UNIVERSITY OF ILLflMC AT BOOKSTACKS The person charging this material is re- sponsible for its return to the library from which it was withdrawn on or before the Latest Date stamped below. Theft, mutilation, and underlining of books are reasons for disciplinary action and may result in dismissal from the University. To renew call Telephone Center, 333-8400 UNIVERSITY OF IUINOIS LIBRARY AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN PR12|986 MAY 15 L161 O-1096 ON THE TRUE, THE BEAUTIFUL, AND THE GOOD. BY SI. V. COUSIN. INCREASED BY an fniu!} J tt. TRANSLATED, WITH THE APPROBATION OF M. COUSIN. HT 0. W. WIGHT, TRANSLATOR OF COUSIN'S " COURSE OF THE HISTORY OF MODERN PI1ILOSO1MI Y," AMERICAN EDITOR OF THE PHILOSOPHY OF SIR WILLIAM HAMILTON, BART., AUTHOR OF "TITO ROMANCE OF ABELARD ANT> HF.I.O1SK." ETC., ETC. God is the life of the soul, as the soul is the life of the body." TICK PLATONISTS AND TIIK FATHERS. NEW YORK: IV APPLETON & CO., 346 it 348 BROADWAY, AND 16 LITTLE BRITAIN, LONDON. M DCCC LV. ir.terd According to Act ot Congress, in the year ISM. P.Y D. APPLETON & COMPANY, In the Clerk's Office of the District Court of the United States for the So-*' orn District of New York. SIR WILLIAM HAMILTON, BART., JprofesBor of logic anfc fRctayfynsits in tfje tSnttursitn of EUtnbuvafj ; WHO HAS CLEARLY ELUCIDATED, AND, WITH GREAT ERUDITION, SKETCHED THE HISTOEY OF THE DOCTEINE OK COMMON SENSE ; WHO, FOLLOWING IN THE FOOTSTEPS OF HIS ILLUSTRIOUS COUNTRYMAN. REID, HAS ESTABLISHED THE DOCTRINE OF THE IMMEDIATENESS OF PERCEPTION, THEREBY FORTIFYING PHILOSOPHY AGAINST THE ASSAULTS OF SKEPTICISM ; WHO, TAKING A STEP IN ADVANCE OF ALL OTHERS, HAS GIVEN TO THE WORLD A DOCTRINE OF THE CONDITIONED, THE ORIGINALITY AND IMPORTANCE OF WHICH ARE ACKNOWLEDGED BY THE FEW QUALIFIED TO JUDGE IN SUCH MATTERS ; WHOSE NEW ANALYTIC OF LOGICAL FORMS COMPLETES THE HITHERTO UNFINISHED WORKS OF ARISTOTLE ; THIS TRANSLATION OF M. COUSIN'S futures 0n tire I rut, tk outiM, unto IS RESPECTFULLY DEDICATED, IN ADMIRATION OF A PROFOUND AND INDEPENDENT THINKER, OF AN INCOMPARABLE MASTER OF PHILOSOPHIC CRITICISM; AS A TOKEN OF ESTEEM FOR A MAN IN WHOM GENIUS AND ALMOST UNEQUALLED LEARNING HAVE BEEN ADORNED BY TRUTH, BEAUT*, AND GOODNESS OF LIFE. 611744 AUTHOR'S PREFACE. FOK some time past we have been asked, on various sides, to collect in a body of doctrine the theories scat- tered in our different works, and to sum up, in just pro- portions, what men are pleased to call our philosophy. This resume was wholly made. We had only to take again the lectures already quite old, but little known, be- cause they belonged to a time when the courses of the Faculte des Lettres had scarcely any influence beyond the Quartier Latin, and, also, because they could be found only in a considerable collection, comprising all our first instruction, from 1815 to 1821. 1 These lectures were there, as it were, lost in the crowd. We have drawn them hence, and give them apart, severely corrected, in the hope that they will thus be accessible to a greater 1 1st Series of our work, Oours de Vfllstoire de la Philosop7tie Moderne, five volumes. 8 AUTHOR'S PREFACE. number of readers, and that their true character .will the better appear. The eighteen lectures that compose this volume have in fact the particular trait that, if the history of philos- ophy furnishes their frame-work, philosophy itself occu- H pies in them the first place, and that, instead of re- searches of erudition and criticism, they present a regu- lar exposition of the doctrine which was at first fixed in our mind, which has not ceased to preside over our labors. This book, then, contains the abridged but exact ex- pression of our convictions on the fundamental points of philosophic science. In it will be openly seen the method that is the soul of our enterprise, our principles, our processes, our results. Under these three heads, the True, the Beautiful, the Good, we embrace psychology, placed by us at the head of all philosophy, aesthetics, ethics, natural right, even public right to a certain extent, finally theodicea, that perilous rendes-vom of all systems, where different principles are condemned or justified by their conse- quences. It is the affair of our book to plead its own cause. We only desire that it may be appreciated and judged accord- ing to what it really is. and not according to an opinion too much accredited. AUTHOR'S PREFACE. 