybfflfjssn6uA bee?
work_ppaq7q4s3rbilmybfflfjssn6uDo colour treatments have different effects on different substrates?
work_ppaq7q4s3rbilmybfflfjssn6uDo colour treatments have different effects on different substrates?
work_ppaq7q4s3rbilmybfflfjssn6uHow do different colour treatments change the reflectance properties of the substrates to which they are applied?
work_ppaq7q4s3rbilmybfflfjssn6uHow do different colour treatments change the reflectance properties of the substrates to which they are applied?
work_ppaq7q4s3rbilmybfflfjssn6uIn behavioural experiments, what materials are commonly used — and for what purposes?
work_ppaq7q4s3rbilmybfflfjssn6uIs it a bird?
work_ppaq7q4s3rbilmybfflfjssn6uIs it to match a natural colour?
work_ppaq7q4s3rbilmybfflfjssn6uIs it unpigmented, pigmented or structu- rally coloured?
work_ppaq7q4s3rbilmybfflfjssn6uIs its reflectance spectrum simple and smooth, or is it more complex, with multiple peaks?
work_ppaq7q4s3rbilmybfflfjssn6uMoskát C, Székely T, Cuthill IC, Kisbenedek T. 2008 Hosts ’ responses to parasitic eggs: which cues elicit hosts ’ egg discrimination?
work_ppaq7q4s3rbilmybfflfjssn6uOnce this is established, is it really necessary to perform visual modelling( step 4)?
work_ppaq7q4s3rbilmybfflfjssn6uRodd FH, Hughes KA, Grether GF, Baril CT. 2002 A possible non- sexual origin of mate preference: are male guppies mimicking fruit?
work_ppaq7q4s3rbilmybfflfjssn6uSecond, who is the intended signal receiver?
work_ppaq7q4s3rbilmybfflfjssn6uStep 1: clarify your question What is the goal of artificial colour manipulation?
work_ppaq7q4s3rbilmybfflfjssn6uTo create an enhanced colour within the range of natural variation?
work_ppaq7q4s3rbilmybfflfjssn6uTo remove a colour?
work_ppaq7q4s3rbilmybfflfjssn6uUsing models of animal colour vision, how might artificial colours appear to a range of animal viewers?
work_ppaq7q4s3rbilmybfflfjssn6uWhat colour is the patch( or patches) of interest?
work_ppaq7q4s3rbilmybfflfjssn6uWhich species?
work_ppaq7q4s3rbilmybfflfjssn6uWhy not reduce the gamble?
work_ppaq7q4s3rbilmybfflfjssn6uWiebe KL, Slagsvold T. 2009 Mouth coloration in nestling birds: increasing detection or signalling quality?
work_vav7hjkjdbagpepxrwty63lvomAccessed 15 Jun 2019 Facer K( 2019) Storytelling in troubled times: what is the role for edu- cators in the deep crises of the 21st century?
work_vav7hjkjdbagpepxrwty63lvomHad you thought about this con- nection before?
work_vav7hjkjdbagpepxrwty63lvomHow does this relate to Our lives?
work_vav7hjkjdbagpepxrwty63lvomIn other words, what may not be clear about your photo but is important for you to explain?
work_vav7hjkjdbagpepxrwty63lvomIn these ways, photovoice discussions prompted children ’s “ what is ” and “ what if? ” thinking.
work_vav7hjkjdbagpepxrwty63lvomMoreover, what would it mean to integrate art and science for the purpose of envisioning and enacting alterna- tive futures?
work_vav7hjkjdbagpepxrwty63lvomSense Publications, Rotterdam Holfelder AK( 2019) Towards a sustainable future with education?
work_vav7hjkjdbagpepxrwty63lvomThe following is a list of SHOWeD question prompts, in order: “ What do you see here?
work_vav7hjkjdbagpepxrwty63lvomWhat are the challenges?
work_vav7hjkjdbagpepxrwty63lvomWhat are the opportuni- ties? ”( Cook and Quigley 2013; Wang et   al.
work_vav7hjkjdbagpepxrwty63lvomWhat are the possibilities and challenges of art – science integration in the context of sustainability education?
work_vav7hjkjdbagpepxrwty63lvomWhat can we Do about it?
work_vav7hjkjdbagpepxrwty63lvomWhat is really happening?
work_vav7hjkjdbagpepxrwty63lvomWhy does this problem or strength exist?
