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Las diagrammas suivanta ^ illuslrant la 'mAthoda. ^ , .^' 1 . i ' 3 ■■ % » --" — ^\ ■' - *• ■■ . ■ ■ ,■-. : ■■■1 .. 2 ^' 3 ■ \ • - ,■•' 4 5 ' - ■ s::,..:; /;./;: ■^ ■:■:;: -.7:' ■ ^■^■: * '■'C— -— -— -— V 1 ^ \ .-.f-- 1 - - ^ -rr:^ MIOIOCOPY tlSOUITION TIST CHART (ANSI and ISO TEST CHART No. 2) \y 1.0 M 1^ Im ■ 2J U£ ■■■ la I2S 13^ IK Itt U£ u ■tufi 1-2^. ■ >" 25 i 1.4 1.8 1.6 f» Sf ^ yiPPLIED IM/IGE Ihc 1653 East Main Street Rochester, New York 14609 USA (716) '482 - 0300 - Phone ^-> (716) 288 -5989^ Fox .,M" \ Uerbutn J ,1* GENERAL SYNOD, ARCHIVES \' • NOTES OF AN ADDRESS. Dfcl.lVKRFD AT WYCaiFIF. CO|J*Hr,R ^ V XII IIH. " ' \ ■ ■ , •• ■ V. ■ STUDENTS' MISSIONAKY MEETING A . ' ■ ■ -■ ' ..'■■.■ ■*■ r.N I Ml' IIm'.mi; \ru I >. II III \KI,. ,- . ,V " ■/•■ . \ have listened with infinite pleasure to the excellent re- ports whteh have been made in rt's;vjct of thu ioreign work . and the home work. It is a matter of sincere congratula- tion that while St.~Paul, the ApostVe of the Gentiles, car- ried the Gospel message to the eastern shores of the At- lantic, we, after a lapse of over eighteen hundred years, should be doing so much in the way of repaying the im- mense debt that we owe him by sending back to the east- ern laqds the message that we have received from him. The true light of Asia is being thus spread abroad amidst the darkness of these, it may be much learned, but heathen, lands.' I gladly take the motto of your association as a t6xt. I feel that, at the present, no subject matter could be more appropriately dealt with than the watchword which you have taken for your association: Verhunv Domini iminet (the word of tht Lord coniinueth or abideth.) I like ''the Word of the Lord," not "the word of man." It is, and it alone is infallible. Amidst all the changes and chances of this morta-l life it abideth forever. It is the impregnable rock ol God's Word. Verbum Domini, manet. Thank God for this. /// hoc signo vinces. This is the means whereby your work is to be carried on. It is therefore of most vital moment that ycu should have the most perfect confidence in it. That you should speak of it with greit reverence. Holy Scripture. God's inspired W^jTd. The Book. The sacred oracles " Blessed Lord, T I ■Hi >■ who has caused all Moly Scripture to be written for our learning." Not a niere portion of it, hut all. All Holy • Scripture. ICrnbrace this trtjlli. Hold it fast. Do not let it go. Never let yourself be led astray from this^greal fundamental truth. It is virtually the touchstone of a standing or falling nunister. When each one is left open the determination of what portions of Holy Writ so plainly teach spiritual truths as that they are to be accepted as infallible, and what portions may "be or must be rejected. By what tight is it that you clai^m the hberty thus to deal with the Word of God ? And if you choose to >sif y enter upon this destructive and uncertain path yourself, by what right arc you at Uberty to torture the flock which you were to kindly lead into the truth, and to liutid up and edify by leading the tender conscience into such an investigation? (!od has written His Kook so that he that ruiuieth may read. He has most uninistaktnly recognized the rights of the unlearned- He made the unlearned Peter and his cornpamons the rtcipi nis of H's message, the Word of Life, to hold and to distrihuie. For this I t)le8S (?od, and thankfully, as one of the unlearned, citim my right to take His Word as He gave it as the Word of Truth, of Life and Light; without any inter mixture of error, and- without any permission to ad day. The Father of Love looked do*rn upon His beloved servant in jail sufTcrm^; for his testimony. He saw his needs ; the poor shattered frame j, his forgetful- ne&s of self ; and breathed this kind, loving tfiought, show- ing forth ^ His care. Is He not the Comforter? How gladly we contemplate Him ; not only enlightening the soul, but, leading in the little everyday matters of Uife,- A \. \ t mimmmfmmmmm^ .