B E a35 552 BJ 1550 R63 1599a MAIN Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2008 with funding from IVIicrosoft Corporation http://www.archive.org/details/eustathiaorconstOOrochrich 4' ^ etstMhia f. CONSTANCIE OF SVSANNA CONTAINING THE PRESERv' vation of the Godly /ubvcrfioii of the wic- ked, precepts for the aged 5 inftrudli- ons for youth y pleafurc ' xoith ^rofitte, Jhj . ^ PcnnedbyR. R. G./<-T2j"x Dommiis mea rupesif-C^ ' ■ i5> ^^ "'Itip'.-.'S .*SJ» "i^-, '*!Ti**%i6' ■-'*»■ 4? *4r.'^,>'ji***"^^ >§= Printedat Oxford by Jofeph Barries, and arc to \ ibcioldeinPauIcs church-^dcai the Z "''''/at-Mj»..-.3jg&i^aCtt^.--„*--i . i ,i io • • ,-i:»3j.^«*H»'3!^ ■■-i^' lOAN STACK }:.:i^K 'WS'^t '^ >«•. " lOAN ^ACK .V n >**vidH^ f-qij^^^ *->^--i'>4^*E.ir/> to THE RiCEfTVfiRTVOVS ANpi ; moicfiGcntlevvoimniAiMi M.B. wifetothc \i -, , Right worfhipfull D. B. El^uidr R, R. wi- " . ,| '■ meth the eternizing pf her vcrtucs,by ^ *4| .4 thcdailypra^aifcofharchrifli- ,,,^ :'M ' - :. ' ^ ^nlife.' • - .^1 -iK^v,.^ . '5 Ltkugh (right rvor^rpfuS) my tcMggf ' fiiencermghuiuflly tviite me either ef (ftgr4Uf/iae, dr forget fttUteSf fxrSene* cacs cenfiire the greater of the t)pce\ye^ InotgreatittfortunesgfMcepjfiUHgeiii \ yeans andnot rtpe in experienee,vvdi ) fully refolued to trauerfe the indiUmetp \ vnttllmor eft or foj wealth, graver age, (ir greater praUtletWightYParrattt mi toperforme that tfideedrvhtehmrv / can i^ut proffjtfe inconceiptem. jiiid tn thAtrejolutton^cottftderwg ths vndtgcjied met food vi>iufi% meate ^or fottle-mouthea Momus, and the %het6ricaU dogge , / determined to make an benncke of thu illiterate paphlet, ^ com- , mit it to thefirtihtyet reffe^tng thegoodne(fe of the argtiment^ ' thegreatnes of your vertttes , andmanj tharie^rrorthy beneftet bejlffwedbothbyyour [elfe ^ andyour right vf or fljtpfuU hujbande l >^ feUfrom thii faint determination toafecondandmorefowtA refom . i /ww»,Phaeton-/arih a faulteinmannerstheninetirre abtemtjhtn nattate^ ''ii* f ther(b/,beet»gtobofde) tomakeyott the patrones offofmpled ,\ 9forkej then by ftknee to feeme vnthank^fuU « t>^nd albett mpef \ forming heereof I /hali rat her tPTonge my felfe i» betvrayh^ min^ wkevceakeaeffcjtben right eyoftr vfor/hipptin yeeldtngafit rmks Wfffjr^ls [ojoHt vvorib) )et my btarU/ bofc tf^ thdf as t- *»<>wfl!wj "♦^ -^ ^Jf^»»^oHcbf4fethercadtng^aMdaccepti9km^en*s^^^^^ Joui^ltfimaHhapptnes:' ^ > f ^ JS, - 'SI" -7* Your worships vnworthy,yct wortfiely. boundcn, , Robert Ra<;4iE* ii -. ^^I^li^^"- ^^t:v. ■ '•' '1a^. li .^.'/■i*;5.^«R ''iSr't*)-:*, ' S' F:S AI^I>^^hf^^alkfsf^ the waj. tf^^x^y" TfiJber)fberfcifp4vctiatidfpot/e'Jfffamtt ff^htcy^mHherteaehJfeforelc^dldMtaiWt ' c i * .i \i>^ /f4':iSm^^ [ExpifU net htef/0hivim*i»tortbivMui .^:^ , O/Luaece rape*yvn'ceu)r /i&^ cmhmfcan^ ^ ! Or Delias pr^feif/,or 4^irtf/< w%'?^itt ' .4f»dtram9 ht/lef/efypockf.bit pipe to ^^*Hy^^0^^_^. ' l^fff Damonsrwff^,w»f«rMr^ 0lltm$tat$fiti ^^%0^-^f^^^ ' Jinifr4mefntt9dumbjmnei;toplea(e A^d'^^Ji^^,^. 7%e fram that pfiidtl>up4/}or all fori? an; ,1 : '^, Thought once to fndhkvfOTkSifrehg49, ^;- TorwbileImtnt,toJire'tgnethel$forteftoiitct^ \ P^y? Diapcm ,t;»ro tf Diapafon ; There fell a chAuncewftbifs our feeljeoAtes^f . ^oshgraat4td(iteUaipie;ableta4msx^em. ff^e»mourwngM.ophscrideJeauiefthjfiijr^ ^ Shift Hoateta/f(^e,flt»geffpe and all awdjr, (^tafe feelyman-jpuUdowae thy wont edpridet \ EniomethymufetomonrnetAnd^entomoant, (JtdtdAmintaSjrvhcngaad^hiWis'dide) FtfT thou ar t (jutteforlorae,4nd le(t aloive* Sith J\\tM\%y{fh Thcftilis)^r?; N ,t >^ ■^^ -^ ■ ^^i T»th*%s*^' v- : fFbofegodlj'endAtbeudleffe heert abide. JetWMtingher^houwantefiAUtbygood, ji$dotmorepckes',thedatkme,4ndl4mbesbe(iasy r- irbomiojfHinhomAihathgoodroilitoveafc^ 1 Tromfrtiitfulllaw»tfi,vnto 4 porter ItAje, I - T*« vncouthnewetMfi nty fincetlamti ' - ' ' ^ 7I?4/ though fvteetc Cynthius, /W^Jwtf i^ w#4r« f C^ymufieke after went in wcrferframe^ ^ UlndasmymuftchswMjHchwMtt^chem, ^J^y looks vnlitfljiicoiintenamcc abated, C\finde makeconttnti mufe we4kf 4nd ovcm^ffih ' Xetd$Ufmtmyforrff(oettoanende, \ ' / (»/f « *««i# betakes Jibe longef ttdedday.) r ; And to 4 vertutm p4tronefi commende^ Jh^bomlyverfe,4ndruJfiekcroUMdel4y, fVhofegodlyMaleyequivalentwithUmta^ ^FtUnotiifdiigne^toeottnttHMmteeSni^nnZp ^4 ?iv.^ I v-i^fiSa|jii kgfe' > j fe »K" 5,^-^a*^-«»'T?:=^!3iv.r';/'s.?ra»-J5'^'^ M -1 i\ •AndatthcfwclJingtitlffft .- - W^cnc|i,,cfix>mtoi^ucs,nowfi4ao;h«cmj^ J While dccpcconcciredcritfqucwittes,'^^ ^ ^^^ n II ^V^« our daintic time, . i., I>oelikenobirdc5,butwhatthcmfclucshauehatch^^^^ Thcylouenoplcafiifitproie, . ^ . i^ » Arc dilcohrcnc with rime. -^ V -^ • u Srl^^^i f ^^'^Pj'^^^»'"^''^**'<^»^^a5cpatcbed " ' WJ«cfahumorsftill,u,thd,fcon And wayvvard difcontcnt.tlfe ccnfors bowe, io gmppc they care not whomc,chey care not how. Sometimes whole hcipejofidlewordc?^ J . (They quarle) are caft away, ^ Sometfmcs the matter nakcdjwantethwordes. Sometimes good matters mar'd, ^ When ill contrivd,^they fay) Somctimesthcfence,a cafflingcaufc affordes, ^oiJi€timeiaicntcncc,»oraffcaatewordc5/ ' " Attdioii5 airrc:;for in "FhUatitM brawie, ' ^ ''f- Saith oneofthefcjthc note is infl^ s IS fl • '; M Mongft nietf of better note: Our fharpcll witres,thatfdimbethe fccancoffame. In vaincftfolliej'lecle - -*ii-v J v r ; Themfclues,arfdvairiely dote. Doefpend much art,f6»: to deferue muchblime. While they fome idlc-drtfamed phancie frame, ^ And Icaue their workes,a wjtnefTe firnic andftable, V Vhat time thijyloft inhatch/ng ofafabl*. ■:'^c^^lfcl*Q:'*^M'^-.f'':i2 T^K'J V .: ■' ■- Grcat pittic fnre that learned men. Of great and rare concca'tc. Should fo thefc braue habilities debafe:; That while they ftretcli them out To proofe,to (hew them grsat: The praifc oi their imploimcntes in this cafe, '^ ''■^■- Is voide ofgrajfc'i and hath this onelie grace. That they haue wifely tolde,a fooliih tale. And fmoothly fet a long madeUe tofalc. - ; • And yet this ihconveniencegreat Might findefomefaire cxcufe* If drift of their difcourfc,ar vertueaymed. For oft m fables foldej Tnmme morali truth doth vfe, ^., But when the worke is matter rrieerely feigned, . . . And cnde thcrcof,deferuc8 to be difdeigned. The writer racrites pitIe,more then praife, - And vyorke(vnwprth^prefre}fitfiamestorairc* ' ■■ ■ '\-'. •*•'■- JliHS farelio fpcakcsjthis C^«/Af;'^ri ,^ " Aflddoth]Wllhopghcmcy«alef V -t^ iK% (AsifibiiieilcmfDiftator»thun(It€dlawc5| ' From whom on paine of dciitby V Vnlawfnlltoappcalc!./ ,. Yet did not well bcthinke him itthlspawfe? For though a (lory true^doth grace his caufe: . Hepaintesitbutwitbco!our$onoycncion: ) Andgiucsicwordes^toiichis ownc mtcnciont , Which if the Ccnforvfc himfelfiv Thy felfomaid vfe the fame. WhofclevillaymefhatasvertooDs end; . And to reduce the worke. And ftory into frame; By tcafons rulc,rhe whole difcourfe If pcnd, And hjith no caufc.the godly to offend, Ofgricue the goodivnlcfTcfomcharfh divine,"^, Againfthis facred Ttf/wwill repine. An other fort of fnarling mates. Do pcfter ev'ry age: V7hc> willbe critickes,though they guide the cart. And cenfure wotkcs of weight; Quoat faultcs in every page. Deprauc the wittcs^of men of bcft dcfartt And iudge of alljby cnvic(notby arte,) Who more doth malUcc art,thcn artlefic brainej Who byceth worfe then d«vm in his vainc? Hi^hfpirlted HiMff^r (mfttchleffe man) A baggagejdeem'd a blockc! And did with bitter c^iiptes, his wock^sdef«icr> Could i^tfw*/ frame a mockeJ Inferring that he filctfd his chiefcft grace-; By treading in the traft,off/'oi»w trace. Or from thefruite»,ofHtfy?ofi^4C,doc droopc and die; • :^jj While horfes in thcficldjliauc forragcftore- t c|; Deiithinthchoufc,deCb'U(5lioninrhcftrcetc; . SwQtdfclhcfiriididiftpefeantl daun^ci: mcccQ. ■■twaiii VHH/^'^'^^-^r'' ■•'^■-^ "^«i^- mu^mtasm m Amidftthefe wocsjthe tumbling H^d&w Ibunrfj • • * ^^^ > How dreadful! drums,ftrikc vp tnc fierce allaroic. And ratling rrumpc,(with bloudy noatcs rebound) The valiant heart«,to fell ariaulc doth charrae* ., . ■' When hcrauldfitftjhad fummond t\izmXoytt\i% • ^Otjtoicxpc^ainercy-wantiDg field, >)v v-.^}^ -n Then for fupplic>ofthundringcannoa flio^ Gorara and cngjne,co the wall cs(a pace./ ThcPioncrhc.beftirreshiminhis plot, To make hugctowersjtogiucthefouldicrplace. Oneitherpart,theirpowcrsthey fully bend. To giuc affaultjand from the wallcs defend. Enfignes advaunce,aod glory fcales the 'forr. The ladders then arc hoy fed to the wallcs. And honors hope,ih*afraylantesdoth exhort. To climb from whcnce/an other headlong fallcs. While Archers fhoote,from tough wel-Cimbred bow, , Their thirled finging fliafces,as thickc asfnow. When once the eager fouldietjhjth made way. Within the wallesjand might commaund the townej Then as a hungry Lyon for his prayj ' . ; He rangeth,ragcth.killeth,knockcth downe. Then might be feene,(like ftreames to make a flood) The flreetes and channcls,flow with crimfon blood, Thcbedlem handcs,do dcalc foorth murthring blovvc$> The viftorrageth rcfllclIeXLyon-likc) ^ While mercic craving vanqui{h*d,plcadc$ hiswQ?^ To him that hath no carc$,but handcs toftrike. The inaid,thc wife,is fubicft to this rage; I ^€(QckliDg»babeandhe(h^(toope$fQr i^} pdr asthcTfioWcr,withhiskccnc edg'd fickle, Cuts downcafwcll the grecne,asfeeded.gta{re; . Eve fo the fouldicrs fword,(though tearcs downe trickle) pcrraittcthnotabrcathingrouletopaflc. He fpareth npnc that happen in his way, Fairc wordcs^chaft lookc$,cntrcaricflibearc no fway, t tbcnfoundcdfoortb,thcfcreitchinggricl!yaie, Of flaughtercd foules;and many a dcepc fet groanc. Of fuch as murthrcd,yceldc the ghoft and die, From wounded lungs,yecldmg a hollow moane, While manly mcD,ibat whilome ftoUtly ftoode, Pifbcmbrcd now,lic weltringin their blood. Then might be heard, and fceuc with wofiiU cici The livingfouleSjlamenting for the deads , . Powring out plaintes,with (obbes with fighes and cncs. And bitter tearcs, as bleeding heartes might fiied. The old lamcntjlonghfc to be forlorne. The young rcpcnt,that ever they were borne. The wife flicc foundcs(and yeeldei her vitall breath) To fee her husband diefin wofull cafe) The husband feeles a fic,far worfc then death. To fee his wife dcfildjbeforc his face. And fcely babes/poorc heartesjto pcrifli this, That never did offcncc,or thought amilTc- The mournirigmotherf,tuggc,and hale thdr heares^ To fee their flaughttedfccdcjtemcdilcflc. ^ The chUdrcn bath their chcekes,with bloudy tcarcj, 1*0 fee their wretched parentcs»in di(lre{Ic« While help-lefle hande$,doc truft vnto their fcctcjj M 'mmtmimgmifKmmmmfni^ I Fornowthecoak bfarmcs,Wcrcflc4by,ft^ltBr -ly^f^ I And e very {bulcvvailcft,tofhift:fbro;iff. »i >7 ( ♦CoiuifaiIcdid.want}MgaTdw?4$noocdf:yvfiaitb/|: ,- , ' \ Ofkin,orfricad,C!rtKbo wcrclcftalane*.; > ; vv: ^?^;?^iflj,u^ I Who makcs^ot haft, death and dcftra^lion fccles,^ ■ J . Tfe;eHappaftswgfavioth(hcwthc^lwiftcfthcclc:s. :> ' When {(«JldiclS(falJgkri^gfWordi5ipb^c^ydi«ith blood, Fbundootarniafl,tI|atdurft rcfiftfuipcin^e.Vj : Then bcdlcmimide,gan grow to.nvIdcr.mood^ . (If mildneffe be at bad-a courlc 50 taikc)- ? * - - ^ ?; ^ . ForoowvJibtidkdlnft, atlargcdo&ftrayj : And pro wles aboUt,for pillagc^nd for pray. Had chaft Lucrecta^^vtfXt amongftthofc dames. Full many a 74r^0/», would hauc wrought his will « Had good Sufknni , wandrcd in thofe flames, Her fpot-lefIccorpcs,had bin conftrairfd.toili.. ;, *■ While feclylambes>thcchafteft,andmoftiuft, ; Became a pray vnto a pey fames luft, r ., The iTTatchlcffcvcflelSjof magnificence. The temples trea{ure,(m3ny a millions mate) The wealth, of Zriffr^<« excellence, ;.imfe£lif!? X The riches of his Lordes,and men Of ftatje: ; : , f Thcfc things were fcnt away to 5(«6i/i?«; , As fit for itJabachadffetJLxr alonc^ : • « . i T Wbacclfe was left,ofIewcls,goldiand plate, ^ < * Abongft ihcmcaner{brt,(whicli mightbcmufibj^; Each fouldicr held, what fo'thttcoflic %^\^f .'^^ 'J ■ r ^ . While they withjother fpoiles .tfacmfclues cnruihj^ Vi i, r And when the pilfiing handjhajihi^fiw; i^'ifivV -,M^' i:%. '■^i Then dims the furions flame, thcftacelytowcf; '- Ir?'^ y Each privcleadgc,doth giue the fouldier place. The pioncrfpares,nortemple,houfe,nor bower, »- Thecimeisfpentitofpoileandtodcface, r/ There was not Icftonc monument of fame. Which did not fccle the force of burning flame. The Heav'n-likc houfe,thc temple ofthc Lord; The worldcseic.ahdonely worke ofname. Whom once he did delight, but now abhord) Isiayfeddovvnc,androl^bedofthatfan"iC. The wallcs alfo, that hem the citie round. By might ofaicn,arecv'ncd to the ground. , ^ The fcely captiues,that had fcapM the fword. And were refcrvM as Trophies, ofthe fpoilc; Hange downc their heades^and cannot fpcakc a word, Orfound adue vmto theirnatiue foile. The fcrvantes loath, to fee the matters face, The fubieftcsgriciie,to weigh the princes cafe. Whom haplefTe king,flight could not yecld rclicfc. But as the deerc,beforc the nimble doggc. He was cnforfl,to ftoope vnto his griefc; Andforacrownejtowcrcahcavie clogge. What time his fonncs,once flainc before his face. He had his cicsput out, with great difgracc. And fo blinde captiuc Jed to 'Bdhlon^ To be a bondman to his dying da/? He left the roy all feate, of Salamtm^ And now muflleauc comraaunding,and obey. . Since he that was injuring prince beforC| Js Qow 4 f($Q>ftpri£aii|ind no more* ^^■..