
20 poets, 10 poems, 25 years of National Poetry Month.

Mellon by the numbers

(2010 - Present)







Grants database

Our Core Programs

We believe that the arts and humanities are where we express our complex humanity. That belief is at the core of our grantmaking programs:

instructor in prison classroom
Higher Learning

Enriching our understanding of a complex world, Higher Learning supports inclusive, multivocal humanities education and diverse learning environments with a focus on historically underserved populations.

Arts and Culture

Arts and Culture celebrates the power of the arts to challenge and activate the human spirit while nurturing a robust and equitable arts and culture ecosystem.

Public Knowledge

Public Knowledge supports the creation and preservation of our shared cultural record to help us explore and better understand our intertwined humanity.

Humanities in Place

Humanities in Place supports a fuller, more complex telling of American histories and lived experiences by deepening the range of how and where our stories are told.

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