Ex Libris C. K. OGDEN ', THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES PRACTICAL PHILOSOPHY OP SOCIAL LIFE; t OR THE ART OF CONVERSING WITH MEN: AFTER THE GERMAN 3ARON KNIG IN TWO VOLUMES. B r P. WILL, MINISTER OF THE REFORMED GERMAN CONGREGATION THB SAVOY. VOLUME THE FIRST. LONDON* PRINTED FOR T. CADE LI., JUN. AND W. DAVIES. M DCCXCIX. ?Ti ?3 TO v./ WILLIAM CURTIS, GENT. AT HAMBURG; THESE rOLUMES ARE DEDICATED, AS A MARK OF HIS ESTEEM AND AFFECTION, THE EDITOR. a 2 PREFACE. A HE greater part of the subsequent pages, is the result of the observations and experience of Baron KNIGGE, a Nobleman whose talents are justly respected in Germany, where he acted a conspicuous part in the republic of letters, and on the stage of the great world. His active temper urged him with irresistible impetuosity to render .his abilities and scientific knowledge useful to mankind ; but being persecuted in the very beginning of his public career, by the heavy blows of adverse fate, beset by numerous enemies whom his independent spirit and the superiority of his mental accomplishments had provoked,' frequently misguided by his too easy confidence in the rectitude of men, precipitated by his fiery enthusiasm for truth and the hap- piness of his brethren, and an implacable enemy VI PREFACE. to despotism and intolerance, he failed in all his plans to secure a post in which he could have exerted his talents and the benevolence of his heart for the benefit of his fellow-citizens. Aspersion and the persecution of a set of men who hated him, because he scorned to cringe and to be subservient to their selfish views and op- pressions, compelled him to quit his native c'ouhtry, and to become a citizen of the world at large. He rovecl Germany, for some years, ill all directions, sometimes being a visitor of the palades of the great, and sometimes a humble pedestrian, mixing with the middle and inferior rahks; atld exerting all the energy of his mind tb accommodate himself, as much as honesty and the consciousness of his innate dignity would permit^ to the prejudices, customs, and peculia- rities of those with whom he cultivated a tem- porary connexion. This enabled him to ac- quire a most extensive and profound knowledge of the human heart, of its numerous turnings arid windings, of the most effective means of 1 PREFACE. Yli getting access to it, of the principal causes of the want of social happiness which he discovered in the splendid circles of the great, in the hum- ble habitations of the middle ranks, and in the cottages of the poor, and the most successful means of rendering our intercourse with our brethren more comfortable and cheerful. The acquisition of that useful store of the most va- luable knowledge animated him with additional zeal to contribute his mite to the reformation of our degenerated age, and in this disposition of mind he became more intimately acquainted with Weishaupt and Zwack, the two principal founders of the Order of the Illuminati. Their gigantic plan to collect a host of the greatest geniuses of all ranks and countries around them, to check by the joint efforts of their abilities and power the progress of the growing evil, their pressing solicitations to take a leading part in their confederacy, and the hope of being en- abled by siich a powerful union to employ his talents more successfully for the benefit of PREFACE. mankind, were charms which his heart could not resist. He accepted the offer, and became one of the most active and successful leaders of the union. But alas ! he soon beheld with grief and sorrow that the alluring prospects which had been held out to him, were nothing but a charming dream, and was at last convinced that the society in which he had been received, would never be capable of accomplishing the arduous task which was the primary object of their union, as but few of its members were ani- mated with that heroic disinterestedness and self-denial which were required, if the power in- vested in their hands were to prove beneficial to the world. Party-spirit, arnbition and other passions soon began to undermine the fabric ; caballing traitors abused the power which the society possessed, to revenge themselves upon their enemies, or to satisfy their thirst for domi- nion and wealth. The union, Which might have become a blessing to mankind, threatened to, prove a scourge to every state where its influence PREFACE. DC prevailed ; the knave and the honest man were persecuted without discrimination, and Baron Knigge redoubled in vain his energy and zeal to purify the corrupted society, and to destroy the poison with which it was infected. His ex- ertions were fruitless ; his own associates became his most inveterate enemies, and he saw him- self compelled to renounce all connexion with his corrupted brethren, and to retire to his former seclusion from the world, after having learnt by experience, and at the cxpcnce of his tranquillity and health, that no society of men, how great soever their combined talents, and how well calculated their plans may be, can hope to accelerate the age of general illumina- tion and virtue contrary to the course of nature, which is slow, but progressive and sure ; and that it is more becoming a man who wishes to be happy himself and to promote the happiness of his brethren, to take the world as it is, to do whatever lays in his power to ameliorate our corrupted age gradually, without noise and with- 2 X PREFACE. out relying too much on the co-operation of others, and to counteract the bad effects of the spreading corruption by a prudent and wise conduct, than to convulse the natural order of things by forcing more light upon our cotem- poraries than their weak eyes can bear. Actu- ated by this dear-bought experience, he now confined himself entirely to the exertion of his literary talents, and dedicated the rest of his life to the laudable employment of circulating in his writings rules of prudence, the practice of which will enable us to avert many of those cala- mities and painful disappointments that are the natural consequences of our want of knowledge of the world, and of the prejudices, the igno- rance, passions, bodily and mental infirmities, vices and the vitiated taste of those with whom we live, and to prosecute our career with secu- rity and success. Of all the books which he wrote for that purpose, none was better received and more generally admired than his celebrated work " On Conversation with Men" (Uber PREFACE. XI clcn Umgang mit Menschen,) which contains a most valuable store of practical lessons of wis- dom, abounds with a profound knowledge of the world and the human heart, and is unanimously allowed to be the best essay on the real Philoso- phy of Social Life which ever has been published in any country. It went through five editions in the course of a few years, and, if I may pre- sume to judge of its usefulness from my own experience, stands foremost amongst all the books which ever have been written to promote social happiness. The advantages which I have derived from the study and application of the excellent observa- tions and rules which this work contains, and the salutary effects which I have seen it pro- duce in the life of those of my pupils to whom I recommended it, and who followed the sage in- structions with which it abounds, made me wish most ardently to see it dressed in an English garb, and circulated in a country which is so dear to me, and which of late has naturalized so many xii P fl E ? A p E. infenour children of the German Muse. But * as the original is entirely modified after the local wants, customs, and situation of Germany, and, besides, contains many chasms which I wished to fill up in an English edition, I was obliged almost entirely to new-mould it, in order to render it more congenial to the soil into which I intended transplanting it, to collect the addi- tions which it wanted with care and assiduity, to read all the tooks in which I expected to find materials that suited my .purpose, and to make such observations as would enable me to ascer- tain how the authour would have shaped his rules and instructions, if he had wrote for an English public a task which procrastinated the publication of these volumes more than three years. The most valuable additions which the suc- ceeding sheets contain, were gathered from the works of Bahrcl, Zollikoser, Reinhard, Zimmer- man (the celebrated authour of the publication On Solitude) and Fessler names which are r n E fr A c E. xiii highly respected on the German Parnassus. As for those that are the result of my own reflec- tions and observations, they are too few to add anything very material to the intrinsic merit of these volumes, or to injure the fame of their original authour. By giving this work the title of Practical Philosophy of Social Life, I by no means presume to offer it to the Public as a complete system of that branch of philosophy, but only wish that it may be regarded as a collection of fragments, from which some abler hand may hereafter com- pose a structure more deserving of the name. As it will J)e my highest ambition to render this adopted child of my Muse more complete and generally useful in a second edition, if it should have the good fortune to meet with a favourable reception, the Reviewers will do me the justice to believe, that I shall feel myself infinitely obliged to them for every candid remark and censure that can tend to open my eyes to its defects ; for the truth is, I do not presume to XIV PREFACE. flatter myself with the idea of having rendered the succeeding volumes as perfect as I could have wished, and therefore do not stand in need of gentle correction. MAY 1 8, 1799. P. WILL. INTRODUCTION. VV E frequently see that the most prudent and judicious people take steps in common life which astonish us ; we experience but too often, that men who have a more than common theo- retical knowledge of the human heart, become victims of the grossest imposition ; we have nu merous opportunities of observing that the most experienced and skilful people on common inci- dents apply the most contrary means, and strive in vain, to operate on others ; and notwith- standing their great superiority of genius, fre- quently depend upon the follies of others, and the whims and obstinacy of weaker minds ; that they must suffer themselves to be ruled and abused by persons who possess not half their abilities and deserve not to be compared with them ; whereas others, who are extremely poor jn spirit and 4estitute of all intrinsic merit, ac- VOL. I. I) XVI INTRODUCTION. complish things which the wise scarcely dare to wish performing. We see that many an honest man is almost entirely neglected, that the wit- tiest and brightest geniuses but too often act a pitiful part in societies where all eyes are di- rected at them, and all are watching with avi- dity every word they are about to utter ; we see them sit mute in a corner, or hear them utter only common and trivial things, while an inferior genius contrives to combine and dress up the small sum of notions he has accidentally picked up, with so much dexterity, as to create general interest, and to be thought even by sci- entific men, to possess no small share of know- ledge and judgment. We further see, that the most striking beauties are not generally ad- mired, while persons who are endowed only with a small share of personal charms excite general admiration. In short, we observe every day, that the most judicious and learned men, are, if not the unfittest for worldly business, at least so unfortunate as to be neglected, because they arc destitute of the art of showing themselves in 3 favourable light, and that the most cultivated 1 INTRODUCTION. XV11 minds who are gifted by nature with internal and personal perfections, frequently are least capable of appearing to advantage. Many people imagine themselves entitled, by supcriour accomplishments, to disregard trifling rules of social propriety and all conventional laws of decorum. But this is a very fatal infa- tuation. We are, indeed, willing to excuse great faults counterbalanced by great accom- plishments, because people of more refined feel- ings most commonly have more violent passions ; but in situations where the latter are not affected, the man of superior rank ought to act with more prudence than a person of the common stamp ; and no one wishing to live and act in society, can be excused for despising its inno- cent customs. By this observation however we do not mean to reflect blame upon those that voluntarily resign the admiration of the titled and untitled populace, to which a truly wise man is some- times compelled to have recourse. It is but natural that a man of superior talents should be reserved and silent in companies where he is b 2 XVH1 INTRODUCTION. not understood ; that a man who possesses genuine wit and a refined judgment, should not demean himself to act the merry-maker in a circle of trifling and empty-headed coxcombs ; it is also natural, that a man who is graced with a certain dignity of character, should have too much noble pride to become an equal associate with every indifferent set of people who are of no importance to him, to fall in with the tone which conceited striplings have adopted on their travels, or that he should bend in obedient sub- mission to all the dictates of ever-changing fashion, which but too frequently receives its shape and form from dancers, actors, and tailors, or is modelled by folly and vice ; it is obvious, that it is more becoming a youth to be modest and unassuming than intruding, arrogant, and ranting, like most of our young men ; that the wiser a noble-minded man is, the more modest, diffident of his own knowledge, and the less intruding he will be ; that the more conscious a person is of intrinsic and real merit, the less art he will employ to exhibit his perfections, as a real beauty despises all those mean alluring INTRODUCTION. XIX artifices of coquetry by which some females strive to attract notice. But of all this we are not particularly speaking here. Neither do we allude to the folly of the of- fended pride of those that are actuated by im- moderate and arrogant pretensions, demand- ing to be constantly adulated, flattered and distinguished, and who act but a sorry part on being overlooked ; nor do we speak of the offended arrogance of an absurd pedant, who grows ill-humoured when he has the misfortune of not being known and caressed every where as a great luminary. We also do not animad- vert here upon the consequences of the conduct of the gross Cynic, who according to his Hotten- tot system, despises all rules prescribed in So- cial Life by general consent and mutual polite- ness ; or on the silliness of those eccentric pre- tenders, who presume to be privileged by the imaginary superiority of their genius, to disre- gard all the laws of custom, decorum and reason. And when we assert, that the wisest and most judicious people very frequently miss their aim in conversation, and in the prosecution of XK INTRODUCTION. respect, as well as in civil and other advantages ; we likewise cannot pay any regard to the heavy blows of misfortune which sometimes persecute the best of men ; nor to the effects of an un- happy, passionate or unsociable temper, which in many people eclipses the most excellent qua- lities. This observation rather alludes to those people who combine the best will and sincere probity with very prominent good qualities, and an indefatigable zeal to pass honourably and smoothly through the world, to establish their own prosperity and to promote that of their fellow- men, but notwithstanding are overlookedand fail in their diligent endeavours to effect so laudable a purpose. What is the cause of this pheno- menon ? Of what quality are they destitute which others possess, who, notwithstanding their being devoid of intrinsic worth, attain the highest degree of prosperity ? They are desti- tute of what the French call esprit de conduite, of the art of conversing with men : an art which the blockhead frequently catches sooner with- out studying it, than the judicious, wise, or witty; the art of rendering themselves noticed, INTRODUCTION. XXI distinguished and respected, without provoking envy ; to accommodate the mselves to the various tempers, opinions and passions of men, with- out being deceitful ; to be able to fall in unaf- fectedly with the tone of every company, with- out losing the originality of their character, or demeaning themselves to low flattery. The man whom nature has not gifted with this happy disposition, must acquire by the study of men a certain pliancy, sociability, moderation, for- bearance, self-denial, dominion over his passions, watchfulness over himself, and the serenity of an uniformly equal temper ; and he will obtain pos- session of that useful art which only with jus- tice can be called the Practical Philosophy of Social Life. We ought however not to confound it with that noxious and mean servility of a con- temptible slave, who suffers himself to be abused by every one, gives himself up to every knave to obtain a meal, humbles himself before every powerful wretch to procure some lucrative post, is silent when he ought to speak his mind freely, assists in the execution of roguery, and idolizes titled stupidity. In treating on that spirit of XX11 INTRODUCTION. conduct, which must guide us in our conver- sation with men of all classes, I do not how- ever mean to write a book on the art of compli- menting, but purpose laying before the reader some results of the experience I have had during a long intercourse with men of all ranks and situations. I do not promise to delineate a complete and regular system of Practical Philo- sophy of Social Life, but shall give only frag-* ments and materials which will serve as a basis for further investigation. It is extremely im- portant for various reasons, that a person wish- ing to associate with men and to live amongst them, should study the art of accommodating himself to their manners, customs, tone and disposition ; and of this art I am going to say something. But what calling can I have to write a book on the spirit of conduct /who in my life having so frequently displayed but very little of it ? Docs it become me to presume to dispense knowledge of men, while I myself having been so repeatedly a victim of such im- prudent indiscretion as scarcely could have been excusable in a novice ? Can it be expected, that INTRODUCTION. a man who lives almost entirely secluded from human society, could teach the art of conversing with men ? Let us see, my friends, what I can reply to this objection. If through dear-bought experience I have been rendered sensible of my own imprudentfe-* so much the better ! Who is more cojh- petent to warn against dangers than a man who has been involved himself in difficulties ? If temper and weakness, (or should I not rather call it sensibility of a feeling heart, which is al- ways ready to give itself up to others), if a strong desire for the blessings of love and friend- ship, for opportunities of serving others and of exciting sympathy, have frequently promoted me to act imprudently, and to disregard the voice of cool and reflecting reason ; my errors did not proceed from short-sightedness, simplicity and want of knowledge of men, but from an internal impulse to love and to render myself beloved, to be active and to do good. As for the rest, there are perhaps but few men, who in so short a period will be involved in such singular relations and connexions with people XXIV INTRODUCTION. of all descriptions as I have been within the last twenty years ; and should a man be similarly circumstanced, and not intirely neglected by nature and education, he must indeed meet with numerous opportunities in the space of so many years, that will enable him to make obser- vations and to warn against those dangers he could not escape himself. My living at present retired and secluded from the world, is neither owing to misanthropy nor to a silly singularity. I have very important motives for it ; but to deliver them here at large would be speaking too much of myself, especially as I shall be ob- liged, at least, to give some account of my own experience in this Introduction. Therefore I beg leave to say thus much : I was very young when I first stepped upon the theatre of the great world and the court. My temper was lively, restless and easy to be affected, and my blood warm ; the seeds of many violent passions lay concealed within me ; I had been somewhat spoiled in my first education, and had too great attention paid my little person, which induced me to demand too much consideration from INTRODUCTION. XXV those around me. Grown up in a country where flattery, dissimulation and cringing are not much encouraged, I was indeed but little prepared for that pliancy I wanted to ensure success among utter strangers and in despotic states. The instruction of young minds in true policy is frequently very unsuccessful, and not rarely attended with considerable dangers ; our own experience in fact is the best instructor. These lessons produce the most salutary effect (if we pay not too dear for them) and make the deepest impression. My liveliness caused me to commit many inconsistent actions ; I was precipitate in every thing, always doing either too much or too little, ever being too late or too soon ; because invariably, I was about to commit a folly, or had to retrieve one. I gene- rally missed my aim from omitting to act upon a simple plan. When I first appeared at court, I was too careless, too open and unsuspicious, which did me a great deal of injury. I resolved however to become a complete courtier ; my conduct grew artificial, and I lost the confi- dence of good men ; I was too pliant, and this de- XXVI INTRODUCTION. privedme of external regard, internal dignity and self- consistency. Being dissatisfied with myself and others, I grew reserved and singular. This created astonishment ; my society was courted, and my sociability revived again. I renewed my former connexions, discarded my singular^ ties, and thec harm which my seclusion from the world had created and which had attracted the attention of others, disappeared at once. At an- other period I lashed the follies of the times with some degree of wit ; I was now dreaded, but not beloved ; this grieved me; and being de- sirous to repair this loss, I proved myself a harm- less being, displayed kind and benevolent senti- ments, and shewed that I was incapable of hurt- ing and persecuting others But what was the consequence? Everyone of those I had offended by my former conduct, or who imagined them- selves the object of my sarcasms, abused me on seeing me defend myself only with blunted wea- pons which could do no harm. At other times, when my satirical humour was encouraged by the applause of jovial companions, I lashed great and liule fools without mercy ; the wits laughed ; INTRODUCTION. XXVH but those that were wiser shook their heads and treated me with coldness. Being desirous of showing that my humour was not tinctured with malice, I ceased ridiculing others, and palliated every folly. This however made me appear to some a simpleton, while others suspected me of hypocrisy. When I selected my companions from among the most excellent and enlightened men, I applied in vain for the protection of a blockhead who was at the helm of government; and when I associated with people of inferior talents, I was treated as belonging to the same class with them. People destitute of education and of low rank abused me, when I treated them with more than usual kindness; and of thloe of higher rank I made enemies when they offend- ed my vanity. I now made the blockhead too sensible of my superiority, and was persecuted; I was too modest, and experienced neglect ; I accommodated myself to all the peculiarities of my connexions, and fell in with the tone of those indifferent societies I frequented and thereby lost my precious time, the regard of wise and good men, and particularly self-satisfaction; at XXVlil INTRODUCTION. other times I was too artless, and from want of self-confidence acted a pitiful part when I ought and could have shewn myself to advantage. At one period I too rarely went abroad, and was sus- pected of pride or puerile fear of men; at another I shewed myself every where, and was accused of being intruding. While I was a young man, I abandoned myself imprudently and exclusively to every one that called himself my friend and shewed me affection, and was often dreadfully deceived and disappointed in my sweetest ex- pectations ; afterwards I became the friend of every one, and ready to serve any person who wanted my assistance, in consequence no one attached himself to me, because none of my con- nexions valued a heart accessible to any that sought friendship. When I expected too much I was deceived ; and when I gave up all confi- dence in the faith and probity of men, I could enjoy no social pleasure or be interested by any object. The public are not ignorant, that I was active in the association of the Illuminati, as they were called. This union which was di- rected by peoplewho on account of their INTRODUCTION. XXIX rank, birth, civil relations and talents, were classed with the most important men in Ger- many made the knowledge of the human heart a particular object of their study. The person who managed almost the whole affairs of that extensive society (which was my case for a con- siderable time), had, indeed, opportunities of becoming acquainted with people of all ranks, of very different culture and disposition, and to observe .them in various situations; however as the intercourse with most of them was carried on by way of letters only, my practical experience gained in the whole but little by it. The trea- sure I gathered at those courts where I spent a great part of my life, was by far more consider- able. But I must confess, that, although I made many observations at these theatres of folly and deceit, yet I improved but little in the art of rendering them advantageous to myself, as I never could bridle my lively temper so much as to be capable of concealing my blind side so carefully as I ought to have done. And thus did the years elapse in which I could have made my fortune, as it is commonly termed. Now, XXX INTRODUCTION. since I have acquired a more perfect knowledge of men, and my eyes have been opened by experi- ence, which has rendered me more circumspect and capable of operating on the human heart, it is too late to put that knowledge in practice. The ' few advantages I could obtain by it for the rest of my life, are not worth the trouble and exer- tion which it would cost me ; and it is as little becoming a man, whose principles have been fixed by age and experience, to begin at so late a period to grow pliant, as it would be pardon- able in him to turn fop. It is now indeed, too late to begin with the practice of my experi- ence ; however it is not yet too late to point out to young men the path they ought to pursue; therefore let us see what I can do, and come nearer to the point. CONTENTS OF VOLUME THE FIRST. CHAPTER I. PAGE i. General Rules and Observations to guide us in our Conver- sation with Men. SECTION i VERY man must render himself respected in the world. Application of this Maxim. II. Strive to render yourself perfect ; but avoid the appearance of perfection and infallibility. III. Be not too much ihe slave of the opinion which others form of you. IV. Have confidence in GOD, in yourself, good men and fortune. V. Put not to your own account what you owe to the merits of others. VI. Conceal your cares when you are not certain of finding relief by disclosing them. VII. Speak not too loudly of your prosperity. VIII. Disclose not the defects of your neighbour. IX. Afford others an opportunity of appearing to advan- tage- X. Strive to preserve presence of mind. XI. Ifyou-wish for temporal advantages you must so. licit for them. VOL. I. C XXX11 CONTENTS. SECTION XII. Request and accept of others as few services as possible. XIII. Limits of complaisance. XIV. Keep your word rigidly on every occasion. XV. Be strict, punctual, regular, assiduous, and dili- gent in your calling. XVI. Interest yourself for others if you wish them to interest themselves for you. XVII. Implicate no one in your private differences, and frequently in imagination put yourself in the place of others. XVIII. Let every one be responsible for his own actions while they have no relation to yourself. XIX. Be always consistent and act up to your principles. XX. Strive to have always a good conscience. XXI. Be firm in your conduct. XXII. Make a proper distinction in your external conduct between men and men, XXIII. Be not too communicative. XXIV. Never attempt to render others ridiculous. XXV. Terrify and teaze no person. XXVI. All people want to be amused. On joking. XXVII. Quit the society of no person without having told him something obliging or instructive. XXVIII. On aspersion, ridicule, and backbiting. XXIX. Be careful how you relate anecdotes. XXX. Avoid talebearing. XXXI. Be cautious how you censure and contradict others. XXXII. Take heed not to tire the patience of your hearers by tedious and prolix discourses. XXXIII. Speak not in company of subjects which in- terest no ore but yourself. CONTENTS. XXX111 SlCTION XXXIV. On egotism. XXXV. Do not contradict yourself in conversation. XXXVI. Avoid tiresome repetitions and sharpen your memory. XXXVII. Do not season your discourses with duplicities. XXXVIII. Intermix not your discourses with common. place expressions. XXXIX. Do not teaze others with useless questions. XL. Learn to brook contradiction. XLI. Talk not of your domestic concerns nor of vexatious subjects in places of amusement. XLII. On religious discourses. XL1II. Be cautious how you speak of the defects of others. XLIV. Other rules of prudence. XLV. Remind no one of disagreeable matters without necessity. XLVI. Take no share in the ridicule of scoffers. XL VII. On the spirit of disputing. Vide Vol. II. XLV II I. Be secret. XLIX. On speaking well, and propriety of external conduct. L. On various social improprieties and incon. gruities. LI. How we must behave when others tire us by the tediousness and prolixity of their conver- sation. LI I. On ease in conversation. LI II. Take not too great pretensions with you into social circles. LIV. On dress. LV, Is it better to go often or seldom into company ? C 2 XXXIV CONTENTS. SECTION LVI. We can learn something useful in any company. LVII. With whom are we to converse most frequently ? LVIII. On conversation in cities, country towns and villages. LIX. On conversation in foreign countries. LX. On epistolary correspondence. LXI. How we must judge of men. LXII. Whether the above and the subsequent rules be generally applicable ? LXIII. Can ladies act after these rules ? CHAPTER II, PAGE 74. On Conversation with ourselves. SECTION I. NEGLECT not conversation with your own self. II. There will be moments when the conversation with our own self will be our only comfort. III. Display towards your own person as much prudence, honesty, propriety and justice as you ought to show in the society of others. JV. Take care of the health of your soul as well as of that of your body.* V. Have regard for your own person and confidence in yourself. VI. Despair not at the consciousness of your defects and imperfections. VII. Be an agreeable companion to yourself. VIII. Avoid all sort of self- flattery, and show yourself your own best and sincerest friend. IXt How we are to estimate our own morality, i CONTENTS. XXXV CHAPTER III. PAGE 81. On Conversation with people of different Tempers and Dispositions. SECTION I. ON the four Cardinal tempers and their mixture. II. On people of an imperious disposition. III. On ambitious people. IV. On vain people. V. On arrogance. VI. On irritable people. VII. On conversation with obstinate people. VI II. On conversation with petu!ant people and such as are fond of contradiction and paradoxes. IX. On conversation with irascible people. X. On coru'ccsation with revengeful people. XI. On conversation with lazy and phlegmatic people. XII. On conversation with mistrustful, suspicious, morose, and close people. XIII. On conversation with envious and jealous people. XIV. Rules for counteracting the effects of slander and calumny. XV. On conversation with scoffers. XVI. On conversation with avaricious people and spend. thrifts. XVII. On conversation with ungrateful people. XVIII. Against artifice, cunning and insidiousness. XIX. On conversation with boasters, braggers and puffers. XX. On conversation with impudent, idle and intriguing people, parasites and flatterers. XXI. On conversation with villains. XXXVI CONTENTS. SECTION XXII. On conversation with too modest and timid people. XXIII. On conversation with imprudent, talkative, cu- rious, heedless and forgetful people. XXIV. On conversation with whimsical people. XXV. On conversation with stupid, good-natured and weak people. XXVI. On conversation with cheerful, lively and saty- rical people. XXVII. On conversation with drunkards, voluptuaries and votaries of other vices. XXVIII. On conversation with enthusiasts, romantic and eccentrical people. XXIX. On conversation with devotees, puritans and hypocrites. XXX. On conversation with superstitious people. XXXI. On conversation with deists, freethinkers and scoffers at religion. XXXII. On conversation with melancholy people, lunatics and madmen. CHAPTER IV. PAGE 159. On Conversation vlith People of a different Age. SECTION I. THE conversation with people who are of the same age with us has many advantages and charms. II. Old people ought not to disturb the innocent sport* and amusements of younger persons. III. Old people render themselves ridiculous by affecting to appear being young. 7 CONTENTS. XXXVU SECTION IV. Old people ought to render their society useful to the young. V. It is out of fashion now-a-days to honour old age ; our present generation imagine to be much wiser than our forefathers were. VI. Rules for youth in their conversation with old people. VII. On conversation with children. CHAPTER V. PAGE 170. On Conversation between Parents, Children, and Re- lations- SECTION I. Is attachment to our families and country a prejudice? On cosmopolitism. II. On the conduct of parents towards their children. III. On the conduct of children towards their parents. IV. On conversation between relations. A few words on old uncles and aunts. CHAPTER VI. PAGE 181. On Conjugal Conversation. SECTION I. A WISE and good choice on concluding the marriage- bonds is the safest mean of rendering conjugal life happy. The contrary produces the most deplor- able consequences. II. Why are marriages concluded in younger years with little or no prudence sometimes happy ? XXXV11I CONTENTS. SECTION III. Is a perfect harmony of temper, disposition! and thinking, of capacities and taste necessarily re- quired to constitute matrimonial happiness ? IV. Rules for preventing conjugal society from becom- ing troublesome and tedious. V. Principal rule : Fulfil carefully all your duties ! VI. How must we act when the accomplishments of amiable strangers make lively impressions upon our consorts ? VII. How can we guard ourselves against such impres- sions in younger and maturer years ? VIII. Married people are unjust in desiring to monopolize all the feelings of their partner. IX. Conjugal happiness requires we should not demand of our consorts a total sacrifice of their taste, and strive to accommodate ourselves to their innocent propensities. X. How are we to guard against an actual breach of conjugal fidelity ? XI. Two means of recalling a disloyal partner to her duty. Xil. How are we to proceed if our consort be guilty of adultery ? XIII. Treatment of a fallen consort. XIV. On divorce. XV. An unlimited confidence ought to subsist among married people. XVI. It is not advisable that married people should trans. act all their business in common. XVII. A proper sum ought to be allowed to the wife for the purposes of housekeeping. XVIII. Domestic ceconomy promotes conjugal happiness. CONTENTS. XXXJ SlCTIOM XIX. It is better that the husband than the wife be rich. XX. Is it necessary that the husband should possess a larger share of prudence and judgment than the wife ? XXI. Is it prudent to complain to our consorts of our mis* fortunes ? XXII. Rules of prudence in case of too great a difference of disposition. XXIII. Ho.v are we to act if we be united for life with an immoral or vicious person ? XXIV. Caution against officious go-betweens. XXV. Are these rules applicable to fashionable and very rich people ? CHAPTER VII. PAGE 232. Rules for Loven and thne that convene with them. SECTION I. A FEW general observations on the proper treatment of lovers. II. Why no rules can be given to lovers for regulating their mutual conduct. III. Happy effects of the first love of virtuous minds. IV. Jealousy and trifling dissensions strengthen the ties of innocent love. V. Arc the fair sex as faithful and firm in their love as men ? VI. Secrecy is one of the chief means of being successful in love. x CONTEXTS. SECTION VII. Caution against thoughtless promises of marriage. VJII. Be generous if the bonds uniting your heart to that of a virtuous woman should be dissolved. CHAPTER VIII. PAGE 244. On Conversation with the Fair Sex* SECTION I. THE Authour's apology for his being obliged to ani- madvert upon some general defects of the female sex. II. Conversation with accomplished and virtuous women gives the last polish to the education of a young man. III. Why are personal and mental accomplishments not always the only certain means of rendering our. selves agreeable to the fair sex ? IV. Why are the ladies averse from men labouring under infirmities ? V. The ladies ought not to be blamed for being interested sometimes for libertines. VI. Cleanliness and elegance of dress recommended. VIIj Paying homage in a similar manner to several ladies at one time and in the same place, is dangerous. VIII, Praising the accomplishments of other ladies in the presence of one who pretends to the same is im- prudent. IX. Strive to be an entertaining companion if you wish to please the ladies. Flattery is particularly grateful to them. X. Curiosity is a prominent feature of the female character. CONTENTS. Xll SECTION XI. Accommodate yourself to the humours of the fair sex, but be not intruding. XII. The female sex sometimes find pleasure in teazing the objects of their affection. XIII. Yield to them the triumph of the moment. XIV. Provoke not the resentment of an ill-tempered woman. XV. Is it possible to avoid falling in love ? XVI. Seducing or deluding innocent and inexperienced girls by false hopes is an infamous practice. XVII. On conversation with coquets and seducing females* XVIII. Learned ladies. XIX. On female dissimulation. XX. Antiquated coquets, prudes, devotees and gossips. XXI. A few more general observations on the advantages resulting from the conversation of good and accomplished women. 