^»^ B AffiODg^ ' Amoflgfl thefefcttred ttoopcj,of thralled fta^csj Fou mull fappofe trmfpocted with the rc0, Hand thofc tragickc ii>atC5, 1 y Vhofe natures^noc theit names are heere expreH^ |i Were5»/ir».borne,orno,(thcir glories fliinc) I Vnknovme>it Kyantes a Z>^6/xi to divine;! But 2)4»^i7thifn,pafl twenty ycares of age. In BdUon was grcfyvne to great regard . Offame in coiut jihe mighty monarches jpage, Pieame fecreat ^^Mr,and renowned 5W, f Which knownejl leaue both ftory and my skilf; 1 yntoyour Courteous ccnfure,and good will. >^^ EVSTA* ^■'■^'^i^^0i^: EVSTATHIA { ■ ar the CONSTANCIE OF SVSANNA COITAINING THE PRESER^ vatioii of the Godly^fubvcrfion of the \yic- ked^ precepts for the aged , inftrudi- ons for youth ^ ^leafure ■XQith pofitte, WHen C^^/^f?**" glory /ate in whingcd throane^ Of flying Kij»r;(which far and nccrc doth wader) lny4/7<<»roiIc>inIt^tclie^^//i?'/», ' . The worldcsmonarch,3nd the carthes commander; What time no humane fqrces.might vvithftand hcr^ Then did (lout 5;^Kwftoope,and t/^gjpt bow, ^.. And //^<» ben djbcfore her frowning brow. . Then princely pecres did duckc,and doe her ducty; Then raifdiTiccin the airCjsky-kifling towers; Then did the circled earth,adrnirc her beauty; Then dwelt there in hcrbraue,3nd tnatchlcflebowcrsj The hight and fovereigntic,of worldlie powers. V Vhofe feife.ruld handcs, did fway the fccprer roy all. That kingdomcs kept in awe,and (ubic«aes loyalU Standing this fipe,offadingraaieftie, . There dwelt vvithin.this ftate-conjmaunding townc^ A /(f»;(aman ofpalTing modeftic) Hckhn hight; vid he of good renowne. Right wortfay(for his wit)to weare a crowne. Who tooicc to vvifc,a faire and loucly damc; yVhofc godly life? gaue glory to his fw? J^ itm mm .or as ftic ringcl'compaft by curions art) Jofitfclfcrjghticcracly.tothccic; -^ — :; , ^ut when the^Si^^ir^, is his true confcrte, f here doth appcare,aftillcr maicfty: Icr vcrtne fo,hi$ fame doth beautfff e. Her husbanti was cftccm*d, ait^ong the flares; And decked withhcr glory, m the gates. I* jromwh'ich cha9erpote,in time did fpring a rofe, ^^fmta clcapt^not borne to eate her foode, •' >r make dandling, that muft fcelc no blowcs. Icr parcntcs care, was how co reach her good, ^dtoinvcfthermindcwithmodcflmoodt Thcirrearon,fondafre<5tion had exilde; P Not bentto make an idolI,of their childe, ODietimes the godly mothcrCmatron.like,) Vith rod m hand,to kecpc her babe in a wci ^ Vith fetled lookc.and grace demure and mecke, Vould teach her chjlde,the precepts of the law; vnd make her imitatCjVvhat {o lliec faw, ,|^ In comely icrture,(eemc!ygatc,and guile, i That vfc might n?anncrs make and dodrmc wife* Iff ^"^ ^ind asfweete >^/)ri/i('rhowers,makc F/oraflourifh; o her kmdeiather(carcfull f or his joy) Vith choke preccptes, doth vertuc feed,and oouriib: That grace might freely grow, without annoy, |4nd natures weedes,kecpc vndcr and deflro^Tt Whereby it came to paflejat bed,and bord. There pafl naUi-fpeat timri or idle word. ^ Ana "? And careful! man, he led by mecre remorfe, "When bookc had rcft,and needle Icaue to play; Doth cnrcrtainehcr thoughtcs,with feme difcourfc. From fy<^thccitictahcreie, .,,,,. ThefclinesCfaith he)defcribe it triplcwald, ^/f/)^,thepIot,whcrcfl:oode the temple great. Teth,Sion cafHc,(Z)4Z'/ And Ieauesalone,the yaincf beholding ele* . Such i» Sitfaana decrc,thy prefeht ftace, Aihade,«d«am«jayVaai)g vv4ntitfg• :; r To haue«^on-«oyaer/orihy guide. ^^^■:' Bxccfltoenc^efle^iabadgeofcvill, ' " .f Anancflgnc,ofa light vnftable head*, An angUnghookc,and engine for the divcll. To catch fuch fooles, as arc by fancic lead, A moath that frcttcth.till thy wealth be dead. While backe dorh make, the belly to be ftcrved; VVhich matrons cic fhould fee to be prefcrvcd. Then is fliee cald.a hufwife, (comely dame) (Whilft cleanly fine,is voide of cunous partes) . Then which m tlme,was noc a better name. When golden world,djd want prides painting arte#^ When plaine coiitent,poiTefl;the country heartcs; ; When horpicaliticdid fecic no lacke. And was noc climbde, from table to the backe. If that thy neighbours doe pofTcfTe good name, Doe thou not en vie^at their worldly blifle* Nor be thou light,to crcdite every ifanw, Rcportes doc often hic,andoften «nii|c^v . i -. Of all thinges iudge the beft,forbeft iilij* . i- j. N ^ V Vith fober loofec be courteous vntasdl^ . yVithfcw&iniliarbcjornonc^taUt : i& mt Hide not a wanton hcirtjwith^ra6dcf^cfe,i^ r?; r'y Say not thy Pfaltcr, in the diirellcs booke. Take hcede be ware of fuch hyp6crifie, (Hejs nafainr,that faintinineffcforfookcj, Be more fcvcrc in lifc,thcn in thy looke. And when thme cares hauc heard what other fay; Allow thy tongue ajbridie and a ftay^ • Leame good things.with good willjinftruft the wcake. Comfort the comfortlcffe.m their diftrefTc, Stop not thme earc,whcn pinjngpoorcdothfpeake, . Hare with thine hearr,fin-brccdmg idlencflc. Let thrifty minde,be free from all cxccfle, C rauc not too much jifrichcs once anfe, Obicruca meane,andlct inoughfuffice. / nd if thoucovct»honcft exercife, 1 hen read good bookcs,fuch as our Rahhies pen, Orvfc luch d^me$,as well can matronifc. With honcft mirth^amongftthe godly men. With due regardjof fccraely where and when. And cocondudeiwhcrefothouhap to dwell; Louc thou thine houfe,as fnaile doth louc the flicIK Thus A16. /f^/ff/&/4/paincfull father)teach, Hjs ^^/aodccrejfwecteobieft ofhiscie; • v:. * ' .v. Her mother daily^ceafed not to preach, ' •'= L -,■ j Thelike preceptc^^ of grace, and modcftie, • ':f>^\. ,And o& would heire,how well fhee would replic* What time hetjieart^reioiced for to fee^ ^ rf^i^-^&i^^;l'«rtasi^i'-;-^*'-%.-«43fl ^am tfttmummmum MHB ■■^^ (Her manners mated with a gallant grace) ' i Her beauty, feature fine did emulate, ° n ■ With fpccch comppfed,and with fobcr pafe \ And this decorum fitting in herftcci , , i .The whole and partcs,refcmblcdand were hk^ To pcrfcft numbers, in -r^ri//&jwff/j^, , And flicc thus traincd/rom her tender ycarcs. Became in time to reapc her iuftrenownc: Jn all rcfpedcSjfo far (urpad her pccrcs, Ofequall age^and wealth within the townc. That every way .berpraifcs put them downe, Whiin wantons bentjtoplny,and idle pleafurej Shcc ttaio'd her thoughtes,to leeke eternall crcafurc- ' Whereby it came to parte, that en vie fell, '^.j^ift x, : v ^ Purfuing vertue,with great cagcrnefle; When they could not come nccre, bc^an to fwell, • ■ And with fine tauntcs to make her praifes lefie. Some faidjthe mayd,would prouc a prophetcfle. The bookc-wifc vvcnch,w'ill yeeld a dcepe divine. Or ofafaint,wiU hardly mike a fhrine, i-fi^f, Biit godly graue^thatbeft doth iudgcandfay, tr^ f ^* , Did deeme her right,a workc of rare pcrfeftion: A peercleffc peece, to be a princcfTc pray,] : :i' Oncv^»!^^/-l»ke;avc{IeUof ele^ion, «-I Whofe iliining fame was free from dcathes infe£lianj Though her time»fading beavty,dcad dothliej Which did^moimuadifei^ivercenevvithci^^^ .r .^^r~-r '"X^iST^'- -^^-yfiHl r ■» I m Why didftthon beauty fadesvvhy didfl: thou wkhcr? ObuddingRofe,whydidftthoucvcrblaft? ^ : :;^ !, Why didffthouprouevhconftant^as a feather,''/ ' | 1 n her whofe conftancic did ftand (baft? • ; | Sure, twas to teach vs nothing heere doth laft. j: For elfethou wouldft haue livM,with Su/am names 3 Andasahandmaide,waitedonhcrfamc. ^ V. Whofe fliape rplendlferous was,in each mans fight, ' j Whole lookegauc argument of {bbcr grace, \ I Whole eies(.twotwincklingftarres)nev'rproved lignr^ | Whofe filent tongue kncv;vvcll,fit words to place, r Whole faith fofirme,thar nothing couia deface. ; Though two great leniorsfoughr, to blot her brcwi j And to their lurc,to make her chjltibule bow, \ Othatfuch peerelc(rcfplendor,fhouldhaucwrong; j AndbecntifedjVntoUwIclfeluft. \ Not /«rf4,but falfe ludaffes doc long, j Pure cbaftitie,tocaft into the duit. But lea vinghecrcjthofe matters vndifcult, Youheardhcrlifc,firftwainedfromthelappe,^i . Now dothenfue,the procede of her happc. When truft-lede time,by his fwifi:- footed pages, (Cleap'd:minute,hower,day,wceke, the month 5c ycare} Had brought her paft,her two firft fevens of ages, And fet her in th*afcendant,of her fphcre; And nature now gauc fummons,to draw nccre. , - { Jnnuptiall Courtjto yeeld expcfted homage, ^ ;^. SiniBc tola barjflwwPwW apt pleadehwno^^ '^^it^^,J&i:::zt:t'^is^^r^^^^^, •"' """ Theft rfMttyLiH glaaHaBg;,ij,M«Mttiaiiii Thcnfcmpj^fiQdJne,fticiacryncoftrife, . Propones her baHifall thpxightf 5,this bold difcotttfcj Twixt barren jnaydcn-head,and baeawog wife, , Which ofthcfciwo did ftand^0gr?atell force, . For with the bcft, flicc ment to fhapc her courfc: \ Whilft in pure conrcicn.ee courr,wherc her foulc fate, Her pleading thoughtcs,it argue and debate, . like/?lf^«»difpurantesthat had bin trained. In cJWJ>/tf/rchoQlc;(ac fome 54/»/»/f^i/fcctc) And werenot yet to chriftian lore reclaimed, Soroctimes tjiey arguc,tnaiiage is moft mccte, Sometimes(tf «ff/M)fpidcr-ruckc ihc fwccte. While lotted fcncc8,are fo /^m-bcguilcd. To deeme the mariagc bcd,a thing defiled. Athcr heartcs bar,thefc filcnt virgin pleaders, W^ith fearing high concciccs,as highly rated; Parfct their pctegreejfi-omftatcly leaders. ^ Pure t/^>y^^//fpiritesjvirgins (ere man) created, '■ VVhofc aZtiue life, no C^ngelUvct mated. While viflory of virgins,doth excel). Which vanquiih their own eflcfh wherein they dwell. Each other iarrc not long fufpended hangesj An hower,a day,a yeare,doth ftint the ftnfc, Bludrdied niartyrs,foone do palTc their pangci# ' But this fell battle dureth, during life. <" Hcerc daily driving; viftory not rife. So matchlefle is,by antique rate difcent, Themayd»Ufi»andglonou»tfmqiii^e%^ ^ I Yeaauncient^dam,(/ohvaesprotoplaft) ^ Was moulded of his mother, may den birth. And old dame EvAh.io commend the chaK; Of virgin rib,was ftara' d a maydcn birth, luft ff4^?//livM,vn marry cd h cere on earth. Did virgin, pfeift,andkingc in Salem dwell. Thewondcr.workingeprophettes,moftoffame, rhcThestite,2ndthcj4i>eLMechofite, CTheonc tranfumpttoheav nin-ficryHame; Dofliewhowgod, doth virgin life delight. Fore-fecinge Efay, where hcc doth cndite, > Merstif birth,a maydens fon doth make him* And furc 1 am,his ayme doth not miftake ^him. the thingc wee pray fe, is mynion to this kinge. The iuftice, which the iufteft iudge, approvcth. Vowd to the Lord, a fccrct, holy,thinge. Sacred toGod.asfuch a Rate bcehovcth. And for bycaufe,her contrary fheelovcth. ^ Shee al waycs marycd lives, a fpowfcd ynic, . Yet evermore a may d, in Jfinglc lifc» Whofclife istcrmd,thc j^»geb imitation. And therefore is hir figure. -4»^e/ faced. , ,, Shee mo^yntes to heaven, by winges of contemplanoU, And therefore is fhcc pavntcd, (lately pafed. Andforbycaufc,likeGodde(rc{heeisgraecdx^ ^ Her trainc is trod, with troopes of vertues nighncfltr, 'Xikcm»ydcsofhonor,accre?princ5frchishocffc. — T — -— > — VVfloi VVhdfe xohc%{thtfyQth^e flcfh \n%t^%m% ^^%-^^ Uo emulate, the white ipot Ermeluit, , , ' -" " * ' A trophic oFvicc.qucUinge victory e?. The brannchinge palrocjiir fiiigers clafpcth in# ; The wimple that fliec wearetb on hit chiaJ, ; ,- An ant^figncis>ofbafhfijllmodc(hc..;it£^'^.^^^^^ .v / Her humble qji94c,4wlarcf her ftoopipgc cic. The Grfwri/w hence, in their high obfcrvations. Compare chart Pallas ^ GoddelTc in their heaven. To yeeld true maiden life due commendations) Vnto the full, and miftickc number fe ven) Compacted of two numbers, od and eavcn, Tn entifcand incorruptcd vnitie) Withfixthe fccrctcof virginitie. For what content,but in the maiden life. Whofe fleet, wingd thoughts, arfrcc tofervc the Lord. V Vhofe mal'content, li not the maried wife. Careful to plealegrim fir, at bedandbord. With beft obedience, in hir dcede and word. And foroansferviceisthcnGoddes more geafon. Thus on the virgin part, her thoughtcs *A^.-^ _.(&?■'', J VVhenoncetiiq6:uitfullwombrff,h^thfccdc conceived, ' Thcaltrcdworaari,fecnicsnotwhatiliwvvasj I Bat growcs vnwciI'dy,groningand agricycd, I As oncfurchardgfld,withfdrwc weighty made -. ■ I Likc54/«wjbcariD|;y^(fAfi:iglitc b- yea where found appetite,did hold his fcate^ There ficke abhorfuin^c,hath built his bower. Fond luJMoth long, for (undry fortes of mcate. Sometimes it loathes the rwectc,and likes the fowcrj And oft vile thingSjWith eagerneffe devour. Or eifc is fubic&jto fuch qualraes and fits, t.; V - As doe depnuc the fence^and dull the mis, And[thus the body,by a bodies breeding^ ' ' Becomes difcra(cd,plethorique,opprcflcd, Faintes in his facukics,erres in his feeding, Finds of defc If he be bad, what cunning to redaime him J If he be kindc,it grieues thy heart to gricue himl If he bcficrce,what wifcdomc to refrainc him? IfhcbcIoft,whatpoIlictctogainc him? If he be Ioathfome,ti$ thy taskc to loue him ] Awiagrc^<^^ rtiiiKiMa— i m '■*>■■ rtTiiftjafc—iiBBiaiiiateii ■J Jfe mflmie-ofSMJ^if, |utourfondthawghtcsfaith|hee,yvby dpyou teafoni: I ^ainft God,my confaence, gnd th? common wcalc? « ■^ ^rcad hcrcfie/iltbc you dread not trcafon.