9 Eclecticism is persistently represented as the doctrine to which men deign to attach our name. We declare that eclecticism is very dear to us, for it is in our eyes the light of the history of philosophy ; but the source of that light is elsewhere. Eclecticism is one of the most important and most useful applications of the phi- losophy which we teach, but it is not its principle. Our true doctrine, our true flag is spiritualism, that philosophy as solid as generous, which began with< Soc- rates and Plato, which the Gospel has spread abroad in the world, which Descartes put under the severe forms of modern genius, which in the seventeenth century was one of the glories and forces of our country, which per- ished with the national grandeur in the eighteenth cen- tury, which at the commencement of the present century M. Royer-Collard came to re-establish in public instruc- tion, whilst M. de Chateaubriand,. Madame de Stae'l, and M. Quatremere de Quincy transferred it into literature and the arts. To it is rightly given the name of spiritu- alism, because its character in fact is that of subordi- nating the senses to the spirit, and tending, by all the means that reason acknowledges, to elevate and ennoble man. It teaches the spirituality of the soul, the liberty and responsibility of human actions, moral obligation, disinterested virtue, the dignity of justice, the beauty of charity ; and beyond the limits of this world it shows a 1* 10 AUTHOR'S PREFACE. God, author and type of humanity, who, after having evidently made man for an excellent end, will not aban- don him in the mysterious development of his destiny. This philosophy is the natural ally of all good causes. It sustains religious sentiment ; it seconds true art, poesy worthy of the name, and a great literature ; it is the sup- port of right ; it equally repels the craft of the dema- gogue and tyranny ; it teaches all men to respect and value themselves, and, little by little, it conducts human societies to the true republic, that dream of all generous souls which in our times can be realized in Europe only by constitutional monarchy. To aid, with all our power, in setting up, defending, and propagating this noble philosophy, such is the object that early inspired us, that has sustained during a career already lengthy, in which difficulties have not been wanting. Thank God, time has rather strength- ened than weakened our convictions, and we end as we began : this new edition of one of our first works is a last effort in favor of the holy cause for which we have combated nearly forty years. May our voice be heard by new generations as it was by the serious youth of the Restoration ! Yes, it is par- ticularly to you that we address this work, young men whom we no longer know, but whom we bear in our heart, because you are the seed and the hope of the AUTHOR'S PREFACE. 11 future. We have shown you the principle of our evils and their remedy. If you love liberty and your coun- try, shun what has destroyed them. Far from you be that sad philosophy which preaches to you materialism and atheism as new doctrines destined to regenerate the world : they kill, it is true, but they do not regenerate. Do not listen to those superficial spirits who give them selves out as profound thinkers, because after Voltaire they have discovered difficulties in Christianity : meas- ure your progress in philosophy by your progress in ten- der veneration for the religion of the Gospel. Be well persuaded that, in France, democracy will always tra- verse liberty, that it brings all right into disorder, and through disorder into dictatorship. Ask, then, only a moderated liberty, and attach yourself to that with all the powers of your soul. Do not bend the knee to for- tune, but accustom yourselves to bow to law. Entertain the noble sentiment of respect. Know how to admire, possess the Avorship of great men and great things. Reject that enervating literature, b}^ turns gross and refined, which delights in painting the miseries of hu- man nature, which caresses all our weaknesses, which pays court to the senses and the imagination, instead of speaking to the soul and awakening thought. Guard yourselves against the malady of our century, that fatal taste of an accommodating life, incompatible with all 12 AUTHOR'S PREFACE. generous ambition. Whatever career you embrace, pro- pose to yourselves an elevated aim, and put in its service an unalterable constancy. /Sursum corda, value highly your heart, wherein is seen all philosophy, that which we have retained from all our studies, which we have taught to your predecessors, which we leave to you as our last word, our final lecture. V. COUSIN. June 15, 1853. A too indulgent public having promptly rendered necessary a new edition of this book, we are forced to render it less unworthy of the suffrages which it has obtained, by reviewing it with severe attention, by intro- ducing a mass of corrections in detail, and a consider- able number of additions, among which the only ones that need be indicated here are some pages on Chris- tianity at the end of Lecture X*VL, and the notes placed as an Appendix 1 at the end of the volume, on various The Appendix has been translated by Mr. N. E. S. A. Hamilton of the British Museum, who is alone entitled to credit and alone respon- sible. TB. AUTHOR'S PREFACE. 