work_vav7hjkjdbagpepxrwty63lvom wcc.353 Cutter- Mackenzie A, Rousell D( 2019) Education for what?
work_vav7hjkjdbagpepxrwty63lvom 622.2019.16755 94 UNESCO( 2019) What is education for sustainable development?
work_vav7hjkjdbagpepxrwty63lvom zenod o.12145 65 Qvortrup J( 2009) Are children human beings or human becomings?
work_k3c6ehq2krg5pjurkuuh5cxe64....................... 29 Can automated analysis of digital images follow progression of retinopathy?
work_k3c6ehq2krg5pjurkuuh5cxe64....................... 7 Question 3: can a digital system determine when treatment is required?
work_k3c6ehq2krg5pjurkuuh5cxe64........................................... 15 What lesions should we detect?
work_k3c6ehq2krg5pjurkuuh5cxe64.................................................. 5 Question 2: can a digital system detect progression of retinopathy?
work_k3c6ehq2krg5pjurkuuh5cxe64; and( 3) can a digital imaging system determine when treatment is required?
work_k3c6ehq2krg5pjurkuuh5cxe64Can a digital imaging system detect progression of retinopathy?
work_k3c6ehq2krg5pjurkuuh5cxe64Can a digital imaging system detect retinopathy irrespective of sort or level?
work_k3c6ehq2krg5pjurkuuh5cxe64Can a digital imaging system determine when treatment is required?
work_k3c6ehq2krg5pjurkuuh5cxe64Can automated analysis of digital images follow progression of retinopathy?
work_k3c6ehq2krg5pjurkuuh5cxe64Can automated analysis of digital images follow progression of retinopathy?
work_k3c6ehq2krg5pjurkuuh5cxe64Can automated grading safely perform as a first- level grader?
work_k3c6ehq2krg5pjurkuuh5cxe64Can digital red- free photography monitor progression of retinopathy?
work_k3c6ehq2krg5pjurkuuh5cxe64Can digitised colour 35 mm transparencies be used to diagnose diabetic retinopathy?
work_k3c6ehq2krg5pjurkuuh5cxe64Can patient recruitment be improved?
work_k3c6ehq2krg5pjurkuuh5cxe64Chapter 5 Question 1: can a digital system detect the presence of diabetic retinopathy( of any sort/ level)?
work_k3c6ehq2krg5pjurkuuh5cxe64Comparison of optometrist with ophthalmologist Discussion Chapter 6 – Question 2: can a digital system detect progression of retinopathy?
work_k3c6ehq2krg5pjurkuuh5cxe64Does colour improve the performance of grading digital images?
work_k3c6ehq2krg5pjurkuuh5cxe64First, can a digital imaging system detect retinopathy irrespective of sort or level?
work_k3c6ehq2krg5pjurkuuh5cxe64How do I get a copy of HTA on CD?
work_k3c6ehq2krg5pjurkuuh5cxe64Introduction Study protocol Can digital red- free photography monitor progression of retinopathy?
work_k3c6ehq2krg5pjurkuuh5cxe64Is blood pressure a predictor of the incidence or progression of diabetic retinopathy?
work_k3c6ehq2krg5pjurkuuh5cxe64Is the nasal field required for grading?
work_k3c6ehq2krg5pjurkuuh5cxe64Is the nasal- disc field required?
work_k3c6ehq2krg5pjurkuuh5cxe64Kohner E, Sleightholm M. Does microaneurysm count reflect the severity of early diabetic retinopathy?
work_k3c6ehq2krg5pjurkuuh5cxe64Kohner E, Sleightholm M. Does microaneurysm count reflect the severity of early diabetic retinopathy?
work_k3c6ehq2krg5pjurkuuh5cxe64Question 1: can a digital system detect the presence of diabetic retinopathy( of any sort/ level)?
work_k3c6ehq2krg5pjurkuuh5cxe64Question 1: can a digital system detect the presence of diabetic retinopathy( of any sort/ level)?
work_k3c6ehq2krg5pjurkuuh5cxe64Question 2: can a digital imaging system detect progression of retinopathy?
work_k3c6ehq2krg5pjurkuuh5cxe64Question 2: can a digital system detect progression of retinopathy?
work_k3c6ehq2krg5pjurkuuh5cxe64Question 2: can a digital system detect progression of retinopathy?
work_k3c6ehq2krg5pjurkuuh5cxe64Question 3: can a digital imaging system determine when treatment is warranted?
