
This is a list of all the questions and their associated study carrel identifiers. One can learn a lot of the "aboutness" of a text simply by reading the questions.

identifier question
A172891, 2 ▪ it is said, that God spake to Job out of the whirle- wind, and said, Who is this that darkneth counsell?
A1728925. they that goe downe to the Sea, see the workes of the Lord, and his wonders in the deepe; what wonders?
A172895. speaking of Gods creating the earth, hee hath this expression, Who hath stretched out the line therof?
A17289At this also my heart trembleth, and is moved out of his place at this; at what is it that his heart so trembleth?
A17289But how are wee to praise God in this stormy Wind?
A17289For the second, how terrible are stormes raised, and raging in mens consciences?
A17289Hast thou seene the treasures of the snow, or hast thou seene the treasures of the haile which I have reserved against the time of trouble?
A17289How doth that appeare, that only true Wisdome dwels with God?
A17289It shaketh the most lofty Cedars, what are our spirits?
A17289It was the free grace of God towards you, onely his goodnesse that hath beene your safety, for what could you doe to helpe yourselfe?
A17289Shall Heaven and Earth, Seas and Winds fulfill Gods word, and art thou he that darest stand out against it, to resist it, to rebell against it?
A17289Then Iob answered the Lord, that is, when the Lord had spoken to him out of the winds, Behold I am vile, what shall I answer thee?
A17289What a heart then hast thou that darest, that canst stand out against it?
A17289What are the thoughts, the feares of those who doe most seeke the Lord?
A17289Who is this, said the Mariners concerning Christ, whom the wind and Seas obey?
A17289how hardned with pride and folly, if they doe not shake, if they tremble not before such a God as this?
A17289how loftie?
A17289so let us say, who is this Lord, how great is his command?
A17289who are you then that dare resist the command of this God?
A47560And the Saints appeared triumphing with him, clothed with white linnen, and set upon white Horses; is that a cloathing for Soldiers?
A47560But Daniel might say, if the Booke be shut up, how shall the Truth come to bee knowne?
A47560But how can they be?
A47560But how will Ch ● ist be honoured before all the World you will say at the day of Judgement?
A47560But onely at that time so long as the wicked shall stand for their sentence?
A47560But some that were in Captivity saw both the first& the second Temple; how could this be, if it were so long?
A47560But what is that to the day of a Fast?
A47560But when shall these things be?
A47560But you will say, Are these things true?
A47560Doe we thinke there shall be no further time for Christ and his Saints to be honoured but just then?
A47560Doth God begin to open this Booke?
A47560First, what it is for?
A47560Hallelujah is an Hebrew word; why here used?
A47560If it be marvellous in your eyes; should it also be marvellous in my eyes, saith the Lord of Hoasts?
A47560Indeed if we be put upon Allegoricall senses, we may put off any Scripture; but if we take them literally, why should we not?
A47560Is an Halleluiah sutable to a Fast?
A47560Now what is this Head of Gold, but that excellent Government, that is upon his shoulder?
A47560Seeing these things shall be, what manner of persons ought we to be?
A47560The Businesse Brethren concerning the SCOTS, it is a businesse, in the issue whereof wee hope there will be great things: Where began it?
A47560Thirdly, it will teach you to make that use of it that the Apostle Peter doth of the like Truths: What manner of Persons ought we to be?
A47560Were it not enough to say they were the sayings of God, or true sayings?
A47560What a high expression is this for the Honour of Godlinesse?
A47560What is the meaning of this?
A47560What shall we make of this?
A47560What shall we say to these things?
A47560When he came in his owne Person, how did he appeare to reigne, and be the Lord God Omnipotent?
A47560Where hath God promised a new Heaven, and a new Earth?
A47560Why the Lord God of the holy Prophets?
A47560Why, did not Christ reigne before?
A47560and among them where Christ is acknowledged, and Antichrist rejected, how is his Kingdome persecuted, and of the better sort?
A47560and especially, What manner of persons ought yee to be?
A30564& people from Cut- throats?
A305647.1 where the glory of the Church is set forth, it begins at the feet, How beautifull are thy feet?
A30564: 1643?]
A30564All power is from God: may not this power be re- assumed therefore?
A30564Because there was a positive order there that Moses must make trumpets and thus use them; Doth it follow that this must be so every where?
A30564But if Parliaments should degenerate and grow tyrannicall, what meanes of safety could there be for a State?
A30564But the question is, Whether no breach of Covenant may possibly in any case make a forfeiture?
A30564But what if the King will not keepe to his agreement, may the Subject doe nothing?
A30564But what is all this for the satisfaction to conscience about the Lawfulnesse or unlawfulnesse of resisting men that have power in any case?
A30564Can the D. or any man think, that in justifying Arms in some case, we justifie all villanous conspiracies and out- rages?
A30564Here you see Babylon must down, and yet the Kings lament her fall: Who then must pull her down but the people?
A30564How can this Objection, without wrangling, be admitted?
A30564I demand, what first invested such a Family with Regall power, more then another?
A30564If there were so many of a contrary judgement more then the others, why doe they not come and out- vote them in what things are amisse?
A30564Is it but a remote probabilitie that Kings were here first by election?
A30564Let it be granted that the King hath the highest power, yet what propriety of speech is it to say that he is the highest power?
A30564Pastors and Teachers have a ruling and a ministeriall power, and this power is Gods, may it therefore never be taken away from them?
A30564Prophets, Priests have Gods hand and oyle upon them, and can not the power for no cause be taken from these?
A30564Shall the prohibition be good against Christians under Emperors persecuting Religion,& not against Subjects enjoying their Religion?
A30564The second thing he sayes is, What meanes of safety had the Christians in and after the Apostles times?
A30564The substance of all that follows is, suppose that Subjects may take up Arms?
A30564This is most certaine, who are hardest to beleeve what the Parliament sayes, but Papists, and notorious blasphemers, and prophane livers?
A30564What need we be put to meddle with any thing but this in the case in hand?
A30564What the condition of our Houses of Parliament, whether they be safe or not?
A30564What though Monarchy be the best?
A30564Who can stretch out his hand against the Lords Anointed and be guiltlesse?
A30564Who denies all this?
A30564Why doth the D. speake of stretching forth the hand against the Lords Anointed?
A30564and twenty in the Lords House see more then sixty that are of a contrary judgement?
A30564and what though the King should have power of a negative voice in the passing all Bils?
A30564doth not the Parliament professe the defence of the Kings Person?
A30564s.n.,[ London?
A30564taking up Arms: Was it not a most unjust and vile conspiracie, meerly out of the pride of malicious spirits?
A30564to defend it?
A30564whether their priviledges be broke or not?
A30564who endeavours it?
A30589And then in the fifth place, Where there are multitudes coming in, will there not be a great deal of dross and filthiness?
A30589And why?
A30589Are there any false sayings of God?
A30589As if God should say to any wretched Man or Woman, Hast not thou come to the Word, and heard the Excellency of my Son set forth unto thee?
A30589But Secondly, Is there a time that Jerusalem shall be made as the Praise of the whole Earth?
A30589But now, If you ask me when shall these things be?
A30589By that that hath outwardly appeared, who would think that a few People that were contemptible to the World, were God''s pleasant Portion?
A30589IN the fourth place, the time when Jerusalem shall be made the Praise of the whole Earth, what shall be done then?
A30589If we should examine and see what David was, how short should we come?
A30589In the 15 verse, For if the casting away of them be the reconciling of the World, what shall the receiving of them be, but life from the dead?
A30589It ca n''t be meant of two men, because they were to prophesie 1260 Years; but what made them go on in that mournful condition?
A30589Now I would but know when was this?
A30589Now doth it appear to the World that the Church is the peculiar treasure of God?
A30589Now if you say, How can these things be?
A30589The force of the Argument is thus; Saith God, Why, was not my Church, and Ordinances there, more glorious than their false Worship?
A30589When they went to build the Walls of Jerusalem again, they scoff at them; And what doe these feeble Jews?
A30589When will God do this?
A30589Who hath heard such a thing?
A30589Why is it said here, The Lord God of the holy Prophets?
A30589You will say, Are they not now?
A30589You will say, How can we know the Heart?
A30589You will say, What are those?
A30589You will say, What is the Wedding Garment by which the Saints are prepared to meet with Christ?
A30589You will say, are these things so, are they so indeed?
A30589You will say, why then have we the Scriptures?
A30589and hast not thou had the glory of God in the Gospel shining before thine Eyes?
A30589and then what must it be in Heaven, when it comes to be the thing it self in glory?
A30589and yet wilt thou turn after base things, to satisfie thy flesh, and mind nothing else but that?
A30589but how doth it appear then that the Church is the dearly Beloved of Gods Soul?
A30589for what pleasure is there in the Earth?
A30589hast not thou heard of those blessed things that are revealed in the Doctrine of Grace?
A30589may some say, I am a poor weak Christian, a poor Body, I am able to do but little, I may Sigh to God, but what are my prayers worth?
A30589shall the Earth be made to bring forth in one day, or shall a Nation be born at once?
A30589shall the Saints after the day of Judgment have a new Earth, and live upon the Earth here?
A30589was not my Temple more glorious than their Images?
A30589was this ever in the time of the Gospel?
A30589what time was this?
A30589when shall Jerusalem be made the praise of the whole Earth?
A30589where have we almost any that may parallel with David?
A30589who hath seen such things?
A8475121000. if they could engage them to our ruine; what would they not doe?
A84751But it may be some others will object and say, why should we that are Ministers, engage our selves so much in this businesse?
A84751For the Petition of Right, in our memory, how was that kept?
A84751God forbid; shall a people to whom God hath given such testimony of his acceptance, be rejected by us, when they would come in and help us?
A84751Have not many of you spent your blood in this Cause, yea, how many young ones in this City have lost their blood?
A84751Have not you s ● nt up many prayers to God, for this great Cause, that God would blesse it?
A84751If you say, Well, but were it not better wee bent all our forces to some Accommodation?
A84751It will be desired, if it bee possible to raise this great summe of Money, what is the security shall be given?
A84751It will be then said, what is that summe?
A84751They now desire 100000 l. what is this to 300000 l. in pay?
A84751Thy mercy O Lord is above the heavens, and thy truth reacheth unto the clouds ▪ what followes?
A84751What would the Kings party doe, if they could engage another Nation to their help?
A84751When David and the people had come and offered of their estates freely, and bountifully; David hee humbles himself then, Who am I?
A84751Wherefore shall such an opportunity as this is be lost for want of Money?
A84751and who are wee?
A84751before hath done; If you say, why doe wee doe all?
A84751did the King forgive?
A84751had wee had the like union amongst us, O what great things had wee done long before this time?
A84751have not many of you come hither low, as Jacob, with your staffe to this City, and now behold these bands, this estate?
A84751how hath he discovered all their Treacheries?
A84751if ▪ you should outlive the Gospel, why( the Lord bee mercifull to you) what would your lives availe you?
A84751live when Troy is taken?
A84751shall I say, Let the Mony of those men perish with them?
A84751were it not better to make Religion and the Gospel your Executors, then to make Idolaters your Executors?
A84751were it not better to make Religion your Executors, then to make your selves, or your posterities heires of Idolatry?
A84751what is this to five Counties?
A84751what is this to the plunder of a whole City?
A84751what reasonable termes doe they proffer to come among you?
A84751who knows but that you are raised for such a time as this?
A30567And what need a man be so strict and precise?
A30567But what if they did?
A30567Can you say so now?
A30567Eighthly, Another ground is this: A temptation comes to sin, and they will venture upon it: Why?
A30567For sin shall not have dominion over you; why?
A30567I appeal to you, whether you do not know that this is the great hardning conceit of most people in the World?
A30567Ninethly, Another ground may be this: They will venture upon it; why?
A30567Now Samuel he comes and convinces him, that he had not done what God had sent him to do; why?
A30567Now you will say, How may a man make use of this Note to know the nature of his sin?
A30567Now you will say, for the reign and dominion of sin, What''s that?
A30567O consider 〈 ◊ 〉 this you that will plead sometimes for Davi ● sin; and did not David commit such a sin, y ● ● will say?
A30567One man sins against God, and what hath he to cover his sins?
A30567Thou that goest on in a constant way and course of ungodliness, wilt thou plead that all have their sins?
A30567What can uphold it here from sinking?
A30567Why Moses, there was a time thou saidst, thou was''t not eloquent?
A30567Why is not the reasoning of one side as good as the other?
A30567Why, say they, can we be without sin?
A30567You will say, What difference?
A30567You will say, What symptoms of life will appear in a godly man or woman, when they are overcome with sin and corruption?
A30567You will say, that, that''s but a similitude; what do you mean by that of the scar, and a rotten sore?
A30567and dare you stand in the Presence of that Holy God, when he comes to pass the Sentence of your Eternal Estate upon your ● ouls?
A30567are the best without sin upon them?
A30567dare you stand before him with such defiled, stained souls, as you have?
A30567do you look for the appearing of the Holy God?
A30567for do not you see some that speak more of free grace then ever they did, and yet more loose then ever they were before?
A30567how many is there that can wallow in sin, and take delight in it?
A30567is this such an evil as can belong to a Child of God?
A30567or thee to do with him?
A30567saith Paul, who shall deliver me from this body of death?
A30567they never were acquainted with Gods Glass; What''s that, you will say?
A30567thou didst sin against thy God very grosly, why then dost thou say thou had''st not wickedly departed from thy God?
A30567what an obedient man was this to the word of God?
A30567what hath Christ to do with thee?
A30567what wouldest thou that I should do for thee?
A30567when shall that day come that my soul shall never sin more against that God that I do love?
A30567who is not without sin?
A30567wilt tho ● come into Gods presence in thy filth?
A30567you will say, who is not corrupted?
A30567— What?
A30567— Why, Godly men will not do so; where was there ever a godly man on the face of the Earth that would allow himself in a sin because it was but one?
A3059413. to bee a Kings sonne in law?
A3059420. is very observable: What glory is it, if when ye be buffeted for your fault yee take it patiently?
A3059420. that wee can not say, is there not a lye in our right hand?
A305947. are yee not as children of Ethiopians unto me, O children of Israel?
A30594An non personam meam in hac mundi fabula satis commode egisse videor?
A30594And will you then depend upon man, and that in a matter of so great consequence, as the cleaving to, or the forsaking of the Truth of God?
A30594Are there not Arguments enough from all Gods love and his mercifull dealings with you, to prevaile with your hearts for such a thing as this?
A30594Are you wiser then they?
A30594Aske them now what their judgement is of Gods Saints?
A30594Aske them now what they thinke of grace?
A30594Aske them what they thinke of eternal separation from God, and the infinite wrath of a Deity for evermore?
A30594But how more then conquerours?
A30594But is not opportuity of service for God, and his people, as great a good as any you can have?
A30594But may wee not resolve then aforehand what we will doe?
A30594But what if it does not enable thee to doe as much as a beast can doe?
A30594But wherein lies the power of faith to take off the heart from the world, and carry it through sufferings?
A30594Dare you venture your soules and eternall estates upon this Faith?
A30594Dic quaeso quid genus est?
A30594Dic quaeso quid genus est?
A30594Doe you seriously consider, that there is a snare in them?
A30594Doe you thinke in your consciences that this is the end why God hath given you an abundance of these outward things more then others?
A30594First, doe you feare, are you jealous of your selves, lest you should let out your hearts too farre in them?
A30594First, have you not taken too much comfort already in them?
A30594Fourthly, what does conscience say when you are in afflictions?
A30594Good Lord, what doe wee make of Faith, if this be Faith?
A30594How easie is it for a man to despise the World, when faith gives him a cleare sight of God?
A30594How great uncertainety have many great ones, by their miserable experience, found in their outward glory, and worldly felicity?
A30594How much more glorious( sayes hee) is it to doe good to many, then to dwell magnificently?
A30594How often, to gratifie the flesh, have many opportunities of spirituall good beene neglected?
A30594How resolutely did Nehemiah goe on in the worke of the Lord, notwithstanding that opposition he had?
A30594I may say in this respect, as Saint Paul saith in another case; who makes thee to differ?
A30594I pray tell me, saies Chrysostome, what is kindred?
A30594If distempered humours be in the body,''t is not able to endure any thing; a little cold, oh how tedious is it to it?
A30594If the publike good falls, shall I thinke to enjoy my ease and my peace, my estate and my honour upon good termes?
A30594In all these things wee are more then conquerers, in what things?
A30594It is a notable expression that Bernard in a sermon upon the birth of Christ hath: what can bee more unworthy?
A30594It unburthens a man of himselfe, his sinfull selfe: What joy, what ease was it to Joseph to bee rid of his inticing Mistresse?
A30594Nature hath brought us forth magnanimous, sayes hee, it hath given us a glorious and lofty spirit; what is that?
A30594Nonne vidisti alios vestri ordinis idipsum fecisse?
A30594Not many rich, not many noble?
A30594Now, would such a Faith, as thou hast, carry through these things?
A30594Rejoyce alwaies, and againe I say rejoyce; what followes?
A30594Saint Augustine hath a good speech to this purpose, what doth it profit a man to have his chest full of goods, and his conscience empty?
A30594Secondly, what doe you with your comfort when you have it?
A30594That there may be danger, yea, very great danger, if you take not heed?
A30594The things of Christ, of grace, of Heaven, what poore empty notions were they to the soule?
A30594They might have answered, where hath God said so?
A30594Thirdly observe, with what indignation hee speakes against those that will set their eyes upon them; wilt thou set thine eyes upon that which is not?
A30594This may be thy condition, thou knowest not how soone; and that Faith that thou hast, of what use would it be to thee, in such a condition as this?
A30594This were comfort indeed, if wee were sure our Faith were right, and such as would carry us through: But how shall we know that?
A30594WHerein must those who are higher then others in their nobility of birth deny themselves, and refuse the honour of it?
A30594What are those resolutions that doe come from Faith?
A30594What care and endeavour is there to cleanse the heart?
A30594What if it does not enable you to doe so much as the Devils faith?
A30594What if thou shouldst see God in his infinite Glorie, Majestie, Holinesse, and Iustice?
A30594What is all the world now to such a soule?
A30594Who knowes whether you bee raised for such a time as this?
A30594Why art thou cast down oh my soule?
A30594Why art thou, being a Kings sonne, soleane from day to day?
A30594Why doest thou denie thy selfe in part, and not altogether?
A30594Would it not be another Heaven to be rid of our sinfull opinions, sinfull wills and affections?
A30594Would it uphold thee from sinking into the bottomelesse Gulfe of Despaire?
A30594and what is a mans happinesse, but his goodnesse?
A30594are there not other things that God requires of us to looke after?
A30594are these the chiefe good of those that are raised to such an high estate?
A30594as if he should say, what a vaine, unreasonable, sottish, senselesse thing is it?
A30594can it draw your hearts off from all creatures here below?
A30594can it raise your spirits above all the delights, honours, profits of the world?
A30594can it satisfie your soules with God alone, as an infinite all- sufficient good?
A30594children of Israel to be as the children of Ethiopians?
A30594did God aime at no higher end then this?
A30594doth it fit you for service to God?
A30594else wherefore would you have comfort, if not to fit you for service?
A30594hath God so much the more glory from you, then hee hath from others, by how much the more comfort you have then others?
A30594hath hee more then from others in meane estates?
A30594hee said it indeede to Ioshua, but what is that to us?
A30594how ever it falls out, it is no great matter that wee hazard; what is my honour?
A30594how hath God spared you in your greatest extremities?
A30594how may others be provoked likewise thereunto?
A30594is not the excellency of any thing you have above others, in this especially, that you have opportunity to doe more good then others?
A30594is there no other way whereby God may bee more glorified by that you have?
A30594is this the precious Faith that will save a Soule?
A30594my estate?
A30594my liberty?
A30594my life?
A30594my pleasure?
A30594now you shall finde their judgements otherwise then formerly: and what is the reason of all?
A30594of a good conscience?
A30594of the pardon of sin?
A30594of walking strictly with God?
A30594or if not, whether is it the griefe of your soules, that you should enjoy so much from God, and God have so little honour from you?
A30594or what will it profit you to have gained the whole world, and to have lost your owne soules?
A30594so lovest thou mee more then all those delightfull things you enjoy?
A30594that this holy, great, and dreadfull God will be pacified by a word or two?
A30594to get more full sense of Gods love?
A30594to provide spirituall armour?
A30594to strengthen Faith?
A30594we can not thus say in our owne thoughts, Is there not a lye in our right hand?
A30594wee can not so much as question with our selves: Are these the things that wee were borne for?
A30594what a change hath a little time made in all their honours, riches, and delights?
A30594what a clutter of businesse crossing one the other?
A30594what a debasement is this?
A30594what deserving more grievous punishments then that a man should magnifie himselfe after hee hath seene God humbled?
A30594what disappointments?
A30594what does all my glory profit me, but that I have so much the more torment in my death?
A30594what efficacie hath it?
A30594what great matter is this?
A30594what is a yeare or two, or ten yeeres enjoyment of them?
A30594what more detestable?
A30594what power?
A30594what prayers?
A30594what snares and temptations lye in your way at every hand?
A30594what strangers are most men to such considerations as these?
A30594what teares are sent up to God afore- hand?
A30594what uncertaine things before faith came in?
A30594what undermining one another?
A30594what vexations?
A30594when you apprehend God is calling you to an account for them, does it not tell you that your hearts have beene let out too greedily after them?
A30594where is all the bravery of it, or the malice and opposition of it?
A30594who knowes what may bee done in godly courses, if you will begin thē?
A30594who should bee free to speake, if not you?
A30594why then should not now, for the honour of God, some opportunities for fleshly delights bee denyed?
A30594will it rejoyce your hearts hereafter to remember what you have done?
A30570After that did God cast in a word, and promise into thee, and by his spirit mightily draw thy heart to close with it, and fasten upon it?
A30570After what manner did God work upon thy heart?
A30570Again, Consider how have I provoked the wrath of God against my self, and yet God doth not use his power a ● ainst me?
A30570Againe doth thy heart faile thee?
A30570And he said, Who made thee a Prince and a Judge over us, Intendest thou to kil me as thou didst the Egyptian?
A30570And so Ahaz, what a bold spirit had he in sin?
A30570And so if we had taken all advantages that we found in our hearts, since we came to the knowledg of Gods waies, what abundance might we have done?
A30570And suitable to his expression so was his life; speaking of Eudoxia the Empres: saies he, what wil she do?
A30570And the mixt multitude that was among them fell a lusting, and the children of Israel also wept again and sayd who shal give us flesh to eate?
A30570And what is meant by the Roes and the Hindes?
A30570Are there any such, that God hath made sensible of their woful bondage and wouldest thou deliver thy soul from that spiritual bondage?
A30570Are you affraid of the sword and the wasters?
A30570As it is observed concerning Steven; after Steven was filled with the Holy Ghost how bold was he?
A30570Because we feared not the Lord, What then should a King do to us?
A30570But I say, have they not heard?
A30570But how shall we get up our hearts when they are not in a frame fit for service?
A30570But if we must not feare man, may we not flee from danger?
A30570But may not men reject the yoake of Antichrist upon other Grounds besides Faith?
A30570But may not natural Conscience help men through much difficulty in the way of deliverance from this spiritual Egypt?
A30570But rather bring it sooner, as when Peter was affraid of the waves, and affraid of sinking, did it help him?
A30570But should we not take care for our estates, and lives, and liberties?
A30570But suppose Those that are limitted: shall abuse their authority and go beyond it?
A30570But then we leave to give Testimony to the truth, and is not the giving Testimony to the truth of God more worth than our estates?
A30570But there must be discretion exercised: what do they count discretion?
A30570But what shal become of those that are left behind, if others that have abilities forsake them?
A30570But you wil say, How shall we improve this time?
A30570By the Law of Faith, or by the Law of Works?
A30570Can any man submit truly upon right grounds to a Justice of Peace, that wil not yeild to the King?
A30570Did I feare a multitude, or did the contempt of families terrifie mee?
A30570Fifthly, It is according to the Riches of his Glory; Whose Glory?
A30570Fiftly, You ask whether you may avoid danger, and suffering?
A30570Fourthly, Take heed of slighting any thing that God gives you, as they did, when they were delivered, and had Manna, say they, What is this Manna?
A30570Fourthly, There are some cases we must not Flee in If you ask what they are?
A30570Had God performed al things for David?
A30570Hath God carryed you through any difficult work?
A30570Hath God given you strength& power over others?
A30570Here seems to be a cross thing: they might say blessed Saviour, doest not thou bid us flee?
A30570How can that be?
A30570How can we flee and not feare?
A30570How doth Faith do this?
A30570How violent was his passion when once he had power?
A30570I am doing a great work, so that I can not come, why should the work cease, whilst I leave it and come down to you?
A30570I am nothing what is an instrument, an axe to the building of an house?
A30570I have a perverse crooked heart?
A30570I have a rough knotty heart?
A30570If it be a work of Faith, it is a work of much Humiliation, and Prayer; was there a time you were under the power and bondage of Antichrist?
A30570In the Hebrew it is who hath filled his heart to do this?
A30570It is reported of Illaria meeting with theeves, say they are you not affraid?
A30570Labor to harden your selves by faith against all difficulties NOw doth God call you to any service or work that hath any difficulty in it?
A30570Now if your strength be not let out for God, call your hearts to an account, where is the strength of my heart?
A30570Now what is it that you do, or have done in all your lives, that doth manifest a glorious power of God?
A30570Quest, Whether men may not reject the yoke of Antichrist upon other grounds besides Faith?
A30570Question, What is there in Faith which helps the Soul?
A30570Question, What is there in Faith which helps the Soul?
A30570Qustion, But you will say, what is there in faith that helps the soul, and carries a Christian through the most difficult works and services?
A30570Secondly, You ask this question whether you may not flee danger?
A30570Shall Iron break the northern Iron and the Steel?
A30570Shall iron breake the Northern Iron and the steele?
A30570Sixthly, nay I appeal to you, have you never found your hearts up for God?
A30570So let it be thy prayer, and it is my prayer for thee: Is thy heart up more than before?
A30570That any that are in authority do command a thing that is unlawful to be done and yet they do not go beyond the limits of authority?
A30570The Riches of the Glory, of the Might, of the Spirit of God: Of what God?
A30570Thirdly, Is God come in?
A30570Thirdly, Then Moses might think, Pharoah is such a man that there is no hold of him, how if he follow us with his army and cut us off?
A30570Through God we shal do valiantly, for he it is that shall tread down our enemies: is it God that treads down our enemies how do we do valiantly?
A30570To what end is this spoken?
A30570What a perverse reasoning is this?
A30570What a shame is it then for Christians to be so revengeful?
A30570What cases are those?
A30570What is the estate of a Christian?
A30570What is the reason you do not count us obedient to authority?
A30570What meane you to weep and break my heart?
A30570What shall we doe to take heed of the deceit in this?
A30570When Elijah met Ahab, Saies he Art thou he that troublest Israel?
A30570When they came to Canaan the great City Jericho, what have they to overcom it?
A30570When you had power for God you were content then to forbear, and shall you now use your power for the maintenance of your Lusts?
A30570Where God saies mountains shall be made plaine before Zerubbabel, difficulties shall be taken away, how?
A30570Whether men may not reject the yoke of Antichrist upon other grounds besides Faith?
A30570Who shall remove the difficulties of the curse of the Law?
A30570Why doth a man feare?
A30570Why should wicked men be feared that are compared to such base things?
A30570Wicked men that have had the basest spirits of all, have been bold in sin; As Manasseh, how audacious was he in sin?
A30570Wil she cut me asunder?
A30570Wil she drown me?
A30570Will she behead me?
A30570Will she stone me?
A30570Wilt stay beleeving till thou canst get strength?
A30570You wil say, How shall we come to keep up our hearts, whenas our hearts are in a better frame, than at some other times?
A30570You wil say, What is that proper essential work of faith, that is the most glorious difficult work that ever was performed?
A30570Your question is, whether a Christian may not flee danger?
A30570and hath the shadow of death been made known to you?
A30570and have I been so long suffering towards those that have crost me, as to manifest the glorious power of God in it?
A30570and when he came into danger how feared he?
A30570and where is he that durst presume in his heart to do so?
A30570are you careful to attaine your end?
A30570because we will not worship Idolls, and pray to the Idols for your Governors?
A30570came you not to enjoy God?
A30570did God shew you the evil of it?
A30570did he first prepare thy heart, by a work of humiliation to seek him, and make up thy peace with him?
A30570do you find God sweetly and comfortably enlivening your souls, and putting the spirit of confidence in that unbeleeving heart of yours?
A30570do you know who I am?
A30570doth it come near to you that you find for the present you have attained so little of your end?
A30570doth it trouble your souls when at any time you see any danger to be frustrate of your end?
A30570have you faith only to keep you in that ordinary way that the principles of nature are able to keep you in?
A30570he did flee, but was it not an abatement of his faith and confidence in God?
A30570how came you from under it?
A30570if my unbelieving heart make me faile in this work, what if I should faile through unbelief in that great work that concernes my eternal estate?
A30570if we must not feare the creature, must we deliver our selves from it?
A30570is it now as it was then?
A30570is it thy worke that thou art now about?
A30570it is said, Moses seeing two Hebrews smiting one another, he said to him that did the wrong, Why smitest thou thy fellow?
A30570may we not labor to deliver our selves from it when it comes?
A30570or any help that we can imagine from any creature?
A30570so on the contrary, because we feare the Lord, what then can a King, what can all the power in the world do against us?
A30570so was Paul; Will she take away my substance?
A30570speaking concerning Haman, saith the King, Who is he?
A30570that I kept silence, and went not out of the door?
A30570the strength of your own purposes?
A30570they have but a little dough at their backs, and if that be spent what shal become of them?
A30570those that are over others and are given to anger should think, How is God provoked and crossed?
A30570to have further communion with God?
A30570to walk with God in a more close way then you could do before?
A30570was it any assistance you hade from any friends?
A30570was it your own naturall resolutions?
A30570we must not rush into danger but suppose we see danger before us, may we not flee from it, and avoid it before it comes?
A30570were thy ends good and right in this work?
A30570wert willing wholly to venture upon God, to give up thy self unto him, to be at his dispose?
A30570what can man do unto me?
A30570what should become of me then?
A30570when God would bring Job to feare, saith God, you seem to have some boldness: but have you seen the gates of death?
A30570when he came into danger what a base spirit had he?
A30570when he had done that: did God secondly take off thy heart from all creature props, creature confidences, and dependances?
A30570when they were afraid least he should at last revenge himself upon them, he answers them, Fear not, for am I in the place of God?
A30570which way runs it?
A30570who shall pacifie the wrath of God that is burning against me for my sin?
A30570wil shee bannish me?
A30570will he regard thee?
A30608& c. He heard that Esau was coming against him with a great company;& what doth Iacob?
A3060836. what is said of our joyning with the people of God, how excellent is thy loving kindnesse, wherein appears the excellency?
A30608Again, those that appeared on the one side how were they discouraged extraordinarily?
A30608Again, what is that thing that you strive to make most sure?
A30608All the nations of the earth are but as the dust of the ballance, and a drop of the bucket to God, what is thy dust then?
A30608And Iehoshaphat said ▪ O Lord God of our fathers, art not thou God in heaven, and rulest over all Kingdomes?
A30608And call your hearts to question, what do I do with my estate for God?
A30608And doth not God for the present curse thy portion?
A30608And if mercies should come, what a daunting would this be to our hearts, that mercies are come, but we have not sought them?
A30608And now I go to hear the word, and out of the word he calls unto me, and seeks me, let me say, Lord what sayest thou to thy servant?
A30608Art thou one of the seed of Iacob, and hast sought God and sayest, thou hast had no answer?
A30608Art thou sorry for what thou hast done?
A30608Behold I die, but I die in faith of the promise: because I am taken away shall I think the promise shall be of no effect?
A30608Boniface the martyr when he was asked the question, if he might have the sacrament, if he would drink it in a wooden challice?
A30608But 2. further, I put this to you; do you spend as much breath in praying for these kind of men, as you do in rayling upon them?
A30608But art thou of the seed of Iacob?
A30608But by what means shall these mercies be bestowed on then?
A30608But how comes it thus to passe, that men should be so greedy of this their portion?
A30608But how many broken Gentry expected to raise their condition on the other side?
A30608But it follows upon it, notwithstanding when the Sonne of man comes shall he find faith on earth?
A30608But now, wherein doth it appear that it is not in vain to seek the Lord?
A30608But what hath he done of late?
A30608But what if David should now perish in this distresse, should God be any looser by it?
A30608But what is there in the Saints that makes them the excellent in the earth?
A30608But what is this supernaturall manner of serving God?
A30608But when I pray in the time of affliction, and Gods hand is on me, will it not be in vain to call unto him then?
A30608But wherein lyeth the efficacy of prayer?
A30608But why sayest thou so O Iacob?
A30608But you will say, how is God present with his Saints more then in other places; why is God said to dwell among his people, his Saints?
A30608But you will say; Lord, what will become of us?
A30608But you''l say, if men be in an errour, why should they not be forc''d, shall every man be left to his opinion, to do what he will?
A30608But( you''le say) do you think to preach to men that have their portion here in this life?
A30608Can you make good that you are one of the seed of Iacob?
A30608Canst thou say that thou art of the Church?
A30608Consider how do the losse of the things of the world, take thy heart; dost not thou account thy self an undone man, when thou had lost some comforts?
A30608Did not David cry oft, and yet his enemies did not turn their backs when he cryed?
A30608England, Ireland, and Scotland, are but 3. little spots unto the world, and what are your farmes and your mannours?
A30608Esau when he comes to Iacob, when Iacob would have given him his present, saith he, what meanest thou by all these droves which I met?
A30608Examine then whether these things of the world, be not the onely suitable things to your hearts?
A30608First understand, who they are, you speak off; do you know wherein you and they differ?
A30608First, the poor things that men have here in this world, what are they?
A30608For what Nation is there so great, who hath God so nigh unto them as the Lord our God is in all things that we call upon him for?
A30608God can say I have my end in these: Take any town where there are but two or three that are godly, what glory hath God but of these?
A30608God desires Zion; what is Zion, but onely his Saints and people joyned together?
A30608Hast thou not known?
A30608Hast thou nothing to put into the scoales but this?
A30608Hath not God done great things heretofore, in 88. and in the powder plot and at other times?
A30608He cryed oft when his enemies prevailed: yet he saith, When I cried then mine enemies turned back: and this I know, why?
A30608How do you know such an ones child, but by his likenesse to his father?
A30608How excellent is thy loving kindnesse?
A30608How is that?
A30608How long will ye love vanity and seek after leasing?
A30608How many prayers have we put up to God, and find not the issue?
A30608I appeal to thy conscience; when thou hast gone to pray to God, hast thou propounded this end?
A30608I but who have you spoke too all this while?
A30608I hear indeed there are some menare put of so, what if that should prove to be my portion what a miserable creature were I?
A30608I see how things are like to be, the enemie prevails and is like to overrun all: had it not been better that I had not ingaged my self so much?
A30608I, now you seek God, but this is in your affliction, and will God regard you now?
A30608If there be nothing but vanity, how canst thou expect that God should hear them?
A30608If there were nothing else, what a delightfull thing is it saith the heart?
A30608If they had prevailed how would they have blasphemed?
A30608If thou have been a publick instrument, and hast done good and yet if in fear of successe thou hast repented?
A30608If you ask what this excellency of Iacob is?
A30608Is it in vain to serve the Lord?
A30608Is the plowing, and the sowing of the husbandman, and all the showers in vain; because the corn is not in the barn?
A30608Is this thy care?
A30608It may be his estate, his houses, his lands may be somewhat worth, but what is his heart worth?
A30608It was that that stayed the Psalmist, he began to reason as you do, that he had sought God without answer, Will the Lord cast off for ever?
A30608Lastly, what art thou most carefull to lay up for thy children?
A30608Many of you when you apprehend your selves to be in trouble, you then cry to God to be preserved: but to what end?
A30608Now if thou prove a fornicatour thou art of the seed of Esau, or a profane person; what is that?
A30608O must I leave you?
A30608O our God, saith he, wilt thou not judge them?
A30608O such a man is happy, he hath so much coming in, and hath so much a year; but dost thou call the vile man happy?
A30608O wretch, why hast thou left?
A30608On the one side how unfaithfull have they been?
A30608Our slighting of the Gospell because we had it so ordinarie might have caused God to take it from us; and hath God restored it?
A30608Secondly, Iecob was one that feared God, when God appeared to him he looked on the presence of God as dreadfull, How dreadfull is this place?
A30608See what thou dost most admire men for?
A30608So for other places where hath God glory but for a few contemptibile ones?
A30608So the men of the world, they have respect, but what is it for?
A30608The Psalmist saith, O ye sons of men, how long will ye turn my glory into shame?
A30608The ambassadours of the king of Babylon came to congratulate with Hezekiah after his recovery: but what was the businesse?
A30608The seed of Esau, what is that?
A30608The state of the Church is called heaven, For what is there in heaven but is here?
A30608The word of God shall be made good, but how?
A30608They shall be abundantly satisfied; how?
A30608Thirdly, live like such as God hath not put off with the portion of this world?
A30608This incouragement we have, that there is not any of us that seek God alone, but we joyn with thousands: why should our place be found empty?
A30608Thou sayest thou hast prayed, and thou thinkest thou hast not answer: hast thou believed this promise in the Text?
A30608Thy way O God is in the sanctuary: who is so great a God as our God?
A30608Were it not for a few gracious men, and women, what glory should God have in all the world?
A30608What great things hath thy master done?
A30608What hope hath an hypocrite though he hath gained, when God takes away his soul?
A30608What is our inheritance?
A30608What is that?
A30608What is the delight of God, but the seeing of the shining of his glory in his works?
A30608What is the mountain of God?
A30608What is to make use of the memoriall we celebrate?
A30608What makes prayer so powerfull with God?
A30608What of him?
A30608What use shall we make of it?
A30608What was Iacobs inheritance?
A30608What was that?
A30608Where should the King of glory come but into his Church?
A30608Where were those prayers of all the Saints that he must take a censer and offer incense with?
A30608Who is a God like unto thee, that pardoneth iniquity, and passeth by the transgression of the remnant of his heritage?
A30608Who is it that can not tell histories of Gods gracious dealing with him upon his calling unto him?
A30608Who is the King of glory?
A30608Who shall ascend in to the hill of the Lord?
A30608Would you desire that God should blesse you with the chief mercies that he hath?
A30608Would you not delight to keep house with God?
A30608You may hear them sometimes tell with joy that we were in such a place, and were so merry,& had the bravest meeting, and what was there?
A30608You will say, Why are the people of God called the seed of Iacob, rather then the seed of Abraham, or the seed of Isaac?
A30608You will say, humbled, for what?
A30608and manie thousands of Atheist; would have been made more then there was before: what a mightie offence, and stumbling block would this have been?
A30608and thus he goes on, and there could be nothing got from him, but wounds, sides, heart, must I die?
A30608and will he be favourable no more?
A30608are they not wiser men that have kept themselves quiet and silent, and done as little as they could, nothing but what they have been forced to?
A30608are you so desirous of it, as to be willing to leave them to the fury and rage of their adversaries?
A30608art thou not discouraged in prayer?
A30608as if he had said, what a strange man is this, the man is in danger of his life, and he talks of truth, what is truth?
A30608dost thou not come home to thy wife and children, I say, I am an undone man?
A30608doth his promise fail for evermore?
A30608hast thou not heard, that the everlasting God, the Lord, the creator of the ends of the earth, fainteth not, neither is weary?
A30608hast thou relyed on it?
A30608is his mercy clean gone for ever?
A30608is it worth so much, that they contend so about it?
A30608it is such an excellent portion, that they are so greedy of it?
A30608must I die, and go from all these?
A30608so may I say to you that are godly, hath God given you Iesus Christ?
A30608so may a man that hath his portion in this world, say at his death, where is this poor soul of mine going?
A30608so what great things hath prayer done in the world?
A30608that I had not appeared so much?
A30608thou shalt never have more jests, nor be merry, nor be jocund any more; where art thou going?
A30608though he hath grown never so rich, and got all he desires, when God takes away his soul?
A30608what do you want?
A30608what doth prayer do?
A30608what honour hath God from my estate more then before?
A30608what is thy house and land then?
A30608wherefore would you be preserved?
A30608wherefore would you live?
A30608whether a man hath grace or no?
A30608whether wilt thou go?
A30608whither art thou going?
A30608who art thou that judgest?
A30608who is the man that hath his portion in this world?
A30608who shall stand in his holy place?
A30608why should not our prayers joyn with the rest?
A30608why what is the matter?
A30608will that satisfie thy soul, that may be the portion of a reprobate?
A30608will this satisfie thee?
A30608would you have any beer?
A30608would you not have cried to Magistrates?
A30608would you not have cried to Parliament men?
A30608wounds, sides, heart, must I die?
A30608yet by the Text it appears?
A305771. Who would not feare this God then?
A305771. where the glory of the Church is set forth, it begins at the feet, How beautifull are thy feet?
A3057712. Who art thou that thou shouldest be afraid of a man?
A305778. Who is the King of glory?
A305779. who can stretch out his hand against the Lords Anointed and be guiltlesse?
A30577Alexander was asked, How he did so great things in so little a time?
A30577All power is from God: may not this power be re- assumed therefore?
A30577And did not our King Charles send aid to the Protestants in France, defending their Religion and liberty against their King at the Isle of Ree?
A30577And if they should say, But how can this deliverance be here?
A30577And is not our Army to save Parl& people from Cut- throats?
A30577And is not this the vomit of our adversaries at this day, who are drunke with malice and rage against us, yea, against Christ himselfe and his Saints?
A30577Are not they then like to perjudice the King more then any?
A30577Art not thou he that hast cut Rahab, and wounded the dragon?
A30577As if the Lord should say, What?
A30577Babylon is strong, who shall bring downe her power?
A30577Be not therefore daunted with such words as those, What?
A30577Because there was a positive order there that Moses must make trumpets and thus use them; Doth it follow that this must be so every where?
A30577Behold, is it not of the Lord of Hosts that the people shall labour in the very fire, and the people shall weary themselves for very vanity?
A30577But above all Objections this sticks most with us, Doth not the Scripture straitly charge us not to touch Gods Anointed?
A30577But although the Parliament tels us that what they doe is Law, yet they doe not shew where that Law is; where shall we finde it extant?
A30577But although there is nothing can be said, but God allows of these wars, yet were it not better in prudence that I be not seen in them?
A30577But do not our adversaries grow stronger then we?
A30577But doth not the King professe that he will maintain the Protestant Religion, and governe onely by the Laws?
A30577But even in the Houses, are not things carryed on in a Faction?
A30577But how comes it to passe, seeing God is thus The Lord of Hosts, that yet the adversaries of Gods people doe often prevaile in battel?
A30577But how miserable then will it be for them, when God curses them for the present, and when their soules are taken away at last?
A30577But howsoever were it not better to harken to peace, if possibly there may be wayes of Accommodation?
A30577But if Parliaments should degenerate and grow tyrannicall, what meanes of safety could there be for a State?
A30577But if we shall thus plead and stand for our liberties, how can we expect the King should ever look upon us with any respect, or confide in us?
A30577But is not this a Popish tenet, that in case of Religion Subjects may rise up against their King?
A30577But may we go against the command of the King?
A30577But now because some troubles arise, because we see war in our gates, how vile& unworthy are the spirits of many?
A30577But the question is, Whether no breach of Covenant may possibly in any case make a forfeiture?
A30577But then you say, What would they have more?
A30577But what if authority be abused, may we resist?
A30577But what if the King will not keepe to his agreement, may the Subject doe nothing?
A30577But what if the Kingdom be got by Conquest,& the right come in that way?
A30577But what is all this for the satisfaction to conscience about the Lawfulnesse or unlawfulnesse of resisting men that have power in any case?
A30577But what is that?
A30577But what is this bondage, that the spirit of a Christian will not, should not beare?
A30577But what shal wee say to the example of the Christians in the Primitive times, who suffered so much wrong under Tyrants, and would never resist?
A30577But what would the Lords or Commons have?
A30577But why is it used so frequently in that Prophecie more then others?
A30577But yet it may further be said, Grant the Parliament to be the Judge, how can it judge without the King?
A30577Can Babylon bee destroyed?
A30577Can the D. or any man think, that in justifying Arms in some case, we justifie all villanous conspiracies and out- rages?
A30577Christians, do not you professe God to be your Father?
A30577Did they even in times of Popery ever seek to blow up Parliament houses, as Papists have done?
A30577Did they ever plot any Treason, as Papists have done from time to time?
A30577Doe we heare of their pride and blasphemies?
A30577Doe you know who they are you thus abuse?
A30577From whence is this?
A30577God here speaks angerly, What am I the Lord of Hosts, and will you offer this?
A30577God will leave heaven to fight for his Church; will not you leave your shops and your houses?
A30577Hath God made all the world to bee under the lusts of twenty or thirty men?
A30577Here you see Babylon must down, and yet the Kings lament her fall: Who then must pull her down but the people?
A30577How can this Obiection, without wrangling, be admitted?
A30577How many men, who think themselves great, demeane themselves as if they thought themselves above Gods Commandments?
A30577How should Elisha slay, but by his prayers?
A30577How was all stilled now?
A30577How was this made good, that no weapon formed against thee shall prosper?
A30577I demand, what first invested such a Family with Regall power, more then another?
A30577If God had called for the sword before these things, what had become of us?
A30577If any thing for the Kings prerogative were propounded by some, and followed by others, dare any accuse the proceedings to be factious?
A30577If in this cause you should turn your backes upon your enemies, with what face could you ever after look upon your friends?
A30577If it be spoiled, what is my life worth?
A30577If men by hypocriticall devises should gaine as they desire, yet when God takes away their souls, what good have they then?
A30577If mens consciences be not satisfied in these things, what shal they do?
A30577If the Prophets exhorted not to resistance, then there may be no resistance, sayes the Doctor?
A30577If there were so many of a contrarie judgement more then the others, why do they not come and out- vote them in what things are amisse?
A30577If these men prevaile, is there not danger lest things should be carried as they please?
A30577If you fight against the King, who doe you fight for?
A30577Is it but a remote probabilitie that Kings were here first by election?
A30577Is not passive obedience required, if active can not be given?
A30577Is not the reason the same in this, although the degree inferiour?
A30577It is apparent this was Christ, for Joshua fell on his face, and worshipped, and said, What saith my Lord unto his servant?
A30577It may be some may say, Why, are we in any danger of such miseries as the Jews suffered under Antiochus?
A30577Joshua saw a man with his sword drawn in his hand, and Joshua went to him, and said, Art thou for us, or for our adversaries?
A30577Lastly, how dreadfull must this glorious name of God needs be to all ungodly ones, who walk on in wayes of enmity against such a God?
A30577Let it be granted that the King hath the highest power, yet what propriety of speech is it to say that he is the highest power?
A30577Let us take heed our covetousnesse be not our undoing; and if our enemies find treasure with us, then how justly may they mock and jeere us?
A30577Now if the Question be asked, Why doth the Lord thus work in Armies?
A30577Now this is the question, what have you of the spirit of this great God?
A30577Now you know what was said of that place, Doth any good come out of Galile?
A30577Observe the variety of expressions, Faint not, Feare not, Tremble not, Be not terrified; Why?
A30577Oh thou sword of the Lord, how long will it be ere thou be quiet?
A30577Onely they wil not yeeld to mens wils and lusts beyond that authority they have over them, and who wil that hath the spirit of a man in him?
A30577Prophets, Priests have Gods hand and oyle upon them, and can not the power for no cause be taken from these?
A30577Resisting the Priests is condemned in Scripture; what?
A30577Shall not all the Armies in heaven and earth rather come together, and fight for her deliverance?
A30577Shall not his excellencie make you afraid?
A30577Shall the prohibition be good against Christians under Emperors persecuting Religion,& not against Subjects enjoying their Religion?
A30577Shall your brethren goe to war, and shall ye sit here?
A30577So I may say in this case, How many doe you reckon Jesus Christ for?
A30577Surely the Princes of Zoan are fooles, the counsails of the wise counsellors of Pharaoh are become brutish, where are they?
A30577The Ayre cryes, Lord shall I conveigh infection into his body, and poyson him?
A30577The Fire, shall I seize on him, and burne him?
A30577The Scripture bids, that the wicked should be taken from the throne of the King; Who should take them away?
A30577The Water, Shall I stop his breath?
A30577The answer is there, How can it be quiet, seeing the Lord hath given it a charge against Askelon,& against the sea shore?
A30577The beasts of the field, Shall we run upon him, and tear him?
A30577The earth, Shall I open, and swallow him up?
A30577The second thing he sayes is, What meanes of safety had the Christians in and after the Apostles times?
A30577The spirits of those that seem to be the greatest terror amongst us, are mean and base: What worthy thing have they ever done?
A30577The substance of all that follows is, suppose that Subiects may take up Arms?
A30577There is a great deale of stir about these men, but what have they done?
A30577These men doe what lyes in them to put men upon examining, Whether the relation between King and people may not possibly be broke?
A30577They stamp for anger that they have them not, and if they had them, how would they stamp then?
A30577They venture their lives for us, and endure great hardship; shall not wee pray?
A30577This is most certaine, who are hardest to beleeve what the Parliament sayes, but Papists, and notorious blasphemers, and prophane livers?
A30577This may be when Kings are elective, but what will you say concerning Kings that are hereditary?
A30577Thou, even thou art to be feared, and who may stand in thy sight when once thou art angry?
A30577Though an Host shall encampe against me, my heart should not feare; Though Warre should rise against me, in this will I be confident: In what?
A30577Thus it is this day with us, how did we not long agoe groan under our bondage?
A30577Thy meat, thy drink, Shall we choak him, or be bane to him?
A30577To what purpose are Subsidies and ayds denyed, if the King hath power to take our estates when he pleaseth, and there must be no resistance?
A30577To what purpose are good Laws made?
A30577True, so long as they goe according to their power given them, or as long as they have it, but may they not possibly be discharged of it?
A30577Vile men are risen up, and they seeke to ravish the Church, the Spouse of the Lord of Hosts, and do you think he will suffer this before his face?
A30577We are troubled at the sword comming neare our Cities; but how sore would the misery be, if it should come into our Cities?
A30577What Captain, what Souldier of renown, but delights to see his children and alliance, those who challenge any interest in him to be valiant?
A30577What a mercy is it for us to be as Gedeons sleece, dry, when all about us have been wet, not with dew, but with blood?
A30577What a mighty work of God was this?
A30577What acceptance can we then expect from him, or successe by him?
A30577What an Host did God muster up against Pharaoh?
A30577What an unworthy thing were it for the son of such a brave warrior as the K. of Sweden was to be of a low, mean poor, cowardly spirit?
A30577What blood hath beene of late shed by them, even in coole blood?
A30577What hope hath an hypocrite though he hath gained, when God taketh away his soule?
A30577What mean ye that ye beat my people to pieces, and grind the faces of the poore?
A30577What mean you?
A30577What need we be put to meddle with any thing but this in the case in hand?
A30577What need we trouble our selves then any farther?
A30577What say you to the Kings of Judah?
A30577What sayes Ahasuerus concerning Haman, Will he force the Queen before my face?
A30577What the condition of our Houses of Parliament, whether they be safe or not?
A30577What though Monarchie be the best?
A30577What, will not you be ready to shew more respect to your General this Lord of Hosts, then any heathen shall do to a Heathen General?
A30577When the Spirit of the Lord came upon Sampson, Gideon, and others of the Worthies of the Lord, what great things did they?
A30577Where brake he them?
A30577Where doth the Scripture say so?
A30577Where should we seek for light, but in the Sun?
A30577Whether Kingly power be such an indelible character upon any person, as nothing can ever possibly put it out?
A30577Whether that which is by compact and covenant, do not bind mutually?
A30577Who denies all this?
A30577Who hath the burden of the great worke in this State layne upon but the Religious party?
A30577Who have ventured so much of their estates to reduce Ireland to the obedience of the King, as those that are thus called Round- heads?
A30577Who is the King of glory?
A30577Who so fit to be used in the battels of the Lord, as they who have most interest in the Lord?
A30577Who was there in the world then to kill him?
A30577Why are the Princes of Zoan so much mentioned there?
A30577Why doth the D. speake of stretching forth the hand against the Lords Anointed?
A30577Why is it thus put upon this?
A30577Why of the South?
A30577Why shall they encounter with dangers, and suffer hard things, and you sit still and have your ease?
A30577Why should this dead dog curse my Lord the King?
A30577Why then, when any thing is propounded by some for the good of the Kingdome, and followed by others, should it come under such a censure?
