
This is a table of type bigram and their frequencies. Use it to search & browse the list to learn more about your study carrel.

bigram frequency
colonel brandon108
sir john97
lady middleton81
every thing80
miss dashwood65
john dashwood36
dare say34
every body33
thousand pounds30
every day28
miss steeles27
miss steele27
replied elinor26
cried marianne25
great deal24
young man24
miss dashwoods23
next morning17
berkeley street16
harley street16
young ladies16
next day16
two thousand16
miss marianne16
soon afterwards15
almost every14
edward ferrars13
miss morton13
barton park12
took place12
cried mrs11
short time11
low voice11
combe magna11
last night11
ever since11
lucy steele10
poor edward10
will make10
young men10
went away10
one day10
every one9
one thing9
young lady9
thing else9
good opinion9
young woman9
four years8
body else8
never saw8
many years8
many people8
miss grey8
one morning8
ten minutes8
elinor saw8
every kind7
will always7
cried elinor7
barton cottage7
cried lucy7
something else7
must go7
come back7
passed away7
five hundred7
hardly knew7
robert ferrars7
every moment7
every year7
three months7
will soon7
two days7
present case6
burst forth6
going away6
saw nothing6
three years6
will go6
elinor found6
conduit street6
will never6
every respect6
two hours6
first time6
hardly know6
dear elinor6
five minutes6
hundred pounds6
one another6
hardly less6
must say6
without saying6
years old6
ever saw6
dear madam6
shall always6
shall see6
one moment6
turned away6
two young6
four months6
let us6
miss williams6
many weeks6
really believed5
first coming5
pretty girl5
marianne might5
never see5
one else5
poor little5
much greater5
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took leave5
without knowing5
three days5
every circumstance5
young people5
might think5
well know5
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poor soul5
good humoured5
much less5
well married5
must know5
go away5
elinor tried5
one evening5
short pause5
john middleton5
better acquainted5
quite overcome5
elinor wished5
every occasion5
even now5
will like5
replied lucy5
every possible5
sensible man5
will find5
great pleasure5
fifty pounds5
knew nothing5
never yet5
elinor began5
last week5
perfectly satisfied5
monstrous glad5
near plymouth5
will tell5
answered elinor5
made every5
ever felt5
really felt5
dear miss5
seen enough5
marianne looked5
drawing room5
miss lucy5
three thousand5
shall never5
much pleasure5
mother will4
might now4
either side4
another pause4
will marry4
know nothing4
will come4
always thought4
know whether4
something like4
bond street4
good deal4
like every4
elinor thought4
short silence4
two hundred4
will give4
whole heart4
well worth4
away without4
quite alone4
poor mr4
many hours4
earnest desire4
mother must4
great satisfaction4
much mistaken4
last time4
take place4
much longer4
nothing else4
dear mother4
lord bless4
left behind4
one must4
ten thousand4
continued lucy4
little boy4
must come4
give way4
though lucy4
will think4
may well4
now just4
young friends4
four days4
must allow4
one side4
within four4
extremely well4
many days4
well known4
present occasion4
never seen4
two ladies4
greatest part4
great many4
eldest son4
edward will4
thirty thousand4
dashwood will4
take orders4
two miss4
see marianne4
often wished4
whatever might4
still greater4
dashwood now4
good humour4
returned elinor4
mutual affection4
looked forward4
cried sir4
dear sister4
seemed rather4
dear mrs4
whole family4
every particular4
elinor made4
must wait4
every reason4
presently added4
though still4
vast deal4
never shall3
perfectly convinced3
dear little3
every hour3
must now3
thoroughly good3
thing like3
without waiting3
may say3
far distant3
hardly keep3
quite delightful3
immediate relief3
shall come3
though mrs3
large fortune3
good will3
another day3
intimate acquaintance3
might perhaps3
give us3
great secret3
really passed3
dear marianne3
lived together3
day long3
dear norland3
overlook every3
must always3
hour ago3
easily believe3
another year3
small house3
elinor felt3
two maids3
considerable time3
shall go3
two sisters3
three times3
without feeling3
young women3
circumstance occurred3
done away3
good gracious3
may see3
know much3
instantly saw3
looked exceedingly3
exceedingly well3
marianne seemed3
immediately gave3
good bye3
may think3
almost ready3
old enough3
private balls3
two years3
everybody else3
fifty thousand3
marianne dashwood3
poor elinor3
elinor perceived3
general character3
short one3
scarcely less3
kept away3
real state3
years ago3
two minutes3
finally settled3
marianne remained3
whole day3
instantly followed3
lady elliott3
next week3
saw every3
eldest sister3
morning brought3
almost sure3
proper submission3
must think3
sitting room3
bad news3
nothing farther3
common prudence3
hurried manner3
immediately followed3
take care3
good one3
may come3
expressed great3
marianne still3
two months3
eldest daughter3
good word3
might give3
greatest comfort3
elinor looked3
marrying miss3
real satisfaction3
faint smile3
money enough3
poor fanny3
far beyond3
gave elinor3
turned round3
henry dashwood3
sunk within3
may find3
elinor soon3
settled rain3
dear willoughby3
marriage must3
see edward3
ask us3
several minutes3
norland estate3
good wishes3
ever heard3
common sense3
came home3
elinor now3
wait till3
good husband3
highest opinion3
never happened3
done nothing3
last evening3
quite well3
without betraying3
go likewise3
every morning3
every common3
good heavens3
one son3
earnestly pressed3
first came3
smart beaux3
scarcely ever3
palmer laughed3
whole evening3
saw marianne3
without attempting3
