Upcoming DIG Sprint

The Islandora Documentation Interest Group is holding a sprint!

To support the upcoming release of Islandora, the DIG has planned a 2-week documentation, writing-and-updating sprint to occur as part of the release process. To prepare for that effort, we’re going to spend April 19 – 30th on an Auditing Sprint, where volunteers will review existing documentation and complete this spreadsheet, providing a solid overview of the current status of our docs so we know where to best deploy our efforts during the release. This sprint will run alongside the upcoming Pre-Release Code Sprint, so if you’re not up for coding, auditing docs is a great way to contribute during sprint season!

We are looking for volunteers to sign up to take on two sprint roles:

Auditor: Review a page of documentation and fill out a row in the spreadsheet indicating things like the current status (‘Good Enough’ or ‘Needs Work’) , the goal for that particular page (e.g., “Explain how to create an object,” or “Compare Islandora 7 concepts to Islandora 8 concepts”), and the intended audience (Beginners, developers, etc.).

Reviewer: Read through a page that has been audited and indicate if you agree with the auditor’s assessment, add additional notes or suggestions as needed; basically, give a second set of eyes on each page.

 You can sign up for the sprint here, and sign up for individual pages here.