13 works of French masters which we have quite recently seen in England, which have confirmed and increased our old admiration for our national art of the seven- teenth century. November 1, 1853. TRANSLATOR'S PREFACE. THE nature of this publication is sufficiently explained in the preface of M. Cousin. We have attempted to render his book, without comment, faithfully into English. Not only have we endeavored to give his thought without increase or diminution, but have also tried to preserve the main characteristics of his style. On the one hand, we have carefully shunned idioms peculiar to the French ; on the other, when permitted by the laws of structure common to both languages, we have followed the gen- eral order of sentences, even the succession of words. It has been our aim to make this work wholly Cousin's in substance, and in form as nearly his as possible, with a total change of dress. That, however, we may have nowhere missed a shade of meaning, nowhere- introduced a gallicism, is too much to be hoped for, too much to be demanded. M. Cousin, in his Philosophical Discussions, defines the terms that he uses. In the translation of these we have maintained uniformity, so that in this regard no farther explanation is necessary. 16 TRANSLATOR'S PREFACE. This is, perhaps, in a philosophical point of view, the most important of all M. Cousin's works, for it contains a complete summary and lucid exposition of the various parts of his system. It is now the last word of European philosophy, and merits serious and thoughtful attention. This and many more like it, are needed in these times, when noisy and pretentious demagogues are speaking of metaphysics with idiotic laughter, when utilitarian statesmen are sneering at philosophy, when undisciplined sectarians of every kind are decrying it ; when, too, earnest men, in state and church, men on whose shoulders the social world really rests, are in- voking philosophy, not only as the best instrument of- the highest culture and the severest mental discipline, but also as the best human means of guiding politics towards the eternally true and the eternally just, of pre- serving theology from the aberrations of a zeal without knowledge, and from the perversion of the interested and the cunning ; when many an artist, who feels the nobility of his calling, who would address the mind of man rather than his senses, is asking a generous philoso- phy to explain to him that ravishing and torturing Ideal which is ever eluding his grasp, which often discourages unless understood ; when, above all, devout and tender souls are learning to prize philosophy, since, in harmony with Revelation, it strengthens their belief in God, freedom, immortality. TRANSLATOR'S PREFACE. 17 Grateful to an indulgent public, on both sides of the ocean, for a kindly and very favorable reception of our version of M. Cousin's " Course of the History of Modern Philosophy," we add this translation of his "Lectures on the True, the Beautiful, and the Good," hoping that his explanation of human nature will aid some in solving the grave problem of life, for there are always those, and the most gifted, too, who feel the need of under- standing themselves, believing that his eloquence, his elevated sentiment, and elevated thought, will afford gratification to a refined taste, a chaste imagination, and a disciplined mind O. W. WIGHT. LONDON, Dec. 21, 1853 ADVERTISEMENT. THE Publishers have to express their thanks to M. COUSIN for his cordial concurrence, and especially for his kindness in transmitting the sheets of the French original as printed, so that this translation appears almost simultaneously with it. EDINBTJHGH, 38 GEOKGE-STKEET, Dec. 26, 1853. THE STEM. CONTENTS AUTHOR'S PREFACE Page 7 TRANSLATOR'S PREFACE 15 DISCOURSE PRONOUNCED AT THE OPENING OF THE COURSE. PHILOSOPHY OF THE NINETEENTH CENTURY 25 Spirit and general principles of the Course. Object of the Lectures of this year: application of the principles of which an exposition is given, to the three Problems of the True, the Beautiful, and the Good. PART FIRST. THE TRUE. LECTURE I. THE EXISTENCE OF UNIVERSAL AND NECESSARY PRINCIPLES 89 Two great wants, that of absolute truths, and that of absolute truths that may not be chimeras. To satisfy these two wants is the problem of the philosophy of our time. Universal and necessary principles. Examples of different kinds of such principles. Distinction between universal and necessary principles and general principles. Experience alone is inca- pable of explaining universal and necessary principles, and also incapable of dispensing with