1- f, PHACTICAL PHILOSOPHY OF SOCIAL LIFE. CHAPTER I. General Rules and Observations to guide us in our Conversation -with Men. ! i;:f i y :>*! i SECTION I. pretensions are generally the standard by which the world judges of our abilities and merits. A golden rule ! A theme sufficient for a folio volume on the spirit of conduct and the means of gaining our point in the world ; a maxim, the truth of which is confirmed by the expe- rience of all ages. This experience teaches the adventurer and boaster to persuade the mul- titude that he is a man of consequence ; to speak of his connexions with princes and minis- ters of state, who frequently even do not know that he exists, in terms that procure him, if not more, at least, many a meal and access to families of rank and fortune. I knew a man who spoke in this maoncr in all companies of VOL. i. B 2 PRACTICAL PHILOSOPHY his intimacy with the Emperor Joseph II. and Prince Kaunitz, although I am certain that these great men scarcely knew his name, and had heard nothing of him, except that he was a turbulent man and a libeller. As no one inquired into the truth of his pretensions, it enabled him to gain for a short time so much credit with many people as to induce them to apply for his interference with the Emperor, whenever they had occasion to petition-for some- thing. In such cases he used to write to some great man or other at Vienna, and boasted of the number of his noble 'friends in such terms as to obtain frequently a civil and kind answer, which he turned to further advantage. This experience emboldens many a man of a merely superficial knowledge to decide posi- tively in matters of which he, an hour before, scarcely knew any thing ; and to give his opinion in terms which deter the modest lite- rati from contradicting and putting questions to him that would expose his ignorance. This experience encourages the presumptuous block- head to intrude himself into the highest digni- ties, to intimidate humble merit, and to deter every one from attempting to reduce him to. his proper station. OP SOCIAL LIFE. 3 This experience teaches the most useless and perverted geniuses, men without any talents and real knowledge, boasters and adventurers, to render themselves necessary to the great. It is generally the only means by which the learned, the musician and painter acquire fame. Emboldened by this experience, the foreign artist frequently charges hundreds for a piece which a native would execute ten times better for half the sum. The works of the foreign artist are, however, the rage; he cannot satisfy all the demands of his numerous customers, and at last, employs natives to work for him, and sells the produce of inland industry at a high price by stamping them with his name. Animated by this experience the author con- trives to obtain a favourable criticism on his work, pretending in the preface to his tiresome composition with barefaced impudence, to have been pressed by connoisseurs and men of eru- dition, of whose approbation and friendship he boasts, to publish his book for the benefit of the world. This experience encourages the titled spend- thrift who is on the verge of bankruptcy, and wants to borrow money which he does not intend ever to repay, to demand it in terms and B 2 4 PRACTICAL PHILOSOPHY in a manner which lead the rich usurer to think it an honour to be cheated by him. Almost all sorts of application for protection or preferment, made in that tone, meet with success, and are but rarely refused ; whereas scorn, neglect and disappointment generally are the reward of the humble and timid client. This experience teaches the servant to obtain authority with his master ; and persons who receive kindness, to render themselves so im- portant to their benefactors as to lead them to think themselves very fortunate for being able to serve such men. In short, the maxim that our pretensions generally are the ftandard by which the world judges of our abilities and merits is the great panacea, the philosopher's stone of all adventurers, boasters, impostors, quacks, and shallow-brained geniuses, which enables them to make their fortune. I would therefore not give a pin for that specific. But, stop ! Should that maxim really be of no use at all to an honest man ? Yes, my friends, we may turn it to some advantage. It teaches us never to reveal our (Economical, physical, moral and in- tellectual weakness, unless we are pressed by our calling or the most urgent necessity. Al- though we ought on no account to have recourse OP SOCIAL LIFE. 5 to impudent lies, yet we must neglect no oppor- tunity to shew ourselves as much to advantage as truth and probity will permit. We must, however, not do this in too gross, visible, strik- ing and vain a manner, lest we should lose thereby more than we can gain. We rather ought to lead others, imperceptibly, to think that we possess more abilities and merits than appear at first sight. If we hangout too showy a sign, we excite too much attention, and invite others to explore those defects from which no son of Eve is exempted, and thus our fame may receive a mortal blow at once. Appear therefore with a certain modest consciousness of your innate dignity, and above all things let your coun- tenance bespeak your internal sense of veracity and rectitude. Display sound reason and know- ledge whenever an opportunity offers ; but be careful not to betray as much as might provoke envy, or render you suspected of too high pre- tensions, nor as little as might induce others to overlook or to contradict you with impudence. Be reserved ; but take care to avoid the appear- ance of singularity, timidity and pride. IT. STRIVE to render yourself perfect; but avoid the appearance of perfection and infallibi- lity. The world judges of you by your prcten (> PRACTICAL PHILOSOPHY sions; and you have even to congratulate your- self if it imputes none to you which you never had ; otherwise the least fault which you com- mit will induce people to exclaim : " Ah, it is unpardonable in such a man !" and as people of a weak understanding generally rejoice at the discovery of a defect in a man who outshines them, they will censure you with more acri- mony for a single slip than they would another for a whole train of follies and roguery. III. BE however not too much the slave of the opinion which others form of you. Be self- consistent ! What need have you to care for the censure of the world if you act as you ought to do ? Your whole wardrobe of external virtues is not worth a pin, if you conceal a weak and mean heart under that tinsel dress, and put it on only to make a show with it in companies. IV. ABOVE all things take care not to lose your confidence in yourself, your trust in GOD, in good men and fortune. You will be forsaken by all your friends as soon as your countenance bespeaks dissatisfaction and despair. I must however observe, that the unfortunate frequently is unjust to men, and but too apt to misinter- pret every ill-humour, every little mark of cold- ness in others, because he imagines tfcat every 0F SOCIAL LIFE. ? one sees that he suffers and wishes to avoid the application which he might make for his assist- ance. $ V. PUT not to your own account what you owe to the merits of others. If you receive civilities or are distinguished in company, be- cause you are connected with some great and respectable man, be not proud of it; but be modest enough to feel that, perhaps, you would be treated differently if it were not for him, and strive to be honoured for your own sake. It is by far more preferable to shine in a dark corner with our own light than as a great moon of a foreign sun, or as a satellite of a planet. VI. DISCLOSE your sorrows and disasters / if you are unfortunate or in want, and if rea- son, principles and your own exertions arc in- sufficient to dispel your cares, to no person, not even to the wife of your bosom, unless you are certain to find relief. Few only are able and willing to ease our burden ; the greater part make it only heavier; nay, many will fhun you if they see that Fortune frowns at you; and all will desert you if they perceive that you are entirely destitute of resources, that you are deprived of all support, and have not one pro- tector left! For who has the courage to take 8 PRACTICAL PHILOSOPHY singly and firmly the part of a man who is deserted by all the world ? Who has the spirit to say : (< I know the man, he is my friend, and worth more than all the wretches that censure and asperse him." And if you fortunately should meet with such a friend in time of need, he will, perhaps, be a sufferer himself, an un- fortunate being that is urged by despair to unite his fate with yours, and whose protection will do you more harm than good. VII. BUT speak also not too loudly of your prosperity, nor display too much splendour, wealth and genius. There are but few who will behold such a superiority without murmuring and envy. I would advise you, for the same reason, not to be too kind to others ; because men are generally but too prone to shun an over-generous benefactor, as we are used to flee from a creditor whom we never can pay. Be therefore careful not to appear too great in the eyes of your brethren ; for, besides, they will demand too much of you, and a single refusal will make them forget in a moment thou- sands of benefactions which they have received from you. VIII. DISCLOSE never in an ungenerous manner the defects of your neighbour, in order OP SOCIAL LIFE. 9 to sound your own praise at his expcnce ; nor expose the failings of others to shine with additional lustre. IX. BE less eager to shine in companies than to afford others an opportunity of appear- ing to advantage, if you wish to please and to be applauded. But few people can bear to see others display their superiority. They will rather forgive us an ambiguous action, nay even a crime, than a deed through which we eclipse them. But when you arc at some distance from them, and do not square their compass of activity, they will, perhaps, do you justice. I have fre- quently obtained the reputation of being a witty and sensible man in companies in which I had not uttered a single reasonable sentence, and in which I had done nothing else but -to listen with an exemplary patience to fashionable and- half-learned nonsense, or to introduce a subject of which one of the society was desirous to speak. Many people do me the unmerited honour to introduce themselves to me with the humble assurance, (at which I sometimes can not help smiling,) that they come to pay me their respect as a celebrated author ; they sit down, begin to talk, giving me scarcely room to speak a word, though they came to admire 1O PRACTICAL PHILOSOPHY me, and leave me delighted with my instructive and agreeable conversation and charmed with me in the highest degree, because I had under- standing enough to listen to them. Have patience with all weaknesses of that kind ; and if, for instance, a person should in- troduce a story or an agreeable anecdote which he likes to relate, let him not perceive in a'n unpleasant manner that the subject is tiresome to you, because you have heard it repeated fre- quently, or communicated it to him yourself. What can be more innocent than to promote effusions of that sort if we can obtain by it a good name, and afford pleasure to others ? If people have an innocent hobby-horse, and, for instance, are fond of talking of their hounds, horses, paintings, &c. &c. or are pleased when we drink a glass of wine with them., then let us indulge them in these harmless fancies if we can do it without inconvenience and deceit. I have never been able to reconcile myself to the custom of those courtiers that are used to listen to every one with an affected attention, nay even to interrupt us in the middle of a sentence which they have occasioned themselves. ^ X. PRESENCE of mind is a rare gift of Heaven, and enables us to appear very much to OP SOCIAL LIFE. 11 advantage in Social Life. This valuable jo,\vel can however not be acquired by art : yet if we are in want of it, we may at least do something to repair that defect by being constantly on our guard, and taking care not to be loo precipitate in conversation, nor to utter any thing tiiat might perplex ourselves or others. Very lively dispositions ought to be particularly careful to observe this rule. I would advise those that are not girted with much presence of mind, if an unexpected question should be put to them or an uncommon object or incident surprise them, to be silent for a few moments, and to give their consideration room for preparing them for the party which they ought to take. As a single, rash and imprudent word or a step taken in the hurry of perplexity, may be attended with fruit- less regret and dangerous consequences, a bold resolution, taken and executed on the spot, may also, in critical moments, in which we frequently are thrown off our guard, be productive of safety, happiness and consolation. XI. IF you wish for temporal advantages, for support and employment in civil life; if you desire to obtain some post in which you can be useful to your country you must solicit, nay even frequently beg for it. I)o not expect that 12 PRACTICAL PHILOSOPHY men will assist you of their own accord if you are not absolutely necessary to them, or interest themselves in your behalf without being soli- cited, although your deeds should speak loudly for you, and your want of assistance be gene- rally known. Every one takes care of himself and his family without troubling himself about the modest man, who is too timid to appeal to his talents, and may starve in an obscure corner notwithstanding his superior talents and merits. For this reason many a worthy man remains in obscurity all his life, and has no opportunity to be useful to his fellow-citizens because he can neither beg nor cringe. ^ XII. BUT let us request and accept of others as few services as possible. We meet very rarely with people who are disinterested enough not to demand, sooner or later, great returns for small services ; and this destroys the freedom of con- versation, deprives us of the liberty of action, and limits our choice. Although this should in ten instances distress us scarcely once, yet it will be prudent to avoid that one possible instance, and rather to give as often as we can and to serve every one than to accept services or any thing else from others. There are also few people that will serve you with a good grace. OP SOCIAL LIFE. 13 You will be convinced of it if you will make a trial. Many of your acquaintances will assumo at once a grave and solemn air, in the highest glee of good humour, if you address them with these or similar words : " I have a great favour to beg of you ; I am sadly distressed." Men are however very ready to ofler us services of which we are not in want, or even which they arc not capable to afford us. The spendthrift is always ready to serve others with money, and the blockhead with advice. Above all things be careful not to request any favour of a person if you are convinced that he cannot well give you a refusal, how unwilling soever he should be to oblige you ; for instance, when he is under obligations to you, or depends upon you in any other manner. To receive benefactions makes us dependent on others, and we cannot know what the con- sequences of it may be. It reduces us fre- quently to the necessity either of shewing too much indulgence to bad men, or renders us suspected of being ungrateful. If you wish to render yourself independent on the assistance of others you need but to have few wants, to be sober, regular and mode- rate in your wishes ; if, on the contrary, your 14 PRACTICAL PHILOSOPHY heart is a wrestling-place of numerous wild passions, if your mind is constantly agitated either by ambition or thirst after gain, or per- turbged by voluptuous desires ; if you are infected by the extravagance and luxury of our age, and wish for every thing that dazzles your eyes ; if restless curiosity and a turbulent spirit impel you incessantly to interfere with the con- cerns of others, you will always be in want of the assistance of your friends and acquaintances in order to obtain the gratification of your num- berless wishes. XIII. WHEN I recommend to my readers rather to oblige every one than to accept of the assistance of others, this does not contradict the assertion that prudence requires we should not do too much for others. I would advise you in general to be obliging, but not to obtrude your services upon others, nor to be the friend and confident of every one. Above all things do not censure,* correct, or advise others, if you have no urgent calling to do it. Few only will thank you for it, and many have already decided how to act when they apply for our advice. Do not trouble your friends and acquaintances with trifling commissions if you possibly can avoid it ; for instance, to buy something for you, te 3 OF SOCIAL LIFE. 19 deliver a message, &c. &c. I would also recom- mend to you to decline every charge of that sort ; for the execution of such commissions is generally attended with loss of time, and you will rarely be able to execute them to the satis- faction of your friends. They are generally attended with loss of time and money, and rarely gratefully acknowledged. Be also careful not to interfere in domestic disputes: and above all things be cautious how you reconcile ene- mies and settle differences, if the dissenting parties are not particularly dear to you, because both parties generally shake hands unexpectedly to attack the peace-maker jointly. Match- making leave to Heaven and a certain class of old women. $ XIV. No rule is more generally useful, none ought to be observed more sacredlv, and tends more to procure us respect and friends than that which teaches us to keep our word rigidly even in the most trifling instances, to be faithful to all our promises, and never to wander from the strait road of truth and veracity. You are intitled in no instance and by no motive whatever to say the contrary of what you think, although it would frequently be highly wrong and imprudent to disclose every thought of your f6 PRACTICAL PHILOSOPHY heart. No necessity, how imperious soever it be, can excuse an untruth ; no breach of vera- city has ever been committed without having produced, sooner or later, painful consequences; whereas the man who is known to be a slave to his word, and never to indulge himself with the commission of an untruth, gains confidence, a good name and general regard. XV. BE strict, punctual, regular, assiduous and diligent in your calling. Keep your papers, keys and every thing in such an order as to be able to find every individual article in the dark. Bestow a still more rigid care upon the property of others which is entrusted to you. Never lend books to others which you have bor- rowed. If any be lent to you, send or carry them back in proper time, and do not give your friends or servants the trouble to fetch them. Every one is glad to be connected and to trans- act business with a person upon whose punctu- ality in words and deeds we can rely. Appear punctually at the place to which you have promised to come, though you should be the only one that is so regular ; good and bad examples of that sort are generally imitated, and the irregularity of others is no excuse for ours. 1 OP SOCIAL LIFE. 17 ^ XVI. INTEREST yourself for others if you wish them to interest themselves for you. A person that is destitute of fellow-feeling, of a sense for friendship, benevolenee and love, and lives merely for himself, will also be left to shift for himself when he wants the assistance of others. XVII. IMPLICATE no one in your private differences, and demand not of those with whom you are connected to take a part in the animosities which exist between yourself and others. A great number of such rules are compre- hended in the old maxim : " Put yourself in your imagination frequently in the place of others, and ask yourself How should you be pleased in such a situation if this were de- manded of you if you were treated in such a manner if you were desired to take so much pains to afford such an assistance or to give such an explanation r" XVIII. Do not trouble yourself about the actions of others while they have no relation to yourself, or so much influence on morality as would render it criminal to be silent. What is it to you whether a person walks slow or quick, sleeps little or much, is often or seldom at home, VOL. i. C 18 PRACTICAL PHILOSOPHY wears a simple or a sumptuous dress, drinks wine or beer, contracts debts or hoards up money, keeps a mistress or no ? But facts which we must know we learn frequently best of stu- pid people, because they relate them without witty exaggerations and additions, without pas- sion and artful misrepresentation. XIX. Do never desert your principles while you are convinced that they are just. To make exceptions is very dangerous and leads farther than we at first intend to go, from trifles to matters of importance. If, therefore., you have resolved once after mature consideration to lend out no book, to drink no more than a certain quantity of wine, &c. &c. your own father even must not be capable to persuade you to decline from it, while the motives which determined your first resolution continue to remain in force. Be firm, but cautious not to take a resolution until you have considered all possible cases, nor to persist obstinately in trifles. Above all things be always consistent. Form a certain plan of life and do not swerve from it the breadth of a hair, although that plan should be rather singular. People will perhaps talk a short time of your singularity, but finally be silent, refrain, from disturbing you any further OF SOCIAL LIFE. JQ anil esteem you for your firmness. We in general arc always gainers by a regular perse- verance and a wise firmness. Principles resem- ble in one point all other materials of which something is made ; namely, the best proof of their goodness consists in their durability; and, in truth, when we minutely inquire into the reasons from which even the noblest actions of some people frequently are under- rated, we find oftentimes that the Public suspects the object and tendency of these actions, because they do not seem to accord with the system of the man that performs them, because they are inconsist- ent with his usual mode of proceeding. XX. ABOVE all things strive to have always a good conscience. Avoid most studiously to give your heart the least occasion to reproach you on account of the object of your actions and of the means which you employ to attain it. Pursue never crooked ways and you may firmly rely upon good consequences, the assistance of GOD and of good men in time of need. Al- though you should be thwarted for some time by misfortune, yet the blissful consciousness of the goodness of your heart and of the rectitude of your designs will afford you uncommon strength and comfort ; your sorrowful countenance will c 2 20 PRACTICAL PHILOSOPHY interest those with whom you converse much more than the grimaces of the smiling and grinning villain \vhoseems to be happy. XXI. BE consistent in your conduct, what- ever the part be which you have undertaken to act. Be not warm, civil and obliging, pleasant and entertaining to-day, and cool, rude, dry and mute as a statue to-morrow! It is difficult and disagreeable to converse with people of such a fickle disposition. When they are in good humour or no other person is with them who is of a higher rank, jocoser or a better flatterer than we are, they will receive us with marks of the most cordial and intimate friendship. We are charmed with their conduct, rely upon their kindness, and go a few days after to pay another visit to that agreeable man who was so extremely glad to see us, and invited us so kindly to come very often to his house. But how different is our reception ! We are received with a chilling coldness and grave looks ; our host leaves us in a corner, to amuse ourselves as well as we can, and replies only in monosyllables to our ques- tions, because he is just surrounded with venal parasites who can flatter his passions better than we. I advise you to drop by degrees all con- nexions with such people, and if afterwards they OF SOCIAL LIFE. 21 should be actuated by a transient whim to seek your company again, to receive them in return with serious dignity, and to steal imperceptibly out of their society. XXII. MAKE some distinction in your external conduct towards those with whom you converse, and in the marks of attention which you show them. Do not shake hands with every one, nor press all your acquaintances with- out discrimination to your heart : for what will be left for the friend of your bosom or those whom you prefer, and who can rely upon your marks of friendship and esteem ? who can set any value upon them if you dispense them so lavishly ? XXIII. THERE arc two principal motives that ought to prevent us from being too commu- nicative ; first, the fear of betraying our weak- ness and being abused ; and then the consider- ation that if we have used people once to be informed of all our concerns, they will at last expect to be made acquainted with every trifling step which we take, to know all our affairs and to be consulted on all occasions. On the other hand, we must also avoid being too reserved and close : because this might lead others to suspect something important or even dangerous 22 PRACTICAL PHILOSOPHY to be at the bottom of all our transactions, which would involve us in many disagreeable situations and render us objects of suspicion, particularly in foreign countries, on travels and many other occasions. Too much reserve can also hurt us very much in Social Life in general, and injure us even in the conversation with worthy friends. $ XXrV. ATTEMPT never to render a person ridiculous in company how many defects soever he may have. If he be stupid, you will reap little honour from directing the shafts of your wit at him ; should he however happen to be less stupid than you think, you may become the butt of his ridicule ; if he be noble minded and gifted with a feeling heart you will hurt him ; and should he be malicious and revengeful he will, perhaps, resent it sooner or later. And if the Public have but the least consideration for our opinion of others, we can easily injure a good man in civil life by ridiculing him in com- pany, or depress a weak person so much as to extinguish every spark of ambition, and to destroy every budding talent in his soul, when we expose him to scorn and disgrace by unveil- ing his defects. ' XXV. TERRIFY and teaze no person, not OF SOCIAL LIFE. 23 even your most intimate friends, by false reports, vexatious jokes, nor by any thing that could reduce them to a momentary distress or uneasi- ness. There are so many really unpleasant, anxious and distressing moments in this world, that it is our fraternal duty to remove every thing that could add even as little as the weight of a grain of the balance to the load of real and imaginary evils. It is equally wrong and impru- dent to give a friend out of merriment a momen- tary pleasure that soon passes away, by fictitious joyful intelligence. There are real acts of cru- elty which do not season, but embitter the joys of Social Conversation. Prudence also advises you not to excite curiosity nor to torment people by unfinished sentences, but rather to be silent if you are not inclined to speak out. There are people who ,are used to give their friends such mysterious hints, as for instance : " I have heard very unpleasant things of you, but am not at liberty to communicate to you what J have been told,'* Such hints are of no use and create uneasiness, We must in general perplex people as little as possible, and when some person is going to commit an imprudent action; for instance, to speak ill of a book whose author is present, pr 14 PRACTICAL PHILOSOPHY to be put to the blush in any other manner, rather spare him that perplexity and endeavour to repair his blunder as well as we can ; and if any person through inattention fhould break or drop something, or commit any other trifling mistake, good breeding requires we should take no notice of it, at least not look at him with marks of dissatisfaction or astonishment, which would only increase his distress. XXVI. ABOVE all things let us never forget that people want to be amused and enter- tained ; that even the most instructive conver-r sation at last becomes irksome to many if it be not seasoned by occasional sallies of wit and good humour ; further, that nothing in the world appears to the generality wittier, wiser and more pleasant than what is said to their praise and flatters their vanity ; but that it also is beneath the dignity of a rational man to act the mean part of a jester, and unworthy of an honest man to flatter meanly. There is a cer- tain medium which I wish to recommend to you. Every man has at least one good quality which we may praise without degrading our- selves ; and an encomium of that sort uttered by a man of understanding and judgment may become an impulse to strive at greater per- 1 OP SOCIAL LIFE. 25 faction. This hint will be sufficient for those that are inclined to understand me. Display as much as you can an unruffled and serene countenance. Nothing is more charming and amiable than a certain jovial and cheerful disposition which emanates from the source of a guiltless heart that is not agitated by the tempests of warring and violent passions. A person that constantly hunts after witticisms and shows that he has studied to amuse the company, will please only for a short time and interest but a few; his Society will not be courted by those whose hearts pant after better conversation, and whose minds wish for Socratic entertainment. A person who sets up for a dealer in witti- cisms and jokes not only exhausts himself soon and grows flat, but also experiences frequently the misfortune to offend his companions, if he be in a particular humour to open the treasures of his jocose trifles. Every meal to which he is invited, every civility that is shewn him, seems to be attended with the onerous condition to deserve that honour by a display of his jokes; and if ever he attempt to raise his tone to a higher strain and to introduce a serious subject, he is laughed at before he has finished his sen- 26 PRACTICAL PHILOSOPHY tence. True humour and genuine wit cannot be forced nor produced by art and mental toils ; but they are felt like the presence of a celestial being, creating pleasure, congenial warmth and secret awe. When you wish to display your wit you ought always to consider first in what company you are. A discourse which is very entertaining to people of a certain education, may appear very tedious and im- proper to others, and a humorous expression which is received well in a society composed of gentlemen may be very unseasonable in a circle of ladies. XXVII. QUIT the society of no person without having told him something obliging or instructive, in a manner which does not ofFencJ his modesty nor has the appearance of being studied, that he may have no reason to think the hour lost which he has spent in your com- pany, and be sensible that you interest yourself for him, that you are sincerely concerned for his happiness, and do not lavisti your civilities indiscriminately upon ev r ery one that happens to come in your way. But do not misunderstand me ! I wish if possible to banish all idle talk from conversation, and to prevail upon my readers to be careful never to utter any thing OF SOCIAL LIFE. 27 that neither is useful nor imparts real pleasure to him who must listen to vou, and interests neither * his head nor his heart. I "do therefore not recommend to you the custom of those that distress all their acquaintances without inter- mission by empty compliments, flatteries and encomiums which admit of no reasonable reply. As for the rest, I do not think it improper to intermix our discourse sometimes with a well- meant expression of civility, or a merited and modest encomium that may serve as an incite- ment to the further pursuit of virtue. The sub- sequent example will more clearly elucidate my real principles with regard to this point : I once sat at the table of a friend between a beautiful, young and sensible lady, and a little deformed and ugly old maid. I committed the rudeness to converse during dinner only with the former, and to neglect the latter entirely. When the desert was served up the rudeness of my conduct suddenly struck me, and I now repaired the fault which I had committed, by a gross offence against sincerity and veracity. Turning myself towards my neglected neighbour, I mentioned an incident which had happened about twenty years since, and when she told me she did not recollect it I had the meanness to reply : " It 28 PRACTICAL PHILOSOPHY is no woncter, for then you must have been a child." The little deformed being was highly pleased at my thinking her so young, and that single word gained me her good opinion. Sh, iis. We prefer however but too frequently to assemble around us a circle of inferior geniuses, who whirl around us in obsequious gyration a often as our superior mind is pleased to brandish its magical wand ; the consequence of which is that we always remain as we were, and never improve in wisdom and virtue. There are indeed situations in Social Life in which it i useoil and instructive to mix with people of all capacities, nay, where it is our duty to con- verse not only with persons of whom we can learn something, but also with such as can derive instruction from us* and have no right to demand it ; but this condescension ought never to be carried so far as to endanger the account which we must give one time of the use of our life and of our duty to strive at greater per- fection. ^ LVIII. THE tone that prevails in compa- nies is frequently uncommonly singular and unaccountable. Prejudice, vanity, custom, authority, the desire of imitating others, and Heaven knows what more, frequently render that tone so peculiar, that sometimes people who live in the same place, meet and converse with each other year after year, and talk of subjects in such a manner as renders their con- 60 PRACTICAL PHILOSOPHY versation highly tiresome and tedious to the whole company and to every individual member of it. They believe however nevertheless to be obliged to submit to the inconvenience of con- tinuing that sort of life without interruption. Can it be maintained with the least colour of truth that most fashionable circles afford only to a single member real pleasure ? How often do we find scarcely ten persons amongst fifty that take up the cards who play from inclination ? It is therefore highly ridiculous if free and inde- pendent people who live in small towns, or even in villages and could enjoy life in a rational manner, unshackled by the onerous fetters of fashion, bend their necks under that painful and -cumbersome yoke in order to imitate the fashionable follies of the capital. If we have some influence over our neighbours and fellow- citizens, it is our duty to contribute as much as lies in our power to render that tone more rational. But if this should not be the case and we happen to drop singly into such a circle, it will be prudent in us not to encrease by an awkward, sullen or morose conduct, the unea- siness of the landlord and his guests, but rather to shew ourselves as masters of the art of talking much without saying anything, and to OF SOCIAL LIFE. 6l claim at least the merit to fill up a vacancy which otherwise would have been occupied by slander. In populous and large cities we arc least ob- served and can live according to our inclination; for there we are under less restraint, less watched and controlled ; our domestic concerns are less exposed to observation and censure ; we may walk about unobserved, peaceably and undis- turbed, transact our business and choose a mode of life as we think it most convenient. But in small towns we are doomed to keep a strict account with a number of frequently tiresome acquaintances, cousins, &c. &c. of the visits we arc expected to pay and to receive, which generally begin at an early hour in the after- noon and last till ten or eleven o'clock at night, during which time the news from the capital, politics and similar edifying subjects are com- monly the sole topics of conversation. This is undoubtedly highly painful to a man of sense ; yet there are means of refining by degrees the tone of conversation in such places, or of pre- vailing upon the weak Public after we have been scandalized a few months, to suffer us to live in our own manner, if we arc honest, humane, obliging and sociable. In villages and at our (52 PRACTICAL PHILOSOPHY country seats we may undoubtedly live most comfortable ; and a person that is desirous to make a good use of his time and to contribute to the happiness of others, finds there numerous opportunities to be a benefactor of the most useful but too much neglected class : social pleasures are however more difficult to be procured in the country than in cities and towns. In those moments our heart is most in want of the society of some dear friend, the faithful partner in our joys and sorrows being perhaps many miles distant from us, unless we be rich enough to collect a whole army of friends around us; but this is also attended with many inconveniences, and very rich people feel besides this want but rarely. If you wish to live happy in the country, you must therefore . learn the great art to relish and to discover the good qualities of those that happen to be about you, not to grow tired of simple pleasures, to husband them well, and to give them a pleasing variety. Our conversation in the country is very apt to grow tiresome and insipid, because our wives, children and domestic friends are constantly about us. This may be remedied by a store of good books which afford new matter for conver- OP SOCIAL LIFE. 03 sation, by an interesting correspondence with absent friends that are dear to us, and by a wise management of our time. No pleasure is sweeter in the country than that of meeting our little social circle in the evening of a well- spent day, after we have performed some useful business, either to take a walk, or to unbend our mind by cheerful conversation and innocent sports : but nothing is more dreadful than to see people in small towns or in the country, who must meet every day, constantly quarrel with each other, although they are not rich enough to be entirely independent. They ren- der their existence miserable in the last degree. It is therefore highly important for people that reside in small towns or in the country, to be indulgent, obliging, pliant, circumspect and prudent in their conduct, and to observe a kind of coquetry in conversation, in order to prevent misunderstanding, disgust and aversion. But we have also no where more reason to be cau- tious with regard to our discourses and actions than in small towns, and such places where a narrow-minded tone prevails, because those that live there have little amusement, and fre- quently know of no other diversion than to repeat the story of every gossip and to meddle 4 PRCATICAL PHILOSOPHY with the affairs of their neighbours and ac- quaintances. LIX. IN foreign countries we cannot be too circumspect in conversation from various considerations. It is always very necessary not to slight certain relations, whether we travel for the sake of instruction, or in political or economical concerns, or only to amuse our- selves. If we travel to gather instruction, we ought above all things to consider in what coun- try we are, and whether we may speak of and inquire after every thing without exposing our- selves to danger or vexation. There are but too many states where the government severely punishes those that bring certain works of dark- ness to light. In such countries circumspection is highly necessary as well in our conversations and inquiries as in the choice of those with whom we form connections. On this occasion I must observe, that very few travellers have a right to trouble their head about the internal constitution of foreign countries ; yet curiosity and a certain impulse of restless activity unites in our age large numbers, to collect in foreign hotels, inns and clubs dubious anecdotes for the composition of some indigested work, while they would have found at home sufficient OF SOCIAL LIFE. t)5 to do and to learn, if they really had the welfare of mankind as much at heart as they pretend. It is obvious that this precaution is doubly neces- sary when we have something to ask or to trans- act for our own benefit in a foreign place. As in such a case many eyes are directed at us, we must avoid all connection with people who being dissatisfied with the existing government are eager to throw themselves into the way of fo- reigners, because they have injured their charac- ter by their imprudent conduct, and thus de- prived themselves of the means of obtaining civil advantages, which they however seem to scorn as the fox did the grapes. They seek to raise themselves a little in the opinion ^f their fellow-citizens by intruding themselves upon foreigners, attending them every where on their walks, and thus leading others to suppose that they have connections abroad. A foreigner who intends to stop only a few days at a place may without danger rove about at pleasure with these generally garrulous Cicerornes, who com- monly are provided with a large store of jocular and scandalous talesand anecdotes : noman of sense will blame him for it. But a person that means to stay some time at a place and wishes to be intro- duced to politer circles, or has totransactbusiness VOL. i. E 66 PRACTICAL PHILOSOPHY ofconsequence, will do well to consult theopinion of the public in the choice of his connections. Almost every town contains a party of such malcontents who are dissatisfied either with go- vernment or with the majority of their fellow- citizens. Do not associate with such people, nor choose your connections from among them. They either imagine they do not receive that attention to which they presume to be entitled, or are of a turbulent, calumniating, malevolent, artful, immoral and arrogant disposition. As they are shunned by their fellow-citizens for one or the other of these reasons, they establish among themselves an association which they endeavour to strengthen, by alluring people of understanding and probity by flattery and other despicable means. Avoid as much as pos- sible all intercourse with such people, and every thing in general that breathes party spirit, if you wish to live comfortably. LX. EPISTOLARY correspondence is a con- versation carried on by letters; almost all the rules which we have given for social conversa- tion may therefore be applied to our literary in- tercourse with others. Do therefore not extend your correspondence too much; for this answers no reasonable purpose, and is not only expen- OP SOCIAL LIFE. 67 &ive, but also will take away much of your time. Be as cautious in the choice of those with whom you cultivate a familiar correspondence as you ought to be in the selection of your daily com- panions. Take a firm resolution never to write a letter that contains not something that can be useful, or afford real pleasure to the person to whom it is directed. Circumspection is still more necessary in writing than in speaking. It is also highly important we should take proper care of the letters which we receive. It will scarcely be believed how much vexation, ani- mosity and discord can arise from the neglect of this rule of prudence. A single irrevocable word written in a letter, a single slip of paper left carelessly upon the table or dropped by ac- cident has frequently utterly ruined the peace of many persons, and destroyed the happiness of whole families. We can therefore not be too circumspect with regard to our letters and to writing in general. "I repeat it, a heedless word which we utter is generally soon forgotten, but one that is written can produce the greatest mis- chief even after the lapse of many years. Letters whose speedy and careful delivery is of some importance to you ought always to be sent by the regular post, and never to be trans- F 2 68 PRACTICAL PHILOSOPHY mitted from motives of oeconomy by travellers or enclosed to others, for we can rarely rely upon the punctuality of people in general. Never read your letters if possible in the pre- sence of others but