A30577Wil our lives be worth the taking up in the streets, if we out- live our Religion and Liberties?
A30577With what infinite indignation must God needs look upon such vile wormes, who dare resist such a glorious Majesty as he is?
A30577Would you know why so many of the Gentry in most Counties throughout the Kingdome are so malignant?
A30577Yea, and hath not our King acknowledged our brethren the Scots his loyal Subjects, and yet they did as much as we, yea, a great deale more?
A30577and if the King should put them out of his protection, what doe you thinke would follow upon this?
A30577and twenty in the Lords House see more then sixty that are of a contrary judgement?
A30577and what though the King should have power of a negative voice in the passing all Bils?
A30577and who are they?
A30577are not we made of the same matter that men are?
A30577are they come to hurt my Mountaine, my holy Mountaine, my Church?
A30577are they not led by a fevv?
A30577but if abide in our Cities, what miserable spoile and ruine would there be?
A30577can nothing therfore discharge the Priest of his priestly office, and my acknowledging of his priestly power?
A30577do you not know your Father is the Lord of Hosts?
A30577doth not the King forbid plunderings now,& yet do they not plunder as they please?
A30577hath it not beene published in your City by chiefe men in the Army, that the great things in the Army were done by those that are called Round- heads?
A30577hath not the King graciously yeelded to them, almost in all things they can desire?
A30577have they ever stood before those that opposed them?
A30577he said it even to Kings: Whom should they not touch?
A30577how can they be under his protection if they be his enemies?
A30577if then they get power into their hands fully, what will not they do then?
A30577is it not all one to me as if he had refused to pay the debt?
A30577is it not time for us now to have our hearts raised above these things?
A30577is not the very life of the Kingdom in danger?
A30577must he not needs be convinced that here surely hath been the military art of some skilfull Commanders working?
A30577surely it must be for his enemies?
A30577taking up Arms: Was it not a most unjust and vile conspiracie, meerly out of the pride of malicious spirits?
A30577that ever have been before us; for vvho knows hovv many vvere present or absent vvhen it vvas resolved upon the Question?
A30577the very foundations of this our Land are out of course; but what have the righteous done?
A30577to defend it?
A30577to have as much power to govern the Church as they have?
A30577what are you mad ▪ Doe you know what you doe?
A30577what doe they stand for more?
A30577what hope can they have then?
A30577what horrid blasphemies are there against this Prince of the Host of his people?
A30577what rage even against God himselfe?
A30577where are the wise men?
A30577where are your spirits of magnanimity and fortitude, of courage and valour, beseeming the children of such a glorious Father the Lord of Hosts?
A30577where for heat, but in the fire?
A30577where for valour& victory, but in the Lord of Hosts?
A30577where for water, but in the rivers?
A30577whether their priviledges be broke or not?
A30577who endeavours it?
A30577who so fit to venture his body to the sword in time of war, as he that can give his body to the fire in time of peace?
A30577why doe they now stand out so as they doe?
A30577wil it not set the Kings heart against us?
A30577will you fight against the King?
A30615( but these things we have hinted) And then, where lies the chief Joy and chief Sorrow of mens hearts?
A306155. verse, it is said, That the King( speaking of Christ) is held in the galleries; now what''s that but in the Ordinances?
A306159. verse, Also I said it is not good that ye do, Ought ye not to WALK in the fear of our God?
A30615All but light afflictions, Why?
A30615An Earthly- minded man hath the curse of the Serpent upon him: What was that?
A30615And Lord, art thou in a way of mercy?
A30615And art thou in a way of affliction in my family, or in a way of mercy?
A30615And how came he to have his soul to prosper?
A30615Are not these your thoughts?
A30615Are they not good, and in themselves lawful?
A30615Are we under Gods way of judgments, in a way of afflictions?
A30615As how a man doth value himself and value others, is it not because that others, or your selves have much of the things of the earth?
A30615BUt having set out unto you the excellency of walking with God, you will say, Who is it that doth walk with Him?
A30615BUt you will say, How should we do to get this our Conversasation to be in Heaven?
A30615Be astonished O ye Heavens at this, and be horrible afraid, be ye very desolate saith the Lord, Why?
A30615But now, Do you reason thus for the things of Heaven?
A30615But now, I appeal to you, Who are you withal when you awake?
A30615But now, If you demand the reason, why it is that the Saints have their Conversations in Heaven?
A30615But now, if any one should say, May we not mind earthly things and heavenly things too?
A30615But what evidences can you shew?
A30615Can two walk together except they be agreed?
A30615Communion, you will say, what''s that?
A30615Do not we reade often, That Jesus Christ was God and Man, took mans nature upon him, and died for man?
A30615Doest thou come to the Word and there hear his voice?
A30615Doest thou desire no further glory in this world, but that I may have glory in?
A30615Else what shall they do that are baptized for the dead?
A30615Fourthly, Gods withdrawing of comfort is not alwaies the withdrawing of his presence: Thou maiest mistake, thou thinkest that God is withdrawn, why?
A30615God hath forsaken me and I''le forsake him?
A30615God sends but a little too much heat into the body, and puts thee into a feavour, and where''s thy delight then?
A30615Heavenly principles you will say, What are they?
A30615How did the Spirit of God begin to stir in me?
A30615How may any Causuality come and take away from thee al the things of the earth that thy mind is upon?
A30615I but you will say, For these things while we are upon the earth we have need of them, how can we do otherwaies but mind them?
A30615I will set my Tabernacle amongst you: What''s that?
A30615If it will not content thee, why is it that thy mind is so much upon the things of the earth?
A30615Indeed they do give contentment unto the flesh more than former waies, but doest thou think that the end of them will be peace?
A30615Is not God pleased to speak to thy soul out of his Word?
A30615Is the creature so sweet?
A30615Is the way like to end well that I am walking in?
A30615It is a very carnal expression that some have, Why?
A30615It may be, they would have said, is not this, To mind Earthly things?
A30615It seems that the Lord for the present to Davids apprehension had forsaken him: but what was Davids resolution?
A30615It was that that made Demas to be an Apostate; why?
A30615It''s an excellent Scripture; would you be built up in godliness?
A30615Know ye not that the love of the world is enmity to God?
A30615Let every Christian think thus, My Conversation is thus and thus; but what glory do I bring to God by my Conversation?
A30615Now I appeal to you in this, Do you live so, as that your family, and your neighbors may see that you have bin this morning in Heaven?
A30615Now except you do restore, you do wilfully continue in it; for why?
A30615Now is it not a blessed thing to be in safety alwaies with God?
A30615Now the soul that hath the liberty of walking with God, what a priviledg hath he?
A30615Now this being attainable in this life what hinders but a Christian may live in heaven whilst he lives upon earth?
A30615Now what is Earthly- mindednesse, but Covetousnesse, which is Idolaitry?
A30615Now what makes Heaven but God?
A30615Now what''s the Mercy- Seat but Jesus Chaist?
A30615Now you will say, we must not be insnar''d in the things of the earth: when is a mans heart spiritual?
A30615Now, what should be the life of a Christian, but a continual preparation for death?
A30615Oh are you not loth die before such time as you see some work of grace wrought in the hearts of your children?
A30615Oh do but examine what intercourse there hath been between Heaven and you: how is it with many of you?
A30615Oh thou that heretofore didst seem to converse with God, and to walk with him, what iniquity hast thou found with me saith God?
A30615Oh what will be the end of these waies that now thou art in?
A30615Our Conversation is in Heaven: what do all these things tend to?
A30615Psalm, 8. verse, I will keep thy Statutes; what then?
A30615Self: what''s that?
A30615Set your affections on things above, not on things on the earth: why?
A30615Shall thy mind and heart be set upon such things as are the portion of Reprobates?
A30615So may I say to all Christians, that would professe themselves Christians and godly; ought not ye to walk in the fear of our God?
A30615So what evil hast thou found in the waies of God?
A30615So, Oh that God would meet with such as are declining from the good waies of God, Oh thou soul whither art thou going?
A30615So, what''s your chief Joy, your profitting by the word, or gaining by your bargains?
A30615The work of Grace when it is first wrought, it hath the name of Vocation: Calling, what is it for a man to be called?
A30615Then saith God, Is it so?
A30615Then what shall he be that walks with God?
A30615Therefore you know what Christ saith, What shall it profit a man, to gain the whol world, and lose his soul?
A30615This is a special thing in walking with God, when they lie down to consider, Are my accompts even with God?
A30615Thou goest abroad, and art dangerously wounded by an enemy, what refreshing then doest thou receive from all these things?
A30615Thou hast a few names even in Sardis, which have not defiled their garments, What''s promised to them?
A30615Thou tellest my wandrings, put thou my tears into thy bottle, are they not in thy book?
A30615WHat Rules should be observed for a Christian''s walking with God?
A30615What Idolatry is there in it?
A30615What difference is there between the poor and rich when they die?
A30615What evidence have you that the saving work of grace is wrought in you?
A30615What is there in hell, but hatred and malice?
A30615What motions flowing in had I at such a time?
A30615What shall I do to please God?
A30615What was the reason when the young man came to Christ, to know what he should do to the Eternal life that he got no good?
A30615What''s done in Heaven, but the keeping of a perpetual Sabbath?
A30615What''s the glory of Heaven but the reflection of Gods presence upon Heaven that makes it so glorious?
A30615What''s to be done when Examples of Godly men are contrary?
A30615When he is in company with friends, is it so sweet to have society with men: how sweet is it to have society with God then?
A30615When is the bird in danger of the Lime- twig or Net but when she comes to pick below upon the ground?
A30615When we come to heaven, there we shall have dispositions sutable to heaven, but sure not till then?
A30615While thou art mudling in the world, and plodding for thy self in the things of this world, If God should come to thee and say, Where art thou?
A30615Whither was I going?
A30615Who did ever walk with God so as Christ did?
A30615Who were these?
A30615Why( you will say?)
A30615Would it not be a great benefit to the world if God should send some one Saint from Heaven, or Angel to converse in a bodily way among us?
A30615You know what Philip said, Let us see the Father, and it sufficeth us: What, would it suffice Philip to see God?
A30615You know, If you be walking from place to place, if you have good company with you, you are not weary, you account the journy nothing, why?
A30615You will say for this Idolatry, What is there in it?
A30615You will say, Do not these comfort our lives?
A30615You will say, What Rule doth the Apostle mean here?
A30615and are there no higher things to be had in God than such base things as thy heart is upon?
A30615and are your thoughts solicitous about this?
A30615and be rouling of sin and wickedness up and down in your thoughts?
A30615and how can that stand with such workings as I have had before?
A30615and that your sins are pardoned, and your souls justified?
A30615and what opportunities to present petitions to God?
A30615and what shall my graces that are in my soul be?
A30615and where dost thou think to find so much good as in Abraham''s family, where the presence of God is?
A30615are not you walking many times with the Devil, and making provision for the flesh?
A30615are these the waies that are like the former waies that thou hast seem''d to walk in?
A30615art thou going from thence?
A30615art thou satisfied with dogs meat?
A30615as he said to Adam; yea sometimes while thou art at prayer and hearing the Word, Where are thy thoughts, and about what?
A30615but have I it with the blessing of God?
A30615but then, take not only my soul, but my grace, the Divine Nature that is in my soul, what shall that be raised too?
A30615but what communion have I with God in them?
A30615but who are they that do so?
A30615can you say in your consciences, that you think that they that do so have their Conversations in Heaven, you will do as they do?
A30615can you value a poor man that is godly above the richest man that is wicked?
A30615canst thou attain to a more strict and holy Conversation than a Heavenly Conversation?
A30615do not you hear of many Saints of God that walk comfortably in the midst of all afflictions upon the assurance of Gods love?
A30615do others glorifie God by beholding the lustre of the holiness of God in me?
A30615do they see cause to blesse God that they see so much of the glory of God in me?
A30615doest thou come from Abraham''s family?
A30615doth God offer himself to walk and converse with you, and will you walk with the flesh, and converse with the Devil?
A30615even as if there were no Heaven at all?
A30615had not God higher thoughts in making of the children of men?
A30615hath not godliness the promises of this life as well as of that to come?
A30615have I any word from Jesus Christ to guide me in such a way?
A30615have not I cause to fear that I am but an Hypocrite, a rotten professor?
A30615have you so much time for the spending the very spirits of your souls upon the things of this earth, can you spare so many hours?
A30615how great is the sum of them?
A30615how sweet is God then?
A30615if thou hadst but thy thoughts often working this way, Wherefore do I think in my conscience hath God made the children of men, for what end?
A30615is it the losse of the light of the face of God, or the losse of an estate, the losse of a voyage, or the commission of a sin?
A30615is that possible?
A30615is the way that I am in like to the way that befeems an Immortal soul?
A30615is there nothing amisse between God and my soul?
A30615must I leave you now?
A30615shall I come before him with burns offerings?
A30615shall I give my first born for my transgression, the fruit of my body for the sin of my soul?
A30615shalt thou profess an interest in Christ?
A30615that you are at peace with God?
A30615that you are translated out of the kingdom of darknesse into the Kingdom of Jesus Christ?
A30615that you have shot the gulf?
A30615thou that hast had the Word working upon thy heart and thou wert seem''d to be turned into the good waies of God, whither art thou going?
A30615thy body being either too much heated, or too much coold, what''s become of all thy comfort here in this earth?
A30615we can not be Saints?
A30615we have the Prophesie of Isaiah, and Jeremiah, and other Prophets; but where the Prophesie of Enoch?
A30615what a seemly thing were it in those that come to hear the word when they depart that there should be no discourse but tending that way?
A30615what abundant enterance will be made into the everlasting Kingdom of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ?
A30615what are we doing?
A30615what comfort can I have in all the good things I have enjoyed?
A30615what converse with God have you had there?
A30615what do you loose through this earthlinesse?
A30615what evil would the over- charging of the heart which the cares of this life bring?
A30615what hath been this day between God and my soul?
A30615what is there in hell, but raging and filthiness?
A30615what need we labor to do so much?
A30615what news from Heaven?
A30615what shall people do then, when they see that either way holy men go in?
A30615what was Demas before?
A30615what were they mad men to rejoyce at the plundering of their estates?
A30615what would you take for the enjoyment of such an hour as that is?
A30615what''s become of Agrippa and Bernice with al their pagentry greatness?
A30615what''s my way; whither am I going?
A30615what''s that that doth most trouble your hearts?
A30615what''s the matter?
A30615whatsoever other men do, they do thus and thus, and seek to follow their own ends and waies, but ought not YE to walk in the fear of our God?
A30615when their goods were spoil''d, did they take that joyfully?
A30615when will that blessed day come when I shall come to enjoy those good things that are there?
A30615where''s the great workings of your spirits?
A30615who are you conversing withal?
A30615who had ever that fellowship with the Father and the Son so as Christ had?
A30615why hath he sent them hither into the world?
A30615wil not this be folly?
A30615will a Reprobates portion content thee?
A30615will it serve thee?
A30615will not you curse your selves hereafter for your folly?
A30615will the Lord be pleased with thousands of Rams, or with ten thousands of rivers of Oyl?
A30615with Calves of a yeer old?
A30615you should be walking with God: what are you the Saints of God?
A3057615. saith Paul, Where is then the Blessedness you spake of?
A3057648. say they,( when the Officers were Affected with the Ministry of Christ) Have any of the Rulers, or of the Pharisees believed on him?
A30576Am I the man?
A30576And God comfort you; and so: I, but what have you of the Doctrine of Reconciliation with God, and the way of Attonement with God?
A30576And can the World offer to you as much as this comes to?
A30576And daily experience teaches it too, who are those that are the most spiritual and heavenly Christians, are they those that are fullest?
A30576And grant God may call at the eleventh hour, I but it is not said God will call eleven times?
A30576And so, I say, What knowest thou, O Child, whether thou mayest save thy Brother, or Sister?
A30576And the truth is, We would willingly Dart up such a Prayer to God, if we knew how God did begin to stir you?
A30576And then he shews himself; Look upon me, is it not I that have done it?
A30576And then, He is the end of my Life: To what purpose do I live, if it were not in order to Him?
A30576And thus much for this Supposition, If not: What follows?
A30576And to what end?
A30576And well may their Ministers say, Where is the Blessedness you spake of?
A30576And what Wayes were they?
A30576And what art thou, that thou shouldest keep a stir under any hand of God?
A30576And what hath God yet come and strove with me again for all this Rejection?
A30576And what then?
A30576And who were these?
A30576And why did they deride Him?
A30576And why?
A30576And you will say, How is this an Argument?
A30576Are there a People that they are sent to, to whom do they offer Christ?
A30576As for Instance, Peace between God and us: Why, what are we Enemies?
A30576As if the Disciples should say, I indeed, If our Ministry prevails that we may bring Peace to Souls, we have enough: But what if not?
A30576As now, I have for the present Health of Body: Where doth the good of the Health of my Body lie?
A30576Ask a Dying Soul, what Peace with God is worth?
A30576But I this day, in the Name of God demand of you, How came you to have this Peace?
A30576But alas, You go with a barren Heart, and carry nothing at all: And why?
A30576But how comes in the last, And the Poor receive the Gospel?
A30576But how is it sanctified by the Word?
A30576But now, What will satisfie the Soul of Jesus Christ for all this?
A30576But now, because much may be said, As doth not God call at the Eleventh hour and the like?
A30576But the Rulers, have any of the Rulers, or of the Pharisees, the Great Men, and the Rich Men, the Learned Men, Have they believed?
A30576But you will say, How doth the Gospel discover so much of the Evil of sin?
A30576But you will say, Why doth God send it, God knows it will not be entertain''d; it is not with God as it is with us, to go to a place at paradventures?
A30576But, you will say, If it be thus, Why is it then that Ministers do Preach so much of our miserable Condition in which we are?
A30576Can there be any thing to draw your Hearts away from it, that shall be Equal with this Good?
A30576Can you bring unto them any Truths you have heard?
A30576Can you say so now?
A30576Can you say so?
A30576Come about such a Work as this, to be an Embassador of Reconciliation from the Great God of Heaven and Earth?
A30576Could there have been any thing more to reveal the evil of your sin, than this was?
A30576Do I enjoy my fulness for God, yea or no?
A30576Do I see Jesus Christ rejected by others?
A30576Do you enjoy no Good?
A30576Do''st thou thus requite the Lord, O foolish heart?
A30576Doth it return from you?
A30576Doth not God by this, some way, or other, help me against some sin?
A30576Doth the Gospel go away from thee?
A30576Doth the Gospel return again?
A30576For the first, When hath a Man learned how to be full?
A30576For what doth a Godly man see in Christ?
A30576For what knowest thou, O Wife, whether thou shalt save thy Husband?
A30576Go and make the heart of this People fat; but this was a mighty hard Message: How must this Prophet be prepared?
A30576God gives you abundance in the neather Springs, but doth he give you the upper Springs too?
A30576God he saith, Who is this that uttereth words without knowledge?
A30576Hath He afflicted thee in thy Body, He might have afflicted thee in thy Soul?
A30576Hath He afflicted thee in thy Estate, He might have afflicted thee in thy Body?
A30576Hath He afflicted thee in thy Soul here, He might have sent thee down to Hell eternally?
A30576Hath the Gospel had this end of it upon your Hearts?
A30576Have I learned to be full?
A30576Have any of them Believed on Him?
A30576Have they known the Blessed things of the Gospel?
A30576Have you found the Ministry of the Gospel to be powerful upon you, and to bring this Peace into you?
A30576Here''s the Reason why they will do thus unto you, they will be far from entertaining of you, but will rather oppose you: Why?
A30576How are they described?
A30576How came God and your Souls to be Friends?
A30576How is this an Argument that Christ is the Messias?
A30576How shall I know that they are good to me?
A30576How shall they Preach except they be sent?
A30576I appeal to you this morning, as in the Name of God, Have these things been in your thoughts that have been spoken to you?
A30576I beseech you, examine whether this be so in you or no?
A30576I have an Estate, Wherein lies the good of it?
A30576I have bestowed mercy upon you already, and how did you abuse it?
A30576I heard the voice of the Lord, saying, whom shall I send, and who will go for us?
A30576I put this to you in the Name of God, I say, Hath the Peace of the Gospel rested upon your Hearts?
A30576I put this to your Souls, What Treaties hath there been between God and you?
A30576I say, What do you account your Lives to consist in?
A30576I, but what hath God revealed his Grace in Christ unto their Souls?
A30576If I Live, Wherein lies the good of Life?
A30576If a Man hath a great Gain, and it comes not in his present Possession, he thinks, What shall I have for my Forbearance?
A30576If the Son of Peace be there, your Peace shall rest upon it: But what if not?
A30576If there be any that will not Imbrace it?
A30576If we account a firm and sure peace to be so sweet, would not we be willing to lay down our Lives?
A30576In the mean time, I appeal this day in the Name of God to your Conscience; Have you learned to be full?
A30576Is it possible that Jesus Christ, wheresoever He comes, should not be Entertain''d?
A30576Is it so with thy heart?
A30576Is it upon any within thy Dwelling- place, it might have been upon thy self?
A30576Is the Gospel returned from thee?
A30576Is the sight of God that, that should cause us humbly to submit?
A30576Is there an Enmity between God and us?
A30576It is not a New thing for the World to have such an Esteem of Ministers of the Gospel: And what do they do?
A30576It may be the Lord hath some Souls in that place, He intends Eternal good unto: And wilt thou stand out against that, and cross God?
A30576It may possibly be, that some will not receive your Ministry?
A30576It''s a speech of Judas,( not of him that betrayed Christ) Lord, How is it that thou Revealest thy Self unto us, and not unto the World?
A30576It''s true, I have these things, but what are these things to the portion of an Immortal Soul; is there not a vanity in all these things in the world?
A30576John would know whether He was the Messiah: How shall he know it?
A30576Lastly, Is this true, That God sends the Preaching of the Gospel where he sees it will and doth not prevail with many?
A30576Let him know, saith he, that he that Converteth a sinner from the Errour of his Way, Let him know: What shall he know?
A30576Mark, Receive with Meekness the Word: But how?
A30576Mark, They were thus taken with the Truths of the Gospel, when they were first Preached: But now, saith Paul, Where is the Blessedness ye spake of?
A30576Ninthly, And then lastly, We shall enjoy what is in Christ without any Intermission: What''s the reason of any Intermission here?
A30576Now I have al things about me, but can I now, if God should call me to suffer poverty, could I be content to be laid in a Prison for his Name sake?
A30576Now have you sold all?
A30576Now how comes this?
A30576Now if God knows that before a Man comes, it will not be entertain''d, why doth God send it?
A30576Now let every one of you lay his hand upon his Heart, and think thus with himself; Is it I?
A30576Now saith the Apostle, To me to live is Christ: Will you take Life in this sense, that is, for a Comfortable, a Contented, a Joyful life?
A30576Now then, Is that the main thing?
A30576Now what an unseemly thing is this, among those who profess themselves Christians?
A30576Now you will say, What Paul?
A30576Now, Is not this worth any ones Labour and Life?
A30576Now, hadst thou as much as all the Saints ever had, were not that Gain?
A30576Now: When was that Now?
A30576O Repent and Turn from your sins; Why?
A30576O my Soul, where are they?
A30576O the Hearts of People were mightily stirred, ever since the dayes of John Baptist; and why?
A30576O, do you shew forth the Power and Efficacy of the Ministry of the Gospel, of that Ministry of mine upon you: Why?
A30576Or how knowest thou, O Man, whether thou shalt save thy Wife?
A30576Or thou, O Husband, whether thou shalt save thy Wife?
A30576Or thou, O Servant, whether thou mayest save thy Fellow- Servant?
A30576Or whether those Men that are serviceable to the Great Ends of God, in setting forth the Honour of Jesus Christ?
A30576Secondly, Can there be next unto this, a greater Encouragement, than to be an Instrument of good to our Brethren, of good to Mankind?
A30576Sin: Why are there any Men in the World that have no sin?
A30576So they did to the Prophets and Apostles: Elisha, Art not thou the troubler of Israel?
A30576So, Dost thou thus requite the Lord, hath God made thy condition more comfortable than anothers?
A30576Some times you will speak in way of Indignation, What do you think me a Heathen, a Turk?
A30576That Scripture speaks of a Promise of Eternal Life before the World began: How could there be a Promise before the World began?
A30576That Sweetness and Comfort thou hast in communion with Christ at any time, thou shalt have it at all times: And how good is that?
A30576The Lord saith thus to Job: Who is this whose heart doth fret and is so impatient, who is it?
A30576The Lord was patient with my Father many Years, and why may not I venture as he did?
A30576The Ministry of the Gospel, it is the great Gift of Jesus Christ, that He gave when He Ascended on high: And to what end did He give it?
A30576The Patience of God doth Lead to Repentance; Then what might the Grace of God do, that is held out in the Gospel?
A30576There comes a young man running to Christ, and saith, Good Master, what shall I do to Inherit Eternal Life?
A30576They can Die daily unto the World: Why?
A30576They have been rejected all in their Ministry, and what art thou that thou canst not bear any Rejection?
A30576Think but of this one thing, and it will make you Thankful; when you are in your Families, What have I to do in the Morning when I rise?
A30576Those Men that are the most Rebellious, yet Christ hath received Gifts for them: What Gifts?
A30576Thou hast a Table well furnished, but how do''st thou know but that it is a snare for thee, and a trap?
A30576Thy House is full, and thy Estate, but what''s thy Heart in the mean time?
A30576Thy conscience shall not upbraid thee, as others will; Thou comest to God for mercy, What come to me for mercy?
A30576To whom could it be made?
A30576We know that you are those whom God hath Eternally Elected: How do you know that?
A30576Well, How doth God the Father send Christ?
A30576Were they not made fuel for your lusts, and serviceable to your wickedness?
A30576Were you in the Counsel of God, in Gods Treasury, to know what His Thoughts were: How can you tell the Election of God?
A30576What Phisicians have you had?
A30576What art thou more than Jesus Christ thy Master?
A30576What art thou more than Paul and other of the Apostles?
A30576What do you account your Lives to be?
A30576What do you mean, when you say that Christ doth teach his people to know how to be full?
A30576What do you think will become of you, when your fulness shall be taken from you?
A30576What doth God aim at, why I should have a prosperous estate and others not?
A30576What great Evil wil follow upon this?
A30576What hast thou done with them?
A30576What have you to help their troubled Consciences, and to pacifie them?
A30576What is that acceptable time?
A30576What is there between God and my Family?
A30576What shall the Lord send Embassadors of Peace?
A30576What then?
A30576What will you get away all my estate and make me a begger?
A30576What would not we do to purchase a good and sure Peace here in the Kingdom?
A30576What''s that?
A30576What''s the Reason why Men and Women, when they go to Visit their Sick Neighbours, they are so Barren in their Conference, they say, How do you?
A30576What''s the Wise more than the Fool?
A30576What''s the reason of Ecclipses?
A30576What, Is this the Errand that I am sent about, to go and Preach the Gospel, that brings Life and Immortality to light?
A30576What, dost thou apprehend God as an Enemy?
A30576What, shall such a glorious Gospel be preached in vain?
A30576What, shall the precious Blood of Jesus Christ be shed in vain?
A30576When Christ came to Jerusalem, He falls a Weeping: Upon what ground?
A30576When God sent Paul to Preach, there was a great deal of Opposition: Well, saith God, for all that Opposition, you shall Preach in this place: Why?
A30576When John began to preach Christ, you know what he said: Now is the Axe lay''d to the root of the Tree: And why now more than before?
A30576When there is a Promise made, there must be some body to receive it?
A30576When thou shalt have eaten and be full( saith the Text) what then?
A30576When was there ever a Kingdom upon the Face of the Earth, that hath had longer continuance of outward Peace, than England hath had?
A30576When we come to bring the Pearl of the Gospel to you, have you embrac''d it?
A30576Wherefore learn by this, Not to be too Sudden, nor so Peremptory, in the judging of Gods Administrations: Why?
A30576Whether you can say as the Apostle here did, To me to live is Christ?
A30576Which are the Men that God accounts most Happy?
A30576Who art thou?
A30576Who do you account to be the Men that live the brave Lives in the World?
A30576Who doth believe it?
A30576Why I do enjoy these and these outward comforts; from whence have I these?
A30576Why I have it saith Paul: Where had Paul such a Joyful and Contented life?
A30576Why are Temptations so strong?
A30576Why were they not prepared to God?
A30576Why what is become of all thy Stirrings, and of all those Resolutions and Truths, that thou hast heard?
A30576Why would Christ have His Disciples to be Uncivil, not so much to Salute Men in a civil way?
A30576Why, did Christ coming bring sin to them?
A30576Why, from whence was it, was it not from the Lord?
A30576Will not these be sad thoughts another day?
A30576With what face can you cry to me for mercy, that have abus''d it so?
A30576Would this be good Answer?
A30576Would you have a Salve that should do good to an Affected Member?
A30576Yea, perhaps the very Father, out of whose Loyns the poor Child comes, will deride him: What shall we have of you now?
A30576Yea, saith the Apostle, For what knowest thou, O Wife, whether thou shalt save thy Husband?
A30576You have Liv''d under the Ministry of the Gospel a long time, what is become of them?
A30576You have an Affliction, but have you no Mercies?
A30576You will say, How long shall he continue so?
A30576You will say, How quick will the Lord be in the wayes of his Mercy?
A30576You will say, If it be so much Gain, why should any be so desirous to Live?
A30576You will say, Is this so great a matter?
A30576You will say, What is it that any Believer can have in lieu of his Forbearance of that Gain?
A30576Your Hearts are not now so taken with the Gospel, as they were at first; now you seem to be taken off from it: Where is the Blessedness you spake of?
A30576Your Peace shall be upon it: What''s that?
A30576am I the Woman to whom Jesus Christ shall be Preached, and shall not prevail?
A30576and do you so?
A30576and doth not this Recompence you for the trouble that you suffer, and the loss of your Estates?
A30576and it is in vain in respect of many Souls, and shall it be in respect of my Soul?
A30576have you thus bought the Pearl?
A30576it was a Sermon of the most Mercy that ever I heard in my life; I say, Was it so?
A30576verse, Job takes up the very words to himself, that God had before spoken: Saith Job, Who is he that hideth Counsel without Knowledge?
A30576what most dreadful Evils?
A30576wilt thou add to the dishonour of the Gospel too?
A172861. it is said, That Israel is an empty Vine; Why so?
A1728613. bringing in Christ speaking upon the same occasion, sayes, How much more shall your heavenly Father give the Holy Ghost to them that aske him?
A1728613. who say, What a wearinesse is this?
A1728622. when hee had the Syrians in the midst of Samaria, and the king of Israel askt him, Shall I smite them?
A1728626. it is said, What shall it profit a man if hee gaine the whole world, and lose his soule?
A172863 They thinke this spirit to bee a turbulent spirit, as Ahab said of Elijah, Art thou hee that troubles Irael?
A172865. Who is this that commeth from the wildernesse, leaning on her beloved?
A172865. that those who were brought up in Scarlet, did embrace the dung: How unsutable was this, to have the highest places, and the lowest spirits?
A172865. who had forsaken him, What iniquity have your Fathers found in me, that they are gone farre from mee, and have walked after vanity?
A17286Are any places so fit for wisedome, as the high places of the City?
A17286Art thou indued with such a spirit as here thou maist find?
A17286As Tertullian sayes, in his Apologie against the Gentiles, Wherein doe we offend you?
A17286As for other mirth, I have said of laughter, it is mad, and of mirth, What dost thou?
A17286As if S. Paul should have said, What?
A17286As that blessed Martyr once said, What, have I but one life to lay downe for Christ?
A17286But how canst thou looke upon the face of the blessed God, when hee shall appeare in his glory unto thee?
A17286But how is that?
A17286But in what particulars should we manifest this choicenes of our spirits, in wayes differing from others?
A17286But is there not a proud phantasticall singularity?
A17286But what are those reserved mercies you speake of, that God hath for these?
A17286But what is this, to that mighty work of God upon this spirit, convincing of the infinite necessity, equity, beauty of his blessed wayes?
A17286But what say you?
A17286But what should be done that we may get another spirit?
A17286But what then would take off the heart, and carry it fully after the Lord?
A17286But wherein should we looke to our spirits?
A17286But you will say, how can I pray without the Spirit?
A17286Can you rejoyce in the greatest troubles?
A17286Certainly it can not be; You cry out of dissimulation, and that justly; But what is dissimulation, if this be not?
A17286Could Nebuchanezars greatnesse, mandates, threats of the fiery Fornace, force their spirits to false worship?
A17286Could godlinesse in the power and life of it, in the strictnesse of it, stand with bravenesse of spirit,& naturall excellencies, then?
A17286Doe not my words doe good to him that walkes uprightly?
A17286Doe these adde an excellencie to your quality, and put an honour upon your dignities, and will not godlinesse much more?
A17286Doe you not know that the Saints shall judge the world?
A17286Doe you thinke we have no comforts?
A17286Doest thou thus requite the Lord?
A17286Egredere, quid times?
A17286Elisha had a double portion of the spirit of Elijah; and did the greatnesse, or wickednesse of Iehoram daunt him?
A17286First, is it a broken humble spirit in sense of thy weakenesses and wants?
A17286Flesh and blood would have murmured much at this, and have said, What?
A17286Hast thou considered my servant Iob, that there is none like him in the earth, a perfect, and an upright man?
A17286How are many mens spirits employed about nothing else but to make provision for the flesh, and the filthy lusts of it?
A17286How can you beleeve on me, which receive honour one of another?
A17286How did many of the Heathen highly prize those, in whom they saw any naturall excellency of spirit, differing from other men?
A17286How eminent would you be in grace, if those parts and abilities of learning you have, were sanctified for God?
A17286How farre are these from any communion with God?
A17286How full is the worke of many mens spirits, in their working after some poore, little, scant good in this world?
A17286How glorious then shall their souls be, for whose sake their bodies shall bee thus glorious?
A17286How happy would Gods servants thinke themselves, if they might bee delivered from the noysomnes of corrupt unclean spirits?
A17286How is this, to sleight the very glory of God himselfe, and to contemne the highest dignity men or Angels are capable of?
A17286How just with God were it, that these men should be left to die and perish for ever in their filth?
A17286How many civill morall men go ● beyond them who would be taken for godly?
A17286How many difficulties will men passe thorow for their lusts?
A17286How much more shall your Father in heaven, give good things to them that aske him?
A17286How often doth God send us empty away from his presence, which we should account a sore and grievous affliction?
A17286How often hath God appeared to your soules?
A17286How soon did the people, Exodus 32. break off their golden Ear- rings from their Eares, to make an Idoll withall?
A17286How sublime was Pauls spirit, when hee accounted all things dung, yet himselfe could bee contented to bee accounted an off- scouring for Christ?
A17286How unsavory to any who have the least of God in them?
A17286How unsutable was the one, but how comely and sutable the other?
A17286How was Ieremiah used?
A17286How was Micaiah( a man of a very sweet and excellent spirit) contumeliously used?
A17286How was S. Pauls spirit above mony?
A17286How well doth grace suite with the highest dignity, as a bright shining Diamond in a golden Ring?
A17286How wilt thou be able to looke upon the faces of those, with whom thou hast formerly joyned in holy duties, and hast had communion with?
A17286I answer, put thy selfe upon prayer, and who knowes but assistance and blessing may come?
A17286I will behave my selfe wisely, in a perfect way; oh when wilt thou come unto mee?
A17286IF godly men be men of another spirit, and this be their commendation; why then should any account it to be a dishonour to be singular from the world?
A17286IF the spirits of godly men bee thus pretious, how vile then is this base world, which hath such irrationall absurd conceits of this spirit?
A17286If he thus inlargeth himselfe towards thee, how unequall is it, that thou shouldest be scant in thy service to him, and in thine honouring of him?
A17286If it carries, not men beyond these, what is it to live godly in Christ Jesus?
A17286If mans authority doe this, how much more Divine?
A17286If mens bodies were deformed, and ranne with loathsome issues, and putrified sores, how dejected would they be in their owne thoughts?
A17286If mens bodies were so putrisied, that they bred vermine continually( as it is reported of Maximinus) how grievous would it be to them?
A17286If she had had such a base cowardly spirit as many, to think, Alas what good shall I do?
A17286If the Worthies of God in former times, had stood upon every difficulty, what had been done in Gods cause?
A17286If the treasure be rich, what though the vessell be earthen?
A17286Indeed we should the rather follow the Lord, because we see so few follow him: What?
A17286Is it not because he intends to give me my portion in this life, but reserves better mercies for them afterwards?
A17286Is it not better not to covenant, than not to performe?
A17286Is not here then as great an evill, in this way of dissimulation as in the other?
A17286It is a speech well knowne to Scholers; of how great use might it be, if God did settle it upon their hearts?
A17286It is reported likewise of Cambyses, who falling in love with his sister, he asked the Iudges whether it were lawfull for him to marry her?
A17286It was said of Ahab, that hee sold himselfe to work wickednesse; what a fulnesse of spirit was there in him, in doing wickednesse?
A17286Know you not that wee shall judge the Angels?
A17286Lord what is all the reward I can have, except I have this mercy, except I have a child?
A17286Lord what will thou give me, so long as I goe childlesse?
A17286Now how great, how inconceiveable a dignity is this, for the poor creature to have this neare communion with God?
A17286Of what use are men whose spirits are so vile?
A17286Oh Lord, what are the spirits of men?
A17286Oh wretched creature what hast thou done?
A17286Oh, what great cause have we then to pray for these men, whose spirits are raised by naturall parts?
A17286Perhaps your Lands, your houses may be something worth, but what are your hearts worth?
A17286Quis hic est, qui implevit cor suum ad faciendum sic?
A17286Secondly, that which thou dost, though but weakly, is it upon divine grounds, and hast thou divine ends?
A17286Seneca has a strong speech concerning mans soule, What can we call the soule( sayes he) but God abiding in an humane bodie?
A17286Shall mans authority make small things to be accounted great, and shall Gods Authority doe nothing?
A17286So I may say of these, Oh that there were such a heart in them; How farre are they from having yet a heart to follow God fully?
A17286So shall God hereafter say to the men of the world, What were those men, and what did they, whom yee so hated and abused?
A17286Soule take thine ease, thou hast goods laid up for many yeares; what were all those to his soule, to the happinesse of his soule?
A17286The Lord said to Miriam and Aaron, concerning Moses, when they spoke against him, Were you not afraid to speake against my servant Moses?
A17286The Lord shall then answer; What?
A17286The excellency of a thing is in the use of it: What can it do?
A17286The life of a Dog is maintained by carrion, of a Swine by swill, of a Toade by poyson; but what doth a man care for these?
A17286The reasonings of many mens spirits, shewes much basenesse in them; Why are wee bound to doe this?
A17286The words are very emphaticall in the Hebrew, they are thus, Were yee not afraid to speak against my servant, against Moses?
A17286Their way, their lives are singular; Why?
A17286Their wayes are different from other men; I, that is true indeed, who can thinke otherwise?
A17286Then Iulian answers, And if it be sufficient to be accused, who can be innocent?
A17286They are not valiant for the truth upon the earth: and what is the reason?
A17286Thine did I say?
A17286Thirdly, doth the sight of thy weaknesse make thee cling, and cleave unto Jesus Christ?
A17286To what purpose doe we live, if we be of no use?
A17286Wee reade of a notable speech, that Hilarion had when hee was to die; Goe out, goe out my soule, why dost thou feare, why dost thou doubt?
A17286Were hee onely my servant, though he were not Moses, were you not afraid?
A17286Were it not for a few of these spirits, what glory would God have in the world?
A17286What Divine spirits were in the three Children?
A17286What a shame is it, saies S. Hierom, that faith should not be able to doe that, that infidelity hath done?
A17286What a shame is this example to many Christians?
A17286What a singularity was this in S. Iohn?
A17286What an excellent thing is it, to have a spirit sutable to ones condition?
A17286What blessed instruments might you be of glory to God, of comfort and encouragement to his people?
A17286What braver Courtiers ever lived, than Ioseph, Nehemiah, and Daniel?
A17286What doe you more than other men?
A17286What doth brave cloathing, what doth money, what doe titles of honour raise the dignity?
A17286What drossie corporall soules have such men?
A17286What gracious visitatiōs have your spirits had from him?
A17286What great mercies might we expect, did we see God raysing up truely noble and generous spirits, more generally in the great ones of the earth?
A17286What griefe sufficent to lament the seeing of such filthy swine to trample under their feet such pretious pearles?
A17286What is there that thou couldst bee glad to bee exempted from?
A17286What is this to that sight of Gods infinite, dreadfull authority?
A17286What manner of men were they, sayes Gideon to them, whom ye slew at Tabor?
A17286What needs prayer?
A17286What one thing is there in Gods Law that could bee spared?
A17286What place is accounted so honourable, and excels in more delights than the Courts of Princes?
A17286What poore things are they, that many mens spirits are not able to beare?
A17286What scorne and contempt is cast upon them?
A17286What shall I render unto the Lord?
A17286What shall it prosit a man if hee gain the world, and lose himselfe?
A17286When Oecolampadius lay sick, his friends askt him, whether the light did not offend him?
A17286When the writing was signed, the Lions den threatned, did he mussle up his Religion, and shrink up his spirit?
A17286Where have we five such expressions together, to set out the fulnesse of the worke of mens spirits in following after the Lord?
A17286Where lies the power of godlinesse?
A17286Wherefore have wee fasted, and thou seest not, and wherefore have we afflicted our soules, and thou regardest not?
A17286Who are those that shal be thus abundantly satisfied, and shall have this River of pleasures?
A17286Who is he that hath filled his heart; in our Translations, That durst presume in his heart to doe so?
A17286Who knowes but that thy eternall estate may depend upon those sparkes that hee is now kindling in theé?
A17286Who more eminent in learning than Moses, who was learned in all the learning of the Aegyptians?
A17286Who such enemies to Christ; as the Scribes and Pharises, men of the strongest parts?
A17286Who such enemies to S. Paul when hee came to Athens, as the Philosophers there?
A17286Why hath Satan filled thy heart to lie unto the Holy Ghost?
A17286Why is not Ioshua mentioned likewise, for surely hee followed the Lord fully, as well as Caleb?
A17286Why should not the works of the spirit be so too?
A17286Will your comforts hold out in sore and grievous distresses?
A17286With what face can you complaine of weaknesse, and yet feed your distempers?
A17286You talke of merry hearts and joyfull spirits, but can you be joyfull in affliction?
A17286Your parts were alwayes hopefull, but how apparently have they beene raised since grace hath sanctified them?
A17286almost these seventy yeares hast thou served Christ, and dost thou now feare death?
A17286and can it not do so now?
A17286and shall not then our hearts and lives bee more fully after the blessed God?
A17286and thou my sonne Brutus too?
A17286and which so scornes and abuses men of such excellent spirits?
A17286and who is there, that being as I am, would go into the Temple to save his life?
A17286and, what thou?
A17286are these to the excellency of mans nature?
A17286are they not the blessed wayes of holinesse, the wayes of eternall rest and peace that thou hast left?
A17286as Christ said to his Disciples, when many forsook him, Will you also forsake me?
A17286can not a man bee saved except hee doe thus?
A17286doe they not bring more honor to his Name, than ever you did?
A17286doe they not doe God farre more service than you?
A17286doth holinesse, that makes God glorious, make man contemptible and vile?
A17286doth that which makes God so honourable in the eies of the blessed Angels and Saints, make man a sott, and a foole in the eyes of men?
A17286egredere anima mea, quid dubitas?
A17286for whom the Lord hath done such great things?
A17286hath Christ laid down his life,& shed his pretious blood for the renewing of Gods Image in man, and is it nothing but this?
A17286have not many of them most excellent pretious spirits?
A17286how contemptibly was hee used?
A17286how dejected are they then?
A17286how did they carry themselves?
A17286how disconsolate?
A17286how doe their hearts sinke like lead?
A17286how doth he difference a few odde contemptible people from the whole world?
A17286how great things will they suffer?
A17286how little would he be minded, or regarded?
A17286how loathsome is the mixture of their spirits?
A17286how soone is the heart brought fully to close with them?
A17286how would you have them live?
A17286in the vertue, in the power, and life of Christ Jesus, if it doth not enable to go beyond others?
A17286is godlinesse but a notion, but a conceit, that it will not carry men beyond the light of nature?
A17286is it absolutely necessary?
A17286is it not the God of life, and peace, and comfort, and all good, that thou hast forsaken?
A17286is this that Land that God said hee would shew me?
A17286is this that fruitfull Land for which I must leave my Country and all my friends?
A17286is this thy kindnesse to him?
A17286may not such a thing be lawfully done?
A17286not better fruit grow upon the tree of life, than upon the root of nature?
A17286not better fruit in the garden, in the vineyard of the Lord, then in the wildernesse?
A17286or was there never any thing that had as much difficulty as this in it?
A17286put into stocks, and whipped; wanted cloathes and victuals?
A17286septuagintaprope annis servisti Christo, et mortemtimes?
A17286shall I smite them?
A17286shall I then be glad of these wayes I now walke in?
A17286shall he have none to follow him?
A17286that was as unlikely as this, to come to a good issue and yet was at last accomplished?
A17286were they some vile- spirited men?
A17286what cost will they bee at?
A17286what was S. Paul, and what were those that were with him, who was so accounted of, were they not men of most excellent and admirable spirits?
A17286what was that, that raised and inlarged Davids heart?
A17286who ever had a higher straine of eloquence than Esay?
A17286who ever more profound than S. Paul?
A17286whom hast thou forsaken?
A17286why may not this then be done?
A17286will your spirits hold out in tribulation?
A17286wilt thou have thy blow also at him?
A17286would they not have thought it better to have been at more liberty?
A17286would you have them live according to the common course of the world?
A17286〈 ◊ 〉 〈 ◊ 〉 〈 ◊ 〉 〈 ◊ 〉 〈 ◊ 〉 5 Quid prodest esse, quod esse non predest?
A30585''T is mercy that our lives have not gone many times for Gods Glory; How often might God have glorified Himself in taking away our lives?
A305851. what weariness is there?
A3058517. where the holy Ghost saith, that God prepares the heart: And what then?
A3058521. there the Apostle speaking of the Heathens; he doth rebuke them; For what?
A305855. we find that Solomon when he was preparing for the Temple, he would build a great Temple, why?
A30585Am I worse than the Devils themselves?
A30585And by drawing nigh to God often, you will come to encrease your graces abundantly: your graces, how wil they act?
A30585And is God a holy God?
A30585And is it but this?
A30585And is not this a dreadfull thing then, to be guilty of not sanctifying of Gods Name?
A30585And then, what safety is there in being neer to God, especially in these dangerous times?
A30585And this can not be schism thus to do; As now if this schism?
A30585And what do you do when you Worship God?
A30585As Moses should say in Gods Name, I must, and will have glory from the people, And how?
A30585As if Moses should have said, Why do you contend for any more Honor, the Lord hath separated you, to bring you neer to himself?
A30585Because God is an Eternal God?
A30585Bring strange fire into Gods Service, What''s that?
A30585But Hezekiah prayed for them saying, The good Lord pardon every one; what, every one?
A30585But I have so many sins mixt with my prayers, how can I beleeve?
A30585But had God ever forbidden it?
A30585But hath God appointed that the great Ordinance for the converting and the edifying of souls in the way to eternal life?
A30585But then as for others that have made little or no conscience of sanctifying of Gods Name, how had they need be humbled?
A30585But then if you can answer thus, Thou O Lord didst require it: It is well: But then God hath another Question, Whose Image and Superscription is this?
A30585But then may a poor soul say, How shall I be able to stand before this God that is so glorious?
A30585But what is meant by an Honest Heart?
A30585But what is the meaning of the other, Say not, who shall ascend up into Heaven& c?
A30585But what saith it?
A30585But when the heart comes to it, in what manner should the duty be performed so as the Name of God may be sanctified in the duty?
A30585But where do we find that God spake this?
A30585But you will say, Is it not better for to be given into every ones hand?
A30585But you will say, Is it possible for any creature which comes to tender up its worship to God, to tender up that which is fit for a God to have?
A30585But you will say, May not an unregenerate man Pray?
A30585But you will say, What is the meaning of the plowing of our hearts for the preparation of the Word?
A30585Can there be too much to make thee happy?
A30585Consider, If thou doest not beleeve, what a case art thou in?
A30585Cursed be the deceiver which hath in his flock a male, and voweth and sacrificeth unto the Lord a corrupt thing: why?
A30585Dare I venture my soul and my eternal estate upon hopes that these things are not so bad as I hear?
A30585Did Jesus Christ come into the world for that end for to cause thee to depart more from God?
A30585Do not we find in Scripture that the Church had alwaies wicked men among them?
A30585Do not we see that men will rather favor their own Kindred than strangers, though the offence be the same?
A30585Do you come peaceably say they?
A30585Do you get nothing else but this by hearing Sermons?
A30585Doest thou say, Her''s a great deal?
A30585From whence is it that thou art unfit, but from the temptation of the Devil?
A30585Further consider, God as he is an eternal God, what sutable disposition doth this require of me when I am to look upon God as an eternal Being?
A30585God, He is the living God: What behavior then doth beseem me towards this living God?
A30585How comes it to pass that these are apostatized thus from God?
A30585How doth it appear that the Nation of Israel is a greater Nation than other Nations are?
A30585How hath God glorified himself?
A30585How is that?
A30585How many live without God in the world, and do declare to all the world that they are not of God?
A30585I am now going to God; for what?
A30585I appeal to any gratious heart, What canst thou want of any of these, or what wouldest thou want?
A30585I appeal to you, have you had that freedom in prayer, afterwards?
A30585I beseech you now lay this text to your hearts, Do you prepare your hearts to seek God?
A30585I have written unto you yong men, you are yong, you have strong natures, and so strength of nature for God: But how comes this to pass?
A30585I must sanctifie Gods Name, and how can I do that, except my heart be sanctified?
A30585If any of you should say, How can we sanctifie Gods Name, we are poor and weak, we can do little?
A30585If so be that thou sawest a knife that had cut the throat of thy dearest child, would not thy heart rise against that knife?
A30585If thou prepare thine heart, and stretch out thine hand towards him:( What then?)
A30585If you ask me, wherein it differs?
A30585If you do neglect duty in the morning upon any business, are you fitter to perform duty at night because of it?
A30585If you had but the Invitations of the Spirit now, that sometimes you have had, how happy were it for you?
A30585In the Worship of God there be two Questions that He will ask, First, Who required this at your hands?
A30585Is it not a sweet thing to be in his presence?
A30585Is not this honor enough?
A30585Is there a word presented?
A30585Is this all?
A30585It seems then that it is not enough to receive it with gladness?
A30585It was but a howling upon their beds: And how so?
A30585It was the speech of Cain if thou beest of the same body, you are to have a care of your Brother; do not ye Judg those that are within?
A30585Know you not that a little leaven leaveneth the whol lump?
A30585Let us draw neer( saith the Text) Who would not draw neer to God?
A30585Mark how he speaks, But it is good for me: Why?
A30585Mark the phrase, You fasted in the fifth and seventh month, and for seventy yeers together, but saith the Lord, Did you at all fast unto me?
A30585Must the People of Israel manifest their holiness in this, That they must eat nothing torn by beasts, but cast it unto dogs?
A30585Ninthly, If thou doest not sanctifie Gods Name in the hearing of the word, what comfort canst thou ever have by the word in the day of affliction?
A30585Now concerning that I''le but propound these few particulars; You will say, Must we beleeve every thing that is spoken?
A30585Now if I should come from one end of the Congregation to the other, and ask every one of you this Question, It is your duty to Worship God, Is it not?
A30585Now if you ask me in what particulars doth the behavior of the soul consist that is very sutable to the greatness of God in the general?
A30585Now then you will say, What should be done in the hearing Gods Word, so as Gods Name may be Sanctified?
A30585Now what doth this call for?
A30585Now when is there a time for the acting of our graces upon God, so as when we come to worship God?
A30585Now you will say, How doth God appear, that he doth not accept of them?
A30585Now you will say, How should a Beleever sanctifie the Justice of God?
A30585Oh fear and tremble lest your condition be such as to be nigh to cursing: Who knows what a day, a week may bring forth?
A30585Oh now, the good Word of the Gospel, how should we prize it, and keep it in our hearts?
A30585Oh what a good thing is it to be in the presence of God: Is not the Lord the fountain of thy life?
A30585One would have thought that these Priests offering Incense to the true God, what hurt was there in taking other Fire?
A30585Or was the holiness of the People of Israel such, as God required them, that they must eat nothing that was torn by beasts?
A30585Saith he, Go ye into al the world and preach the Gospel to every creature, and he that beleeveth and is Baptized shall be saved?