work_k3c6ehq2krg5pjurkuuh5cxe64Question 3: can a digital system determine when treatment is required?
work_k3c6ehq2krg5pjurkuuh5cxe64Question 3: can a digital system determine when treatment is required?
work_k3c6ehq2krg5pjurkuuh5cxe64Question 3: can a digital system determine when treatment is required?
work_k3c6ehq2krg5pjurkuuh5cxe64Question 3: can a digital system determine when treatment is required?
work_k3c6ehq2krg5pjurkuuh5cxe64Question 3: can a digital system determine when treatment is required?
work_k3c6ehq2krg5pjurkuuh5cxe64Results Question 1: can a digital imaging system detect retinopathy irrespective of sort or level?
work_k3c6ehq2krg5pjurkuuh5cxe64Second, can a digital imaging system detect progression of retinopathy?
work_k3c6ehq2krg5pjurkuuh5cxe64Third, can a digital imaging system determine when Conclusions 42 treatment is warranted?
work_k3c6ehq2krg5pjurkuuh5cxe64This subset was also studied to answer question 3, Can a digital system determine when treatment is required?
work_k3c6ehq2krg5pjurkuuh5cxe64What does it involve?
work_k3c6ehq2krg5pjurkuuh5cxe64What lesions should we detect?
work_k3c6ehq2krg5pjurkuuh5cxe64What lesions should we detect?
work_k3c6ehq2krg5pjurkuuh5cxe64retinopathy, in particular warranting further investigation?
work_k3c6ehq2krg5pjurkuuh5cxe64� Question 2: can a digital fundus camera system detect progression of retinopathy?
work_k3c6ehq2krg5pjurkuuh5cxe64� Question 3: can a digital fundus camera system determine when treatment is required?
work_qtsn2wlsxndn7c7ai4athodd6a( e.g., 1= alone) 1 2 3 4 5 6 Do you eat breakfast out?
work_qtsn2wlsxndn7c7ai4athodd6a( e.g., 1= alone) 1 2 3 4 5 6 Living arrangement: How siblings live in your house?
work_qtsn2wlsxndn7c7ai4athodd6a( she says no) But maybe if you added 169 a little chocolate syrup to it?
work_qtsn2wlsxndn7c7ai4athodd6a100 Suggestions What do you feel we can improve?
work_qtsn2wlsxndn7c7ai4athodd6a102 Parent Involvement How involved were you in helping your child follow their diet?
work_qtsn2wlsxndn7c7ai4athodd6a154 Ipad What did you like about the iPad?
work_qtsn2wlsxndn7c7ai4athodd6a165 Parent Involvement How did your physical activity level change as a result of your participations in this program?
work_qtsn2wlsxndn7c7ai4athodd6a167 eSLD GROUP Prepackaged Meals Tell me about your experience with the pre- packaged meals?
work_qtsn2wlsxndn7c7ai4athodd6aAlthough he did say a couple of weeks ago, he goes, “ I ’m getting skinnier, are n’t I? ” He noticed.
work_qtsn2wlsxndn7c7ai4athodd6aAnd I would tell them, you know, give me extra broccoli or add some; can you add some extra carrots or like mixed vegetables?
work_qtsn2wlsxndn7c7ai4athodd6aAnd a lot of times when I got home; because her dad would be here when she gets out of school, she ’d … I ’m like: “ Did she eat yet? ” ….
work_qtsn2wlsxndn7c7ai4athodd6aAnd once he ate, I mean he did n’t ask for more the entire night … so it ’s not like he was telling us he was hungry all night( you know?).
work_qtsn2wlsxndn7c7ai4athodd6aAnd so the teacher said to me: “ Well, do you want me to keep her back then when the kids go out? ” Well no, I do n’t want to do that.
work_qtsn2wlsxndn7c7ai4athodd6aAnd that was the hardest thing … it was like how much did you eat?
work_qtsn2wlsxndn7c7ai4athodd6aAnd that was the hardest thing … it was like how much did you eat?
work_qtsn2wlsxndn7c7ai4athodd6aAnd what do you do( towards participant)?
work_qtsn2wlsxndn7c7ai4athodd6aAre we still going to eat peaches in our lunch?
work_qtsn2wlsxndn7c7ai4athodd6aBENEFITS Will this program help you?
work_qtsn2wlsxndn7c7ai4athodd6aBecause she does n''t like peanut butter, you know?