always when you are by yourself; for the contrary is a breach of civility, and also may lead you to betray their contents by your change of countenance. There are people particularly among the la- dies, who trouble their friends and acquaint- ances that live with them in the same place on every trifling occasion with notes and penny- post letters, a custom which is extremely im- proper as it encroaches upon the time of many persons who know how to employ it to a better purpose, and are not at leisure to read and to answer every useless scrawl which is sent to them by idle people. LXI. BELIEVE always that most people are not half so good as their friends represent them, nor half so bad as they are painted by their ene- mies, and you may be certain that you will derive many important benefits from it. Judge not of men by their words but by their deeds, and choose for your observations those moments in which they do not suspect to be observed by you. Direct your attention to OP SOCIAL LIFE. 69 their less important proceedings, but not to ac- tions of great moment which generally are per- formed with more precaution and circumspec- tion. Observe the humour which a "healthy man displays when he awakes from sleep, and the disposition which he shews in the prior part of the day when body and soul appear in their morning dress. Endeavour to learn what sort of viands and beverage he likes best : whether he prefers very substantial and simple food or high seasoned and compound dishes ; observe his gait and port, whether he loves to walk by himself or prefers to lean upon the arm of an other ; whether he walks in a strait line or cros- ses the way of his companion, runs against others and treads upon their feet; whether he dislikes walking by himself and always must have a person to attend him ; whether he uses to con- sult his friends and acquaintances upon every trifle, and regulates his conduct after that of his neighbours and connections; whether he imme- diately picks up what he has dropt, or leaves it upon the ground and takes it up only when it is most convenient to him ; whether he is used to inter- rupt the discourse of others, and monopolizes as it were the conversation ; whether he is fond of being mysterious, and accustomed to call people 70 PRACTICAL PHILOSOPHY aside to whisper trifling matters in their ear ; whether he is eager to decide in every matter that is brought upon the carpet, &c. &c. The hand-writing of people corresponds also fre- quently with their character. All children whose education I have superintended have learnt to shape their letters after the form of mine, but as soon as their disposition began to unfold itself every one added gradually some features of his own. At the first view their hand- writing seemed to be alike; but upon more minute examination, I could discover laziness in the manner of one, and in that of others nar- rowness of soul, inconsistency, thoughtlessness, firmness, perverseness, regularity, or any other peculiarity. Collect all these observations care- fully; but be not so unjust as to judge of the whole character by a few of these and similar traits. Be not too partial to people that are more civil to you than others. Beware to rely firmly upon the love and friendship of others, before you have proofs of their affection that have cost them some sacri- fice. Most people that seem to be cordially devoted to us, shrink back as soon as occasion demands they should suppress their favourite in- clination on our account. This is the real stand- OP SOCIAL LIFE. 71 ard by which we can judge how we ought to value the attachment of others. It is no merit "todo every thing in our power to oblige and to please a friend while we can do it conveniently; the real and only test of our sincere concern for his happiness, consists in our readiness to pur- chase his comfort even at the cxpence of our fa- vourite propensities. LXII. ALL these general and the subse- quent special rules as well as many more which I must leave to the judgment of my readers, lest J should transgress the limits of this work, tend to render conversation easy and pleasant and to sweeten Social Life. But there may be some who perhaps have particular reasons to disregard one or the other of these rules, and in that case I think it but just to leave every one at liberty to promote his individual happiness in his own way. I shall obtrude my specifics upon no one. Those that wish neither for the favour of the great nor for general applause nor fame, that on account of their political or ceconomical situation or from other reasons have no occa- sion to extend the circle of their acquaintances, and people who arc compelled by old age or in- firmity to shun social conversation, are not in want of these rules. We ought therefore to be /2 PRACTICAL PHILOSOPHY just enough to demand of no one that he should accommodate himself to our customs, but let him steer his own course; for as the happiness of every individual depends upon the notions which he entertains of it it would be cruel to attempt to compel any one to be happy contrary to his inclination. It is highly entertaining to observe how busy some empty headed geniuses sometimes are to decry a worthy man, who has no inclination to accommodate himself to the silly tone that prevails in their circles, and being perfectly satisfied with his secluded existence refuses to sacrifice his precious time to the pue- rile whims of every fool. When we refuse to be slaves to society we offend very often those busy idlers who know of no other occupation than to go from their beds to the looking-glass, thence to dinner, from dinner to the card-table, and then to bed again.. But this is extremely un- just, and we ought to blame no one for refusing to sacrifice his duty to sociability. To stay at home and to do what we ought to do and for which we are accountable, does indeed not de- serve to be called a ridiculous singularity. LXIII. BEFORE I point out the particular rules which we must observe in the conversation with men, I beg leave "to make one more obser- OP SOCIAL LIFE. 73 vation. Did I write only or principally forJadht} I should have omitted or at least modified many of the rules which I have laid down and intend giving in the subsequent pages, or sub- stituted others in their room which would be less useful to men. This however is not the scope of my book. Experienced and wise la- dies alone can give to their sex the best rules for regulating their conduct properly in Social Life; this is a task in which a man would not succeed. If however the fair sex should find in this work some useful hints which they can apply to themselves it would be no small satisfaction to me. I only beg leave to observe here, that ladies are restrained by many considerations which do not concern our sex. They depend more than men upon the opinion of the world, and must be more cautious and reserved in their conduct. On one hand they arc indulged with more inadvertencies than our sex, and on the other with more whims: their conduct begins sooner to influence their character, while boys and youths may be more heedless without inju- ring themselves in a material degree ; their ex- istence is (or at least ought to be) confined chiefly to their domestic circle, whereas the man is tied more firmly to the state by his skua- 74 PRACTICAL PHILOSOPHY tion. From this reason many virtues and vices, actions and omissions, produce entirely different consequences if they be committed by one sex than if chargeable upon the other. CHAPTER II. On the Conversation with Ourselves. SECTION I. JL HE duties which we have to observe towards ourselves are of the last importance, to converse with our own person can therefore neither be useless nor uninteresting. It is inexcusable in any man to live constantly abroad and to neg- lect his own society in order to converse with others, to flee as it were from himself, not to cultivate his own Self, and nevertheless to med- dle uninterruptedly with the concerns of others. A man who makes it his daily occupation to live abroad becomes a stranger in his own house; a person that lives in a constant round of diver- sions becomes a stranger to his own heart, is compelled to strive to kill his internal weariness in the croud of idle people, loses all confidence OP SOCIAL LIEE. 75 in himself and is in the greatest distress if ever he find himself vis-a-vis with himself. The man that frequents only those circles in which he is flattered, grows so averse from the voice of truth that at last lie shuts his ears against it if it speak, in his heart. If his conscience neverthe- less continue to reproach him, he plunges into the bustle of society where that beneficial mo- nitor is silenced. II. TAKE therefore care not to neglect your sincerest friend, your own self, so as to make him turn his back on you when you are most in want of him : alas! there will be moments in which you dare not forsake yourself, though all the world should relinquish you, moments in which the conversation with your own self will be your only comfort. But what will become of you in such moments if you be at war with your own heart, if this last and only friend too deny you all kind of consolation and assistance? III. BUT if you wish to find comfort, hap- piness and peace in conversing with your own self, you must display towards your own person as much prudence, honesty, propriety and justice as you ought to show in the society of others, and neither exasperate nor depress yourself by neglect, nor corrupt your heart by flattery. 76 PRACTICAL PHILOSOPHY IV. TAKE care of the health of your soul as well as of that of your body; but spoil neither the one nor the other by too much tenderness. The man that endangers his constitution by too much labour or excess, squanders away a treasure which frequently is alone sufficient to raise him above men and fate, and without which the wealth of all the world is not worth a pin. But he that dreads every breeze of air and is fearful to exert and toexercisehis limbs, lives a nerveless life of constant anxiety, and attempts in vain to put the rusty springs in motion when he has oc- casion to exert his natural powers. A man that constantly exposes his mind to the tempests of passion, or incessantly crowds the sails of his spirit, either runs aground or must return with his leaky vessel into port, when the best season for making new discoveries sets in. But he that suffers the faculties of his understanding and me- mory constantly to sleep, or shudders at every little struggle or at any sort of painful exertion, enjoys not only very little of the sweets of life, but is also totally lost as soon as energy, courage and resolution is required. Take therefore care not to torment yourself by imaginary sufferings of the body or the soul; do not give way to every adverse incident or OP SOCIAL LIFE. 77 corporeal affliction ! Take courage and be reso- lute! All the storms of adversity are transient; all difficulties can be overcome by firmness of mind, and the remembrance of every loss can be exploded from the memory if we bend our atten- tion upon some other object. V. Have a proper regard for yourself if you wish to be esteemed by others. Do nothing secretly of which you would be ashamed if a stranger were to sec it. Act well and properly, rather to preserve your regard for yourself than to please others. Do not indulge yourself with regard to your dress and appearance when you are alone. Do not walk about in a dirty, ragged and improper attire, nor slovenly and negligently when you are not observed. Preserve a proper sense of your internal dignity. Never lose your reliance upon yourself, and upon the conscious- ness of your value in the eyes of your Creator ; and although you are sensible not to be as wise and capable as others, yet do not despair to come up with them ; let not your zeal slacken, nor be wanting in probity of heart ! VI. Do not despair nor grow faint-hearted if you cannot attain that degree of moral or in- tellectual greatness at which an other has arri- ved, and be not so unjust as to overlook those i I /S PRACTICAL PHILOSOPHY advantages which you perhaps have before him. But suppose this should not be the case, is it possible we all could be equally great? Resist the desire to rule or to act a conspicuous part. Alas ! you do not know how dearly we often must pay for it. I am very sensible that it is extremely difficult to conquer the desire to become a great man; if we be firmly persuaded vvearegifted with great abilities and possess internal merit, par- ticularly if we live amongst a herd of nerveless beings who are destitute of mental and bodily energy, and see how little they value our worth, how little influence we have upon them, how little they are sensible of our superiority, and how arrogantly the most pitiful and the dullest geniuses, who attain the object of their pre- sumptuous wishes without any exertion of their own, look down upon us. It is truly hard! You try all ways and means to obtain the reward due to your merits and to render yourself useful; but all your attempts are fruitless, and the state remains blind to your worth. You attempt to distinguish yourself by the superiour excellence of your domestic establishment; but your in- come is too small, and your wife does not sup- port you properly ; your spirit is depressed by domestic cares, and thus you are compelled to OP SOCIAL LIPE. 79 keep in the common road; you perceive with pain that your abilities are doomed to lie dor- mant, and that the springs of your soul grow rusty from inactivity ; but you cannot resolve to have recourse to the usual artifices to render yourself important, and to excite the attention of your cotemporaries by a pompous shew of your capacities; nor can you reconcile yourself to a life of obscurity and idleness. I confess your situation is truly painful and unfortunate: Yet do not despair; have confidence in yourself and trust to Providence! There exists a greatness which is independent on men, fate and the applause of the world ; it consists in the internal consciousness of our merit and rectitude ; and our sense of it grows stronger the less it is taken notice of. VII. Be an agreeable companion to your- self: that is, never be entirely unoccupied, nor have too often recourse to the store of know- ledge which you have treasured up in your soul; but collect new ideas from books and men. It is astonishing how tiresome we grow to ourselves and others if we ruminate constantly only upon our favourite ideas, and how soon we then ac- custom ourselves to reject all other notions that differ from those upon which we are used to feed day after day. 60 PRACTICAL PHILOSOPHY Our own society does however never grow more tedious and distressing to ourselves than when we have painful accounts to settle with our heart and conscience. If you wish to con- vince yourself of the truth of this assertion you need but to observe the difference of your dis- position. How much dissatisfied with ourselves^ how absent and how burthensome to ourselves are we after a train of hours which we have tri- fled away or spent in doing wrong, and how serene, how happy to reflect upon our conduct, and to give audience to our ideas at the close of a well -spent day ! ^ VIII. You must however not be satisfied with being merely an agreeable and entertaining companion to yourself, but also avoid all sort of self-flattery and show yourself your own best and sincerest friend. If you desire to be as kind and obliging to your own person as you are to your acquaintances, you must also be as severe and just to yourself as you are to others. We are but too apt to be indulgent to ourselves while we censure the conduct of others with the great- est rigour, and to impute our deviations from the right path, though we acknowledge them as sails to fate or to irresistible impulsions, while we OF SOCIAL LIFE. 81 treat our erring brethren with intolerance. This is however extremely wrong and unjust. IX. LET not the consciousness of your being better and wiser than others that are of your age and in a situation similar to yours, be the standard by which you estimate your merits; but judge of the real value of your deserts by your capacities, your education and the oppor- tunities which you have had to grow wiser and better than many others. Give frequently an impartial account to yourself on this point in the hours of solitude, and ask yourself as an unprejudiced judge, how you have improved all opportunities to attain a higher degree of per- fection ? CHAPTER III. On the Conversation with People of different Tempers and Dispositions. SECTION I. W E allow generally that there are four diffe- rent kinds of temper, and maintain that a man is either of a choleric, a phlegmatic, a sanguine, VOL. i. G 82 PRACTICAL PHILOSOPHY or a melancholy disposition. Although neither of these tempers ever prevail so exclusively in our constitution as not to be modified in a smal- ler or greater degree by some allay of another, which infinite mixture produces the most admi- rable variety; yet one of these four cardinal winds generally exercises a peculiar power over the vessel of every son of Eve, to direct its course on the ocean of life. People who are entirely of a choleric temper are extremely dan- gerous to the peace and tranquillity of those that must live in their society. If your happiness be dear to you you will do well to shun them as much as possible; for their fire burns incessantly, lights and consumes without warming. People who are entirely of a sanguine temper arc weak and inconsistent, destitute of energy and firm- ness. Persons of an entirely melancholy temper are s\\\\zy phlegmatic and a burden to themselves and others. People of a cholerico-sangu'me temper in gene- ral are those that distinguish themselves most in the world, are more feared than others, and are more inclined to rule, to build and to destroy; the cholerico-sanguine temper constitutes there- fore the character which is the attribute of the ruler and the despot ; if it be allayed with a OF SOCIAL LIFE. 83 certain degree of a melancholy disposition it produces a complete tyrant. People of a sanguineo-phlegmatic temper en- joy undoubtedly the happiest disposition. Their life is generally the most tranquil and undistur- bed ; they have a true relish of the pleasures which the world affords, do not often abuse their abilities, hurt no one ; but at the same time perform no eminent deeds; yet if this character attain the highest degree of which it is capable it generally renders those that possess it volup- tuaries of the coarsest and most stupid class. Choleric o -melancholy people cause a great deal of mischief ; thirst of blood, revenge, devasta- tion, persecution of innocence and suicide are frequently the consequences of this disposition. People of a melancholy-sanguine temper gene- rally light the torch of their life on both ends at once, and ruin their body and soul. Chokrico-phlegmattc tempers are rarely to be met with : this composition seems to imply a contradiction ; and yet there are people in whose character these two extremes constantly succeed each other like ebb and flood, and these dispo- sitions are entirely unfit for occupations that require cool reasoning and equanimity. They can be put in action only with the greatest G 2 84 PEACTICAL PHILOSOPHY difficulty, and when they are roused at last from their inactivity, rage and foam like wild beasts and spoil every thing by their furious impetuo- sity. Melancholy -phlegmatic dispositions are more intolerable than any of the preceding descrip- tion, and to live with them is for every rational man hell upon earth. I repeat it once more, the mixture of tempers is infinitely variegated ; but where one of these dispositions decidedly prevails we behold always certain virtues or vices in its train which are peculiar to it. Thus sanguine people for instance are generally vain, but benevolent, sympathetic and take to every thing that interests them with vivacity and passion ; choleric tempers are commonly ambi- tious; melancholy dispositions incline to mis- trust and avarice, and people of a phlegmatic temper persist obstinately in their prejudices to save themselves the trouble of reflecting. We must study the temper of men if we wish to operate upon them in conversation. I can give only a few hints with regard to this point if I am to keep within the limits of this work. II. People of an imperious disposition are extremely difficult to be treated properly, and entirely unfit for amicable and social conver- OP SOCIAL LIFE. 85 sation. They are determined to act every where the principal part and want to be humoured on every occasion. They not only despise what has not been erected nor is directed by them- selves, but also destroy it if they can : but when- ever they have the lead, or at least are persuaded they have it, they work with indefatigable zeal and overcome all difficulties that are thrown in their way. Two people of an imperious temper if united to attain jointly the same object never will produce any good, but be impelled by their private passion to destroy every thing that comes in their way. Thence we may easily conclude how we must act if we be obliged to live in the society of such people. ^ III. AMBITIOUS people must be treated with the same prudence and caution as those of an imperious temper. The imperious possess always a large share of ambition, but not all people of an ambitious disposition are also of an imperious temper. They will frequently be satisfied with acting a subaltern part .provided they may hope to be able to appear to advan- tage; nay there are instances in which they sometimes will seek honour in humiliation, they resent however nothing with more implacability than an attack of this weak side of theirs. 1 86 PRACTICAL PHILOSOPHY IV. VAIN people want to be flattered ; .praise affords them the greatest pleasure, and they will be satisfied if we take much notice of them, display attachment to them and admire them, although we should not honour them much. As every man has more or less desire to please and to produce advantageous impres- sions, we may sometimes indulge a good man that is infected with this weakness in this point without doing wrong, now and then drop a word that pleases him, let him enjoy the praise which he receives and even suffer him to applaud him- self a little occasionally. It is however extremely degrading for any man to act the mean part of a low flatterer, who by cringing adulation infa- tuates vain people in such a degree as to render them averse to hear any thing but praise, and make them shut their ears entirely against the sacred voice of truth, and shun and depre- ciate every good and candid man that cannot resolve to demean himself, or thinks it improper and rude to extol them in their presence. The learned and ladies are particularly apt to be spoiled by that sort of adulation, and I knew some whose company on that account was insup- portable to every plain-dealing man. At every word which you are going to utter they expect OP SOCIAL LIFE. $7 eagerly to hearsomcthing flattering and obliging, and cannot conceal their vexation and ill hu- mour as soon as they find themselves disappoint- ed. The last degree of this vanity leads to a kind of egotism which renders us incapable for all social and amicable connexions, and grows as burdensome to the person infected with it as it is disgusting to those that must live with him. Although it would be wrong in us to flatter such vain people, yet not all persons have a right to attempt their reformation, particularly if they be not at all connected with them, to lecture them in a rude manner, to humble them, or to show them less civility and kindness than they would show to any other person ; and those that con- itantly must live with them would act very wrong were they to require this of us, and to desire us to assist them in reforming their spoiled friends. Vain people are very apt to flatter others, because they expect to be repaid in their own coin. V. ARROGANCE differs from imperiousness, ambition and vanity as well as from pride. I wish pride were regarded as a laudable equality of mind, as a consciousness of internal superio- rity and dignity, as a sense of our inability to 88 PRACTICAL PHILOSOPHY commit a mean action. This pride produces great and noble deeds ; it is the last support of persecuted innocence, raises us above fate and bad men, and compels even the powerful villain to admire involuntarily the wise and good man whom he oppresses. Arrogance on the con- trary actuates us to boast of merits which we do not possess, and to be proud of something that has no intrinsic value. It is arrogance that renders a blockhead proud of his titles and an- cestry ! It is arrogance that renders the wealthy citizen so stiff, rude and unsociable ! It is arro- gance that infatuates the artist with so much confidence in his supposed merits and talents, which although acknowledged as such by no person, raise him in his ideas far above all other mortals. If no person admire him, he rather will accuse the whole world of want of taste than form the natural thought that his abilities and skill cannot be so great as he supposes. If this arrogance be the inhabitant of a poor and disregarded subject, it becomes an object of pity and rarely does much harm. It is gene- rally attended by stupidity or ignorance, and of course incorrigible by sound reasoning, and docs not deserve to be treated with modesty and in- dulgence. You cannot check arrogance better OF SOCIAL LIFE. 8Q than by repaying persons who are inflated with it in their own way, by appearing not to be sen- sible of their arrogance, or taking no notice of them, and looking upon them as you would look at an empty spot even when you want their assistance ; for I know from my own experience the more you humour them the more insolence you will experience. But if you pay them in their own coin their stupidity will perplex them, and they will lower their high strain. ^ VI. IT is very unpleasant to converse with irritable people who are easy to be offended. This irritability may however originate from different sources. If therefore we find that the man with whom we must live and who is apt to be irritated by the least unguarded word, or a suspicious look, or by want of attention, if you find that such a man be very prone to take offence because he is inflated with vanity and ambition, which is most frequently the case, or because he has been vexed and deceived in many instances by bad people, or because his heart feels too tenderly, or he expects to receive from others as much as he gives, you must regulate your conduct accordingly, and avoid every thing that can give offence, which how- 0O PRACTICAL PHILOSOPHY ever is extremely difficult. If such a man be honest and reasonable notwithstanding his weak- ness he will soon be reconciled again to you, and easily pacified by an amicable and cool explanation ; he will gradually be led to trust his best friends, and perhaps even shake off his weakness at last if you persist in treating him with candour and liberality. None amongst all those that are of that disposition are more difficult to be satisfied and more burthensome to society, than people who every moment think they are neglected or not honoured enough. Take care therefore not to abandon yourself to that weakness lest you not only torment your- self, but also disturb the peace and tranquillity of those that are dear to your heart. VII. OBSTIXATE people are by far more tedious and troublesome companions than those of an irascible temper. Yet they are never- theless not quite intractable if they be reason- able ; for then they generally soon give way to the voice of Reason, become sensible of their misconduct and our generosity, and grow more pliable at least for a short time, if we refrain from contradicting and opposing them in the first heat of their passion ; but it is truly distressing to be obliged to live and to transact OP SOCIAL LIFE. Ql business with people whose obstinacy is attended with stupidity and ignorance. We attempt in vain to meet them with gentleness and argu- ments. It is therefore advisable in most cases to suffer such stiff-necked fools to prosecute their own way blindly, and to entangle them so much in their own ideas, plans and undertak- ings as to compel them to apply for our assist- ance when they are involved in difficulties by their heedless and imprudent proceedings. If in that case we let them struggle for some time with the consequences of their heedless obsti- nacy they will frequently grow humble and ductile, and become sensible that they want an intelligent guide. But if a weak and obstinate man unfortunately happen but once to find out that we were wrong in opposing him, or surprise us in the commission of a trifling fault, we must give up all hopes of ever leading him again. He then will always presume to be wiser than we are and suspect our judgment and candour. It is useless to reason with people of either description in the first moments of their heat, for this only renders them more obstinate. If we depend upon them and receive orders from them which we know will be disapproved by Q1 PRACTICAL PHILOSOPHY themselves afterwards, we can do no better than to promise to execute them without contradiction : but either to procrastinate their execution till they have had time to con- sider them more maturely, or to act secretly according to our better judgment, which they generally will approve in cooler moments if we do but lead them to think that we imagined to comply with their directions in acting as we did, and refrain from boasting of the superiority and greater coolness of our own judgment. It can be useful and necessary only in very few and very pressing instances to oppose obstinacy to obstinacy, and to refuse absolutely to give up our opinion, or to act contrary to our better judgment. But this line of con- duct ceases to produce salutary effects if we observe it on trifling occasions or too often, or even when we are in the wrong. A person who constantly contradicts is generally suspected to be always in the wrong. VIII. PETULANCE is a disposition which mostly arises from obstinacy, but sometimes also originates merely from singularity or an unsociable humour. There are people who pretend to know every thing better than others, contradict every one, frequently against their OF SOCIAL LIFE. Q3 o\vn conviction, merely for the sake of dis- puting. There are others who are fond of speaking in paradoxes, and accustomed to main- tain assertions which no sensible man can take seriously in the sense in which they utter them, from no other motive than to provoke contradic- tion ; there are finally others whom the French call querelleurs (wranglers), that studiously seek opportunities to engage in personal disputes, in order to obtain a kind of triumph over timid people, who at least are of a more fearful dis- position than themselves. If you must converse with people of these descriptions, you will do well to preserve the most unshaken firmness and not to suffer your- self to be provoked. I advise you never to dispute at all with those of the first class, and to break off the discourse as soon as they con- tradict out of petulance. This is the only means of bridling their disputative spirit, and saves a great many useless words. Those of the second description you may sometimes indulge with the pleasure to defend their para- doxes against you ; but those of the last class must be treated more severely. If you cannot avoid their society, and attempt in vain to keep them at a proper distance by coolness and 04 PRACTICAL PHILOSOPHY reserve, and to ward off their rudeness, I would advise you to meet them in so sensible a manner as will be sufficient to deter them from troubling you any further. Inform them with- out either hesitation or circumlocution of your opinion, and do not suffer yourself to be per- plexed by their gasconading. My readers will do me the justice to believe that I think of duelling as every reasonable man ought to do, namely, that it is an immoral and irrational practice ; should however a person be compelled by his station in life to conform to the prejudice of rcturninginjuryforinjury, and to revenge itby personal resentment, this can never be the case when he is maliciously attacked without having given any provocation, and it is extremely wrong to use against a wrangler any other weapon than contempt, or at most a cane, if he carry his impudence too far ; and it is the very height of folly to -\ give him afterwards a chance to take away our life. Many people are actuated by a singular spirit of contradiction. They are always eager to obtain what they never can possess, are never satisfied with the actions of others, and dis- pleased with every thing that is not exactly as they desire it to be, although it may be ever 3 OP SOCIAL LIFE. 0$ so excellent. It is pretty generally known that people of this description frequently can be led to act according to our wishes if we propose the contrary of what we want to accomplish, or can contrive to make them realize our own ideas in opposition to ourselves. $ IX. IRASCIBLE people rarely offend pur- posely. They have however no comroul over the impetuosity of their temper, and thus fre- quently forget themselves in the height of their passion so much as to offend even their dearest friends, but repent afterwards of their heedless- ness when it is too late. I need not to prove that if these people deserve being humoured in some degree on account of other good qualities, wise compliance and gentle treatment are the only means by which the irascible man can be restored to the proper use of his reason. I must however observe that by opposing a phlegmatic coldness to his rage you will provoke him more than by the most violent contra- diction ; for he then will think himself despised and grow more furious. X. WHILE people of an irascible temper offend only out of hccdlessness, and are as ready to repent and to forgive as they are apt to be irritated by trie least appearance of an injury, ,06 PRACTICAL PHILOSOPHY those of a revengeful disposition conceal their resentment in their heart till they find an oppor- tunity of giving vent to their vengeance. They neither forget nor forgive an offence, even not when you offer to be reconciled to them, and use every means except cringing sub- mission to regain their favour. A man of a revengeful temper returns every injury which he really has or only imagines to have received, not in proportion to its greatness or importance but thousandfold ; persecution for trifling of- fences, vengeance for inconsiderate expressions, public chastisement for private reproaches, and hesitates not to destroy our happiness if we offend his ambition. His resentment is not confined to the person of the offender, but extends itself even to his family, his civil exist- ence and friends. It is truly extremely distress- ing to live with such a man, and the only advice I can give you, is to avoid as much as possible to offend him, and to endeavour to inspire him with a kind of respectful awe, which in general is the only efficacious means to curb people of a bad temper. ^ XI. LAZY and phlegmatic people must be spurred incessantly, and as almost every person has at least one predominant passion, we find OF SOCIAL LIFE. Q7 sometimes an opportunity to put such drowsy people in "motion by exciting it. There are some among this class of people who are prompted merely by irresolution to postpone business that is attended with the smallest trouble. To answer a letter, to write a receipt, to pay a bill, &c. &c. is regarded by them as a labour which requires the most tedious preparation. People of this description must sometimes actually be compelled by force to take the most pressing business in hand ; yet when they have finished their laborious task they are generally obliged to us for our impor- tunity, although they were not pleased with it at first. XII. THE company of mistrustful, suspicious, morose and close people tends more than any thing to imbitter the joys of Social Life to a noble-minded and plain-dealing man. It re- quires in truth a very high degree of unshaken probity, if a man shall be able to avoid growing bad and misanthropic himself, when he sees that they are alarmed at every unguarded step which he takes, and give room to ungenerous suspicion on every trifling occasion, that their bosom is inaccessible to every spark of exhilara- ting joy that expands his hegrt ; that they are VOL. i. H Q8 PRCATICAL PHILOSOPHY determined to share no pleasing enjoyment with him ; that they not only render the rapture of those few serene moments which Fate dispenses to us tasteless to him, but also disturb him unfeelingly in his happiest and brightest hu- mours, rouse him cruelly from his sweetest dreams and never return his frankness, but always are upon their guard and imagine to behold an impostor in their most faithful servant, and a treacherous enemy in their sincerest friend. This mental disease degenerates frequently into misanthropy, a character which the amiable author of The Stranger has painted in the most natural and animated colours. People of such an unhappy temper are sin- cerely to be pitied ; for they live only to torment themselves and others, and their lamentable disposition arises not always from a depraved heart. A corrupted and thick blood is fre- quently the primary cause of such a temper, and a long train of undeserved misfortunes contri- butes very much to encrease this mental disease. It originates also but too often from the deceit- ful and ungenerous conduct of those with whom such people are connected. There are, alas ! but too many cruel and artful wretches OP SOCIAL LIFE. Q0 that avail themselves of the weakness of good- natured people to gain their confidence by canning flattery, and when they have insnared their heart by the semblance of disinterested love and have no further occasion to dissemble, pull off the mask of friendship and appear in their natural diabolical form. It would there- fore be ungenerous to hate and to distress people who by external Causes have been reduced to such a lamentable state of mind; and equity requires we should excuse their weakness and treat them with forbearance and pity. If your situation should render it impossible for you to break off all connexion with persons of such an unhappy disposition, prudence requires you should not mind their whims and humour, but treat them with candour and openness on all occasions ; let them see as much as possible the origin, motives, course and object of your actions ; conceal nothing from them that is connected with their interest or passions ; consult them in every thing that concerns them, and act jointly with them in all matters relating to them. Thus you will gain their confidence, or at least gradually remove every suspicion which they entertain against your sincerity. I also would advise you not H2 10O PRACTICAL PHILOSOPHY to let them see that you know them to be of a suspicious temper ; for the suspicious is like a drunken person who will not believe that he is intoxicated, and is offended if you tell him that he has drunk too much. Watch all instances in which your suspicious friend is deceived, by his suspicion ; in which he was mistaken in doubting your sincerity or that of others, or injured himself by giving way to groundless suspicion. Avail yourself of the first cool and serene moment in which he is pleased with you to remind him mildly of his error. But be careful not to let a single instance of that kind escape without improving it. -Tell him whenever you have an opportu- nity to convince him that he wronged you (not that he is suspicious, but only) that you are glad that the purity of your heart is cleared from all suspicion. He will deny having suspected you. Do not contradict him, but be satisfied to tell him that you rejoice at his being convinced of your innocence. If you repeat this frequently you will at last succeed in making him sensible of his weakness and ashamed of his improper and unjust conduct. In endeavouring to ob- viate the effects of suspicion and to correct it, you must prevent all occasions on which it is OP SOCIAL LIPB. 101 most commonly excited ; for no person of a suspicious temper gives way to his weakness on all occasions, but every one that is subject to it abandons himself to it only on particular opportunities. If for instance your friend be near you must never interfere in his money concerns though he should desire it; if he be mysterious and reserved you must never consent to be intrusted with his secrets ; if he be jealous you must avoid all opportunities to be in private with the object of his jealousy, &c. &c. &c. On observing these rules of prudence you will be convinced that in most instances it is our fault if we cannot live happy among men. A person who unites prudence of conduct with a benevolent heart, and studies men, knows their weaknesses and avoids provoking their faults, will be able to live happy even with the most ill-tempered people. And believe me such a wise and benevolent conduct will in a short time grow easy and natural to you, though it should be attended in the beginning with a great deal of trouble and self-denial : for you need but to converse thus for some time with a suspicious person and you will cure him entirely, or at least cause his weakness to break out less 103 PRACTICAL PHILOSOPHY frequently and obviate many disagreeable and vexatious quarrels. XIII. ONE should think that envy and jealousy could be the inheritance only of mali- cious and low-minded people ; and yet we find but too often an allay of these bad qualities in the hearts of several persons who, in other