A30585Secondly, Suppose we do not find our hearts prepared as we do desire; Whether it were better to leave off the duty than perform it?
A30585So, our coming nigh to God is such a priviledg as cost the Blood of Christ; And will not you improve it?
A30585Suppose it be one of your own family, wil not you be ready to excuse them?
A30585Take it; how shal we take it?
A30585That is, That you should come to worship him, Is this a small thing to you?
A30585The Cup of blessing which we bless, it is not the Communion of the blood of Christ?
A30585The First is, Whether we ought at all times to set apart some time for Preparation to every duty of Gods Worship?
A30585The Lord hath set apart him that is godly for himself: Thou art separated from the world, To what end?
A30585The Lord is terrible out of his holy places: When we have to deal with God, who can stand before this holy God?
A30585The Lord there did acknowledg that they were very much affected in their prayers, but what was it?
A30585The Saints of God, the Children of Israel, the Church of God are said to be a people neer to God; Why neer him?
A30585The bread which we break, is it not the Communion of the body of Christ?
A30585The cup of blessing which we bless, is it not Communion of the blood of Christ?
A30585The way to be assured that God will hear you, is by casting your selves upon God, how can you know that he will hear, but by resting upon him?
A30585Their parts act much before others, But what is there between God and their own souls?
A30585Then what sutable behavior doth become me?
A30585They have built a glorious Temple to God, but what do I regard that saith God?
A30585They were careful to offer their fattest beasts in their peace- offerings, and will not God regard them?
A30585Thinkest thou this O man that judgest them that do such things,& doest the same, that thou shalt escape the Judgment of God?
A30585This day if you should hear a voice out of the Clouds from Heaven speaking to you, would you not then listen?
A30585This is a strange Scripture: What, must a Prophet go to them to make their hearts fat, and to shut their eyes?
A30585Thou rejectest the Word, doest thou?
A30585To examine our selves of what?
A30585Trouble is neer many of you, perhaps there''s not a spans breadth between death and us, what a blessed thing is it then to have God to be neer us?
A30585We are bound to humble our selves before God, but here it is that he did not humble himself before Jeremiah the Prophet; Why before the Prophet?
A30585We know how it was with Adam, when God appeared in the Garden and called to him, he ran to hide himself; Why?
A30585Were they not struck with such fear that they thought they should die?
A30585What Nation is there so great as you are?
A30585What account had you been able to have given unto him?
A30585What did Mary choose?
A30585What do they come and draw neer me with their lips, and their hearts are far from me, and do they worship me in a formal way?
A30585What do you get this by going to Sermons?
A30585What doth a Father more delight in than to have his Children about him?
A30585What if we do not sanctifie Gods Name in this dutie?
A30585What is it then?
A30585What should a Child love most but to be in the presence of his Father?
A30585What then is the holiness of the infinite God?
A30585What was their sin?
A30585What would make you to attend to any thing?
A30585What''s the reason then that you sin so much with your bodies?
A30585What''s the reason why Heaven is said to be the presence of God, and why those that are in Heaven are said to live with God?
A30585What''s the reason why we wander so as we do, but meerly because we see not God?
A30585When ever thou art worshiping of God, do not satisfie thy self meerly in the duty done, but consider, Do I sanctifie Gods Name in the duty?
A30585When every toy, every feather, every light matter cals them off; Is this to Sanctifie Gods Name?
A30585When thou comest before God, Consider that thou comest to a merciful God: And what should this work?
A30585When thou comest to perform holy duties thou art troubled, Will the Lord have regard to such a duty as this is?
A30585When you go home, you must hold forth the power of the Word you hear: well, what wil become of that?
A30585Where do we find that ever God had forbidden them to offer strange Fire, or appointed that they should offer only one kind of Fire?
A30585Whether it be sinfull to pray for afflictions, as somtimes some will be ready to do?
A30585Whether it it be from the general Bounty and Patience of God, or from the special love of God in Jesus Christ?
A30585Who shall go down into the deep?
A30585Who shall go down to Hell to know there, whether that place be prepared for him or no?
A30585Why, canst thou make good the former, and appeal to God, that indeed it was thy care to make preparation?
A30585Why, did they not fear the Lord?
A30585Why, in what respects may a man be said to draw nigh to God when he Worships him?
A30585Why, is not God in every place?
A30585Will God accept of a duty when I perform it, and am not set for it?
A30585Would you know whether you have received the Spirit of aboption yea or no?
A30585Yes, what then?
A30585You may ask me this Question, How may I know that I am acted by self- ends in holy Duties?
A30585You wil say, If a man have business in the world, how can this be?
A30585You wil say, Must it be received in a Communion of Saints?
A30585You will say, Are we bound to spend some time every time we go to prayer beforehand, or every time we come to the Word?
A30585You will say, Can any thing that is good come from the Devil?
A30585You will say, Can not we sit at home and reade a Sermon?
A30585You will say, God forbid: Have not I prayed, and heard the Word much, and received the Communion often, and yet have I never honored God?
A30585You will say, Here is a great deal of do in serving of God, how much is here that we must do?
A30585You will say, If God understand a mans heart, what need he come and confess?
A30585You will say, Must we plow up our hearts before we come to hear?
A30585You will say, Why is not the Word of the Law as nigh one as the Word of the Gospel?
A30585You will say, Why may not any time be said to be holy that I spend in holy duties?
A30585and in hearing the Word; and so likewise for receiving the Sacrament?
A30585and then mark how he doubled it, To me?
A30585and yet what a poor appearance is there of such people at the hearing of the Word?
A30585even unto me?
A30585even unto me?
A30585hath he Body and Blood, and human Nature upon him?
A30585have you actually renewed your covenant with God?
A30585how hath God honored humane Nature?
A30585is not Gods Name prophaned here?
A30585it was from hence, because he was so nigh to God: Would you have your faces to shine in a holy conversation before men?
A30585or what is the behavior of the soul in the sanctifying of Gods Name when it is in the very act of the duty?
A30585shall I give any occasion that this Word of the Lord should be spoken ill of by reason of me?
A30585sometimes there are some things spoken that we can not tell how to beleeve?
A30585that is, the Heathens and those that are in no communion with them, I have nothing to do to judg them; but do not ye judg them that are within?
A30585that you abbuse your body with uncleanness, and drunkenness, and other wickedness afterwards?
A30585the Lord is nigh unto all, to all that call upon him in truth; you will say, What is the meaning of that?
A30585the bread which we break, is it not the Communion of the Body of Christ?
A30585then me thought I could have gone through fire and water for God?
A30585thou hast ability in expressing of thy self in prayer: why, do thy parts commend thee to God?
A30585were the Word true yea, or no?
A30585what can I do?
A30585what do you go for?
A30585what fellowship hath Christ with Belial?
A30585what friends would you make to take him off from punishment?
A30585what if I were now going to receive the sentence of my eternal doom; Would I not then beleeve these things?
A30585what if wicked men do come there, will that hinder us from sanctifying Gods Name in partaking of the Sacrament with them?
A30585when ye go to prayr, Can you say that you take pains in preparing your hearts for it?
A30585whether he will accept of me, and of that obedience and worship that I tender up to him?
A30585who is the man, or where is he that will do this?
A30585will you not speak when you see the Fire kindling?
A30585would I not then think what I hear out of the Word to be true?
A30585would you give belief unto the suggestions of the Devil then?
A30585you that have taken the body of Christ, have you given up your body to Christ?
A30585you will not find it to be so: The forbearing a duty now, will not make the soul fitter for a duty afterwards?
A30566A mallefactor in prison is not executed many times, Why?
A30566A pardon of what?
A30566And Secondly, that whatsoever thou doest shal be accepted, though with much imperfection, how wouldest thou prize this?
A30566And have I a stock of grace from him to trade by, that what I trade by I have from him?
A30566And have I got ease and rest by virtue of the promises of the Gospel?
A30566And have I searched into the Covenant of Grace, and found there promises to convey comfort unto my soul?
A30566And if this prove to be my portion, it had been better ten thousand times I had never been borne, and is this a condition to rest in?
A30566And is not this a blessed Rest?
A30566And now, is not here rest for the soul?
A30566And then for the sabboth, you know what the scripture saith, what a sabboth is, it is nothing but rest, and is the saboth a day of Rest unto thy soul?
A30566And therefore we should when we come to any ordinance think with our selves, what have we of Christ, what have we of Christ here?
A30566And thus much for this first Particular, what the bondage is that the soul is under, that is under the Law; are you sensible of this?
A30566And what preaching was this?
A30566And why art thou afraid thou art not a beleever?
A30566And would not many of you say, as those in Malachy, When wil the sabboth be over?
A30566Are we able to go to the body of the Sun?
A30566Art thou one that is come to Christ, and brought to Christ?
A30566Art thou one that is in the state of beleevers, being a member of Christ?
A30566Art thou taken off from thy self and al the creatures?
A30566As for the First?
A30566As if he should say, the deliverance that I must have from this body of death, it is from God, but how?
A30566As it was in Adam, how come we to have so much sin conveyed to us by Adam by propagation, but thus?
A30566As now sickness of body, what a Burden is it?
A30566As we come to a friend sometimes, and desire somewhat of him, but how?
A30566As, do you exercise your faith for peace and comfort, and mainly for that?
A30566Because the Judg may out of favor reprieve him for a while, I but, is this a condition to rest in?
A30566Blessed Redeemer, dost thou cal us?
A30566But how shal this Law of sin and death be overcome?
A30566But is there any of you that are seeking rest and peace unto your souls in such a way by the righteousness of the Law?
A30566But now Schollars though it is tiresome to the flesh, they can go on and make it easy to them, why?
A30566But now in motion, what is the Reason that the fire ascends upwards?
A30566But now( for it is pitty to let this pass) it may be, some may think, wil not this tend to looseness to say, it s nothing else but to Come to Christ?
A30566But now, wherein do these promises appeare to be so precious?
A30566But then what are we delivered from in the Law by Christ?
A30566But you wil say wherein doth it appeare to be so glorious in regard of our corruption?
A30566But you wil say, alas, Christ is so glorious, how shal we come to him?
A30566But you wil say, hath not Christ suffered?
A30566But you will say, Is this the Law of God?
A30566Can not a Father chastise his Child and yet do it out of Love?
A30566Canst thou when thou art sorrowing for thy sins, present the sorrows of Jesus Christ by Faith unto the Father?
A30566Christ cals you; perhaps some of you may say, we have not been sensible of this; do you begin to understand it?
A30566Christ hath given thee Rest, wilt not thou do what thou canst to give thy brother rest too?
A30566Christ invites the heavy laden;[ heavy laden] what is that?
A30566Christ was made poor that he might make us Rich, doth therefore poverty trouble thee?
A30566Come to many beleevers that are ful of doubts and feares and why do they not beleeve?
A30566Come to me, say many, Why doth Christ call me?
A30566Do not you find it thus?
A30566Do they not live inoffensively?
A30566Do you begin to feel it somthing weighty upon your Hearts?
A30566Do you think the night is a night of Rest that is before the execution of a condemned man?
A30566Dost thou feel thy Heart drawn nearer to God?
A30566Dost thou find the discovering of thy Heart more, and the purging out thy Corruption more, and thy Heart quickned in the waies of God more?
A30566Doth God begin to let in some light to you?
A30566For a man and Woman to be in such a condition, as when he comes to examine, how doth things stand between God and my Soul?
A30566For he that said, thou shalt not commit adultery, said also thou shalt not kil: now where are these comandements, but in the ten commandements?
A30566For him to be made a curse for sinners, will that do it?
A30566For the first, Come to me, what is that?
A30566For you wil say, who is there that commits not sin?
A30566From being under the Covenant of works?
A30566God could deliver them from their Corruptions, why wil God make them cry out, O Wreched man that I am, who shal deliver me from this Body of Death?
A30566Hath my heart been exercised after this manner?
A30566Have I found the burden of my inward corruption?
A30566Have you any Burden in your Children?
A30566Have you any burden in your Yoke fellows?
A30566Have you any burden of poverty?
A30566Here is an affliction, but from whence doth it come?
A30566How do I know but I may be swallowed up in the Gulf of the eternal wrath of the infinite God, and there lie under it for ever?
A30566How dreadful doth God speak, and to whom?
A30566How is that you wil say?
A30566How much dost thou think the mercy of Christs coming to take Mans Nature upon him is worth, to take our sinful Nature upon him?
A30566How stand I to God?
A30566How wilt thou be able to look God in the face another day?
A30566How, you wil say, doth the Law of God give a strength to sin?
A30566I answer, What Rest?
A30566I come to Christ that I may commit my whole soul to him, is not this a sanctifying grace?
A30566I have borne the burden of sin already, Is it the wrath of God that is a burden to you?
A30566III Thirdly, It is a burden because it may be my holy profession is scandalized by it, and is not this a burden?
A30566In the word, prayer, sacraments, hath my heart been drawn neerer to Christ in them?
A30566Is it not a burden to be in this Condition?
A30566Is it not a mercy that thou art out of hel this day?
A30566Is it not worth a great deal of pains to come to Christ?
A30566Is it possible that the soul can have any rest in this Condition?
A30566Is it the burden of any affliction?
A30566Is the society and company of the saints a rest to the, or rather a trouble to thee?
A30566Is there Rest for such a Soul that is in this condition?
A30566Is there not that that will recompence all at last, whatever trouble there is at first, the work of humiliation and the like?
A30566It s mercy thou needest, and Mercy thou must have, or else thou art for ever miserable, and wilt thou reject this mercy?
A30566Jesus Christ is the thing that we seek for, have we him?
A30566Lord why castest thou off my soul, why hidest thou thy face from mee?
A30566Many Christians are laboring under the burden of their corruptions, a long time, why?
A30566Many Christians, they seek to have Christ, but why?
A30566Many men and women wil say, when they hear of the terrors of the Law, what doth this but harden us?
A30566Mark how Christ excuse them, they do not say when Christ comes and saith, can not you watch with me one hour?
A30566May we not appeale from Gods justice to Gods mercy seat?
A30566Men indeed count the sabboth a rest, Why?
A30566My God My God why hast thou forsaken mee?
A30566NOw for a word of Application: doth Christ cal for burdened Souls; to come to him that they may have rest?
A30566No, it would burn us up, how can we be able to go to the glory of God then?
A30566Now can any man be at peace when he is a condemned creature?
A30566Now doth thy soul enjoy more rest in the ordinances then in any other way?
A30566Now how shouldest thou entertain these threates?
A30566Now is not this a burden, for thee to loose the sweetness of thy Soul in communion with God?
A30566Now put all these together, and the soul that comes to be enlightened to understand these, do you not think that such a soul wil be burdened?
A30566Now then, is there any poor Soul that understands what these things mean?
A30566Now therefore, how should the soul come to be deliuered from the strength of sin?
A30566Now what a temptation is this?
A30566Now what duty is harder then restitution?
A30566Now what is this but to make faith legal?
A30566Now you will say, in what respect may the Law be said to be a Burden?
A30566Now, What ease is it to a beleever, to be freed from the throbs of Conscience, and the trouble of Heart that ariseth from the guilt of sin?
A30566One would have thought the chain should have gon along in that linke, but there is no mention of sanctification, Why?
A30566Or burden by reason of weakness in Body?
A30566Or what reference hath God to me?
A30566Pay every one their own, they do no wrong, they come to Church and serve God, what would they have more?
A30566Secondly, Come to Christ, Why?
A30566Shall it be cast upon this now?
A30566Sixthly, It is the end of thy Labor, what dost thou endeavor after?
A30566Surely Christ hath a great deal of virtue in him, that the very touch did heal her, and therefore he saith, who hath touched me?
A30566That God should not spare his only begotten son the Lord Jesus Christ, he wil not spare him, but thee?
A30566That ever were in this Restless condition?
A30566That is the reason that many upon their death beds lie Ro ● ring and Crying out so bitterly for their sins; and why?
A30566That there is no unworthiness of any sinner, be he what he will be, before this invitation, that is sufficient to hinder, Why?
A30566That they are in a Restless condition?
A30566That which I have committed to him, what is that?
A30566Their means perhaps is not more, their outward means, their parts in Nature is not more, whence grows it then?
A30566There are many poor troubled souls, whose consciences pul them on to duty, but why do they performe them?
A30566There are many souls that would come to Christ, why?
A30566Therefore it is apparent, there is a kind of commission of sin, that is an argument they are of the Devil, for they are the words of the Holy Ghost?
A30566Thirdly, The Burden of the Law is this; you may say; though it doth require perfect obedience; but wil it accept of no endeavours at al?
A30566This helps us about interest in comming to Christ, you wil say, come to Christ, but how shal I know that I have any right to come to Christ?
A30566This is the condition of al that are under the covenant of works; and is not this a load?
A30566To exercise faith upon Christ as poor, doth help to give ease and rest unto the soul, under the burden of the affliction of poverty?
A30566Upon their sick beds, and death beds, then men are burdened with Sin, and why?
A30566We hear Ministers speak of Morral men, such a one is a good Morral man, or such a one is a civil man, what would they have more?
A30566What a strange expression is this of a godly man?
A30566What an infinite grace of God is this?
A30566What did Christ say in the very verse before?
A30566What discoveries of Gods waies hast thou had, to draw thy heart to Christ?
A30566What do I know to the contrary?
A30566What do you account precious?
A30566What dost thou fear in regard of thy sins?
A30566What doth he mean by the Law of sin and death?
A30566What ease hath she, Why?
A30566What expressions are here for a godly man?
A30566What is Jesus Christ that doth cal you to come to him?
A30566What is it that unites thee to Christ?
A30566What is it to come and enter into our Chamber?
A30566What is the Reason that people hurry up and down in seeking after the things of this world?
A30566What is the happiness of heaven, but for the Saints and Angels to be exercised in magnifying the riches of God, and of Christ?
A30566What is the reason of this?
A30566What must the law stand in force then?
A30566What need then such a man or woman have any trouble in this world?
A30566What reference have I to God?
A30566What shal we say then?
A30566What should be the meaning of this?
A30566What was the Image that God made man in at the first?
A30566What were you able to answer?
A30566What wil disquiet one?
A30566Who are they that are in Christ and delivered from condemnation?
A30566Why can not I go to Christ?
A30566Why what restless Condition are we in, you might have said?
A30566Wilt thou seek thy rest in that which hangs upon nothing?
A30566Wilt thou yet go on in thy sins?
A30566Wilt thou yet prize thy lusts, before al that infinite good that is in Jesus Christ?
A30566Would not this burden the Soul?
A30566Would there not be a great deal of calme, quiet, and rest upon your spirits?
A30566Would they not have men civil?
A30566Would you have Mercy?
A30566Would you know whence?
A30566Would you know why, and how it comes to pass, that None that are out of Christ can have Rest unto their soules?
A30566Wretched Man and Woman that I am, who shal deliver me?
A30566Wretched Man that I am who shal deliver me from this Body of Death, Why?
A30566Wretched man, or Woman that I am, who shal deliver me from this Body of Death?
A30566You had need therefore take heed what you do when temptation to sin comes, take heed you do not break your bones, and your Leggs, Why?
A30566You have sinned against the Lord, and you are troubled, what shal we do?
A30566You know in time of danger, when any come and rap at the dore, wil you open the dore presently?
A30566You wil say then, why are you speaking al this while to exhort people to come to him, we are dead, and you had as good speake to dead men?
A30566You wil say, How is the Law a bondage unto those that are Godly, being the law of God?
A30566You wil say, Why then hath not al their stony hearts been taken from them because the promise is absolute?
A30566You wil say, can a man make too much hast to get assurance of Gods Love in Christ?
A30566You wil say, doth not God sometimes chastise his people for their sins?
A30566You wil say, it comes from Love, therefore God chastiseth not for sin, No?
A30566You wil say, what is there that can be higher than what we are inabled to do by God?
A30566You will say what is more?
A30566You will say what is that for Christ to reach forth his hand, and invite that way?
A30566You will say what should we do then?
A30566You will say, How doth that appear, that there is any such intimation of Gods go ● ness to a soul in particular when it is called to come to Christ?
A30566You will say, How shall we know it is the voyce of Christ?
A30566You will say, Shall that be such a Rest in performing of Holy Duties?
A30566am I able to come to him?
A30566and is it not a mercy that thou art not drowned in the sea?
A30566and say, Men and bretheren, what shal we do to be saved?
A30566and that we might sit in the ● himny corner and do nothing?
A30566and therefore it is but trusting in Gods mercy; and do we not do as others do?
A30566art thou so burdened with those inward corruptions in thy spirit, that the world can take no notice of?
A30566blessed Saviour, we are vild unworthy creatures, we lie under the weight and burden of the guilt of our Sins: and shal such as we come to thee?
A30566blessed Saviour,( saith the poor Sinner) thou art the Holy one of the Father; thou art God blessed for ever, and how should I be able to come to thee?
A30566but because the proper place of the fire is above: and that the Earth, and all heavy things fal downward?
A30566can this man have rest, if he do but understand this?
A30566can you rest now?
A30566come and cast this burden upon me, I have born the wrath of God; Or is it the burden of the Law?
A30566does God say, that if you first repent, and performe such and such duties that I require of you, then I wil take away your heart of stone?
A30566dost not thou work for thy self in al thy waies?
A30566dost thou think this wil be peace in the end?
A30566forgive us our Sins?
A30566hast thou not now a gracious offer?
A30566have we met with any thing of Christ here?
A30566have you not sought to bring it about by the works of the Law, and have thought to get rest and peace to your souls that way?
A30566how is he beforehand with us?
A30566if he called you to come to him for mercy, would you not come?
A30566is God so hard to his Creature as to command that which he gives no ability to perform?
A30566is it not the word of the Lord?
A30566is the root of it Gods displeasure, Gods wrath, Gods hatred?
A30566is the root of it the love of Christ to my soul?
A30566no trouble, wil you say, do not such and such things fal cross to them, such and such afflictions fal as cross to such men as any others?
A30566saith God, to his servants, have ye invited them to come in, and wil they not?
A30566shal we continue in sin that grace may abound?
A30566suppose we do endeauor to obey to the uttermost that we can?
A30566that there might be peace between God and my soul, that I might have assurance of Gods Love?
A30566that thou art brought to land, to heare one more offer to come to Christ?
A30566the way of God is so hard, and duty so strict, to live so exactly, who is able to do this?
A30566there is an affliction upon me, but what is the root of it?
A30566thou wretched soul, is not that that thou hearest in the word the truth of God?
A30566to be in debt, will not that disquiet one?
A30566what course have you taken to get it?
A30566what if the affliction comes to me for my sin, can I have rest then?
A30566what is it that gives interest in Christ?
A30566what is it that makes a member of Christ?
A30566what is the rest of Christ?
A30566what shal I do in this?
A30566what wil this man do when he shal be called to account for al his time, for al his opportunity for al his estate?
A30566what would Christ have you to do?
A30566wil you say, such a man is gone to his rest, that is gone to sleep upon the top of a mast?
A30566yes, certainly, one that is once come to Christ, wil not go from him again, why?
A30566you have some peace and comfort, but you shal not have so much holiness: but do you exercise your faith for holiness most?
A77988( So great) How doth it appear that the Nation of Israel is a greater Nation then other Nations are?
A779881. what wearinesse is there?
A7798810 When thou comest before God, Consider that thou comest to a mercifull God: And what should this work?
A7798818. the Lord is nigh unto all, to all that call upon him in truth; you will say what is the meaning of that?
A7798821. there the Apostle speaking of the Heathens; he doth rebuke them; For what?
A779883 Thou mayest know it by this, wherein doest thou account the excellency of a duty to consist, either in thy self or others?
A779883 When ever thou art worshipping of God, do not satisfie thy self meerly in the duty done, but consider, do I sanctifie Gods Name in the duty?
A779884 Consider, If thou doest not beleeve, what a case art thou in?
A779885. we find that Solomon when he was preparing for the Temple, he would build a great Temple, why?
A779886. know you not that a little leaven leaveneth the whole lump?
A77988Am I worse then the Devils themselves?
A77988And Herod it is said of him, That he heard John Baptist gladly: It seems then that it is not enough to receive it with gladnesse?
A77988And is God a holy God?
A77988And is it but this?
A77988And is not this a dreadfull thing then, to be guilty of not sanctifying of Gods Name?
A77988And then faith is as the mouth; when thou commest to eat and drinke, how canst thou if thou hast not a mouth?
A77988And then what safety is there in being neer to God, especially in these dangerous times?
A77988And this can not be Schisme thus to do; as now is this Schisme?
A77988And what do you do when you Worship God?
A77988As if Moses should have said, Why do you contend for any more honour, the Lord hath separated you to bring you neer to himsef?
A77988As if Moses should say in Gods name, Why, I must have glory from the people, and how?
A77988Because God is an Eternal God?
A77988Bring strange fire into Gods service, What''s that?
A77988But Hezekiah prayed for them saying, The good Lord pardon every one, what every one?
A77988But I have so many sins mixt with my prayers, how can I beleeve?
A77988But had God ever forbidden it?
A77988But hath God appointed that the great ordinance for the converting and the edifying of soules in the way to eternal life?
A77988But if you were to die, and upon your sick and death bed if you saw the infinite ocean of eternity before you, what would you say then?
A77988But now when we find not that coming in that we do desire, we begin to be weary of worship; and say, Why have we fasted, and thou seest it not?
A77988But what is meant by an honest heart?
A77988But what saith it?
A77988But where do we find that God spake this?
A77988But you wil say, is it possible for any creature when it comes to tender up it''s worship to God, to tender up that which is fit for a God to have?
A77988But you will say, May not an unregenerate man Pray?
A77988But you will say, is it not better for it to be given into every ones hand?
A77988Can not we sit at home and read a Sermon?
A77988Can there be too much to make thee happy?
A77988Christ would have all his people look to the edification of their soules; and should I account that Schisme?
A77988Dare I venture my Soul and my eternal estate upon hopes that these things are not so bad as I hear?
A77988Did Jesus Christ come into the world to that end for to cause thee to depart more from God?
A77988Do you get nothing else but this by hearing Sermons?
A77988Doe not we see that men will rather favour their owne kindred then strangers, though the offence be the same?
A77988Doest thou say, Here''s a great deal?
A77988Fourthly, It s a Sacrament of Communion with God, and Communion with the Saints; now what Communion hath Light and Darknesse?
A77988From whence is it that thou art unfit but from the temptation of the Devil?
A77988God he is the living God: What behaviour then doth beseeme me towards this living God?
A77988Have you done thus when you have come to receive the Sacrament?
A77988Hear( saith the holy Ghost there) for the time to come?
A77988How comes it to passe that these are Apostatised thus from God?
A77988How hath God glorified himselfe?
A77988How is that?
A77988How many live without God in the world, and do declare to all the world that they are not of God?
A77988How terrible is the presence of God in his Ordinances then?
A77988I am now going to God; for what?
A77988I am to worship God, but how is my heart insnared and intangled in this and the other businesse?
A77988I appeal to any gracious heart, what canst thou want of any of these, or what wouldest thou want?
A77988I appeal to you, have you had that freedome in prayer, afterwards?
A77988I beseech you now lay this text to your hearts do you prepare your hearts to seek God?
A77988I beseech you observe it it is not enough that a thing is not forbidden, and what hurt is there in it?
A77988I have read of one Martyr, that when he was to die, and the fire a kindling, saith an Officer, What will not you speak when you see the fire kindling?
A77988I have written to you young men, you are youug, you have strong natures, and so strength of nature for God, But how comes this to passe?
A77988I must Sanctifie Gods Name, and how can I do that, except my heart be Sanctified?
A77988If it be appointed to nourish and increase grace, then surely there must be grace before; what nourishment can a dead child take?
A77988If so be that thou sawest a knife that had cut the throat of thy dearest child, would not thy heart rise against that knife?
A77988If thou prepare thine heart, and siretch out thine hand towards him: What then?
A77988If you ask me wherein it differs?
A77988If you do neglect duty in the morning upon any businesse, are you fitter to perform duty at night because of it?
A77988If you had but the Invitations of the Spirit now that sometimes you have had, how happy were it for you?
A77988In the Worship of God there be Two Questions that he will ask; First, Who required this at your hands?
A77988Is it not a sweet thing to be in his presence?
A77988Is not the Lord the fountain of thy life?
A77988Is there a word presented?
A77988Is this all?
A77988It is a wicked thing to use curses; but it s a most wicked thing to wish evill to others in a way of prayer; yet how many doe so?
A77988Let us draw neer( saith the Text) Who would not draw neer to God?
A77988Mark how he speaks, But it is good for me: Why?
A77988Mark the phrase you fasted in the fifth and seventh month, and for seventy years together, but saith the Lord, Did you at all fast unto me?
A77988Neer him, Why, in what respects may a man be said to draw nigh to God when he Worships him?
A77988Now concerning that I le but propound these few particulars; You will say, Must we beleeve every thing that is spoken?
A77988Now if I should come from one end of the Congregation to the other, and ask every one of you this Question, It is your duty to Worship God, is it not?
A77988Now if you ask me in what particulars doth the behaviour of the Soul consist that is very suitable to the greatnesse of God in the generall?
A77988Now is the presence of God in the very faces of his Saints terrible to a guilty conscience?
A77988Now what doth this call for?
A77988Now when is there a time for the acting of our graces upon God so as when we come to worship God?
A77988Now you will say, How doth God appear, that he doth not accept of them?
A77988Now you will say, How should a beleever Sanctifie the Justice of God?
A77988Oh fear and tremble lest your condition be such as to be nigh to cursing: Who knows what a day, a week may bring forth?
A77988Oh now the good word of the Gospel how should we prize it, and keep it in our hearts?
A77988One would have thought that these Preists offering Incense to the true God, what hurt was there in taking other Fire?
A77988Or was the holinesse of the people of Israel such as God required them, that they must eate nothing that was torne by beasts?
A77988Secondly suppose we do not find our hearts prepared as we do desire; whither it were better to leave off the duty then performe it?
A77988Suppose it be one of your own family, will not you be ready to excuse them?
A77988That is, That you should come to Worship him, is this a small thing to you?
A77988That saith, Who shall ascend into heaven to know the mind of God concerning me?
A77988The Cup of blessing which we blesse, is it not the Communion of the bloud of Christ?
A77988The Cup of blessing which wee blesse, is it not the Communion of the blood of Christ?
A77988The Lord hath set apart him that is godly for himself: Thou art separated from the world, to what end?
A77988The Lord is 〈 ◊ 〉 out of his holy places: When we have to deal with God, who can stand before this holy God?
A77988The Saints of God, the Children of Israel, the Church of God are said to be a people neer to God; Why neer him?
A77988The bread which we break, is it not the Communion of the body of Christ?
A77988The first is, whither we ought at all times to set apart some time for preparation to every duty of Gods Worship?
A77988The way to be assured that God will hear you, is by casting your selves upon God, how can you know that he will hear, but by resting upon him?
A77988Their parts act much before others, but what is there between God and their own Souls?
A77988Then what suitable behaviour doth become me?
A77988There were three thousand in one day that did gladly receive the word; What an auditory had Peter at this time?
A77988They were carefull to offer their fattest beasts in their peace offerings, and will not God regard them?
A77988Thinkest thou this O man that judgest them that do such things,& doest the same, that thou shalt escape the judgement of God?
A77988This day if you should hear a voice out of the clouds from heaven speaking to you, would you not then listen?
A77988This you will say was spoken to the Priests?
A77988Thou rejectest the word, doest thou?
A77988To examine our selves of what?
A77988We know how it was with Adam, when God appeared in the garden and called to him, he ran to hide himself; Why?
A77988Were they not struck with such fear that they thought they should die?
A77988What Nation is there so great as you are?
A77988What did Mary choose?
A77988What do they come and draw neer me with their lips and their hearts are far from me, and do they worship me in a formall way?
A77988What doth a Father more delight in then to have his Children about him?
A77988What if I were now going to receive the sentence of my eternall doome; would I not then beleeve these things?
A77988What if wee doe not sanctifie Gods name in this duty?
A77988What is it then?
A77988What should a Child love most but to be in the presence of his Father?
A77988What then is the holinesse of the infinite God?
A77988What was their Sinne?
A77988What would make you to attend to any thing?
A77988What''s the reason why heaven is said to be the presence of God, and why those that are in heaven are said to live with God?
A77988What''s the reason why we wander so as we do?
A77988When every toye, every feather, every light matter cals them off; Is this to Sanctifie Gods Name?
A77988When thou comest to perform holy duties thou art troubled, will the Lord have regard to such a duty as this is?
A77988Whether it be from the generall Bounty and Patience of God, or from the speciall ● oue of God in Jesus Christ?
A77988Who shall go down into the deep?
A77988Who shall go down to Hell to know there, whether that place be prepared for him or not?
A77988Why canst thou make good the former and appeal to God that indeed it was thy care to make preparation?
A77988Why is not God in every place?
A77988Why, did they not fear the Lord?
A77988Would I not then think what I hear out of the word to be true?
A77988Would you know whither you have received the Spirit of adoption yea or no?
A77988Yes; what then?
A77988You may ask me this Question, How may I know that I am acted by self ends in holy duties?
A77988You say that you would fain withstand and not be overcome with temptations?
A77988You will say if a man have businesse in the world how can this be?
A77988You will say, Are we bound to spend sometime every time we go to prayer before hand, or every time we come to the Word?
A77988You will say, Can any thing that is good come from the Devil?
A77988You will say, God forbid: Have not I prayed, and heard the word much, and received the Communion often, and yet have I never honoured God?
A77988You will say, God is an Infinite Glorious God?
A77988You will say, Here is a great deal of doe in serving of God, how much is here that we must do?
A77988You will say, If God understand a mans heart, what need he come and confesse?
A77988You will say, Must we plow up our hearts before we come to hear?
A77988You will say, Why may not any time be said to be holy that I spend in holy duties?
A77988You will say, must it be received in a communion of Saints?
A77988You will say, shall we be the worse for one wicked mans coming?
A77988and drunkennesse?
A77988and other wickednesse afterwards?
A77988and then mark how it is doubled, To me?
A77988but then may a poor Soul say, how shall I be able to stand before this God that is so glorious?
A77988canst thou say this in the uprightnesse of thy heart?
A77988doe not wee finde in Scripture that the Church had alwayes wicked men among them?
A77988even unto me?
A77988even unto me?
A77988for I am a great King saith the Lord, and therefore cursed is he that doth not offer a Sacrifice suitable to my Greatnesse?
A77988hath hee body and bloud and humane nature upon him?
A77988have you actually renewed your Covenant with God?
A77988is not Gods name prophaned here?
A77988is not this honour enough?
A77988it was from hence, because he was so nigh to God: would you have your faces to shine in a holy conversation before men?
A77988it was the speech of Cain; if thou beest of the same body, you are to have a care of your Brother; doe not yee judge those that are within?
A77988oh how hath God honoured humane nature?
A77988shall I give any occasion that this word of the Lord should be spoken ill of by reason of me?
A77988sometimes there are some things spoken that we can not tell how to beleeve?
A77988that is, the Heathens, and those that were in no communion with them, I have nothing to do to judge them; but doe not yee judge them that are within?
A77988that you abuse your body with uncleannesse?
A77988the bread which wee break, is it not the Communion of the body of Christ?
A77988they have built a glorious Temple to God, but what do I regard that saith God?
A77988we are bound to humble our selves before God, but here it is that he did not humble himself before Jeremiah the prophet; Why before the prophet?
A77988were the word true yea or no?
A77988what friends would you make to take him off from punishment?
A77988what if wicked men doe come there?
A77988what''s the reason then that you sinne so much with your bodies?
A77988when the Lord in the preaching of his word did reveale Jesus Christ to thy soule, what didst thou then oh soule?
A77988when you go to prayer can you say that you take paines in preparing your hearts for it?
A77988where doe wee find that ever God had forbidden them to offer strange Fire, or appointed that they should offer onely one kind of fire?
A77988whether he will accept of me, and of that obedience and worship that I tender up to him?
A77988will not this hinder the spiritualnesse of my heart in Communion with God in prayer, when I come home at night?
A77988will that hinder us from sanctifying Gods name in partaking of the Sacrament with them?
A77988would you give beleif unto the suggestions of the Devill then?
A77988you that have taken the body of Christ, have you given up your body to Christ?
A3058231.33, 34 there God promises to put his law into our inward parts: But what''s the ground of it?
A3058233. he speaks as if he had made a challenge to all the world, let them all come in, let me see Who can lay any thing to the charge of Gods Elect?
A305825. what follows?
A305825. when she was asked; What is thy beloved?
A30582And now we have many things to say in the Application of these things, for the answer to that question, What shall we say to these things?
A30582And shall my creatures seek after it for no other end, nor higher aims, but meerly to save their own skins?
A30582And thus the pardons of God differ from all other pardons; a Prince pardons a Malefactor, or a Father a Child: but upon what terms?
A30582And what is a better instruction than to tell man the way of the pardon and forgiveness of sin?
A30582And yet David committed murder and adultery, and was not cast off; why?
A30582Are thy ways such, that Gods dealings with thee are as if thou wer''t a servant, and a home- born slave?
A30582As St. Paul says, the blessedness you spake of, Where is it?
A30582BUt if it be asked, Who are they that have their sins pardoned?
A30582Bless the Lord, O my soul, and forget not all his benefits; Why?
A30582But may not a pardoned man have these fears, or somewhat of the nature of them resting on his spirit after he is pardoned?
A30582But what are the grounds of your hopes; why you think God will not proceed against you for your sins, but will pass them by, and forgive you?
A30582But who are they that dishonour this great work of God?
A30582But you will say, Who are they?
A30582Can you look for that blessed hope with comfort, and expect the glorious appearing of the great God and our Saviour Jesus Christ?
A30582Can you say, my life is so, though I have many weaknesses, yet I hope something of the glory of God appears in me?
A30582Collect your selves, and say, Why do I determine of my everlasting condition?
A30582Conscience speak freely and fully: What is there in Heaven against me?
A30582Consider and call to remembrance what the dayes of old were?
A30582Could he not have forgiven him by his absolute Prerogative?
A30582Did ever any Child of God make use of Scripture to reason for sin in such a wicked way, for to presume to sin, because God is willing to pardon?
A30582Do you find sin now a burden to your souls?
A30582Do you live and walk as one that hath the Kingdom of Christ within you?
A30582Does not thy sin hinder Gods grace to thee; and shall trouble and affliction hinder thy glorifying God?
A30582Does thy heart work thus?
A30582Does your vain thoughts still abide with you as they were wo nt to do?
A30582Dost thou not watch over my sin?
A30582Further, Thou saist God is merciful, and thererefore thou hop''st for pardon: Why?
A30582Further, Thou speakest of mercy; hast not thou abused and turn''d mercy into wantonness?
A30582God is more delighted in the work of thy heart closing with free grace, than in all the legal works of humiliation; what says Christ?
A30582God is speaking there to his own people: Is Israel a servant?
A30582God speaks it with pity, Israel is my dear Son; How comes it to pass that he is as a home- born slave?
A30582Hast not thou the Conscience, and the rather upon the knowledge of this, to keep Gods Commandements?
A30582Hast thou not turn''d the grace of God into wantonness, and abused it, when thou heardest that God was merciful?
A30582Hast thou took liberty to sin?
A30582Hath God forgiven thee?
A30582Hath God ingaged himself to you by his Word, to be your God?
A30582Have I to deal with God in the Covenant of grace, and can not these imperfections stand with it?
A30582Have you heard the voyce of gladness speaking in your hearts, saying, Son, or Daughter be of good chear, go in peace, thy sins are pardoned?
A30582Have you look''t on Christ as a mighty Mediator, as one able to save you?
A30582Have you not heard this?
A30582Have your hearts been taken with the great mysteries of godliness, and wrought upon by the infinite grace of God?
A30582Having spoken of these general things, I come now more garticularly to the other part of the Question, What is to be done?
A30582He is near that justifies me, who will contend with me?
A30582How comes it to pass that your hearts are so taken off from the esteem you then had of it?
A30582How does matters stand betwixt God and thee?
A30582How few of you now this morning that are come into the presence of God, have had your thoughts working thus?
A30582How in former times it was with you, when you were seeking the pardoning grace of God?
A30582How is it between God and me?
A30582How readily will they say, with the Prophet, How beautiful are the feet of those that bring( such) good tidings?
A30582How sweet and acceptable will this be to such fou ● s, that by the former argument have been made apprehensive of the dreadful evil of it?
A30582How would the damned spirits sing and rejoyce, and look about them to attend this message?
A30582I may allude unto it, and it is an argument of great force, Is the iniquity of Peor too little, from which we are not cleansed to this day?
A30582I verily fear that many of you that hear me this day, if we could but hear Conscience speak, would answer, What?
A30582I will not again curse the Ground any more for mans sake; why?
A30582I, but the Scripture says, God imputes faith for righteousness; and when God inables us to believe, Is it not our own?
A30582If all outward good be not a mercy unless sin be pardoned, then what good wilt thou or any one get by the increase of sin?
A30582If it have been thus with your spirits?
A30582If these things be so, if God thus gloriously appear, in the riches of his grace for the pardon of sin; What shall we then say to these things?
A30582If this be to dishonour the pardoning grace of God; what would you have us to do?
A30582Is Christ as King and Soveraign over your thoughts, words and actions?
A30582Is he a home- born slave?
A30582Is he a home- born slave?
A30582Is it not the greatest affliction?
A30582Is there any thing upon Record that I am charg''d withal?
A30582Is this the frame of thy heart, to be careful above all things in the world, that thou mightest not dishonour this precious grace?
A30582It may be some of you go thus far, not to content your selves with a dead hearted sluggish Prayer: But what do you look to all the day after?
A30582It''s this, that we are justified by Faith and so come to have peace with God; How does this cause the heart to be inlarged?
A30582Lord wilt thou come in thus to thy people in such an abundant way of mercy more than formerly, and let in these graces of thy Covenant; Why?
A30582May it not be said of you, Where is the sence of the Evil of Sin you spake of?
A30582May not they say, that though they do sin, yet there is a Pardon laid in before hand for them?
A30582Ministers of the Word are Ministers of Reconciliation that God hath given to his People: what is that?
A30582No more now, what sin will have me to do?
A30582No, now I see the ways of Life and Salvation are the only blessed ways; Now Lord, What would''st thou have me to do?
A30582Now this you are to examine your hearts upon; What of the Kingdom of Christ you have within you?
A30582Now what shall we say to those things?
A30582O my soul how is it with thee?
A30582Of righteousness: What is that?
A30582PArdon of Sin makes a m ● ● blessed; Why?
A30582Quest Well, but what would you have us to do?
A30582Secondly, Others say, I am not only sorry for my sins, but I reform; and is not this a ground of pardon?
A30582Shall Christ say, notwithstanding all my sorrows, let thy sin be pardoned, and I have enough?
A30582Shall I go on then to add sin unto sin to make the work greater?
A30582Shall I satisfie any base lust, with the neglect of him?
A30582Shall I venture upon it?
A30582Shall he say, there would be better Auditors in Hell than are here?
A30582Shall not I be content to leave any thing to serve him?
A30582Should we again break thy Commandements?
A30582Sin shall not have dominion over you; why?
A30582Suppose there were no evil of guilt or punishment, yet an ingenious gracious spirit would never do it; What shall I sin, because God will pardon?
A30582The Sacraments, for what purpose hath Christ ordained them?
A30582This should be a mighty ingagement upon thy spirit; Has God made thee equal to them in Justification?
A30582Thou that takest liberty on this ground to blaspheme the Name of God; What thinkest thou will become of thee another day?
A30582To wind up all, those that know what pardon of sin is; how do they spend their time, and lay out themselves to get assurance?
A30582Turn from all sin and keep all Gods Statutes then, or, How can you do that is lawful and right then?
A30582Well, now you would have mercy, Why now, and not before?
A30582What Evils have you reformed in your families, and in your own hearts?
A30582What acclamations would there be in Hell in the mid''st of those fiery flames?
A30582What do you mean by that, how shall we know whether we be called or no?
A30582What glory of God is come into your hearts, and appears in your lives and conversations?
A30582What guilt is it thou hast upon thy Spirit?
A30582What hast thou to do in the way of Egypt?
A30582What hath Divine Justice to charge thee withal?
A30582What holding up of hands and rejoycing would there be to hear of such a thing, that there is a possibility on any terms?
A30582What if he will pardon the most notorious gross sins in others, and damn thee for thy sins in thoughts?
A30582What is become of all that strength and power the Doctrine of Remission of Sin had upon your hearts?
A30582What is become of it?
A30582What is the end for which Christ hath set up this great Ordinance?
A30582What is the end of thy way like to be?
A30582What is the glory of a justified soul?
A30582What is the matter?
A30582What is the travel of Christs soul?
A30582What say''st thou against me that I may get it blotted out now, that it may not be read against me at the day of Judgment?
A30582What shall I magnifie the riches of my grace so wonderfully in this work of my pardoning mercy?
A30582What shall we say then, Shall we continue in sin, that grace may abound?
A30582What''s the meaning of this blessedness?
A30582What, have you not a mightier Argument to draw your hearts to God, after he hath spoke peace, than ever you had before?
A30582What, is Gods grace so free?
A30582What, is he a servant, and brought into such a condition as a servant or a slave?
A30582What, is the iniquity of your youth too little that you committed, and mispent your time when you were Prentice, or lived in such and such a family?
A30582When he gives quietness, who can give trouble?
A30582Where is it?
A30582Where is that bitterness upon your hearts, on the convictions you had of the evil of sin?
A30582Where is that filial ingenious spirit of thine, that God is fain to deal with thee as now he doth?
A30582Where is then the blessedness you spake of?
A30582Wherefore then served the Law?
A30582Whither art thou a going?
A30582Who is a God like to thee; who in all the world can pardon sin as God doth?
A30582Who is a God like unto thee that pardoneth iniquity and passeth by the transgressions of the remnant of his heritage?
A30582Why do I make such conclusions that my state is naught, because of the stirrings of such and such corruptions?
A30582Will not this be presumption for a sinner thus to lay hold on Christ?
A30582Wilt not thou now say; and let me have Christ and I have enough?
A30582Wilt thou not from this time cry unto me, my Father, thou art the guide of my youth?
A30582Would you have us go on to believe and doubt no more?
A30582You will say, How must we seek it?
A30582all thou hast now is not a good, is not a mercy; and dost thou think to get good by the increase of sin?
A30582an excellent place, The Word of God is quick and powerful; but what word is it?
A30582and dost thou still go on to heap up more and more sin, as if the pardon of thy sin was nothing?
A30582and shall I strike this Blasphemer says another?
A30582and what is to be done?
A30582and what this and that; and the other lust will have me to do?
A30582and when he hides his face, who then can behold him?
A30582as if he had said, Lord, how does thy glory appear in the Justification of a sinner, and pardoning his sin through Jesus Christ?
A30582before you had other things, and you quieted your hearts with them; and why not now, were not they mercies?
A30582certainly, the soul that is pardoned, can not but answer God so far as this; Will God justifie me notwithstanding my sin?
A30582does my heart work so in it as that I can satisfie my own Conscience in the work I do?
A30582for, I bear you record, if possible, you would have pluckt out your own eyes, and given them to me: Where is then the blessedness you spake of?
A30582he answered, Lord thou knowest I love thee; Christ puts it to him again; Lovest thou me?
A30582he does not grant it, but reject it with a horrible indignation, God forbid, What?
A30582he gave him this answer, says he, I can not live, and what shall I now think of Uncleanness and Fornication?
A30582he is in the way of Egypt; so it may be said to thee who walkest in the sensual drossiness of thy spirit; Hast thou not been in the way of Egypt?
A30582he would not take his first answer, but puts it to him the second and third time, Lovest thou me?
A30582how should''st thou labour to be like to them in Sanctification?
A30582if it be so with thee?
A30582let us stand together: Who is my Adversary?
A30582or how many wayes may we be guilty in sinning against this great mercy of God in forgiveness of sin?
A30582or, Whether we can joyn with that Church wherein there is no power to keep them out, and after they are crept in to cast them out?
A30582perhaps the mercy thou speakst of, now is at this very present pleading to God against thee; saying, how have I been abused by this wretched man?
A30582says Paul, Where is the blessedness you spake of?
A30582says you, first we give our word one to another, says God you shall have that, I give you my Word; What have you else?
A30582shall Christ be so sensible of the waight and burden of sin, when he was to suffer, that he should seek the Father with such Prayers?
A30582so I may say to sinners going on in their sins; Is the iniquity of Peor too little, from which you are not cleansed to this day?
A30582so after God has delivered us from condemnation, the guilt of sin, and the spirit of bondage; What?
A30582that God should have such thoughts of such mercy and grace in the pardon of sin, as we have heard; What shall we say to it?
A30582that I might have my sins forgiven, and have assurance of it; Why, says God, what way do you take to make things sure from one to another?
A30582that we know not what to say, there is so much of thy glorious grace appears, that our mouths are stopped; What shall we say to these things?
A30582the answer will be, What see I?
A30582the more my beauty& excellency hath been displayed, the more wicked he hath grown; what if mercy be now pleading against thee?
A30582the soul that hath true pardon of sin, hath fetch''t it from Heaven in a right way, in Gods own way; How is that?
A30582the way to true happiness?
A30582then you have acted faith in a Gospel way, and your sins are pardoned: Again, Are you pardoned?
A30582this is the good will and pleasure of God; and David was called a man after Gods own heart; Why?
A30582thou think''st it now a fit time to cry for mercy; why?
A30582thou think''st it to be a good; Why?
A30582to make use of the grace of God to further sin; Shall we stand to answer these men, in the horrible reasoning of their hearts?
A30582to sin that grace may abound, God forbid: What?
A30582we read of one came running after Christ, saying, What shall I do to be saved?
A30582what God hath to charge them withal?
A30582what if he will pardon the most notorious uncleanness and murder in another, and damn thee for a wanton thought?
A30582what shall I do?
A30582what shall wandring and discouraging thoughts bring you to look down all the day?
A30582what shall we say to these things?
A30582what would they do?
A30582when God gives quietness, as he doth in forgiveness of sin, then who can make trouble?
A30582when we tell them of their sins, they say, they hope to repent; What do they mean?
A30582whether God hath any thing against them, yea or no?
A30582why God should not declare against thee according to his Law?
A30582with strong cryings and tears, What?
A30582— In the days of his flesh, observe, Christ in the days of his flesh, did offer up Prayers and Supplications; How?
A30582— Would''st not thou be angry with us, should we again sin, would''st thou not consume us?
A30582— some there were that did abuse the grace of God to sin; How does the Apostle rise with indignation against that abominable wickedness?
A30598( that was a degree beyond murmuring) saith he, Thou speakest as one of the foolish women, shall we receive good at the band of God and not evil?
A30598( you know the place) A sword shall pierce thorow thy soul, why?
A305981 How below the relation of a Christian?
A305986. what is the Arms of a Christian?
A30598A contented man is a self- sufficient man, what is the great glory of God but to be happy and self- sufficient in himself?
A30598A further consiadertion is this, The creatures do suffer for us, why should not we be willing to suffer, to be servicable to God?
A30598A man when he comes into an Inn, If there be a fair cupbord of plate he is not troubled that it is not his own, Why?
A30598A second answer I would give is this, Is it unexpected?
A30598A speech of Job to his wife, what saith Job when his wife would have had him curse God and die?
A30598Am not I better to thee than ten sons?
A30598Am not I to thee( saith Elkanah to Hannah) instead of ten Children?
A30598And how long shall I bear with them?
A30598And now hath God given to you the Contentment of your hearts?
A30598And so a Christian should reason the case with himself, what am I discontented for?
A30598And so again, Am I disgraced, dishonoured, is my good- name taken away?
A30598And the people of Israel in their other Captivity, there were mountains before them; what straights did God put them into?
A30598And then doth he want honour?
A30598And what was it that God would do unto them?
A30598And why art thou disquieted within me?
A30598And yet in the 10. verse, And he hath brought thee neer to him, and all thy Brethren the Sons of Levi with thee, and seek ye the Priest- hood also?
A30598And your labour for that which satisfieth not?
A30598As now a Scholer that hath great learning and understanding in Arts and Sciences, how did he begin it?
A30598Because God is gone wilt thou go too?
A30598Because he is going away; so let us not be troubled when we see othar men have great estates, but we have not, why?
A30598But again, Is God about to humble me?
A30598But hath Paul a self- sufficiency you will say?
A30598But my people would not hearken to my voice, and Israel would none of me[ what then?]
A30598But then, what is this quietnesse of spirit opposed unto?
A30598But what comfort is this if it doth befal me?
A30598But what do you think of a King to give account for all the disorder and wickednesse in a Kingdom that he possibly might have prevented?
