sportsball 🏉 

Watching the AFLW's pride round. Loving the lesbian and bi women's representation. 🏳️‍🌈🧡 And the Western Bulldogs' pride guernsey prominently featured the trans flag, continuing the club's advocacy for trans women's inclusion in the league. 🏳️‍⚧️

white libraries 

Just had a meeting with library colleagues and found myself looking at six white faces wearing glasses on Zoom, including mine. Sheesh, we all look the same. 🧑🏻‍🏫

Colleague A: mentions a birds-of-a-feather meeting that recently took place.

Colleague B: counters by suggesting we hold a snakes-of-a-scale meeting.

Colleague A: suggests perhaps a hair-of-the-dog meeting?

Colleague B: is outraged and insists academic rigour must be maintained - it is a dogs-of-a-hair meeting!

Looking into data management systems and have veered from research systems into enterprise systems. All the websites have sections for both Products and Solutions. What is the difference between the two? Who knows? I mean, one of the Solutions on offer is Financial Crime and Compliance? Is financial crime a solution now? To what, I wonder? I am very confused and a bit dubious about whatever it is these companies are trying to sell me...

Gene boosted


My partner on his :birdsite: escapades from last night: "I was hanging out on Black Twitter and then somehow accidentally found myself on archivist Twitter. I had no idea what was going on. I think I offended a bunch of people. Now I have archivist Twitter hangover and am following Michelle Caswell." 🤣

Yay! Glad to hear that the ASA have decided not to renew their contract with Taylor and Francis, in favour of moving the Archives and Manuscripts journal to an open access publishing model. :oa:

More from Sen: "Academic standards of rigour are constructed to exclude and disallow certain sectors of society to participate with full voice in their own stories or transmission of their narratives. We are not passive recipients of our own history. Our sense-making of our stories doesn't belong to scholars, whose privileged access to academia push us out of our own picture. I wonder how many academics have been under the objectification they rate so highly?"

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colonial theft 

Attending a panel discussion that my lecturer put together to fill in the gaps she saw in the content in my class on collections. One of the speakers is journalist Marc Fennell, discussing his show Stuff The British Stole:


Reading 'More voice, less ventriloquism- exploring the relational dynamics in a participatory archive of mental health recovery' by Anna Sexton & Dolly Sen for Critical Archives Reading Group. Sen says "[M]ost of the archives that depict mental health lived experience are filtered by mental health professionals, but that is like lions representing bird song in roars. Why should the hunters give the hunted's history? [...] How can we tell our true stories when our words are seen as sickness?"

Writing a LibGuide on open research, including open code. Mistyped "softer" instead of "software". Not really sure if I want to correct myself because, really, don't we need more softness and openness in research?

auspol, neo-nazis 

Well, this is scary, despite being predictable:

And of course:

"This group and others are creating an echo chamber and incubator on the net, taking full advantage of their virtual audience to feed and amplify their vitriolic fantasies"

The ABC's take also emphasises how this affects Indigenous Australians:

So much love to the Feminist Library. Their statement on transphobia and accountability is how you do allyship and feminism. 💙💗🏳️‍⚧️

Happy new year for trees 🌳🌴🌲🍎🍊🍐🍑🍒🥝

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I've been wondering what sort of library a president who doesn't read would have...

I think this answers the question:

I also bought a print of the Cornerhouse art-house cinema, which was my home from home during my teenage years. This was the cinema responsible for introducing me to The Princess Bride, Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers, Muriel's Wedding, Ken Loach, Alain Delon, Thelma and Louise, and countless others. Don't think I would have made it through school without it.

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The library art I ordered has arrived. It's a print of Manchester Central Library, drawn in travel poster style. This is the library that was responsible for introducing me to Octavia Butler.

Notes from a talk about exploring the State Library of NSW Social Media archive to see what insights could be gleaned from the creative and cultural sectors for teaching in higher education, and discovering an interesting sentiment analysis of the hashtag from the early months of the COVID lockdown:

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Aus GLAM Space

This is a Mastodon instance primarily for Australasian Galleries, Libraries, Archives, Museums and Records people, and anyone else who wants to hang out with them.