them in order to arrive at the knowledge of the sensible world. Eeason as being that faculty of ours which discovers to us these principles. The study of universal and necessary principles introduces us to the highest parts of philosophy. LECTURE II. ORIGIN OF UNIVERSAL AND NECESSARY PRINCI- PLES 61 Resume of the preceding Lecture. A new question, that of the origin of universal and necessary principles. Danger of this question, and its ne- cessity. Different forms under which truth presents itself to us, and the successive order of these forms : theory of spontaneity and reflection. The primitive form of principles ; abstraction that disengages them from 20 CONTENTS. that form, and gives them their actual form. Examination and refutation of the theory that attempts to explain the origin of principles by an induc- tion founded on particular notions. LECTtTHE III. Ox THE VALUE OF UNIVERSAL AND NECESSARY PRINCIPLES Page 65 Examination and refutation of Kant's skepticism. Recurrence to the theory of spontaneity and reflection. LECTURE IV. GOD THE PRINCIPLE OF PRINCIPLES 75 Object of the lecture : What is the ultimate basis of absolute truth ? Four hypotheses : Absolute truth may reside either in us, in particular beings and the world, in itself, or in God. 1. "We perceive absolute truth, we do not constitute it. 2. Particular beings participate in absolute truth, but do not explain it ; refutation of Aristotle. 3. Truth does not exist in itself; defence of Plato. 4. Truth resides in God. Plato ; St. Augustine ; Descartes ; Malebranche ; Feuelon ; Bossuet ; Leibnitz. Truth the medi- ator between God and man. Essential distinctions. LECTURE V. ON MYSTICISM 102 Distinction between the philosophy that we profess and mysticism. Mysti- cism consists in pretending to know God without an intermediary. Two sorts of mysticism. Mysticism of sentiment. Theory of sensibility. Two sensibilities the one external, the other internal, and corresponding to the soul as external sensibility corresponds to nature. Legitimate part of sentiment. Its aberrations. Philosophical mysticism. Plotinus : God, or absolute unity, perceived without an intermediary by pure thought. Ecstasy. Mixture of superstition and abstraction in mysticism. Conclu- sion of the first part of the course. PART SECOND. THE BEAUTIFUL, LECTURE VI. THE BEAUTIFUL IN THE MIND ON MAN 123 The method that must govern researches on the beautiful and art is, as in the investigation of the true, to commence by psychology. Faculties of the soul that unite in the perception of the beautiful. The senses give only the agreeable ; reason alone gives the idea of the beautiful. Refuta- tion of empiricism, that confounds the agreeable and the beautiful. Pre- eminence of reason. Sentiment of the beautiful; different from sensation and desire. Distinction between the sentiment of the beautiful and that of the sublime. Imagination. Influence of sentiment on imagination. Influence of imagination on sentiment. Theory of taste. CONTENTS. 21 LECTTTRE VII. THE BEAUTIFUL IN OBJECTS Page 140 Eefutatiou of different theories on the nature of the beautiful : the beautiful cannot be reduced to what is useful. Nor to convenience. Nor to pro- portion. Essential characters of the beautiful. Different kinds of beau- ties. The beautiful and the sublime. Physical beauty. Intellectual beauty. Moral beauty. Ideal beauty : it is especially moral beauty. God, the first principle of the beautiful. Theory of Plato. LECTURE VIII. ON ART 154 Genius : its attribute is creative power. Eefutation of the opinion that art is the imitation of nature. M. Eineric David, and M. Quatremere de Quincy. Eefutation of the theory of illusion. That dramatic art has not solely for its end to excite the passions of terror and pity. Nor even di- rectly the moral and religious sentiment. The proper and direct object of art is to produce the idea and the sentiment of the beautiful ; this idea and this sentiment purify and elevate the soul by the affinity between the beautiful and the good, and by the relation of ideal beauty to its principle, which is God. True mission of art. LECTURE IX. THE DIFFERENT ARTS 165 Expression is the general law of art. Division of arts. Distinction between liberal arts and trades. Eloquence itself, philosophy, and history do not make a part of the fine arts. That the arts gain nothing by encroaching upon each other, and usurping each other's means and processes. Classi- fication of the arts : its true principle is expression. Comparison of arts with each other. Poetry the first of arts. LECTURE X. FRENCH ART IN THE. SEVENTEENTH CENTURY . . 