re- spects, possess many good dispositions. But, alas ! how frail is human nature ! ambition and vanity caq easily tempt us to envy others a happiness which is the exclusive object of our wishes, and as soon as this sensation has pro- duced in our heart a kind of aversion from the person who remains in the possession of that envied good, in spite of our envy and jealousy, we cannot avoid to rejoice secretly if he have to struggle with some misfortunes ; and Providence appears to us to justify by these calamities our inimical sentiments, particularly if we have been weak enough to betray them to others. I shall speak more at large in some other place of the conduct which we must adopt, if we be con- nected with people of a jealous disposition, and here give only some general rules, the observa- tion of which may prevent us in many instances from provoking envy to direct its poisonous shafts at us. If you wish to avoid exciting th? OP SOCIAL LIFE. 1O3 envy of others you will do well to enjoy what- ever you possess without ostentation, and to make as little shew of your prosperity, merits and talents as possible. Boast not of your wealth in every company, enjoy the pleasures of life with as much moderation and as little noise as possible ; let your dress rather bespeak taste than a propensity for ostentatious splendour ; and if you be so fortunate as to be intimately connected and to correspond with certain great and wealthy people, avoid to commit the weak- ness of proclaiming it to all the world, or to read with a childish vanity their letters to all your friends. Take notice of the good qualities and merits which you discover in those that envy you. Let them see that you are not blind to their brighter parts ; speak of them, commend them, and thus convince them that they also possess desirable qualities. This will tend to reconcile them, at least in some degree, to your superiority, soothe their vexation and counter-* act their mental disease. XIV. ENVY frequently produces the dread- ful vice of calumny^ from the attacks of which even the best and worthiest characters are not secure. The best means which you can apply to guard off its baneful effects is the preserva- tion of your innocence. Do not flatter yourself 104 PRACTICAL PHILOSOPHY to remain unhurt from its venomous blasts, if your conscience accuse you of secret actions which you would be ashamed to confess to the world, but have committed with so much pru- dence and art as to keep them entirely from the knowledge of your friends and connexions. The consciousness of having acted wrong will deprive you of the courage and firmness which you must have, if you shall be able to defeat the malicious inventions of those who want to ruin your character. But let us even suppose you should be able to meet the calumniator with firmness, notwithstanding the secret accusations of your heart, and to prove his assertions to be nothing else but malicious inventions, will your defence avail you anything if one of those pri- vate actions with which your consience re- proaches you unfortunately should transpire, and render your exculpation suspicious ? And is it in the power of any mortal to direct the course of incidents so as to prevent it taking a turn which would expose him in his natural shape ? If therefore you wish to evade the dire effects of calumny you cannot be too careful to reserve your innocence of heart. But as calumny gene- rally founds her suspicions and aspersions rather on appearances than on facts, you ought at the OP SOCIAL LIFE. 105 same time to be extremely cautious not to commit any action that has even the semblance of guilt. In vain will you appeal to the purity of your heart and the innocence of your actions if appear- ances be against you ; for, alas ! the majority are but too prone to be guided in their opinion by the latter, and few only will take the trouble to examine impartially whether they are founded on facts or not. Endeavour therefore, as much as possible, to preserve the purity of your heart, and to avoid all unfavourable appearances if you wish to avert the poisonous shafts which calumny directs at your character. To have displayed a warm and active zeal for the welfare of your fellow-creatures will also serve to arm you powerfully against the attacks of malicious calumniators. If you be an useless being and have done little or no good, if you have afforded advice, consolation and assistance to no one, calumny will find it easy to wound your honour ; for you have done no good ac- tions which could speak in your defence, and there is no person who could say anything laudable of you : but if you have been active and indefatigable in doipg as much good as was in your power, those to whom you have been kind will interest themselves for you when you 106 PRACTICAL PHILOSOPHY are slandered, and strive to rescue your character from the venomous tooth of calumny. I must further observe, that if the good ac- tions which you perform be to serve you as a protecting shield against the shafts of calumny, they must flow from a sincere regard for your duty as a member of human society ; for it is not sufficient that we have done much good, if we wish to silence the voice of calumny by our actions ; they must originate from a pure source and be done with a laudable intention. Although you should perform the brightest deeds, yet they will not be sufficient to defend you against slander and defamation, if pride, ambition, self- interest, weakness, or thirst after sensual plea- sure guide your steps : calumny will find it an easy matter in that case to depreciate them, and to deprive you of the applause which you ex- pect to earn. Let therefore all your steps be guided by the voice of your duty ; let the good which you do be graced by modesty and an unassuming conduct, and you will blunt the arrows of calumny, and finally triumph over the malicious aggressors of your honour. XV. PEOPLE that, without paying any re- gard to age, sex or merit, consider every person whom they meet as a fit object for displaying OF SOCIAL LIFE. It>7 the powers of their wit, and indiscriminately turn the words, the dress and the actions of the knave as well as of the honest man into ridicule, to excite the merriment of the company in which they are, arc a most intolerable sort of beings, and frequently embitter the hours of Social happiness to feeling minds. If you be con- scious of not possessing a sufficient share of cool- ness and moderation to defeat the purpose of these disturbers of innocent joy, you can do no better than to shun their company as much as possible. Yet as you have it not always ia your power to avoid the company of these peace-disturbing wits entirely, or to break off all the connexion which you already may have formed with people of that class, you will ex T pect me to point out to you such a line of con- duct as may enable you to render their society less distressing to you. The principal rule which I would advise you carefully to observe, is. to give no opportunity to scoffers to make you the butt of their ridi- cule ; for they cannot direct the batteries of their wanton wit against you if you do not encourage them either by your discourses or actions to attack you. Take care therefore not to oftcnd them, nor to expose your weak side 108 PRACTICAL PHILOSOPHY in their presence. As soon as you provoke people of that description, hurt them in the slightest degree, or in any manner give occasion for ridicule by your actions or words, and betray your weakness, they will take it as a signal to discharge the artillery of their false wit against you. You must therefore take a firm resolu- tion to treat them with the greatest precaution, not to render yourself odious to them by a too visible coolness or incivility, by disobliging them or speaking ill of them in their absence, or of- fending their pride, and not to irritate them in those parts where they are apt to take fire. Be also always upon your guard not to speak nor to do anything that could expose you to ridi- cule. Be particularly careful not to distinguish yourself from your cotemporarics by a singular dress or awkward manners ; and accommodate yourself as far as is consistent with propriety, and the regard which you owe to yourself to the innocent customs of your age. Avail your- self of every opportunity to mix with polite society, to shake off that awkward bashfulness and perplexity which but too often overshadows the lustre of the brightest jewel, and frequently excites the laughter of ridicule against those who, by their intrinsic worth, arc intitled to OF SOCIAL LIFE. 100 claim the regard and the applause of every man of sense and feeling. It is however not sufficient only to avoid an opportunity to the scoffer to ridicule you ; if you be desirous to shield yourself against the wanton sallies of his merciless wit you must also deprive him of all courage to attack you. To effect this, I would advise you to display a certain dignity of conduct on your first meeting with people who are apt to ridicule others ; to shew them by your looks, by the tone of your voice and your whole deportment what they have to expect from you. Let your counte- nance always bespeak your consciousness of in- nate dignity while you are in their society ; re- frain from jesting and being familiar with them, and maintain your seriousness with an unshaken equanimity. Should the scoffer, notwithstand- ing this mode of conduct, which in general intimidates those shallow-brained wits, make an attempt to distress you by his ridicule, you will undoubtedly deprive him of the courage to make a second trial if you tell him plainly, with a certain dignity of mien and accent, that you are determined not to suffer yourself to be abused by him. But as some of my readers may think it rather difficult to regulate their conduct at 110 PRACTICAL PHILOSOPHY all times according to these rules, and to apply them properly, I shall add one more which every intelligent being is capable of observing, and which is by far more important and decisive than those which I hsve pointed out already. Live as an honest mail and a useful member of human society ; be a tender father to your children, v an affectionate husband, a loyal sub- ject of your King, diligent and careful in the performance of the duties of your calling, just to every one, benevolent and charitable, modest, obliging, peaceable, polite and liberal in Social Life, and no scoffer will dare to attack ybti : and if, nevertheless, he should make an attempt to direct the shafts of his wit at you he will never be capable of wounding your honour, nor of hurting you materially ; but his ridicuje will excite the indignation of all those that know jt and respect your virtue. XVI. AVARICE is one of the meanest and most disgraceful passions. No meanness can be imagined which a miser is not capable of committing if his thirst for riches be excited ; and all nobler sensations, friendship, pity and benevolence are shut out of his heart if they be not productive of gain : nay, he denies him- self even the most innocent pleasures if he can- 1 OP SOCIAL LIFE. Ill not have them for nothing. He considers every stranger as a thief, and himself as a parasite who lives at the cxpence of his better self, of his Mammon. However in our times, when luxury is carried to a higher degree every day, when the wants of even the most sober man, who must live in the world and maintain a family, are so great ; when the price of provisions rises day after day, and so much depends upon the influ- ence of money, and the rich has a decided superiority over the poor ; and finally, when im- position and falsehood on one side, and mistrust and want of fellow-feeling on the other encrease visibly in all ranks, and therefore reliance upon the assistance of our fellow-citizens becomes an unsafe capital ; in these times it would be wrong in us to call every saving and prudent man a miser, without having inquired first into his situation, and the motives which excited his actions. Amongst the real misers there are also some who, besides the thirst after money, are ruled by another co-prevailing passion. These people accumulate, save, cheat others, and deny them- selves every thing that does not tend to satisfy that passion, whether it be lust, gluttony, am- bition, curiosity, gambling, or any other object. 112 PRACTICAL PHILOSOPHY I have known people who would have betrayed for the sake of a guinea a friend, and even a brother or a sister, and exposed themselves to public infamy ; whereas they thought their mo- ney well applied in purchasing a single moment of sensual gratification at the pace of a hundred and more guineas. There are others who so ill calculate as to save pence and to throw away guineas. They love money, but do not know how to husband it. In order to recover the sums of which they have been cheated by rogues, swindlers^ ad- venturers and flatterers they stint their servants, buy the worst sort of provisions if they can save something by it, haggle with the industrious tradesman and shopkeeper about a few pence in a most degrading manner, and inquire eagerly after those places where the articles which they want can be had at the cheapest rate, though perhaps not always of the best quality. Finally, there are others who are liberal on every occasion and in general are not afraid to spend money ; but in one single point, on which they put a peculiar value, ridiculously stingy. My friends have frequently censured me for being over-parsimonious with regard to writing materials, and I cannot deny being subject to OF SOCIAL LIFE. 113 that weakness. Although I am not rich yet I part less reluctantly with a shilling than with a sheet of the best writing paper. If you wish to preserve the favour of avaricious people you will do well never to ask any thing of them ; yet as this cannot always be avoided, prudence requires you should learn to which of the above described classes of avaricious people the man belongs with whom you have to deal, that you may be able to regulate your conduct accordingly. With regard to the conversation with spend- thrifts I have only to observe, that a rational man ought not to suffer himself to be misled by their example to incur foolish expenses, and that it is beneath the dignity of an honest man to take advantage of their thoughtless liberality either for his own benefit or that of his friends. XVII. WE must not expect that even our noblest and wisest actions will always be attended with gratitude and success. Thisprinciple I think we ought to have always before our eyes if we wish not to grow averse from serving others, or become inimical to our fellow-creatures and dissatisfied with GOD and our fate. We should however be destitute of every human feeling if VOL. i. I 114 PBACTICAL PHILOSOPHY it did not vex us to see ourselves slighted by peo- ple whom we have served faithfully, sincerely and without self-interest to whom we have de- voted ourselves entirely and perhaps even sacri- ficed our own advantage, as soon as they have no further occasion for our assistance; or betrayed, abused and persecuted when they can obtain by their ingratitude temporal advantages, or gain the favour of our powerful enemies. This will however not deter a man who knows the human heart and is a warm friend of virtue from being generous. As I shall have an oppor- tunity of recurring again to this subject in two succeeding chapters, I shall only observe at pre- sent, that every good action rewards itself; yea, that a man of a humane and liberal disposition, if he know beforehand that he must not look for gratitude amongst men derives a new source of internal satisfaction from that very ingratitude, namely, the pleasureof being conscious of having done good merely from a love of his duty. He laments the corruption of those that are capable of forgetting theirbenefactor, andcontinues to be ready and studious to serve those that are so much the more in want of his assistance, the weaker they are and the less internal happiness they have in their heart. Do not therefore com- OP SOCIAL LIFE. 115 plain of the ingratitude which you experience, nor reproach the ungrateful for it, but continue to be generous to him! Receive him again when he returns to you, he may grow sensible at last of the excellency and noblenesss of your conduct, and repair the injury of which he is guilty if not, I advise you to reflect that every vice punishes itself, and that the heart of the ungrateful wretch, and the unavoidable conse- quences of his meanness, will avenge you upon him Alas ! what a long chapter on the ingrati- tude of men could I write ! How many instan- ces of it have I experienced on the thorny path of the mazy labyrinths of life ! But I will be silent and strive to forget the degeneracy of my brethren. $ XVIII. MANY people find it absolutely impossible to pursue any object of their wishes on a strait path ; artifice, cunning and mfidious- ness guide them in all their undertakings, al- though their heart be not entirely bad. A cer- tain unfortunate disposition of mind, timidity and the influence of the occurrences of life, are frequently the principal causes which produce that character. A suspicious man for instance is but too apt to veil even the most innocent transactions in mysteriousness, to disguise him- i 2 116 PRACTICAL PHILOSOPHY self and to conceal the real object of his pur- suits. A man of an ill-regulated activity and of too firy a temper, an artful enterprizing genius, who is in a situation in which he meets with too much uniformity and sameness, and finds no opportunity to unfold and display his talents, will attempt numerous crooked ways to extend his compass of activity, or to render the scene of action more interesting ; and in that case he will not be over-conscientious in the choice of the means which he applies to accom- plish his purpose. A very vain man will pro- ceed with a great deal of mysteriousness to con- ceal his weakness. A courtier who is used to see nothing but deceit, intrigues, cabals and plots, and is not accustomed to go the strait way, will think a life that flows along without intricacies very uniform and tedious, veil his most unimportant steps in impenetrable myste- riousness, and give to his most innocent transac- tions an enigmatical appearance. The lawyer who is constantly occupied with the sophistries of chicane, is very fond of dealing in puns and quibbles on every occasion. People that have overstrained their imagination by reading novels and other fantastical books, or lost their sense for simplicity, artless nature and truth through OF SOCIAL LIFE. 117 a profligate and idle life or bad company, cannot exist without intriguing ; and there are also a great number of people who do not wish half as ardently for an object which they can obtain in a regular manner as for what they expect to procure clandestinely and surreptitiously. Even the most generous and open man, particularly if he be young, may be tempted to have recourse to crooked means if we constantly treat him with mistrust, or with so much severity as to render him incapable to place any confidence in us. But whatever may have contributed to accus- tom a person to employ artifice and intrigues, the following mode of conduct is the best which you can adopt in your dealings with characters of that description. Treat them always with openness and candour, and show yourself by words and deeds a decided enemy to every thing that can be called artifice, intrigue and deceit ; and as a warm admirer of every honest man, to make them sensible how much they would lose in your eyes if ever you should surprise them on crooked paths. Display an unlimited confidence in their ho- nesty while they have not deceived you, and lead them to think that you arc incaj>able of 118 PRACTICAL PHILOSOPHY believing they should ever be able to attempt imposing upon you. If they set any value on your regard they then will carefully avoid displeasing you. Be as tolerant to their weaknesses and as ready to pardon and to excuse their failings (provided they hate meditated no malicious trick) as will be sufficient to convince them, that they have no reason to fear and deceive you as vigorous censors. Do not watch their conduct as a spy nor at- tempt to sift them in a circuitous manner, but question them frankly and directly in a firm tone and with penetrating looks, if you want to obtain some elucidation which you have a right to demand. Should they stammer and attempt to elude your question, I would advise you either to drop the subject of your inquiries entirely, letting them see you wish to spare them the shame of imposing upon you, and to treat them afterwards with more coldness than usual, or to caution them in an amicable but serious manner not to disgrace themselves. Should they however deceive you notwith- standing your endeavours to prevent it, pru- dence bids you not to treat their insincerity slightly ! Display the greatest indignation at the OF SOCIAL LIFE. 11Q first false step, and do not forgive it immediately. But if all this should not becapable of correcting them, should they continue to impose upon you you can take no better measure than punishing them by contempt, and letting them see you shall suspect all their professions and actions until they be entirely corrected. I must how- ever observe, that a person who is once accus- tomed to artifice and crooked dealings very seldom returns to the path of truth and can- dour. The above rules are also applicable in the treatment of liars. XIX. THOSE that commonly are called boasters, braggers and puffers are of a different species. They have no intention to deceive actually, but invent stories or exaggerate real facts for no other purpose than to show them- selves more to advantage and attract the notice of others; to induce others to form a high opi- nion of their talents and merits ; to excite asto- nishment by the relation of wonderful incidents, or to be regarded as agreeable and chearful com- panions; and if once they have acquired a habit of adorning and exaggerating an incident, a simile or a sentence at the expence of truth, they iometimes believe their own bragging and 12O PRACTICAL PHILOSOPHY puffing and view all objects through a micro- scope. The relations and descriptions of such puffing boasters are sometimes entertaining enough ; and if we be once acquainted with their emble- matical language we know how much we have to believe. Yet if they should carry their exaggerations too far, I would advise you either to entangle them in their own net by a number of questions about the minutest circumstances, so as to ren- der them unable to advance or to retreat and thus put them to the blush, or to return them for every gasconade another still more comical and exaggerated, and thus convince them that you are not so silly as to believe them; or to furl the sails of conversation suddenly as soon as they begin to puff, which if repeated fre- quently generally will make them more cau- tious. XX. IMPUDENT, idle and intriguing people, farasites and flatterers ought to be kept at a proper distance. You will do well not to be too familiar with them, and to let them know by a civil but cool and serious treatment that their society and familiarity is not agreeable to you. Parasites who seek our company or> ac- OF SOCIAL LIPB. count of our table, will not trouble us for any length of time with their intrusion if we never ask them to eat or to drink with us; but against flatterers particularly those of a finer class, we ought to be more on our guard for the sake of our own moral character. They spoil our heart entirely if we accustom our ear to listen to their poisonous discourses: we then want constantly to be tickled, are disgusted with the voice of truth, and neglect and slight our most faithful and best friends, who are desirous to make us sensible of our defects and errors. If you wish not to fall thus deeply, arm yourself with indif- ference againt the baneful allurements of flat- tery. Shun the flatterer as you would flee from a venomous serpent. This is however not so easy to be done as you perhaps may think. Some people have a manner of saying flatteries which appear to be just their reverse. The art- ful flatterer that has explored your blind side will not applaud always, if he know that you have too much sense not to see the danger that lurks beneath the coarser snares of flat- tery, but will sometimes rather censure you. He will for instance, tell you " that he cannot com- prehend how a noble-minded and wise man like you, could forget himself so much for a mo- 122 PRACTICAL PHILOSOPHY ment ; he had thought that this could happen only to ordinary people like himself." If you be an authour he will censure defects in your writings, which at first sight must appear trifling to you, and only serve him to applaud those passages of which he knows you to be proud with so much the more impudence. He will discover weaknesses, and censure you with a pretended zeal for defects that flatter your vanity. He will for instance call you a misan- thrope if you wish to be famous for your solitary manner of life, and charge you with being in- triguing if you be desirous to appear as a consummate courtier. In this manner he will lead you imperceptibly to think that he is an impartial lover of truth; you will greedily swallow his sweet poison, and in your infatua- tion open your heart and purse to the artful de- ceiver. XXI. I SHALL now speak of the conduct which we ought to observe with regard to Vil- lains: that is, people whose heart has been de- praved so much by a neglected education, bad company or other causes, as to exhibit no ves- tige of its former good disposition. It is obvious that we must avoid if possible all connexions with people of this description, if we 1 OF SOCIAL LIFE. 123 really are anxious to preserve our peace of mind and have our moral improvement at heart. Al- though a man of firm principles will not easily be spoiled in their company, yet he may accus- tom himself gradually to the sight of villanies, and thus lose that aversion from every thing that is mean, which frequently is alone sufficient to preserve us from falling in moments of temp- tation. We are however but too often necessi- tated by our situation in life to live in the midst of villains, and to transact business jointly with them, and in that case it will be necessary not to lose sight of certain rules of prudence. If you distinguish yourself by superiour ta- lents and a conspicuous excellence of heart, you have just reason to apprehend that people of bad principles and morals will attempt to disturb your peace of mind and to vex you. There ex- ists an eternal league between villains and block- heads against all good and sensible people, such an intimate connexion as enables them to know each other among the rest of mankind, a kind of fraternity which renders them willing to go hand-in-hand, although they should be ever so much separated by other circumstances, as soon as an opportunity offers to persecute and to trample upon real merit. No kind of precau- 124 PRACTICAL PHILOSOPHY tion and reserve can avail anything against that confederation ; you will rely in vain upon your openness and innocence, in vain proceed ^ith moderation and lenity, conceal your me- rits and attempt to screen yourself by the ap- pearance of mediocrity, if you really be at man of sense and a votary of virtue. No one discovers the excellencies which you possess easier than those that are totally destitute of these good qualities ; no one does secretly more justice to merit than a villain ; but he trembles at it like satan at the gospel, and leaves no stone unturned to oppose it. That nume- rous confederation of villains and blockheads will teaze you incessantly, attack your honour, now speak ambiguously of you, and now with undis- guised malignity, and maliciously misrepresent your most innocent words and actions. But be not frightened at it although you should be actually distressed for some time by knaves and villains, yet the probity and the consequences of your actions will finally con- quer, and your enemies be entrapt in their own snares. Besides rogues and villains are unani- mous only while no manly firmness and resolu- tion is required, and while they can fight in the dark, but disperse as soon as they are exposed to OF SOCIAL LIFE. 125 the light. Pursue therefore firmly the strait path which your duty points out to you. Never indulge yourself with the application of crooked means, never employ artifice to defeat roguery, never have recourse to intrigues to counteract cabals, and never associate with villains against villains. Act generously ! Ill treatment and suspision if carried too far can make a complete villain of a person who is only half a rogue ; whereas generosity may sometimes correct a hardened knave and render him attentive to the voice of his conscience. You will however do well to make him sensible that your conduct before him is not regulated by fear, but solely by voluntary generosity. Let him feel that when matters are carried too far, and the in- dignation of a resolute and honest man breaks loose, the wise and courageous votary of virtue in the dust is more to be dreaded than a rogue bedecked with purple ; that a noble mind, that virtue, prudence and spirit render a man more powerful than a knave is at the head of an army of vile hirelings. What has a man to fear who has left nothing else at stake than what no mor- tal can wrest from him ? and how little can a cowardly sultan, an unjust despot, who constantly carries an enemy with him in his bosom that 3 126 PRACTICAL PHILOSOPHY goads him incessantly ! how little, I say, can such a contemptible being prevail in the moment of extreme and despairing necessity against the meanest of his subjects, who is supported in the conflict by the firmest allies, an unpolluted heart, a sound understanding, an undaunted spirit and a pair of sinewy arms ? It is impossible to render ourselves beloved by some people, and in that case it will be at least some advantage to be dreaded by them. There are others that will avail themselves of every opportunity to betray us into a certain con- fidence and familiarity in order to obtain arms against us, with which they threaten to assail us when we refuse to obey their imperious dictates. Prudence requires we should guard against such dangerous persons as much as possible. Make presents to the person whom you have reason to suspect of being inclined to rob you, if you think generosity can make any im- pression upon his heart. Encourage and honour people that display an active propensity to do good. Do not ruin their credit if you possibly can avoid it. There are people who speak extremely well but are knaves in their actions, highly inconsequent, thought- less and passionate. Do not unmask them if OP SOCIAL LIPB. 177 the consequences of their disposition do not render it absolutely necessary. They do at least some good by their discourses, which will remain undone if you render them suspected of dupli- city. They ought to be sent from place to place to promote good purposes, but never to stay long in one place lest they should expose themselves, and by their example destroy the good effects of their doctrines. XXII. PEOPLE that are too modest and timid ought to be encouraged and inspired with confidence in themselves. Too much timidity is as unmanly as impudence and arro- gance are despicable. A man of a noble dispo- sition ought to be sensible of his worth, and as just to himself as he is to others. Yet a modest man is offended by too much praise, and too visible marks of distinction : display, therefore, the regard which you have for him less by words than by actions, which are the best proofs of real affection. XXIII. IMPRUDENT and talkative people ought, naturally, not to be trusted with secret?. It would indeed be much better if there ex- isted no secrets at all, if we could always act openly and frankly, and let ever)- one see the most secret thoughts of our heart ; it would be 128 PRACTICAL PHILOSOPHY much better if men thought and uttered no- thing but what every one might know : yet as this is not always possible, particularly with people who arc in public offices and entrusted with the secrets of others, we must therefore be cautious to whom we communicate our secrets. There are people who are utterly incapable of keeping a secret. Their running anxiously from place to place, like a hen that is going to lay an egg, is a certain indication that they have some secret to disclose, and suffer much uneasiness till they have communicated it to another gossip. Others are indeed not disin- clined to keep the secrets which have been en- trusted to them, but wanting prudence betray them involuntarily by their looks, hints and signs ; or from want of firmness are incapable to resist importunate inquirers, or to have too good an opinion of the discretion and probity of others, which frequently makes them commit a breach of secresy. To people of this class you cannot be too reserved. Curious people, who make it their business to explore the private concerns of others may be treated in a different manner, as circumstances require. If you wish to check their prying curiosity at once, and to deter them from making OP SOCIAL LIFE. any further attempts to meddle with your private concerns, to act the part of eaves- droppers, to watch your steps and to pry into your plans and transactions, you can take no surer step than to declare to them with energy and spirit, that you are determined to resist their impertinent intrusion, and to resent the least attempt of theirs to meddle with your af- fairs. Should you, however, wish to divert yourself at the expence of their prying dispo- sition, you may amuse their curiosity by direct- ing it to such a number of trifles as will keep them constantly employed, and leave them no time to trouble themselves about matters which you are desirous of concealing from them. Heedless and forgetful people are unfit for any business that requires punctuality. Young per- sons may sometimes be weaned from this defect, and trained to keep their thoughts together. Many that are forgetful and heedless from a lively temper, will shake off that weakness when they grow older and more sedate. Others af- fect to be thoughtless, because they imagine that it gives them an appearance of learning. Fools of that sort deserve to be pitied ; and I would advise you to take no notice of their studied distraction. They ought to be treated VOL. i. K ISO PRACTICAL PHILOSOPHY like those that pretend being nervous or sickly to create interest. But if you be connected with people who really have a short memory, you will do well to advise them to write down what- ever they wish to retain, and to peruse these memorandums frequently ; for nothing is more disagreeable than to be connected with people who promise to execute business of importance for us, to rely upon their word, and to find after- wards that they do not recollect a syllable of it. I must observe on this occasion, that it is wrong to be provoked or vexed if people who are naturally inclined to be heedless and dis- tracted, sometimes neglect to shew us the civi- lity and attention which we have a right to ex- pect, as this is done unintentionally, and with- out any view to offend us. XXIV. THERE is a description of people who are commonly called whimsical, (difficult). They are not always of a vicious temper, nor at all times morose and quarrelsome, yet generally hard to be pleased. They have accustomed themselves, for instance, to a pedantic regularity, the rules of which are not so familiar to their friends and connexions as to themselves ; we may therefore easily happen to offend them, by putting, for example;, a chair in their apartments in a wrong OP SOCIAL tlEfi. 131 place j or they are addicted to certain oddities, and for instance, dress, speak, or write in a pe- culiar manner singularities to which we must accommodate ourselves if we wish to preserve their good opinion. One would think that people of sense ought to be above such trifles ; yet we frequently meet with men who in other respects betray no small degree of sound judg- ment and equity, but in these or similar points are uncommonly difficult. If the good opinion of people of that description be of any conse- quence to you, I advise you to accommodate yourself to their singularities as far as is con- sistent with honour and probity, and to please them in matters of such a trifling nature. But even if you should not be connected with them, nor care for their favour, you ought nevertheless not to ridicule nor distress them on account of their peculiarities, if they be respectable cha- racters; for every one of us has his failings, which we must tolerate reciprocally with fra- ternal indulgence. People who think it an honour to distinguish themselves -from others by the peculiarity of their conduct in unimportant matters, not be- cause they are convinced of acting with more propriety than the rest, but chiefly because they K 2 132 PRACTICAL PHILOSOPHY are determined to differ from their cotempo- raries in their behaviour, are called singular. They are pleased to see that their singularity is taken notice of; and a sensible man that is con- nected with such people ought carefully to examine whether their singularities are of an innocent nature, and whether they deserve to be spared for other considerations, that he may be able to regulate his conduct towards them according to reason and the precepts of toler- ance. As for people who are ruled by humours, and to-day will receive you with the greatest kind- ness and good nature, and to-morrow perhaps treat you with a chilling coldness, I advise you to take no notice of the continual ebb and tide of their fancies, but always treat them in the same cautious manner; should however their humorous conduct proceed from secret suffer- ings they are in titled to your compassion. XXV. STUPID people who are sensible of their weakness, suffer themselves to be guided by men of sense and judgment, and by a natu- rally good, benevolent and gentle disposition are easily prompted to do good ; but when with dif- ficulty persuaded to turn bad, ought not to be despised. All men cannot possess an elevated 1 OP SOCIAL LIFE. 133 mind, and the world would be badly off if all were alike. There must be a greater number of subal- tern geniuses than of high-spirited people in this world, unless all are to live in a continual warfare. It cannot indeed be denied that a certain superior degree of virtue which requires mental strength, energy, firmness and a clear judgment, isincon- sistentwith weakness of understanding; but this is not absolutely necessary. If the happiness of mankind be but promoted, and the weaker class suffer themselves to be made instrumental to it, then are they more useful members of society than all eccentric geniuses with their indefati- gable and wild activity. It is however extremely disagreeable and in- supportable to be connected with a blockhead that imagines himself a demi-god, with a vain, obstinate and suspicious fool, a spoiled and proud dunce that thinks himself capable to rule countries and nations when he cannot govern himself. As I shall havefrequent opportunities in the course of this work to point out the parti- cular rules which we must observe should we be connected with such conceited fools, I shall refrain mentioning them here to avoid useless repetition. I must observe on this occasion, that we fre- quently commit the greatest injustice by be- 134 PRACTICAL PHILOSOPHY stowing the epithets of weak, stupid, insensible and ignorant, upon people who in fact arc quite the reverse. Every one posseses not the gift of displaying his ideas and sentiments to advantage. We ought therefore to judge of people chiefly by their actions ; but in doing this we must never omit to reflect upon their situation, and the opportunities which they had or had not to distinguish themselves. We very seldom con- sider that a man has already great merit if he do no wrong, and that the sum of negative good frequently contributes more to general happiness than the long life of an active man, whose violent passions are continually at war with his great and noble views. Learning, mental accomplishments and plain sense are besides very different things. People of a cer- tain education and politure are generally guided by a certain tone that prevails in the society which they frequent, and we are but too apt to confound principles which rest upon that tone with the invariable dictates of pure wisdom. We are used to shape our ideas after that arbi- trary standard, or rather to repeat words whose ambiguous sense we scarcely should be capable of explaining to a raw child of nature, and thus are led to mistake for a blockhead every one OP SOCIAL LIFE. 133 that is not initiated into the nonsensical myste- ries of our circle, and bluntly speaks as he thinks. A man may possess a large share of plain sense and a high degree of erudition, and yet act a very sorry part in one of our elegant and fashionable circles, because he is unac- quainted with the subjects that are the common topicks of conversation in these assemblies, which are but too often beneath the notice of a man who is sensible of his intrinsic dignity, and ashamed to speak nonsense ; or he has too much con- scientiousness and veneration for candour, truth and virtue to be capable of uttering unmeaning flatteries in order to display his wit- at the ex- pence of decency. You would therefore wrong him very much were you to set him down for a stupid blockhead on account of his silence, or the timidity and awkwardness which he displays when he cannot avoid joining in a conversation for which he has no relish. Do not therefore despise people of this cast, nor distress them by ridicule ; for they are deserving of your regard ; consider that you would be as awkwardly situ- ated in a circle of people of their manner of thinking as they are in your company, and appear equally stupid and ignorant to them as they appear to you ! 