image of Jodi

I am Assistant Professor of Information Sciences at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, where I teach classes in Information Organization and Access as well as in Information Modeling. I am also a Faculty Affiliate of the Illinois Informatics Institute, the Beckman Institute (Organizational Intelligence & Computational Social Science Working Group within the Intelligent Systems research theme), the Health Care Engineering Systems Center at the Coordinated Science Laboratory, and the European Union Center. I am also a Clinical Assistant Professor in the Department of Psychiatry of the University of Illinois Chicago School of Medicine.

The information quality lab studies the science of science, bibliographic information retrieval (especially retrieval and quality of medical information), and how evidence-based arguments are used in scholarship and in public discourse. The long-term goal of the lab’s work is to develop computer support for debate and argumentation, especially evidence synthesis. The lab’s technical perspective draws on data science, argumentation, knowledge representation, computer supported cooperative work, and human-computer interaction. Technical skills commonly used in this lab include data science (machine learning, network analysis, textmining), knowledge representation (ontologies and semantic technologies), prototyping, annotation, mixed methods research, and user-based evaluations. Typical applications areas include digital libraries and health informatics.