< ' 5c not blind £//tf«inorib badly dcalc, , ^ tqbeatcdownc minagcjwith a virgins vcalCf. il Which wcrwobe injurious, tomy birth. And lcaucino-m»nito tread the tramp) ed earth* 'ouparriaUpfc|||d^s,io affections c^ufcj ^wd impc^ijni dpc.confpirc, nuric natures end. jofcodshrft made lawcsi , v-«.v»,v-^B^yoti foes to mans moft friend, I jNice,coy,^indc,to couniry and to kind. "' Waftcoramon-weales ; andfpcnd your wits in wojng, Loues loftithe churches downe full; mans vndoing, V Vhiift vndcr-raining mariagc.with your lore, iYoukillthc rooccjwjicncc all your good began. The wedded life,ofmankindeis the more, JTake mariage from the earth,and where is man? Man ceafing to haucbcing-.what comes than? Your owne decay iVour death by his decrcafe, Forwhentiie rooredotbrot.the lap doth ceafe. As if your earthly being, ^^'"ctooj^afe, VVithtrumc{Ievvingcs,you fore beyond the lorn To draw diiccnt^fVom ancient y^^^^^race, ^^ You fpend wind-wafting wordes, and breajhlcffc rom.. Perdie you muft come downcvvhen all IS donc^.t;^^o^ KilTe mariasc handiyour ancient on the eattft,^ ;- --^ r ViUcIIeyou wiU,v>^hba{caefl^bl?ty^^ ^^^' M r TbttonjlancieofSufanm, As vaidc yoU vaunt of 6/^»^^iZf/ imitation, tAngellss full nunibred fpirit es,doc hue for aie; But man was made,forftuitfull propagation, Man murt increafe,becauleman mult decay, Andtothatworke,chaftwedlockew3srhe way. - To tame flcfh trcafons,and appcaTe thofc iarrcs, HcU reblcs raife, to breede foule*flaughtrmg warr cs, w* Againc,ifthat you hatch your UngTebi^p^d, In 5''j/4if/rib,or o^dams quickned earth j^' Lik ereafonfif It (land with you for good j ^ Formufickesarr,likcconfcquenceinfearth;- Tuhulcatyiei hammers , making maiden mirth. TtthaflCrom them did fram?, mayd HurmoKte, Sweete noates confcntjhath nam'd her melodic* Whatifiuft H"and mansfaHcil friend: And thofe condemnM to fhame^that haue difdeign'd hei^ And(ifXaugureright)l'halltothe.fnd, ' When man m vaine.doth gainft the Lord contend? ; ^ Nc can the ftate.or polliritian roKTc her, ^hilc he for his fvvcctc Sms fake-|doth bliflc herJ ' Jhiiiirr^nnif"'*-*^"'***^" "'^--^-■^ ■■-" ^BSm ^Maiimeaiatt» k ^jrl^-M^ yvhoft TheofifidiieietfSufiiiM, VVhofe company giues comfort m diftreffe, Two,bcadesatneedc,yeeld more advice then one: Two walkers in the way,may fallcsrcdrcffe. Two bodies fooner watrac,then poft alone: Two hands to helpcate better far then none. How may man miflc her comfort (doe her right^ To paflethc liogring day,or tedious night? Shcc concord doth augractit,by confanguinity, Sometimes fliee ftandes^the countcrpawnc of peacej Shce doth cnlardgclouesboundes,by new affiuitic .• Shee(arbitrating Vmpire,) warrcs doth ceafe, Shecftillimploiesthe common- wealthesjincreafe. Her yrapes in youth^are loucs fwccte pawncs and gages. To parent J ftaucs,to ftay by in their ages, VVhofe houic i , hcld,an ^^<<<^»i^ royall, Hcere Fvering Fame^ Hcerc Hftmhle rainde,dothtake nor Aot none ill, Hecre Tempr4nce doth,fond lufts entifcmcnti tamcj ' Hccre ChajitueyK gnardian of good name. . Heerc L4^o«r (Lafies foe)dotlikecpc true tucbj Hccrc6rrf«w4^n.ainx?siicryaip«,in|roundsoffpi{«hy ■ Hccrcfhcwcs^y?r*w»wtheftarrcsand feafons' " Hccreroaccbmpt;/i^mA»^;/r4^^orhTcach: :^'r-^r Hc^c l^emtike, in bad caufhjJlaics the leaclii •:(? ^x- i / : ™crcO^Q»/Jip^ismaintaind,to mamtaincplcalw^ Hccrc jWy?«r;S ftore, ' ™"/«-k«ping ^4rr,,s fteward.ro this f^are. Hcrliberallhand,is ^/wwrtothe poore 2^«»»Ieadesherhfir,direacshcrlore/ ? (?w^-or Thus doe all cimej,ttcccfld her cxcellciiire, - ^ ^ Thus doe all tongues,cxtoll her rult and raignei Thus doc all wittcs,aiFoird her bcft defence. ' ' Thus docall ftaresjher facrcd ftatc maintainc. Thus doe all (on^s of nien, attend'hd- traine. ThusnarionSall,nbbilicatehcrname, ^- '■ Thusdocallworldly powers^advancchcf famt, Thushappicmee^whcnaffdoepieadcforoijc;^^ ^ut haplcfl;- you^whcn one doth (peakc for all: '"^ "^'t Xouraighchaue fprcd yourpraifcs and bin gone. And nor chaftmarjagenamcinqneftion call, :t ^t; Biit(hdcirankcgaa)rters)fithyouvcmcrall, ^^^ '" You that of others, fpcake the things you flioild nor, Mult be contcnt,to hcere th c wordcs you would nor. ■:,s?}=; If you had blotlcflc made, your roihrcfle brow. Before you fpidc the moate.Jn mariagccici You might her nght,with better right avow. Thus truth(though tyrcdjnc ver went awry. I Whefchchmfelfe doth fumble, andgohAkh^ Your clyent while flieedaimes, a finglc gift, ■"*'-'■■■ ?' Doth contradift,tbe law of propagation; And with a poore pretence and fcely fhift. Denies man comfort,(caufe of her creation) Fiics from old £t/<»«faith,to newer fafliion. Depriues herfccde, lifesbleflinginthcland, ?^?^r?!???^«bcdicncc,Goddomfeftcowwtt^ - . '^'1- iiiftl'i fc Yea while fine nature,workcth in her kmde," Deathcs ruines jarepaire,in lifcs rcpriue; (To hue for aie,in thofc fticc leaucs behmde) Shcclabourcthftili,tolcauchcrljkeahue, 4^ And never die her felfe,whilft they iurviuc. You (while yoi^croCIe this kmdlyworke of nature) Would hue your fclucs>butlcauc none other creaiurc; And where the nation5,rovphold their ftate, Coherfc with lawcs,and fliame, the fingle life, YourlelUcs('aslawle{re)lawes doe anciquate. Set barren feft againft the bearing wife. Tbus wageyou warre thusftirre you cnd'e/Te ftrife; Thuslwayinginfelfe-will.your vMllwjthftandcth, What natures biddes^and God lumlcltc commaiidt th. Aniitbtts your life.rcfcmbleih dcfoJation, Your bodies graucs,to burie babes vnborne,' Your vow a cord,to ftranglc propagation, (Far better ill- kept vowes,weareleftvnrworne) Ypur thoughts fierce foes,to leauc you kin foriorne. Your willesflatwor!dlingv>hiicyou temporize) Your tongues in wedlockcswrackcjdoe fcandalize. Godmariagemade.incoratnandingnioode, And what he biddes,tbe fame we mull obey; . Butinaydjffnlifejcommeudcdisforgoodj Where is con?mand,commcnding beares fmall fway, therefore to (lint thisftnfe 1 boldly lay, JfGodgMegrateyfbcdvgUUfedothmll^ U -"^ -^ - ■«><*>[ MMiHa N» »< ». Be quiet thcfrfkecfccthonghtcsjlctwcft agrccdc; f ^^/^i^^' Let manage haue,dcfcrvcdconDmcadation; Let virgins hime(thatyirgms arc indctdc); Ducprairejrcnpj^nCjTind {acred obfcrvationviiyj : > Traeraaidcjtiirewifcjin thought and roiivcriation, C "^ 'iCl^i>c'otber^amude^mfo£le/tfe,^m"ji. - . . / Thus her (bultjfcnccs^cld a long dispute, = ; ^ ^^ '4^ And fillogize their reafons^i» ^-wwj •. * ';' v-rt^n 'a While min4c(chca3odcratour)ftandcthnJute, ;>-. ■ yVhat'svnrelolvcd.torefolucvpon: At length fhcc thus c6cludes,fwhen thoughts were gon^ SitbgodmadeEveJeafimAnfhould hue alone, ,ifV.^ ySheewasofmnn, ^ . Towm the goalcjandbeare the price away,, 5^'- ^!J They flaunt it out,intraine and rich aray. ^^ "*;^':^^ ^ Togct thcfavour,of this gr^fons faire^: ^ :>-^"^^^^^ . ThatisfobiPjWPCi ap dfo 4(;b os^^ ;r f5omc6fferflatclydower,fomc princely gifts; Some honors hJght,aad to ad vauncc her kin , Some barcofthefcdoCue with louc-fickc jTiiftc J,' Pawnc fighcs fad looks^ftraung vowcs,(they make no fioi To fwcarefbr-fWearCjthis golden fleece to win. Each ftreigncs his thoughts ,'|hisrivall to beguile* • V Vhilft m her iowrc lurks death, life in her frnile. But as the mounting EaglCjin the win dc, Difdcmcs tofloopeandchcckcbafcflockcsoffliey^ Or as club griping Ueieulet^^ kindc. Doth finglc corabate,vvith a dwarfc difpife, V Vhofc force his manhood,doth not equalize, SoiTiccdoth fcornc.tofawnconfuchafrcnd, VVhofc faith doth foone beegin^and fooncrcnd.' Vet as in gardens, whear all hcrbes ^o grow, Some fragrant arc,whofe fwectencflcilcth exccllj Though fome eie-plcifing lillies trimheftiew. When asthcy yCcld thefenr.a loaihromcfinclU So f jme there weare,mighc plcafc her cic full wclL And by fwectc vertues odor,fumc her fenr. With grace auromaticke,and redolent. For as, while thofe bright globus 6f fare accoUilipP, And Tplendant plannets,in their fphceres do ronne# One is fuperior,and doth all furmount, Without coroparc,ayc gloryous iTiiningefonne, $0 in this gloabc of gal lantes/heat ftoode one> 'VVhofc neatcbechaviorigracc,and bounty bright, ""iddimtbcnft^sibrtiietfae candle Ii^ht» ^ " P Bcoowtt iiiiWiMMiMJi Miib 0/5.' ', Renowned Uaehit^jihQXLihf^mv^ .adjpircdj,,^, >; ^r; Both of the \Cb4ldets,^nAthtlmsbniiiovip f^. v- J^j^ Thou wearc of all rcgardcd^and dcfircd. -;, v Jri i k Create was thie wcalth,fo w?s thic repiiatioaji ;,;:^^ Thy life an obiccr, worthier conwnjpjstjon. .>. i>M Thatdidftwijh.TtfWjpurchazc tbecafrcnd, Nv .. Each d:Qrl^e^p(^ the foune^h^courfpdidend* . Thou didfj- not vyith gnufFc Orrf/gf/,hoord thy wcaltbf , Thouwearcwrthf > What mmde fo obftinatCato take the feild, Gainft thofc fine partes.whofe matches fcant-havcHo. ; 5urc cautelcffc to rciecrhim,c' wearc foulc fin* -? Whcarfore her thoughies,wcll trayned in theifgoo4» Pocnccrtaine^hisfqiceiWichgr^uommoodri ; : . 1 f IfbiegfiPdHCiegfSupanTfl For as a Di^wwJrith /through vcrtue rare) Toitthegidsofrtir-dierteele doth draw: And astheyouth-w:)rne /^f/,by like compatejl Beilowcsh-s power atrrative on the ftraw. So fweece Sufan»a,not compeld by awe. Bur led to lovc,by hke hcartesS»>»p4rA/>, ■ . Did yedd his eares,his wilhcd hcartcs replied Who thought him felfc to bee the happicft wighr* V Vhen iTiec bccameCnot hers buc)hi$ dcfitc d, VVhcnfhce had made furrendcr of her right. The ioy,the comfort.vvhch his heart required, VVhilc to obtainc that pray hee more alpircd," Then conqur'mg /^/^JTJW/P^tofubdue, Awoild&rwidcf,t hen the world hcckncw.' O peerelcnfc purchazcTdwnd by few or none.' O plca(anr conquel},pleafed conqueror, VVhilft true content, jrnuruphcih in loucs throanc. More rightly rich,theny(/?«»^/emperor, The price wasvertue.thouthevanquifhor. For m thy pnfner jwith a prmccly port, Rcfidmgc vertucs,held their royall court*- i Within the clofet , of whofe cloy fef! pleafare;^ (Neat cabbonet for vcrtues fwecte rcpofc) A^ur«rtfandC7r4r#,hadhidtheirfincft trcafure, « Andfeft it all to C". i Si^^ Shee (eated irt I fcate which vcrmc placcjtbj A royall throne(the foule and mindc divine) 'As oncIygwM^^hat every vcrtac gtaccth. Is canopied with F47/i&(mofl pure arid fide) ■ Likcwi%-»'<»r,wa(th circling C^T?**^"*^* • ^^ And at her kftc^^ic knccle,(an d p arte not thcnccy Tranrparcn5puritic,and (Gods gifcc)CV»Tw»w. T And foVphdldher highland heavenly ftate, (I Shec hath for guard,attending on her trame, !J[5^^ri^lif(cruthesfriendiand vices hate) ?- ' ||; Ftf»'tfy^/?'/(rhat evill occafions doth rcfraine) if Dumbe /ff«^«*,dead heart }:\mAc «tf,deafc eare^ fad hAtni* te. Well guided thoughtsja hand and foote not idle; |[ Sterne alxftincnce,that head-ftrong luft doth bridle* 1 ehaflith(thoii beautic of the minde) 11 Vnfpotted;>«'''/»ff in things vnpure, I The coojhcft ornament of woman klndej I Were not this fcatc moft flipprie and vnfure, f Thouwouldftinallandnotinfewindure. ^ But thy light foes,fairetitle,of true plcafure, ' Thee loathed makes^her loved out ofmeafure. Yea fincethyftiends infhew,but foes indecdc^ Vaine Tutors taught,their pupils howto (pell. For ff4/?tf,tf4«/^;and lo feme fowle neede, Ifchaftlywantjthatcloafly dolhdqewell; ; / / Thismotiuemade^fomehibieas to rebelU ^ ^ fv JJ^^ Who by pretence , to vnderprop thy crowne, ^ ,:■ %. thetwpMcieefSHfanwiy VVhofc prowd £j(7rw4»highiprieft,7?.4^^^ii4, To canonize thy faint,wil kifle thy flirinc. Yet not with y^rfronchoofechaft SCfaba, But like that Lmrr vfe his concubine. Yea if thou doft thy felfc,in manage loine, ThcyblelTe thy name,asfacrcd one of feven. Yet ban thine aft, as mof^ vn worthy heaven, O neighing Iades,faft friendcs ra infamic, Nui fes to naughtmcffc, lewd ba wdes to luft, BafevaffjUeSjtoyour willesy4p ; ' Was never foe fo fitted for mvafion, ;' Y The plot once laid he would not bate an ace, / ' ? -^ Jheprice was rhame(hcr glories dimdifgrace) ^^ }Vi' The meaneSjthc men,thc tiroc,rhc placc^thvis fitteti^^ . y!5t^'?