178 Expression not only serves to appreciate the different arts, but the different schools of art. Example : French art in the seventeenth century. French poetry: Corneille. Eacine. Moliere. La Fontaine. Boileau. Paint- ing: Lesueur. Poussin. Le Lorrain. Champagne. Engraving. Sculpture : Sarrazin. The Anguiers. Girardon. Pnjet. Le Notre. Architecture. PART THIRD. THE GOOD. LECTURE XI. PRIMARY NOTIONS OF COMMON SENSE 215 Extent of the question of the good. Position of the question according to the psychological method: What is, in regard to the good, the natural belief of mankind ? The natural beliefs of humanity must not be sought 22 CONTENTS. in a pretended state of nature. Study of the sentiments and ideas of men in languages, in life, in consciousness. Disinterestedness and devoted- ness. Liberty. Esteem and contempt. Eespect. Admiration and indignation. Dignity. Empire of opinion. Eidicule. Eegret and repentance. Natural and necessary foundations of all justice. Dis- tinction between fact and right. Common sense, true and false phi- losophy. LECTURE XII. THE ETHICS OF INTEREST Page 229 Exposition of the doctrine of interest. What there is of truth in this doc- trine. Its defects. 1st. It confounds liberty and desire, and thereby abolishes liberty. 2d. It cannot explain the fundamental distinction be- tween good and evil. 3d. It cannot explain obligation and duty. 4th. Nor right. 5th. Nor the principle of merit and demerit. Consequences of the ethics of interest : that they cannot admit a providence, and lead to des- potism. LECTURE XIII. OTHER DEFECTIVE PRINCIPLES 255 The ethics of sentiment. The ethics founded on the principle of the interest of the greatest number. The ethics founded on the will of God alone. The ethics founded on the punishments and rewards of another life. LECTURE XIV. TRUE PRINCIPLES OF ETHICS 274 Description of the different facts that compose the moral phenomena. Analysis of each of these facts : 1st, Judgment and idea of the good. That this judgment is absolute. Eolation between the true and the good. 2d, Obligation. Refutation of the doctrine of Kant that draws the idea of the good from obligation instead of founding obligation on the idea of the good. 3d, Liberty, and the moral notions attached to the notion of liberty. 4th, Principle of merit and demerit. Punishments and rewards. 5th, Moral sentiments. Harmony of all these facts in nature and science. LECTURE XV. PRIVATE AND PUBLIC ETHICS 301 Application of the preceding principles. General formula of interest, to obey reason. Eule for judging whether an action is or is not conformed to reason, to elevate the motive of this action into a maxim of universal legislation. ladividual ethics. It is not towards the individual, but towards the moral person that one is obligated. Principle of all individual duties, to respect and develop the moral person. Social ethics, duties of justice and duties of charity. Civil society. Government. Law. The right to punish. CONTENTS. 23 LECTUEE XVI. GOD THE PKINCIPLE OF THE IDEA OF THE GOOD Page 325 Principle on which true theodicea rests. God the last foundation of moral truth, of the good, and of the moral person. Liberty of God. The divine justice and charity. God the sanction of the moral law. Immortality of the soul ; argument from merit and demerit ; argument from the simplicity of the soul; argument from final causes. Religious sentiment. Adora- tion. Worship. Moral beauty of Christianity. LECTUEE XVII. EESUME OF DOCTRINE 346 Review of the doctrine contained in these lectures, and the three orders of facts on which this doctrine rests, with the relation of each one of them to the modern school that has recognized and developed it, but almost al- ways exaggerated it. Experience and empiricism. Reason and idealism. Sentiment and mysticism. Theodicea. Defects of different known sys- tems. The process that conducts to true theodicea, and the character of certainty and reality that this process gives to it. APPENDIX . . 371 LECTURES ON THE TRUE, THE BEAUTIFUL, AND THE GOOD. DISCOUKSE * ' / PRONOUNCED AT THE OPENING OF THE COURSE, DECEMBEE '4, 1817, PHILOSOPHY IN THE NINETEENTH CENTTTBY, Spirit and general principles of the Course. Object of the Lectures of this year : application of the principles of which an exposition is given, to the three Problems of the True, the Beautiful, and the Good. IT seems natural that a century, in its beginning, should borrow its philosophy from the century that preceded it. But, as free and intelligent beings, we are not born merely to continue our predecessors, but to increase their work, and also to do our own. We cannot accept from them an inheritance except under the condition of improving it. Our first duty is, then, to render to ourselves an account of the philosophy of the eighteenth century ; to recognize its character and its principles, the problems which it agitated, and the solutions which it gave of them ; to discern, in fine, what it transmits to us of the true and the productive, and what it also leaves of the sterile and the false, in order that with reflective choice, we may embrace the former and reject the latter. 