This is a table of type pronoun and their frequencies. Use it to search & browse the list to learn more about your study carrel.
pronoun | frequency |
it | 14935 |
they | 3531 |
we | 3522 |
its | 3132 |
his | 2531 |
he | 2474 |
their | 2465 |
i | 2228 |
them | 1984 |
our | 1243 |
him | 674 |
you | 666 |
my | 637 |
us | 420 |
itself | 411 |
her | 403 |
me | 382 |
one | 278 |
she | 239 |
himself | 230 |
your | 222 |
themselves | 213 |
myself | 55 |
ourselves | 29 |
herself | 16 |
ours | 11 |
temper.--no | 6 |
yourself | 6 |
theirs | 5 |
mine | 4 |
rubber.--this | 3 |
oneself | 3 |
thy | 2 |
''em | 2 |
object,--the | 1 |
66/4 | 1 |
a.--description | 1 |
butt | 1 |
calculation#--1 | 1 |
em | 1 |
example,--you | 1 |
fry | 1 |
house.--this | 1 |
thumbscrews | 1 |
panniers.= | 1 |
streaks.--this | 1 |
tackiness.--at | 1 |
v | 1 |
wool= | 1 |
work= | 1 |
yarns.=--cabled | 1 |
|alizarin | 1 |
|cost | 1 |
-----+---------------------------+-----------------+-------------------+ | 1 |