WorldCat Metadata API

The WorldCat Metadata API is a read-write service for WorldCat that makes it possible to add or update master bibliographic records in WorldCat, maintain holdings information, and work with local bibliographic data. In May 2020, the WorldCat Metadata API 1.1 was released to support searching WorldCat by all available indexes and retrieval of shared print information, such as retention commitments. This new version runs in parallel with the original WorldCat Metadata API.

  • Status: Production
  • Sandbox access: Yes

This service allows libraries to write MARCXML bibliographic records to WorldCat, either as new records or updated records that are replacing existing records. Existing WorldCat bibliographic records can be accessed with search and read operations. The API enables an institution to set and delete its holdings on WorldCat bibliographic records, and retrieve its own local holdings records as well as retained local holdings records. Local bibliographic data records can be created, read, updated, and deleted.

What you get

Included with the WorldCat Metadata API is API access to WorldCat with:

  • WorldCat bibliographic records
  • Your library's local holdings records and retained local holdings records
  • Local bibliographic data records
  • Set and delete WorldCat holdings

Who can use it

  • Libraries that maintain an OCLC Cataloging subscription.