13(5 PRACTICAL PHILOSOPHY If we be connected with good-natured but weak people, it will be prudent in us to endea- vour to collect a circle of virtuous friends around them, who will not abuse their weakness and prompt them to deeds which are unworthy a benevolent heart. There are people who can refuse nothing, at least not orally ; and thence it happens they promise more than they can perform, give more, and take more trouble upon themselves for others than in justice they ought to do, merely because they 'are afraid to give pain to any one, or to appear disinclined to serve others. Others are so credulous as to trust every one, sacrifice themselves for every one, and mistake every person for a sincere friend that has the appearance of an honest and a benevolent man. Others are not capable of asking anything for themselves, although they should thus be debarred from the attainment of advantages to which they have the justest claims. It would be needless to exhibit how much all these weak peopleareabused, how much the good nature and obliging disposition of the former is intruded upon, and how often impudence wrests every advantage from the latter, because they have not courage to defend the justness of OP SOCIAL LIFE. 137 their claims. Do not abuse the weakness of any person, nor attempt to obtain surreptitiously advantages, presents or assistance which you cannot demand from people of the above class with the strictest justice and without distressing them. Endeavour also to prevent others from abusing them in a similar manner. Encourage the timid ; interfere in his behalf; speak for him when his weakness prevents him speaking for himself, and assist him whenever he wants your assistance. Some people are so weak as to abandon themselves entirely to a certain favourite pro- pensity. People of this class speak of nothing with so much pleasure as of their favourite ob- ject ; all their ideas revolve constantly round that point, and they miss no opportunity to introduce it on every occasion; their hobby- horse may be a noble passion or not, may con- sist in a predilection for hunting, horses and hounds, or for dancingand music, pain ting, prints or any other particular. They forget in that case that the person to whom they are speaking perhaps knows nothing at all of their favourite object, nor do they wish he should have much knowledge of it, if he but patiently listen to them, or admire their darling and seem to 138 PRACTICAL, PHILOSOPHY be delighted with it. Who could be so cruel as not to indulge an honest and sensible man in so trifling a pleasure ? I advise you particularly to notice tire innocent hobby-horses of the Great with whom you wish to ingratiate your- self; for a lash given to this favourite f is more painfully felt,' as Tristram Shandy observes, ' than a blow which the rider receives.' XXVI. IT is easy and pleasant to converse \vith cheerful and lively people who are animated \vith real good humour ; I say they must be animated with real good humour ; their cheer- fulness must flow from the heart, must not consist in idle jesting, nor in hunting after witticisms. A man who can laugh from the bottom of his heart and abandon himself to the ebullitions of jocundity, cannot be thoroughly bad. Malice and cunning render us serious, pensive and close ; but a man who can laugh heartily is not dangerous. From this however we must not infer that every person who is not of a cheerful temper is bent on mischief. The disposition of our mind depends upon our temper as well as on our health, and on internal and external relations. Genuine cheer- fulness usually is catching, and this epidemy of hilarity as I may call it is so highly beneficent, OF SOCIAL LIFE. 13Q we feel so unspeakably happy in laughing away all the troubles of this world, that I cannot exhort you too pressingly to cheer up your mind, and to devote at least a few hours every week to innocent hilarity. It is however difficult not to fall into a satiri- cal tone when we are in a jovial disposition and give the reins to our wit. What can afford us more matter for laughing than the numerous follies of men ? And when we laugh at these follies it is almost unavoidable not to laugh at the fools who commit them, in which case our merriment may produce very disagreeable and dangerous consequences. When our ridiculing jokes meet with ap- plause we are commonlv tempted to give qur wit a keener edge ; while others perhaps deprived of such opportunity would be in want of matter for a lively conversation, are misled by our example to explore with additional assiduity the defects of their neighbours, the consequences of which are partly known but too well, and partly have been touched upon in the preceding chapter. I would therefore advise you to be upon your guard in conversing with satirical people. I do not however mean to infer that you ought to be afraid of their cutting tongue, I4O PRACTICAL PHILOSOPHY for this would afford them just ground for suspecting you to be pusillanimous in the highest degree ; but wish only to exhort you not to suffer yourself to be seduced to join in their satirical abuse, thereby to hurt yourself and others and to depart from the spirit of toleration. Do not therefore applaud too much satirical people, nor encourage their propensity to dis- play their wit at the expence of others, and do not laugh when they lampoon and ridicule their neighbours ! $ XXVII. DRUNKARDS, Voluptuaries and all votaries of vice in general you ought to shun, and if possible to avoid their Society ; yet if you should not always be able to do it, you cannot be too careful to watch over your innocence lest it should be infected by their example. This however is not sufficient ; it is also your duty not to indulge them in their excesses, how pleasing soever the shape may be in which they appear, but to shew as far as prudence permits that you have an unconquerable aversion against them, and to be particularly careful never to join in smutty discourses. We see frequently that elegant rakes are uncommonly well received in the fashionable circles as they are called ; and but too often OP SOCIAL LIFE. ^ 141 experience in many societies, particularly in such as consist entirely of males, that the conversa- tion turns upon obscene ambiguities, which inflame the imagination of young people and spread farther the corruption of morals. An honest man ought not to contribute the least thing in the world to this general corruption of morals ; he rather is bound to display his aver- sion from it in the strongest manner, without shewing any respect of persons ; and if he can- not correct people who walk on the path of vice by amicable admonitions, and by directing their activity to nobler objects, at least to convince them that he values decency and vir- tue, and that innocence must be respected in his presence. ^ XXVII 1. ENTHUSIASTICAL, romantic and eccentrical people live and move in a world of fancies, and are sworn enemies to cool reflection. Fashionable readings, novels, plays, secret societies, want of real and scientific knowledge and idleness infect a great number of our modern youth with this disease ; we however also frequently meet with hoary enthusiasts. They are constantly bent upon the unnatural and supernatural ; despise the good that is within their reach to pursue distant phantasms ; PRACTICAL PHILOSOPHY neglect what is useful and necessary to form plans for the attainment of what is not needful ; abandon themselves to idleness when it is their duty to exert themselves, in order to interfere in matters that do not concern them ; want to reform the world and neglect their own domestic affairs; deem important subjects trifling and are enraptured with absurdities ; do not com- prehend what is plain and preach up incompre- hensible doctrines. You will in vain attempt to convert them by arguments of sound reason ; for they will despise you as one of the common herd, tax you with want of feeling and indif- ference to great and noble objects, pity you for your wisdom, and rather connect themselves with fools of their own way of thinking than associate with you. If therefore you are really desirous to convince such an enthusiast of some truth or to gain credit with him, your discourses must be warm and animated, and you must speak in behalf of sound reason with as much fervour as he displays in defending his follies. It is however very difficult to reform such people, and it will frequently be best to leave it to time to cure them of their folly. Yet enthu- siasm is frequently catching. If therefore you have a lively imagination, and are not quite OP SOCIAL LIFE, 143 certain of being able to keep it under the con- troul of your understanding, I advise you to be upon your guard in conversing with enthu- siasts of any kind. In our century, in which the rage for secret associations has acquired an almost general ascendancy over mankind, means have even been found to bring all sorts of re- ligious, theosophic, chemical and political en- thusiasm into regular systems. I forbear to decide which of these sorts of enthusiasm is the most pernicious ; yet I think that which presumes to reform the world is pregnant with inconceivable mischief; I have so much the more reason to believe it firmly, as this sort of systematic enthusiasm can produce the greatest confusion in the State, and generally has the most imposing appearance ; whereas the rest soon be- come tiresome and are capable of charming only perverted and inferior geniusses for a length of time. I would therefore advise you to regard in your conversation with the apostles of such systems, the words happiness of the world liberty equality rights of men euk'tvatien general mental illumination reform spirit of cosmopolitism and the like, merely as allure- ments, or at most as well-meant empty words with which these peoples amuse themselves like 144 PRACTICAL PHILOSOPHY school-boys with the oratorical figures and tropes which they must apply in their meagre exercises. I advise you in general to let eccentrical people pursue their course at pleasure, while they are not yet perfectly qualified for the mad- house; for the world is large enough to contain a great number of fools. $ XXIX. I now beg leave to say a few words concerning devotees, pwitam and hypocrites. People whose sentiments correspond with their external zeal for religion, whose warmth for piety and divine worship, and whose attach- ment to the rites of that church whose tenets they profess, flow from the heart, have the strongest claim to our regard. Although their conduct should be guided rather by pious sen- timents than by the light of reason ; although their religious feelings should proceed from a heated imagination, and their attachment to certain ceremonies, rites and systems be car- ried to a higher pitch than is consistent with sound reason, yet they deserve toleration, forbearance and fraternal love, provided they be honest men and practical Christians. But an hypocritical villain that wears the mask of sanctity, meekness and religion, and is a volup- OP SOCIAL LIFE. 145 tuouS seducer of innocence, a malicious calum- niator, or a fanatical persecutor, deserves to be branded with ignominy. It is however not diffi- cult to distinguish these two sorts of people. A man who is really pious is open, candid, peaceable and cheerful, not ov$r civil nor too humble, but benevolent, simple and easy in conversation ; he is indulgent, gentle, meek and just to every one ; talks not much of religious subjects, except in the circle of his intimate friends ; the hypocrite, on the con- trary, is accustomed to wheedle, to sneak and to flatter, is always upon his guard, a slave of the great and wealthy, an adherer of the prevailing party, a friend of the happy, but never a disinterested defender of the deserted. He talks constantly of honesty and religion, gives generally large alms, and performs the duties of Christian charity in an ostentatious manner ; excuses the faults of others in such a manner as makes them appear to be ten times more glaring than they really are. Be careful to form no connexion whatever with people of this description ! Shun them as much as possi- ble ! Do not offend nor hurt them if your peace and happiness be dear to you ! People who believe without any sufficient VOL. i. l> 146 PRACTICAL PHILOSOPHY ground in certain doctrines and obligations, or in supernatural causes, agencies and apparitions, who for instance believe that GOD is an irascible and revengeful Being, that those who are here- tics in their opinion ought to be deprived of all civil privileges, that the sign of the cross has a peculiar and supernatural effect, that ghosts and superiour beings can appear to men, &c. &c. &c. and who regard these objects of their faith as highly sacred and inviolable are called sztpersfi- tious. It is a certain criterion of superstition to believe too much, i. e. more than sound reason warrants. People who are given to superstition do not therefore listen to the voice of reason, but are deaf to sober arguments and believe the most contradictory tenets. They never give up an opinion which they have once adopted, how ab- surd and incomprehensible soever it may be, and the firmness of their faith is founded merely on habit. They have heard for instance a cer- tain tenet asserted in their ;ytouth, it was recom- mended to them as a religious truth, and they have believed in it for many years; or something was inculcated into their mind as an invariable duty and obligation ; or they were taught to be- lieve that certain invisible powers produce cer- tain effects: and now they continue to adhere OP SOCIAL LIFE. 147 to that opinion, because they have accustomed themselves so much to believe it that the con- trary of it appears to them a daring violation of truth, which they are bound to abhor or to hate : and as reason opposes to their belief incontro- vertible doubts, their commodiousness leads them to think that the voice of reason ought not to be listened to in matters of faith. Superstition undoubtedly is a source of nume- rous evils and productive of great misery; and it is extremely painful and distressing for every individual to be connected with its votaries: for the superstitious abhors every one that is of a different opinion. He applies to those that dif- fer from him in their belief certain names which encrease this aversion, because he connects with them the idea of people that are hateful to the Godhead. He therefore reposes no confidence in them, and cannot persuade himself to love them. He thinks it frequently a sin to have any connexion with them, and if he had it in his power he is also but too often inclined to per- secute them. He is averse from every thing tending to disturb his faith. He regards every person who opposes his notions by arguments of sound reason as his enemy. He is therefore an enemy to all mental illumination though he L2 148 PRACTICAL PHILOSOPHY deny to hate it ; and opposes all persons and means that promote it. He is for this reason very seldom a firm friend, a good citizen and subject. We must at least constantly appre- hend that he will spare neither his sovereign nor his father, nor his fellow-citizen, if any of' his tenets should excite him to persecute a person who differs from him in faith. My readers will easily comprehend that it is difficult to converse with such people, and still more difficult to preserve our peace and happi- ness in their society, without violating the love which we owe to all men, how corrupt and erring soever they be. If you wish to be capa- ble of exercising the duties of this general love to the superstitious, you need but to comprehend that his errors deserve rather to awaken your pity than sensations of hatred and aversion, on account of their origin : For if you carefully inquire how they crept into his soul, you will find that generally it is no fault of his to be in- fected with them. Infantine and juvenile in- struction, the example of parents, the zeal of teachers and governors, habit, want of a suf- ficient knowledge of the means of mental illu- mination, &c. &c. &c. are frequently the sole and inevitable causes of superstition. Reflect OF SOCIAL LIFE. 1 !() only upon your own experience and you will be sensible of the truth of this assertion. Do you not find that children are very willing to believe whatever their parents or instructors tell them of subjects of which they can have no sen- sible perception ? If they for instance tell them from their infantine years, that all the objects which they see as well as themselves were crea- ted by a good GOD ; that he is omnipresent, preserves, blesses and loves all animated beings, though he cannot be seen, &c. &c. &c. ; if all those that are about them say and believe the same and repeat it frequently with serious looks, and if they at the same time tell them with marks of horror, that there are people who do not believe in a Supreme Being; do you think that it will be possible these children should not 4t * believe firmly in the existence of GOD ? andabhor all those as wicked people or fools who are of a contrary opinion ? If errors be inculcated into their ductile mind in the same manner they will impress themselves as deeply upon their soul as truth, and gradually become the most invincible prejudice. What merit is it therefore in an adult person to have a firm conviction of truth ? and how can it be imputed to another as a fault, with the least colour of justice, if he be preju- 150 PRACTICAL PHILOSOPHY diced for errors which have been instilled into his mind in his youth by those that had the di- rection of his education? You will perhaps object that such a person ought to examine his erro- neous notions when he has attained to years of discretion. But how can a person do. this without being actuated by some motive or other? And what motive can a person have to suspect the truth of a doctrine of which he is as firmly convinced as he is of the reality of his ex- istence ? Is it not natural that a person who is to examine a doctrine which he believes, should first think it possible that it may be erroneous ? But if he think it impossible he cannot be reason- ably expected to examine it. From this it ap- pears that the superstition of many people is very excusable, and that those who are infected with it have a just claim to our forbearance. It would therefore be as unjust and inhumane to hate a man for his superstition as it would be to hate an other because he is infected with some constitutional disease. The superstitious is therefore justly intitled to compassion, and we ought to tolerate him with fraternal love. It is your duty to spare his weak side, and to avoid as much as possible introducing discourses which may give him pain. If you be desirous OP SOCIAL LIFE. 151 to correct the errors of one of your superstitious brethren you ought to do it with modesty. If you wish to succeed you must not declare di- rectly his opinion to be erroneous. The surest way of convincing him will be to start amicable objections to his ideas, and to lead him to think that you wish to be better informed by him. Request him to refute your doubts, and he will afford you a natural opportunity to point out the weakness of his arguments; but should he ne- vertheless remain stubborn and perhaps grow in- solent, your own sense of equity will tell you that it is not becoming a wise man to abuse a person, because he is incapable to comprehend truth. Endeavour to gain his confidence by doing justice to the zeal with which he defends his opinion, and by convincing him that you do ifot differ from him with regard to the essential points of religion, and that those tenets in which you do not agree with him are not materially connected v/ith virtue and piety. When you have gained his confidence you must not attack* his superstition directly but indirectly; for if you \ tell him plainly that the tenets for which he eri- tertains the highest regard be false, he will be terrified and abhor you as a dangerous man. All religious superstition is founded in part on tho 152 PRACTICAL PHILOSOPHY idea, that the tenets which its vgtaries have adopted are indispensably necessary for obtaining the favour of the Supreme Being and eternal happiness, and partly on contempt of reason. Endeavour therefore to convince the supersti- tious that Reason is the principal gift of GOD, and that we must account to the Supreme Being for our neglecting the use of it; that without the assistance of its light we should be incapa- ble of understanding even revelation, and that mankind owes to its heavenlyinfluence the great- est blessings. You then may proceed farther, and prove to him that his tenets are not indis^ pensably necessary for obtaining the favour of GOD and eternal happiness; that GOD will nei- ther reward nor punish men for their faith, but only for their works, &c. &c. &c. This will mitigate the anxious obstinacy with which he defends his superstitious opinions; and when he begins to comprehend that people who differ from him in faith may also be good men, and to value reason properly, you may safely venture to communicate your arguments mo- destly to him. But I must caution you to do it always when he is cool and when you are without witnesses, and you will certainly be capable of removing Jiis errors, or at least render 3 OP SOCIAL LIFE. 153 -them less burdensome and distressing to your- self. XXXI. DEISTS, Freethinkers and Sctjfen of religion of the common class are generally not more tolerant than their antipodes, the de- votees. A man who is so unfortunate as not to be capable of convincing himself of the truth, the sanctity and necessity of the Christian Reli- gion deserves ^>//x, because he is destitute of a very essential happiness, and of a powerful com- fort in life and death. He deserves more than pity; he has a just claim to our regard and love if he perform as well as he can his duties as a man and a citizen, and disturb no one in his belief; but if a person be a scoffer of religion rather from depravity of heart than from per- verseness of understanding, or only pretends to hold religion in contempt, hunts after proselytes, and attacks publicly with hacknied witticisms that doctrine upon which millions found their only hope, their temporal and eternal happiness; if he persecute, despise, censure and brand with the name of a hypocrite every one that differs from him in opinion, such a depraved fool de- serves to be treated with contempt. XXXII. OF the manner in which melan- choly people, lunatics and madmen should be 154 PKACTICAL PHILOSOPHY treated I can say but very little, as I do not possess sufficient medical knowledge to be able to point out the best method. This subject properly belongs to the department of the philo- sophical physician, and besides would take up too much room in this little work. I shall therefore give only a few hints concerning this point. It appears to me to be a matter of the last importance with regard to people that are afflic- ted with mental distempers, to find out the pri- mary source of their disease, and to ascertain whether it has been occasioned by a disorder in particular organs of the body, or by a peculiar disposition of the mind, violent passions or mis- fortunes. For that purpose you must observe what objects particularly occupy their imagina- tion while they are raving or disordered, as well as after the paroxysm has subsided ; and likewise on what their fancy chiefly broods: it then will appear that it frequently is possible to cure these unfortunate people gradually, if their mind can but be recalled from a single fixed idea, or if this can only be modified properly. It is further highly important to observe what particular change of weather, of the seasons and of the moon has the greatest influence upon their dis- OP SOCIAL LIFE. 155 order, which will enable you to avail yourself of those moments which are most favourable for attempting a cure. I have also observed that confinement and every sort of harsh treatment generally serves only to make the evil worse. On this occasion I cannot help expressing my admiration of the madhouse at Frankfort on the Mein, which I have had many opportunities of observing. The disordered persons who are received in that institution, arc suffered to walk about in the house and the garden whenever it can be done with safety, at least in those seasons in which their disease is less violent. Their keepers treat them with so much mild- ness that many of them after a few years quit the house again entirely cured, and a greater number remain at most only melancholy, so as to be capable of performing manual work; whereas these people in many other hospitals, perhaps would have been rendered mad in the highest degree by close confinement and hard treatment. People of weak understandings may also be disordered in their intellects, if a violent passion by which they are ruled, be nourished, excited and irritated. I remember to have seen two such miserable beings : one of them possessed in his youth an excellent understanding, great 156 PRACTICAL 'PHILOSOPHY ability and wit, traces of which were still visible when he enjoyed calmer moments. He was to have studied the law but had learnt nothing, and abandoned himself to a profligate life. On re- turning to his native town he was treated as an ignorant idler, and was conscious of his de- serving it. Yet he possessed an uncommon pride and was not quite poor. Forsaken by his family and shunned by his equals, he began to form connexions with the court officers of the Prince of ***. His jocose sallies at length in- troduced him to the noticeof thePrince himself. He soon became very familiar with the latter, and the whole court flattered his vanity. This familiarity terminated however in his being abused and treated as a privileged merry-maker. Yet this was still a sort of existence which pleased him, While he was not abused too much and at liberty to converse familiarly with people of rank, and to tell them sometimes severe truths. But as the latter were not inclined to condescend too much to him for nothing, and likewise not always disposed to listen patiently to his witti- cisms, which frequently were rather coarse, he experienced sometimes very humiliating treat^ ment and even corporeal chastisement, yet could not relinquish his disgraceful career, because his OF SOCIAL LIFE. 15/ relations and acquaintances held him in extreme contempt, and his little fortune was totally spent. Thus he sunk deeper and deeper every day, and at last grew entirely dependent on the court. The Prince caused a parti-coloured jacket to be made for him, and there was not even a scullion in the palace that did not think himself in titled to pass a joke upon him, or to pull him by the nose for a pint of wine. Despair now urged him to get drunk every day, and if ever he happened to be sober, the idea of his dreadful situation, the consciousness of the mean partwhich he acted, the aversion from inventing new jokes to preserve his place, and his awakening pride tormented his mind, while he ruined his con- stitution by excesses. His intellects became actually disordered, and at one time he was so mad as to render it necessary to chain him. At the time I saw him he was an old man, re- duced to a most lamentable situation. He was treated as a frantic person, and regarded rather as an object of aversion than of pity. He en- joyed however, at times, some lucid intervals, in which he betrayed an uncommon degree of penetration, wit and genius ; and when he wanted to obtain a charitable gift he could Hatter in the most artful and insinuating man 153 PRACTICAL PHILOSOPHY ner, and displayed so much dexterity in taking advantage of the weakness of others, so much practical knowledge of the human heart, that I knew not whether I ought to sigh more at those that had reduced him to this terrible state or at his own deviations. The other person of whom I am about to speak was once steward in a nobleman's family, but on my first seeing him he lived upon a pen- sion. As he was of no further use to his mas- ter, he as well as his family and domestics amused themselves with his pride and amorous disposition. They called him Your Highness, gave him an order, forged letters of Princes and Kings, in which he was informed that he was of an illustrious family, and had been kidnapped in his infancy ; that the Turkish Emperor who had usurped his dominions, wanted to have him assassinated, and that a Grecian Princess was in love with him. Some friends of the family dis- guised themselves as Ambassadors, and pre- tended to have been sent to enter into nego- ciations with him. In short, after a few years the intellects of the poor fellow were entirely disordered, and he believed all this nonsense seriously. I forbear to make any comments on these 1 OP SOCIAL LIFE. 15Q two lamentable facts, as the reader will easily be able to judge in what light they ought to be viewed. CHAPTER IV. On the Conversation with People of a different Age. SECTION I. A HE conversation with people who are of the same age with us seems indeed to have many advantages and charms. A congenial manner of thinking, and a reciprocal exchange of such ideas as interest the attention of both parties in an equal degree, unite men more strongly to each other : certain inclinations and desires are peculiar to every different age ; the disposition changes in the course of time ; we do riot keep pace with the change of taste and fashion ; the heart grows colder and takes less interest in new objects ; our imagination and vivacity cools ; many happy delusions have dis- appeared ; numberless objects that were dear to us have passed away and are no more ; the l6O FKA^TICAL PHILOSOPHY partners in our juvenile pleasures are gone to their eternal home, and the youth around us attend only out of civility to our accounts of the pleasures of our happier days. Congenial expe- rience affords more matter for conversation than events which are entirely foreign to those with whom we converse. All this cannot be dis- puted; yet disparity of temper, of education, fate and occupation frequently expand or con- tract these boundaries. Many people remain in some degree for ever children, while others grow old men before their time. The rake who has ruined his body and soul and satiated himself by all sorts of sensual gratification, naturally finds very little pleasure in the society of young and innocent country people, who have not yet lost their sense for artless joys ; and an old country gentleman who has never travelled farther from his home than thirty or forty miles, is as little comfortable and happy in a circle of experienced and polished in habi- tants of the capital as an aged Capuchin would be in a society of hoary literati. On the other hand it cannot be denied that many fashionable passions, as for instance, those for hunting, gambling, drinking and backbiting frequently unite old men and youths, aged women and OP SOCIAL LIFE. l6l young girls in the most cordial manner. This exception from the above observation, that the conversation between people who are of the same age has many advantages and charms, can- not depreciate the value of the rules which we are about to give with regard to the conversation between people of a different age ; we only beg leave to make one remark more : An over- scrupulous separation of people of different years, which is established in most great families of this country, where young people are rarely admitted to companies which are composed of persons of a maturer age before they have com- pleted a certain number of years, is extremely hurtful. The tone which young people adopt if constantly left to themselves, is generally not the best ; their manners are not improved, and a certain awkward timidity and bashfulness takes possession of their mind, which frequently renders them extremely ridiculous when they are first introduced into mixed societies; besides, old people are confirmed in their egotisms, grow intolerant and morose to their children, if they constantly be in company only with such persons as make a common cause with them, as soon as they begin to extol former times at the VOL. i. M 102 PRACTICAL PHILOSOPHY expence of the present age, the tone of which they do not know. $ II. OLD people very rarely are just enough to put themselves in the place of younger per- sons, but leave them undisturbed in the enjoy- ment of their innocent sports, without a wish to promote them by joining in these youthful pleasures. They reflect not on their own juvenile years, and thus it happens that old people generally desire young men should be as sedate, sober and reflecting as themselves, and shew the same coolness, moderation and prudence which experience and the change which nature has produced in their temper, teaches them to display. Juvenile sports appear unimportant to them, and the gambols of youth are considered by them as thoughtless wanton- ness. It is however extremely difficult for old people to recal to their recollection the situation and state of mind in which they were twenty or thirty years before, and this causes them to be often highly unjust in their judgment, and to commit many errors in the education of their children. Oh ! let us remain young as long as possible, and when the winter of life bleaches our hair, when the blood creeps slower through our veins and our heart grows cooler, look down OP SOCIAL LIFE. l63 with sympathetic pleasure upon our younger brethren who are gathering vernal roses, while we are seated by the paternal fire-side, to rest from the toils of life and to warm our chilling blood ! Let us not preach down by severe and frigid reasoning the sweet pleasures of youthful fancy ! When we look back upon those happy days in which a single smile from the enchant- ing virgin who now is a withering matron enrap- tured us with heavenly bliss ; in which music and dancing thrilled every nerve of our frame with pleasure ; in which merriment and the sallies of wit dispelled every gloomy thought, and sweet dreams of future felicity, pleasing bodings and rosy hopes cheered our existence. Oh ! then let us prolong that happy period to our children, and participate as much as possible in their juvenile raptures. Infants and children, youths and blooming virgins will then croud around the cheerful old man who encourages their innocent mirth. When a young man I was connected with such amiable old ladies, whose society, had it been in my option, I would have preferred on the journey through life to that of many a handsome and blooming girl ; and when I chanced to be seated at a convivial feast by the side of a dull beauty, I M2 164 PRACTICAL PHILOSOPHY I frequently envied the man who was placed near a cheerful old woman. III, Bv recommending such a good-natured condescension to the disposition of youth, I however do not mean to infer, that an old man can be excused if he forget his dignity so far as to act the contemptible part of a gay fop or a professed merrymaker; or that it is becoming a woman who has nearly compleated half a cen- tury to dress like a young girl, to practise the despicable arts of coquetry, or to rival the younger part of her sex in their amorous con- quests. Such a breach of decorum produces contempt, and justly deserves it. People of a certain age ought never to give an opportunity to youth of ridiculing them, or to neglect paying them that regard to which they are intitled by their riper years. IV. IT is however not sufficient that the society of old people be not burdensome and offensive to youth ; it ought also to be useful to them. A greater share of experience obliges the former to instruct and to guide the latter, and to lead them in the path of virtue and hap- piness by their advice and example. This how- tiver must be done without pedantry, pride and presumption ; without a ridiculous predi- OF SOCIAL LIFE. l65 lection for every thing that is old ; without demanding a sacrifice of all juvenile pleasures ; without intrusion or creating tediousness. I rather would advise old people to let their society be courted, which undoubtedly will be the case ; because well-disposed youths are wont to think it an honour to be permitted to converse with cheerful and sensible old men, and the society of such as shew that they have seen and experienced a great deal has always sufficient charms. $ V. THUS much on the conduct of, old people towards the young. I now shall add a few words on the conversation of youth with men and old people. Many sensations which nature has impressed on the soul are reasoned away in our enlight- ened age, which is so carefully cleared of all the rubbish of antiquated prejudices. One of these prejudices is the sense of regard for hoary age. Our youth ripen sooner, grow sooner wise and learned than those of former times did. They repair by diligent reading, particularly of maga*- zincs, pamphlets and novels their want of ex- perience and study. This renders them so intelligent as to be able to decide upon subjects which our forefathers thought could only be 1(56 PRACTICAL PHILOSOPHY clearly comprehended after a close and studious application of many years. Thence arises that noble self-sufficiency and confidence which inferior geniuses mistake for impudence and arrogance, that consciousness of internal worth with which the beardless boys of our age look down upon old men, and decry every thing that happens to come in their way. The ut- most that a man of riper years may expect now- a-days from his children and grand children is, kind indulgence, chastising censure, being tutored by them and pitied, because he is so unfortunate as not to have been born in our happy age, in which wisdom rains from Heaven, unsown and uncultivated, like the manna in the desert. VI. THERE are many things in this world which can be learnt only by experience ; there are sciences which absolutely require close and long study, reiterated reflection and meditation, coolness of temper and mature judgment ; and therefore I think the most brilliant and acute genius in most cases ought to pay some attention and deference to an old man, whose inferiority of faculties is compensated by age and experience. It must be acknowledged in general, that the store of experience which a OP SOCIAL LIFE. . UU.IM1 JAJJT> J .iT man gathers in a long course of years enables him to fix. his ideas, to awaken from ideal dreams, to avoid being led astray by a lively imagination, the warmth of blood and the irritability of nerves, and to behold the objects with which he is surrounded in their proper point of view. It is besides so noble and amiable to render the latter days of the pilgri- mage of life, in which cares and sorrows gene- .rally encrease and enjoyment takes its flight, as easy as possible to those that soon are to bid an eternal farewel to the treasures and gratifications of this world, that I feel myself impelled to exclaim with additional energy to youth of every description- " Rise up before the hoary head, and honour the face of the old. Court the society of old and experienced people ! Do not despise the counsel of cool reason, nor the advice of experience. Treat the hoary as you wish to be treated when your hair shall be bleached by old age. Respect them and do not desert them, when wild and thoughdess youths shun their company." As for the rest, it cannot be denied that there are many old fools, as there are also wise young men who have earned already when others scarcely have begun to sow. 168 PRACTICAL PHILOSOPHY $ VII. THE conversation with children is highly interesting to a sensible man. He be- holds in them the book of nature in an uncor- rupted edition. Children appear as they really are, and as they are not misled by systems, passions or learning, judge of many things better than grown persons ; they receive many impressions much sooner, and are not guided by so many prejudices as the latter. In short, if you wish to study men you must not neglect to mix with the society of children. However, the conversation with them requires considera- tions which are not necessary in the society of people of maturer years. It is -a sacred duty to give them no offence whatever, to abstain in their company from all wanton discourses and actions, and to display in their presence benevolence, faith, sincerity, decency and every other virtue ; in short, to contribute as much as possible to their improve- ment ; for their ductile and uncorrupted mind is as ready to receive good impressions as it is open to the seeds of vice, and I may safely maintain that the degeneracy of mankind is greatly owing to the imprudence and inconside- ration with which people of a maturer age deport themselves in the presence of children. OF SOCIAL LIFE. l6() Let therefore all your discourses and actions be graced with truth when you are in their so- ciety. Condescend in a becoming manner to that tone which is intelligible to them, carefully avoid tcazing and vexing them, as is the custom of many people ; for this has the most lament- able effect upon their character. Good-natured children are attracted by a se- cret and peculiar sense to benevolent and ami- able people, though they should not take much notice of them ; whereas they shun others that are of a less commendable disposition, notwith- standing their endeavours to ingratiate them- selves with them. Purity and innocence of heart is the talisman by which they are charmed. It is very natural that parents should be fond of their children, it is therefore prudent to pay some attention to the latter if we wish to gain the favour of the former. By this however I do not mean to infer that it is right to flatter the spoiled children of the Great, thus to nourish the vanity, pride, and peevishness of these generally already but too corrupted beings, to contribute to their moral degeneracy and to transgress the principal law of nature, which or- dains that the child shall pay homage to the man of maturer years. 