thank heaven3
dear edward3
positive engagement3
soon found3
little girl3
particular friend3
every line3
though rather3
laughed heartily3
better knowledge3
make amends3
just settled3
really thought3
takes place3
elinor told3
third day3
first opportunity3
will walk3
picturesque beauty3
asked marianne3
engaged elsewhere3
will leave3
knows nothing3
may now3
till every3
well able3
smart beau3
never think3
first perceived3
simple one3
greatest happiness3
now found3
every night3
will feel3
walking together3
poor fellow3
time till3
less happy3
moment afterwards3
ever lived3
quite charming3
every fear3
drew near3
us know3
new acquaintance3
sweet place3
giving way3
look forward3
dearest friends2
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particular request2
though earnestly2
happy man2
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great pity2
far settled2
though without2
single man2
good thing2
one person2
entirely without2
must depend2
children go2
almost certain2
warmly replied2
left town2
replied edward2
seven days2
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house without2
though perfectly2
edward remained2
much later2
repeated assurances2
almost hopeless2
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farther opposition2
marianne will2
altered looks2
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much kindness2
sick chamber2
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great cordiality2
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brought home2
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remarkably pretty2
least equally2
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animated look2
odd one2
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though never2
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real situation2
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five years2
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long enough2
elinor feel2
tolerably happy2
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dead leaves2
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though probably2
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seven years2
beyond one2
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till one2
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four weeks2
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fifteen years2
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many months2
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poor dear2
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farther particulars2
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months ago2
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six years2
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six hours2
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near dawlish2
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without taking2
though looking2
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public school2
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considerable amusement2
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every inquiry2
dinner time2
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less violently2
nearest relations2
real opinion2
immediate possession2
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without hopes2
general opinions2
little aside2
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soon know2
poor mother2
asked elinor2
yet greater2
six months2
best pleased2
last october2
small one2
weeks ago2
walked across2
every feeling2
three letters2
though gentle2
violent affliction2
hearted girl2
may depend2
though elinor2
penny post2
every endeavour2
ever occurred2
may live2
will suffer2
first called2
one point2
half year2
first moment2
thing rather2
give away2
certain person2
must give2
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great coxcomb2
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old lady2
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like mine2
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affections entirely2
person whose2
agreeable young2
seemed hardly2
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well convinced2
shall now2
whose interest2
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much better2
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another person2
interesting subject2
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think mr2
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good reason2
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good offices2
every carriage2
future wife2
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eager tone2
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fine enough2
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long ago2
whose society2
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long together2
large party2
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good fire2
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tender recollection2
eighteen couple2
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led away2
make every2
yet another2
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seven thousand2
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near relation2
exactly like2
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two afterwards2
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beyond every2
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might make2
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