A30598But where is the power of God, the glorious power of God?
A30598But you wil say, it is true, If I could honour God in my low estate as much as in my prosperous estate then it were somewhat, but how can that be?
A30598But you will say now, hath faith warant to beleeve deliverance, that it shall be fully delivered?
A30598But you will say, In time of danger may we not fly?
A30598But you will say, This that you speake of is good indeed if we could attain to it, but is it possible for one to attain to this?
A30598But you will say, What do you understand by Gods waies?
A30598But you will say, What good then is there in such a promise that God makes to his people?
A30598But( might other Levites say) how hath God prefer''d this family before us?
A30598But( saith Sineus) when we have all in our hands, what shall we do in the end?
A30598By faith we understand that the worlds were made, by faith we understand it: why by faith?
A30598Can''st thou help thy self that way?
A30598Cut them not off, why?
A30598David did fly from Absolom, and yet what confidence had David( in that case) in God?
A30598Did''st thou take pains with resolution, that thou must have such a thing when thou labourest for it?
A30598Do I indeed feel God departing from me?
A30598Do''st thou think it such a weak thing that because it doth not please thee it must alter it''s course?
A30598Dost thou murmur because once thou wert better?
A30598Doth God give us gifts and parts?
A30598First, The relation thou standest in to God: Do''st not thou call God thy father?
A30598For first, Is thy eye evil because God hath been good to thee heretofore?
A30598From whence are wars, and strifs, are they not from your lusts that are within you?
A30598God gives me an opportunitie in this to honour him in this affliction more than other men?
A30598God hath given you those good things that makes Angels glorious, is not that enough to you, though you want what thing a fly hath?
A30598God here threatens to bring his curse so upon them, as to make them a wonder and a sign to others, why?
A30598How are we sufficient of our selves?
A30598How is that you will say?
A30598How long shall I bear with this evill Congregation which murmur against me?
A30598How long wilt thou go about?
A30598How many reckon you him for, that is the Captain of all our Hosts: Have not prayers been sent up to God?
A30598I am discontented, and would fain have such a thing, and afterwards I have it: now doth this prepare me to be contented in other things?
A30598I am now in a murmuring discontented way, but how did I feel my soul working when God did turn my Soul to himself?
A30598I commit further sin and so I go further off from God, what a case am I in?
A30598I have all: Alas poor man what had Paul that could make him say he had all; where was there ever man more afflicted than Paul was?
A30598I have learn''d to be Contented; Learn''d, what lessons have you lern''d?
A30598I remember Austin hath such an expression, What is this thy faith?
A30598I should prepare for poverty, have I health now?
A30598I should prepare for sickness, have I liberty?
A30598If God be in a way of mercy, why deals he thus with us?
A30598If God should anihilate me what loss would there be of me?
A30598If you should give a friend, a kinsman, a purse of money to go and trade withal, and he should come and say, what do you give me?
A30598If you your selves were content with the world without grace, there''s reason you should be content with grace without the world?
A30598In general you would submit to any thing: but what if it be in this and that particular, that is most crosse to you?
A30598In the house of the Righteous is much Treasure, his house, what house?
A30598In this manner, art thou afflicted, and is there a great load and burden upon thee by reason of thy affliction?
A30598Is God about to raise me, to comfort me?
A30598Is it not Gods hand, and must thy will be regarded more than Gods?
A30598Is it not almost all one, never to be in want, or never to be without Contentment?
A30598Is it poverty that God strikes me withall?
A30598Is not Gods Name engaged in all this businesse?
A30598Is not there goodness enough there to cure thy discontentment?
A30598It is said that Enoch, and Noah walked with God; walked with God, what''s that?
A30598It may be it is so, it may be God for thy tryal is departed a little from thee, and is it so indeed?
A30598It should be the care of a Christian, to observe what are Gods waies towards him, what is God about to do with me at this time?
A30598It was a speech of Socrates a Heathen,( saith he) since God is so careful for you, what need you be careful for any thing your selves?
A30598Mark, God swears against a murmurer; sometimes in your discontent you will be ready to swear( it may be,) do you swear in your discontent?
A30598Now in what disposition of heart do we thus ● ouch to God more, than when we have this Contentation in all conditions that God disposed us unto?
A30598Now shall Gods mercies aggravate our sins?
A30598Now when I perform a duty, I worship God, I do what pleases God: why should I not as well worship God when I am pleased with what God doth?
A30598O my Soul why art thou disquieted?
A30598Oh how opposite is this to that work, and how unseeming?
A30598Our Apostle affirms in another case, That we are not sufficient of our selves to think any thing as of our selves?
A30598Rebeckah she had a mighty desire to have children, but because she found some trouble in her body when she was with child, saith she, Why am I thus?
A30598Saith God to us, Wilt thou set thine heart upon that which is nothing?
A30598Saith Naamans servant to him, Father( for so he called him) if the Prophet had required you to do some great thing, would not you have done it?
A30598Saith Sineus, Indeed it is likely which your Grace speaketh: But when we have won Italy, will then our wars end?
A30598Secondly, If it were greater than others: why is thy eye evil because the eye of God is good?
A30598Secondly, Thou didst heretofore more prosper, did God heretofore give thee more prosperity?
A30598Secondly, When thou did''st take a great deal of pains, was it not with submission to God?
A30598Seek ye the Priest- hood also?
A30598Shall one that will sit still and be of no use, yet for all that he must have all the supply that possibly he can desire?
A30598So I may say to every discontented impatient heart, what shall the providence of God change it''s course for thee?
A30598So I say, if the Lord had required you to suffer some great matter, would not you have been willing to suffer?
A30598So doth not Christ thy husband say to thee, Am not I better to thee than thousands of riches and comforts?
A30598So may we say, we hear of so many thousands coming against us; But how many do you reckon Jesus Christ for?
A30598So saith God to a gracious heart, thou wantest this, thy estate is plundered: Why?
A30598So what doest thou get by being a Beleever, a Christian?
A30598So when the passion of your fears and troubles come up, can you then trust in God?
A30598So, am I in great pain of my body?
A30598So, doest thou speak against Gods waies, and his providences that hath fallen out concerning thy estate and outward comforts?
A30598Some of Jobs friends said to him, Shall the earth be forsaken for thee, and shall the rock be removed out of his place?
A30598Submitting to Gods dispose, What is that?
A30598Suppose you should hear the enemy come marching to the City& had taken the works, and were plundering, what would be your peace?
A30598Take heed of murmuring as some of them did,( he speaks of the people of Israel in the wildernesse,) but saith he, what came of it?
A30598Take heed then that we have not our hearts sinck, because of straights: Let us not say, why is it thus with us?
A30598That every Christian should do: have I an estate now?
A30598That then the heart begins to reason as he in the Kings, If the Lord should open the windows of heaven how should this be?
A30598That which God gave you before, upon what terms did you hold it?
A30598The Saints in Heaven have not houses, and lands, and money, and meat and drink, and cloaths, you wil say, they do not need them; why do they not?
A30598The profession of a Christian, what''s that?
A30598Then can''st not thou have as much Contentment with God and Christ without the world, as they can with the world without God and Christ?
A30598There is in the work of thy turning to God the giving up of thy self to God in an everlasting Covenant?
A30598There is such a condition that I am in, many wants, I want this and the other comfort, well, how shall I come to be satisfied and content?
A30598These Afflictions they are but for a moment?
A30598Thirdly, Doest thou find God departing from thee in thine affliction?
A30598Thirdly, Is thy affliction greater than others?
A30598Thou art crost in thy desires, now thou art discontented and vext and fretted at it, is that thy only misery that thou art crost in thy desires?
A30598Thou saiest thou canst not bear it, why doest thou think that Christ could not bear it?
A30598Thy Maker hath the absolute dispose of thee, and wilt thou strive against thy Maker?
A30598Till your poverty be removed?
A30598Vse, Is it so with us?
A30598We faint not( saith the Apostle) Why?
A30598What a foolish thing is this, that because I have not what I would have, I will not injoy the comfort of what I have?
A30598What am I that soul that the Lord hath discovered such infinit excellency of Jesus Christ to?
A30598What are the things that do disquiet us here but some by- matters in this world?
A30598What are we come to this?
A30598What art thou O great mountain, that art before them?
A30598What do you think that such a cross and affliction doth sting you?
A30598What doest thou think there is no way for the Contentment of thy spirit but this getting off thy burden?
A30598What doth this murmuring discontented heart of thine do otherwise but wrangle and contind and strive even with God himself?
A30598What ever we have it is of free cost, what though we have not all we would have, seeing what we have is free?
A30598What is the Counsel of God?
A30598What shall a King do to us?
A30598What was the shadow of Gods wings?
A30598What ▪ stand still, and look for the Salvation of the Lord?
A30598What''s the meaning of this text?
A30598What''s the work of God when he brings a sinner home to himself?
A30598When God hath let thee have thy hearts desire, what hast thou done with thy hearts desire?
A30598Where''s that man or woman whose hearts are so bold and impudent, as dares speak against the administration of Gods providence?
A30598Who can by taking anie carking care adde one cubit to his stature, or make one hair that is white to be black?
A30598Who is this that darkneth counsel by words without knowledge?
A30598Why dispise you the prayers of the Saints of God, as if there were nothing in their prayers?
A30598Will this help him?
A30598Wilt thou be a Rebel against God?
A30598Wilt thou be above God?
A30598With what relation( you will say?)
A30598You give me somewhat to drink, and my wound is in my arme, or in my leg, what good will this do that I put in my stomack?
A30598You will say how is that?
A30598You will say how is this?
A30598You will say, Can I have the strength of Christ?
A30598You will say, I, but you do not know what our afflictions are, our afflictions are so as you do not conceive of them because you feel them not?
A30598You will say, how are they my servants, I can not command them?
A30598You will say, how are they sure, their lives and estates go as well as others?
A30598You will say, wherein is this graciousness of Contentment distinguisht from all these?
A30598according to our imployment?
A30598and do''st not thou stand in relation to him as a child?
A30598and hath not God heretofore delivered me from great straights and extremities, even from the wrath of God himself, and from his justice?
A30598and have said, Husband, why go we from our own Country, and our friends, and so are brought into such straights?
A30598and how might I have honoured my profession?
A30598and is this thy faith?
A30598and rise then, and beat it down with the contrary grace?
A30598and what a deal of comfort might I have enjoyed?
A30598and what am I in comparison of Christ?
A30598and will he not with him give thee all things?
A30598art thou a Christian to that end?
A30598art thou he that hath cast thy soul upon Jesus Christ for all good?
A30598as he saith in another case, Is this thy faith?
A30598but still you are discontented with what you have and must have more, seek ye yet more?
A30598but the Lord knows it hath been far otherwise, Oh how far have I been from this grace of Contentment that hath been opened to me?
A30598but this may be but a temptation, therefore you should rather think, What doth God require of me in the condition I am now brought into?
A30598do we more in our cause?
A30598do you murmur and repine?
A30598doth God make the creature suffer for my use?
A30598for the Lord hath created a new thing in the earth: How long wilt thou go about, Oh thou backsliding daughter?
A30598for which cause both thou and all thy company are gathered together against the Lord: And what is Aaron that ye murmur against him?
A30598had they done any thing amisse?
A30598hast thou ever tryed this way of getting contentment, to act thy faith upon all the pains and sufferings that Jesus Christ did suffer?
A30598hath the love of God bin to thee to give thee his Son in way of marriage?
A30598have I comfort and peace now in my conscience, doth God shine upon me?
A30598have not you enough already?
A30598have you suckt this sweetnesse from the Covenant and content to your hearts in your sad conditions?
A30598how can I then be so much troubled for every little affliction?
A30598how could I bear it?
A30598how generally was it there in their Kingdom, and shall it be acknowledged they are loving subjects doing so much, and we be accounted Rebels?
A30598how know I, but that God may have glorious ends, to work out of these extremities and troubles I am in?
A30598how much of his spirit have I upon me that can find no rest at all?
A30598if Christ could bear it, why mayest not thou come to bear it?
A30598is God about to break my heart, and to bring my heart down to him?
A30598is it not lawful to avoid danger and to fly?
A30598is it through the strength of his patience?
A30598is this thy help?
A30598it''s a speech of Jonadab to Amnon, Why art thou, being the Kings Son, lean from day to day, wilt thou not tell me?
A30598let me prepare my self for imprisonment?
A30598must men keep their stations?
A30598must you of necessity go among them?
A30598nay, have we done so much in our cause, as they have done?
A30598not only for my nourishment, but for my delight; what am I then in respect of the infinit God?
A30598now thou hast them, Is not there enough in them to quiet thy heart for some privat trouble thou meetest withall in thy family?
A30598one married to Jesus Christ& yet troubled and discontented?
A30598or your children, Do you deserve it that you are so eager upon it?
A30598perhaps such an affliction is upon you, and it seems to be grievous for the present, what?
A30598speaking of riches; Why blessed God dost not thou do so?
A30598such a perplexity as we are now in?
A30598such comforts as thou murmurest for want of; hath not God given thee his Son?
A30598the son of a King, shal he have every base fellow to come and bid him bow down that he may tread upon his neck?
A30598then consider, consider what?
A30598then in this thou hast an opportunity to honour God more than others; so thou shouldest consider, Doth God afflict me more than other men?
A30598then you would be content, why?
A30598thou murmer?
A30598was it not that thou mightest walk with God in the place that God had set thee?
A30598was the creature any other to thee but a Conduit, a pipe that did convey Gods goodnesse to thee?
A30598we will be more beleeving, and trust in God, and not be afraid, have we not a good cause, and is not God with us?
A30598were they worth having if we return to our bondage again?
A30598what abundance of honour I might have brought to the Name of God?
A30598what can I think now, are those duties that God requires of me in the condition that he hath now put me into?
A30598what canst thou do by thy faith?
A30598what did I ever promise thee,( saith he) that thou shouldest ever flourish in the world?
A30598what had they done?
A30598what hath God given you such things, and yet will you be murmuring, because you can not have more?
A30598what is the health of a mans soul?
A30598what know I what God may call me to?
A30598what talk you of Salvation( might they say to Moses) when there is nothing but distruction before us?
A30598what unthankfulnesse is here?
A30598what unwise course do I take?
A30598what''s the matter?
A30598when Moses came to tell them of their deliverance, the text saith, He spake to the Children of Israel, but they hearkned not to him: why?
A30598when they come in straights, how must their hearts sink in horror, because all their straights are no other, but the beginning of eternal straights?
A30598where''s the strengthening with all might, unto all long- suffering and patience and that with joyfulnesse?
A30598wherefore do you tempt the Lord?
A30598while I have this let me prepare for Gods withdrawing from me: am I delivered from temptations?
A30598who is this?
A30598why art thou discontented and murmuring?
A30598why should I not give up my self to God, to have his will upon me?
A30598why should I stand much upon it to be troubled and discontented if I have not this and that, when the truth is I can do nothing?
A30598why should any creature be servicable to thee, who art so little servicable to God?
A30598why should not I yeild to Gods providential will as well as to his commanding will?
A30598why shouldest thou be discontented the more because God is gracious to others?
A30598why were they so long in the wildernesse?
A30598will God have regard to such a one that is in such a poor low place as I am?
A30598wilt thou rise in a way of Rebellion against the infinite God?
A30598wilt thou therefore depart from God too?
A77976( I mean the Church- Wardens, as they stiled them) and when you were put to such Oaths, had you never inward regreet in your Consciences?
A77976( as you have heard) such dreadful evil in the least sin?
A779761 How can God that is so infinitly good, have a hand in sin, that have so much evil in it?
A779761 You shal find many that come and complain of Sin: who do they complain to?
A7797616. there God saith, The face of the Lord is against them that do evil: Mark, the face of the Lord: What is Gods face?
A779762 If his Prosperitie doth give him further liberty in Sin?
A7797620. when Elijah met Ahab, Hast thou found me, O my Enemy?
A779763 Hence it follows, That all the Creatures in the world were brought under the Dominion of Man to be serviceable unto Man; why?
A77976Abishai the son of Zerviah; Abishai was one of Davids Soldiers, when Shimei cursed David: Shall I go and cut off this dead Dogs neck?
A77976Alas poor man, he might have need of them: How many of you venture upon other manner of things upon the Lords Day, profaning of it?
A77976All my glorious Attributes shall work against you; as if God should say, Is there any thing in me can make you miserable?
A77976And again, another Creature, Swords and Weapons, they have power to gash and wound the Body; whence have these Instruments their power?
A77976And doth not God bring good out of sin?
A77976And he was verie cheerful who made so manie Psalms, and was so Musical as David?
A77976And if Sin be to evil, what an evil case are those men in, who be so full of sin?
A77976And is there not evil in this?
A77976And now you that have heard of the great evil of sin, will you ever open your mouths to deminish and excuse sin?
A77976And so when they spend whole daies in drinking and eating, why?
A77976And that I may bring it more full to your sences, consider this, From whence hath any Creature power to bring evil upon thee, or to torment thee?
A77976And there shall stand up a VILE Person: Now who is this Vile Person that the holy Ghost speaks of?
A77976And therefore if any man or woman be troubled, and say it is for sin, I put this to you; What hath God discovered to you now, more than before?
A77976And to what end?
A77976And what a companie of most miserable wretches have we in this world?
A77976And what is the evil of a Tree?
A77976And who hath made the difference?
A77976And yet, who ever in such anguish and distress for sin as David was?
A77976Are you in Affliction, and to prevent it run to Sin?
A77976As Brethren thus, It doth note the infiniteness of goodness that there is in God, why?
A77976As Christ said to the Pharisees, Who hath forwarned you to fly from the wrath to come?
A77976As a mad man, who casts fire brands, arrows, and death, so is the man that deceaves his neighbor, and saith, Am I not in Sport?
A77976As if the Prophet should say, Oh wretched man that thou art, thou hast gotten possession of the Vinyard, but hast thou killed, and gotten possession?
A77976Brethren, what made the Devil a Devil?
A77976But Christ though he knew it beforehand, yet how dreadful was it to him when it came?
A77976But as the Prophet saith, Doth not my words do you good?
A77976But how doth sin wrong God?
A77976But how doth this appear?
A77976But how is this in every Sin?
A77976But it may be said, Is that Lawful for a man to abstain from sin out of self respects?
A77976But now it was by the Finger of God: well, Christ calls them to him, and said, How can Satan cast out Satan?
A77976But out of what do those worms breed?
A77976But what wil you say if I convince your consciences that this is in your bosoms, that you have been guilty of this sin?
A77976But you will say, This makes all you have done, but a little matter; if Sin may be done away thus, what need all this discovery of the evil of Sin?
A77976But you will say, Why is it not so now, for in the Regenerate, there is the Image of God in part renewed in them, and yet they commit many sins?
A77976Can not you do this as well as others?
A77976Certainly if Sin be all that which you have heard, or read, well might the Holy Ghost say, A wounded spirit, who can bear?
A77976Certainly men in waies of sin never say, Oh Lord, what have I done?
A77976Certainly there is this in sin, for if you account not your waies more equal, why chuse you them?
A77976Christ was in an Agony, in a Combate: Combate, with what?
A77976Do we take delight to have our neighbors, or the family love us?
A77976Do you see men so froward, and outragious, and bloodie?
A77976Dost thou know what thou hast done, in enticing others to sin?
A77976Dost thou laugh at sin?
A77976Dost thou think good will come of this?
A77976Doth he cry for this?
A77976Doth this make them go with a holy boldness to God, and Challenge Gods Promise, because I have committed such and such a sin?
A77976Fear none of these things you shall suffer, behold the Devil shall cast some of you into prison: why?
A77976For what is holiness but grace?
A77976God bad him go and meet Ahab, and say, What hast thou killed, and gotten possession?
A77976God speaking with indignation?
A77976Guilt, what is that?
A77976Hast thou nothing to be merry withal?
A77976Hast thou nothing to rejoyce in but sinning against the Almighty?
A77976Have not I chosen you twelve, and one of you is a Devil?
A77976Hence it follows, that nothing that is good should be ventured for sin, why?
A77976Heretofore yong people when they had daies of Recreation, what did they but multiplie Sin?
A77976How can that be?
A77976How comes it to pass that there is a necessity of such a mysterie of godliness for saving of poor Souls?
A77976How do you know this?
A77976How doth it appear that sin is most opposite to the chiefest good?
A77976How doth this appear?
A77976How doth this appear?
A77976How doth this appear?
A77976How many men and women in the world for trifles and toyes, suffer shipwrack of a good Conscience?
A77976How the Delivering up to Satan, can be for the saving the Soul?
A77976How will that appear you will say?
A77976How will this follow( will you say) that the Rational part is not ordered by the Sensitive?
A77976I beseech you observe this; Take heed for ever of reasoning with Temptation, of consulting and casting about in your thoughts, what will become of it?
A77976I but it may be you will say it doth not s ● cross mans happiness, but that he may come to be happie for all sin?
A77976I have gotten money, and what to do?
A77976I have heard in such a Point, and out of such a Text, how Sin makes against God, strikes at him, wrongs him, How shall I do this and sin against God?
A77976I pray, what work do they tire themselves withal that needs so much recreation?
A77976I put it to your conscience every sinful man or woman; think how hast thou lived?
A77976I put it to your souls this day as in the name of God, what is it that thy heart is set upon as thy chiefest Good?
A77976I remember Origen upon that Text hath this note; Will you hear the terrible voice of God?
A77976If a man come and complain, Oh this wretched heart of mine, and pray help me against it; how can you tell it is for Affliction and not for sin?
A77976If so, do thou never admit of it; if it be a sin, abhorre it: let this temptation never prevail with thee; What?
A77976If the shoulders of a Porter be sore, and all the Skin off, and a boyl upon his shoulder, how grievous would the burden be then?
A77976If there be such evil in Sin, Then it is of great use to begin to be Godlie and Religious betimes, for yong ones to come to be godlie betimes: why?
A77976If thou know it to be poison, and strong poison, what a madnesse were it in thee, to drink a ● ● ll draught only because''t is sweet?
A77976If thou shouldest see a Company of men stab and murder themselves, and lying dead in the streets, if it should be asked how came they dead?
A77976If you walk contrary to me, I will walk contrary unto you: What is that?
A77976Is it a Sin?
A77976Is my strength the strength of stones?
A77976Is there all this evil( that I have spoken of) in the nature of Sin?
A77976Is there anie soul, that by all I have said, of the Evil of Sin, finds it self stung with the poison of Sin?
A77976Is there any evil in a City and the Lord hath not done it?
A77976Is there any house in your parish where there is Blaspheming, and Oaths, and railing at goodness, and Sabbath breaking, and such things?
A77976Is this a light or little matter?
A77976It is a horrible thing thus to abuse mercie: how doest thou think the mercie of God should plead for thee when thou doest it such infinite wrong?
A77976It may be many of you are apt to say, We know God, what need we have so much of God Preached?
A77976It was the Complaint of the Prophet Jeremiah, No man saith, What have I done?
A77976Know this day God presents to thy soul the desperate delusions of it, what?
A77976Lord, why castest thou off m ● soul?
A77976No, wil you say, Can not God bring good out of sin?
A77976Now how comes it to pass that the Martyrs did bear them with such joy, and Christ the Captain of them all falls to the Earth, and cries out so?
A77976Now if the Image of God be such a glorious thing as it is, then what would you say of that which doth deface this Image?
A77976Now is it not more if that thou hast a wicked Child, one out of thy Bowels that strikes at God, and is a Traitor to the God of Heaven?
A77976Now that you may convince them, that it is conscience, and not stubbornness, how shall this be known, that it is consciousness, and not stubbornness?
A77976Now then, what if both these Evils come together, and concur both together to make a man miserable?
A77976Now this I endeavor, if possible, to make a stop in sinful waies; that you might consider, Oh Lord, where am I?
A77976Now what is the evil of Sin, when it is so weightie, that it makes the whol frame of Heaven and Earth to groan to bear the burden of it?
A77976Now, what breeds this worm, and supplies it with matter?
A77976Oh Lord, what a condition are those in( I say) that are guilty of an infinite number of sins?
A77976Oh is it thus with you?
A77976Oh saith some, what a hard heart have I?
A77976Oh what dost thou think of God?
A77976Oh what have I done against God?
A77976Oh when( I put it to thee in the Name of the Lord) in all thy life didst thou shed one tear for the sins of those among whom you live?
A77976Shall he wrong me?
A77976Sinner, Man or woman doest thou know God, that infinite glorious eternal God, with whom thou hast to do?
A77976So God will say, Why?
A77976So a Blasphemer may be said to be guilty of all the blasphemies in the world; why?
A77976So he saith concerning Shimei, Let me go over I pray thee, and take off his head; why should this dead Dog curse my Lord?
A77976So may I say to anie wicked man or woman in the world that hath got by waies of sin; What hast thou sinned, and gotten possession?
A77976So may I say unto those who have such woful guilt of sin upon them; What is thy strength the strength of stones, and thy flesh of brass?
A77976So one Disease hath power to torment one way, and another, another way; whence hath any Disease power to torment?
A77976So that it appears, he was in his power to possess him, but yet he did not; and what is the reason?
A77976So when poor souls cry to heaven for Christ, God may say to the poor soul, Why?
A77976So you dislike sin, and Oh you would not commit it; but this is the Question, Whether your dislike or hatred be Natural or Supernatural?
A77976Some go to evil wicked company, and when they spend their times in drinking; Plead, Why?
A77976Some sin or other, did you not strain your Conscience in that benefit you have got?
A77976Such a secret lust thou livest in?
A77976Suppose in your company, in the midst of your mirth, one takes a knife and stabs himself into the heart; would not this damp your joy?
A77976That God must be Man?
A77976That God must be manifested in the flesh?
A77976That is wronged especiallie: Why?
A77976The Mercie of God, doest thou think that shall plead for thee?
A77976There are manie converted when they were old, and what would these give for to be delivered from the guilt of some sins committed when they were yong?
A77976Therefore God in Scripture reasons the Case with his People, What are not my waies equal, are not your waies unequal?
A77976Therefore if any soul shal go away and say, Wo to me what have I done?
A77976Therefore let me abide here; tell me Oh Sinner what is it thou gettest in waies of sin that thou wilt dwel here?
A77976Therfore this is a vain plea that men have, what kind of* Government must we have if this be taken away?
A77976Think thus, suppose God should have no more glorie by all the world, than by me, to what end were the world made?
A77976Thou abstainest from sin, what is the reason?
A77976Was that then that was good made death to me?
A77976Well, but was there no apparent wickednesse committed in your companie?
A77976Well, but what is the reason of this Mysterie of godliness?
A77976Well, who was this Heman?
A77976Well, you have gotten Estates, Preferments, Honors, be it what it will in the world; but what did it cost you?
A77976Were it not better to be under any Affliction than under the guilt of Sin, if there be in it such opposition to God?
A77976What Truths of God hath God setled upon their hearts more than before?
A77976What a contrariety to God, and the Nature of God?
A77976What a difference is there between thy heart, and the heart of the Martyrs?
A77976What a wrong is this to the Holy Ghost?
A77976What can be said be more of affliction?
A77976What daring of the blessed God?
A77976What do you mean( will you say) by this Spiritual Restitution?
A77976What do you think now of trouble of Conscience for sin?
A77976What dost thou think of thy sins now?
A77976What hast thou done Oh Man or Woman; that hast vetured the loss of all good for that which hath no good at all, nay all evil in it?
A77976What is that worm that shall never dye?
A77976What is the folly of yong people?
A77976What is the reason men and women give up their souls to sin, to lasciviousness and wantonness with greediness?
A77976What is the reason of this?
A77976What profit, or what fruit had you in those things whereof you be now ashamed?
A77976What say you now?
A77976What shal the Authoritie of man put weight upon smal things, and not the Authoritie of the Almightie put weight in small things?
A77976What strange Doctrine is this?
A77976What then did the flame of Gods wrath that was let out upon the soul of Jesus Christ?
A77976What think you of the Lord Christ himself in his Agony?
A77976What was this concerning which God had spoken, that he would shew his great power in?
A77976What wilt thou have me to do?
A77976What, doest thou know God, man or woman?
A77976When Christ would humble Sauls heart, what doth he do?
A77976When men have got any thing in possession, they usually reckon, I but, what did this cost me?
A77976Wherefore yet let me labor with your souls; who knows whether anie of you shall hear me preach anie one Sermon more?
A77976Who art thou Lord?
A77976Who be these that ventured their lives?
A77976Who be those two Zebulon and Naphtali that were full of courage and zeal, when others were- full of Pleas and would not venture their lives?
A77976Who is there but is guilty of resisting the motions of the Holy Ghost?
A77976Who would acknowledg in the way of sin they despise God?
A77976Why abodest thou among the Sheep- folds to hear the bleatings of the ● locks?
A77976Why can not man be saved by any Savior but such a one as must be verily and truly God and man?
A77976Why doth Christ speak of this, how comes it in?
A77976Why hidest thou thy face from me?
A77976Why persecutest thou Me?
A77976Why what doth it do?
A77976Why( might Saul say) Lord, have mercy upon me, is this such rebellion?
A77976Will you venture to commit sin for a groat or six pence, if there be so much opposition against God in it?
A77976Wilt thou break thy bounds in sinful waies to get out of affliction?
A77976Would you fain break your hearts for sin?
A77976Yea, now will God say here is somewhat done, when sinners cries come up to heaven; what hath been doing in this Congregation?
A77976You make Conscience of Superstition because sinful, and is not this Sin, as well as that?
A77976You will say, How can the delivering up to Santan be for the saving of the soul?
A77976and dost thou not account more the hazard of thy own soul?
A77976and how miserable is their condition, in that regard; who have given up themselves to follow Sin with greediness?
A77976and is this my way?
A77976and it should be answered every one of them murthered himself; were it not an object of pity?
A77976and my flesh of Brass?
A77976and not to keep his Commandements, but goest on in waies of sin?
A77976and so much ado?
A77976and such a womans Womb?
A77976and the soul of thy brother?
A77976and the strength of their Souls in serving God, that they need so much refreshing?
A77976and the tortures so sore?
A77976and was not I then charged as in the Name of God, and as ever I expected God should hear my crie in such a time, that I should hear his voyce?
A77976and what hurt hath God done to thee that thou shouldest be so malicious against him?
A77976and what if I were now to stand before God?
A77976and whether am I a going?
A77976and who is there almost but makes the mercy of God in some degree or other Serviceable to his lusts?
A77976and yet how ordinarie is this in the world?
A77976and yet will he have such thoughts of mercy, as to send his own Son to make up that wrong, and satisfie for the evil I have done?
A77976are not your hearts more hard than before?
A77976are you not more greedy upon Sin than before?
A77976art thou happie in the enjoyment of this?
A77976as if he had said, Lord, I did not think I had to deal with thee, who art thou Lord?
A77976because poison is sweet, and comes to be suitable because of the sweetnesse?
A77976but little or nothing for my sin; Oh what shall become of this heart of mine?
A77976but, How shall I do this and sin against God?
A77976cozened and cheated, and gotten possession?
A77976did not David commit Adultery& Sin, that was a man according to Gods own heart?
A77976do not I everie day, nay every hour almost in the street, see hundreds of people, I would be loth to change conditions withal?
A77976do not many live in high esteem in the World by sinfull courses?
A77976do not you account your selves wronged when he dares set his will before yours?
A77976do they make for the good of the bodie?
A77976do you reckon this a good voyage?
A77976dost thou think this was the only end?
A77976doth not God make my condition a thousand times better than many hundreds that live neer to me?
A77976for the sins of thy Familie?
A77976for we can not see into your consciences?
A77976hast thou gotten out of prison by sin?
A77976hath he not made all Creatures for his glory?
A77976hath time worn it away?
A77976have your hearts troubled in such a manner as you may give glorie to God?
A77976he broke his Conscience, what is the matter?
A77976he comes and saith, Saul, Saul, Why persecutest thou me?
A77976he will be drunk, and unclean, and break the Sabbath, and who dares controule and speak to him?
A77976heretofore your hearts were never stirred after Christ, what is the matter?
A77976how can Christ be rightly lifted up and advanced in our souls without a right sight and sence of sin?
A77976how durst they sit so stupidly under the powerful awaking means of Grace?
A77976how else could such vile thoughts be cherish''d, and such cursed practises and principles maintained?
A77976how else durst men chule sin rather than affliction when they are brought into streights?
A77976how manie in woful straits and extremities, for the Bodie?
A77976how otherwise are men more afraid of open shame than of secret sins?
A77976how sweet, and precious, and dear will Christ be to such a Soul?
A77976in all that ever they did in all their lives, yea, their best actions; how full of sin be those?
A77976in one sin?
A77976is it anie way likelie and probable, but that I must follow, when as they be there for the sins I brought them to?
A77976is it not that height of wickedness that I speak of?
A77976is it only to eat and drink, and the like?
A77976is not God a merciful God?
A77976is not God infinitely worthy of all glory and honor in the world?
A77976is one spark of the wrath of God upon the soul so terrible?
A77976is that from grace?
A77976is the Devil come to be a Pursevant, or an Officer, or to give Warrants to cast into prison?
A77976it is not so great an evil, if it may be thus wash''t away?
A77976look back to thy former life, and think how hast thou spent it?
A77976lyed, and gotten possession?
A77976made another drunk and laughed at it?
A77976meerly at his will?
A77976nay, for the dog to love us?
A77976never an oath sworn?
A77976no excess in the Creature in drinking?
A77976no mervail though the Devil himself be called the god of this World; why?
A77976no ribaldry talking?
A77976none but Christ, none but Christ; what would become of all your souls, if it were not for Jesus Christ?
A77976not, How shal I do this great wickedness, and bring danger and miserie upon me?
A77976or a side wind?
A77976or made some others commit sin and laugh at it?
A77976or not half so much filled as they are, when they carrie you upon the rocks and sands?
A77976rejoyce at sin?
A77976shall I cut off his head?
A77976shall I go and send him down to his own place?
A77976shall sin be so great a burden to Christ, and wilt thou be so merry under it?
A77976shall they be in ▪ Hell for the sins I brought them to, and shall I escape?
A77976such a Sermon, and such apprehensions of such a truth, darted into you mightily, and troubled you; you had such troubles, but what hath cured you?
A77976than of thy Goods?
A77976that by it all these Truths are over ballanced?
A77976that ever he lived in that Familie where thou livedst?
A77976that must have every one of these Particulars made good to the full?
A77976that sweat drops of water and blood, which you see was the fruit of Sin?
A77976that thou canst bear the weight and burden of so many, and such horrible transgressions as thou hast been guiltie of?
A77976that thou venturest thy eternal estate upon?
A77976that thou wilt dishonor him, and strike at him?
A77976they do but rejoice in the use of the Creature; and may they not keep Companie with such men that be honest men?
A77976they must have recreation?
A77976they were once glorious Angels, more glorious Creatures than men and women, but what is it that should make them devils now?
A77976to be unfaithful, and stubborn, and stout; if you make Conscience of one sin, why not of another?
A77976to satisfie them to the full?
A77976to stop or turn in the waies of Sin?
A77976to what purpose had the world been made?
A77976was that melancholly?
A77976was there not a loud crie in my Ears and Conscience, as from God, that I should stop in my sinful waies and courses?
A77976was this Gods end?
A77976what a difference between the Nature of God and thee?
A77976what a wretched Creature should I be if ever this corrupt heart of mine should prevail against me?
A77976what abundance of wickedness was committed by Youth then?
A77976what am I a doing?
A77976what good is in this?
A77976what hast thou done in all thy life?
A77976what hath my life been against that infinite, glorious, eternal first- Being of all things?
A77976what is God, if not better than a base lust?
A77976what is it the world hath to draw thy heart from the strength of all these Truths delivered in these Sermons?
A77976what is the matter you come crying for Christ?
A77976what is the matter?
A77976what is the matter?
A77976what is the matter?
A77976what is this?
A77976what need so much preaching?
A77976what scorning and contemning of his Word and Sacraments and Ordinances?
A77976what service do they do for God wherein they spend their Spirits?
A77976what shall I do with this heart of mine, thus hardened from the fear of the Lord?
A77976what shall the Accessarie be condemned and executed, and shal not the Principal?
A77976what shall then become of my soul, if ever I come to answer for my sin my self?
A77976what trouble may come by this if I hearken not to this?
A77976what was it for no other end but that men and women might live and eat and drink, and lye, and swear, and commit such wickedness?
A77976what was the effect of that glory Christ gave to the Saints?
A77976what will become of me?
A77976whether art thou going?
A77976whether ever God will call after you any more?
A77976whether ever you shall hear the Word more?
A77976who can pitie them that die eternally, when as they love death?
A77976who hath put a difference between you and them?
A77976who hath told thee any thing?
A77976who hath told you anie thing?
A77976who told you this?
A77976why cry you more than before?
A77976why should all the blood shed from Abel to that time, come upon that Generation?
A77976why stir you so?
A77976why wilt thou die?
A77976wil sin bring confusion upon the whol Creation?
A77976will you not do this, you may do worse?
A77976wilt thou lose God, Heaven, and Christ, and al for that which hath no good?
A77976with what a Spirit of magnanimitie did they come to their sufferings?
A77976with whom?
A77976would not all your joy be gone?
A77976would you goon in your mirth still?
A77976would you have the Son merrie, when the companie imbrue their hands in his Fathers blood?
A77976would you not rather have a half wind?
A77976would you not rather have your sails down?
A77976wouldst not thou say it is time for me to be gone now?
A77976you had such and such thoughts of it heretofore, what be your thoughts of it now?
A77976you have it?
A3057910 Doest thou draw back in Religion?
A3057927. the text saith, He held his peace, when the Children of Belial said, What have we to do with him?
A305793 Forced?
A30579347 2 Hypocritical?
A3057978 Christs self denial 93 Christ is the Root, and we are the Branches 103 Christs is a great King 116 Christ God- man, governs all things, and why?
A305799 Examine thy services in 3 Particulars 1 Are they slight?
A30579A follower of Christ?
A30579A friend to the Gospel?
A30579A vile person shall arise: What is this vile person?
A30579Ambrose hath such a speech upon the place, If the man had the soul of a swine, what could be said otherwise?
A30579And another thing that is very considerable, What is God so set upon the glory of his Justice in the Gospel?
A30579And are there any that make profession?
A30579And are thy services forc''d, that thou art compel''d?
A30579And are you troubled that you have no more of that that beasts may have as well as your selves?
A30579And do I see Learned and Godly men of another judgment?
A30579And do you but think what kind of portion that must needs be?
A30579And do you profess that the Lord hath enlightened you by his holy Spirit, to understand the certainty and reality of this?
A30579And hence then, what Conversation becomes this Gospel of Christ?
A30579And here in this Scripture he saith, Oh what shall I do?
A30579And secondly, What is it so to live as becometh the Gospel of Christ?
A30579And shall God account us to do that which is worthy of his Gospel?
A30579And so he tels us, Who art thou that judgest another?
A30579And so if one that professes the Gospel of Christ, would manifest that he is a good Christian, What doth he do?
A30579And what justice is there among men to do as they would be done by?
A30579And what''s the great argument in the Gospel to cause us to live godly in this present world?
A30579Another when he lay upon his sick bed, his friends came to him and said, What lack you?
A30579Are all the good things that the Father hath to cōmunicate of this world, and not Christ Himself of this world?
A30579Are you converted to Christ?
A30579Are you so desirous of it, as to be willing to leave them to the fury and rage of their Adversaries?
A30579Art thou hypocritical in thy service?
A30579As Judas,( not Iscariot) said, How is it that thou revealest thy self to us, and not unto the world?
A30579As if Christ should say, What, hath God brought the light of the Gospel to you?
A30579As if Paul had said to Timothy, it''s true, you meet with many difficulties, but hath not the Gospel given you a Spirit of power?
A30579As the Saints of God and all the Churches of God that knew him, they highly commended him, Why?
A30579Be all damn''d that do not this?
A30579Because Christ hath satisfied the Lawfully, and how can God require it in them?
A30579Because the time doth sanctifie the duty, being set apart by God: As in the Temple, the duty was more acceptable than in any other place, why?
A30579But You will say, If men be in an Error, why should they not be forced?
A30579But now you will say, Wherein should a man go beyond this as becomes the Gospel?
A30579But now, Art not thou a Christian?
A30579But then you will say, How doth He say, that His Kingdom is not of this world, if He he Lord over all the world?
A30579Can I be able to find any fault with them in their lives and Conversations?
A30579Can not a man be saved unless he do it?
A30579Can those that live with you see your Conversations so changed as to make them stand and admire at the work of the Gospel upon your hearts?
A30579Can thy conscience tell thee that thou hast done so?
A30579Can you think that if the Adversarie should prevail, you should be only at the dispose of the King?
A30579Canst thou have any evidence to thy soul that there is any work of grace in thee, and yet live looslie?
A30579Canst thou say as in the presence of God, that thy Conversation is answerable?
A30579Canst thou think that thou that art a means to send so many to Hell, that thou shalt not go thither thy self?
A30579Christ hath satisfied that: Hath Christ satisfied that?
A30579Demas( saith Paul) hath forsaken me, but what is it that hath made Demas to forsake me?
A30579Did not our forefathers know of life and immortality before?
A30579Did they in the time of the Law, know that these bodies of ours should be made more glorious than the Sun in the firmament?
A30579Did they know that our bodies should be made like to the glorious body of Jesus Christ?
A30579Did they know that the Saints were not only Heirs, but Co- heirs with Jesus Christ?
A30579Did they know the communion that the Saints shall have w th God, and with Jesus Christ in his bodily presence in glory?
A30579Did they understand the fruition of God, and Gods being all in all to the Saints, as he shal be in the communication of all fulness of good?
A30579Did they understand the inheritance of the Saints which is in light?
A30579Didst thou ever know the Lord Jesus Christ and the way of His Kingdom?
A30579Do not the Parliament themselves Govern in that kind of way?
A30579Do you beleeve this Gospel?
A30579Do you chalenge Rule over us and have not spoken the Word of God to us?
A30579Do you expect that this flesh of yours should be made like the Sun in the Heavens, like the glorious body of Jesus Christ?
A30579Do you hope that God hath wrought the work of Convertion?
A30579Do you know wherein you and they differ?
A30579Do you live like such as God hath not put off with the Portion of this world?
A30579Do you or I live as becomes the Gospel?
A30579Do you profess the Gospel?
A30579Do you spend as much breath in praying for these kind of men, as you do in railing upon them?
A30579Do you teach us the Word of God?
A30579Do you understand what they are you speak of?
A30579Dost not thou come home to thy wife and children, and say, I am an undone man: Why?
A30579Dost not thou count thy self an undone man, when thou hast lost some comforts?
A30579Dost thou aim at the praise of men in outward duties?
A30579Dost thou put off God with slight services?
A30579Doth not God for the present Curse thy portion?
A30579Epistle of Christ( you wil say) what''s the meaning of that?
A30579Everie one should consider this; what temptation am I most liable to?
A30579Fifthly, Who is the man that hath his Portion in this world?
A30579Fifthly, You abuse your portion you have now, what will you do with more?
A30579First, Why is it that God will deal out somewhat to wicked men in this world, why they shall have any Portion at all?
A30579For the Lords sake, do not lay down thy everlasting soul at stake for a little gain, some for a little credit; art thou a Christian?
A30579For the grace of God( saith he, that''s the Gospel) that bringeth salvation, hath appeared to all men:( What doth it teach us?)
A30579Forasmuch as ye know that ye were not redeemed with corruptible things, as silver and gold: from what?
A30579Fourthly, These things that are here, they are the only sutable things to your hearts, and what will you do with any more hereafter?
A30579Further, Hast thou heretofore been a forward Professor in Religion, and hast thou forsaken the waies of God?
A30579Give up your hearts, strength, and endeavors what possibly you can to fulfill all righteousness, do not say, Why should I do thus?
A30579Hath God let you live under this Gospel, that you hear it it your ears?
A30579Have we the hopes and promises of such an inheritance in Heaven?
A30579Hence then, Cast away al sin as an abominable thing from you; What have I to do any more with Idols?
A30579Here is a great and a sore cross, you think, how shall I endure that?
A30579Here is their portion, it is confin''d to this life; Why so?
A30579How comes life and immortality to be brought to light through the Gospel?
A30579How did God manifest his love?
A30579How do the loss of the things of the world take thy heart?
A30579How high are they raised above other men?
A30579I am not excluded no more than others?
A30579I appeal to your consciences, Do not your consciences in hearing these things condemn you?
A30579I appeal to your consciences, Do you live so, as the glory of Christ shines in you in the course of your lives?
A30579I beseech you observe this text, Christ gave Himself to deliver us from our sins, that we might not perish eternally: And was that all?
A30579I but you will say, That is in Heaven?
A30579I fear there are some men never had such a thought in their lives; What if it should prove so, what a miserable creature were I?
A30579I hear indeed there are some men are put off so, what if it should prove to be my portion?
A30579I stand not so much upon that term, Whether as given by Moses?
A30579IN the sixt place, Would you know what Conversation becomes the Gospel?
A30579If there be any in a family that you care not much for, you make no great provision for them, Doth God take care for Oxen?
A30579If this be a Conversation becoming the Gospel, O Lord, how far are we from honoring the Gospel in our lives?
A30579If you ask me why it is that God the Father would not have His Son to have his kingdom in this world?
A30579Is it meerly conscience compels thee, and not an inward agreeableness between the frame of thy heart, and holy things?
A30579Is it not in a way wherein the dreadfullest Justice of God appears too?
A30579Is it so that wicked men have a portion here, and here is all?
A30579Is it such an excellent portion that they are so greedy of it?
A30579Is it worth so much, that they contend so much about it?
A30579Is not the grace of God let out to you through the blood of his Son?
A30579Is there any that can stand before the Son of Man in glory?
A30579Is there no Conversation that your consciences tell you would please God better, than that Conversation which you live in?
A30579Is there not righteousness in Him?
A30579Is this as becomes the Gospel?
A30579Is this becoming the Gospel, to stand with God for any thing?
A30579It is a very sweet and excellent Scripture, Who is a wise man and endued with knowledge among you: What should he do?
A30579It is in the very next words to my text, when Christ had said his Kingdom was not of this world, Pilate said to Him, Art thou a King then?
A30579Let every one of you that profess you love the Gospel, but think thus, Oh but shall I not hinder the Gospel if I listen and yeild to this temptation?
A30579Manie Christians live, and their Conuersations are very dark and no beauty at all in them; Why?
A30579Mark the Text, Why, can we poor worms do any thing worthy of the Gospel?
A30579Mark, striving together, he would have the Saints to be strivers: I but strivers for what?
A30579Mark, what a title is here?
A30579May there not be Wars and fighting for the maintainance of Religion and the Kingdom of Christ?
A30579Must I do it?
A30579My Kingdom is not of this world( saith Christ) Therefore, why should any that come under my kingdom look for great things in this world?
A30579No( that you''l say) and therefore we account our condition ill now, for we have Arbitrary Governments amongst us now, And who are they?
A30579Now dost thou know the price of a soul?
A30579Now if a soul should make this moan to Jesus Christ, do you think that Christ would account this man a schismatick?
A30579Now if they have as worldly hearts as others, how can they be the lights of the world?
A30579Now if you must enter into a full possession of this glorious Kingdom through sufferings, why should you murmur?
A30579Now if you should ask me, what Conversation is becoming the Gospel?
A30579Now if you should say, Wherein should we walk so?
A30579Now is your conversations as becometh the Gospel?
A30579Now suppose his Excellency, that hath done so much service for the kingdom, when he shall come, What an entrance will be made for him into the City?
A30579Now then I would appeal and put this to your consciences, Are your Conversations now, such as can give you comfort?
A30579Now what Conversation is sutable to this?
A30579Now what Conversation is sutable to this?
A30579Now what a many enemies hath the Gospel at this day?
A30579Now, was this the end of the death of Christ, not only to reconcile us to God, but one unto another in one body, Jew and Gentile?
A30579O what Conversation becomes this, that we should be principled and acted with the same Spirit?
A30579O what a stir is therein the world to satisfie the wils of a few men in the world?
A30579Oh consider now, whether there be not like to be perplexity in your Spirits?
A30579Oh how unbeseeming is this to the Gospel?
A30579Oh how unsutable are fleshly lusts to a spiritual man?
A30579Oh now my brethren, how ought we to live?
A30579Oh then, What Conversation become this?
A30579Oh this is infinitly unbeseeming the Gospel of Jesus Christ: do I beleeve this, and is it real unto my soul?
A30579Oh those that are godly, when they see others that profess godlines to walk in a strict and holy conversation, how doth it rejoyce their hearts?
A30579Oh where is you bearing and forbearing with one another?
A30579Oh you say, you have repented you of your sins: the word that is translated there repentance; it is, change of mind: Oh hath God changed your mind?
A30579On the other side, Here''s a sin to be committed; if I venture upon this sin, it may be I shall be delivered from this affliction?
A30579Ought not Christ to have suffered these things, and to enter into His Glory?
A30579Put on: Why?
A30579Q. Wherefore did he make you?
A30579Quest ▪ You will say to me, How should one know when a man is a man of this world?
A30579Saith an Ancient, what doth beastly fierceness and cruelty, and savigeness do in the breast of a Christian?
A30579Saith he, Who am I, and what is my Fathers house, that I should be thus chosen?
A30579Saul was a man chosen immediately by God himself, to be the first King that ever was over his own people; and was not that a great favor?
A30579Secondly, That this their portion, it is confin''d to this life; and why so?
A30579Shal they see their conversations to be holy as becomes the Gospel of Jesus Christ?
A30579Shall every man be lest to his Opinion, to do what he will?
A30579So God will answer to many men, when they shall cry to him for mercy, at that day, Why come you to me for more?
A30579So I may say concerning many professors, look upon their Conversations, and what is this the Coat?
A30579So I say concerning you: Ought not you to suffer first, and then to enter into your glory?
A30579So may I say to you that are godly, Hath God given you Jesus Christ?
A30579So may a man that hath his portion in this world here, say at his death, Where is this poor soul of mine going?
A30579So that when God cals for anything, never think it much, Oh this is hard and costly and dear to me, and how shall I part with this?
A30579Some men and women are ready to say, what do they care what others observe in them so that God knows their hearts?
A30579Some will say, Should we have a care of our Conversations that we may get honor?
A30579Somwhat they have, but little; Doth God take care for wicked and ungodly ones?
A30579Such men, how do they abuse their portions?
A30579Surely then, this cals to us al aloud to love peace, O love peace, Is God so set upon peace as he is?
A30579That perhaps what you aim at as your End, your Adversaries may aim at, but as their Means; and what will become of you then?
A30579The Spirit lives in us, and we live in the Spirit, what Conversation must there needs be here then?
A30579The dearest thing, What''s that?
A30579The poor things, that men have here in this world; What are they?
A30579The weapons, What are they?
A30579Then do not dishonor your Head: When there is a temptation comes to any sin, but will not this be a dishonor to my Head?
A30579Then what manner of persons ought we to be?
A30579Then why is thy heart set upon the world as the hearts of other men that are strangers to Jesus Christ?
A30579There is a right from Promise?
A30579This is a base kind of reasoning; Is this as becomes the Gospel?
A30579This is higher; that''s thus, hath God shewed Himself gracious unto me?
A30579Thou professest thou knowest Jesus Christ, that the Lord hath made known the glorious Mysteries of the Gospel to thee; What is thy life?
A30579Truth, Pilate asked Him what the Truth was?
A30579Upon what ground is it?
A30579Watch and Pray, be watchful in all your converse, keep your communion with God close: What will be the fruit of this?
A30579We use to answer men, that come for their dole, who have had out a dole, and they will come again, Why do you come again?
A30579Were not this one of the horriblest wickednesses that ever were committed in a Kingdom?
A30579What Conversation doth become this?
A30579What Dominions shall there be when the Saints are in the highest Heavens, to serve and obey Christ?
A30579What do you hold forth of the great Work of the Gospel, if you do not hold forth this?
A30579What dost thou account to be the chiefest good of thy estate, more than thou hadst before, or more than another man hath?
A30579What dost thou admire most men for?
A30579What esteem would you have of a man that is hanging upon a gallows?
A30579What honor should God have in the world were it not for the holy and gracious Conversations of some of His Saints?
A30579What hope hath an Hypocrite though he hath gained, when God takes away his soul?
A30579What is Truth?
A30579What is Truth?
A30579What is all this to the soul?
A30579What is it to repent?
A30579What is it?
A30579What is it?
A30579What is that thing that you strive to make most sure?
A30579What is the meaning?
A30579What shal I make the Temple of God a ● ● y for the unclean spirit, a cage of unclean birds?