170 PRACTICAL PHILOSOPHY Above all things I would advise you not to interfere if parents in your preseece reprimand their children, by taking the part of the latter, for this will make them believe that their parents are in the wrong, diminish their filial love, con- firm them in their disobedience, and intrude upon the plan of education laid down by the former. tut is & l - : - v - : ' ;!: .-y.-.: CHAPTER V. - . . i )i : i ". ! _ .1 J V >' On the Conversation between Parents, Children .: TV-V! and Relations. SECTION I. 1 HE first and most natural bond that unites men with men, after the connexion subsisting between husband and wife, is the tie which connects parents to their children. Although propagating thespeices be not intended to serve for the benefit of the future generation, yet there are but very few that are not perfectly pleased with the reality of their existence ; and notwithstanding parents who live in chris- 1 OP SOCIAL LIFE. tian states do not educate, nourish and bring up their children merely from a voluntary choice, yet it would be highly absurd to deny that the numerous troubles and cares which this pro- duces impose the most sacred obligations upon the latter ; or to maintain that no impulse of benevolence, sympathy and affection attaches those to us whose flesh and blood we arc, who have nursed and cherished us, cared for us and shared all their comforts with us. Immediately after the union between parents and children, follows the connexion subsisting between the different branches of one family. The members of the same family being united and rendered harmonious by a similarity of or- ganisation, and education, as well as by a com- mon interest, feel for each other what they do not for strangers ; and they estrange themselves from the rest of human society in the same pro- portion in which the circle of their family encreases. Patriotism is a more compound sensation, but still more cordial and warm than cosmopolitism in a man who has been early ejected from civil society, and wandering as an adventurer from country to country, has no property and no relish of social duties. A person who does 172 PRACTICAL PHILOSOPHY not love the mother from whose breast he has drawn nourishment, whose heart is not wanned at the sight of the place in which he has chear- fully spent the innocent and happy days of his youth, cannot possibly take a lively interest in the welfare of the whole, because property, mo- rality, and every thing that can be dear to man in this world rests, in fact, upon the preservation of the bonds that unite us to our country and family. These bonds growing looser every day, prove that we decline more and more from the excellent order of nature and its laws ; and if a turbulent genius whom his country expels, because he refuses to submit to its laws, in his indignation at the restraint which morality and the police impose upon him, maintain that it js becoming a philosopher to dissolve all close r connexions, and to acknowledge no other bonds than those of general philanthropy, this proves only that in our times even the most singular and extravagant principle must serve as a main pillar of some philosophical system. Happy eighteenth century, in which such great dis- coveries are made, as for instance : that we may learn to read without being acquainted with letters and syllables, and that we may love the OP SOCIAL LIFE. 173 whole human race without loving individuals ! Century of universal medicines, of philalethes, philanthropists and cosmopolites, whither wilt thou lead us at last ? General illumination will spread over all ranks ; the husbandman will let his plough stand idle, and read to Princes lectures on liberty and equality, and on their obligation to share the drudgeries of life with him t every one will attempt to reason down all prejudices that stand in his way ; laws and civil regulations will be superseded by license ; the powerful and the better-instructed will reclaim his right of superiority, and follow his impulse to care for the best of the whole world at the expence of his weaker brethren ; property, con- stitutions and political restrictions will cease to be respected, every one will be his own ruler, and invent a system of his own to gratify his desires. Oh ! happy, golden age ! We then shall be but one family, shall press the noble and amiable cannibal to our heart, and, if that ge- neral benevolence should spread farther, walk through life hand in hand with the witty and sensible'Ourang-Outang. Then all fetters will be broken and all prejudices dispelled. We then shall not be bound to pay the debts of our fathers, nor to be satisfied with one wife, and PRACTICAL PHILOSOPHY the lock of our neighbour's strong box will prevent us no longer from making good our innate right to the gold which all-bountiful na- ture produces for general use. We happily are not yet arrived thus far ; and as there still exists a great number who as well as myself love their relations, have a relish for domestic happiness, and cherish family-bonds, it will not be superfluous to subjoin a few re- marks on the conversation with near relations. There are parents who, living in a continual round of amusements, scarcely see their children once in a day, gratify their propensity for plea- sure while hirelings are intrusted with the edu- cation of their sons and daughters, and when they are grown up, live with them on such a cool and civil footing as though they were not at all connected with them. It is unnecessary to prove that this conduct is highly unnatural and unwarrantable. There are also other parents who demand of their children such a slavish submission and so many considerations and sa- crifices, that the restraint and shyness which their tyranny-creates destroy all confidence and tender intercourse in such a degree, as to render the hours which children must spend in the company of their parents*; extremely heavy and OP SOCIAL LIPR. 175 dreadful to them. Others likewise intirely for- get that boys attain the age of manhood, and treat their adult sons and daughters as if they still were babes, not indulging them with even the least liberty of choice, and will leave nothing at all to their own judgment. This is extremely wrong and imprudent. Respect does not con- sist in rigorous awe, but can exist extremely well with a confidential and familiar intercourse. We do not love a person to whom we scarce- ly dare to look up, nor do we communicate ourselves to those that always are preaching up severe laws, because restraint and coercion de- stroy all open and voluntary communication. What can be more charming than to behold a tender father in the circle of his adult children, who pant after his wise and chearful conversation, conceal none of their inmost wishes from him, who is their counsellor, their most indulgent friend and shares in their innocent juvenile sports ; or at least does not interrupt them, and lives with them as his best and natural friends ! An* union for which all the feelings that can be dear to man incessantly plead, -namely, the voice of nature, of sympathy, and of gratitude ; similarity of taste and of interest, and the habU of mutual intercourse* This familiarity is, PflACTICAL PHILOSOPHY however, often carried too far. I know parents who render themselves despicable by participa- ting in the excess of their children, or by neg- lecting to Conceal their own vices, and thereby provoke the ridicule and contempt of those to whom they ought to set a good example. $ III* It is not uncommon in our days to see children neglect their parents or even treat them ill. The principal ties of human society grow laxer every day ; young men think that their fathers are not wise, entertaining and en- lightened enough, and girls yawn in the com- pany of their hoary mother, not reflecting how many tedious hours their parent spent at their cradle in attending and nursing them when they were stretched on the sick-bed, or in per- forming the most disagreeable and offensive labours, to render them comfortable and to ease their pains, and that she denied herself many pleasures to take care of the little helpless, unclean being, who without her tender attendance per- haps would have perished. Children forget but too often how many chearful hours they have iinbittered to their parents by their stunning clamour, how many sleepless nights they have caused to their careful father who exerted him- self to the utmost of his abilities to provide for 3 OF SOCIAL LIFE. 177 his family, and was obliged to deny himself many comforts for their benefit. Well-disposed minds however will never be so totally devoid of all sense of gratitude as to be in want of my advice, and for mean and unfeeling souls I do not write. It is only necessary to observe, that if children really fhould have reason to be ashamed of the weakness or the vices of their parents, they will do much better to conceal their defects as much as possible than to neg- lect paying them that external regard which they owe them in many respects. The blessings of Heaven and the approbation of all good men are the certain rewards of the attention which sons and daughters pay to the comfort and hap- piness of their parents. It is a great misfortune to a child to be tempted by the discord in which his parents live, or by other causes, to take the part of one against the other. Prudent parents however will carefully avoid involving their children in such altercations ; and on such oc- casions good children will behave with that cir- cumspection and tenderness which probity and prudence require. IV. We often hear people complain that more assistance, kindness and protection may be expected from strangers than from the nearest VOL. i. N 178 PRACTICAL PHILOSOPHY relations ; but I think this complaint to be ge- nerally unjust and unfounded. There are cer- tainly uncharitable people to be found amongst our relations as well as amongst those that are not connected with us by the ties of blood. It cannot be denied that relations frequently pay regard to their kindred only if they are rich or honoured by the multitude, but are ashamed of their obscure, poor or persecuted relatives ; Ithink however that many demand of their uncles, aunts and cousins more than they ought to do. Our political situation, the rapid encrease of luxury, and the enormous load of taxes with which we are burthened, render it highly ne- cessary for every prudent man to confine his principal care to the maintenance of his wife and children, and the cousins, nephews and nieces who frequently rely entirely on the assis- tance of their powerful and wealthy relations, neglect to render themselves capable of pro- viding for themselves, and squander away their time and money, have but too often such heavy and unreasonable demands upon their kindred, as render it impossible for a man who is not callous to the voice of his duty and con- science, to realize their expectations without being unjust to others. In order to avoid these OP SOCIAL LIFE. 179 disagreable collisions, I advise you not to slight that cordial and confidential intercourse which renders our connexion with relations so highly agreeable, but at the same time to entertain and excite as little expectation as possible of obtain- ing assistance and protection from relatives ; to assist your kindred as much as you can with- out being unjust to better people ; but to avoid carefully pushing the fortune of your ignorant and undeserving relations, and procuring places for them to the injury of worthy and meritorious strangers, as this will render you extremely odious and create you more enemies than friends. Relations, as well as married people and friends, as we shall state more at large in a future page, ought to observe that persons who know each other more intimately, and see one another fre- quently without disguise, must be particularly circumspect in their conduct to avoid growing tired of each other, and overlook ing great merits on account of trifling defects. It is finally to be wished, that the members of large families in the middle station would not continually associate only with their relations ; for this divides human society into too many separate parties ; those that are not connected N 2 180 PRACTICAL PHILOSOPHY with them by the ties of blood are kept at a dis- tance, and if a stranger happen to drop into their circle he finds himself very awkwardly situated. V. Old uncles and aunts, particularly such as are married, are very apt to scold, to vent their gouty and hysteric humours at their ne- phews and nieces, and to treat them as if they were still in leading strings, which is highly un- just and imprudent. Such conduct has rendered them proverbial, and a trifling legacy is too dearly bought if we must patiently listen to continual somniferous and useless lectures ; whereas these good old folks would be greatly loved and tenderly treated by their young re- lations, if they were prudent enough to be less morose in their conduct. VI. We frequently find in cities, and particu- larly in large manufacturing towns, an extremely stiff and insupportable tone amongst persons who belong to one family. Civil, oaconomical and other considerations render it necessary for them to see each other often, notwithstanding which they constantly quarrel, teaze, vex arid hate one another, and thus imbitter their life. If you cannot sympathise with your relations, you ought at least to treat them civilly, and to OP SOCIAL LIFE. 181 abstain from making their life miserable by con- tinual altercation, which only tends to render them more spiteful, instead of reconciling their animosity and rancour ; whereas you may be certain of rendering your intercourse with them less burthcnsome and painful by forbearance and kindness: for nothing is more apt to blunt the edge of enmity and discord than returning good for evil, and preserving an unshaken equanimity of temper. CHAPTER IV. On Conjugal Conversation. SECTION I. WISE and good choice in concluding the most important bond of human life, is undoubt- edly the safest means by which married people can render their connexion happy and cheerful. If, however, people who do not contribute mu- tually to sweeten the life of each other, and to render its burthens less onerous, but on the con- trary arc swayed by opposite inclinations and 182 PRACTICAL PHILOSOPHY wishes, and guided by different reasons, unfor- tunately have contracted an indissoluble union, this really is a truly miserable situation, and an existence replete with continual sacrifices, a state of dire necessity from which death only can release the hapless sufferer. This bond is no less unfortunate if dissatisfac- tion and aversion be only on one side, if the ma- trimonial tie has not been connected by volun- tary choice, but on account of political or ceco- nomical considerations, or occasioned by coer- cion, despair, distress, gratitude, by accident or a transient whim, or mere sensual desire in which the heart was not interested; if one party always expect to receive and never will give, demanding continually to have all wants and wishes gratified, claim constantly advice, assist- ance, attention, diversion, pleasure and comfort, and will do nothing in return. Be therefore careful how you choose a partner for life, if you do not wish to leave your whole future domestic happiness to the faithless and deceiving favour of chance. ^ II. IF we, however, consider that even those marriages which depend on voluntary choice, generally are concluded in an age and under circumstances in which man is determi- OF SOCIAL LIFE. 183 ned rather by blind passion and natural instinct than by mature consideration and reason, al- though he dream and talk in that state of delu sion of a great deal of sympathy and fondness we should rather be astonished that there arc still so many happy couples in the world. Kind Providence has, however, regulated every thing so wisely, that our happiness frequently is pro- moted by what seems to be most contrary to it. The mischief arising from our incapacity to choose properly in our juvenile years is happily counterpoised by our being more pliable, duc- tile and accommodating in that age than in the years of maturity. The rough edges are smoothed easier when the mass is yet soft and pliable than when it is hardened. We are less difficult in our younger years than when experience has rendered us nicer and more cautious, and exci- ted great expectations in our soul ; when our cooler reason anatomizes every thing more care- fully, and every interruption of our enjoyment is accounted a great loss, because the reflection on the space we have run through reminds us for- cibly of the short period we may expect to live, and actuates us to husband our time and plea- sure more carefully. If differences arise between a young couple, they arc also soon reconciled T84. PRACTICAL PHILOSOPHY again : aversion and hatred do not root so deeply, and while the senses maintain their right in full force, the most violent matrimonial dissensions are frequently terminated by a single conjugal embrace. To this we must add that habit, com- mon interest, domestic occupations, which leave us little time to abandon ourselves to idle fan- tasies, the pleasure which our children afford us, the mutual care of their education, and the joint concern for their future happiness contribute in those years, in which youth, vigour and acti- vity animate us to ease the burden of the matri- monial yoke, and to afford us numerous and various pleasures which receive an additional relish from the share the faithful partner of our life takes in them. But we are of a different disposition when we have attained the age of maibrity. We then demand more, are eager to earn and to enjoy, and disinclined to take new burthens on our shoulders ; the character has more firmness, we are unwilling to be new moulded, and our desires are less clamorous for gratification. There are but few exceptions from this rule, and these are to be found only among the better class of men, who, as they advance in years, grow more indulgent and gentle, and being firmly convinced of the ge- OP SOCIAL LIFE. ncral frailty of human nature, demand little and arc willing to give; but this is a kind of heroism, a noble self-denial, and we are speaking here of the reciprocal promotion of mutual happiness. I would therefore advise you to be particularly careful in the choice of a conjugal partner at that period of life, if such counsel be not su- perfluous; for people of a maturer age are generally more circumspect in this matter, and those who being men act like heedless youths, deserve to feel the consequences of their folly. I do not believe that a perfect harmony of temper, disposition and thinking, of capacities and taste is necessarily required to constitute matrimonial happiness; the contrary may some- times afford more felicity, if the disparity be not too great and extend not to essential principles. A bond that is founded on mutual interest, and in which all the troubles one party suffers equally affect the other, renders it frequently necessary that the too great vivacity, the rash impetuosity of the husband should be temi>crcd by gentle- ness, and sometimes even by a little phlegmaon the part of the wife, and vice versa, to prevent many heedless steps and their dangerous conse- quences. Many families would also be reduced to total ruin if man and wife were animated with 186 PRACTICAL PHILOSOPHY an equal propensity for splendour, luxury and extravagnce; or for immoderate benevolence and sociability : and as our young novel readers commonly shape the ideal picture of their future partners after their own dear self, the interfe- rence of an old morose father or guardian is sometimes very beneficial to them. Thus much on the choice of a partner, which is almost more than I ought to have said here. IV. Married people who must see each other every day, and therefore have opportunities enow to get acquainted with each other's faults and humours, and suffer many inconveniences even from the most trifling of them, cannot be too circumspect in their conduct ; and it is highly important for them to find out means of preventing their society from being troublesome and tedious to one another, and to guard against mutual indifference, coldness and aversion. Dis- simulation is one of the worst expedients that can be adopted for that purpose ; but nothing is more efficacious than a certain regard for our own person, and an unrcmitted care to avoid every thing that can produce bad impressions. I would therefore advise married people carefully to cultivate mutual civility, which is the true spirit and characteristic of conjugal familiarity, andatall times distinguishes a man ofgoodbrecd- OP SOCIAL LIFE. 187 ing. It is one of the principal requisites of ma- trimonial happiness to avoid growing tiresome in conversation, and endeavouring to enliven mu- tual intercourse as much as possible by a prudent change of subjects; as nothing tends more to render the society of those with whom we must live fastidious than harping constantly on the same string, and repeating the same discourse on every occasion. I know a married man who has related the small store of anecdotes and nu- merous stories which he possesses so often to his wife, and in her presence to strangers, that the vexation and irritability which they produce in her mind arc but too apparently depicted in her countenance whenever he entertains his guests with those hacknicd sallies. A person who reads good books, frequents polished societies and reflects upon what he reads, sees and hears, will find every day additional matter for interesting conversation ; but this will certainly not be suffi- cient if he idle away the whole day by the side of his wife, and dedicate no time to useful occu- pation ; he then will be obliged to begui'e the tedious hours by playing at cards, or in any other equally insipid manner, if he can meet with no other company ; or have recourse to what is still more to be deprecated, the temptation of 188 PRACTICAL PHILOSOPHY ' quarrelling with his consort by way of amuse- ment. It is therefore very salutary if the hus- band have some regular employment, which fixes him at least for some hours every day to his writing desk, or calls him abroad ; or if a short absence should occasionally intervene, which rarely fails giving new relish to the society of his wife; during which period he is wishfully expected by his faithful partner, who carefully directed his domestic affairs whilst the tcnderest anxiety has been expressed for his safety and presence : on his return she receives him joy- fully; when the evenings glide imperceptibly away amid chearful discourses and consultations relating to the welfare of his family, and in con- sequence the matrimonial happiness of both is not poisoned by satiety. I would therefore advise those that wish to excite a new relish to their conjugal bliss, to separate themselves now and then for a short period from the object of their love, by going a journey, and thus give a new zest to connubial enjoyments. It is also requisite that those who desire to preserve each other's regard, should avoid every thing which can render their person disagreeable in the eyes of the object of their tenderest affection, and particularly uncleanlincss of dress and impn> OF SOCIAL LIFfi. 1 8<) priety of conduct. Those that live in the coun- try in particular, cannot be too careful to avoid all rustic airs, expressions and manners, as well as every neglect of their person : for how is it possible a wife, who discovers more defects and improprieties in her husband, with whom she constantly converses, than in other people should be partial to his society, and regard and love him more than others that display greater polite- ness and decorum ? And how can the conjugal state afford her real happiness, if her feelings be constantly wounded, and her life prove an unin- terrupted train of sacrifices and sufferings ? V. IP you so punctually and c^fully fulfil your duties, and act after such a regular and firm plan as to surpass if possible all your ac- quaintances, you may justly expect to be sin- cerely beloved by your wife, and finally prefer- red to all those that produce momentaneous impressions on her heart by single eminent qua- lities and accomplishments. But you must be careful to fulfil all these duties. A man who gets privately drunk once or twice every week, will derive but little benefit from his being capa- ble to boast of his disinterestedness, diligence, ceconomy and the respect paid him by good j and the wife who neglects the education . PRACTICAL PHILOSOPHY of her children, will derive very little advanta^ from her chastity, which perhaps is principally owing to want of temptation or a cold disposi- tion. If you claim regard and love as a duty, you must be careful to deserve it ; and if you expect your wife should honour and love you more than any other man, you must not rest this expectation merely upon the promise which she has given you at the altar, but found it chieflv upon your unremitted endeavours to be better and more amiable in every respect than others. Vices and virtues can be classed only with regard to their consequences ; for they all are in factQ^ually important, and a careless hus- band is as criminal as an unfaithful wife. Yet this is not the general way of thinking. We rail frequently against vices to which we are not inclined, and do not consider, that being inat- tentive to important virtues is as criminal as the commission of a bad action. An old woman persecutes with furious rage a poor young girl who has been betrayed by the warmth of her temper and the power of artful seduction into a false step, but does not think to deserve being censured for suffering her children to grow up like irrational brutes, because she has never committed an actual breach of her matrimonial OF SOCIAL LIFE. 1 (J I 'rows. A careful attention to all our conjugal duties, is therefore the safest and the only way to insure the attachment and love of our matri- monial partners. $ VI. NOTWITHSTANDING this, amiable stran- gers may sometimes happen to make more fa- vourable though transient impressions upon our consorts than are consistent with our peace. It is not to be expected that after the first blind love is evaporated, married people should con- tinue to entertain such a partiality for each other as not to be sensible sometimes of the ac- complishments of others. To this we must add, that people with whom we occasionally con- verse display only their bright side and are more apt to flatter us than those with whom we live. Impressions of this nature will however be soon obliterated, if the husband continue to fulfil his duties faithfully, and betray no symptoms of mean envy and foolish jealousy which never are of the least benefit, but always tend to produce bad consequences. Love and regard cannot be enforced nor obtained by harsh treatment; a heart that must be guarded is like the Mammon of the miser, rather an useless burthen than a real treasure which contributes to render us hap- py : opposition serves only to irritate; no watch- 1Q2 PRACTICAL PHILOSOPHY fulness is so great as not to be liable to imposi^* tion; and it is natural for man to wish with additional ardour for a supposed good as soon as the attainment of it v is seen to be attended with difficulties, which otherwise perhaps would have had no charm for him. I would also .advise you to scorn all those lit- tle artifices which may be excusable in lovers, but ought never to be practised by married people; as for instance, to excite jealousy in order to animate the passion of the beloved object with additional warmth. An union which must be founded on mutual regard is utterly incompatible with crooked means. If my wife unfortunately believe me to be capable of sacrificing my duty and conjugal affection to foreign inclinations, such practices will serve only to lessen her regard for me ; and if she perceive that I only trifle with her, these artifi- ces will be worse than fruitless, and may pro- duce the most lamentable consequences. I repeat it again : although the man should give his wife or the wife her husband some cause for uneasiness, yet this little deviation of the heart will not be of long duration, if the injured party continue faithfully to perform all matri- monial duties. The misguided wife, for in- 3 OP SOCIAL LIFE. 1 C)3 %tance, will sooner or later say to herself in a moment of cool and dispassionate reflection : " Although that man possess many amiable qua- lities and accomplishments, yet he is not con- nected with me by such tender ties as those that unite me with my husband who shares all my cares, is the fat her and supporter of my children, and participates of all my joys and sorrows ; nor will he ever, love me more tenderly than my faithful consort, who has already given me so many undoubted proofs of his forbearance and affection.'* And such a triumph of returning love which must take place, sooner or later, obli- terates all former sufferings. VII. PRUDENCE and probity however re- quire that we should arm ourselves against the impressions which the superior accomplishments of others can make on our heart. I would ad- vise every one, therefore, to be particularly care- ful to avoid such dangerous opportunities in the earlier part of life, when the imagination and the passions are but too apt to take fire, and the heart so strongly inclined to rebel against the controul of sober reason. A young iiia.ii who perceives that a woman with whom he frequently converses is likely to become dearer to him than his wife, and thereby kindle a wild VOL. i. O PRACTICAL PHILOSOPHY fire in his bosom, or at least imbittcr his domes- tic happiness, will do well to drop all intercourse with her, lest her illicit society should become necessary to him. This rule of prudence ought to be particularly attended to in our conversa- tion with the finer coquets who. without medi- tating any breach of honour, delight in sporting with the peace of an honest and feeling man, and are proud to cause sleepless nights, to pro- voke tears, and to excite the jealousy of other women. There are but too. many vain females of this class, who are actuated not by a bad heart or a vitiated temper, but by an unbridled desire to shine and to be generally admired, and thus to disturb the domestic peace of many a married couple. People of a maturer age whose heart has attained more firmness, may safely adopt a different mode of conduct. A man of firm prin- ciples, who accounts to his understanding for the feelings of his heart, and aims at the possession of real happiness, will soon recover from the too favourable ideas which he may have formed of another person to the disadvantage of his wife, by seeing the former so frequently as to be able to observe that she has more defects than his faithful, loving and sensible wife. If he at the same time reflect upon the tender interest which OF SOCIAL LIEE. 105 his consort takes in all his pleasures and sorrows, at the anxiety which she is wont to display for his happiness and comfort, and calls to his aid the reflection on the pledges of their mutual ju- venile love, his heart will undoubtedly be eager voluntarily to return to the sweetest duties. VIII. NOTHING is more absurd, nor can any thing render domestic life more burthen- some and miserable than the foolish idea that married people, because they are wedded to each other, have a right to monopolize all the feelings of their partner, and to demand that no other good and amiable person shall be dear to the heart of their consort, that the husband must be dead to the worth of every other female, and that it is a breach of conjugal fidelity if the wife speak with warmth and admiration of an- other man, and delight in conversing with him. Such demands are doubly ridiculous and unjust, if one party be already obliged to sacrifice much to the other on account of the difference of dis- position, or for other reasons. If in such a case the husband, for instance, endeavour to exhila- rate himself in the company of amiable people, to forget his sufferings for a few moments, to raise and to warm his spirits, the wife rather ought to thank him for it, than to distress him o 2, PRACTICAL PHILOSOPHY by foolish reproaches, to provoke his indigna- tion, and to drive him to despair and the com- mission of actual injuries. IX. THE choice of such friends as well as of pleasures and amusements must however be left to the heart and the taste of every individual. 'We have observed already, that a perfect simi- larity of temper, disposition and taste is not ab- solutely required for conjugal happiness. It Would therefore be an insupportable slavery for either party to be obliged to conform in all these points entirely with the disposition of the other. It is already hard enough for feeling people to be deprived of the pleasure of sharing with the partner of their life the noble and heart- elevating sentiments and impressions which arc produced in their mind by good books, the fine arts and the like, because her soul is not suscep- tible of them ; but to be obliged to deny our- selves every gratification of that nature, or to regulate the choice of our friends and conversa- tion according to the unfeeling whims of a per- verted head and a frigid heart, and to deprive ourselves of all the comforts that are congenial to our disposition and way of thinking this is the highest degree of mental misery and worse than the torments of hell : and I need not to OP SOCIAL LIFE. 1Q7 add that the husband, who is designed by nature and the civil constitution to be the head and director of his family, and frequently is actuated by the most important reasons to cultivate this or that connexion, to choose this or that occu- pation, or to take steps which may appear sin- gular to those that are unacquainted with his private motives, can be expected least to suffer himself to be controlled in such a manner. On the contrary, it contributes very much to render Social Life comfortable, if people who are united for ever by the most sacred ties, and bound to share reciprocally their joys and sorrows, endea- vour to accustom themselves gradually to think and to feel congenially, and to render their taste harmonious ; and it is a proof of an almost brutish stupidity, of a despicable indolence, and frequently of the most vitiated will, if we, after having been united many years with a reason- able, polished, and loving being, still are as ignorant, raw, calloun and obstinate as we were before. Jn that case tranquillity of mind, peace and happiness can abide no longer with us after the first rapture of love is evaporated, and the suffering party begins to be sensible of the con- sort's defects, and of the happiness which pro- bably would have resulted from a connexion 198 PRACTICAL PHILOSOPHY with another person ; whereas tenderness and real regard will easily produce that harmony of soul in reasonable and sensible people, if not obstinacy or a revolting difference of thinking render the disparity irreconcilable. X. BUT how are we to guard against an actual breach of conjugal fidelity ? How are we to arm ourselves when violence of temper, want of self-dominion, seduction, the arts of co- quetry, beauty and opportunities on the one hand, tempt us to break the matrimonial vow ; and on the other we are repelled by the mo- roseness, bad temper, stupidity, sickliness, de- formity or the advanced age of our consort ? This book is not designed to be a system of morals ; I must therefore leave it to every sen- sible reader to solve this delicate query as well as he can, and to consider by what means he can acquire a proper dominion over his pas- sions, and avoid dangerous opportunities and temptations, which indeed is not so easily effected in certain situations and relations as many people may think, particularly if we be young. I shall however say as much on this head as propriety and the plan of this work will permit. If you be desirous to avoid the commission of an actual breach of fidelity, I would advise you OP SOCIAL LIFE. not to accustom yourself and your wife to ex- cess in the enjoyment of your matrimonial rights, to voluptuousness, effeminacy and in- temperance, and thus to prevent the corporeal wants and desires growing too violent. It is further highly necessary for married people to be chaste; delicate and modest in the dispensa- tion of their matrimonial favours, to avoid dis- gust, satiety and faunish lust. A kiss is a kiss ; and it will generally be the wife's fault if a sensible husband be eager to obtain that kiss (which he can receive without trouble and in an honourable way from the pure and glowing lips of his helpmate) from a stranger, contrary to his duty and the laws of decency, and vice versa. Should you perceive that your consort is charmed by the power of novelty, you may turn that weakness to your advantage by being more parsimonious in the dispen- sation of your matrimonial favours, and give a new zest to conjugal desires by occasional continence and other impediments thrown into the way of your partner's sensual gratifications. XI. IT undoubtedly is a most painful step to dissolve an union with a person who has been dear to us, and was once the idol of our wishes. A man of sense, who knows from experience 20O PRACTICAL PHILOSOPHY the lamentable consequences which generally attend divorces, w$l therefore first try all other means before he resolves to separate himself from the faithless partner of his bed, and rather take all possible pains to reform and recal her to her duty than have recourse to that distres- sing expedient. There are two means of effecting that lau- dable purpose, which is highly becoming a man who possesses a feeling heart and a generous disposition of mind. Gentle and prudent treatment is the first means which I would advise an husband to ap- ply if he find that his wife be inclined to deviate from the path of her matrimonial duty. Harsh and g-illifig reproaches, and all manner of vio- lence will only serve to widen the breach ; whereas mild and kind treatment will frequently be sufficient to recal a frail wife from the road to her own and her husband's ruin. But if you wish to succeed, your endeavours to treat her with gentleness must be entirely unaffected, and nbt_ tinctured with the least symptom of stifled indignation or secret anger ; for it will be entirely out of your power to reclaim her to her duty if she perceive that your conduct be the effect of art. Prudence requires farther, OP SOCIAL LIFE. 2O1 that you should display sorrow and grief when- ever you surprise her in the act of deviating from her matrimonial obligations, and to avoid carefully betraying the least sign of fretfulncss or hatred, as such conduct would only serve to confirm her in the pursuit of her lawless career, and to alienate her heart more from yon, be* cause some people find a pleasure in provoking the passions of others, whereas no one that has the least spark of sensibility left can delight in giving pain. If you continue to proceed in this gentle and prudent manner for some time, you will have the satisfaction to convince her of the goodness of your heart, to insure her re- gard, to make her regret the pain and grief which she causes )^ou by her weakness, and then only can you safely try the second means, and remonstrate with her on the impropriety of her conduct. But if you really be desirous this step should be crowned with success you must never lose sight of the following rules :, First of all you must, as we have already ob- served, impress her with a favourable iJca of ynurse]f\ for if your erring wife has no regard for you, and suspects your heart or principles, remonstrances will only render bad worse. But if you have gained her good opinion, if she 2O2 PRACTICAL PHILOSOPHY esteem the goodness of your heart, and be af- fected by your generous conduct, you may safely venture to speak a word of admonition to her, and to remind her of the impropriety and injustice of her behaviour. This must how- ever be done mildly and in a convincing manner. You must remonstrate with her in a kind and affectionate strain, call her deviation by a gentle name, appeal to the many proofs of your sincere affection for her which she has received, point out indubitable instances of her transgression of her duty, as well as the lamentable conse- quences that may result from a continuation of it, and paint with lively colours the sufferings which you have patiently borne. It is how- ever absolutely necessary you should not do this in the presence of witnesses, but in private, to spare her the pain of seeing her weakness ex- posed ; because every mortal is desirous to con- ceal his faults from the world, and our heart re- volts and feels indignant sensations if others be informed, in our presence, of our weakness and defects. Rage and bitterness are in that case the usual consequences of such an imprudent indelicacy. I would further beg you to observe, that you must select for such remonstrances j moments in which she is in a good humour. OP SOCIAL LIFE. 203 Every mortal has his serene and gloomy hours, and the introduction of painful subjects at a time when the mind is pressed down by dis- agreeable ideas and sensations generally produce