work_qtsn2wlsxndn7c7ai4athodd6aBoxed food, food groups, or calories?
work_qtsn2wlsxndn7c7ai4athodd6aBut I was just like “ Oh gosh... where … Sidney, is it charged up?
work_qtsn2wlsxndn7c7ai4athodd6aBut then I think you understood the … right?
work_qtsn2wlsxndn7c7ai4athodd6aCan you give me some examples?
work_qtsn2wlsxndn7c7ai4athodd6aCan you give me some examples?
work_qtsn2wlsxndn7c7ai4athodd6aDid you need help taking pictures with the iPad?
work_qtsn2wlsxndn7c7ai4athodd6aDo you remember?
work_qtsn2wlsxndn7c7ai4athodd6aExercise Can you tell me about the exercise your child did?
work_qtsn2wlsxndn7c7ai4athodd6aFighting fit?
work_qtsn2wlsxndn7c7ai4athodd6aFuture How will you use the lessons you learned about portion sizes?
work_qtsn2wlsxndn7c7ai4athodd6aFuture Now that you have completed the study how will you use this information in the future?
work_qtsn2wlsxndn7c7ai4athodd6aFuture Now that you have completed the study how will you use this information in the future?
work_qtsn2wlsxndn7c7ai4athodd6aFuture Now that you have completed the study how will you use this information in the future?
work_qtsn2wlsxndn7c7ai4athodd6aHe liked….he liked the Mushroom? … The Mushroom Rrrr….something?
work_qtsn2wlsxndn7c7ai4athodd6aHere, why do n’t you have this as a snack?
work_qtsn2wlsxndn7c7ai4athodd6aHome School Recreation center Other How do you think you will benefit by losing weight?
work_qtsn2wlsxndn7c7ai4athodd6aHow did your diet change as a result of this program?
work_qtsn2wlsxndn7c7ai4athodd6aHow did your diet change as a result of this program?
work_qtsn2wlsxndn7c7ai4athodd6aHow did your diet change as a result of this program?
work_qtsn2wlsxndn7c7ai4athodd6aHow did your physical activity level change as a result of your participations in this program?
work_qtsn2wlsxndn7c7ai4athodd6aHow did your physical activity level change as a result of your participations in this program?
work_qtsn2wlsxndn7c7ai4athodd6aHow easy or hard was it for your child take photos with the iPad?
work_qtsn2wlsxndn7c7ai4athodd6aHow easy or hard was it to take photos with the iPad?
work_qtsn2wlsxndn7c7ai4athodd6aHow easy or hard was it to take photos with the iPad?
work_qtsn2wlsxndn7c7ai4athodd6aHow easy or hard was it to take photos with the iPad?
work_qtsn2wlsxndn7c7ai4athodd6aHow much did you like playing games on the iPad?
work_qtsn2wlsxndn7c7ai4athodd6aHow much did you like using the iPad?
work_qtsn2wlsxndn7c7ai4athodd6aHow well did your child understand the stoplight diet?
work_qtsn2wlsxndn7c7ai4athodd6aHow well did your child understand the stoplight diet?
work_qtsn2wlsxndn7c7ai4athodd6aHow will you use the information about recommended servings of food groups?
work_qtsn2wlsxndn7c7ai4athodd6aHow will you use the information about recommended servings of food groups?
work_qtsn2wlsxndn7c7ai4athodd6aHow will you use the lessons you learned about portion sizes?
work_qtsn2wlsxndn7c7ai4athodd6aHow would you feel about continuing to track your dietary intake?
work_qtsn2wlsxndn7c7ai4athodd6aHow would you feel about continuing to track your dietary intake?
work_qtsn2wlsxndn7c7ai4athodd6aHow would you feel about continuing to track your physical activity?
work_qtsn2wlsxndn7c7ai4athodd6aHow would you feel about continuing to track your physical activity?
work_qtsn2wlsxndn7c7ai4athodd6aI think having that third group, which is the best way to do it?
work_qtsn2wlsxndn7c7ai4athodd6aI''d love to keep one of your sheets- a blank sheet that we could copy?
work_qtsn2wlsxndn7c7ai4athodd6aIf you circled yes, who helped your take pictures?
work_qtsn2wlsxndn7c7ai4athodd6aLike how much did they cost?
work_qtsn2wlsxndn7c7ai4athodd6aNo Yes Do you have a weight scale?