A30579What''s that but as Christ himself saith, Be ye merciful as your heavenly father is merciful, Oh have you a merciful heart one towards another?
A30579What''s the reason that there are more comes into the Kingdom of Antichrist, than into the Kingdom of Christ?
A30579What, art thou careful to lay up for thy Children?
A30579What, doest thou convince wicked men, and stop the mouthes of wicked men?
A30579What, know ye not that your bodie is the temple of the holy Ghost, which is in you?
A30579When many come into places of dignity and power, What are their thoughts?
A30579Whence was it that ever Jesus Christ should be known to thy soul, that was so worldly, so drossie, so earthy a soul?
A30579Who is he?
A30579Who made you?
A30579Who shall separate us from the love of God?
A30579Who will trust you with the true riches?
A30579Wilt thou set thy heart upon that which is not?
A30579With more ease?
A30579Would it not be more pleasing to God( ask but your conscience now?)
A30579Would you know what Christs mind is?
A30579Would you walk as becomes the Gospel?
A30579Ye observe daies, and months, and times, and years: What then?
A30579You are graffed into Jesus Christ, and not into a Crab- stock: And do you receive this Sap from the Root?
A30579You complain of weakness: But is there not strength in Christ?
A30579You know what an offence it was unto the Jews, say they, Do any of the Rulers beleeve in him?
A30579You will say then, But what is that Conversation becoming the Gospel, that is beyond the light of Nature?
A30579You will say, How doth it appear?
A30579You will say, If there be not such weapons that are outward to force men, then all will be to no purpose, it will be nothing?
A30579You will say, Is any man so wicked as to pawn away his soul to the Devil?
A30579You will say, Love is a secret thing?
A30579You will say, What Conversation is that which is meet for, or becoming the Gospel?
A30579You will say, What is it that becomes this thing in the Gospel?
A30579You will say, What''s the fighting and Wars for now?
A30579Your willingness to be at peace, and to seek for peace even from your inferiors?
A30579and do you see that they walk not according to the truth of the Gospel?
A30579and do you think that Christ came to take us away from obeying the Will of God, which was Christs meat and drink to do?
A30579and dost thou know what the death of Christ meant?
A30579and dost thou set them at so low a rate?
A30579and hath He revealed unto you those glorious Mysteries of Salvation in Him?
A30579and is he willing to be at so great cost for peace?
A30579and is this conversation such as beseems one that is raised to such a height of honor as this is?
A30579and know what a price God hath set upon souls?
A30579and so doest thou tender up all thy services to God?
A30579and that he must be avoided and persecuted 〈 ◊ 〉 a schismatick?
A30579and their children Christians?
A30579and thus he goes on; and there could be nothing got from him, but wounds, sides, heart, must I die?
A30579and what errors and divisions are there to ecclipse this Evangelical Sun?
A30579and what the excellencies of Christ are, and of the Gospel?
A30579and wherefore Christ came into the world?
A30579and why need we be so forward and strict?
A30579and yet must they not be Baptized?
A30579and yet wilt thou have thy heart glewed to the ground, and wholly place thy contentment in the earth, and seek for thy happiness here in the dust?
A30579and yet, how doth the Lord cross me in this world?
A30579are these the souls that must cost the blood of Christ, that God hath put such a price upon?
A30579are you not joyned to Christ thus, and a member of Him, and a branch in Him?
A30579are you sensible of the love of Christ?
A30579but I have an unclean conscience, a leprous soul: Doest thou set the good things here to countervail the evil of sin?
A30579didst ever reade the Gospel, man or woman didst thou ever hear of Christ?
A30579do I receive such a spirit from the Head to act after such a sinful course?
A30579every letter thereof is a character of love; and what commendations of love in heavenly expressions?
A30579for his Saints, for his Children, that are so dear unto him?
A30579for how do many of your Conversations disgrace the Gospel of Jesus Christ?
A30579hath God given you His Son?
A30579hath He given you Himself to be your portion?
A30579hath He given you His Spirit?
A30579hath it shined into your hearts?
A30579hath not Christ done all?
A30579hath the Gospel revealed these things unto you?
A30579have you a blessed hope, and do you expect the appearing of the great God in glory?
A30579how greedy are they for the contents of this world?
A30579how is Christ dishonored by this?
A30579how many are there among you that do not walk according to the truth of the Gospel?
A30579how provoking must it needs be to the holy God?
A30579how unbeseeming the Gospel of Jesus Christ is an irreconciliable spirit?
A30579how unsutable will it be then to you?
A30579ibid 11 Doth God for the present curse thy portion?
A30579if the Enemies should prevail, and overcome and take away our Civil Rights, Oh then the Kingdom of Christ, what will become of that?
A30579indeed this will bring me a great deal of comfort and content, and I shall get so much by it; Oh but will it not obstruct the Gospel?
A30579is it fit for him to wear such things as these?
A30579is this to shew the high price of a soul, that wil pawn your souls thus?
A30579it will hinder the Gospel, Oh wilt not thou part with thy sin, when any temptation comes to sin?
A30579must Heaven and earth be mov''d to provide a way to ransom souls?
A30579must I leave you?
A30579must I leave you?
A30579nay, suppose he knew certainlie that it should never be known, yet he dares not do it, how can a man go beyond that?
A30579of sin indefinitly, it''s death: And do I beleeve this, and yet shall I rather chuse the commission of a sin than the bearing of any affliction?
A30579or that shal be accounted worthy to stand before Him?
A30579or what use can you make of that to your point?
A30579send for a Physitian; wounds, sides, heart, must I die?
A30579such a man is happy, he hath so much coming in, and hath so much a yeer: But dost thou call the vile man happy?
A30579there is infinite grace, but what way doth God take to manifest infinite grace?
A30579this the Conversation of the son of God?
A30579thou shalt never have more jests, nor be merry, nor be jocund any more; where art thou going?
A30579want you any thing?
A30579was the Coat of Christ without any seam, and shall the body of Christ be rent all to pieces?
A30579what a deal mischief they do in the world?
A30579what a goodly portion is there here that thou so much rejoycest in?
A30579what a miserable creature were I?
A30579what art thou in respect of secret sins?
A30579what dreadful evils are they unto the earth?
A30579what is thy house, and land then?
A30579what need we do so much?
A30579what peace have I now when all is gone?
A30579what rending and tearing is there, that they might maintain their Estates?
A30579what shall I suffer that I may not hinder the Gospel?
A30579what shall comfort me now?
A30579what tenure?
A30579what would they do in Heaven?
A30579what would you have?
A30579what''s done among Devils?
A30579what''s the matter?
A30579whither art thou going?
A30579whither art thou going?
A30579who shall deliver me from this body of death?
A30579why must we be so holy?
A30579why should you be against it then, when it forces you not to come into it?
A30579why should you so malign Christs Kingdom when as Christs Kingdom would help you?
A30579will that satisfie thy soul, that may be the portion of a Reprobate?
A30579will this satisfie thee?
A30579would you have any Beer?
A30579would you not have cried out of Magistrates?
A30579would you not have cried out of Parliament Men?
A30579wounds, sides, heart, must I die?
A30579you have had your dole already; Have you not had already more than your work comes to, more than you have done?
A30579you shall find Paul, when he did but see Peter to walk not as he ought to do,( saith he) I withstood Peter to his face: What''s the matter?
A30579you that have ever heard from God the glorious glad tydings of Salvation in the Gospel, Is it not in your hearts to do what you can to honor him?
A3058712 1. and yet who was she but the daughter of Jethro, to whom he had been married many yeers before?
A3058716. is very sutable; Be not righteous over much, neither make thy selfe over wise, why shouldst thou destroy thy selfe?
A305872. Who shall stand when he appeares?
A30587A carnall heart would say, why might not Daniel have been wiser?
A30587A great deal of stir there hath been more then formerly,& yet what are these men otherwise then they have bin many years since?
A30587A learned man being once asked why he did not write his judgment about the controversie of his time, answered, To what purpose?
A30587A little Logick will draw the consequence, Hath God declared himself that he intends to go on in this work he hath begun?
A30587ANd now, my brethren, as the Eunuch said to Philip concerning his Baptisme, Here is water, what lets but I may be baptized?
A30587Add indeed the root from whence the word comes, signifies desolari, to make desolate; why?
A30587After a while Philip met with those who would have him to have revenged himself upon Arcadion, What say you now of Arcadion?
A30587And dost thou also require, that wee must not bring our judgments to our Brethrens till thy light brings them?
A30587And is not this one Spirit the Spirit of love and meeknesse?
A30587And it is observable, that they follow upon those words, What shall it profit a man if he shall gaine the whole world, and loose his owne soule?
A30587And to what purpose do we live, if God have not glory by us?
A30587And what comfort can a man have of his life, if he be laid aside by God as a useless man?
A30587And why may not I adde, of division and contention, peace and union?
A30587Are they not under his protection and care?
A30587Are those the places?
A30587Are we the children of Israel?
A30587Are you not the Stewards of Christ, are they not given to you for the edification of your Brethren, as well as for good to your selves?
A30587Arius Montanus translates, Nunquid de solatio: what, is there desolation made?
A30587As Balaams Asse said to his Master, Have I used to serve thee so at other times?
A30587Away therefore, will you adde impiety to your sinne?
A30587BUt how will this joyn us one to another?
A30587But did he not bring disturbance to the Kingdome by this his zeale?
A30587But doe not men in a Congregationall way urge upon others their owne conception ● and practices, according to the power they have, as much as any?
A30587But doth not Christ say, Hee came into the world to witnesse to the truth, and is not every truth more worth then our lives?
A30587But doth not this then exclude him from the exercise of any power in the matters of Christian Religion?
A30587But especially where men will not keepe within their bounds in their power over others; for what is all our contestation at this time?
A30587But here will be not an inconvenience only but a mischief?
A30587But how can naturall and externall things be helps to things spirituall and divine?
A30587But how can this be?
A30587But how is this an argument for us to unite?
A30587But how shall it be known, whether the Devill be in a mans conscience or not?
A30587But if instead of being sweetned by mercies we are the more imbittered one against another, how great is this sinne?
A30587But if men of evill tongues doe so much hurt to men of moderate spirits, what hurt doe they doe one to another?
A30587But if the difference be so little, why doe they not come in?
A30587But if those liberties they seek be good, or but supposed by them to be so, why then should they feare a right setling of things?
A30587But it is necessary that all things be reformed at once?
A30587But must God have all our hearts, so as we may not let them out at all to any thing else?
A30587But that those embracements of his should be everlasting, and yet shall every trifle take us off from one anothers hearts?
A30587But these who gather Churches thus, looke upon all others who are not in that way as Heathens; and what division must this needs make?
A30587But they are not formally and juridically delivered up to Satan?
A30587But what are the severall workings of pride that make such a stir in the world?
A30587But what came on it?
A30587But what if Congregations refuse to give account of their wayes?
A30587But what may be done to a man in such a case?
A30587But when these latter cases shall fall out, how shall the truth be maintained?
A30587But while one draws one way, another another, one seeks to set up, and another labours to pull down, how can the work go on?
A30587But who can know when a man is condemned of himselfe?
A30587But why must there be Divisions, what does God ayme at in them?
A30587But why then will they not admit them to their communion?
A30587But will Printing help?
A30587But would you know what it is that hath grieved it, and what it is that is like to grieve it further?
A30587But you will say, How can we do lesse but account it a very strange thing, that those who fear God should be thus divided?
A30587But you will say, Is it not more likely that men of learning and piety, should know what is right, and what is not, better then others?
A30587But you will say, May not men be punished for things that they see no reason why they should be punished?
A30587But you will say, Surely there is use of reason and prudence in matters spirituall; how far may their use extend?
A30587But you will say, What?
A30587By what name, sayes he, shall I call you?
A30587Can any man living beare this?
A30587Can not men walke peaceably in a broad way, though they do not tread just in one anothers steps?
A30587Can not you endure reproach?
A30587Can not you endure to be deceived?
A30587Can not you endure to have others envy you?
A30587Can this satisfie your consciences?
A30587Can we be able to bear such rebukes as these?
A30587Canst not thou prevail with thy Father as well in this as in that?
A30587Christ reconciles both unto God: but how?
A30587Conscience is an inward roome, who can see into it, what, or who is there?
A30587Cur hominios non obstruitis auro argentove?
A30587Did not he that made me in the wombe, make him?
A30587Do not all Divines say, There are some things in Scripture wherein the Elephant may swimm, some things where the Lamb may wade?
A30587Do not our Adversaries say, Let them alone and they will devoure one another?
A30587Do not ye serve my gods?
A30587Do you envy for my sake, says Moses?
A30587Do you think this was Gods end in delivering us from being devoured of our enemies, that we may be devoured one of another?
A30587Doe not men in a Congregationall way take away all Ecclesiastical means that should hinder such an absolute liberty as this?
A30587Doe we provoke the Lord to jealousie?
A30587Does it appear by our carriages one towards another, that we are taught of God to love one another?
A30587Doth Moses prevaile too much in the hearts of the people?
A30587Every man cries out of the Theefe, but who stops him?
A30587First, A proud man thinks himself too great to be crossed, Shall I beare this?
A30587For first, from whence is the rise of all Civill Power that any man, or society of men, are invested with?
A30587For wherein lyes the strength of the seventh above the rest?
A30587For who can say, that a Democracy is a sinfull Government in it selfe?
A30587For yee are yet carnall; how do''s he prove that?
A30587From whence are our State- divisions, our Warres, but because Princes have been perswaded their power was boundlesse?
A30587From whence hath come the gross ignorance of Popery, but from the prevailing of this principle?
A30587God is come amongst us, wee may see the face of God in what he hath done for us, and shall we be quarrelling before his face?
A30587God shewes that he can owne us notwithstanding all our infirmities: Was ever Kingdome in a more distempered condition then ours hath been of late?
A30587Had we joyned hand in hand together, and set out selves to serve the Lord with one shoulder, what abundance of service might have been done?
A30587Hath Christ delevered us from one burden to lay a greater upon us?
A30587Hath God made this to be an Ordinance for the spirituall good of people?
A30587Have we not all one Father?
A30587Have we the spirit of Christ in us?
A30587He shall not prevail, sayes Christ: Why?
A30587How can we answer Christ Jesus for these things?
A30587How can you partake of the Table of the Lord, and the Table of Devills?
A30587How comes it to passe, you can close so lovingly now?
A30587How farre are most of us from this?
A30587How great a misery will this be?
A30587How great then is the evill of our divisions?
A30587How little has all that they have studied and endeavoured to do, prevailed with the hearts of men?
A30587How much better then is it to be hated for Christ, then to be beloved for sinne?
A30587How then is it possible that we should be at peace one with another?
A30587How unseasonable and dangerous is it for a Marriner to have his top- sails up, and all spread in a violent storme?
A30587How were they wo nt to pour forth their hearts in prayer together?
A30587I am come to send fire on the earth, and what will I if it be already kindled?
A30587I demand, what can any Church- power do more to work upon mens conscience for the reducing them from evill?
A30587I have read of two famous Philosophers falling at variance Aristippus and Aeschines, Aristippus comes to Aeschines, Shall we not be friends?
A30587I know not: Shall I call you Cives, qui à patria vestra descivistis?
A30587IF God should catch advantages against us, what would become of us?
A30587IT is but a little time we have to live; shall the greater part of it, nay why should any part of it be ravel''d out with contentions and quarrels?
A30587If an Ammonite or Moabite can not beare the being shut out of the Congregation of the Lord, how can the Saints beare it?
A30587If he comes thus, who shall abide his comming?
A30587If it prevails, what domineering is there like to be of one over another, yea of some few over many?
A30587If men speak with strange tongues, aud there comes in one unlearned, will they not be to him as Barbarians, will they not say they are mad?
A30587If one should set the Beakons on fire upon the landing of every Cock- boat, what continuall combustions and tumults would there be in the Land?
A30587If such things may fall out between Jerome and Ruffinus,( sayes he) who that is now a friend may not fear to be an enemy?
A30587If they be not united one to another in love and peace, but have a spirit of Division ruling amongst them, what will the world thinke?
A30587If we had but that great question more amongst us, What shall wee doe to be saved?
A30587If we should say, O Lord Jesus, wouldst thou have us be at peace one with another?
A30587If you say, If men have meanes of knowledge and strength, and yet continue ignorant and weake, should not such be dealt with as wilfull and obstinate?
A30587If you should compell us, sayes he, to sacrifice, what did you in this for your gods?
A30587In times of Popery what rage did it raise against men who were most conscientious?
A30587Is it comely for the body of Christ to be rent and torn?
A30587Is it for the credit of a Master, that his servants are alwayes wrangling and fighting one with another?
A30587Is it not a tedious thing in a family that the servants can never agree?
A30587Is it not an abhorring thing to any mans heart in the world, that men should suffer that God to be blasphemed, whom they honour?
A30587Is it not in our desires, that this great Victory might be pursued, that it might not be lost, as others( in great part) have been?
A30587Is it not the power which they themselves had, and which they might have kept amongst themselves?
A30587Is it seemly that one mans children should be alwayes contending, quarrelling and mischieving one another?
A30587Is it such a Fast that I have chosen?
A30587Is it true O Shadrach; Meshach, and Abednego?
A30587Is not thine Embassage from thy Father, an Embassage of peace?
A30587Is not this to deny the Church the benefit of the gifts and graces of thousands of others?
A30587It is not enough therefore to say the thing is in it selfe better, but is it better in all the references I have, and it hath?
A30587It may be you will say, What hurt is there in them?
A30587Lastly, the Saints enjoyment of the sweetnesse of love, peace and unity among themselves, what is it but heaven upon earth?
A30587Let all bitternesse, wrath, anger, clamour, and evill speaking be put away from you with all malice: And would you doe that which may rejoyce it?
A30587Luther approved of these things, are you wiser then he?
A30587Many amongst us do but dream of men, with whom our hearts are not, that they have some plots working, and how do our spirits work against them?
A30587Many will have no peace, except their own party be followed; Jehu- like, What hast thou to do with peace?
A30587May it not be justly thought that all our seeming love one to,& closing one with another formerly, was only for our own ends?
A30587May it not be that his eyes and thoughts were another way?
A30587May it not help one way, and hinder many ways?
A30587Moses speaks thus to those who strove one with another: Sirs, ye are brethren, why do yee wrong one another?
A30587Nay, are they not falne into ours?
A30587Nehemiah raised up by God for great service, what dirt was cast upon him?
A30587Ninthly, what can have that power to take off the sowrnesse of mens spirits like mercy; the mercy of a God?
A30587Now all this being done in Christs name, is this nothing to prevail with conscience?
A30587Now then, have not our divisions overcom Gods goodnes, lest Gods goodness overcome our divisions?
A30587Now then, how shall we know when a man is neither fickle nor stout?
A30587Now what doth this require of us?
A30587O Lord, what is this thy curse at this time upon England?
A30587O pitty, pitty thy Brother, if thou canst not pitty thy selfe; does it not grieve thee, that thy Brother should bring sinne upon himself?
A30587Oh Lord, what are we in these dayes such kinde of Christians as these were?
A30587Oh blessed Saviour, is not thy prayer against our divisions, as strong?
A30587Oh blessed Saviour, must we not think that thou art come to send peace?
A30587Oh consider, is the breach between man and man so grievous?
A30587Oh that we had hearts when we find contentions stirring to consider, But is there not a temptation in them?
A30587One would be for Paul, another for Apollos, sayes the Apostle, What need this contention, who you are for, and who another is for?
A30587Only here lies the great doubt, Whether hath God appointed the use of the Magistrates power to be a helpe to the things of Religion?
A30587Our Divisions hinder our strength; If you untwist a Cable, how weak is it in the severall parts of it?
A30587Prayer in it selfe is better, but is it better at this time for me, all things considered?
A30587Quid facit inpectore Christiano luporum feritas?
A30587Quis non vita etiam sua redimat submotum istus infinitum dissi ● ii scandalum?
A30587Rulers, saith the Text, are not a terrour to good works, but to evil; wilt thou then not be afraid of their power?
A30587Shall I hold my peace when the Devill has stirred up so great a perturbation, has kindled so great a fire?
A30587Shall I lose my sweetnesse in contending, to get my will to be above others?
A30587Shall I say sutablenesse?
A30587Shall men of warre be at peace?
A30587Shall not we whom God from all eternity hath ordained to live co- heires in heaven, to joyn together in praises there, agree together here on earth?
A30587Shall so many Religions be suffered amongst us?
A30587Shall the comfort of all our former mercies and future hopes be lost, by raising up of new quarrels?
A30587Sixthly, what help can there be?
A30587So St. Paul, Hast thou faith?
A30587So we may say, what if they will not regard your delivering them up to Satan, but will go on still?
A30587Such an one is thine enemy, and wilt thou of one enemy make two?
A30587Suppose a man differs from his brethren in point of Church- Discipline, must not this man have a place in an Army therefore?
A30587Suppose children or servants were wrangling one with another, were not this an argument to make them be quiet, Your Father is here?
A30587Take but away their disputes, and for any else, how empty and dry are they?
A30587Tanta ne vos generis tenuit fiducia vestri?
A30587Tell me, were it a signe of valour in a man to draw his sword at every Whappet that comes near him?
A30587That is as if you should say, What if they be not conscientious?
A30587The Lord make you to increase and abound in love one towards another, and towards all men: To what end?
A30587The answer is soon made, Do you not see plainly that they came from your lusts?
A30587The curing the heart will sooner cure the head, then the curing the head will cure the heart: Whence are wars?
A30587The first heart- division amongst men was between Gain& Abel, and what caused it but envy?
A30587The heat of the Gospel divides: it is like fire when it comes, Is not my word like fire?
A30587There are other names of division; the name of Puritan, what a divider hath it been?
A30587There is a great outcry of this but what is the scope of it?
A30587There shall not a man be put to death this day: Why?
A30587These are strange accusations; for do not they themselves make all these the signs of the true Church?
A30587This dividing with God is very wicked; what communion hath God with Belial?
A30587Those wasting Wars of the Romans between Sylla and Marius, Caesar and Pompey, were they not from hence?
A30587To which the Embassadors of Austria reply: What discommoditie were herein, how heavie and sorrowfull newes this would be to the people, who seeth not?
A30587VVE differ thus and thus, but what doe we agree in?
A30587VVHat do you hear more ordinary then this, How many Religions have we now?
A30587VVOuld not I have others beare with me?
A30587VVhat then should be the rule?
A30587WHen Christ shall come, will you stand before him with scratched faces, with black and blew eyes?
A30587WHy may not meat come out of the eater, and sweet out of these bitter things?
A30587We are delivered from being devoured by our enemies; shal we now devour one another?
A30587We never had such a time to try what spirit of love, what principles of union are in us, as now we have; and shall we now miscarry?
A30587We pray that the will of God might bee done on earth as it is done in heaven; why, may not we have a heaven upon earth?
A30587We use to put a price upon things that are rare: what makes Jewels to be of that worth, but for the rarity of them?
A30587Were it not better for thee to suffer; then for thy Brother to sinne?
A30587Were it not folly and madnesse?
A30587What a stir hath this Meum and Tuum made in the world?
A30587What a stir would the Lions in the Tower mak ●, and the Bears in Paris- garden, if they were let loose?
A30587What be our caetera opera, that bewray such a humor?
A30587What biting and devouring was this?
A30587What can cause one member to tear and rend another, but madness?
A30587What dependance had these things upon their discipline and Ceremonies, supposing they had been right?
A30587What does a froward contentious spirit do in thee, who professt thy self to be a Christian?
A30587What hinders why soft and gentle words may not prevaile, as well as hard and bitter language?
A30587What if nothing can prevaile with conscience?
A30587What is more seasonable for divided times then uniting graces?
A30587What is the meaning of humanity, but courteousness, gentleness, pleasantness in our carriages one towards another?
A30587What shall I doe?
A30587What shall we do?
A30587What spirit is it that we professe our selves to be acted by when we are working for Religion?
A30587What sweet visits were there wo nt to be?
A30587What then followes?
A30587What then is our fraternity?
A30587What this people were in their divided condition, that we are; and what does this threaten, but that we should be as they a while after this were?
A30587What, this is your conscience?
A30587When did you ever know a wrangling contentious Minister( though his gifts were never so excellent) do good amongst his people?
A30587When the Turks have prevailed over Christians, do not all stories tell us it hath been through the divisions of Christians?
A30587Whence are wars and fighting amongst you?
A30587Whence come they?
A30587Where is there that opening of secrets one to another as formerly?
A30587Wherefore First, by these Divisions men may come to see the vilenesse and the vanity of their own hearts: what were the thoughts of men heretofore?
A30587Who can meddle with this fire that is kindled among us, and not burn his fingers?
A30587Who can read that short but sowre History of the troubles at Frankford, but his heart must needs bleed within him?
A30587Who can stand before envy?
A30587Why are you dismembred in your hearts and your opinions?
A30587Why doe you seek to strengthen your selves by stirring up vile men to joyne with you, such as heretofore your hearts were opposite to?
A30587Why doest thou not reason thus with thy spirit?
A30587Why halt ye between two opinions?
A30587Why may not a loving winning carriage do as much as severe rigid violence?
A30587Why may not heavenly hearts change the very nature of these sowre brinish things, and make them sweet to themselves and others?
A30587Why should a man labour and toyle till he sweats again, to take up a pin?
A30587Why should our divisions cause u ● to call off one another, seeing our divisions from God hath not provoked him to cast us off?
A30587Why should we let the strength of our spirits run waste?
A30587Why should we not then keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace?
A30587Why so?
A30587Why, what then?
A30587YOu will say, Are workes of zeale any helps to peace and union?
A30587Yet were this Question put to some of us, Whence are all our divisions?
A30587You begin to make a stirre, but can you give account of it?
A30587You wil say, How could it then endure the heat of the oven?
A30587You will say, How can that be?
A30587You will say, These were wo nt to be very entire friends, how came they to break?
A30587You will say, What evills would Christ have punished, and what not?
A30587You will say, What if they care not for all this?
A30587You will say, What need that?
A30587Zoilus the common slanderer, being asked why he spake evil of such and such men?
A30587ad Spalatinum Non possun quin vehementissime commovear quotie, haec mala apud me reputo: quid agam?
A30587am not I about that which God hath called me to do?
A30587and although we hold not the seventh, yet there is an ingredient in the sixt, that hath in it the strength of the seventh?
A30587and did not one fashion us in the wombe?
A30587and is it not our case?
A30587and is not that a Dove- like spirit?
A30587and is this comely?
A30587and must this come from the City?
A30587and shall men of peace be at warre?
A30587and that nothing should be done for the restrayning any, but to aske them why they doe so, and to perswade them to doe otherwise?
A30587and what then is like to become of the publique?
A30587and yet the Lord hath owned us: Why should not we own our Brethren, notwithstanding their infirmities?
A30587any reference to Christ might perswade unity, but union with Christ as the members with the body, what heart can stand against the strength of this?
A30587are these the Sheep of Christ, whom I see to consume away in their miserable burning?
A30587are they not hence, even from your lusts?
A30587are we stronger then he?
A30587as fire- brands plucked out of the fire, and now they seeke to fire those who plucked them out; but if this be too hot, what will you call them?
A30587aut non me ● inisti alium nobis esse Imperatorem te superiorem?
A30587be mercifull then: would you be commended?
A30587bestow benefits then: would you have mercy?
A30587by what should we judg a man to be obstiate?
A30587canum rabies?
A30587commend others: would you be loved?
A30587cruenta sevitia bestiarum?
A30587did we not then acknowledg that it were righteous with God because of our divisions, to give us up as a prey to our adversarie ●?
A30587do you thinke this is pleasing to your Father?
A30587doe we not agree in things enough, wherein we may all the dayes of our lives spend all the strength we have in glorifying God together?
A30587doe you not feare to bring those feet of yours, polluted with the blood of innocents, into this holy place?
A30587dost thou not pray for thy self and for him, Lord lead us not into temptation?
A30587dost thou see that this will be a temptation to thy brother, and wilt thou lay it before him?
A30587for we wilfully make our selves miserable; if men will undoe themselves, who can helpe it?
A30587hast thou not said that they shall serve thee with one shoulder?
A30587hath not one God created us?
A30587have they stronger bonds of union then we?
A30587he did not take notice of your passing by him; is it not thus often with your selfe in respect of others?
A30587how did it please them at the heart if they could meet with any thing that might serve their turne?
A30587how might the honour of Christ have been advanced high amongst us before this day?
A30587how uncomely will this be?
A30587if this be suffered, what desolation must needs follow?
A30587is it better in regard of others, in regard of the publique, for the helping me in all my relations?
A30587is it not from the generality of the men, over whom they have power?
A30587is it not in this?
A30587is it not possible that it may be thorough multitude of businesse in his head that you know not of?
A30587is it not the Spirit of God?
A30587is the same minde in us that was in Christ Jesus?
A30587it is not about mens stretching their power beyond their line both in State and Church?
A30587may be not preach Jesus Christ to poor ignorant creatures?
A30587may wee not doe them then?
A30587of such parts, such approved abilities, so endued by God to doe some eminent service, be laid aside, and no body regard me?
A30587or doe you not remember we have another Emperour above you?
A30587or to stretch forth those hands of yours, wet, yea dropping with blood, to take the most holy body of the Lord?
A30587or what shall a man give in exchange for his soule?
A30587sayes he: How doth he now behave himself?
A30587shall every jealous spusitious conceit, every little difference, be enough to seperate us and that almost irreconcileably?
A30587surely our condition is very sad: Have we not cause to say, Lord let any burthen of the Ceremonial Law be laid upon our necks rather then this?
A30587taceam ne in tanta perturbatione publica, tantoque incendo, quod S ● tanas ex it wit?
A30587that Montanus turns, Nunquid desolatio, Buxtorfius translates num de industria; what on purpose?
A30587that which you have in your books, is it true?
A30587the thoughts, the counsels, contrivances, endeavours, ways of men, almost of all men, how are they divided?
A30587then all your affections?
A30587then all your offences?
A30587thus many answer to the truth of God that would take them off from what they are engaged in, but what shall I do for my credit that lyes engaged?
A30587vinenum lethale serpenium?
A30587w ht made him thus to aggravate the offence, but meerly the pride of his heart?
A30587was it a desolation that these three poor innocent men made, because they would not, nay, they could not do as this proud K. would have them?
A30587was it not because they were chained together?
A30587was it out of respect to Christ, that they were so unwilling it should be divided?
A30587we do not read of such things before Christs time; yet do you think this was a good argument why men should wish that Christ had never come?
A30587what bearing one anothers burdens?
A30587what bold impiety is thi ●?
A30587what for their Covenant?
A30587what hath either of them done?
A30587what heart- encouraging Letters?
A30587what if flessh and blood, what if a man can not?
A30587what if they will not shew so much conscientiousnesse, as to regard admonitions, declaring against them, withdrawing communion from them?
A30587what is like to become of thee then?
A30587what unkindnesse hath befalne them?
A30587what will you say of them?
A30587what, you to oppose the command of a King?
A30587where lyes the force of his Argument, that Ieremiah must therefore be punished?
A30587whereas there is among you envying, and strife, and divisions, are ye not carnall and walke as men?
A30587who are they that make the greatest disturbances in the world, but your fiery zelots?
A30587why do we deale treacherously every man against his brother?
A30587will it not suffer much prejudice?
A30587will not all be whist presently?
A30587will you then make the Magistrate a Judge in all causes of Religion?
A30587wilt thou also be an enemy to thy self, yea a greater enemy then he or any man living can be to thee?
A30587yea at every Fly that lights upon him?
A30587you do it on purpose to anger me, do you?
A30587you doe it on purpose to provoke me; thus proud men and women in their families, whatsoeuer children or servants do amisse; what?
A30587your Mr. is come?
A30587● scere?
A30587〈 ◊ 〉 〈 ◊ 〉 〈 ◊ 〉 〈 ◊ 〉 〈 ◊ 〉; why doe you divide your hearts?
A30574( But now Habakkuk, why would you trouble your self with so much fear?)
A30574( or, for us?)
A30574* Chrysostom hath another expression: A Covetous man( saith he) is not delighted with the beauty of Heaven, nor with the motion of the Sun: why?
A305741, 2. there you shall find an Altar of Shittim wood overlaid with Brass; you will say, Why was the first with earth and the other with brass?
A305741. you have a remarkable Scripture for this, saith the text there, And the Anger of the Lord was kindled against Israel: and what then?
A3057411. where did they find Manasses?
A3057414. there you reade, that the Lord is so eager to have the first things?
A3057414. when the people did offer so much to God for the building of his Tabernacle, Mark how David was affected with it, Who am I( saith David?)
A305742. saith David, I will behave my self wisely in a perfect way; O when wilt thou come unto me?
A3057420 God will put a hook in his nostrils; now who would be afraid of a beast that hath a hook put into his nostrils?
A305743. we have a Scripture paralel to this, What will you do in the day of visitation?
A3057438. saith Zebul, Where now is thy mouth wherewith thou saidest, Who is Abimelech?
A3057447. saith Christ there, If ye beleeve not Moses writings, how can ye beleeve my words?
A305745. Who hath sent out the wild Ass free?
A305746 When men bless themselves in their own thoughts, they should consider what are Gods thoughts?
A305747 If it be sad that false worship is neglected, how sad is it that true worship is?
A30574A generous spirit will labor for the posterity that is to come; If none should plow, how would there be Corn to tread out?
A30574A wild Ass used to the wilderness that snuffeth up the wind at her pleasure; in her occasion who can turn her away?
A30574Again: What shall a King do to us?
A30574And again thirdly, What shall a King do for us?
A30574And again, What horrible wickedness are some guilty of?
A30574And by by being dried up, what are they but prepared for the fire?
A30574And hast thou a temptation to leave off seeking God?
A30574And hath it not been so with our Adversaries?
A30574And here is an evident demonstration that your selvishness will make you empty for God; how many are there that complain of emptiness?
A30574And indeed we have begun of late to corrupt the Worship of God, and were carried on by wicked devilish carnal policy, How did we sow the wind?
A30574And indeed, what good had their Kings done for them?
A30574And is not this better than to cry to mountains to fall upon thee, and hills to cover thee?
A30574And is there not as great an evil to seek the love of the wicked and ungodly and help from them that hate the the Lord?
A30574And so a gracious heart may be assured of this, Hast thou sought the Lord in the truth of thy heart?
A30574And then a further Note is this, That the Judgments of God neer to us should awaken us; we should think, Why may it not be upon our selves?
A30574And then lastly, Seek the Lord till he comes; why?
A30574And was not this to know me, saith the Lord?
A30574And what fruit indeed is there brought forth to God in the world but by his Churches?
A30574And what is the cause of emptiness, but the emptying out our strength and spirits to our lusts and the world?
A30574And what side is that that men most cleave to as they grow most loose and most formal in their way and profiting?
A30574And what side men incline most unto, as they grow more loose and formal in their waies?
A30574And what will be the end of these things?
A30574And what will you do in the day of Visitation, and the Dissolution which shall come from far?
A30574And what''s the reason that we have such a deal of ill blood among us?
A30574And wherein did they swear falsely?
A30574And whether it be better for a People to have no King, or to have no Protection from their King?
A30574And who, or what are you that you should have your ears free?
A30574And why is a foolish Son said to be the sorrow of the Mother?
A30574And yet he was a Divine, why did he not know before?
A30574And you must fear something; Were it not better that your fear were upon God, than any thing else?
A30574Are not they fain to have their Guards go about them to protect them?
A30574Are they such good things?
A30574As if a woman had her breast to be launc''d or cut off, would not the tender Father take the Children out of the room in the mean time?
A30574As if he should say, Lord, what is this in respect of thee who art the great God?
A30574As since our Covenant hath been made; When was there ever greater divisions?
A30574Ask ye now among the Heathen, who hath heard such things?
A30574At this day, my Brethren, how do many mourn after their superstitious vanities, their superstitious customs that they were wo nt to have?
A30574Austin hath a notable expression for this, saith he, Such is every man as his love is, Doth a man love the earth?
A30574But Secondly, What was this burden?
A30574But are there not with you, even with you sins against the Lord your God?
A30574But do you say to us, What will we do in such a day?
A30574But how vile is it then for us to neglect the reading of this written Word?
A30574But if it bud, now may they not bless themselves?
A30574But if this be an evil thing to be empty, than what is it to bring forth the Grapes of Sodom, and the Clusters of Gomorrah?
A30574But is it fit for thee to chuse thine own rod?
A30574But mark what follows?
A30574But note, let the Saints of God take this Note with them, Shall creature confidence take mens hearts off from Gods fear?
A30574But now the Papists will say, If ye beleeve not our words, how can ye beleeve their writings?
A30574But now the question is, what times doth this refer to?
A30574But now then, Is it so, that it is in the hearts of men to trust so much in their own way, because it is their own?
A30574But now, Wherein doth the false Prophets seem to be enveighed against?
A30574But other men in their straights, what shall they do for us?
A30574But saith God here, What a But comes after all this?
A30574But saith he further, They would have Righteousness, but what?
A30574But the People of God are never in such a distressed condition but they are able to say, What shall Men or Devils be able to do against us?
A30574But thirdly, When was this fulfilled?
A30574But were they ever carried into Egypt, was this threat ever fulfilled?
A30574But what are you, you are sowr in the tast of God, what delight can God take in your unsavory and rotten corrupted spirits?
A30574But what is it?
A30574But what was their reason here( you will say) Why is it a sin to build Temples?
A30574But when shall this be?
A30574But wherein was the superstition for them to build Temples?
A30574But why doth the Prophet bring it in here?
A30574But why is it called the Calf of Samaria?
A30574But why the bread of mourners unclean?
A30574But why would God have no other Altars, but accounted it so hainous a crime to make any other Altars but those?
A30574But you will say, Shall the children suffer for the Fathers sin?
A30574But you will say, What do you mean by a true Church?
A30574But you will say, what is the reason?
A30574But( you will say) Is all mourning forbidden?
A30574By the way this meditation may be raised here: What, shal the addition of many such weak things as vapors are come, to such a mighty strength?
A30574C Calf The Calf of Samaria why it was so called 25 Caution, see Kings Canaan Canaan was the Lords Land in an especial manner, and why?
A30574Calvin puts this Question, Why doth he not say, it springs up in the field, but in the furrows of the field?
A30574Can you tell what in the world to do?
A30574Certainly though you be never so great in the world, what''s any of your estates to the whol Turkish Empire?
A30574Consider this, you that have a desire to sin, a mind to sin, to delight in sin, that are comforted in sin?
A30574Cur potius suprasulcos agri, quam in agro?
A30574Did God break them there?
A30574Did I ever command it saith God?
A30574Did not my words take hold upon your fathers?
A30574Did not thy Father do Judgment and Justice, and then it was well with him?
A30574Do not think that sufficient, that you continue in outward profession of Religion; Nay, shall I say more?
A30574Do not we reade that God will visit the sins of Idolaters unto the third and fourth Generation?
A30574Do not you make bold with Gods Word and secretly jeer at those that are so nice they can not venture a little?
A30574Doest thou come to the Word and not hearken to the Counsel of God in his Word?
A30574Doest thou love the glorious and blessed God?
A30574Doest thou now abuse this for thine own lusts?
A30574Doth God fill thy family, thy chamber, thy closet, thy bed, thy shop with the Testimonies of his mercy?
A30574Doth not a Mother rejoyce in a wise Son too?
A30574Doth not the Father sorrow and mourn for a foolish Son?
A30574Doth the Husbandman plow all day to sow?
A30574Fear ye not me( saith the Lord) who have placed the sands for the bounds of the Sea?
A30574Fiftly, If there be grace, it is the Divine Nature its self, and can not that bear fruit?
A30574First, There''s no plant hath a more unpromising outside than the Vine hath, the outside of it, how mean is it?
A30574First, What are those lyes that they eate the fruit of?
A30574Fourthly, Why doth he call it the burden of the King of Princes?
A30574Fourthly, Why doth the holy Ghost say, The burden of the King of Princes?
A30574From the daies of Gibeah; From what time was that?
A30574Give them, O Lord: what wilt thou give?
A30574God can rejoyce in the execution of his wrath: Are you resolute upon your sin?
A30574God doth not let us sit under empty Vines; our Vines they have bin fruitful Vines, shall we then be empty Vines our selves?
A30574God hath given thee an Estate, or Honors, or Preferment: What doest thou do?
A30574Had he no power?
A30574Had they no King?
A30574Hath be smitten him as he smote those that smote him?
A30574Have any of the Nations changed their gods?
A30574Have you more than others?
A30574Have you not known some examples in this kind?
A30574Here''s an excellent fear, here''s fear rightly set; Would you fear?
A30574How could the World take such an expression?
A30574How fearful is it to live in misery for ever then, and never to die?
A30574How great an evil is it to a people then, whose complaints are; what doth a King not do against us?
A30574How is God forgotten, and they build Temples to the honor of God?
A30574How many forget what manifestations once they had of God?
A30574How many poor men travel many times far, expecting fruits of Justice, but they meet with Hemlock?
A30574How much more should we cast off false worship with abomination and say, Get thee hence?
A30574How vile then are our hearts?
A30574How would these fair necks be able to bear Iron chains for Christ?
A30574I am breaking down that which I have built, and plucking up what I have planted, And doest thou seek great things for thy self?
A30574I appeal to you what was that which your hearts trembled most for in the time of our greatest danger?
A30574I appeal to you; How manie of you in the time of your sickness and afflictions have known things after another manner than ever you knew them before?
A30574I but there is a publick Pay too as well as the publick Cause?
A30574I but what if it come to the meal?
A30574I have as good an estate as such a one hath,& as fair a dwelling as he hath,& as comly children as he hath, why should not I be merry?
A30574I that have bin struck this day, and am in such a dreadful condition, Would God have regarded the sin offering?
A30574Idolaters they will make this no argument, Why should we be wiser than our fore- fathers?
A30574If God work the will and the deed, what need I work at all?
A30574If Hypocrites think it to be so great a comfort that they are Israel, Oh what is it then to be a true Israelite in whose heart is no guile?
A30574If better not to be born in respect of tēporal calamities; what then in respect of eternal?
A30574If thy People go out to battel against their enemies, whithersoever thou shalt send them,( what should they do?)
A30574If we should judg the riches of men and women by their good works, how many rich men would there be accounted very poor?
A30574In speaking of the burden that was upon the people he doth give the Assyrian such an Epithite?
A30574In the Lord put I my trust: how say ye to my soul, Flee as a bird to your Mountain?
A30574In their month, what?
A30574In this: What Nation is so great that hath Statutes and Judgments so righteous as all this Law which I set before you this day?
A30574Is a lingering misery so evil?
A30574Is it fit that thou shouldest chuse thy sin and thy rod too?
A30574Is it in your will to sin?
A30574Is not here Injustice and Oppression?
A30574Is not the life more worth than meat?
A30574Is our Estates our goods?
A30574It is Gods will to punish: Can you rejoyce in sin?
A30574It may be there are some that have deeper reaches than they have; I, but have they the fear of God in them?
A30574It may be you would have God come, but wherefore, to bring comfort to you?
A30574It was sin, Why?
A30574It were no great matter though if other people had gotten the victory they should triumph, why not?
A30574It''s a very strange Scripture, I know not the like in all the Book of God, God threatens to smite this people, and how?
A30574Know that our continuance in sin, is as great a burden to Gods Spirit, he cries out when will they be made clean, when shall it once be?
A30574Knowest thou not, O vain man, that faith without works is dead?
A30574Let us every day examine our hearts, How hath the fear of God been in me this day?
A30574Lord, what is man?
A30574Luther therefore hath such a speech, I even hate mine own Books, and I often times even wish that they were burnt, that they might perish, Why?
A30574Lyes here what?
A30574Many people do nothing all their lives time but sow the wind, they labor and toil, but what comes of it?
A30574Mark, here you have these two points together, The Church aggravates her sin, I have grievously rebelled; and what then?
A30574Men can rejoyce in the time of their prosperity, but in times of afflictions then they fear?
A30574Men of the world think them to be fools, and why will you be content to suffer so much, lose all your friends?
A30574Nay, it''s not enough to say, That we can not say it is forbidden, But where is it written?
A30574Nay, what doth he not do against us continually?
A30574No Nation would change their gods whom they had chose, only Gods People they were peculiar in this to make change of their God: Why?
A30574No man need say, Shall I go to the u ● ● ● rmost parts of the earth?
A30574No question he thought it no great matter to go into the Temple and offer sacrifice, Is it not as good that a King offer it as a Priest?
A30574No, but it is a destruction from the Almighty, and therefore what can you do?
A30574Now compare that with a winters dark dismal night; What makes the difference between these two?
A30574Now they shall say, We have no King& c. When did they say so?
A30574Now what a miserable thing had it been if they had come back and lost all their Voyage?
A30574Now what was that Counsel?
A30574Now what would we but charge God with this, even that which makes men to be most vile?
A30574Of late our Kingdom, how desperatly was it departing from God, and setting its self against all the power of godliness?
A30574Oh how great a shame is it to do so much for Images, dead Images,& to do so little for the Images of God?
A30574Oh so, Shall we leave our fruitfulness upon any earthly advantage in the world?
A30574Oh the difference between a Saint of God and a wicked man in times of affliction?
A30574Oh then, what''s the strength of the infinite God unto which nothing can be added?
A30574Or thus; May we not yet possibly make up some peace though we be in this distressed coudition?
A30574Our Covenant is for unity: When more ungodliness; our Covenant is against it; when more injustice?
A30574Policy may say it''s fit, Reason may say it''s comely, and Experience may say it''s useful, But doth the written Law say it should be?
A30574Rain, what?
A30574Righteousness, what?
A30574Saith he, If the Lord doth not help thee, whence shall I help thee?
A30574Say they, If ye beleeve not our words, how can ye beleeve their writings?
A30574Shall Horses run upon the Rock?
A30574Shall Idolaters when they look upon their plenty and attribute it to their Idol gods, shall it be so much the sweeter to them?
A30574Shall wood be taken thereof to do any work, or will men take a pin of it to hang any vessel thereon?
A30574So I may say to many guilconsciences, Oh thou poor wretched sinful creature, what wilt thou do in the day of Visitation?
A30574So it is here: How singular was Hosea at this time?
A30574So it''s true, by way of allusion at least, we may apply it, the Soul of God is a longer, God is a longer; To what?
A30574So may I say to many, is this a time for men to treasure to themselves, for men to have their chief care now to gain riches?
A30574So saith conscience in times of affliction to wretched creatures, Where now is that bold and presumptuous heart of thine?
A30574So, let men stand out as stubbornly and stoutly as they will, and say, What care we?
A30574So, people are ready to think, if any thing be propounded for the Worship of God out of the Word, Yea, but how can it be with peace?
A30574Suppose we had him, now he is gone, but if we had him, what good would he bring to us if we had him?
A30574THE Jews might object: Why, how do we account the Law of God a strange thing?
A30574THEY are convinced of their sin, that they have not feared God, they cry out of their misery, what shall a King do to them?
A30574Take a delightful Sunshine Summers day, and how beautiful is it?
A30574That people is in a sad condition, what shall he do for us?
A30574The Anger of the Lord was kindled against Israel, and he moved David against them: to what?
A30574The Land shall not be sold for ever: Why?
A30574The fourth is, And what shall a King do to us?
A30574The meaning is, That if a man will sanctifie a piece of Land to God, well, what is this Land worth?
A30574The words ▪ are, Oh empty man, knowest thou not, O empty man, that faith without works are dead?
A30574Their first King they had, it was in Gods wrath, and every one of the Kings of Israel* was a plague to them, what had they done for them?
A30574Then what will be the lingering evil of eternity?
A30574Then you wil say, Why do we make use of Writers so much?
A30574Then, Lord, give them; what wilt thou give them?
A30574There might be as much excuse for this as one could imagin, why Lord( they might say) shall we starve?
A30574There they sink down in a sullen way, and shall God accept of such a service as this is?
A30574Therefore for Christians to be without fruit is an exceeding great evil, Doest thou know what fruit is?
A30574They complained, but saith God, what do you complain of this?
A30574They have set up Kings, but not by me, I will not own that; Why?
A30574They shall be cast away: but why?
A30574They were very stout and full of creature confidence before they were brought into misery, and now what low sordid spirits have they?
A30574Thirdly, Why doth he call this the burden?
A30574This Meditation( I say) would be very useful; cast up your accounts thus, Consider what service doth others for God, and what do I?
A30574This is a very strange expression: What all?
A30574This is very strange, Empty, and yet bring forth fruit; If she brings forth fruit, how empty?
A30574This people might think him to be very presumptuous; What, as if no body had interest in God but he, Is not God our God as well as his?
A30574This would answer those that plead for old superstitious vanities: Why should we be wiser than our forefathers?
A30574Thou hast a cup of Wine for thy friend to cheer him, but hast thou a cup of Wine for God to cheer his heart?
A30574Thou hast thy prosperity now, and thou thinkest thou maiest enjoy it still; but how canst thou tell but God may suddenly depart, and then all is gone?
A30574Thou scornest at fearing and trembling before God, and slightest his Word, but where now is that proud wretched heart of thine?
A30574Though the sins of a people be great, and Judgments neer, yet who knows what an exhortation may do?
A30574To shew their stubbornness 52 2 To shew their contemptibleness 53 Obj Why doth he say[ Alone?]
A30574To whom will you flee for help?
A30574WHAT, God departed?
A30574Was it for the Ark of God?
A30574Was there a Fight in Zion, and in Salem?
A30574Was there ever more cries, was there ever more bitter moans and complaints because of Injustice than of late hath been in this Land?
A30574We are in a distressed condition, and what shall they do for us?
A30574We have tasted enough of this Hemlock heretofore, Would we think to have our help that way?
A30574Well, but then, will they bless themselves if it hath gotten up to a stalk?
A30574What Covenant did they make?
A30574What Nation is there so great, that hath Statutes and Judgments so righteous as all this Law that I set before you this day?
A30574What Nation so great as you are?
A30574What a connexion is there?
A30574What a vain thing is it to plot against God, when God can turn mens Arrows against themselves?
A30574What an alteration doth the departing of the Sun make?
A30574What are strong holds for the safeguard of a people when the strong God is against them?
A30574What are you more than others?
A30574What are you?
A30574What are your estates then?
A30574What brought the Prelates down but their own Counsels?
A30574What can be expected but the Lords smiting the Land with a most dreadful Curse?
A30574What complaints would he have now?
A30574What hath brought our Adversaries into snares but their own Counsels?
A30574What hath the poor Infant done?
A30574What hath this reference to?
A30574What hath this reference to?
A30574What is it that keeps thy heart so tender as it is?
A30574What is it to have a few drops of water?
A30574What is it to say, We know God, and to cast off the thing that is good?
A30574What is the Vine- tree more than any tree, or than a branch which is among the trees of the Forrest?
A30574What is your joy more than the joy of others?
A30574What people is there in the world but will make some shew, that they would obey Gods Law?
A30574What promises do you make with God in Prayer, and yet you grow again loose, and false, and vile afterwards?
A30574What shall Bethel rise up against the rest of the ten Tribes, and come and destroy Mother and Children together?
A30574What strange thoughts have carnal hearts of many parts of Gods Law?
A30574What then shall a King do to us?
A30574What then should a King do to us?
A30574What then?
A30574What was the root of Ephraim?
A30574What will wicked men do in that day?
A30574What will ye do in the solemn day, and in the day of the feast of the Lord?
A30574What woful disturbances, distractions and calamities do some men bring upon a nation?
A30574What''s that to us( say they) see thou to that?
A30574What''s the argument of our superstitious vanities, but our Forefathers did thus?
A30574What, hath none done evil but they?
A30574What, must we go home with sad hearts and be made a scorn and prey to those that are wicked round about us?
A30574What, the children of Israel( saith he) and Judah only done evil from their youth?
A30574When can they bless themselves in any one project?
A30574When it comes up to the blade?
A30574When men are jolly and merry, they should consider, Well, but would God have us to rejoyce?
A30574When men have striven to set up any false worship, and have gotten it up, what is the fruit of it?
A30574When the hearts of men are brought to this, to cry, Men and Brethren, what shall we do?
A30574When therefore we find our selves jocund and merry, we should consider, but is God of the same mind that we are of?
A30574When was Fathers against Children, and Children against Fathers as now, and that in matters of Controversie?
A30574When was there ever such smiting with the tongue as there is now?
A30574When we bless our selves most in our own thoughts we should consider, but what are Gods thoughts?
A30574Wherefore came this mad fellow in?
A30574Wherefore were they slain?
A30574Whither will ye flee in the day of visitation?
A30574Whither wilt thou go?
A30574Who are those that sow the wind?