/^4»prov'dafoolc,andfliaUj9Sv witu^i: • -, . ■^':-~^- VVhilc flattring tinic»could not her thonghts cbatchc, Gonvenient place,had no convenient praie. Though nobles (ought her fames difparagcmcnt) Yet had more noble heart,a conftant naie, A ludgcs wordes,gain(t iulhce beare no (way. Gray haireSjCg^ira futors)argued youthes grccne follie, ,„'Thtur,ycle of Pticft?hoodc made them more .vnholiic. Such wcrcthewighrcsjthat would this Ladic wrong. So were their hearts,addi£led to vile aftions. That their luft-fofticd thoughtes,did wholic long, On harmclelle Chaptif]^ to raifc exactions* V Vby Oiould ftout noblcsft^opc tobafedetra£lions? V Vhy Oipuld fuchympiousympcs.hauc rule ^afaU, Whofe thoughts are baic^and bond-Haues vnco chidlU Woe to that placejwhere law is tura'd to luft, WoCjto that land.wherc rulers fall to fin. Woe rothat fiate,wherc might doth fay I muft. Woe to the wrong*d,th3t feekcth right of him, ^ Who forcethnot Sfgoodjor right a pin; But makes the carth,thc pbicft of his cies, Becaufc he would,both God and heav'n dcfpife* Thou God which doftjfelityrans rage dctcll, * V Vhy fuffreft thou fuch wolues , to tyrannifc? Why are thy fcely lamkins fo oppreft? ^ Anddothnotmerqeinthybreftarifc? „; ^ Sure thou arc mercifutj^in this thy guile. , .; .?I#.givjng Tytantes time/orto repent,; Agdft|»§$^^jk(j^|l3|iiP innocenti m 0^ mmt Araree^nmf^dfvH^hichfighccdus louei^^# ;' ^v f^ Doth in this ladies hfc,8t large appearej > ? VVhora tyrant stride,vvli«hcr flier vvouUremooe, Her heart from thee, (her lovmg Lord moft dt^c) put ihec in thee,remaind the viiiiqmjhcr; VyheCTthoodidftraife^young D^i/Z/m her right, Iknd jMit her flj^iicleflc foe*, to fliamcfal flfghr, ^ ' • J For wh en the noptiaItrightes,had Jue difpatchj ^ *i f| And fblemneliwej,6irfknit the (bciall band, ^1 By writing made,attentK:ke of the mach. ^1 VVhcn firft ^/p)5w,gaue his daughters hand, jj Before the flares, and fcniors of the land; i| Thatye3readvaunccdwere,roiudgement{care, ll ^ Thofc hcU-taught hirelings, fit for Satham feacc, if . I j For while this tender Iady,taught her will, I T* attend her liked loue,and Lordly mate, 'J Thecaptmc/^r^/jintroopesrefortedftill, \ To ictin/<7«fW/coortes,and there debate, J Qf me,ine?,to mannage their forlorne cftatei To rowfc religion, »nd awike their law. Borne downe by bondagc,breedcr of their awe, Sotoere^fVafecret 5<««Ww», C Thcyfingledfoorthtwofeniors^fromthc bcfl, - ^ ... Graue,Agcd^ic3nied,wirc,of noble kin. For to expound the Iaw,and rule the reft, But they which feem*d jn flicw what they profefl*, M: h in p-oofe were Behah broode;bafeflippes of QHMe, ^ Ttcfc ^^3ii.*i.e. Thcfclongfrcquentcd,noble/(»ac^jw/ place. Grim fites fevere,like t/4nprchM brow. Seem d nQlhing popular;could nptthe grace. To kiflc the hand^orftoope the ftatcly bow, Bat(though with halting)onely well knew how, ^ To render right,witbout regard of ga;ne, Which made contending troopcs,attcDd their train e. Butmodcft ladie/Ladicmodcflie) - ^?r | Shee to avoid e the prcflcjin this repaire, .- And Aran the gn^cof every glauncmgrie, v Would to her garden walkc to take r be airei ^ A fine contrived plot and paffingfairc; ' HemMinwiihflatelywalles which hk d ner well, (Chaftcloiftrcd nymph, within lolwccie a. :eli.; And when the prcffe was p3ft,and coafl was cleere, Vnto bcr honje,her fcrled pafc fliee bcndcs : " Where oft flicefindes her Lord,and loving Ph^cre, Conferring with thofe (eniors , his goodlier, dc >. Towhora(for/p-.fi?;/»»iloue)goodlookefhecieudc$, Secureof lufliflieedeemd tbcirage more H-t^.c, Theirfaithmoreholy,thoughtcs more honoi able. But in plaine-mcaning trufl/alfc treafon lurkes. Slic SathM henccgate breath to blow luitcs h. c. At which their melting hear rcs,he fofcly workt J, _ Sothatthey.taHe,]rh*impreflion of dcfire, , ;*:» And fo did bBBOditP what he would require. Tjiui.«v«h£tii!eOalts,heba!tcth buzzardes nff$. :h& Thefllver beates(ftcmcfum'n6r«rorhegfitieV<^* 'H Are dipt in d;C'pbf,and vvcJl taught to fal, ^i • In curled tuftcsjlik-ybnkcrsncatc and brauei'.^^ r -; (No7Vrwjffycthad/\»wfeencatayi ; : ;^^ ijv viV WhUc withered limmcs would youthcs delights tecal-'i t Thefpund2e^hecombc,thegIa{rc,doewait;ic hand, To dccrc the wrincklcd $kin,thatageteul Md^jM Th'e/^^*Modors,mcndanoifbme ftulK ^ v?tv :?^ ^1^^ t ach word,each looke, each ge(hjrc frnackcs ofarr,!;^^ i ,,|1l P'"S'<^ggcbeginstole,ipcandvaulr. -' I VVhen r«;r^fliootcs,whcrc death fliould thrill his da'rf, I Oldwaggcsexcecderoplay the wanrcnsparj^tm ' ■ ss I And then thoughfoliy,giaethcmrduestheftI, '^r: ^ Xcc mult fwcccc beauty bcarc the blamcof air ^ W i So things wel ttienrjareoftentimes miftaken, n j v ^.*,4, I Sometimes the harmelcflc eie,doth fbecle oflfcnce^ :••* v t ^ Sometimes ftircdutie,makcs his friend fbrfaken, ^^:.tt% Sometimes foulc faulces,arc hid by fairc pretence. So were thefefeniorj/narcd by true fence. - ' ■■> Whcn(burnd not by the fire,bur by rhelighr) They wcrccntrap'd,by that true fpie,the fight.; ■■'.:i7 • While chaftjconcentricke cirdesof her eiej/ '>Ti^if i« h. Like fpherickefeftions,cut by curious artj ; : r : r.; ! Reflcdthc wanton beames,which gainft thetnUiesA' ^^l Backe to the darkefome dungeon,oftho he«rt, * ^ ^ t^ii 1 1 Makes Liver ioue-ncke,poyibns every pare* :?y^ -m^ Makes reafon,and hcartes pafl[ion5,ttainethe(]a-e,andUandcrj by, V V/tl) tng.quc bloud, in fcl C4/4/?;'r did on curtomcs lore rclie. Tovndcr-propthcrweakencfTe,withrepaft, - That now grew faint,and feeble with long fad Th en at kind loachims gatcSjthefe fenf ors part^ fV ^truftictraitours.to lo true a friend) And ro their feveral houfe$,doe revert. But Icauc in pawne,vnbodied hearts behinde." (Not where it hues but loues remaincs the mmdej - They doerepofe,thcirfriend-fliippe on their foe? They icaucfvycctciiicwgaj5c,ycthomcthcy goe; f Where lazie rtftjdid ranfackeall their vainefiJ Choice of delightcs,doe breed no choice of eafej The w^yvyard worme,v?ithin their adlcd braines, Wasnib]ingftin,nothingbutone could pleafc. The feathered featc,doih fecme a ncfl of fleas. The princely banquets,held a homely diet, j> The Ooockc muficke,tuakcsthc mindc vnguict. ThecDokescontrold,thenjcatcnot feafoned well. The courtly waitor,feemcs a catrly clowne, The fragrant odors.yeeld a loathfomefmcll. Whobokethfadjhethinkesonhim doth frowne. Who laughcs ouc-nght,doth envichis lenowne. Whowifprethin the care dothhimreprouc, Who praifcth bcauty,robbcs him of hisloue* His louc?not fhee grauc ladie,firft his loue,' Whole breads did brecdjyouthesfwcet contctmcnts wcl, Hiscies as blmde m choice,he doth reptouc. For /o< V. !f : Therefore ro fclkc niote eafe^n pleaCug place, '^- They poft alonCjVneo the garden dorc^ ^ - Where oneofthemnomaide,^ breathing fpacc^ But thathiscorryval1,i$<:ometo fliore, Where never boBtli,(tin then^did mccte before. Andthcnto foofie^for falfc otcafion[tb€ny Did'plot thcfilljofihcfe vnfaithfull men* For trairfd by time,cach one acquaintcs the othcr^ H>w beauties blare, in 5/w(hould they blackefin^ebuke and blame, When they thcmfelues are guilty in the faracf A mole is fpeed'hefpied, inthcfacc^C ' When in the bodie blaines,arc vnperceaved,' One feely mifle will yeeld vs,morc di/grace. Then though the vndering,and poorc aggrieved. Were ofal roiall vertues, quire bereaved* For rulers are.thc looking-glafTcjthcbocke, In which all hibiedsciesfdoercadc and iookCf , O let vs then remember, thcresaGod^ A God,whofe fearching eic,hath decpeft feeing, AGodjwhofe providence, doth never plod» A God,m whom we moue,and haue pur being, >l. , A God,to whom each (inne^is difagreeing* A God, that will not winke,at this 'mifdecde, A God,tbat will inflid revcndge, v vith fpccde* jSut hcere I fee, a curfed fayvning pleafure,' That frcez'th my (bule,yetburn*th my heart with Iu(f, That doth torment my minde,beyondeallmca(wp» , And over-rules (me ru!er)with 1 muft. : ' / Then tel me brother whereto both (hall truft. For my poore trembling heart,i$ fo tormented* That I the a^(vfl9^cd}hauc repe;itc4« ^ijafimmi^mmmimmmmrt \wm^ His!(ad colkageivvhoallihis time gauc care, ' -d^k^i VVith good attcmion,to this wavering talc, > ^^ ItiHrj Did fccmc as thboghibc held his comitmlc decree ^ jr^ lfcis«i But in his brclJ,thefbsrednioft deadly hdXt^.^.ps-^^tirxki^i So forrovv fackc his bloud.tbat he lookt pale, v ;t'^ >M' And (i^ggrin^ paxJs* diwhat anfwcre bcftto make hiiffi Or c^e advice^vvhai courfe heihould betake bim. 7 At lengthjfrom fin- flowing foule,(as flame from fire) '.-y fie bcllo wctk out,ho2t-breathed brntifh wordcs: I muft with rpecd»efFca ray hearts .dcfirri / Coramaunding luft,no longer pa-wfeaffords,' No,though mine obic£t,wereten thoufand fword«« i : Ne can my fpiricrepreffejfo fierce a foe, 5 My VYil is bent,my hear t Wil hauc it fo* A good phyfltion,may his patient corej If he be carefull,of the wound in (ca(on/ But carclcCTe, if helet it long indurej Hefindes at lengtb,notonefufficicnt reaftfn^ How of afcftted vlcer,hc might cafe one. So if m timCjl had this plague prevented, 1 fliould haue had no time , to haue repented. '' But now ray wound,out^reacheth reafons skill. It feftreth inward,and fo hurts my heart, ThatImuftbend,toray rebellious wiU. /Vnlelte I wil endure, an endleflc fmart) I vvould^fome TyrfeOT# could vvorkc by art^ Or man of God by praicr obtainc the skil. To tutnc ©y hcart,from this intended il, ,, ■liM^'t^^* 'j'4?i, 1. SatCwllnotbcjlcanrfothaijercdrcffe, -? :^ ! -I . Pifpaire doth {lopfthewayito former ftate. I muft therefore to bci',my griefcs exprerTc, And worke by^ping*mighr,and forced hate^ Ifthatfliee will not bc,compa{Tronare^ Thus Ircfblacjiiiy thoughts are paftrelcnting. And careleffel (my Lord)of your confenting. Yet vvliilc finncs^gricfcwould hcalc his foules confuption Foorth ftcps the tcraptour, and to {lop reOraint, |, Doth bcare him yp with wingcs,of prowd prcfuroption,' Biddes hope be liable , and his faith notfaint; Thy GodJ'faith he) with mercy hccrcs complaint** ifthoutohimj,thya - * ^^ i! Thcrefbrc(OLord^doenottoftamf dc^c(>.^«,f )! v^. / Nor with thy hca vyrfalliog hand, corrcft vs** ; ^! -r r , , - r Sith wc. arc not the firft^^hat haue trao(|rei^d, ;;;..,;■ . Thyfacrcdpwt^ptf^in thy lavv t^pwUcdca '/i^^ 1 '^ OIW^!■ And made his wjfc,htslaftcsadultcreflc. -^^tvCiij^^: High-fcated 54/<«wo»,(ihai held his throne) - ;p«^ lU' Fcl to fond luft.aml had more faultes then on^*^'> s ^i. AUhefe(.ind moc thy fervants) left thy lawcf, . / Yet did thy mercies largclTc pardon all: - :;? ^ - , VVhyiliouldIthen,hauelongerrimetopawfe?i.vC^'vC* Or dread rhcftorme,cre it begin tofal? No,no,poore heart,! will no thoughtc$ibie(laIUjf - > ^^ lnventtheway,to win thy choice delight, .*^«^Y < Andthismy hand,ihalhc]pc with mainc and tn^nt. He making mlght,the period ofhis fpeach^ :.. Bntreates hismatc,tocenfurchisconclalion^ v ■■. t Proscftjog that no rcafon, (hould out-rcach. Of interrupr,hi$ (etled rcfolution. White thus he reftcth carclefTc ofconfiifion, •:. . yi§partnctdorhimpart,!hi$thou2htcsreplie^ AndlcadofamiOejVvhatvyaSbt^^gvvi^ iiflJ?tOT^:.f- -J.«j*- jrhcrcfbrc((wect ScniQr)Ict vs haft iwa • ^othii h^ppicft ofchai^thcretohidei^f/ y^ ;rotrywhat:bctttrfortuncjdot]iabiaevf* ""^"^-^-^"•^ mnifi r > \m\ m\ VVIiichiail: thlefe dotards fncake in at thcgitc, '' (Falfe traitor ro take iij his ladies (ocs) ;^^- ^ < And(bcing in)fly foxes they debate/ '^^ii¥ti' ?i'^' Where beft to findefit couch,fbr torcp6{V/-^^'f?' ;^ And (browd thcrafelues.frcm gazing eics difclofe.' J''^ Till truftlcfTc time , might pay the hbf cd httc^^^^ Their hungcr-ftarvcdlufl, did fodcfire, "* , And (landing thusat^we* at length'theylpie^ '^'^ Afprcadingpalme,(fitarbourfortofeaftin) * Whofc wreathe d boughes,and branches clowd the sky. This louely bower,thefc brothels choofc to reft in. (Toneatapcrchjforfuchnightowlestoneft^rt.^ V Vherc flowring CamomtU.Aid cloath the ^round^ yvith2^y& and £^/«4»UKgbreath) Tofca^e thofe nMesjthM did con fftre ohy deaths Which terror made ray feareful flefli fo tremble, Vnneathcs I could,my perfcft fences finde. Ceafe(quothhis matcjnomore,dreamcsoftdi{rembIc. Dreamcs are deceitc»,as wavering as the winde. They never daunr,a full refolved minde. A fainting hcartjiliall never loofe t he [pray, V Vhich(mawgrc drearoes^I mcanc to win this day. Thus are thofe feniors, fold to defolarion, Who doth not fee their loules fubdude to fin? Whilft their luftrhardned hcarts,by no perfwafion. Can be recaldjfrqn^ wh^c they did begin. ^utbent to venture all^vnfure to win, tike raycning bcarei^bereaved of their whclpcs^ '^' rfiut9ac,dqg&igmanyhelpes, "" i ^..v/v '''.'■■:r^^4 Dft iWOT^ aiiaifcafc^ i"y iTtmii iii-n-iV',iiiii''-,'iiiiS5a£!PiWBa Tovvrcftorwirinehcif,]t6thcirIcfiathttllurc: ''^7 r - ^ OchatrucbTygersfierce^herCeeketoipill. ii. > ^['^ O thatfucl[drowficSii»', and J^^toHdaii', * * I J3iataooel7Uc6ncxoutdwinne)forloucofiDQiue« . ft?,. O lieirts much harder, then thto^dmi^ti v v v B?^' C O chartes of finiip,tDappc8 ofimpictie. >H : n »| ff^' J r^:^ f / Are you the men^hat vices fliould (cipplaiitf ^ b t^"^'^ Doe you (infhcv^ adore the dictic^ .1 i .: a J'Q^^f^^^i Andfceke in fccrcr, (innes varictic? r- fc^!:fi'i'Hf^i45H>d'C O doe but thinkc, there comes a iudgcmenr daicf ' Where fuchmifdeedes^caniiptbewip'd awaic» But your hearts,harb6ur nought,but ravifliment. You follow T(f»'*»;i vainejin vjllaoie. You carelcflc how to die, or to repent. Do Hue fecure of {hame, and infamie. And thinkeounoughtjbut oportunity* To perpctrate,your wicked lewd incenr. In which already^many daies are rpcnt*^. 