unpleasant consequences. If you be so fortu- nate to catch a propitious moment for remon- strating with your misguided consort, you must not neglect to do justice to the merits and ami- able qualities which she still possesses. Whoever knows the nature of the human heart will be sensible, that it is of the last importance to pay attention to this rule. Man wishes to be good, and his mind revolts at the idea of thinking himself guilty. We are terrified at the charge of having rendered a fellow-creature miserable, feel ourselves degraded, and think that our whole character is ruined. Can you blame your wife if her heart revolt in such a trying moment ; and will it not be necessary to remove or to prevent such an unfounded error ? This you will do most successfully if you preface your remonstrance by speaking of your wife's good qualities, of her talents, the laudable features of her character, of the goodness of her heart and other accomplishments that claim your regard ; in short, by doing justice to the merits which she possesses, and by representing her deviation 204 PRACTICAL PHILOSOPHY from her conjugal obligations as the only stain that disgraces her. This will soothe her mind, check her anger, and render her capable of listening patiently to your admonitions, and willing to follow your advice. The peace of your mind will certainly gain by such an at- tempt to recal your erring consort to her duty, though you should not succeed as well as you may wish ; for at least you will render her more cautious in her conduct, and have the satis- faction of having done on your part every thing that love and prudence can require. $ XII. The charge of an actual commission of adultery is highly awful and pregnant with the most serious consequences ; it is therefore the sacred duty of every husband who thinks himself injured to inquire carefully and mi- nutely, Whether it be founded merely on sus- picion or on indubitable facts, before he takes any step to vindicate his marital rights. I would therefore advise every one that thinks he has reason to suspect his wife of disloyal prac- tices, to take care not to give way to unfounded presumption, and not to infer from the seeming partiality of his consort for another man, of from her predilection for the society of an ac- complished stranger, that she is unfaithful to OF SOCIAL. LIFE. 205 him. Much less ought he to rely upon the insinuations and dubious hints of pretended friends, or on the tales of antiquated gossips. Even our own experience ought to be suspi- cious to us in such a momentous case, if our observations have not been made with the greatest circumspection and coolness ; for how often do we find that we heard and saw wrong, and repent too late of our hasty judgment ! Even if your wife should grow rather cool in her conversation with you, you would do wrong in taxing her immediately with an improper attachment for another ; as this may frequently be the effect of private sorrows or secret vexa- tion, and sometimes of your own conduct. Should you, however, think you have suf- ficient cause for suspicion, it will be prudent in you to institute the most impartial investigation, and to inquire only for such proofs as admit of no other interpretation. Justice and love ought to be your only guides in that painful tusk; and these require you should interpret all ap- pearances which excite your suspicion in the most favourable manner, and with as much cha- rity as possible. While there is the least pos- sibility to deduce unfavourable appearances from any other cause than infidelity, your own peace 206 PRACTICAL PHILOSOPHY of mind requires you should not be too hasty in your judgment, but do as you would wish to be done by were you in the predicament of your suspected wife. It is further a rule of prudence and justice, not to betray your suspicion to your faithless consort while you cannot yet substantiate it by the most incontrovertible proofs ; for it is the most unpardonable cruelty to afflict an innocent heart by such a dreadful suspicion ; and, be- sides, if you give vent to your suppositions, you will run the risk of inraging and exasperating your wife to such a degree as may actuate her to punish you by the commission of a crime which she otherwise, perhaps, would have ab- horred. Such a cruel injury may also destroy the peace of an innocent heart for ever. XIII. BUT how are you to act if you should be so unfortunate as to have incontrovertible proofs of your consort's guilt ? In that case, your own dignity, prudence, and charity demand of you not to torment her by contempt, reproaches, scorn, or similar humiliating treatment. For what would it avail you ? It would serve no other purpose than to plunge her deeper into guilt, and put it entirely out of your power to OP SOCIAL LIFE. 2O7 recal her to virtue, and lo save yourself from disgrace and sorrow. Therefore avoid also divulging her crime, complaining of it toothers, and so exposing her to public shame; because this would be the surest way of driving her to despair, of con- firming her in the prosecution of her criminal course, and of poisoning the mind of your children. Be generous and humane to your fallen con- sort ; do not suffer your children or servants to neglect paying her the respect which they owe her ; and avoid as much as possible doing any thing that could give her pain, particularly in the presence of strangers. Neglect no opportunity to regain her love by kindness, by defending her person against those that speak ill of her, by paying a just tribute to her good qualities in her absence, by displaying a serene and chcarful countenance in her pre- sence, and speaking to her in a mild and con- ciliating tone ; by convincing her that you take a lively interest in her concerns and sympathize with her sorrows, by affording her every plea- sure and comfort that lies in your power, by consulting her on all affairs that concern her ; 208 PRACTICAL PHILOSOPHY as well as endeavouring to please her by addi- tional neatness in your dress and the like. Examine your own conduct impartially ; en- deavour to discover what may have caused the alienation of her love, and hasten by every kind- ness to re-acquire it ; for it is almost impossible a wife should be unfaithful to her husband if he have not impaired her love by some impro- priety in his conduct. If you follow these rules you may attempt the reformation of your erring consort-with the most sanguine hopes of success, as your kind- ness and generous conduct will not fail to gain you her confidence and regard ; and without these all attempts to recal her to her duty will be fruitless. Should you be so fortunate as to succeed in your endeavour to restore her to virtue, your mutual love will undoubtedly be stronger than ever, and the increase of your happiness will sufficiently atone for all former sufferings. It is but natural that this should be the consequence. Repentance of her past mis- conduct, mutual joy at her reformation, the recollection of the dangers and sorrows which are past, and the additional relish which the conjugal embraces must derive from the long OP SOCIAL LIFE. interval during which both parties were deprived of them, cannot but be a sufficient compensa- tion for the troubles and the self-denial with which the recovery of such an unfortunate be- ing is attended a compensation far more valu- able and honourable than any sum which the laws can adjudge to the injured partner of a seduced female the inefficacy of such legal punishment being sufficiently proved by the numerous trials for adultery which occupy our courts of justice. XIV. But what is ,to be done if all these attempts to recal a faithless wife to her duty be made in vain ? In this case only two expedients remain, viz. either to separate yourself from your guilty consort , or, if circumstances render it necessary to endure her, leaving her reforma- tion to time. The former step ought to be taken by a prudent man only in case his wife's guilt be attended with public disgrace, or with the pro- bable ruin of his fortune ; or if the mind of his children be in danger of being irretrievably in- fected by her bad example. I would however advise you, for the pre- servation of your honour and the peace of your mind, as well as for your safety and the sake of VOL. r. P 210 PRACTICAL PHILOSOPHY your children, to avoid all violent reproaches, ill-treatment and every thing that betrays ha- tred and revenge ; for this will at all times do more harm than good. It will also be prudent, for the same reasons, not to offend nor to pro- voke the relations of the guilty consort, or any one of those that are connected with her, because you would thus needlessly increase the number of your enemies, blow up the flame of ven- geance, hurt your peace of mind and your con- stitution by the numberless vexations to which you would expose yourself. I would also advise you not to deny your faithless consort, neither before nor after the legal separation, that civility and respect which good breeding and decency demand, but treat her with the same politeness which you are used to shew a stranger ; never to speak ill of her, but render the state of separation as easy to her as possible, and to settle the matter so as not to injure the welfare of your children by giving vent to passionate heat. As, however, circumstances and considera- tions may take place that will render it prudent to avoid a total separation from the guilty wife, and rather to continue Jiving with her than taking the benefit of the law notwithstanding OP SOCIAL LIFE. 211 the most glaring proofs of her criminality, I beg leave to say a few words on that head. This case can take place only if the separa- tion threaten to be attended with the most ruinous consequences ; if for instance the children would be deprived by a divorce of the whole of the fortune which they have to expect, or if the family and the connexions of the guilty wife should be so powerful as to be able to ruin you entirely. These and other considerations ought to be carefully pondered before you take a de- cisive step ; and if you find that a total separa- tion from your faithless partner will evidently be attended with more lamentable consequences than you have to expect if you continue to live with her, prudence and self-preservation demand of you to prefer the latter. In that case you will act wisely in concealing the disgrace of the faithless wife as much as possible from the public, but particularly from your servants and children. I would also advise you to avail yourself of every propitious oppor- tunity that may offer itself to remonstrate with your unfortunate consort against her lamentable infatuation, to represent to her in mild accents, but with lively colours, the dangerous conse- quences of her conduct, the iufamy to which p 2 PRACTICAL PHILOSOPHY she devotes herself, and to conjure her not to disgrace herself publicly, at least, for her own sake ; to palliate her conduct, if it be censured in companies in your presence, to meet her sometimes abroad, and to treat her on such oc- casions with so much kindness and good nature as to lead others to think that you live with her on the most amicable footing. This is no deception ; that being a term which conveys the supposition of an untruth by means of which we injure others. It will generally produce the most salutary consequences if the injured party treat the offender, at home and abroad, with a certain degree of regard and kindness, sparing her all unnecessary pain, and proving to her by words and deeds that he does not deserve the injuries which he suffers from her misconduct. Such a wise and noble manner of proceeding will un- doubtedly produce some good effect, particu- larly if the injured husband watch with addi- tional circumspection over his own conduct, becoming more than ever a rigorous observer of the laws of propriety and virtue, and setting his children an example worthy of their imitation. I have been thus particular with regard to this momentous point, as the crime of adultery OF SOCIAL LIFE. Seems to have become the most fashionable of all vices ; the principal cause of which seems to me to originate in its not being attended in this country with public disgrace, but subject only to a penalty proportionate to the circum- stances of the seducer. Libertines and rakes are too willing to part with their money for the sake of sensual gratification to be materially affected by the risk which they run in seducing the wife of an honest man ; whereas solitary confinement, transportation, or some public mark of disgrace would more effectually serve to check them in their libidinous pursuits than the heaviest fines. We find that in countries where the vile seducers of married women are publicly branded with shame, or punished with imprisonment, the crime of adultery appears to be less frequent than in this country. $ XV. AN unlimited confidence ought to subsist amongst married people. But are there no instances at all in which one party may keep something secret from the other ? Undoubtedly there are. As the husband is designed by na- ture to be the counsellor of his wife and the head of his family ; as the consequences of every unguarded step taken by his consort devolve upon him, and as the laws make him responsible 214 PKACTICAL PHILOSOPHY for her conduct ; as the wife, in fact, is no mem- ber of the civil body, and the violation of her duties falls heavy upon the husband, disgraces and injures the family more immediately than the misconduct of her consort; as she depends more on the public opinion than him, and finally, as secresy is rather a manly than a female virtue, it may morfe rarely be proper in the wife to be close and reserved than in her hus- band, and concealment and secresy towards the head of the family may produce the worst of consequences. The latter, on the contrary, who is more immediately connected with the state is frequently intrusted with secrets which he has no right to divulge, and the communication of which may embroil him with others, and who Is to direct the whole house, and frequently cannot submit the plan upon which he acts to the weaker judgment of his wife, but must fol- low the dictates of his heart and reason with unshaken firmness, and pay no regard to the Opinion of the multitude, cannot possibly be always as communicative and unreserved as his consort might wish. Difference of situation however may alter this point of view. There are men who would be reduced to the most lament- able state were they to take a single step without. OF SOCIAL LIFE. 215 the privacy and advice of their wives; and there are very talkative men and close women. Be- sides, a wife may be intrusted with female secrets by a friend. In these and similar cases, pru- dence and probity must regulate the conduct of both parties. It is however an incontestible truth, that all conjugal happiness is at an end if real mistrust take place and candour must be enforced. Nothing can be more contemptible and mean in a husband, than being so vulgar as to peep secretly into the private letters of his wife, or to open them clandestinely, to search her drawers and to rummage her papers. Such miserable and ungentlemanlike practices will be of very little or no advantage to him ; for nothing is easier than to elude the watchfulness of a man with regard to injuries that must be proved, if once the bonds of mutual attachment be destroyed, and the perplexities of delicacy and regard conquered. Nothing is less difficult for a wife than to deceive a husband whom she perfectly knows, if she once have lost all credit with him, and beside can convict him of having frequently given way to false suspicions, because his passion makes him blind, and his mistrust and jealousy provoke imposition. Deception is ge- nerally the consequence of such an imprudent 2l6 PRACTICAL PHILOSOPHY and unjust conduct, which may occasion the ruin of the moral character of the best of women, and provoke her to commit crimes which otherwise perhaps she never would have meditated. XVI. IT is not advisable, for reasons which must be obvious to every intelligent man, that married people should transact all their business in common ; on the contrary, it is necessary that each party should have its proper department of activity. It is generally attended with very un- pleasant consequences if the wife, for instance, compose the official reports of the husband, and the latter, when company is expected, must su- perintend the kitchen and assist in the nursery. This causes the greatest confusion, excites the ridicule of the domestics, and, as one relies upon the other, nothing is done properly. XVII. As for the management of pecu- niary concerns I cannot approve the method which is almost generally adopted in allowing ladies a certain sum of money for housekeeping, with which they are obliged to contrive to de- fray all expences. This creates a divided in- terest ; the wife is reduced to the class of ser- vants and tempted to grow selfish, endeavours to save, is induced to think her husband too dainty, OP SOCIAL LIFE. 21 7 and vexed if he invite a friend to dinner ; the husband on the other hand, if he be not actuated by delicate aad generous sentiments, is apt to think that he lives not well enough for his money, or if he wish for an extraordinary dish dares not to ask for it through fear of distressing his wife. I would therefore advise you to give your wife (if not a cook, a housekeeper, or any other domestic manage those concerns which properly belong to the department of the mistress of the house) a sum that is adequate to your circum- stances for defraying the expcnces of your table, and when that is expended not to look cross if she ask for more. Should you, however, find that she expends too much, prudence and ceco- nomy bid you to examine her accounts, and to consult with her in what manner your expcnces can be rendered more adequate to your income. Do not conceal your circumstances from her; and allow her a small sum for innocent pleasures, dress and charitable purposes, of which you ought to demand no account from her. XVIH. CEcoxoMY is one of the first requi- sites of conjugal happiness. Therefore should you have acquired a habit of dissipation in your unmarried state, prudence requires, above all things, you should disengage yourself from it 218 PRACTICAL PHILOSOPHY as soon as you are united to a deserving consort, and use yourself to domestic oeconomy. A single man may easily endure distress, want, humiliation and neglect ; for if he have a pair of sound arms he may find bread any where ; he can easily resolve to quit all his connexions, and support his life in a remote corner of the globe by the labour of his hands : but if a husband and father have reduced himself to want and poverty by bad oeconomy, and angry looks meet those of his family who demand from him sup- port, attendance, education and pleasure ; if then he do not know where to get bread for to- morrow ; or if his civic honour, his promotion and the establishment of his children require he should live in a decent stile, or display some de- gree of splendour in his dress, and he has ren- dered himself incapable to do it ; if his creditors haunt all his steps, and attornies, jews, and usurers distress him day after day then the un- fortunate man becomes a prey to ill-humour, to bodily and mental diseases ; despair seizes him and grief preys on his vitals ; he endeavours to blunt the keen edge of self-created misery by abandoning himself to an incessant round of diversions and excesses ; his conscience tortures tris mind with pungent reproaches ; the bitter OP SOCIAL LIFE. 21 Q complaints of his wife follow him every where, and the groans and lamentations of his hapless children haunt him even in his sleep ; dreadful dreams torment him in the arms of his unhappy consort ; the contempt with which his purse- proud acquaintances look down upon him dis- pels ev r ery rising ray of hope, and gloomy clouds of despondency darken his brow ; his friends forsake him, the ridicule of his enemies tortures his soul, and in that dreadful situation he is lost to all domestic happiness ; the hapless man is then particularly anxious to shun the society of those whose peace he has ruined. Should therefore one party or the other be in- clined to dissipation, it will be advisable to put a stop to the growing evil in time, and to con- fide the management of all pecuniary affairs tp that party which can husband the purse best. It will also be needful that a regular plaa should be formed, to repair the mischief which already has been done, to execute it strictly, to avoid all expences which are not utterly necessary, and to take care that something should be left for enabling the dissipating party to enjoy at least some pleasures, lest the restriction should be too onerous. XIX. IP my readers should ask, Whether 220" PRACTICAL PHILOSOPHY it will be better if the husband or the wife be rich ? I must give it as my opinion that it is best if the former have the larger fortune. It will be well if both have some property to con- tribute a mutual share to the expences of house- keeping, and to prevent one party from being maintained entirely at the cost of the other. But if the dcpendance to which the poorer party naturally will be reduced on that account can- not be avoided, it is more consistent with nature that the husband, being the head of the family, should contribute the larger share towards sup- porting it. A person who marries a rich wife ought to take great care to avoid becoming her slave on that account. .j The little attention which is paid to this rule of prudence is the principal cause which de~ stroys the happiness of numerous families. If my wife had brought me a large fortune I would be particularly solicitous to prove to her that I have but few wants ; I would incur very few private expences, and convince her that I can acquire by my own industry as much as I want ; I would pay for my board, and be only the adr ministrator of her fortune ; I would keep a splendid house, because this is fit for rich people, but show her that splendour does not flatter my OP SOCIAL LIFE. Ill vanity, that I can be as happy if I have but two dishes at dinner as if I had twenty ; that I do not want being waited upon ; that I have a pair of sound legs which can carry me as far, though not so fast, as her coach and four ; and then I would exercise the prerogative of a husband, and demand an unlimited controul over the ap- plication of her fortune. XX. Is it necessary that the husband should possess a larger share of prudence and judgment than the wife ? This question is also of no small importance ; therefore let us investigate it more minutely ! The notion of prudence and judgment, with all its relations and modifications, is not always understood in the same manner. The prudence of a husband ought to be of a quite different nature from what the wife should possess ; and if prudence be confounded with knowledge of the world, or even with learning, it would be madness to desire that the other sex should rea- lize as much of it as men. A wife ought to possess an esprit de dttn'il, a finesse, a certain degree of innocent dexterity, circumspection, wit, gentleness, pliancy and patience which the male sex do not always possess in the same measure. The husband, on the other hand, 3 PRACTICAL PHILOSOPHY ought to be endowed with a higher degree of foresight, firmness and pertinacy, less subject to prejudices, and more indefatigable and polished than the wife. If you take that question in a more general sense, and ask, Whether it be better if the hus- band possess weaker intellects and a smaller share of knowledge in matters which must be understood rightly if we wish to live happy in the world, or the wife ? I reply without hesita- tion, that it is almost impossible a family could be governed well if the wife bear an absolute sway. There may be exceptions, but I know of none. By this observation, however, I do not mean to reflect any blame on the influence which good and prudent wives contrive to exer- cise over the heart of their husbands ; for who could blame a deserving wife for applying her powers to that purpose, and what reasonable man is not sensible that he frequently wants gentle corrections ? That exclusive arbitrary sway of which we were speaking, seems to be diametrically contrary from the order of nature. A weaker constitution of the body, an innate predilection for gratifications that are less lasting, whims of all sorts which often fetter the under- standing on the most important occasions, edit- OP SOCIAL LIFE. 223 cation, and finally the civil constitution which renders the husband responsible for the actions of his wife, design her to look out for protection, and demand of the husband to be her guardian. Nothing however is more absurd than if the wiser and stronger party be to commit itself to the protection of the weak and less wise. Ladica of eminent mental accomplishments act, there- fore, evidently contrary to their own interest, and prepare for themselves numerous disagree- able scenes in suffering themselves to be seduced by a desire for dominion, to look out for and choose stupid husbands ; the inevitable conse- quences of such an improper and imprudent choice are disgust, confusion, and the contempt of the public. Men who are so poor in spirit as not to be capable of acting the part of the mas- ter of the house properly, would do better to remain single all their life than to render them- selves a laughing-stock to their children, their domestics and neighbours. I knew a weak prince, whose consort exercised such an abso- lute control over him, that once when she had ordered her carriage to be got ready, he sneaked into the court yard to ask the coachman, " If he knew whether he was to be of the party." Stich a disgraceful want of authority renders a 1 224 PRACTICAL PHILOSOPHY husband extremely ridiculous, and no one likes to transact business with a man whose wilj, friendship, and manner of judging depends on the whims, nods, and corrections of his wife, who is obliged to communicate all his letters to his governess, and dares not to undertake any thing until he has held a curtain-consultation with his tutoress. A husband ought not to deny his authority even in his civility to his con- sort. Even the female sex despise a man who, before he can take a resolution, first must con- sult with his wife, always carries her cloak, is afraid of going into a company where she is not present, or must dismiss his most faithful ser- vants if his dear helpmate dislike their phy- siognomy. XXI. THE life of man is interspersed with numberless troubles. Even those that seem to be the favourites of fortune have frequently to struggle with secret sufferings, no matter whe- ther they be real or imaginary, unmerited or self-created. Very few wives have sufficient spirits patiently to bear misfortunes, to give good advice in time of need, and to assist their husbands in bearing the burthens that must be borne. Most of them add to the troubles of their consorts by complaining unseasonably, by OP SOCIAL LIFE. 225 talking incessantly of the state in which matters might be, were the circumstances different from what they are, or even sometimes by ill-timed and unjust reproaches. If therefore it be any- wise possible to conceal trifling misfortunes from your wife (adverse incidents of an important nature very seldom admit of it,) rather lock up your uneasiness in your heart ! besides, it is no consolation to a sensible man to make the object of his tenderness a sharer in his sorrows ; and who would not conceal his grief and expose him- self singly to the storms of adversity, if the dis- closure of his distress be not only useless, but renders his burden more onerous ? But should Providence involve you in great distress, or afflict you with pungent pains which admit of no concealment ; should the iron rod of unre- lenting fate or powerful enemies persecute you, oh ! then summon your whole firmness, and endeavour to sweeten the bitterness of the cup of misery which the faithful partner of your life must empty with you ! Watch over your hu- mour, lest you should add to the affliction of the innocent ! Retire to your own apartment when your heart grows too heavy, and there ease your mind by prayer and giving vent to your tears. VOL. i. Q PRACTICAL PHILOSOPHY Strengthen and steel your heart by the aid of philosophy, by confidence in GOD, hope and wise resolutions, and then appear before your consort with a serene countenance, to pour the balsam of comfort in her soul. No misery in this world is endless, and no pain so great as not to admit of intervals of alleviation. A certain heroism in the struggles against misfortune is attended with a pleasure which makes us forget the most pungent afflictions, and the conscious- ness of liaving administered comfort and conso- lation to others elevates our heart in an astonish- ing degree, and conveys an unspeakable hilarity to the mind. I am speaking from experience. XXII. We have laid it down as a principle, that a perfect harmony of thinking and temper is no necessary requisite of matrimonial happi- ness ; it cannot however be denied, that the state of a married man is a very lamentable one, if the wife take no warm interest at all in mat- ters which appear important, and are interesting to the husband. We are truly miserable if we must look out among strangers for sympathizing sharers in our innocent enjoyments and sor- rows, and in every thing that occupies our mind and heart. I pity the man whose phlegmatic OF SOCIAL H*E. 227 wife mixes water with every drop of joy which the hand of rosy-coloured fancy administers to his lips ; rousing him from every blissful dream of happiness, returning frigid replies to his wannest discourses, and destroying the fairest creations of his imagination by her want of fel- low-feeling. But what is to be done in such a situation ? The best advice I can give to un- fortunate husbands of this class is, to make use of Job's specific, to abstain from moralizing, if no amendment is to be expected, to be silent, if his words make no impression, and to avoid all opportunities that could occasion scenes which might enrage him beyond measure, or expose him to the danger of seeing his wife's stupi- dity publicly ridiculed ! This will enable him to enjoy, at least, a tolerable share of negative happiness. But what is to be done if Fate or our own folly should have chained us for ever to a being, who, on account of her moral defects or even vices, is undeserving of the love and regard of good people ; if our consort imbitter our life by a morose and vicious temper, and distress us by envy, avarice, or unreasonable jealousy ; or if she render herself contemptible by a false and artful heart, or be given to brutish lust and u 2 229 PRACTICAL PHILOSOPHY drunkenness ? I need not to observe that many an honest man may be innocently involved in such a labyrinth of v/oe, if love blind his youth- ful judgment ; as the most vicious dispositions are frequently concealed, in the bridal state, by the most beautiful masks. It is also but too well known that many a husband by imprudent management occasions the shooting up of vices and bad habits, the seeds of which lie concealed in the heart of his wife. It would however lead me too far from my purpose, were I to give rules how to act in every individual situation of this kind I shall therefore make only a few general observations on that head. In situations of such a nature we must pay particular regard to the preservation of our own peace, to our children and domestics, and to the public. Concerning ourselves, I would advise every one that is reduced to such a lamentable situation not to have recourse to complaints, reproaches, and quarrels, if he see that there be no hope left of correcting his vicious consort, but to use, with as much privacy as possible, such remedies as reason, probity and honour shall point out as the most efficacious. Act after a well-digested plan, devised with as much coolness of temper as possible. Ponder well whether a separation OP SOCIAL LIFE. be necessary, or by whatever other means you can render your situation tolerable, if it cannot be ameliorated, and do not suffer yourself to be diverted from the prosecution of the measures you have adopted by the semblance of amend- ment or caresses. However, never degrade yourself so far as to suffer your being tempted by tlic heat of your temper to treat your con- sort with harshness and severity ; for this would be adding fuel to the flame, and render your situation worse. Finally, perform your duties with additional strictness the more frequently your wife transgresses her obligations ; thus you preserve a good conscience, which is the best and firmest supporter in every misfortune. With regard to your children, domestics and the public, prudence bids you to conceal your affliction as much as possible. Discord between married people has always a bad influence on the education of their children. Therefore, if you cannot conceal your displeasure at your consort's temper and conduct, the happiness of your children requires you should separate your- self from them, and intrust their education to the skilful hands of a stranger rather than let them be witnesses of your conjugal dissensions. The domestics of a married couple, whose disr 230 PRACTICAL PHILOSOPHY cord breaks out in open quarrels,, are but too apt to revolt against the laws of subordination, fidelity and candour ; parties are formed, and talebearing is encouraged ; therefore carefully avoid quarrelling with your wife in the presence of your servants. If public dissensions prevail among married people, the innocent party as well as the guilty forfeits the regard of his fel- low-citizens, which ought to put you on your guard not to communicate your domestic mis- fortunes to strangers. XXIV. Officious friends, old women, aunts and cousins are very apt to interfere on such occasions. But suffer no person whatsoever to intrude upon your domestic concerns without your leave. Repel all such officious intruders with manly firmness. People of a good dispo- sition are reconciled without the interference of a mediator, and upon malignant minds his best efforts will have no influence. Pray that heaven may not curse you with one of those antiquated mothers in-law who pretend to know every thing better than their children, and want to direct under every circumstance though they should be destitute even of common sense ; who make it their business to breed and to keep up quarrels, and to conspire with cooks, house- OF SOCIAL LIFE. 231 keepers and chamber-maids to explore, out of Christian charity, the secrets of your neighbours. Should you however, unfortunately have ob- tained such a baneful piece of furniture along \vith your wife, I would advise your not omit- ting, the first time she attempts to meddle with your domestic affairs, to repel her pious service* in such a manner as may terrify her from making a second attempt of that nature ! But there are also good and worthy mothers-in-law, who love the consorts of their children with true ma- ternal tenderness, give them the best advice, and therefore ought to be esteemed a valuable acquisition, and venerated as guardian angels or a beloved and amiable wife. Quarrels between husband and wife ought generally to be settled by themselves ; or should matters have proceeded too far, before the pro- j>er courts of justice, all intermediate instances arc dangerous, and all mediators and protectors of the suffering party chosen from among strangers do more harm than good. The hus- band ought to be master in his own house, be- ing thus ordained by nature and reason ! He must by no means suffer this dominion to be wrested from him, and even maintain his ground PBAfcTICAL PHILOSOPHY firmly when his wiser wife opposes her secret power over his heart to his authority. XXV. All these rules are, perhaps, appli- cable only to persons of the middle class ; peo- ple of high rank and great wealth are but rarely susceptible of domestic happiness, live generally on a very ceremonious footing with their con- sorts, and therefore are in want of no other rules but those which a polished education pre- scribes ; and as they commonly have a system of morals of their own, they will find in this chapter but very little that suits them. CHAPTER VII. Rules for Lovers and those that converse ivith them. SECTION I. AT is difficult, if not impossible, to converse reasonably with people who are in love ; they are as unfit for social conversation as those who are intoxicated ; they live only for their idol, and care little or nothing for anything else. If OP SOCIAL LIFE. 233 you cannot avoid frequenting their society, and wish to live on an amicable footing with them, you must carry with you a sufficient stock of patience to be enabled to hear them talk of the object of their tenderness without yawning ; and you may be sure to gain their good opinion if you can prevail upon yourself to show on such occasions an interest for their concerns, or not be provoked by their follies and eccentricities in case their love should be kept secret, not watch them, or appear to have any knowledge of their passion, though the whole town be apprized of the secret (which is often the case) and finally not to irritate their jealousy. This being all that I have to say on this sub- ject, except a few collateral remarks, which I beg leave to subjoin, viz. If you wish for a judicious friend who is to assist you with his advice, or to interest himself in your behalf with firmness and unshaken diligence, you will be sadly disappointed in choosing a person who is in love. If on the contrary, you be desirous to meet with a sympathizing and sentimental friend, whom you expect to whine and sigh with you, to lend you money without demand- ing security, to subscribe to your works, to assist you in relieving the distressed, in pacify- 234 PRACTICAL PHILOSOPHY ing an enraged father, joining you in the exe- cution of some romantic prank, keeping you company in your follies, or in applauding your verses, you will undoubtedly do well to apply, as occasion may require, either to a happy or an unsuccessful lover ! It would be useless to prescribe rules for lovers how to act when they are in company with the object of their tenderness ; as these people are not often thoroughly collected, it would be as great folly to demand of them an observance of certain modes in their conversa- tion with the object of their wishes, as it would be to desire a madman to rage in verse; or a person who has the tooth-ache to groan to music. Yet surely something may be said, the observation of which would prove salutary, could it only be hoped that such people would pay attention to the dictates of reason. III. The first love creates astonishing re- volutions in the manner of thinking and the whole nature of man. A person who never was in love can form no idea of the bliss which the conversation of lovers affords them, while those that have trafficked too long with their heart lose all susceptibility for sensations of that nature. OP SOCIAL LIFE. 235 The first declaration of love produces most wonderful effects. A person who has frequently trifled with his heart, and been in love with dif- ferent females, will not indeed find it difficult to express his sentiments on a propitious op- portunity, if he should feel inclined once more to pay his devoirs at the shrine of Love ; and the coquette knows well enough what answer she must return on such an occasion : she pre- tends at first not to believe that he is serious, apprehends that the gentleman is going to di- vert himself at her cxpence, that the reading of novels has turned his brains, or if he urge his suit with more importunity, and she thinks it time for her to be convinced by degrees that he is in earnest, she beseeches him in the first in- stance to spare her weakness, and not to betray her into a confession which would make her blush ; then the enraptured lover offers to press the sweet charmer to his heart, and protests he is the happiest creature in the world, but the offended fair one solemnly assures him that she will never permit such liberties to be taken with her, and very gravely reminds him that the laws of probity and honour require that he should spare her weakness, while she dispenses her fa- vours with the most frugal ceconomy to enjoy PRACTICAL PHILOSOPHY the pretty romance the longer ; and if nothing will serve to protract the closing scene any fur- ther, a quarrel is called to her assistance to put off the happy moment in which the last favour is to be granted. People of this class, however, feel nothing at all during their amorous dalliance, laugh at the farce when they are by themselves, can calculate with the greatest accuracy how far they shall have advanced in a day or two, and enjoy a sound and undisturbed sleep notwithstanding the apparent cruelty of their charmer. The case is different with two innocent hearts, \vho, being warmed the first time by the genial fire of love, wish to give vent to their blissful and guiltless sensations, and yet cannot take courage to declare by words what their eyes and gestures have so frequently and plainly expressed. The young man looks tenderly at the object of his love. She blushes ; her looks betray an un.- easy and flurried mind when he converses too long or with too much apparent freedom with another female ; indignation flashes in his eyes, he scarcely can refrain from giving vent to his anger, if with a smiling countenance she whisper something to a stranger, and his every action upbraids the thoughtless maid ; the re.- OF SOCIAL LlPfi. 