work_qtsn2wlsxndn7c7ai4athodd6aNo Yes Food Scale No Yes How often do you exercise?
work_qtsn2wlsxndn7c7ai4athodd6aNo Yes______ x per week Do you eat dinner out?
work_qtsn2wlsxndn7c7ai4athodd6aNo Yes______ x per week Do you eat lunch out?
work_qtsn2wlsxndn7c7ai4athodd6aNo Yes______ x per week Do you eat pre- prepared meals?
work_qtsn2wlsxndn7c7ai4athodd6aNow she''s out of the chocolate- and do you like the vanilla as well?
work_qtsn2wlsxndn7c7ai4athodd6aParent Involvement How did your physical activity level change as a result of your participations in this program?
work_qtsn2wlsxndn7c7ai4athodd6aParent Involvement How involved were you in helping your child follow their diet?
work_qtsn2wlsxndn7c7ai4athodd6aRight when we started doing this program, how big would- how big could your meat be?
work_qtsn2wlsxndn7c7ai4athodd6aShould I focus on getting good food or not so many calories?
work_qtsn2wlsxndn7c7ai4athodd6aSo just getting her five meals a week at least so that she ’ll have ‘ em for school?
work_qtsn2wlsxndn7c7ai4athodd6aSo that was a little- fruit with some cheese, you know?
work_qtsn2wlsxndn7c7ai4athodd6aSo what kind of things did you do on the Wii- on the Wii Fit( towards participant)?
work_qtsn2wlsxndn7c7ai4athodd6aStoplight Diet Tell me how easy it was to use the stoplight guide?
work_qtsn2wlsxndn7c7ai4athodd6aStoplight Diet Tell me how easy it was to use the stoplight guide?
work_qtsn2wlsxndn7c7ai4athodd6aSuggestions What do you feel we can improve?
work_qtsn2wlsxndn7c7ai4athodd6aSuggestions What do you feel we can improve?
work_qtsn2wlsxndn7c7ai4athodd6aSuggestions What do you feel we can improve?
work_qtsn2wlsxndn7c7ai4athodd6aTaking pictures with the iPad was______________?
work_qtsn2wlsxndn7c7ai4athodd6aTell about times when you did not eat the meals?
work_qtsn2wlsxndn7c7ai4athodd6aTell about times when your child did not eat the meals?
work_qtsn2wlsxndn7c7ai4athodd6aTell me about any problems you had using lose it or istep log What did you like about the Facetime meetings?
work_qtsn2wlsxndn7c7ai4athodd6aThat seems to go good, right?
work_qtsn2wlsxndn7c7ai4athodd6aThey ’re asking me like: Where did you get those?
work_qtsn2wlsxndn7c7ai4athodd6aUm, what I was going to ask you … is I usually do frozen fruit in her shakes?
work_qtsn2wlsxndn7c7ai4athodd6aUsing the iPad was____________?
work_qtsn2wlsxndn7c7ai4athodd6aValidation of photographic food records in children: are pictures really worth a thousand words?
work_qtsn2wlsxndn7c7ai4athodd6aWas time an issue?
work_qtsn2wlsxndn7c7ai4athodd6aWe''re gon na keep tracking, are n''t we, Caroline?
work_qtsn2wlsxndn7c7ai4athodd6aWhat aspects did you enjoy?
work_qtsn2wlsxndn7c7ai4athodd6aWhat aspects did you enjoy?
work_qtsn2wlsxndn7c7ai4athodd6aWhat aspects of the diet were hard to follow?
work_qtsn2wlsxndn7c7ai4athodd6aWhat aspects of the guide would you change?
work_qtsn2wlsxndn7c7ai4athodd6aWhat aspects of the guide would you change?
work_qtsn2wlsxndn7c7ai4athodd6aWhat aspects of the program were hard to follow?
work_qtsn2wlsxndn7c7ai4athodd6aWhat did you like about the Facetime meetings?
work_qtsn2wlsxndn7c7ai4athodd6aWhat did you like about the Facetime meetings?
work_qtsn2wlsxndn7c7ai4athodd6aWhat did you like about the Facetime meetings?
work_qtsn2wlsxndn7c7ai4athodd6aWhat did you most like about the meals?
work_qtsn2wlsxndn7c7ai4athodd6aWhat did you most like about the meals?
work_qtsn2wlsxndn7c7ai4athodd6aWhat does- what do you do at Lifetime Fitness?