'in But all daies now,arepa{Ied and expired, '^ >^ '»H- -"-/ In which you liv*d twixt hope,and grimmc difpaire ^ VVfacntimc hath brought you, where you moft|dc» Even to that orchard,whcf c moft holfome aire. Doth kiffc the crcature,which you held moft fair*. " ^* Imurious time,vvhy didft thou fcrtic her^, yVfaich never vvisor rticfi^tobcthy fo«f f. Why didft thbtt fecke,femhral a facred foulc? Why didft thou fceketo trainc her vntoluR? Why doft not oportuortie controule? V Vhich feekes to drainc her honour m the dull? O f]attring oportttoftiie vniuft. >' Fit flaue to faille 5«W/ lewd defign cmcnr. When thy coinpeew?,fitpl?cc, yceldcs entertainmcxit, ' O God why haft thou fet,thc ra^^ening wolfe, - r^' ^\ Vponthepoore,afidharmelc{re lamb to pray? : ;v " V Vhy didft thoulet her fcape,^^«r/^^/ygulfe, For to(by SejlU rocke)be caft away?* Thou haft vpheld hei',h3ppie to this daie, And now rauftlightjin Lyons ravening iawes. And plead lo^arcsjthatjsnow no right norlawcs. • For when the ruone('neerefommertropickefeaicd^ y With bright rcfleacd beamcs,did ail repeatci And weftward from the fouthcrne hne, retreated. Did make the foggic heart, in ftiadc to fweare. And croaking raven,gapc and pant for heaie. Then did .JW^^toher walke repairc, -^ -n^ni In (hadowed feate,to take firefti coohng aire. Wherewith hcrmatcsdtmure,(tworaodeft maides) ? Sheefhrowdsherfelfein {hrubs,nccrc pleafant fpringj CLike harmelefrejE//2rx the fouftiainc fairy A7iir| And with officiouifbotCjthey poll awbiIc^;B;,irv^^S Vnto the garden dores,and them ocdodei^' - ^ -- '.; ■ -ft ■ I To (lop each ftranger out, that might intrude. And by a poftcrne gatcjthcy poft away, I ' And yet quicke wantons^ make to tedious flay. Thus left alone(good lady voide of f^are) Shcc fcrucs her (5od,|with folitaric njuH?, , Secure what birdes of rapine, rooAed cherc^ That ment her wrctch,in their (harpc clawcs ^obrufc. And vnprophaned bodie, to abufe. ^ O httle doth fhcc know,what ferpcntcs lurke. In traitrous placcito pray on natures wotkc. Had (heeDtfM bin ^as poets faine^ ,hh. r When thcfct/^ffw»/,pricd through the vVQodj ■ v ? Sheeas2>/4wdid,woqldthemf:onftraine,,i -4fe ; t To be tranfformedjin her angry moode. ; ■ ^^^v^i, /^ Shec could not doe her glory,greaf er good* . ; But what t/iUesits feeke^co ferue their will. ■V 1^ Thefcdyfi[b,tliathookehathncveranglcd, -^ Doth (eldomcfearc.whats hidden in the baite. ThebirdthatneverwaSjWithfnarcentangkd, | VDoth {hunnopUccforthatlhccfcarcs dcccitc, - 'Socafcleff^ftieejwhatcurreslieatrcceire. --' ;i Totak«ienta«glc,wrongc,herguiItlcncmind€j / PothnoihUi^fijare^hecihouldiuciitrcalonhnde. ^ - % But 54 Jiifc^^ .. Oleaueitof;thacisfbillbegotine. ^^ o^ u'l^v^ But whilf rebellious 54/6iW, runneth by them, k ioodinoti<»»shthcn^ 4 i^5w-. Ji Shcc wondrcd grcatly:Ignoranc what wordtortliictoibelove4'-^; ; . >$o oownd cntarlKiRfjthry iiHglte no^^ bfi moved;;^ , *atim Thy naturelilitf ^ft»tly! Cedixtx^sr ^i^ 5 W'-^m '':>m Thy pecrlcflc bcamic,pa{Iln^ihhc reffi ;« J^ u - f* >^/ ^^^ Thy fccmcly i^fturcsjv^htcb each noai> and fee?; . Thefearcthc thingcs^itmhialUhe mighne(t>^ vi'iii ^\ And make comraaundmgi35aiiardies,cbb«pfei{|, r5>i» .j;l V An4^^ty0^lbQfff,whkhWe4hfhTiPtjt«ffigh^^^ -1 -.^ ; Thcfcai^thj? Wtprs/^haebbcfray theeho|Jijr>f '^^^^^ r Thclc(ljkefaI{cguidcs)dolead vsfrorothcLor^ir ^'Vii \ ThcfetM^gcsmake lawfiillkinges^andLoraef aiUm^ if Thingcjmoftvftlawfiill.andtobceabbord* ; - i.j t^ What n)an(fairc ladic)could hot well aftord^ r^M TotryfelIp3;ne$,topurchazeiucha!ouc3 , .''i .^^Tfta pains of dcath^ud thonfand perils provcj/ Didft CTcrreadjthofc b'rgh conccyted {^orycs^ ' In which the lives', ofvvottln' loves arc wnc> If fo,thou ff efl,the trophies ot their glories, - Wcarc rayfd on loue aodhmv infpit'd with jr^ They pa wne their li vcs,by farthctt reach of wity ^ To ra^k? loves nanic,ctcrnaii and admired. • ^^ c'Mi^ That fflff itfi fame,had not with coft bin hired^-^ i^^. O then but thinke, thy Lords are more tormented,' ^-^ Who dare furccpt,fporcperine$ then them all, ,- .;«^''^ And yetwcknoWjOurdcedes maybe repcnscd*^ ^ ^iMl ? Siih greater mfin,do take the gfcatcfl fall. -r.:rir'w.iiv\? For when they flip, the fr^^tf is not fmal, • '"V ■ "'^<> : ^ That doth reflect thcie faultcs, to every earej • • % , I J/[Vhidiroakc$ conccaccdiJiifldcsiaot cHoibforfea^ |i;r i: "" — " ^ ""* Had . '^. > Hadnot(thc C^4f«ifr)bcatttie vsbecwitchcd, VVc fliould have held,thc freedom of our ftate. And have bin richlyi with Gods giftes enriched. And never fcard the fpite, of daring fate. . But why do we,onr [fortunes nowr relate, J VVhichn3ay:(pcrhape$)oarra(li attempt e$cnfuc2 , Vyc (aoie Qoc nowjoor fucore (iace to rue. -.i- But came dUrbvec burning hearts^co cole* Enflamed by rcflection,of thine cies. Let them ffwect love) be quenched in that poole. That may thy iMchtmt vfe, and ou's fuffice. But fay the word,and we will meancs dcvife. That thou fair dame,flialt never be fufpccted. For why>our dccd,to none fliall be detected. What if thy parcntes be,right dcerc vnto thee ? Thy children deere,good /vMchim dcerft of all? Yet flie faint fe3re,this fact /hall not vndo thee,' Beat down diftrufl,and all his thoughts appall. Forthismifdccdjfliallnotinqueftion call, V Thy fpotlcflc fame, which all men hold vnfracted, jiitd deeds vtik»mne, are evnas thoHghtts Vfi4Hgd. Qnothheweboth,are linially defccnded, -j v : i' Ct Vrom fuda race kinf men to Zedtchidu ' A :i i m ' Thou maift fwecc fair^in vt be princely (rendedj -•- jn --^ > . Yea more,if thou wilt bead vnto our byai* < ,- , i ;;^i > . - Thoumaift be mother»tathe great Jkfegtas -if li- rl : ":^ Andfbbefarao(cd,byroyall birth, iyt':^->* 2 Thusfleflilylpcakcs,this:atnall C^^U^'.^^^^^^ ' Pawningehisloulcsdcereiifc,toTanfomlurt< ^ ^ Orlikc al^ngdonie dccamingjTWwuKi;;?, ThatinaiieartlhyCmpyrCjputshisa^. ' * , For/«i4rccptcr,thcnlayincbeduft. » And tfeea'aj iww^th'ey hop*d an earthly kingtf^ But CO hit tde,ihis$cplii(lmore doth ffoge; Iftfcafure want, thou Mr haue gold atwillj Or whatthy wifh,or= pi caflnge thought defirctbu ''Ifhono^^ljfghcthiehottoriaUcthftilU .-.»/- WhilcfecrcaffCjOurageand ftatercquirecb.- Yea place and tinic,tnicfrcc Confent now hiretW ThJemaidesavvaytdowinkeac^hine ofFencc* -. The cloafcd dorc$>will with thic fact[difpcncr# til IfdouptesobiectCjOurwordcsin ieft art fpokcrf^ Andthat ourloucisconfiingedcijply feigned. Thenhecreby hoHyeft vow,]Jg!^ «evcr broken) '-^3? Wee deeply do prot^ (and vriconftrcigncd) Our fuitc is Ioue,by true affection trayncd. * Then yccldjVf nojthis annes,confeDt (hall dravyc« - For needs wee muftiand wtf^tf%« «« /<»<', ..c li Elfcifchoudoft perfift.mlat dcniall^^KjtJ:;?^^^'^^ Bceholdextrcamcsathandjthic dooracis teemed* Adultcric^fliall breed thie^cath in tryall. So (halt thou dcad,an;hipocritc bee deemed. - So ftiall thine end, bee irtfamous cftccnaed* ^ So fhalt thou ftaine thfekin,and btud debafe, Dcfamcchicphccw,andbafttt(lac tby mc,- ,fV M TheCM^MneteofSfiftnHM, For we vVclI knowdc(grauc fathers in the land) y Vil in thy trial,iudgc and vvitnefle be. By oath of two, each verdiftgiv'n mud ftand. Our (clues will fwcarcjwe found embracing thees,' A beardlcflegroorae.infoule adultcrie. Then better twere.to hue and hiauc good name^ Then haiie thy dcath/cpuichrcd in defame. As for our felueSjWff haoeat large debated, What (hanie,what lofamie.thisfaft may gainc* How that we may be pointed at.and bared, Yea more then pointedidalie die like ^atrt, While drowpingIife,isbuned in difdainr A loathfomegr3ue,a death far wotfir thcii leath, Bccaufcthe fCfindal,(halreviueon eacth. Thus hau* we thought, what rr?ay enfue the dsedc, VVho feares what w<«;^^,mi(Icth Ladies louc, Fainthearted carpet knightcf^doerddomefpecdc. If fearc of what ma^ h, doth them rcprone^ NofcareiTiall daunt my heart, ori»i«7^Nay'rather Sufan, die an innocent, ^.\ . ; And render vp,a purelife-breathmg fpinr. Then make thy quiet confcience,raale*contcnt: Andpurcha{cdcath,andhell,fbrthydemcritc^: ; - JFor harlots (hdl,no heavenly fcacesinhecitc. • And furclam;ifguiltlefrcheerc Idle, ;^ "' Why then iwiUredgn^i fond luft to thcfej i^, Arid faUinto the handcSjOfGod my king. Sith far tis bctter^God then man to pleaTcjf Forif I ycQld vntothis curfcdthing. My confcience hath,a penetrable Itmg, VVhicli will torment.my foule far worfc then hell. That I fliali bide, more paines then tongue Can tell. The fa£t would aic, be written in my brow. The blufhing hiimor,wouid bewray my cafe^ If I fhould heerc one fay, ^dnUrejfs thou^ The reddes would rile, and mufter^in my face,' ' As if the wordcs,weie ment to my difgracc, i My husbandeslovingeiCjin blotted booke,^ V Vould read ray fault,unprin£ed m my looke*' In flecpe condemning drcamesjwould haunt my head. And fiiamefaftthoughtesrecord mj- fhameledc foUic* The covering? would crie ont, GUoachmt bed. And {ay faire hypocrite, thou art.vnholie, Pull downe thy plumcsjand never more be iollic. My fmiling babies, would bewray their mother,' Andyceld their fires, refemblanccjto forae other. Accufing confcicrice,foindc with fad reirrorfe, VVould whip mcjwith remembrance of mine ad. MyguiIticminde,fafpition would [enforce. To thinkc each whifpring tongue, did cell my fa£t^ And fmiling Iookes,dcridc my CI caditcrad. i 1^ Andthaiicachniblcdiippc,dldIendamockej Andglai^nciiie^^iejbcholda eazing Ctocke# 'fuT^r - — ^2 " — * llfThus did fhee^hcrfccret thoughtcf debate,* * : . ilfWhat bcft to ddCi before fhVonldanfwcrc make, llMcanc time they long, her toconuminate. ffiiYerwondrcdathcrloekesjbcfbitflice Ipakc, ; v ; VVhich AngcLlikc might mouc them toforfake.} Their lcfvdiQrcnt,ifevcrmildercmorrc,* • iOr tender merde^might their bard heartes torce. ^ With hand^ difplaidyfliee lookesjvnto the skies; I And downe from thcncc.vpon th'aggrie v€d ground. J Which might mouc ftoncs totcarcs , if they hadcies, i'll Herto behold,which did with gricfe abound, f found. f If 1 Whole heart lodg'd carcs,while'tonguc the (c words doth ]l|! And eies gufti reare8,truc tokens of decpe (orrow, m Tiius hearts ftqm eies fell obieacs^palTions borrow. O you(quoth (bee) tbat fway Gods /y^4if^, Rcptll pcowd Sathan^vyho doth feckc your foule, Fiic.flie/orthismy heart doth hateas hell, O flic with fpcedejeaft God your finncs controule, Rcrt thus rcfolvM,you never gaine this goale. . Fornevcr Ihah be {aid.therc hes that wife. Which left hcrpod/o hue a brothels life. Somcbirdesandbrmifhbe3ftes,bynatureslore, Doe flic this faft,as moll: abhoniinablc. - • Th-nareyouworfcthenthey?vvho^ouldhaucflor^, . Of^afon,andiniudgcmentbe 'jn^ft^f ^!v. . , ';:% . Whatdoeyouthinke,GodsbookeisbutababIcr ^ ..... Obeuotbeaftes.chougHyoube madcofclay, :. JBathaueiegttdjYntoyqutwulcs^ccay. --^ M'!^^^^^ r- What if T(wickcd)ni6utd your willes content? What gaine you ifyougaine,your whole tcqucfl? Why nothing worth a ftraw.a ruHija bent, A fmall thing got .will gaine your great vnruft, For oncfcbbtainde,youlc vvifli tobcreleafl. Yea loath the diede.yourfclues.andmefpcrhappes) Thercfbretoy Lordes,Bc rulMflie afcerciappes. Oncdroppeof p6yfon,put into the cupp, Infe£lcs the whoIe,ahd makes it venemous. So one bad thought,! n hearc once harbord vp. Doth caufc thebody, to be vicious, "^* Then flic fuch thoughts.is arc fo.poy fcnous. - AndIctnotnature,haue the vpper hand. But feekc by gracc,her ticerncntes to withfland. Ift notfowle fliame,f6r him to mifle the but? Which fhutes with levied airae,to hit the pricke? Then ti« more fham^,when ftates in praaif e puf, { To winnercnowne.and yet like flaues docfticke, ^^ At honcftie,0 doe but note this tricke. *^ Firft know yourfelues,then what you vndcrtake. So you like conquerours, ihali fuch finnfis forfake. Do not debafc your b!ood,by bafc dcflgne. Your place fhouldfoflerjworihies free from blame. -;^ What though your branch, hath rootc in Inda lincl ^ You ihould depend, vpon defcrved fame. And not leauealltb nobleneffe of name. | For nature proQes,a tainture in the blood, . SVhewlift lamwirs^thatflatureisnoc good# g "'^iToroyftlikcruffians^axidcxccedeiDfin. ' II Shall fcafning felc,beCoiiic vnfavVy tr?(h? , , y I Shall faifc without,be cloakc to cloakc to fovylcivithiil? C if .. ? ^^'°^>^^^g!"«atones,arc example givcrs> If -Sccoicnottobip^bntbcindtcdejgopdiivcrs. . •JLct vertuc betheground workCjofyourgrcatneflTe, - .* ^ 5ctGodyoi|rguidc,inconfcicnccbowcrofbrafrc. .^ For glories fortj'^ot Founded is in nwtcnciTe, ^ A'courfcrs namc,doth naught befecrae an alTc, Tis folIy.phrcnrie.furieCout alafTe.) To (land a tiptoc,ori the title point, Iflifcbeloo/e^andycrEuepucofioint, . Youaskcirihaucconnedjhinorics? • Then knovy I hou^ ^both humauie and divine, . , ; - Wherein I fw4c*thclaftingintami4«, v*^!' Of fuch asfhrovydedjVnderfinncsbiackeflirine, r^l;; t 'And howthefeglortousnien,likcftarresdoc Oiine, ■ ?