* ^^ • marvellous combination of Almighty power brooding at the (•relation oVer the vast ahysn, ami giving light ; and lovingly caring for the aged saint in the la^it few months of his i.Mrthly career. * 'I he same (lod in the Old 'IVstainent sees a dying lad in the wilderness «)l Heersheha. The oinniKcicnt eye ol our heavenly j'aiher sees the anguish of the mother and child, and sends his swift uiessengi:r to trace d'lwn from the tent of Abraham where are the mother and lad, andto - give the chilli a hn ii. i8, " Now Bethany was nigh unto Jerusalem, about fifteen furlongs ofT," could not have been inspired. Why would the Holy Spirit have given the dis- tance It all, or why have said about fifteen furlongs? I never doubted tlia' God in His goodness gave us this dis- tance, and gave it in the way in which people ordinarily -speakr^ 4f^th4s-4iadh becn^gtven^to^a ^rooT,nFAVoul3 have thrown discredit npoh the story. The ordinary method of parlance, as, the_ distance to the Humber, or to the Don, or to the north, is given. This was written for reader^ not acquainted with Palestine. To show that this great miracle was not done in a corner. That it was under the very walls of Jerusalem, and, therefore, if not a fact capable so easily of contradiction. ; And» then, again, John ii : 6, "And there were set there 7f\ l^/S^tMSrXf-t^tf^-* 'h B vmcif\g ' e'v — ■f'TOe^ "■^.1 r>^ six water pots of stone after the m.innor of the purifying of ihejcws, coniainiuK two or tlirec firkiMs apiece." U ih actually brought as a ground for non inspiration that tho expression is " two or three lirki.is." Mow to thi- honest reader or ht-arcr can it be sr.id that any such concUision Ciniie drawn frtnn this mode of expression? Possibly, the firkins not all of the same size. It was well to show how- large a (piantily was affected by the l.oid'; and iht; language is again that in which i-; couched by a looker-on the account ,)f such a transaction. The Holy Si)irii condescends to speak af men speak, giving as accuVately as need be all the details which He considers necessary to make complete the story It is well to look at the'remarfes of a host of godly, spirit filUd men, as much loved Matthew Henry, the rever ent and revered liishop Ryle, accurate and reverent thrown and Fausett, who give such p.wsages as the above as illustrations of the fact that "the Holy Spint conde- scends to use man's common ft)rni of langu.ige, and that such expressions are not inconsistent with inspiration. This wonderful blendiiTIi is well illustrated in the (n\\ chap- ter of the Acts. A sim|)le business matter. The dividing up of the st>ekels amongst the poor. The ascertaining who arc really needy, fhe finding out the number of children depending uf^on them. But, the Holy Spirit in reference to such a matter says:— "Look ye out seven men full of the Holy (Ihost and wisdom whom wc may appoint over thirbusiness." . , . I beg of you never to let Satan lead you to the dishon- ouring of God's word by treating any part of it as fallible. Never let the mind rest- on supposed discre|wicies. You riiay not be able to reconcile compl«itely all that the Holy Spirit has given to you. Now you see through a uia.ss darkly. In due time all this will be explained. This is the day in which you are to walk by faith and not l)y sight. Never s[)eak of the dictation of the Holy Spirit. It must grieve Him, one who acts tenderly and lovingly and seeks to draw by the cords of love. Remember, fellow-students, your immense responsibility, not only for your own souls, but for the souls of others. - Ever pray ^ ifcgfa» ^^^SS 1« V «• l» V /;■- i,^.%,.'?f4. i#-«Mai*