237 proach is felt, immediate satisfaction is given ; the offensive conversation is suddenly termi- nated ; the reconciled lover thanks the atoning fair one by a tender smile, and the clouds which enveloped his brow are instantly dispelled by cheerfulness, accompanied with the most lively salliesof jocundity and good humour; assignations are made by the eyes for the next day ; the lovers mutually beg pardon, exculpate their conduct, warn each other against the intrusion of ob- servers, acknowledge their reciprocal rights and nevertheless have not yet declared by a single word what they feel for each other. Both parties however arc anxious for an occasion of coming to an explanation ; the long-sought op- portunity offers at last, presents itself repeatedly, and both suffer it to escape unimproved, or at most only betray their sentiments by a tender pressure of the hand, when a still more favour- able unexpected occasion again offers itself, but neither dare to utter their sentiments ; they are thoughtful, doubt whether their Iqve be re- turned, and tremblingly delay coming to an ecclaircissementj although their passion be thefa- ble of the whole town, and the object of the vilest aspersion. When at length the timid confes- 238 PRACTICAL PHILOSOPHY sion breaks from the quivering lips, and is re- turned with stammering and half stifled words, attended by a convulsive pressure of the hand that thrills the inmost fibres of the heart, and electrifies, as it were, the whole frame ; then we begin first to live entirely for each other, care little for all the world, are blind to the ob- servations and deaf to the whispers of those that are near us, are happy in every company where the object of our tenderness is present, fear not the frowns of misfortune by her side, suspect not that sickness, poverty and oppression may overtake us on the flowery path of love, are at peace with all the world, and care not for the comforts of life. You who have seen such blissful times, say ! is it possible to dream a sweeter, happier dream ? Is one of all the fan- tastic joys of life so innocent, natural and harm- less as this ? Can any other sensation render us so unspeakably happy, so gay and peaceful ? What a pity it is, that that blissful state -of in- chantmcnt cannot last for ever, and that we are awakened but too frequently and too terribly from that Elisean trance ? IV. In the matrimonial state jealousy is a dreadful evil that destroys all peace and happi- ness, and every quarrel may be attended with OP SOCIAL LIFE. fatal consequences ; whereas in love, jealousy creates variety and additional relish : nothing is sweeter than the moment of reconciliation after short quarrels, and such scenes serve to cement the union more strongly. Bat dreadful is the jealousy of a coquette, and you ought to trem- ble at the vengeance of a woman whose love you have scorned, or for whom your heart has ceased to be interested, if she continue to covet the possession of your person, no matter whe- ther she be actuated by wanton desires, vanity or caprice ! She will persecute you with furious ire, and no kindness on your part, no forbear- ance, no secrecy with regard to your former connexion, nor all the civilities which you pay her in public will save you from the dire effects of her frantic passion, particularly if she have not learnt to fear von. c V. MYSOGYNISTS declaim loudly, that the fair sex do not love half so faithfully and firmly as man does ; that vanity, curiosity, delight in romantic adventures, or the calls of sensual wants are the onlv charms which attract them to our sex, and that we can count on female fidelity only while we can gratify one or the other of these passions and propensities, as time and occasion require ; while others are of a dii- 24O PRACTICAL PHILOSOPHY ferent opinion, and paint in the most charming colours the firmness, cordiality and fire of the female heart which is animated with love. The former impute to the fair sex a larger share of sensuality and irritability than of nobler senti- ments, and pretend that no married man ought to believe his wife if she assure him that she possesses a cool temper ; whereas the latter maintain that the purest and most sacred love, destitute of all sensual desire, nay even of pas- sion, can animate only a female bosom in its intire fulness. I leave those to decide on the merits of this subject, that possess a greater knowledge of the female heart than myself. I shall not venture to give my opinion on this delicate point, though I have been an attentive observer of the other sex during a long and fre- quent intercourse with them. Thus much how- ever I can presume to maintain, without injury to either sex, that men cannot pretend with any colour of truth to surpass women in fidelity and fulness of love. The history of every age affords numerous instances of women who, scorning all difficulties and dangers, were attached with the most surprising and unshaken firmness to their lovers. I know of no greater felicity than that which flows from such a cordial OF SOCIAL LIFE. 241 and unconquerable love. Thoughtless minds are to be met with as well amongst men as amongst women; the whole human race are subject to the desire of change; new impres- sions, produced by a superiour degree of ami- able qualities, no matter whether they be real or imaginary, can supplant the liveliest senti- ments; but I am almost tempted to say that instances of infidelity are more numerous amongst men than amongst women, but are less noticed and make less noise than those of female inconstancy ; we are more difficult to be fet- tered for ever than the other sex, and it would indeed be an easy task for me to state the real causes of this phenomenon, did not the scope of the present work prevent me from discussing this point. VI. TRUE and congenial love enjoys secretly the blessings which attend it, and refrains not only from priding itself with favours received, but also scarcely dares to acknowledge to itself the whole extent of its happiness. That period in which we have not yet disclosed our love by words, though we understand the mystic mean- ing of every glance and every look of the be- loved object, affords the happiest moments of congenial and pure felicity. Those joys are VOL. t. R 142 PRACTICAL PHILOSOPHY most enrapturing which we bestow and receive without accounting for them to our under- standing. The delicacy of our feelings fre- quently prevents us from speaking of favours which lose their greatest value, and can no longer be reciprocated with propriety when they are made subjects of discussion. We grant silently what we are bound to refuse if it be requested, or if it be visible that it is granted premeditatedly. VII. IN those years in which the heart is but too apt to run away with the understanding, many a thoughtless young man lays the founda- tion of his future misery by a rash promise of marriage. He recollects not in the trance of love how serious and important such a step is, and that this is the most difficult, dangerous and indissoluble of all obligations which we can take upon ourselves. He unites himself for life with a being who appeared in his eyes blended by passion, to be gifted with qualities which experienceand the light of sober reason dis- cover to him to have been merely delusory, when too late he perceives that he has rendered him- self unspeakably miserable by trusting to appear- ances ; or he does not consider that such an union adds to the wants, cares and labours of OP SOCIAL LIFE. 243 life, and is forced to struggle by the side of a beloved wife with want and sorrows, and doomed to feel all the blows of adverse fate with double force; or he breaks his promise, if his eyes be opened before the indissoluble knot be tied, and then he is tortured by the reproaches of a polluted conscience But of what use are sober advice and prudent counsel in the moment of mental intoxication ? As for the rest, I refer my readers to the XIV and XV sections of the following chapter. VIII. IP love and intimacy have attached you to an amiable woman, and your bonds should be dissolved either by adverse fate or incon- stancy and fickleness on one part, or any other cause, the laws of honour demand of you not to act ungenerously after the connexion hasceased. Do not suffer yourself to be tempted to take a disgraceful revenge, nor to make an improper use of letters and the confidence that was placed in you. The man who is capable of aspersing the character of a female who once was dear to his heart, deserves the contempt of every honest mind ; and how many who in other respects are not over amiable, owe the favour to accom- plished women, to approved discretion and deli- cacy ! R2 244 PRACTICAL PHILOSOPHY CHAPTER VIII. On Conversation with the Fair Sex. SECTION I. XJEFORE we proceed further I must observe, that the notice which I am bound to take of the defects of the female character in general, is in nowise meant to depreciate the numerous good qualities which we discover not only in indivi- duals, but also in the whole sex. To be silent in respect of the former in order to give the greater lustre to the latter is the practice of a venal flat- terer, a part for which I profess myself wholly unqualified. Most writers however, who speak of the female sex, seem to be particularly solici- tous to descant only on their defects, which system likewise equally militates against my purpose. An authour who writes on the con- versation with men, cannot avoid glancing at those defects which we must tolerate and spare if we wish to preserve Social Happiness. Either sex, every rank and age, and every individual character is subject to a variety of defects which are so intwined with his nature as to appear OP SOCIAL LIFE. 245 inherent. The scope of this work requires I should speak of them as far as my knowledge renders me competent for the task ; and my readers I presume will find that I am not blind to the virtues which render the conversation between men and women, old and young people, the wise and the ignorant, the rich and the poor, a source of pleasure and happiness ; nor that I mean to praise or censure any class at the expense of its opposite. Thus much by way of preface to this subject. II. NOTHING is more adapted to give the last polish to the education of a young man than the conversation with virtuous and accomplished women. Their society serves to smoothe the rough edges of our character and to mellow our temper. In short, the man who has never been connected with females of the better class is not only deprived of many of the purest pleasures, but also will have little success in Social Life ; and I should not like to be connected by the bonds of friendship with a man who has a bad opinion and speaks ill of the female sex in ge- neral. I have spent the happiest hours of my life in the society of amiable women ; and if I have any commendable qualities, or if after having been deceived so frequently by men and 246 PRACTICAL PHILOSOPHY fickle fortune, bitterness, vexation and resent- ment have not expelled benevolence and love from my soul, I owe the whole entirely to the salutary impressions which female conversation has made upon my mind. III. WOMEN possess a peculiar facility in discerning those men who sympathize with them, feel interested in their conversation, and can accommodate themselves to their tone. We should be very unjust were we to maintain, that personal beauty only can produce lively impres- sions upon their minds ; the contrary being fre- quently the case. I know young men of the most striking personal appearance who are very unsuccessful with the fair sex, while those whose form is far from being handsome are great fa- vourites with them. There is a peculiar method of rendering ourselves agreeable to the sex, which can be learnt only of themselves ; and the man who is ignorant of it will never succeed in ingratiating himself with them, how great so- ever his personal and mental accomplishmentsbe. There are men who shamefully abuse the power which they possess of pleasing the ladies ; those that are trusted with adult daughters, and being allowed at all times free access to the un- suspecting fair, having first acquired the sem- 1 OP SOCIAL LIFE. 247 blance and character of harmless creatures, arc permitted to sport the most wanton jokes, and frequently indulged with opportunities which prove lamentable preludes to certain and bitter repentance. The abuse of that art however does not condemn its proper application. A small tincture of female gentleness, though not degenerating into unmanly weakness ; favours, but neither so great nor so particular as to at- tract public notice, or demand greater in return, nor yet so private as to be overlooked, or not at all valued ; polite marks of attention on trifling occasions, which scarcely admit of thanks, and consequently convey no obligation, seem to be free from pretension, yet nevertheless are under- stood and valued ; a kind of ocular language, though very different from amorous ogling, which is understood and felt by a tender and sensible heart without requiring the assistance of words ; a nice delicacy in displaying certain .sentiments ; a free and open conversation, which must never degenerate into impudent and vul- gar familiarity ; at times a look of soft melan- choly ; a certain romantic enthusiasm which borders neither on the sentimental nor the ad- venturous ; modesty without timidity ; intre- pidity, courage and vivacity ; agility of body, 248 PRACTICAL PHILOSOPHY skill, nimbleness and pleasing talents these, I think, arc most conducive to gain us the favour of the fair sex. IV. THE consciousness of being in want of protection, and the belief that man is a being \vho can afford it, is also implanted by nature in the mind of those women who have firmness and resolution enough to protect themselves. For this reason even ladies of a meek and gentle disposition feel a kind of aversion from men who are weak and infirm. They have the ten- derest compassion for suffering people ; as for instance for wounded or sick persons, but habitual and lasting infirmities, which impede the free use of bodily and mental faculties, will undoubtedly deprive you of the affection of even the most chaste and modest woman. ^ V. THE ladies have frequently been ac- cused of feeling a particular interest for liber- tines and rakes. If this be true, I cannot see why it should be so very reprehensible as many seem to think. If the consciousness of their innate weakness render them more tolerant than we are, this does honour to their heart : how- ever, it is but just to confess that we are actuated frequently by envy to censure such happy cri~ minals j whereas we arc secretly pleased with a OF SOCIAL LIFE. 24Q Lovelace, and other polished rakes, when we be- hold them only on paper and on the stage. The cause of this phenomenon originates, most probably, in an obscure sensation, which tells us that deviations of this sort require a certain acti- vity and energy which always create interest. As for the rest, it has been observed that most ladies are tolerant only to handsome men and ugly women. ^ VI. I must also observe, that cleanliness and elegance of dress serve very much to re- commend us to the ladies, and that they are very kecnsighted in discovering the smallest in- attention in these particulars. VII. AVOID paying homage in a similar manner to several ladies at one time and in the same place, if you be bent on obtaining the affection and favour of an individual female ; they will forgive us trifling acts of faithlessness, nay, they will sometimes like us the better on that account ; but at the moment in which we are speaking to them of our sentiments, we must feel what our lips utter and show that they are the sole object and cause of our sensations. All is over if they perceive that we address our ten- der discourses to every woman who comes in 25O PRACTICAL PHILOSOPHT our way ; for they are desirous to possess our affection undivided. VIII. Two ladies who have pretensions of the same nature, no matter whether they be founded on beauty, learning, or any other ac- complishment, agree but rarely in the same company ; yet they may at times be recon- ciled in some degree ; but if a third, who has the same pretensions, should unfortunately join their circle, we must give up all ideas of check- ing the rising tempest, which inevitably M ill break out on the slightest occasion. Therefore, take particular care in the pre- sence of a lady who pretends to superiour talents or anything else of that nature, not to praise another too much for the same accomplishments, especially if the latter be a rival of hers. All persons who are conscious of their internal merit and have a desire to shine, particularly ladies, are apt to wish to be admired exclusively, no matter whether it be on account of beauty, taste, talents, or any other superiour quality. Therefore, never speak of the likeness which you perceive in the lady with whom you are conversing and her children, or any other per- son. The ladies have sometimes singular OP SOCIAL LIFE. 251 whims, and it is frequently difficult to know what ideas they have of themselves, and how they wish to look. One affects simplicity, in- nocence and artlessness ; another presumes to possess grace, a noble air and dignity of deport- ment ; a third delights to be told that her features express a great deal of meekness and good nature ; another wishes to be thought firm, manly and high-spirited ; one pretends to look very sickly and nervous, while another re- joices to be told that she has a healthy and fresh appearance. This weakness is trifling and in- nocent, and you will do well in accommodating yourself to such singularities. IX. MOST ladies wish to be constantly amused, and an entertaining companion is fre- quently received better by them than a worthy and grave man whose conversation is graced with wisdom, but who prefers being silent to engaging in idle talk. No subject, however, is more entertaining to them than their own praise, if it be uttered in a proper manner. An aged matron will not be angry with you if you discover traces of former beauty in her features ; and many a mother of adult children will not deem it an offence to be mistaken for her daughter. It is generally a dangerous matter 252 PRACTICAL PHILOSOPHY to speak of the age of a lady, and if you be wise you will not touch this subject at all. If you know the art of giving them an opportunity of appearing to advantage, your society will be agreeable to them, though you should not be able to amuse them much. But is not this the case, more or less, with all men ? All mortals are pleased to shine, but women in particular, because we nourish their vanity from their in- fancy, and but seldom give them an opportu- nity of seeing their own defects in a proper light. X. CURIOSITY is a prominent feature of the female character, and prudence requires we should pay some attention to it in our conversa- tion with the other sex, and endeavour to pro- voke, to amuse and to satisfy it as circumstances require. It is most singular to observe how far this propensity sometimes will carry them. Even the most compassionate of their sex have frequently an irresistible desire to see scenes of horror, executions, operations and the like, to hear horrid stories and to view objects which the firmer man cannot behold without aversion. For this reason they are, in general, particularly fond of reading such novels, and to see such plays as are crowded with horrid incidents and OP SOCIAL LIFE. 253 dreadful apparitions. For this reason some of them have so strange a desire to explore the secrets of others and to pry into the actions of their neighbours, though malice, envy and jealousy be not always the motive by which they are actuated. Lord Chesterfield says; " If you wish to ingratiate yourself with women, " trust them with a secret !" He means, indeed, only with one of no great importance. But why only with a trifling one ? Are not many women more discreet than men ? All depends upon the object of the secret. XI. EVEN the most excellent women are more changeable in their humours and less con- sistent at all times than men in general. This arises from the greater irritability of their nerves, which renders them easier to be affected, and from the weakness of their frame, which exposes them to many unpleasant sensations of which we have no notion. Be not therefore asto- nished, my friends, if you think, you do not meet every day with the same degree of sym- pathy and love in the object of your affection. Bear patiently with these transient humours, but take care not to intrude upon them in such moments of irritability and ill-temper, to tor- ment them with your wit or to offer unseason- 254 PRACTICAL PHILOSOPHY able consolation. Endeavour to find out what they like best to hear in every particular disposi- tion of mind, and wait patiently for the moment when they are sensible of the value of your in- dulgence and forbearance, and disposed to atone for their errors. XII. The female sex sometimes find a cer- tain pleasure in teazing others, and giving un- easiness even to those persons who are dearest to them. This also is the effect of their hu- mour, and not of a bad and malignant dispo- sition. If you bear these transient bursts of ill- humour with patience and good-nature, and are careful to avoid widening the trifling dif- ference into a formal breach by passionate be- haviour, the fair tormentor will-, soon atone for the injuries which you suffer by additional kindness, and you will obtain one claim more to her affection. XIII. In such and all petty contentions and differences with the other sex we must yield them the triumph of fhe moment, and be care- ful of not exposing them to ridicule ; their va- nity for this would never forgive us. XIV. It is almost needless to repeat here what has been asserted already so often, that the resentment of an ill-tempered and malig- OF SOCIAL LIFE. 255 nant woman is dreadful, cruel and extremely difficult to be appeased. It indeed almost sur- passes belief how expert such furies are in find- ing out means to torment and persecute an ho- nest man, by whom they conceive themselves to have been offended, how implacable their hatred is, and in how mean and degrading a manner they sometimes satisfy their thirst for vengeance. The author of this observation has had the misfortune to experience this in a most painful degree. A single thoughtless step of his early youth, bv which the pride and vanity of a woman, who had injured him first, were offended, was the cause of his meeting with in- surmountable difficulties and opposition where- ever he afterwards was obliged, by his fate, to apply for assistance and protection. The fiend- like malignity of that woman instigated calum- niators of the blackest cast to precede him with the foulest aspersions, to oppose all his actions, and to ruin every plan which he formed for the benefit of his family. The greatest prudence and circumspection were incapable to ward off the effects of her hatred, and even his public acknowledgment that he was sensible of the in- jury which he had offered her, was insufficient to reconcile her revengeful spirit. This impla- 256 PRACTICAL PHILOSOPHY cable woman ceased not to persecute him, until at last he resigned every thing that rendered the assistance of others necessary, and confined himself entirely to a domestic existence, of which she cannot rob him. And that woman is a princess, who has it in her power to render thousands happy, and has been gifted by nature with the most excellent abilities and uncommon personal charms. As for the rest, we observe in general, that the weaker are always more cruel in their ven- geance than the strong, because, perhaps, the consciousness of that weakness renders the sense of the injury which they suffer more acute, and makes them more eager to find an oppor- tunity of trying their strength, for once at least. XV. A PHILOSOPHICAL tFeatise of Professor Meiners on the question, " Whether it be in our power to fall in love, or to resist the influ- ence of this passion at pleasure ?" leaves me little room for hoping that I shall be able to say anything new on the means which we must use to preserve our liberty in . our conversation with amiable women. Love, indeed, is a sweet tormentor, which surprises us when we are least aware of it, and in consequence commonly OF SOCIAL LIFE. 257 begin to counteract it when it is too late ; yet it is but too often attended with bitter suffer- ings and the ruin of all peace and happiness ; for hopeless love is one of the most dreadful evils, and external relations sometimes throw insurmountable obstacles in the way even of the noblest and tenderest inclinations ; it will be useful, particularly for a person whom nature has gifted with a lively temper and a warm ima- gination, to endeavour to obtain a certain de- gree of dominion over his sensibility and feel- ings, and if he find himself unequal to the task to flee the temptation. To be beloved and incapable of returning love for love is extremely distressing to a feeling heart ; it is a dreadful situation to love without having any hope of success ; and it is sufficient to fill the heart with black despair when we are doomed to reap infidelity and imposition for faithful and un- bounded affection. The man who has found out infallible means to obviate all this, has dis- covered the philosopher's stone -I confess I have not ; and know no other than timely flight. XVI. There are villains who have so little regard for the virtue, probity and peace of their fellow-creatures, as not to scruple seducing in- VOL, i. S 258 PRACTICAL PHILOSOPHY nocent and inexperienced girls by insidious arts, or at least to delude them by false expecta- tions, and even by the promise of marriage ; thus procuring for themselves some moments of transient gratification, but afterwards abandon the unhappy victims of their sensuality, who on their account declined every other connexion, and are but too often ruined for life by the in- famous duplicity of such unprincipled wretches. The ignominy of such conduct must be obvious to every one that has the least spark of love for honour and justice left in his bosom ; and for those that are entirely destitute of these feelings I do not write. There is, however, another kind of conduct, which in its consequences is no less dangerous, though it be not equally criminal in point of motive ; and I must beg leave to address a few words of admonition to my readers respecting the same. Many of our sex are of opinion, that the conversation with young ladies cannot be at all interesting unless they flatter their vanity, or let their words and gestures bespeak a certain degree of warmth and affection. This serves not only to nou- rish the already too great propensity of the other sex to vanity, but also induces them to mistake every peculiar degree of attention which OP SOCIAL LIFE. 259 we show them for an offer of marriage. The fop is not sensible of this, or if he should per- ceive it is too thoughtless to reflect on the con- sequences such an error may produce; he relies upon the consciousness of having never intimated such an offer in direct terms ; and when he ceases paying his court to the deluded fair one, she is rendered as unhappy as if he had imposed upon her with the utmost preme- ditation. The poor forsaken girl pines away while disappointed hope rankles in her heart, and the heedless and unthinking youth pays similar addresses to others, without even suspect- ting the mischief he has done. Another class of men destroy the peace of inexperienced females either by irritating their curiosity and sensuality by wanton discourses and a luxuriant wit, or heating their imagina- tion by instilling into their mind romantic ideas, diverting their attention from those objects with which they ought to occupy themselves agreeably to their calling, destroy ing their sense of domestic felicity, or rendering a young and simple coun- try girl dissatisfied with her situation by amusing her imagination with a seducing picture of the pleasures of a town-life. A& I do not write PRACTICAL PHILOSOPHY merely to teach how we may be an agreeable, but also how we must act to become an useful companion, I conceive myself called upon by my duty to warn against such conduct ; and believe me, my young friends, all good and care* ful parents will bless you, and cheerfully admit you to their daughters ; nay, they will think themselves happy in uniting their only child with you if yon follow my advice, and thus ac- quire the character of a prudent and conscien- tious young man. XVII. HERE I ought to say a few words on the conversation with coquets and seducing females; but as this subject presents a wide field for observation, and having great reason to apprehend that my labour would be attended with little success, shall therefore be very con- cise. The snares which a young man has to dread are innumerable; and I advise my readers to flee that class of females like the plague. These reprobates are uncommon adepts in the art of dissimulation, of lying with the greatest impudence, and of affecting the most amiable sentiments to gratify their vanity, sensuality, vengeance or any other passion. It is extremely difficult to discover whether a coquet loves you really on your own account. Even the 3 OF SOCIAL LIFE. l6l most unequivocal instances of disinterestedness are no certain proofs that such an abandoned woman loves you sincerely. She rejects, per- haps, your silver to obtain the easier possession of yourself and your gold; or her temper renders her more eager to gratify her sensuality than to satisfy her thirst for lucre. Should she have resisted many temptations to impose upon you with safety, displayed a tender care for your fame and honour, should she not only never attempt prevailing upon you to break off other more natural and honourable connexions, but rcadiiy'sacrifice to you beauty, youth, gain, splen- dour and vanity ; this would prove nothing else but that even a coquet at times may possess some good and amiable qualities, and prudence would nevertheless demand you to be on your guard and not to trust her too implicitly. A woman who disregards chastity and modesty, the first and most sacred of all female virtues, cannot possibly have any regard for more delicate duties. I do not however mean to degrade all unhappy, fallen and seduced females to the contemptible class of coquets and prostitutes. True love can frequently call an erring heart to virtue. It has been often maintained that a ivoman who knows the danger from experience, 2()2 PRACTICAL PHILOSOPHY is more difficult to be seduced than another who has never been led into temptation ; however, this kind of deviation renders sincere amend- ment at all times very precarious, and no situa- tion is more humiliating and distressing for a sensible man, than to sec the person dear to his heart despised by others, and to have reason to blush at the bonds which are sucred to him and constitute the happiness of his life. As for the rest, pure and virtuous love is the best guar- dian of our innocence, and the conversation with chaste and accomplished women purifies the juvenile sense for virtue, and arms the heart of a young man against all studied and lustful artifices of seducing females. I must observe on this occasion, that it is extremely hard and unjust, that men should scruple so little in excu- sing all manner of libidinous excesses committed by those of our own sex, while we are disincli- ned to forgive the least deviation from the path of virtue of which a person of the other sex is guilty, who from their earliest youth are tempted by our artifices to listen to the voice of sin, and to give way to the powerful allurements of seduction. It is frequently maintained that every woman can be seduced ; should this assertion be deemed OF SOCIAL LIPS. 26j true ; or should we scout the idea as rank ca- lumny ? It is but justice to confess, this can be denied as little as that the virtue of every son of Eve is liable to give way, if his weak side be attacked, and internal as well as external cir- cumstances come to the aid of the artful seducer. But what does this prove ? It proves no more than we all are frail vessels. If we at the same time consider, that the senses of the other sex in general are more irritable than ours, and if we reflect upon the powerful charms of seduc- tion, flattery, curiosity and vanity with which they arc constantly beset, and that even the smallest spot of that sort cannot escape obser- vation, because they have no civil relation, and cannot palliate their deviations by those higher virtues which our situation and connexion with the state enable us to exhibit, it would be highly unjust not to have patience with them, or to censure every false step into which they are be- trayed by our sex with too much severity. But let us dismiss this subject, and turn ourselves to a higher class of females to the learned ladies. $ XVIII. I CANNOT but acknowledge that I am always seized with a kind of shivering, \s hen I am placed in company near a woman PRACTICAL PHILOSOPHY who pretends to learning. It is to be wished that the ladies would consider, that nothing renders them more amiable and interesting than to see them strictly adhere to the sim- ple destination of nature, and anxious to dis- tinguish themselves by a faithful performance of the duties of their calling. What will it avail them to attempt rivaling men in pursuits for which they are unequal, and of which they are frequently uninformed of the first rudiments, which are inculcated into boys as soon as they begin to use the faculty of reasoning. There are ladies who very often put professed men of learning to the blush by the penetration and acuteness of their judgment, by their uncom- mon talents, exquisite accomplishments, their philosophical turn of mind and clearness of expression and diction. But how small, compa- ratively speaking, is the number of such ladies, and how wrong, would it be to deduce from these exceptions a general rule ! Besides it is an indispensable duty of every friend to domestic and Social Happiness, not to encourage midd- ling female geniuses to aspire, at the expense of their own felicity and that of others, at a height which- so few of them are capable of attaining. It undoubtedly is laudable in a lady to cndca- OP SOCIAL LIFE, 1&5 your rendering her conversation and stile of writing graceful by study and the assistance of chaste and elegant literature ; but it certainly cannot be inferred from this, that a woman is to range through all the numerous branches of learning. It ever creates pity if not disgust, when we hear such infatuated pretenders to learning boldly decide upon those important subjects of erudition, which for centuries have baffled the laborious study of the most eminent of the literati, who have not been ashamed to confess their being unable to comprehend them perfectly ; and to hear an infatuated woman decide upon them at tea-table, in the most peremptory manner, while she scarcely has a clear idea of the subject in question, cannot fail exciting the strongest emotions of pity and con- tempt. Nevertheless, the crowd of fops and admirers pays the most extravagant applause to the uncommon knowledge of the learned lady, thereby confirming her in her unfortunate infa- tuation. Thus being led to look upon the most important concerns of her family, upon the edu- cation of her children and the good opinion of her unlearned acquaintances and connexions as mere trifles, believing herself intitled to shake off fhc yoke of domestic subordination, slighting PRACTICAL PHILOSOPHY all other women, rendering herself and her hus- band odious, and dreaming incessantly of ideal worlds, her imagination opposes the dictates of sound reason, and all the domestic affairs are thrown into disorder and confusion ; the vic- tuals are brought upon table cold or half raw; debts are heaped upon debts ; the, poor husband must go abroad with torn stockings; when he pants for the enjoyment of domestic pleasures, his learned helpmate entertains him with quota- tions from pamphlets, magazines and reviews^ or presses him to listen to a recital of her lame verses, and reproaches him severely with being insensible of the inestimable value of the trea- sure which to his torment he is blessed with. I hope the candid reader will not tax me with having drawn this picture with too mnch aspe- rity. Amongst the fifteen or twenty authoresses who make the press groan from time to time with the productions of their pens, I know of scarcely half a dozen who being confessedly geniuses of a superior class, have a real calling to cultivate the field of literature ; and these ladies are so amiable, neglect their domestic du- ties so little, and are so sensible of the ridiculous behaviour of their half-learned sisters, as to give ttie sufficient reason to be persuaded, that they OP SOCIAL LIFE. will not think themselves pointed at or offended by the picture which I have delineated in the antecedent lines. But may it not also be said of the authours of our sex, that but few of the great number of our present writers have a real claim to excellency ? Undoubtedly ! But we must observe, that some allowance ought to be made to the latter, as they may be misled by a desire for fame or gain, which cannot well be admitted as an excuse for the former, when they, with indifferent talents and destitute of sufficient knowledge, venture on a career which neither nature nor the civil constitution has assigned to them. As for the conversation with ladies who pretend to learn- ing, it is obvious that if this claim be founded on solid erudition, it must be extremely pleasant and instructive ; but concerning those that intrude themselves upon the republic of litera- ture, notwithstanding their poverty of spirit, I can give no better advice than to have patience with their deplorable infatuation, and to take care not to controvert their bold assertions by arguments, or to attempt reforming their taste if you cannot demean yourself so much as to encrcase the servile herd of their admirers. XIX THE female sex possess in a much 1 268 PRACTICAL PHILOSOPHY higher degree than we do the gift of concealing their real thoughts and sentiments. Even ladies of less refined faculties are sometimes uncom- mon adepts in the art of dissimulation. There are instances in which this art affords them pro- tection against the snares with which they are beset by unprincipled men. The seducer may be certain of succeeding when he sees that the heart or sensuality of the ladies league with him against their own principles ; it would therefore be unjust to censure them for appearing some- times different from what they really are ; yet we ought not to overlook this in our conversa- tion with the fair sex. We should be frequently mistaken were we to believe that they are always indifferent to those whom they treat with visible coolness, or that they are at all times particularly interested for others whom they seem to distinguish, and with whom they con- verse familiarly in public. They have fre- quently recourse to that artifice for no other purpose than concealing the real state of their heart, and sometimes it is only the effect of their humour or obstinacy, or intended merely to torment a little the object of their affection, To decypher the character of a woman com- pletely requires a profound study of the female OP SOCIAL LIFE. heart, a long intercourse with the most accom- plished persons of the sex ; in short, more than the scope of these sheets permits me to say. XX. I shall not enlarge upon the precau- tion which the conversation with antiquated co- quets requires ; nor shall I say anything with regard to the prudes and devotees with whom a man, as I am told, may take greater liberties in private than in company, and with whom a. close and entcrprizing man, as the wicked world pretends, succeeds best. I shall also not say anything of those antiquated gossips who, out of mere charity and piety, expose the character of their neighbours and acquaintances from time to time, and consequently whom we must not provoke I shall be silent about females of that description, because I should be sorry to chal- lenge the resentment of these good ladies, and take this opportunity of declaring that I do not believe a word of the calumnies with which a wicked world asperses their immaculate honour. XXI. Before I conclude this chapter, I beg leave to say a few words more on the happiness which flows from the conversation of good and accomplished women. I have already observed, that I owe to the conversation with them the happiest hours of my life, and, indeed, I have 270 PRACTICAL PHILOSOPHY, &C. reason to acknowledge it. Their tender sensi- bility, their ability to divine and comprehend every thing so quickly, to read the sentiments of the heart in the countenance ; their nice sense of those little favours which contribute so much to sweeten life, their charming and artless wit, their frequent and uncommonly just judgments, unbiassed by learned, systematic and prejudiced opinions ; their inimitably ami- able humour, interesting even in its ebbs and floods ; their patience in long and painful suf- ferings, though they should in the first moment, when the affliction comes upon them, distress their consorts by complaints; the gentleness with \\hich they comfort, nurse and forbear ; the in- nocent loquacity and frankness with which they enliven society all this I know and esteem ; and which ought, I think, to convince the candid reader, that the few observations I was bound to make to the disadvantage of some of the fair sex, did not originate in censoriousness or malice. END OP THE FIRST VOLUME. 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