/ Iiiglories fpiieerejwhich haue fuch faultcs fprfaken, ^nd vmo vcrcucs gu)de,thcinfclues bcrakcn. i* What was the caufe of raging cataciy(me,i-^.ir':i. ♦> That did with 2aQly waues the finfuU fmailow?;^ Butbeaftlylifc,andbrutillibarbarirme? V While Sodamc did,chaft natures heftes vnhallow, jViio,(wantons nicc}in luftcs delight did wallowp God purdgcd the polluted plajcc^with fire. '^:■''■ I 'in >^>wv> ■r':>^^4..flN^' *ThefionJi(ttieie»fSu found, FaircD/^y^iC/^w^/dearlingand delight) Did not fin-hating heaven, at it ^lowre? And raifc re vcndge, for this abhord delpight* Yes twas the caufc,thac hcobs fonnes didfighr. Gain(l //>wor/ronncs,his fubicftcs and his towne. All which by thcmjhand-faiooth were beaten downc What bloody warce,fierc«wath,and raging fpoile, ' Fell on thcfatulhribe of :Sf 'j^w/'^tf? VVhat time the men otg»^*^,clid defile, (By beaftlic rapcjthc Lsvttcs concubine. Which made their brethcrnc tnbcs,fo fore repine; ; ' Thatoffhc^f«/'^w'«,thereloIt their Hues, Fiuc rimcsjfiuc thouland raen^bcfides their wmcs. - With Sinm plague,f;:U thowHindes twcntic fbwer, ? Bcciufc they gauc their liues, to luxuric, ^ Bid'Drfz/J'^fcapc/orthathc did deflower, Vriahi wifcPno fure the childc did die. That thus was ^otrcn,inadulrery. Yea God did fwcarejthe like difgrace and I word. Should light op his,for leaving of his word, What did prowd Paris gaine,to gad to greeee^ ;* To fet that my nion,(J^ff »^/4f« wife? . (Fames 7^^««;beaucies faint,a pecreleflc pccccj Sheecoftakin^domelarge,andtnanyahfe, -^ ^/ir^^w^fxi/a^Jiving voide of ftrife. * r -^ Became luftcs w:»nroniwalIowed in hcrplcarurc. ;Sri^jii>'r';;i^J^S^^i; ;jr; fmmm^Battm wtmmm jnn And wcllifijfifthc Lord ill wcaiorfKcanfci^ . J l?guc coniuiorl-wcalcs,and play the vanquiftcr, Wiico^onc fo wic fornicaror brcakcs his lawci, ' What (h .11 be done, to that adulterer, ^ ^' i i.cflicklcr o^this ftrife>and bloody ftirre?-- y Wer^hc not wonhy,(brccdcr ofthisbrawlc) ^ %f pditf(I«dcatb^topmcand die for all? • yourfcIaefofUlif/inpra£lireoft]icIaw) '' G 3>ie doome offtoning death,for hkc offence, *: Ajid can de/Ire,yoorhcdrtes from nghtwithdrawr, , ' I lhatJaw!crrcnow,youcanwi[hIaw'sd»rpence? ' Whatbramficke bymordothyourfcraincs incencc? - To dcemerhacfaa,cleath worthy in an other, Wriich youy our fslues,do foitcr/ced^and coverl i Iffpceches d. cbut breath and labour lecfc; ^w SV" lf'formefw,.fdc, cannot fbrwarncyoureares* Thcnycr behold,! offer on ray knees, ^ ' A 1 jcnfif; of fighes,and ftormic tearc5, P.C(yfheparnc,thatinmylookc:ippeares. Lcr thclcmywringcd ban d<,a wake remorfe, . ' Vic fdvourf'good my Lords^abufe not force. , Con fider whit you arc:not bafc borne (laves. Bur cJiicfc conduflor$,of Gods chofen fhecpe. Then as a cr? zed fliip,chat*s toft with waue?, ■ ;?^ DothletthewatCfSjStthechinckesin creepe, ' And drown'th her felife.withall'in whclmingdeepe^ : • - Soyou the rhip,wherem your fubie£les faile, ¥our rubio^cs^^ke.whco yoiibeehmc to^ft ^ ^ ', ""/*^— ■■«— ^<».- -"— ** V ^^,. ' ■'" ■' !?'■■■' ~ ■^'■- ~~ - TTi^rtt'.'' mm^mmmm ii & TherfbreIconiureyou,bygreate/p^9w?, v ■ ■? v % For countries caufeibr fubicctcs happincflfe, ^or yourdeercfouleseftate,nofurihcr niouc Mccpoorc afflicted Toulc heercfuccGrlcffe. 6donotfeeketodrovynerae»in diUrefle. ' Leall now you fce,old Sodom flames dcfcendinge, Suppreflcyoutfuite/erveGod who waits amending, y, j^utwhatavaylesjtofowndrobeaftesrctreyt? ' }f:Ox quench the blazi:,rbai burnelb m i he ftra w? ^^ IThough Croco diles do wecpcjchcy meane decci^ ^ ? Though Lyons cowch, they hide a hurtful paw. ■ §othoughthefeLordcs,bemoancche teercsthcyfaw: ,;^iComincnde her zeale,cxtoll her good cntcm, ' XerftiUvotamedluf^,gr6wcsinfolent. The foftcft drops,do peirce the hardefl (loan es. Through gentle wordes,vngcntle heartcs will y ccid. The tendered x^utho, foftncth tougheltboancs. Mildc mufickcan, mad beaftes allure and wcild. Then arc your ftubborne hcadesjfoflronglyftccld? Or are your hcartes fo hc3rd,fo rough,lofc.rcc. That nought can cntcr,foftcn/ea[on,peircc? Behold the melttn»teeres,this ladle flicds# Behold what greetjl.es harbord in her heart. . Behold what iijodcrtie, her over-fprcds. Behold how foarcjthc wound vnraade doth imarr. B)eholdherroule,repiaineat thisparf?.^ Behold h»t?rcnting fobbes,aflault your eiesb bchol^ vji bwv?d todcs/or m^c ^^^'^'Ms^^ BttC m K|j Bur as the wilfiiU A^ufi6^fc$ \itt care;^^ -' ^ l^€^-r\M When charmers chauntingwordcs/Iikcbairei cntife) So thcfe enchaunted adders, will not heere. The wordcs of health,or wifedomes found advifci \ - , So bendded will|is bent to winne the pri^e»; That neither tnay,this ladies plaint or'raoane. Make pittjrpicrcc,thckhcartcs more hard then ftbnc, Forwhen her hcarts,deepe oracles were ehdcdj v ■ And that they faw fuch refolution in her. While chaftcft fairc/airc chaQide defended, Gainftthofc who foughtjWith fawning wordcs to winhcr, As farre from hope,as though they had not fcene her. Pcrfwaded now^faint means would niarre their matter, Her with ftrong hands,(weak fort jthcy fecke to batter. For favage54/;'r^-like,they would vncovcr, ^-v. What bafhfull nature, btddcthfccreat hide. ■ And clofe as hungric Ravens, they doe hover, To doe that great dirgracc,fliec may net bide. But when fhecfaw/oulc luft was at ful) tide. And that her lingring girJes,did ftay fo long, Shce cridc amain e,bcforc fliec felt the wrong. Helpe,helpc(fheefaiih)helpe,helpc lam vndonc, O helpe a wofiill wretch,in wretched cafe. At which hercriCjthciunior iudge doth ronne, And open fettes,thc garden dore(apare) As if f omc fellon fled,out of the place. Andihecfor helpe,dothnot(b often crie, ^ Bu( th^y as faihUopiccPCiihc thiefc doth flicr .> /Tlierervintes nctlcdjVffith this fuddaine noyes, 'Ofhclp,help,hclp,ftop,ke«pc,the theifdothflie- Ronne to the poftcrnc gate/maydcs men and boyes) i To find the author, of this mutinie. ifThc cutfed caufe,of that lamenting crye^ yVhoftaring.gazing gaping ronne aboute, vrLikcracp^amazdc, to find their midicflc our. i ^t length they do dehre>their ladie faire. ,Hcr beautic blcmillicd,with b'ubbring ceercs, (As/»^^^rmantled»withtheinyftica!rc, VVith vvatril'hbcamesjvntothe fight appeercs) Officious dutic»bids her banniih fearcs. Relate her hap and let her heart be ilrongc. Where hands and hcarts,arc vo wd to right her wron • Butjhec good l3die,that'did dccmcher groomes, Vncquall vrapiresjof her high difgrace. Leaves her bad hap^vnto their better d oomes, And by hcrfclfealoanc, with^drawcs the place. Andbearcsher greif.impiented in her face, Th^t loachimscie might fce.and feeing rcw. Her wronged faitb,in her deformed hewc. Who when he faw hisIove,and his lives breath. To quake in cv'ry parte,(a$ palfe fliaken) ] And cheeke,and lip,to lookc as pale as death, V Vhome frefh (hfcfeeding)hutnour had forfakcn* Himfcljfe by fainting feare,is overtaken . , ^- But vvhcn hp fecs,her finkinge to the ground,* }^# gicdlias^mfis^he dpthcmbcace her CQvn J# l^i^V* ''^'J^.wiS i*i,,' And i^tf Hw (iiiirr tfnnriitiiniiiiiiif iM irMTfciiii Miilfij mSM Androbbiogwordcs,throu|hJjiswnguei!op^^^^^ Hcfaith,0(vvcctc/wectchwrtvnfoficthyS^^^^^ „ O(peakcniyiouc^ndbanni/hbaflifi,llfcc«f^ , Hj^is^hand,(baUyccIdthcclatdgcrclicfc^r^ -^^^^^ :yctfliouIdicnotappcarc,awrongtomf°^ ynfhrowdcs the earth, from her congealed toe, ' And'makesthevvyth=rmgftrubbe,,n§grair^^^^^^^^ SoJ/hcebegmstorpring,andfecmealiue. ' And vvithherfaItringrongue(yct all a mort) , ^«raitrousmcn,dothrcndcrtrIie report. Atid« we blame miflbrtunes, in their brlnwrs, *- ^i^^- Sheebl3incshermaidcs,«awtorsofhcrwon?, ' Sheefeelesimpatiemfitces,andtheyherfingcrs, Thatdurftneglea their ducreturnefolong: Whofe fad excure,(perm,xr with tearcsam?nge.) ^ Tofbekcthethinges,herfelfehadlaideam3nr. -^ Keturn d her fclfc the blame,that wrongd her bliflc. Mcane timejthe vnrefol ved fervauntsf earc ir, yVhat rpitefull ill,their lady did furprize. And though theiritchingearcj, did longtohcarcir. • Yet aking heartcs, did r3ther^w;rf/i&r«4^ Then knowfroniwhence,thcirpaflrions did arifei At length with baflifnllboldncfl'cand good waccv ^ t-- ^■h .< i. ;The^e6MjhtneieffSuf4H»d. VVhofe ircfuU cies,whcD firft th cy did behold. This middle rowt,(to preflc with fpced in place) Didfirft condcmnc their decdc.as overbold. VVhile fainting hope,did much diftruft their cafe. Their luftfull heartcs,did munhring thoughtes embrace. For baihfuli nature,once to boldnefle bent, GrowesfhamcleiTe bold, and boldly impudeac . And as a boat and eagre dogge In hand, VVhcn he bcholdcs,his game before his elef . Doth fawne.and leape,& licke,to loofc his band, But when he fecs,him keeper futer tics. Then feirce againft him,hec begincjto rife. So they when fa wnmg,could not win their wil, Rayfelikecur{lcurrcs;andhaveamindetokjlh ^ For to the fad demaundantcs,therc they fay, Heere fownd we 5»yS»,in adulterye, Whofeyonguc companion,fled from hence away. Bee fore we couldjwhat wight he was defcric. Bcleevc V8 (gentle frendes)we tell no lie. For thefc our cies,are witnefle$,we faw themj And here's the place, to which thee did with draw the. Which curfed fight,did Co our cics offend, (And much the more for noble /i^/^^^/nr; fake Our honorable kinfman and goodfrend) That we did do our beft,thcgroomc,totake« v' Thatfpecdiedeatb}(for wrong}amendes might maker * But he for ysjto nimble at ftrong hand, Fled by chac dorc^vifhichyc; doth open ftind* BflWMm ■piriiiiiirtt The dutious fervirbrs with ba0iftiirbfow,' ; BliiHi now with fylcfltrharae,ac this her face; Who never (nil that dayjwas thought to bow, Vntofobafea {injicrvilcanact. ^ v Wherefore they did fufpccfjfomc plot compact. hndin hcr«dTjfe,wouId fliapc fome/harp rcplicv V Veil ittmcd in her fight to gidWhc hcr But when chey law,, thofc eldcf s of the land, yWre vouchers of the fict^ndhhliicdced. They darft not contradict them, or withfliind, Andycctheirinwardpartes,wcretouch'dwuhmccd; To thinke how ill(poorcprir'ncr)fhee'/lioo!d fpced. When 4s the iudgcs mouth,(ihe witneflfc breath) Should verdict giue,that giucs the doonqc of death* Andfo fad men,greife laden horrtethey go,: Toprievvharcomfort,inthcirladics looke. And leaue thefe;iudgcs,pIotting of her woe. V Vho ftraight the way,vnto their howfestookef» Where they their goodly being,bad!y brookc. While eagre cnuie/emcfle doth invent, J The ovesthrowcjof this chaft innocent. O £«wV wayward witch,fowlchagge of he), Whic doft thou make men pine,armens profpcritic? O you fond foolcs,that in her den do dwcJ, And thcare tormentyour fclues^with her fcueritie, V Vfiofc (lauc is /lamder, 2nd her page Temeritie, Whic waft you,reftlcfle feruice on a dame, (ImM i m -f; .f *X!heetvff4ueie'ofSufattHal i>ate fretting furicjfurious forcerefle, Bel-dame to madnefrc,and yoakc mate to woe^ Thymothcrpride,ambrtalmurthercfIe, . ' Thy father P/«//i^/, mans imraortallfoe. Thy brattes blood fhedding hate, that hath no hoc^ . Gont .. To k^r}5c th?er vfuall courtSiin wonted placCi Jn Joiichms hourc(a fpacious roomc and fairc) . Where fccblehopCjVpholdcch faint dilpairc. White their b&d*thfif}ie rhoughtes^o whoriclongi TodoherfdtDC,aiKlbod}r deadi)'wro!nge« , And mounted on,the povw'rftdl feat ofjiff* They wiltheirrumm'nors,to afcitc and cal!^ ShIum ^{Helcbtus daughter, WW/ wife) I'o make appearance there before them all. Andanfwercin an action criminall. Thus they pretend wit h right, roote out cville*. But v.'hie Hiould right be prophand in fuch divcUef^ And fliec good lady, (loyall tothe Iawe$) (Armd with afTurancc,of her innocence. And guarded with the goodne{Te,of her caufe« In confcicnce brazen fortreflc of defence) Fci.^nes none excufe,or fliifting flic pretence. But doth obey the fummons,and proceed. And leaves to God th' event of her good fpccde. And fo attcndcd;with a mourning traine, Sheernakcsappearance,in the fatall place, VVhfrcftandersby,cannotfroni teeres rcfraine# To fee the gallant pnfncrSjWofuil cafe, ','-':> Hcrphccrc,her frcndesjhcr parenres, children race* ; Keplcatetheayrewithwocs,and grown d with teercJ# y Vhilcheartcs c cliplc,ia clowdcd cie ^PP^*!!