A30574Who art thou that doest not fear the Lord?
A30574Who would be afraid of a noise, smal dust, and chaff?
A30574Who would ever have thought that?
A30574Why God would have but one Altar?
A30574Why Jeroboam might say, Lord, didest not thou send thy Prophet to tell me that I should have the ten Tribes, and yet wilt thou not own me?
A30574Why did Asa speak thus?
A30574Why doth God compare Ephraim amd the ten Tribes to the wild Ass?
A30574Why doth God compare the ten Tribes to a wild Ass?
A30574Why is a wise Son said to be the gladness of the Father?
A30574Why is it so great an evil to be delivered into the hand of our neighbor, and into the hand of our King?
A30574Why should you wonder?
A30574Why so?
A30574Why the inhabitants of Samariah?
A30574Why was it written upon his Vesture, and why upon his Thigh?
A30574Why you will say?
A30574Why, was there many Calves at Beth- aven?
A30574Why, were there many Calves at Beth- aven?
A30574Why, what''s the ground?
A30574Why, wherein do not we fear God?
A30574Will he reretain his anger for ever?
A30574Will you venture?
A30574Wilt thou set thine eyes upon that which is not?
A30574Would not you be glad to be delivered from creature fears, especially you that have liv''d in many dangers a few months since?
A30574Yea, But what is this to us( might the Prophets Auditors say?)
A30574Yea, and it is against thy Prayers for a Sanctified use of thy ESTATE; Doth God give thee an ESTATE?
A30574Yea, and was it horrible for them to stand to defend it?
A30574Yea, but do you seek God that you may be fruitful?
A30574Yea, but it may be said, How were the people that were living now, guilty of this?
A30574Yea, but saith the holy Ghost here by the Prophet, But what will you do?
A30574Yea, but still the Objection will be, How could it be a sin to cast down those Altars when they were of no further Religious use?
A30574You can rejoyce now when you are in a Tavern, but in the day of Tribulation, when a dismal day shall come to the world, what will you do then?
A30574You have many Feast daies, and daies of Thanksgiving, you bless me for what I do for you, but I will not care for your daies of Thanksgiving,( why?)
A30574You know those furious violent Prelates, Did not they break the neck of their Prelacie meerly by their furie and outragiousness?
A30574You must love something; Were it not better that your love were placed upon God than any thing else?
A30574You wil say, Why should children suffer for their parents sins?
A30574You will say, Can we look upon any thing as a reward of our righteousness?
A30574You will say, How can this be?
A30574You will say, Who are those that will deal with God in a way of Recompence?
A30574Your hearts have been all in a tumult, hath the Lord delivered you?
A30574Your sin is greater; why?
A30574and doest thou say, that thy wickedness is no other than the wickedness of thy forefathers?
A30574and shall the Devil reap?
A30574and so all kind of evil and sin that would stick so fast upon us?
A30574and the other saith, why should not I have the glory of it?
A30574and those that have most appeared in the Cause of God, how are they discountenanced?
A30574and what are you that you must have ease and content more than others?
A30574and what is my people, that we should be able to offer so willingly after this sort?
A30574and where will you leave your glory?
A30574are we not all sinners?
A30574art thou rich in that?
A30574but Ephraim might bless himself in his prosperous condition in which he was, Ephraim( might say) What do you speak of Gods departing?
A30574but can there any thing more be done?
A30574but is there as much difference between the glory that God hath from you, and the glory that God hath from them?
A30574but where do we ever find that Justice was so pleasing to thee?
A30574can not we get some or other to joyn with us?
A30574cui coll ●, tege me?
A30574cui monti dicturus sum, eadit super me?
A30574dare any of you venture upon your Pleas to stand it out?
A30574do not we continue in sacrificing, do not we offer our sacrifices to God?
A30574do our hopes come to this?
A30574doth God come to you in your family, or person, or estate?
A30574doth God require any thing more of his creature?
A30574doth it make the seeds of Righteousness fructifie in your hearts?
A30574good works how excellent Why?
A30574had it not been better that their Mothers wombs to have miscarried, and their breasts not to have given them such?
A30574hath not this been the condition of some of you in time of trouble of your spirit, when you have apprehended the absence of God from you?
A30574hath the fear of God acted, and guided me in al my thoughts, counsels, and actions this day?
A30574he is earth; doth a man love God?
A30574how contrary is this to emptying?
A30574how did he pray to God that he might come into Canaan?
A30574how do their spirits rise, and what rage is there in the family?
A30574how do they mourn this day for the loss of these things?
A30574how do you renew your Covenant with God?
A30574how doth he run from place to place, plundering, spoiling, breaking, tearing, destroying wheresoever he comes?
A30574how dreadful is it?
A30574how empty are they in all their Worship they tender up to God?
A30574how enlarged would the herrts of the Saints have been in prayer?
A30574how glorious should the Worship of God be in our eyes, the true Spiritual Worship of God?
A30574how happy had it been if so be that God had kept them down in a work of humiliation to the very ground for a yeer or two together?
A30574how hath it emptied many parts of our Land?
A30574how hath sin emptied us?
A30574how instrumental might they be for God if their necks were but in Gods yoke?
A30574how is this fulfilled at this day?
A30574how little did we lay the afflictions of others to heart, because they were at some distance from us?
A30574how little sensible are we of it because we feel it not our selves?
A30574how luxurious have they grown that way?
A30574how many are there amongst us that go from one place to another, and tell you such a tale, and such a report, and sow nothing but strife and discord?
A30574how many are there that take more pains to go to Hell, than others do that go to Heaven?
A30574how many cursed Apostates are there that will curse themselves one day for not continuing seeking of God till he comes?
A30574how much better is it to be willing to endure hardships for God, than to be brought to hardships by our Adversaries?
A30574how much better were it that our fear were set upon God, than upon other things?
A30574how much worse than death is it then to be kept under the wrath of God to all eternity?
A30574how refreshing were they to the heart of God?
A30574how sad will it be when we are entring in upon Eternity, then to see that we have all our life- time sown the wind?
A30574how sad, how much to be lamented is thy condition?
A30574how should God be our delight when we are in the Wilderness?
A30574how should Gods people separate themselves for the Lord, and be wholly his, seeing Idolaters separate themselves to their Idols?
A30574how should I seek the face of God?
A30574how should we all make hast?
A30574how should we mourn after the true Worship of God then, how deer should that be to our souls?
A30574how should we mourn after them?
A30574how sweet and comfortable is it then to have a true interest in God?
A30574how vain is the heart of man that will depart from God?
A30574how vain is the heart of men that makes pleasure their god?
A30574how vile are the sins of this Land, that should provoke God to cast us out of such a good Land as this is?
A30574how zealous were they in them, and devout were they in them?
A30574if you might be delivered from the fears of the creature, how glad would you bee?
A30574is it not a great deal better that God should remember the kindness of thy youth, than the sins of thy youth?
A30574is it not very comely?
A30574is this the Truth of God?
A30574many who are come empty into places of power suck harder than some former Oppressors did?
A30574my Brethren, what a shame is this?
A30574or is he slain according to the slaughter of them that are slain by him?
A30574or who hath loosed the bands of the wild Ass?
A30574our misery is beyond his help, seeing God is provoked with us, and hath forsaken us, what should a King do for us?
A30574our projects begin to bud, and they thrive bravely, may they not bless themselves now?
A30574pray what''s our sin?
A30574quite the other way, they will take upon them more than Christ; Christ saith, If ye beleeve not his writings, how can ye beleeve my words?
A30574sapless, dry spirits, and useless in the world in this time when there is so much service required of them?
A30574shall they and their children be made a prey to the Murderer?
A30574shall we be used to cast out mens inventions, and shall we bring in mens inventions?
A30574shalt thou get any thing by it?
A30574that Eliah might come among us otherwise?
A30574the Saints may do so and bless God, But what will YOV do in the day of the feast of the Lord?
A30574the daies that I was wo nt to have, how sweet were they?
A30574the empty prayers that we make; but what is the reason that you can not pray as you would?
A30574the enemy if he should come upon us, how sad would our condition be?
A30574the shame that shall be cast upon them?
A30574the words in the original are, Is not the Soul of man?
A30574they can not do this, and they can not do that, why?
A30574they make Idols to be their gods, there is nothing so vile among us as among the Nations about us?
A30574they sigh and lift up their eyes and hearts to Heaven, sending up their moans to God, Lord, is this the fruit of our labor?
A30574this was a long time ago when the people did thus set up Jeroboam and rend themselves from the house of David, how came they to be guilty of this?
A30574thou canst tell now, thou canst go home and be merry and do what thou list, but what wilt thou do in the day of visitation?
A30574thou saiest thou wilt do thus and thus, yea but think, what if Gods thoughts be otherwise at the same time?
A30574thou would''st walk holily and strictly before him: Now doest thou think that thy sins are as the sins of other people?
A30574thy thoughts should be, how should I make up my peace with God?
A30574to be naild to the stake, to have such a Neck- kercher put upon them as Alice Driver had?
A30574to bring forth the Wine of the Gall of Asps, wild Grapes?
A30574was it because of his Ordinances?
A30574what a change hath sin made in them?
A30574what a desperate venture is this, that men will venture to deal with God in a way of Recompence, whenas you may be dealt withal in a way of mercy?
A30574what a dreadful thing is desperation?
A30574what a longing desire should we have to see that Book?
A30574what a sad thing would it be that such a babe that came out of my womb should be a fire- brand for Gods wrath to burn upon to all eternity?
A30574what an appearing was there of God to many of your souls heretofore, and what conference between God and your souls?
A30574what are our sacrifices, if they be nothing but fleshly excellencies?
A30574what care had we need have of what we love, Doest thou love a base filthy thing?
A30574what cause would there be then of mourning?
A30574what could he do for us?
A30574what delight should we have in God who takes such delight in his Servants?
A30574what empty houses are there in many places?
A30574what have they sown?
A30574what have they?
A30574what humiliation would there be then before the Lord, what subjecting to him, what seeking of him?
A30574what is the Worship of God then?
A30574what lustre of Gods Spirit upon you?
A30574what opportunities have we had for service for God?
A30574what power have afflictions to perswade men that they were wrong, that would not be perswaded by all the arguments in the world before?
A30574what prayers hath been sent up unto the Lord for the heart of one man?
A30574what shall we do in such a distressed state as this?
A30574what shall we do?
A30574what shame and confusion will there be at the great day when we shall be disappointed of our last hopes?
A30574what shame would it be before men and Angels if it should prove that any soul in this place should be so disappointed of their last hopes?
A30574what times we once had, and what sweet communion had we?
A30574what venture a prison, and venture your life?
A30574what will become of all your jolity?
A30574what will ye do in the day of the Lord?
A30574what will you do in those solemn daies?
A30574what will you do, and to whom will you fly for help, and where will you leave your glory?
A30574what would our condition be better than it is?
A30574what''s this to the service that a creature owes to the blessed and eternal God?
A30574what, venture to lose your estates which have such a fair way of living as you have?
A30574when all this is the matter of your joy, what an unreasonable thing is this?
A30574when the way is apparently Gods, why should we be so fickle and unsteadie as we are almost alwaies in the way of God?
A30574where did any of the Prelates that had great Engagements?
A30574where indeed will be thy rest?
A30574where''s your Wine offerings to the Lord?
A30574whither shall we go?
A30574who amongst us shall dwel with everlasting burnings?
A30574who art wandring from God, Whither goest thou?
A30574who knows what a morning may bring forth?
A30574who knows what an exhortation may do to the worst people in the world?
A30574who would have thought such things should have befallen us?
A30574who would not fear him?
A30574who would not venture himself for the publick Cause?
A30574why do you say, we account the Law a strange thing?
A30574why should we stand upon our terms thus in the matters of the honor of our God, when publick good lies at the stake?
A30574why, wherein are we greater than other people?
A30574will one plow there with Oxen?
A30574with what blindness, and madness, and astonishment are the people of the Land smote?
A30574yea, shall we be used to punish Oppression and Tyranny, and Injustice, and shall we continue in Oppression, Tyranny, and Injustice?
A30574you can not go to God, then the very thoughts of God must needs be terrible to you, and then what will you do?
A30575''T is a speech of Chrysostom, Why doest thou despise, and despight God in this, in bringing unclean things to him?
A30575( saith the Scripture) or what profit is there of Circumcision?
A30575( speaking of riches) Now it is according to the Hebrew, Will ye make your eyes to fly upon that which is not?
A305751. Who is this, that cometh from Edom?
A3057513. saith he, Their fear towards me is taught by the precepts of men: What then?
A3057513. when he appeared to Jacob, what said he to him?
A3057514. there it''s spoken of God, that he did wonders and marvellous things; What are those wonders and marvellous things?
A3057517. he calls him his Enemy, saying to Michel, Why hast thou sent away mine Enemy?
A3057522. which is spoken in reference to their way, coming out of their captivity; How long wilt thou go about, O thou backsliding daughter?
A3057528. we reade of one Gaal the son of Ebed, who said, Who is Abimelech?
A30575333 Cords Cords of a man, what?
A305754 It''s great confusion to carnal hearts when they shall be asked, Where''s their confidences?
A305754. Who hath hardened himself against him and hath prospered?
A305754. saith he, The Nations shal hear al these Statutes, and say, Surely this great Nation is a wise and understanding people,( why?)
A305755. he speaks of Christ there cleerly, and saith, To which of the Angels bath he said, Thou art my son, this day have I begotten thee?
A305757. hath he smitten him, as he smot those that smit him?
A305757. saith God there, Are ye not as the children of the Ethiopians unto me?
A305757. the text saith, That in the daies of his flesh he offered up prayers and supplications,( how?)
A305758. Who are those that fly as a cloud, and as the Doves to their windows?
A305758. when those Hypocrits had said, What shall we do?
A30575A Ninth Observation is this; you see when God, though he threatned very sorely, and charges deeply, yet, How shall I do this?
A30575Again, I come to enjoy abundance here in the Creature: But is there not danger, is there not a snare in what I do enjoy?
A30575Am I not a Reprobate?
A30575And Drusius he reades it Interogatively, Who hath destroyed thee?
A30575And Pareus he read it, Against thy help, and so supplies the word, Thou hast rebelled against thy help, Oh thou hast destroyed thy help; Why?
A30575And did not God deal honorably with them?
A30575And he said unto them, What have I done now in comparison of you?
A30575And if ever you have need of God again, how will conscience be stop''d?
A30575And is it so?
A30575And it may be for a time you seem to have some patience; But hath Patience had her perfect work in you?
A30575And my brethren, this is not meant meerly of the times of the Law; for this anger of God upon them is to this very day?
A30575And shewed you how that all those that had to deal with men to draw them to God should do as God doth, labor to draw them with Bonds of Love?
A30575And sixtly, Doth the love of God to his people begin so soon?
A30575And so we were going to most vile and abominable Idolatry, but by what steps?
A30575And then Secondly, How will the shame and confusion of men be aggravated hereafter, which did disregard Gods using of them in an honorable way?
A30575And then Thirdly, Is this Gods way?
A30575And then secondly, But would you know whether God would love you?
A30575And therefore they translate it so, How shall I protect thee?
A30575And this is the reason that your Goal- birds never com to any good almost; Why?
A30575And this waiting is of very great use to those that are turning to God, Consider of it, Is any of you about the work of turning to God?
A30575And thus much for those words, How shall I give thee up, Ephraim?
A30575And why may not the Lord that hath brought us out of Egypt, bring us to rejoyce as in the feast of Tabernacles?
A30575And why?
A30575And yet can not thy heart be overturned, nor tremble?
A30575And you can not better your self: Whither wilt thou go, poor soul?
A30575And you that would fain have more and more, have you digested what you have had?
A30575And you who were so poor in the wilderness, depending on me for every bit of bread; yet after when you were fed, how proud and wanton grew you?
A30575Are not they thy People?
A30575Are not you grown flat, dead, and drossie, and carnal now more than before?
A30575Are they not those that I have had sweet converse with, and experience of their godliness?
A30575Art thou come to call my sin to remembrance, and to slay my son?
A30575As here in a Kingdom, so in an Estate, Hast thou a little Estate, yea, but hast thou it with God?
A30575As if he should have said, what a case had you been in, if I had not delivered you out of Egypt, from the Iron furnace, a low, base imployment?
A30575As if he should say, I am the same God that ever I was, but where is your King that should save you in your Cities?
A30575As if he should say, Lord, how will thy promise be fulfill''d?
A30575Asked them, Where''s all your Bravery, and Pride, and Rage?
A30575At that time when Forces were raised( before the Parliament) against our Brethren of Scotland, then said the Lord, How shall I give thee up?
A30575Baal- zephon what?
A30575But I rather take it thus; Who shall find iniquity in me that were any great matter?
A30575But can we say, that according to our green Pastures that God leads us in, so are we filled?
A30575But how did he prevail?
A30575But how doth the Prophet make use of this Title of God, The Lord of Hosts?
A30575But how in the midst, when they so vile, and cast off from being his people, a sink of Idolatry and wickedness?
A30575But how was this true?
A30575But if you make a stop there, I will be, your King; where is he that shall save you in your Cities?
A30575But it may be demanded: When are Kings and Princes given in anger?
A30575But it''s better if men before they have sinned would say, How shall I do it?
A30575But now, doth not this argue God to be a God of ridgedness and severity?
A30575But then Secondly, Why is Jacob mentioned in this place?
A30575But they might say, Do not we turn to God?
A30575But to another it''s nothing, What, Shall the Ministry of the Word countervail the loss of my estate?
A30575But what''s the meaning of this,( you will say?)
A30575But when was this?
A30575But where are they, saith God?
A30575But will he be such a Savior to me, in my condition?
A30575But you should consider what though such and such opinions and waies will serve my turn, will they not be burdens to others?
A30575But you wil ask me, What''s the reason that nothing would satisfie them but a King and Nobles?
A30575But you wil say, Why doth God express himself thus?
A30575But you will say, He can love, I but, Will He love?
A30575But you will say, They are so wicked that how can I hope to have love from them?
A30575But, how shall I make thee as Admah and Zeboim?
A30575By way of Interogation some reade it thus, What shall I the Lord that brought thee out of the Land of Egypt make thee to dwell in Tabernacles?
A30575Can any God work for you so as I have done?
A30575Can you mend your self any way?
A30575Can you stand it out with God?
A30575Canst thou say, Oh Righteous Father?
A30575Convert A true Convert, what?
A30575Covetousness it is a beforting sin, it is a blinding sin; Who shall find any iniquity in me?
A30575Cur Domine eū ficisti Imperatorum?
A30575Dangerous A dangerous sign of Reprobation 544 Deceiptful dealers Deceiptful dealers, see Excuses Decree Decree, what it is?
A30575Did he not name wild beasts enough before?
A30575Did not God approve of it?
A30575Did not God fight for them before?
A30575Did not God gain upon your hearts in a gentle way?
A30575Did not all say, even at the first year when the Wars began, Surely things would be very scarce?
A30575Did not that terrifie him?
A30575Do not we see how fast we run towards destruction, being but a little left to our selves, what a perverse spirit is there now among our selves?
A30575Do ye provoke the Lord to jealousie?
A30575Do you expect that Gods heart should work strongly towards you to do you good, and yet nothing stir in you?
A30575Do your souls worship God, and sanctifie the Name of God in all your waies?
A30575Doest thou profess any interest in God?
A30575Doest thou think that another mans evil may be an excuse to thy evil?
A30575Doth God at any time melt thy heart, and make thee apprehensive of thy need of mercy?
A30575Doth God call you, and you not answer to him?
A30575Doth God put a difference between Reprobates and his People in punishment?
A30575Doth a Fountain send forth, at the same place, sweet water, and bitter?
A30575Doth it become the Captain of our salvation in his seeking of God to weep?
A30575Doth not Judah do so aswel as we?
A30575Doth thy conscience tell thee that there hath been a time wherein God hath been displeased with thee, the anger of God hath burst out against thee?
A30575Everie fool may do mischief to himself, yea, and to others, but can he help?
A30575Examin I beseech you, when you were low any of you, say, had you not more of Gods presence with you then, than you have now?
A30575Excellency Excellency of the Name JEHOVAH 293 Excellency of Gods saving 449 Exalted We should not be exalted by prosperity, and why?
A30575First, How shall I give thee up, Ephraim?
A30575First, How shall I give thee up, Ephraim?
A30575For First, What low and mean things are they?
A30575For my love, they are my adversaries( but what then?)
A30575For so it is, Where is your King that should save you in your Cities?
A30575For the Answer: That which before was said, will give sufficient answer to it, How shall I make thee as Admah, and Zeboim?
A30575Fourthly, How shall I s ● t thee as Zeboim?
A30575Fourthly, Now I come to enjoy abundance, What''s the rule that God hath set in the Word for the ordering of my heart in what I do enjoy?
A30575Further, I have abundance; but what uncertainty is there in all these things?
A30575God doth seem as it were to be at a stand, How shall I do to save these sinners, and yet not to wrong my self?
A30575God gives me abundance of the creature, but what is Gods end?
A30575God knows that many times it was ready to sink, and if I had left off, what had become of me?
A30575God made his glory pass by him, and what was it?
A30575God might without any more ado pardon, and help, or deliver, why should he express himself in this manner?
A30575God, what God?
A30575Gods mercy is his own; If God wil destroy Admah and Zeboim eternally; who can say against Gods dealings with them?
A30575Had not God blessed the endeavors of a Prophet for good unto your forefathers, where had you been at this day?
A30575Have I conceived all this people?
A30575Have not some of you heard such language many times in this Kingdom?
A30575Have not you found it thus many times in your selves?
A30575Have not you found this fruit of the Ministry of the Word in your hearts, calling you many a time to the most high God?
A30575Have you to deal with stony hearts?
A30575He lets them have them, but how?
A30575He tells also of the Bishop of Thebais, being proud because advanced: Had these words spoken to him: Wherefore miserable man art thou proud?
A30575He went on frowardly when I smote him; what then?
A30575Hence let us learn what to do when any temptation comes to any sin: What, is it thus with God?
A30575Here we have in your books four[ How''s] How shall I give thee up, Ephraim?
A30575His Lord] What is God the Lord of this people?
A30575How comes it to pass that Israel is dealt withall so as he is?
A30575How doth the Work of God seem against his Word in appearance?
A30575How fair and how pleasant art thou, O Love, for delights?
A30575How fair and how pleasant is Love?
A30575How few Country Villages about the City were supplied with faithful Preachers?
A30575How foolish were they, to forsake the blessed God, to worship Calves?
A30575How if these should prove to be temptations to me to draw my heart from God; were I not better be without them?
A30575How many mens hearts and waies are so different from what they seem''d to be?
A30575How often when men have been willing to give any thing to God, God hath made it up in one yeer?
A30575How shall I deliver thee, Israel?
A30575How shall I deliver thee, Israel?
A30575How shall I deliver thee?
A30575How shall I do it, saith God?
A30575How shall I do it?
A30575How shall I do it?
A30575How shall I do it?
A30575How shall I do this?
A30575How shall I give thee up, Ephraim?
A30575How shall I give thee up, Ephraim?
A30575How shall I give thee up, Ephraim?
A30575How shall I give thee up, Ephraim?
A30575How shall I make thee as Admah?
A30575How shall I make thee as Admah?
A30575How shall I make thee as Admah?
A30575How shall I pardon thee for this?
A30575How shall I protect thee, Israel?
A30575How shall I set thee as Zeboim?
A30575How shall I set thee as Zeboim?
A30575How shall it be for mine honor that thou shouldest be under my protection?
A30575How to know whether God will love us or no?
A30575How we may know when God takes away and not in wrath?
A30575How weak is thy heart, saith the Lord, seeing thou doest all these things, the work of an imperious whorish woman?
A30575I am infinitly above man: Wherein O Lord art thou above them?
A30575I am that I am, or, I will be what I will be; so saith God here, I am Lord, I will be; but then where is your King?
A30575I am yet what ever I seemed to be to you, why are you so perverse and untoward towards me?
A30575I can not beat it whoever provokes me, why should I think that the infinite God should bear with me when I provoke him?
A30575I confess in the Hebrew there are but two, but yet for the sense of it the Interpreters put in the other, and they have the sense of four, How?
A30575I have it now, but how quickly may it be gone?
A30575I have loved you, saith the Lord; yet ye say, Wherein hast thou loved us?
A30575I have much, Oh but considering how little service I do for God, may not I fear that this I have it is to be my portion?
A30575I have much, but have I not much engagements with what I do enjoy?
A30575I may vent my self, but what good may come of it?
A30575I say, this confounding[ Where] will be asked to every wicked and ungodly man: What will they be able to say then?
A30575I see infirmities in them, I, but notwithstanding my great sins, God saith of me, How shall I give thee up?
A30575I shall have the glory of my Justice; I, but it will be but passively: And will that be much, to have the glory of Justice in a passive way?
A30575I will be thy King: Where is any other that may save thee in all thy Cities?
A30575If I buy a commodity and sell it again, what oppression can there be?
A30575If a man comes to a Table and eats, and then he swels presently upon it, God be merciful to me, am I poisoned, saith he?
A30575If a man were to go and chuse a Wife, if he knew her face were painted, would he conclude, Surely here''s one of an excellent complexion?
A30575If indeed Israel could have said thus, You indeed complain of our false worship, Who doth otherwise?
A30575If the Ox be but fed, he knows his Owner: Who is it that feeds you?
A30575If we enquire what that way is?
A30575If you ask me what were those Bonds of Love that God drew this people of Israel unto Himself by?
A30575In the Fourth place, Sin puts God to a stand; How shall I do it?
A30575Indeed the words may carry it, Who shall find iniquity in me?
A30575Is Ephraim my dear Son?
A30575Is Ephraim my dear son?
A30575Is Israel a Servant?
A30575Is Israel a Servant?
A30575Is it not better to have the Russet Coat that is not dangerous, than a Velvet Coat that hath the Plague in it?
A30575Is it not folly to provoke a man that is a Superior, that hath power over you, and can crush you?
A30575Is it not from the free Grace of God in chusing one rather than the other,& that in the very womb?
A30575Is it not possible why there should be some other grounds why they differ from their brethren, but meerly stiff- neckedness?
A30575Is not Judah as bad as we?
A30575Is not our God a gracious God, and a merciful God?
A30575Is not the gleaning of the Grapes of Ephraim better than the vintage of Abiezer?
A30575Is there iniquitie in Gilead?
A30575Is there iniquity in Gilead?
A30575Is there iniquity in Gilead?
A30575Is there that good to be got in those waies of sin as there is in mine?
A30575Is there?
A30575Is this he that is God and Man?
A30575Is this he that is the second person in Trinity, that presently after he is born we must fly for his life through a desert wilderness?
A30575Is this he that should be the redeemer of Israel?
A30575Is this the Savior of the World?
A30575Is this the merciful God?
A30575Is this the same God that spake so of Ephraim heretofore?
A30575It follows; How shall I make thee as Admah, and set thee as Zeboim?
A30575It is a vain conceit of people to think thus, God loves me, why?
A30575It is my child, though stuborn, why may it not return?
A30575It is your foolish, wilful stubornness, going on in such a vile, finful way that puts God to such a stand; What shall I do?
A30575It may be in a way of aggravation of their sin and stubbornness, Why doest not thou come in to me?
A30575It may be there is som of you that are very just, yea, but what worship of God is there in your Families, and in your own hearts?
A30575It were well my brethren, if men after they have sinned would say, Oh, what have I done?
A30575It''s true, we have suffered something, yea, but hath not God wrought good out of our sufferings?
A30575Joshuah he was of the Tribe of Ephraim, and when Joshua spake, what trembling was there among all the people?
A30575Just like to the plea that some heretofore have had, What, do not our Ministers do thus?
A30575Mark the answer there: How can it be quiet, seeing the Lord hath given it a charge?
A30575Mark, all the Nations that are about you shall say, What Nation is there so wise, that hath Statutes and Judgments like this Nation?
A30575Mens inventions are low things, are base and unworthy things, Oh consider whether thou findest this in the Worship of God?
A30575My Brethren, What are we but almost like Egypt this day?
A30575My brethren, let us search our hearts; there was a great forwardness of Reformation in the beginning of the Parliament, then how did men stir?
A30575Now my brethren, all this I have done to that end, that your hearts may be gained unto God; And what wilt thou do now?
A30575Now what a difference is there in the hearts of men in these daies?
A30575Now what abundance hath God wrought by deferring what we would have had?
A30575Now when Christ ascended up to be crowned on high, What was the great thing that he gave in the world?
A30575Now you are seeking God, you have not what you would have, Whither will you go?
A30575Now you will say, What doth the holy Ghost mean here?
A30575O thou Sword of the Lord, How long will it be ere thou be quiet?
A30575Oh but you will say, Why do you speak thus?
A30575Or as some others reade it, What shall I do to thee?
A30575Or if you take it as it is in your books, How shall I give thee up?
A30575Or it may be people would speak thus to the Prophet, Oh why do you speak of God in this terrible manner?
A30575Parents are charged not so much as to provoke their Children to wrath; And wilt thou provoke God then?
A30575Prisoners that are chained at a Post, they are altogether all the day long: But would you have such a kind of union, to be united with such chains?
A30575Q But how doth this concern us?
A30575Samuel could appeal to them, Whose Ox, or Ass have I taken?
A30575Secondly, How shall I deliver thee, Israel?
A30575Secondly, What do I think God aims at?
A30575Shall I account them pure with the wicked ballances, and with the bag of deceiptful weights?
A30575Shall I yet continue my wonted love to you as to make you to keep your Feast of Tabernacles still with joy as you were wo nt to do yeerly?
A30575Shall it not wither when the East wind toucheth it?
A30575Shall it not wither when the East wind toucheth it?
A30575Should a wise man utter vain knowledg, and fill his belly with the East wind?
A30575Since you know God, or rather are known of God, how turn ye to the weak and beggerly elements of the world?
A30575Sixthly, God gives me abundance of the Creature: but what is it that makes the difference between me and others?
A30575So Carnal hearts look only at Flowers; but gracious hearts look at the Root: I have such and such a thing, but have I an evidence of Gods love?
A30575So the Septuagint Translation, Where is your King( say they?)
A30575So wert not thou of such a Familie?
A30575So, doth God bring into great straights?
A30575So, shall we leave our Oyl?
A30575Spake, what?
A30575Still mark how God urges this, when you come to fast; Is this the Fast that I require, to do thus and thus?
A30575Strength: What strength, you will say?
A30575Suppose we go on in the waies of death and perish, what shal God lose by it?
A30575THEY were readie to say, Why do you thus blame us for our eager desire?
A30575The Angels they excel in strength, the most excellent Creatures, and what, do they slight and disregard the Word of God?
A30575The Greek thus, 〈 ◊ 〉 〈 ◊ 〉 〈 ◊ 〉 〈 ◊ 〉 〈 ◊ 〉?
A30575The Lyon hath roared, who will not tremble?
A30575The Notes from the words are these: First, Those things that carnal hearts rest upon will vanish; Where are they, saith God, what''s become of them?
A30575The Septuagint they turn the words, How shall I protect thee?
A30575The old man forgetful of his yeers pursueth him flying, and crieth: My son, why fliest thou from me thy father, unarmed and old?
A30575The ten Tribes might say, Doth God threaten us?
A30575Then God is Love himself, he is the Element of Love; And whither should love go but up to the Element?
A30575Then when any temptation comes to us to sin against God, Oh let us say, How shall I do this, and sin against God?
A30575There is a time to love; when is the time?
A30575There was a time that conscience was against it; how came you to get leave of your conscience?
A30575There was none exalted him, but they followed their own Counsels and did what they list, yet, how shall I give thee up?
A30575There''s such Religious men speak thus, and others that we account as Religious as they speak quite contrary; Is there any Religion in the world?
A30575Therefore I will do a mervailous work among the People, even a mervailous work and a wonder;( What''s the mervailous work, what''s the wonder?)
A30575Therfore, O you Saints of God, never be afraid of evil men, for ere long it will be demanded of them, where their Pomp, and Glory, and Pride is?
A30575They are said to be strong- hearted, stiff hearted, but saith the holy Ghost, how weak is thy heart?
A30575Thirdly, A Lyon is strong and crushes the whol compages of a mans bones at one crush; Alas man, what is he?
A30575Thirdly, I come now to fit my self with these contentments, but what opportunities have I by these to do good more than before?
A30575This is that the Lord threatens here; and why?
A30575This seems plainly to be even the scope of this Charge, Is there iniquity in Gilead?
A30575Thou hast( saith the text) defiled thy Sanctuaries( how?)
A30575Thou, even thou art to be feared; and who may stand in thy sight when once thou art angry?
A30575Though Ephraim the yonger, yet when he got Authority in his hand, how imperious was he?
A30575Though the affliction doth continue a great while, Will you patiently hold out to long- suffering, and that with joyfulness?
A30575Thus saith the Lord, Shall they fall, and not arise?
A30575True, I think such and such they are in the wrong, but what good will come of it if I do thus and thus?
A30575Truly, I do not know a greater temptation to Atheism at this day than this is, for what will men think?
A30575Twelfthly, If I destroy them, what glory shall I have?
A30575Vnto all patience] It may be you have strength to bear some afflictions, you have some patience; But are you strengthened with all might?
A30575Was it not free Grace, free Grace in in the kind of it?
A30575Was not Esau Jacob''s brother, saith God?
A30575Was not Esau Jacob''s brother, saith the Lord?
A30575Was there ever times of provoking so as there are now?
A30575Was this story to be a means to humble the people for their sins?
A30575We can easily destroy our selves, but can we save our selves?
A30575We reade of bands of Love, but what''s become of them?
A30575We say sometimes of the Prelates, Oh the hand of God is against them; how they brought themselves into a snare?
A30575We say to a child, Your father calls you, or to a servant, your master calls you, will you not answer?
A30575Wel, here was Gods Word, But how was Gods Work?
A30575Well, but though they be burdens, if they be truths, why should they not be urged?
A30575Well, but wherein did God manifest that he did love Israel when he was a Child?
A30575Well, do you bring a reproach upon God, upon his Name, upon Profession, upon his Saints?
A30575Well, he prevail''d, but what''s this to this people of Israel?
A30575Wert not thou such a ones brother, such a ones sister that remained wicked and ungodly, and it may be died so?
A30575What advantage hath the Jew?
A30575What are they but crums that the Master of the Familie casts to Dogs?
A30575What did Ephraim speak when he caused trembling?
A30575What follows in the 10. verse?
A30575What had God spoken, or where had he spoken any thing?
A30575What hope shall an hypocrite have, though be hath gained, when God takes away his soul?
A30575What need hath God of us?
A30575What oppression is there in Trading?
A30575What people is there so great as this people that the Lord is so nigh unto in all that they call upon him for, saith Moses?
A30575What prayer will then?
A30575What saith the Psalmist?
A30575What shall I do then?
A30575What shall become of Samuel then?
A30575What sins were greater than the sins of Jerusalem against Christ when he lived?
A30575What then can Gilgal expect?
A30575What then?
A30575What was the special thing that God spake to Jacob when he found him at Bethel?
A30575What were it for a drunken fellow to come and think to oppose but such an Army as we have that goes out of the City at this time?
A30575What were they but Gods people?
A30575What would follow?
A30575What''s the matter that should make them thus?
A30575What''s the reason our consciences do so misgive us, and that we are so afraid that the Lord will leave us to our selves?
A30575What, Is this sweet, to be freed from outward bondage, and to have meat laid before us?
A30575What, art thou his posterity?
A30575What, can I think my anger to be so terrible to a Child, a Neighbor, a Servant?
A30575What, doest thou think to harden thy self against God, and yet think to prosper?
A30575What, is not Israel a Son?
A30575What, is this the God that heretofore carried them as Eagles do their yong upon their wings, and nourished them as the Eagle nourisheth her yong ones?
A30575What, such great things in us, and yet moves not God to cast us off, but still, How shall I cast thee off?
A30575What, will you shew your selves so ingrateful to him for all the good he hath done to you, as to reject him, and his house, and family?
A30575What, will you undertake such a thing as that, to deliver them from their sin?
A30575When almost did you ever hear of a covetous man convinc''d?
A30575When does God take away in wrath?
A30575When he can stand out no longer, than he falls a lessening; It is no more than others do, and how should I maintain my family?
A30575When the Reformation was first from Popery here, what a stir was there?
A30575When we have been at the very pits brink, the Lord hath been often saying even concerning England, How shall I give thee up England?
A30575When we have workings this way and that way; which is the most benign side?
A30575When we were enemies, were we not reconcil''d to him?
A30575Where are thy Wise- men?
A30575Where are your Gods that should deliver you?
A30575Where did they say so?
A30575Where is the Mercy, Goodnese, and Clemency of God towards his people?
A30575Wherein( saith Moses) shall it be known that I and thy people have found grace in thy sight, if thou goest not with us?
A30575Which of the Jews could have made such an Interpretation, I have called my Son out of Egypt?
A30575Who amongst us shall dwell with devouring fire?
A30575Who are we that God should send his Messengers after us?
A30575Who can stand before his indignation?
A30575Who could ever have thought this five or six yeers ago?
A30575Who hath hardened himself against him and hath prospered?
A30575Who shall find iniquity in me, that were sin?
A30575Who shall find iniquity in me, that were sin?
A30575Who shall give help to the corruption of Israel?
A30575Who will pity a man or woman that is the cause of all their own evil, wilfully brings it upon themselves?
A30575Who would suspect such a man that is so forward in matters of Religion that he should be so deceiptful?
A30575Why Lord, am I out of my way?
A30575Why an Assyrian?
A30575Why do not we say as the Figtree, Shall we leave our sweetness to come and reign over you?
A30575Why doth he mention Admah and Zeboim, and not Sodom and Gomorah?
A30575Why is it that God should say so?
A30575Why like these two, rather than Sarah?
A30575Why should any great afflictions for God hinder your hearts working twards him?
A30575Why, Can God be deceived?
A30575Why, If God be the most high God, how can he be exalted?
A30575Why, is not God ready at any time to execute judgment upon a sinner?
A30575Will it not be bitterness in the end?
A30575Wilt not thou now love the Lord thy God?
A30575Wilt thou see thine eyes upon that which is not?
A30575Wilt thou, a poor worm, stand out against this God?
A30575Would it have been a comfort to them to have known it?
A30575Would it not have been a comfort to them, if they had known that God intended to make them conformable to his Son?
A30575Would you ever have thought to have liv''d to the time to have seen such a change in their spirits as at this day?
A30575Yea but now, did not you behaue your selves proudly and stubbornly, and so make your service so much the more hard, by provoking your Governors?
A30575Yea, But whether he will help or no?
A30575Yea, Lastly, Why may not Mercy yet work upon their hearts?
A30575Yea, but friend, how do you get leave of your conscience to do it?
A30575Yea, but was not he in some way of sin?
A30575Yes, every way, the Jew hath much advantage every way above al other people of the earth: Why, wherein?
A30575You have had( indeed) deliverances, and so have they, And are you not unto me as the children of the Ethiopians?
A30575You have wept and cried, saying, Who shal give us flesh?
A30575You wil go and seek to shift for your selves by false waies, and forsake me, A ● ● not I the Lord?
A30575You will say, Can the Creature bring a reproach upon God?
A30575You will say, How can that be?
A30575You will say, Thank your selves, who will pity you?
A30575You will say, 〈 … 〉 n comes in between Decree and Damnation: But how comes sin in?
A30575a wonder that there should be iniquity; what,''t is the City of the Priest?
A30575am I in great distress?
A30575am I not in the way that thou hast set me?
A30575an Interogation; it is, as if he should say: First, Who dare say, there is iniquity in Gilead?
A30575and I hope men may make the best of what they have?
A30575and are you strengthened according to the glorious power of God, unto all patience?
A30575and did not the Man of God tell us that this was from the Lord?
A30575and didest not thou promise to shew me thy glory?
A30575and do not you begin to be exalted in your own hearts?
A30575and doest thou love me?
A30575and is it to all long- suffering?
A30575and may not I do wel enough without it?
A30575and set thee as Zeboim?
A30575and shall not the Love of God and the fruits of that be a stronger Bond to tie thy heart unto him?
A30575and such cruel bloudy Wars, and so overspreading the Kingdom as they have, and that yet we should at this day have provision so plentiful as we have?
A30575and the Chaldae Paraphrase, Where is your King that should save you in all your Cities?
A30575and the Heir of Heaven and Earth?
A30575and therefore why should you so much upbraid us about our Kings?
A30575and was it not the Lord long- suffering and of great mercy, forgiving iniquity and transgression& c?
A30575and what need it?
A30575and what was that to us?
A30575and where are these men?
A30575and why should not we be rul''d and govern''d by them?
A30575and will you forget him?
A30575and without this there will come a great deal of stir, and can any man in Reason but think that this is good?
A30575and yet thou seest how God hath cast off a great part of that Familie, and yet hath he loved thee?
A30575are there not evils among Judah as well as us?
A30575are they not in Covenant with thee?
A30575are they not in relation to thee?
A30575are we dead dogs that we should do such things?
A30575are we of the seed of Iacob now?
A30575are we only the sinful people?
A30575are you stronger than he?
A30575are you thankful for what you have had?
A30575art thou of the seed of Iacob?
A30575but do your servants love you?
A30575but how shall I do it?
A30575but how shall I give it up?
A30575but that comes to the same, thus: How shall I protect such a one as thou art?
A30575but then what do you think it is to be the son to the King of Heaven and Earth?
A30575by then is this people of Jerusalem sliden back by a perpetual back- sliding?
A30575can you take your advantage?
A30575did Jacob worship an Idol in Bethel?
A30575did men but do so, say, How shall I do this?
A30575did not God know you more then?
A30575did not God say, he would do me good in this journy?
A30575did not you know God more then?
A30575didest thou not say that my seed should be as the sand of the Sea?
A30575do not they follow the same course aswel as we?
A30575do not you begin to be puft up?
A30575do not you seek greedily after the world to fill your selves?
A30575do not you think that he will have your Estates and all you have at his dispose, and your Liberties?
A30575do they do all for you out of Love?
A30575do they not joyn in this way?
A30575do you think you dealt well for your selves?
A30575doest thou find thy soul raised up to the most high in his Worship?
A30575doest thou make it to be thy endeavor to sanctifie thy self before the mercy comes?
A30575doest thou think that God is thy God?
A30575doth God say when we are in danger of being destroyed, how shall I do this?
A30575doth not God oppose me in it?
A30575doth thy heart begin to bleed towards thy Brethen?
A30575had not you more sweet communion in those times than now you have?
A30575hast not thou the Angels that are with thee to enjoy thy Glory, to have communion with thee?
A30575hast thou any hope that God should be merciful to thy soul, to do thee any good?
A30575hast thou left the earth as unworthy of thy beauty and glory?
A30575hath God begun to make a turn to any of your hearts?
A30575hath God had the glory of what you have had before?
A30575hath God no further end than this?
A30575hath not God declar''d it by his severe wrath upon Gilead?
A30575hath not he judged you, and been faithful with you?
A30575hath there been a day of atonement between God and thy soul?
A30575have I not the Word of God for it?
A30575have not I a naughty vile heart?
A30575have not I alwaies been a help to thee in all times of straights and distresses?
A30575have not they prov''d vanity?
A30575have you none of your friends so?
A30575he tells them that their Father Iacob take his brother by the heel?
A30575how careless is my spirit, and slight and vain?
A30575how comes it to pass there is no more Oyl then?
A30575how comes this?
A30575how could it do it?
A30575how do they discover their pride now they are got up?
A30575how do we depend upon God for our lives and souls?
A30575how doth the anger of men gore deep; why?
A30575how if things shall prove otherwise than they are apprehended by me?
A30575how is it possible for me to find in my heart to yeeld to do it?
A30575how long wil we go about?
A30575how negligent have I been?
A30575how often hath God found us in this way?
A30575how often have we been at a stand in our way since God hath been pleased to call us out of Egypt?
A30575how often have we fallen in our way, and gone astray?
A30575how often may many of you say, that the Lord hath come unexpectedly to you in waies of mercy?
A30575how often would we run into harms way( as we use to say) if God did not lead us?
A30575how ordinarie is it for us in our prosperitie to forget Gods mercies in delivering of us, from Affliction?
A30575how quite contrary to the Word?
A30575how shal I do this?
A30575how shall I deliver thee Israel?
A30575how shall I deliver thee up, Israel?
A30575how shall I deliver thee, Israel?
A30575how shall I disinherit it?
A30575how shall I do it?
A30575how shall I do it?
A30575how shall I do this, and sin against the Lord our God?
A30575how shall I make thee as Admah and Zeboim?
A30575how shall I make thee as Admah?
A30575how shall I make thee as Admah?
A30575how shall I make them as other people, as Germany, and other people?
A30575how shall I set thee as Zeboim?
A30575how sweet is it then to be freed from spiritual bondage, and to have the food of life laid before us?
A30575how unworthy am ● of these comforts I have?
A30575if we could not get it when we had so much strength, is it like to be done now we have so little strength?
A30575in the 8 verse, What Nation is there so great, that hath Statutes and Judgments so righteous, as all this Law which I set before you this day?
A30575in what way did he put forth this his strength?
A30575is he a home born Slave?
A30575is he a home- born Slave?
A30575is it not from God?
A30575is it not the Lord?
A30575is it only to satisfie my flesh?
A30575is my heart fit for such a mercy as this?
A30575is not this the opinion of our Ministers?
A30575is the day come for him now to have his rage upon me?
A30575is there iniquity among them?
A30575is there iniquity there?
A30575is this that God that is love and mercie it self thus to appear?
A30575it is a sad thing to be a self- destroyer, for what pity can there be?
A30575it''s a great deal better than to have a great Estate?
A30575know then, it is not unbecoming any man or woman: Are you of the seed of Jacob?
A30575lay this to heart thou convicted sinner, what offers of mercie hath God made to thee?
A30575let''s consider thus; I find no satisfaction in this, yea, but is it not because I forsake the Lord God, in whom there is all satisfaction?
A30575like men shall we say?
A30575must they now suffer, and shal I ad to their afflictions?
A30575my brethren, shall it be so with us?
A30575now if the mother and children be cut off, what will become of thy Promise?
A30575perhaps thou art in a better condition now than thou wast before; Oh but tell me, hast thou humbled thy soul before God to make up thp peace with him?
A30575saith God, Where''s your King that should save you in your Cities?
A30575shal not al this love of God to thee in Christ constrain thee?
A30575shall I do thus saith God?
A30575shall I go over my work again?
A30575shall he turn away, and not return?
A30575shall my hand be used to lay the yoke on them& to press it hard?
A30575shall not Gods Cords be as strong as the Devils Cords, or Mans Cords?
A30575shall not I rather serve the designs of the enemies with such sharpness and bitterness?
A30575shall out of the same Fountain come forth sweet water, and bitter?
A30575shall we come with ten thousand Rams, and Rivers of Oyl?
A30575shall we not regard what our Ministers do?
A30575speaketh of one in the time of Phocas, pleading with God and saying, Wherefore Lord hast thou made Phocas Emperor?
A30575that fulness that I have, doth it not more fully engage me unto God than others?
A30575that is, I who am a holy and infinite God, how shall I protect such a one as thou art?
A30575that is, The suppleness, the gentleness, the tenderness of our spirits, shall we lose these, that we may prevail over our Brethren?
A30575that some soul might return, and might refuse no longer to return; Why wilt not thou return?
A30575that''s no argument with God; I have destroyed such and such, and why may not I destroy thee?
A30575the Lord deliver us from this great evil, shall I say, Deliver us?
A30575the seed of Iacob should never think their condition to be so sad, but there may be recovery; Is it a great affliction that is upon me?
A30575then we have sinned; and when they were under oppression, then Hosea could speak freelie and plainlie to them, Where is your King?
A30575then, what will become of thee who art a wicked and vile wretch and hast no good at all?
A30575there''s such and such things that indeed would be sutable to me, but is my heart fit for such a deliverance?
A30575they cared not for that; let us have a King, let become of Samuel what wil come, and of his house, what care they?
A30575thou hast deserved eternal flames, and wilt thou grudg at God for waiting a few years?
A30575thou weak man, thou vain man, why wilt thou deceive thy soul with this?
A30575though a Son very vile, very sinful, yet there is a how shall I give thee up?
A30575to apply it spiritually, that we might have our wils over our brethren, shall we part with our Oyl?
A30575to have the same Love that the Father loves Christ withal, Is not this a strong Bond to bind thy heart to God?
A30575to what purpose is this to the ten Tribes, that Iacob took his brother by the heel?
A30575treasure up this Scripture, it will be worth a world to you, For the Devil wil mightily strengthen himself with this, What, are not you a cast- away?
A30575ubi est Rex tuus?
A30575was it not through the violence of your spirits?
A30575was not Jacob our Father?
A30575were it not better for me to return?
A30575were there such horrid Opinions before when we had power?
A30575what did he aim at?
A30575what do I do but that I may?
A30575what do men look after?
A30575what exercise of Grace?
A30575what glory to God?
A30575what good have I gotten by reading, and praying?
A30575what good have you got?
A30575what good to the Church?
A30575what good will it do to me to cozen my own soul?
A30575what good would this do to the People, that Hosea was prophesying to?
A30575what invitations doth take thy heart, that the calling to the most high can not overcome thee?
A30575what may come of it?
A30575what mighty power and authority had he?
A30575what profit shal it be though thou hast gained the whol world and shalt lose thy own soul?
A30575what shall I do?
A30575what shall you get by it?
A30575what troubles have I brought my father into?
A30575what were the sins of my afflicted, my low condition?
A30575what were those sins of mine when I was here before in my house, and enjoyed fulness?
A30575what will become of me now?
A30575what work of Grace more than before?
A30575what, are you wiser than all our Priests?
A30575what, canst thou find in any waies like Gods waies?
A30575when the Lord hears these prayers of Mercy on the other hand, How shall I do it?
A30575when these two can be added, what is wa 〈 … 〉 g to the comfort of ones life?
A30575when this shall be ask''d them, Where''s your bravery, and pride and stoutness of your hearts?
A30575when we have workings in our own thoughts as bitter as gall, if before we vent them, we would but put this to our selves, how shall I do this?
A30575where is your King that should save you in your Citie, and your judges, of whom you said, Give us a King and Princes?
A30575where''s your Prayers and Fastings?
A30575whither art thou gone?
A30575whither art thou gone?
A30575who amongst us shall dwel with everlasting burnings?
A30575who art thou that canst stand against the Voice of God when he speaks?
A30575who can abide the fierceness of his anger?
A30575who will charge Gilead of iniquity, where the Priests are?
A30575why doth the Prophet instance in this?
A30575why is he spoiled?
A30575why is he spoiled?
A30575why may not yet God work good upon it; It''s very evil, but how shall I give it up?
A30575why may there not be some hope?
A30575why now Lord manifest thy glory, now Lord shew thy self to be a glorious God, in doing what?
A30575why should any pleadings stop thee in the course of thy wrath?
A30575why should they be hindered and discouraged in their work?
A30575why should we upon every little discontent cast off all pity and love to our Brethren?
A30575why should ● ● thou backslide with a perpetual back- sliding?
A30575why then will you render God thus terrible?
A30575why was he threatned to be their King?
A30575why your King hath dedestroyed you, saith Tremelius?
A30575will any good come to the publick?
A30575will they not laugh and scorn at Religion?
A30575would it not be more for the honor of God if I did forbear?
A30575would not this mercie serve thy turn, such a mercie as this is?
A30575would they have done thus?
A30575yet this must be, Justice requires satisfaction, How can it be done without the Son of God being made a Curse for mans sin?
A30575you can do little for God, ● ea I find( perhaps saith one) much frowardness and stubborness in my heart against God; but do you bewail it?
A30575you have been waiting and seeking of God it may be this half year, or twelve months, What''s that I pray?
A30575you have it thus in your books, Wilt thou set thine eyes upon that which is not?
A30575you that are Children, that have had Parents that were wrastlers with God, Are you wicked now?
A30575you that have had gracious Ancestors, think often of them, and when you are tempted to sin, think this, Is not this unworthy of my Ancestors?
A30575you would encourage one another and say, Come, we shall have a day yet, for we have this strength, and the King and Nobles for us: Where are they?
A30575〈 ◊ 〉 〈 ◊ 〉 〈 ◊ 〉 〈 ◊ 〉 〈 ◊ 〉 i. e. 〈 ◊ 〉 〈 ◊ 〉 〈 ◊ 〉 〈 ◊ 〉 〈 ◊ 〉 ubi Rex tuus nunc?
A30592( that was in those times a famous Whore) or would he rather drink strong and delightful Wine?
A30592* An gra vis injuria est quia seductores ci Magos vos vocāt?