1 Placed at the entrance of the new times, let us know, 1 We have so much felt the necessity of understanding well the philosophy of the century that ours succeeds, that three times we have undertaken th*> 2 26 OPENING DISCOURSE. first of all, with what views we would occupy ourselves. More- over? w hy should I not say it ? after two years of instruction, in which the professor, in some sort, has been investigating him- self, one has a right to demand of him what he is ; what are his most general principles on all the essential parts of philosophic science ; what flag, in fine, ia the midst of parties which contend with each other so violently, he proposes for you, young men, who frequent this auditory, acd who are called upon to partici- pate in a destiny still so uncertain and so obscure in the nine- teenth century, to follow. It is not patriotism, it is a profound sentiment of truth and justice, which makes us place the whole philosophy now expanded in the world under the invocation of the name of Descartes. Yes, the whole of modern philosophy is the work of this great man, for it owes to him the spirit that animates it, and the method that constitutes its power. After the downfall of scholasticism and the mournful disrup- tures of tie sixteenth century, the first object which the bold good sense of Descartes proposed to itself was to make philosophy a human science, like astronomy, physiology, medicine, subject to the same uncertainties and t the same aberrations, but capa- ble also of the same progress. Descartes encountered the skepticism spread on every 'side in the train of so many revolutions, ambitious hypotheses, born out of the first use of an ill-regulated liberty, and the old formulas surviving the ruins of scholasticism. In his courageous passion for truth, he resolved to reject, provisorily at least, all the ideas that hitherto he had received without controlling them, firmly decided not to admit any but those which, after a serious exami- nation, might appear to him evident. But he perceived that history of philosophy in the eighteenth century, here first, in 1818, then in 1819 and 1820, and that is the subject of the last three volumes of the 1st Series of our works, finally, we resumed it in 1829, vol. ii. andiii. of the.2d Series. PHILOSOPHY IN THE NINETEENTH CENTURY. 27 there was one thing which he could not reject, even provisorily, in his universal doubt, that thing was the existence itself of his doubt, that is to say, of his thought; for although all the rest might be only an illusion, this fact, that he thought, could not be an illusion. Descartes, therefore, stopped at this fact, of an irresistible evidence, as at the first truth which he could accept without fear. Recognizing at the same time that thought is the necessary instrument of all the investigations which he might propose to himself, as well as the instrument of the human race in the acquisition of its natural knowledges, 1 he devoted himself to a regular study of it, to the analysis of thought as the condi- tion of all legitimate philosophy, and upon this solid foundation he reared a doctrine of a character at once certain and living, capable of resisting skepticism, exempt from hypotheses, and affranchised from the formulas of the schools. Thus the analysis of thought, and of the mind which is the subject of it, that is to say, psychology, has become the point of departure, the most general principle, the important method of modern philosophy.* Nevertheless, it must indeed be owned, philosophy has oot en- tirely lost, and sometimes still retains, since Descartes and in Descartes himself, its old habits. It rarely belongs to the same man to open and run a career, aad usually the inventor succumbs under the weight of his own invention. So Descartes, after having so well placed the point of departure for all philosophical investigation, more than once forgets analysis, and returns, at least in form, to the ancient philosophy. 3 The true method, 1 This word was used by the old English writers, and there is no reason why it should not be retained. 2 On the method -of Descartes, see 1st Series, vol. iv., lecture 20: 2d Series, vol. i., lecture 2 ; vol. ii., leetwre 11 ; 3d Series, vol. iii., Philosophic Jtoderne, as well as Fragment* de Philosophic Carteeienne; 5th Series, In- struction Publique, -voL ii., Defense de V Universite. et de la Philosophic, p. 112, etc. s On this return to the scholastic form in Descartes, see 1st Series, vol iv., lecture 12, especially three articles of the Journal des Savants, August, Sep- tember, and October, 1850, in which w