^ ^ ■n ■■■•i1»i An(iftaadinginarobe,offineft blacke, (Dccpc f6rfowejfigne,by cauflcffe infamie) There overfpreades.hcr Ihoulders head and backCj- Availe ofla wne,(tonote integrltie) Which hid her whiter bcauticyfrora the eie. This (hadow they comraaundjto be removed. . That they «t Icaft might lookc [on what they loucdJ Which when th*ofiicious officers,had done. Swcete beauties bluChjdid yceld her fuch a grace/ As when a clowd, IS taken from the fonne. When forrow fuckes,the reds forth of her face. The machlcfle white,aIoane doth hold the place. But when the crymlon humor,fleincs the vVhite^ CoMZ^fccracs fhadowcdyin the (j4/4f mtf. Such is the b eautie, that enchauntes their eics. And charmcs their heartes,through it (o fore attayntcd*' That they both God and jgpodnefle do dcfpife. And with nought elfcbut i'm are now acquainted. O That lliec lTiould,wKh fuch fairc fhapc be painted,^ TomakccommaundersmindcSjto luftobcy. Andibpc her fclfe,expofcd for their pray^ For when they had fuirgord^d,thcir ravenous tiQi} On beauties daintics/with amortrepaft) Theytwoamid'rt/hepeople doaryfe. To giue their witnefTcjgainft this conftanf e chaff.' And as the law doth will,t heir handcs they plaft, 3JpPo^^fa«^ca4ofthis pure innocent. (|.!y2 ]^?3lv« M^jmwcsja fcely iamb to rent) a^Bfl^/^Vvif^ ■■ ■ VVhcarefwearingby Gods name>«a(blcfflneoathjfi !To(cta{ide,allfirtiiilll6ucandhatc. — ' . "^ i Andfpcakethctruthjandnothine but thctroib. Periurcd iudgcs Cfocs tottiftb^scltacc) Vnto the pcopleithir*th»f fetymate* ^ - i Thisnotjlt'dSttf^hatflicwd atamin light, ^ I lsidv§nd^yiic^iife*iJ^cWcJcwd,and Ii^^^ For ycftcrd4y,ti?J^^*orchaTd walkingc, * ' ^^ To rccrcatcburiptrircs,vvich holcfomc ayrc. This dame with her twodamftllcs,thithcrfialkmge,. Thcar did to hcr.an vnknownc youth r epayrc. V Vhofc fhape was comIy,and his feature Uyrc. But er he came in fighr,that none detect ir. Her rnaden? ilice difmift Icaft they fufpcct it, VVhoe being goncatid dorcs ybarred faft. Wee rOirowdcd from their f ght)with wakcfull heed Pcrceu' d the wickcd,to their im make haft. Andcreapingcloaay,withconucnicntfpced, ^ Wee did furprize thera,m the Ihamfull dccdc. And him we caught, but yet away he fled. Forhimfrora vs,hisftrcngth dehuercd. Buthcrwchcid,andthear examiocd, VVhatyouthhc^vas,thatdIdherbodlevfe. Andthoughcor»fefrtngfhamed.ddieherred, Yet torcfolueourdoupt&cedidtefuCe. Andwithftilliylencedidherrdfcaccufe. ; Thushaucwefhcwdthcfact,o^thisle^^^^ Shee all this fpacCjWith patience on her knee^ With handes and cies,vp-reared to the skic. Commends Jier cauTc to God, which all dothfee^ VVhilc groaning fpirire/in anguifh plundgd doth crye,^ Hclp,hc]p,mc.God,or clfcin ihamcl die. Thourul'ft nght,then ftrctchthincarmeroflroug. And overrule thgiuc breathing to fuch bcaflcs? I W^c did the heav nc^,pcra}it fo fowle an eie, j Fortobchould,thcpurevnfpotccdskic? I Whic did not ndture, mould deformed clay^ I So fbwlc mifhapen mindes,for to ingcrth? jj Whic fwell not floudcs,and fwiftly { weepe a way, ! This fccdoofC4i»,from the polluted earth? j Whic did not heiljdcvouic them in the birth? VVhie do not angrie elcmentcsjconfpire, Topowrc vpponthem^oat confiinnngfirc? Whic did the earth^cate Corach and his crtwc, And fufter thefe to trample on her bro\ve2 VVhic didwildebeares,tho{cidoUympesfubdue, And do wildc beaftcs,thcfe beaftes to hue allowe? Whic do not thundcrboltcs, enforce them bowl What fhodd I{ay?whic doth not God in ruth, ciommaund c^ch powc Vo punnift their? vncrtgi? t ' t^^ '■i.«5^s=ij- fitt Theeof0ii9ciecfSupmiii Bat thou Q Lord, art free from this ofFencei VVhenrav'ningwoulvcs fuch feely lambes dcvowcr. Thou righteous,doft nor punifh innoccn ce. Tis not thy worke,tis they abufe thr power. Thy power is iuft,thcimperfe(Slion our. The aire is good,tfaat doth the voice difpcnce. Though foultlyvIdc,togiue falfe evidence. Then iadges(moft vniufljbchold the skies, Thinke thear s a God^thofc glorious globes that guidej Let not dcfpaire,your foules deete health difpife, But hauc regardjjwhat law you goe bcfides, perpend in deepcft thought Got! not abides, Such wrathfull C^j^^as waft the guiltlcfle blood. Then haue vefycd to me/or your ownc good. Perchance you thinkc,your finnes fofarrc cxcecde. That God i snever able/taforgiue. O flic thofe thonghtes,which fwift dcftruaion breede. And that our God, is mercifull belicue. Doc r)ot(o wil]ingly,todarkc hell diue. But thefe yourhaynousdecdes,from heart repent. And God willthcn/ren.it finnes punlflimenr. Let not fowle fin.be fecded in your age, ' Xet nor your vertues die, before they fpring* Doc not commit on mc>fo great outrage, * But let true iufticcrule,incv*rie thing, ^ ^ Gonfider what dcfame,fuch wrong will bring. What doc you thinkc,God fees not what you doe? imm^^ €. _^^^^, "Z...;.,,, Your t0"f IM^H Your coaCcienct cik0i^tt6v^efyadxhiilxes,i^^^^ ^ Your hearts can fay, your tongues doc fal/hood tell, • Your tonguc^can tell, your a^ionis ynholy, • " ^ - To wrong a fccly \womani mtanirtg vVcfll, : ^^ ;^^ • ^ i^ndhatingthiscflTencejafshatcfullhtll, ■ ;'' ■ - Let |?ii:ti<;i^iijf^crabrle,andbanni/hwron^^^ \'^ BenottoftoUr,becaufcyou arctoftrong.; ; But ifyour hcaff ^blbod-hardncd ffill rcmaine, ' To fhed her bfo'bdjthat hath no lawes loffcndtd. • Then workc your wils on Tne,(0 fonncs of(/n») Would God in. this good caufcjiny life were ended* So that your liucs,ahd manners wertf amended. Which if ybii doc not right, with fpeedy pace, ,,^ Mine honors wtortgjyour honors will deface, - A tree but young, one may both bow and bcndj When as the old,will hardly bend at all, Avvhelpe with trickcs,tstaught to fetch and fend, V Vlienas old dogges,to it you hardly hall, V Vho can reclaime,wilde haggards to the call? ; JBvcn fp thefcmen that fcafncd arc in fin, To feme the Lord cannot tell how bcgm. For when they heard,this oratrefTes talc. With conftantfpeach,and geftiire fo declaimed. Fierce envies fretting poyfon,made them pale, ' Fearing to miflc the maike>hcrcat they aimed, ':::'■'' They doeinferrc itfalflipod,mcerely feigned* •:■;;;; Tofruftrateiijftice,withaniepcrfwafion, - And from deferred dcath,to make cvafipn; ?i1 Which witblip-rav,fcwotdc-«^^^^^^^ ,^ . Ifheby thero,couldbuylitCr«f°!_'= Ift„o/amdgcs«ord .hat«.^^^^^^^ Isnotouroathconfirmedvvnno . V Vhat two doe vvitncne.law dotn w". VVhlch&id^h4^'>P«!f¥'^fe^''"-^ ^ ' And one the dolefuU fentence, vtteteth! ShccSdbclcd,foonhofthec.tK5a <> Andtherefas UMi/^doth thehwtel»t<;, ^ ThellcituaeCaficklevvavennshe d) ^^^^_ Shouldpteffeherdowne.withftonestiu Thu5do,hthehw.by«Unejrewrc«edd'f^ ,. .. _ Th«sisthevcrtuou,damcconteBndj^ .^^^^^ Theiudgereieaes.thebuibandes ^r tt He ftopfhh eates.at parentes f^d reP ^v HeULotheere =hcinan«.w^^^^^^^ (No doubt a pfe that godly l^n'l"^^^,,^^^^ VVhichdQthfiJtl?l"('-»?'R . * ■* ' Butto«htobeintirted:taiT.ittesneft, ^^^^_,^ Stab-d«ith hcart-woundrngwo des t ^^^^^breft. Sheewakcsherthoughtej,vvithtnun.t. ^ Fli„toherUftrefi.g!*.tofeth rf«e.^^ ,,„ , :Entreate.herGod.«j.btarnWewe«»^^^^^^^^^ VVouldnotfoif»Ke,oifle?iienet'" ». j Butfetid hiscomfott.tQbe!:co^fo^l«««- I Anddoftinflra;_i*v*ra|cdptiipCe,^ ' ThatdoetliylaiJves(ijbirert«J ''^ - Rcpwde the fjridcof^yrintjf ftout^ ^^ !r. V '; y Vhich doc my life afTaile. 1 Hccr? now wd b.clpp,tby handmaidc hclpc. Doe not ejcpoieme for their pray^ ' - • k Bccaufcthc/dqeiiot right, ^^ j.3u.r hunt in heart to brin| about. V- I That's hatefoU in thy %ht, » . " .^ ■■ . '", Andofamccre malicious mindc, Faircwirncflchcerchaue brought* And Cdullcffc laid vnto my chardge, - The things I never thought : ^ ' Tiiourccfl(myGod)vvhat they hauc done^ ' Thou iecft their envious heart. 3'hou knowft they fought to lawlcflfc luft, Thmchand-maidctpconvcrf, . - ^ . Thou knowft,! dread not daring dwtb^ • Nc force his might a pin. - " No,no,! doe delire todie, Ab:tterhfceoyvici« i I tender not fairc beauties mfh, ;" v ^/^ I tender my good name. leaft lccfinghfe,l bcby death. Entombed in defame« r For this caufc rife(0 Lord)make haft, Repeli my (bules delight, r ^iif-ji^i Andftiew the nationsjfarre and neere« Howmuch thou tendrell ri^ht, Iknowmyfinnesarc pafling great. Which afted arc each howcr.j Yet let my tceres thy mercy ireate, ;| , ■ And (hield me with thy power. If no(dcfamcd wretch )I die. For keeping of thy la w, ^nd cauflcflc thou fhaUTecrac^myGod^ Thy comfort to withdraw, ; ' v Haft then OLord,make haft 1 fay, , ^'"? V ; Leaft guiltlcfte blood be fpilt, Yet not my will be done in this, • < . Butbcitasthou vvjlt, - :: ■ ■ When fliec her godiy,orayronf had ended. And that no mcancs was left, to make delay. -' The fawning oflSccrs,in court attended. With prophanehandesjto hale her thence awa/. And though fliec were as readie to obey, Yet ftill this (bare, doth fmart in guiltleflc minde, , Jh4tflice(houldicaue,aninrepoitbehiodef ^: AreyoufucIifbt$,OfccdcofJ|i(^4fl!/> . , i, ;,/;.; ^ Arcyoufoblind,yourcc not whacyoudof • : %,.} v Arc you (o dcafc you hcitc not what they tcl? ,, --^^^ |i Know y ou not tigjiciand whatbcc.longcs xhtzxto^^l^kj Survey you oot,y0urileppes before you goe?' , Wlueb^ueyovheercycondemnd this dainc tpdief And woulanocbeere herjuftappealeand crie? Oturnewithfpeed,turnctotbe!udgmentreate» ; ^ And then behould/what God will tjicar relate. ',\^^£v\ Your feviors (innci,haae growne excccding'greatW ' Repelled luftjingcndring with foulc hate. In tbsm the baftard pcriurie,bcgatc. ^ Bold periuric did breed falfc witnellc bearing, Falfc witnefTe wrefted iudgmente>by for -rwcaring. At which his wordcs,thc people yonge an d olde . Vt?^ i v Domake a Hand and backwardc^ thence retire* Whear daunting fins^the feniours heartes make cold* While daungerwoundcSjthe depth ofthcirdefirc. yetpafKhamsbowndcSjthcirfhamlcflc thoughts afplro And foortbthey pa(Ic,into the fcffions hall. And hide in crabbed brow^theic confcience gaule. The ciders of tb's drcumnzed race, (Which with repriucd ptiCnour turne a ge'n^ Whenev*rieone,had ta*ne his yfuall place,. They (ay vnta this (lately ftripling then, ; v , ^ Vfe thou the roome,of thefe malitious men* , ^ t jpeclare to vs,Gpds iudgmcntc and decree; $tthGo4hathgiv*n|«icldcrsrpa:itc to^t«» i»> Ittfft Then Prf*i^i7tooke,the powerfuU place of life. And thcar to intimate,Gods will to all; Where are(quoih he)the wrongcrs of this wifcl Put rhem a parte>out of each others call. And bring forth one(by oncjm to the hall. So you (hall fee,their tray troufe tongesreveale. What wicked hcartci,do cover and conccale. The formall oflficers,pcrforme his mind. And brought forth one,to be cxtmincd. Who lookd like mnrthtous marked C'iWjVnkind, ■ when brothers bloodjheguiltlclTcIy had rhed. His colour (lie w'djwhatharbord in his head. His ioyntes(as if vnioyntedjwerc atiarre. FaUc ludgeCnow pr irncr)plcading at the barre. Andftandingthus, beforethe balefullbench. The beardle(re iudgcCto chcckc him vncontrold That confcience as a cooling carde.might quench. The heate of his bravado overbold) Saith,thou (5n feafncd wretch,that waxeft oldc In fin thy wicked life is come to light. _ Whofe fahbood harmed,manie a harmle(rc Wight* Thou haa abuf'dthylife^Godlenttothee, To mend thy lifc,andpa(rcd fins repent. ^ For nothing bur oppreffion$,he could fee, ^ Therefore he will,thie glorie from thee rent- JAThich haft condemrfd,to death an innoccntf And let the guiltipjgoefor giftes « way. V 1 X'^- w- Shh rworne#'OBlfa(lJ(ifidvoitftefle)tljoudidft fcei t This coinclydanic^with her cdrrrpbfivionbcirfcthe blor, ThiD^sttontffblaic^irc not iofoone forgot,' ■* Then pawfingt^^tdefpairCjand tyred hope, ( As one that bad no cbnftant yea, nor nay) •Would fiinc iBtteare,fome longer time and fcopc^ But that hrfindesimpaticnce in delay, VVhiletohimfelfchefaiesifh^UIobey? . ^ ConfcfTc my fault wherein I hauc offended. And pardon craue that allmay be amended? No,no my heart fhall ncrer ftoope fo low, TobowtothofCjthatvfdcrobcridtomc. I am not fure^what favour fuch will fliew, Wherefore I wil dcvifc,fome kinde of tree, V Vhofc bntinching bo wghcs,might ihrowd adulteri^r. Thus reafons.hc(a bird of 54Arw/ brood) That will not be reclaim*d, to any good. At lad he gapes forbreath yet doU^tcs to fpcake, (B ecaufc his partners doubtcs he doth not know) Yet through hiS tcctb,this tragiquctalc doth breakfj (While foaming furie makes him puffc and blow) ' 1 Saithhein /<7«ff/&/jiw/orch3rd,therc doth grow, , ■'_, A MafitcketxttyViYioic braunches cjowd chefonincX In vvhofc djrkc fhadc,thc btothcls aft was dpnc* . ' v ^ When- -, ■' Theeonfianeieof Su^Awnu When D4«rtfZf heardjthis vncompofcd fpeach/ Falfe are(quoih he)thc wordcs thou doft report* Thy lying lippeSjthcepartiall docappeach, Gods minde to me reavcalcd;doth exhort, ThyfinfuUbodic,fromthyfoulc to fort, A« one(dcferving cndlcfTe death to die^ That darft>gainft God,and confcicnccfwcarc a lie. VVhen this was afted, him they lead away, And bring his btother foorth,in open place, Inwhofefcllhcart(fowlccabbmjcnviclay, ■< Her wildc and flaring looke,faic in his face, (A wrinkled brovv,a pale,and megrc grace. Did murthcr,roifchiefc,maliicc fierce, rcfcmbic) While cofcjcncc cold, doth caufc him quake 6c treble,^ To whom youngc P4«^//faith in zealous mood; O feed of curfed C^djd ftirpwd this Jhamfull (In* Paufc ?rcjlj9ftf^3j^Ciy«Tpcake.and ^ Hce gravicld nojw'ln^eifeiarid gf imdifpaire (Like bowgcd 6a;g^»^3tiinkcs in rwallowing fandcs) Gapes crc he fp,caHs,a^iihcwanCcji^yte« - V V hich oft with dpafcd hppcs, he counccrmaundcs. Atlengih;(aith hc)in /wf^iwi orchard (landes, Nccre fowntain faire^a grecnc thxk braunching TJeUj^ Vnder whofc fliad^thcfc wicked wrought their tolly, Qupih Z>«iw/tf/1 then. your tongues haue yon betray d. Your forged lie,{liall light vppon your pates. _ Your wicked heartes,your wordcs haoc hccre be wraydi The fword of /«/?/«(that iniuftice hates) Isreadie heerc,co (lay you({infull mates) ; Provide therefore atrcble death toidie, ;. ' Ofbodie,(bule,and lading infaraic* . ; ,. / I; For as you boathjhauecauflcfle fought to (pilV f The guiltlcdc blpodjof this chart //r4///tf,. i Bywitne(Iefalfe,thcrfbredothcJ1^*/^vvilU J Your bloo d be (hedjand we will doc you righr, Sith that your tongues.death-worihy you indite, ^ You fliall be leiwhcrellieefhouldleefe her breathy #^. 