A30592* Non tibi satis est Tudippe cum Phocione mori?
A3059210. Who is she that looketh forth as the Morning, fair as the Moon, clear as the Sun, and terrible as an army with banners?
A3059211. that when the waters of the sanctuary flowed, the miry places could not be healed: How seldom does the waters of the Sanctuary heal miry souls?
A3059213, 14. Who are those that are wholly void of the Spirit, and even uncapable of it?
A3059215. the Church is called an eternal excellency, because it is under the Lords protection, and is it not good being there, to be under the wing of God?
A3059216. that God would shew S. Paul, what great things he must suffer for his Names sake: and how did God prepare his heart?
A3059217. of a yong man that came running, and kneeled before Christ, and asked him, Good Master, what shall I do that I may inherit eternal life?
A3059218. says the Apostle, We beholding the glory of the Lord as in a mirror: What then, are we secure and presumptuous upon this?
A3059218. the Apostle speaks of some that were enemies to the Cross of Christ, but what were they?
A3059222. which is prophetical of Christ: who would not be in such acts of worship, to joyn with such as Christ joyns with?
A3059223. it is spoken concerning Rabshekah, Whom hast thou reproached?
A3059228. it is said, He blessed every one of them; How was that?
A305923, 4. Who shall not fear thee, O Lord, and glorifie thy name?
A305923. that there was no iron amongst the stuff of the Tabernacle: What do rigid iron dispositions in Gods Tabernacle, in Gods Church?
A3059231. why does God delight in the habitable parts of the earth?
A3059266. ad fratres in Eremo O Dii, quā brevis voluptatis gratia ex rege me feci servum?
A305928. Who are they like Doves, that flie to their Windows?
A305928. Who are those that fly as a cloud, and as the Doves to their windows?
A3059284. what abundance of expressions have we to set out his desires this way?
A30592A spiritual eye, what is that?
A30592Again consider, could you not wish in your hearts, that you might live always?
A30592Again, Wouldst thou be willing at the great day to be found guilty of hating the ways of God?
A30592Again, how do you pollute that which is holy?
A30592Again, how should our souls love the Gospel, and prize the Gospel, that hath revealed all this to us?
A30592Again, if we can bear reproaches patiently, what a quiet will it be to our hearts?
A30592Again, in Heaven you know God himself is the portion of the Saints, they have the presence of God: What presence of God do you enjoy here?
A30592Again, is there so much evil to be under the stroke of mans tongue, what a great evil is it to be under the stroke of Gods justice?
A30592Again, there is no more dissention then in other places, for though in other places there seem to be more union, what is the reason?
A30592Again, wilt thou spread the reproaches of Gods people, when as it is the great work of God to cover the sins of his people?
A30592Alice Drivers expression was, That never neckerchief became her so well, as that chain did: and are you so shy of them?
A30592Ambrose in his first Book de officiis, brings in godly men objecting thus, Why do the wicked rejoyce?
A30592And after, for the Christian Church, we know what Christ himself, the great leader of his people suffered, what contradiction of sinners?
A30592And again, will it not be just with God, for to suffer you to fall into some vile scandalous sin to be reproached for, after another maner?
A30592And am I the man or woman that shall lose all this?
A30592And art thou so eager upon that, which is no other portion then a Reprobate may have?
A30592And as for my eternal estate, I shall hazard to miscarry therein; and oh my soul, dost know what it is to miscarry to eternity?
A30592And as it was with David, when he had Saul at an advantage, and might have had his own will upon Saul, and yet spared him, how did this convince Saul?
A30592And because you all pretend Religion, will they not think that that kinde of Religion which you pretend is a mad thing?
A30592And further, consider, doest thou stand in need of so much covering of thy own sins, and wilt thou have a hand in spreading abroad the sins of others?
A30592And hath the Lord been pleased to come in with his Spirit, and a light from Heaven to shew you the way?
A30592And hath the Lord looked upon you, and considered how like you would be to fail in your choice?
A30592And how do you derogate from the goodness of God, to walk thus unbeseeming Christians?
A30592And how grievous will eternal pain be to thee, who art now altogether for delight and pleasure?
A30592And how opposite is thy heart, and what difference between Christs heart and thine?
A30592And is it nothing for a poor creature to go on in a way of opposition and enmity to an infinite Diety?
A30592And know further, that Christ hath wrought hard to provide happiness for mankinde; and shall we neglect it?
A30592And likewise for communion with Jesus Christ, what communion and converse is there between your souls and Jesus Christ?
A30592And secondly, do you finde that you draw your principles that enables you to any good work from a Mediator?
A30592And so I say to you that are Gods people, Is it not enough that Christ hath suffered for you and in you, but must he suffer by you?
A30592And so we read of Stephen, when they were stoning him, says he, Lord forgive them: What was the ground of this?
A30592And so, when you have storms and passions arise in you, and you by the word of God can make all quiet, men will wonder, and say, Who is this?
A30592And what fruition have you of God?
A30592And what is it you are reproached for?
A30592And what union have you with God?
A30592And why should we vex and fret, when we suffer any thing for God?
A30592And yet further consider, ere long things will turn, Gods people shall have pleasure, and the world shall have afflictions: Affliction did I say?
A30592And yet further, Who are your reproachers?
A30592Are the Sabbaths your delight, as a beginning of the eternal Sabbath you shall keep in Heaven?
A30592Are they such righteous ways as thou walkest in, as thou canst look upon his face, and behold him with comfort?
A30592Are you acquainted with the ways of God?
A30592Are you delighted in the communion of the Saints?
A30592Are you reproached for Christ?
A30592Are your hearts so bold and venturous, that you dare venture to go on in these ways?
A30592Art thou nor confounded at the mention, the thought of such a thing as this, so unreasonable, so vile?
A30592As Oecolampadius when he was to dye, and they spoke of the light without, says he, What is the light without?
A30592As Pilate wondered at Christ, when his life was in question, he talks of truth, What is truth?
A30592As it is said of God, Holy and reverend is his name; How does Gods name come to be reverend, but by being holy?
A30592Augustine says of the happiness of the Saints, If God gives such good things to wicked men, does he keep nothing for the Saints?
A30592BUt how are we to bear reproaches?
A30592BUt how may any know that they shall have this glorious reward?
A30592BUt how should Gods people so walk, as to bring others in love with their communion?
A30592BUt though it be true, that the Devil and world are malicious; yet, does not God rule over all?
A30592BUt what are the reasons why it must needs be, that the estate of Gods people must be an afflicted estate?
A30592BUt what is to be done that we may attain to this glorious recompence of reward?
A30592BUt what was the ground that made Moses thus esteem reproaches?
A30592BUt you will say, these arguments may move us to do it, and convince us we should do it, but how shall we do it?
A30592Be fervent in spirit, serving the Lord; as if he should say, Do you know whom you serve?
A30592Be willing to be guided by the counsels of God: What do you think in your consciences are the counsels of God concerning you?
A30592Before we go any further, me thinks the thoughts of these should raise our hearts: what do we here minding such poor empty things?
A30592Behold( saith an Ancient) the world is troublesome, and yet it is loved, what would it be if it were peaceable?
A30592Behold, I am vile, what shall I answer thee?
A30592Behold, they whose judgement was not to drink of the cup, have assuredly drunken, and art tbou he that shall go altogether unpunished?
A30592Blessed are they that shall eat bread in the Kingdom of God; But who are they?
A30592Bonus es Domine, animae quaerenti; quid invenienti?
A30592But are you shy of sufferings, and run away?
A30592But how are the ways of wisdom the ways of pleasantness?
A30592But how may we finde out the particular sin?
A30592But how much more base is it, for people still to stick in the mire and dross, rather then to seek after these glorious things?
A30592But how must we appear?
A30592But how shall I know that my reproaches are the reproaches of Christ?
A30592But how shall we joyn with any?
A30592But how should we improve afflictions?
A30592But how should we manifest our respect to those that are outwardly mean, that are gracious?
A30592But is it possible not to revile again?
A30592But is it said here the reproach of Christ?
A30592But it may be said thirdly, Whither shall we go to any people, but we shall finde sin there as well as in another place?
A30592But it may be said, A suffering condition is the joyful condition, why then should we thus bless God that we are freed from it?
A30592But may not a man go to heaven without it?
A30592But may we not presume to think that such great things belong to us?
A30592But though it be his dwelling, Is it a dwelling that is lovely to him?
A30592But what if I should come in now?
A30592But what if that which thou callest hypocrisie, God account godliness?
A30592But what is that uprightness, and singleness of heart that we are to walk withal?
A30592But what shall we do to get a portion in those things that shall be eternal?
A30592But when are we called?
A30592But when helps are taken away, and the Spirit of God does absent it self, shall we fear then that we are not called?
A30592But when is a work supernatural, so as I must have some comfortable hope, that it shall reach unto this supernatural reward?
A30592But when we are about this argument, the glory of the Kingdom of God, Doest thou seek great things for thy self?
A30592But where have we those that do labor to clear the innocency of those that do reproach them?
A30592But wherein does the pleasantness of the ways of wisdom appear?
A30592But wherein does the presence of God with his people appear more then with other people?
A30592But who is a true Israelite?
A30592But why does God thus suffer wicked men, to enjoy their pleasure thus in the ways of sin?
A30592But will God stay here?
A30592But you will say, wherein does it appear, and how comes it to pass, that Gods people do so esteem of their sufferings for Christ?
A30592Can this stand with grace?
A30592Canst thou be in any place where thou seest God dishonored, and be merry?
A30592Christ cryes out, Saul, Saul, why persecutest thou me?
A30592Christ hath gloried in the sufferings he suffered for you, and why should you be afraid of sufferings for him?
A30592Come, let us reason together; Is there not infinite reason for Gods ways more then those ways you have walked in?
A30592Confes l. 4 Ecce, turbatus mun dus,& amatur; quid si tranquillus esset?
A30592Consider, does this beseem the spirit of a Christian?
A30592Could I be content to part with my blood, and couldst not thou be content to part with thy lusts?
A30592Cur cae quae ad usum diuturna esse non possunt, ad supplicium diuturna deposces?
A30592Cur impi ● letātur cur luxuriantur?
A30592Die queso, si quis solē tenebrarum autorem existimet, soline an sibi detraxit?
A30592Do not you tear the flesh of one another by reproaches?
A30592Do you not apprehend Heaven after a carnal and natural way, when you hear speaking of Crowns, and dignity, and happiness, and glory, and the like?
A30592Do you see one walking in the ways of God?
A30592Do you think Christ came to dye, and shed his precious blood to bring men into worser conditions then before?
A30592Do you think reproaches from you will take off their hearts from all the good they had experience of Gods ways?
A30592Do you think that God will let his people sink in their sufferings for him?
A30592Do you think the sufferings you are like to meet withal in Gods ways, are more grievous to you, then your sins are to him?
A30592Do you think them worthy of regard, if it were not for trouble and affliction?
A30592Do your souls ask this question indeed in the earnestness of them?
A30592Does God look at any man the worse for want of these things?
A30592Does not the Scripture speak of the excellency, and the glory, and the power of the grace of God?
A30592Draw near hither ye sons of the sorceress, the seed of the adulterer, and the whore, against whom do ye sport your selves?
A30592Eleventhly, What honor should God have in the world?
A30592Eternal life is begun in this world in all that shall be saved; therefore think with your selves, What seeds of eternity have I put into my soul?
A30592Fifthly, is not the inheritance of the Saints, that kingdom of glory, that incorruptible undefiled crown that is reserved for them, riches?
A30592Fifthly, the great use that they are of in the world; What use is a poor man or woman of, that lives in a poor smoak- hole, that no man regards?
A30592Fifthly, what are the apprehensions that you have of this reward?
A30592Fifthly, what shall become then of ungodly and wicked men?
A30592First, are you willing to suffer reproaches, and to glory in them?
A30592First, would you know whether you shall have this Recompence of reward?
A30592For that they hated knowledge, and did not choose the fear of the Lord; How was it proved they hated knowledge?
A30592For ye shewed kindeness to all the children of Israel, when they came up out of Egypt: Who were these Kenites?
A30592Formoso quomodo haereris, qui sic amplecteris foedum?
A30592Fourthly, do you glory in the low condition you are put into for Christ?
A30592Fourthly, you come by this means to adde your sin to his sin: What, is not God dishonored enough by his reviling, but must you adde to Gods dishonor?
A30592Gather not my soul with sinners: Would you not have your souls gathered with sinners hereafter?
A30592God did not onely speak, and said there should be a blessing, but spake in a commanding way; There: Where is that?
A30592God does not judge of men in regard of outwards; what are outwards before the Lord?
A30592God in the Ordinances?
A30592God says, The froward mouth he hates: Now if you have any love you should think thus, This poor man what hath he done?
A30592God will not take the wicked by the hand; so it is in some of your books; Why then will you?
A30592Gods people ought so to walk, as to gain respect from the consciences of men; Do you so walk as to gain any such honorable respect?
A30592Guide me with thy counsel, and afterward receive me to glory: Would you be brought to glory?
A30592Had you ever any experimental knowledge of the evil of sin, or any good in the ways of God?
A30592Haeccine est fides tua?
A30592Hast any cause to repent thee?
A30592Hath God given you a heart to make choice of his ways?
A30592Hath God nothing else to communicate to the creature?
A30592Hath God thus spoken peace to thy soul?
A30592Hath my peace grown upon good grounds, so as it may- hold?
A30592Hath not God given you immortal souls?
A30592Hath not God made you for a higher end, then to eat, and drink, and play?
A30592Hath not the Lord been pleased to bring you into the honorable estate of sonship?
A30592Have you heard a voyce from heaven, saying, This is the way, walk in it?
A30592Have you made Moses Choice?
A30592He hath made me also a by- word of the people: Job was a godly man, and yet he was made a by- word: What then?
A30592He instances in Sampson for strength, and yet what a contemptible end had he?
A30592He instances likewise in Kingdoms; the Chaldaean, Persian, Graecian, Roman, how soon were they gone?
A30592Here is faith called for, and why should not our faith go beyond reason to rectifie reason, as reason rectifies sense?
A30592His visage was so marred more then any mans, and his form more then the sons of men: what then, is there none therefore that shall prize him?
A30592How are the dreadful threatnings of God, and the revelation of Gods wrath scorned in the world?
A30592How are we to set up the name of Christ?
A30592How canst thou trust God with thy soul, thy eternal estate?
A30592How did all that never heard of this way?
A30592How do they know?
A30592How does grace conduce to the comfortable life of Gods people?
A30592How far are you from resisting unto blood?
A30592How few wil now improve such interest in great ones, such opportunities for the relieving the persecuted Servants of God?
A30592How great is it before Angels then, and before God himself?
A30592How is that, says he?
A30592How lamentable is the hearing of these things unto nice and curious women?
A30592How lightly doest thou regard all the faithfulness, the mercy, goodness, wisdom, power of God, working for his people in their suffering conditions?
A30592How long since was his kindeness shewed?
A30592How long will you turn my glory into shame?
A30592How long ye simple ones will ye love simplicity?
A30592How many draw all their substance thorow their throats, and their belly?
A30592How many hath God cast off?
A30592How many thousands perish, because they are offended at the mean, afflicted, persecuted estate of Christ in this life?
A30592How much more miserable is it for one to be in the form of a man, and to have the minde of a beast, yea, of a wilde beast?
A30592How much more should the obtaining of this glorious recompence of reward, put heart into us to endure any difficulty?
A30592How shall the hearts of the Saints be taken with that eternal Supper of the Lamb?
A30592How shall we carry on the work of God pleasantly?
A30592How shall we escape, if we neglect so great salvation?
A30592How shall we stop their mouthes?
A30592How sore was the bondage of the Israelites in Egypt?
A30592How sweet and delightful is the end of wisdom?
A30592How sweet and pleasant are the ways of wisdom then?
A30592How vain then is mans heart, in being set upon such vain things?
A30592How will the Spirit of God plead against you?
A30592I account all things in the world as dross and dung, or dogs meat; and will this satisfie you?
A30592I am Jesus of Nazareth; why does he say, Jesus of Nazareth?
A30592I am walking here, and compassed in the garden that is mine enemies, and what if he meet me here?
A30592I answer, Are your hearts serious in asking this question?
A30592I appeal to thee, Does thy pleasantness carry thee on more sweetly in the ways of Religion?
A30592I had workings of Spirit then, what are become of them?
A30592I may say to some, as Jonadab said to Amnon, Why art thou lean from day to day, being the Kings Son?
A30592I remember a speech of Jerome upon that, Blessed are you when men speak evil of you, and revile you; says he, Who would not be willing to suffer?
A30592I the Lord do keep it, I will water it every moment, lest any hurt it; I will keep it night and day: How full is this?
A30592I urge it upon you as in the name of God, and answer in your secret thoughts, What are your hearts upon?
A30592I who have given so much pleasure to the flesh, would God accept of me, and regard me?
A30592IF you say, How shall I know how it shall be with me for eternity?
A30592IT is true, will some say, there are glorious things prepared for some of the children of men; but whether may we look after them?
A30592If Heaven must be so glorious to entertain the Saints, how glorious are those for whom heaven is prepared?
A30592If a condemned man had two or three days granted him, that he might sue out his pardon, were that a time for pleasure?
A30592If a man be going to be crowned, and to be glorified, and those that do not know him, as he goes contemn him, what cares he?
A30592If after every intemperate draught, there should be a draught of scalding lead poured down, how grievous would it be?
A30592If children be casting mire and dirt upon the faces of one another, how unbeseeming is it?
A30592If company should come to draw them to drinking, and uncleanness, would they yield then?
A30592If grace be pleasant, how pleasant is glory?
A30592If he comes with this temptation, Why will you go on in a singular way from others?
A30592If it be done thus to the green tree, what shall be done to the dry?
A30592If men do so much for the things of the world, why should we be backward in doing for Heaven?
A30592If the footmen have wearied thee, how canst thou contend with horses?
A30592If the neather springs be so sweet, what will the upper be?
A30592If the righteous scarcely be saved, where shall the ungodly and sinners appear?
A30592If there be so much content to the minde in viewing the things here, what content will there be to the minde in beholding God, and his glory?
A30592If this one Ordinance be so blessed, what a blessing then is the enjoyment of all, and that in a right way?
A30592If this succession be so honorable, so happy, how honorable, how happy doth the succession of Religion from Father to Son, make Families to be?
A30592If you ask why the reproaches of Gods people are called the reproaches of Christ?
A30592If you had never so much filth upon you for the present, being there is so much honor to come, what need you to care?
A30592If you love your bodies, be godly: if you did believe these things were so, would not these make you love godliness?
A30592In heaven there is the perfection of our natures, the image of God shall be renewed; now is the image of God begun?
A30592In such profuse expences, for the satisfying of the flesh, how many do glory, as if it were the highest happiness attainable upon the earth?
A30592In the second place; What infinite cause have we to bless the Name of God that gives us such pleasant ways unto glory?
A30592Indeed if they had no higher ends then your base ends, you might say so; a base hypocrite what need he be so strict?
A30592Is Christ notwithstanding all his reproaches dear and precious to us?
A30592Is any man afflicted?
A30592Is it God that you enjoy in the creature?
A30592Is it not a riddle to you?
A30592Is it not more like thou shouldst have pleasure when thou art reconciled to God, then when thou art an enemy?
A30592Is it not time to look about me?
A30592Is it possible that the chief contentment of a creature should be in sinning against an infinite God?
A30592Is it that spiritual and supernatural good that is in Heaven?
A30592Is my life such as may be said to be worthy of God, and that God that hath called me unto his kingdom and glory?
A30592Is not mean wholsom fare rather to be desired?
A30592Is not our way of Religion a greater inheritance to us, then an inheritance of a thousand pounds a year?
A30592Is not plain russet or leather better that is free?
A30592Is not this a mercenary thing, and hypocrisie?
A30592Is not this one thing that is spoken of amongst the rest, that is but for a season?
A30592Is there not cause of suspition?
A30592Is there nothing else for you to seek after?
A30592Is this the way to clear your selves, by defiling your selves more?
A30592It is a notable speech that Ambrose hath; Why will you make that which can not be eternal for use, eternal for punishment?
A30592It is an excellent speech of Bernard, Good art thou, O Lord, to the soul that seeks thee; what art thou then to the soul that findes thee?
A30592It is not yet Six thousand years since God did any thing out of himself, and what is six thousand years to eternity?
A30592It is true, godly men may have them, but never as their portion, God hath afforded you better pleasures, hath he not reserved better things for you?
A30592It may be asked, Why not the reproach of God the Father, or the reproach of the Holy Ghost?
A30592It was the sad expression of Lysimachus, who had lost his Kingdom for one draught of water, For what a short pleasure have I made my self a servant?
A30592Iudgement must begin at the house of God, and if it first begin at us, what shall the end of them be, that obey not the Gospel of God?
A30592Knowest thou not that it will be bitterness in the latter end?
A30592Let the name of God be precious to you: Is it not a precious thing to live so, as to bring honor to God?
A30592Let us eat and drink, to morrow we shall dye: Why do you say, to morrow?
A30592Memor esto vinculorū Pauli,& vide quam sit absurdū illum esse in vinculis te verò deliciari: deliciarum concupiscentia prehenderis?
A30592Might you not have gathered from thence, that there was another time a coming?
A30592NOw what use should we make of this difference?
A30592Ninthly, How little love is there in thine heart to God, when thou art so shy of any thing to be suffered for God?
A30592Ninthly, often call your self to account after the affliction is over; What is become of it?
A30592Noune gravius omnibus foetet sepulchris?
A30592Now I appeal to thee, Canst thou behold the face of God in righteousness?
A30592Now consider, what life have I?
A30592Now do you finde this?
A30592Now if you have any conviction at all, tell me, Are you willing to enter into the ways of God?
A30592Now shall the reproach of an evil tongue take away the comfort of a godly heart that hath so great honors?
A30592Now what a mercy of God is this to stop our way, though it be by filth?
A30592O no, but those whom God honors, let us honor; What rule can we have better for our honoring of men, then that honor that our God puts upon them?
A30592O say they, who are they that favor this way?
A30592O that God would fasten these thoughts upon you, when you are in the midst of your delights; But will this hold?
A30592O that the fear of God might be upon you, because of the reproach of your adversaries: Is Christ dear to you?
A30592O what is reserved for me then?
A30592O what will you do in the day of your visitation?
A30592Of what little account are all these gracious blessed promises of the Lord, for their encouragement herein?
A30592Or, have not I heard the reproaches of others, and been delighted with them?
A30592Ought he not to suffer these things, and so to enter into his glory?
A30592Our condition is such, that we must suffer one way or another, while we live here; Is it not better then to suffer for God then any other way?
A30592People talk of Gods mercy, but how few ever had a spiritual sight of Gods mercy?
A30592Pliny says, there was a miraculous example of one Xenophilus, who lived a hundred and five years without sickness: But what is this to eternity?
A30592Psalm, brings in God, rebuking a discontented Christian, thus: What is thy faith?
A30592Qu is post hujusmodi vocem tentari se non sinat?
A30592Qualis erit splendor animarum cum solis splendorem habebit lux ● orporum?
A30592Quid alibi poscis quod alibi debetur?
A30592Saint John had a little glimpse of the representation of Christ, and how glorious is it set forth?
A30592Say with thy Savior, Shall not I drink of that cup my Father hath given me to drink?
A30592Says Ahasuerus, What shall be done to the man whom the King will honor?
A30592Says Calvin upon this argument, What are we poor worms, full of vanities and lyes, that we should be called to be maintainers of the truth?
A30592Says Chrysostom, When you hear any reproach you, you should think, have not I reproached others?
A30592Says Seneca, He is to be ashamed that does unjustly, and shall you be ashamed that are innocent?
A30592Secondly, are you begotten unto the hope of these glorious things?
A30592Secondly, because they are chained together; as the Papists will say, there is no such union between others, as between us; What is the ground?
A30592Secondly, is not the truth of God a rich jewel, a precious jewel?
A30592Secondly, what are you?
A30592Seeing then that all these things shall be dissolved, what maner of persons ought ye to be in all maner of holy conversation and godliness?
A30592Seekest thou great things for thy self?
A30592Seventhly, How vile is the unbelief of thy heart, who darest not trust God with thy name, estate, liberty?
A30592Seventhly, if there be so much good in this way, labor to improve it to the utmost: Wherefore is there a price in the hand of a fool?
A30592Shall eating, and drinking, and a little pleasure here, put heart into men to suffer hardships, to endure difficulties?
A30592Shall therefore this Ordinance be accused as the cause of dissention?
A30592Shall your hearts stir when you hear Gods wrath, and when you hear of Gods grace shall not your hearts stir then?
A30592Shall your sins have a greater testimony of respect to them from you, then God himself?
A30592Si adeò dulce flere prote, quàm dulce erit gaudere de te?
A30592So it may be said to an Apostata, Poor creature, from whence comest thou, and whither goest thou?
A30592So seeing these things are so that are revealed, What shall we say to these things?
A30592So the pleasure of the eye, what is it but the visive spirit that is in the eye?
A30592So the ways of God that are so glorious, to make them serviceable to your base ends, what dishonor is put upon the ways of God in this?
A30592So thou doest in the way of sin: That thy chief contentment should be in incensing the wrath of an infinite Deity against thy soul?
A30592So you may say to every temptation, to the ways of sin, What, can my sin give me Heaven, and glory, and immortality?
A30592So, why is it that your hearts are set upon the delight of the creature?
A30592St. Augustine in his Confessions hath this notable expression: How sweet was it to me of a sudden, to be without those sweet vanities?
A30592Suppose an Angelical nature were put upon us, what a change would there be?
A30592Suppose reproaches had such shame in them as you think they have, can not God put honor upon them?
A30592Suppose you have an estate encreasing more then another, what will you do with it?
A30592Take heed of such things as may hinder that good you may have in communion with the Saints: What are they?
A30592Tenthly, Did you never suffer affliction in your ways of sin?
A30592That thy chief contentment should be in departing from God?
A30592That thy chief contentment should be in putting thy self under the everlasting curse, that bindes thee over to eternal death?
A30592That thy chief contentment should be in that, which being committed, if ever it comes to be pardoned, must cost more then Heaven and Earth is worth?
A30592The Heathen could say, Believe me, true joy is no light thing; but what windy frothy contents are these pleasures to the flesh?
A30592The last Use of all, is, If the ways of wisdom be ways of pleasantness, what is the end of wisdom?
A30592The pleasures that you speak of, what are they?
A30592The renewing of this daily, and setling of this daily upon the heart, what might it do?
A30592The three Children in the fiery furnace with Gods presence were happy?
A30592There are none but their hearts are set upon some good that they apprehend to be good; Now what is that good?
A30592Therefore now do you ask, Who shall have Heaven?
A30592They hated that truth of God, and that which should bring them into the ways of God, and guide them in it; How does that appear?
A30592They have glorious priviledges; What are they?
A30592They think the matters of Religion are but niceties, and and to venture the loss of so much for such niceties, what a foolish thing is it?
A30592Thirdly, Wouldst thou willingly have God reject all thy services, and account them as abominable to him?
A30592Thirdly, all for God: Why then should not God have the glory of all his own way?
A30592Thirdly, is it not a rich thing to enjoy communion with God?
A30592Thirdly, there is a mixture of a curse with them: What good is there in having a brave sute with the plague in it?
A30592Thirdly, thou who art so shy of suffering, mayest be forced to suffer in spight of thy heart; and what a sad thing will that be to thee?
A30592Thirdly, to the ways of godliness that leads to all this: great and blessed are the things of the Kingdom of Heaven; from whence is all this?
A30592This is a great price; if many had seen the days that we have seen, how would they have blessed God?
A30592This is the great complaint of a soul in the time of trouble, O how long shall it be?
A30592Those things that are braveries in the world, and take up the eyes of men to admire at them, what are these to God?
A30592Thou hast been merry in company, but does this carry thee on more fully in the ways of God?
A30592Ubi Plato, ubi Pythagoras, ubi Stoicorum turba?
A30592Unde tu Christiane, delicatus es miles?
A30592Vis audire indignātis dei terribi lem vocem?
A30592Vis nunquam esse tristis?
A30592Was it not told my Lord what I did?
A30592Was not all my sufferings worthy of enduring those little things thou wert called to suffer in thy life?
A30592Was there ever such a fool as to be jeered out of his inheritance?
A30592Was there ever such wickedness like this?
A30592We are weak, and if we should have felt such things as others have, what should have become of us?
A30592We hear much of the vanity of the creature, and we can speak much of it, but how is it improved?
A30592We may say to them, as the Angel said to Hagar; Hagar, from whence comest thou, and whither goest thou?
A30592We shall be like him: what is the ground?
A30592Well, but why should we suffer much affliction for the joyning with Gods people?
A30592Were your souls ever acquainted with the presence of God in the Ordinances?
A30592What a dreadful shreek will that soul give, that sees an infinite Ocean it must lanch into, and sees no provision that it hath made for it?
A30592What a noise did they make about the Temple of the Lord?
A30592What a sad thing was it to Cranmer?
A30592What a sad thing will it be, that when you go out of the world, it should be said, Christ hath had more dishonor by you, then he hath had honor?
A30592What a shameful thing is it for those that are Christians, that know spiritual excellencies, to look upon those that are gay, and brave outwardly?
A30592What admirable expressions hath that Book of the Canticles, of Gods delight in the graces of his people, and in the ways of godliness?
A30592What almighty power of the holy Ghost have you felt that hath raised these hopes?
A30592What an argument then is it to set forth the greatness of a Christian, that Heaven, and God, and Christ, and all are his and for him?
A30592What an infinite difference there is between the comforts of a carnal heart, and the comforts of the godly?
A30592What are a few years here?
A30592What are become of all those that have had as great dealings, and as many merry meetings as you, and have satisfied the flesh as much as you?
A30592What are the afflictions you speak of, that will discourage any from delighting in Gods ways?
A30592What are your hearts upon?
A30592What bitter and sore complaints do we hear, of the grievous suffering he met withal?
A30592What blessed vision have you of God here?
A30592What delight is there in feeding upon dainty dishes sweetly poisoned?
A30592What difficulty will superstition put a man upon?
A30592What dishonor is this unto the ways of godliness?
A30592What do those that are gay and brave attire themselves for, but to have the eyes of men drawn after them?
A30592What do we think of our flesh better then others, that we should not endure trouble in it?
A30592What excellency, and power, and glory is in it, if it can not do this?
A30592What glorious things?
A30592What great things by St. Paul?
A30592What great things hath God done by a few afflicted, persecuted fishermen, the Apostles?
A30592What grievous miseries did Gods people endure in France, especially in that bloody savage Massacre in the year 1572?
A30592What hard things did Abraham, and the rest of the Patriarchs endure in their generations?
A30592What hath my course been?
A30592What if so be that now thou wert to dye, what would comfort thee?
A30592What is it that you apprehend to be the heighth and excellency of that reward and glory that you expect?
A30592What is it that your hearts are set upon?
A30592What is it to be jocund, to trifle up and down a year or two, and there an end?
A30592What is it to do those things which the men of the world can not do?
A30592What is it to have gold, and fine clothes before God?
A30592What is our flesh better then theirs, that we must have ours so pampered, when as theirs was so grievously tormented?
A30592What is that that keeps them together?
A30592What is the highest pleasure of sense, but the highest exercise of the sensitive faculty about such an object as is suitable to sense?
A30592What is there in sin that is thy pleasure, that thou choosest as the chief contentment of thy soul?
A30592What is there in them, or amongst them, that makes joyning with them to be so desireable?
A30592What kinde of eye is it?
A30592What knowest thou, O wife, whether thou shalt save thy husband?
A30592What mighty prayers, and lively stirrings of spirit are there many times in afflictions?
A30592What mystical union between God and your souls?
A30592What poor low thoughts should we have had of the happiness of mankinde, had not God made known these glorious things in the Ministery of the Gospel?
A30592What riches of glory shall they enjoy in the highest heavens for ever hereafter?
A30592What shall you suffer?
A30592What shame and confusion will this be, that any should do more for the things of the world, yea more for a lust, then we shall do for Heaven?
A30592What sweet and content have many, but in their eating and drinking?
A30592What union of grace?
A30592What was that glory that the Apostle did behold?
A30592What was the reason that Demas forsook Paul?
A30592What was the reason that Shimei must not go to his grave in peace?
A30592What was the reason that should cause Sanballat and Tobiah to make such a stir to reproach Nehemiah?
A30592What was the reason why the Prophet would have the light and the truth of God?
A30592What was this kindeness?
A30592What work of Gods grace have I ever had upon me?
A30592What would we give if a Physitian were able to give us a potion to make our bodies incorruptible, that they should never dye?
A30592What, are we discontented at such small afflictions?
A30592What, do you not fear our power?
A30592What, hath Christ come and laid down his blood to purchase nothing but this, to have content in the creature?
A30592What, is not man to live by rule?
A30592What, must God, Heaven, eternal life be neglected for these?
A30592What, shall I while away that time I have to improve for eternity to seek after you, and take content and pleasure in you?
A30592What, will a Dogs portion satisfie you?
A30592What, will a reprobates portion serve you?
A30592What, would God suffer his own people( say they) his own truth thus to be beaten down?
A30592What, would he rather have his lust with Lais?
A30592When Christ commanded the winds and seas, and they were still at his word, they wondred and said, Who is this, that the winds and seas obey him?
A30592When a temptation to sin comes, make use of this argument, as Saul did to his men, What, can the son of Jesse give you vineyards, and oliveyards?
A30592When as reason says, How can this be?
A30592When as the Lord in favor towards you will vouchsafe you a sign, and you refuse it, as if you had no need, why will you weary God?
A30592When thou shalt hereafter at the great Day meet with this wretched carcase of thine, and see how vile it is, what confusion will be upon thee?
A30592When wicked men hear of so many dissonant opinions, of so many dissentions among you, will they not think you mad?
A30592When you fail in any thing, you plead infirmity, but when you do neglect any opportunity of gaining strength, how can you plead infirmity?
A30592Who are so basely looked upon as base drunkards?
A30592Who can but do so when they come and give such ill language, so injurious, so false?
A30592Who having his Enemy, would have spared him?
A30592Who knows but that body of thine that hath been so intemperate, and but a sink of filthy lusts, may be made glorious like the body of Christ?
A30592Who now dare accuse the ways of godliness, of folly, when the holy Ghost hath honored them with so many several expressions of wisdom in them?
A30592Who were this people?
A30592Why do you seek the living amongst the dead?
A30592Why does God suffer this?
A30592Why should I fear?
A30592Why should not your hearts be convinced by that which hath so much reason in it?
A30592Why should we be as Children, to run after bubbles?
A30592Why would you preposterously have the crown before you have overcome?
A30592Will this be an answer before God, when you come to give an account why you went out of your way?
A30592Will you go on in the ways of the pleasure of the flesh?
A30592Wouldst thou never be sad?
A30592Yea, how may all the creatures in the earth come to plead against you?
A30592Yea, how may the Devils come and plead against thee?
A30592Yea, not onely others that are better then you, but God and Christ is reproached: How is the name of God slighted?
A30592Yet notwithstanding your sins, he chooses you; Why notwithstanding the sufferings you may meet with, should not you choose him?
A30592You desire Heaven at last, and do you not desire communion with Gods people?
A30592You have but low thoughts of God; are there no richer treasures in God then onely a few outward delights, meat, and drink, and sports here?
A30592You know how earnest the Apostle was with the Galatians, when they had once received the faith, and drew back again, says he, Who hath bewitched you?
A30592You must trust God with your souls, and eternal conditions, and will you not trust him with your pleasures?
A30592You think if they will not do thus and thus, you will make them do it: Alas, you are infinitely deceived; what will you do to make them do it?
A30592You will say this is a riddle, how can it be made out?
A30592You will say, An infinite capacity of happiness, how is that?
A30592You will say, How is it possible that this should be?
A30592You will say, What is there in the ways of God, to cause delight?
A30592You will say, how does this appear to be meant of Gods people now?
A30592Your life is in danger, and do you now talk of truth?
A30592[ The reproach of Christ:] How could that reproach that Moses suffered, be the reproach of Christ?
A30592a Jeremy?
A30592after he had recanted for fear of sufferings, yet he was forced to suffer; what a darkning was it to this spirit, his cause, and name?
A30592against whom do ye make a wide mouth, and draw out the tongue?
A30592and God in all things?
A30592and are they not capable of better things then these things that you have chosen for your chiefest good?
A30592and do you disesteem of them for their sufferings?
A30592and hath put his glory upon your souls, and hath honored you by that near relation you have to Christ?
A30592and have not obeyed the voyce of my teachers, nor enclined mine ear to them that instructed me?
A30592and how are you vext and troubled?
A30592and how comes it about?
A30592and how is it now?
A30592and if God comes to you in your names, do you take it so ill?
A30592and if God have done such great things in Six thousand years, what may God do in the next Six thousand years, and so in the next, who now can tell?
A30592and if in the land of peace, how wilt thou do in the swelling of Jordan?
A30592and if the father sees them, how provoked is he to correct them both?
A30592and sports?
A30592and the scorners delight in their scorning, and fools hate knowledge?
A30592and this hath been shewn in this glorious recompence of reward: How great and honorable then should they be in our eyes?
A30592and was it not the pleasure of a little meat and drink thou couldst be content to part with for me?
A30592and was not all that sufficient to draw your hearts over these difficulties?
A30592and what great content is it for a man to have outward pleasure, and inward dampings of spirit?
A30592and what is a countrey to the world?
A30592and what is it that God requires of you for all this?
A30592and what rest do your souls finde in God?
A30592and when shall be the time that I shall provide for eternity?
A30592and will you despise him?
A30592and will you not now be willing to suffer as much in the ways of God?
A30592and, Who shall ascend into the Mount?
A30592are not the thoughrs of God concerning the children of men, higher and more glorious then these outward things?
A30592are not we made of the same matter that men are?
A30592are these the things that God hath made us for?
A30592are they not fleshly?
A30592are ye not children of transgression, a seed of falshood?
A30592are your hearts more after these then after any thing else?
A30592as if he should say, Do not your consciences condemn you?
A30592as there is a great deal of pleasure in meat and drink: Whence comes this?
A30592as they did, Men and brethren, what shall we do to be saved?
A30592as when Christ was speaking of the new birth, says Nicodemus, How can this be?
A30592at such light things?
A30592at the 8. verse, Upright men shall be astonied at this: How?
A30592banishments were there then?
A30592c. 9 Cum quid ā interrogasset Platonem, Unde, tibi sapientia tanta?
A30592can my sin reward me as God will reward me if I walk in his way?
A30592canst thou overcome without fight, triumph without combate?
A30592considera squalorem Pauli in carcerc,& accenderis erga illam pulchritudinem, hancque extremam deformitatem esse putabis: vis odoramenta?
A30592cum risu?
A30592cur etiam ipsi non mecum laborant?
A30592cursed, cruel, shameful death?
A30592did Christ ever do any thing for you?
A30592did not she build the house of Israel likewise?
A30592do not seek them, for I am about to bring evil upon my people, the time of publique calamity is coming, and doest thou seek great things for thy self?
A30592do they leave any sweetness behinde them, after they are over?
A30592do you think temptations would draw their hearts again?
A30592does any good come out of Nazareth?
A30592doest think to put the sea into a little vessel?
A30592either upon things that are for a season, or eternal?
A30592flores ejus quomodo colligeres, qui à spinis non revocas manum?
A30592for ever?
A30592haeccine tibi promisi, aut ad hoc factus es Christianus, ut seculo floreres?
A30592hath God marked you, and set the stamp of his image upon you?
A30592hath God such intentions to communicate himself thus to mankinde?
A30592have I been faithful to God, and to mine own soul?
A30592have I more peace now, then I had then?
A30592have I promised thee these things?
A30592have not I an immortal soul?
A30592here is a mercy indeed, never to be forgotten; How comes it to pass that your hearts should not be so seduced as theirs?
A30592his heart is on fire, and his tongue is on fire, and will you bring more fire?
A30592how does God communicate himself to me in meat and drink, and cloathes, and friends, and the like?
A30592how glorions is the presence Chamber?
A30592how happy then are the Saints with Gods presence in Heaven?
A30592how if you perish eternally for setting your hearts upon these things?
A30592how ill then will he take it, how sorely will he be displeased, when the affliction that his people suffer for his name, is helped forward?
A30592how long will you love vanity and seek after lyes?
A30592how much better were it for me if I had never been born, then thus to do?
A30592how should the kingdom of heaven suffer violence?
A30592how should we work toward God, who is our proper place and center, in whom is so much good?
A30592how sweet is sleep when it comes from that promise?
A30592how was it with me then?
A30592how will conscience accuse you?
A30592how will you use it?
A30592if the Lord should leave a soul in that choice, what a lamentable condition had the soul been in?
A30592if we do not do much good, and get much good here, what have we to sweeten and recompence this tediousness?
A30592if you rejoyce because God hath glory by the discovery, then would you rejoyce, if the dearest friend you had were discovered?
A30592in striking at God?
A30592is not the breach made up in those?
A30592it is not any carnal good, any carnal content that is the heighth and top of the glory of heaven?
A30592it is well if you go thus far, but you must go higher; are there not choyce mercies?
A30592live well, says Bernard: Tell me, wouldst thou embrace the ways of Religion, if thou wert sure of pleasure?
A30592may we have a respect to the reward?
A30592memor esto vinculorū Pauli,& videbuntur tibi serica indumenta faetulentis panniculis abjectiora: velles aureis indumentis amiciri?
A30592onely reach to the sensual part?
A30592or not rather do some famous exploit for his Countrey; as to slay Archias, and to deliver Athens?
A30592or what is your names that you should think much to bear reproach?
A30592or, not affected with them, to grieve as I ought?
A30592our names are nothing, what though ten thousand such as we are come to nought, and rot?
A30592putas te posse sine pugna vincere, sine certamine triumphare?
A30592quid cpulari gestis antequam stadium solvatur?
A30592quid praeproperè coronam exigis antequam vin cas?
A30592quis ab bominibus ersequi se justitiae causa non optet?
A30592quis se non maledici desi deret?
A30592recordare carceris Pauli: velles sericis indui?
A30592recordare vinculorum Pauli,& ostendent tibi nibil illa coeno protrito melius habere: vis ornari capillis formosaque videri?
A30592remember Pauls chains, and silken cloaths will be more vile to thee then filthy rags: Wouldest thou be adorned with gold?
A30592remember Pauls chains, and they will shew you that such ornaments are no better then the dirt under your feet: Would you be beautiful with your hair?
A30592remember the Prison of Paul: Wouldest thou be cloathed in silks?
A30592says Paul, Who art thou?
A30592shall it be well, or not well with my soul when I am beyond things that are for a season?
A30592shall their fire be no hotter then ours?
A30592shall we say, How unsearchable are his mercies?
A30592so we may say to our own hearts, Is it not enough for us, that we have such a cloud of witnesses, such a noble Army of Martyrs before us and with us?
A30592that is, to judge according to them: Some render it thus; and are not judges of evil thoughts?
A30592that shall never be partaker of this?
A30592the Sun, or the man that either said it or believed it?
A30592the body of the meanest Saint shall be like the glorious body of Christ: What is that?
A30592the least truth of God is worth more then heaven and earth; and what is thy ease, thy liberty, thy name, thy life to it?
A30592they would have Ministers preach much of Gods mercy, but if people had eyes to behold it in the glory of it, how would it change their hearts?
A30592this time of our life is appointed for this end, it is our winter time; will a man be troubled to see frost and snow in winter time?
A30592those evil thoughts of yours, in respecting those that are in brave apparel; Are you judges of those evil thoughts?
A30592those fearful gnawings of that never- dying worm that was bred in thy sweet delights?
A30592though the clouds do arise, and darken the light of the Sun, does the Sun cease in its course, and cease shining because it is darkned?
A30592though you be tost up and down in regard of the uncertainty of the creature, yet is God your rest: yea, do you enjoy your selves in God?
A30592to have no trouble to the flesh?
A30592to have the faith of the Lord Jesus Christ in respect of persons; Are you become judges of evil thoughts?
A30592to receive that faith that brings such happiness, and after you have received it to turn back again; Who hath bewitched you?
A30592what a difference is there between the disposition of your hearts, and the disposition of the most worthy servants of God in all ages?
A30592what a strange and extraordinary Providence of God was it, to dispose of my Parents hearts, to hide me in such a maner as they did amongst the rushes?
A30592what abundance of sin does such a one prevent?
A30592what contempts?
A30592what doth this point require of us?
A30592what had become of me?
A30592what ignorance is this?
A30592what is that which is thus great?
A30592what is this that can give thee so much content?
A30592what kinde of pleasantness is it?
A30592what mean thoughts hast thou of Christ, and of all the purchase of the blood of Christ?
A30592what shall I have to support me in trouble?
A30592what shall I suffer?
A30592what starvings?
A30592what use would they have made of them?
A30592what was thy aim?
A30592what will it do?
A30592what wise man can please his thoughts after his pleasures are over, in thinking what pleasures he hath had?
A30592what worth is in it to make thee so venturous?
A30592what would become of them?
A30592what, didst thou make account to live at ease?
A30592what, wert thou made a Christian, that thou shouldest flourish here in this world?
A30592when Divine justice follows a man from one place to another and persecutes him?
A30592where would there be any witness to truth, against the rage and malice of devil and wicked men, if all should do as thou doest?
A30592wherein do you count the good of it to consist?
A30592who shall be partakers of these things?
A30592who shall dwell in thy holy hill?
A30592who would not desire to be reviled?
A30592who would not wish to be persecuted for righteousness sake?
A30592why do not they labor as well as I?
A30592why do they riot it out?
A30592why do you seek for living comforts, where you must expect to dye daily?
A30592why then should we not do the like to him whose soul is more diseased then ours?
A30592why then will God suffer his beloved ones thus to be troubled and afflicted?
A30592will any sin do you that good as will countervail the cutting you off the hope of all this glory?
A30592will it make you amends for this evil?
A30592would thy ways be peace?
A30592would you learn contempt of honors?
A30592would you see the highest patience?
A30592wouldst thou be willing to be in such a condition as this?
A30592you can not keep your hands from the thorns, how earnest would you be then in gathering the flowers?
A30592you embrace it though it be filthy, what would you do if it were beautiful?
A30572( and spoke with Majesty and authority) doe not so reason the case about these Articles of our Faith, but do you believe?
A30572( for indeed it needeth opening) that there can be no new institution, nor no new Law made in this sense, but all must hold of Christ?
A30572( saith the text) what is man?
A30572( say they) how shall this man save us?
A30572( the place we made use of in opening the former point) that there were some blamed for not holding of the Head; What is that?
A305721. that God would not rebuke him in his wrath, neither chasten him in his hot displeasure; but what then?
A305721. the Apostle speaks there of eternall life that was promised before the world began, Why, what promise was there ever made before the world began?
A3057214. where the Lord threatneth to stir up a King over Israel who should cut off the house of Ieroboam that day; but what?
A3057215. the blood of the goat must be sprinkled not onely ● pon the Mercy seate, but before the Mercy seate; what is the meaning of this?
A3057217. saith 〈 … 〉 Hoshi, is this thy kindnesse to thy friend?
A3057220, A deceived heart hath turned him aside, he feeds upon ashes, that he can not deliver his soul, nor say, Is there not a lye in my right hand?
A3057220. there the Church of ● hyatira is charged that they did eate things sacrificed to Idols; Why?
A3057223, there the Lord speaks concerning his people, when he was about to deliver them from captivity, How long wilt thou goe about?
A3057223. where the husband of the Shunamire said to his wife, wherefore wilt thou goe to him to day?
A3057225, 26. is remarkable for our purpose; Whom God hath set forth to be a propitiation through faith in his blood; How?
A3057227. you shall finde that though there vvere some children of Eelial that would not have Saul to reigne over them; What?
A305723 Reproach, because they waite upon God, and God seems not to come, the adversaries say, where is your God?
A3057231. amongst the comely goings of many things there, the going of the he- goat is said to be very comely, why?
A3057233. it is cleere there, Howbeit the high places were not taken away, why?
A3057240. there was a command of God, they should be goodly trees, palme trees, or willowes of the brooke, but why so?
A305725. Who is this that commeth up from the wildernesse, leaning upon her beloved?
A3057280, 4. truly ours, O Lord of Hoasts how long wilt thou be angry with the prayer of thy people?
A305729. and so on) that all things must be subjected to hi ● ● man, What is man that thou shouldst regard him?
A305729. and what then?
A30572A Tabernacle that shall not be taken down, not one of the stakes thereof shall ever be removed: Why?
A30572A little leaven leaveneth the whole lump, what is that whole lump but their Communion?
A30572Aaron made the people naked unto their shame, how was that, but by false worship though it was of the true God?
A30572Again, Israel might say, what will not God be mercifull to us?
A30572Again, how should we hear the cries of the poor?
A30572Alas, thou art now afflicted, where wilt thou mend thy self poor soul?
A30572Alexander giving large gifts, some asked him, what will you keepe for your selfe?
A30572All you beasts of the field come to devour, yea, all you beasts in the forrest, why what is the matter?
A30572Am I a dogs head, saith he, that thou chargest me with a fault concerning this woman?
A30572Am I not able to promote thee to honour?
A30572An humble spirit would reason thus; but only?
A30572And I( saith Tamer when Amnon defiled her) whether shall I cause my shame to go?
A30572And hath it not been so amongst us?
A30572And if they were not, but the exasperation would arise new, what is the exasperation of vile men, to the abiding of the wrath of God upon us?
A30572And is it not fulfilled this day?
A30572And now we doe desire peace, but to what end?
A30572And shal the members of this head be trampled upon by the Devil?
A30572And though thou beest very weake in regard of parts, and thinkest with thy self, How can I understand such things as these?
A30572And what course doe they take?
A30572And what did God shew him?
A30572And what was it?
A30572And what was this beginning?
A30572And who doth she sit upon?
A30572And why shouldst not thou tender thy brethren so, as to prevent all scandall that may come by the use of such things?
A30572And would you not have God strip you of your ornaments?
A30572And yet further, if you thinke that you had better times heretofore then now, what times will you refer your selves unto in making the comparison?
A30572And you that are men of estates, if you aske what you should doe?
A30572And( my brethren) seeing these things shall be thus, O what manner of persons ought wee to be?
A30572Another man hath right, but how?
A30572Are Gods blessings upon thee as a fruit of Gods speaking to thy heart, in away of reconciliation with thee?
A30572Are not we in as good a condition as they?
A30572Are they not a lost people?
A30572Are they not able to resist all that can come against it?
A30572Are we able to bear any fruit?
A30572Are we in the valley of Achor, a place of trouble and straits?
A30572Are you resolute in wickednesse?
A30572Are you the elect of God?
A30572Are your hearts wholly given up to God, or are you for your lusts for the creature?
A30572Art not thou it that hath out Rahab and wounded the Dragon?
A30572Art thou not it that hath dryed the sea, the waters of the great sea?
A30572Art thou not it which hath dried the sea, the waters of the great deep?
A30572Art thou sure there is an Atonement made between God and thy soule?
A30572Art thou sure thy sin is pardoned?
A30572Art thou willing to lose a little of thy estate?
A30572As for places, They say we appoint a place for people to meet in a religious way; yes, but when comes it to be superstitious?
A30572As if Christ should say, The reason of all your vile departings from me all this while, what is it?
A30572As if he should say, what doe you come now?
A30572As if hee should say, It is a strange impudence in men, what, will they not say in their hearts, Let us feare God, seeing he gives us raine?
A30572As it was once among the Athenians, Themistocles saith of his son, a bol ● youth, This boy can do more then any man in all Greece, Why?
A30572As the Prodigall, what shift did he make?
A30572As the Prodigall, when hee was feeding upon the husks, he began to bethink himselfe; What, is not there food enough in my Fathers house?
A30572As thus, doth God chuse us to be his people?
A30572BUt how betroth?
A30572Be not wroth very sore O Lord; neither remember iniquity for ever: upon what ground?
A30572Behold( saith God) I will proceed to doe a marvailous worke, even a marvailous work and a wonder: What is it?
A30572Beware of men; they might say, why blessed Master, what need we be afraid of men?
A30572Blesse thy self?
A30572Both private men, and men in publick place must reforme, How far are we from this?
A30572But Lord what is all this except we may have communion with thy selfe, except we may have communion with JESUS CHRIST?
A30572But are there not interruptions many times in the wayes of Gods mercy to his own people?
A30572But did not you tell us our Father seemed to be angry at our knocking?
A30572But doest thou come now?
A30572But doth not God burthen his kindnesse?