work_qtsn2wlsxndn7c7ai4athodd6aWhat is the evidence to support using the Traffic Light Diet to limiting calorie and food intake in children?
work_qtsn2wlsxndn7c7ai4athodd6aWhat things did you and your child have trouble with?
work_qtsn2wlsxndn7c7ai4athodd6aWhat things did you have trouble with?
work_qtsn2wlsxndn7c7ai4athodd6aWhat things did you have trouble with?
work_qtsn2wlsxndn7c7ai4athodd6aWhat things did you have trouble with?
work_qtsn2wlsxndn7c7ai4athodd6aWhat we ’ve been doing is, we ’ve just been going by it, like okay what ’s the portion size of something, like for dinner?
work_qtsn2wlsxndn7c7ai4athodd6aWhen we went to the trampoline place, how do you log that?
work_qtsn2wlsxndn7c7ai4athodd6aWhen you think about prepackaged meals what is the likelihood you will eat them in the future?
work_qtsn2wlsxndn7c7ai4athodd6aWhen you think about prepackaged meals what is the likelihood you will eat them in the future?
work_qtsn2wlsxndn7c7ai4athodd6aWould you do this program again?
work_qtsn2wlsxndn7c7ai4athodd6aWould you do this program again?
work_qtsn2wlsxndn7c7ai4athodd6aWould you do this program again?
work_qtsn2wlsxndn7c7ai4athodd6aWould you do this program again?
work_qtsn2wlsxndn7c7ai4athodd6aWould you like to take part in the program?
work_qtsn2wlsxndn7c7ai4athodd6aWriting down your exercise with the iPad was______________?
work_qtsn2wlsxndn7c7ai4athodd6aWriting down your food with the iPad was___________?
work_qtsn2wlsxndn7c7ai4athodd6aWriting down your steps with the iPad was______________?
work_qtsn2wlsxndn7c7ai4athodd6aYeah, you liked them( towards participant), did n''t you?
work_qtsn2wlsxndn7c7ai4athodd6aYou know what I mean?
work_qtsn2wlsxndn7c7ai4athodd6aYou know what I mean?
work_qtsn2wlsxndn7c7ai4athodd6aYou like those, do n’t ya?
work_qtsn2wlsxndn7c7ai4athodd6aYou ’re like “ How in the world are you going to even make it to a thousand calories? ” You know what I mean?
work_qtsn2wlsxndn7c7ai4athodd6aYou ’re like “ How in the world are you going to even make it to a thousand calories? ” You know what I mean?
work_qtsn2wlsxndn7c7ai4athodd6aYour fist or a deck of cards?
work_qtsn2wlsxndn7c7ai4athodd6aan 1/8 cup … or a full; you know?
work_qtsn2wlsxndn7c7ai4athodd6aand it would look a lot the same( ya know?
work_qtsn2wlsxndn7c7ai4athodd6aiPad What did you like about the iPad?
work_qtsn2wlsxndn7c7ai4athodd6aiPad What did you like about the iPad?
work_qtsn2wlsxndn7c7ai4athodd6aiPad What did you like about the iPad?
work_qtsn2wlsxndn7c7ai4athodd6a“ Black- eyed Pea … one of the dances?
work_qtsn2wlsxndn7c7ai4athodd6a Do you remember how big a portion that she taught you?
work_qtsn2wlsxndn7c7ai4athodd6a I know you liked it, but was it- was it hard or was it easy?
work_qtsn2wlsxndn7c7ai4athodd6a Ok, it was the iPad What type of physical activity was done?
work_qtsn2wlsxndn7c7ai4athodd6a Um, maybe a little bit?
work_qtsn2wlsxndn7c7ai4athodd6a We''re gon na continue it, right?
work_qtsn2wlsxndn7c7ai4athodd6a Well, I already work out 6 times a week, so it was probably the same How did your diet change as a result of this program?
work_qtsn2wlsxndn7c7ai4athodd6a Well, first of all … I’ve learned he does n’t need to eat as much as he ’s been requesting before( you know?).
work_qtsn2wlsxndn7c7ai4athodd6a Yeah I think we would do it … because I noticed just the difference eight pounds looks on him … you know?
work_qtsn2wlsxndn7c7ai4athodd6a Yeah, that worked out, huh( towards participant)?
work_qtsn2wlsxndn7c7ai4athodd6a You do dance, but what- when we went to the gym, what did you do?