1 ^'^ Which doomcdid;miJchdclight»tl;ie.ftaji^crs by* ; • VVithgreateapplaufejthcpcopki do reioycc. They clip their handcs,andfling their cappcs on hic# The roofe refieaesj, the Ecc^fl of their yoycc. V V'hjle thankful! lieartcs.ihcir cies to hcav n vphoicc.' '. And tongues pronownce,0/arGj^^tf prajfedevera yf^hich hctpeth hts atsdiothforfiksthem never. Thcfe iudgcsthus dlfgraded,from their ftatea. The cnultitude with teadincflcj'doth ronnc, . To doc that doome,on thefe condemned mates. They to acquitted i«/5»i»> would hauc donne# VVhile zcale would act,what wrong had ill bccgonnc, ' Thus carclcffe commons,right or wrong fupport.; , Whcnthcy arcfwayd,asfovcreignc^ do exhoit. For as in man,whcn vapoures vex the braincs. The giddic head, doth fcelc a whirling fit. So fickle hcads,to feed fuperiours vaincs, (When as afFeaion,holdes the feate of wit) Sway to and fro,as ruling vapours flit. If they fay yca,an yea doth anfwerc ftand. If they fay no, a no is prcO at hand. Ana yct('fomctimcs though fottcd with conttvii That cveric aft doth feeme,to breed their cafe) Some whiles(whcn wayward vapors gets a vent) Atoy(thclcaftoccafiondothdifpleafc) ^^'-Jt j iVVhilcthoughtesdocb^andflowlikcfurgingcftafc , ,., IFor Vfhofo dcalcs,with multitudes he findcs, /o manic tedcsiawwlciwdc of win4«t ■■1^^ While htixti%m\a^aw)MV^%^hiSc^^ . J And headesftrfraughfjWitli Ci&j0iof conc6ipte9i , Thcrctroms continuall tradc,of chaunghig loycs. Which barter nbvclttcs/or elder fcates» >} As cHaungingtrmip/doth offer choice of cheater So thBlesivhtehytfterday.wrotight wrong wirhtnight^ Art buficd ftb^^n actingof the right* ^?w Ji -d For nb^ With-hid they hal them ftoib thebirtc, Whome late bcforejjthey hieavcd to the bentcb*!:. No treatiecotild,a day their death dcfcrre. ' • ■; ' While tcercs the peoples furic,could not qtientch. Which druc them forth, vnto the fatall trenich* % And(piniond)bownd them to the ftubborneftake> ^ \ - Where they their wel-dcfcrvcd deithfhould tike. Who living now forIome(paft lifFes rcpaire) Hauc not the hcarc,Ciods mcrcie tomtreate*, But rather feekc with 54«/indeepe difpair^ VVith bluddic murchring handes^life to dcfeatc* VVhilc gainft the ftaketheir handesthey bawlc andbeat. And mind in vaine,thcirdreame their fall their hight Who wanted grace,to take Gods warning light* The pitying people pray,God turn* their hartcsn ^\^»Hg; ButwhenthcyrcCjtcpentanctplace-httditonei"^ i' * ;;«^flx To yeeld thbfe'rcprobateis;thcir?4«r<#rcfiftcd luft. And did not in di^elle,defrawd her trti(}«; ButTawherteeres,and heard her plaintingvoycCtf Which made the hearts of thow^des to rcioyce* Afflongftthete(l(whofe hearresfwect comfort chccrcs) HeiehiA happie rrian, and his compeere, (which er ft did wecpc for woe)flied loyfull teere j, VVhen/(»i«f^*iwjfloy,hadpaft this plunging feere^ And kinffoikes clowdcd cie,{hone brightand clccrej All with fwecte noatcst:onfent,in 5ff/^9/name, PratfeGod,thathadprefcrv'dher from defame. But cheifly fTree(like larke on mounting winges) While in ward zcale.breakcs out in open fight* Tryemphing in her runes,mofl: fweetely finges. The prayfc of God,hj$mcrcie,andhi$ might. That did relive her wretch and wronged wight. And iuftlyiudge her foes,the death to die. That would eotombe her fame^a infamie Yea while her filent faeaii-^doth thankee record^ Her reflledcnote^^ do reach beyond the skie» , Whofe <»dh::iS!:^i0y*wa> in 'jhergraOoiisLord^ To him in hymnes,and cnoed pfa^odicw (V Vhich did tta^kDm^^Jbt:j^nn%€fto^^^^ " fhee ghics the gloripitf her wCkmen ' ' • iUi^if^i£dlfaciihe%hi hb coemio»« r:; r^i; t^^ ^ipi Is my difcocc and mights ^'S ^ Myktngtniyguide>myGod;>:^ ~ My champioo.fot to fighr« ti \ ^i •; ^ j j The com&ateo£&y truth and confcicace Ctialf<^ r * 'Heirmj^s^nchorvho!d> v/fv^ii^t . .^v^./ My:rc£ugc,rcft,alidport^civlvt>^^. ' My hornc of faving health, *, ,. ■ andckcmyftrongcftforr. Caioft whofecdmaad^thcre Sandeth no denial- VVhcnovcr-flowiogfloodcs, • Of raging fierce dclpight. ? ^^ ■ ^ 3 And great commaund,ofLordcf' Mj And men of power and niight> V4 With dreadful threats of dcath,did make idc quK ll Idid implore his aide, (vet* '^ In dceperielTc of diftrcfTe. VVhoneard myiuft complaint, And wrought ray due rcdrefic^ Hefentmeaide^anddidmyfoule deliver^ OnHmtJicreforc I will, . J"'^ ^ In danger eric and call. Who can both heerc and helpc, (Hchccrcsandhclpcthall) ^ He(noncbuthe)isivorthiecobe praifed. - * Peathes (wallowing fon'owc$hem*i Me round on cv'rie fide* ''^iv?^'^* I V VV^htcntingpaincJof hdi^: m;^; i. >' • '- V) Indaogcrtohaue didis. v^ ^ ?fe^^f^ ^'-^ BM ■Li, TSfeeenlianeietfSuftfnutl Hefrom^yftfongcftfoc«,^;j. fj,| ?- Hath fct roe Aap"ucffrcc. , .,..,'/ Bccaufchcjliad alojBC,, , J.;.} 7fi f And fa vour ynto mc^ ; , Who icuntiingly they fought to hauepfcvfintedi But while he held me vp,, ', -, n L ,.■ Icouldnocfwaicnor fwarijic, .../j . "^ They fought in vaine to fpill, I'f; ■ ' - Thcthioghedidprefcrye;,^^; ;,A . ^pd fotbUte(^b9«Ubonr loftjrcpcniejj., v;i 3 Byhimlmadeelcape, ^ ^T From handes of Tyrantes {tout, ) r His power did put them downcji' And helpe his hand-maide out, r That power alfo,will flrongly keep themTndcr, He tramplcth with his feete, ' Boldtraitourstbatrebell. .;V He makes their hurtful! tonguev Thcirownedeltruftiontcll. • Thuj for his faiatcs,he aacih workes of yvondcr, VVhofe workci are all diving - VVhofe mercies manifold. .;h. His waies part finding ou^ , i jhis word as fined gold* Hii iudgement iuft.hii providence vn ^ Oletihin^,WiiicQ.Lord,„ , _ '^ My feeble hand fuficiac.. v. . O let thy holy fp'rite, ; n . Within my heart rcmamej^. '^ Vnto thine ^fifly faweli^ ' "' * ^«<. < » Thy flatutcs^e njy ftaf^ ; ^ ' Andftayincvly^^ctofe;'*'^-"' •' A f lodocth^Wnij^ywrilKI findeiBte?»4^vfet^itir j ^.a Thar which! fce!iiI»i^-H'^^^i^5 ' - Andhil^llintftyfi|fit;^?'*!«o| 11 ? Tha^d^cI(eckctoflltJlli'^ \'^' * iL An4flttfWiihmaincanaihight», - r? Lcafl;thatBjy(e«Uc^fihihoo?dt3^tftf?ft^d,?^-7^ 1m^ lit i Thon art a living God, i rf:^: G bJcft fae thou my^ king7 " f VVhrch haft rhy ifcrvam freed, • .^ Andreardmy fameort high(by wicked \^r6^dy^MT l\ And haft confounded thcm^ ^ That fought myj^reateft HI, '^^'i ^ Bywbrking of iny heart j*'^^^ I yntoawidkcdwilK • -^ ^-.-^ ^ To aft fuch lewd dcfignes, as luft had longed/ r^4^ri I I Theyfbughttocndmyhfe, ^ Andgaucmedooinetodic. 5* Bccaufetny holy faith, ' Iwouldirotfalfifte,' - (tifted. i ; f Pf ctcndin^Tfghtjthey worki? jwhatw^ng them J i^ ^ r . They vfcd power to pur, Jntegritictofliarac, " 1 Andmcnt aninnocemv ■ * ; '^ Tobqricmdcfiwii*, ([ficd; i - IJjwifith<)8noi(Lorcf)th^wdkemfmfaI/r^^^ i' ! iMii ^iiS?^*®^ .; Thus haftthoubin(my God) : ' Moft inctcifull to me. Not wonnc by my dcfctt, Bucofthymcrdc free. My workcsf 1 know) dcf cruc to he rcicacd, But thykindcpromifc made. To helpc the godlic hcaries, , Doth bindc ihec more then all. Our de^des or good dcfcrtcs, Tq j^cpc,grotcift^pd faue^thy faintcs ci^ Therefore I will fo wnc foorih> - ^ .. Thypraifctocvriccarc. V f :^ d And /hew thme cndlcftc powciv To nations farre and nccrc, ^ To Sathans and his kingdomcs , great confufion, Ihaue bm, am, and wjU Remainc thine handmaidc ItiU. IVline hearr,my thoughtc vninc cies, Shall waitcvpon thy will. Thisismy vow,tndfctlcd rcfolution. Thus did fticcfpcnd.her followingantc of life, ^ In heavens contemplation, and delight. d And lived long.a ioious happie wife, ^i, - - '^- Of pafling cariagc,ind a worthie wight, Afoe to frawd,andfaftcft friend to iright. .,.. , Who living in the world,no worldling was, ; N-^^^^'^il&k^^^ i'-:^-^.. J-k' Thinkes ev'ry beaded t wigge,to be a trdp|Mr; So fhee,that dangcfiJ^flyihad fnarcd bin, < V Vith true rcfncrobrance oihfit former hap) Surveies her ft^{)p«?,«^fliunnc=ea/cli-afterdap*;: And fcarcs to-giiie^r fawning eie good grace, InoId>pryojt^g,H|i noble, c«inbaff»vi < >'i At length whcrj a^e^ had plotted \i(ei decJayj , ^ And fickheffc wrought, m weakencflfe b)ore and ttidirc;* And that fhec thought,death had no long delay. Shee cald her childreh,tatight in godrtklorc. And did bcttowthcfc precepts kept in flore.- VVhocomcinplace(withdutious loving hearts^ Shee thus to cheniyhf r carcfull minde impartes* Dearc children ceife,vvitK fad lamenting gricfe. And malanchollckc moancSjto wailc my Itatc. Your (ebbing hearts doe yecld me norclicfe. But vexing torments in.my heart innate, lieaue then,for plaintes and tearesare not in date, No,no,tfthcy could lif.- in body Irold; JV V"? aye yvoyldjvecpc, vve would buy reares for golcj. But vairi6 itis tokitke agaiiifl aprickei And finnetotakeGod^iVourge imptiently,- My debt to deathjtppaytl cnul! not fticke^ - ! For why,you know thac all stc borne to die,^ -. Then muft 1 3?^<;ld^fcrthcT Si iliorcnicdic;. - rt A ndspay rny diietha* l^nauire o.we, ; v , For time rc^uu:«s>eiK^bd vv Jl haue-Mc^ The The ftfOngcQ' lyon^oopes to conqu ring deatfe '. ; i The aged oake^at Icngthdoth change his hue, : r i' / '{ In time the long hv'd'P^aaw^leefeih breath, aM^^ Thrice aged £«b^i&5yeeldes to naturesduc. r^ * j i; I Sith then tis fp,and what I faie is true. 1 -X i) nv And time doth trie that all things njuft decaie, .cThfialwcJkittQVyJhauenotlongtoftaic, >: Thcreforemarkc wjcU/the counfailc that I gluc^ ? .; Revolue it in your mindes(my children dccrc) For it (hall moft prcvaileOf that you |liue) VVhen6-iend$ and worldly goods you haue not hccrej Firft worihip God,and to his lawes giue eare. Set him your load-ftarre, and your lampe of lights His lawcs the line to lead your liues aright, > - Vfe diligence,in doing ofyour duetics, r:: , ■ n* 1; To thole fupcriours(rulcrs over you) ' ■ ' ■'. Doc good toall.bcnd theretoallyourftudics. Sing not the Syrens fong,that proues vntrue, V Though trothlefifc ^hfaloH,\^c fairc in view. With lonMthatf, doc failhfull ftiU remaine. Shun /fv>*fls bloudie tearcs, and fubtill braine, Plaie not the cowards fn your countries good. Spend in her canfe,yourdccrcft breath and vycalth. v And though profpetitie hath you withilood, rr* Andfrowning world denies gal-fugred pelfc, .> }, \n_ jBenot difmaide^cfteerae your hcavnlie health, avTv r i ♦ .. f pn thatHiall yeeJd you comfort in cjiOtelTc, - ' ' y Vl^fl VVorWiwdf^!CRds>«cl#.yott£0^^ mgammtfmtmttm mmmamm I '. .j*,Vjmu il VViaitby[yeitii|^ndbyn)jmlym}gbt» - MAfi:4^:a f.. Franke not fcbellious fieOi ^but kecpc it downe. -^ Xtke not tho(ft|xikited dames that doe deligbtg . ^ i ;rt ^^ Lyllies are fowle inftuelliChougb ^aire m fight, ^oanti. And chciii^l^yjtice with baites^vvith teeres^ with Yet inUlde,th^amted roitibi:i^haue retrea boae^ l^fbndel^yottifitiaiiiieihiwedlocke^andei^^^ LoHcfor vtltlte,^ndlike the modeft chad, j > J^ftlr 4?^ Set neither fading beauty,goods nor landcsj i; r* ^ji; i t^i' B*fi»t tharhtti^hat in the heart ij plaft* -^ y;^ " -Y (^ Beneverprodigall,vourgoodstowan,#w ;; ...,-.v.« ,; {-I learne with the bufic ant,the way to line/ ■■ - 4 A. Spare not to nmch,but doc by/ptting thriue,. i> ? IX Kyou with childrens ftore,bc bleft of God, His richeftgiftcs account that prctic crew. <• Enftru^i and bring themyp^ to feare the rod} - *^: ^^ With thofe precepts your parent* taught to you, ; '-^; Though all things want,lct them not want this due. * * i FoTfure('myTonncs)itisnocfaidcfor naught, ' ^ Better vnborne,Jthen borne to Hue vntaught, • Eftceme the wavering worM asit is. Where fwiftcft time,brings all things to decay. Efteemc your felues,hecre voidc of ioies and blifle, And thinke each morrow,is your ending day, Pefire of God on earth not long to ftay.| - y Vhercnought but fin,^& gricfedoth reigne (behold) '^Andnong^tisgot^btttilnncin waxing old*' . ji"i ■" "■ ""^ The mm» ^ ThelitdebabebhcecobnDing tijthc birdi, Is borne as bare, and naked as my naile, ^ ' The puling wretch his wofullftateentatth,' With tongt»,indlcercs,ncwborn doth weep and vwulc, rTofeehisrofiTelhaivp,thfinfulgai?e, ^ AndjfwidliJdlirns.fiftfetircdrotindaboute. "^ '; Eikecaptiti^V^rrethjthat noway find^th out. 'IV^ '>r.n' •?.- His childi(haaionsaT!/vnperfc£lare, ^ ^' t , , Torir,toeate,tofpcaktoftand,t6 goe/ ' '' . ' The childciJiaiJghrandnurfcdvp with rare, ^ "" And pampred eke withpaine,and wakcfull woe,; \ He proucs the pikei,of manie a panguc alfo. With fufibus foes,he hath continuall warre, • = ^isflcflithisworidandragingficndthcyarc, ' Hislifeislike,;thcragingrcasrecoile, :,'...•: JHis choyfcft things, are m event but vaine, -\ ; \ ^ . His wealth iswant,'his reft is reftlefletoile, ; J • His health railTiap,and all his plcafures pamc, ' ' pS chiefe companions Imked in one chaine. _ ■ J ^ Are hopeledfe hopc,dccpe dangcr,care arid fcare, y Vhile dying Ufe,doth dailie dread the bcare.^ He often times(befet withdeepe diflrcflc) Doth call for death, before his dying daic. And dead man like, by fleepingin cxceflc. Doth fpend the halfe,of precious time away, Jhe reft mifpentinidlcneflfc or play* '^rXpentto Cerv^bttf-di^nc otcaboniftr,- - i. ^ -• : 22iat ^ it '1 ■ku.. •>;i'-b5i' %U' Wh«kindoflrfi;;riihatliving call von Am' ■ Hi: J ii'; 'J '.- *. ■ l£:2 //J*. -yhusheereyoiifcCjIiojwGod prcfcrvcth hist And thofc that do them iniurizcjconfowndeth, -Hence mayyoulcarnc,whatt*istoIivc amilTe,' ^ Whatfailcstohim*thatvvitbprowdnn abowndetb/ *rThat hcc which (ledfaft hope,in Gods hclpe growndcth "" GaiDft him not hell^norhelhoundes (hall prevcilc« For God will help^whenhelp of man doth faile. EINIS. Faukes efcaped* x^-l. ^ ¥ • t- c^ U