A30572But doth not the King and Parliament command dayes of fasting and dayes of thanksgiving, and are not they of the same nature?
A30572But feare the Lord now in these times, why so?
A30572But here this place speaks of a time when all creatures must come under subjection to Christ, and it is called the world to come, why?
A30572But how and where will God cause to cease the Kingdome of Israel?
A30572But how are his children said to be children of whoredomes?
A30572But how comes this in at this time,& to his people in Hosea his Prophesie?
A30572But how could the ten Tribes then keep these Feasts?
A30572But how doth God abide for Israel now?
A30572But how doth he prove that it is shamefull?
A30572But how farre do they binde us?
A30572But how here to the hills then?
A30572But how is he the head then, or in what sense may we quiet our Consciences in acknowledging the King to be the head of the Church?
A30572But how kind to Christ?
A30572But how should this valley of Achor be a doone of hope to Israel in after times?
A30572But how then should wee prize the love of JESUS CHRIST our husband?
A30572But how will you know that?
A30572But how with the stones of the field?
A30572But how?
A30572But if a man be wicked, and understands not the things of the Church, how can he be a judge?
A30572But is God able?
A30572But it may be said, Will not this argue self- conceit?
A30572But it may be said, who shall be Judge whether things be tending to the publicke good yea or no?
A30572But may not security promise continuance of mercy?
A30572But may they not be so burthensome to Christ as that he may shake off his burthen?
A30572But now other men they have more liberty, they indeed quarrel not one with another, why?
A30572But rather thus, I lift up mine eyes to the hils, that is, I look to God, why?
A30572But shall I end thus?
A30572But suppose that Iulius Caesar had given him the dagger with which he stabbed him, then O thou my sonne, what stab me with that dagger I gave thee?
A30572But the latter dayes, when are these?
A30572But then you will say, When commeth it to an Institution?
A30572But things goe very crosse, and how shall we beleeve, our faith shakes?
A30572But thirdly, What was this promise?
A30572But was not Christ the Head before because now it is said, They shall appoint themselves one Head?
A30572But what are those riches Christ bestoweth upon his people whom he betrotheth to himself?
A30572But what if God give it another name?
A30572But what if it be seventy years agoe?
A30572But what is this key of David?
A30572But what is this pleading?
A30572But what is this, Yet a little while?
A30572But what promises are these?
A30572But what reason can there possible be that God should do thus?
A30572But what shame hath God cast upon this generation?
A30572But what was Hosea his errand to Israel?
A30572But what was this valley of Jezreel?
A30572But when did Antichrist begin to reign?
A30572But when was all this fulfilled you will say?
A30572But where is this promise?
A30572But wherefore is all this that God wil have no more mercy upon the house of Israel?
A30572But why did God appoint this feast of the new moone?
A30572But why do I make such a disjunction?
A30572But why is God called the living God in reference to his Church here?
A30572But why is it The house of Jehu, without any addition of Jehu the King as in others it is usual?
A30572But why shouldst not thou manifest thy hatred to all Idolatry?
A30572But why the land?
A30572But why was Jeroboam named at all?
A30572But why will God avenge the blood of Iesreel upon the house of Iehu?
A30572But why will God breake the bow of Israel in the valley of Jezreel?
A30572But will this mercy hold?
A30572But yet you will say, how is that opened further?
A30572But you will say, How can he be a competent Judge?
A30572But you will say, how could they sing thus when they saw such a dreadfull spectacle before their eyes?
A30572But you will say, how have the people of the ● ews abode for God?
A30572But you will say, sometimes the beasts of the field doe hurt the Saints, how doth God make a covenant with them?
A30572But you will say, will ever God accept of such a one?
A30572Call her name Loruhamah?
A30572Can Caesar a Heathen be a competent Judge in matters of Religion?
A30572Can a lust put thee into a better condition then Christ, who hath all fulnesse to satisfie the soul of God himself?
A30572Can any comfort, any profit that you have in ways of sinne countervaile this great loss?
A30572Can you shew us any place wherein God did slay his people, yet shew mercie to them?
A30572Can you thinke to dwell safely so long as so many evil beasts are in the land,& so exasperated in the highest of all their rage?
A30572Canst thou look upon God in his dishonour, and his cause trampled under foot, and do not thy bowels yern toward him?
A30572Certainly that which must make any man acceptable, it is not so much that there is somewhat done, but is there that which God calleth for done?
A30572Christ the head cryes, Saul, Saul, why persecutest thou me?
A30572Christ was active, exceeding active in his way, in the work he was sent about; Why?
A30572Christ was the head to the Fathers under the Law, how now is he appointed their head?
A30572Cursed be that man that trusteth in man, and maketh flesh his arme, and departeth from the Lord: Why?
A30572David said to the Priest, Bring me hither the Ephod, and David inquired at the Lord, saying, shall I pursue after this troope?
A30572Did God shew himselfe active for his people in former times?
A30572Did I then appear in a miraculous way to you?
A30572Did Moses and Miriam goe before you in singing, and you followed after?
A30572Did not God promise Abraham, that his seed should be as the stars of heaven,& as the sand on the sea shore?
A30572Did not the Lord deal graciously with us the last fast day when we were mourning before him?
A30572Did their lovers proffer to them comfort?
A30572Did you never know a house stand out against many strong and blustring winds, yet afterward some little puffe of wind hath tumbled it down?
A30572Do we not see it at this day?
A30572Do you think I will break?
A30572Doe things goe crosse?
A30572Doe you so?
A30572Dost thou come from Sarah?
A30572Dost thou come from such Ordinances, from such communion with the Saints?
A30572Doth God say, I delight in them?
A30572Doth God say, I will rest in them for ever?
A30572Doth God say, you are my people?
A30572Dowe feele him putting in his hand at the door?
A30572Epistle, Who is so madde, or so void of sense that will doubt whether there be more Gods then one?
A30572Every man desires to follow the stronger party and to cleave to that: would you cleave to the stronger part?
A30572Every one is complaining, but who is repenting?
A30572Eyes full of adultery that can not cease to sinne: why can not they cease to sinne?
A30572Feare it, how?
A30572Fifteen pieces of silver; How much is that?
A30572Fifthly, I will follow after my lovers, Who are they?
A30572Flesh may say, How can these things be?
A30572For I have powred forth my spirit upon the house of Israel; but is not this your private opinion that this argument will hold?
A30572For the first then, What was the blood of Jezreel that here God threatneth 〈 ◊ 〉?
A30572For they might have said, why do you come with these new things, and in so great severity, who did ever so before you?
A30572For what did she doe?
A30572For you say, Sirrah what have you to do with me?
A30572Further, if God will hear the creatures when they cry for us, how much more will he hear Jesus Christ when hee cries for us?
A30572God commeth upon private and particular men, upon the children, even every one of them: And why?
A30572God cries to you many times to helpe in his cause, and wilt not thou hear to work for him?
A30572God expects you should have bowels toward him; How?
A30572God gave us peace before, to what end?
A30572God hath begun in a way of deliverance to us; and when did he begin it?
A30572God hath chosen the Gentiles how the ● doth he stay for them?
A30572God is a blessed and glorious God, yea but what is that to this people, to this apostatizing people?
A30572God made them to suck honey out of the rock, and oyle out of the flinty rock; When did God doe so?
A30572God perhaps doth winnow them and fanne them more than he doth others by the fannes and winnows of afflictions, why?
A30572God will be as resolute as you for your hearts, as the stoutest sinner that liveth: you will, and God will, who shall have their will think you?
A30572Gods goodnesse is great to admiration for them that feare him, but how?
A30572Grant that there hath been some kind of Bishops ever since, but from whence came they?
A30572Had you mercies that were promised long before, and rejoyced in them?
A30572Had you mercies that you a long time prayed for before?
A30572Hast thou been forty, fifty, sixty years going from God?
A30572Hast thou not procured this unto thy selfe?
A30572Hath Christ married himselfe unto thee in faithfulnesse?
A30572Hath God converted you, and have you a brother or a sister not converted, or any of your kindred?
A30572Hath God delivered you from any danger now?
A30572Hath God given any a right hand, any abilities?
A30572Hath not God made us walk upon the waves of the sea all this while?
A30572Hath not God revealed himselfe to us as a Father to his children that we must not feare?
A30572Hath not God stood amongst us as a man astonished?
A30572Hath not the Lord done thus at this day?
A30572Have I done my duty towards this child?
A30572Have we cause to feare danger?
A30572Have ye not read that which was spoken unto you, saying, I am the God of Abraham, and the God of Isaac, and the God of Iacob?
A30572Have you made your peace with God for them?
A30572He that seeth his brother hath need, and shuiteth up his bowels of compassion from him, how dwelleth the love of God in him?
A30572Hence it is apparently implyed, that all those that are members of any Church, ought to be men of knowledge; why?
A30572Hence it is that in no places in the world mens spirits so fret against preaching as in England, why?
A30572Here is a conjunction, but it is very wonderfull, it is in the first word, therefore; that is the copula,[ therefore] I will allure her; Wherefore?
A30572Here is a great deal, but is here all?
A30572Here is some difficulty in this; how comes this in?
A30572Here now ariseth the Question about mans appointing Feasts, whether there may he holy Feasts( taken so in a proper sence) by mans appointment?
A30572Here you have my promise and my hand, is there any thing else you use to do, to make things sure?
A30572Heritiques are to be burnt with fire( saith Luther) but with what fire?
A30572How beautifull upon the mountaines are the feet of him that bringeth good tidings?
A30572How can that be?
A30572How can this be?
A30572How can this, to bring into the wildernesse, be between alluring, and speaking comfortably?
A30572How comes it to passe that their hearts were so taken with it now to hear the book of the Law expounded to them?
A30572How comes this?
A30572How comfortably may you live being made sure to Christ?
A30572How doth a man astonished stand?
A30572How doth he challenge them to hold upon him?
A30572How doth it appeare?
A30572How doth that appear?
A30572How doth that arise?
A30572How hath God taken wise men in their own craftinesse?
A30572How in league with the stones of the field?
A30572How is that you will say?
A30572How is that you will say?
A30572How is that?
A30572How is that?
A30572How is that?
A30572How is that?
A30572How is this?
A30572How long shall we cry out of violence and wrong?
A30572How long wilt thou be angry against the prayer of thy people?
A30572How low and meane were we at first?
A30572How many are there in the world who forsake all that good that is in God, in Christ, in heaven, in eternity, meerely for flaggons of wine?
A30572How many have you known who have been proud and lofty, and the Lord hath cast shame and contempt in their saces?
A30572How many of you neglect solemne meetings of Gods people?
A30572How poor, and low, and meane, have many of your beginnings beene even in the world?
A30572How shall I deliver thee, O Israel?
A30572How shall they know it?
A30572How shall we prepare?
A30572How then is the Gospel a Gospel of peace?
A30572How then it is said here that they shall[ appoint] to themselves one Head?
A30572How will that appeare?
A30572How without a King?
A30572I am a poor wretched sinfull creature, will ever Christ be married unto me?
A30572I appeal to you, is it not the case of some here?
A30572I appeale to you, are your lives thus?
A30572I appeale to you, do you not lose much of the sweetness of your lives, you that are in a marryed condition?
A30572I had rather you should have taken away all I had, and yet you say unto me, What aileth thee?
A30572I have done no more then the King, I have done but as he did; Why, may we not follow his example?
A30572I have inclyned my heart to performe thy statutes alwayes; Is not that enough?
A30572I have read of a Lady, a loving wife, who being at the maryage of Cyrus, she was askt how she liked the Bridgeroom?
A30572I the Lord have called thee in righteousnesse: what follows then?
A30572I told you, that this second part of the Chapter was altogether mercy: what can be meant then by bringing into the wilderness?
A30572I will betroth thee unto me for ever; Why?
A30572I will bid more gaine; did they proffer more honour and respect?
A30572I will bid more then they; did their lovers proffer gaine?
A30572I will gather you in mi ● e anger, and in my fury, and what then?
A30572I will give you the sure mercies of David; what are those?
A30572I will have no mercy upon them, Why?
A30572I will not contend for ever, why?
A30572I will overturne, overturne, overturn, when was this spoken, and to whom?
A30572I will plead thy name in it, if there be any thing to be pleaded more then other, I will plead it before thee; but is not this enough?
A30572I will put the question to you all, who are you for?
A30572I will restore unto you your vineyards from thence: From whence?
A30572I will save them: but how?
A30572I would only the Saints heard me in this thing, but why doe I say so?
A30572Idolaters doe so to their Idols, shall not the Saints do so to the true God?
A30572If God be angry with out knocking, what shall we doe?
A30572If all should reason as you doe, what would become of the Cause?
A30572If any man should aske, what should we eate that seventh yeere, seeing they might not plow, nor sow, nor reape, neither have vintage, nor harvest?
A30572If any say, why should we not retain our liberty if the things be good?
A30572If he cause trouble, who can make quietnesse?
A30572If it were the house of Pharaoh it were not so much, but what, no mercy to the house of Israel?
A30572If men complaine now, what vvould they have done then?
A30572If the Jewes when their harvest was done had brought two loaves unto God, might God say, why did you not bring the first fruits unto me?
A30572If the promise of a mercy hath such sweetnesse in it, what sweetnesse then hath the mercy of the promise?
A30572If they will repent and returne, God accepteth them, and why should not we?
A30572If this doore should be wholly shut against us, what a miserable people should we be?
A30572If thou beest a drunkard, that wine or drinke that thou dost sacrifice to that lust of thine, who giveth it thee?
A30572If we could say, this house is mine, this street, this Lordship, this City, this Kingdome, this World is mine; What is all this?
A30572If you observe the Text, you shall finde that they were the children of Bethel; and what place was that?
A30572In the time of the Law it is true indeed they were children, but how?
A30572In what cases may that be?
A30572Indeed if it were new moon or sabbath you may goe, but while it is neither, why will you goe?
A30572Inter omnia dona, donum verbi Dei est amplissimum: Si hoc auferas, soleme mundo sustulisti: Quid erit mundus, sublato verbo, quaminfernus?
A30572Is Israel a servant?
A30572Is he not placed at the right hand of the Father above all principalities and powers?
A30572Is it not God?
A30572Is it not God?
A30572Is it not so at this day?
A30572Is it not so this day?
A30572Is it not so with many of you?
A30572Is it possible?
A30572Is it so?
A30572Is it such a blessed thing for God to make a Covenant with the beasts for us?
A30572Is not God a mercifull God?
A30572Is not God our God?
A30572Is not here enough?
A30572Is not repentance too late for this people?
A30572Is our navill cut to this very day?
A30572Is there a difference here?
A30572Is there any back- sliding soul before the Lord?
A30572Is there any beginning to let in Christ into the Kingdome in his government amongst us?
A30572Is there any help for this people yet?
A30572Is there any thing else you would require of me that you may confide in me?
A30572Is there any thing in the world more tedious to a Husband, then that the Wife should be jealous of him?
A30572Is there any thing more saith God that you use to do among your selves to make things sure?
A30572Is there any thing more?
A30572Is there any thing thou hast by vertue that purchase?
A30572Is there any things else that possibly may doe it?
A30572Is there ever a poor shrub though never so destitute, so despicable in the eyes of the world or in thine owne eyes?
A30572Is there no mercy at all?
A30572Is there no other meanes to be used?
A30572Is there not sufficient in the worship of God it selfe to make it acceptable to him?
A30572Is this a good disposition?
A30572Is this a mercy for God to make a Covenant with the beasts for his people?
A30572Is this all?
A30572Is this the foundation of thy rejoycing?
A30572Is this thy kindnes to thy friend?
A30572Is thy heart in this frame?
A30572Is your sadness& affliction eternal?
A30572It is a great evill between man and wife, when they can not confide one in another, but are jealous, how can such live comfortably together?
A30572It is as much as his life is worth: Just such a plea is this, they will doe such and such things in Gods worship, why?
A30572It is no sufficient excuse for the wife to say, My husband is froward and unquiet, and therefore what shall I doe?
A30572It is not thus in part with us?
A30572It is that which is in the spirits of men under affliction to thinke, why should I waite for God any longer?
A30572It is true you have deserved it, but where is it?
A30572It is true, these are ancient, but from whence comes the antiquity?
A30572It may here be demanded, whether hat not God appointed over us a particular civill government as he did over the Jews?
A30572It putteth me in mind of that speech that Balaak used to Balaam, Did not I earnestly send unto thee to call thee, wherefore camest thou not unto me?
A30572It was for this that God said he had made the Priest and the Levite contemptible and base before all the people: Why?
A30572Jeroboam might think, what doth he come to contest with me, and to tell me of my sin and wickednesse, and to threaten judgment?
A30572Jerusalem is there promised to be a quiet habitation, what followeth?
A30572Judah a poor contemptible people, how saved?
A30572Judah indeed keepeth her selfe to Ierusalem, keepeth her selfe to worship in the Temple, but what doth she get by it?
A30572Kingdomes, great Kingdomes and Monarchies are subject to change, What is become of all the glorious Monarchies in the world?
A30572Lastly, they shall say, Who will not feare thee thou King of Nations?
A30572Let God arise, and let his enemies be scattered: How scattered?
A30572Let such as are going forth then in this Service, for Religion and Liberty, go forth with courage and undauntednesse of spirit, why?
A30572Let us stand at our Fathers door singing, and if we must sing at the foot of Zion, what song shall we sing when we come to the height?
A30572Lord thou wilt ordaine peace for us, What is the argument?
A30572Lord, hast thou not said that thou wilt betroth thy Church unto thy self in bowels?
A30572Many of you in the day of a fast seem to be full of prayer, but is this prayer a sweet incense to God or no?
A30572Many there are that doe some outward service for God, and perhaps rejoyce in it, and thinke that God must needs accept of them: what they?
A30572Mark, a people just like England in this case: what we overcome by the Enemie?
A30572Mark, when the Axe is laid to the roote of the tree, every one comes in then and saith what shall we doe?
A30572Marke, Hagar, Sarahs maid, whence comest thou?
A30572Marke, an Angel when he comes to preach the verlasting Gospel, how doth he preach it?
A30572Marke, they went thorough the flood, and there did we rejoyce in him: How did we rejoyce in him?
A30572May not many in this place say so?
A30572May not the name Baal be mentioned?
A30572May we not call things as they are?
A30572Men goe on a while in the wayes of sin prosperously, but when God commeth to visit, what will become of them?
A30572My brethren, you need not say, Who shall goe to the farthest part of the Indies to setch this book?
A30572Nay can not others witnesse against you, that there was such a time wherein you were more forward, and that now you begin rather to temporize?
A30572Neither is he the Head, as the Pope challengeth unto himselfe, How is that?
A30572Neither will I hide my face any more from them, VVhat is the argument?
A30572No marvaile you pray and Fast, what is become of all?
A30572Nor for the servant to say, My Master or Mistresse are unreasonable, they are cruell, what can I doe?
A30572Not long since vvould not many of us have beene willing to have laid dovvn our lives to have purchased that mercy we have had this yeer or two?
A30572Now God saith he will be called Ishi, but not Baali; why?
A30572Now here is the Question, How far those Laws bind men, and bind Conscience?
A30572Now how were the Jewes dealt withall, becausethey were in their childish condition?
A30572Now if you aske what this Teraphim was?
A30572Now marke upon this, how the Saints rejoyce and bless God, VVhat shall all Nations come in and serve Christ?
A30572Now my brethren, why should not God be trusted?
A30572Now the Pharises when they saw the multitude they were filled with envie: Why what hurt was there done?
A30572Now the scape goat was to be sent into the wildernesse: What is that?
A30572Now then if an Ordinance of God, though but civill, hath such an efficacy in it, what efficacy have divine Ordinances then?
A30572Now when Aygolandus saw them, who are these saith hee?
A30572Now where is this promise?
A30572Now you are merry, and laugh, now you feare nothing, but what will you do in the day of visitation?
A30572Nunquid animam tuam Deus fecit,& carnem damonia fecerunt?
A30572O how fresh are they, how full of zeal and activity are they then?
A30572O how unworthy is this land of sabbaths?
A30572O no, he can doe little for you; so I say when men come with this argument, you go along in this way, I pray what will this bring you in?
A30572O thou sword of the Lord, how long will it be ere thou be quiet?
A30572Observe the Text, In all your dwelling places your Cities shall be laid waste; to what end?
A30572Oh Ephraim?
A30572Oh is this the fruit of the preaching of the Gospel?
A30572Oh our Fathers did thus and thus, and shall we be wiser then our Fore- fathers?
A30572Oh sinners consider that your danger is now, not only in that day of Christ, but what?
A30572Oh what a poor condition were you in then?
A30572Or suppose that a Governour be wicked, can he be a competent Judge in matters of Religion?
A30572Our Country is plentifull, but if God should consume us out of the land what good wou ● d our plenty do us?
A30572Our fore fathers have broken the Covenant, why may not we obtaine mercy?
A30572Parents bring forth a likeness to themselves, and so doth sin; and what is that?
A30572Perhaps God hath given thee an estate in the world, more then thy neighbors, more then thy brother; But hath God spoke to thy heart?
A30572Perhaps some will say, it is true, we are poor sinfull creatures, and what can wee expect from God being fin full?
A30572Perhaps the Lord beginneth to worke upon the child, and the father scornes him, and the mother perhaps saith, What shall we have of you now?
A30572Plead with her; to what end?
A30572Plead with your mother, plead, why so?
A30572Put all these six expressions that you have in that one verse, together, and where have you such an expression of a wilfull creature as Pharaoh was?
A30572Quae sit causa tam grandis offensa ut tanto tempore relicti sunt?
A30572Religion my brethren is the glory of a man, the glory of a nation, and shall we turn this glory into shame?
A30572Saith he, What, is Christ your head?
A30572Saul, how desperately set was he to mischief ● David?
A30572Say not thou, what is the cause the former dayes were better then these?
A30572Say to them, admonish them, exhort them, but what if that will not doe?
A30572Secondly, Why the Amorite and Hittite rather then others?
A30572Seeke the Lord& his strength, what is meant by the strength of God there?
A30572Shall our weakness be so much regarded, as that things must not work so as to shew Gods power?
A30572Shall we see her bowells torne and not stirre at all?
A30572She hath done shamefully, why?
A30572Sin is a shame because it deceiveth a man, The way of the wicked shall deceive him, What profit have you now of those things where of you are ashamed?
A30572So I say to thee, Thou who wert a forward professor before, Whence comest thou?
A30572So I say, oh Apostate, whence commest thou, and whither wilt thou goe?
A30572So here, why do you not stop this Luthers mouth with preferment?
A30572So in a nation, doth God grant to a nation any new mercy?
A30572So in all the persecutions of the Church, doth not Christ suffer, in that the great work of Reformation doth not go on?
A30572So on the other side, all the afflictions of Christ are the afflictions of the Church; doth Christ suffer?
A30572So they, the word of the Lord I know, but what are you?
A30572Some would say, alas what was that?
A30572Speak comfortably to Jerusalem, the words are, speak to the heart of Jerusalem; What should be spoke to the heart of Jerusalem?
A30572Superstitious and idolatrous Rites bring with them pleasure to the flesh, hence how are they loved and followed by people?
A30572Suppose God had bin with them by bow, and by sword, when Senacherib came against them, could they have been saved as they were?
A30572Suppose you that are parents had a plague sore upon you, would you goe among your children, and breath upon them?
A30572Take but one note and we have done, why the Scripture sets ● ● is out rather by many dayes, then by so many yeares?
A30572Tell them of taking away Ordinances, tell them of truth of Gods worship, what is that to them?
A30572Tertullian answereth againe, Where is it written that we may doe it?
A30572That God should bring the second person in Trinity; to be the head of the Covenant for us, what a mercy is this?
A30572That I gave them, what?
A30572That is the meaning, they shall appoint themselves one head, they shall be gathered together and be made one, they shall come up out of the land, why?
A30572The Church is there described in her beauty, and it beginneth at her feete, How beautifull are thy feete?
A30572The Church should looke upon Christ as the strength of it; Thy maker is thy husband, and who is he?
A30572The Head of Angels, how?
A30572The Lamb shal overcome, why?
A30572The Lord is good, and a strong hold in the day of trouble: Is God a strong hold now when such wrath is revealed?
A30572The Lord said in his heart, I will not again curse the ground any more for mans sake; VVhy?
A30572The Pharisees said, behold, perceive yee how ye prevaile nothing?
A30572The example is Saul; When he was first chosen King, how humble was he?
A30572The greatnesse of the Churches misery is no hinderance unto the Churches delivery: Why?
A30572The head of every man, how?
A30572The mountaines shal depart,& the hills be removed, but my kindnesse shall not depart from thee: Why?
A30572The people of Israel they might say, Hosea thou art a Preacher indeed, what preach nothing but judgment, nothing but wrath, to be utterly taken away?
A30572The people to whom Hosea prophesied, they might have objected against him thus: What, Hosea doe you say that God will not have any more mercy upon us?
A30572The precious sonnes of Zion, comparable to fine gold, how are they esteemed as earthen pitchers?
A30572The second Observation, Idolatry is a most loathsome and abominable thing; Why?
A30572The second Question, but why is David rather named then any other, rather then Abraham, Isaac, or Jacob?
A30572The second childe a daughter, but the third a Son: What is the meaning of this?
A30572The seed of an homer shall yeeld an Ephah; why a homer was ten bushels, how then should the seed of neer tenn bushels yield but one bushell?
A30572The third thing is, what is meant by the dayes of their youth?
A30572The woman is the glory of the man, How?
A30572The world thinks the Saints are giddy headed people, why?
A30572Then surely he can never fall off from Christ; for what doth endanger the falling off from Christ, but commission of sin?
A30572Then these thoughts will arise, Have I used my estate for God?
A30572Then what peace Iehu, so long as the whoredomes of Israel continue afterwards?
A30572There are many Men that will rebuke others, and plead with others, but what for?
A30572There hath been a time when you have sung to the praise of God, when your hearts have been inlarged to give God praise, why should it not be so now?
A30572There is none can deliver out of my hand, I will worke, and who shall let it?
A30572There is the song of the Saints when they are delivered from the power of Antichrist, what is it, be jocund and joviall?
A30572There, where?
A30572Therefore say they, what need we do any thing?
A30572Therefore sinne is called by the name of Transgression, Transgression, what is that?
A30572They did not say, Where is the Lord that brought us up out of the land of Egypt?
A30572They follow their lovers and are very earnest, for what I pray?
A30572They laid the pleasant land desolate, They, who are they?
A30572They might have said thus, What Hosea, doe you thus threaten judgement, the destruction of Israel?
A30572They would have pulled out their eyes for Paul, What is become of all now?
A30572Thirdly, Why doth the holy Ghost adde this to seeking the Lord, that they shall seeke David?
A30572This Text is ours this day, and well may we say, O Lord why doest thou stand as a man astonished?
A30572This conception sets out also the estate of Israel in regard of her sin and misery: Sin it is fruitful, and what bringeth it forth?
A30572This evil is come upon us, God is gone, mercy is gone, but who began this first?
A30572This house shall be like Shiloh?
A30572This may helpe us in our sufferings we should thinke, though wee suffer much, God suffereth as much as we, why then ● ● ould we think much?
A30572This must have reference to some- what before, and answereth to a Wherefore, Therefore, Wherefore?
A30572This shamefulnesse he was grown unto ▪ And thus we see it in experience; how faire are men in their wayes of superstition at first?
A30572This should make us not to be so afraid of afflictions, how afraid are we?
A30572Those who have abused their estates in these times, when the enemy comes, what gratings of conscience will they have?
A30572Thou canst eate, and drink, and laugh a little, and have some esteem with such as are carnall; Oh whither wilt thou goe?
A30572Thou hast more strength of body then others and thou ventest it in uncleannesse, where hadst thou this?
A30572Thou hast saved us from our enemies, and hast put them to shame that hated us: What followeth?
A30572Thou wert perfect in beauty, How?
A30572Though Rome may boast that they have been a glorious Church; True, there hath been heretofore a glorious Church in Rome, what then?
A30572Though we be bound to deny our selves much, because of the weakness of our brethren; Must God deny his glory because of our weakenesse?
A30572Thus saith the Lord of Hosts, if it be marvaylous in the eyes of the remnant of this people in these dayes, should it also be marvaylous in mine eyes?
A30572Thus saith the Lord, hast thou killed, and also taken possession?
A30572Thus, Dost thou see the name of this blessed God thy husband to be dishonoured in the world?
A30572To what end doe we retaine them?
A30572True, wee must seeke the Lord and Christ, but why Christ the King?
A30572VVell, what is the fruit of this?
A30572VVhat Churches in any Nation have beene more contemptible, then those in Scotland?
A30572VVhat a mercy is it then for God to make a Covenant with our soules?
A30572VVhat do people cry out of at this day but of confusion?
A30572VVhat do you more?
A30572VVhat doe you doe more when you would make things sure one to another?
A30572VVhat followeth after all this?
A30572VVhat great mercy is this for God to grant plenty, if he destroy his people?
A30572VVhat is that right key that would have opened it before this time, had we made use of it?
A30572VVhat is the meaning of that?
A30572VVhat is the meaning of this?
A30572VVhat is the name of his son?
A30572VVhat is the reason that the counsell of peace hath not prevayled to this day?
A30572VVhat more faire answer can Papists give for their Idolatry then they did?
A30572VVhat shall we learne from this?
A30572VVhat was that?
A30572VVhat, is there any good cause up wherein the name of God should be honoured?
A30572VVhen difficulties therefore do fall out, it should teach us to consider what way we are in, why?
A30572VVhen the poore, I mean Gods poore, whom Gods hand hath made poore, cry, will not you heare?
A30572VVhen we come to preach the Gospell, the goodnesse of it, we come I say with feare; with what feare?
A30572VVho knowes what contempt God may cast upon us?
A30572VVhy may not we use this word Baali in our mouths?
A30572VVhy what is the matter here?
A30572VVill you be more hard- hearted then the earth and the heavens are?
A30572VVould you be so?
A30572VVould you have an argument unto your selves that you are Gods Elect?
A30572VVouldest thou know how Gods heart works toward thee?
A30572Was it not so here?
A30572Was it not so heretofore when we were going on in the wayes of Idolatry space?
A30572Was it not so with us here in England?
A30572Was it not the jeere and scorne of all such spirits?
A30572Was not this a low condition, a base slavery that England was in?
A30572Was there ever a time wherein shee had cause to sing praise to God?
A30572We have this, this day exceedingly fulfilled in our eyes, how doth God blind and befot our adversaries, that they can not see their way?
A30572We think our Parliament hath sate a long time; How long?
A30572Wee will not therefore say, what is now become of all our hopes?
A30572Well, but now it is a son, what doe they grow stronger then before, now they are come neerer to destruction then before?
A30572Well, they sought him, and they remembred this, that God was their Redeemer, but did God redeeme them at that time?
A30572Well, thou hast done these; hath not God rewarded thee?
A30572Were it not for a few gracious, holy people in the world, where would the glory of God be?
A30572Were they ashamed they committed abomination?
A30572What a case were they in now?
A30572What a case were we in then when they might do what they would, and we had no means to help our selves, what a danger were we in then?
A30572What a deale of stir hath God( that we may speake with holy reverence) to take mens hearts from wayes of false worship?
A30572What a glory should Hosea have had in such a match as this?
A30572What a mighty ingagement is this for us to be righteous with God?
A30572What a plentifull harvest have we had this yeere?
A30572What a rage was this this?
A30572What a singular spirit was here?
A30572What a strange expression is here?
A30572What a strong expression of grace is here?
A30572What abundance of glory doth God lose in those praises hee should have, if the Reformation were presently perfected?
A30572What abundance of mercy is here exprest?
A30572What an abominable thing it is to forsake the blessed God meerly for the love of wine?
A30572What are all men in the world the body of Christ?
A30572What are those good tidings?
A30572What are those great and mighty things that we must call to God for?
A30572What are we taught from this?
A30572What are wee, and who are we that Gods mercies should be shewen towards us?
A30572What breach of unity is it if in a broad street one goes a little distant from another?
A30572What comfort have you in your lives when there is nothing but snarling at, and crossing one another?
A30572What do I care, saith God, whether I have any Sabbaths kept or no?
A30572What do you more to make a thing sure?
A30572What doe you say, what will become of Abrahams seed?
A30572What doe you threaten such- things as these are?
A30572What doth Davids help come from the hills?
A30572What doth it concern you?
A30572What followeth?
A30572What followeth?
A30572What frame of heart is a Scripture- frame?
A30572What get you by this?
A30572What hast thou gotten by those base wayes?
A30572What hurt saith he is there in it?
A30572What if God be mercifull?
A30572What is all this to me so long as I have not the promise fulfilled, that so I may come in Christ to enjoy thy selfe?
A30572What is it that now breedeth such disturbance in England at this time, but that people thinke their Teraphim shall bee taken from them?
A30572What is it( saith he) that you poore creatures do one to another when you would make things sure betweene you?
A30572What is man that thou remembrest him?
A30572What is that good thing that God had promised to the houses of Israel and Iudah?
A30572What is that knits these two together?
A30572What is that?
A30572What is that?
A30572What is that?
A30572What is the end of our war at present, but to rid the evill beasts out of the land, that so we may lye downe safely?
A30572What is the foundation of this thy Jubile?
A30572What is the hope of the hypocri ● e, though he hath gained, when God taketh away his soul?
A30572What is the hope of the hypocrite when God taketh away his soul?
A30572What is the house of Iehu?
A30572What is the matter?
A30572What is the meaning of this?
A30572What is the meaning of this?
A30572What is the reason of their union but their choine?
A30572What is the reason of this?
A30572What is the reason that Jeroboam, who in truth was the first of these Kings, that he is named last?
A30572What is the reason that is given of both these?
A30572What is the world without the Scriptures, but hell it self?
A30572What is the ● ● loved, say they, more then another beloved?
A30572What is thereason of this?
A30572What is this Head?
A30572What is this blood of Iezreel that God will avenge?
A30572What is this daughters name?
A30572What is this little while God speaks of?
A30572What is this?
A30572What is your flesh, your estate, your liberty more then theirs?
A30572What land was that, that Moses brought them up out of, that they said flowed with milke and honey?
A30572What learne we from hence?
A30572What may we learne from hence?
A30572What more prevalent meanes to draw then loving kindnesse?
A30572What more terrible expressions of wrath then these that come from God here?
A30572What need the Church fear then?
A30572What nill you doe in the day of your visitation, and in the desolation which shall come from far, to whom will ye flee for help?
A30572What observe we from hence?
A30572What peace( said hee to Ioram) so long as the whoredomes of thy mother Iezebel continue?
A30572What peace?
A30572What profiteth the graven Image that the maker thereof hath graven it, the m ● lten Image and a teacher of lyes?
A30572What remarkable thing is there in this, that the trumpet must be blown the tenth day of the seventh month?
A30572What shall I say more in naming any fruits of these mercies?
A30572What shall the receiving of them be but life from the dead?
A30572What shall there be more in a lust then in the blessed God?
A30572What should I speake of all these particulars?
A30572What should be the reason of this?
A30572What should we note from hence?
A30572What speaking is that?
A30572What then if the mercy of God that should stop misery be taken away?
A30572What then will the threatnings of hard things, of judgments, and destruction do when they come with novelty?
A30572What then?
A30572What then?
A30572What then?
A30572What was his Commission?
A30572What was that?
A30572What was this song of Moses, but the praysing of God for the destruction of their adversaries in the Sea?
A30572What were these Idols?
A30572What will not preferment and money tempt you?
A30572What will not this do it?
A30572What would become of it?
A30572What, I gave them corne, and wine, and multiplyed their silver, and their gold, and have they prepared these for Baal?
A30572What, change the glory of the invisible God, into the similitude of an Oxe that eateth grasse?
A30572What, did you ever heare of such an example, that I should doe so much for such, and they turne all against me?
A30572What, doth God look upon thee in thy blood, in thy misery, and doth his bowels yern toward thee?
A30572What, for one man, a private man to plead with so many, with a Church?
A30572What, is the giving undue honour to Angels enough to take us off from Christ the Head?
A30572What, is thy Religion serviceable to gain, to a trade, to sensuall lusts?
A30572What, not have mercy upon them?
A30572What, shall the creatures cry one to another, and heare one another for our good, and shall God cry to us, and wee not heare God?
A30572What, the house of Iehu, after Iehu was dead?
A30572What, their father an Amorite, and their mother an Hittite, Abraham was their father, and Sarah their mother; why here an Amorite, and an Hittite?
A30572What, this mercy, to be betrothed to God, to be taken as if she were a chast Spouse before him?
A30572What, to goe a whoring from God, the blessed God, in whom is all beauty and excellency, and turn to blind Idols?
A30572What, to triumph over their adversaries thus fearfully perishing?
A30572What, was this a good argument, Have mercy upon me, and pardon my sin for it is very great, to move God withall?
A30572When God comes to humble sinners, they must be content to be humbled Gods own time, they must not out of a sudden furious humor say, Lord how long?
A30572When John saith, The axe is laid to the roote of the tree, what then?
A30572When Julius Caesar saw Brutus come to give him a stab in the Senate house, he cryed out, What thou my sonne, wilt thou do it?
A30572When Saul had gottensome credit and honour by his victories, some of the people said, where are they that said, shall Saul reine over us?
A30572When but the toe is trodden upon, the head cryes why doe you hurt me?
A30572When he giveth quietnesse, who then can make trouble?
A30572When the people of Israel sacrificed to the calves, what did they?
A30572When this dreadful judgement was come to be executed, God is even ready to say( as he saith afterward in this Prophesie) How shall I give thee up?
A30572When thou hast sinned what sacrifice wilt thou offer to God to explate thy sin?
A30572When was there ever such an ill cause came to a Bench, or to any society in any publique way, but found some that would pleade for it?
A30572When will the new moone be gone that we may sell corn?
A30572Whence cometh this but meerly from the power of an Ordinance?
A30572Where are they?
A30572Where is the sounding of thy bowels?
A30572Where is your bill of Divorce, saith God?
A30572Wherefore Christians you need not fear the want of the supply of mercies, why?
A30572Wherein did he think the Miracle of this song to be?
A30572Wherein had she done shamefully?
A30572Whither is thy beloved gone?
A30572Who are those that hinderthe Reformation at this day?
A30572Who can answer this objection?
A30572Who is this whore?
A30572Who shall descend into the depth, or goe to the uttermost part of the earth to help us to a sight of this booke of Scripture?
A30572Who was that?
A30572Who was this Gomer?
A30572Who were the cause of laying such things upon the people that they could not beare?
A30572Who were the causers of the troubles in Scotland,& sending of bookes thither full of superstitious vanities?
A30572Who were they that perswaded the bringing in of an Arbitrary vvay of government?
A30572Who would have thought ever to have seene and heard of such things as we have seene& heard?
A30572Who would set the briers and thorns against mee in battle?
A30572Why God will avenge the blood of Iezreel upon the house of Iehu?
A30572Why Jeroboam is named at all?
A30572Why all this, three times?
A30572Why art thou as a man astonished?
A30572Why beastest thou thy selfe in mischiefe, O mighty man?
A30572Why did they sing when they came up out of the land of Egypt?
A30572Why doe Ministers urge people to duties?
A30572Why doest thou stand as a man astonished amongst us, as a mighty man that can not save?
A30572Why doth God stay?
A30572Why doth the Prophet tell them or comming out of the land of Egypt?
A30572Why hast thou brought us up out of a land that floweth with milks and honey?
A30572Why is it there Prophesied that all people shall come and keep that feast?
A30572Why only one King of Israel is named, and three Kings of Judah?
A30572Why should I waite for the Lord any longer?
A30572Why should it not be said, This childe is a godly childe, for his mother was a gracious woman, and his father a godly man?
A30572Why should not Christians do so now?
A30572Why should wee not confide in them?
A30572Why should wickedness have this advantage, that it dares appeare, but godlinesse dares not?
A30572Why was God pleased with it?
A30572Why( say they) did not the Christians so in the Primitive times?
A30572Why, are these all blamed?
A30572Why, how many calves were there?
A30572Why, why are you so full of unbeleefe?
A30572Will a man when he putteth away his wife, returne unto her again?
A30572Will a man, when his wife hath committed adultery and he hath put her away, will he return to her again?
A30572Will the sonne of Jesse give every one of you fields and vineyards, and make you all Captaines of thousands, and Captains of hundreds?
A30572Will you be froward with God?
A30572Will you be proud with God?
A30572Will you be subtil and contriving mischiefe against God and his truth?
A30572Will you call ▪ God Father?
A30572Will you cast them off presently?
A30572With what an eye therefore should we look upon those who would bring us into this bondage againe, when God hath begun to give us a little reviving?
A30572With what conscience now can you take such a plentifull use of the creature, and suffer your brethren to want cloaths and bread?
A30572Would it not goe to your heart if one should sue you in law, and beare the charges of the suit out of your owne estate?
A30572Would not such an argument be most ridiculous?
A30572Would you be hid in the secret of Gods presence from the pride of men?
A30572Would you have a brave spirit like unto the spirit of Christ in his glory?
A30572Would you have quiet sleepe in these troublesome times?
A30572Would you have your bodies adorned?
A30572Would you make sure of your estates?
A30572Would you now have your children baptized after this manner?
A30572Wouldest thou enter in at this door, and have God perfect the mercy he hath begun?
A30572Ye old men may remember the sins of your youth, but how can you remember them and speake of them with joy and meryment?
A30572Yea but I may want before I dye?
A30572Yea but what say you to the fourth And, He will slay them with thirst?
A30572Yea our whole nation hath been a proud nation; what vaunting hath there been of what a glorious Church we had?
A30572Yea, but shall these things be so?
A30572Yet shew I unto you a more excellent way, What is that way?
A30572You goe from the better to the worse when ever you depart from him; What fruit have you in those things, whereof you are now ashamed?
A30572You have an excellent expression for this, you are taught of God to love one another, what followeth?
A30572You know what God said to Abraham, Fear not, I am thy exceeding great reward: But Lord what wilt thou give me, seeing I goe childelesse?
A30572You may as well say, how had they an Ephod?
A30572You may know whether it be the Sun of righteousnesse or no that you are set in, Doth your fruit grow ripe?
A30572You prize their love, but what get you by it?
A30572You say Christ is the Head, but you know the King is called the Head of the Church, in what sense are we to understand that?
A30572You should study what further course may be taken, study their dispositions, What do I think will work upon them if this do not?
A30572You that are Ministers, would you have a sentence?
A30572You will say how is it possible to buy peace at too deare a rate?
A30572You will say, How can it be imagined, that one man should see more then many, more then others that are able?
A30572You will say, How is that possible for any Church to be a true Church of Christ, and yet we may not have communion with it?
A30572You will say, are not those prohibitions there particular, concerning the Jews and not so fully concerning us?
A30572You will say, may not Ministers be decent?
A30572You will say, what goodnesse?
A30572You will say, what is the meaning of this, that there is a burnt offering, a sin- offering, and a peace- offering in the Feast of Pentecost?
A30572You will say, when did God make them suck honey out of the rock?
A30572You will say, why?
A30572a Puritane?
A30572again breake thy commandements, and joyne in affinity with those abominations?
A30572and can we be wiser then they?
A30572and how comfortably may you die?
A30572and is it sweet fruit?
A30572and is there not a provocation in her to uncleannesse, though she become now to lye not in the stewes, but in the chamber of an honest man?
A30572and so what breach is it if in matters of indifferency one take one way and another another?
A30572and what are the children that are begotten to Hosea by her?
A30572and what hath England been glorious for more then for Religion?
A30572and when he hideth his face, who then can behold him?
A30572and where will you leave your glory?
A30572and where will you leave your glory?
A30572and whither goest thou?
A30572are they restrained?
A30572but God will say, Who required these things at your hands?
A30572but if our flesh be incorporated into the flesh of sinners, we shall go to hell, and would any creature go to hell?
A30572but if this man lye down, he hath his throat cut by his enemy; hath this man thinke you done wisely for himself?
A30572but within a while we may say as the Apostle to the Galatians, Where is the blessednesse you spake of?
A30572can he prefer- you?
A30572can we be mercifull unto God?
A30572canst thou be any where so well as there?
A30572could any beare it but such as were slaves to their own lusts?
A30572did not Saul prosper at the beginning of his raign as well as David?
A30572did not they seale their profession with their blood?
A30572do they preach any thing that is not according to Christ?
A30572doe I expect help from the creature?
A30572doe you know next unto whom this your head doth sit in heaven?
A30572doe you not finde there a command to take a wife of whoredomes, and can this be from God?
A30572dy honorably, or live basely?
A30572for a young man to do this?
A30572for him, alas what can we be for him?
A30572for suppose his wife were a wife of whoredomes, yet being marryed to her, wherefore should the children be called children of whoredomes?
A30572for to they are indeed, they are profitable, gentle, sweet natured people, and why should you hate those people?
A30572from Abrahams family where God is worshipped?
A30572hand with us; and what if those mercies that are to come will be at some vvhat a dearer rate then those vvee have had already?
A30572hast thou not health of body, and strength?
A30572have I done that I might doe?
A30572have I not neglected my duty towards her?
A30572have I not satisfied my lusts with those things God hath now taken from me?
A30572have I prayed for it, and instructed it as I ought?
A30572have not I continued these 40, years King, and have prospered?
A30572have not the ways of God toward England for these two or three years been alluring wayes?
A30572have you got any thing by a sinfull course?
A30572how can it be imagined that ever the Lord should do such a thing as this?
A30572how can this be?
A30572how can you know a Mans heart?
A30572how could those that said that they held of Christ be blarned?
A30572how did we set our selves to persecute those that kept sabbaths?
A30572how do we hang back when we see afflictions coming?
A30572how hath the Lord tossed them up and downe as a man would tosse a ball?
A30572how hath their nakedness been made naked?
A30572how heavenly?
A30572how is it scatted?
A30572how is it then that hee must be dealt with like a slave, like a servant?
A30572how justly might God have taken away these solemne Assembles from us long before this?
A30572how shall I know that?
A30572how shall that infinite justice of God be satisfied for my sinnes?
A30572how will they be hardned in all manner of wickednesse?
A30572how, saith she?
A30572is he a homs- borne- slave?
A30572is he a slave?
A30572is it not better to lye down upon the soft grasse then to tyre himselfe in combating?
A30572is not such a one my child?
A30572is not this stoutness and pride in a child, or in a servant, or in a neighbour, that will never yeeld to you till you yeeld to him?
A30572just as we should say, what, an Enemy come to us what say you to London, a brave City, a strong City?
A30572let us acknowledge Gods free grace; what reproach hath it been in England to assemble to heare Sermons?
A30572looke upon thy estate, art not thou blessed there?
A30572looke upon thy table, thy wife and children, art not thou blessed there?
A30572must our mercy seat be clouded in the day of atonement?
A30572or is it done in regard of the endeavour?
A30572or is it to be fulfilled?
A30572saying: What is man that thou art mindful of him, or the son of man that thou visitest him?
A30572shall I fall down to the stock of a tree?
A30572shall there come multitudes in and joyne with the Church?
A30572shall they be so?
A30572should they have pulled down the high places?
A30572so that the truth is, although you are ready to cry out of your Governours, you say, they have power in their hands, why doe they not reforme things?
A30572so that to be brought to the same condition they were in, is a threatning; How then is it here a promise?
A30572that is, Doe they come to you in a way of promise?
A30572that is, what is forgetfull man, that thou shouldest remember him?
A30572that is, what is thy friend in danger, and hath now need of thee, and doest thou now come from him?
A30572the Popish party must, yea will be gratified, their designe will be effected; what contempt of the Saints, of Religion?
A30572the Saints say, Lord thou art our God; Doth God say, I will dwell with them?
A30572then every one commeth and saith what shall we doe?
A30572then in JESUS CHRIST who is the glory of Heaven, the delight of Angels, the satisfaction of the Father himselfe?
A30572then the hearts of the Saints chuse him to be their God; Doth God say, you are my people?
A30572then they shall triumphingly say, the world said heretofore, What profit is there in serving of the Lord?
A30572they have done so; hast thou denied the truth and followed false waies?
A30572this is the care of a repenting heart, not onely to obtain mercy for pardon, but how shall that justice of God be satisfied?
A30572to what creature should it look for help?
A30572to what times does this prophesie refer?
A30572to whom was this promise made?
A30572vvill any thing do it?
A30572was it forgotten?
A30572was it not the Prelaticall faction?
A30572was not this a sore and grievous evill, going neare to the heart of God?
A30572we are poor worms, vile creatures in our selves, what can we do?
A30572we that have the Seas for our Wall, and such a multitude of people amongst us?
A30572were you never delivered before?
A30572what a mercy is it then for God to make a Covenant with his Son for his people?
A30572what a wicked and ungodly thing is it then in men, that the more any are reconciled unto God, the greater enemies are they unto them?
A30572what are Ordinances?
A30572what are all those to us?
A30572what are officers?
A30572what are your comforts more then the comforts of others?
A30572what charges in their conditions?
A30572what contempt hath God cast in the face of those that were the great champions sor lewdnesse, and that in the very face of their lovers?
A30572what course shall we take?
A30572what did God set him about first?
A30572what difference is there between her not being his wife and her being a whore?
A30572what doe you say to the afflicting of your soule?
A30572what good can wee doe to God?
A30572what great difference is there betweene these two names Ishi and Baali, that God will have one but not the other?
A30572what hath the house of Israel done, that God should be so angry with it?
A30572what hatred?
A30572what horrid blasphemies?
A30572what is that to this apostatizing soule?
A30572what is that?
A30572what is the difference of these three offerings?
A30572what is the excellency of a Country but Religion?
A30572what is the matter that you have no thoughts of God now, as you were wo nt to have?
A30572what is this but to stop the holes of a mudd wall with diamonds and precious pearls?
A30572what mean you to doe?
A30572what mercy then is it now, that it is not onely revealed to us but enjoyed by us?
A30572what opposing the work of God now?
A30572what persecution will then follow?
A30572what preferment will you get this way?
A30572what say you to the Ammunition, to the Militia, to the strength that is there?
A30572what shall Judah be saved by and not Israel?
A30572what shall that goodness of God be that shall move the hearts of this people with so much feare?
A30572what shall we do?
A30572what shall we doe?
A30572what superstitious now?
A30572what was the great sinne of the ten Tribes?
A30572what was the matter?
A30572what will become of you then?
A30572what will not God have mercy upon his own people?
A30572what will you follow him?
A30572what worse thing could you have done more?
A30572what would have become of us if the streame which hath been so long a swelling had broke in upon us when there was no meanes to have resisted it?
A30572what, now cast away fear and rejoyce in this everlasting Gospel?
A30572what, will you take away their Religion?
A30572when we are unsetled, will God be( as it were) unsetled with us?
A30572where are thy wise men?
A30572where is the glory of his justice?
A30572where is the root and principle?
A30572where is your 〈 ◊ 〉 〈 ◊ 〉 〈 ◊ 〉 〈 ◊ 〉 〈 ◊ 〉, your authority?
A30572where the Church of God is?
A30572whether will you flee then?
A30572whither is thy beloved turned a side?
A30572whither should the poore creature goe if mercy be gone?
A30572who could ever have thought that such low beginnings could have beene raised unto such high things as some of you have beene raised unto in the world?
A30572who was there before the world began for God to make any promise unto?
A30572who would ever have thought to have seene the Saints so rejoycing, their liberties so inlarged, their hearts and expectations so raised?
A30572who would not be for God?
A30572why I pray you what doth Judah get by her worshipping of God in that which you say is the only right way?
A30572why I pray you, what is your flesh more then the flesh of others?
A30572why do you come and heare any more?
A30572why is he spoiled?
A30572why not Gods sabbaths?
A30572why not our mercies toward our brethren then?
A30572why should others venture themselves more then you?
A30572why should we not be quiet?
A30572why should you lie soft and safe more then others?
A30572will faire meanes?
A30572will foule meanes?
A30572will it hold?
A30572will not my heart come off?
A30572will this answer think you serve his turne?
A30572will you take upon you to judge your self?
A30572wilt not thou be so still?
A30572wilt thou go to false gods, to thy former sinful lusts?
A30572with what indignation doth God speak it?
A30572would you have your enemies destroyed?
A30572would you have your peace and your trading in the world, your ease and quietnesse?
A30572wrought as great a Miracle for us in England as he did for Peter?
A30572yet they will not come in: What will you have no more to do with them then?
A30572you gaine some contentment in the flesh, some profit in your estate, but you lose the comforts of your interest in God, what is your gaine now?
A30572you keep at a distance one from another, doe you not see that we keepe close together from morning to night?
A30572you( saith he to some) that have two coates impart to him that hath none: and to the souldiers when they say what shall we doe?